Is it Possible to Beat Kirby and the Forgotten Land Without Jumping? [CHALLENGE]

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all right that's it i'm sick of dang intros you read the title you saw the thumbnail and chances are you've been here before and know exactly what's going on but if you haven't been here before hey what's up my name is sam and today i'm giving the definitive answer to the age-old question is it possible to beat kirby in the forgotten land without jumping first stop rules down now we're not staying here for too long since there's not too much to clarify obviously jumping is off the table don't even think about it however i'm also banning hovering because what fun is a no jumping challenge if you can just fly everywhere by default pretty much everything else is perfectly legal however there are some weird cases that'll have to go over a little later when we actually get to them but for now it's officially time to very quickly get into it we start off in the worst spot imaginable for a no jumping challenge a jumping tutorial however we're in luck here for instead of learning how to jump like we're supposed to we instead learn an entirely different although equally important technique dodge rolling by tapping the joystick in a direction while blocking kirby will pull out some insane gymnastics maneuvers and bounce all over the place this is a fantastic source of height and it's going to act as the primary replacement for jumping throughout the entire run it isn't without its weaknesses however it doesn't actually get quite as much height as jumping gets very little distance if i have to make it over gaps and as i found out like 30 seconds later doesn't even make a dent in the hovering tutorial well great if the jumping tutorial seemed like a problematic area then the tutorial that expects you to literally fly is a terrible thing to see dodge rolling doesn't work slide kicking off of enemies doesn't work using the nearby leverage doesn't even get close to working in our current state nothing works so i guess we'll just have to change our current state we only get access to one ability in the beginning here so thank goodness it's one of the absolute best sword has a plethora of tools that will help us in this challenge the main one being its upward slash which can be performed after doing a slide kick and are you kidding me not even that works come on this is already a disaster but you see i'm no stranger to the beginnings of these gaming challenges putting up such a fight and through my experience thus far in the field i know that you can only break the rules of the challenge if you truly have no options but if you're given something even the shortest string to pull at then you simply can't call it impossible so let's turn that 999 music on and start using our heads like i said sword is the only ability we have access to thus far meaning the absolute best option for height is the upward slash so we can rule out any other techniques for height in this situation so from there we need a way to tack on just a teeny bit more height onto that slash which is really only possible by using some form of leverage of the objects nearby this thing is both the closest and the highest ledge in the area making it the best candidate for that leverage that being said however it's just not quite good enough right now but don't worry i still got a trick up my sleeve usually you can't slide kick off of ledges but for some reason if you hug this wall and slide kick at an angle that is slightly towards the wall you'll be able to travel a short distance in the air while slide kicking meaning it just might be possible with good timing and positioning to initiate an upward slash that is both high enough to clear the ledge while simultaneously close enough to actually make it to the ledge however unfortunately no matter how many times i tried it even with aerial attacks to stall in the air to get even more distance it just seemed barely out of reach every single time wait did you see that rewind the tape zoom in enhance oh yeah you're seeing that right i bounced on the dang sign which by the way is not only closer to our launching pad but also ever so slightly lower than the ledge meaning that with just a little bit more precision we might be able to make this work oh yeah ladies gentlemen everyone in between and beyond you can use this sign with the got dang up arrow to skip the hovering tutorial like that's actually just straight up irony in its natural habitat right there ah wait but hold on a second what the heck is this another massive ledge and with no sign this time why what purpose does this ledge serve apart from making me feel sad and unaccomplished almost immediately do not fret however for after an embarrassing number of attempts to make this leap i eventually remembered that this game is actually three dimensional and i can instead use this railing here to provide the extra leverage i need to actually complete the hovering tutorial wow okay that was a lot right out the gate so let's just take a bit of a breather sure we do have sword which has already proven to be an invaluable tool in our currently small arsenal but that was just the beginning of the challenge we haven't even finished the first level yet and if that's what we have to deal with now who knows what awaits us from here i'm in world three now everything else was easy turns out i didn't even need to use my brain once for the rest of world one and for the entirety of world 2. don't believe me do it yourself literally all you have to do is sword that's it it solved literally every single problem the only other thing that you could even call marginally interesting was with the cone ability in the second level where i pressed b instead of a to go up yeah i know riveting i really thought mouthful abilities which are this game's big gimmick would have been way more problematic as the game sometimes forces you to use them and they can severely limit your options but like come on this one literally just makes you fly and here's the thing that's how this challenge went for the entire game there would be an insane level that on its own has like 18 roadblocks and then an extremely long string of levels with absolutely nothing so rather than walk through each and every moment of this game since that would be kind of boring i'm instead going to talk about what i call the big levels there's about one for every world and each one only gets harder than the last so now let's truly begin [Music] going to world three's big level i thought it'd be important to mention two new abilities that i discovered up to this point tornado which doesn't gain too much height but does maintain height in the air making it incredible for covering long distances and drill which can gain a bunch of height by popping out of the ground and can stall in the air with its aerial attack for a very long time this makes it usually better than sword but drill's weakness is that you can't burrow into everything which occasionally makes it close to useless however despite having access to multiple good abilities at this point none of them were really gonna make a dent in this next level for world 3's house of horrors marks the first level that presents a bit of a problematic section that requires a mouthful ability this room is pitch black and the only way that i can light it up is by using this light bulb here the issue however is that since jumping is off the table lighting up is the only thing the light bulb can do this presents a bit of a conundrum for now i either need to find a way to maneuver through this room while keeping the light bulb but without jumping or i need to navigate in complete darkness oh but i haven't yet mentioned the worst part at the end of the room there are some platforms you need to spawn in order to get up to the exit which you can only do by using the light bulb i tried really hard to keep the light bulb until the end of this room and honestly i managed to get pretty far all things considered kirby hops up a bit right before spitting out the light bulb which helps with clearing really small ledges and you can sometimes get past obstacles by spitting out the light bulb dealing with it with normal curb and then sucking it back up however neither of these techniques help with this section in particular meaning that i had to ditch the light bulb navigate in the dark and then i guess just deal with the platform issue when we get there the darkness really isn't the biggest issue it's just more annoying than anything i used slide kicks to sort of feel around and i even ejected my ability a few times in order to light up the small area in front of me pretty neat stuff but that's just the beginning of our problems because now we have to oh dang really yeah so i guess scratch that this room really ain't all that not if the light bulb just respawns right where we need it that being said though we did learn something here mouthful abilities can be problematic and although we did learn some ways to get around them we were about to see the true potential of the wrath world four's big level windy freezing seas marks the first level that made me regret buying this video game it starts out fine a quick section that seems like it was made for drill when boom disaster strikes as far as i can tell there's no way to get past this area without using this mouthful ability down here and a boat i tried a decent amount of things but at the end of the day it just seems inevitable that we have to get through this wall and the boat's the only thing that i'm aware of that can do that the reason why that's a problem is that the object i need in order to guide the boat is in a dang hole in the ground a hole that's impossible to escape from with most abilities that aren't sword let alone while also getting the object out of the hole there are two steps to get out of here the first step is easy to reach you can just dodge on up and then suck up the object from there but the second step is much higher and i found that sword was really the only thing that could get me out of here i swear i must have tried like a dozen different solutions for getting this thing out with me i even tried a glitch called mouthful storage which could theoretically allow me to remotely suck up the object from outside of the hole but for some reason i just couldn't get it to work here you want to know what did work though yeah you can just suck it up like almost exactly what i did for the first step and what i did for the level in world three why was this such a huge problem for me all right whatever you know what let's just put that aside for now cause once we got the object out and hopped on our boat we immediately faced a new problem how are we getting out of the dang bow the game really seems to want us to jump off of it and i mean it's not like we have too many other options available the only conceivable way to avoid getting out of the boat is to avoid getting in it in the first place which we've already established is extremely unlikely except hold on a moment let's take a closer look at the instruction here toward lan now that's interesting because if we really analyze this text we'll be able to see that it in fact does not say jump anywhere and therefore pressing a here to get off the boat is perfectly legal and i'm sticking with it hey listen okay don't hate the player hate the game alright i didn't make these rules doesn't matter anyway cause this level is absolutely unrelenting and this last obstacle that it presents is brutal you're supposed to cross this gap by puffing and letting the wind blow you across but since this isn't an option for us we're gonna have to find another way to stall in the air for long enough to cross this thing uh one issue though immediately after the gap i also have to traverse multiple ledges that are too high for dodge rolling so okay let's examine our ability options sword can certainly deal with the ledges but it can only stall once in the air with its attack before it plummets making it unviable unless i can deal with the gap somehow fire on the other hand can make short work of the gap by using fireballs in the air to gain a bit of distance but then has absolutely nothing for the ledges right after and don't even think about using any other abilities cause sword is the only ability that i could find to get this dang object out of this dang hole and the only abilities available beyond that point are the aforementioned fire and these two goobers which i'm not even gonna give the light a day this really does seem like a completely impossible situation it's a combination of two problems and two solutions except the two solutions can only be done in complete isolation i hate to say it but i just can't do this at least not without some help heck yeah it's waddle-dee this dude is absolutely overpowered and there's just no other way to put it not only can you do a pole vault with a spear but he can also just straight up fly like an attack helicopter there's really almost nothing that this guy can't deal with in this challenge that being said however he is also player 2 making him inferior to kirby of course this means that he can't just storm ahead in any given situation not unless there's some way for kirby to come along with him so don't think of him as an attack helicopter necessarily but more like a support helicopter whose purpose is to do everything in his power to help me unfortunately it didn't initially seem like there was much he could do for me here for although he could indeed deal with the ledges he couldn't go far without forcefully being teleported back but i was determined to make this work with some very precise fireballs it's possible to make it across this gap while also maintaining enough height to respawn on the second ledge from there all i needed to do was call in my support and he could finish the level for me and with that the seemingly endless gauntlet that was this level was complete while keeping our jump count at zero unless you count that one but that'd be like so rude if you did the next big level comes pretty deep into world five the moonlight canyon which doesn't even give us a single second before it hits us with this a massive mountain that consists of a ton of ledges that can't be dodge rolled to and one singular massive wall that doesn't seem possible with any of our most useful abilities right now which is why i had to use a less useful ability cutter seems like an odd choice here it really can't do anything aside from throw boomerangs which as you may have been able to guess isn't extraordinarily helpful for me but there's one extremely niche move that cutter has at its disposal for if you attack while you're right next to an enemy you'll do what's called the final cutter which in my testing gives just barely enough height to clear the big wall but now we have an issue do i use the ability that can deal with all the small ledges but not the big ledge or do i use the ability that can get past the big ledge but not the small ones well i hate to spoil it immediately but it's the latter and here's how it's possible step one is to get to this ledge i'm not gonna lie i have actually no idea how this happened but while i was trying something completely different i accidentally just ended up getting here by dodge rolling which i swear i tried multiple times without success so i don't know i guess i just got lucky anyway once we get here we need a way to get over to this ledge which cannot be dodge rolled over to do this i brought in waddledee for help again using him i was able to get a little bit ahead in order to bait this enemy down to where i am at which point i could use a final cutter to get right over from there i did a few more dodge rolls to get into position next to the big wall at which point i brought waddle d back in yet again to beat another enemy down to my level i was able to do yet another final cutter and move right along from there i faced yet another series of ledges that can't be cleared with dodge rolls i was able to clear the first one using this barrel before i again brought in waddle dee for support using him i was able to first knock down this drill enemy which unlike the other two enemies on this mountain couldn't be baited to move and therefore couldn't be used to do another final cutter by the way getting drill from this guy doesn't work for this rock in particular can be burrowed into making drill useless here instead i need waddledy to go even further unfortunately however i can't just have him finish the room as the exit is just a little too far away right now so instead i actually move back a little bit onto this barrel to make the screen widen a bit which reveals a secret scroll over here using some very precise maneuvering with waddle deep being extremely careful not to accidentally go off screen i was able to collect an ability scroll and although it seems completely pointless and irrelevant to do so notice how it saved a checkpoint from here i recalled waddle dee and as kirby made my way to the enemy that i knocked down earlier dying is the only way i can respawn at a checkpoint and since there aren't any pits or spikes in this room and i already killed every other enemy this was the only way to make it work but we're not quite done yet because this is yet another unclearable ledge with dodge rolling but don't worry because now that we reloaded the level this drill enemy is actually back in its original position allowing me to get the drill ability beyond that rock that it couldn't clear and use it to finally clear the mountain which by the way isn't the only hard part of the stang level okay so it's certainly the hardest and the coolest in all honesty but after that we had another dang light bulb section to deal with although i was actually able to get past it using the same strats we found way back in world 3 so with that world 5's big level is complete with still no jumps to speak of okay so world six kind of has more than one big level although the beast council is the one i'll be focusing on two others also make their case for being somewhat problematic the inferno road and the beast packs final stand the infernal road is mostly fine it's just that there's a boat section at the very end that if you're mean you might consider an extra jump but if you really want to be a stickler for the rules you could just go back to world 4's big level collect this ability scroll using fire do three treasure roads in the overworld without jumping of course go to the waddle dee town and use the scroll and some stones to upgrade the fire ability to dragonfire use the dragonfire to not only gain the teeny bit of height needed for these ledges but also to very barely cross this entire massive gap to avoid having to use the boat altogether but really who even cares about avoiding this one right the other big level contender the beast packs final stand isn't necessarily impossibly hard as much as it's just a gauntlet for everything we've learned so far in the challenge we start off with sword to do some basic platforming and even use this can as leverage for this ledge in particular then we do some mouthful shenanigans to switch to tornado actually which we can use to cross some gaps before having to ride a boat except this time we're just forced out of it instead of having to jump i mean dismount it from there i had to bring in waddle dee in order to save these guys so i can move on again using tornado to cross a massive gap from there i switched to drill which i was able to use up until yet another huge ledge except this time i was able to use this steel grater in the wall to get a bit of extra height which i then used to suck up this cone from afar at which point i used b instead of a to platform all the way back and beat the level and yeah no that's not the big level of this world instead let's discuss the beast council despite its appearance this is not just a boss rush level because much to my dismay there are some truly cruel and unusual sections in between each of the bosses that we have to kill at first it doesn't seem terrible i just had to abandon this car in order to actually make my way through this race track however what comes after is the most impossible section we've seen yet that's right it's not just one big ledge it's two two dang walls that i can't clear and no there are zero enemies here so cutter isn't an option like it was last time instead we just gotta use everything else we're given in this room oh what's that oh there's literally nothing here oh that's pretty cool what's worse is that this place seems to be disproportionately full of invisible walls like more than anywhere else so all of this level geometry that looks like we could jump off of it is actually just useless that being said however i was actually able to just barely make it to this first ledge with sword but here is where that progress stops now i'm gonna be frank cause i don't wanna waste too much of your time i don't know if this is possible i tried a ton of things but sword really just doesn't seem like it has what it takes and there were only two other abilities that i found that could get up to the first ledge hammer and fire yeah i know weird hammer can bounce pretty high off of the ground but it's similar to sword and that it can only make it to the first ledge because of the little bit of leverage that's here and has pretty much nothing to go off of from there fire on the other hand seems really dang close i'm obviously using that upgrade that i got from earlier which does give a tiny bit of height but i swear i tried this like a thousand times and it just didn't get up there waddledy can't help here either although i can collect this thing from way off screen it doesn't save a checkpoint and even if it did it's not like i can die from anything in this room my only other guess for this obstacle was using the previously mentioned mouthful storage to potentially get the car from the other room in order to create a little bit of a platform here and although that would be really cool i wasn't able to get the glitch to work once which makes me think that it's either impossible to do when you have an ability or when you do some attacks or maybe just travel in between rooms or something it just wasn't working so i'm sad to say that this is where the challenge officially fails unless you count the boat thing but who even does that these days well whatever i mean that sucks especially since it's so close to the end of the game but i guess all we have to do is move on except that's not too great either because if that last wall seems like a roadblock then you haven't even seen the likes of goddang nordvpn see this thing massive wall literally impossible to go around i even found a spot where you can for some reason gain infinite height with fire doesn't matter nor vpn is simply way too strong the only way through here is through these metal blocks which can only be broken with this pipe unfortunately whoever put this wall up must have used my link in the description with promo code sample because once you suck up the pipe your only option is to jump not once not twice but three times at least you can't spit it out speed boosts do nothing waddledy is in shambles and unless there's a secret ability that can break these blocks this is the most impossible part of this challenge this is a call to action if anyone anyone out there can think of a way to get past this then i implore you to try it yourself but as far as i'm aware this l is mine for the taking well great that sucks but at least we can do another sick wadally strat after that heck yeah the last thing we have to do to beat this challenge once and for all is just the final bosses yeah there's like four if you want to count the final quick time event forcing you to press a which kind of seems like a jump then i suppose that's fine i'm just happy to be done with this challenge now that we're at the end here where everything sorta just seemed to fall apart it's easy to think that this challenge was an absolute failure but you know i don't see it that way now that it's over i see it as an interesting way to get introduced to this game its mechanics its abilities its level design all that is really what makes challenges like this and all the other ones i've done so much fun and that's another thing too this game's still brand new i'm sure there are so many things i miss so i implore you tell me what i could have avoided tell me what i overcomplicated try this challenge yourself and see what sorts of things you can get done you probably noticed at this point but i didn't show the vast majority of this game in this video which means the floor is open for you to explore this challenge yourself knowing that all the parts i didn't show are in fact possible who knows maybe i'll come back to this challenge make revisions to existing strats come up with new ones or maybe even try 100 in this game but for now the challenge stands at around six jumps if you want to be mean about it and that that sounds okay to me right now
Channel: Sample
Views: 609,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kirby, challenge, isitpossible, kirby and the forgotten land, kirby and the forgotten land challenge, kirby and the forgotten land no jumping, kirby challenge, kirby no jumping
Id: YmkuZBhXyhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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