Mario Odyssey but I can Upgrade Myself

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we are currently blob Mario and my goal is to upgrade Mario all the way up to his final form and as we upgrade ourselves we unlock some crazy new abilities meet brand new characters and see versions of Mario we've never seen before but at the moment we're literally just ahead I can't jump like this either which kind of sucks but it looks like this toad is saying something important hello toad how you doing what the mario you need to get down this pipe something really serious has happened no but I can't even get down the pipe cuz I can't jump I'm trying to jump but I'm literally just blinking in oh maybe with those legs I'd be able to jump up into the pipe but it looks like I have to get past this scary looking guy first to get to the legs come on don't hurt me through the legs there we go oh my gosh that was epic that was epic and now I can just walk up here and grab Mario's legs oh oh my gosh this looks so cursed I've literally just grown legs what a earth do you know what it reminds me of there's like one guy from Monsters University that looks like that oh no oh no don't don't crush me man don't crush me I need to get back to the pipe a bit of improvement now go into it I wonder what they need my help with down this pipe though W it even looks weird when I'm hovering above it all right let's go into the bike let's see what they need me for this just looks so funny I sort of look like an amongus where's this taking me though oh the Mushroom Kingdom Peach's castle oh it looks a bit more spookier than normal though oh is that Bowser has Bowser taken over the Mushroom Kingdom that just look like a normal Bowser that looks like Shadow Bowser oh my goodness I think I'm too weak to help at the moment cuz I'm literally just a pair of legs and a head oh no I want to sneak past him I don't want to be seen by him save me Bowser's here I will save you Toto I think I'd need some more upgrades to save you though oh toad what are you doing hiding in a bush there hello what you what do you have a Mario bows has taken over Peach's Kingdom if you can find the super secret hidden hands then maybe you can upgrade yourself oh the super secret oh is that the super secret hidden hands not very super secret hidden oh anyway let's collect it see if this upgrades me a bit oh BR I've now grown some hands oh what's this toad saying now now that I've got some flaty hands oh even with those you still aren't powerful enough to defeat Bowser oh I can't just slap him with my hands or something all the other toads have fled and set up camp down a very well- hidden super secret pipe go find it and collect more upgrades I want to collect more upgrades is this meant to be the super secret pipe well you did a very good job at hiding it not oh that toad a dim oh oh it's taking us deep into the forest and all the toad oh all the toades have set up camp here oh they all look dead sad why did Mario go to the party cuz he had no body to go with haha it's cuz I've got no body at the moment I need a body I look like a me character without a body I like how all of them are sad except for this guy this guy's all happy don't tell anyone but but this is way better than Peach's Kingdom no you can't say that Peach's Kingdom has been taken over by bows there oh at least this guy wants to go home oh but do they have a body for me I need a body Mr Toad give me a body you're a big guy you might have a body you aren't strong enough to get past me you need a body I do need a body give me a body I bet Captain Toad has a spare body for you but he's gone off exploring what let me past a br where could Captain Toad be we have a new objective to find him I just don't know where he could be I've got be careful from all these fuzzies at least I have my hands now so I can throw cppy at them oh this Wall's blocked off where's Captain Toad you silly man what's he got off to go explore it I bet he's gotten lost somewhere what a silly boy oh there he is what are you doing here get back to the toad Camp man what do you have to say give me your body um you look kind of strange Mario I do I look extremely odd maybe this torso upgrade will help oh do you have an upgrade hey oh my gosh no way we're back to normal at least now though that was so funny plumtastic you look exactly like what Nintendo Corporation want you to be oh but because we're back to normal Mario that means that our upgrades are going to start to Ram puon so we're going to see new forms of marrier that we've never seen before we've got a new objective to get into the toad ship now and maybe now the big toad Block in the way we'll be out the way you'll be scared of me now cuz I've got a body hello okay okay you look a lot stronger now awesome climb aboard hey all right where's this going to take me I'm so excited for all these upgrades today they're going to be so cool it looks like there's a load of pipes in here maybe each one of these pipes corresponds to a different upgrade so we'll get like a lava upgrade an exclamation Ark upgrade what're going to question mark upgrade me what are you saying though toad hello take this fire upgrade otherwise you'll get burned in that lava pipe oh are we going to get our first proper upgrade oh look how cool that looks okay give me that I want to see what this does oh I've got all fiery this looks epic not going to lie his hands are on fire they've got all burned what's the ability though if I press wa I turned into like a lava a lava ball wo that's so cool and now we should be able to walk on lava to go with this lava pipe like the toad said there we go oh oh oh it's taking us to the city world what all these toads doing in the city and why do they need my help what do you need my help bro oh this guy looks like he might be able to tell me Mario we're all trapped here by these giant blocks I think Bowser has taken over the city and dumped all his trash here can you clear a path to our SPAC ship yeah of course I can what does he mean oh it looks like bows has turned the city into a labyrinth oh my gosh wait there he is there he is who he looks so evil oh my gosh okay we need to stop him we need to help out all these Toads by getting rid of all this trash and clearing a path this is actually quite satisfying destroying All These Bricks oh this Fireball is so fun to control oh and the cool thing about these abilities is they actually stack the more upgrades we get oh I need to watch out for these water cubes so I don't get to put my Fireball put out I need to make sure they don't get hit by any enemies and I need to make sure that I don't get hit by any enemies there we go get out of here clear out this tank for them very nice and clear out all these bullies haha oh how did that guy hit me that's not fair flame offer a second what are you doing playing with an RC car when bows is taken over the city oh oh I don't blame him for player with the RC car actually it's actually quite fun and I might be able to get my health back by collecting this already collected Moon if I wasn't so bad with the RC car oh my gosh that took me far too long that's a bit embarrassing not going to lie but I see BS are there I don't think we're powerful enough to fight him yet we'll need a few more upgrades maybe he won't mess with me though if I'm in my fire form oh there's the spaceship okay hello Mr toadman I don't want to be in fire mode what are you saying quickly climb a ball B before we get blasted away oh yeah we are right by the Cannons okay you don't have to tell me twice give me more upgrades I want to get more upgrades oh all the toades have escaped into the spaceship let's go so I told B I was going to beat him up you should have seen him he was really scared I bet it was scared that guy doesn't believe him at all look at his face they're all shocked oh that's so funny what's this guy saying though wow you rescued a whole bunch of toads and a new pipes unlocked you know the drill off you go oh that pipe looks cool it's like a space pipe okay let's go down it oh oh that pipe's taken us to the seaside Kingdom everything looks a bit different to normal it looks very rainy and sad bit depressing and look how much I'm glowing I already just noticed that what on Earth oh my gosh okay Mr Toad what do I need to do here oh you're looking strong yeah I seem to have like a big Aura around me that's crazy but maybe this electricity will help you get rid of topper he smells okay we need to get rid of smelly topper Maybe by using this electricity upgrade okay okay let's collect it and let's see what it does oh oh okay what I transformed and it's giv me a grand heart as well wa W look at that ability it allows me to zap people like this wait wait wait when I point at like someone like Captain Toad and press a lightning strikes down on them I guess captain Toad's in vulnerable oh but look how cool I look as well I've got yellow eyes I love this costume and I've got like a f P lightning bolt on my hand as well that is so cool I wonder how I'm going to get down like this Captain dude oh he did say about topper being smelly before so he might have to fight topper after he fight some of these gusion but I can just strike them like that zap them down zap you down man look they think they're going to get me but no they get zaed haa I am all powerful H also get a second ability which I can push people away with I just tickle them with lightning and then I can zap them with lightning I do see topper up there is he in a shadow form or something he looks so different he might be more powerful so I need to watch out little do you know topper I am in my ultra powerful lightning form I can also switch to my fire form just like this I go into my Fireball and attack him like that there we go nice and then switch back to lightning and strike him down oh it's so cool that we can switch forms like that can just lightning strike yeah oh oh that is so cool and then I can go into my Fireball so knock all the hats around get out of here oh I can do big multi hits like that with my lightning strike as well oh my gosh this is so cool bro I'm kind of sucking he needs one more hit to be defeated though I'm not doing a very good job at defeating him I need I need to be careful I might go into my fire form just to knock everything away and then go back into my lightning form to strike oh my gosh I better not die I better not die topper just leave me alone normally topper is like the easiest boss okay here's my chance come on Topper y yes we got him we got him with our forms my Crosshair is still on the screen it's not letting me do anything though get out of here smelly topper oh a platform and the toad ships appeared up there okay that is cool oh I don't want to set the toad ship on fire oh what maybe all the Toads were hiding from topper up here what are they doing hello good job Sparky topper was somehow stopping the spaceship from taking off oh now we can take off and get out of here nice we've saved the day let's see what upgrades next though I'm especially looking forward to the Lego upgrade that one looks honestly so cool but looks like we've unlocked like some helicopter one toad what is this helicopter you're getting good at this it's getting busy in here oh yeah it is there getting a lot more toads I guess that's the Toads That We rescued from Top at I hear that Luigi's been possessed by dark pow and only a giant tantrum can break the spell wait how am I going to give Luigi a giant tantro maybe if I collect this helicopter when he really wants a helicopter ooh oh I've unlocked the ability to use a helicopter like this is there anything else I can do with that oh I can give myself a gust of wind as well like that oh man okay this is going to be cool but what else could I do to annoy Luigi maybe I could steal his Xbox for a moment or like put salt in his jelly that'd be funny but anyway let's check out what's down this pip oh oh oh it's taking us to the lunching kingdom Bowser's right there how has he followed us here so quickly what the heck toad What's Happening Here help I need to get back to the spaceship but shadow Luigi is stopping me get him out of here yeah Luigi shadow Luigi what are you doing here stop crouching on me what are you saying though you are too slow and fat to beat me I'm getting that spaceship first to get those other toads oh man wait does that mean he's going to go and attack all the Toads was he wanting a base to blow off some steam oh some race U eyes came up all right then all right then three 2 1 go I'm going to beat you Luigi where you going oh there we go oh I can use my helicopter oh I've lost sight of him actually he's nowhere near me oh my gosh I just left him in the dust what the heck oh this helicopter and wind is so op it's so rapid oh my God I beat him by so much to the toad shift oh that was crazy can we go home now yeah yeah climb aboard the spaceship Mr Toad stop just standing around oh and it looks like Luigi's finally got here you took your time man you took your time what do you have to say shadow Luigi a no way nobody beats me and gets away with it oh a he just exploded what the it looks like he's dropped like a shadow mushroom can I collect it I hope so that'd be cool with my helicopter oh this looks cool it looks like an impit I don't like those eyes oh they look like they're staring at me what the heck oh he's creepy looking I've still got all my normal abilities oh wait wait wait where did all the Toads go are they scared of me or something they still got that toad I don't know why he is here but there's like a shadow pipe have they just bitched me that's so rude that's so rude of those toes just to leave me especially after I've just save them Mario you've got to defeat all of dark Bow's spiders then we can land the spaceship okay at least they're coming back to pick me up at least they still my helicopter and I'm Shadow Mario which means I can walk through oh maybe I can walk through floors as well I thought I could just walk through walls not floors like yeah like that that's what I meant to do but at least I still have my electricity upgrade so I could just Sparkle the spiders look at you look at you ha oh I've also got my lava upgrade the fire ball like that ha ha oh yeah the fire one's too op especially with clipping through all the walls like this have I got rid of all the spiders now I think I have oh yeah I have they parked the toad ship hello Mr Toad great job shadow Mario let's get out of this creepy Place yeah I don't like it here with all the creepy crues it's nice of them to come back for me though I thought they just ditched me there oh oh my gosh it's getting packed in here what are all these toads doing I can I can barely walk around cuz there's so many oh yeah and yxi controllers those are really good I have one I'm playing with one right now huge shout out Link in the description what's this other toad saying back so soon how's your brother uh we don't talk about my brother he just sort of disappeared great but I think I'm going to need a bigger spaceship yeah you can do it's getting packed in the air some kid is holding on to a special power up down the question mark pipe oh I guess I should check that out I wonder what power up this kid has for me I bet it's something cool what's this kid then wait is that meant to be the kid no way oh my God she's just a shrunk down City man and we're also on the moon for some reason what the heck we're just floating in space we's see after though what are you after bro this is a nightmare how am I supposed to have this homework finished I'll give you something cool if you do it for me you better give me an upgrade if I do this homework here for you let's see if we're extra smart as Shadow Mario okay question one one what is his name Todd toadsworth Smart toad or Elder toad um I know this I know this I'm not sure exact I think he's from Mario Sunshine but his name is actually toadsworth B hey okay we got it right nice question two what's 2 + 3 it's either 2 400 5 or whatever that is I'm not even to bother saying it I think anyone with a working brain would be able to get this right it's obviously two nah it's five it's five hey I already knew that that was easy what country's flag is this is it either China United States of America Brazil or nepool you see I know this cuz this is the only flag with this very specific shape but I'm going to lock in for thepool nice okay final question should you subscribe to Ms ninja pig for a shout out yes or no obviously no I'm kidding I'm kidding yes yes of course hey okay okay I think we got all his homework right and that last question's absolutely right you should definitely subscribe to me for a shout out like all the people on screen now you could get a shout out like them this kid looks really happy that I did his homework for him I wonder what he has to say awesome you the man hey I left a special upgrade on top of the church steeple go get it okay yeah yeah yeah I will get it that's epic oh I wonder what upgrade that's going to be I can also use my helicopter to gain a bit of height on the moon a that's so cool with the zero gravity with the helicopter what is that whoa that's like a robot that's like robot Mario okay okay we need to collect that oh my goodness W this is epic this is actually epic looking I'm a robot I'm like a robot version of Mario what special things have I unlocked Mr Man Mr Man what special thing have I unlocked tell me tell me oh oh oh I can pick him up and move him about what you're going to go there then and can I jump on his head I could just use him as a platform wait wait wait wait I see that Spinx down there and I want to test it out on that before I go back into the pipe what's up Mr Sphinx can I pick you up oh can I not pick him up Fringe might be able to pick up this big guy that would be cooler oh look I can I can look at this what okay okay this is Boogie bro this looks so epic though imagine doing that with Bowser though that'd be so cool anyway let's go down this pipe and let's see what level I've unlock next it's getting so packed in here what the heck I might be able to move some of the Toads out away with my hand ability I can put them all in the sky this must be the like entire population of the Mushroom Kingdom Here in one room wait wait wait I've got an idea as well I might be able to zap them all with lightning watch this what oh yeah they're immune to lighted okay doesn't matter let's go down this pipe though this exclamation mark pipe and then after that we might be able to fight Bowser this is going to be crazy oh oh okay that exclamation mark pipe's taking me back to the wooden Kingdom what's this toad saying eek oh oh I need to get rid of all the enemies in the way before I can talk to this toad I might be able to pick up this whole stack of Goomba whoa and then can I just drop them off let go of them go on fall down how how have you not fallen down there we go they fell down they fell down and I just need to put this one down as well go yeah drop him into the void can I talk to this ter man no not yet not yet maybe I can get this big this big fella oh can I even select him oh I picked up the big guy what what oh my gosh can I just dump him off the Edge get out of here what do you think you're doing he's sort of floating but that's all right that's still really funny can I talk to toad now hello toad what is he all about you don't understand me my robot might need some work oh he's trying to talk me like that cuz I'm a robot Mario's just Ned along that's so funny you need to get to the top as quickly as possible the top of where the top of the map up there maybe I don't know oh wait wait wait I have an idea I want to get rid of all these goom first though cuz they're annoying me and it's very satisfying just to dump them off the edge bro I accidentally ruined the Goomba Tower what there we go get out here Goombas but what my idea was is maybe using this amiibo platform I might be able to stand on it and use my hover ability at the same time to gain a load of height it might need quite a bit of setup but it' be sick if it does something like that maybe oh oh wait oh wait what I I went flying for a second but very what ah this is very consistent oh there we go there we go we're off we're off wa okay we made it to the top extremely quick maybe by the top he might me down this hole in the tower this is a crazy view of the wooden Kingdom though normally you don't see stuff like this wait what's the max I want to just go flying into the sky oh it doesn't matter I'm going to let go of this oh I'm just standing on it oh my gosh I'm just standing up on it oh no I fell off that was so so crazy I'm going to see if I can just get right into this hole right into this dark hole let's go is there anything down here for me oh what wait wait wait there's not normally a brutal here what are you doing here man oh you're going down dead easy anyway cuz I've got all my upgrades now maybe he has another upgrade for me is this what the toad meant by the highest point as well can I just pick him yeah I can just pick him up like that oh well I maybe don't want to do that that didn't give me enough height it didn't give me enough height to get up to him there we go oh I'm on 1 HP though I need to go into my Fireball or something I need a bit oh no I might have to use my Fireball to beat this guy what you can have like a floating fireball What on earth okay this Fireball is op and then when he's trying to bounce towards me I might be able to use my hover ability to keep him out of range come on what what he's floating really high above me now wait maybe I can put him down and bounce on his head like what he oh no yeah he's trapped I need to reset that fight all right noted I don't want to put Rango under the floor otherwise he just gets trapped and I get trapped in the arena as well I just want to beat him normally and it looks like there's a toad ship outside the arena as well and a golden mushroom that golden mushroom might be our next upgrade maybe we're going to go super Speedy to fight Bower stop chasing me down though that's cringe you can't outrun the fireball man maybe you can that should be him gone get out of here you cringe Rango man a nice what have I unlocked I heard the unlock sound that means I've unlocked this golden mushroom and then we can just go into that toad ship maybe fight Bower let's collect it and hopefully this gives me brand new speed abilities oh okay okay that may me a lot faster and make me jump a lot higher that's crazy that's crazy this is going to help so much with the Bowser fight maybe I'm ready to go fight him I guess we'll see down in this toad ship oh oh my gosh it's getting mental in here what the heck it's like a sea of toads this is crazy bro what do you have to say about this I can't even talk to him oh okay there we there we go we are back at the camp oh okay how did we travel there so fast you can get back to Peach's Kingdom through the super secret pipe oh that's the pipe that we got here in the first place wor go and defeat Bowser okay I will I will I think I'm powerful enough to beat him now and if you somehow manage to beat him you'll unlock a Lego upgrade okay I need to get that Lego upgrade that sounds sick let me out here though oh I missed I missed there we go get me to that Lego pipe though no more jokes no more jokes yes I need no more jokes I just need to battle bowels there and I should just be able to get back to Peach's Kingdom by going down this pipe if I remember correctly oh yeah yeah we're here now we're back in Peach's Kingdom where's Bowser oh has he gone where's he gone oh he's there oh my gosh toad what's up what's up what's up man I guess Toad's speechless he's got nothing to say he's so speechless that I'm here I'm about to get rid of Bowser come on Bowser where are you oh oh my gosh okay we started the fight am I going to be able to beat him he looks super evil with his red eyes oh my gosh Mario I don't have time for you I don't have time for you either wait is he planning a wedding with peach I look so cool in my robot form though we got to save Peach I also want that Lego power up I want to see what Lego Mario looks like or maybe Lego robot Mario I guess we'll see in a second I'm going to see if I can pick him up can I pick him oh I picked him up I picked him up I picked him up I don't know if this is a good or bad idea uh it seems like a that's probably a bad idea I've given him the higher ground he's up on top of the castle now oh I just hit his hat with my Fireball oh am I going to be able to get the jump on him oh his fire is getting everywhere it's sort of lagging my game a bit come on Bowser I just need to get a few punches in with his hat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and then bam oh into the wall okay you only need two more hits and then I should have him I just want to hit his hat with the Fireball and then I can pick it up with my cap put it on and then chase him down where you you going where do you think you're running to oh he's stuck up there he's stuck on the castle Don't Run Away Don't Run Away wait did he just jump off the map where did he go I thought he just jumped off I swear we need to get a replay on that to see if he fell off or not there we go there we go we're about to get more hits on him go on go on go on nice one more hit one more hit and it should be good and at least I have all these empty stars to heal myself up in case he damages me where's he where's he going though can't see him there you are he likes to hang out by this Castle come on I just need to jump at the right time and this should be him done this has been super easy with my final [Music] form Peach are you right oh what where's bow are gone everything's just gone dead peaceful do this mean I've unlocked the Lego power up now oh there's a load of toad ships down there and Peach what waa all the Toads must have came out of the ship all of them are clapping oh this is so cool they're so happy Peach what do you have to say who Mario no I need need to do my woman voice W Mario I'm so glad you saved me that kind of hurts my throat a bit and I realized something I left another upgrade for you at the castle Gates is this the Lego one it better be the Lego one oh and she's also giving me a star very epic thank you Peach go collect that upgrade you don't have to tell me tce so she said by the castle Gates which I believe is just up here and I can get up there very very quickly I can pick up the flag as well there it is there's the Lego upgrade I want to see what this turns me into what wait wait wait wait wait it's turned me into like a Lego man okay this is cool wait he kind of looks kind of curs you know his eyes and his arms look a bit jangy as well it's like the outside of the sockets I like it I like it just the way he moves it looks Dead funny oh this is so cool this is so cool oh no no no no I fell off I fell off oh man wait where's this taking me no no I'm back at the start I'm back at the start of the map I guess I should leave it here though so if you enjoyed this video you'll definitely enjoy Mario Odyssey but every Moon gives Mario more money where we collect a load of moons and get some epic rewards like Mega fast cars private jets and so much more you have to see it click on screen to watch it now and I'll see you over in it bye bye
Channel: Manx Ninja Pig
Views: 4,326,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, super mario, super mario odyssey, mario odyssey, challenge, funny, manx ninja pig, odyssey, smo, mods, modded, moon, mod, manx, mario series, funny mario videos, mario memes, animated mario, mario videos, nintendo switch, new mario game, mario youtube, mario challenge, mario mod, mario mods, bowser's fury, morio, modding, strong, stronger, ninja, pig, SMO, Money Mod, modded mario, funny mario, power up, super mario memes, super mario mod, upgrade, upgrades, power ups, new power ups
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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