I 100%'d Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe, Here's What Happened

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I'm going to 100 Kirby's Return to Dreamland Deluxe which means lots of modes there's a story mode that needs to be beaten along with collecting all the energy spheres and clearing the challenge stages there's the extra mode where I'll have to do it all over again but it's harder then there's macalore's epilogue 100 Missions at Mary magdaland and two Boss Rush Arenas modes modes modes and modes Our Story begins with King DVD chasing down Kirby to get some cake give me that cake no way meanwhile a portal appears with a ship emerging from it losing many of its parts as it crash lands into Planet Pop Star the crew investigates the wreckage and inside they meet magalore who is distraught about his ship's condition Kirby offers to help find all the missing parts in fact we'll all help uh I'm just here so how do we help magalor track down the missing pieces by killing innocent waddle D's of course wait what by the way these Kirby games always seem to be begging me to reference The Legend of Zelda and I'm not gonna stop now yeah the main collectible in this game are energy spheres from magalore ship why don't they just call them gears then we're introduced to this game's gimmick super abilities suck up one of those star four-headed foes and feel the power run through your veins I finally get to play the game that inspired Kirby's Final Smash in Super Smash Brothers the novelty kind of wears off quickly though since the move is simply done by pressing a button as you easily destroy enemies a for presentation though in order to 100 this game it's important to check every crevice to discover these star-shaped Terrors that lead to bonus areas these sections strip away the ability you had equipped forcing you to progress through it with only the power of suck that is until you get to the end face one of the sphere Doomer creatures who are the mini bosses of these secret areas and what bam gather the remaining gears from this stage then bounce off a trampoline to top things off that's the gist of things stage to stage and I'm here for it because all the copy abilities are what make Kirby unique I can also be like my favorite superhero Spider-Man spy Spider-Man does whatever a spider can are you kidding me you can web sling and star allies but not in Return to Dreamland okay you do get a portable Cannon so that's cool I guess you thought you could hide from me you little gear gigantic when are you gonna learn the beam is mightier than the sword loser I was joking of course I want the sword no one saw that with that Mary magdaland is unlocked wait a minute how did you build all of this but you can't fix your ship boy those games do look fun to play though one of them being this video sponsor raid Shadow Legends the free to play game that gives you the chance to win Amazon gift cards up to one thousand dollars don't skip so you can find out how to celebrate raid's fourth anniversary let me explain why it's a great game in acronym form R is for RPG where you can 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dress-up masks hi Rick hi Rick hi Rick my name's not I take the mask off to avoid further confusion then find this trumpet that protects Kirby strikingly similar to the tactics of a certain Bible story [Music] Kirby's Godly Powers continue to expand when he swallows the super fire ability granting him the authority to summon a draconic monster at will contrary to popular belief Kirby enjoys deforestation but hey at least it helps find us those hidden secrets including an ability I've yet to use uh I can't believe I already missed a gear on the fourth stage sneaky sneaky on to the first boss which is a classic that being wispy woods and just like the classic he is I roast him like a freshly cooked hamburger and one old D town on a Tuesday afternoon for whatever reason wispy was guarding the oars to the lore star cutter you seem like a nice guy megalore but are you ever gonna get off your butt and help the answer is no however magalor opens up the right side of the ship revealing challenge rooms that unlock as I gather the gears each area tests your skills with a highlighted ability this one being the sword to see if you can finish the course fast enough while Gathering points along the way there's also the Mini-Game room but Shadow the Hedgehog disapproves okay level two here we come the Rays and ruins yeah ah do my eyes deceive me I got a Golden Ticket hey Kirby do you want some waddle wanna what waddle Deez Nuts anyways after beating a stage you can exchange your tickets four stamps which can net you rewards I didn't see the value in this until the end of my playthrough which you wouldn't believe would be my Saving Grace but for now I head back to the desert for some surfing sliding down the Sandy slopes appreciating the adorableness of Kirby wearing swimming goggles and attaining the super ability for the power of beams so far this has been the most interactive one requiring you to control an electric ball destroying your surroundings more star tears means more gears which means another challenge room is unlocked [Music] could it be is that one punch man it's actually One Jump Man it is I King do more like King doo doo am I right alright enough with the light-hearted attitude we gotta make it through this Darkness oh never mind there's a candle well that made things effortless and the gimmicks don't stop there now I have an invincibility Crystal which makes me invisible however the crystal is still visible No One's Gonna question the floating Crystal anyone well okay then let's cut some rope enter the star Terror that goes from right to left as opposed to the normal left to right layout slay a Doomer and get out of here now for the boss Mr Deuter oh you like to juggle that's cute well I have a whip and you've been a bad bully yeah you like that you like the pain don't you don't run from what you love how could someone name dude or not like being whipped nothing weird about that fight at all and I don't want to hear about it in the comments the important thing is that the lore star cutter got one of its wings back and the onion ocean is open for business like is this water really diluted with the disgusting of onions I mean onions are actually okay if they're grilled on like a delicious animal style burger from in and out but I digress for the first time I find the RoboCop ability which given some time becomes my favorite one in the entire game having it introduced at the beach makes no sense at all though somewhere there is a crime happening but maybe it actually does since there's a snowman hanging out here too I slurp him up and voila super ice I never knew how threatening a giant snowball could be [Music] the whipping room is now open Kirby I think you enjoy using that too much next stage I dive into a body of water inside a cave now there is a problem with swimming when underwater you cannot use your abilities which makes it Troublesome to proc switches as seen here allow me to correct myself you cannot use most abilities underwater there are some exceptions like the spear gear acquired sick of stepping on random glass while walking in the sand Kirby puts on a boot this is very reminiscent of kuribo's Shoe from the Mario games Kirby's isn't as smooth of a ride though but it gets the job done right before reaching the end I'm eaten by a giant eel personally the fact that there are creatures like that in the real world just gives me the creeps into the next stage I go where I incorrectly chose the wrong path out of the three routes to get a golden gear at the end of the current I exited the stage so I could do it over and I messed up again please let this be the right one this giant squid cowering behind a shipwreck just shows how threatening Kirby is this freaking sea monster is frightened by the side of a pink marshmallow and for good reason too everyone jumperman challenge [Music] looks like this Fatso is the onion ocean boss I ain't fat phobic he's literally called fatty rolling around at the speed of sound okay dude is trying a little too hard in response to my bombardment of Mech blasts the puffer super sizes and starts rolling around again which I simply avoid by flying over him seems to be a common theme to dodging his attacks alright cough it up big boy give us the other Wing to the lore star cutter and let's Trek on over to the wintry Wonderland called White Wafers where the gears like to hide inside sneaky holes up in the ceiling you gotta make sure you check every corner of the level since some of the Hidden parts are even on the edge of the bottom of the screen where you initially wouldn't think anything would be there ladies and gentlemen I present to you the wonderful voice of Kirby all right anyways oh geez now there are pooping snowbirds it honestly looks horrendously painful I skate past the falling snowman use ninja speed to make it past the closing gate in time then find a monkey with a star on its forehead which means the final super ability has been discovered another interactive one that requires you to rotate the joystick enabling the hammer to grow obliterating anything in its path the secret areas are now starting to show a slight increase in difficulty as you must make good use of your time clearing the obstacles as the wall of void chases you down and I just now learned that you can slow it down by spitting stuff at it this Doomer wields electric powers and that's about it because the only thing that can truly stop me is my own stupidity yeah my brain must have been turned off in the cold because it was not comprehending how to get this bomb to the top of the cliff took me a hot minute just to realize I could simply Chuck the bomb on the platform then activate the switch an actual tricky scheme was up ahead which I actually failed a few times but I eventually got the timing right and was successful in progressing further with this key to obtain another gear opening up the bomb challenge where you guessed it I used bombs to beat it I go from bowling with bombs to bowling with snow using actual pins Do You Want To Build A Snowman no I only came for the secrets the last skier I needed from the icelands was one that tested my racing prowess was that supposed to be hard ah dang it remember to drop through the platform this time and it's over don't it's not over let's do this again and jump jump jump there we go atop a glacial Mountain awaited the boss of white Wafers Goliath heading into this battle without an ability that can fire projectiles was a mistake cause often I'd hurt myself when getting up close to attack some of his moves were predictable but the most annoying part about him was his constant moving jump from one side of the screen to the other maybe what I actually needed was an ability that could strike above me just when I thought I had things handled Goliath breaks the ground beneath us dropping us down a level he shows off an ice then rips out the platform from beneath us again this ended up being the closest boss fight yet which I guess makes sense because the difficulty should do that in a game overall his mobility and my poor choice of copy ability is what brought this result but as usual I come out as the winner magalor's emblem is returned to his ship was that really a necessary feature to have though I mean you could go back home without it instead of wasting my time whatever ever on to nutty noon pretty generic world if I say so myself looks like a typical green first level except it's in the sky the second stage then takes a thematic turn feeling a bit out of place going from the greenlands to High castle walls as for the actual gameplay it is expounding on the mechanics keeping my interest during the third stage I had to start thinking outside the box otherwise these time puzzles would get the best of me of course why didn't I think of that in the first place jumping while being mid-air the challenge for the mech suit opened up for me to combat other meccas with a fully charged Blaster back at it with the story I see the scenery as once again changed within nutty noon and I decide for whatever reason to bounce myself into the atmosphere of Planet Pop Star foreign the final stage of this level I climb up the ladder fly past the door and find a secret entrance a gauntlet of mini bosses commences featuring big baby water dragon king doodoo a robot from the Wall-E movie The understudies of Meta Knight and King Kong with his pet Boulder that is a nice boulder before taking on the real boss I stupidly grabbed the wing ability out of the options I had before me I hadn't really used it in this playthrough yet which is why I gave it a chance the damage output was pitiful though so I gave up the power because star shots look like they are going to get the job done faster as for the boss they are known as the Grand Doomer essentially a more threatening mini boss than the smaller doomers we usually face in those star-shaped tears it tries to use the shadow realm to pull off a sneak attack but I retaliate with its own energy the second phase gets easier with the creature spouting a spurge of energy orbs at me however not all of them can be sucked up with just a sliver of Health left the grand dumer curls up into a ball summons minions and hurls itself at me I swallowed the super sword right as it appears to affect penetrate its armor a total of four hits would crack its protection and timing was key for every attack to be successful with the last bit of the enhanced Shield falling apart one last Ultra sword button press was all that was needed foreign star Cutter's final piece the Mast had been restored we go tell magdalore the good news and to celebrate he offers to fly us to his Homeworld how condra wait a minute I thought this game was called Kirby's Return to Dreamland not Kirby's departure from Dreamland where's the complaint department when you need them how conjure does look cool it's got a dragon uh oh the dragon doesn't like us blasted creature shoots us down upon arrival after I just fixed this darn thing well not doing that again until I slay that Dragon myself on to level six the egg engines strange name for an industrial place with lots of Machinery throughout the stage are orbs filled with nap abilities to catch you off guard the first one here teaches you the danger of what could happen so best not grab them at the wrong time in the wrong place the doomers here take on the mechanical Inspired Silver coloring as well orbiting around the flying creature are five energy balls at home onto you when dropped it also likes to ground pound with a frosty layer around it new kinds of foes continue to appear and my first sting should not be to attack them because if you just Waltz past them in a passive manner they're like it's all chill here bro by the way I don't get why you can't use abilities underwater unless it's something like the spear what's so special about a wooden stick but I have to plop out of the water to use my rock then there are the punishing Parts like this section where if you don't get everything right on the first try you have no choice but to quit and start over if you want to collect every gear here we go again all right let's kick things up a notch in this windy section whoa Kirby too fast here we go again let's chill out with this water challenge no Lava can harm me with these Powers ah rats oh you think that's funny don't you well you cannot freaking die back to the Grind of finding every gear no pun intended where if you make one mistake in these dark murky Waters you'll have to restart because it's too late to go back by the time you realize what you missed at this point it's just an excuse to spread out five gears per stage speaking of which this is the fifth and final stage of Egg engines where it embarrassingly fails at squishing Kirby multiple times in fact I don't mind though give me those easy gears that wraps up all the ones lost in this level meaning it's boss time now and I gotta say I absolutely love this design its name is metal General and it's got the ultimate mixture of inspiration taking the form of some sort of shark ninja and it's got a lightsaber cool vibrations it's unfortunate the beam nullifies most of its attacks especially the missiles but I'll just drop a little teaser saying this won't be the last time we see this boss guys own freaking rocket I can't get enough of this dude as of this moment metal General is now my new favorite Kirby character and it's a dang shame they didn't put him in Kirby star allies bye bye for now as I head into the last level I can't help but miss General Metal so I walk up to the waddle D wearing the nice bow tie and ask them to hand over the mask for General Metal Booyah this is gonna be my drip for the rest of the story and things are getting intense with lava being the main terrain which I've known as Nintendo likes to put in their final levels lucky for me the super snow ability drops out of nowhere and somehow counters lava I would think in most cases that kind of heat would melt ice from a snowman at one point Kirby straight up phrases a volcano then shatters it how that's the most genuine question since the Insane Clown Posse has asked this Magnus how do they work for real though this secret area is the hardest of them all one wrong suck at the wrong time and boom you're dead I failed this specific part quite a few times the whole segment is ratted along too so the frustration I experienced from it just made things worse as I was punished for being impatient trying to rush through it eventually I got the timing right jumping right before sucking in that huge block and I was patience [Music] Kirby takes to the skies with the wing challenge by the way I kind of look like Optimus Prime don't I Autobots roll out try to enjoy the look as long as I wanted to since I needed these ninja Powers then into a hidden room I went this is the last stage of the story and what better way to end it with a vertical Trek of a lava structure while at the same time hanging onto a key that is needed for completion the end of Kirby games are the most thrilling for me I mean you get to freaking slice a volcano in half what more could you ask for Insider two sphere doomers instead of the usual one still not a big enough advantage to make a difference there's one more challenge room but I'm gonna keep it brief because I just want to get into the final boss it highlights all the items we've used on this adventure including the key the boot the Canon yada yada yada you get the point now let's go battle the quadruple-headed dragon landia is the menace's name and he's already breathing Fireballs upon us they could be a Pokemon though because what other kind of creature would use a move like tail whip get back to the fire breathing that's what you're good at and sure why not blow some wind at me will ya bombs were definitely the right choice for this battle since you simply lobbed them at the levitating being with over half of their health depleted they split into four separate entities and continue to rain fire upon me they then put on a laser show which was very kind of them however it's time for your End Dragon defeated and we even took the crown Bravo Kirby you've earned your reputation as a hero your help defeating landia was invaluable ah at long last it's mine the source of limit to this power the master crown [Music] and that's why you don't talk to strangers kids nothing beats King ddd's shocked face though nagalore then monologues how he used us to defeat landia for him and now he lands to conquer the entire universe starting with Planet Pop Star no abiding Kirby oh looks like landia is our friend now let's go stop macalore are you kidding me a Shmoop level this game just keeps getting better I would honestly play a whole Kirby spin-off that was dedicated to this style of gameplay anywho remember that blasted ship I spend so much time putting back together yeah looks like it's my next nemesis start getting neutral D King DDD Meta Knight you were all here the whole time some help would have been nice I'll do it myself red leader down blue leader down hang in there midnight oh he's a goner and so am I Kirby crash lands into another dimension I have him grab his Autobot armor then give him a chance to exact revenge on magalore truth be told it's not a complicated battle spamming my up attack negates most if not all of his energy attacks you can see his attacks coming from a mile away and have ample time to avoid them so yeah keep up the spam attacks and it's a breeze however to save himself from losing he Shields himself in a similar way to that Grand Doomer I fought earlier where super attacks are needed to chip it away and just like with the Grand Doomer it ends with the ultra sword except this time with the competition of who can World their joystick the fastest Optimus Prime finish him what magular's got another form why wasn't ready for that and this time I am ready for him overall it feels like more of the same just like before there are spikes to avoid Boyd and magdalore himself is thrown at Kirby the second half of the fight is where things get interesting as magalor dual wield swords and uses magic in multiple ways unique with each use unlike the last attempt I got him this time ending a short reign of the universe Kirby and the Gang hop back on the landia dragons and returned oh I get it now Kirby's Return to Dreamland the group safely lands back home except for King Dedede who somehow got his head plunged into the ground and he merges with a flower atop his head as if you were playing another game welcome home guys the story mode is 100 cleared but the save file is not the good news is most of the remaining modes are now unlocked and I'm going to jump right into extra mode frankly this is the story all over again but on a harder difficulty the changes include more enemies in each stage Kirby having less HP every boss and mini boss having ex added to their title along with more health and attacks and don't worry I'm not gonna cover everything again because it would just be repeated I'm going to summarize over seven hours of gameplay in around a couple minutes which is a lot of work on my end so in return why not smash that like button and if you want more Nintendo content be sure to subscribe as i gaze at the Cosmetic updates of each boss I can't help but wish that they would have just included this mode as a difficulty option when first booting up the game I would love a tougher Kirby experience right off the bat nonetheless it's still a good time yet it could have been better because at points I would lessen the struggle by consuming items which would not have been as readily available if I hadn't just played an entire campaign beforehand I did come to regret this decision later which you'll understand why towards the end of the video for now look at my boy metal General and that nice fresh red coat of paint whoa and a new face looking fresh General Metal Pilots to Droid known as hrd3 battle wise I think the robot shark ninja is better suited for fighting outside of it because all you gotta do to beat this thing is wait for it to slam its fists then for the second half you can get up close and you'll see the Machinery fall apart as the fight goes on afterwards I of course gotta sport that metal General ex mask landia contradicts my boy changing from red to purple they also like to volley around a fireball now the lore cutter Dawns a new black look with red trim and barrages us in a bullet hell manner magolores Aura follows the Red theme and his soul form comes from total darkness using the super weapons against me like the hammer I defeat him once again along with the challenge rooms resulting in extra mode being 100 did you ever wonder what happened to magalore though after the final battle with him his body drifted to a strange Dimension that Stripped Away his color well let's dive on into the epilogue and find out magalore was banished here with a chance to redeem himself most of his powers have been Stripped Away thus he must gather magic points to regain his skills and apple slices apparently I don't know why maybe magdalore is a big fan of fruit it does help him relearn how to cast magic bombs so sure I'll go find more he's also got a menu in which he can spend the magic points to upgrade the skills he currently has on hand so off we go to each store magdalore I tried I tried to do with this one and in between levels these entrances called ordeo doors can appear which are essentially magdalore's challenge rooms it should also be noted that these ordeal rooms are really short and in my opinion the stages that follow all feel kind of samey with hardly any noticeable differences to use these short windows of time effectively I spend most of my magic points to increase the length of time a combo can last this makes attaining gold medals more attainable which you need to get for every stage in order to unlock the secret last level some areas do require a specific skill to be a certain level like in this case levitation needs to be upgraded so I make sure to have some spare energy to complete those and like clockwork there's gonna be boss battles hold up I thought you were dead they must have used some kind of powerful defibrillators to bring electricity duder back from the dead oh I got one charged up magic spear I can't wait to pop at you ah nuts ha missed me ah dang it just get out of here already and give me your slice of that Apple macalore learned the magdalore Surge and magalor Cannon you know normal people call those the dash attack and the Kamehameha Maya you don't need to name everything after yourself bro the puffer is back not only are they in Flames but their rolling patterns have significantly changed dropping bombs was my preferred way of blowing up this fish that is until a super sized and took up a quarter of the screen now anyways fish is gutted and apple slice is mine along with deadly needle powers in the dimensional vanish Now You See Me Now you don't oh man those spikes are pathetic they need an upgrade right away another one for good measure that's more like it I also took time to max out my shield you know what they say the best defense is the best offense or maybe I'm just terrified of this liquefied gariath it doesn't matter how resisting your Shield is though if you don't anticipate these moves oh thankfully the long lasting spikes proved useful as hydriath would bounce into them often bringing my Apple slice count up to four enabling magalore to possess his final skill that being the black hole the next four bosses were doomers and this is where the shield had an opportunity to shine which I could follow up with by sending up magical spheres from right beneath them then I'd continue to spam the spikes which they would frequently fly into ggs and good riddance I feel like I thought you're kind a million times by now magalor inputs the fifth Apple slice in with the rest restoring the fruit into some kind of gem as magalor beholds the beauty remnants of the master Crown interfere and corrupt the Apple are you freaking kidding me another one of those flipping doomers how many of there are you [Music] now what's happening can't a man have a bite of his fruit what is the rapidly escalating I mean come on an attacking tree laced with gold you can't make this up alright so here's the plan the branches from the portals are the weak points not the apples and watch out for that the upgrades for my shield are really paying off too aesthetically this is one of the most majestic looking bosses in the game take a look at the 3D lasers that come across the 2D plane this is what makes an epic finale with about 25 HP left the master Crown tree plunges itself over to my side of the field at first this was an inconvenience but then I thought barely an inconvenience as this made for an easy target for the magalore cannon and bombs I could drop on it the ginormous tree has been defeated magalor pulls up a sword from the ground like King Arthur of old Powers it up then attempts to chop down the sacred tree what is with Kirby and magalore when it comes to their deforestation efforts well once again I can't complain about what brings results magalor proofs have been redeemed as his tethered clothes have been replaced with green attire with the gem apple he takes one last look at us and waves Goodbye Oh yeah there's also the secret stage which I expected more out of but it's very similar to that one Kirby lava a level alright there we go epilogue is now complete however magalor's time is not done he still wants us to play his mini games along with completing 100 Missions related to the subject most of them pertain to clearing each Mini-Game on every difficulty so let me give you the rundown of each one egg catcher is pretty self-explanatory Samurai Kirby tests who can press a button faster when prompted I need to focus you also need to get at least top 20 in the 100 player mode [Music] second place baby sugar board Chase is nostalgic for me since I have fond memories of playing this one on the Nintendo 64. in magalor's Tome trackers you seek the same book that appears in mustache magalore speech bubble Kirby on the draw is where you shoot guns bomb rallies a legal way to blow up your friends by smacking a bomb at them with a frying pan in Smash star you ride on a warp Star by charging your Boost in Hope of knocking other players out of the ring booming blasters is a top-down Arena viewed shooter at the ninja Dojo you throw shurikens at Targets and in the crackity hack Coliseum you charge up your punch with the meter and time the Crosshair just right to see how far you can put a dent in the planet then there are the more specific missions some have you going through the motions like wearing a specific character's mask when playing or listening to magalore share facts about the amusement park magalan Taurus is a feature that has you play four rounds of mini-games awarding points depending on your results from each one win this way in all three difficulties and that's another mission well done now for the ones that actually take some effort Landing three consecutive bullseyes took me longer than I care to admit but over time I got it done most people will probably think earning over 1 000 points on Master difficulty is the harder challenge for me scoring consistently well wasn't the issue I just sucked at getting bullseyes as you can see with my results here I got over 1 000 points without getting many bullseyes in a row nevertheless in my opinion krakatey hack had the most brutal challenge Landing a perfect score on medium difficulty timing the Power Bars wasn't the issue it was that darn Crosshair at the end I could never match it perfectly which resulted in a mediocre crack in the planet I started a question if it was even possible I mean how is it possible to get closer than that only three minutes later I got lucky foreign [Music] 999.99 a perfect score I couldn't believe I got it that fast all that was left was to find a hidden magalore sticker which completed my quest in completing all 100 Missions only two modes remain well actually the only one the arena is an inferior version to the True Arena so I'm gonna put all my focus there the first waiting room presents every copy ability of your choosing after Conquering the arena and giving this one a few tries my go-to is the mech suit the Arenas are the Boss Rush modes of the Kirby franchise and are generally seen as the most difficult part of each game what makes the True Arena stand out more than this normal counterpart is threefold first the regular Arena holds the main story bosses while true summons the ones from both the extra modes and magalor's epilogue second the arena has 13 bosses true has 21 the most any Kirby game has ever had and third a different amount of recovery items in between fights during one of my earlier attempts I only had one Maxim tomato left but still 10 bosses to go 10 and they saved the end game Titans for last that's when I saw it you can use your bagged items in the Arenas I didn't know that that's why I mentioned earlier that I would come to regret using these in extra mode now I don't have nearly as many as when I started all hope is not lost though participating in level 3 difficulty magoland tours is the quickest way to receive more stamps which means more prizes which means more recovery items I couldn't stop I wanted more after an hour of grinding I think I had more than enough I entered the True Arena for one final try that's more damage than I'd prefer after just the first round but I was feeling good I learned a couple Mech moves throughout my trials and errors too like bursting energy shots when crouching Dependable Fireballs being shot in an upward Arc could that eliminate opposing projectiles and best of all I can store a full charger blast which I can save for the right time sometimes I would get too greedy charging at every available second I had I'll just blame it on those doomers I'm still sick of seeing them everywhere four four separate battles alone are with these obnoxious cretins you'd think things are back to normal when getting to landia then five seconds later four of them show up at once in actuality it's because the epilogue bosses show up after most of the extra mode ones but I am giving you my word that this is the last time they will be mentioned in this video six more to go hrd three is a walk in the park then the lore star cutter is up in X you must remember to heal before this fight why this is not your typical Kirby level therefore you cannot access your items fortunately for me I got the skills to pay the bills and didn't take one lick of damage during that whole dog fight magalore was a breeze for me as well since my ability hard counters him and you don't face his soul form until the finale as for galacta Knight I must admit I was not expecting galactonite the first half went smoothly since he wields a dinky sword and I have futuristic technology the second half was a bit rougher simply because I didn't know what to expect it's a good thing that I'm loaded with these energy drinks Master Crown was the penultimate Showdown and unlike galactonite I knew what to expect from it this Machinery enhances my air Mobility too making these laser hurdles a bliss to fly by the end was near I could taste it the grand finale versus magalor's soul well I'm off to a great start things actually started swinging in my favor as I positioned myself right then guarded when I was supposed to then the unexpected happened I got sucked inside one of his vortexes stripping away my ability in the process [Applause] all of my practice to get to this very moment was done in the mech suit I needed the mecca to get it back I would have to use random copy Essence they're not totally random as you can see there is a pattern to the madness but I hadn't used one of these before and I was under pressure failure after failure I just couldn't get my Robotech took five bloody attempts to finally get the right one you are screwed now magalore for some reason that beginning was quite the struggle thankfully I found my footing during the rest of it oh we're not done yet he's got a new form in the True Arena that specializes in copy abilities no I'm not gonna lose you again Mecca ah crap he's my own to sit against me that a boy that's what you need to do just float there in the center of the screen and charge up whatever move you got I can do this all day soon after he summons multiple fire dragons and bears sometimes quadruplets then he takes me to the upside down not a problem I see what he's got coming yes yes this is perfect your energy orbs won't catch me off guard either I'm so close I just gotta make it I've come so far and there it is the true final ending of The Return to Dreamland you can rest now magalore and so can you Planet Pop Star I take my trophy as the crowned winner and with every mode 100 the game gives me the gold Kirby mask as a reward whoa that was quite the meaty Kirby game and a great remake if I do say so myself a special thank you to my page supporters and if you want to see your name credited in future videos consider becoming a YouTube channel member you all have a good one thanks
Channel: The Andrew Collette Show
Views: 1,499,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kirby, nintendo switch, switch, kirby nintendo switch, 100%, kirby and the forgotten land, kirby's return to dream land deluxe, kirby and the forgotten land review, kirby's return to dreamland deluxe, kirby's return to dreamland, kirbys return to dreamland deluxe gameplay, kirbys return to dreamland deluxe review, can i beat kirbys return to dreamland deluxe, kirby star allies, magolor epilogue, magolor epilogue final boss, the true arena, magolor epilogue gameplay
Id: o8uWM94RBUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 10sec (2290 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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