Can I beat the FIRST LEVEL of Kirby if bosses spawn every 30 seconds?

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the idea is simple just beat the first level of Kirby that's all surely you can't be that hard yeah oh also bosses spot every 30 seconds subscribe to see how much further we can break Kirby in the future this will be fine why are we singing why are we sinking dormando dormando where's gormando go going wait what the hell okay wait where's the gun I mean I guess we don't need to see where we're going I do know the level enough to know where I need to go how's the mini boss gonna work with this okay okay no I think this is fine wait what's going on with that health bar once you get me on here doraemonda will like to spawn goodbye goromando I've literally never gotten this far in my testing I just keep doing the speedrun strategy are we safe I don't want to jinx it nothing is appearing is everything still working don't break it hey I can just grab it while it's there right oh whisping I can describe it what I'm saying right please no I was right there with me no miss me I was right there man I'm hitting him I'm hitting him I can't see him but I am hitting him I'm doing something to him there I am we got this wait there it is I can get the guy I can get the thing please don't die please don't die like this but this is an amazing camera view please dude it was right there I was actually starting to think in my head oh man I might the hell was that oh it's his nuts taking rooftop gardens to a whole new level is soft lock I don't think I can oh friend what if I kill this boss release me really speak oh guys so it's wispy again it's a whole Forest no stop it stop it no dude that's right there third attempt the first two attempts didn't go swimmingly I was walking into the objective Kirby you have big old arms you could have grabbed that so how does it feel to be the first person ever to die To wispies Nuts shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up what the hell was that hello I like turned around and like facto forgo is gonna be like consuming my feet oh okay oh oh hey there all right are you okay excuse me sword guy can't you see ddd's having a breakdown do I have to fight you my favorite boss psychedelic King dededy going through trauma yo yo I'm gonna Pat him on the back [Music] it seems I'm unneeded oh guys he's being haunted he's being haunted by The Phantom of the pop rock that's the worst but I've made in my life chlorine hitting the hammer back from the penguin dick it up he's haunted by death all right well anyway I'm just gonna go free the waddle these and uh beat the level you guys uh it's Placid or like all right bye bye what a boss to actually fight ing no it's just gonna be having a panic attack again poor guy you thought you could get away from me in my post-traumatic stress disorder oh just like the demons in my head I am everywhere Kirby PTS why are they all having panic attacks what the hell is going on I know the goal is right there I'm like this feels unfair to win this feels like bullying all right hey there infecto Alphas or whatever you are I was trying to be nice I didn't want to just take them down and hit them in their lowest moment I actually am gonna kill facto Fargo though yeah we did it okay now I can actually just walk into this into the achievement thing I think wait look it's the third DVD this one happy depression cured yay yay and the waddle these should be safe what dash one beat oh it doesn't feel morally right wait you're right that wasn't actually 1-1 was it the real 1-1 is the arrival point I didn't think that that one would have been as easy as it was truly the easiest boss fights are with the ones who are fighting themselves oh my god oh the forest is attacking I love how you kids it's speaking peeking through the tree um excuse me can I can I eat the sneak by you for a second so I get the sword ability I'll I'll be right back can I just get the sword I prom hey there hold on I'll clear the way let me just chop the tree down from an area where he can't fight back DD depression will get the best of you hmm dude my my stomach hurts what's happening monkey I don't know what just happened oh what what am I am I climbing up a mountain with me for a second also I'm not actually killing goromando right now what who dies here my ears apparently oh it apparently his eyes how are you crying we did it everybody the boss is defeated and we can move on boys what is the objective back here were you guarding it didn't he kept it safe it hit the level DD depression our hero well what's this one cleared [Laughter] [Music] oh my God my cheeks wait in town yeah truly what is really 1-1 the start of the game the first level or is 1-1 the Hub area I don't know if bosses can spawn in Wadley town but I'm willing to find out the cheeks hurt from laughing Amanda you're you're posted up there buddy midnight literally is posted up there to defend the town from bosses Invaders [Music] well it works [Music] keep spotting he's like the goddamn Slenderman that's what I look away and I look back he's there again you know this guy's just chilling okay not being depressed right now oh Christ he can read uh what I'm sorry can I actually can I go into the theater honestly guys I feel the real 1-1 is the movie theater I mean it's the first place you unlock I'm sorry I shouldn't have taken them to see the Mario movie in theaters to be fair this is a very sad movie I wispy again why is it always either the tree or a depressed penguin there are other bosses in this game I have to kill you in the middle of the movie theater that waddle in the front room I was like wow it's like it pops right out at you sorry guys it's a new IMAX 3D experience isn't whiskey the one that that drops the the thing can I actually complete the theater there it is it's Leo Leon ERM yes sir uh one ticket for Mario movie and another ticket to the soul of my friend yeah that'll be 8.99 it's going up we did it we got all the pieces what the hell was that this is hurting my brain it's hurting a lot of brains but why are there two alphalins one waddledy two alpha lens and a tin two dramatic ddds I guess the movie theater can be considered 1-1 but to be fair we haven't actually fought someone in the Wadley town this is the real one dash one right hello can I get one McDouble so don't make me kick you out again wait what happened what happened I thought I was eating my food oh no that wasn't food that's the thing they make McDonald's burgers out of uh uh the hell is this um why am I down here why is he down there what's happening oh oh God I have no idea where I am the chlorine oh God she's drowning I don't really know what's happening here oh there there he goes off to pursue chlorine oh hey there goromando oh I don't like that shot can I fight you in the water you programmed for this nope nope [Music] like the Titanic we'll never see that one again the next saying we'll see goromando's in the history books oh never mind he's right there uh where is he now oh hey there no you're green now gormando no jump no grab my hand goromando grab my hand oh bro son yeah but for real you know I'm not gonna lie I don't think this is working out for us oh hey cool another tree wait this is how it works out for us because they actually spawn the win condition as long as we can kill crispy there it is the soul I just gotta grab that and we can win what the hell is going on that's a great question hey Dave is there midnight sorry I keep forgetting about you oh there's three of them Kirby where you sure you don't want to grab that blueprint Kirby are you sure anyway so truly chat I think the real one one is the world map surely there's no way how would that work we're gonna find out in 30 seconds no way how do I fight you but there is [Music] no is this wispy oh no it's the world tree am I playing hold on hold on I can attack I can attack but it makes me try to return to waddly town could I actually beat a boss on the world screen I I hit him into second phase where am I oh this hurts to look at I don't like this sorry for this everybody I'm still hitting him there's no shot look I'm tapping into government secrets we got oh my God I can't move I mean I wonder why that's not a good sign well uh world 1-1 the real 1-1 chat you're right you're so right you're so right the real one dash one is the very first thing we see when we load up the game can a boss spot in the title screen okay I don't think it works boom so you're telling me you have to actually play Kirby in order to beat a level boo or maybe we don't have to play Kirby for a boss to spawn wait are we playing curvy if we're doing a mini game God only knows I've actually never played this by the way seems like we can now this is just obnoxious it was the president he isn't it he's sad that Kirby's no longer paying attention to him excuse me you booted me out of my minigame now that's just rude this video game is the first love this is one dash one boss spawns this is now a speed run of Kirby tilt and Tumble but I don't beat it fast enough PTSD comes by and cries on me I think we're good I think we're good yeah yeah world one dash one has finally been beaten truly 1-1 is our home welcome to my place buddy are you feeling any better I'm sorry you're going through it my guy if you're feeling stressed feel free to come on over and have a nap is this scripted and if at any point you feel like coming on over and reading a book okay in my own home uh-oh the real 1-1 is eating healthily oh a tomato gotcha tomato no problem nerd tomato okay high demand apparently it's midnight man I'm on the clock right now now I'm fired Kirby's so sad he lost his job that he's gonna go jump into the ocean this is the wildest form of this oh there's one more Pepto-Bismol wispy I keep working at least with wispy my guy and one more try one more try to do this oh God I didn't feed him he's stuck he's stuck but truly the biggest one of this game fishing oh oh we got the big fish nice well this is truly Kirby and the Forgotten lands [Applause]
Channel: Failboat
Views: 602,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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