Kirby and the Forgotten Land (FINAL BOSS + ENDING)

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today we defeat the final boss in Kirby and the Forgotten land and complete the game and I hope you enjoyed this video this reminds me of the end of undertale the lighting here is so good okay so let's see let's see let's see what ability do we want should I keep the fire ability you know the fire ability has served us well I will keep the fire ability now let's see where we are being brought down here do we just face the buzz or is there more to it look at the Shadows here the shadows and the lighting are very nice all right let's see King DDD what you doing you've got alphalin don't you wait are you really King DDD what are you wearing like a tribal mask oh his Primal Nemesis four go DDD wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what's going on why you have two hammers bro whoa whoa you're doing a lot of smacking player tornadoes that's quite Wild I'm here bro where are you spinning to Bro oh it's like he's got all the abilities of like all the bosses that we face okay he's hitting us a lot he's hitting us hard you know what maybe defeating him with stars is the way to go I think that's I think that's my uh strategy now try and defeat him with stars instead of with uh see where are you going where are you going where are you going there you go got that here we go got that here we go got that nice nice now run run run run run run run Kirby oh boy when you're a regular Kirby you can't run that quickly okay we gotta run away from those and let's see where are we going we can't damage him if he doesn't give us any stars now that we gave up our ability okay let's go like this whoa [Music] okay let's go let's go oh boy don't want to run into that level they're bro stop stop it bro bad bro see how's our HB and house is HP it's looking all right okay I missed them that's good let's see where you're going bro go like that give me a star there we go give me one more start we got him ah man should I just go for a star right now oh boy I couldn't get the Stars let's see give me a start give me a star bro give me a start come on bro just give me one more star and we've got you but this can't be the whole boss fight it can't it can't this is actually kind of he's not super easy but kind of easy and wait he's not defeated what happened oh okay okay it's like a little cutscene here oh what do I swallow your hammer okay okay what do you need the hammer oh bro bro bro bro there is a phase two uh oh let's see where are you going run bro okay nice nice okay that was quite a few hits on he's running circles around me whoa let's be careful let's be careful let's be careful here that's a lot of fire tornadoes coming towards you oh my goodness my thumb almost left off of the joystick hey where are you going bro where are you waiting what kind of ability you're doing up whoa oh he yells and little doggies come if I do this whoa don't charge me huh bro oh he defeated his okay this is a good opportunity to do this did I lose my ability I didn't lose my ability nice hey where is he going now okay but oh we couldn't even get him okay let's see let's see let's see he's about one third to Peter now I wonder if there will be two phases or three ah that was a great opportunity to attack him I didn't realize that he'd be down for so long okay so this attack it seems like if you're towards the outside and you just hold the left and that's a good way to avoid it and where are you going bro [Music] okay seems like you could damage him as you jump over him like that [Music] okay that doesn't do too much damage okay oh oh he tries to suck you up I thought he tries to blow [Music] let's see okay and he's pretty tired from all that sucking there try and get some few shots on him okay nice nice he got us okay okay our HP is running a little low a little scary hey let's get away oh boy but there's lava there's lava so he can't even attack him there hey but he's tired now okay so let's go let's go I can get one more I even charged up so I wasted a bit okay let's see let's see okay now there are some sword guys over here what do I want to use some of those abilities to defeat him let's see get him see where are you going where are you going okay you're tired bro you're tired bro you're getting tired getting tired bro getting tired bro oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I ever made fun of you kdd [Music] and buddy because we can't get him like that maybe we could have gotten him with the star but let's go is he defeated now our HP is kind of little okay his mask is gone we can see that it is King DDD wait there's only only three of these little guys that's it is he going to get up in the background again because look he's still there in the background oh I didn't test if we can still Hammer him [Music] the last time that I defeated him in the previous level wait don't get hit by foregone oh oh that's one of the uh achievements okay I'm like I I did get hit by the fire why is it giving me that but I didn't get that okay so this guy's still gonna be awake right he's getting back up hi no he's not gonna apologize is he [Music] wait what's up back there what's happening what's happening this elevator opens what's gonna happen your Kirby's looking there Kirby's like what is that what is that what's he gonna do oh yeah where's alphalin he didn't save alphalin yet oh the beasts are coming wait we all have to run away together what's going on oh no one of the waddle D's were left behind bro wait what's gonna happen wait oh those guys all the all the beasts they all wanted Kirby's like no wait kick DDD Kirby's trying to hold the elevator open oh King DVD picks up this guy King DVD is like I will protect them oh throws him oh my goodness and he takes out his hammer so that he can take on the Beast by himself away but those are like super weak beasts like I'd be able to defeat them easily what is happening is this the final area lab discoverer what could this be what could this be we are in an elevator reminding me a little bit of Luigi's Mansion well I could actually move around now automatic language detection activated authentication system activated authenticating okay authenticating authenticating and wait I didn't put in an entry code I like that celebratory music that plays okay these guys don't care welcome visitors discoveries tour of our science facility thank you wow on this thrilling tour you'll be introduced to the ultimate life form this sounds this reminds me of that uh that one movie from the moment who is the director who made ex machina began a campaign of Destruction that threatens the native wildlife of our entire world luckily our research team managed to capture it okay let's see what it's going to Beijing is it gonna be something related to hitting DDD began studying idf86's spatial teleportation ability research that laid the groundwork technology we enjoy today wait a minute oh is that what all the ddds are being used for oh my goodness they're like hamsters and Wheels I mean you want to go rescue them 30 years after our research began what happened a warp experiment incident occurred in this facility oh well that explains the warp at the beginning separated from the main at the beginning of the game escaped in the aftermath that new subspecimen has yet to be recovered in the time since idf86 has idf86 of activity oh man and we get to choose what ability we want of permanent stasis within the custom-made Eternal capsule here on the top level of lab Discoverer okay so this is probably the final level of being okay the ultimate life form idf86 idf86 the ultimate life specimen let's see what it is ultimate life form specimen this feels like the end of the game over here okay this is gonna be the end of the game final boss over here probably let's see we're of course using our Dragon wow that is terrifying oh is it the lion or is it that thing behind the line take a good look pink Intruder isn't this a beautiful sight you're not even seeing the great one in full form they're incomplete without their other half long ago the great one granted the people of this world a miraculous power those people left this world behind and entered a land of dreams once the great one is complete again it kind of looks like that one pink Pokemon from uh Gen 4 like brilliant diamond and Shining Pearl I know we will also receive this miraculous power we the ones they left behind in this forgotten land and now the time has finally come oh is Alpha in the other half hi Kirby's so adorable Kirby's like hey it's my friend wait you're taking my friend aren't you that's right a small creature here is the great ones missing half finally after all our planning and effort we can help the Great One reach their complete form we've dreamed of this moment for so many years if you dare stand in our way we'll Feast on your hide all right all right hey just little doggies doesn't seem too scary player will take him out easily all right imagine that's just the whole boss fight they're like oh did all my doggies you win can't believe we already took damage this early into the fight okay let's go let's go again we took damage okay he's like all right you won that'd be so funny that would be such an anti-climactic Boston am I gonna fight him now King of the beasts lionga all right how do you like fire bro huh do you like fire oh okay seems kind of similar to uh run okay seems kind of similar to what is it called to uh oh it's like gory Mondo combined with the cat lady let's go let's run okay go like that okay nice I'll burn him whoop run I can run and type hey butt good opportunity to burn him run nice run okay nice nice nice now let's see what is he doing oh man it's so hard it's like you have to anticipate that okay let's see what's he gonna do okay well that's a good opportunity to damage him oh he's getting angry he's getting angry oh boy he's powering up he's got very angry claws oh man okay okay so we have to watch what shape it makes again I just want to get my power up before it's gone okay here we go here we go let's be careful look at him chomping like that oh my goodness this is actually scary this is the scariest boss fight we've seen so far yet I'm almost dead I'm almost dead oh what is he doing he's got a powerful attack here is that an opportunity to attack him does he have to cool down whoop okay I'm probably dead this time let's see yeah I'm probably dead oh wait wait wait wait wait maybe if I keep my distance oops oh you can do that to dodge oh my goodness that's so useful to know I did all of the boss fights without knowing that dodging would actually be super useful in boss fights like if you go like this then you can dodge like that it goes like slow motion when you go to dodge like that oh my goodness well that certainly makes things a bit easier okay but let's see where are you going bro okay nice I like how it goes in slow motion when you do a Dodge like that nice and then let's attack him fire oh no Dodge I forgot about the Dodge attack [Music] let's see where are we going I don't think we can defeat him I think he's winning this one oh yeah that's right that's right Dodge now then [Music] no that was so close all right let's go let's go let's go leonger all right you know I think the shooting ability might also be a good one okay but now that I know how to dodge I got hit I got hit still okay let's see let's see ah I didn't think that you would do that foreign [Music] bit is the hardest okay but if you can do a Dodge like that that's fantastic oh boy nice nice yeah if you oh boy oh boy I didn't realize that that would be there come on be your next attack oh man hard to uh time the Dodge properly okay but we got his HP load up okay phase two there we go okay and we've still got a decent amount of HP here see what are you doing oh probably that slash attack nice I just want my ability back let's go and let's see where are you going bro where are you going bro where are you going bro where are you going bro what are you gonna do now oh boy I tried to dodge but I went right into it no bro okay oh boy oh I forgot about that I forgot about that okay let's go like this hey we dodged through there and we can come back and start attacking him while he's doing this feeling some damn oh boy gotta let's go let's go keep damaging him oh boy oh boy he keeps attacking us oh oh our hp's getting old but look he's almost defeated will the fire take him out the fire took him out the fire is such a useful ability wait what's gonna happen now let's see is there a phase two or is that it he raises his hand oh and he rescue Alpha lid wow let's go instead of getting a waddle D we save alphalin over here and just a regular level complete theme place is that it I wonder if this is a visit I wonder if this is the full game let's see oh the line's still here you you dare plan ruined important plan needed labor open Vortex found Workforce brought here I like how every sentence is two words and yet error made irksome pink contaminant every sense except for the last one careful planning now wasted no more planning no more patience instead everything shall be consumed oh do we have to run away no oh now it's turning into the blue one don't use your psychic attack I'll be Kirby's slowly backing up uh oh and here come all the beasts wait is King DDD gonna come and save us I bet King need these DDD is gonna come and save us wait what is that oh all the beasts are all being eaten by this that's so scary uh-oh everything's being consumed I have to oh you can see the outline of the little doggie in there that's so funny oh there's his face oh oh even the tiger was consumed is this the true final boss now I wonder if this is the true final boss do we have to face off against this now because that'll be even scarier than the last one or do we have to run away from it do we fight it or run away let's go help me out for land okay I'm guessing we're not fighting it looks like we're just trying to run away okay don't calm down and celebrate yet it's obviously gonna make it through that door have you never watched a horror movie before of course it's gonna break through there don't just stand there while this door has there is being broken open like this just start running massive species becto forgo okay cool at least we can damage it a bit like that oh boy if he catches me is it game over oh boy oh boy slow down for a bit yes okay this is great this is great we're doing great so far wait can we not go any farther back oh we can't go any farther back it looks like ah what are you doing here oh lots of uh you know what gotta be careful okay now we can keep going back though it's so weird at least the player's doing a lot of damage that's nice okay okay I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared please stay back please stay back okay let's stay here all right I'm gonna tag you with a lot of fire like this which is fantastic oh oh it's gonna oh it damages you if you walk in with icy [Music] balls are coming here we probably want to avoid those but look it's hp's getting low is there gonna be like a phase two of this Buzz fight let's see it's taking a lot of damage and I'll just slow down for a bit okay that guy gets consumed also his HP is getting so low soon yeah there we go is it defeated no this was so much easier than the last one the lion one was so much harder than this whoa trying to grab us Kirby has some nice Dodges here no not helpful end no [Music] let's see is it consuming alphalin where's it going now oh no all right let's run over here let's see what's happening what's happening what's happening we gotta go save our friend oh Max tomato that's nice that's nice that they give us a Max tomato here so I guess this is like final boss fight phase three now because we defeated like the first two phases and we can get basically any power up we want I'm gonna stick with the fire one because the fire one is served as great so let's see let's see where are we going where are we going I guess we're heading up here okay a loading zone now final boss phase three maybe up at the top of this Tower this is a super cool Final Boss okay JC over here now let's have a look up here these Graphics are so nice all right here we are final boss this has gotta be final boss Final Phase let's see and oh man it looks like a Pokemon ultimate life form Vector elphilis it looks like a Pokemon that definitely looks like a new legendary Pokemon I feel like I'm playing Pokemon Arceus DLC right now that's what this seems like a lot of Swords oh boy oh oh if you hold R do you guard I guess I can guard against those did that by accident actually I've waited all those now are you gonna come down ah eat my fire eat my fire continue to eat my fire oh man nice Dodge bro hey what are you gonna do that again okay let's Dodge very nice Dodge are you gonna do it a third time whoa you did a swing okay should have been expected oh no okay now what are you gonna do one more attack I'm just gonna burn you okay nice nice took out maybe like a quarter of itself where are you going bro nice Dodge okay now that I know how to dodge it's just like just gotta be careful what the button press is and there oh I still took damage what is this bro go oh oh good opportunity to burn be careful let's be careful what are you doing there what are you doing there what are you doing there what are you doing there what are you doing there what are you doing there nice Dodge bro for fire oh now we gotta do some Dodgers gotta do some Dodges gonna do some Dodges got to do some Dodges here gonna do some Dodges and where the swords at where this starts at more swords more swords okay let's go thanks Dodge these nice Dodges nice Dodges wait you're gonna swing at me now okay nice try okay almost half defeated I'm also almost half to feed whoa okay I think it oh hello it like broke through my uh through my shield let's see are you done swinging God nope I didn't dodge I got hit okay can we get a bit more damage onto this Pokemon here whoa what's that star gonna do what are these Stars gonna do whoa whoop whoop okay let's head over here we're fire on you okay it is down to less than half Health what are you doing now what are you doing now what are you doing now okay more of these okay that's fine that's fine that's fine that's fine we can just dodge these that's all right that's all right that's all right that's all right now then keep dodging keep dodging wait what's going on oh cause it's HP is low enough is that like one third HP now it's like phase two of this boss fight let's see oh this is looking quite spooky we have now entered the shadow realm this is a Shadow Duel Yugi the loser loses their soul whoop Dodge Dodge okay nice it's a giant one well okay doesn't look like you can dodge that one okay I don't think you well maybe you can but I just didn't go where are you coming from where are you coming from that is enough fire that is enough fire that is enough fire it's lucky let me stay somewhere safe and nice and we're doing some damage here it's HP is surprisingly High where are you going where are you going where are you going where are you going what are you doing oh boy triple I'm seeing triple what are you all gonna do do I have to find which is the right one wait does that heal it [Applause] [Music] wait wait wait wait wait ah I was attacking the right one I think okay it's like you have to find which is the right one bro how many times are you gonna swipe like that come on [Music] okay let's go where are you going where are you going okay nice this one again more of these more these there's no giant one coming let's Dodge that are you gonna do more Dodge are you gonna do more of that oh Dodge Dodge okay we still got hit that's all right when are you going to stop this [Music] okay nice where's the next one let's go over here go that way nice where's the next one over there let's go this way nice now what come on that's too many that's too many there's too much fire over here I'm almost defeated I've got to stop this this is enough of this this is enough that we've had enough of this no more of this Allowed no more too many swords too many swords oh oh and it's even swiping at me stop your swiping stop it hey let's see let's see two three four okay almost defeated it's so close to being defeated but so am I oh this ability again okay I have to find the right one I guess oh that's a fake one let's see is this a fake one that's a fake one okay so this is the real one oh boy hey can we defeat it can we defeat is alphabet coming out Alpha lead swallow alkaline and what do I spin rotate the joystick as fast as you can please yes okay we got it we got it we got it we got it we got it oh man all of that uh tug of war practice in Mario Party Superstars paid off we were able to do it wait do we not have to take out the rest of his HP then is that how the boss fight ends I hope it is ah Kirby's so adorable this looks so much like a legendary Pokemon though like in Pokemon legendaries he has added new Pokemon I could see this big one of them I wouldn't be so well maybe I would be surprised because it's from a Kirby game but it looks so much like it could be a legendary Pokemon uh what are you doing now oh there's a giant meteor gonna come down at us now is there gonna be a phase four to the boss fight such incredible power whatever it's trying to do it's gonna be pretty bad what is it Kermit Kirby's like hey that's my Planet whoa is that is that you who that's Planet Pop Star oh no it's pulling Planet pops out through that huge Vortex it wants to collide your world with this one we have to stop it but how yeah what are we gonna do what are we gonna do oh do I swallow the truck oh my goodness do I swallow the truck okay this is gonna be wild okay what if we just get hit and we die suddenly because our HP is super low let's see Kirby swallows the truck that's so cool that we started the game by swallowing a car but now we're starting off by swallowing this big truck over here let's go let's go oh oh and we start off at uh full health so that's really nice okay and we are controlling it we go left and right and we can jump see where are these little guys here go like this all right let's go over here these are some creepy things over here so where are we going now oh nice now we can go this way let me break through here very nice now then got to be careful because the road's really twisty and turny over here nice smash through that oh boy don't fall there don't fall there this is reminding me of a Sonic Colors bit actually oh man oh oh we fell down here okay okay we still get to continue all right where is that going okay that goes over there can I get up here still can I get up here somehow Lift Me Up nice nice that goes like that okay we gotta avoid that over there careful here gotta be careful here we don't know what's gonna happen Okay this is just like that one Truck Simulator game I imagine this is exactly what it's like okay sometimes these buildings are disappearing we want to go drive into our own planet going on what's going on what's going on tansy can't see can't see okay we're getting close and hold on all right am I still controlling it or is it the cutscene now okay it looks like it's a cutscene now oh my goodness look the truck is just driving up here this Pokemon is like you must be stuck Mewtwo will use psychic oh those are some big boulders coming as we do used ancient power on us right now and we are flying and oh oh mass speed must be I didn't know that we had the mass B here oh my goodness let's go let's go oh now Mash a okay and and we have to press any other buttons I'm ready I'm ready to start pressing some buttons If we have to let's go what are we doing now why don't we mess everything now what do we do oh must be messy messy let's be let's go let's go let's go and no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no we have more power we have more power look at this Alpha Lynn give us your power what how can I do both how can I do both when I do double hand mashing come on but we made it through and that's actually crazy that you have to do both mashing and the joystick I've never seen that used in a game anywhere before where it's like mash the B button and rotate the joystick but I think we made it through did we make it through did we defeat that thing did we save our planet I'm so invested in this story now I really like how the intro of the game was super fast it's just like Kirby's on his Planet gets sucked into a Vortex and then you're just in the game but towards the end of the game you're like Kirby are you okay Kirby what is happening wait everything's is this like a flashback to the beginning of the game is this planet pop star yes yeah I I think it is it looks like it we've got these trees just like the beginning of the game what's going on with this Vortex over here everything is being pulled in yes Alpha and what are you going to do Kirby's like no Alpha and wait I need to close the connection between worlds Flynn even if it takes all the power I've got is n't going to sacrifice themselves alphalin oh goodbye Vortex wow alphalyn literally saved our entire planet hey Kirby thanks for everything ah and they're crying no looks like Alpha Lynn sacrifice themselves maybe are they gonna be okay The Vortex is gone and the planet is safe but did alphalin sacrifice themselves to do this wow look at how beautiful this world looks too this was an absolutely phenomenal introduction to Kirby games oh but but is Alfred actually okay ah Kirby looks happy okay and and is it credits now I'm guessing it's probably credits now let's see oh he's scared me an alpha in here and we've got a photo of us together that's so adorable who took the picture and we've got a stereo playing in the background this is nice is this at Kirby's house now oh man that was absolutely phenomenal this was an incredible introduction to Kirby games strongly strongly recommend this game there it's very similar in terms of difficulty and level design to Super Mario 3D World which was a fantastic game and so many people on my channel have enjoyed that that was a game that basically blew up my channel when I started playing Super Mario 3D World in Bowser's fury like that topic got a lot of attention and a lot of people watched and uh enjoyed my videos and I'm just super glad that people are enjoying the videos checking them out but yeah if you enjoy Super Mario 3D World in Bowser's Fury I definitely recommend this game and the same with the other way around if you really enjoyed this and I really recommend check out Super Mario 3D World in Bowser's fear because man the level design how many times did I die in that game I think in this game I think I died two maybe three times in the entire game I didn't 100 complete the game there's some there's still some stuff like complete this boss damage list for an award and I skipped some of the skipped some of the uh bonus treasure areas towards the end of the game we didn't do all of them because I I just had to get out this video really quickly because it's like this game is just coming out so I really want to get out of playthrough oh my goodness and look at this painting this is so adorable oh my goodness they were just in those little outfits over there now you got King DDD together here I really like how uh King Dedede turned around it's something great about uh movies and books and just consuming media is when you have a dynamic character if you just have a static character someone's just like I am a bad character because I'm a bad character and I want to do bad things that's just something that's not interesting but when you see characters that actually grow and develop and change just like people do in real life then I think that's great oh and we never face this guy Meta Knight I'm guessing we probably face him in the Coliseum I've gotta go check out the Colosseum I really didn't check out much at all in waddle detail but man this is amazing there were quite a few hours of gameplay in just trying to complete the game basically as fast as possible like I 100 completed the first world but there's quite a bit of content to enjoy here like I'm probably gonna be done like maybe 50 of the game or so maybe a bit more than 50 of the game and this is what definitely a few hours of of playthrough strongly recommend the game definitely worth it the only strange thing is how some stuff in the distance sometimes it's like a little jittery or a little laggy and it has like a bit of a weird uh frames per second display oh you've seen that also in Pokemon Legends Arceus I haven't seen that in any other Nintendo switch games that I've played I've only seen in Pokemon Legends Arceus in this game so I'm kind of surprised well on both the blocks over there they spell out how because how uh how is the game company that designed this game oh man but yeah very very very very enjoyable game definitely going to be making more videos about this I'd love to mod this I'd love to see what modding this is like changing the colors and changing the textures is probably going to be easy but I wonder if we'll ever get a level editor for this that'd be super cool if we could ever get a level editor for this edit levels in this mad ah but I I love this game let's see if there's anything after the credits let's see okay we saw some birds fly by in the window in the background Fades out now what's going to happen over here and let's check our percentage complete let's guess what percentage complete we have probably like 58 or something oh the lion is still here he's in a bubble he's like Mew from Pokemon stuff to be continued is there going to be a Kirby in the Forgotten land too if you enjoyed this I really recommend my full playthrough of this game thank you so much I hope you have an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody
Channel: ZXMany More
Views: 937,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final boss, kirby and the forgotten land final boss, kirby and the forgotten land ending, kirby forgotten land final boss, kirby forgotten land ending, kirby forgotten land ending cutscene, kirby final boss, kirby ending, final boss kirby, final boss kirby forgotten land, final boss kirby and the forgotten land
Id: p5Wn92J9Q5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 0sec (2040 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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