I 100%'d Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Here's What Happened

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I'm going to 100 Kirby in the Forgotten land in addition to the main story I'm gonna need to rescue all 300 waddle D's by completing every Mission beat all the mini games fully evolve all the copy abilities and finish everything the post game has to offer including collecting all of the 256 figures what a lovely day the weather is perfect what could go wrong oh no everybody run for your lives don't get sucked in do whatever you have to of course I Kirby am in no way getting sucked into the Vortex dope what is this place well you know what I always say if you don't know what it is I have become link from The Legend of Zelda Oh Come here little boy check this out it's like bowling with bombs oh look at the cute little foxes what they're evil all right you asked for it but then [Music] this is the part of the game where you stop asking questions and start driving like a maniac except when the little duckies cross the road then it's back to business once I notice my waddledy friends are imprisoned by an unknown enemy the adorable evil fox has even cornered this teal-colored mythical creature don't worry lad I'll save you I dropped bombs to get rid of the furries then uncage my new friend he introduces himself as alphalin and it also turns out that my pal bandana waddle D made it out alive too he offers a way to play co-op but that would require a friend so Alpha Lynn and I ride the warp star to the next level instead which features the next copy ability the cutter or the boomerang in my eyes it's really good for killing evil bunnies like the car there are more mouthful modes out there like the vending machine you could either attack with the sodas or heal yourself with the sodas um a traffic cone you can become a traffic cone where the developers on acid when they were making this game I guess I can't argue with what gets your results you see every level contains a certain number of missions you need to complete in order to save every waddle D every stage has a set number of hidden waddle Deeds for you to find which is ironic because this one was in plain sight not hidden at all now here's one that was actually hidden away inside an enemy and this one was stuck in a water tank oftentimes though I'd find out at the end of the level that I had an unfinished mission in this case I had passed by this tulip which was one of five I was supposed to bloom now that's more like it with every new stage I'll be sharing the highlights like when I find an ability for the first time this fire is necessary in order to light each of the four lanterns or if you want to blast yourself out of a cannon but oh my goodness my concern for the well-being of the developer sanity continues to weigh on my mind stairs what in the world the signature attack falling over I mean they are helpful when you need to reach those high places I'm just concerned for them but maybe I should worry about myself as I miss the removal of a wanted poster and for the record that is one ugly depiction of Kirby as I return to the Overworld two tears appear on the maps areas known as treasure roads they're essentially minigames that help perfect your craft of Kirby's copy abilities the best part about them is getting rare stones as a reward a currency which I'll be sure to use later some of the portals to treasure Road you find on your own by searching around the map just what I needed a place to flex my traffic cone skills let's get back to the main levels upon entering the rocky rolling roads I attain the spike ability but the gun ability was where it was at working it's eating is now one of my missions this is gonna be a cake walk break the targets ready [Music] wait a minute this scene looks awfully familiar ugh will I ever get all the missions on my first try guess I should pay more attention to the game rather than thinking about the Indiana Jones sequel two more treasure roads appear which I conquer easily then it's off to the mall get in loser we're going shopping now I'm the Iceman just like any mall finding where you want to go can be overwhelming so thankfully there are Clues lying around to help you go the right way and find the missing waddle D's and that's it for them all who would have thought the post-apocalyptic setting would result in fewer visitors afterwards all the waddle D's I saved teamed up to tear down the gate keeping us from the first real boss the brawl at the mall oh my God I hope those didn't belong to anyone because I ate them odd Donkey Kong I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry that's it no more monkey business you're going down you trying to slap me I just got a gym trying to stomp me too I can just jump again throwing rocks now okay that's just rude you winding up too now hold up a minute that's Donkey Kong's upbeat move from Super Smash Brothers doesn't matter I knocked down that ape but just moments later then celebrate with the crew looks like I do need to beat Donkey Kong with Link's ability cue the music [Music] the final mission is to take down Donkey Kong without taking damage it's really not that bad just need to jump a lot and get out of the way when they attack with that all of the waddle D's have been saved from within the first world but there ain't no rest for the release prisoners they get to work right away building what's necessary to survive like a weapon shop and a movie theater okay maybe it's not necessary but how else is Kirby gonna see Avatar 2 with all this crap going on for now I enter the weapon shop where I could trade this waddle D my rare stones in exchange for upgrading my abilities I'll get to show off these during future treasure Road segments now back to the story where we enter World 2 taking a dive into the abandoned beach I was just perusing my way through the beautiful water when all of a sudden a monkey mini boss interrupts my travels no need to worry I've upgraded the fire ability which enables me to spit out literal balls of lava the primates had no chance I'll take your Hammer sir these gainers were once horrifying but turns out they're weak to row boats these mouthful objects keep getting dorkier and dorkier and I don't even know what I spelled with that sign whatever I finally got all the missions first try let's go now come build me more structures a post office and of course I need somewhere to sleep myself all right back to work I go clear a few treasure roads and while the bulk of them are clear simple and easy to do each of them have a Target time that if you beat fast enough you'll earn 50 extra coins like I said most our Cakewalk but some like the stair mini game can be too much to remember all at once so I literally drew a map of what order I was supposed to do everything which eventually resulted in me reaching the target time anyways let's fly on over to the concrete aisles where I swallow a mole who gives me the ability to dig using a drill it's the only way I can dig up items from these dirt Mounds okay what I miss great seabirds hi hi shortly after I learned I was using the drill in all the wrong ways it's all about digging circles around the opponents to Quake surge them all at once faster and neat heroism doesn't bring in the big bucks though so luckily the waddle D Cafe just opened and they're hiring what do I get for serving all these customers in rushed in stressful conditions a toy figure thanks for nothing time to scale the cement Summit quaxley what are you doing here Kirby is no vegetarian and is a fan of duck ooh tornado Powers the Hurricane Katrina made it to the top [Music] [Applause] okay mouthful mode has thrown all logic out the window how does a metal Arch allow Kirby to fly more importantly why am I a grown 30 year old man questioning this universe now the gator got in the house give me that show come here one of these tear down this wall it's time for another boss battle hey that must be wispywood's cousin I'm not gonna lie this guy was a breeze easier than the first boss in my opinion I almost won the battle with no damage on my first try lava power is op there was one mission that required you to get rid of the tree with no powers at all so I guess that was more challenging but not really welcome to wanderia oh boy oh boy I can't wait to try out the rides [Music] uh Kirby you could have just hopped onto the roller coaster oh come on Kirby you didn't have to break it I could sure use a drink after that trappy massage Amy you don't know how it is and that's the level I took a breather with some more treasure Road stages and I even learned that making contact with the enemies in Needle form speeds you up speaking of speed that's what the next level is all about I thought I was some hot shot getting below 25 seconds on my first attempt but no after clearing the stage a mission States you need to do it in under 20 seconds come on come on come on no third attempt's gotta be the record ah freak who keeps putting up all of these obstacles is there a bad guy out there in charge of inventory well fourth try is the one guess what else took me four attempts that's right the second circuit I had to jump off Bridges hop across gaps break through cardboard board I mean who would have guessed that the life of a wado d depended on Kirby's capability to drive now say goodbye to the Legend of Zelda music because the sword has evolved into the gigant sword hello my name Kirby I carry big blade like to hide behind Shield House of Horrors oh no Kirby's scared Kirby don't want go in there it's okay Kirby the developers have given you a light bulb um Mr Andrew this is a kids game it's not scary at all oh really just watch [Music] okay for real there's actually a monster towards the end of the level instead of progressing you'll continue right then you'll see it it's it's it's now that we made it past that spooky segment we can now enjoy the one Daria parade running past this traffic is essentially playing Frogger in a Kirby game or playing Frogger while being oversized that's it moving on to this video sponsor War Thunder the most in-depth vehicle combat game ever made with over 2 000 tanks planes helicopters and ships PVP battles will never grow stale the vehicles are incredibly detailed and modeled to their historic Inspirations making this a highly immersive combat experience that you could play on PC Xbox series X and S PlayStation 5 or last gen consoles on PC the barrier to entry is low because all you need to fly any aircraft is a mouse and keyboard the vast collection of vehicles span over 100 Years of development since 1920. before YouTube I was actually planning on becoming a Navy pilot but now I can experience the thrill of flying on the side while still making videos so go play War Thunder now and make sure you use my link to get massive free Bonus Pack including Vehicles boosters and more thanks War Thunder before taking on the third boss I upgraded the tornado with quaxley's head as Decor that was fun but now it's time to get serious with another upgrade I recently attained two guns Show Yourself third world boss a leopard it's just a leopard will I have firearms ah second amendment rights off that's all I did charge and shoot charge and shoot kept moving to avoid the knives and oh you got me there even when she retreats to above I keep up the gunfire simple enough I love how she loses she just stands there in complete shock probably wondering to herself how did I a beast lose to weapons the standout Mission against her was beating her without hovering The Shield came in really handy for that pair that with well-timed jumps the same strategy applied for beating her damage list but that thing pop-up moved toward the end kept catching me off guard then I remembered just guard you idiot and the waddleds were saved they helped build a Coliseum for tournaments but who would stand a chance against Kerr or Meta Knight oh it is on I entered the Mennonite cup and played safe with the volcano ability at this point in the game it's straight up busted I had to defeat five bosses before Meta Knight and I didn't get hit once by any of them when they catch fire the damage really accelerates when Meta Knight pose a threat to me well it sure doesn't seem like he can he's getting fired up just like the rest of them and since when did Meta Knight get telepathic abilities to hurl rocks like that when his HP had about 10 remaining he was able to land a few strikes including a broken combo I haven't seen since Super Smash Brothers Brawl nevertheless I still came out on top I see your face and I stole your sword up next snow levels there's not much to say about the first stage except for its aesthetic differences and a slight increase in difficulty I did somehow miss this clock tower during my first trip through it I do get to try out a new ability at the next level [Music] I can't move I I can't do anything wake up [Music] earlier at the shop I upgraded my hammer into a toy hammer not sure how that's an improvement but it still gets the job done hammering in these nails and that's already a wrap for this one with 155 of the 300 watt OD saved I can now go fishing the gameplay is simple enough push the buttons that appear on screen foreign the more I fished the bigger they got quite alarmingly fast if I may add then I felt a tug I haven't had before what could the size of this one be Kirby don't fail me now dang look at that blubber fish that's a new record for sure back to business I use my newly upgraded drill a pencil sharpener not sure how that's an improvement anyways on to the windy freezing Seas yup and there problem solved without it the jump attack with the volcano ability counters the wind as well ah three little foxes hibernating in this cave hate the game not the player the next treasure Road Challenge was unique how to use the time crash ability to slow down time and kill enemies along the way to lengthen its usage the penultimate level of the fourth world is the Battle of Blizzard Bridge so I thought upgrading my fire ability again into dragon fire would prepare me well as the title of this stage implies there are battles specifically a gauntlet of mini boss battles easy enough right wrong one of the missions entails beating the wild Frosty twins without getting hit no joke when it came to the first four worlds this was by far the most difficult challenge for me by no means are these guys hard but for whatever reason I couldn't get through them without being damaged and to make it worse they're the last of the mini bosses which means you have to go through all of the fights over and over again talk about tedious I hated every minute of it and was stuck on this level for 50 minutes finally incinerate those Bozo Twins and got out of there now I could relax as I watched the waddo D's deconstruct another wall allowing me to face the next big boss poor little guy I'll save you wait a minute is that King Dedede what is he doing here is he behind all this cultural appropriation he he add guy Hammer swings ground pounds and dash attacks yup this is a king deded battle like the others I light him up with my dragon breath he then kicks it up a notch slamming the ground with a pillar but you can see his swings coming from a mile away Alpha Lynn what a sore loser couldn't take the loss honorably for kidnapping my friend I'll have to rematch you and win without taking damage just FYI I didn't start with full health which is why you see I still completed the mission next up is the fifth world where we have to Traverse across the ocean in the Overworld to make it to the original Wasteland snakes why did it have to be snakes the first area was essentially a fetch Quest level to find five of these green shards I shall call him squishy and he shall be mine come here squishy come here little squishy wash squishy eliminated thus Begins the Oasis search oh I found something there's a pool count as an oasis by the way if you're this far into the video and missions the other thing to highlight here are the big poisonous frogs that need a bath let's get you out of here friends I got some treasure roads to do in particular this one involves the fire dragon ability at first glance it's an obstacle course that can be done with the right Precision but I learned two things how to effectively use the dragon aerial attack and that you could speed up the Rope burning once in the cannon by holding the attack button moving on to the deserted Mall this is the level where you use mouthful modes to squish into holes he was skinny could fit into places we couldn't even before you know it I just had one level remaining before this world's boss it had some dark moments in a literal way not in misfortunes or tragedies things brightened up though once I got outside um Mr sleepyhead if you don't move you'll die I guess that is a dark moment before facing the boss I had two treasure roads with newly upgraded abilities I needed to try out my ice powers could now create snowmen which would ride on conveyor belts to wipe out my foes then there was my cutter which now had blades that could Ricochet off walls but when it came to the boss battle I decided to go with the bombs Kirby is easily deceived by the stuffed alphalin then a wild armadillo appears or silly Dillo just change that last out to DN you got yourself an M rated game armadillas little holes in my backyard so what's great about these new bombs is they now have wheels that lock onto the enemy the silly Dillo rolls around at the speed of sound just like you'd expect from one then when it's low on health it crafts up an ugly dance partner and hurls it at Kirby then spins around the dance floor with it the most important thing I learned from this battle was the Dodge mechanic I accidentally did it once and instantly realized I had been missing out when time just right time will slow down then you can retaliate with the tax and with that the armored mammal Falls to defeat I still had a lot of missions to complete though upon re-entering the battle I noticed a buttload of wanted posters what kind of beef does this guy have with Kirby no matter I rip down those highly inaccurate Kirby dolls and countenance patterns with perfection to win damageless the last World unveiled itself so I dove right in with the warp star lava meteors falling from the sky yep we're in the end game now and I am now just learning that these cute little foxes are called a Wolfies Kirby I don't want to see a single one of those lava balls touch the ground [Laughter] treasure roads left they're getting more interesting too like this one where you have no copy ability gotta suck up the Stars like a normie now to beat the mini bosses I take the car out for a gnarly Joyride after that then get back into the heat of it my new blizzard ability has a new look too which I hang on to a lot in this final world to navigate VIA ice skating over The Lava excellent for breaking into lava ceilings too Romano remember Andrew it's just a video game don't question how the robot is too intact just save the waddle D upon replay to complete the missions I now just realize that the crash ability comes from this bomber the mini boss wild Frosty gets quite the beating from it on to the next one for this stage I just want to take a second to appreciate the level design in the later part of this game Kirby's not the hardest franchise but after you get past the first couple Worlds the level design really knocks it up a notch to be enjoyed by all ages some of the puzzles are similar to ones before just with a little more depth added wish I could show it all and just as I say that I begin the Gathering of the Beast Council the stage with not really anything new at all you faced the previous big baddies in a Boss Rush Style with some platforming segments in between not all the bosses show up here though and all the in-between moments make use of the mouthful mode to be fair the boss battles are my favorite part about this game and for goodness sake Kirby just jump in the dang roller coaster the last stage of the main story is the Beast Pack's final stand all the Minions return for one last two raw I walk in on bunnies worshiping the Croak in a cult-like manner [Music] well I sail the scurvy seeds infested with large black crocodiles and I get my own Quicksilver moment then I ride a falling Tower down to stab the humongous snapping turtle in the back what are these do your thing my weapon of choice for the sixth boss my newly updated Space Gun King DDD again I'll snipe him before the battle begins King Dedede in Primal form and wields two hammers he spins around with them stirring up a tornado but I respond with some western style combat sometimes I was too trigger happy with charging my shots but most of the time I was on point [Applause] we transitioned into a second phase easy peasy King DDD it's like I'm hurting in some loose cattle he had a few new tricks up his sleeve like summoning fire from the palm of his hands more ground pounds and even managed to inhale us hey that's my move I kept up the constant gunfire calming the beastlight king however it appears that the king wasn't behind all the evil going on looks like we knocked him back into his senses no time for a cheerful reunion we got company the gang and I head to the elevator but a lot of D trips and is Left Behind King DVD the elevator is going to close what are you doing your highness there are too many of them no don't be a hair grow meanwhile welcome visitors to the dream discoveries tour of our science facility [Music] along the way up a recorded voice in a cheerful tone informed us of the ultimate life specimen idf86 it began a campaign of Destruction but the research team was able to capture it and maintain it here in the lab for research from that research came the planetary warp technology however 30 years later a warp experiment incident occurred in this facility where a new life form separated from the main specimen Escape before the subject sits a lion on a throne he calls the specimen the great one but it's not in full form without its other half he claims it granted the people here miraculous power then those same people left for a land of dreams so he thinks once this great one is in its complete form they can have that power same as the others when they left this forgotten land oh oh he said the phrase he said the title of the game uh-oh alphalinist the other half you just made this personal slashes is that all you got double fish slam oh I'm so scared Kirby show this animal the power of Technology this guy seriously has nothing on Kirby's Dodges maybe I should stop mocking because now he's in some kind of beast mode holy Toledo Batman he's shooting x-shaped lasers from his claws jeez hang in there Kirby you're almost there aim charge fire oh he's not dead yet bigger problem the big pink brain thing has woken up and it's hungry consuming up those that were on its side including the lion run and Fire Can't Forget to fire the Dodge rolls were the most effective way to make space between us and them I was even able to shoot a charge shot and continue bombarding them with raid blasts sick of our Shenanigans it ejects its slimy tentacles at us in an attempt to absorb us too Kirby evaded them but alphalyn wasn't so lucky then it flew off as I ascended the staircase to chase after them I picked up the ball ability this awaited me at the top foreign wait a second I thought that was this guy I'm the world's ultimate life this guy doesn't care though jumping right into action chucking shorts of light at me also bombs Andrew yeah big mistake for a boss that likes to not be on the ground there are moments but it's hard not to be greedy squeezing in every bomb you can throw at them until they strike back at you looking at their massive HP bar does change my mind since I really need to prioritize my safety first good news is that the new attacks fecto elphilis shows off happens to keep them grounded so bombs away Kirby want to stab a spirit to the ground be my guest with the third of their health remaining the life form darkens the sky opens a portal then starts launching asteroids at me rude okay Doctor Strange gonna multiply yourself I see you can heal oh brother next time the Homing bombs help me track down the real one right away if you inflict enough damage to stop their healing the payoff is so worth it Alpha Lynn give me back my friend [Music] alphalyn is freed and we see the ultimate life form Begin to Fall Apart they're not going down without one last attack it's using Kirby's own Homeworld Planet Pop Star to collide with this one how do we stop that a truck of course why didn't I think of that in the first place a semi truck is going to save the world a building hopping semi truck with QuickTime events too this truck is op ah Super Saiyan Super Saiyan blue [Music] everything is being pulled in I need to close the connection between worlds hey Kirby thanks for everything [Music] oh man Kirby's depressed you'll never see his friend again oh he's still alive well that sad moment was short-lived the bosses are apparently good guys now too come up here for a kiss she actually wants us to save Leon the big lion guy who's now trapped in this place before that though I went back to beat four go King Dedede again to complete the remaining objectives all 300 watt ODS had now been saved in return they crafted statues of us um no offense but alphalyn didn't do anything a couple of the treasure roads seemed to still be locked so I decided now would be a good time to do the post game the Collectibles here are pieces of Leon's soul and thank goodness alphalyn chimes in to tell you that you gathered all the ones in the area before progressing on to the next part aside from that though there's not much else to say about these levels other than there are more difficult mashup of what consisted in the worlds they represent there are loads of fun to play just not much new to explain the standout for the second post-game world was this windy section I had to retry it multiple times to ensure I didn't miss a single piece of Leon Seoul I can't stress it enough alphalyn notifying you of completion makes 100 in the post game a much better experience the tropical tree boss's counterpart in this had a noticeable glam in difficulty as well the third world had some neat stuff like this top-down viewing room that I had to navigate out of but the embarrassing part was it took me quite a while to find this specific piece of Leon's Soul after that I took a break from this Doom and Gloom to try out all the new stuff in town like the Tilton roll game easy peasy give me a harder one oh two of them at once you really thought that would stump me more more this looks like a worthy challenge didn't beat it as fast as the other ones but still managed to overcome it extra hard what does this entail same as the third tone roll but add gordos I would normally speed past the first part but the bridge of Doom the bridge of Doom was infuriating I fell off the ledge here more times than I can recall and I just had to beat this within 30 seconds to get that bonus [Music] ah we're here for the regular Kirby stuff not the mini games so here's the winning attempt that took 15 minutes of my time next I checked on King DDD but he had his servant do the talking instead who gave me another Hammer upgrade dual wielding hammers this unlocked one of the two remaining treasure roads a gauntlet of foes to squash with ddd's hammers back to the post game Madness all seem to be going as expected until I inhaled the vending machine [Music] you see what's wrong I'm already out of sodas so I restarted the level held on to my three precious cans trekked over to the other side and used them what they were meant for oh and I forgot to mention that the Hammers when fully charged ignite fire that can melt ice four down two to go the Phantom bosses for the last two added in weather effects I didn't notice an effect on my performance from the sandstorm against silly Dillo as for the lava added for the Phantom 4 go King DDD battle Yeah I had more of a noticeable challenge with that all 300 bits of Leon Seoul had been successfully gathered and it was on to the post game final boss we returned all of Leon to well himself now dance line boy but of course he's still possessed why wouldn't he be during my time with the post game levels I grew a fondness for the final cutter ability the buzz saw the damage it can rack up when you freeze into midair then another solid chunk winner returns to you is satisfying Leon is defeated just like before but now the stupid brain thingy assists him further their new moves include summoning lightning rings by pounding the ground lunge attacks and Falling Rocks as they uncontrollably breathe the Hyper Beam when their HP bar has only a third of it remaining specimen idf86 takes on a ghost form blasting energy shots at you too little too late I have freed Leon from your grasp a butterfly floats on in and disintegrates that being into specks of matter [Music] or not even by this game's logic what does this butterfly styled Meta Knight have to do with any of this I was not ready for this and you don't get healed for this fight so I lost I thought that was a cheap move to have three bosses in a row with no healing so I went back to town to try out the item shop which I hadn't done before I bought a life up to double my health and why not because I got the money I purchased five doses of attack boost to last 999 seconds I also equipped the space gun and the power of these uncharged shots are amazing when you do fire at full power it's stupendous let's skip ahead to what we came to exact Revenge upon morphonite he's got the moves you'd expect from a Flame Swordsman but also has some trippy ones like I swear the guys on ass and morphing the screen a bit then putting it at an angle thankfully my newfound power is no match for him and brings us the victory that should have been ours in the first place good riddance hand over to blueprint to that power unfortunately Leon didn't make it however the other Beast arrive and chip in parts of Leon's Soul why do you all have pieces of him were you going to revolt later whatever happy ending I don't have enough rare stones for that last upgrade I obtained so I take a stroll around town the local band needed some cash so boom here's some that's one expensive figure let's go revisit the Coliseum the ultimate cup is an inferior version of the final cup so let's skip that one for the video and put our focus on the ultimate cup Z I entered the lobby beginning the tournament the first two are Phantom bosses been there done that battle number three consisted of two mini bosses same with battle number four I think you get the idea of what kind of Boss Rush this is that is until battle number 10 where Leon smacked away my space gun and I struggled to recover it then this happened say bye to the ray gun so going into the penultimate round I had to go with the buzz saw it got the job done versus morphle knight but came with the price with no food assistance in the lobby I had to enter the finals like this and the final boss had a new look just a couple mistakes later and I was done for my fraction of HP wasn't the problem though because I could just retry for a small fee I could chip away at them enough without health and the needle ability however there was a brand new phase this chaotic being had up its sleeve if only I'd taken a life up before the attorney started now a small part of me wanted to become Champion using no items at all but I noticed it didn't affect 100 in the game so I thought what the heck I'll complete the game now and if I feel like it in the future I'll do it on my own time thus I maxed out my HP attack speed and bought another life up it goes without saying I'm in a much better spot than I was last time when facing this monstrosity this is one long fight and it was tough so I'll keep it as concise as I can most of its move are the same as its original form but there are some new ones like the surrounding blades once they stop you can just move out of the way then attack them while they're defenseless for the swipes stay airborne keep up the dodging Maneuvers get some freebie shots in when you time your road just right then things get serious actually it's surprising how much simply floating in the air keeps you safe not from this though you gotta put some effort in to get out of the way alright Final Phase of the final boss of the tournament just keep running just keep running close but no cigar you bundle of chaos uh-oh I'm all out of items come on Kirby we got this uh how many forms does this thing have it blasts into an asteroid sending the debris right back at Kirby jumping on top of the pile of hunk is the only way to avoid this which I failed miserably my first time then there's the electrifying Shenanigans you can bet your bottom dollar I didn't waste any chance I had to charge up the loop repeats and I'm improving every second that passes a few minutes later and the ending was here at last the creature dissolves into its Soul form which now rests within alphalin a new reign of Peace in the Forgotten land and I take my place in the Winner's Circle still not done yet but fret not viewers that six percent will be done very swiftly I fully evolved my last copy ability the morphonite sword fly over to the last treasure Road knock the lights out of everyone there even within Target time and then make my way over to the gotcha machines admittedly I was nervous about this all figures are necessary for completion and now it's down to luck I did do a great job spending as little money as possible throughout my playthrough in case of a time like this arose I also entered in all the passwords at the post office that included rare stones for when I ran out of coins thanks Reddit it's actually a must to type in a set number of passwords to obtain this exclusive figure similar to buying food from the cafe and checking out the cinema it all paid off in the end because I only had six figures remaining after spending all of my money I used the rare stones I got for my packages to trade with this waddle D who would guarantee you missing figures from your collection and that's how I 100 in Kirby and the Forgotten land remember to download War Thunder it's a great way to support my Channel for free while having fun in the process just make sure to use my link to get a large free bonus package including multiple premium Vehicles premium account boosters and much more thank you to my patrons YouTube members and twitch Subs you all have a good one thanks
Channel: The Andrew Collette Show
Views: 3,138,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kirby, nintendo switch, switch, kirby and the forgotten land, kirby nintendo switch, kirby star allies, kirby and the forgotten land ost, kirby and the forgotten land review, kirby and the forgotten land final boss, kirby and the forgotten land gameplay, 100%, can i beat kirby and the forgotten land, andrew collette, the andrew collette show, andrew collette show
Id: 9caP1twmfEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 40sec (2140 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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