Kirby's Dream Buffet FULL GAME! All Kirby Power-ups/ All Outfits + Minigames!!

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today we play kirby's dream buffet playing all the main game modes and mini games and i'll show you every kirby color and all of kirby's costumes and some of the kirby outfit rewards are really fantastic thank you so much for watching and i hope you enjoyed this video okay we've got a cake over here just like peach's birthday oh my goodness it is kirby that is a giant kirby i didn't realize the cake was so small is he gonna swallow it wait does he even need to use the fork what is happening to kirby wait did kirby just shrink down oh kirby shrunk that wait was kirby giant or was he normal size kirby is so adorable i love the look on his face okay i guess maybe now he's gonna enjoy the cake even more because now it's a giant cake that he could eat oh my goodness and there are kirby's of different colors over here that's so funny how he waves at them oh wait but they're all running back i love how we roll like this this is such an adorable looking game wow okay that was a great start to the game okay let's get started then okay here's our kirby it looks like a little marvel that's so cute oh oh i thought that you uh going select left and right but you actually move around and then you can go to different areas wait what is this what is this cupcake tell me what this cupcake is half credits no we didn't beat the game yet what's going on yeah we already made it to the credits that's a speed run of this game oh there are different costumes and colors oh wow it looks like there's actually a lot of stuff that you could unlock yeah there are several pages of stuff that you could unlock okay so let's go to the main menu over here all right let's do battle mode okay i'm ready okay one player here we go here we go oh sweet normal spicy or extra spicy i guess like the more spicy the more difficult it is okay let's try on an easier one first because it's our first time playing bigger kirbys will roll faster the biggest kirby wins the smaller you are the longer you can hover oh and you press a number oh okay so it's like there is an advantage of being small race to claim a strawberry mountain once all three are eaten the grand prix will continue press r to use copy food abilities attack your biggest rivals to steal their strawberries this seems crazy hey let's go for the gourmet grand prix then it looks like there are a lot of game modes i thought this would be like a short little game with not much to do but uh it looks like a lot is actually happening over here okay so let's see so we want to go uh get that strawberry then okay race to the strawberry mountains wait is this at all like fall guys a lot of people have been asking me to play fall guys i wonder if this is at all like fall guys over here wait oh let's go let's go all right i'm ready go wait do i eat these strawberries do these strawberries give me a boost eat the strawberries let's go oh oh i guess i collect the strawberries as you go through them you probably collect the strawberries go wait what is this oh we got a lot of strawberries there whoa whoa i'm guessing that this whoa size up okay okay we got bigger is this at all like fall guys go i'm guessing that this is like fall guys wait is that the other guy beside me over there oh my goodness the cpu is so fast i'm taking this one then okay let's go get out of my way get out of my way i almost knocked him off there okay let's see i'd like to be able to turn the camera i'm not sure if you can let me through let me through let me through let me through why are we all here together we shouldn't be all here together we should be moving at different rates oh oh wait it looks like i can press r for some kind of spicy boost or something oh that lets me go fast whoa okay let's see let's go up this wall come on up the wall kirby there we are we're doing very good over here wait what is that 25 oh oh that's the number of uh strawberries i have let's just come on over here i've got a lot of stuff over here okay go fast go fast oh we got a cherry too whoa that's nice lots of strawberries over here let's just come on over oh i went into some slow moving stuff over there oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy okay it looks like if you go into that goop or butter or whatever it is it slows you down okay but am i ahead of the others how are we doing wait wait is this the end over here i think this might be the end oh oh you spin around spin around wait do you have to spin around in a specific direction hey size up okay oh let me out of here let me out of here wait can i not get out am i am i stuck in here now oh okay okay i guess it's like i was there first so i'm in that one yeah 105 let's go we are such a big kirby wait goal defeat enemies okay okay wait i didn't know that there's a round two wait what are we doing what are we doing oh there's an enemy there go defeat the enemy wait how are they defeating the enemies i would like to go go go defeat them so many enemies here oh that one has three i gotta get that one come here oh no they got him they got him uh oh okay how are we doing here let's see i guess we're in first place because we do have that first place thing so far okay that was a fast round over there that first round was much longer race to the strawberry mountains okay wait a minute didn't we just do this okay i guess we have or maybe this is a different one oh wait there are different water one of these over here boost me let me go fast gotta go fast like sonic over here oh give me those strawberries let's go size up we are becoming even larger now we are a giant kirby over here we shall destroy these walls over here make our way through the walls get out of my way cpus give me that strawberry give me this over here can we break through those oh my goodness oh i saw that there's a pack of five strawberries over there whoa don't fall off don't fall off i don't know if we lose if we fall off is it like fall guys i've never played ball guys before get out of my way bro get out of my way other cpus let's see go move oh that's so funny how he knocked him over like that oh no oh no whoa whoa whoa whoa don't fall don't fall don't fall oh my goodness don't knock me off bros let's go where are we going my bros oh don't shoot me okay good good good how close are we to the end oh i'm so scared i'm so scared here yeah we got the five right there let's go okay now just come on through here oh my goodness we have so much stuff over here but i'm scared that if we make a mistake whoa whoa whoa whoa there's the end give me that give me that give me that let's go let's go okay spin around quickly eat all the strawberries yes there we go 216. what happens if we fall though okay and we still get to collect some of these as they come down 219. that is so ready let's go we have more than double the cpu in second doing pretty good over here wait goal wait i didn't read what i said what are we doing what are we doing oh boy oh no no they knocked me out wait defeated wait did i lose oh i guess if you fall off you just lose a bunch wait what in the world is going on oh i guess it's like battle royale you want to try and knock each other over okay okay wait where did everybody go oh it's trying to pick me up i will not let it scoop me wait where's everybody going is everyone going this way or something what's going on oh no oh no they knocked me over okay let's see oh so if someone knocks you over then they get a bunch of your stuff that's what it looks like see i've got an ability though i'm gonna go like this that didn't hurt them though oh no but i'm bigger than you so i can knock you off like that oh boy be careful be careful be careful let's see a bunch of strawberries here do you have an ability okay i think i understand how it works it's like you want to knock the others off but you want to be careful to not go into them while they have their abilities active because when they have their abilities active uh like when they're spiky you get hurt if you go into them oh i wanted to knock this guy over 329 how do we have so much kirby is becoming gigantic okay oh results is it over now this is the first event okay i think that we are the biggest one here wait most cherry shop oh oh so you get uh you get bonuses these are like bonus stars in mario party or something the winner is i wonder who the winner is i wonder who's the biggest over here we're so big that we broke this scale oh my goodness 369 very nice what a great kirby i want to see what else is in this game okay wait what's our gourmet rank oh we shrunk back down okay we get some points you got a costume whipped cream that is pretty adorable oh you got a color fire red like pokemon fire and yes we have the red one okay wait we only made it to level three hold on you got a kirby treat kirby okay nice you got a kirby treat kind wow we only made it to level three i think i saw the home screen that there's stuff to unlock all the way up to like level 100 and something that's unbelievable let's change event type what happens if you do single race i'd like to try every single game mode okay so here's single race okay cake rolls race to strawberry mountains okay so we're kirby over here wait wait wait are we facing up against one of these ears let's knock them out of the way let's go oh boy but you probably want the strawberries because you become bigger let's go my bros let's go float on up okay okay that's fine that's fine and i think you want these because those give you several strawberries wait a minute what are these these are new what's this oh it's like a little boost over here it's actually kind of hard to control though it's actually so hard to control this wait a minute let's go come on come on come on come on that's the thing it's like when you get over to one of these like uh the other cpus they might be able to catch up to you in an opportunity like i was hoping that i'd be able to get up there how are you guys so fast how are these one of these so fast oh my gosh take out the five get up get up kirby get up kirby let's go let's go let's go let's go okay i'm going around uh this way why aren't you floating my bro full out my bro okay okay but there's a wall here anyways okay so that slowed them down anyway so that's okay so i guess in some parts it wait i'm taking the scarier path let's go let's go get up there kirby come on come on come on come on come on let's go give me the five good job now i'll take i wanted that actually let's see not a lot of time left over here we've got to make it to the end oh boy what if they get to the big one first oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no can i jump onto that one or no oh they already got to that one i'm getting to this one oh sorry bro i'm taking this one okay so it looks like they got to that bigger one so they get a bigger bonus but hopefully we can still win overall let's see what happens oh boy this is gonna be a close one i don't know if we're actually winning this race let's see okay we're looking pretty big but i don't know what's gonna happen with the bonuses are there bonuses or no oh okay very nice we went over here i love the little medal that is on us the first phrase the first place prize over there this is so nice okay kirby is such an adorable character okay you got a new music track to play during races carmel country western nice okay and we're level four now compliments of the chef you got a character treat pixel ruff and nelly let's do single mini game have we played all of the mini games or is there a different minigame now wait today's special tea time wait a minute hop into cups and eat strawberries wait a minute wait a minute we haven't done a mini game like this before okay let's see this then oh no no he knocked me out there's one over here i'm going up here i'm getting up here ah sorry bros nice try but these are my strawberries nice try oh boy they got them they got them okay i'm coming here then come here strawberries yes i will get these yes move bro move bro oh boy i need those oh i don't know if i got them but a bunch are coming here now let's go a bunch over here beautiful i missed that last one oh no i got it actually all right how did we do that this is so cool i really like these mini games let's see this is actually a really close one but i think we win this one i think we are the biggest very nice what if i do play again will it be a different minigame or the same minigame oh this is looking different chiffon cake eat the falling strawberries okay let's pay attention we've got our cute little kirby over here let's see where the strawberries gonna fall oh boy guys these are my strawberries okay oh boy oh boy it's so hard to tell where they're going to be oh three no how could you get that three there i'm taking that three no you got the three i'm taking this three i'm taking that one and this what in the world oh that's a bomb i'm like there's something big falling over there i'm going to go get it it was very dangerous a three give me the three okay very nice very nice very nice oh boy i would have loved the three i would have loved that three give me these right there oh boy i actually don't know if we won this one maybe the yellow or the blue one one actually this is close this might be the first mini game that we lose let's see what is going to happen wait how is the green one so small the yellow one might be bigger than me is the yellow one bigger oh it's a tie i guess okay nice okay that's fine oh wow we have the exact same number that is so much closer than i thought it'd be i thought it's just because we're the same size and the exact number doesn't matter but maybe the exact number of strawberries actually matters okay we're on some kind of pie mini game over here crumble crates and eat strawberries okay let's go look for some crates to destroy let's see oh give me the strawberries come here come here yes yes give me those okay and you know what we can do you know what we can do we can just have the others break this spirit break the crates and then we collect the strawberries let's go oh give me those strawberries yes i love when they break the crate but i get the strawberries that is the best way to go about it that's the best way yes give me all of those yes give me these it's so funny when they break a crate and then they just step away from the strawberries okay i think we're winning this one i'm pretty confident with how that went even though we all look like we are about the same size over here i think we got a good amount of strawberries over here let's see how we did results i think we are the biggest i think we got the most right we definitely won that one okay green was close behind over there i think right yeah green was seven behind green did very well over there all right let's see what is the next mini game going to be there are some uh okay this one's called cheese fondue is that a cucumber or is that zucchini oh oh wait hold on i pressed a too quickly okay it said defeat enemies and something probably end and uh collect strawberries give me that stop being so good everybody stop it you're all too good okay oh my goodness these guys are too good wait what's in here oh oh you move more slowly when you're on this soup okay i was confused for a second i'm like what in the world is going on how come they're moving so quickly and i'm moving so slowly but it's like uh there we go okay now we gotta size up okay good good good okay let's see man there's so much happening this is crazy go there go there i gotta get that one i gotta get that one i gotta get there bro get out of my way get out of my way wait did i get that three after and i have only 14. is this the first one that we lost that green and blue they both look humongous uh oh yellow winds for sure oh my goodness i'm not very heavy over here oh wow congratulations to yellow over here third place oh my goodness that was so sad that was so sad i didn't really know how that worked okay we got a bit of experience for coming in third still okay cheese fondue mini game over here eat the falling strawberries okay we have a shot to redeem ourselves over here but wait a minute wait a minute hold on the level actually looks a bit different this time oh oh wait in this one you're not defeating enemies you're just uh collecting strawberries okay let's see oh that's a bomb don't go to the bomb wait there's so many strawberries here and no one's collecting these and this one and a nice big three over there and we get a size up that's nice get this one oh give me that three let's go bros let's go bros here we are oh oh a three a three up there give me the three give me the three please i don't know if we got it or if another guy got it oh give me that one right there okay and whoa we even got that three at the last second there okay i wonder if we needed that three at the very end to win let's see this is one thing that's kind of slow about the game this results screen like why does this show up after every single mini game why don't they just say like this kirby wins right away like in mario party it's a little slow okay we would have won either way though that's fine oh and we got another level up that means that we unlock some new stuff oh bandana waddle the costume that's cool okay and hold on here's a waffle one wait did i call this a pancake earlier i think we've played have we played this one before hold on no this is a new one no because over here we're defeating enemies okay let's see you defeat the enemies by just walking into them it seems like that's what you do that one has three i need that give me that no boy okay where are we going though oh boy you move up quite slowly and uncontrollably sometimes give me that one oh i need that three i need that three thank you very much give me that one let's use a power up gotta move fast and okay another one and maybe one more okay that's fine 25. yeah this wasn't you and i don't think we've seen this minigame before okay so we should be winning this one right i think we win this one right the winner is kirby i love how even the people that lose are happy that's such good sportsmanship everyone is just happy to have been able to participate that's the most important thing but you know what some of these mini games are kind of similar so sometimes i'm like wait have we played this before or not wait it's a green waffle that what in the world this is so strange why is the waffle green is it is it ruined oh boy oh it fell off i didn't know the strawberries can fall off bro stop it stop it are these cpus getting better or something i swear they're getting better they've got to be getting better okay i'm gonna let these guys destroy the crates meanwhile okay i'm i'm destroying crates i meant to uh i wanted them to destroy crates and i just collect the strawberries that would that would have been the ideal way to go about it i think but i'm just destroying a lot of crates myself let's see 33 that's pretty good but the others they also did very well so i don't know if we're winning this one and how we doing over here yellow is huge i don't know if we win yellow's bigger isn't he yellow wins this one congratulations to yellow 42 oh my goodness how did you do so well answer to the universe and everything okay is this new tee time up into cups and eat strawberries wait we have had this one before right i think we've had this one like two or three times now right oh move bros okay okay sure you get some of those that's fine i'm going here though you bros aren't taking any of these ah nice try bros but oh boy i couldn't get the last one give me these give me those okay it's so hard to control where you roll let's go yes it's like once you start moving it's like you have some momentum oh and you also don't know how many strawberries are going to drop into a certain spot oh boy like over there that's a lot and luckily we got a lot of them and get me in there yes okay 46. that's a lot of strawberries wait i wonder if the amount of experience that you get like the amount of xp that you get at the end of every round is that equal to the amount of strawberries that you get let's see because we got 46 strawberries there right i think we got 46 right yeah we got 46 and our xp for our rank let's see okay we got plus 46 okay oh and it shows the number of victories you have in the top right corner also oh wait wait no no no no have we seen this one before cupcakes rumble crates and eat strawberries okay let's see i need them to break the crates and i will collect the strawberries that's how we will do it you will all break the crates i will collect the strawberries i think that is a good arrangement that we have here let's see okay i gotta size up that's very nice okay good give me those move move bro get me out of here get me out of here there's a lot of strawberries over here that's what i need i need these strawberries can't let you guys collect these strawberries no no no no no these strawberries must be uh must be given to me oh boy give me those give me those give me those how did we do 35 oh and i was thinking that maybe you also get some bonus strawberries if you win like a certain amount of times in a row like maybe if you have a winning streak you get more let's see if that's right oh yellow might actually win this is yellow one higher oh my goodness yellow is three higher man that is a tough one to win the one with the crates is hard to win how are the cpu so good this is supposed to be the easiest difficulty oh and now it's falling strawberries okay so it seems like the way that the mini games work is there are a few different stages there's like cupcakes and then there's uh and then there's some other ones there's like cupcakes and waffles and some other ones but it seems like the way that the main mini games work is either you catch the falling strawberries or you defeat enemies for strawberries or strawberries come for crates okay and ah you got the three that's not good give me that three very nice i mean over here yeah there are a lot of those uh exploding things falling in the center this time i wanted that three okay this time we got only 30. i don't know if we're winning i felt like we were playing pretty good but man it's so hard to keep track of the cpus they do so well in this let's see [Music] okay we do in that one okay i just want to get up to 10 victories okay now we have a cupcake so okay now we're defeating enemies over here yeah and it seems like there are also different colored versions of the stages yeah so it really seems like there isn't uh is there really a lot to this game or no because at first my first impression was that there isn't really a lot dude this game get the three bouncy guy get the guy please oh my goodness and that guy oh my goodness there are so many threes around here but it's so hard to get them okay let's see oh wait is that an enemy or a person oh that's a that's a that's a three give me the three give me the three come here okay good good good oh my goodness that yellow one is gigantic that yellow one won for sure there's no way i'm beating that yellow i might even be in third now some of these guys are way too good at this mini game i wonder what the harder difficulties are like if this is what the easiest difficulty is like i'm losing so many games even this is wild yeah third place there by uh one strawberry okay but we reached ranked six oh we got d orange that's pretty cool it's like the same color as a waddle d okay tea time yeah wait hop into cups and eat strawberries okay so we've had this one before wait wait wait wait wait okay but this one's slightly different there's no cup in the center there's a piece of cake in the center or a slice of cake be more precise let me down here give me those very nice okay now just come up here and get all these or most of them i hope give me those okay good give me all these whoa get those yeah there we are okay oh no one's going for these that's fine i'll take those then which one's gonna have the most that one's got a lot get me in there oh boy oh boy that yellow fella's got a lot oh boy that yellow one's getting so much uh did yellow come back and win at the end there because yellow just like gobbled up a few cups of strawberries there let's see what's going on here i think we're still here yeah we're still bigger you can tell by looking at the scale too how heavy your character is okay and we won by quite a bit we won by 13. okay i want one more victory i want to get up to 10 victories and then i'll test out the other game modes i want to make sure that we're getting all the mini games in every single game mode okay so now we're on the waffle eat the falling strawberries yeah it seems like there isn't too much variety in terms of the mini games it's basically like uh well i haven't played fall guys so i can't say that it's basically like fall guys but it's like my understanding of all guys did i get the three or did he oh boy okay got a few strawberries here got a few over here give me that three right there okay good oh boy oh there's a three up there but you know what i'll come here i'll get these i need that three yes there we are do that if i can get that three that'd be amazing oh no they got it they gotta give me this okay we were dizzy for a second but we still got that three okay 31 at the end i didn't see if we were losing any strawberries from the explosion but hopefully we win over here let's see please tell me we win here okay good okay the orange one is so small orange one on the far right there but we win here okay and we have a winning streak right two in a row okay so do we get only 31 or do we get more than 31 right now because we have a winning streak let's see oh i guess you only get 31 okay so even if you have a winning streak let's see are there really no other mini games wait a minute is this a new one hi no we've seen wait i don't know if we've seen this type of pie we've seen the apple pie before but this one it almost seems like a lemon meringue pie or something like that with some kind of green ice cream on here but this one it does uh seem a little different but yeah it seems like it's basically the same minigames repeated on different stages and stages that are differently colored i'm surprised that there isn't more to this game i'm actually very surprised that there isn't that much to this game well i guess this game it's like only a digital release i'm pretty sure and at first when i heard that this game was only a digital release i was thinking i'm like but why why not have a physical copy of the game so it feels like you're actually paying for something like i don't know when you just buy a digital copy of a game i feel like it should be a lot cheaper than it is compared to buying a physical copy of the game because for a digital copy of the game you can sell basically as many as you want of them and it doesn't cost much more to sell more digital copies of a game thank you for playing kirby star allies how did you know that i was playing kirby star allies as a special bonus three different music tracks from kirby star allies can now be played during races oh thank you for playing kirby in the forgotten that's so cool so if you've played other kirby games on your nintendo switch i guess if you have save data for them then you get like extra you get extra bonuses like this you get to play different music from those games that is super cool all right and let's take a look at uh what animations curve he's got okay so if you press up on the d-pad you can go like this if you press right on the d-pad then kirby's so surprised like this that's very funny if you press down ah kirby smiles and waves like this that's very nice if you do left ah how adorable is that kirby is such a cute character okay and i guess those are all the animations because those are the four d-pad directions this one's so funny it just reminds me a lot of kirby in the forgotten land let's dress up let's change our outfit today we are blue crappy now it is time to be blue kirby and to go to another event okay so we've played through these first three modes but we haven't done single battle royale and free rolling let's do single battle royale i guess it'll just be one battle royale like what you have at the end of the grand prix okay main course whole cakes oh so i guess there are uh different different courses for the battle royale okay let's see let's get these strawberries to start off bro i'm knocking you off oh oh oh oh climb back up climb back up okay okay okay so let's see we can get different uh copy abilities you know what we've got this right now let's go tornado mode tornado mode tornado mode size up let's go what else do we have hey oh knocked me that far oh my goodness we got minus five for that oh my goodness that was quite brutal that's quite the punishment we had there okay tornado mode tornado mode we are spinning around like a madman go can i use something knock them off oh boy it's so hard to knock people off wait who uses that uh that that grabbing thing over there it's like master hand coming down trying to grab us boost into them and knock them off yeah there we go okay very nice we're nice and big over here getting ready to knock them up here because if you knock them off you get extra you get some of their strawberries like they lose some strawberries and you gain some no it grabbed me oh my goodness minus 20. that's so sad oh my goodness wait oh and time's almost up oh i didn't realize that i was there i was trying to see where i was but i couldn't see which one i was oh no oh no i don't know if we won now because we got knocked off there at the end uh oh we lost a bunch of strawberries we're getting knocked off at the end there oh no i thought that was pink kirby for a second i think green is the biggest right [Music] yeah green is the biggest there oh my goodness oh cool rank seven that's nice a new music track unlocked very nice i want to do this again i want to win this oh francisca i know her yeah she's from kirby star allies i'm actually playing through that game right now okay let's do this again i want to win a battle royale oh this is a different stage okay so i guess we'll go through uh all the battle royale stages so we can see all of them because there must be a few oh this is so cool this is really cool okay so the strawberries come down you want to collect the strawberries but you also want to knock the oh my goodness they knocked me off i don't even have any strawberries they defeated me but i don't even have any strawberries why are you guys doing this to me you guys gotta gotta give me a break guys you fellas gotta give me a break okay fellas all right hey this thing's dropping strawberries near me so that's nice that guy's trying to grab me don't don't don't knock me over okay hey i'm gonna use my wheel bonus okay give me those strawberries give me those there we go i'm knocking you off bam there we go bam that is a nice hard hit over there okay so it looks like you get plus five for defeating someone ah get back up get back up oh boy oh boy wait this is so scary okay looks like you move very slowly when you're on the tomatoes oh lots of strawberries being dropped over here okay let's go do i have any abilities let's see i've got the wheel actually i don't know if i've got the wheel i'm dizzy don't knock me out i got knocked out i lost 15 oh no oh no okay do i have the tornado ability now i think i have the tornado ability now let's go let's go i gotta knock over someone gotta knock someone over does the tornado help with knocking someone over does it only make the tornado or does it only make the strawberries get sucked into you okay i don't know if we won this one i think we did a bit better but i don't know if we still went wait does yellow win or do i or does pink win oh yes yes okay i must have won by like one or two strawberries oh i won by uh 17 strawberries actually okay 106. that's nice the nice thing about this mode about the battle royale is that you collect a lot of strawberries and all the strawberries that you collect wait pudding's a la mode this one looks crazy oh my goodness the thing that's wild about this one and it looks like you could fall down in the center there oh i've got some kind of jelly ability now i guess and i'm size up go jelly mode does jelly mode let you like move more quickly or something i'm not sure what that does okay well it's worn out anyways what am i just trying to collect stuff and i don't worry about knocking others out oh my goodness i was destroyed by that brick over there let's go let's go get me up here okay collect a bunch of these don't knock me out bro don't knock me out bro so many strawberries are right there oh my goodness they just got so many strawberries let's go give me that very nice i just want to knock you guys out okay just behave behave behave okay stay back stay back okay guys why do you want to be spiky for huh why would you want to be spiky for i'm just going to be a slime over here that moves around like this no one's gonna give me any trouble when i'm in a slime right right whoa that's a lot wait how did i turn into the stone oh no oh no oh they defeated me right at the end let me collect a bunch over here let's go just a few seconds left very nice very nice look at all these strawberries i'm collecting right at the end over here beautiful 138 oh my goodness okay i think we win this one i think we're the biggest here we probably won that by quite a bit very nice oh my goodness we got a costume kirby burger that is way too funny we are now the kirby burger okay let's see what other battle royale stages are there wait sandwiches have we had this one i don't know if we've had this one okay but now we are the yellow kirby burger let's see how well yellow kirby burger can do wait wait wait well last time there were tomatoes down here so i guess the stages can be slightly different oh boy oh boy that pink kirby is just destroying down there that pink kirby is way too good that pink kirby needs to calm down okay hey pink kirby you need to calm down pink kirby okay you're gonna drop down some stuff on me aren't you yes yes yes yes yes let's go let's go everyone come here i wanted to use my ability i thought i had an ability let's go okay i have the stone ability okay everyone come here come here go come here ah oh my wave hit the blue guy okay yeah so when you take those guys out with the wave from using the stone ability it deals a bit of damage onto the rod it almost caught me i'm jelly now oh there my name's jelly i'm a little jelly over here let's get some more strawberries we've got like nothing go let me get you guys out come here guys get out of here stop it leave me alone please i just want some strawberries here i just like to oh my goodness i got knocked out oh my goodness lost a bunch wait what's the time time's almost up oh boy oh boy not great only 58 sometimes i've got like 120 130 this time we've only got 58. we can't win with that can we let's oh my goodness pink is gigantic painted way too well that road [Music] okay hold on i just had to take a little break okay so let's do this whole cake stage we'll do a battle royale over here and then after that we'll see what else there is in the game i'm gonna do great in this one i'm gonna knock these guys off over here i'm knocking you off goodbye goodbye sir i said okay i'm gonna get some strawberries in okay it looks like my knocking them up didn't work as planned go oh he has lots of spiky things stay away from me with your spiky pigs okay whoa oh boy oh boy wait oh i have a slime power up right now wait wait wait what in the world where is everyone else right now go oh get me up get out of here whoa spiky guys stay away from me spiky guy i'm scared of this spiky guys oh boy oh boy that knocked me so far i've gotta knock someone off okay gotta get out of here okay whoa no i was the one that was knocked off oh my goodness okay let's see we got some strawberries following this fella over here around maybe we'll be able to get some of them oh yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes very very nice over here size up very nice get those don't knock me off though stop knocking me off oh my goodness i don't know exactly how it works when it comes to like you knocking someone off versus someone else uh knocking you off because it seems like others can always knock me off but it's so hard to knock the others off but let's see how he did in the event blue wins doesn't he right ah how much bigger is blue let's see by five that was such a close one i got knocked off a bunch okay i need one more battle royale victory okay i don't know if there are any more stages let's just do one more i need another victory i need a victory as yellow hamburger kirby wait a minute sheet cake is this a new one i can't remember if we've had this one before because i took a little break so i can't remember all the stages are so similar or at least so many of them are let's see mode let's go get some of these bam come on come on come on come on oh wait but i guess when you get knocked off then it's like you can have a bonus given to you like that guy has donuts right now and he's chasing me let's see oh but i guess he's in last place so that's why those strawberries are coming after him stay away from me stay away from me i'll get that very nice come over here yes rain down on me strawberries rain down on me strawberries look at this look at how big we are no no no no no get up get up get up get up get me back up thank you very much i'll just get these strawberries here anything up here well there's like nothing at all up there okay did i just knock someone out over there i might have actually knocked someone out because we are so big oh my goodness another size up whoa oh it's like when someone has their power up active you just get destroyed you get demolished when that happens okay let's see let's see how are we doing i'd like to use the power up please thank you very much okay lots of strawberries around over here and i think we're winning this one i almost fell off at the end there okay we're pretty big over here i think let's see yes we are the biggest here for sure even though uh the scale isn't going much higher than for the green guy there i think we still are the biggest 152 okay very nice very nice victory here and that should bring us up to level nine now that is very nice wait oh burger brown okay that's a new color okay oh you know what that means you know what that means oh you got a character tree gary mondo from kirby in the forgotten land burger brown will probably fit very nice with burger ability like this it's like we blend in with it that's really cool look at how cool this one is this is such a cool one look at this this color is very nice it almost looks like some of the color is washed away but it's very nice wait what is in character treats collection oh you could decorate looks like you could decorate your cake okay wait let's view collection first wow there are so many things wait we have nine out of 256 of the treats it's like this game has so many collectibles but there aren't really that many mini games so it's like you have to play the same minigames over and over so many times to get everything wait before we try free rolling i want to try something let's do this what if we try playing on a harder difficulty and let's do uh let's do a single mini game let's see because i wonder if maybe there's a multiplier for the higher for the harder difficulties like let's see right now we're playing on a hundred different i gotta sneeze excuse me okay whoa oh boy i'm getting nothing at all how are these guys so good they're not letting me get anything okay there we go i got two see that give me that oh my goodness it's so hard to aim yes there we are we're getting some stuff those guys are dizzy there give me that nice three their size up very nice bro okay give me that very nice give me this oh that's a three i thought that that was gonna be a bomb dropping down there i've gotta come here i'm dizzy let me move no they got that okay we have 21 so i'm wondering are we gonna get 21 points or are we going to get more because right now we're on the hardest difficulty let's see how this works yeah i don't think we're winning pink is probably winning here right yeah pink is a little bit bigger 28 okay but how many points do we get let's see we got 21 plus six oh okay i just realized that it says you get 1.25 times as many points for playing on extra spicy mode okay so what is free rolling mode practice you're rolling in a safe open space you can also try different copy foods while you're there roll snack and celebrate with friends okay so over here i guess we can go and test out all the abilities and we can also explore for fun wait oh okay i guess it gives you like a one hour uh timer to go and uh move around and test stuff out this is looking cool okay let's test out all the abilities then let's see okay the donut ability okay so when you use this oh okay turns you into a wheel wow you can move very quickly as the wheel okay but the power up gets used up pretty quickly okay what about the spring can you like bounce with this one or something i jump okay let's see wait whoa oh man that is really powerful actually hold on i want to try that again because it looks like when you use this you can aim where you want to go wait how far can you go okay it's uh you have a bit of time to aim like that that's pretty cool okay what else do we have what other power-ups do we have carrick does that let us go like oh it's a drill actually okay let's see what do we want to drill into can i drill into this over here oh i guess we just uh destroyed those things drill here oh oh you go underground and then i guess you can like pop up like that okay that's pretty cool it's too bad that you can't like have these power-ups in storage i think okay so that's the drill one let's try the cupcake what does the cupcake do oh the cupcakes the tornado one okay hold on let's go to some of these enemies over here that looks like fall guys does that not look like ball guys okay let's come over here i think the way that this works is like you suck in whatever's close to you right and then you get some of the strawberries i think that's the way that it works hey but it's pretty cool that the enemies it's like you just bump into them and then you uh get the strawberries from them wait what in the world oh oh oh that's ground over there i thought that this was a i thought that you could walk all the way over here but there's a there's a gap in the ground over there actually okay so let's come along over here oh a chocolate one okay the chocolate one where it's really cool it's a stone power-up that you basically drop down and you do a shock wave that comes out like that we saw that in battle royale that was a pretty powerful one be funny if you could run into your own shock wave and hurt yourself here's a spiky one needle okay so when you use the needle one like similar to kirby on the forgotten land i think right oh you can't move very quickly okay and it doesn't last for very long but i guess that's a good one in battle royale if someone gets close to you i think the chocolate one might be my favorite one to use in battle royale okay and the jelly one i really don't know what the jelly one does it's like you turn into jelly but like so what can you like i guess it lets you like move pretty quickly or like move under enemies maybe like a good defensive one or something maybe wait a minute what is this one i don't think we've seen this one have we oh that's just the jelly one again okay and hold on there's another one over here let's just go like this and there's the pepper one here the pepper one lets you move quickly i'm pretty sure right let's try this okay let's take it first here's the pepper power up okay it's called burning oh i will defeat you pretty cool area that you have to explore over here this is a nice area that they give you for free running okay let's see if there is anything else holding first we do have to use our burning power up let's just come along here okay we've got some uh crates to break over here and collect some strawberries some enemies to defeat [Music] very nice oh hold on hold on hold on i want to come up here this is crazy this is like something that you'd see in roblox whoa whoa okay we made it up oh boy get back up get back up okay let's see let's get all these very nice let's just come on up over here and is there another prize up here yeah oh look there's a painting hold on isn't this uh kirby fighters like kirby fighters 2 or something hold on is this a cannon that's going to launchers it doesn't look like we can go into this okay let's see if we go in here oh nice we get launched back okay so let's explore all of the areas okay so we explored that area there hold on i'd like to get up here if possible so we can get that five that's very nice thank you very much for that hello friend give me that straw barricade let's use this you move nice and fast and you're on fire like that which is pretty cool hey there's some kirby ice cream over here get up kirby get up kirby okay good good good whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay come over here there we are okay look at this kirby that's such a funny looking kirby it almost looks like something that you'd see like a kirby fan game hey let's go there that launches us whoa there's the treehome what's the tree's name like wispy wispy woods or something like that wait can you defeat these guys let's see defeat them oh no they don't they they don't get defeated like that they just hurt you if you walk into them what if i do the tornado i'd like to use my tornado please oh i guess when you have the power up active you don't get hurt when you walk up to it it damages you how about over here yeah there's actually uh not that much to this game wait is this kirby star allies over here yeah so there are a few references to some other kirby games but yeah i'm actually kind of surprised that this game isn't free like it isn't too expensive like if this game was like uh 60 us dollars or whatever it was for a warioware then that would be pretty ridiculous i think but yeah this game it's like i think it's about 20 canadian i think it's about like 15 u.s or so but yeah i'm actually uh kind of surprised oh and look at this we're getting some icing on us okay this guy's hidden back here we get to get that another size up which is very nice this might actually be the fastest way to collect strawberries in the game just repeatedly doing this i'd like to see a speedrun of this i think a speedrunner this could be uh kind of funny you'd probably be doing the same thing over and over a lot wait there's some letters over here there well at least there's a letter a over there yeah because what you're doing a speedrun of this you'd probably go over here and collect a bunch of these or maybe the races the races would probably be good for speedruns wait they're only a letter a are there gonna be any other letters let's see oh and i lost some of the strawberries some of the strawberries fell out but oh oh and there's a gorimundo over here from kirby in the forgotten land and if we come up here oh there's five guys back over here hey we're already at 189. i'm gonna save that to the end because i don't know or you know what let's let's go for it now i don't know if the level ends when you eat all these strawberries delicious size up very nice wait wait i'm not done i'm not done ah okay so the level does end when you do that okay so let's come back and hold on let's just explore that other area that we haven't checked out yet let's come over here first oh i think no matter what button you press you jump like whether you press a b x or y you jump and then l and r are for your uh special abilities oh and you can also use zl and zero yeah you go pretty fast with that now then what's over here to the left we haven't explored this area oh lots of these uh e pups over here i was gonna call them kettles but no they are not kettles oh hello there pancakes okay spinning pancakes this goes out up pretty far this way actually wait wait wait wait do we want to use the high bounce no we could probably just do a regular jump to get up here oh we are spinning on this we're spinning on this and we can probably jump to here okay we've got some very very basic platforming over here and we can probably jump up to this one is there going to be something nice at the top this is like the hardest thing that we've done in free running yet wait a minute is that also kirby fighters i'm not sure what game uh this is or what that's making a reference to okay but let's go in here launch me does it launch you all the way back oh there's spinning donuts there too that's pretty cool okay so let's see we have been to this area anything in these cups oh a single strawberry in that cup okay let's make our way across here look at the little curvy down there how adorable is that curvy down there that's so funny let's destroy this guy for five more strawberries very nice come across here okay we've been there to the left so let's come across this way a lot of strawberries to get over here oh oh oh and this will probably be a good power up oh i don't wanna oh wait will we go up that high that really makes you jump high and when they say high jump power up they're not kidding about how high you jump okay and the tornado power ups very good over here because you get to collect all these yeah so the tornado or sorry the uh jump power up would have been really good for that area where we were going up those spinning donuts okay but let's see anything over here we've got something rotating here okay and i guess the uh i guess there's some like stuff that you get as you keep leveling up and some of those things are like decorations that appear in this area because like over here these things like that circle over there that's a decoration that we got for leveling up enough oh this is a banana cut in half that's so weird that's so weird you don't often see bananas cut in half that way well i guess you don't see bananas cut in half the other way necessarily maybe they're like sliced or something more often but let's see we can get up here oh boy get me up there okay little sticky here a little hard to move but oh and there's a picture of kirby in the forgotten land over here wait what is this shooting up oh those damage you okay that makes sense if we go into this cannon that launches us over here wait have we taken this path i don't think we've taken this path yet look at all these sprinkles wait what are these even called they're not sparkles sprinkles these are called sprinkles right the things that are on donuts like that oh oh let's go around these donuts over here okay very nice these donuts remind me of roblox oh wait and these you can destroy right right right yeah you can destroy those okay now let's come over here i think that's everything right i think we tested all the paths let's just do this okay nice we got this power up i do want this power up now we can come on up here and i guess we tested everything in the pre-rolling section over here so now we can just come up here and finish off this cake you know what i wonder if the fastest way to speed run this to get as many strawberries as possible is just run up here and keep getting 50 strawberries from the cake like look at this look at this let's see this i wonder if this would be the fastest way because in a mini game it's like you can sometimes get like 130 or so from a mini game but how fast is that okay maybe getting a power up would be a good idea too okay because let's see we're seven seconds eight seconds nine seconds in right now and we're almost here come on come on come on get up get up get up get up i don't know if jumping is faster or not but let's see we are doing a eat the cake speed run over here and go and come on come on come on come on hey how long did it take us because the timer uh oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on there's one thing that confused me a little bit because the timer started going up instead of down yeah i don't know why the timer started going up instead of down that's weird okay so i just realized that the strawberries that you collect in free rolling don't actually count okay so let's take a look at all of the kirby outfits that you can unlock so first here's the default kirby let's take a look through all the colors first okay we've got kibi yellow we have ice blue and after we look through all the colors we'll look through all the outfits there are several pages of these okay here's e green a very nice kirby fire red over here like pokemon firehead strawberry it's nice that it's red and green and not only are his shoes green but he has that nice green tint in his eyes there burger brown this one really matches with the burger power up here okay but let's go back to our normal power up here kirby diving sky that's a really cool color but the eyes are pretty creepy okay what have we got over here d orange just like a waddle d d d blue very nice colors over here meta navy that is a cool looking one okay brick cream why is it called rick cream pine aqua that's a nice looking one kind of reminds me of that one pokemon chinchou who purple do ketchup it does look like ketchup kawasaki sunset marks lilac gooey cobalt choo choo rosie i feel like these are the names of paint you guys know when you go to the store and like you're looking at colors of paint that's what this feels like adelaine peach the roach gray that's a cool looking one magolar umber it almost looks like a pokemon doesn't this look like a pokemon piranza chestnut oh my goodness the ones where the eyes are all white kind of creepy doozy white oh look at that look at his eyes very blue over here francisca frost i guess that's like that one boss from a kirby star allies i'm playing through that right now blamberg scarlett nice color then the lightning alpha and peacock just like alpha lin morpho midnight that's nice okay like marco knight i guess cherry over here okay about the cherry might be more red but i guess strawberries more red citrus over here this does look like citrus looks like a very sour kirby if you bite into him grape he does look like a little grape here very nice kiwi oh my goodness there are so many fruit ones there's so much variety over here orange just the color orange or the fruit orange pumpkin oh my goodness those eyes are so creepy chocolate very nice it does look like chocolate mint chocolate okay because just chocolate on its own isn't enough custard pudding i thought it'd be another chocolate one we've got like chocolate mint chocolate yellow chocolate shadow okay that's a nice one i wonder if that's a color in smash bros retro tone wait kirby didn't originally look like that did he herbie pink wait is this just the original oh oh okay there so we've gone through all them okay so now it's just the outfits now so let's take a look at the outfits okay so you can have whipped cream on your head like that it'd have a burger on your head like that this on your head that is actually so cool the car from kirby and the forgotten land and you can wear it on your head on a plate how funny is that that is such a nice reference okay bandana waddle dee oh and i like that you have a little spear too that's cool you probably can't use the spear in battle mini games though a king ddd outfit and you've even got a little hammer with you meta knight very nice looking one over here rick this was just so weird where does that come from it's just like a little cat nose and cat ears and a cat tail here where is that from kaine kinney i don't know what that is what is that below kirby over there is he like a fish of some sort what is this coo okay he looks like some kind of a bird over here maybe like a parrot or something waddle do that is so weird it reminds me of among us and also squid game that is so strange chef kawasaki very nice over here oh and you've got a spoon that's pretty cool mark's over here uh he's got a jester hat like this what a silly marks we have over here in the nice bow tie gooey i love this but gooey is such a cool character i don't know much about him but yeah it's a cool character choo choo oh my goodness it is like a chansey or a blissey on top of us right now adelaine and ribbon i don't know what this is from maybe this is from a kirby 64. maybe that's what it's from i haven't played that before though the roach okay pretty cool outfit over here like that magolar this looks like some kind of an electric type pokemon almost the gear at the back especially makes me think of the electric type gym leader from pokemon diamond and pokemon brilliant diamond and pearl and shining pearl whoa tyranza okay for a second i thought it said tarzan but i guess this is something different reminds me a bit of the anime demon slayer suzy wait a minute whoa is that a is that some kind of a laser beam shooter behind us oh we've got so many power-ups okay francisca that one looks similar to flamberg over here i guess like just the icon on the front is different over here you're going to also have elfin on top like this that's very nice you could just chill with alpha in there morpho knight a very cool looking one i guess that's all the costumes and colors then and if you look through the rewards it's all the same stuff but it's like every few levels you also unlock a couple of songs like this there's some pretty cool songs in this kirby's got some fantastic music man so many nintendo games really do have great music like whether it's the zelda series the mario series the kirby series and yeah they've got songs from all kinds of games like kirby 64 here kirby and the amazing mirror a bunch of these kirby games i haven't played like star allies i've been playing through right now what else do we have sweet squad i've never even heard of that before i've never heard of that kirby game before let's see what else do we have kirby fighters too that's something that i wanted to play i heard it's a pretty fast game it could be nice to make a quick video about that kirby pinball land that sounds like it could be cool i really like the uh pokemon pinball games i remember them playing on i remember playing them on my uh inboy advance a lot as a kid hey kirby's dreamland kirby and the forgotten land very nice and some of these you need so many like very very very very many strawberries to unlock some of these last ones like this last one over here for this final song here you need 100 000 strawberries to unlock this that would take so long to get oh my goodness and some of these uh bonus songs over here i think that you get them for having save data for other kirby games so there are some other songs still that aren't listed here because i haven't played like kirby fighters 2 like that's on the nintendo switch i'm guessing if you have save data for that then you can also get some bonus songs because some of these songs i got for playing like these bonus songs here i got just for having saved data for kirby star allies on my nintendo switch and the same thing for kirby and the forgotten line but this last one over here afternoon tea you get that unlocked once you reach a hundred thousand strawberries i'm pretty sure okay so there are actually different stages for the races like this one over here ice cream you unlock this at what level at level 17 you unlock this so it's kind of crazy that for some of the minigames you have to get a lot of strawberries before you can unlock some of these stages okay and this is exactly what i imagine fall guys to be like well not exactly i don't imagine that there are kirby characters in fall guys but i imagine it to be similar to this okay let's just be careful make our way over here come on come on make your way up kirby very nice well there's a nice five right there beautiful and we got size up okay great great great go up here let's just get through this door over here well i guess it's not a door i guess it's more of a wall oh tornado nice nice nice you know what use the tornado now because the tornado it brings in the stuff closer to you we actually didn't get a lot from that oh boy oh boy okay i'm taking the risky path then oh boy it paid off okay now just avoid that okay can we get to the uh thing first can we get to the end first because if we get to the end first then we get to have the nice big cake at the end wait i have a donut power up right now oh my goodness oh this is moving this is moving oh it's slippery here it's very very slippery oh no why am i going here why am i going here whoa move oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy it's so slippery okay and this is the end this is that let's go go fast gotta go fast and let's go we ate up those strawberries very nice oh oh and we still have to wait for the others to finish the race we still have to wait for the others to finish the race so i can just keep collecting these strawberries that keep falling here until everyone eats the strawberries there we go okay now all three strawberry cakes were eaten and that's when the mini game ends okay yeah we are definitely the biggest here that thing on top of the kirby looks so funny wait and it almost looks like there's just like some random anime character on that kirby's face on the far right over there that's kind of funny okay what is this hamburgers wait have we had this race i don't know if we've had this race before okay but we are doing the hamburgers race now because there are a few different race tracks that you can use some of them you uh unlock once you reach a certain level from getting lots of strawberries and some of them you need give me that no how could you take that from me wow we're riding along on some asparagus right now okay let's go let's go whoa how did i get a boost like that okay let's whoa you bounce off of the egg yolk and you go so high wait wait wait you have to go around yeah i guess you have to go around there okay let's go like this i'm going to the side and taking the five right there very nice bounce off that egg yolk over there very nice and hold on you go more slowly on the vegetables maybe you do okay but we'll go through here let me through hey very nice oh boy oh give me that okay very nice i'll just come on over here it's like you want to collect lots of uh strawberries on your way over wait do i want to go up here for any reason okay there's a five over there okay but oh i fell i should have just gone for the five oh i wonder if you take the top path if you could just uh skip through this section that'd be pretty cool oh no no no all the cpus are all grouped together over here that is not good that's not good let's see where should i go what's the fastest way i'm just going straight i'm going straight i'm not going to the side over there i'm not getting distracted we're just going straight for the finish because you make it to the finish first and you get to get some nice strawberries from the strawberry cake that's gonna be up ahead let's just bounce up here very nice up on this burger stay back what are you doing bro what are you doing bro how are you doing this to me oh no he got that one okay he got to that one first okay so we have to go to this one that's all right we'll just eat these strawberries we have 68 if only we had one more strawberry i don't know if we're even going to win this race now well it's kind of funny that it's called a race because it's not who is the fastest wins it's who gets the most strawberries wins but if you're the fastest then you get to get to the strawberry cakes at the end then you might be able to get the most strawberries that way okay we got a very clear victory here wait what is this one over here shortcake wait a minute have we had this one i don't know if we've had this one before all right let's go i like the music that's playing a lot okay so we want to avoid some of these cake slices be careful to not get stuck behind them man how are these guys so fast how are you guys so fast whoa oh there's a five there to the side i should have gone for it maybe i thought it was a bit out of the way you know what i'll go for this one because it's like when you get to this wall it's like oh boy okay there we go there you go yeah i was thinking like when you get to that wall it doesn't really matter if you're the first one there in fact you can even take your time a little bit and it'll be fine okay that's great over there this is going fantastically okay let's just get all those very nice okay because yeah you have to have to uh break through that wall anyways i should have gone for the five there i should have gone for that one oh boy oh wait wait oh don't take that from me yo yo oh no i missed the five oh no that's like the worst possible case scenario did they get that or did i i'm coming up here i know this might be slower launch me yeah look at that look at that okay are we ahead of them now i think we're ahead of them now oh boy just avoid these move bro move bro get out of my way get out of my way move bro move bro move bro move bro move bro whoa don't touch me okay and does this mean we're gonna win the race over here i think we're winning let's go and there we are a very nice victory for us okay and even more strawberries than last time oh oh and i forgot you can also collect the strawberries while they are coming down like this okay so we should be winning here right i think we are right let's see yeah we're definitely the biggest one here very nice victory for kirby is this the one chocolate fountain okay this one you unlock at level 47 which is unbelievable you need so many strawberries uh get up to level 47 oh my goodness i pushed that guy like right at the start there that was kind of funny but good for us so let's see oh i missed that one that was so sad so sad i would have loved that one right there so sad now jump very nice okay you can't get both of those boxes unfortunately but we can go like this and we can come on over here very nice thank you for the strawberry there in the avocado now then there's a five over there so you know what let's get uh you know what let's not get that one it's too out of the way we can get this this there's probably going to be a wall soon right right where's the wall there are no walls yet oh here's the wall there we are okay get that one i should have gone for the other one because yeah when you get to a wall it's like a bunch of the cpus they can end up just a grouping together and you might have to uh you might have to wait for them anyway so it's kind of like a it's kind of like a bus stop where you have to wait you know what i'm gonna go up here because maybe there's a reason to go up here let's see oh and there's some kind of cannon here launch me launch me bro and yeah okay okay it looks like that might have been a little bit of a shortcut of some sort over here okay but if you go into this goop it does slow you down a little bit let's just come on over here i'd love to go for that five but i really want to get to that oh the end's right here i didn't realize we were so close to the end okay i think this is gonna be a very nice victory for us over here okay and while we are here it keeps raining down strawberries we can keep collecting these strawberries until the others show up and eat their cakes and there we go 81 pretty nice victory over here i'm assuming that it's a victory we don't know for a hundred percent we don't know the 100 certainty yet but based on how these people look i think it will be a victory for us and there we go very nice victory hooray there we are alpha and cake okay defeat enemies and eat strawberries it's so silly that you actually can't pick which mini game you want but like i have just been resetting the mini game for almost five minutes now for four and a half minutes i've been trying to get this mini game to show up because i know that this is a mini game that you unlock at a certain level and i'm now past that level so we have this mini game unlocked yeah i've just been trying to get this mini game and i've just had to keep resetting to try and get this mini game i probably could have gotten that three before they got it give me that i don't know if i got the three or if they did i don't know if we're even winning it but oh my goodness that one on the bottom right kind of looks like a duck let's see how is this yeah we're the biggest right right okay good good after all those resets we did end up getting this mini game oh what is this stage over here okay barbecue okay this is one of the unlockable battle royale stages you need level 19 to access this one over here wait is it dangerous if we go on to the grill like if we go on to this part do we get burned oh i guess we don't okay lots of uh strawberries over here oh give me that one very nice okay let's see oh size up very nice oh boy oh boy that's right i gotta be careful because uh when these guys uh get power-ups that's kind of scary you know what guy wants lots of strawberries i'll knock him over then how about that oh don't come for me don't come for me don't come for me don't come for me don't come for me very nice yes give me the strawberries yes i want strawberries i want shrubberies right now very many of them wait where's everyone else did the others just like get knocked off and then they just gave up or something oh boy don't come for me i'll get you oh boy don't get me i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm not sorry i'll get you i will get you did they finally get knocked off let's see please okay give me all those yes yes so many oh run we've gotta run oh my goodness it almost grabbed me it was so close to grabbing me that guy's big that guy is very big over there oh boy no no how do you knock me off with a fraction of a second left like that oh my god well not a fraction of a second like a few seconds left okay but do we win that is the real oh no way are we winning oh my goodness that guy's gigantic right there wow that guy is humongous right there magalor cake okay this one you don't unlock until level 50 which is unbelievable it's crazy to think that you would need so many uh so many strawberries to unlock a uh a mini game stage here fly up kirby fly up kirby don't let them reach you good good good okay very good now let's see i'd like some strawberries hey why isn't the strawberry basket coming to me i don't have a lot of strawberries why don't you come to me strawberry basket oh nice nice oh my goodness i didn't realize that that guy had spikes oh my goodness he defeated me oh oh i'm back i'm back yes i'm back and there are many many strawberries here and i'd like to knock some others over is there gonna be anything over here for us maybe there'll be something over here yes lots of strawberries here oh nobody's checking out this side while we are here let's just get all these that's very nice maybe i can knock some people off while i'm here get up okay how about you all what's going on lots of strawberries raining down perfect perfect and very nice i am just gonna stay out of everybody's way now okay that's what i'm gonna do for the rest of this oh so many strawberries here though i'm so tempted to come here and get them all yes whoa get back up get back up get back up very nice oh yes use the slime how do i always get defeated when there's just a few seconds left that's so sad okay but we should be winning right how big are we because we collected a lot yes there we go okay we are very large over here there we are very nice 131 that is a good amount oh what is this over here sheep cake wait a minute have i played this one before i might have not played this mini game before actually even though this isn't an unlockable wait wait wait i kind of remember these guys oh go now get them okay did i knock anybody off yeah oh you only get two strawberries for defeating them i guess it's because they didn't have a lot of strawberries to begin with oh it took them quite a while to come back oh oh there they are though oh boy let's see oh get that hello there friend oh lots of strawberries here why is that thing always coming for me why go hey good [Music] hello there friend that's a lot a lot of strawberries there oh stay away from me oh hello there friend i'd like that one no not you oh boy oh [Music] boy i'm staying away from you okay and i'm also staying away from you let's see stop powering up give me that do that very nice okay good oh you're doing that you're doing that you're coming here okay but i'm somehow still fine and getting a ridiculous amount of strawberries i am gigantic oh never mind -25 that is so sad oh and of course it's uh right when time is about to run out because that's always when we lose right when time is about to run out [Applause] i thought that each one would keep getting smaller and smaller that's kind of funny okay but yeah we are of course the biggest here the 131 frozen treats yes okay this is another unlockable mini game this one you get at level 42. okay let's do a nice battle royale over here hopefully we can do all right i haven't played this level before hey that's not fair those guys are so close to those oh someone got knocked off over there i'm not sure who knocked them off i missed the five there that's so sad oh you've got a you've got a brick you've got a brick power up a lego power up over here the lego power oh it's so slippery here actually give me back there please thank you don't knock me off thank you okay aye man they defeated me okay let's see oh nice needles that's very nice okay so if someone comes close i can uh use these needles and knock them off or maybe i can go like that oh go yeah doctor okay that was very nice okay come on come on let's keep going that's enough i get these strawberries here beautiful stuff oh boy they used the needle on me oh i almost fell off too whoa whoa whoa wait do i still have more needles oh i guess you have three needles when you do this hey come here come here come here come here oh boy oh wait we just bumped into each other like that even though we both have uh needles i think wait who can i get with my needles come here go i got somebody i think don't try and pick me up while i have needles oh boy i picked up the other guy that was there i was safe just a few seconds to go don't knock me up stay away from me with your needles keep your needles away from me please and uh i would've don't kill me oh i'm right on the edge i was really wondering what would happen oh my goodness that's so scary okay do we win though that is my question do we win i think we should win right yes yes very clear victory over here the guy on the far right looks like he's wearing a purple party hat oh and the guy just to the right of me looks like a little bunny rabbit wispy yes okay i wanted this one so badly okay because we haven't done this one yet okay so let's have our battle royale over here this one you unlock at what level level 33 oh boy oh boy oh boy i missed those at the beginning wait oh you can pump into the tree i wonder what happens if you keep bumping into the tree don't knock me off my bros you guys are going for lots of strawberries so you know what i'll get these over here and i'll get these since no one's on this side that's very nice oh you're spiky i'm staying away from you i don't want to mess with a spiky guy over there i'm not messing with a spiky person if someone's spiky i am staying away from them that's all i can say and i'm collecting lots of strawberries here oh nice the trees coming over here oh that's a lot of strawberries my bro hey we are jelly we've got the jelly power up don't come here with your spikes okay hey just you have spikes just stay away okay why won't you do just do that okay let me collect a lot of these okay oh you're very little red guy's very little here oh come here you have spikes stay away from me keep your spikes away from me i'm so nervous when i see those people with spikes because when someone with spikes hits you you can get pushed very far don't grab me don't grab me good job okay get some of these okay go uh use the power-up use the power-up to grab a bunch of stuff over here you've still got spikes don't hit me and time's up i don't know if we win but i think we did pretty well over there let's see how this goes our kirby was looking very happy before we go to the results but let's see if we win and yes yes we're definitely winning this one all right we are very large over here unless our density is very low compared to the other somehow they just take up a lot of volume i really recommend my video where we play through the full game yoshi's crafted world it is an incredibly enjoyable game and i'm so glad that so many people have enjoyed that video so thank you so much for watching i hope you all have an absolutely amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 712,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kirby, kirby's dream buffet, kirby nintendo switch, kirby all power-ups, all power-ups, kirby all costumes, all minigames, kirby all minigames, zxmany kirby, new kirby, nintendo switch, kirby all powerups, all powerups, kirby all events, all kirbys, kirbys dream buffet, zxmany, kirby full game, full game, full movie, kirby full movie, kirby 1 hour, 1 hour
Id: sK9eTNxo7JM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 33sec (4413 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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