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today we play Super Pokemon Odyssey this is Super Mario Odyssey but enemies and bosses have been replaced with Pokemon it'll be fantastic to play through this and see them all thank you so much for watching and I hope you enjoyed this video in the skies above Peach's castle let's see how this game starts it is Charizard over here and he is attacking Ash ketchup we have Ash ketchup instead of Mario here and instead of Bowser we've got Charizard over here I think this fits so well this looks so good over here and Ash's face looks so good instead of having Mario over here oh this is so good what an absolutely wonderful game this is Super Mario Odyssey okay it looks like Ash has two caps right now this is going to become normal once the game starts though oh there's Peach oh Charizard this is the end for you oh there goes that cap over there but but Ash is like wait I still have another cat that doesn't even matter and look at that oh my goodness Ash Ketchum gets smacked down over there ketchup and there goes this guy how cool does this look what an iconic cap Ash Ketchum has over here and Bowser AKA Chargers are just stumps on the hat over there run for my wedding with peach yeah jealous Ash Ketchum man Charizard looks so evil with his eyes like that look at that lizard over there oh and I like how the Hat disappears like that oh and here comes Mario's old cap over here and the cap is Torn to Pieces like that uh this is going to be such a lovely game to play through because not only are Mario and Bowser changed but so many of the enemies are changed you guys will see this will be very nice to see I think yeah so here's Ash Ketchum he's just smelling the floor right now hello Ash Ketchum okay come on come on let's get up let's get up it's time to get up oh man how good does this look I think it looks so good okay let's go let's go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go we want to go fast over here gotta go fast gotta go fast and let's just come on up over here come on over like this and there we go we made it over to Cappy you've landed in the cap Kingdom we've been under attack by the same monster that gave you such a shroud sick it looks so weird seek Ash ketchup here and every time it's a Bowser cutscene we're going to see Charizard instead of Bowser over here Ash Ketchum looks around he's like oh no everything's all destroyed here maybe we should team up this is going to be a great team Ash ketchup and Cappy but that's just like wait I'm wearing my hat wait yeah cause normally he's not supposed to be wearing his hat but what if he has this hat on top of him I was just like hey this isn't the hat that I normally wear not your style how about this let's see Cappy takes the Mario cap and transforms into normal caffeine on top double cabs we've got double caps let's go how funny is that Kathy is now your companion oh my goodness yeah but once the game actually starts we just have normal caps like this but let's make our way up here of course oh we gotta throw Cappy at that oh wait and aren't there going to be mini Goombas over here hold on what are the mini Goombas going to be replaced with oh look at the Mini Coopers look instead of Mini Coopers they are caterpies this is perfect yeah because caterpies are a weak little Pokemon so you can just easily defeat them with a Cappy throw just like that that's so cool okay so what are we going to have instead of the frogs over here wait instead of the frogs we've got uh Squirtles over here that actually looks so funny seeing the Squirtles jumping so high like this okay let's try catching a squirtle over here and we are now the high jumping Squirtle over here we could go into the water we can jump up high like this this is a great choice oh we've also got a bunch of caterpies over here gotta watch out for the caterpies oh man so yeah either every enemy or almost every single enemy has been replaced and yeah I think you guys will really like some of the changes that we made over here okay so let's just get this heart over here because that'll give us some more help that'll be nice while it lasts so let's go to the bus but some of these enemies just a cupcake change them and I don't know what he changed them to so some of these enemies are going to be a surprise for me when we see them I'm really excited to see what they are going to be like what is this first boss going to be oh I guess uh all the brutals are probably going to be changed so let me come up here we'll be able to see what the brutals are changed to oh we could already see some of them we can see a charmeleon up there a Lucario oh there's a Chimchar what else is there gonna be that jiggly bump that's so funny I like how Lucario's head is bobbing around like that this is so good hey the boss won't be the dead be a fella with a mustache coming along I've asked you that that's Jigglypuff speaking right now guess we ought to introduce ourselves with a wedding plan is for the happy couple oh and look at the hair that Chimchar has that's so good thick Alice the brutals Jigglypuff is gonna come and try and rough us up all right Jigglypuff let's go and pink caps the Caps have been changed to be pink how cool is that all right let's go Jigglypuff all right got a nice jump wait what in the world what in the world is going on still had one hat left that's why I was so confused wait wait did you leave no no no no this one right oh I have to jump on it I think actually is that the one yep that's the one okay let's go oh let's go and I'm Gonna Get You Jigglypuff please stop down that Jigglypuff wait doesn't Ash normally battle other Pokemon using Pokemon it's so funny that he defeats Pokemon by jumping on them oh and also this has been changed let's see what happens when we go on to this oh the game crashes here we are the Cascade Kingdom it is time for Ash Ketchum to visit all these Pokemon in the Cascade Kingdom and I'd like this to be replaced with a Rotom but when we tried that the game crashed so we'll have to fix that in an update for this but we are still wearing the Ash Ketchum hat which is nice and out comes Ash Ketchum onto the grass over here in this iconic cutscene where Mario pops out all right let's go and get ourselves some power Moon's dead and instead of chain Chomps over here what we have got is some ball terms over here and they fit so well I think it's so nice to see the Voltorb with the Ash Ketchum cap and instead of a power Moon look what we've got we've got a yellow Pokeball to collect right over here how cool is that that we are collecting pokeballs instead of power boots I think that looks quite great over there this is another great addition by just a cupcake he did an amazing job on this mod he put so much work into this it takes so long to make very very many model changes like this okay so let's see what we are going to be seeing next oh oh and some of you guys might have seen what we have instead of the dinosaur over there and look who we have instead of the boss instead of that and brood up there I think that looks way too good yeah so there's that one there's that one dinosaur Pokemon from Gen 4 called franidos or something like that and I was thinking of using that Pokemon to replace the T-Rex Pokemon but a lot of people in the comments and just a cupcake also suggested this you guys were saying to use this one other dinosaur that's up here that one up there instead of the T-Rex okay so let's get that one in a moment but first if you want to get in here so let's go like this let's grab this one please tell me this won't crash the game I'm a bit worried because sometimes when you're playing upon some stuff crashes the game please tell me this will work and there we are how lovely is that Chomp through the Rocks I'm so glad that this is working properly now let's just come on up here oh wait wait yeah yeah let's come on up here yeah this is where we're going to go and instead of catching the T-Rex oh look at how he's sleeping with his mouth open that's so funny it's almost like he's gonna eat Ash ketchup right now okay wait so let's catch this guy and we are now this big dinosaur here what's this dinosaur's name he's from Gen 5 or 6 I think right this one was added by just a cupcake and let's go there we go we made it to the boss fight that's such a cool trick that you could use to get up to the boss quickly and look at this instead of Madame brute it is Groudon over here and oh oh uh the Camper's got zoomed in close over here because this Groudon is kind of big and one of the coolest things over here is that instead of a ball tour It's actually an electro down here how cool is that because the normal chain Chomps in this game are volt orbs but we have an electrode over here so how cool is that because normally this is supposed to be a gold chain chump no this change up it does differentiate it from the other chain jumps that we've seen by making it an electrode I thought that was a super cool super tool addition over here and man look at that ground swiping at us over here man I really want to see what all the other bosses are going to be this is going to be so cool and some of the changes some of the oh hold on hold on some of the changes some of the enemies I almost had mobs because in Minecraft they're called mobs but yeah some of the enemies and some of the bus ah you guys are going to love what some of them are changing to do some of the changes are so cool oh and look at that look at that there's the electrode just there wait is the lecture just gonna float there how long is the electrode going to be there for the electron is still just there grabbed all these diffuse ground on have to have been one of my favorite Pokemon in gen 3. I absolutely love that one okay let's get that wait oh okay wait can we collect it or no but there we go we did collect it wow that's really interesting and now Ash Ketchum in the Mario body over here flies around and this is a multi-moon wait why is it sideways like that that's so funny Ash Ketchum spins around it jumps up like this congratulations Ash okay and now we have enough power Moon so that we should be able to activate the Odyssey and head to the next Kingdom this will be very exciting times over here let's do it oh look all these golden pokeballs come up over here that's so cool how we power for the Odyssey with these golden pokeballs now love all the voltorbs just sitting up there so now we want to chase down Bowser AKA Charizard to the sand Kingdom and let's see this cutscene over here with Ash Ketchum just standing over here I really really really like how this looks this ash ketchup looks so good over here so funny to see his head in the cap like that on Mario's Body this was such a great bottle change over here and man what a magical game Super Mario Odyssey is I've said this before but man this must have been a wonderful game for so many people I didn't play this as a kid I only played this how many years ago one or two years ago it was very recently the first time I played it I played it on YouTube well I played it and I put the video on YouTube and man it is just it's just such a good game oh oh and there we go we have got our Nice Ash Ketchum hat over here I love how the eyes are just floating above us like that okay this is gonna be such a fun game to play and the odyssey's flying by are we gonna get to see Ash looking out the window I think we will right let's see and show him look at him looking out the window that's so funny I love this this is too good now we are heading to the sand Kingdom and there are a few power moons that we have to collect here actually and then I remember playing the floor is lava in this game we haven't gone through all the kingdoms yet but the same kingdom was quite a tricky one it's quite difficult to make your way through this Kingdom when the floor is lava because there's definitely a lot of floor over here everything that is sand over here is all switched to lava in the floors lava version of this game okay so let's go and collect some power moons now okay wait I think there's one up on a roof here somewhere where was it let's just get up from here and I say oh yeah right up there wait and isn't there going to be a oh get out okay isn't there gonna be a bird that's gonna be coming by over here too can we also get the bird okay so we got this first one over here there's our first Power moon in the Kingdom where's the bird where's the bird gotta be a bird that comes by where's the bird okay I'm not seeing the bird but wait is this where there's another Power Moon I remember there's one sub area with another Power Moon yes and hold on isn't it right here or something around here there we go we got the mood okay and I'm not sure if the pokeballs were crashing the game but something was crashing the game so we're switching back to normal Power moons hey I don't know if I heard the bird coming by or not but wait wait hold on oh there's the bird there's the bird there's the bird can I go and get the bird please please let me get the bird where are you bird there you are come no birds down there I can get him I can get him I can get him I can get him come yes there we go we got him finally oh my goodness I had to chase the bird all the way to here that was so far oh and that's so cool that the Oasis is actually Frozen here hold on and while we are here there is an easy power Moon that we can get up here right there's a treble clef in your butt yeah over there right here okay so that's nice get that one good job I almost called in Mario but I guess he isn't really Mario he is Ash Ketchum the Pokemon trainer there's another oh there's another nice power moon for us and hold on isn't there a power Moon just in the ground over here also can we just uh ground pound on this is this where you could get a power Moon tell me this has a power Moon yeah all right okay that's nice well that's so weird how I dove away from the dude as we were getting it okay so let's just make our way towards where we have to go now we could go up there to get a power Moon that shouldn't be too bad of a spot to get a power Moon over there I think oh and look at all that little caterpies in the desert over here oh oh and we're going to see some more Pokemon now this is going to be exciting hey let's just head up here because this is gonna be a nice place to go wow I'm surprised we didn't run off and then we did run off okay let's try this again and just go like this get on top then from here we should be able to just go like this and there we are there's our next power moon for us and then there are a bunch of power moves over there that we could get oh oh and you know what you know what I learned about this recently oh oh oh oh oh stay away from me keather peas you can go like this hold on one two three actually that wasn't good that did not work out I thought it would but what you can just jump over here and down here there's actually just a power moon right back here there's so many fast power moons that you could get in this Kingdom I saw a little bit of small lands guide for speedrunning this Kingdom and you can go through it so quickly actually okay so let's head on up here and there should be a Bullet Bill yeah look at that instead of bullet bills we have copics how good does that look okay so that Moon just comes over there so yeah we want to actually capture a coughing right here coughing come out come out coughing come on coffee why aren't the coffins come here come on give me a coffee let's go okay and get oh we didn't get it we didn't get it okay let's actually uh pop out here get the thing there we go we got the thing very nice from a crate in the ruins and there's also going to be some nice stuff that we can get down here so let's not climb on the sign just leave the sign alone Ash Ketchum through Ash Ketchum do not worry about that let's grab this guy okay now we can go not there not there try again give me another cupping coffee I remember coughing would go like that in the anime it was quite funny I enjoyed the sounds that coffee made okay so inside a block is a hard place that almost sounds like an expression isn't there an expression that's kind of like that okay and we could get this one here and then there's also another one nearby but I don't know if we can be fast enough these and yeah baby let's go that was a great way to get that okay so now we can get some more coins too and we can get this and look at who we have over here instead of a jaxi we have got an Ivysaur the Ivysaur looks like it might be in a bit of trouble though are you okay I'm sorry how are you doing I'm what you call the Jackson you wanna ride it'll be 30 coins let's ride let's do it so what you doing some sight seeing you gotta check out the inverted pyramid all right thanks for the controls let's see oh oh now I have a service normal all of a sudden oh it's time for Ash Ketchum to ride on his Ivysaur over here let's go oh man how cool is that and you can also run in the poison without any problems at all which is pretty cool yeah look at that we could just ride on this poison no problems at all okay let's head up here because I think it'd be nice to actually go and face off against some of the bosses okay so let's just head through this section with Ash Ketchum over here but we didn't replace the 2D Mario over here the 2D Mario is still Mario maybe we could do that in an update maybe it'd be cool to see a 2d Ash Ketchum over here oh and there'll be a nice power Moon that we could get over here also but if we're going to be facing both bosses then that isn't really going to matter like we can go hold on is it down there that we can go wait let's just get this first just in case oh actually now I don't think that we could get back in unless we go back in from the bottom that's okay we're gonna have enough power moons anyways okay and now these platforms here are going to start to appear and there's actually a really cool trick that you could do over here where I've done this in two-player Mario Odyssey actually where you can skip using that platform you actually don't have to use that platform let's see if we can do it let's see come on baby yeah all right we made it up to here okay that's pretty cool now we can just go like this okay and then we can head to down there right we should be able to make it to down there I don't know if we'll make it right to the end or not but let's go like this and easy easy to make it to there even though we did some pretty good vectoring we didn't really need that now we could just go like this and there we are oh and look at these guys over here look at these guys over here these guys over here what are they called I think they're called I think in game they're called MOA moas or something like that but I love how they run around like this they're so funny how they run around like this and you can put on your sunglasses when you put on your sunglasses then you can see where these invisible platforms are actually it's pretty cool it's quite nice that you can see them like that hello friend let's walk around together why are you afraid of me and right here is another one of these for us let's pop out of here now we want to get up high and I think a nice way to get a pie would be from this one I think we should be able to climb up here oh and Bowser was stomping around a bit okay so can we get up here we should be able to get onto that one right I think we can do it let's try this and oh no there's a wall there there's a wall there an invisible wall okay that's why we can't get up there okay so we should be able to from this side though right right yeah from here we could easily get up okay boy is there ground here yeah there's ground here okay I think this is the way that you're supposed to you're supposed to go on this one and this next one right otherwise we die let's try it actually we'll just land on the sand actually we can just make it across anyways without any issues but looks like there was ground here so that's fine we're good either way let's just come on down don't fall in the poisonous goop over there be careful I wanted to do that at the last possible second and now we can get this and then that power Moon spawns but wait do we even need to spawn that power moon to make it across this Gap we could probably make it maybe we could make it across the Gap without using that thing but let's get this very nice that's quite the tricky jump if we want to make that I don't know if we can do it let's try see okay that was not bad okay so let's just go like this there are some other power moons that we can collect around here but I do want to face both of the bosses so I don't really care about any more power moons like we could collect a Harmon right over here actually you know what since it's right here let's just get it there we go we got a very nice lost in the luggage and now you can just go and head into here and there are also some other power moons around here you can get the power moons in the sand Kingdom quite quickly when I first played this game I thought that you actually had to beat all of the bosses in the kingdom and complete the main storyline in a kingdom before you can go to the next Kingdom but you actually don't have to do that oh next here comes the coffee coffee okay let's go over here I remember James had a coughing in the Pokemon anime and then it evolved into a wheezing and it would go no I don't want to go back out Mario okay so let's just run across here oh yeah yeah I want to just squeeze through in a nice spot I guess we could go like this if you damage me I don't care I don't care because we have a lot of Health over here oh let's just go down this pipe or up this pipe depending on what way you look at it and now I can't remember if there's a moon off to the side somewhere or if it's just coins but I think over here to the right yeah you can continue past there I can't remember if it's a moon or just coins but we have more than enough moons because if you get extra moons in this Kingdom it doesn't actually mean that you have to get fewer coins in the next Kingdom which might be kind of surprisingly can we just go around like this this work how far will we be able to go oh no oh no oh oh that actually worked great we had plenty of time I wasn't sure if we wouldn't be able to do that but it ended up working out great and now we can just go and take on the boss and the boss now it's going to be Chimchar right I probably shouldn't have chased after that bird at the beginning spent all that time oh look there goes Charizard on the Bowser ship in the background he flies away with Peach and here are these Pokemon again look at them they're so silly oh oh and it's that final evolved form thing of Magneton up there it's gonna be a cool fight game Throw Your spiky thing throw it throw it throw it I dare you oh no I miss I miss okay throw it again I'm ready I'm ready hey and now go there we go okay we got you now I can jump on your head very nice now where are you gonna go okay it goes inside the Magneton where are you flying to over there bam got you nice try you're not getting away okay now throw it throw it at me throw it at me throw it at me throw it throw it bro throw it I dare you I'll get you like that and I'll jump on your head oh I missed your head look how big the Chimchar is okay let me get the chimp come on there we go okay we got the Chimchar okay one more hit to go okay where are you going to are you going to Bro over there I'm Gonna Get You yeah we got it right away okay this is gonna be a relatively fast fight over here hey throw your thing throw it and let's go and there we go all right that was not too bad you can defeat some of these bosses so quickly oh look how it's still smiling even when it's defeated that's kind of cute and for that we of course get a lovely power Moon and even though we have enough power moons to finish this Kingdom I do want to show you guys what that big fist boss downstairs is going to be like but you know what now that it's night time I think this would actually be a good time to ride our Jack seat where we need to go which is to inside oh oh and look at these guys that's so cool that's so cool don't really there are mummies that come up and the mummies have been replaced with these dust collapses over here yeah we're going into this pyramid over here riding our ivisor so cool to see Ash riding on an Ivysaur like a jaxy okay and we want to make it through this section and look at the little Pikachus over here okay so let's make our way across like this hello there little Pikachu friend where are you going I'm just gonna run like this we can probably what the uh that was so weird something wrong must have happened with my inputs there yeah because I wanted to do that yeah that doesn't even seem too difficult so now we can just come across like this do I need you to get up here I don't know if I do but it's kind of high so I'll just do this okay are we gonna have a Bullet Bill come here now Bullet Bill come Bullet Bill um oh it has a cap on it it looks so funny with a little cap like that okay let's come here don't go into the walls because then you crash and die good hey now you come here come here next coughing look at the cap on it look at the cap on it okay okay good good good okay now let's just get it around these oh it's actually kind of hard to control and very nice oh I think there's actually a chest somewhere up high with a power moon in this room okay but oh oh and I think after you beat the game this is where the ring appears the ring goes into this slot over here where we are going to go is over here can we get a view of the boss before it appears are we gonna get to see it or no oh and there's over there coughing that spawns but we don't need that coffee actually maybe we do wait can we land on this what if we land on this does this burn us oh yes you actually can see the boss up there up there you can see who the boss is going to be this is wild okay but can we make it down there without capturing the coughing I'm not sure if we can let's see let's try let's see okay we might have to try and land in this way if we get burned okay we do get burned can we stand on the edge though or no uh it doesn't look like it okay so it looks like we actually do need this coughing over here so that we can make it over here and this is gonna be such a cool boss fight over here and it actually reminds me of a Funny Story I remember being over at a friend's house and my friend couldn't defeat Mewtwo in Pokemon Stadium and in Pokemon Sam you could rent out any of the original 149 or so of the first original 150 one Pokemon where ring look who it is it's beautiful wait is he can he be the middle finger what is he doing well I guess his figures are just like that though because he has three heads okay oh sorry he has three fingers so I guess that's just what his hands are like ouch oh and instead of fists he has these over here okay let's go let's go let's go and punch Mewtwo in the face over there that'll teach you okay we got a nice hit on him over there yeah so we were visiting a friend's house and he was stuck with uh defeating Mewtwo he couldn't defeat Mewtwo and one friend had a suggestion on how to defeat Mewtwo and he took out all poison types and we didn't even realize how silly that was at first because of course uh psychic is super effective on poison so Mewtwo will of course be able to defeat all of them very easily oh oh let's grab this one okay very nice and he actually almost won the fight using only poison types against Mewtwo and then after that he just took the three legendary birds and defeated Mewtwo like that it was quite simple for him okay we didn't get hit there look at that Mew dude wait this is actually a pretty scary boss fight over here look at this we have to oh boy he didn't get hit that's good news come on over here hey is that enough okay now get ready get ready I need you to ground pound here I need that heart that's what I wanted I want the heart I want the heart get the heart bro good job hit there now grab him good hey now where you stop blocking stop blocking no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no yeah we got him in time okay I was worried that we wouldn't be able to get him in time because there's only a certain amount of time that you could hold that fist when you capture wait is metoo gonna explode now oh wait he just six down he doesn't even explode he just had ice shatter off of him and then he just sucked down okay that was quite the fun boss fight to have and yeah we got another multi-boot for that okay so I'm glad that we came down here so that we can see that and next we are going to head to the lake Kingdom we're going to face another brutal there and we're going to see what Pokemon that will be Hooray Ash Ketchum spins around again and let's go to the next Kingdom let's go I'm ready let's throw Cappy at the globe add the power moons over here and yeah Lake kingdom is next right or wait or do we get to choose between Lake and Forest I can't remember how it works I think maybe you can choose between Blake and force yeah I think this is the first proverbial fork in the road okay yeah it is a fork in the road over here okay let's go to the late Kingdom first guys let me know in the comments did you go to the lake Kingdom or the wooded Kingdom first okay here's the leg kick that we've got a bunch of nice picking choose over there oh oh oh oh I thought that was actually a different Pokemon that was swimming in there but I don't think that that was replaced okay these Pikachus with the little bridal gowns over there looks so funny and there's gonna be a lot of really cool stuff over here there's gonna be a lot of cool stuff over here but wait wait isn't there a moon that you can get right over here whoops I missed and amazing we could just get a moon just like that on the Lakeshore that was quite the simple one to get over here and can I just walk up like this and can I oh nope I gotta restart gotta restart okay let's come on over like this and bounce off and there we go hello there little Pikachu friends I'm just gonna come on over here and I'm not going to make it now I'm gonna come back and bunk and fall into the water but look at that we've got a Lapras down there which is actually pretty cool you know what let's go for that then let's get the moon hooray we got the moon over there on the left what happened to Ash's head what in the world what happened to your head there house things were looking a little weird oh and instead of cheap cheaps we of course have magikarps just like we saw in our past Pokemon Mario Odyssey video there's another Power moon for us right here so let's make our way up here we want to jump up high you can use this to get a pie over here we can drop down here there aren't too many power moons that you need in this Kingdom so you can get through it pretty quickly I'm not doing it perfectly efficiently there are of course speedrunners who can do this so much more efficiently I have got to see some speed runs of this game because I've watched a little bit of small ants guide to speedrunning this just so that what I'm doing a playthrough like this and I could get through some of it a bit more quickly and yeah there's some stuff that is actually amazing there's it's speed runs of this game are really quite efficient and people can really play this game very quickly okay so let's make our way up here we can go like this oh that's amazing we didn't even have to wall jump or anything over there it got some little caterpies over here not too worried about them lots of caterpies over here just ground pound and a bunch of them fall over Okay so let's come on up here oh oh but wait wait we still want that Moon over there okay so let's go and get that Moon over there actually hold on there's a moon around here right there's a shiny yeah there it is oh boy don't Bonk Mario yeah I knew that there's a shiny crate around here okay this is where it is and then the moon's gonna spawn up that way so we want to just make it up to the top over there and then we can just go to the boss fight after that and the boss fight will give us a multi-moon oh and there's our first purple coin of the game we have one purple coin guys how many purple coins do you think we will have by the end of the game I want to get up there I want to please let me up there please I'd just like to get up here that's all I want to do get that noon very nice okay what's in the box now we are going to face off against uh this this fella over here gonna face off against the next brutal and wait this isn't the super fast one right because the next brutal the brutal after this the brutal that we're gonna face in the wooded kingdom is an incredibly fast boss fight okay so let's go I'm ready for the next brutal fight too late we already got the luck lady dress all right let's go we're facing off against Lucario so he just faced up against mewtube who had an aura orb like that so now we're gonna have to do something similar to uh Lucario here and instead of the rabbit throwing a little hat he throws this orb over here that bounces this up and then we get dropped out on him like that which is pretty cool okay wait now what do we oh oh I was wondering if maybe you could knock him back with Cappy and then just brush the fight right away but I guess he can do that we'll probably have to wait over here come on yes nice Ed is this it or do we need three hits let's see okay looks like you need three hits on this boss yeah cause in the first brutal fight you only need one hit but then in the second and third and I think fourth brutal fight you need three hits is he gonna throw two orbs now let's see oh no he's still only throwing one orb I guess in the next uh fight against this guy that's when he throws two orbs yes I'm actually surprised that that worked okay and now we should be able to reach him and there we go drill down onto his head we got I love how his head bumps around like that he's actually kind of funny and we get a pink multi-moon so now we already have enough moons I was gonna say multi moons we have enough power moons to go to the next Kingdom already so the next Kingdom is going to be the wooded Kingdom there are quite a few moons that you do have to collect there and there are some nice Buzz fights too so let's get ready oh Cappy is worried about Peach and tiara yeah because right now they're being held hostage by Charizard instead of Bowser I'd be worried too if Charizard was holding on to Princess Peach and I was Ash Ketchum and I had to rescue Princess Peach from Charizard what a world we are living in Ash Ketchum has to rescue Princess Peach from Charizard alright so here we are the wooden Kingdom I have to take a little break but oh man I almost forgot that we were playing as Ash Ketchum oh and look at some of those plants that are up ahead over there that's looking very interesting okay so we got these robot guys spinning around we want to catch this rabbit right over here let's go like this come here rabbit come here you West wait wait come here yeah we got him let's go that was nice and fast and we got the power Moon lovely now in this Kingdom there are quite a few moons that you do need okay wait we have enough coins no we don't have enough coins to buy a moon wait if you collect these coins does your normal coin count go up or no no it doesn't only if those are grayed out they give you extra coins oh that's not good okay wait I actually saw them do something really cool in this speedrun hold on hold on if you grab this and where's this Shiny Rock is the Shiny Rock here no there's a Shiny Rock somewhere around here where's the shiny rock is this rock supposed to be shiny oh yes this is the one this is the one okay let's go let's go yes yes if you take this rock and if you ram it into another rock like this there we go it breaks how cool is that I actually saw that in this small and guide I didn't know that you could do that Okay so yeah we probably don't have to talk with the Sphinx because I don't think you actually get a power moon for that so we can make our way up here I remember the first time I was trying to do this when I played this game because I didn't know that you could talk to the Sphinx I was trying to get up this waterfall and my movement wasn't as good so I was having a lot of trouble with it actually okay so where can we go we can oh oh that's right and we have a charmanders instead of fire Bros which is quite nice now then how can we do this we want to make it over there so let's go like this and yeah okay that was a great way to get up there okay let's go here now break this get that power Moon okay man some of this movement that we have is getting better well it wasn't very great to start with oh boy there we go yeah speaking of not great movement we're bunky into this over here Mari or sorry not Mario Ash's head looks a little small compared to his body right oh look at this it's a Badoo right is that the name of it I know it's a Gen 4 Pokemon that's really common in gen four wait do I want to go up here can I go up here oh nice you can just get up there okay yeah so that is a fast way to do that okay and now we can just get nut yeah there are a lot of nuts to get over here uh a lot of power moons too okay so let's just come down here and now we can swim through this pipe right here and there will be two nice power moons that we can get over here oh and look at this instead of the fuzzies we have pine cones how cool is that are they called pine cones or pine cones they're probably called pine cones okay let's uh let's do a side flip there I can just go like this and there's the power moon for us lovely I remember the first time that I played this game I didn't know that there would be a power Moon here and I didn't check up there until much later actually okay let's come down hey careful where you go careful where you go whoop uh be careful oh no oh no yep yep yep got hurt that's all right that is all right over here let's just make our way up come on come on come on don't kill me we're so close to the power dude come on come on there we go okay we got the power move now we can get out of here yeah so the fuzzies they've been replaced with pinecos I thought that'd be a really good choice yeah and if you guys have any other suggestions for what you think would be a good enemy to replace with a Pokemon or if you think that a different Pokemon would be better to switch uh with an enemy let me know in a comment I'd be really curious to see what ideas you guys have because just a cupcake and I we also had some different ideas for some different Pokemon oh no oh no oh no yeah we also had some different ideas for different Pokemon that could be used but the thing is you can't use every single possibility you only have to you can only use one possibility okay so let's get this let's climb up here there's gonna be a moon in here for us and I think later on there are also more moons that you can get but right now I think actually I don't know if this is the only Moon that we can get in the Maze but later on I'm guessing it's after you beat the game that's where Moon shards start to appear over here oh let's come out of here because that's enough of this place yeah we can just oh can I even make this oh boy how did we make that how in the world did we make that okay now we gotta defeat this fella over here oh there Fred I'll just come here and defeat you and get a nice power Moon look at that oh there's also a power moon off to the side okay so let's do this very nice route to Sky Garden Ash looks so good in this cutscene okay so that breaks so we can activate that switch but do we need that switch because there is a jump that we can do across I've seen that people can make that jump across it is a little tricky but hold on let's come over here first oh and there's one of those guys over there that's fine you're welcome here also we'll come over here though and we'll go like this let's go like this come on Mario I need you to get up there get up there what is a fast way to do this oh boy and we don't even get the power but that is so sad hey there we go we've got that there's like a giant Cappy below so we also have the Cappy that's on our head okay so let's try this jump now this might be tricky actually can we even do this let's see let's see how do they make that jump how do they make that jump they make it look so easy when they do that yeah I don't know how people can be so fast with that wait when jumping from here you better I don't even know if jumping from here would be better okay but yeah we can just uh take this little path along this way okay and oh I can we get over here can we get somewhere nice doing this oh oh oh okay at least that wasn't horrible but yeah there's another nut for us right here so we can just get this one and then we can make our way back right cracked nut on a crumbling Tower oh and it's actually not a very tricky jump to here and then we just want to make a two there but how hard is it going to be to make it to there hopefully not too hard let's go [Music] what the what happened there I was so worried that we would bunk I don't know what happened there but it looks like it ended up being okay oh oh and when we see one of those badoos we want to capture the badoos let's get the Badoo over here come Badoo cub hey anything nice up here what's up here I guess we'll come up here then because there are one or two power moons that we can get here right right okay yeah right here is one which is lovely not planted in the tower oh and where's the path for us I need the path to come back path come back good path okay now then wait do we have to go up here oh you're fast you're faster red redo run Badoo get up there good job Badoo you did a very good job and we are all very very proud of you okay now can we get up high enough over here jump out and yeah okay we were able to get it like that that's very nice stretching your legs okay you can also shake the controller to stretch a little farther oh and if we actually bought the power moon at the start of the Kingdom then we would have the perfect amount of power moons after this boss fight here because this boss fight is going to give us a multi-eyed moon and then we're gonna have enough moons to go to the next Kingdom already okay now it's time to face off against Champion look at how his shoulders move around oh oh that's right I forgot that you could do this I forgot that you could do this it's actually a actually quite easy to uh face off against this guy wait get ready come okay good good good we got him we got him we got him oh boy I was so worried about when he would start moving okay his movement is a little weird okay but let's see get ready get ready when do you want to jump [Music] there we go okay and you can just get up like that yeah then you get defeat him very quickly like this okay so the start of the boss fight wasn't super fast but once you know that you can jump on him once he runs towards you like that then you can defeat him very quickly okay that was a great fast boss fight over there so let's get that congratulations Mario another boss has been defeated all right so let's send in our power moons into this Odyssey ship over here and we are ready to go to the next Kingdom what is the next Kingdom we're not going to the Metro Kingdom yet are we is it going to be the cloud Kingdom and then the ruined Kingdom all right or sorry cloud and lost kingdom already we're not going to the Metro Kingdom next are we what's next what's next wait wait oh oh we don't have enough moves I'm like wait Kathy what's going on where are you saying anything about where we have to go next okay and we need a few coins over here if you need seven more coins there are six right here and then another three there so that means that there are nine so now we are gonna have enough coins okay that's great so now we can buy a power moon for a hundred coins okay wait let's just make sure to not accidentally press a too fast and yeah we don't accidentally want to spend 50 coins on that because then we'd have to go and get another Power Moon okay so now we actually have enough power boost for some reason I was thinking that we had enough power moves I forgot that there was still uh one more that we had to get actually okay so let's just boost on over here and put it in there we go okay are we still going to be moving fast during this cutscene oh you can see the cloud over there is that from that rocket flower that just poofed into nothing it's weird Cappy almost looks like a Santa Claus hat over there okay there we go now we have enough power boots finally okay so what is it going to be Now is it going to say Metro Kingdom okay I think it's gonna say Metro Kingdom because we can see that we're passing over that palm tree place over there yeah we're definitely gonna make it straight to the Metro Kingdom there isn't gonna be anything that goes wrong at all on our way there and look at Mario he's just the captain of The Odyssey Airship over here Ash Ketchum fits very well in this role goodness what was that we heard so the ashes hands look huge I think it's because his head is kind of small compared to his body or does Mario normally have big hands like that but for some reason this ash he just looks like he has very big hands doesn't he proportionally it looks like it to me like he has big hands oh and wait Charizard's gonna come over here right let's see Charizard where are you Charizard Charizard on the ship over there with Princess Peach ah there he comes it's so cool to see Charizard walking towards you instead of Bowser looks like his hands are behind his back Ash ketchum's like I'm Gonna Catch You Charizard I'm gonna throw a Pokeball Pikachu go it was a time for our battle now yes here we are the cloud Kingdom what a cool Kingdom because you think that you're going to make it to the Metro Kingdom right away and then all of a sudden you run into Bowser and you think wait a minute is the game actually going to end here am I already at the end of the game but no the game is just beginning over here so let's make our way over here and let's go that's so cool Ash ketchup and there's Charizard up there look at him laughing he looks like he has a big belly and Charizard jumps that weight contrarizard also fly oh man how cool is that how cool is that Charizard instead of Bowser Ash Ketchum I don't have time for you I'm busy planning my wedding don't you know how stressful that is did anyone think Charizard would ever have a wedding here's Ash Ketchum it's like all right let's go I'm putting on my cap even though I'm already wearing one and Peach is like oh is that sure where's my where's Mario what kind of Pokemon am I holding all right what are we gonna do Charizard what attack are you gonna use hey why are you gonna use a hat why don't you just use flamethrower on us or something oh and if he spins her and attacks us with his tail that would actually make a lot of sense funny when he's wearing the cap uh it looks like it actually covers his eyes hey let's come here you're gonna throw stuff at us now bro where are you going hey you're jumping to there hey we could jump over this oh nice Brown Pound bro that was a nice fast ground pound actually I'm gonna start to punch you down let's go let's go look out bro Oh Oh I thought that he'd do his uh Tail Spin Attack but I guess he didn't okay what are we gonna do now Charizard whatever we gonna do Charizard come on Gary what are we gonna do Gary oh oh he's not doing his fire breathing attack okay good we got it we got it very nice wait can I do long jumps nice I can do long jumps now whoa whoa whoa nice try throwing that Boulder but I'm gonna defeat you very quickly over here well I guess in this fight maybe he doesn't do the tail spin until later in the fight is he gonna breathe fire or no are you gonna breathe fire just throw your caps okay just throw your caps in that's fine I don't care if you throw your caps what do I care if you throw your caps give me that that's the one I need that's the one I need looks like a super easy fight so far everything's going great oh boy I like that you could long jump over that can I dive through these I love that you could dive through these that makes it so fast okay are you gonna spin your tail now or no oh get ready oh I almost jumped too early I was expecting his big tail to spin around more quickly wow Charizard can use fly Charizard so good at fly I love that his tail sticks straight up like that shows aren't going to be angry out is he going to be attacking us what's going to happen in this cutscene he shakes it off Mario you must know Water and Electric type moves because those are super effective against Me Maybe you even use the rock type no fire oh speaking of fire types yeah cause he's a fire type that's why ash ketchum's running away as cannonballs are being shot at him oh boy what game are we even playing over here this looks so funny Ash Ketchum evil Charizard see what you're up against Mario oh and guys try and guess what Pokemon the dragon will be because there is you guys know the dragon boss that is coming up soon for those of you that have played Super Mario Odyssey I wonder if there are any people watching this video who haven't seen regular gameplay of Super Mario Odyssey before that would be really interesting if someone was a Pokemon fan but they haven't played Mario Odyssey or seen footage of Mario Odyssey before so this would be their first time seeing Super Mario Odyssey that'd be really interesting okay let's go take it off Ash it is time to go let's go my bro okay so normally when you go hold on hold on let's just be careful how we go like this okay that's not what I wanted to happen if you go too far then that bird will come here and it'll uh steal your hat and we don't want that to happen so we'll do this let's do this let's get ready this is a slightly tricky jump let's go one two three and come on Ed let's go baby oh and look at that it's a Haunter how cool is that oh my goodness that actually looks so cool I love that little Haunter that was so unexpected that's the evolved form of Gastly and Gastly ends up evolving into Gengar I think in most Pokemon games if not all Pokemon games you actually have to trade Haunter for it to evolve into a Gengar there are a few Pokemon like that there's Alakazam and Machamp and I think also Golem if I remember it correctly kind of interesting how even in the first generation of Pokemon there is stuff like that where you had to hold on I just want to get that thing up there just want to get the power Moon that's up here very nice okay good yeah it's kind of interesting how even back in the first generation of Pokemon there were oh yes yes it's a Garchomp I love how he's dancing side to side like that that looks way too buddy oh that's so good okay but but where we need to go let's get this guy over here first we need to get this guy over here let's go how close can we get a little more a little more if you shake the controller it'll work but I don't know if shaking this controller will work right now okay so there we go we can just get that wanna be careful to not accidentally jump off while trying to get the power Moon butterflies treasure very nice okay so we've gotten a few power moons already there's just one to get right here if we drop down look how close together the power moons are in this Kingdom you can just get so many power moons so quickly over here okay and soon we want to make sure that that klepto bird doesn't give us any trouble and I think over here if you ground pound yes there's a power Moon here also you can just get the power Moon so quickly in this Kingdom if you ever see a speedrun of this Kingdom you'd go wow they're so fast oh oh and it's Zapdos it's Zapdos over here look at that instead of klepto sealing you're happy it's Zapdos too bad that we don't get to see Zapdos for very long but we could just take about like that nice easy way to take out that Zapdos over there okay we can come over here just get that quite quickly which is very nice another easy power Moon hey we need four more so let's see where can we go there are a nice two or three over here there's the one over here you can just ground pound here you know what here you take my Cappy and come over here oh oh let's try that again yeah so this Haunter they take your hat and then they charge at you like that at which is very nice okay now how many more do we need because there's the one right behind that staircase there's also the one over here [Music] okay so two more to go man we're doing this so quickly okay and let's just get the one that's in here that is absolutely lovely inside the Rising Stone pillar and then there's a relatively easy one over here I've never done this one before Oh wait we could just get that one that one might actually be easier there's one that I'm thinking of hold on let's just go like this oh is that missing okay that's missing Hunter you miss are you coming out again Hunter okay Hunter let's go come straight and oh no now you missed that way oh boy how bad is my aim okay let's see where are you you're right there okay so let's go like this uh come a bit this way maybe that'll work and that should work okay very good very good okay now can I make the jump to there you know what I am in I am not in the lava I thought I'd be in the lava well not lava the poisonous goop I think Louis CK has a joke about that where he was saying that there is someone riding on the bike and there is someone coming out of a taxi opening a door and there's just too much to say and he really wanted to get this information out quickly so he's just like bad thing like over there that's why I just called the poisonous goop lava quickly yeah we could have gone for that power Moon that's down here in this speedrun I think normally you want to go like that and then you end up getting this power Moon over here and then you just fall into the poison and Mario dies and it just spawns you back at the Odyssey I think getting that one would be a bit faster as the final power moon in comparison to the one from the cage that we got but we actually spawn up here so you know what Let's uh let's try out this guy let's try out this Garchomp Garchomp is one of the coolest Pokemon in Gen 4 it's actually a grounded dragon type and it's kind of cool how he could fly around like this and yeah we could just get this power moon right over here even though we don't need it because we have enough power moons already and just pop out here oh and I don't think I really talked about how those guys that can extend out I never really talked about how they are uh wormholes but yeah you guys noticed that they were uh worm pulls instead of those tropical wigglers that's what they're called the tropical wigglers were actually wormpoles now because they've been replaced with wormpoles they look good too uh and what a lovely Colored Sky we have over here and clouds have you guys ever been on a plane before guys let me know in a comment if you've ever been in an airplane before I haven't been on an airplane in so many years I can't even remember how many years it's been it must be six or so years since I was on an airplane we found just enough power moons to fix up the Odyssey thank goodness we actually found more than just enough I really like how Ash looks here just sitting on this chair he's just staring break blank forward as Kathy's talking to him from time to time he just nods his head a little bit and now it is night time as we are making our way to the Metro Kingdom finally making to the Metro Kingdom the last two kingdoms the cloud and the lost kingdom were so fast though the first time that I was ever at the lost kingdom it actually took me so long to complete it but now once you know what some of the speedrun strategies are even though I've never really practiced speedruns of this game and I'm not fantastic at it it's actually amazing how quickly you can complete some of these kingdoms and look at this look what we have on the skyscraper instead of the mecca wiggler up there did you guys see what Pokemon that was one of the strongest Pokemon in the game alright let's make our way over here wait do I have to actually speak with you no I can probably just go over here right yeah we can just go over here let's just come on up here and wait can I take this down probably also do a jump down ourselves can we should we and probably go like this oh this will be scary this will be scary I don't know if you can make this jump from here can we do it Gary let's go Gary Gary Gary we made it Gary we made it across without using the zappy Gary all right oh and look at the bees it's a Beedrill it's a Beedrill what are you gonna do Beedrill I'll Attack the beedro oh yeah the cocoonas they turn into Beedrill how cool is that that is actually such an amazing mechanic over there oh and uh the tanks are all our Blastoise is over here oh look out we go yes we could go enough whoa bees bees everywhere we're a Blastoise and we're attacking these beedrills over here how cool is that oh and we can attack the other Blastoise right there just right oh the Blastoise just explode okay let's get rid of these beedrills here very nice okay but yeah where we want to go is of course over here oh boy that was a little scary oh and look at that Pikachu over there with the construction hat that looks very nice okay so we went ahead this way and hold on do we have to go down here to get the power Moon I think we do right yeah okay let's just jump on you there are crates here let's just get them out of the way okay they'll come like this and get this right over here very nice getting that power move the first Power Moon of the kingdom and there are oh and uh there's another nice bunk and there are 20 power moons that we have to collect in this Kingdom that's quite a few purposes okay look out Bros I love how you could just kick them when they're uh in cocoon for them still when they are kakunas yeah when they become beedrills that's trouble for you okay lots of blast I'll use this over here oh and we're going to have to play as a Blastoise when we are actually in the boss fight wait where's the boss fight is the boss fight just up here is there a faster way to get to the boss fight I can't remember if there's a fast way okay then there are some Pikachus here that's lovely let's just go here come on up please you just want to make our way up oh and can we get that power Moon can we jump to it from here that might be nice but like this and come on baby let's go don't fall though don't fall don't fall don't fall don't fall don't fall don't fall good job with that ground pound Ash ketchup that is a very good ground pound you had over there Ash Ketchum okay and there is a power moon in this area in this little sub area over here there was a power Moon somewhere where was it I know that it was off to the side so okay we've got some uh caterpies over here whoop uh look out caterpies caterpies don't hurt me caterpies come on Bros just leave me alone just whoa whoa I didn't even realize that I was hey there I was looking ahead and I didn't see where we were Bros I'm at what HP I'm at one HP if you hurt me I might die uh stay back oh boy why am I going there where should we go you know what I'm gonna come up this way tell me there's a moon here tell me there's a power Moon here tell me there's gonna be a power Moon up here come on come on where's the power Moon I know that there is a power Moon around here somewhere somewhere off to the side but where where is the power Moon no power moons here oh boy baby oh boy don't chase me don't chase me don't chase me leave me alone I am getting out of here okay we didn't get the power Moon there but that's okay we get healed up from this which is fantastic news now let's just head on up the city like this and look what it is it's a Rayquaza over here I'm ready to face off against this Rayquaza over here let's go Alabama it's broken up into little sections like that it looks so good it's just zapping out all the electricity so Rayquaza is a dragon near the end of the game in gen 3 so in Pokemon Ruby Sapphire and emerald and it is such a good Pokemon and it has some great moves by default I think it knows outrage extreme speed fly and I'm not sure what the final move is but you could also teach it some great moves it's got amazing stats oh and uh we're gonna face off against this Rayquaza with a Blastoise over here so let's see let's go let's go oh oh get the zappy ones get rid of the zappy ones and whoa whoa that almost got me actually hey let's go this is our chance we're damaging it we're damaging it let's go let's go let's go baby there we are dealt some nice damage onto it okay that was nice and fast wait what happened to that other Blastoise another Blastoise has gone okay now the rake was is gonna go through this Wormhole over here look at how it Bobs his head up and down like that that's quite funny that it's quite comical you know where are you gonna come from next bro you're gonna come through here huh well I'm just gonna move out of the way it's too bad that you can't damage it while it goes through like this that would be very nice if you could do that hey now are we gonna one shot it or no let's see okay ready oh oh you're still coming like this okay that's fine okay now where are you going to go which wall are you going to go up on that is the question let's see they're going oh oh we've got a bunch of these I don't really care about those I just want to damage the Rayquaza let's just try and avoid those if we can good okay come on come on come on almost got all them come on and that all them come on come on come on no no stay away from me orbs stay away from me golden orbs do you have a heart for me nope no heart okay that's all right okay so it's gonna charge us one more time yeah this is probably one of the longest boss fights in the game I'm not sure if it's the longest boss fight in the game but even if you do it perfectly even if you do it quite quickly well as far as I'm aware what the fastest method is it still does take a bit of time okay so let's see okay there is a heart there which would be nice wait how do I damage you oh oh the one at the end there good good let's finish it off now let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go come on attack the Rayquaza attack it go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go and there we are we defeated Rayquaza very nice it looks like it's getting electrified by the building and it explodes and we got a lovely power Moon over here actually a multi-moon are we still in the Blastoise or no oh where did the Blastoise go I wanted Blastoise to celebrate with me did Ash Ketchum ever have a blast always I know that he's met a Blastoise before I think he had a Charizard at one point but yeah doesn't Ash Ketchum release a bunch of his Pokemon in the anime after having them for a while he lets them go out into the wild okay and now it is daytime at the Metro Kingdom over here there's Pauline so there are a bunch of things that we can do for power Moon so let's see let's go and get some power moves okay yeah we got rid of the bug thing let's go oh wait wait did a Cappy call it a bug thing did Cappy say we got rid of the big bug thing is kind of funny because that's what they call Rayquaza wait is the power Moon back there there still is a power moon right back there okay how can we get in here can we get in through here wow I actually didn't know about this until just a few days ago I didn't know about that power boot that's so funny okay and can we make this jump down there without using our you know what let's see look at this and come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on baby please you gotta make it yeah we made it we skipped that again let's go okay and you know what let's try this jump rope minigame it's quite hard but I'll try my best let's go let's get ready okay let's go and now go if you get to 30 you get a power Moon and if you get to 100 you get another Power Moon I don't think we could get to 100 but let's hopefully get to uh at least 30. let's go okay whoa wait I just realized there's a Mew over there I saw something moving and it was a little distracting but hopefully I don't get too distracted that this hits me let's go okay now don't distract me I'm gonna keep going I'm gonna keep going oh never mind okay you know what that's fine that's fine it was actually going slower than I expected maybe we could do it but you know it's probably not worth the time hello there Mew how do you do mute can I ask you for some advice yeah so the cockatoo is actually replaced with Mew what's the second gear seeking I know it you probably don't expect Mew to speak like that I can't tell you but I'll give you a clue do you see it guys ah he's hiding somewhere and no peeking go find it okay let's take one of these I don't know if we are going to plant all of these uh after you plant these you have to wait a little while whoa no don't fall is it still up there how in the world are you still here grab it okay oh my goodness how did it not fall that is so lucky okay now go in the pot amazing okay so maybe we'll come back for that power Moon later wait isn't there a way to get this I think speed earners they can like spin in here or something they go like whoops not like that yeah I heard that there's a way that speedrunners can just clip in there I don't know how it works I haven't seen it before wait wait wait oh and even the uh car is changed wait what is this supposed to be I don't even know what this is over here okay well let's uh go like this and back up a bit and now just go straight in and there we go we got the power Moon I don't even know what that is is that a Pokemon yeah so just a cupcake I don't know what he added for this one and you know should we do the race you know let's come in and do the race there's a relatively quick race that you can do over here and wait if I do it fast enough I wonder if I'll get both power moons together I'm not expecting that we will though okay so we have to beat I think 35 seconds and also 28 seconds let's try best okay bad start already let's see how this is gonna go oh boy you really have to practice for this if you want to be good at it yeah that's not good yeah there's no way that we're beating that uh required time now of 20 26 or 28 for the second power Moon unless we play absolutely perfectly out of our mind in the second two laps let's see and it's our final time here bro bro bro what is that what's our final time we actually almost beat 28 oh my goodness okay wait was it you have to beat 28 or you have to beat 26 for the second power Moon well I guess we'll find out hold on how what are you gonna say wait he doesn't say what time people need to win you normally say what time people need to win well one power moon is Enough from here anyways let's get out of here oh and there are two power moons that we could get over here so let's pop in here there'll be two nice power moons that we can get okay so what we need is oh oh and we've got these guys instead about piranha plants which is very nice okay rotate one more time please thank you very much for that oh there friend I'll just defeat you oh Oh I thought that we could just walk into them but I guess that won't work okay so let's do this one more time then I'll grab you thank you very much I'll have to come around here oh nice jump sending that back okay now get that please Cappy good job reaching that okay now where's the final one that we need the final one that we need is just gonna be right over here look out bro and I'm gonna have to jump on this guy if I want my Cappy back too bad that the ceiling is glass over here I would love to just jump off the top over here and make my way out but alas we cannot do that we must go here let's go here then we can exit and get this power moon right over here but that's not all because there's one more power moon in this section I don't think we actually saw it on screen I don't know I wasn't really paying close attention but actually just drop back here and get a power moon now do we have to use that thing to get back out or no let's try this let's go like this and let me back up yeah there we go okay nice we didn't have to use that thing I don't know if it is faster or not to do that but there we go everything in this section is done and we need nine more power moons so what are we going to do for those nine other power moons that's quite a few Penguins oh hello hello everyone's waving at us hello Hello friends Hello friends hey let's get in here now there is a power Moon that we could get in here it's relatively easy it costs 10 coins to play and you want to be careful to not celebrate too early okay so what is it after it's after a normal heart okay go now good you want to be careful you want to be careful okay after normal heart now okay good get ready after normal heart go now good last one don't mess it up don't mess it up bro after normal heart go there we go we win the power Moon Barry wait where is it even there it is okay very nice okay so eight power moons to go where can we go for some nice power moves wait wait is there a guy is this the guy over here can we sit down with him and get a power moon right now boy I tell you this city how about I have a seat with you oh I'm sitting about as far away from him as I can on the beds like thanks for reaching out have this for your trouble like how the guy in front of us just paused mid walking right now while we are doing all these animations like he's watching what's happening thanks pal no problem no problem at all yeah just park that thing anywhere pal no one is going into uh into the underground power plant with that taxi here oh I never even realized that this was here so that's what stops you from getting to this part of the game uh too early oh let's come in here there are a few power moons and a few really surprising ones so let's see oh I didn't make a good jump over there to start let's see let's go like this let's go and come on now add easy power Moon over there no problem okay pushing through the crowd now you might think that that's it but but if we look closely over here one of these people they're gonna have something on the back of their head let's just watch closely someone's gonna have something look at the back of these people's caps gonna be something that shows up on one of their caps let's see where are you bro where are you bro where are you gonna be bro where are you gonna be bro where are you come on come on come on or maybe it only happens after you beat the game maybe it only happens after you beat the game because normally there's another Power Moon over here there's uh you'll see eyes on the back of somebody's cap and then when you go and talk to them then you get another Power Moon okay but there is also another Power Moon up here where is it oh oh we have to swing Along swing Along swing Along and there oh oh I almost missed him I almost ran off actually there we go we got this one now we only need just a few more we're getting kind of close to being done over here but we can wait is this the entrance or exit I don't know okay good it was the right pipe this is where I wanted to go yeah because if we went through where we came from then we'd go back to the Metro Kingdom but this brings us to this other part of the Metro Kingdom with the rocket so I think that there are two power moons that we can get here I believe there are weight but if I just make it up there right away oh I don't know if you can't that'd be so tricky wait should we just try to go there right away let's try it let's try it I don't know if it'll work come on oh my goodness you can just do that that is so silly that is so silly that you could just do that that isn't even super difficult to do that's so funny that you can just do that that makes it so easy okay wait what about this how far can we go like this oh man okay let's go like this and let's see how far along we can make it this way we could always just grab onto one of these yeah we could grab onto one of those if we're not able to make it back and wait where's the other Moon can we get to the other moon from here easily or no no the other Moon's way out of the way you basically unless we could get up here no there's no way that we could get that high though that is too high even for us okay it looks like you could actually get kind of close I don't know if we can make the jump that high we can almost make it look how close that is oh you know what you could probably make it if you do a triple jump off of this right here let's see oh man you can make it you can make it what an athlete yeah this guy's more excited that we're doing the level backwards than doing it forwards that is actually so cool though could you imagine if I missed the jump onto this this is the easiest part of the entire thing it'd be so funny if this was the part that I messed up but yeah now we can get this power Moon here wow I've never done this this way I wonder if it's faster it's definitely harder to do it this way but I wonder if it's faster that's so funny that we did it like that oh boy that's so cool that I noticed that railing then we were able to do it this way wait let's just go like this there we go now we made it back all the way over here that is so cool I wonder if the floor over here is going to be lava in the floor's lava when we come here in the floor is lava mod because if it is then there might be some cool strategies we can do okay so where do we want to go we can get two quick power moons over there or actually maybe even three wait is the dog over here or no I don't think that the dog is here yet okay so we could get a power moon from here oh that's so funny that it's actually a piece of Rayquaza instead of the big broken up Mecca wiggler yeah I was looking at this something wait what even is that over there okay so we can talk to this guy wait actually we can't get the power Moon from him yet because we have to talk to Mayor Pauline first okay so there are two power moons that we need what two should we get okay there is still the power Moon up there we get up to the top and then drop down that might be a faster way to get that one so let's go like this and then maybe our plant is also going to be ready so then we can just go and get our plants yes we can get this wait should we teleport to over here yeah let's teleport over there that's probably faster than walking over man what a kingdom what a kingdom the Metro kingdom is such a cool Kingdom I have a video where recently I just went through a bunch of the Metro Kingdom and got almost every single Moon that we missed ah we need one well we need one more power moon but this one isn't ready yet what should we do you know what I'll fill up on my water and hopefully this will be ready by the time that I'm back okay this plant is finally ready we can finally get this power Moon and let's make our way to the next Kingdom okay and instead of just uh teleporting there it's nearby over here we can just use this to come back we can jump down to there without using this capture but thinking I'm back without using the capture I don't know if that would be possible okay let's get ready to go to the next Kingdom so there's still snow Seaside what other kingdoms do we have snow Seaside luncheon Bowser and moon I think that's it five kingdoms that's actually quite a few still I think right now we can choose between snow and seaside if I remember correctly or are we going to luncheon first oh yeah it looks like you can choose between snow and seaside okay so let's go to snow then we'll go to Seaside after so here we are this snow kingdom and there's a big blizzard happening right now and Ash Ketchum knows a thing or two about blizzard he knows that it is a strong Pokemon move notice that it's a strong ice type move got 120 power and 80 or 70 accuracy I'm not sure if they've ever changed it but yeah the accuracy is not very high can't just make it down to there from here can we can we just go like this how far can we make it oh oh oh oh almost but from here can we get up high enough I think we might be able to make it up high enough let's see come on let's go baby and we didn't even bunk okay let's fall down there oh there's a checkpoint flag right there I should have gotten the checkpoint flag I did the same thing in my playthrough of Bowser Jr obviously oh look at these I think you scared us how adorable are these guys look at that they are spiels I love that these guys were changed with spiels this was one of my favorite changes in oh let's get that okay there we go yeah this is one of my favorite changes in the entire game I think spiel's fit these guys so well I thought of this I thought it was so good just a cupcake did the change for us and also uh the guy that we change into or the guy that we have to capture for the race we might be using spiels for that race too which I think will be great oh and we haven't seen these yet have we ah yeah so you might be wondering who uh these guys over here who these nidorants are these nidorans they are actually spinies but these guys over here that replace uh these guys over here that replace the you know what that replaced the typhus I don't know go get him yes yes we got him we got him we got him okay so you want to push up all these Nita Rams over here yeah needle Reigns I thought that was a great uh replacement for spinies that was just a cupcakes idea and the same with these guys over here that uh replace the typhus I don't know what these are though what are these almost looks like a snow cone Pokemon like ice cream wait is this snow cone and an ice cream the same thing I don't think they're the same thing are they you can tell I don't really eat dessert like is this snow cone and an ice cream the same thing I'm guessing they're different no because ice cream comes in an ice cream cone so what is a snow cone then what in the world is a snow cone is this snow cone the same as cotton candy or is that different Okay so we've opened up one of these four things so there are three more barriers that we have to open but let's just make our way through this one now oh and we're also gonna have to face a boss is this the one with the boss no this isn't the one with the boss okay but there are going to be two power moons here I believe so let's go like this blow me blow me thank you very much now let's just come on up here and where are you gonna bring me to over there okay let's go bring me up okay doing lots of spinning over here like when Mario lands on a spin drift in Super Mario 64. but now it's time for our next boss battle over here wait are we going to face this way what's his name Capper topper jiggly we're gonna face Jigglypuff again right because we've already faced all of them once oh we're facing you again I'm actually surprised that it's not a Capper or topper whatever his name is hey where are you going oh that was a little tricky the way that you threw two like that okay there's one hit on you now what are you gonna do bro you're kind of fast this time right so you might catch up to us actually do you want to go like this I'm going sideways basically hey throw your caps throw your caps you have a Cappy well so do I get him get him get him get on get on yeah we still made it okay very nice I'm getting you and what about you rocks you got any hearts for me got any hearts for me I want that heart so I could have full health let's go yeah there we go okay perfect now then you're gonna throw your caps throw your caps I don't know if I can get it oh I got both of them I got both of them oh my goodness my happy throws were fantastic in this fight oh and I should probably head over to where the power moon is going to spawn it probably spawns out that platform and it's not a multi-moon unfortunately even though it is a brutal bus that we defeated we are just going to go and collect this power moon right over here another Power moon for Ash Ketchum now that will be two out of the four seals are cleared okay two barriers to go let's go to the top right this time and we'll go to the bottom right last and it's this one this is a fun little one over here and wait wait are these that's what I thought that is such a good choice over here okay so there are those little eel guys or sorry not little eel guys there are actually those giant eels that come out in some levels that are similar to this and I asked cupcake to make those into Gyarados but come on come on give me that give me that but yeah this one over here it looks like the Onyx is about to eat Ash Ketchum over there but yeah these over here this was uh just a cupcakes boys what to make these wait bring me up bring me up I can probably make it up without that even what about you let me up here I don't want to Bunk there and fall all the way down oh my goodness oh my goodness bring me up and let me come here okay there we are oh oh but but but this isn't all that we have to do wait wait tell me this doesn't teleport me back because there's actually still that other Moon that we want I hope we don't get teleported back okay good good we don't get teleported back we're still here because we actually want to go here and grab on to this and shimmy on over this way look at how quickly Ash Ketchum can move along this ledge over here and in here is another nice power Moon force and we jumped right through it because it wasn't ready to collect yet but yeah we've got a decent amount of moons how many more do we need we need five more okay Ash I know that you are a treasure but you do have to get out of that treasure chest is the treasure chest is for power moves even though you are a treasure they all know that you are a treasure but the treasure chest is for power moons and you have to go and collect Power moons and Pokemon oh oh this is a fun section too okay so let's get some of these Pikachus over here and I think these Pikachus not only do they look so adorable with their Santa hats oh look how cool they look with the Ash Ketchum hat that looks so good I really like how that looks that looks really cool and uh since these are actually Goombas that have been replaced with Pikachus we can of course stack them up just like Goombas and look what happens oh I thought that we'd uh make one of the Goombas confused by jumping past it but we were too good and we jumped onto it okay so let's get this right here there will be a nice power moon in here for us so we might as well get that very good job Ash Ketchum and now there's a super simple one over here then after that we only need three more power moons so if we do the race because there is the race then after the race we should have enough again we can just jump across like that I don't know what you're actually supposed to do because that was a super easy to jump to just make a cross like that man it's so cool how many little shortcuts you can do in this game using Cappy the more I play this game the more I like it I grew up playing a lot of Super Mario 64. and I absolutely love that game I did a little tiny bit of speedrunning of that game and that was really fun sight I really enjoyed the movement in Super Mario 64. but man the more I play Odyssey the more I can appreciate it it is such a great speedrun game that's something that it just seems like everybody says everybody always talks about what a great speedrunning game Super Mario Odyssey is and Super Mario 64 as well but the more I play Super Mario Odyssey the more I can appreciate it for Super Mario 64. I just always knew it was a good Speed Run game it's just obvious but Super Mario Odyssey I didn't grow up playing that one so I never really knew what it was like ah right so let's see where do you want to go oh I it might have caused myself a problem I caused myself a problem didn't I where's the guy that we want to race against wait oh these spiels are like I want to race I'm as fast as a race car okay where does this take me this way to go back I don't want to go all the way back wait do I have to go through this door which door do I have to go through because I know that there's a little shortcut that we could use for getting the guy if you know what I mean oh perfect perfect so the guy that we need is somewhere over here wait is this a guy oh this is the guy this way isn't even that long to get to him okay yeah this feels so sad so sad like I'm a big round Spiel I don't want to race if someone wants to take my place they can do that I'm not racy I'm not ever leaving this spot what you have to do is you throw Cappy at him and no we are the Spiel it's so cool to bounce around as this feel how cool is that I think that's incredible oh and we can also get some coins that'd be nice let's go I'm ready to race I want to race hey let's race oh so I'd like to join the race please follow it now we can start the race a frost frosted cake was stolen so the prize will be a power moon are you ready to race now yes okay it's actually been a little while since I've done this I love how they're just a bunch of spiels that are ready to race how cool is that okay it's actually been a little while since I've done this so hopefully we can still win okay we're starting off in fourth place there are three laps we have to come in first let's go let's go oh it's actually a little confusing with all this feels looking so similar let's go oh boy that was bad that was bad that was bad that was bad we gotta go faster oh boy the timing is actually a little bit hard like this let's see okay come on now bounce that way good good come here and go fast gotta go fast gotta go fast oh no that wasn't very fast at all hey hey I bounced against the top there that should be illegal that should be illegal go come on come on I gotta catch up to these guys now come on look they're actually kind of far ahead I have to be careful where I go and what I do let's go go come on hey don't bounce too fast over here yeah it's the final lap now and I'm actually not in first place this is the worst I've ever done in this race actually I've never done this poorly in this race before let's see can we come back okay we are in first right now but can we maintain our lead until the end that is the question go come on now come on now oh we're almost slapping that one come on come on come on come on come on come on come on yes baby we did it we did it all right oh man that was the closest race I've ever had for this what a race you are like a supersonic snowman I was like a Spiel over here your prize is a multi-moon that is absolutely lovely I would love the multi-moon I would love to get out of this Kingdom because we have done enough over here first place Spiel second place field third place feel actually first place is Ash Ketchum with Mario's Body but his own head apparently what a great Victory we had over there now let's fly back to the Odyssey and go to the next Kingdom the seaside Kingdom okay so oh oh and Cappy said something about the sun's out but it's still freezing man it is starting to get very very cold will it where I am living right now we're starting to see some temperatures below zero degrees and by below zero degrees I mean below zero degrees Celsius which is the freezing temperature which is about 32 Fahrenheit yeah it's 32 Fahrenheit okay it's been a while since I've uh had to convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit I remember there's a certain temperature where they're equal to each other is it minus 40 yeah minus 40 Fahrenheit and Celsius are the same oh my goodness that is uh quite cold minus 40. so if someone ever says the temperature is minus 40. then you don't have to ask is it Celsius or Fahrenheit here we are the seaside Kingdom oh and look who we have up there look who the boss is who's drinking from that straw there it is none other than Kyogre and look at the Pikachus over here the pirate hats how cool is that I think they look great okay so let's head over here maybe there will be something nice for us this way oh and look at the little guys down there instead of the pieces of seaweed there are those guys are they called cradely is that their name I can't remember what their name is uh oh okay that was weird my game crashed last time when I was heading over here I don't know what happened but it looks like it's working fine now so I guess that's all right wait is there a gushing around here I thought that there was a gushing around here where are the gushing's going to be so that there are gushings around here oh or maybe you could get one from somewhere else and bring it to here and then that'll be a good strategy maybe that's the way that it works okay let's just go over here I guess let's be on the lookout for where some power moons could be okay let's look out for these guys over here they look like little troublemakers over here man this is a pretty cool Pokemon in gen 3. I think if I remember correctly it was a rock grass type Pokemon it's the evolved form of one of the fossils that you can get okay so let's see where do we want to go where oh where do we want to go what do we want to do oh let's go get that Magikarp over there so then we can swim around a bit Magikarp I choose you okay nice we got the Magikarp amazing okay so where are we going to want to go where are the power moons at wait what's this down here oh that's just a bubble blower over there bubble buddy bubble buddy let's go bubble fishing or jellyfishing that's what it was not bubble fishing hey there's this Sphinx over here oh wait do I have to come out of this guy to talk to you go elsewhere okay fine I'll go elsewhere let's speak but look how dizzy The Magikarp is what is the name of this land this is bub Lane I know that because that is the theme that plays over here the bubbling game one of the coolest themes in the game let's take our Magikarp back come in here hey all of a sudden my Magikarp is gone oh that's so sad that's so sad okay but we get this our moon over here let's just make our way out it looks like nine more power moons we have to get I'm guessing that we have to get nine more power moons yeah the way some of these fish move is a little weird right now oh and look at that look at that there's a Lapras over so fantastic how good does that Lapras look this has to be one of the coolest changes to the game like how good is that how cool does that look and look we're on a Magikarp on a Lapras how amazing is this this just looks way too good oh and there's the guy that we need this is the guy that we need I need you come here I will capture you Sharpedo and it's so funny how they attack you from behind like that okay let's get going let's see oh we could probably just uh fly up here right but you can come here so like this and go okay now spread out okay spread out a bit okay now just let me down here let me down I'll just get this power moon right over here nice and easy power moon for us very good yeah I think the first time that I was here I thought that this area right here where we got this power Moon I thought that this would have been like in Super Mario Sunshine where you have to clear all the goop except it's like fire goop over here okay you know let's actually do the ground pounds over here let's take on the Kyogre boss fight because why not it looks really cool Kyogre is a cool Pokemon Kyogre and ground on map Ruby and Sapphire were both such good games I absolutely love those games I'd love to play them on my channel and you know what especially Omega Ruby and Omega and Alpha Sapphire I think that's what they're called right Mega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire on the 3DS those games are on the 3DS I'm pretty sure because yeah I've actually never played those versions of the game I've only played the original Ruby and Sapphire and I played I think I played a little bit of emerald I remember wanting to get Pokemon Emerald uh especially a little while after it came out but man Emerald was just so expensive in the used game market so I could never get it oh it looks like there's actually a shiny spot down there I don't know if there's gonna be a power Moon down here let's see hopefully this is a power Moon hey that's not a power Moon just a bunch of these guys up here you troublemakers and my Sharpedo ran away too oh man that's so sad wait do we have to go through here if we want to make it to the lighthouse I'm not sure I don't know if I've ever been here before have I ever been here before underwater tunnel to the light bro come on come on come on we got hurt by a Magikarp how sad is that how do you get hurt by a Magikarp okay let's just come through here hello there magikarps ah Gyarados okay there's the Gyarados oh another Gyarados wait maybe we have been here before okay there's another Gyarados oh it's so funny that we are a Magikarp and gyaradoses are coming out in attack yes okay we're almost dead imagine if we died to a Gyarados we almost did wait where's the next Gyarados gonna come from I can heal it I can hear it I can hear it I can hear it oh come up come up you know come through here good job now come on come on just let me get healed and get healed don't kill me Magikarp good good good we got a bit of Health here hey now where are we gonna go hooray we made it out safely okay and we're through the pipe oh boy that was some spooky stuff over there but get the checkpoint and we get the power Moon over there we can just see the coyote Kyogre floating in the background there okay so we've got another one of these switches that we can hit which is very nice because now another one of these corks are gonna come out and hit Kyogre over there Bonk on the head and just two are left now so if we could get one of the sharpedoes over there oh and there is just a Sharpedo over there so that's perfect let's go like I don't know if this can reach yes that can reach good let's just come on over like this and we should just be able to capture this fella here and that's so nice how we were able to come over quickly yeah because your swimming is a bit slower than your normal movement so we were able to just jump most of the way which was lovely and now we got another Power Moon over here and then the last one is just gonna be up top near the start oh and there's another cool Power Moon that we could also get near the start and there's apparently a volleyball minigame over here I don't think I've ever played it I've never gotten the power moon but I heard that that's quite difficult I heard some people say that it is more difficult than the jump rope minigame in the Metro Kingdom and that one it was pretty hard to get to 100. is this where the nice moon in the side is it looks like it because there's something hey I was hoping that we would make that that was so close I knew that I could have thrown Cappy but yeah I was hoping that it would work without it okay wait what's a nice way to do this we can go like this and come on and there we are okay very good now we can just come over like this and get the moon very good great job Ash Ketchum yeah normally you might want to bring a Sharpedo in here well I guess normally it's not a Sharpedo normally it's a gushing but for us we could either bring a gushing or a Sharpedo over there hey and the last one that we need wait a minute what in the world Pikachu look at Pikachu is there just a power Moon up here how are we gonna get to the one up there hold on yeah there's just a power Moon up there oh if we had a gush and then we could get up there nicely but can we get up there like this I don't know if we can let's see oh oh we might be able to do it we might be able to do it let's see this is a little tricky I don't know if we can make it let's see come on jump and yeah you can make it up like that man that is quite tricky that is a that jump really tests the limits of How High vertically you can go is where we are going to want to go is of course oh nope that's not the one then we're over here look out pirate Pikachus those pirate Pikachus they almost look like characters that you would see in a Mario Party game it looks like the outfit that you'd see in a Mario Party game okay let's just like this we're doing a great job at avoiding these oh and that's almost our cue for getting hit oh and did you guys see the female Pikachu back there hold on I want to actually go back and show you guys yeah so you can bring a Goomba stack over here to that female Pikachu how good does that look you know I actually want to do it now oh no but uh no we could do that in the luncheon Kingdom yeah and the luncheon Kingdom will have another opportunity to do that we'll have another opportunity to do that in the luncheon Kingdom okay now let's just blast through here well I'm actually surprised that none of those spikes at all hurt us we didn't get hurt by a single one of those spiky balls Okay so we've gotta switch to ground pound over here and that's the last one looks like Kyogre is gonna be angry now it's gonna be time to battle Kyogre over here where are you going Kyogre yogurt falls down and you ready to battle bro you ready to battle bro I'm ready to battle you want to battle I'll come and ground pound on your head you want that bro ready to get ground pounded on time for us to take back the sparkling water hey let's go oh you can spit out some of those huh I don't want to get hit by this come here hey let's go let's go time to battle I shall catch up to you and I shall ground pound on your head are you prepared oh you're stuck back there that means I can get you I'm gonna get you I what the oh oh cause his head is normally on fire oh that's why I actually have to get above you over here I have to put out the fire come on did I put out the fire yet come on oh no I'm all out of uh water actually and I only have one HP this is getting extremely dangerous here okay I think now I can ground pound on him right oh whoa don't hurt me don't hurt me I'm running away I'm running away I'm so scared I'm so scared I'm very very very very scared stop your spitting okay think over there that chest has a max-up part for us let's just go over there and get that do I go for that or the checkpoint flag go for this go for this go all in go all in take the risk and wait it's a maxim part yeah there we go okay now we are at six Health we're at one Health now we are at six okay that was a little scary and we can grab this come over here get him good now we are gonna go ground pound on that kyogre's head you ready Kyogre are you ready are you ready little blue ogre you blue ogre monster we're gonna press the Z button when we are above your head you're gonna ground pound on your head are you prepared are you prepared for trouble are you ready to make it double protect the world from devastation let me bounce on your head bro what are you doing oh my goodness all I wanted to do is ground pound on his head but he just keeps running away okay let's try this again try and catch up to him whoa that exploded near me hey let's come on over here oh oh looks like you're gonna have to stop soon wake up now go there we go we finally got a ground pound on your head oh and he spun around and he hurt us a little bit get him it's good good we got this one where are you going Kyogre where are you going where are you trying to escape to where are you trying to escape why is Kyogre spinning like this this looks so silly let's see oh now you're shooting red drills at us huh oh you think that's gonna help you I think that's gonna help you defeat us you think you're gonna deal some damage onto us with this strategy that you've got over here you think that'll work you think a cheap little trick like that'll hurt me Mario the okay okay maybe if I can't catch you then maybe it'll actually be good for you wait wait wait wait wait I gotta get some of these sharpedoes over here okay let's go let's go let's go come on now oh are you stopping finally let's go and will this defeat you or no oh yes he's defeated okay and all of a sudden he transformed back into this for the cut scene that's fine he's gonna get a Brain Blast too bad Kyogre couldn't have a brain glass wow that was a big explosion and wait I think we don't need any more power moons after we get this one right I don't think we actually need any more power moons yeah because we only need two more power moons and this is worth three so that's perfect we have more than enough power moons next up is the luncheon Kingdom and yeah you need quite a few power Moons for that Kingdom actually there's quite a bit that you have to do there class is half full Ash doesn't even look happy at this cut scene okay so now we can make it to the London Kingdom and then after that is it the Bowser King oh oh oh then you try to go to the Bowser Kingdom and then it's the ruined Kingdom before that actually I almost forgot about that one and that's where we're gonna have the dragon boss and you guys are gonna see what the dragon is that's a very exciting one yeah because we already know that Bowser is Charizard what is the dragon boss going to be what do you guys think you could leave your guesses in the comments and the luncheon Kingdom there's just so much to do here there are so many power moons that you can collect Power moons everywhere man and playing hide and seek with power moons in this level with friends was fun it was fun to make and play those mods okay so let's make our way through this Kingdom oh look at how adorable all the Pikachus are over there okay so let's make our way up here can we do this come on um baby no let's try this again let's go like this and one and there we go we made it all right okay that is such a cool jump okay let's come here and get that power Moon all right okay piled on this salt that is a very nice first Power moon for us now we can just make our way down here let's run to here oh oh and look at what we have instead of the exploding tomato guys we've got slug bugs like this oh that's actually so funny how they behave like that that's great okay and there's just a power Moon back here I don't think I even knew that there was a power Moon back here I saw this in small Lines video oh oh and uh you guys saw the little Cyndaquil jumping up there okay let's come here first though because now it's time for another brutal fight look at this there are only three brutals on this ship now are we gonna face Charmeleon again come on down Charmeleon it's time to battle you okay and let's try and do the fight a bit faster this time let's go come on now hey hey hey what are you doing bro bro bro come on come on bro okay what are we doing here okay now focus focus get ready to go go oh I missed him oh this is so much worse than last time bro where are you going where are you going oh oh we got to see Charmeleon moving around like this it's quite comical okay let's see hey you're coming to the center over here okay let's get him like this get him get him and jump on him and there we go okay now get ready when he starts to move that's when you want to jump go there we go okay now let's get ready and come on come on come on come on I gotta jump on him I gotta jump on him I gotta jump on him oh boy and we're down to three hearts that means we don't have our boosted Max Health anymore that's so sad Charmeleon was such a troublemaker just like Charizard is it's funny that we have Charmander Charmeleon and Charizard we have the full Evolution set over here okay but we got a nice power moon for this okay so let's just make our way across here now this will be a nice place to go and hold on I think there's also a moon up here somewhere right well there isn't one here right okay no there's not one over here but let's get up here baby and look at that shiny spot there lovely moon for us overlooking a bunch of ingredients uh literally looking over them not overlooking them as in we forgot to consider them that's not what they mean by that hey let's come on over here and will you boost me up boost me up please thank you very much okay and now there's one to break over here so let's just do that and are we doing a nice jump or are we doing just a regular jump over here let's see oh I fell right that did not work as I thought it would and had hoped it would but we do get this power moon right over here is this an ingredient too no this is just a power boot no this is Patrick hey what a funny joke is this the Krusty Krab no this is Patrick okay let's put that in there oh boy that just barely fit actually his case this where the power Moon spawns where's the power Moon oh it's off to this side over there okay let's go I wanted to dive into it actually oh and look there's Mew back there Mew might give us a hint maybe but that's okay we've already spoken with Mew and that is enough speaking with me okay so let's this might not reach this might be bad this is gonna be bad this is bad this is very bad there's nothing we can do now we're gonna die can we just see the cyndaquils jumping in and out of the lava there let's get on top of this pillar over here and don't jump past it good job not getting past it okay now can we make it to there from here or no yeah we can make it to there we can definitely make it to there that's lovely okay now oh look at this look at this instead of a fire bro we've got a Cubone over here how good is this this is one of my favorite ones actually oh boy this looks so good yeah because it's a nice gen one Pokemon also and look at that instead of throwing frying pans he's throwing bones like that that's amazing I'm so happy with how this one looks that's amazing okay and we can go and get a power Moon over there that'll be nice for us so let's just go ahead and head down there and get that one and look at the what is that green thing it's some kind of Jelly Bean or something that we kicked it's just floating around okay but there are a lot a lot a lot of power moons that you need in this Kingdom there's still a lot of power moons that we need there's some there to the right that we can go and get there's one or two that we can get over here if we go up there then we'll get brought up to the top oh and look who it is look who's flying up there it's hello and it's so funny that it's not flapping his wings that actually looks so funny okay the let's go like this you know what let's catch this Cyndaquil over here uh right the fire starter from it Den two is over here Cyndaquil and you know what you know what's funny about this oh okay good good that does spawn that Force which is nice but the funny thing is you might think that Slugma would look really good at replacing those lava bubbles that ride around in this pink goop but Slugma also fits so well for these lava balls over over here so it's a tough choice because you don't want both of them to be Slugma so what do you do what do you do it really is a tough situation because there are oh boy yeah because for some captures it's hard to find what pokemon would be good to uh replace them actually wait have I ever been in here before Oh wait we should probably get up wait can I go like this and let's see how hard is this oh I didn't think that that would work I thought we would bunk there and I thought we'd have to try again actually okay but that's fine we've got this power moon now so that's very nice uh there's also some stuff that we could get down there we could get this one too we could bring this back I guess we might as well bring this one back this is probably a kind of slow one but hey I'm not too efficient at this Kingdom so it's okay if we're a little slow and it's so cool to just see Pokemon running around like this wait wait I actually want to get up there no wait what defeated that guy wait bro okay good now let me get up here and get up there and let me go like this and grab it perfect perfect that's exactly what I needed now then can I bring you up here my friend I go like this and amazing amazing okay I was worried that we had actually fall from that side I thought that would be slippery but it looks like it's fine that goes in there give me the power moon give it to me where is it is it where I am or do we have to move oh no it's that way okay on we didn't even fall onto it that's fine that's all right okay we've got 10 power moons we need about eight more you know what let's grab some of these fellas over here give me that cinderquil over there let's swim around in this lava okay so there should be a power Moon get over there because that looks shiny over there so it's probably here so let's go like this and yeah right there is a nice power moon for us lovely island of salt floating in the lava now hold on there's a cinder quill to catch around here right where's the Cyndaquil come get it hey got away hey where's it gonna go now over here I see the lava coming out go there we go we got it we got it lovely and absolutely lovely now what if we come up here will there be anything nice for us in here what's normally in here I don't remember oh oh it's this section okay so we have done this before I don't know if I've done it in my main playthrough or if we've only done it in mods actually that's the thing oh oh actually coming out good I'll come here okay I'll go there and get me good job bro now get him go bring me up okay and wait I think you could actually just flick this way hi oh oh okay okay that would have been horrible if there wasn't anything down there maybe you actually have to shake your controller for that part but wait wait you should just be able to jump around nicely like this and get that that is absolutely perfect well I guess it could have been a bit better we probably didn't have to do that happy stall in the air that probably just slowed us down a bit but we have got a few power moons and this is looking all right so let's just come on down here let's grab this fella over here okay I guess we'll grab this fella over here then okay that's a good fella to grab over here and we can probably climb up from here right can we reach up there amazing amazing we did it now get me here come on now oh now let me up here please folks let me up here please thank you oh very much that's exactly where I wanted to go okay I can't sneak past there but you know what I guess we're gonna have to go over here wait can I grab your head I can't grab your head you just want to talk to me I want to grab your head and you're trying to talk to me come on now let's think about this okay let's grab one of these Cinder quills and with this Cyndaquil let's go swimming over there I have a sneeze coming up soon I might be sneezing in a moment and let's just grab this treble clef and it'll grab the power Moon on that island too so with both of these power moons then we will only need three more after that because we currently need five right yeah this should be fine come on let's get him okay there you go perfect now there'll just be one more power moon to get on this island we just have to go into that pipe and then we go through the 2D section that should be fine then all we have to do is go get the multi-moon and then we can go to the next Kingdom after this let's go down this pipe wow we slid through that pipe quite quickly okay Hammer bro stop your hammering oh boy they didn't stop their hammering in fact they hurt me I have only two HP right now in fact I'm a little scared in fact fact I'm a little frightened whoa okay get this good I look out bro I'm coming here I'm gonna run past here Nothing's Gonna Hurt Me actually I'll get hurt and I'll just damage boost through so that's what I meant to say yeah because if something hurts you when you have two HP that's okay and it's right by the power Moon so that's fine okay so wait can I teleport to here I don't know if I got the checkpoint flag there or not so let's just go like this where are you going cub oh you come good good good okay so you want to get up there uh the bird the hobo up there wants that slab of meat oh did any of you ever see the movie Pokemon 2000 I remember watching that and there's Lugia in it and yeah that was pretty cool okay so let's come here ring me up please okay let's just keep making our way up here bring me up please how high shall we go we shall go to the very top to the tippy top bring me here oh I was hoping that my Cappy would reach that okay but that's fine now we can just come here and bring me up please a little more there's the checkpoint flag okay so it looks like we didn't get the checkpoint flag before okay let's Press B repeatedly for twitch and I don't mean twitch like the live streaming service that's not what I mean over here we are a slabbing we are slabbing we are a twitching slab of me I love how Ho-Oh just comes and grabs us like this it's like it's t posing that is wait are you okay uh okay I was wondering if you would be able to pick us up that's so funny how it moves I love this this is so good okay hello just brings us up over here and drop us down now we can just go and get that multi-moon over there oh don't get burned and now just come up there and there we are good job Mario I'm very happy for you and how things are going because now we can go to the next Kingdom Kathy will say that it's the Bowser Kingdom but we might have a little surprise before we go to the Bowser Kingdom you guys might get to see what the dragon looks like and who replaces the dragon now oh what the hell are we gonna do oh I was very angry now I was like I'm a legendary bird and wait didn't Ash see a Ho-Oh very early in the Pokemon anime and his Pokedex wasn't his Pokedex unsure of what it was or something because I remember his Pokedex was acting strangely or there is something funny about his Pokedex where he tried to identify what it was Mario's blasting off again [Music] Super Mario 64. if you don't count the one that you get at the end from defeating Bowser but time for us to go to apparently the Bowser Kingdom wait a second oh that can't be good yeah we're not going to go to the Bowser Kingdom right away Something's Gonna Stop Us Cappy well I guess there's no way for Cappy to know that it's not like Cappy has played this game multiple times for Cappy this is the first time Cappy is experiencing this so here we are we are flying through the clouds and Ash ketchum's just looking outside Through The Window Man it'd be pretty cool to have an odyssey would you guys want to have an odyssey like that and you can just fly wherever you want well back to our investigation next up we have yeah Cappy was about Bowser and the Bowser Kingdom that Bowser but look all of a sudden our ship is shaking over here what are we shaking why we run outside let's see what it's gonna be What's it gonna be oh my goodness look at how Charizard's just sticking up for that but what is that it is a giant shiny charizard look at its neck oh boy that looks so creepy oh man how many people thought that that's what it would be I was thinking maybe Dr let's see you survive this plumber boy it's so funny how Charizard is just inside its head I thought that it'd be really cool to have maybe a Dragonite oh Ash's face is so funny when they're getting hit with that electricity there I was thinking maybe Dragonite would be cool but you know what this black Charizard looks fantastic stick to yeah we're gonna have to face off against that Dragon boss now and this Charizard over here he's gonna fly away that way and then we're gonna have to go and chase him at the Bowser Kingdom soon but first we have another Charizard that we have to take care of oh wooden you know what the Odyssey is broken again yeah okay there is a power Moon that we can get down there but first let's go well actually not only first we're not even going to go get that power Moon down there because we don't even need it because we are facing off against the boss right now who's gonna come out over here this background reminds me of Fire Emblem guys how is the new Fire Emblem game should I play the new Fire Emblem game Actually I don't even know how new it is uh it's called three houses right it's on the Nintendo switch because yeah I played fire emblem Path of Radiance on the GameCube and I absolutely loved that game that game was so great it was one of my favorite games ever I liked it a lot but yeah I haven't played any other Fire Emblem games since then really or at all I can't I can't think of if I've played any Fire Emblem games other than that but let's see we want to avoid this over here looks like we're doing fine okay let's just come on up here go like this okay now let's pull up wait how high do we have to go where are they where are they where are the things get them oh run up run off run off oh boy that was so weird that was sorry okay yeah because the swords that we have to get rid of they're kind of stuck inside his head a little bit it's a little hard to see them I don't think I've ever messed up on the first attack because we have to get three attacks onto Charizard like that I don't think I've ever messed up the first one though this might actually be a little bit of a tricky fight over here yeah we definitely want to be careful to not take damage here and we basically just want to weather out this storm over here metaphorical electric storm over here oh and what's that wait wait where are the guys is that all them there we go there you go we got all them okay and there now we got to damage him with a ground pound okay now we're gonna get pushed off right yeah okay so yeah the model for this Charizard and the model for the dragon they are a bit different that does make things a little tricky sometimes uh let's see good good good now are you gonna follow or are you gonna attack again you're falling that's good let's see are there gonna be any of those Gates that we have to walk through basically or are we good looks like we're good over here looks like we're good pull out that one pull it out okay now how many here let's go come on come on come on any more I gotta run I gotta run I was hoping that I'd be able to get one more hit on him but nope nope okay so so far we have one hit on him and we have a bunch of those uh sword things we have a bunch of those sword things removed on them so we should be able to get a second hit onto him nicely soon and that's a great way to avoid those sometimes those spinning circles of electricity are a little tricky let's see how we can do over here let's see just jump like this this is a bit like that one uh Splatoon Splatoon 3 level that we have actually and what is that what is that what Pokemon is that whoa oh and you guys are up here too okay good good good Ed there we go second ground pound on him we only need one more ground pound is great that we haven't taken any damage yet this is fantastic okay so let's see what we're gonna do oh oh that's right that's right I actually forgot about this whoa whoa whoa well we didn't avoid it we didn't avoid it let's just get another heart Maybe maybe maybe not whoa boy okay you know what I don't know if that heart's gonna disappear I'm just gonna come here for now try and get as many of these as we can let's go up to the top floor up Floor come on come on come on come on where are these guys at where they at where they at where they at oh gotta run gotta blast blast is the heart still here is it gone thank goodness it's still here okay that's good so we're at full health again which is absolutely fantastic let's run here let's run here I was about to say good job avoiding all of them and then that happened then we got hit right before I was able to say it whoa well one HP one HP that's scary that's very scary you know what I'm actually going for a heart I know this might be silly going for a heart right now but I'm so scared of those fuzzy guys defeating us actually can we get up there do we have time no he's about to wake up I'm about to wake up grab a brush put on a little makeup yeah we want to be careful let's get ready okay and we can go like that and we avoided all of them very good very very good that was great that was a great time for a triple jump over there let's just be careful over here good job avoiding that oh my bro good job Mario Mario and Ash Ketchum combined my Mario Ash Ketchum friend hey come on come on where are the things is that all them yes Ed there's the ground pound okay so it looks like he only had one of those sword things left and the dragon shall be defeated and he's gonna slam down his head like that nice try Charizard looks like we're getting a Shiny Pokemon today okay and where are you right there perfect and I love how the Charizard's just in the background like this Ash Ketchum has a serious look on his face because he knows that he just defeated a tough opponent that's tougher than any gym leader he's faced off against no gym leaders were wait were any Gym Leaders ever attacking Ash directly I don't know if they were maybe they were actually and now it's going to be time for one of the last kingdoms over here let's just add in our three power moons and then we can go to the Bowser Kingdom this will be fantastic foreign all it needed was three power moons and that's enough energy to almost fully restore our Odyssey wow [Music] so let's get going out of here we stopped by the final detour spot actually I don't know if the next Kingdom can be considered a detour or not but it's time for us to move on and look at the Charizard there in the background look at that bright light on the Odyssey as we move through these clouds over here and we've got 123 power moons there is Ash Ketchum looking out the window again it is a dark and stormy night over here actually I don't know if it's night time but it is dark and stormy well that was certainly a doozy Ash looks like he's either completely unfazed or in shock from what just happened and he has a great poker face and it is now the Bowser Kingdom for those of you that have played this game before do you remember the first time that you were here did you think that this was the final Kingdom in the game I definitely did ever since the cloud Kingdom I was thinking that almost every kingdom was the final Kingdom of the game oh look at how great that guy is how great is that guy man that actually fits so well for the model this is it The Showdown I don't know about that Kathy all right let's get in here wait oh look at the hats that the Pikachus have over here ah they've got these nice hats over here okay let's go like this let's stack up these Pikachus because yeah we want to make a Pikachu stack over here instead of a Goomba stack it's so adorable that you could just stack up these Pikachus look at the way that they move it's so nice Okay let's stack up all these Pikachus I'm gonna get this Pikachu too there we go now we got a nice big Pikachu stack over here and we have enough Pikachus to activate that button over there and that makes that spot just look at how many Pikachus that is oh my goodness I think that it is fair to say that I've never seen that many Pikachus stacked on top of each other before okay so let's go the next area now maybe we can get another Power Moon suit wait oh oh and how cool are these look at these I almost forgot about these yeah so these over here are Pidgey so look at this we just poke our beak out like that it actually looks like our beak is going to break sometimes but it's a great attack that we have over here and there is okay get it get it get it get it Pidgey get it Pidgey good job Pidgey yeah and you think that maybe Pidgey can fly but uh yeah maybe normally puji can learn the move he lie but this Pidgey over here doesn't fly this Pidgey over here it only knows the attack pack which is a flying type move yeah and we can use peck on those over there it defeats him in his single hit it almost feels like we're playing Pokemon when you're moving around as a Pokemon and you're attacking other Pokemon okay so what we can do also is we should be able to activate that yeah and now can we get all these in time let's see good stuff my bro there we go okay oh and the moon's uh back there I thought that maybe it'd be here such a cool color for the power moon it's like a lot of red stop bunking Mario okay a very nice red over here I knew that we would bunk right there why did we still go for it okay let's head this way now and come here crush me crush me what is this guy called because this guy he's from one of the generations of Pokemon games that I actually haven't played before against me five six or seven or maybe even eight I don't remember what generation is eight the newest one is nine right scarlet and violet I think that they are generation nine now I don't even know how many Pokemon generations there are man I just remember playing Pokemon Diamond and then after that I was just playing no video games for a few years then when I checked back there were all kinds of new Pokemon games that I'd never heard of and then I ended up hearing all kinds of great things about them all right so let's just make our way over here folks okay everybody ladies and gentlemen we're just making our way over here let's come across here oh this isn't the area that I thought we would be at yet this is a different area Okay so let's see what are we going to want to do here let's get one of these oh we can just grab you like that okay anything over there that we want oh there's some stuff over there wait a minute hold on the level almost feels like it's mirrored for some reason everything is like backwards over here okay let's see you want to go like this get me up there I'm so surprised that we actually didn't bunk there okay let me get you again my Pidgey friend over here my little Pidgey you know actually I don't care about a Pidgey I'll leave that Pidgey over there we'll just come up here and grab that nicely which will be lovely is there another one over here yes there are more pidgeys over here perfect let's just grab the Pidgey good good okay so we got hurt but we were able to come back go get that you leave me alone okay okay good and where's the final one where's the last one where's the last one because we need one more is it back here back here perfect it's just back here okay well that's no big deal we can of course Bonk bunk keep bunking ass keep hitting your head against stuff keep doing that let's go and do some Pokemon battles after that how about that Ash huh uh is it because Professor Oak isn't telling you to not bunk your head is that why you're doing it get the power bit wig please just jump into it oh my goodness how many times I have to jump past it before I could get it all right let's oh oh oh big brutal battle is coming up now this is going to be exciting let's just not bunk into some stuff how about that that'd be nice wouldn't it okay and I don't know how many power moons you need in this section before you can uh before you can make it to the next Kingdom I'm not sure how many you need Okay so let's just come here and get in place good job now we can get down wait these are called jizzos these guys over here right I think they're called jizzles oh you know what we could have actually replaced those jizzos with a get the power get the get it please Mario there we go okay we could have actually replaced those with a bronze on maybe even though the other guys would have not looked like bronze songs maybe we could have replaced those those guys with bronze songs too I actually just thought of that right now actually because almost every single capture has been changed okay so let's come here oh and some of these fights might be a bit difficult actually so who are we facing off against first yeah cause there's Jigglypuff and Chimchar so adorable how adorable is this I love how Jigglypuff laughs he goes and he Bobs up and down like that okay time to face Chimchar okay I don't think that this one is going to be as tough right you're going to be throwing those two things at us but you take a step back oh no no no now we're probably too far unless yes it worked and nice hit bro okay now where are you running to where are you running to where are you going bro are you going where are you going oh get him no no no no no no no go come on yeah okay okay we managed to get a hit still very nice okay let's stay like this okay get ready get ready move back and hit it yep that work now come come oh no I missed I missed okay that's fine that's all right okay now get ready get ready where are you going where are you going go oh no I missed oh that one you got me this is bad news but okay we still got you here this is all right okay now you just moved back a bit oh don't go to a crazy spot okay now let's come here and get that that should work okay now just land on top of the head amazing dive onto the head over there I'm so happy with that Goodbye Girl Chimchar and that statue over there just explodes now suddenly okay we only have two Health actually so we want to be very very careful going into this battle over here against Jigglypuff Jigglypuff you better not use the attack sing on me I don't want to fall asleep I want to battle you the boss wasn't kidding when he said you two are persistent all right Jigglypuff let's go oh wait and Jigglypuff is gonna have a crazy amount of hats wait that doesn't look like a lot of hats are you gonna have more hats soon oh oh okay I guess soon you're going to have more hats right now you're not gonna have very many okay where are you going you're right here oh no I missed missed are you going you're right there oh no you're this one you're I think you're this one come on come on come on oh it almost hit me come on come on I knew that that was the one but I couldn't get him in time hey let's see yeah I should be able to take off all your hats and I'm gonna jump on you Jigglypuff look how defenseless it looks wait is it uh this one here I'm not sure oh boy that one nope that wasn't the one okay you know what give me why don't you give me some hearts got any hearts got any hearts any hearts anyone hearts hearts hearts hearts please hearts hearts please okay cause you got a big stack over there I'm scared go give me a heart give me a heart give me a heart why don't you give me a Heart You Gotta Give Me Your Heart Bros You Gotta Give Me a Heart come on one of you gotta have a heart for me right have a heart come on have a heart show some heart over here come on I'm so scared of this guy I'm so scared of this fella over here this Jigglypuff fella over here come on he's a pup and he is all jiggly what's scary about that you may ask well I have one Health that's one of the scariest things okay his hats aren't going to respond are they come here oh boy come on now I got you now I got you now the bike's over the fight's over the fight is over we survived oh my goodness I was so scared that we would die during that battle that Jigglypuff is just on his back right now and there we go Jigglypuff is defeated this stature explodes we get a power Moon we're gonna collect the power Moon and our health is going to come back and we are going to continue deeper into Bowser's Castle and I'm not jumping past the power moon this time very good and Ash gets a lovely celebration here big brutal battle it's all bees it's an alliteration okay we have finally reached the main Courtyard over here okay and we've got a few pidgeys over here let's just uh get that Pidgey over here let's jump across hello there nidorant I'll just defeat you like that needle raid is is it just poison or is it ground poison because I know when it evolves eventually it becomes a ground poison if it becomes you know queen or Nido King or if it becomes Nito Rito or nidorina but yeah just uh just need a rent itself hold on let's get rid of that guy yeah just need a ran itself is it only a poison type I think it might be just a poison type before it evolves so it's kind of funny that a flying attack like Peck and not only a flying attack but a weak flying attack like Peck and Deals so much damage okay bro I need you to come down here come down here um bro come on let's go bro this guy's like a giant Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee and he's red um I mean it's time to crush good job crushing that bro thank you okay and I think we don't actually have to defeat that guy because defeating him doesn't give us a power moon or anything like that oh and a funny thing about that block that we just crushed if you use this Peck attack on it and oh come back Bernie no Pidgey just fly up you can fly oh no what did I do to that Pidgey oh boy yeah but as I was saying that block up there that we just destroyed well we didn't destroy it that Pokemon up there destroyed it for us if you use this Peck attack on it you can actually break that block if you hit it 50 or 100 times or something like that okay I don't think he's gonna be able to reach us in time yeah we got too high so he can't stop us now you can't stop us okay I'm gonna come up come up and go good job now we just want to make it up here come on up a bit more beautiful beautiful that's what we like to see come on up here we are at the inner wall make your way up please come on up oh actually come on up a bit more perfect I remember last time for some reason I was really struggling with this but now there shall be no issues at all for us we'll just make our way up here and just get this get the checkpoint very good because if we die then that's not going to be a problem oh oh and there's an exciting boss fight coming up I actually almost forgot about it let's see what it's gonna be here we are oh and look there's Bowser on the roof I don't know if we need another Power Moon because there's another Power Moon that you can get somewhere here off to this side but I can't remember where it is was it this I don't think there's a power Moon over here if he was off there to the site no there was a power Moon somewhere over here that you could get oh well hopefully we have enough power moons or hopefully we're going to have enough after this battle bro I don't need to be taking damage before this battle starts right now uh oh I'm a little worried now we're going into this battle with 2HD I love how the Hat covers his eyes it's like he can't see he's trying to be cool he has the Hat covering his eyes Ash is so ready for this battle I showed my sister a clip of this and she said that the Ash Ketchum looks so funny so this is gonna be great this is going to be a great moment over here you're too late what are you gonna do Charizard we're off to our wedding ceremony on the moon but Charizard you can't even see where you're going the hat is covering your eyes that's ketchup healthy all right let's go run ash oh boy and he can almost make it but then he gets punched off by the Hat over there so sad for Ash Ketchum very sad times for Ash Ketchum over here falling down so sad for him so sad and what's this it is a giant brittle machine over here oh look how it's all red wait it isn't normally that color is it I guess maybe just a cupcake change the color of it but yeah here are all of our Pokemon Rivals from earlier at Jigglypuff a Jigglypuff is just way too funny it is so funny that Jigglypuff is there with them the Jigglypuff just looks way too funny because it looks like you're such a goofy silly little Pokemon and we're supposed to take them very seriously okay so I can't hit that back at them yet I need a Pidgey to spawn give me a Pidgey yeah right there that's what I need for the Pidgey okay and going to shoot out another ball go like this hey come on give me one more ball give me a give me another bomb give me another ball let's go like that and there we go you're falling over oh where are you gonna fall over like that okay time for me to get up here then let's go like this and there we are uh oh Charmeleon what's gonna happen here we got you bro and come on and let's go don't fall don't fall hey whoa we are pushed off again Ed come on what how did we Bonk onto this I'm in front of the ears bro bro I gotta get around this come here I got you bro I got you bro this is looking pretty good so far okay now don't fall off don't fall off don't fall off come on where are you we're on you we are on top of you okay let's go let's go let's go whoa whoa whoa whoa stop running around like crazy bro stop this stop this stop this calm down calm down bro calm down bro I feel like I'm on one of those bull mini games right now I'm taking part in it they try and knock you over okay stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop spinning just relax bro cause I've bro I fell for nothing I stood up there all that time for nothing oh my goodness that is so incredibly sad that we would just fall like that okay give me another Pidgey give me a Pidgey when I need a Pidgey there we go hey give me the Pidgey in the Pidgey okay all right I wonder if I could climb up its legs using the Pidgey you know shoot out some bulbs and I'll send the bombs back at you I thought we were doing so good at staying up there maybe I should have waited a little more okay let's go like this oh I'm almost dead I forgot about that actually oh that's actually very bad I should probably go and get a heart from over there you know what I've actually gotta run away from this Pidgey good good good okay that's all right that's all right now where's my Pidgey friend you know what all right go for the Pidgey let's go for the Pidgey you're gonna disappear aren't you hey you disappeared you disappeared bro okay but there's another Pidgey over there I wanted to go for this hard over here too because the rock should have a heart in it good good now let's just go and get the don't squish the pitching okay that was a complete waste of time get the Pidgey bro you squished the Pidgey I can't even keep the Pidgey oh my goodness we are falling apart everybody give me the Pidgey give me the Pidgey send the bomb back to them send me another bomb please come on why is this boss fight being so difficult it's not normally this difficult I thought we were doing so well everyone it looked so good up until this point everybody and Me Above good there we go now you're gonna fall over I'm gonna climb up here that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna climb up here oh I can't climb up that one okay let's go like this then and I'll ground pound on you and hopefully we could stay on without falling off let's see where are you going now come on now go come on oh boy we made it we made it okay now there's just one more that we have to ground pound we have to ground pound on that Jigglypuff had a good time like no nope nope nope not like now bro where am I where am I where am I where am I how did I end up down here I thought I was up there the camera made it look like I was up there oh man I took a risk and it did not pay off unfortunately let's see send the bomb back hope that didn't work the bomb almost landed on me in fact well I guess we'll uh be a Pidgey we haven't been uh Pidgey very long in this game so I guess it's a good time to be a Pidgey it's as good of a time as ever as they say get it get it yes good good we hit the same leg twice that's the best case scenario wait what in the world ever seen it fall over like this have I maybe I have if I've done the boss fight normally oh look at that Jigglypuff up there hello there Jigglypuff we need to get my pink friend bam I'm gonna ground pound you oh man my throat's getting very dry over here let me drink some more water I've been playing this game for very long today hmm there we go it's hard to do a lot of screaming like that man your voice gives out I don't know how some streamers can do it how do they stream for like 8 or 12 hours a day I don't know how they can do it without their throat giving out even if you constantly drink water and everything okay so we are going to take this multi multi-moon I keep things should I say multi-moon or multi-moon how do you guys say it okay but this is a very nice background for Ash Ketchum to collect this multi-moon over here and we are going to hopefully be able to go to the Moon Kingdom I don't know if we're gonna need any more power moons or not look at how his arms are out like that if he has that serious face all right let's fly back to the Odyssey now let's go Ash Ketchum flies back with Cappy and here we are I like how he spins around like that I love how we have a very similar facial expression the whole time we're one step away and Bowser flew off to the Moon let's go after him wait and we have enough right oh I didn't see how many it said we need I didn't see how many it said we need I should probably take a look at that because maybe I'm wasting time by getting extra moons that we don't need but we now have come on okay it is filled up we've got what 134 power moons absolutely Splendid The Odyssey is complete oh I heard this one funny joke about the word complete and finished there's someone that's learning the English language they say what is the difference between the word complete and the word Finnish and they said if you marry the right woman then you are complete if you marry the wrong woman then you're finished I thought that was a funny joke when I heard it man that must have been years ago that I heard that I don't know what the origin of that is it's something that like back when people would send each other jokes on email they would say stuff like that but I don't know there must have been some comedian or something that came up with that that's quite funny I'd really like to know the origin of that joke if anyone knows it oh and look at this Mario at Ash ketchup they look so good in this outfit oh I love that he still has some Mario cap uh sorry the Ash Ketchum head I mean okay so off to the Moon we go and we have got a nice big balloon over here how are we going to breathe when we get to the moon we don't even have to wear a spaceship Ash looks so good at this oh look at that he's got his white tuxedo on but he still has his normal Ash Ketchum hat over there wow and off into the Stars we go over here and there is the moon Ash Ketchum wait has Ash Ketchum ever been to the Moon because I haven't seen all of the Pokemon anime so I don't know if he has I'm not sure if this is Ash ketchum's first time on the moon or not and look at all those octillaries over there and also those little Moon snake Rock things they've been replaced with the Pokemon too just the cupcake added that one I'm not sure what that Pokemon is so let's get going and the moon gravity is so cool yeah so I don't know if this is Ash's first time on the moon or not but we can of course make some nice jumps over here because gravity is really cool over here on the moon look at that look at that what is that what is that Pokemon what is that Pokemon I don't know what that Pokemon is because just a cupcake showed it to me and I thought you know what that does look a lot like this so that is a good choice let's go for it hey and get a nice checkpoint flag over here and then we can grab oh then we can grab this over here oh look there are some Bowser Footprints there let's grab this and let's head in here and I think that there actually is a little shortcut that you could take by going around I don't know how that shortcut works and there are also going to be some new captures that we see down here so let's go down here because otherwise we wouldn't be able to see some of the captures that we're going to see down here okay so let's do this first wait do I want to do that I don't think that matters I think we can just drop down over here what are we gonna have instead of hero bones over here instead of flying Dry Bones we've got these guys over here how cool is that I think these look really cool oh this is such a fun Pokemon I remember this guy in gen 3 and the evolved form is also in gen 3 but then in the fourth generation of Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl there was a new evolved form introduced for them I think it was in Gen 4 I think that's when it was first introduced okay so let's go there oh nice and we even collected the Heart by doing that that's fantastic okay can we jump across like this amazing let's knock off blastoise's hat so cool to be controlling a Blastoise like that so cool because Blastoise he has the Cannons over there so he can shoot like how well does that fit man there's so many good choices that you can have for which Pokemon replaces which Mario Odyssey capture okay can we go around this let's see we might be able to skip this go okay good now go like this and come on baby let's go and very nice okay so we didn't even really need that platform over there oh and over here we have some more worm pulls over here instead of tropical wigglers look at how they stretch out like that it looks quite funny okay now let's just be careful do I want to capture one of you you know what to be super duper super extremely safe you can go like this and go around I have a bit of beer around this area because when I was playing hide and seek over here with Mero Mero kept killing me over here so I have to be very careful around that area right there in particular okay and I'd like to reach the end here maybe do a long jump oh boy I thought that I would hit that okay but this is fine let's go wait what's gonna happen here oh Bullet Bill's gonna come out right is it gonna be a wheezing or a big coughing squeezy squeeze look at the giant wheezing over here yeah cause oh boy no come back up oh nice we can actually make a backup I thought that we'd be dead yeah because normally there's a uh coughing that replaces bullet bills but for the Bonsai bills which are the giant bullet bills uh you've got these guys instead okay so let's come here now what do we want from here anything nice on this side oh well over here we can probably take a coffee wait can we take anybody oh there's a wheezing okay let's go get the wheezing get the Weezy bro bro bro come on gotta get this wheezing let's go get him get him good good good we got him we got him let's go don't hit me don't hit me bro I don't know what exactly my uh my what is it called oh oh and we want to get this guy okay let's do this first yeah I don't know what exactly my what's the word uh what my Collision what's the word that I'm looking for for Collision like I don't know where I would have gotten hit if I was the Bullet Bill because the model for the uh Bonsai Bill and wheezing are a bit different look at that there's gonna be a boss battle up there okay so and look at this instead of charging Chucks we've got machamps like this look at how angry they are when they charge you that's so cool and you can of course charge up and let's blast through these rocks I almost ran off actually that would have been very bad okay let's come here but I can't jump with this guy so we do want to come up here like this and these rocks and sometimes be extremely tricky let's go like this uh can I make it over you and go like this whoa I'm hit I'm hit I hit okay I'm at 4 HP this is bad because if I get hit one more time then I lose my extra I lose I lose the possibility of having six HP maximum how did I roll over that instead of bunky that was so incredibly lucky oh man okay let's come up here hopefully we don't take damage during this boss fight because it is time to face off against Groudon again over here I always called him ground on when I was a kid I always thought it was ground on because it's a ground type Pokemon when I first saw him I thought that he was a fire type or fire ground huh do you remember me you were rude to all the brutals okay and now the electrode has multiple hats hopefully this Electro doesn't use the attack explosion that'd be very bad if it used the attack explosion on us no it hit us it hit us that's so sad because we did catch it but it did also hit us okay let's go like that and you can see that it is a gold chain jump for just a moment you can see it when you release it like that but so you can't reach me from there right okay you could almost reach let's go like that and come on good time to catch it let's go let's go let's go let's run away come on come on let's run do you want to get swiped by that guy there we go got you just like that two hits we need just one more it's too bad that we took damage because our Max health is down to three instead of six where are you gonna go bro over here that's fine oh I'm right beside you I'm right beside you get him get him get him get him get him why are we not getting him come on come on oh boy that was so weird that we did so many Cappy throws there but we just weren't taking off all the hats okay let's go is that enough okay Madame brood is tired there we go you are defeated is electrode still going to just float here for a while because that's what happened last time yeah it looks like electrode is just floating there for a moment Groudon has fainted why don't we catch it we should have used a master belt I remember actually the first time ever that I got to Groudon I was terrified as a kid I just used my master ball right away to catch it because I thought there's no way there's going to be anything harder than this in the game there's no way there's gonna be a Pokemon that is harder to catch than Groudon so I just used my master ball on it right away as a kid and then for Latios and for Rayquaza I thought oh oh these are some pretty tough Pokemon to catch over here too wait where do we want to go oh oh I almost actually jumped down that way but yeah you obviously want to go over here this is where we want to go we want to go in here and it's going to look so funny to see Ash Ketchum bursting into the wedding scene over here because he's not normally supposed to do that normally it's supposed to be Mario all right I had to take a little break but now it is time for our kitchen to head through this door over here and instead of Mario crashing through this door and trying to stop the wedding it is going to be Ash ketchup there we go Ash Ketchum bursts through the door oh and the Cappy eyes up here and there's Charizard trying to get that ring onto Princess Peach there oh and everyone's just standing around let's go we're gonna have a chat with you over here Charizard Ash walks over here's Charizard and Peach what do you have to say about this ash ketchup oh and Charizard grabs beach look at how he laughs it's so funny how Charizard moves his head like that when he laughs Ash looks so good in this cutscene he almost looks like he actually fits here oh Charizard stumps the ground and we fall down no Kathy help us up but Ash Ketchum is just too heavy Cappy can't lift us up Cappy come down with me and now we're gonna face the final boss very exciting times so funny to hear a Mario scream oh oh and down becomes Charizard all right let's go Charizard oh and the thing after the final boss is gonna be very exciting also oh there's Princess Peach he's trapped inside that ring now oh no crashing the wedding guys Ketchum that's tacky even for you also your outfit isn't halfway fancy enough for the occasion not that it matters since you weren't invited so now it's time you make like a bouquet and get thrown out let's go I'm ready to take you on oh Charizard snaps his fingers over there get ready Ash ketchup oh oh that's right he's gonna face this blindfolded look he covers his eyes with his hat that's so so funny oh that's a pretty cool flip that Bowser can do over there here's your happily ever all right let's go Charizard I don't expect this is going to be okay let's go like this we can come here then jump over that now are you gonna give us any trouble here oh I just smashed that rock now I'm gonna punch you where it hurts Charizard get ready gonna hit you right in the tummy I'm gonna jump over that okay you fall over get out of here Charizard one out of three hits let's go get wrecked bro oh I wonder if I get damaged if I stand too close to him okay oh and now Charizard is using flamethrower which actually fits so well because that looks like the kind of attack that Charizard should do because Charizard can know the move flamethrower okay yeah it almost seems like when Charizard uses flamethrow it almost seems like it fits better than when Bowser uses it which is kind of funny okay let's go like that and get this one here very nice there's another hat for us okay so let's go and get this Charizard let's just go like this come on over and come over here oh that's fire oh nice nice we actually did really well there this is going great okay get ready jump over that one more okay is that it or no okay here we are okay so that was got two hits like that I wasn't sure how many times he'd spin his tail all right Charizard I might have to use a master ball on you if you keep giving me lots of problems over here but I don't think that it will have to go that far wait are you gonna do it again okay do your flamethrower again how much PP does that move have flamethrower doesn't have 15 or so PP oh he almost got me there actually let's be careful whoa still bro how much PP does your flamethrower have maybe the trainer that owns this Charizard actually used PP up because look at how many times he's using flamethrower bro that's so many flamethrowers he has okay let's see where's the hat in the middle over there okay so let's go like this we don't need you we don't need you we need you we need you we need you oh man I have no idea how that worked I thought for sure that that would get us and that we'd be in big trouble over here but looks like things are actually all right let's just avoid that okay good wow he didn't throw very many balls at us during this fight because we were able to move towards this Charizard very efficiently okay how many times are you gonna spin around okay that's enough now are you defeated or one more round oh one more round let's go oh or sorry one more tail Dodge I mean and there we go Charizard Get Wrecked all right now what's he gonna look like when he's sleeping over here but he's defeated his eyes are open still now Princess Peach is going to be saved right goodbye who the what is it called the wedding band The Binding band I'm not sure what it's called now Peach is gonna float down let me just have a sip of water here that Disney Charizard looks so good in the background I love it that's so funny okay let's come on over here oh man cubes are falling wait why is Ash's face so dark right now the lighting on his face is so weird that was very unexpected Ash Ketchum what are you doing oh and Charizard's just dizzy the whole time here come more cubes yeah Ash is just very dark right now his face is very dark with the lighting over here for some reason and down we go look at Charizard's tail just twitching but now now this is gonna be something very excited that's going to be coming up over here so let's just make our way to here and what are we gonna have to do what are we going to do pizza's looking around what are we gonna have to do we have to of course capture Charizard so now we are Charizard oh my goodness look at how the mustache out of looks that looks so funny part of the cap it almost looks like a eyebrows also okay so whoa whoa whoa okay let's go let's go we need to hurry on up out of here okay let's go and we can charge up fireballs and blast through it with flamethrower attacks which is very nice and we can also scratch through here let's just go like this and let's go nice jumps nice jumps and we can blast out fire like that that's so cool that you can blast out fire like that I wonder if you could destroy any of these little rocks that are coming towards you I wonder if you could damage them oh boy what the how did we not get hurt there I don't know what happened that we didn't get hurt there okay get up get up get up okay come on now we want to make our way up here okay let's plaster look out look how robsterfully got us and break this break this break this break this break this okay and the platform is falling all around us we need to make our way up here oh and now we have to make our way through this section oh you know what we didn't change the 2D section over here we didn't change this 2D Bowser wait where do we go where do we go where do we go oh oh boy let's go and come on baby let's go let's go we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go make it up make it up let's jump to there that would have been a big problem let's go let's go come on get up get up get up get up get up get up oh man we made it out I don't know how we did that I thought that I was gonna make a mistake there and I thought that we'd fall because they have fallen there before but very luckily we made it through Charizard he's doing fantastic over here we're very happy with them let's go like this blast through the walls blast through the walls use slash attacks to get through the walls over here even though these are rocks and a normal type attack like slash should be not very effective on Rock maybe we should use metal claw because then that would be super effective okay now we have some stuff to break over here with Charizard let's go hopefully we do not die here it'd be lovely if we didn't die here oh I wonder if I could just attack from a distance like that can I deal some damage that deals some damage oh my goodness yeah you know Jessica cupcake actually gave me a tip about this he said if you hold the slash button then you can charge up a fireball like this which is super cool and it I'm guessing that it's a little bit more efficient in some cases like from here I could already maybe get an attack on it like that if my aim is good yeah like you could already get a couple attacks onto this thing before you even get to it which is quite nice now what about that one can I have good into there I don't know if we're getting it oh oh look out look out look out we want to go somewhere else we want to come here let's go let's go let's go break this okay now we just have to make it to the center right oh it fell on me uh where do I go now where do I go where do I go these are all coming down they're all coming down you're not supposed to come down oh boy get up get up look out bro okay there we go there you go okay this is not bad still have a lot of Health we only took one damage attack the cube let's breathe fire on the cube and there we go Ed come on come on come on come on how many hits does this need over here and the rocks are coming okay but we destroyed it now let's go over here and this what's the oh wait don't crash please don't crash please don't crash please don't crash the game because they're rotogs wow wow that's actually so cool it looks like it worked because the last time we had these they crashed earlier I thought that I actually switched it back I'm surprised that they were actually rotoms here and is this gonna work please work please tell me this isn't gonna crash please tell me this will work yeah it's okay it works that's amazing on here's Charizard on the boot Ash Ketchum Mario landing on him he's on his feet and Peach gracefully lands down to the surface of the Moon now here comes Ash ketchup I love how the Charizard is just there that's so funny I was just like look I got you a Charizard I slayed the dragon that's what I did I slayed the dragon I completed my archetypal male roll I want to save the princess from the dragon over here oh man what a lovely story we have over here Ash Ketchum look at him his face is so good it's so funny to see Ash Ketchum in this scenario is it scenario or scenario scenario oh and there comes Charizard wait it looked like Charizard was smelling her that was so weird ah she's like maybe uh why don't you take this flower oh man look at that charizarded Ash Ketchum are fighting over Princess Peach over here who would have expected that these two would have been fighting amongst each other over here and Peach is like no I want Mario actually and these two they're like no no we were not good enough we were not sufficient and what a cool scene how you can see the Earth in the background over there guys leave a comment if you've ever been to the Moon before I'm curious how many of my viewers have ever been to the Moon before and how many of them have seen the Earth from this perspective now Peach calls us over bye the odyssey's leaving is going back to Earth and here come Mario and Charizard we're gonna start running right wait what was that in the background there's something weird over there I'm not sure what that was I wonder what that was I wonder if that was connected to the rotoms that we saw earlier or something else at Ash ketchup jumps off of Charizard leaving Charizard on the moon I really recommend you watch my video where we play Mario's Fury in his Bowser's Fury but the boss's evil curse of Mario and it is hilarious thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 1,616,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, mario odyssey, super mario odyssey, super mario, bowser, evil mario, funny mario, funny mario videos, mario full movie, full movie mario, super mario movie, mario movie, bowser jr, bowser jr odyssey, zxmany, zxmany mario, zxmany mario odyssey, mario odyssey zxmany, full game, mario odyssey full game, all power moons, all bosses, mario all bosses, mario mods, mario odyssey mods, funny super mario, mario boss fight, gaming, game, game game, nintendo, nintendo switch
Id: 1i102hqXQw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 58sec (9058 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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