Mario Party 9 FULL GAME!! (Full Story Mode Playthrough!)

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today we play the full story mode in mario party 9 this game has some of the best mario party bosses ever and we of course face every boss and i've also heard that this story mode in this game is a favorite of a lot of people and the mini games are absolutely fantastic also thank you so much for watching and i hope you enjoy this video alright let's see how this game starts all right there's some kind of night sky it was a beautiful night all of the mini stars were glittering bright in the sky are we all looking through this telescope here well only mario's looking through it i guess everyone's looking up mario's using the telescope mario sees something what is it is it bowser perhaps oh is it black hole sucking in everything well look they are actual ministers just like in mario party 9 the mini stars wow everything's getting sucked in the others are starting to notice it now too about time they notice it oh bowser and bowser junior are sucking it all up okay that's not just bowser it's bowser jr too yeah wait some of these ministers they look like they don't want to come in they look like they're resisting whoa i did it i put those mini stars to good use oh no what are they going to do with them what do they mean to good use meyer's like let's go we've got to stop at the bow sir everyone's like mario let's go okay mario we'll follow you oh the shy guy and gimmick are here uh oh are they evil are they evil are they part of bowser's team are they gonna try and stop us all right let's take a look this is such a beautiful level oh my goodness this has got to be an iconic and memorable board for a lot of people the first board of the game wait why was there a bowser icon did we lose already oh no it's just a bowser cutscene it looks like he's juggling them all it's like he's spinning his hands and keeping them up wow these mini stars are all mine dab dab we've got a problem what is it what it's mario birdo peach and shy guy what are they doing they're headed for the grassland stage if we don't hurry they'll take all the mini stars back grassland stage the one where cool breezes blow across the hills and you want to relax on a blanket that's toad road what a great description i'll send my top minions to deal with them you know what even though this is mario party nine the oh locker two wiggler listen up head to the grasslands and show mario's team what's what so i guess those are the first two bosses probably but sorry as i was saying even though this is mario party 9 the graphics are so much better than mario party 8. mario birdo peach and shy guy have arrived at the grasslands these hills full of minnies are stolen by bowser try to recover as many many stars as you can pressing in the mini stars you need to defeat bowser's minions are you ready wait why was i even worried you know what you're doing mario defeating a stage boss let you move on to the next stage trying to grab as many many stars as you can first the player horns the most ministers we crown the superstar good luck shy guy will be playing for bowser my suspicion is correct if he wins he'll take all the mini stars and you'll have to play the stage again don't let that happen oh my goodness first we'll decide to turn order toad's favorite line in the entire game let's see we get a three no we are last we are dead last order set okay peach is first she's the captain then it's shy guy then birdo and mario is fourth all right so we want to get as many mini stars as we can and we all move together in this car i've heard a lot of people criticize this mechanic in mario party but i think it's a pretty cool one it's it's definitely something unique like it obviously is different from other mario party games where every character has their own role but it is a pretty cool mechanic like i enjoy mario party 10 so much mario party 9 i haven't played enough of which is partially why we're doing this oh my goodness shy guys stop stop shy guys stop that is enough oh my goodness shy guys in first place he's playing for bowser and he's already winning okay but it's a free-for-all mini game let's go okay so whoever's in first we'll get five mini stars so hopefully we're first wait shy guy gets to choose code and go seek okay let the mini game begin okay we need to watch very very closely where the toad is going to go where's the toad going to go okay he's up there he's going all the way up there to the top left in a greenhouse okay okay and by a greenhouse i don't mean like a greenhouse i mean a house that is green okay so it's up here he's all the way up here he went up and to the left past here to the greenhouse this place doesn't loop eventually does it like if you go down can you uh open the door mario knock on the door thank you mario there we go like this place doesn't loop does it okay it looks like it's actually a closed area because we can see up above mario there is a fence there is there no time limit or something oh i think it's based on the order that people make it in here wait wait wait wait oh oh he's got it just before bird i'm like wait did i pick the right door because uh i didn't see an animation of the toad like that but we did come in first shy guy came in second so he gets three mini stars there's not a big difference between first and second here with first getting five mini stars and second getting three mini stars even though i came in first shy guy's still ahead of me in first place on the board he's still in first place overall oh my goodness berto gets a two so birdo gets these mini stars over here so i think anyone can win except for this shy guy okay it's our turn to roll let's get something nice you should really try to land on the lucky space okay i'll try my best let me focus four four four four four and ah didn't work it didn't work toad wait does that mean we're passing by minnie's guitars oh we're right before the mini zitars okay but it's peach's turn look out captain peach yeah she can't really look out there right in front of her no matter what she rolls she's going to get the mini zitars and she rolls also a six okay so we're getting some pretty big numbers it's like we're speed running this we're trying to get through the board as quickly as possible and what way does peach go left or right let's see oh she chooses to go to the right here that means we're gonna have another mini game let's see what's the mini game going to be oh there's a little cheap sheep that came out here well i don't remember if i finished this thought earlier i was saying that even though this is mario party 9 the graphics are so much better than mario party 8 but it's crazy if you compare like mario party hold on hold on i've really got to focus here okay let's see let's see let's see does that let us get anywhere this one can let us go here let's see if this is the one we need oh wait wait wait wait no that'll get us up to there oh right here and that means we win right yeah we are gaming i actually almost went up good thing i went to the left oh thank goodness okay that's fantastic all right birdo now just go left yeah birdo's in second let's go i'm so glad sha guy isn't in second peach i hope you get here first too yes peach uh poor shy guy in last place but yeah as i was saying there's a big difference in graphics when you compare like mario party eight nine and ten like each one does look better than the previous one wait even for coming in last you still get one mini star my goodness okay we are in first now right let's see yeah 10 mini stars shy guy is downtown well not down to seven he's up to seven wait but he might get a big roll let's see what does he get also a six how is everyone rolling sixes everyone's rolling sixes wait does he get the next one tell me he doesn't get the next one the next big star group here oh he stops right before it that means birdo's getting that next one over here we are having a lot of mini games i'm surprised at how many mini games we're having let's see what does he choose polar extreme you know what i'm glad that i've played a bunch of step it up before playing story mode because now i actually have played whoop i actually have played some of these mini games before like for a lot of these mini games give me out there get me out of there give me out of there give me under there okay get me up here get me up here this is a race who can make it to the right the fastest let's see oh be careful oh no give me up get me up give me up give me up give me up give me up here get me up here yes now get me over there and get me onto the ship let me onto the ship yeah there we go wait do i count as the only winner like what's everyone else's rank second third and fourth oh i wonder if like the others were eliminated because we went too far away from them i'm not sure how that works but yeah that's very nice that we got that plus swipe yeah as i was saying i'm glad that i played some step it up before because i've already played a bunch of these mini games before so that's very nice okay birdo whatever you wrote berto gets a five everyone's getting big numbers even getting all sixes and fives for the last four turns okay birdo's up to second place now wait does she land in the lucky space here wait wait wait look at you arrived at a toad house let's go inside wait is it just birdo or all of us i can't remember whoa i'll give you the items on the back of the cards you turn it over no item mini stars oh or some kind of dice plug oh turn over two cards oh my goodness you get two very nice things over here four five six plus i think that's yeah three mini stars and a four five six block that puts birdo into first place and birdo has got a dice block that lets her roll a very high number okay hopefully the big numbers continue if i get a six i get both sets of mini stars oh my goodness everyone has been rolling sixes this whole time so hopefully i also get a six let's see i don't even get this one right here that's so sad so sad okay what dice plug do we get a one two three dice block maybe that'll be useful at some point like if i don't want to get a big number at a certain point or if i really want to get a one two or three great now peach gets a six now it's time to go back to the big rolls okay peach okay peach you go ahead you collect these mini stars over here oh she is in last place so i guess it's fine that she's catching up a bit she's in third place now wow i'm in second wait and it's a lucky space peach come on peach wait does she climb up this oh my goodness this reminds me of super mario world i remember playing that so much on the gameboy advance as a kid that was uh you know what the super nintendo vs wait what's going on over here hey you roll a five does that mean she goes up five oh my goodness does she get to keep all those mini stars she gets 10 extra mini she's in first place wow well that certainly makes the lucky space very like okay shy guy please pass by the mini zitars only a two you know what that might actually be good because i don't know if there are bonus stars at the end of each board for who gets the most mini zitars okay and shy guy gets a zero one dice block wait there's something else in there free for all mini game okay yeah cause we haven't had a mini game in too long okay so let's see what's the mini game going to be card smarts oh man this is one of the mini games that i'm the absolute worst at all right let's go let's play some cards everybody i'm ready to play you all in cards let's go everybody let's go everybody here we go start there we go let's go like this let's try and psych them out i'm gonna go for a five nope just three i won with a three let's go okay here we go here we go here we go let's see [Music] i'm going for a three again i won again with a three let's go let's go let's go let's go okay guys if i get a five that means i win let's go like this i'm doing five yeah perfect win let's go oh my goodness the zx mini redemption arc has begun oh my goodness every time i've played this mini game i've lost and now i got a perfect win oh my goodness unbelievable wait why are they all just tying who has the best cards right now i think shy guy actually has the best cards right now let's see oh man oh man oh man wait how did birdo get the point there i wasn't paying attention yeah so i guess the best point best cards right here oh no peach is in last place poor princess speech berno looks so tired okay so they're both wait does that mean that they both get three mini stars yeah they both get three mini stars each peach only gets one i get five am i in second or third place right now i'm in third place oh my goodness oh wait no i'm tied in second right now actually i'm tied with birdo unless birdo's about to pass by over here why would you use a four five six block right now do you want to lose your mini stars or something birdo well i think there might be some bonus mini stars at the end for who got the most purple mini stars aka mini zitars nice job making it this far but you won't get past the boss of this fort beat him down lakitu okay i don't think i've ever placed the lack of two pumps i faced like two maybe three bosses in this game i've never faced the lack of two boss before though punch the blocks when bullet bills appear on them to launch attacks on lakitu the more bullet bills on the block the bigger the attack all right i'm not sure if i understand it let's see let's see like do the blocks change or do the blocks suddenly spawn how does it work okay and this guy's throwing spinys at us wait you probably also don't want to fall off you probably want to be careful to not fall off okay let's see what do we do oh oh they do change okay there's two there oh i see i see i see okay so it changes let's go yeah three let's go let's see oh there's a block there i couldn't get that block let's see give me a block here give me a block here yeah three okay okay i'm starting to get the timing of it okay let's see one one two three there's a three ah you got that one no okay let's see let's go for this one yeah i got a three there nice okay it's half defeated like a dude's half defeated man my score is very far ahead of theirs whoa big spideys big spideys get out of here let's go give me a three let's see one two three very nice i was almost too early for that one two three very nice i was almost too late for that one let's see one two three give me that one and is that it final hit did i get final hit yeah plus three for five i'll attack let's go shy guy did zero damage i wonder if shy guy did zero damage because he's like ah this is one of bowser's minions i do not want to harm one of bowser's minions bowser's on my team wait was he was this shy guy specifically trying to get spinys to make it more difficult for us i don't know if he was doing that captain bonus plus two nice oh that's probably why birdo on purpose use the 456 block so that she could reach here quickly wait she still had some numbers left does she get to keep moving keep collecting many stars as you make your way the bowser gate all right we will make our way over there wait okay we get those i'm still in second place speech is still in first by one man lucky spaces on this the lucky spaces in this game are unbelievable oh no rich let's get a bit closer what if i roll one two three we don't reach okay let's try it let's try here we go let's see okay we got a two all right nice we make it wait am i oh no the bridge is out there are many stars on the other side of the bridge and many centaur spaces underneath okay everybody okay everyone if we get at least 16 then we get to go across okay and i'm the last one to go okay so let's see go ahead peach just the one okay peach doesn't want us to make it across the bridge shy guy also doesn't want to make it across the bridge it's actually impossible now berno is like ah i want to go across wait use the one to ten oh man there's a chance of one to ten dice block there's a two and ten chance that we make it across we need at least nine i don't know if i want to go across an eight one short oh my goodness the total is 15. give it all you've got no we're not making it we're one short so we fall down here wait does that mean i lose my mini stars now from that purple one ah some sad so sad we didn't make it across but now at least everyone else that's rolling might uh land on these purple ones here so peach go ahead peach gets a two that's nice she loses three now hopefully shy guy also loses some i think so far birdo has gotten the most purple mini stars i think birdo has gotten minus five so far shy guy let's see what do you roll a six my goodness wait does he even land on one of these fuzz or does he make it past let's see ah he can't make it out he also gets unlucky it's almost like everyone is losing many stars here three turns in a row now people have lost many stars now what about you birdo wait wait no actually four because the turn before this one berto lost many stars alberto gets it too oh oh uh oh what does this mean okay it's a bowser space whoa everyone check their watch that's right it's bowser time hey captain birdo my bowser spin wheel will decide what happens to you better hope it stops on something nice what are you santa claus giving us things that are naughty or nice hold on i guess santa asks you are you naughty or nice let's see give five mini start oh battle for half of your mini stars oh my goodness oh my goodness it's very very important that we win this upcoming mini game if shy guy wins this we are in humongous trouble 44 mini stars all together oh my goodness first place wins 22 mini stars that's a big deal all right birdo what do you choose no virto why why would you choose a pure luck based mini game oh my goodness okay what do i choose oh and i just realized this shy guy's hand looks kind of funny okay let's go this one right in front of me this one here i'm going for this one this is what i'm going for right here oh man shy guy better not win this it'd be so sad if shy guy wins this let's see oh i gotta get ready to shake my remote shake shake shake shake shake shake okay let me out let me out let's go don't let me fall in those holes yes and and and let's go let's go let's go let me down let me down let me down yes bros there we go there we go everybody let's go and who's that who's the green one princess peach i'm fine with princess peach being second you know what shy guy looks like he's gonna be third so he gets eight back oh bad poor birdo but you know what shy guy being in third i can't ask for too much i'm just happy that he's not first that he's not second would have been better if he was fourth but being in third is still okay look at how he walks back and forth like that that's pretty hilarious all right oh and he keeps the one leftover mini star that's fine go go ahead bowser take that one mini star as a tip for your work here so we're probably in first place now let's see yeah 35 so we are eight ahead of princess peach right now and how many does shy guy have shaggy has 14. so you know five would be nice because that would be a lucky space but yeah so of course we get a six then okay and whoever's next gets to get this now whoever's next gets to uh get these five mini stars right here i think that's princess peach right yeah princess peach is up next so go ahead princess peach man princess peach is getting really lucky okay she gets a three over here and wait back wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait if you move backwards past that do you collect them again you probably do don't you hold on oh my goodness she gets it again that puts her back into first place princess please princess peach is playing amazingly i almost said princess pleach okay shy guy now you get to get some mini stars don't you wait two does that let you reach oh you didn't reach okay let's see maybe birdo wait oh zero one dice block that might be useful in some situations berno please go ahead go right ahead birdo get whatever number you would like a two wait wait that brings us to this is this a lucky space this is a lucky space isn't it that makes us go to this island over here doesn't wait spin oh what's it going to be what's it going to be what's it going to be let's see steel 5 mini stars from arrival don't pick me don't pick me oh random okay no it is me either way uh i guess i can't be as mad now man but uh shy guy we gotta make sure that shy guy doesn't win oh man this is a little scary if you get a four or higher you'll land on a captain of essex you know what i'll use one of the one two three dice blocks right now because if we get a one okay great now we get a three okay so we got another we got another dice block let's see what kind of dice block we get here another one two three dice block right we use the one two three dice wait there's something else in here okay and a mini game i used a one two three dice block and i got a one two three dice block wait do i get to pick the mini game you know what goomba spotting i could have an almost guaranteed win so i'm gonna do buddy bounce to keep it interesting for the audience so let's do a more intense one where we don't know who is going to be the winner let's see anyone can win this let's see let's all just work together yes bros yes bros let's see no no no no no no no no no peach let me up here yeah there we go bros let's see let me up here let me up here no no boost me boost me bro boost me bro boost me bro come here bro come here bro come here bro nope nope yeah there we go give me that 10. give me that 10. let's go how do you like that when i take those tens huh oh come here peach yeah there we go got another dead let's go this might be my highest score yet wait wait wait wait let me get one more let me get one more i wanted one more i wanted one more point just a single point if only i realized the moment earlier i could have gone and collected another one that was my goal but hey we did pretty good got plus five here all right we are still in second place peach is still in first place here i wonder if she'll get a one and land there on that event ah she gets a two she makes it just past that so sad wait wait wait oh oh it's not you have to land on it it's even when you pass by it you just go into this cannon over here oh i thought that you specifically had to land on it okay so we are on nine island right now peach choose a player to why why okay give me a four or five no no that's so unlucky that's so unlucky okay peach you want to go next all right man every time i've been here i've been here twice this is my second time ever i think this is my second time ever being i've been here i've been so unlucky okay peach use your dice again four wait does that let her reach the next dash one cause if you land on one of these dash arrows you get to roll again i think she does reach the next one and the goal is you obviously want to collect as many of these mini stars as possible so if you just keep landing on all the dash ones then you could actually get all them wait she doesn't reach the next one does she the next dash panel wait does she does she let's see ah two away who do you choose why why why unless he rolls a one he doesn't roll the one why peach why would you let this guy get so many mini stars look at that plus ten why would you do this peach oh my goodness shy guy gets ten mini stars from that peach we weren't really thinking over there were we well i guess it's like if birdo rolled a one then shy guy would have had that guaranteed but peach you definitely should have picked birdo there hey shy guy gets a five where are we going almost there adventure it's almost over let's take a look at the current standings wait are they gonna give a prize to someone slow dice walk to birdo okay well that's nice that birdo gets that and now bowser's coming here right whoa wait we just saw bowser come from shogun i've got a present for you too where you say a whole bunch of presents he's like yes my lord bowser i would like some more presents please yeah so it looks like more bowser space that's a lot of bowser spaces appearing over there one two three four five wow see ya oh no it seems five spaces turn into bouncer spaces you can move forward one space two okay so shy guy is going to get oh oh i thought it'd be a dice battle mini game okay fire bro or hammer bro hammer bro let's see oh only three mini stars okay remember when we had a battle mini game for half of our mini stars that was a kind of big deal but this one wait don't why would you pick mecha choice this one is pure like i don't think i've ever won this mini game i think i've always lost okay so we have to pick a door let's pick a door i'm going with the middle one whatever the middle one is what's the middle one what's the middle one one okay i'm going with the middle one let's go playing right here let's eat we're gonna survive right how does this always happen this happens every time have i ever lasted more than one round in this game who wins now okay at least shy guy didn't win that's all right as long as shy guy doesn't win that's fine wait but i think shy guy just gets his three mini stars back and this pushes peach even further into first place well that was almost an alliteration pushes peach further into first place it's like a double alliteration kind of okay okay okay okay so wait what the oh okay okay i was a bit confused with how the stars got split up i thought that shy guy would get three but it looks like he got four okay burto's using a slow dice block where are you gonna roll a 5k you really want to five for some reason what where are we going where are we going right or left why oh oh actually that makes sense okay you want to lose some some stars you want to get some mini zitars but you get to land on another lucky space you have to go into another toad house so let's see berto what are you gonna do in here [Music] okay go ahead and turn over the cards let's see okay i think no item is oh oh that actually uh surprised you okay i wasn't able to keep track of them but yeah luckily berno gets another slow dykes block so it's slow dice book you basically roll whatever number you want from one to six oh look out don't roll us six okay we roll a five i would be so happy because then we get some that's actually a lot of mini stars give me a five i wouldn't even be too upset if it's a six as long as bowser isn't really unlucky a four no no i stop right here and that means peach goes next so she gets to get even more of these i do i want the zero one dice block no this lady in the game i don't want it i don't want this here oh my goodness man it's like mario is making princess peach win on purpose with the roles look at the little goomba standing there that's hilarious okay so peach gets an incredible amount of mini stars again 10 more pushing her very far into first place 20 mini stars in this turn up to 69 total mini stars she lands on a bowser space what's it gonna be here now though what's it gonna be please be battle for half your mini stars battle for half your mini stars again would be great battle for half your mini stars please please please please please ah give ten mini stars to last place okay i think is birdo or shy guy in lost i hope that it's birdo yes birdo's in last place okay amazing so peach gives ten mini stars to birdo that's better than giving ten mini stars to shy guy because we don't want shy guy to win this if shy guy wins we have to redo the board whoa that should shake things up a bit later fools all right bye bowser [Music] okay they're back here they are peach and birdo dizzy here now who's next shy guy roll a two bro roll a two wait i'm actually surprised that he didn't use his zero one dice block that was him i would have definitely used the zero one dice book especially if i was in his position and i needed a lot more mini stars to win but i think each might be the winner of this board okay what's the boss battle here's bowser i don't think that we're gonna face off against bowser though right finally made it did you i'm not letting a bunch of chumps like you take my precious mini stars my furious minion wiggler will defeat you all hey i've never had the wiggler boss fight i've never seen it before so i don't know what this is gonna be like let's see ground pound the segments of wiggler's body to deal damage the segments with a purple mark are worth one point the segment with the red mark is worth three oh this doesn't sound very this is so cool look at the little wiggler there ah so adorable look at the little flower on its head okay so the red segments are worth three right i think they said purple r1 red are three okay there's a red one back there let's go let's go let's go right for the red yeah there we go oh oh oh i thought that it would go away after you ground pound on it once but you can keep ground pounding on it okay and i guess walking into a piranha plant will probably make you take damage why aren't they over here already and just waiting to jump on these and get points bro give me that three where am i where am i nope that's just a one yes three oh he's half defeated he's getting angry he's getting angry we've got an angry wiggler all right let's be careful let's be careful with him because he's oh get out of here piranha plant hey let's see okay there's one there's one oh missed and no i missed the threes all three times hey where are you coming from okay let's go let's go let's go let's go let's see where the red's at no that was also a one no that was the one i was about to say yes because i thought that we'd get a three okay i had to get just a one there man it's a lot harder to get the threes when it's like this let's see there we go that's a three let me get one more hit yeah five will hit let's go and shy guy is in last place again with just one point that's a lot of mini stars there so i guess we get these mini stars back one miss one minus one from getting hit by a piranha plant but otherwise we did pretty solid here i think uh oh shy guy is the captain so he probably gets some extra mini stars for being the captain right let's see we got plus 15. peach was second though so she gets plus seven peach is probably winning this one even though he came in first in a lot of mini games peach got really lucky so it looks like there is quite a bit of luck to this hopefully the people that we're facing off against don't do this well and get this much luck let's see the results wait are there also bonus yeah there are bonus stars okay dice block star wait the player who used the most special dice box that might actually be me because i use like one or two or three let's see who's a go-to who's a go-to berno no it's not me that's so sad i did have a few wait mini game star this one's gotta go to me this one's gotta go to me okay i did have a lot of special dice blocks but i did save them that's something that i very often do in rpgs it's like you get all these useful items oh minus star that one's definitely going alberta 100 going to birdo something that i often do in rpgs and jrpgs is like you get all these great items and then you're like i'm gonna save it for when i really need it and then you just end up never using the item because you're like i have to save it for when it's really important hey shy guy might be in last shy guy or bird wearing last probably shy guys in last right yeah shy guys in last goodbye now it's probably birdo birdo falls next and now probably mario falls i think mario falls and peach wins right okay okay okay i thought it'd be the other way around 66 mini stars if only you had three more peach look at this star above her it suits her very well good job peach we're all very proud of you as long as it isn't shy guy it's okay so it looks like there are six boards so next stage or back to main menu let's go to the next stage all right here's the next stage over here this one kind of reminds me of the bo bomb stage from was it mario party 10 no from super mario party okay bob bom factory there's a king powder keg mine in super mario party that's what this one kind of reminds me of oh and what's bowser doing these mini stars are so beautiful and they're all mine look at the little turtle face of the thing behind him that's so funny bad news dad what's going on junior what did you say mario's team is where they're headed for the factory we need to stop them before they all get all the mini stars there too factory you mean our super secret factory where we make our most evil stuff that's blah bomb factory if they think they can throw a wrench in my factory they haven't met my mighty minions oh who are we going to face off against this i'm the two bosses oh my goodness king bob and wob the womp looks so evil wow these guys are super intimidating oh pretty sweet huh now then wamp and king bob grind their gears all right oh man this is gonna be such an exciting boss play coming up super excited for both of these wait is it only the two of us here wow look at this place there are lots of minnie stars here i have a feeling it'll be dangerous be brave collect as many many stars as you can press through the mini stars i'll need to defeat bowser's minions or the bowser minions are especially strong here are you sure you're ready yeah we're ready no boss is too tough for mario let's go let's go shanghai will be playing for bowser it's just the two of us [Music] it's just the two of us okay let's go are we first or no of course we're not first oh my goodness all right the order's set shy guy is the captain okay man it's just the two of us that means that we just have to do better than shy guy we can't rely on princess peach to win anymore go ahead shy guy you roll a fort wait he's getting it isn't he he's gotta get he's already in first place he's already ahead all right and what does he get here a dice block he gets a zero one dice block that's nice now then we want at least a three we want at least a three give me it yeah we need at least three come on give me a three give me a three oh that's the worst possible roll because we land on a green we get nothing and shy guy gets to go now he gets a five yep so he gets even more ministers man we are not very lucky right now we are not very lucky hopefully our luck starts to change okay free for old mini game first place gets five second place gets one so you know what even if we come in even if we come in first place we still won't be in first place in the board hey launch break i haven't played this one before use the controls on screen to build up energy in your three-stage rocket the player who blasts his or her rocket highest wins okay so first one then two then shake the wiimote okay all right all right all right let's go let's go let's go i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready so what so first you have to mash one oh hold the remote sideways okay okay let's mash let's mash mash mash mash smash mash now two let's go let's go let's go i don't know if he's ahead of me okay now shake what's going on i'm shaking it why is it not working please please who won who won who won who won for a while i wasn't shaking oh oh i think it's like you do each stage individually like it's like you do each stage based on time i don't think it's like when you complete one stage that's when you go over yes wait are we winning oh oh oh oh there's this oh it's like each stage gives you a boost okay so that was the first stage so it looks like i did better in the first two stages but he might pass me in the final stage let's see oh no oh no oh no oh oh i guess i did better than i thought okay it looks like we win okay i was really worried that when i was shaking it it wasn't counting because i didn't see mario uh pushing down that switch over there during the mini game but i guess we did better that oh my god i said look at the poor shy guy how he falls over like that this is making me like shy guy more and more but i might change my mind if he wins so i really hope shy guy doesn't win don't win shy guy it's my turn give me a four give me a four you know what even five would be okay six would also be okay stop it stop it and i don't even get a special dice block because i just land on a green spot i have had probably the worst possible luck with rolls so far wait wait oh no no no this is good this is good because now no matter what i finally get some mini stars here on the board finally finally all right let me roll okay there are many stars just waiting to be picked up so you know what just give me a five let me see what a five does all right a three wait we got a blue right we finally land on a blue and we get plus five that's nice we're all tied up with shy guy and we got a special dice here what do we get four five six okay case we want wait and there's something else minigame right yeah minigame of course we haven't had a mini game in a while let's see if we could win this mini game that'd be nice because then we'd be even more oh wait do i get to pick i get to pick you know i think this is the one that i think i'm most likely to win oh no never mind you have to tilt the wiimote i thought it's just uh you press a button to tilt the other way but you actually have to tilt the wemo so i don't know if we can win this let's see let's see let's practice okay let's go let's go nice go go go go go go go go go oh and let's see let's see let's see see it's like i'm speaking spanish i'm saying cc okay okay oh no i shouldn't have gone back there yet go here go in there go there whoop go back mario go that way now and that's the bottom there we go all right first place let's go now shy guys gonna fall over poor shy guy still gets one mini start for coming in last though wait what's happening now oh it's suggested okay okay there's a weird sound that played it made it sound like something special is going oh no what's this oh spin okay i thought it was lucky wait what is it gonna be what is it gonna be what's it gonna be get a slow dice block oh my goodness that's so useful you can roll whatever number you want between one and six yeah he's got two of those now my goodness okay let's see where do we want to go you know i don't want to waste my 4 5 6 dice block but i want to be careful that i'm not just saving dice blocks because with this we have a two and three chance four or six is per okay good four or six would have been perfect because we get another dice block here so that works okay so let's do this what's in here nice the slow dice block okay okay it looks like it paid off hopefully it paid off all right now what are you gonna roll what are you gonna roll bro you want a four okay why do you want a four where does that take you one two wait a minute okay he loses three but we get boosted all the way around why wouldn't he just get a six that's so weird oh oh you get three over there okay yeah i guess that's all right i guess that makes sense okay mario's turn look over there oh oh it's already the mini boss up here you know what should i just uh roll a high enough number to go to the minibus so that i'm the captain [Music] or do i want a four no no no let's do this let's roll as high as possible four five six there we go okay so we're rolling a six we're rolling as high as possible we're going to the mini boss over here that's what we are doing and we still have one space left i don't know if we still get to keep going after the mini boss or not nice job making it this far but you won't get past the boss of this fort crusham womp the womp boss fight is such a cool boss fight and i'm surprised that it's just two of us right now not four of us what is this boss fight going to be like with just two people okay players each choose zero or one turns of the platform try picking a number that keeps you from winding under the womp all right this is gonna be so weird with two people because it's like you choose how many times to turn it and it's like if it's on you then you want it to be an even number if it's not on you then you want it to be an odd number start okay so let's see if womp turns choose one or zero wait wait what way do i go wait no no i accidentally pressed oh man wait oh i didn't press wait can you not see if the other person presses or not i have no idea what i did i i have no idea what i did but hey it worked okay so i'm just gonna mash hate now let's go i wanted to get one more okay i have no idea how that happened but it happened okay oh it's left is zero and right is one okay so nothing is he gonna go he's probably gonna go so you know if we both say yes okay hopefully we both choose yes i understand how the how it works now wait does he go no he didn't go no no i get squished that's not good uh-oh hey now show you guys i hope he ground pounds slowly okay yeah he's ground pounding kind of slowly wait okay yeah he only got three grand pounds there i'm still a bit ahead oh man wait now we can probably do multiple turns right like we can choose uh wait one two does this mean that he's going to and then we choose if we want to go one more or not oh man what do i do what do i do i'll say yes let's see we both go wait so one two three four no so it squishes me again because three two one and then zero and i get squished again that's so sad so sad okay now shy guys going to be ahead of me please don't defeat him please don't defeat him please don't defeat him okay now then i have to win this round let's see what's the number okay two now then do i go i need it to be an odd number i'm hoping that he goes so i'm gonna not go this turn i'm really hoping that he chooses to go i'm gonna say no no this time he didn't go so i should have went crushes me again oh my goodness shy guy wins this one shy guy just completely wins this one my goodness and he gets extra points for last hit shy guy did a great job at this boss shy guy you in this one how many mini stars do we each get he gets a lot plus 10 plus three do i get some more for captain bonus two more okay so he gets 10 and i get five not great not great at all yeah you did it yeah we sure did it i'm not as excited as you are about this toad i don't know how this is going wait he is one mini star ahead of me right now shy guys one mini star head wait a minute wait a minute oh man i remember this part i remember this part i've played this board once before and there might be ball bombs that follow you and like if the ball bomb explodes then you're in big trouble okay so where are you going shy guy you want a six okay you got a nice big roll over here where does that take you let's see bro wait does that mean the ball bombs with us now there's a bubble on your vehicle the counter above the bomb will decrease by one for every spacey movement when it reaches zero boom okay so you lose half of your mini stars if the ball bomb explodes on you which is not good wait is that a bad luck space unlucky okay okay i like how this is i like where this is going wait how many mini stars does he lose where is he going oh and now he has to roll over here oh my goodness this reminds me of a winnie the pooh game i played as a kid rolls his six weight does that mean he loses nothing does that mean wait oh minus five oh that's actually that's kind of sad but i think those count as purple ones i think those count as mini zitars so maybe he'll actually get a bonus star at the end for most mini zitars all right the ball bombs counting down the bottom we better not roll a six if we roll a six then we lose 10 mini stars don't roll it don't roll a six don't roll a six okay okay that's that's all right that's all right a three it means we land on this question mark thing over here and let's see that brings us does that bring us to the top man now shy guy gets to go collect some of these i don't like where this is going wait i didn't even land on the blue thing oh my goodness get a one get a one a four okay at least the ball bomb explodes that's fine he gets wait oh i was gonna say three more but he gets five more here now he uh yeah and the ball bomb explodes here so he loses half of his mini stars he's a half rounded upper rounded down half rounded up oh my goodness okay and he gets a dice block are we gonna have a mini game too because we haven't had a mini game in a while yeah wait there's something else in there i knew it i knew it it's like the game purposefully gives you a mini game if you haven't had a mini game in a while when you land on one of those spots wamper room okay flopper room one verse one and three 1v1 me bro 1v1 me bro let's see start let's see bro i'm not getting squished i'm not getting squished bro let's see bro zebra i'll keep an eye on you bro let's see where are we going bro huh where are we going huh oh you want to go over here bro i'm gonna go over here bro move bro get out of my way bro come on shy bro okay let's see how we doing yeah he's out he's out let's go very nice that means more mini stars for us our lead against this shy guy is increasing hopefully we don't get unlucky with bob-ombs what's up ahead are there more ball-bombs what do we want what would be a good roll i don't even know what would be a good roll let's just see let's just roll up one okay so we're going down i guess we go here we got three ministers here which is nice and shy guy might be losing some more again which is also nice look at all the ball bombs in the background it's like a bomb factory well it is a bomb factory i guess it being a bomb factory does make it like a ball on factory i get to three uses one two three dice block hoping to not pass by those mini sitars but he passes by them anyway and we've got a free for all mini games there's only two of us of course it's free for all okay looks like we're playing code and go seek again this guy really likes this minigame okay let's see where are we where by this red house over there purple and green are up there okay where's toad going okay up that way and what just into the red house up there okay seems simple enough just the red house up there this mini game i don't know if it's super simple or if it just seems super shy guy where are you going down there yeah like why in the world would you go down there shy guy we clearly saw the toad walk up this way it makes no sense am i not understanding this minigame or is the minigame just that simple because every time i played it it's just been as simple as that okay if we get four or higher then we'll get a bunch of mini zitars so yeah you know what even if we do get a four or five or six it's not horrible like sure we lose some mini zitars but if we get i wouldn't be too upset a three okay wait wait wait wait wait wait oh oh and the ball bomb joins uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh wait wait and that's no bro unlucky that's so sad so sad maybe our bad luck begins now okay what are we gonna roll here try to roll a low number okay give me a one yeah okay wait does that mean that we get to leave now we just do that and then we leave okay so we lose one that's fine now do we leave do we leave after that or do we keep rolling oh that's it okay so all that happens is we just lost one minister that's not bad at all six oh no oh no oh no i lose half of my mini stars i'm guaranteed to oh no oh wow well at least this guy's losing a lot wait is he down to zero many stars i think he might be down to zero mini stars yeah he gets a dice while he's down to zero mini stars but no matter what i roll the ball bomb explodes now because the ball bomb has only one ah so that's actually very sad no matter what we roll doesn't matter i guess i'd like to get at least a four so that we could get all those mini stars give me at least a four okay nice nice okay so the bottom does explode here which is fine we're gonna lose 15 mini stars we're gonna go down to 14 right yeah but we do get a bunch over here how many is that 10 okay so we are 24 ahead of shy guy we're finally starting to have some luck wait is this a dead end yes it's a dead end the level's over of course it is towed so let's see what's back there have to get all that platform to find out captain event wait and i'm the captain aha yes i'm the captain haha yes yes yes wait this means that do i get to control what happens okay okay okay okay let's go let's see now then how am i going to want to play this let's see looks like you should get in those side-by-side vehicles and proceed to the next area okay let me hear about the rules just to make sure i understand it players split up they take turns hitting a dice block simultaneously moving forward on their separate paths when a player lands on an event space a conveyor belt activates moving the mini stars one row to the left the captain should note the locations of event spaces and mini stars and plan everyone's route accordingly okay captain mario choose the card each player will ride in starting on the left oh oh oh and i can choose to skip okay so i probably want this shy guy to be on the far left let's skip that one then i'll go here and hopefully i'll get some mini stars okay nice nice ice then i'll skip one hopefully the mini stars don't uh loop around when they go all the way around let's see how this works okay we roll a three okay one two we get that and everything moves one to the left now which is very nice wait that means the shy guy actually gets nothing i don't know if they loop back if something happens okay what do you roll bro you roll a four okay nice yes okay we get a lot of stars here oh and that guy still had zero mini stars that's hilarious okay so basically no matter what happens i think this means shy guy against it i think and i get a lot it's actually so amazing that i landed there oh my goodness look at all these mini stars that i got okay i just completely dominated in that zone how many mini stars mario got 18. shy guy got zero i'm so sorry shy guy i'm so sorry mr shy guy okay you go ahead and roll what do you do you use the one two three block it's a three so he's gonna get another special dice block and we are at the almost there mark adventure's almost over wait are they gonna give shy guy a present are you gonna give him a slow dice book yeah they give him a slow dice block oh and it looks like bowser's coming here come straight up i got a present for you too what do you say a whole bunch of presents he's like yes bowser i would like some more presents i hope it's the same present as last time and lots of bowser spaces are up here that's a lot of bowser spaces one two three four five six this time last time we had five i think this time we have six all right let's go ahead mr shy guy he gets another dice walk he's already got a slow dice book and he gives it one two three dice bug okay are there going to be wait oh oh and of course there's a mini game because we haven't had a mini game in a while all right what mini game are we going to play upward mobility okay sure i'll take you on up in upward mobility wait what is this going to look like with only two players will this screen be split in half because normally i'm used to seeing this with four players so let's see okay it's just split in half okay so timing is super important here let's go let's go i think he's doing better than me so far oh maybe not anymore but i should focus on my oh not on his let's go yes very nice very nice oh that's a tricky one this is a tricky one that's a very tricky one very scary one but we got it there we go nice try mr shy guy but we got it yeah this one is kind of similar to what goes up in mario party superstars and in that one you basically want to press as soon as you land just so you can keep jumping and you can go up very fast but on this one it's like i think you want to press a when you start going down a bit so that you get a bounce so many bowser spaces yeah there are okay so if we get a two or six we get a bowser space but we can only roll normally so it's not like we have a choice wow a five okay wait is that hold on what's this oh bob joins us is down to five right now oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man that could actually be so useful okay so shy guy what's he doing he's using the one two three block on he gets just a one okay so he does get a bunch of mini stars here ten right yeah ten mini stars here wait and he's also got a he's also got a custom or a slow dice block oh man because i was thinking if i use the zero one dice block that i won't get out but he could just use the custom dice block next time give five minutes to last place but he is in last place so we're about will bowser just give him some mini stars then let's see because you are the one that's in last place ah bowser gives him five minutes okay shy guy is starting to catch up now if i have the ball bomb explode for me then i lose half of my mini stars i would be very very sad if that happened let's see because the bomb still has how much five or four now let's see the ball bomb has four if i use this right now even if i get a zero or one right now then shy guy can make sure to roll a one or two with his slow dice block so you know what i really should take the risk here hopefully we get a three or less please give me a three or less otherwise we're in big trouble okay nice nice just a one okay that's very nice okay uh well actually that doesn't mean that we're off the hook yet because if he uses his slow dice block to roll a two then we are in trouble we'd have to roll a zero with the zero one dice block otherwise we lose half of our mini stars okay we got two red characters over here okay what's the button to go underwater is it a yeah eight oh boy okay let's see let's see let's see okay so you want to go underwater and for those you want to jump up high like that then you go like this very nice get that one very nice go up there we go go underwater jump up bro yeah i got both of those let's go shy guy doesn't have a lot of rings here at all it's got very few points do i even have to jump for the rest of the game to win let's see i still will but and yeah okay he's whoa he already almost uh caught up to where i was let's see yeah it looks like i would have had to keep jumping oh oh and there's still even more let's see it's too late for that one 36. okay we have a little bit more than double his amount of points if he had one more then we'd have exactly double his points right now we have two more than double his points [Music] so five for us one for shy guy but oh man this is so so nerve-wracking right now because if the ball bomb explodes you lose half of your mini stars if it explodes for me that's a big loss he rolls just to two okay so there's a 50 50 chance that we lose half of our mini stars with the ball on if i use the zero one dice block oh man and what's happening at the bowser space let's see don't be bowser evolution that'd be so bad give 10 minutes to last place wait so is mozart gonna give shy guys some mini stars now or what's gonna happen oh my goodness he gives him 10 mini stars you know what if the ball bomb explodes for me right now then that's a big deal because i think shaggy might actually be in first place if that happens let's see yeah cause if i roll a one right now i roll at least a one then the ball bomb explodes if i roll at least a one i go down to 26 mini stars so i need to roll a zero right now do i do i do this and go for a zero or do i do this and hope that i get at least a three because then i'll get 10 extra mini stars i think this might actually be a little bit safer i really think that this one might be a little bit safer but you know what i'm gonna go for the risk please roll a zero please roll a zero i need a zero so badly otherwise above explodes and i lose half of my mini stars and then shy guys in first at almost the end of the game please give me a zero please oh man oh man bro shy guy you're done bro you're done bro you're absolutely finished bro let's go oh my goodness i am so grateful for that luck he loses 14 mini stars gets 10 back over here and wait does he go to another bowser space let's see where is he going okay another bow space just don't be bowser revolution now if it's bowser revolution that just completely ruins all my plans don't be bowser evolution because then our mini stars are equal don't be don't be don't be don't be don't be dope okay thank goodness thank goodness thank goodness oh my goodness that luck is absolutely unreal oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man it was so worth taking that risk that was the scariest moment in this playthrough so far if we got a one there we would have been in humongous trouble we would have been in humongous trouble if we rolled the one i'm so lucky that we rolled a zero with that zero on dice block my goodness i can't get over that okay everyone are you all ready that is the boss battle space yes i'm ready oh wait wait wait and now that means that i'm the captain going here also so we almost have a guaranteed win over the shy guy in this board let's just go to this boss here ah what a relief oh man i can't believe it getting a zero in that earlier spot was such a huge relief okay so here's the boss battle with bowser whoa finally made it did you well all the ministers belong to me give them back immediately my explosive minion king will defeat you all i remember king bo bomb i remember that boss like from super mario 64. oh my goodness i remember playing that with my parents i remember asking my dad for help with that boss and my parents we were all trying to figure it out love bombs at king bo bomb bombs are thrown in order from left to right and bigger bombs do more damage be careful if two players select the same bomb neither gets thrown when there are only two players king bo bomb also gets to choose a bomb if you choose the same bomb as he does he'll steal it from you oh i'm not sure if i understand how this works this is this luck based or you have to be careful to not pick the same thing as someone else i'm not sure exactly how this works man king bob um is looking humongous giant king baba all right let's go let's go do what do we just press a button uh let's go for the biggest one i pick one hope no one else picks one let's see ah we bumped into each other oh cause we both tried to run for the ball i see i understand how it works now okay let's go let's go ellen you know what i'm gonna go for two i'm gonna go for two maybe i shouldn't say it out loud because he's gonna follow me oh my goodness stop trying to be a hero shy guy mario has to be the hero here okay i'm going for a yes okay i picked a please don't go for the same one should i please give up this time no oh it's like all three of us went for that okay guy keeps going for the biggest one i'm not giving up though oh wait are they both big now uh let's go for uh d-pad let's go for d-pad no he took away d-pad no shy guy did some damage no i should have gone for one i was gonna choose one okay let's see d-pad again d-pad again d-pad again i'm ready let's go hey what do you choose shy guy no everyone went for that so how are we doing so little damage okay i'm going for two gotta go for the biggest one let's see no no because no one goes for the smallest one okay i've got to get this big one i'm going to get this big one i'm so determined i know this might cost us the game but i've got to get the big one because when we finally get it it'll pay off okay great it was taken away again shy guys already got three the biggest one is probably worth three points you know what i can't give up now i have to keep going for it i have to keep going for it oh my goodness he took it again oh my goodness and that one's worth two king bob's almost half defeated i haven't done any damage on to him yet i can't give up now i have to keep going for it i need to get it at least once i don't even care about winning anymore i don't care about winning anymore i just have to get to the big bomb at least once okay let's see hey i'm not gonna press it right away what if i wait a moment what if i wait for him to choose come on go ahead shy guy don't be shy don't be a shy guy okay i'm picking a let's go ah we all still picked hey how how is this happening should i just go for the second biggest one okay this time i'm going for two because two is on the far right let's see we are not both gonna go for that are we yes okay there we go okay uh i think we might lose uh no matter what even if we get like final hit uh man i'm so tempted to go for one because i think one might be able to finish him off oh man oh man let's uh go for the far left far left okay good we bump into each other that's fine oh and we both get minus one if we both just keep picking the same thing oh boy oh boy do i go for the far left do i go for the far left or do i go for a let's go for the fart left let's see yes yes i get to throw first is that last hit bonus let's see finals have plus three do i win do i win i think i might get the plus three still let's see let's see let's see you've got to see i think i still get plus three on top of that we win we win i can't believe we won that i can't believe we won that boss play oh my goodness and we get the captain bonus that was probably one of the worst ways that i could have played that the entire beginning this shy guy was winning up until the very last hit and he was winning by quite a bit oh man oh man but that's amazing that we got that now i think that this means oh yeah it's uh we've got to take a look at the bonus mini stars let's see let's see who gets the what's the first oh minus star k that goes to shy guy that goes to shaggy i don't think i got any minus mini stars i don't know if i did get any minus many stars oh wait i think i did get one when i went down that bad block pipe slow star i don't know if that's me or shy guy i had a lot of low rolls at first but let's see oh cool we did get that one nice and i also did roll a zero later on so i was nice spin star what's this player who landed on the most spin spaces that's definitely shy guy i think he landed on at least one i don't think i lined it on any [Music] yeah that one goes to shy guy so shy guy got two of the bonuses but i think we still do win that one oh man it is almost all because we rolled a zero there when the bomb had only one left on it shy guy used the slow dice book to get it down to a one but we rolled a zero how lucky is that yeah shy guy he thought that he won but he falls down and mario with 80 mini stars is the winner oh my goodness absolutely unreal game unbelievable unbelievable everyone i need you to comment about how unbelievable that bob-omb was because that was unbelievable this is the first time you've been the superstar yeah in solo mode all right that's so exciting oh we have almost double his stars that's so nice all right time for the next stage here we are it looks like there's some kind of boom mansion over here and there is a level just like this in mario party 8 if i remember booze horror castle so let's see how different this will be in this game and let's see bowser it's got to be in the bowser cutscene now yes here he is gosh i can gaze at these mini stars forever damn damn don't get mad bud mario koopa troopa daisy and shy guy what you say they toppled both of my magnificent minions bowser's stuffing his foot like crazy now they're headed for that spooky castle stage we have to stop them before they can rescue any more mini stars spooky castle stage the one filled with terrible ghosts and worse decorating that's booze horror castle my fearsome scary minions will show them the true meaning of scary fearsomeness yeah that's a word that you will want to look up in the dictionary oh my goodness dry bones king boo listen up ah what a spine chilling pair i know right dry bones and king boo scare the pants off though oh man this is going to be exciting we have king boo coming up mario koopa daisy and chaga have arrived at the castle what a creepy castle but there are a lot of mini stars in there this stage is pretty scary be careful and get as many mini stars as you can rescue the mini stars leader defeat bowser's minions i think this place might be hard what makes you think this place might be haunted are you ready yes let's go you're not scared of ghosts at all are you mario so brave the player horns the most spinning stars will be crowned the superstar good luck shy guy will be playing for bowser okay so we can't let shy guy win you want to learn about this stage yes please do tell me about this stage boost horror castle you'll collect many stars around the castle as you make your way toward the goal when a player passes in front of a build portrait a bit will emerge and chase everyone sounds scary if you're the captain and get caught by a boot lose half of your ministers that is absolutely ridiculous don't worry even if you get caught there bloody ministers are out the castle for you to find that is so ridiculous be careful what a bowser's minions is guarding the ministers behind the castle game okay so i guess that's a boss fight that's not all and wait there's more there's another one of bowser's medium square and the mini stars in that fort okay how many boss fights are there going to be okay so captain koopa please go ahead and roll to start the game and what do you get just oh wait no not just a one because that is a dash panel so you get to roll again okay so that's a great start to the game and now you get a four are you landing on another dash panel what are you getting now okay you get some stars like if he got a five he would have gotten another dash now what if the entire game was all dash panels that would be quite funny okay shy guys next and you get a four okay oh avoiding the versus space and daisy gets a nice big roll six the biggest roll possible i believe it's been a few days actually more than a few days it's been like maybe months since i last recorded the previous board so i actually can't remember six is the biggest thing you could roll here okay there's a boot that's looking very scary daisy's so frightened okay boo moves three spaces a turn if you get caught by a boo you'll lose half of your mini stars well half of zero is still zero so if the boot catches you and you have nothing i guess that's not that big of a deal all right but if i can get at least a three then i'll get some stars right there that'd be nice give me at least a three come on let's see and oh cool nice okay that's great that's actually perfect i'm very happy with that because we get five that puts us into first place and we get a dice block over here it is a slow dice block maybe that'll be useful in some situations okay the boo is gaining on us kupata please go ahead and roll we haven't had a mini game yet oh and there you go spoke too soon free for all mini game here we go the winner gets five and the mini game is the one per room this is a super exciting one all right let's go let's not get crushed by these swamps over here shouldn't be too hard right let's see we just gotta pay attention to where they're going you're not gonna come down twice in a row right let's see where are we going move bro i'm in the middle i'm in the middle because the middle is the best place to be [Music] careful bros how is everyone doing so well what are you bros doing oh my goodness whoa i was almost pushed into it i was looking up high but i should have been looking down low at what was happening there my goodness that was a wild finish all right very nice man this bird keeps coming over to my window right here in real life okay so the blue is catching up to us shy guy get a one ah very okay he's still staying away from the booth wait does that mean that another boo appears from that painting or what's going to happen okay this boo is it wait the boo isn't gonna go backwards is it wait does the second boo appear wait are there double boos now if they both catch you do you lose double the amount of stars i wonder if daisy's gonna go in there go the other way oh she's using a four five six because she wants to stay away from those boos she gets a four it's a bright room the booze can't go inside so what way does she go she chooses to go up smart move i think [Music] and now wait warp do we teleport somewhere else now what in the world okay we all get sucked into this oh man that spits us out right there oh my goodness could you imagine if the boo was moving one more spot the booze would have reached us oh my goodness and it's my turn and the boo is literally right behind us so i need three or higher otherwise the boo catches us and we lose half of our mini stars please give me three or higher there's a two and three chance please no no oh no so let's see come on get me booze i don't mind go ahead whatever i guess it's better early on than later on now that now is probably like the best time for this to happen okay so let's have our one versus three mini game oh and it's everyone versus me so that would actually be nice but i get to choose it wait whole hogs weird wheels or spike and spin [Music] i've never played any of these mini games actually okay let's try spike and spin i'm pretty sure i haven't played these the solo player hits the floor that other players are standing on in order to bounce the spike ball in their direction the solo player must hit all the other players to win i have to get them with the spike okay hopefully i can get these guys out this looks a bit tricky wait and they can jump over the balls so what does it matter oh man okay let's see where are we going where are we going go that way come on go back that great job okay that was amazing okay now you're coming here okay let's go like this come here whoop oh oh i could make the ball bounce that's amazing yeah there we go take that you koopa troopa i am an expert at defeating koopa troopas i love how this shy guy falls over like that that's so funny and the koopa troopa hides in his shell that's so funny back to first place there we go oh koopa troopa i kind of hope that this shy guy doesn't get all those mini stars down there are you reaching we're going back how far back are we going we are going five back oh my goodness you poor thing we're going back to exactly where we started it's like we didn't even roll and it looks like the boo catches you and you lose half of your mini stars now yeah you got caught [Music] wait a minute the painting is in front of us wait a minute how are we supposed to get away from the boo if the blue is in front of us [Music] okay but first of all we have the mini game wait i wonder if you catch up to the boo if you lose your mini stars okay the solo player must try to smash into the other players including dry bones by chasing them around the course the solo player wins by taking down all the other players okay so what are we doing so what are we just trying to run away is that all we're doing oh so there are dry bones on the course okay this guy wants to crush us oh my goodness what an evil koopa troopa we can't jump though where are you going let's stay away from him oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy he's fast we don't have a lot of time left oh no oh no oh no get away from me okay let's see not a lot of time left oh boy uh where do i go where do i go daisy let's stay apart oh my goodness how did he miss me oh my goodness daisy run daisy run daisy run run yes oh my goodness wow oh that was a very very close one thank goodness daisy pulled through over there all right shy guy please go ahead and roll and i hope he gets up five again oh my goodness wait wait he hits the boot does that mean that he loses half of his mini stars now he looks so scared uh okay so he lost some mini stars okay so a lot of people are losing a lot of mini stars over here now then it looks like he's going to also go backwards just get like a one or two because i'd love to get all those mini stars right there even if daisy gets them that's okay a six bro now we're going back even farther wait what is this spin what is it gonna be steal a dice block from arrivals does anyone even have a dice oh i have a one two three dicebook i'm the only one with a dice block great he took my dice buck now he has two of those dice blocks [Music] daisy get like a five that'd be nice a two um oh no oh no the order shuffles oh man i was kind of getting used to this order i'd like to go next if i can nice okay [Music] i just hope that we can finally get a big enough roll so that i could get all those mini stars we need one two three four five yeah give me a five please give me five or six come on please please bro get out of here get out of here how many times are we going to land on this spot right here yeah let's just go whenever we roll doesn't matter three okay let's see okay at least i get a dice book i guess that's nice and it's a one two three dice block okay i guess it's not that nice oh there's something else all right a mini game yeah of course because we haven't had enough mini games yet i get to choose okay i'm not choosing mecha choice because that is pure lux speeding bullets is incredibly hard chain event might be the only one that i can win and it's not even a guaranteed win oh wait i didn't read i didn't read if this is uh motion controls or if this is with the d-pad oh it's motion controls oh no go go go go go why would they make these mini game motion controls this is so much harder with motion calls actually i'm doing great i'm doing really great i'm playing perfectly whoa okay we got hit we got hit we got one hit we're probably still winning though i think we're probably doing better than the others let's see and there we go there's the bottom let's go where are you guys at look at me just resting down here oh my goodness oh shy guy is second unfortunately poor daisy in last place man the koopa troopa looks so incredibly happy down there but up here in third place he looks like he's like yeah okay so we are maintaining our first place over here and daisy's doing pretty well if koopa troopa gets those mini stars that'd be nice if daisy gets it that'd be a nice way to four does he reach do we finally make it out of this room out of the first room wow that brings cooper troop into second place uh oh bowser oh it's bowser's junior minigame wow you're gonna have to play mini game against me you wouldn't have a chance against me alone so i'll let you take one of your rivals looks like your teammate is mario hooray okay so if we win we get five mini stars if we lose wait oh oh so koopa troopa gets to pick which mini game he wants he kind of gets to pick which mini game he wants ah this one is so cool they had something like this in mario party 10 i think okay work with your teammate to rotate your wheel by jumping on the platforms that will spin it to the right reach the goal before bowser jr to win all right all right this is going to be an exciting one okay so let's go let's go let's go we want to go fast we want to go fast let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's keep this moving keep it moving everybody keep it moving everybody let's go let's go let's go come on keep it moving keep it moving keep it moving doing great over here yeah let's go let's go mr koopa troopa let's go mr koopa trooper you're doing great work over here mr cooper trooper almost at the goal right here oh do i have to jump off wait oh we grabbed on the button and bowser jr balls ah that is so evil but luckily for us we get a bunch of these mini stars yeah next time we play i'm going to destroy you don't you forget it all right we will make sure to keep that in mind and look at how far in last shy guy is poor shy guy over here good thing that we are defeating him we are definitely going to defeat him and daisy gets some more stars here everyone getting stars is great except for shy guy we want everyone except for shagai to get a bunch of mini stars and watch our mini game our mini game is called skipping class and that's not something i recommend doing press the buttons in the order on screen to perform jump rope tricks the faster you enter the button combinations the more points you'll earn okay so let's go do some skipping over here okay in these mini games where we have to put in button inputs this is always a fun mini game i always like mini games like this there's a mini game like this in mario party 2. there's a pirate mini game a dual mini game where you have to put in some button inputs very quickly and i love doing stuff like that i'm a lot more used to the n64 controller than the remote controller oh boy it's actually uh kind of distracting putting in these inputs yes i'm not very used to a wiimote let's see okay very nice all right now let's focus let's focus getting close then [Music] okay nice i think we got it all ah okay is that good oh my goodness look at all those jumps we did over there okay we finished with 48 points daisy has 40. she's very good at skipping the turtle is not very good at skipping because turtles cannot jump very high so that does make sense i love how this shy guy is walking back and forth over here that's so funny okay so shy guy is up next are we reaching the boss now let's see just a two so you're just landing over here on a dice block and you get a four five six dice block which is quite lucky for you okay if we get at least a three then we will reach the boss which would be great but we've been pretty unlucky with roll so i don't know if we'll get at least a three let's see we get a two how funny is that of course we get that okay so now how far back are we going let's see what are we gonna get we get also a two so at least we get a dice block which is nice and we get a slow dice block which is pretty great okay now koopa troopa please go ahead and roll will you bring us to the boss you roll a three okay so we are headed to the boss so that is fantastic wow nice job making it this far but you won't make it past the boss of this for scare [Music] all right time to face off against the dry bones boss okay so it looks like this one is actually a memory mini game which is kind of surprising it's kind of surprising that we are having a memory mini game because i remember there was a dry bones boss i think it was in mario party the top 100 or wait no that wasn't dry bones those dry bowser where he throws a bone at you okay so let's see green or red which one is it green or red green here red here okay there we go so i picked a red so let's see who else gets red everyone except for this person over here so everyone except for shy guy okay that's great news look at shy guy's hand is just a little red fin like that okay now let's pay attention we need red green and blue okay let's see blue green and red okay blue green red blue green red blue green red and that one's also red okay so shy guy also got a red everyone except for koopa troopa got it [Music] so that's nice that we're dealing damage okay the boss is half defeated it looks like daisy and i are in the lead right now hopefully we can keep this up okay let's see what do we want to do pay attention to the colors okay yellow blue green that's all red yellow blue green that's all red yellow blue green yellows all down here these three are all yellow this one here is yellow oh wait yeah that one there's yeah okay so that one's switched yeah so we luckily did get a yellow because i knew that those three were yellow so i just picked the one that didn't switch okay final round now let's see gotta really pay attention here okay red blue green yellow red blue green yellow okay so it's blue green yellow here hopefully oh he landed on a red where's red i don't know which one is red over here because these were messed up yes we got it okay thank goodness red went all the way to the top that means that we gotta oh he's not defeated yet oh and he throws a bone at you and damages you if you make a mistake okay so we've got to be really careful okay watch the cards let's see red blue yellow green red blue yellow green don't be red again red blue yellow is these three over here these three right here this l shape wait am i the only one that got yellow i'm the only one that got it oh my goodness so i'm finishing off the boss i get final attack plus three bonus i just completely destroyed in this memory minigame over here oh my goodness good job mario yeah you did it hooray great job mario everyone managed to take back the mini stars keep collecting mini stars as you make your way to the bowser gate i am kind of scared to go over there man we we are ahead but if a boo catches up to you and it takes half of your mini stars man things can turn around very quickly oh and what's this okay i guess this is the rest of the level okay we're kind of getting close but man there's still some booze here so this is scary [Music] daisy rolls a four wait is she passing by the boo oh she's right before the boo okay let's see oh my goodness a one to ten dice walk that is amazing for her that's great news shy guy what about you oh man i remember shy guys from paper mario origami king that was such a fun game i have got to revisit that i would really like to replay that and play that some more okay so shy guy gets his spin over here and it is swap dice blocks with a rival okay who are you gonna swap with oh is it random or did he choose random no oh wait do you swap all of your dice blocks or do you just swap a specific dice block oh i i guess he just gave away his dice block to the koopa troopa i don't know why he wouldn't have chosen me or daisy then all right but the boo is out of the painting that almost sounds like an expression isn't the expression like the cat's out of the bag now or something like that the expression is now the boo is out of the painting okay so then do i want to use my one two three dice block or do i just roll normally you know i'll roll normally it doesn't matter too much what happens okay so we get a 5. all right so we're losing a few mini zitars over here wait they're called mini zitars with a z like zx many but we lose some mini stars because that and on the roll oh rivals can't use special dice blocks all players except for captain mario can only use the normal decks oh on their next turn okay oh oh that might give some trouble to my friends that might be very bad for koopa troopa actually what does he roll a six he is so lucky i'm pretty sure let's see yeah look at this look where he makes it he makes it just out of the range of the boo he is so so lucky and he gets another four five six nice buck that is one lucky koopa troopa oh my goodness oh and there's a free-for-all minigame nice what a surprise [Music] no no why would you choose that one that is a luck mini game yeah so this is basically pure luck you know what i'm choosing this one over here on the far right give me luck uh looks like koopa troopa wanted that one okay let's see how are we going to do against others oh shy guys on the far left over here let's see how are we going to do off to a great start oh wait but if you fall into a hole then you want to shake quickly let's see shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake give me up yeah there you go i'm out shy guy get out of there how is shy guy doing so great get me out of that hole get me out of that hole are we in the last place oh my goodness shy guy is in first place he's already up on the podium and we're not even done yet okay at least we're not last i guess we are in third over there daisy daisy does finish she's just walking over to the side where i was like oh you win some you lose some okay but things are getting a bit closer now especially if the boo catches up to mario i would be horrified if the boo caught up to us daisy please go ahead and roll you get a three you are very very lucky very very lucky to be over here away from the oh my goodness and another one to ten dice book that is super lucky okay so that booze over there but we're also at the painting over here so another boo comes out so what's this boo gonna do does it reach us right away tell me it doesn't reach us right away okay shy guy please roll it one or two please oh shy guy get rekt bro okay wait but what happens at the spin let's see what happens at the spin steal five mini stars from arrival do you get to choose who yeah of course he chooses me because i'm in first place and i'm also kind of happy about his demise that the boo is about to catch up to him oh it's funny this is just like taxes it's like he stole five mini stars for me but now he has to pay tax on his earnings over here minus 18 for shy guy wait minus 18. oh cause both boos caught up to him oh my goodness that is brutal both boos caught up to him on the same turn so he got cut in half twice you know what i might do this i'm gonna use my should i use the one two three dice block now or later you know what i keep thinking that you know i should save it because maybe there will be a better time later i'll just use it now though it's all right oh now i get to choose what way do we go i have so much power in my hands right now i can choose what way we go if i go that way someone's getting a lot of mini stars and it's probably not shy guys so that's okay so you know what let's go this way and there's also one less boo to worry about because if we if i chose to go down then we'd be passing by a blue painting case what do we get here steal a dice blog from arrival okay that's actually very nice i am so sorry to do this to you daisy do i take the four five six to have a guaranteed four five six or do i have this that can roll any number between one and ten you know what i think i'm actually gonna have to go with the four five six because that i'm gonna have to go with that one because yeah if we really need to run away from a boo then we're gonna do that okay so koopa troopa uses his one remaining special dice block rolls his six and gets those ten mini stars that actually brings him up into first place which is nice i don't mind him being in first place as long as shy guy's not in first place we are golden can we get a four five six and there's something else in here okay of course a free-for-all mini game and our mini game is goomba balling let's go okay the last time that i played this mini game in mario party the top 100 i actually got a perfect score and i was incredibly surprised about that so let's see if we can do that well no we're not going to be able to do that again probably but hopefully we can do all right all right let's see shy guys really positioning himself nicely and oh my goodness he got a nice score there how many is that 11. not bad are we up next okay it looks like we are up next hopefully we can do all right okay wait how do i uh tilt oh okay this is perfect this is perfect let's go like this and let's get ready go and how's that how's that how's that oh so close ah 17 still a very good score just those last few at the end there that was great that was better than i expected it to be wait a minute koopa troopa is throwing a shell should that be allowed is that legal are koopa troopas allowed to throw the shells of other koopa troopas does this koopa troopa mind that we are throwing the shells of his brethren right now okay daisy just throws straight daisy's trying to go at the luigi's strategy of just do absolutely nothing no moving back and forth no adjusting just a straight throw like that so with our score of 17 here we have a very nice first place oh wait a minute am i tied in first with koopa troopa now okay so let's see daisy please go ahead she rolls just a one over here wait a minute okay so we've got a one versus three minute game we just had a mini game now we are having another mini game and maybe shy guy is going to lose some mini zitars soon or he's going to get some mini citars i guess okay what is this return the picture panels to their correct positions the first side to complete their image wins okay so hold on oh so i guess we have to put this together oh my goodness this is going to be confusing okay let's see how can we twist let's see grab twist oh don't twist that much twist that way twist this one like that very nice twist this one like that oh no no no no no like that very good now that one like that very nice oh man bros we are doing amazing here oh just wait did daisy win no we had only one more square to go and daisy won that is so sad that's so sad well better daisy wins than shy guy wins i guess okay and here's shy guy please roll a two or more a six oh oh that's a very big number okay well you lose almost all of your mini stars here you lose another five you're down to four over here wait is he landing on the lucky space oh boy how many are you gonna get bro and what are you going to do oh it's this where it's like i guess it's like the bigger you roll the more mini stars you get let's see three oh so he literally lands on the three over here wait does he get to roll again or is that all he gets and now he has to leave check i got three mini stars okay i guess that's everything okay very nice man that shy guy reminds me so much of paper mario shy guy was such a nice character in paper mario oh if i get a six oh if i get a six i land on the captain event space should i do that or should i save my slow dice block you know what i think i might save my slow dice block maybe you know what i'll use this just so we could get some more mini stars over here oh and we roll a six let's go there was a one in three chance of that happening but that's perfect ten more mini stars and we're going to land on some kind of captain event and look at that purple mushroom house over there what a strange looking tower you should go check it out what if we just didn't check it out what if we just left okay let's see what's gonna be happening here oh and there's a little mouse here wait oh just too many stars okay that's not that big of a deal that is a very funny looking mouse wait where's the mouse going oh i guess it's like if we catch up to the scaredy wrath then we get its mini stars you want to hear the rules yes please tell me the rules okay you must catch this scaredy rat to retrieve all of your mini stars the scaredy rat will use a one two three dice block to try to escape while you'll give chase using a regular dice block whoever catches the thief gets all of the mini stars okay you know who's gonna hit the dice block first shaga you're gonna hit the dice block first because i know you're not reaching this guy let's see oh he rolls a one okay so scaredy rat is six away now oh wait but there are dash panels also okay wait you get a four wait that means you don't reach right let's see oh we're so close we're two away okay who should go now you know what i'll risk it i'll go now let's see get just a one rat a three oh man that means that he's five away now wait does he get to use the dash panel you get to use the dash pedals dude that is ridiculous bro okay but he gets just a one [Music] so now he's six away give me five or six oh man that is pretty nuts right there we catch up to this scaredy rat we platinum get all the mini stars very nice luck over here are we going into the final section here now is this the end okay koopa troop is using the four five six dice block gets us six we are getting so many humongous rolls right now oh almost there and wait are there booze over here now let's take a look at the current standings mario's in first shy guy has only five mini stars how sad is that for him oh and they give him a slow dice block that's quite nice and it looks like bowser is going to come whoa captain koopa i've got a present for you too what do you say a whole bunch of presents koopa troopa's like yes king bowser i would love some presents here you go just for you and got a bunch of bowser spaces in here okay four bowser spaces appear whoa see ya oh no see it's four space to turn into bowser spaces you can move four spaces too and let's see oh because we get some mini zitars here are you going up or to the left now uh of course you're going this way wait actually oh you went up that is super interesting okay battle mini game hello there hammer bro okay taking three mini stars from each of us not that big of a deal it is so nice that we are so far ahead of shy guy right now i'm so glad that we're so far ahead of shy guy right now buddy bounce this is a super fun mini game too hopefully we can do all right what we want to do is collect these balloons that are worth lots of points and one thing that is good for you is when you bounce on top of your friend and then you can get the higher ones let's go give me that other ten yeah there we go let's go i've gotten two tens so far and by two tens i don't mean that i'm speaking portuguese let's see let's see come here come here bro come here bro come here bro no no no no no you guys are boosting me i'm not boosting you guys you guys are boosting me there we go that's how this works boost me up here boost me up here my bros daisy uh you know what i gave daisy a plus 10 at the end but she's still in last place we are in a very solid first place here scoring 48. and wait a minute is there also a boo that is activated is the boo back there activated i'm guessing the booze gonna start chasing after us now let's see oh here comes the boo the painting falls down does he start chasing us right away or no wow he isn't even chasing us yet okay daisy you get to roll a four so you get a lot of mini stars here which is good for you but man if we lose half of our mini stars we are down to around 30. oh no don't be bowser revelation please anything but that ah everyone check their watch that's right it's bowser time hey captain daisy spin the bowser wheel don't be bowser evolution anything but that please please no okay thank goodness okay good good give mini stars to the person in last place that's fine shy guys catching up a bit hopefully this isn't the start of his comeback yeah just give those mini stars over this shy guy over here [Music] ah that should shake things up a bit later fools okay goodbye bro and wait a minute okay so this moves coming over here what about the other beer are you coming out of the painting now why does shy guy look so dizzy right now what's going on with him shy guy what are you doing there okay so who's up next shy guy you're up next let's see oh he's using his special dice block to roll a three he wants to stay right outside of the range of the boo oh wait we need to roll six to open the door just get a six right away a four okay wait does that mean it goes down by four sorry four is away you need to move forward i have to take another lap wait why does it say four now does that mean that we need to roll four more or do we have to roll a four to get through okay what's our mini game here plunder ground wait a minute okay so we want to keep our eyes on the monty moles and see what chess they go into oh wait you want to see which one collects the most actually okay so i guess it's all them except for the empty one okay so let's see this one's looking pretty good right now this one right here where are you going right here i'm picking this one i don't know which one's empty but ours isn't empty let's see are they all the same okay all plus ten except for the one that's zero that's good round two hey what's up next okay it looks like these two are good okay so let's keep our eyes on that one let's see where you going bro where are you going right here oh you almost got that one from me koopa troopa but i got it and oh shy guy got some over there okay so this round was plus 15. okay is this the final one it is the final round okay let's see which one do we go for i'm going for the big one got to keep my eyes on the big one let's go where are you going big one let's see where are you going i think it's this one i'm not sure i might have lost it near the end there but i think it's this one let's see and yeah there we go perfect game finish very nice we always got the right chest oh and shy guy's actually in second place over here man it's like shy guys trying to come back or something he's getting a lot of mini stars right now okay shy guy is still pretty low he's at 17. i think there is a good chance that we win though let's see where are we going where's the next boo oh the other boo's over there look out abu's about to catch you yes you know what i'll do this i'll use the slow dice block and i will purposefully roll a six right now that's what we're going to do and we're going to go to the left and we're going to get another special dice block it's all right that we lose a few mini stars here that's no big deal it's just five if the boo catches up to you you lose half of all of your mini stars oh i could have also done a five and then i would have gotten a dash panel that might have been nice wait a zero one dice block that might be useful in some rare circumstances okay but those two boos are still circling so koopa troopa please roll get a big number nice a six a nice big humongous gigantic number that's what we like to see and hold on are you just landing on a normal green spot yes just a normal green spot booze keep circling good job booze now is peach oh sorry not peach is daisy up next daisy's just rolling normally not using her one to ten dice block okay she gets a five that means we got another chance to open the door okay now do we need a four oh you won't be able to move on unless you get a four or higher okay so there's a 50 50 chance oh no that's so sad that's so sad we have to do one more lap oh and daisy hit the boo that is so sad for her so seth that means daisy's going down to last place now she lost so many mini stars from the boo oh and shuffle so the turn order changes who's up now okay i am last so that's all right okay so koopa is first so please go ahead koopa yeah because the booze going up that way now is the time where you really don't want to roll you just want the cpus to go oh if it was me i probably would have used my zero one right now oh or maybe the next turn actually okay you get a one two three dice block oh there's something else in here yeah we haven't had a mini game in a while so it's time for a mini game [Music] and let's see what's the mini game smash compactor okay so we want to get into the open holes as quickly as possible otherwise we are going to get crushed by that start so let's get ready own we can also shy guy is a pancake oh and speaking of shy guys in paper mario oh and look at that there's a dry bones to this side that's controlling everything okay i'm going here stay away bro oh there's the next one who's going to that did neither of you want to go into that hole what's going on they both got flattened oh and there's a dry bone on either side oh maybe they actually both just wanted to tie so that they would both get three mini stars so that we could catch up and defeat shy guy maybe that's all part of their master plan okay we've got 64 mini stars just like mario 64. okay the boo's also continuing along on i'm going now you know what should i just use the zero one dice block i'll just use the zero one dice block because i get another special dice block no matter what and i don't lose any mini stars so let's see i get another zero one dice block grade okay and the blues walking down here getting close to us so whoever is next oh if you get a tiny number you might get caught let's see oh wait unless he forcefully goes to the left if you go to the left i think you can't get caught but shy guy does get a gigantic number gets a six so loses a bunch wait okay it does choose to go up yeah that is the smart thing to do i'm pretty sure and you get a bunch of mini starts from here so you do end up profiting and oh turn shuffle again don't be me i don't want it to be me don't be me it's me i'm so scared i'm so scared because if we roll a one we are in humongous gigantic trouble because if we roll just a one then we have to go backwards and the blue might catch us okay so as long as we don't roll a one i will be very happy okay perfect there we go very very nice now we just have to roll at least the two there's a very low chance of that happening only a one in six chance of rolling a one you got a three let's go and is the time for the boss now are wait is there still more no don't tell me there's still more tell me it's the boss now okay it looks like it is the boss now and his bowser gonna come we look left we look right it gets dark and bowser appears boss battle let's go finally you made it did you ah i'm getting tired of you stealing my mini stars guess i'll have to teach you a lesson my frightening minion king boo will defeat you all i'm very excited for this there's a king boo boss fight in mario party 10. so let's see what the king blue boss fight in mario party 9 will be like wait line up three or more of the same item to launch an attack on king boo line up lightning bolts for an extra power is this like tetris or something is this candy crush you know what i've kind of been craving some pokemon puzzle league so this might be something nice for that okay and let's see okay if we could get lightning bolts that'd be nice let's go like this and then come here come here very nice okay give me that you're not taking that oh boy oh boy do i get a combo maybe for doing some of this stuff wait wait wait wait go like this come over here i wanted that one give me that one wait i don't even know how we did oh oh uh we're doing all right koopa troopa is doing great daisy's doing very poorly i'm taking this lightning bolt you guys i'm getting out of my way this is my lightning bolt no one is taking it how much damage is that doing oh my goodness plus 10 i should have used that like to finish him off should i use that as a fatality wait wait um move wait who got the final hit i have 43 points i have 43 i have so many oh my god did koopa troopa get any points in the second half it's like daisy and shy guy got all the points in the second half wait how do you get minus points for misses what is a misses okay and we get a lot of bonus mini stars because we are also the captain we are in first place guys i think there's going to be a very clear winner here no matter what happens with the bonus mini stars great job everybody let's take a look at the results okay so let's see who's going to become the superstar the minis the menace the minus star bonus oh my goodness i can't i can't speak i've been playing too much mario party shy guy gets out okay yeah even if you give him all of the bonus mini stars i think that we still would win okay mini games are probably going to mario let's see good it does go to mario okay nice nice we did win the most mini games that's nice something that we actually can control we did do well on oh dice block star i wonder who that's going to mario again okay because we did use a few we did do some clever stuff where it's like we use the zero one dice block and then we got another zero on dice block after that that was kind of funny okay i think we are winning shy guy might actually be in last place wait daisy's in last wait is daisy in last she did fall first yeah then there's shy guy goodbye shy guy koopa troopa you're a good pal but i'm sorry mario's doing this with 97 mini stars that is a lot of mini stars we kind of dominated that game we were in first place almost the entire time all right so let's see what is the next stage it looks like it is some kind of beach stage oh blooper beach yeah it actually is a beach oh but we have the bowser cut scene first of course watching these mini stars is like taking a tiny vacation bowser does work very hard dab dab something terrible has happened again now it's mario kamik birdo and wario oh man not again mario i will get you for this and look at him angrily stomp the ground they're on their way to that sandy ocean stage they must want to steal more mini stars sandy ocean stage the one filled with dolphins and sushis and all the sunshine a guy could ever need that's blooper beach he makes it sound so nice my marine minions will make fish bait out of them okay so there's probably a blooper boss and what else oh and a cheap cheap of course cheap blooper loosen up oh yeah this should go swimmingly pun intended you know it i hire only the highest grade minions why did all your other minions get defeated then cheap cheap sink those land lovers what are you a pirate bowser all right and here we are mario magikoopa birdo and wario have arrived at the ocean the sea is so beautiful isn't it it's even prettier with all those mini stars scattered around there's no knowing what's lurking in the water so be careful while you're recovering many stars rescue the ministers we'll need to defeat bowser's minions heard bowser's minions are deadly in the water are you sure you're ready let's go course you are you can answer my manny villain can't you mario magikoopa will be playing for bowser i'm glad wario isn't playing for bowser okay so anyone except for magikoopa can win this one want to learn about this stage yes please do tell me about this stage i'm blooper beat i'll troll the droppings for midi stars as you make your way towards the goal in the first half of the stage you'll be dolphins who will give you mini stars and sushis who take them away in the second half of the stage landing on an event space will cause the hugging crab ship to fire its cannons oh mini stars and mini zitars get reversed every time you land on an event space okay and is that the end oh oh that's just the bouncer gate okay so that's just halfway wait i don't know if that's halfway through okay this is halfway through i think the fort is halfway through okay turn order let's go we get a six we are first nobody can get higher than that magikoopa you are last get wrecked bro oh right so let's get started wait why were birdo's eyes closed let's go okay wait were the dolphins good or were the other things good look everybody it's a dolphin oh if you catch up okay you get a reward for catching the dolphin okay get a six to catch up to the dolphin okay but there's no way we're gonna get a six right if we get a one and then a five that might be nice let's see just a three that's so sad because we land on a green space and the green spaces are well basically nothing okay and it looks like the dolphin moves along where are you please go ahead we don't want the magic koopa catching up okay wario also gets a one we are off to a horrible start burnout you better not also get a one and the dolphin's moving along maybe none of us will catch up to it let's see berno what do you roll don't get a one a five you don't catch the dolphin with that do you you get some mini stars which is nice but where are you going now oh so close wait a minute that means uh kamik oh my goodness nice a one to ten dice block canik well matt the magikoopa i'm calling him kamek he might be able to catch up to that what does he need a three don't get a three bro okay good just the one that's good wait no but that's a dash panel that is not good oh no now no matter what he rolls his bat if he gets just a one then he goes to the lucky pipe but if he gets a bigger number then he catches up to the dolphin k a three so he catches up to the dolphin and gets an extra five mini stars over here congratulations cabbage [Music] wait you haven't had a mini game in uh quite a while actually wait a minute that looks scary there's a shark coming over here wait i guess if the shark catches up you'll probably steal some of your mini stars it moves four spaces at a time you lose half of your mini we have zero so it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if it catches us because we have no mini stars right now we roll we roll at five though kind of big number okay now we're starting to get some mini stars and wait do we land on a green again stop landing on useless spaces that's so sad okay but it looks like the shark's trying to catch up to us wario your turn you get a five a nice big roll now what where are you going up or down okay he chooses to go down here he gets a special day spot but unfortunately or fortunately because maybe things will turn around wait there's probably going to be a mini game in here too right yeah i knew it i knew it okay because we haven't had a mini game in so long so of course it's time for a mini game and he chooses mecha choizo boy pure luck mini game all right here we are pure luck mini game pick a door any door please and you know what i'm going to choose two it is going to be two we have to choose two because it is to be or not to be ah you guys there are the live magikoopa is out so that's great okay oh wait door a was closing i'll choose door a then and by door a i don't mean like dory like dory oh goodbye birdo man that was a fantastic win we got quite lucky there but the funny thing is even for being in third place and second place and last place you still do get quite a few mini stars especially compared to the winner like if you win every mini game it's not even that much of an advantage okay and the shark is catching up to us the shark is getting kind of close am i up next no birdo's up next okay so it's still a while for me okay birdo get those mini stars okay for no rules just one wait is that a oh bowser jr does that mean we're gonna have a mini game over here okay you take me okay that's so nice that's so nice i don't know if that happens every time wait bumper sparks are we gonna play that okay we're playing this one i don't know if the cpus always choose you okay ram into bowser jr to knock him into the electrified ring around the platform knock him into the ring three times to win all right here's bowser jr going into his clown car and i guess this is like a pure motion controlled one because we don't use any buttons we just tilt like this get him into the fence there we go all right can we just uh he's doing pretty good over here but there we go okay two hits on him wait wait wait there's still so much time left no there's gotta be more to the mini game there's gonna be a round two that can't be everything no no no no no that can't be everything that was way too easy that was way too easy that's basically free mini starts for us that was way too easy okay well sure i'll take the plus five that brings me into first place magikoopa's doing pretty well in second place with 10 mini stars there and this shark is very close behind just get a one or two bro get a one get a one ah four okay so it looks like you get a special dice book at least i'm getting some mini stars next turn hopefully the shark doesn't catch me and hopefully i don't land on the dash panel that's what's important oh man he's so close behind i have no special dice blocks all i can do is roll and hope that i don't get like a one two or three yes okay nice to five that is amazing okay so we get mini stars and we are heading up all the way over here getting away from that guy oh we're almost at the boss very close well the first boss i guess okay what kind of mini game are we having here oh i get to choose the mini game okay you know what goomba spawning would be basically a free win but i want to do ballistics just because it is more intense okay so what we want to do is avoid the bullet bills that are whizzing by and this kind of reminds me of that one level in super mario sunshine with the sand bird okay let's see go wait a minute how are you still surviving you shouldn't be here oh okay i guess he took my advice to heart okay but unfortunately he's in second place so he does still get quite a few mini stars for that okay now whoever is next hopefully they roll a two and then we make it to the you know what to the boss over there okay but this shark is catching up to us shark is still chasing us getting close if someone rolls a one if wario rolls at one does that mean that the shark catches them oh he specifically uses his slow dykes block just because he didn't want to get caught by this shark but the funny thing is he only has four mini stars so he would have only lost two mini stars so i don't think that's really worth it using it in a situation like that you had a lot more mini stars sure but over there i don't know if that's worth it okay and time to face off against cheap cheap wario looks like he's ready to bat okay grab shells and fire them at cheap cheap as fast as you can while avoiding his attacks here we are time to face the cheap cheap boss and let's see are we going to use motion controls for swimming all right let's go let's go okay so it's motion controls for swimming that's so weird wait wait get it get it get it now okay so it's not only grab the shells but you have to be in a night oh i was gonna say you have to be in a nice place but you also have to be able to not get hit by this guy when he starts swinging move bros move bros move rose give me the shell give me the shell let's go come over here now let's go get him get him get him and then move get a shell yeah there we go okay let's get one more on him very nice move okay very nice i don't think that we got hit there because there was like a transition cut scene there wait why did cameron get minus one i guess kamma got hit wait where's the fish oh it's over there i see it's shadow oh boy just drilled down and did some kind of a drill attack onto them it's like a pokemon where are you going oh boy my shell mish miss oh no let's see where is it going next where is it going next over there to the right let's see let's get it get it yeah there we go okay whoa look out look out look out look up i want to get a shell want to get a shell go go up go up oh no i was hit i was hit it doesn't have much hp left give me a shell go did i get it or did kamik oh wario got it oh my goodness okay but i think we still do win that one birdo came pretty close okay so birdo is insane wario's in last place but he is the captain so he's probably getting some extra bonus mini stars over there he gets a bonus one mini star so sad for him ah right so the mini boss has been defeated got back some mini stars now we want to head over to the bowser gate over there okay and we are in first place that's pretty cool as long as you don't like lose half of our ministers this should go great pretty cool beach level over here go ahead and roll birdo just wait a minute what is that space wait is that the canon one oh oh that's just a spin okay it's the question marks that are the cannon fires okay so let's see what's happening here item shuffle wait do all of our items get switched around i don't have any items so if i end up with anything that'd be great ah oh it's just i don't know if it's only the people who own items have their items shuffled because that's kind of funny okay magikoopa chooses to use this four five six block here and heroes just support wait does that bring him to a dash panel i think that brings it to a dash panel okay so you get to roll again and now you're gonna get to choose what way to go left or right [Music] okay he gets a two so he is going up that way wait is this a spin panel okay yeah so there's a bunch of spin panels over here so let's see what do you get lots of good stuff i guess lots of good options get a slow dice block that's so useful you can basically roll whatever you want between one and six i've had like no custom dice blocks this turn okay you know what give me a five or six give me a five or six please ah that's not a five or six that's a two okay at least give me like a nice block or something come on cuz i've got like nothing nice i've got nothing nice hit the dice block again yes okay thank you okay that's very nice okay now all i need is a three or four or five or six okay nice very nice wait where does the five take us to i don't know where five takes us to i didn't see that okay so we get those plus five which is nice where does this take us nice over here okay so we get a special dice block i wonder if we'll also have a mini game because we haven't had a mini game in a bit let's see no mini game wow surprisingly okay wait a minute will you land on that or will you pass by okay he passes by do we still go down or no oh we do still go down okay captain event nice okay time to go salvage some mini stars okay time for the wario captain event wait each of your diving platforms holds ten mini stars oh oh so if we reach the top then we get to you know what then we get to keep our mini stars okay wario uses a four five six blocklet or well he chooses what all of us use actually okay so everyone rolls on the four five six block bruno gets a five okay so so far it's six five what is magikoopa getting you get a five okay and what do we want [Music] five or four would be great let's see okay four's alright five would have been perfect but yeah we go up to here wario's actually almost guaranteed to reach the top wait oh i guess if you land on the red one what happens is you probably lose a few mini stars the warrior rules just a one there's a chance that he doesn't reach the top actually okay what about you birdo i would really like a three i think or maybe a two all right let's see magikoopa please go ahead and roll your dice you get just one lots of ones you know what yeah give me a three give me a three i want a three ah that is not a three oh man so i need a five or six now otherwise i get zero mini stars i think wait a minute oh oh i'm like what's happening okay so those fish over there they attack those guys for being on the unlucky spot okay but now everyone rolls a normal dice block whoever reaches the top gets to keep these mini stars wait a four that means you reach right yeah he reaches wario gets 10 mini stars what about birdo do you get to keep your five yes bruno rolls a five and brittle gets to keep the five mini stars what about you magikoopa what do you roll a one you don't get to keep your mini stars and i need i think a five or six i think a four won't let me i need five or six oh man there we go let's go magikoopa is the only one that doesn't make it that is actually fantastic that's great so wario gets plus 10 which is great news berto gets a bit which is also good magikoopa gets nothing which is fantastic news and i get an extra 10 which is very very good news that's amazing okay so i'm super happy with how this is going and now birdo rolls a six man we are seeing a lot of big numbers over here it's like we are just rushing through this board okay and birdo is going to get a chest here are we going to have a mini game now let's see if we are going to have a mini game also in here okay one two three dice block ah there's something still in there free for all mini game of course it's kind of funny that you probably can go through a whole board without any mini games at all all right let's go i am ready to do some jumping over here that is what we are going to do we are going to climb up very high and hopefully very quickly okay let's see we want to jump at the right time to go higher let's see jump jump nice jumps over here and not any super difficult jumps yet let's see oh boy that was the first difficult one so far oh and here's a scary one but we're doing all right oh that's a very very scary one but there we go we won hooray very nice all right man some of those last few jumps were difficult like the one that magikoopa's at right now yeah there we go magikoopa's in second unfortunately wario would last berto in third so yeah this is so funny that it's like in second you still get so many mini stars over here okay so we do still maintain our first place lead over here which is nice now captain kamik please go ahead and roll oh he's using his slow dice block so he could roll any number he wants he really wants it for wait he's going to bowser don't be bowser revolution please i would be so sad if we got bowser revolution that'd be so incredibly sad because then all of our mini stars would be evenly distributed wait is bowser revolution an option oh it doesn't look like it's an option let's see lose half your mini stars oh my goodness he tried to land on bowser on purpose and he got unlucky because of that that's what you get for trying to make all of our wealth equal kevin oh man that's so sad for him so sad but very lucky for us let's go okay now it's time for mario to whoa we could get something nice i don't want to land on those unlucky spaces over there you know what i might just use the four five six block now ah man i really don't want a four or a five if we get a four or a five we get very unlucky six would be very lucky so it's not worth using the four five six block at six okay that is actually incredible because that means not only do we get those 10 mini stars we pass by the bad luck spaces which is great but we also land on a lucky space you've arrived at a toad house just like my video from yesterday or well i guess not yesterday i guess right now it's today but it might be a few days before i post this video i'll give you the items on the back of the car as you turn over okay let's keep our eyes peeled hey turn over two cards okay let's do this one and this one there we go so we get three mini stars and a one two three dice book i don't really care too much for the zero one dice block i don't know if there'd be very useful situations for that but we can go like this this one all maybe be more handy maybe not we'll see hey wario please go ahead and roll a six oh my goodness what is with these big numbers i roll the six wario rolls is six now oh now we have a choice what way do we go oh mario's choosing the top island wow we are carried up like this oh my goodness it's like we are in a shipbuilding city oh wait wait a minute event does that mean that the cannons fire and these all turn into mini zitars now instead of mini stars yes so now if you pass by any of these then you lose stars instead because it swaps every time you uh step on one of these event spaces okay bruno you go ahead and roll what are you gonna get a two okay alberto purges birdo purposefully used a one two three dice block to not get a very big number and birdo gets to go to a lucky space over here because if you got a really big number then she would pass by those purple stars that are up ahead and there were a lot of them over there okay so let's see how lucky are you going to get over here a four okay so that gives you three mini stars if you got five or six then you would have had five but by rolling up four you get three more mini stars man we are very very nicely in the lead over here okay captain kamik please go ahead and roll you magikoopa nice nice okay it's not a two which is good and it's not a one which is also good gimmick loses a bunch of stars over here down to just three stars man how unlucky are the bowser cpus today oh but for being in last place they do give him a slow dice block so you can roll whatever he wants but now whoa captain magikoopa i've got a present for you too what do you say a whole bunch of presents kamek is like yes master please give me lots of presents i would like your presents my lord bowser okay and the present is that four bowser spaces appear and if someone lands on um oh oh and that's actually the perfect spot for camping to land on yeah but what i was going to say is if someone lands on a bowser space and it becomes bowser revolution that would be incredibly sad because then all of our mini stars would be perfectly even but that was the perfect time for kamik to land on this because now i am right over here and i can go ahead and roll okay wait wait wait we don't want a three or five okay so i would love at least a two if we get a one that's incredibly sad don't give me a three or five six would be perfect let's see ah that's not very good because we are landing on bowser hopefully it's not like give away half of your mini stars or lose half of your mini stars but bowser revolution would be the worst hopefully it's not that all right let's see lose half your mini stars would be so sad reverse mini game could be kind of cool battle for half of your mini stars okay this is a scary one because yeah i have to pay in the most mini stars over here because i have the most mini stars 62 mini stars in total wait a minute and that means that second place is getting a lot of mini stars too and magikoopa gets to pick oh no all right let's see magma mayhem this is a good mini game let's see let's just try and uh let's get magikoopa out first get him yes okay he's out first that's all that matters well if we could get first that would be even nicer there we go what a nice kick oh my goodness when you jump and kick someone they go very far in this mini game wario looks like he's plugging his ears and he's like huh wario not a listen oh there's one leftover mini star so bowser gets to keep that one that ended up going okay it could have been much worse let's see we get 31 back oh this is actually very nice because now we have 69 mini stars very nice and we're so close to the end of the game just don't land on bowser bro don't land on bowser what are you getting five wait does that bring him to bowser no it doesn't bring him to bowser wait he's going to a lucky island okay i've played this board i think once before and princess peach had incredible luck with this part at the end over here she just like kept going to the lucky island and she just kept getting more and more stars oh my goodness it was ridiculous okay so is it everyone gets to roll is that the way that this works okay you roll a five let's see where does that bring you okay you get some stars over there now come on let's go you get some more stars over there wait are you landing on the dash spot okay so he gets to roll again okay what if he just keeps rolling fives forever because he is in third place he gets a six wait a minute so that's gonna bring him one more spot ahead so i think he's gonna end on a blue spot but he does get to collect all these again [Music] but yeah so he collects those wario's up to second place now and he gets a dice block over here which is very nice for him a 456 dice block [Music] now what about you berto berto why don't you just get a three just get a three a two oh okay [Music] what i don't want is kamek getting lost of me sir you know what should i even say that because look hammock he only has one mini star is it even that big of a deal does it really matter if he gets some more mini stars look he has only one mini star there's no way he could come back right wait a five one two three four five okay that'll just bring him back to the exact same spot that he started at okay so he gets a few mini stars but not a lot and we are going to get to roll and that means that wait wait wait we get to roll from here right [Music] let's see okay you get a zero one dice block nice is there a mini game okay no mini game now then we get to roll we get at least one whether we use this block or this block we have a one in three chance of landing on the lucky space but if we use this block we also have a chance of getting an extra three mini stars so let's do this if we roll a one or a six that is perfect but oh bad i didn't think that we'd get it that's actually pretty funny okay so you get plus three over here and we land on this nice lucky spot over here does that mean that i get all these on the island over here in the center over here hooray mario almost sounded like luigi for a moment over there okay so we get those ten mini stars and we can come back now very nice that was nice and lucky wait why is oh wario's going again four five six dice block please no no one spot before the end of the game okay get uh something get a two get a two i think a two might be nice get a two a four wait a minute are we going back to the lucky island oh yeah if we're going back to the lucky island we just got off the lucky island now we're heading to the lucky island again oh my goodness so here we go back to the lucky island we go okay warrior what do you roll a six wait a minute i think that that brings him one forward to where he was right one two three four five six yeah that brings in one fourth okay this is going very similarly to last time i think well last time i think wario first landed on a dash panel and then he rolled a six if i remember correctly are we gonna have a mini game now we haven't had a mini game in a while still no mini game i wonder if you can't have mini games on the star island okay birdo rolls a five okay so that brings you back to the exact same spot roberto does get six more mini stars in total because there's three there and then three over here and you're going to get a special dice book i wonder what kind of special dice block you're going to get [Music] let's see a one two three dice book are you going to keep it or no okay magikoopa's turn and it looks like birdo didn't keep the one two three dice block kamik purposefully rolls a three over here does that bring you to a lucky spot yes it does okay so kamikaze is going to the lucky spots we are leaving the lucky island and kamik is starting to fill up on some mini stars over here getting a little lucky you have 13 mini stars getting 10 more over here so kamik is going to be up to 23 mini stars now okay and now we are back here and it is my turn so we might be able to make it to the boss okay please don't give me a four i'm using the 456 dice block nice okay very nice okay so we do reach the final boss over well the final boss of this level let's see what is it gonna be oh yeah it's gonna be the blooper because we already faced the cheat sheet but first bowser drops out boss battle time let's go finally made it did you i'm not letting you get your grubby hands on any more of my mini stars my monstrous minion blooper will defeat you all all right let's go i'm ready to battle this blooper over here okay so the way that this mini game works is you want to fire at the blooper and hold on i think there might also be things that are spit out at you okay so let's see how well can we do go wait where are you going where are you going where are you going to come out there how are we doing oh boy go go go go oh boy i was distracted for a second oh that one's coming for me oh oh if you shoot one of the things coming towards you then you can uh send it away so that it goes to someone else whoop and there we go that hit someone else now that one hit warrior how are my points i'm doing so much better than i thought okay i should probably pay attention on where we should be firing though let's go nine points we are in the lead okay but things might change let's see go go go go go go go go go go go that one's coming for me let's send it away go away okay let's see how we doing whoa whoa lots of ink on the screen ink on the screen send that one away let's see stop shooting these at me let's see how are we doing how is magikoopa in the lead what happened let's see how are we doing how are we doing who got last hit berno got last hit oh my goodness that means that birdo's going to win now and magikoopa also has one more point than me unfortunately yeah we lost zero points there but we just didn't get enough hits we did pretty poorly in the second half i think maria's like you win some you will lose some it's okay luigi wait where's the luigi my brother and we get an extra three for captain bonus which is nice berno you got the mini stars back thank you and let's see who is going to be the winner of this board now i am quite certain that it is going to be mario let's see okay so the first bonus is the dice block star i don't know who that's going to i don't know if it's us i don't think it's us because we didn't use too many magikoopa uh oh the one person who we don't want to win okay minigamestar that might go to us did we win every minigame or almost every mini game we didn't win the boss fight but okay nice we do get that once we get those mini stars spin star that one might go to magikoopa because he landed on a lot of spin spaces oh mario magikoopa and birdo wario is the only one that didn't get any bonus mini stars i think every time he's just grabbing his head like that so let's see who is going to be the winner here who's in the last is magikoopa in last is why are you in last who's in last [Music] and come on yeah magikoopa fell okay so now it doesn't even matter who won who wins because all that matters is that magikoopa doesn't win magikoopa hold on who's the other person shy guy we need men wow with 100 mini stars exactly that's fantastic what a great number of mini stars to finish the game with [Music] superstar another game that we just completely dominated magikoopa was a bit in the lead very early on in the game but we had a very nice comeback okay only two levels are left let's see and hold on magma mine have i ever played this one before i don't know if i've ever played this level before yeah i don't think i've ever seen this level before reminds me of pokemon snap actually magma mine yeah i've never played this one before looks like it's a super cool level though okay and there is of course a bowser because he uh oh bowser is getting a little nervous oh mario's really getting on my nerves damn the worst disaster ever just happened oh it's mario kamik and shy guy now so i have to defeat both of those guys now this is actually terrifying what no so mad at this news so so mad you can tell how mad he is by how he's stomping his foot they're heading for that volcano stage they're going to rescue all the mini stars there too volcano stage the one that keeps ruining our mine carts with all the malt and lava explosions that's magma mine i've gone easy on these chumps for too long time to send in my most devious minions yet i wonder if the final two bosses will be bowser jr and bowser himself but let's see who are we facing in this world oh jade job in spite presenting the ferocious spike and the mighty chain jump yikes even i'm a little scared of these guys spike shane trump go earn your paychecks that's so funny mario magical and shy guy have arrived at the volcano so hot in here man there are a lot of mini stars up at the top of that mountain do you mean stars have like a lot of warmth or something the magma inside looks like you can dropped at any moment so hurry up and recover as many many stars as you can press committee stars they defeat bowser's minions or that the boss of this stage is really tough are you ready i wonder what the boss is going to be not worried at all i see you're awesome mario tone's so wholesome player where's the most many stars will be crowned the superstar good luck all right and those two guys are working for bowser right now so if either of them wins i'll have to repeat this stage want to learn about this stage yes i do please tell me about this stage in magma mine you'll journey through a volcano collecting mini stars as you make your way towards the goal when the volcano becomes active the level of the magma will rise two spaces if the magma reaches you while you're the captain you'll lose half of your mini stars try to recover all the mini stars in the volcano so i guess oh that's the end be careful one of thousands minions is guarding the mini stars wait is that the mini boss or the final boss oh that's not all oh i guess that's the final boss over here is the mini boss though okay the fort is probably the mini boss all right turn order let's go we get a one so we are last okay it's one two and three so kamik is first the magic koopa shy guy is second mario's third go get some mini stars all right hopefully we can do all right against these guys here go ahead mr magikoopa our adventure begins and he gets to roll first i like how there's a little map there for a six are you getting such a big number for hey let's see oh but he lanes on just a green so he doesn't get anything special other than those three mini stars hey chaga you're up next you're probably getting at least a two right if he gets a three it's a lucky space a six everyone's rolling six so far what's happening what if the entire game is just all sixes oh my goodness he got both of those bro how much stuff are you going to get okay now what wait go right oh wait do you get to choose or is it random oh wait does everyone get to choose player choose which way they'd like to go oh you know what i wanna oh no i wanted to go to the right i wanted to go to the right i i tapped left no because i'm going to be going i'm probably gonna get the purple mini stars no that's so silly you're going left i didn't want to go left oh no this is so silly okay he gets a zero one dice block hey unless i get a one two or three then i don't get mini stars four would be perfect because you know what getting the minus stars doesn't matter when you don't have any stars so four would be perfect five great yeah oh well i guess we get a special dice case we get these mini zitars so that does count as five mini stars collected i believe so at the end of the game if there's uh bonus if there are bonus mini stars for who collected the most mini stars then maybe i'll get that oh my goodness now kamik's probably getting all these let's see oh he's not getting them wait wait wait spin wait wait what does this do i don't like the options steal a dice block for a rifle don't take mine please oh random okay please be shut guys don't be mario what [Music] are you serious are you serious there's no way oh my goodness i thought for sure i'm like no no there's no way you could just stay up like that that was ridiculous oh my goodness okay and shy guy rolls just a one over here look at all these mini stars that these guys are this is actually ridiculous how far ahead they are and he gets another dice block look at this guy go oh my goodness oh there's something else in here what a mini game free for all mini game hooray so the winner gets five second place gets three in third place gets just one okay toten go seek is our mini game okay so i guess we have to find where the toad is right let's see let's see okay so we're by a red house there okay toad's red by the water over there he goes into a purple one wait a minute this is the purple one up here somewhere because it's somewhere near some water it's almost like he went up here where's the water where's the water oh i don't see that water he went into a purple house that's not the one obviously guys we saw that he went into a purple house let's see wait could it be that one there oh it's that one right there someone right there it's right up here straight up here oh my goodness he had a chance to get it but he just went away from it shy guy i was so worried that he would get that before me oh man okay oh and kevin gets locked out that's so funny okay so it is nice that we get first but shy guy gets plus three so it's like he already has enough mini stars broke look at how many he has 19. oh if i get a two or higher then i'll land on the captain event space so you know what getting a two or higher might be nice let's see a three hurray three is two or higher so that's fantastic all right so it looks like we're going to check out this cave now what is this captain event how does this captain event work it looks like there are lots of mini stars here oh okay i think i already know how it works just based on how this looks okay so you hit the dice block you move along collecting mini stars the farther you go the more mini stars you get but if you go too far and you fall off the cliff then you lose them all all right so give me a gigantic humongous number let's see okay nice nice that's amazing hey i got a six what about you give them something smaller three all right and give shy guy a one give him a one or two wait a minute whoa that was weird it's like his dice block looked shiny okay so we got one there that's very nice now what do we want oh six right now would be perfect give me another six come on ah three okay that's all right let's see give them something small a four give this shy guy a one give him a one yeah okay he got only a one so that's all right okay now those guys are about to reach okay i need a four okay give me something nice let's see a three weight i think i needed a four [Music] wait that means i got all the stars right does that mean the event ends now okay the event ends now okay that's pretty great okay so that means i get 10 shy guy gets five and kamek gets three right so magikoopa gets three shy guy gets five i get ten okay i'm starting to catch up over here all right so let's go back to the main route oh wait but kamik's way okay so hopefully hopefully kevin gets uh i was gonna say hopefully he gets a one or two but he specifically uses the four five six dice block just so he definitely can get that okay now we are heading up he gets five over there and we're heading up here wait he's not on the versus oh he is on the versus space okay another free-for-all mini game that's nice we could win this that'd be nice that we get some more mini uh some more mini stars growing up let's go okay whoa it's so weird seeing that thing off to the side okay let's see we gotta press the button as soon as it appears let's see what is it two i got it first okay let's go what's next let's see i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready hey i got it yeah i got it first let's go okay what's next b yeah all right all right all right we're doing great over here what's next two okay okay we're doing pretty good over here what's next oh that was fast ah i can't hit the wrong button okay what's next oh okay good we got it we got it and we're first again man we've been first every time you're like a professional youtube commenter two okay very nice first again is it final round now final round i think let's see hey we got first every single round oh my goodness we absolutely demolish these guys let's see how high up we are going to be climbing i think we are defeating these guys very very easily here wow we're all going pretty high i hope i was gonna say i hope shy guy is in last because he has the most mini stars man shy guy he keeps getting second in mini game so that's not good because the difference between first and second isn't that big because look i'm going to get five shy guy gets three camera gets only one it would have been better if shy guy was in third okay so who's going to roll next shy guy are you gonna get those please get a one or two bro please get a one or two yes oh my goodness that's amazing that means i'm going to get all those mini stars right there now that's amazing and he gets a one two three dice block but he doesn't keep it because he already has two dice blocks oh landing on a backspace would also be good if we could roll a two that might also be very very nice let's see two might be perfect three uh that's so sad so sad but that is okay because now we actually are in first place look at this 30 already my goodness oh and some kind of event wait wait what is this what are you doing oh there's magma pouring out of this skeleton you'll have to get past it if you want to reach the top if you're the captain when you pass through the magma you'll lose half of your mini stars oh well whoever's going next is uh in trouble i guess wait does that mean he loses half of his mini stars oh my goodness that's so sad for you bro that is so sad sorry captain magikoopa shuffle oh now the order changes if i get to go next that'd be great if i'm the captain going into the mini bus fight ah shy guy okay wait i think the order actually i was gonna say the order didn't change no but it's those two they swapped okay okay so it looks like shy guy is going to be the captain okay he rolls just a one so let's see what kind of mini boss we are going to have over here we've got a boss battle all right bowser jr we're going into your fort that's pretty cool i really like the texture spike oh grab a hammer as fast as you can to knock the rolling spike balls back at spike gold hammers are worth three points iron hammers are worth one and branches aren't worth anything so is this just point and choose quickly okay so there are three paths coming down over here and i guess he's gonna be throwing spike balls as that is a giant spike he's so big okay we want gold hammers where the gold hammers let's see gold hammer yeah i got the gold hammer oh my goodness even though magic was right there okay so that gives us three points that's very nice all right oh and magikoopa's dizzy did he get nothing oh no i guess he does get to go again i thought that maybe you'd be out for a round if you make a mistake okay but we got that that's very nice all right we've got a very solid first place lead over here okay what's next gotta be fast over here i wonder if now they're gonna switch at all oh give me the gold one oh man i'm so surprised that i got that and he's probably half defeated now let's see yeah because usually when the bosses are half defeated they start to get angry like this [Music] okay i like the music that these it's kind of crazy oh the lava is coming up oh do we have like less reaction time now oh where's my hand where's my hand okay here's my hand okay let's go what's next gold hammer yeah i got it let's go okay very nice i wonder if there's only one more round and then it's done let's see okay let's see where do we want to go probably somewhere over here now let's see i'm anticipating oh no he got it i got nothing i got nothing at all oh my goodness they beat me to it okay i want final strike let me get final strike bonus let's see where we going where are we going where are we going give me anything oh no i was near the middle but the hammers were the two on the outer edge oh no okay final attack is plus three i think that means we still win oh man those last two rounds were not very good but very luckily we did so good at the beginning of the boss fight yeah we still win we are we have a ten so we are still in first magikoopa's in second so that's good that shy guy's in last oh and it's even better that shy guy's in last because the captain bonus it's like your points i guess they get doubled so he only gets plus one so that's fantastic yeah you did it great job mario everyone managed to take back the mini stars ah right now let's just make our way over to the bowser game this is going amazingly i'm so happy with this yeah so now our first place lead is growing even more over here is lava gonna start coming up now or something let's see what's going on here what's going on here cause they really made it sound like lava oh goodbye toad houses the toad houses run away it's so funny they have their houses on the rail they've run away because oh that love is coming up fast wow wow the magma is rising okay the magma rise two spaces every turn okay if the magma reaches you you lose half of your mini stars on the red line shows you how high the magma will go every turn oh man [Music] oh and if you land on a magma space the magma will go even higher what is a magma space oh i guess the red one that says plus two is a magma space that's quite scary okay this guy gets a four okay so we're kind of far away right now let's see okay we're a little far away from the magma okay this guy gets a one two three dice block that's quite nice for him okay magma comes up a bit okay and for me no matter what i roll the magma isn't reaching us oh but the magma is five wait you know what rolling a one might actually be nice because if it catches up to the shy guy it makes him lose a lot that'd be nice but a two would also be good but it doesn't really matter it's not too important what we roll okay a six all right i guess we're staying far away from the bag but oh wait oh oh we get this we get to vote what way we want to go you know what i oh what way is safer you know what i'm going to go to the left because the thing on the right over there that has the arrow pointing down that one is scary okay let's see if it lands on me again stop okay is the roulette going to land on me every single time am i always going to get what i want in this game that's so strange okay so the magma goes up an extra two spaces oh look at that look at that all right shy guy let's go shy guy what are you gonna roll why are you using the one two three dice block you just want to cause trouble oh my goodness wait goes up in extra two spaces that means it's almost caught up to us right uh oh uh oh we are losing our lead okay he needs at least the three to get away from it he gets a one okay what happens if he gets burned let's see what happens to the magma now let's see because the magma is going to be reaching now oh my goodness a one to ten dice book that is an incredible item to have i've had almost no uh special dice blocks wait okay he loses seven okay yeah because he loses half of it oh and then the magma goes back down two spaces okay that makes sense okay so i need at least a three i guess or i guess not a two anything but a two come on yes okay that's amazing all right so we are going way up here getting some mini stars over here and hold on are we going to the bowser junior space wait oh no i'm on the plus three magma space whoa hold on hold on how high is it going oh don't reach me please no i was burned no -22 oh my goodness that's so sad that is so sad i can't believe it that's so sad hopefully shy guy also loses half of his mini starts okay he gets a five that's not good that he's so far ahead wait we haven't had a mini game in a while let's see what is he landing on wait that's a special dice block right oh oh oh oh i guess we choose what way to go you know what i want to go to the right you guys want to go up i'm like no we're going to the right i'm making you guys lose here okay and the roulette's on me every single time i want you guys to lose your mini stars you know we're going right okay this could be scary this could be very very very scary over here okay so it goes up an extra two now let's see is it going to reach magikoopa no matter what i think no matter what it's gonna reach magikoopa here let's see four so let's see he gets some mini stars here he gets an extra three okay so it goes up in extra two wait does it reach him okay it does reach magikoop okay so that's nice but man shy guy has too much that's the biggest problem okay i need literally a five or six i think no i think the only thing that's safe for me right now is a five i think if i get anything other than a five then i get burned and i lose half of my mini stars wait six i think the lava still does reach us oh my goodness let's see because i think i land on a plus three wait do we do the roulette here oh no we don't do the roulette okay yeah it goes up plus three so yeah magma goes up five i think that means it still does reach because it goes up one two and then one more so it does reach me still oh my goodness okay so i've had the magma reach me twice now this is a little scary shy guy i need shy guy to get burned get a small number yes yes okay good shy guy is getting burned that's good hey wait but is there going to be a mini game in here we haven't had a mini game in so long let's see the lava comes up okay good that he is getting burned let's see minus 19 okay so he's down to 18. i'm not in first place yet okay you go uh get a one get a one bro three oh oh wait wait wait does that mean he gets burned again let's see because the lava is gonna go up an extra few and he gets burned so now the lava is gonna go down two more this is crazy man you lose so many mini stars on this board two or three would probably be perfect i'd like two or three the most give me a two or three a four huh well where does that bring us oh wait we vote what way we want to go you know what i'm going to go to the left over here hopefully we go to the left let's see and ah they finally got their way for once the roulette didn't stop on me okay so it looks like we are going to the right over here and hold on shy guys gonna be up next oh what will it be what will it be what will it be hit dice block again oh no that means that i'm probably reaching the purple ones okay let's see uh you know what getting a four would actually be nice three or four uh four would probably be the best let's see a six oh my goodness are we finally escaping the lava i actually don't want to escape the lava right now because i want the shy guy to get burned a lot what's going on over here okay but at least we get a lot of mini stars on that wait does that tie me up with shy guy yeah i'm uh tied up with shagai in first now that's quite nice okay and we're landing on a plus four so that's pretty good okay let's see how high does that go not even super duper high i hope this guy gets a one or two so much oh he can't get a one or two because he's using the four five six dice block oh my goodness five so where are we going do we escape are we making it away now almost there your adventure's almost over let's take a look at the current standings i'm tied with shy guy in first magikoopa and the last was just two mini stars oh they give him a slow dice block that's nice he has a one to ten dice block and a slow dice block here comes bowser captain shygon i got a present for you too what are you saying a whole bunch of presents check it he's like yes master i want more presents okay so let's see three four five okay so five spots up ahead turn into bowser spaces whoa see ya oh no five spaces turn into bowser space okay and we're going forward another three so that means we're stopping right in front of those mini stars and kamik's gonna be able to get those a one to ten dice blocks that's amazing are we gonna have a mini game we haven't had a mini game in solo of course there we go finally we're having a mini game we haven't had a mini game in so long my goodness and the mini game is pitch or platter this one's so tough okay this one's actually really tough okay so you want to go into whatever spot is lit up but you don't want your ball to fall off if your ball falls off then uh your bonus points basically get reset like you can see that each time that i go to one of these lights the amount of points that i get for uh getting the ball to a light it goes up by one every time up until uh you get five points each like right now i'm getting plus five you can see that when you start off you only get one each but if we fall off you get to keep your points but you only get go go ah man i would have loved to get one more okay but we did still win that's very nice okay yeah so it's like you start off getting only one point oh and that's a new record that's very nice okay so that's very nice because we are in first place now okay magic cooper rolls a six a nice big number i wonder if that brings into a bouncer i didn't see where that would be bringing him let's see because he gets a few over there oh my goodness and a few more over here he's uh kind of catching up to us oh he just lies on a regular green where nothing happens oh okay there's a bowser space up there you know what a five might be the best let's see a three wait do we reach do we reach okay we get that but we do go to a bowser space hopefully the bowser space isn't something horrible let's see what the bowser space is all right bowser what are you gonna do it's bowser time oh no a battle for half your mini stars would be perfect or reverse minigame maybe wow okay battle for half your mini stars okay all right that's nice that's very nice because if those guys lose and we get their mini stars that's just amazing [Music] so we each give half of our mini stars that's amazing it's so much better than lose half of your mini stars [Music] okay so let's see what is the battle going to be hopefully it's a good one oh the person in last place gets to choose wait twist ending what is this one alright so let's see how this works in the actual game because i have no idea uh how we are going to be doing any tilting okay let's see what if we tilt like this oh oh okay okay i understand how it works i'm pretty sure i understand how it works okay so it's like if you tilt if you hold to the right then you twist faster okay and if you hold just a little bit then you tilt just a little bit at a time go mario mario mario come on no no no no go the other way wait can i only twist this way yes yes we won i have no idea how but somehow we won oh my goodness game we got a nice minecraft diamond over here okay it's too bad that shy guy is in second but it is very very good that we are in first that's so important so because of that we get a very nice number of mini stars shy guy gets just a few and yeah i guess this more nicely solidifies our potential ending now plus 26 that's amazing that is so amazing look at that how many 42 my goodness pawn is the lava still chasing us or no i don't know if the lava is still coming up i see what are you gonna roll my bro you're all just the one okay you get to some kind of a spin over here and what is this spin going to give you steal three mini stars from arrival are you going to choose me or are you gonna choose someone at random why would you choose someone at random that's so strange okay and uh ah it's not me it's not me oh wait yeah it isn't me okay that's funny he's just picking on the guy in last place right now it's like the opposite of taxes where it's like the person in last place they have their mini stars taken from them uh right and magikoopa please go ahead and roll you get just one oh you're going backwards hopefully you don't get a two just get a one get a one get a one bro a six i wonder if every time you roll a six if it's shiny like that okay so you get an extra 10k so that's nice for you that you're getting some mini stars but uh okay and you're going to a bouncer space okay let's keep it calm everybody let's keep it calm over here what are we getting here it is give five mini such the last place okay that's fantastic and the good thing about that he is in last place magikoopa already is in last place so i guess bowser is probably going to give him some mini stars yeah bowser just gave some five extra mini stars so magikoopa's almost caught up to shy guy now but you know what we are so far ahead that i'm not really worried at all it's like it is mario party things can go absolutely crazy but oh i just realized there's a monty mole there yeah but i think we have a pretty good chance of winning this okay just give me a five or six come on come on okay amazing amazing i think that might be the best case scenario because look we get this and we land on the spin space over here so let's see what can we do on the spin space ah one to ten slow dice block would probably be the best because then you could roll anything from one okay one to ten dice blocks also very nice because you could get a potentially very high number oh and that's the end right there i didn't realize we were so close to the end okay get a big number a two that's not a very big number oh shuffle the order okay i wonder if it's gonna be me now let's see what's the order shy guy goes again that's so funny wait did the order not change at all it looks like the order didn't change okay get a big number get a big number a two oh wait that's oh i thought that that would be a bowser space okay so he just lost a lot of mini stars there so if there's a bonus star for most mini star or if there's a bonus star for most mini stars lost i think that wouldn't be going to me now just because shy guy got a lot of those purple mini stars oh it's a battle minigame but it's only for three mini stars so it's not that big of a deal but still it would be nice to win so let's see what are you gonna choose pinball fall great a lock based one well i guess since it's like uh it's a luck based one so it doesn't matter that much okay so let's see where's my hand where's my hand here's my hand okay let's go i am going to choose this one right here right in front of me you're not getting that one let's see what are they choosing okay shy guy on the far left magikoopa on the right over here okay right now we're a bit behind oh shy guys in the hole oh yeah that's right i forgot if you fall in the hole then you have to shake your wiimote oh my goodness kamik is doing amazing chemex doing amazing man the right is absolutely destroying us let's see oh oh but but ah he is still in first oh man that was close we almost had a very nice comeback there i guess the good news is that shy guy is in last that's the good news over here so funny how the shy guy falls over like that i know that i've been saying that a lot in this video but i haven't played this uh i haven't played this game in a couple weeks so i'm seeing it again for the first time in a while all right who's up next magikoopa's up next oh now it's just bowser spaces and then the goal wait i wonder if we have to get like a certain number to uh make it over this track or what's gonna happen do we just jump oh okay we just make it over like that i was wondering if it would be like the bridge event from the first level where you have to roll a certain number to make it past but now here comes bowser ready for the boss battle finally made it did you i'll be honest never thought you'll make it this far at least i can finally take my mini stars back it's the end of the road of you my mightiest minion chain trump will defeat you oh wait he says it's his mightiest minion so i guess in the final world the bosses are probably going to be bowser and bowser jr all right time to face off against the chain chop all right so here's the chain jump boss fight this is a very exciting one oh and i should have been paying attention to the tracks okay so let's see what's a good track so i see let's follow this one where does this one go all right watch the rails let's see let's watch one on the far left k goes like that like that okay i need the middle one what button is the middle one it is b all right okay i got a good track man it's hard to keep track of which one is good no pun intended okay so that means we go over there okay everyone gets a point everyone fires very nice so let's see hello mr chain jump we will all fire mr chain chomp oh there's a golden one now okay hopefully we can get the gold one okay watch the gold one uh far left what's on the far left uh b okay i got it i got it oh my goodness i just barely pressed that before they did but let's see hopefully we get the gold and very nice okay because the gold cannon is worth more points so that's fantastic that we are getting that the shy guy makes such a funny sound oh and the chain job's more than half defeated now the chain jump is getting angry okay let's see which one uh okay what's on the far right what's on the far right uh one okay oh my goodness oh my goodness i thought shy guy would get it before me because first time i'm like wait wait wait where's the one button where's one okay but there we go we got that and that's very nicely so we all get a shot out now so this is very good and oh oh i should probably choose the one on the part okay and gold's on the far left i need the one on the far left okay what's on the far left let's see okay far left far left let's go what is it what is it what is it uh two i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it okay i think that means not only do we get the gold one but we'll probably deal so much damage that it's final hit so we get some extra points too okay so let's see here we are if someone got that before us they probably would have won because look the other guys they don't get to fire now so it's actually so good that i got that okay and we got plus three for final attack that is amazing that went so well eleven to three to three i think we might be the winners on this board oh and kaneko is the captain there so he's going to get a few extra mini stars let's see we got 15 they get seven each does camera get an extra seven oh he gets an extra four okay so let's see who's going to be the winner now wonderful mario you got the mini stars back thank you no problem my dear toad friend toad do you want to play any games on my phone great job everyone let's take a look at the results player collects the most many stars will become the superstar this is your final chance it's time to announce the bonus stars farstar wait is this who traveled the most spaces i don't know if that's us but i don't think that we need the bonus stars let's see who's it go-to mario okay it does go to v anyways okay because i did have at least one time where i got double rolls okay minus stars that might go to shy guy i don't think it's going to meet at first i thought it was maybe magikoopa okay it is chica okay very nice yeah because i did get a lot of minus once later oh diceball kate that is one hundred percent not me maybe it's shy guys i got a magical probably shy guy let's see oh shy guy and magikoopa wow okay that's why i was a bit i'm sure because it was both okay now let's see the final results who is today's superstar it better be mario if it's not mario we have to redo the entire board man imagine that imagine playing through an entire board trying to just complete story mode but then just you keep losing and you have to keep redoing a board and goodbye magikoopa mario's the winner with 72 mini stars that's so nice [Music] thanks to the superstar mario we've recovered our mini stars all right it's like once we passed that flag we were really in the lead there were some scary moments over there when we lost a lot of mini stars but this is going all right oh wrong button time for the next stage let's see what it is going to be oh what's going on wait a minute what are those numbers oh man we've got an intense cut scene happening over here oh i guess this is the final stage here wait a minute we're not seeing a bowser cut scene though what's going on is it just we make it to bowser's station right away or wait oh okay now we're gonna see the cutscene i was wondering if we were gonna oh bowser so impatient here stopping his foot like that damn damn guess what there's mario magikoopa and shy guy we lost more mini stars at the volcano lost it curse you mario i've had enough of you they're headed for this space stage to save the last of the mini stars wait are they in the space stage right now space stage you mean my secret hideaway that's bowser station i guess i'll just have to send my minions into outer space wait outer space bowser station yeah dad what's up he's gonna say that's us where we are right now that means they're coming here oh man look at how crazy that is freaking out but i guess i'll have to destroy mario myself and me too dad i'll help you oh man so i was right about bowser and bowser jr being the final boss mario magikoop and shrek i have finally arrived at bowser's outer space hideout and here they are you may have made it this far but the mini stars are mine that's right and there's nothing you can do to foil my plans i think that's so funny but i was like let's go or i could use some exercise so why don't you come over here and try to stop me as if you could ever beat me and my dad if you defeat bowser you'll finally restore the stars to the night sky on the left over there i am seeing a lot of stars on the night sky so i don't know about that i wonder what this number six on the bowser is going to be for that probably has something to do with a mechanic on the board this is going to be a tough battle good luck all right so it's just me and these two guys hopefully we can defeat them this is looking tough if either of them wins they take all the mini stars and we have to redo the stage so don't let that happen you want to learn about this stage yes please tell me in bowser station you'll saw through outer space collecting mini stars as you make your way towards the goal a special jackpot machine is located in the middle of this stage when a player lands on a jackpot plus space mini stars will be added to the jackpot when 20 or more mini stars are added this way a mini game will begin this is your chance to win big that's so cool that almost makes it like a bit more that you win on merit rather than luck which is just amazing it's like the better you are at the game the better you do it seems more fair the captain can also take all of the mini stars in the jackpot machine by landing on a jackpot space okay i completely take back everything that i just said oh my goodness [Music] it looks like you should make bowser jr your first objective all right turn order let's go we get a five that's great no one's beating me right yeah five two one last time i got a one but now we got a five so we're going first yeah so we are the captain okay the magikoopa then show you so it's first the last left to right nice all right let's go get as many mini stars as we can let's go it's up to you captain mario see if you can collect the first of the mini stars i need at least a four oh my goodness all right please give me at least a four that'd be such a great start to the board ah come on come on oh man probably the two probably is the worst thing i could have rolled because if they both get ones then that's all right okay yeah camera gets a three over here so sad that's so sad such a start such a sad start to the game that's so sad okay but we have a free-for-all mini game which is going to be very nice [Music] okay what do you choose ring leader all right let's go do some swimming with the dolphins over here okay so you hold a to go underwater and you swing your wiimote up to jump and you want to go through as many of these hoops as possible okay let's go go oh no oh man great start okay so it looks like for the high ones go okay yeah for the super high ones you don't actually have to go underwater you just fling up to jump it's like you only want to go underwater when it's a really high one like that okay how are they doing in terms of points shy guys ahead of me still let's see very nice very nice oh i'm ahead of shy guy i'm ahead of this shy guy go up very nice now go up oh boy how many is that okay very nice and okay very nice very nice we are beating them now which is fantastic okay let's see but things can always change things can always change this is mario party that we are talking about over here and we do it wow i was worried that shy guy would win but he actually came in last even though that was a very rough start to the mini game we had a fantastic comeback and we came in first place in the video game and bad that shy guy falling over like that when he's in last is just way too funny all right so shy guy you get to roll now oh what if he just lands on the jackpot oh man let's see he gets a three wait wait wait wait wait oh my goodness wait that's lucky does that mean he gets the jackpot oh he gets to go inside a toad house okay oh okay so there are cards over here okay and you look you get to uh pick which card is which okay and he gets no item and three mini stars okay he doesn't get any of the special dice blocks but he does get three mini stars not that big of a deal he's almost caught up to me but it's like the beginning of the game there aren't too many mini stars i'm surprised that there isn't like some kind of event that makes you lose a lot of mini stars especially since this is like the last board of the game great and we get a one okay we get these mini stars hopefully we can get a nice dice block though but yeah on a lot of the previous boards especially the last word that we just played with the magma it's very very easy to lose a lot of mini stars there okay we did get a one two three dice blocks if there's ever a situation where we want a one two or three then that might come in handy okay captain event what is this captain event let's see what this is i haven't seen this one before you've reached the heart star colony please explain to me how this works each player hits the heart dice block once then the captain hits the heart dice block three times wait when a player and the captain have matching hard colors they each get two mini stars the captain can get even more mini stars by matching colors with more than one play well there are only two other players so it's not that big of a deal oh uh never mind okay someone's going to jump in for the fun okay wait how many times do we hit this oh i think we hit it once each okay red and that other guy's got red okay so he gets three hits let's see get red now green that means that they both get hearts or sorry they both get mini stars i mean not hearts hit it no blue okay that okay there's one more shot he gets red i get some mini stars green wait does that mean they get even more oh my goodness these guys benefited so much from that wow how many mini stars do they get i wasn't able to get any okay they get four each okay not a humongous deal we are in second place magikoopa's in first place right now but it is a very close game and we're very early on oh get a one two or three please bro please bro please get a one two or three please yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay that adds five mini stars to the jackpot i think that's what that does right oh wow look at it just sucking up mini stars there okay that's pretty cool reminds me of drew gooden's video where he tried to profit at an arcade that was really cool okay so the jackpot oh that's the jackpot space up ahead oh if we get a five that would just be incredible but there's no way that happens yeah just a two okay so we got a lot of mini stars over here which is nice we are in first place but we're adding another five over there so whoever uh lands on the jackpot is now going to be getting 16 mini stars so hopefully these guys don't reach if they get one and one that'd be nice let's see you got a one okay pretty good pretty good another eight alrighty that means there are now going to be 24 mini stars over here that's actually such a big deal you get the jackpot that's unbelievable oh oh did they say uh whenever it reaches 20 there's a jackpot minigame oh that's right okay okay oh great this mini game again this is one of the hardest mini games i think all right let's get started mario at the chest over here hopefully we can do all right let's go [Music] okay there we go the first one is open very nice okay that's fantastic you really have to focus on this let's see be careful ah okay very nice now just one more chest to go let's go we can do it we can do it as long as we don't overshoot oh oh you have to rotate the opposite way for this one i wasn't expecting that there we go first let's go let's go off he tied in second there's collusion between these two they are purposefully doing that so that they can get as many many stars as possible my goodness all right so that's so nice that we won that wait there are seven mini stars oh okay so there's seven left over i see okay so that's fantastic i'm so glad that one of them didn't land on the jackpot machine okay but still if someone lands on they still do get seven mini stars which is quite a few unless oh just a one oh my goodness okay so if i get a one then i actually get the jackpot okay but first it's a bowser junior mini game and of course they take me okay so if we win we get five if we lose we lose five let's see does he want this mini game oh he says no okay so now we have to say now we have to play a pair of aces blast bowser jr out of the sky hit him with three shots from your cannon to win wait do we also have to dodge attacks that are coming towards us okay this looks pretty crazy oh man so he's trying to dodge our attacks wait wait let's go star all right let's go get him right away oh no he's running get him oh nice hit on him okay where are you going bro wait where are you going next bro oh my goodness another hit on if this is incredible okay i don't know if that was me who hit him or the other guy but oh oh oh oh i was supposed to dodge i see i see hey let's see where are you going bro oh boy dodge nice dodge bro we got him oh and with 10 seconds left is there a round two or is that everything i'm guessing that's everything right very nice okay uh four bowser jr okay so we got five mini stars each that's very nice okay goodbye bowser jr next time we play i'm gonna destroy you and don't you forget wait that isn't the mini boss right up there is it we're not already at the mini boss are we it'd be so funny if i roll a one oh you know what should i use the one two three dice block because maybe i'll land on it or should i save it you know what i will use the one two three dice block let's just use it now because it's like what else am i gonna use it a three literally the worst thing possible so if i got a two i could have gone backwards and gotten it okay but at least we get a one to ten dice block so that's not too bad okay wait is this the mini boss here i guess it is this looks like the bowser jr mini boss over here okay kama gets a three over here let's go boss battle oh man you made it this far captain magikoopa i've been going easy for a while but i'm afraid i can't let you walk away with any more mini stars it's battle time you're cordially invited to come play with yours truly let's go hope you're ready it's funny how bowser jr is normally the host of the boss battles but now we're actually battling him hit the dice blocks the number that appears will light up segments of the gauge at the top of the screen light specific segments of the gauge to deal damage to bowser jr okay i'm not really sure what we're doing but i guess we'll find out as we play because we are a bit ahead uh bowser is like hey let's go we're gonna battle okay his clown car is going into a bigger clown car here it looks like a boss out of sonic almost sonic has like lots of big robot boss fights like this okay let's go captain magikoopa you're the starting player oh wait uh is this just luck okay he gets a five what does that mean okay all those light up okay why are we happy about this hey shy guys next okay go ahead and roll a four what does that do oh do we want to get like numbers but not too high oh oh that's a lot of damage is it like whoever lands on a star gets to do damage or how does this work let's see i'll roll a six wait a minute does that mean i get to do 12 damage now wait no i'm just back up at the six does that mean i do six damage how does this work okay now what what are you gonna do bro you roll three does that mean that you're gonna do three damage let's see i'm guessing that's the way that it works it's like if the number that you roll brings you to a star at the top then you deal that much damage and after dealing damage it gets reset it looks like okay so he's dealing three more damage so now the boss is going to be half defeated man shy guy is really ahead in this one i wonder if maybe now there will be some unlucky numbers that you don't want to land on yeah like there's a little circle by that three over there oh wait it's gone now wait what's that what does that do oh i guess you don't want to land on those okay so you don't want to land on seven or eleven okay let's see go and we get a three okay nice we deal three more damage this is okay we're dealing some damage i guess let's go very nice but wait is the block is it random or do you have some control over what number you get okay a two oh if shy guy gets a seven then he probably gets attacked that would be great for us if he gets a five get a five just the two okay we're up to four now so if i get a three that's very bad let's see give me something nice not a three a two wait does that bring us to six yeah all right okay are we gonna win this mini game i when i went into this mini game i was thinking okay there's no way we're gonna win this it seems like it's pretty luck base let's see a two again i wonder if a shy guy's also gonna get a two let's see where are you getting bro what are you getting bro a four oh that brings him up to a six that puts him ahead of me and wait that doesn't defeat bowser jr does it maybe it does oh he's almost defeated okay if i get a three that'd be amazing let's go give me a three or a six oh that's six okay so master jr is definitely defeated i don't know if we get all six hits or if we just do one hit on to him but it looks like we actually win the boss fight wow we actually did do both hits on him that's unbelievable and we get plus three for final attack so it looks like we actually defeated the bowser junior boss not only did we defeat him but mario is the winner so we are going to get the most mini stars this is going unbelievably look at that 24th shy guy had a very strong start he finished with 18. but we ended up being the winner over here that's amazing oh and there isn't much of a difference between first and second it's like ten mini stars versus seven mini stars but last place gets only one so that's kind of sad whoa glad that's over bowser's like what that was pathetic it's time for me to really shake things up are there gonna be lots of bowser spaces now uh oh i'm scared you jumps wanted a fight well guess what wish granted uh wait is that the final boss area you can make it all the way to this gate i'll give you a one-on-one meeting with your doom well i guess that's where we want to go okay we're pretty far ahead i really like this we have basically double as many uh mini stars as shy guy who's in second place we have one more mini star then we have double as many as him okay so he gets a custom dice block four five six nice block nice nice very nice for you captain mario this is the perfect place he has a one to ten dice block wait why let's have a look around seven eight nine oh if we get a nine or ten that'd be pretty nice because then we make it to another captain event but how many spaces are there still in the board there's still quite a bit left to the board yeah oh oh okay so 40. yeah they're 40 away you know what maybe this would be a good time to use it let's do it give me a nine or ten a five oh that's all right i guess get some of these and do we get another nice nice block let's see three two one perfect oh if we had one more we would have landed on the jackpot zero one dice block i don't think i'm going to be using that unless like the jackpot is one spot away from us but even then i don't know if i'd want to use it and then risk someone else landing on it like this oh wait that isn't the jackpot is it yeah it's just a toad house okay so what are you gonna get at the toad house bro i see follow the cards oh i was gonna say that one's no item because i was following only no item because i wanted to see which one that was but he picked it before i could even say it that was a very fast pick [Music] he's like i'm just gonna pick the cards at random i don't know which is which oh looks like shy guy really wants to go to the captain event wait is the captain event the same thing is it the thing with the heart the heart island because that's actually a really good one to be the captain at [Music] wait no there are numbers here this is something different whoa what is this one welcome to the bingo colony you want to hear the rules yes oh and bowser is flying around too in the bingo colony players try to be the first to complete a bingo board players take turns hitting the one to ten dykes block to fill the numbers the player who completes a bingo wins all the mini stars on that row oh wait uh actually i'm not sure how it works okay let's see then let's see then okay you get to roll oh it's like whoever completes a line gets to have it okay that's why they made uh this person go first okay okay i see so that's why shy guy's making me go next let's see what do i get five that's the center one right yeah so now if shy guy gets two whoever gets two gets all those mini stars and eight wait eight was already chosen right that eight's already filled in okay oh now he's letting me go okay that's very nice of you let me get a two give me a two nine oh now there are two possible lines oh wait three actually it could be one seven or two hey please go ahead magikoopa seven magikoopa gets some and that's pretty big because he gets that whole line wait is it only one bingo or do we want to fill up the entire board okay oh is that really it oh so it's like as soon as a person gets one bingo okay so it's like i'm guessing you probably could get multiple bingos together hmm but i guess right now best thing is probably just rolling normally even if we lose some mini stars that'd be fine wait three that means we're not losing minis oh wait maybe we are if we get if we get to go again if the shuffle makes us go again let's see oh looks like uh magikoopa is losing some mini stars over here he makes such a funny sound how did i not realize that before gabe but he's using one two three over here i don't know why he would do that i don't know why he would do that because he could have potentially landed on the jackpot spot if he kept going so that's kind of weird that he did that oh but he does get a one to ten dice blocks that's pretty nice for him oh and there's a free for all mini game yeah because we haven't had a mini game in a while all right so the winner gets five second place gets three the mini game is skipping class don't skip class that's not good i think all right if i remember this one correctly what you want to do is press the buttons in the correct order and i love minigames like this but this might be a bit tricky on uh on the wii oh boy i think if it was on the nintendo 64. hold on let's focus if it was on the nintendo 64 i'd be a lot better at it but with this i gotta really focus here let's see how we doing okay nice show guy was a little slow there oh boy how's that okay very nice what's next oh boy when it's a bunch of directions on the d-pad like that it's so tricky because it's like you have to see what way they're going whoa mario did a dab there that was crazy whoa did i do it did i do it right we won by two points oh my goodness that was so close we just barely beat shy guy there my goodness that was a very fun playthrough poor magikoopa all right and not many many stars were at stake there but someone might be landing on the jackpot and that someone might be me if i can roll a four or a five and then one let's see ah i better that's that's not what i bet i didn't mean roll up one right now i meant if we roll the five then we would go backwards one okay but eight more mini stars were added over here so there are now 15 mini stars in the jackpot if someone gets a one then we'll have a jackpot minigame which would be great we'll get a three a five okay so now someone's getting a five point is that bowser yeah that's the bowser space hopefully it's not like uh bowser mini star revolution where he splits all of our mini stars evenly across everyone let's see it is uh battle for half your minister oh never mind give ten ministers to the last place it switched at the last second [Music] so shy guy has to give some mini stars to magikoopa so that's not that big that's actually kind of good because now the cpus they're a bit closer to each other but yeah it doesn't change the game much it definitely could have been something much worse oh and we're almost at the goal poll that's like or not the vocal like the checkpoint flag that we're like almost there okay what are you gonna roll my bro and you have a one to ten flag okay you're only a six that's a nice big number where does that bring you oh and there are probably going to be some bowser spaces that appear now right your adventure's almost over oh my goodness we have more than double of the person in second place oh and they give a slow dice block to shy guy okay that's a nicer word oh here comes bowser what are you gonna do now bro captain magikoopa i've got a ton of presents with your name on him take him oh now he doesn't even ask yes or no he just he just gives us these presents putting them down everywhere wow they're like all next to each other right there oh he's right before the boss too we're gonna sell this once and for all hurry up and get over here for the final battle oh no since five spaces have turned into bowser spaces okay and we're still moving forward six that's a lot of mini stars for you my bro and what are you landing on okay you get another nice dice block over here [Music] okay but it's a zero one dice block so i don't know if uh we'd really care too much about that you know it's funny i've got the zero one dice block but it's like the higher i roll the better i don't want a one anything but a one would be nice a three okay well wait is the three nice hopefully a three is nice that's a battle minigame right let's see oh we have a very nice number of stars right now but now we are going to battle for some okay and it's just three does he throw smaller hammers when he takes fewer mini stars from you i wonder if that's what the hammer bro does oh and shy guy gets to pick manner of escape oh my goodness so i definitely know how to play this mini game because i have played this mini game in mario party superstars i think that's where i first saw it okay so let's see we want to make it to the bottom as quickly as possible and there's always a random door that brings you down to the next floor oh great so we know that it's that one where shy guy is going because that was the last option okay let's go let's go man this movement is a little weird okay so let's see it's gonna be either this one or one of the outer ones okay it's that one okay so i got a little advantage here so let's see i know that it's either the door on the right or the one that's to the right of them okay so now we both know there's the one on the part right over here now it's basically luck it's just who gets the door oh my goodness there we go okay i got so lucky over there oh my goodness yeah cause when you're all on the last floor and none of the doors have been open it's just who gets the right door and very luckily we did get the right door oh but uh too bad there weren't more mini stars at stake there even though that is a bit of a luck baseball it was nice that we won that wow and we have exactly double camex mini stars right now he has 36 we have 72 okay shy guy really wants a two right now kind of surprised that he didn't roll a bigger number oh this is looking interesting i wonder how this will work oh there goes bowser flying by welcome to this speed star colony tell me the rules how does this work on the speed star colony players are each assigned a track they then race to be the first to reach the goal each track has a different number of spaces while shorter tracks have an advantage dice blocks play a huge role in the final outcome the captain decides each player's trap so choose carefully and try to go for the go okay sha guy is choosing so it doesn't matter okay so magikoopa goes there oh and it's who gets the mini stars okay and then we go on to the next one okay and then shy guy goes over there i'm surprised that he didn't put shy guy at the very back okay so let's see we're just rolling we roll oh nice six bro okay if we also get a six that would be amazing getting a six would be the best possible thing because then we get to roll again a three some sad that's so sad and you get just the one get wrecked bro you're supposed to be the captain oh man magikoopa's so close what does he get a four give me uh three might even be better than six let's see five okay that's all right we're kind of close i don't know if we're gonna get it but we are close oh he gets to roll again that bro gets to roll again because he's on the dash panel that's what happens when you land on the dash panel and what do you get my bro a four weight does that bring him to another dash panel let's see oh no it doesn't he doesn't have any more dash battles oh he's tied up with me okay let's see what do you roll a six okay since he's one spot ahead of me does that mean that he reaches the mini stars first no matter what i roll a six okay so we can reach but i don't know if we get any mini stars because that guy he has one spot ahead of us so let's see he wins the rays oh no oh oh we also get the mini stars oh my goodness and shy guys one spot short oh my goodness the captain that picked the shortest path he was the only one that didn't get the mini stars that's actually so funny and so sad for him kamik please go ahead and roll oh and we might have a jackpot minigame soon let's see what do we get it for is that a bowser space are we making it past the bowser spaces okay but you lose a bunch of mini stars from that down to 42. oh please don't be something horrible [Music] let's see what's it going to be what's the bowser time going to be lose half your ministers would be so sad for him don't be bowser revolution and lose half your ministers kamik i'm so sorry but you had too many mini stars we have to do this to you my friend poor kamik oh my goodness from 42 going down to 21. does that drop him into last place because i'm pretty sure he was in second place a moment ago how many mini stars does a shy guy have let's see shy guy has 23 oh my goodness that is quite the big fall for kamik man we have an almost guaranteed win now all right you know what rolling a three even though it would give us the jackpot and that would be nice doesn't really matter too much i wouldn't like a five because i don't want to go backwards honestly a six would be perfect let's see a three wait is that jackpot okay great we do get the jackpot dice sure so just give me those 15 mini stars over there because i clearly don't have enough over here there you go we win the jackpot that brings us up to exactly 100 mini stars right now that's very nice i have more than double the combined amount of both of the cpus mini stars put together okay please just bring us to the end roll at least a three please okay nice so we're going to the final boss right now right let's see oh my goodness here we are we're finally meeting bowser wow welcome captain shy guy if you want your precious mini stars back you'll have to defeat me i think even if we come in last place we still win yes witness my true power oh that bowser is growing big over here this almost looks like something that i do in a mod i've done so many mods where i make characters and random objects and enemies bigger but here we go time to face off against final boss bowser throw the dice the more pictures of your character that show up on the dice the more damage you'll do to bowser be careful if bowser shows up on a dice he gets to attack is this luck i guess this is really holding true to the spirit of mario party where it's like it's already a luck based game so they make the final boss and the second final boss luck base my second final boss i mean like the one before this i don't know if there's a phase two to this i'm guessing there isn't this doesn't seem like the kind of mini game or game where there would be a phase two to this okay go throw the dice let's go throw lots of dice oh oh oh oh oh i see i see it's not like you just want to throw random dice it's um at the end of the time limit it's how many face ups you have okay so he has two faces up so he deals two okay and then i have one so i attack like that okay i see how it works okay i thought that it's just like you want to just keep flipping the dices constantly whoa whoa whoa oh no i got hit i lost my one and only point all right bowser throw some more of those cubes let's see we need more mario faces we need more mario faces you know i'm getting rid of the shy guys sorry shy guys sorry sorry guys magikoopa you too let's see three mario fake four mario faces oh my goodness get ready to feel some damage okay shy guy gets a three over here so we're tied up right now oh this isn't even a part two of the fight part two might be a bit more tricky wait did kamik even have one okay so he's swallowing the two bowser cubes now so let's avoid those good job good job okay where are we going next let's see let's see we got to see what cubes we want to grab okay there's a nice mario face over there so many nice mario faces here my bros i'll let you grab that one here grab the other one grab the other one go go oh no i wanted to pick up that one cam it got a lot this time oh my gosh okay i have five though i think i still have the most look at that nice attack there all right bowser's getting angry now he's half defeated it's nice that we are winning i don't know if we can guarantee you window oh bowser's even bigger now okay and shy guys going to get out and attack now all right let's see whoa are you going to pick the whole thing up wait bowser does your head hurt what are you doing wait a minute what is this wait is there only one cube now wait is it like a random boss is going to appear now oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh my bums are raining down oh boy stay away from the exploding bubbles and i guess stay away from king balbom okay okay that wasn't too bad i thought that would be worse okay let's see what are we doing now need some mario faces wait are the cubes going to fall off tell me the cubes aren't going to fall off are they oh no get rid of the camera no i wanted to pick it up i didn't get a chance to pick it up but look we still deal three more damage we're doing great here i'm not even playing amazingly i'm just getting super lucky and this bowser he really does have a lot of health it seems like it's gonna be a pretty long fight okay but let's see lots of fireballs to avoid here okay very simple to avoid is just stay back and go left and right a little bit okay what boss is going to appear now i wonder if you guaranteed have to face every single boss on this cube or if it's just random oh don't hit me bro oh no oh no he psyched me out or are you just gonna leave now oh that wasn't bad at all i guess the king bob one is probably a lot longer because he first comes down then all the ball bombs come down okay let's go let's go let's go who's next nice nice nice it's like i stood under it and i forced it to be a mario let's see oh give me the kamik go i changed the kamiki into a shy guy that's not good okay it's almost defeated but we deal four each that doesn't defeat him does it oh that dealt a lot of damage but it didn't defeat him and you know what now i can see why uh why they uh why the cubes go up in different orders and it's whoever deals the most damage they go first then whoever deals the least damage then they don't have priority for attacking okay where's the blooper going to go because it looks like he wants to be in a in water this reminds me of the boss fight ah from paper mario the origami keg let's see let's see stay away whoa i avoided all of it that's amazing okay now then if we could just get a lot of cubes over here and we get the final hit bonus that'd be amazing let's see gotta get rid of the shy guys here too many shy guys way way way too many shy guys my bros let's see how's that go give me another mario yeah all right okay we deal three and they deal one each do we defeat bowser come on please no so they probably defeat bowser right let's see ah that's too bad that i didn't it's too bad that i didn't deal more damage or less damage because if we all dealt the same damage we all would attack together but there goes bowser very nice i think we do still win this and all the mini stars form here so what's gonna happen i'm really curious to see what the end of the game will be okay we have 17 they have nine and eight oh wait but we still don't know if we win because i'm guessing there are going to be bonus mini stars also poor shy guy down there all right what's gonna happen wonderful mario you got the mini stars back thank you why are the other guys so happy i thought that they're supposed to be playing against me great job everybody let's take a look at the results the player who collected the most ministers will become the superstar all right let's see let's see the bonus stars dice block star who used the most special dice blocks i don't think it's me i only use like one or two so it's probably one of them or both of them mario and shy guy wow i have no idea that i used so many dice blocks or i guess also they used so few slow star who traveled the least spaces i don't know either who that is going to [Music] mario again oh my goodness i have getting so many bonus me stars i really don't need these okay and the last bonus stars are for the mini game star okay that one's most likely going to be so i got bonus mini stars from every single round it's just one of them i shared them with shy guys so we each got the same amount of mini stars but otherwise all of them went to me yeah so i didn't even need those but i think we're still winning either way and i think we're having a pretty bad win over here [Music] all right let's see goodbye magikoopa you're not the winner what about you shy guy shy guys also not the winner with 130 mini stars that's quite a few okay but i want to see what the end of the game is there's got to be some kind of like ending or credits or something or like we talk to bowser or something right yeah that's gotta happen oh we are the superstar in every stage and so ends our adventure together it's been a pleasure exploring with you wait no it can't just end like this there's gotta be more okay so what happens next let's see there's gotta be something right okay yeah yeah okay there is still a cutscene here ah now they're finally sad and mario's happy yeah because earlier they were celebrating wait is there more what's going on mario runs over here oh it's because we restored the mini stars to the sky do they all break now it looks like a little turtle looks like the earth elemental from paper mario the origami king and the mini stars are erupting everywhere these cages can't contain them and it's all because we defeated bowser that's why that's happening wow that's actually a lot of stars in the sky that looks really cool i wonder if this is at all like super mario galaxy i have to play super mario galaxy soon and you know what since i'm playing this game i am i am trying to play oh wait baby i failed my dream of having a castle decorated with mini stars is over poor bowser that's all that he wanted he's so angry oh he's still trying to grab them that's so that's so funny that they're running away from him and he can't grab them oh and he fell out of the clown car even thousand years like papa come here and so the adventure came to an end rescued by mario the mini stars were free to glitter in the night sky forever and here are our characters okay so that was a really fun playthrough and thank you so much to all of you who made it this far into the video it is amazing having you guys along on this journey and i appreciate you watching this video so much it is because of you that i get to make videos like this and play games like this i really recommend you check out my video where i play through this story mode of mario party 8 that is another fantastic game thank you so much for watching hope the rest of your day is an absolutely fantastic one and take care everybody [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 2,413,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party superstars, all minigames, all minigames mario party superstars, mario party superstars all minigames, mario party, mario party minigames, mario, super mario, mario minigames, all characters, luigi, peach, yoshi, mario party all characters, mario party hardest difficulty, mario party all characters minigames, boss fight, mario bosses, final boss, rainbow, rainbow maze, mario maze, full game, story mode, mario game, mario party 9, mario party 9 story mode
Id: w4QfwcvL9bM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 33sec (12813 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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