Kirby Star Allies (Nintendo Switch Full Game Playthrough)

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today we play kirby star allies on the nintendo switch and one of the coolest things in this game is that there are so many abilities that kirby can use you can have different allies join you in different levels with special attacks and you can actually combine abilities to make them even stronger there are so many incredible boss fights the final boss fight is absolutely intense kirby games must always have incredible boss fights or something thank you so much for watching and i really hope you enjoyed this video all right very interesting intro to the game oh there's kirby wait it looks so animated very nice music over here wait who's that little fire guy over there wait there's a heart is this a heart power-up wait we threw the heart at it oh wait is that our friend that what's going on okay oh we've got the waddle dees over there and some other little guys wow there are lots of hearts in this game our hearts going to be a big part of this i love that sword pop wow we have a fire sword that's super cool well i guess it's not really us this is just the intro oh there's a water wait is there going to be like a lightning sword or a grass sword also oh probably an ice sword wait oh my goodness we turned into a curling stone that's so funny okay what else is there there's some really interesting looking power-ups in here oh my goodness this is gonna be really interesting to play now that we've already played kirby in the forgotten land yeah so let's see how this is going to be okay i guess that's the whole intro here we are kirby star allies all right this is how story mode begins wait a minute the beginning with the planet over there oh i guess we're going over here i was gonna say it looks like the beginning of kirby and the forgotten line but this is very different actually what is that who is this oh my goodness it is bob from smg4 over here oh my goodness look at him it is the white mage over here from final fantasy wait what's going on this looks very powerful oh it is some kind of dark heart is it the chaos emerald over here we're actually playing sonic this isn't actually kirby wait something's happening to kirby's planet over there oh oh here's kirby at his planet it almost does look like sonic i love that tree over there that tree's so iconic i remember it from all the smash bros games in the curvy stages wait what's going on over here though oh wait this is uh isn't he like meta knight or something isn't that his name i love how the castle has eyes oh here's king ddd okay hold on the waddle dees are all bringing him food i guess wait is there even any food on the tray oh no there's a heart coming towards us man the graphics in this are actually phenomenal this looks so good and wasn't this released really early on in the nintendo switch's life wait he saw the heart and elvis and he has heart in his eyes meanwhile are adorable little kirby's just sleeping over here kirby is so cute okay oh and a little heart landed on us now we wake up wow kirby needs to sound something like that i don't know exactly what it's like okay these guys are carrying food wait are they all bringing food to king ddd is it king dedede or king dede i don't know how many dvd they are i world of peace dreamland okay i guess this is the first level wait is this level 2d is this game 2d oh wait wait wait wait wait what in the world i got stars i got stars wait i guess this is like the world map right this looks like we're on the world map right now oh let's collect some stars very nice we have stars we have stars what if you could just go to the end of the game just like this i would like to enter the castle please i don't think that we can enter the castle yet though wait want to return to the select world screen wait i thought i'm on the select world screen i thought that's where i am what are you talking about okay wait i wonder if this is like a secret world over here because it looks like there's a path that branches off there oh i almost didn't notice these stars over here but i guess this is the first level right green gardens all right let's check it out press b to make kirby inhale enemies on we can see kirby inhaling the sword knight over there all right and let's go here's the actual game we're playing here's the first level whoa oh oh yeah you press a to jump okay seems simple enough now what's here can i swallow you oh my goodness oh my goodness i swallowed the waddle dee wait can i uh spit this out at you bro eat that yeah there we are wait i'll eat the mushroom whoa whoa the mushroom lost its head it's like what happens to toad wait can i swallow you and get the sword oh if you tilt down then you get the power up all right are you guys ready are you guys ready i don't think you guys are ready for this [Music] wait oh i thought that you could collect these stars but i guess it's just you go through here feel down or do you tilt up oh you tilt up okay inhale an enemy with an ability and then swallow it with down to get his coffee ability yeah we already did that all right look at our kirby walking around how cool is this this has to be one of my favorite powers oh there's a bomb power up now the mom power up is also good on wait what's gonna happen oh you hit x to uh throw away or wait there's some kind of heart above me wait can i make this guy fall in love with me now fall in love with me throw a friend heart to make a friend oh you can make friends wait oh that is so adorable look at how adorable that is oh my goodness now i have a friend can i wear a friend help us attack stuff this game is so cool okay so now we've got a friend over here let's just make our way through here oh wait x wait let me throw a heart at this guy bam there we go oh my goodness how many friends can we have wait can i make you a friend also become my friend oh my goodness it's like all of us are all friends now let's go go my friends attack attack my friends good job my friends wait can we uh attack this here let's go break the nut and there's a power moon inside okay let's get up here my friends must climb up can you all come up here go attack it whoa a one-up oh my goodness does that mean we have an extra life now i guess we do go do i get damaged i don't know if i got damaged over there wait how are we gonna get down wait oh oh you just tilt down wait a minute that almost looked like a one of those paper enemies from uh paper mario the origami cake oh oh my sword could attack at a distance like this i'm guessing that's only if you're at full health hey wait can i grab this come on friends let's go oh no no no i grab i let go let's go my friends yes the stars are raining down on us my friends you must defeat them defeat them throw the bombs go my friends go go defeat them all good we defeated them all right let's go now my friends let's get out of here oh i guess we have to climb up here let's go come on my friends and let's go through the door this is so cool how we've got the whole crew like this collect the picture pieces collect picture pieces to complete celebration pictures oh my goodness we are just destroying everybody nobody has any shot at defeating us over here let's go wait wait is this a boss maybe wait what in the world oh it's a fire guy let me throw a heart at you wait make a friend tilt the control stick up oh here no no no no i want you to uh i want you to throw okay let's see wait please select the friend to replace i don't want to replace anybody oh boy you know what let's replace the sword guy then because we already are a sword guy wait now if i tilt up wait do i have the fire sword now that's how you get this fire sword oh my goodness attack up we have this sizzle sword oh my goodness this is absolutely wild we are indestructible now nothing can stop us now nothing in the world can stop us nothing can stop us bam take this ready bros you ready bros nothing can stop us that's what will happen i wonder how hard the bosses in this game are going to be because so far well to be fair it is the first level of the game so far this seems incredibly easy oh wait i guess we have to go like this go and what's gonna happen to the ball i don't want to be close to the explosion i guess we can go down here oh that's pretty cool what did we get over there some kind of question mark thing wait don't blow fire at me you know i don't think he could reach us from here let's get out of here that's your weapon on fire yeah we already did set our weapon on fire i love how it keeps telling us the tips after we already do something all right wait is this some kind of trick over here is this some kind of trap we not want to go down there or something hey well that was pretty easy all right yo hey come up here now go like that hit that okay the bomb's gonna explode that guy i think okay everything's all exploded over here got a bunch of these i wonder what these uh question mark things are it makes it even more mysterious hold on which comedian tells that joke i think it might be stuart francis who says a mystery novel in another language is even more mysterious or maybe use dimitri martin that sounds like it might be either a dimitri martin or a stewart francis joke man i watch so much comedy especially as a kid i used to watch so much comedy all the time so nice to laugh wait that isn't gonna hurt my friends is it it looks like it didn't hurt my friends oh oh we probably do want to go down here because there's a lot of stuff to collect down here all right look at all this stuff that we're collecting wait can we float up there oh my goodness we can reach oh what is this guy doing you're a madman you're an absolute madman over here okay but we stopped you so that's all right let's go wait wait wait what is that oh my goodness oh my goodness it's this guy he's in a kirby in the forgotten land also whoa whoa let's get over him okay seems easy enough so far go go attack attack attack okay his hp is going down wait my friends help me attack whoa is he defeated it looks like he's defeated right oh wait can i swallow him uh i really like my power up though so i don't want to swallow him oh my accident no i walked into it now i have this but i want my other power up my other power-up was so good oh no oh cool i exploded that i guess wait there's a treasure chest of some sort open it a maxim tomato oh yeah that's right i think maximum tomatoes are actually from this game when i first played super smash bros i'm like i don't know what game this is from wait we can probably go like this since we have this power up go like this go now we can go through here oh we got uh that's some jigsaw pieces over here wait what's in here anything in these bushes here burn the bushes my friend oh we got a very big jigsaw puzzle are we playing like or something we're playing banjo-kazooie banjo-tooie we're collecting jigsaw pieces well that's a weird enemy i thought this is like mario where like you could jump up and then you damaged that guy okay we're doing pretty well over here got a great crew coming back wait you're not one of my friends you're just some guy over here all right let's grab on my friends go all right come on friends grab on everybody grab one that's so cool how we have this whole crew over here oh my goodness i had no idea that this game was like this okay but there's a lot of stuff to collect over here oh my goodness okay let's just make our way up wait anything off to the sides i don't know if we can go into those circles but i guess the level's done now right oh my goodness what a great crew we have over here this is amazing this is a super fun game all right what happens goal game wait is this some kind of a bonus stage jump okay wait now what do we want to do wait wait what happened we didn't really do anything all i did was press the a button okay we're starting to put down some jigsaw pieces here okay i guess we're starting to fill up some of these pictures okay so it's like if you collect the jigsaw pieces then you uh start to fill up the jigsaws i guess the puzzles add effects affects your weapons fire ice and electricity and other effects okay so i was right about electricity it's just we don't have that yet what a cool crew we have over here okay let's go to donut donut donut dome green gardens is complete i don't know if we 100 completed it oh yeah for a second i thought that you could only walk along this path but you could walk anywhere okay so let's go over here then donut dome oh you could also affect your friend's weapon that's pretty cool okay look at how great our crew is here wait do you want this guy yeah you know what let's have this guy join us what happens who do we get rid of let's get rid of this guy over here what are you going to do my friend oh oh that's like a water guy that's pretty cool wait wait i kind of want this sword guy hold on let me drop this and drop this ability let me go i want to grab that sword come here friend wait you tilt down right yeah i'm the sword guy okay repair my sword and do i have the water sword now let's see ah right this splash sword this is so cool wait a minute isn't this like a demon slayer isn't there something like this in demons oh and you can do an attack like that okay that's like kirby's uh kirby has an attack like that in super smash bros go let's go all right we are so powerful nobody can stop us wait can my friends keep up okay looks like they can keep up let's go my friends let's go nobody can stop us oh no we took damage that is so sad so sad over here taking damage gotta be very careful okay we hit that let's go let's see gotta be careful here go wait can i break these with my sword oh it looks like there's some kind of enemy down there wait can we go down okay let's go down here now what if we hit this hit the button all right where are we going it looks like so much of this level we're sliding down like that oh my goodness the water sword just destroys this guy okay so i guess i don't know if these are like checkpoints but it seems like this brings you to the next area of the level okay let's just go like this nice try my friends okay this seems like it's a pretty simple game so far it seems mostly it seems like you just want to walk over to the right well i thought that was an enemy that's actually my friend that joined us okay let's see whoa whoa whoa let's be careful here let's be careful here oh boy sometimes i'm like wait wait i can't tell if it's uh an enemy or if everyone already has been destroyed because there's just so much that's happening over here and sometimes i'm like i don't know if that is destroyed or not okay let's see oh oh there's a burger over here oh wait but we must be at full health wait dribbly isn't that full health wait there's dribbly burning horn if you hit a copy essence with a friend heart you'll get a friend from it oh that's pretty cool to know okay let's climb up here then and hold on oh what i was just thinking was uh i don't know if our uh i don't know if we could nickname our friends it'd be cool if it's like pokemon where you could rename your pokemon wait do i want to get that rock power up maybe i do i kind of like this though let's try this though let's go like this and oh my goodness this is like kirby's uh down b attack in smash bros okay let's go let's just go through everything here okay pretty nice and what about this i bring this down bam oh that's so cool how that comes down like that okay let's destroy the rock and there's some jigsaw pieces down there you know what let's grab them because why not i don't know if we're gonna 100 complete the game in this play-through but we'll go for a few of them let's make our way down where are we all right all right we're just sliding down over here this reminds me of a super mario world there's one level where you just like keep sliding down like that okay what if we bring this down okay that opens up that oh wait this one's red it isn't normally red is it does that mean that this is some kind of bonus area wait the stone ability can access friend abilities wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on guys hold on guys fire me up what is happening this is so cool how you can combine abilities like this splash curl like oh my goodness i am so fast wow wow i had no idea that i was so powerful this is unbelievable okay and you can probably also use ice on your on yourself like this okay let's get out of here because it looks like that's just a bonus area i'm guessing if it's red like that if it's a red star then it's just a bonus area and the yellow ones are the ones that actually bring you through the level okay so let's see where's this guy over here let's just go down over here and let's come through this is so cool how you have a whole crew like this i wonder if this game is actually a multiplayer because it seems like it could be multiplayer like if it works like this hold on i want to get this guy out of the way i don't want him to hurt me okay let's go let's go let's go all right here we are here we are yeah because if you can play with other cpus like this then it seems like the type of game that you would be able to see in uh in multiplayer cake and when you guys hit this please oh boy wait wait wait ability push me let's go i'm ready boost me okay there we go there you go okay we activated that now let's just make our way down through here eating all these guys let's just come over here what's this star wait i wonder if i have to defeat these guys let's go oh wait i think they might have actually been defeated before i got to them my friends are just too powerful okay there's a big jigsaw down there wait right over here it looks like is this just the end of the level can we just leave the level over here chair healing items you can feed an item to your teammate that's so funny it's like we're doing cpr or something i did not expect something like that to be in the game what in the world is this thing hey let's see lots of waddle dees i thought that one of these were your friends because in a different kirby game and kirby in the forgotten land you're trying to save the waddle dees but over here are they actually enemies wait what in the world is this is this gonna be a boss fight let's see i hit the switch and what are we done now dream palace open you push the big switch that opens the dream palace on the world map oh oh i guess that that's probably some kind of like a kind of bonus thing maybe you could get like other allies or something there that's pretty cool okay let's get out of here pound stakes down pound stakes into the ground with the stone and hammer abilities yeah if only i learned that at the beginning of this level it's almost like not like i had to do that for this entire level to make it this far into the game okay let's get out of here man we almost look like pokemon it's like we have pokemon stars we've got like grass water and fire types over here all right and wait a goal game okay how does it work now go oh i didn't get to press a oh i guess it's like you want to press a sooner and then you get bounced up really high or something i think that's how it works i was probably pressing a too late this time and last time hey nine puzzle pieces okay they all get put down there very nice you can enter these doors as many times as you like take a look inside if you find one yeah okay so the red ones are just bonus ones okay we can continue there to the right that's the next level i guess honey hill lots of waddle dee's over there and this level here to the left dream palace okay so we can go there later i guess you might beat the legendary characters the dream palace is unlocked okay let's go there in a moment first i would like to go over here look for the big switch big switches are hidden in stages find them to open extra stages okay that's like what we did in the last level that was pretty cool okay we can defeat this guy it's a piggy it is a piggy can i eat the piggy oh never mind the piggy is gone i was wondering if maybe we oh boy piggies are very scary what if i don't attack anybody what if only my friends attack i wonder if you could beat the game like that that might be a cool way to beat the game let's see let's just run through over here no one's gonna cause me any trouble at all i'm just gonna run through over here oh there's a red one over there you know what let's go into the red one that's a bonus area okay press down to drop through the floor that you're standing on why does it keep giving me tips on something that i just did trendability hold on hold on hold on there's some kind of ability up here let's use this ability over here wait what is this i've got a yo-yo how cool is that at a backwards that okay wait and drive a fire yo yo now this is going to be unbelievable this is all yo-yo attack up oh my goodness and but wait what is this cannon for oh oh i accidentally paused wait now what launch me i'd like to be launched what's happening does the cannon launch me i'm ready to be launched wait a minute wait a minute hold on i see something right over there oh oh oh and then you jump in okay that's what it is i saw that rope over there i'm wondering what's going on okay now we get launched up there wait uh okay all you get is just that jigsaw and this star i was wondering like what's going on do we not get anything for that maybe if you keep going maybe you get launched up more wait play with others by handing them a joy-con awesome this is multiplayer it does look like a multiplayer game okay these piggies are a little scary eat my yo-yos okay very nice oh there piggy friend oh that piggy friend bam how do you like my yo-yos all right nice and powerful yo-yo's over here let's get on up over here oh hello there firefriend look what i can do wait what in the world does this mean you need two people to go in or can only two people go in oh oh i guess it's like you need multiple people to open the door okay all right so where are we now oh hold on a second there are two of us up high and two of us down low this is super cool how cool is this oh my goodness i love stuff like this i actually made a mod like this for a super mario odyssey before where it's like you're controlling two marios together like this okay let's go like this you guys can hit that now we can come through wow now we're all together again how nice is this okay kirby is defeated and has no more kirby's remaining it's game over but we haven't been defeated yet and it looks like we have 14 lives there's no way we're gonna get a game over in this game right guys well we are only in world one so it is super easy so far and some kirby games do get very difficult as you uh keep playing sometimes okay let's see oh oh this guy's like a whip or something okay let's see where do we want to go there are there gonna be any more of those big waddle dee balls coming wait some of my friends are almost defeated how can my friends have such low health why do my friends have such low health what's going on my friends you need to heal how are you guys getting damaged so much oh get under there don't get crushed okay very nice we're doing well all right let's just keep going here any more of those big waddle dee balls this level is called honey hills right oh boy oh boy there comes can we go faster please let's go okay and can i drop down here yes we can very nice okay and no guys why are you jumping into it don't jump into it it'll damage you press a repeatedly while jumping to hover through the air oh my goodness thank you for that tip i'm so glad that we finally learned how to hover in this game go i'm expecting more of those things to keep falling at us whoa i actually got hit man my poppy bros jr is almost gone i've got to be careful whoa but i guess if one of my friends is defeated that i could just have someone you join us wait wait wait wait wait where's the thing where's the rope go to i'll eat it down here let's see we can light that up now we have to make it back up quickly so that we can make it into here in time let's go make it in get in there kirby there we are okay now where is this going to launch us launch me now oh okay okay some kind of bonus area that's cool there's a lot of uh there's a lot of secret things in this game like this okay hold on there's a thing like that coming by what if we step on this okay oh and we get the key okay and we use the key to go through this locked door oh and this is where you get the uh bonus level i guess oh i keep thinking that you have to press down to activate that switch there now did we activate another secret level extra stage open very nice that's pretty cool okay let's go through here then you can enter these doors as many times as you like it's almost like i was given that tip before and i already know that because i've already done that a few times weird isn't it okay the yo-yo power-up is a pretty good one wait whoa wait this isn't the end of the level is it let's go in here collect 100 points to get a one up oh which gives you an extra kirby okay okay i see whoa there's a waddle dee riding on top of the piggy oh my goodness i feel like i'm playing minecraft right now like sometimes you see hold on i remember seeing something riding something else in minecraft oh boy just be careful so nice that we could spin quickly like that wait what is this uh you know i don't want that power up wait all my friends are at full health that's amazing oh boy we've got four cannons over here okay this is gonna be exciting let's get in here get in friends get in friends hurry hurry wait i guess they all get launched together and how high do we go we're just launched up like this we are getting shot pretty hard the way that we're blasting through those rocks over there but it's funny that our speed was the same the entire time oh this is the end of the level right okay there we go now then wait let's see if we know how to jump properly this time okay let's get ready let's get ready go game okay let's go jump oh okay now we made it up to a two instead of being stuck at the very bottom at seven okay they have to press a a lot earlier than you think wait we're all at full health oh i guess that's just we got some extra stars okay let's put down these puzzle pieces very nice okay we got some wow we've got a lot of puzzle pieces filling up over here use round trip doors all you want well thank you for the tip again okay now we can go across the bridge very exciting times over here fruity forest is up ahead and down there is a bonus world that is extra eclair okay so it looks like i guess we got everything in that level in the previous level we didn't get the jigsaw at the end we saw it right now we're just basically trying to get through the game so you know what let's go to that bonus level a little later maybe wait no i don't want to go back to the world select screen i thought i was on the world select screen hey but anyways let's go over here fruity force wait are we gonna have to face off against the tree because before playing kirby in the forgotten land i didn't even know that the tree was a boss fight i love this song oh my goodness this is the song that they have in uh super smash bros well i guess it originally comes from the kirby series but it is so cool oh my goodness what a great song kirby's got fantastic music man we oh that's so funny we had like a piece of chicken like that because uh we defeated that enemy there okay what about you piggy oh was the piggy spinning at me oh my goodness there's so many of these guys over here okay let's see where are we going next let's go let's go let's go man this yo-yo is incredible it's unbelievable how good it is okay you're getting destroyed there's a treasure chest down there do we need it you know what let's go for it let's go for i don't know if we need it but go down and get them okay good now open the chest what's in this just probably a yeah jigsaw piece like this very nice okay you guys need some food here i'll take some food here let me feed the food to you guys oh oh those are just flowers i thought that was more food no bad piggies stay back piggies what about you oh you're an enemy also okay let's go in here then man this song is just so good wait are the one of these going to try and get me is this kind of like a whoa is this kind of like uh the original donkey kong and mario arcade game where it's like you want to get up the you want to climb up the ladders without getting hit oh i'm going oh my goodness i thought i'd be able to go over him oh give me back my power up where did my power-up go i have no power up where do i go now what am i gonna do wait i'll take you i guess wait let me go like this there we go okay can anyone uh boost my power up give me a bomb and something wait am i giving him a fire bomb oh my goodness okay i powered up you okay that's pretty cool bro oh wait i don't know if the other person i powered them up actually okay let's go up like this oh hello there bomb guy you know what you know what actually i'll be a bomb guy no i wanted to eat the bomb guy wait can i eat my friend i ate my friend now i have fire bombs oh boy i didn't mean to eat my friend but i guess i did okay let's do this we'll come up here i'll go like this and get him there we go okay now he's joining us do we have infinite hearts i wonder how this works okay because right now we have fire bombs all right let's see where are we going next i was expecting that there'd be like a boss fight right away but i guess there's maybe some stuff before wait a minute what in the world is this oh wait wait wait wait what does this do i guess this is for like resetting your power-ups no no but i'm fine with the power-ups that we have we've got good power-ups here here eat a bomb there how do you like that a nice fire bomb not just a regular bump too oh there's a yo-yo guy there the yoyo is so good but you know what i'll keep the bomb let's try using the bomb because we haven't used the fireball much at all oh i like how it exploded right as the cut scene started that's so weird wait is this the tree guy there's his face uh oh is he gonna try and blow us now guardian of the forest wispy woods let's go he's got a lot of hp over here let's go oh he's throwing down apples at us oh my goodness keep your apples away from us go everybody let's go let's go deal lots of damage onto him wait is he going to attack us or no wait what happened to my power-up where did my power-up go ah the tree can jump the tree can jump what in the world what kind of a tree is this wait how am i going to attack you now did i eat my friend oh that's a lot of apples give me some apples bam i guess i could swallow the apples and uh spit them back out at you and then that does a bit of damage but oh boy oh oh i jumped into that that was a mistake how am i gonna damage you oh boy oh oh oh oh hold on hold on hold on guys hold on guys hold on guys let's do this i can dive into you like this i don't know if that does anything wait can i use a oh i gotta fire power up yes i will set the tree on fire there we go and can we defeat it before it attacks us i like how it's one eyes closing like that come on come on come on there we go looks like we defeated it right very nice yeah get out of the way tree there we go wait what is that that purple heart there oh i guess we're happy because we beat the boss over here wait yeah i was wondering i'm like are we gonna do our celebration where's our victory dance that's so cool what a great crew we've got over here but wait what about that heart we're looking around yeah like these were the hearts that were launched at us from the beginning wait maybe the tree really is our friend who has just turned evil maybe that's what's happening okay we got some jigsaw puzzle pieces over here herpes sounds are so great oh clash at castle ddd okay so it looks like i was right about there being three ddds like dd dddd right now we're going to clash at castle ddd it'd be so funny if someone didn't know that it was ddd and they thought it was dead end like there's so many words that i've said wrong because wait what in the world i should have actually tried to swallow that guy instead of defeating him whoa that's a cool bear oh boy he wasn't defeated right away uh do i want the boomerang power no oh oh this is an electric guy wait no not fire i wanted the electric guy where's the electric guy there's an electric guy around here somewhere hold on where is he i need the electric eye i'll swallow you give me this power wait what is this oh wait is this like some kind of special kind of fighting one because it looks like i have a fighting headband over here oh yeah but i never finished this thought what i was saying was yeah there are so many words that i only i never knew how they were pronounced i only learned how they were well i just assumed how they were pronounced based on uh just reading them okay so now a bunch of these guys are spawning so i guess we want to defeat the guys that are spawning wait what's gonna spawn here now oh a big fella over here big scary fella oh boy it's like a bug type pokemon a scary bug type pokemon how do we damage it this is a little scary i don't like this power-up too much actually nice that we could do this fighting but it's like it's very hard to control and to attack safely from a distance like look he grabbed me there oh boy okay but he should be defeated wait can i swallow him oh my goodness i got damaged by walking in him what if i swallow him oh it's like some special fighting one is this like a oh oh i could carry these guys okay that's actually really cool i'm very strong now let's go let's pick them up and throw them i can just pick them up and body slam them oh i want you what power up is this oh no that's just the weaker fighting one no the other fighting one is god oh no oh no wait maybe there's some okay it looks like there's a jigsaw in up here so we can get that but it looks like there's maybe uh something special in here let's see oh it's just one of the fighting guys okay i was thinking that maybe there's something else give me this guy let's go anyway can anyone boost me up or no let's see oh i could pick up my friends wait can i throw my friends now oh my goodness what am i gonna do friend throw oh my goodness that is wild oh my goodness i threw my friend like crazy okay but there are a bunch of jigsaw pieces here and we all got healed up so that's nice that we all got healed up okay so good thing that we stopped by there actually it is so cool the way that you can combine these abilities there are so many things that i wouldn't have expected that you can do that you can do all right so let's see you can probably break that oh oh hold on hold on go i'm ready to throw you my friend bam destroying everything oh and there's a one-up over there go oh i wanted to pick up my friend go whoa okay good job my friends too many piggies too many piggies and we got another jigsaw piece which is nice go let's come over here to get the one up even though we might not need it we have 16 lives already that's so many and we haven't lost a single life yet they're gonna be the boss right now oh no no no i want to pick up this guy what is this am i electric finally i extrude out little electric bolts wait can we power up each other power me up bro let's go wait oh now he's gonna have water bombs okay okay splash bombs that's pretty cool power me up okay i don't know if we can do anything else okay but let's go through here now it's time to go through here let's go everybody we've got fire water electricity oh and now they're giving me a tip on how to drop through floors that's so useful i'm glad they're teaching me how to drop through floors right now wait oh oh i didn't realize that this was a double area hey we got those guys okay that's nice okay yeah i should have expected that it was a double area okay now here we go let's go through here let's go my friends uh right we're in the next area this looks so beautiful oh my goodness look at this okay a bunch of food over here everyone let's share this food are we all healed up everybody okay everyone's all healed up let's go this must be the boss fight this feels like the end of undertale over here that's what this feels like uh right one of these things i think you see these generally before boss at least that's what happened last time hey not too worried about these guys i like how it gives you these guys so you can like choose who you want in the boss fight what are these guys doing oh they're bringing lots of food to king ddd why is he eating so much oh is he evil his eyes are pink got a hammer over here is this gonna be a tough fight is royal nemesis king dvd okay let's go how hard is this boss fight gonna be let's go whoa he wants the chargers that's fine though go let's go whoa now he's running here that's fine easy boss fights super easy oh don't jump to me oh my goodness stay away mister king dd oh boy what are you jumping to bro let's go are you gonna charge us now try and charge us come on a nice try bro hey he's about one third defeated wow he's got a lot of hp uh oh he's getting angry where are his pupils oh he is growing lodge you've got an evil lodge king ddd over here he's so big okay he's getting scarier i was saying that this is an easy boss fight and he found that offensive oh oh oh don't swing at me bro there take this take this whoa what is he gonna do with the food wait will the food heal me [Music] is that good food or bad food cause usually the food heals you i don't know if i should be scared or not oh boy wait wait wait okay i guess this is a plasma power not electricity where are we oh we're falling down to the next level this is such an intense boss fight this almost feels like something that would be like the last boss fight of the game this is very early on in the game oh that food i think it hurts you actually if you touch that food i didn't think it would let's go okay he's stuck in there so we can damage him a bit why was hp's getting low he's at like one quarter health now that means we've done a lot of damage onto him okay we're going down one more floor okay let's go whoa whoa look at him spinning around this as well is he gonna go on to the next one yes he is oh boy stay wait is he going back where are you going stop it bro bro you need to stop this madness oh boy rub rubber is he gonna break that one down there now we gotta get through here we gotta get through here and attack him while we can he's almost defeated whoa oh boy wait is he defeated i have a star swallowed right now give me that back yeah i got my power up back all right that's great i thought that i lost my power up wait king ddd defeated no oh nice my friends are all getting healed and so am i okay so it looks like we won the boss fight the background here almost looks like something out of fire emblem what a nice victory we have over here this is really beautiful game wait why what in the world no you can't just no that's not the full game that's not the full game why are the credits playing no there's definitely more to the game than that that makes no sense [Music] that's not the game that's not the full game yeah okay there we go okay then the credits back up yeah like that can't be everything there's no way this is like the first world of the game there's no way that's everything wait there's a purple heart over there what's gonna happen what's going to happen okay we're running along wait king dedede did he just twitch his foot or did i imagine things oh nice we got a picture like this onward i like how the waddle dee's holding an umbrella there dream friend king ddd you can now call on dream friend king ddd head to dream pals wait a minute oh wait dream friends can i bring those friends with me oh okay so it's like i was wondering what this is okay so it's like we're done the first world world of peace dreamland now we can go to world of miracles planet pop star i guess this is the second world of the game i wonder how many worlds there are world of miracles planet pop star oh that's so cool we're on a giant star like this okay let's see so to dream land okay so that's where we were because it's back to dreamland friendly field is the first level over here let's check this out use wind to see some techniques oh so there's probably gonna be some new kind of power up that we could get okay let's have let's keep our eyes open for what might be appearing here a wind wizard hello there my broomstick friend my broomstick wielding friend let's go like this i have a vacuum like this someone boost me boost me bros wait can i throw all my friends now go am i gonna fire up my friends oh my goodness friends super back it is like uh luigi's mansion i've got a very powerful vacuum over here wait oh cool i can sweep those leaves out of the way all right let's go over here this doesn't seem like it's very powerful but uh this is nice to oh good sweep some stuff out of the way oh nice yeah just burn that guy for me thank you very much and i'll just run through here just sweep this all away i'd like to get up there without this cute little guy down here attacking me okay this is fine what is this i think that's the same power-up that i just was using okay let's go like this sweep these leaves away any reason to go down here maybe we can sweep something away over here oh nice a treasure chest very nice got some more of these wait and we haven't died yet right we have taken damage but we haven't died yet i'm pretty sure go oh there my little bear friend goodbye bear ah the look on his face is so adorable okay let's see what about you all over here hey this is fine this power up it doesn't seem super powerful use the cleaning ability to sweep up piles of leaves it's like yes that's what we were doing wait are these blocks going to fall somehow oh wait wait wait that was sleeping wait a minute how in the world did i do that like i was running and then i oh it's like i could turn into like some kind of piggy like this or wait or am i a cat on what does this sleeping ability do oh oh i picked up the wrong one okay but these blocks are starting to fall so let's be careful bam let's go like that oh there oh wait that's the boomerang guy i couldn't take his power because i defeated him i keep defeating everybody let's go here now get you out of the way let's go here now oh it's like i become like a little cat with a rag it's surfing on something that's kind of cute okay oh i keep thinking that i want to take the sleeping guy let me end oh boy oh boy up here how did i fly back up that was unbelievable that was unbelievable that was a crazy recovery i didn't think that would happen okay you know what uh let me swallow you let's go like this okay now we've got the boomerang power wait wait i'm pretty sure is actually called the cutter power-up like it looks like a boomerang and i think it is a boomerang but i think the proper name for it i think it's called the cutter power up wait can i cut this nice i can just cut that and what if we go through here yeah we're not going to every bonus area but we are going to some oh hold on if you use wind and boomerang together ah boy hold on hold on let's go like this let's take wind let's throw a heart at that fella over there hey no blocking my heart with your boomerang okay let's get rid of the bomb guy then we gotta get rid of the bomb guy goodbye bomb friend okay so now then go up here and add it i'd like to add it how do i add it wait like this add it [Applause] wait what in the world is happening i think it looks weird because we are standing on top of each other splash cutter what in the world oh oh it's like i threw a bucket of water on him that's like okay if you hold up and you press the attack button it does that but how do i uh how do i combine our abilities i don't know how to combine our abilities i would have thought that if you combine like the vacuum and the other guy then we can do something special but i don't know how to uh make us combine right now okay so i'll just get out of here we can come back here another time if we want to okay so let's see so i guess we'll go up this way now ah friend oh oh i thought that was a collectible for some reason i just walked right into the enemy thinking it was something that i could just collect no funny to just walk around sweeping the enemies like this hey let's come up here oh there friend nice throw a bucket of water onto it what about you bam take a bucket of water okay whoa oh oh if i'm in the air and i attack then it's like i ride my broomstick like harry potter hold on i go like this look at that oh my goodness how adorable is that i look like a blissy look like blissey from pokemon and that's actually crazy how long you can float when you do that that might actually be very useful all right let's get going then let's just make our way down here oh there friend i guess we want to go down here okay and wait left or right that is the question can we break through these i don't know if we can let's go this way oh i guess we sweeped that guy out of the way or swept it's not sweep right i think it's swept okay all of us come on to the platform pose everybody and what does that do wait are we gonna start spinning around are we all going to merge into a giant kirby thing circle oh oh and then we can come down and crush this that's actually hilarious it's so funny that you need one of those platforms to do that okay and it looks like when you press a you can jump it's cool that they uh have a little guide showing you when to jump since it's your first time doing this this actually reminds me a lot of kirby in the forgotten land even though this game came out like several years before that oh boy wait no you die if you fall wow our first death there we go all right let's be careful here you want to jump there oh wait is that where we died that might have just been where we died let's go okay now just keep your eyes open get ready to jump and go okay destroy through everything and lots of these oh oh that's so cool okay so there's all this stuff over here lots of these and the door that we need appears for us and wait is this the end of the level door i can never remember what the end of the level door looks like okay let's get ready to bounce goal game let's get ready go and how high do we go oh we made it up to one this time hooray i guess that's probably as high as you can go okay we're all very happy about that and we have a nice celebration oh you get a lot of stars for getting up to the top oh and a puzzle piece and a maxim tomato we're starting to fill up some of these puzzles over here okay what level opens up next oh we can go to that kind of desert oasis level over there reef resort is that it i guess that's it maybe this one over here is like a special level that we haven't unlocked yet yeah because over here it looks like there's a special button to step on but we didn't do that yet okay so let's come here first get a weapon on fire for a friend ability all right let's see what this level is gonna be a very nice beach looking level i love how kirby puts on goggles right away as soon as you get into the water like this wait how does the fire attack work while you're underwater oh and i was just walking into an enemy and i didn't even realize it i've got an umbrella you could have an umbrella power up oh my goodness wait can i just float up forever i can't just float up forever can i it looks like i could just float forever like this this is kind of ridiculous so i could just keep floating like this i wonder if it's because of the umbrella power up or because of something else oh for a second i thought my umbrella set that guy on fire but i don't think that's how umbrellas work what's in let me down okay can we not go down through that maybe we can oh kirby falls so slowly when you have that okay looks like we found a secret area in the secret area is hey we dropped down here oh there's a firepower up there wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what are we trying to do oh i guess wait hold on hold on we hold up chumbrella oh oh i see what we have to do okay so i want to stop the water from going here i need one of my friends to set that on fire okay and then when the fire makes it across yeah now the fire has made it across now that's gonna blow up but so what what's that gonna do oh it just explodes all this and we get this man our umbrella is gigantic that is a humongous umbrella that we've got over there well right now it's kind of small but it's funny that it can grow so big like that i didn't expect that the umbrella could grow so big like that okay let's get out of here now because that was a good place to go now we can just continue along i love how he just float across like this oh there's a big guy down there oh we want to go underwater now i wonder if the next section now is going to be underwater because we just went through an underwater door let's see yeah we're in an underwater section this is pretty cool i guess you could probably hold your breath underwater forever in this game i wonder okay these are kind of like bloopers over here and hold on do you get squished if you go here okay it looks like it doesn't squish you not like in a super mario world where you could get squished by some of those things in the castle level or in the castle levels i guess there is more than one oh boy that guy just looks so much like a pokemon to me it looks so much like i can't remember if it's called cradley or uh if that's the first or second evolved form of it but that one gen 3 fossil pokemon looks so much like that guy there okay what we need you need to come down here get you out of the way my bro you need to get in here and there we are okay we're out of here now just float on up here hello there my fire breathing friend wait a minute there's some hurdle thing oh okay let's go is that a baseball oh i thought that was a baseball that's one of those flower things okay we're doing fine coming back here oh i got a one up okay it's because we got enough stars let's go here should i have taken the fire guy no we have a fire guy with us so that's all right okay and i guess we have to do this again okay let's go because we probably do want to explode that go get out of my way okay let's go up like this and go like that on fire set that on fire okay and when it comes through here go to there quickly okay and there we go we stopped the water from getting to it we probably don't stand too close to the explosion everyone here i'll protect you all from the rain don't worry my friends and now we have these steps appear down here oh wait but this is even uh i thought this was a main path but i guess this is a bonus area over here of some sort because it's a red star door oh oh and it's one of these okay very nice okay so he did get that extra stage open okay very nice and oh oh cool and we can exit from here that's cool at home do we exit from the same door that we came into no we're over here now oh oh this is the same place okay but now we just continue all right sword guy do i want this sword guy uh well i guess it's too late now because he's defeated okay now let's just open up this door all right and this is the uh split section like parallel worlds like mario odyssey parallel worlds or twin worlds okay you want to go down we can come across this way okay there's a bomb to hit over here wait does that explode there's okay that explodes there's this explodes there's and they hit that button and that probably explodes hours good now they hit that button and that probably explodes this for us and then we hit the bomb and then they can come through right and we can come through and we can all group together we are all friends hooray and the music in this game is so nice i'm really enjoying it it is very nice music and this game has been around for quite a while i'm pretty sure i think this game came out around the time that it was released yeah i saw there's a jigsaw down there but i thought you know what we're all right whoa that was a cool attack i haven't seen that attack before kirby wait this is a boss fight oh hold on a second who in the world is this guy some kind of chef [Music] let's go everyone we must defeat this chef oh boy where are you frying me up oh my goodness he's cooking me up i'm a kirby and he's just cooking me up over here wait how am i gonna attack him now though go attack him everybody oh my goodness i swallowed him i am this chef now wait can i cook up my friends i'm like friends let's go into the pot wait what does that do what's gonna happen i'm cooking up my friends over here oh wait i didn't kill my friends doing this did i super party attack up okay that looks like a very powerful attack takes you a moment to uh charge that up but it seems pretty powerful stop it what happened to my ability wait oh maybe you could only use that ability once or did i get hit and i lost it i'm not sure what happened but that was pretty cool to have all right let's get ready to bounce again it's the goal game go and ah we only made it to two not to one this time that's all right though we're still happy about that i wonder what they do in speedruns do they just press jump right away or do you press nothing so that you don't go very high i wonder what would be the fastest way okay so the next level is down there echoes edge and i guess that's the secret one inside islands that's probably the uh the bonus stage yeah the extra stage that we unlocked over there but hold on i think that we can go past it right now right because right now i want to beat the game let's see i think we can skip that and go right to here right yeah okay i just took a little break but let's do echo's edge now share healing items yeah we already know that we can share helium that picture looks so weird though oh is this like some kind of a snow level i can't believe that we're already in a snow level it's in a lot of games especially in a lot of mario games so i guess this isn't a mario game so it makes sense in a little in a lot of mario games you see snow levels near the end of the game unless we're somehow already near the end of the game wait that was a super short section all we did was get a fire power-up guy and then we just went through a door all right let's climb up there's a little switch to hit down here let's get that okay that makes it so that we could go through there okay i guess maybe that was just for some coins or something wait the spring guy oh maybe i wanted the springy guy okay the boomerang guy i'm not too worried about him wait wait is the wind always going to be this strong or will i ever be allowed to go there oh wait i don't know if we can get up there yeah it seems like if we go up there then the wind just uh pushes us so it looks like we actually have to go this way i wonder if this is gonna be a common theme in this level if the wind is just always gonna be pushing us like this okay but we can come up here and get some stars that's what that switch was for i want this springy guy okay guys i'm taking this power wait i swallowed him but i didn't get a power up what's going on can i not may not use his power up hey boy fire guy bad fire guy next we got another switch bad fire guy we could come up here get a lot of stars it's so satisfying to collect these stars even though we don't really need them because we have so many eyes oh i didn't realize that was an enemy i thought that was one of my friends i'm like wait we already defeated the guys that were over here what's going on what's going on over here i just keep bumping into him okay this guy this spring guy when we defeated him last time he just came back wait these guys are sleeping good time to attack them hope you like the barbecue okay so let's go through here maybe this is going to be a switch that we actually have to step on because the earlier ones we didn't have to step on but how about these let's see wait oh there's even more appearing up here now hold on hold on oh and it just keeps exploding okay now it's exploding that way okay now finally okay let's first come down here let's get some of this food eel on up over here got another jigsaw piece over here don't really need them but hey we can collect them let's get out of here now that brings us to and the music here is so nice oh my goodness i keep walking into those guys i go faster than i think i am going wait and this music reminds me a lot of uh sonic actually [Music] sounds a lot like sonic music to me oh there's some kind of singing power up over there you know what i'll capture you then i'll take that oh that's so cool we've got headphones like this oh my goodness wow and we can yell very loud with this oh my goodness kirby is so loud kirby is even louder than i am some people say that i'm loud in some of my videos but oh my goodness look at this herby can be well maybe kirby's almost as loud as i am wait wait i actually want to get down here very nice wait no my power-up is gone oh maybe it's one of those power-ups where it's like you could only use it a little bit this guy i know this guy wait i can't give him a heart can i oh that's too bad i was hoping that maybe i'd be able to use my heart on him okay stop spinning around like this i feel like it's boom boom like you want to drop down on him here give me the star okay eat your own star oh he's almost defeated bros we gotta get him we gotta get him there we go he's defeated now swallow you now do i get to have the hammer power up yes bros here we go all right got a very nice hammer power up let's just wait do i need my friend to burn this first weight give me the fire hammer this is so cool my hammer is on fire sizzle hammer that's so cool oh oh maybe we actually wanted to go over there wait i will defeat you okay wait let's first see is there some kind of secret area down here ah friend and wait no that can't be all that's here right oh oh we can break through here let me destroy another one and over here there's some nice stuff over here some nice jigsaw as far as okay and then we can float on up okay there we go that makes sense i'm like yeah it's not just gonna be nothing down there for solving that puzzle where you have to use the fire hammer now the wind's blowing us this way let's see wait oh oh it's like on the top part the wind goes one way and on the bottom part the wind goes another way that is super interesting how that works okay how am i gonna get through here though let's see let's see oh there's a switch right over here wow that's so weird it's like you go a little bit one way and then you hit a switch and then you can keep going a little bit further the other way and you can hit the next switch that lets you go farther back the other way so it's like you keep going left and right it looks like you're lost and you don't know where to go it's like that's actually what you have to do to uh clear the level like over here that's as far as you can go this way but now we have to go all the way to the right i'm guessing let's see any enemies oh i would have liked that food give me the food there we go we got the ice cream very nice okay sorry friend hope you don't mind but yeah those guys they look like the paper macho enemies from uh paper mario the origami king and what if we get that oh nice a jigsaw puzzle two jigsaw puzzles actually okay and now we can come on up here go there get in kirby there we go he made it very nice and now man there are a lot of loading screens over here i kind of wish that the levels would load all at once rather than like you see several loading screens like this while you are playing an actual level wait a minute what do i do here what is this oh it just launched me up here oh another one it's like donkey kong now we're being launched through these barrels okay wait oh do i choose one to go okay let's go like this then uh i'll go now that seems like a good way to go now launch me up here oh wait oh we're going into some more okay let's go now so we don't hit that guy okay now just come up here spin around bring me up there launch me up and goodbye okay i like how we just defeat all those guys there oh my goodness there's still more i guess we want to go to that one right because it looked like there's a one up here and the other way there's enemies okay and we just fly away yeah like these loading screens right here they are kind of long it'd be nicer if like you could just load the level all at once and then you could avoid that what does that guy have he's got a key i've got a key there now i've got the key haha he doesn't have the key anymore oh come on kirby whoa whoa what is that guy boomerang boomerang shall be defeated hello there my springy friend my spoink from pokemon gen 3 go and wait wait oh this is where we all do a pose right friends get on here time for us to do the friendship circle it almost sounds like a dragon ball z move reminds me of what is it called the gin use the ginyu squad to get new force wait oh are we making a bridge now friend bridge that's so funny okay wait oh oh oh we want this guy to be able to walk across wait and we know that we can trust him okay well i guess he helped us out that's nicely oh okay good we all teleport back here oh that friends out there snowman oh you're still alive huh snowman okay we'll get that get that bros wait do i have to get it myself i don't know if i can get my friends to collect the jigsaw pieces or if uh or if i have to be the one to collect it okay what are we doing now spring or sorry bridge or something else and it looks like we're making another friendship bridge over here you know what they say build bridges not walls oh oh oh the guy's over there uh oh can you come back hey i'm ready i'm ready now i know where we have to go okay so first our friend's gonna be down so we have to go down [Music] hey we need this guy to walk across here oh oh actually maybe we can go wait that's what we have to do okay good good okay good thing that i figured that out okay i was wondering i'm like wait if he walks into a wall will he start to walk the other way or could he climb up in a different way one nice one up and another install piece very nice uh i forgot what button was attacked for a second that's why i took a step back i'm like wait wait wait what button is attack like how do we attack let's go let's go a very nice crew coming through here okay let's go down here maybe there's some other bonus stuff over there but wait wait is this the end of the level then don't know if this is the end yeah this is the end okay there we go gold game okay let's go go jump and ah we almost made it to one again we made it to two the one time that i managed to do it properly we got up to one every other time i was getting seven but now i keep getting two okay but we're all healed up so that doesn't matter oh my goodness look at this the puzzles are filling up this one's not filling up at all this one's got almost nothing also oh this one's weight is this the same one from before all right oh i actually almost forgot that we were on this star planet over here okay let's see nature's navo is the next level let's head on over there oh and we got a lot of stuff in this level that's nice i like how a lot maybe all of the level names so far are alliterations where it's like every word is with the same letter every word starts with the same level oh this actually reminds me of one of the final levels from kirby and the forgotten land all right let's see there gonna be some fiery stuff over here wait maybe i want the bird yo i really like this fire how this fire hammer power up it's a really cool power-up got gyroids over here from animal crossing no that's not actually what they are i'm just making a joke because they look like that uh you know what let's be careful i wonder if uh touching that hurts you it probably does i wonder if you could actually climb up with it oh boy let's just spin along over here hello there my little friend herbie has some interesting enemies in the game and you know what oh oh oh that's a big one okay oh and we can just get a puzzle piece over here i'm guessing in speed runs of this you probably want to actually avoid the puzzle pieces let's go let's go my friends okay good we made it through here yeah it seems like a lot of it is just running from left to right it's kind of similar to uh yoshi's crafted world but yoshi's crafted world there are some areas where you could also move forward and backwards but in this game it doesn't seem like there's anything like that wait the water type does that mean that it's gonna be super effective against me because i'm part fire type whoa hello there friends what who just did a rainbow attack someone just did a rainbow attack who in the world did that let's go let's go am i even hurting anyone or are all my friends taking the ball out i think all my friends are just defeating them all i'm just up here swinging my hammer meanwhile all the enemies are just being uh defeated by my friends oh friend good job oh my goodness what a great team we have over here okay can we continue now i guess we can continue now right yeah it looks like we can continue okay good job friends hell their bird friend let's not drop down there because i'm not worried about the bonus areas okay so let's get out of here and now we can come up here what a great crew we have oh and let's just run quickly oh boy my friend stuck back there is my friend going to be okay hopefully my friend's gonna oh oh he just teleports back up to us if he's too slow that's cool okay let's just come on up here ah there my snowman friend i almost called him a watermelon for some reason i don't know why i know that snowmen and watermelon are not the same thing they are very similar people often do confuse snowmen and watermelon what the that thing looked like a chancy and it looked like we could have gone down there i'm not sure if there's a ladder for us to go down there earlier wait i wonder if one of those uh blade kind of helicopter things is gonna fall down and start chasing us okay let's go through here drop down first okay there we go what's happening here okay we want to climb up okay we got one of these fighting guys over here little troublemaker here got a gyroid over here is it gyroid or gyroid i don't know how it's pronounced oh boy he's a big sand castle wait how did i end up over here did something hit me and we just float up forever it looks like we could just keep floating up hold on how long can you go up like this for okay so there's a jigsaw puzzle there okay let's go in here then yeah you could fly for very very long oh our hp is actually kinda low wait i wonder if you fly repeatedly if that's what makes your hp go down i don't think it would we must have gotten hit by something okay nice that was a super fast level it's almost like we did a speed run at that level okay how was that jump ah we keep almost making it up to one we keep making it to two okay what's the next level top left over here okay is this gonna be the final one sacred square another alliteration level sacred square they both start with the letter s right let's go my friends i'm ready wait do we want to go down here let's step on that first oh they're friends oh we already took some damage okay so we've got to be careful get up here oh boy he's got a big nose over there he's like a little beetle over here okay let's drop down here oh now we're going up this way oh this is interesting we're going to the left we're sorry we're going to the right and now we're going to the left what a wild game sometimes you go one way sometimes you go another way that's absolutely crazy isn't it oh boy i'm taking a lot of damage over here actually so i should be a little careful let's come down here get that carton of milk over there whoa hello there my rocky friend and by rocky i don't mean rocky like the boxer i wonder how many people uh have seen rocky hey but now oh oh it was some kind of cowboy guy over here i really like this fire hammer over here oh another friend ability over here what is it going to be are we going to do a bridge are we going to roll together what are we going to do friendship circle or something else wait what are we doing let's see wait friends star oh that's in you wait a minute um how in the world does this work oh oh that's pretty cool okay i can press b to attack and now we're just flying through it destroy everything nothing can stop us now we are invincible how long can we do this for let's see yeah because we've got a health bar down there but yeah we're just kind of uh flying through the level and destroying everything now this is a pretty fun way to go through okay let's just go here now all right let's go through i wonder if we're still gonna be on the friends star when we go through this door i'm guessing not oh we're still on it oh my goodness i didn't expect that wait wait wait what is it saying wait press x to do something what does it do though oh oh you can choose who's at the front okay so let's get our water guy at the front with our water guy at the front we can break through here that's pretty cool [Music] okay and hold on hold on why is it telling us to switch to the ice guy we don't got a nice guy nothing we can do with the ice guy here well let's see if we can wait can we go up there no we can't go up there or wait do we want the boomerang guy [Music] okay we want the boomerang guy to break that okay i see i see how we are doing okay that's all right oh oh that was an enemy wait wait wait there's a thing back there oh i guess we can oh boy oh boy wait let's switch water can break through these hold on is this where the door was oh the door is just right up here perfect we're doing fantastic it's so much fun to be riding around on this star this is a great power up over here it's a great friendship ability man the friendship abilities are very powerful it just goes to show you how powerful friendship is this is the power of friendship and defeated one of those cradles over there from pokemon gen 3. i need some more pokemon videos on my channel i'd love to play some more pokemon okay it looks like we want to head up this way just ride along through here hello there friends let me out of here okay there we go oh maybe there's something hidden down there i think i saw a red star door down there but we're just heading through right now wait wait is this gonna be a boss fight this looks like a boss fight to me ah we're not on this star anymore that's so sad so sad no start for the boss fight okay we've got this so this probably means that it's the boss fight right let's see as usually i think every time we've seen those it's been a boss fight after that let's see what's this okay now we head up this way okay let's just make our way up oh hello there bird friend whoa let's get back up over here okay step on another one okay fly on up here and hold on hold on no this isn't the end of the level there's got to be a boss fight or something now come on give me the boss fight there's gonna be a bus ride wait grab it is this the legend of zelda or something oh look who it is look who it is the lone swordsman meta knight okay this guy was extremely difficult to face in some of the others uh uh other zelda games another kirby game in kirby in the forgotten land he was one of the hardest uh one of the hardest uh people to face somehow we haven't gotten damaged yet okay but we didn't deal a lot of damage onto him i'm trying to be careful to attack him from a distance wait he isn't going up high yet he's just attacking from from uh from the ground right now he's probably gonna start flying soon because right now i can just oh there we go now he's starting to fly okay we can try and get him from a distance like this whoa boy let's go oh no he attacked me he attacked me let's go and come on go oh no he attacked me wait where is he gonna fly to where is he coming to oh he's charging up everybody run wait which one is real which one is real how do we know which one is real wait are they all real maybe they're all real oh my goodness my hp is so low this is actually getting terrifying how is he so powerful oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh no oh my friends are almost dead one of my friends died oh no wait help me oh if i hold x i can revive them revive oh oh you can't fully revive your friend that's nice if you hold x you could revive them a little bit wait what do we want to do now oh boy oh boy wait can i revive my friend revive them revive my other friend oh oh oh oh and we want to break these rocks i guess go wait wait what's happening what's happening okay this is wild oh he's almost half defeated well he's a bit more than half defeated oh no i have such low hp i need my friends to take him out i'm just gonna try and run away i'm just gonna try and not get hurt that's what i'm gonna try and do oh where's that going to go come on friends you can do it go my friends go my friends attack attack my friends you can do it go my friends you can do it you can take him out where is he gonna go you can do it my bros let's go bros let's go bros you can do it you can if you guys die i'll just revive you okay what do i do there are tornadoes coming to me oh no oh no let's go take him out take him out take him out guys boy my hp is so low but so is his hp go friends you can do it you can do it come on friends oh boy i'm almost dead i'm almost dead you can do it my guys you can do it my bros my bros my bros my bros let's go let's go let's go my hp is so low i'm so scared am i dead no no wait who are these guys that are on my team you guys weren't on my team before what's going on okay but i guess over here i could have different people join my team you know what let's have some fire guys join my team oh i like that they're different colors that's pretty cool and let's have one of these guys join my team wait come here bro there we go okay i think that's an all right team oh wait can we go like this i've got a fire boom right now oh wait but that doesn't matter because when we start the fight we have to pick up a sword anyways all right let's grab this sword here we go wait wait wait ooh stop my sword boost up my sword there we go we got the fire sword now bro you ready ready to fight against the fire sword bro bro you ever fought against the fire sword meta knight time for you to get destroyed bro you don't stand a chance wait how's his hp so low already actually is the fire sword this powerful or is something else happening hold on i don't know if the fire sword is this powerful or if something else is happening because he's kind of getting destroyed right now wait where is he going now coming up here huh oh boy oh boy the multiple metadata oh somehow i avoided a lot of that come here where are we going man when they do their uh sword down attack on you that that is a powerful one let's go here we go okay now let's just attack like this okay our hp is getting lower than i thought it would okay when there are a bunch of meta knights like that i think the way to play is uh try to play defensively i think that's the way to go about it okay but okay and these rocks i think there is a tip that said wait am i getting damaged or are only they getting damaged what happened to my ability i'm the wrong person give me back my power give me back my sword okay there we are there we are okay let's go like this okay this is all right this is all right we're doing some damage to them this is all right okay he's a bit more than half damage we are also more than half damaged okay a little scary though where are you going okay all grouping together like that okay let's go where are you going my bro okay let's just see oh boy oh boy that is scary purple attack hey good job avoiding the scary purple attack are you guys just attacking you guys attack him i'll stay back oh he's almost defeated actually this is great gonna be no problem then i'll take him on right now bring it bro let's go all right there we are we are victorious over here nice try meta knight i am the victor here oh and this thing came off his mask came off goodbye he ran away and we all get healed up like that wow that was actually uh kind of difficult but we've got a very nice crew over here i love the hat over here it reminds me so much of link from the legend to zelda there's another one of those purple hearts over there evil hearts that were coming down to our planet over here wait what's happening now is there a phase two don't tell me there's a face dude i don't think there'd be a phase two right now probably later in the game maybe there'll be a boss with a phase two right now this game it doesn't seem too bad this is like the second world of the game can we go to the next world now wait what is this that's coming down i am scared of this whatever this is is this some kind of monster or a spaceship or what is it looks like it has a giant eye it looks so creepy what is it oh we're all on our star over here are we gonna go over there now [Music] i love the sound of the star moving that's such a cool sound effect okay i guess we're going in here now must be the next world okay we get to see a nice picture over here onward okay so i guess that's the next world that we're going to dream friend meta knight you can now call and dream friend meta knight head to dream house very nice oh and some more new dream friends are added okay beautiful oh we have access to the next one fortress of shadows dambastion i don't know if i'm pronouncing that right i've never heard of this before i guess this is like a made up word even the stoic meta knight has fallen prey to the enemy's evil influence and now their foreboding fortress has suddenly appeared why have they come to this land why undeterred kirby and his friends charge forward with gusto got some very intense adventure music playing over here all right fortress of shadows very exciting times over here and where's our first okay that's back to planet pop star i guess here's the next level over here gate house road this feels so much like kirby in the forgotten land i guess because they are both kirby games and they're both on the nintendo switch so they would feel kind of similar okay so i just took a little break now let's get started gatehouse road wait oh i was so surprised i started choking almost this level its name isn't an alliteration oh and i have the fire sword how cool is that okay oh oh boy let's be careful this looks like a psychic type pokemon it looks like a psychic steel type pokemon oh boy let's go we gotta be careful oh boy oh boy oh boy oh it's a spider get the spider oh it's a it's a bone guy over here cubone man everything is just pokemon over here everything is like pokemon references oh my goodness why did you appear on top of me over here what is going on over here let's see wait oh oh i thought i was the guy that was up there i did i lost track of which character i was this is wild let's get through here oh nice nice jigsaw for us right over there hey hello there little yo-yo guy these guys wait did it just get destroyed okay well anyways i was gonna say they're quite troublesome sometimes okay we get no right here this is fine yeah those other guys they're like those uh they're like those one enemy it's like that one enemy in super mario odyssey where it's fine then after a second it transforms into something these guys right here it's like when you get close to them they turn evil okay so hitting that switch moves this over okay then we dropped up whoa whoa whoa whoa okay we just defeated an orange penguin guy over there now what about you what are you you've got a lasso huh interesting okay that's fine hello there q bone u-bone used boomerang attack there we go oh my goodness my friends are just destroying them like mad okay i think maybe someone stepped on a button i'm wondering if someone stepped on a button over there okay we got some question marks over there oh oh you can probably use electricity to get that yeah probably if you have an electricity power up then you can uh activate that but we're not worried about that because it's just jigsaw puzzles we're going over here of course hello there my my snowman friend we're just running by over here keep heading up here how high do we need to get oh and here's the next door case this is going to be a fast level or something let's see because we've already gone through a few of these doors over here whoa you're singing wait a minute wait a minute that's actually a super strong power pulling did you guys defeat him oh he defeated him oh no okay okay let's continue then that's fine let's just go right through here hit the button oh boy i didn't expect you guys to be here okay that's fine that's all right you guys want to be here that's all right you guys could be here that's no problem whoa whoa if i charge up i have a powerful attack like this oh my goodness that is so cool okay and we got a big jigsaw piece so that's very nice okay our health is oh our health is full but our friends aren't at full health so let's just see let's go over here they're gonna be a boss fight no there's probably not gonna be a boss fight here right okay let's see this isn't the end is it no because the end is more special looking than this man we've gone through so many of these doors in this level already okay let's see wait maybe there is a bus right because look it's one of these things here so is there gonna be some kind of boss fight here let's see oh don't touch me don't touch me stay away anyway they wait mr spider-man okay and wait is this where the boss fight is looks like a hard place to have a boss like wait this just looks like the end of the level isn't it is it no that's not what the end of the level looks like hold on wait oh hold on it'd be so funny if we could just get the heart like this now but there's gonna be a boss fight it's not gonna be like you just wait oh it's an evil eye door over here oh hello there friends it's tom nook on the left from animal crossing oh my goodness oh no they're actually called pawn and con okay let's see where are you guys at huh come here come here i dare ya i dare you to come here come here come here i dare you guys i got a powerful attack i'll get you guys you come here i'm all charged up i'm ready to attack wherever you guys come from i'm ready i'm ready you guys are gonna get destroyed okay oh wait wait i wonder if they'll just uh keep running by like that infinitely let's see come here let's go bam there we go we're dealing some damage onto them serious damage onto them right here let's go let's go all right very nice very nice attack over here now what's next oh you're coming here huh let's go and get up there very nice very nice let's try again i'm ready i'm ready what you guys want to come here oh you're running across there huh i can get you there all right let's try again where are you coming from now come here go wait did someone hit me i think someone might have hit me we deal we dealt a lot of damage wait oh i didn't realize that i was over there i'm like wait where in the world am i i'm trying to just charge up my sword attack over here okay this boss fight it definitely seems a lot easier than the other one wait how's that oh my goodness that's a nice amount of damage over here wait this guy's knocked over even oh wait we can't even attack wait is that gonna explode there get this guy there we go how do you like my sword hope you like how my sword tastes over here ah they bonked their heads like that oh no their armor's all gone poor tom nook huh is my mortgage paid off now tom nook no but that's not how you pay off your mortgage wait what's going on oh oh do i want to make them become my friends yes here become my friends tom dog has hard eyes now okay okay can you guys let me in now let me in wait oh oh they opened that okay okay i see i see i was warning i'm like what's going on over here open the gate tom nook i would like to go to your store please thank you very much tom nook ah right and we're all healed up that was a pretty cool boss fight i liked that and we have our beautiful celebration here everyone dancing together that kirby theme is so nice there all right wow this jigsaw's almost filled up same with this one look at how much that one's filled up all right first level here complete now we just want to go over there i guess eastern wall wait can we fly across to there because how are we going to make it to there oh we ride on this star okay okay that makes sense okay next up eastern wall another level name that isn't an alliteration okay let's just see where we're going to go over here oh hello there platform thank you for coming up here platform thank you for coming up platform what if the entire level is just this whoop all right let's be careful okay you're opening up so i can come in here okay i can go here all right go a bit faster wow super easy level so far very easy beginning to the level we're doing great hey what's up next oh hello there i hope you like fire swords i hope you like fire swords very nice nice and powerful what about you my friend ah how you like this bam eat my sword okay we've got an electric plug guy over there and it looks like he is defeated so that's good my friends are doing great then we just poke this guy with our sword okay let's just come down here are you gonna drop down at me probably gonna try and drop down at me if i walk by right okay well you're defeated anyway so that's nice oh i like how there's a oh i thought that we could have grabbed that star i guess not okay do we want to get through here oh you can use the electric plug to get through i guess but that's okay that's okay we don't need the chest we need to go over here that's what we need go down yeah that's so cool how we can do that attack okay now you want to climb up don't poke me keep your water away from me you monsters okay there we go we made it through it almost looks like we're speedrunning it we're going through it pretty quickly wait wait oh oh i guess you want to drop down over here and you don't want to go onto the spikes okay seems simple enough just like go there and then avoid the other stuff and then you go like this wait i wonder if we can go faster than the uh faster than this so then we can go like past the spikes but i don't know if we can go that fast hey look we're all just grouped together over here what's up guys what's up guys oh get up i ran out to the spikes i ran onto the spikes i'm sorry my friends but i ran onto the spikes now come down here get them and get this explode this all right let us through and let us up here and there we go okay we made it out how low is my hp because i went into the spikes there a bit kind of low but not super low oh wait is this the same thing as before go down quickly oh my goodness okay wait are my friends gonna teleport to me now maybe they'll teleport to me now let's charge up wait my friends look like they were taking damage there [Music] oh oh oh it's one of these again huh huh you want to mess with me bro come here bro i know how to take you on now i know i know what to do come here bro a nice big attack and go down like that oh oh oh i missed it okay let's see just gotta get above it gotta get above them and go down oh hello there you're sending out your other friends to fight huh you know what i can do i can go like this how you like that i bet you liked that didn't you that was a nice attack wasn't it get out of here bro no i don't want that power up i want my other power up back no no i don't want this power up my flaming sword was so good my flaming swordsman was so powerful wait friend ability okay let's throw my friend around there we go i've got my fire friend throwing him around friend throw and we got some stuff there that's fine but no what i really wanted i wanted more than anything was my sword power up my flaming swordsman is the door in here maybe yeah the door is just behind that crate that makes sense i wonder if there's anything behind that other star block okay but now what we need look at that mask wait isn't this like the mask from spirit in a way whoa it came to life okay what about you you're dropping down don't explode on my friends stay away from my friends okay okay stay away from me too hey now where are we going okay we're coming up whoa okay cool i just threw around that enemy a bit okay i don't know if there's anything that we need back there oh cool whoa no go kirby wow you go so fast like that okay that's actually kind of useful knowing that you can do that go jump and dive through very nice and let's go through here and i'm like finding out tricks as we play for how to go faster it looks like jumping and then diving is a good idea jump and then dive forward i think that's faster than normal moving it seems to be pretty fast oh looks like we're doing another friendship event over here what is it going to be circle bridge star it looks like bridge because we're leaning over like this okay there's a bridge right here who do we want to cross wait we want you to go somewhere oh boy but i guess it's like a something like this we probably have to bring this guy down somewhere oh it's just down to right there there we go hooray he opened the door for us thank you my friend and we just get to continue across them oh and there's lots of food for us that's lovely fun oh oh i'm like why aren't we going up but that's uh that's actually a ladder over there oh and there's the end of the level i guess but wait why is it telling us to go across this way if it looked like the end of the level was over there oh over here is a button oh you know what it is hold on hold on okay because we probably took a secret path over here for an extra level by doing that uh bridge thing probably didn't have to do that bridge thing oh nice a bunch of jigsaw pieces too oh wait but over here this is also a level complete i guess there are multiple places where you could end the level that's kind of funny you could end the level here and it looks like you could also end the level back there oh that's right i actually forgot about the goal game because i haven't seen this in a while how's that jump i keep getting two it's like i always get two now wow that's almost filled up that one has almost nothing okay i guess that's the next main level right long view corridor the level names are not alliterations anymore wait a minute sector a which one is the real level and which one is the extra level all right let's go over to this one long view corridor all right whoa we're starting up this time by going to the left that's something different normally we start by going to the right okay now we're going here and then we're climbing up oh boy oh boy hello there friend oh there my psychic steel type pokemon over there that is trying to attack us where we want to go is this right now oh oh oh oh this is like the thing in uh super mario world whoa oh let's just run by okay how am i not taking like any damage at all this is actually wild go wait do my friends take damage before i take damage or something this is so weird i would have thought that i would have taken a lot of damage by no this is so weird i can just grab them like that go through oh no oh no oh no oh maybe it's because like i was attacking and while you're attacking like that while you're flashing like that you can't take any damage i wonder if that's what it is okay but whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa we're doing some weird movement over here go go climb up wait were my friends taking lots of damage because there's something weird over there okay i can't pound that down because i don't have the rock power but wait there's a rock over there oh boy you know what let's just go through without it uh hello there my friend run through anything in here go go okay some jigsaw pieces very nice okay now let's just go right here that's where we need to go i like how i'm at full health still somehow despite just like charging through everything in the level hey let's see charge through oh i can grab these guys this is wild go grab him throw him around go run through there go run through here hello there my water friend i'm just gonna keep charging through this way hello i'll grab you you want to attack me i will grab you and throw you can i grab the masks oh my goodness i could grab the masks this makes me want to revisit the legend of zelda majora's mask it's one of my favorite games of all time absolutely beautiful zelda game okay we've got to be near the end now right wait does this mean there's a boss fight because i think every time we've seen one of those we've had a boss fight hey hello there friend wait one of my friends died oh no wait i'm gonna have you join me then what are you jammer jab okay we have someone new on our team now hopefully you'll be a good addition to our team over here all right let's see what's going on here another heart okay i guess it's another boss fight then is there a boss fight in like every stage here or something this is wild there's so many boss fights here look at this wow this bus has really cool hair looks like an anime character that's how we greet people on my planet i am francisca one of the three generals of magic together we command the fortress of shadows known as jambastion we wish to assemble the dark jamba heart pieces that were scattered across the universe once we do our most twisted our visions will finally be untwisted and thwarted unfurled but i do not wish to waste my time with pointless chatter so i will not just know that you should attempt to oppose us i'll have no choice but to put you on ice forever okay well good thing that we have some fire type pokemon with us frozen general francisca okay whoa whoa uh how am i gonna attack you let me pick you up and throw you i wanna pick you up and throw you let's go let's go come here come here go go go go go i am taking some damage wait where am i even i'm over here go go go just keep attacking just keep attacking keep attacking keep attacking whoa and i'm not taking a lot of damage we're just destroying this person man having friends is really powerful i feel like that's a cicero quote like once you know the power of friendship you can go through any hardships in life oh they're healing each other very nice come on let's go my bros let's go well that was weird it almost looked like the game lagged there for a second being up here and doing this this is such a cheap way to do this oh my goodness wait how can they keep healing each other where are they getting all this health from where you guys getting all these health from this is actually unbelievable climb up a bit go go keep attacking them oh you're shooting out a water gun that way huh well i'm not over there so you can't hurt me how do you like that huh oh oh oh i'm over there kind of and are you defeated what a ridiculously easy boss fight oh my gosh wait can i give you a heart i wanted to try giving you a heart okay but i guess the boss fight is over all right this new guy on our team is doing pretty good i think the way that he spins that rod around and attacks him with a pretty cool attack we've got two fire guys with us wait what's gonna happen with this heart now we recovering all the hearts what is the general going to say now hey hey i want that heart fair and square i guess we're probably gonna have to fight this boss again because she ran away i wonder if when this puzzle fills up if it'll have color i'm guessing it will okay another level complete and now we can head over to western outer wall hello there western outer wall i am ready for a nice level wait use up repeatedly to activate run abilities with your current oh something i didn't get to finish that wait so let's see what happens if we tap up repeatedly oh cool i can throw that guy around okay that was nice oh this is almost like frogger over here the way that we're climbing up like this okay i guess we want to avoid some of the spikes whoa avoid the spikes my bros come on up bros bros don't go into the spikes bros oh it's these guys i remember them from kirby in the forgotten land actually oh don't get hit don't get hit okay good good good climbing on up get up to here okay and there we go that's the first room complete i like how kirby pointed up instead of going up through the door all right now let's just make our way up here come on up here come on up here let's explode this and let me through oh it's just a red door you know i don't care about the red door red door is just an extra area we want to go up here wait we need a key oh wait that's a key for another red door what's up with all these red doors go through i'm sorry i'm throwing you bro okay now let's go here we need at least two friends to open this door there we go we've got everybody and this is to be one of those split screen events well not technically split screen but it's like either top and bottom or left and right let's see get the switch okay oh oh oh hold on i was looking at what the switch was doing on the top screen but there's some enemy coming towards us on the other side alright so how are you doing my bros okay doing pretty good here whoa whoa oh maybe i should stay a bit further back because i keep running into enemies let's see you guys you gotta hit that switch thank you for hitting the switch for me very good oh nice we got a nice big jigsaw puzzle over there man these are some cool levels that we've got over here okay let's stay a bit back oh we're all together hooray oh and the door is just right over there okay so there wasn't anything really tricky about that it's just don't stay too close to the right of this screen because if you do that then well oh okay oh odin do i choose one to launch launch now okay nice okay let's go up okay let's see go down yeah it's just don't stay too far to the right because if you stay too far to the right then uh what ends up happening oh boy we just barely made it through before we were squished that was scary okay launch me through here yeah if you just stay too close to the right over there then you just get damaged wait is this the end that's actually unbelievable that was such a fast level that might have been one of the shortest levels yet at least the way that we did it there were a lot of like red bonus areas but uh let's see how this goes oh i forgot that we have to press a to jump oh man and because of that we ended up making it to the top that's kind of funny we haven't gotten one in a while but the one time where i forget and then i end up pressing later than usual we got the one because yeah earlier when i was pressing a way too late uh what ended up happening was we kept getting only seven wait is it gonna fill up oh it's so close what about this one also so close that almost looks like mario on the left but it's king ddd how fast can you guys say that king ddd of us can you say the ddd part leave a comment saying king ddd and type ddd as quickly as you can let's all know how fast you guys can say king ddd okay so let's ride along on this over here and inner sanctum let's go all right we've got a great crew over here oh you could make a snapshot any time oh i talked about this in the past video whenever i play my sister in super smash bros uh she always keeps accidentally using the uh the screenshot button whenever we played super smash bros because very often she just button mashes okay so let's go through here yeah you guys can let me know in a comment if you guys also sometimes press the uh screenshot button accidentally a lot of people in the comments of that video are saying that they accidentally press the screenshot button okay there's a bomb guy over there you know what when i got this power up at first i'm like why do i even have this power up i don't want this power up but now that i have it i'm actually really enjoying it it's such a nice power-up to have now that i have it and i'm getting used to it okay let's go through here all right we are going fast through here my goodness okay let's just be careful very nice music playing here too i feel like i'm watching an anime almost let's just make our way up here okay okay doing fine but i want to go up now i guess we want to go up i don't know if we could go any farther that way oh wait a minute oh oh we probably want to go to the left now actually let's see that's some very dramatic music playing here wait my leo friend is almost dead oh no that's not good i don't want my friend to die i want to get some food for him let's go and get some food and then we have to feed it to him through our mouth that's so weird the way that you heal your friends like that okay wait this doesn't heal our friends does it wait maybe this is a boss fight coming up actually well and you know what maybe i should uh get someone else instead of burning leo because we have two burning leos so you know what let's have swordsman or snow guy let's take the snow guy i gotta take the snow guy snow guy come here okay and who are we gonna replace this burning leo sorry yellow burning leo wait can we take the spider hold on spider come down here come down here spider don't be shy i'm not gonna capture you i won't don't worry don't worry i won't do it i won't i cop you i caught you oh okay let's get rid of chile let's try keeping that guy with us komo is his name okay whoa let's see how komo is going to do in the boss fight our spider friend is joining us now what a cool crew we have over here oh my goodness kirby and friends it is time to go and take on a boss i think let's see oh it definitely looks like a boss fight here hey you stubby little pink thing i wonder if they're talking to kirby oh who is it oh it's another this reminds me of a character from an anime yes you i have a burning question for you you're the one who is so rude to sweet francisca aren't you don't you dare try to deny is this girl like the fire type then fiend coward i swear if you if you've harmed a single blue hair on her perfect head you'll burn for it it's so nice that they want to protect their friends jam blasted i will never ever forgive you now you must face flamberg that's me for what you've done i'll scorch you to such a degree that that oh you've got a fire sword even tasty toasty marshmallows will seem like ice cubes compared to you oh we're gonna get hooked up pretty hot then blazing general flamberg okay let's go i wonder if there's gonna be a boss fight where we have to face like a bunch of these people together that would be wild if we have to face like a bunch of these uh generals together there's probably going to be another ice gem wait wait we already faced ice there's probably going to be like either a water general or an electric general or both let's see somehow we haven't taken any damage it's like with this power up it's like you can just keep attacking without getting damaged [Music] like this yeah because it seems like you just have a moment of invulnerability this is such a broken power up i think this strategy that i'm using is pretty broken look at the way that we could just keep attacking like this go where are you where are you where are you bro where are you bro oh oh i can grab the stars and throw them that's pretty wild oh lots of swords huh oh that's fine that's fine i don't mind that there are lots of swords i'm just gonna keep attacking you i'm just gonna keep attacking you here that's fine i'll just come over here i'll just come over here look we've taken no damage in this boss fight this is the most broken power-up in the game this has to be one of the most broken power-ups in the game what in the world are you gonna attack me go is the boss defeated did we just defeat the boss damageless this is so ridiculous oh my goodness that is such a broken power of let's celebrate now and all my friends are okay too was this spider doing a good job i couldn't really pay attention to what the spider was doing i saw that there were some cobwebs appear or i guess spider webs appearing wait are you going to take the heart i have a feeling we're not going to be allowed to take this heart you're also taking this one right yeah just like your ice friend you just take the heart you're like hey you can't have the heart i'm taking the heart hey what's up next this is almost full we're so close all right good job kirby and what is going to be up there heavenly hall all right oh oh and we ride this up okay oh very exciting times over here i don't expect that this is the final world of the game but let's see oh and we're back to the alliterations heavenly hall very nice okay so i had to take a break for a few days because i was working on some other videos but now it is time for heavenly hall i'm so excited to get back to this game so i actually edited the earlier parts of this video already and man i was making some funny jokes in this video i hope that uh hope that the rest of this playthrough can also be good like this okay so now we are this guy over here oh oh fred wait i forgot how do you throw hearts i want you to be a friend no don't throw bombs yes now you are a friend what about you can you become a friend no he doesn't want to become a friend he just wants to throw hammers at us that's not what friends do friends don't throw hammers at you i almost fell oh boy this is very scary over here okay it looks like we're off to a good start no i wanted to catch that guy can i catch this guy join me join me oh no you don't want to join me on we lost the other water guy oh boy i keep falling here friend join me please my friend take a heart yes now we have a fire guy joining us we got a fire guy and a bomb guy on our team this is amazing okay this guy looks scary over here oh we just pushed him off and we threw a bomb after him for good measure okay make our way across over here wait can you guys join me no you guys don't even have any powers that's why you don't join me of course they don't want to join if you don't have any powers why would you want to join me man our hp is kind of low actually uh pretty scared at how low our hp is over here wait wait a minute is this a boss fight alright but my hp is so low i'm not ready for a boss fight can we like heal up before maybe please why won't this guy you know what yeah let's have the water guy join us wait are any of you going to boost me fire guy i now have the fire stick i used to have this stick oh it's called the sizzle staff that's such a funny name for it okay let's see whoa whoa hey no attacking my friends okay man that is a powerful fire stick oh my goodness i'm glad that we got this wait isn't the fire stick like something uh some kind of amazon product there's like the amazon fire stick it'd be so funny if an ad for amazon fire stick came up on this video because i'm talking about it because like sometimes that happens it's like if you keep saying like pizza pizza pizza pizza then like a pizza ad will come up on a video if we keep saying amazon fire stick then i wonder if that will happen okay and here's the next boss what is it oh wait is this a wait it looks like a fire guy bonjour i am zan patison the eldest of these three general of magique at first i thought that you'd be just a simpleton with a knack for her annoyance huh now it is clear that you are an interfering interloper but i am afraid that your unwanted wonderings end here by the will of our beloved liege lord highness official day of doom i shall destroy you here and now okay it looks like an electric uh staff over here oh boy i don't know if we can win this one i got the fire staff but my hp is so low let's see go my bros you gotta attack the boss because i don't know if i can oh boy go where are you going no give me back my power up use the power up okay good we got the power up back okay man my hp is so low i don't like how low my hp is oh you're gonna be running there that means that we can attack you now yes whoa no give me back my power up give me back my power up where am i give me back my power oh do i have to swallow it okay there we go we got the power up back okay okay let's see it is about one-third dead we are at about one-third total hp left oh stay away from me keep your balls away from me keep your balls away from me my friends it looks like their hp's doing pretty well okay i'm just staying up here safe up here wait whoa stop attacking oh my goodness you already almost killed two of my friends wait but now you're vulnerable oh it's like that attack that it used made it dizzy because that was such a powerful attack okay looks like that's the way to go about it you just wait until they use that powerful attack and then that's when you can attack them okay it's almost dead it's at like one-fifth hp maybe oh whoa what are you doing i want to get out of here get me away from here oh boy oh boy oh why oh boy all my friends are still alive though this is amazing let's see oh never mind never mind one of my friends is dead here let me revive my friend hooray we've revived my friend that's amazing that you can revive your friends like that wait are you gonna get dizzy now hey you attacked that way now you're talking this way then you're going over here poppy bros jr is almost defeated wait where are you going to attack oh please don't hurt me wait poppy bros junior where's poppy bros jr no you're camping poppy bros jr stop camping my friend that looks extremely deadly over there i don't want to get in there where are you going now are you going to attack this way let me revive my friend yeah my friend's revived he's got half health wait whoa i thought that i got hit there oh my hp solo i'm so scared i'm so scared i'm very very startled here go come on now yes did we win i think we won i think we went wait my friend here is calling up for help let's revive my friend oh i didn't get to revive my friend in time okay but we all get healed up anyways that's amazing that was a very scary boss fight i like helped her so much of the boss fight i'm just hiding in the air and my friends over here they're really helping out in the battle by allies oh the game is called kirby's star allies it's like the allies really are the star of the show here ah jam blasted are you gonna take the heart how could there be such opposition on a measly and remote planet like this oh they take the heart well it matters not this jamba heart piece is already within my grasp listen here you tiny ball of puffy pink mischief for all i care you and this gem bastion can rot and ruin forever wait are you gonna like destroy this place now uh oh do we have to run away now [Laughter] there's so many games where this happens or it's like after the boss loses jamba bye there's so many games where this happens so it's like you defeat a boss then the boss like starts to destroy the level that you're in oh and i guess now we have to run wait wait wait wait let's do a friendship ability oh you tilt up i thought you tilt down i haven't played in a while so i forgot are we gonna do ball mode now yes it looks like we are going to do the friendship circle here and there we are the friend circle very nice oh wait why are we going this way i thought that we'd have to go the other way what in the world do we have to escape to the left that's so strange very often you have to try to escape to the right when you're going somewhere okay but we are a nice circle over here we can keep going this way am i going the right way what if i'm going the wrong way the whole time and just suddenly i die and we have to redo this hopefully we are going the right way i love how we're in friendship circle oh no i missed the job [Music] please tell me we don't have to redo the boss fight please tell me okay good we don't have to redo the boss fight you just continue from here okay jump jump very nice jump whoa boy the timing of some of these jumps is so scary okay but we're doing well get up there oh oh i thought that we have to go up the steps i'm like wait a minute we're just destroying the steps how are we gonna climb up them uh all right very nice stuff happening here and let's just keep jumping across here let's stay up high maybe if you're up high you have more time to react wait a minute we're almost back to the beginning of the level what's gonna happen what is going to happen there are so many of these loading screens when i was editing the video i edited out a lot of those loading screens because it's like yeah it's a lot of extra time the loading screens i imagine in a speed run of this game the loading screens they take up a lot of time wait can we get to the top ah i was wondering maybe we could get to the top i actually almost trapped myself wait a minute i wonder if each of these loading screens is also a checkpoint like if we fall off do we just continue from the last loading screen that we're at because if something that's actually pretty cool oh boy okay this is slightly difficult wait do i go through there now get through go get up kirby get up kirby go through yeah we're out and let's see oh hello there friend wait do i want to uh i wonder if i want to eat you wait wait are we doing another one more friendship wait are we doing bridge or circle again it looks like we're doing bridge now okay do we need to bring a key over somewhere or what's happening because usually when we do this we have to bring over a key somewhere wait where's the guy oh he's just right there hey don't get hit by the spikes no don't get hit by the spikes okay okay now just walk into that okay now come on over my friend now it's safe to go okay so if you just stand still then i guess your friend goes into the uh spikes but we played that well wait are we gonna ride around on a star now because we did the other two and oh another bridge wait is this gonna be a trickier bridge now what's gonna happen this time what's happening this time oh no this is wild uh are you making it yeah you made it okay that time it's like you don't have to wait one the previous time you have to wait otherwise you'd go into the spikes but this time you didn't i was expecting that i'm like they're not gonna make you do the same thing twice in a row okay now we're going friendship circle mode wait or we're riding around on the star this star with wings friend star here we are okay let's go let's go let's make our way up here whoa whoa we're destroying everything oh you can see that those things they have like some cracks on them that's how we know that we can destroy it okay and wait where are you going oh oh oh there's a door right here go through the door go through the door very nice okay that guy tried spitting water at us that little water type pokemon but we're fine so we'll go like this oh oh i guess you probably don't want to go into these things it's funny these things in super mario world there's a thing like that they uh they instantly kill you if you go into them i'm pretty sure but in this game if you go into them you just take a bit of damage so i guess in some ways kirby games i've heard that kirby games are like more for beginners they're meant to be like not only family friendly but like a game that anyone can play right away and understand like there aren't a lot of complex button inputs that you have to do well you know what earlier there was like one one uh button combination that we have to do and i'm like wait i don't even know how to do this it was like i didn't know how to like combine some power ups or something but yeah in general it's like there aren't too many buttons that you have to press it's like you move you jump and you attack i don't know if you can dodge i don't know if you can crouch in this one but yeah it seems seems pretty simple yeah it's meant to be i my understanding of curvy games i've heard this before that it's like kirby games it's like it's a game that like anyone can play as a gamer like you don't have to be a professional to play kirby but there are some kirby games uh especially towards the end they get incredibly difficult like kirby in the forgotten land the first few levels of the game are incredibly easy but towards the end it gets super hard i really wonder if this game is going to be like that like i wonder if some uh kirby games uh i wonder if this kirby game is going to get incredibly difficult towards the end okay now let's see like we want to avoid a lot of these falling rock things over here oh don't squish me oh boy oh saving hooray wait does that mean we're done the level that was actually super cool for a moment i was thinking that it would be a level where it's like the level's exploding after you beat the boss and you have to run away then after that i was thinking no this is going to be something else all right more jigsaw two pieces left we almost got it oh my goodness oh and now we are going to the next world i wonder if this is the final one based on how these are arranged it looks like it might be far-flung starlight heroes before they knew it they were in deep space looking back they saw that planet pop star was but a glimmer in the distance kirby and his friends are determined to hopefully protect the peace and tasty nap times of their beloved home now become a shining star and fly okay this looks super cool this is what i imagine super mario galaxy will look like i really hope i can play that game soon okay first up planet earth fall all right how great is our crew over here oh and i'm a little jester over here eat my rod over here eat my rod over here wait can i uh army up bros wait can i power them up wait am i powering up his bomb zap bomb oh i'm like an electric jester over here this is such a cool attack look at what happens when i jump like that okay let's go like this okay very nice those cannon things i remember them from that other kirby game okay let's go like this from a kirby in the forgotten line that's the one i remember it from i know there are a lot of kirby games but yeah kirby wait please oh oh i'm holding him i'm like what's going on why am i not letting him go okay oh that's so cool if you hit that bum then that makes that appear all right let's just go across this is such a nice bottom level over here oh no oh no give me back my power up okay i was hoping that we could rush by but i guess what we have to do is hit this and then the cannon's gonna come down there and then we could just come by here easily i don't know if you have to do that but that's probably the safer way of doing that maybe in the speed run they skip that hey but we're coming over here oh chess in the chest okay just the star what about this one that one has a jigsaw piece of course the one that's a bit more out of the way has the better reward so many chests oh my goodness look at all of them oh wait wait wait i don't think we can hurt those guys or a red one oh i didn't even get it i think oh hello there friend i'm gonna get that chest okay there's so many chests up here oh my goodness i'm just walking into enemies because i'm like i can't tell what's an enemy and uh and which ones are my allies oh key okay wow that's so funny that i actually checked that one because i guess that you do need that one to continue there are all these boxes and chests you're like i don't have to check all these but then the final one you really do have to check to progress through wait i was wondering if maybe we needed the bomb guy to continue since uh there's a bomb guy give it to us there wow my allies are amazing i love how they just defeated that guy there that was so good he was charging towards me but then we just defeated him okay climb on up here climb on up here come on oh i keep thinking that those guys are the doors that we have to exit out of oh okay there we go yeah i'm like we probably have to defeat that guy i don't know if the door spawned when we defeated him or if the door was just behind him okay let's stay away from that guy oh there chess a star that's fine what about you oh wait wait i was wondering if i wouldn't be able to open it now very nice okay we got some food yeah i was wondering i'm like wait when are we gonna get some uh stuff that heals us oh nice that one tricky one up there has a jigsaw which is kind of nice wait what in the world that's a big star i don't know if i've ever seen a star like that before okay let's go down here this is a really nice power-up to have like it seems like it's a powerful power-up oh next and another one of these but i don't know if it's uh i don't know if you could move very quickly with it okay over here this is probably where the hidden level is right let's see my bros sweep this away somebody sweep it away there's got to be something here let's see oh lollipop nice nice and we get more food wait a minute is that like an invincibility lollipop it looks like we're invincible right now like the equivalent of this superstar in uh super mario bros and super mario games yeah looks like we're invincible now we can just walk through these guys that's quite nice it'd be so funny to play through the entire game like this let's go well we are invincible let's attack him that was a nice fast way to defeat him okay you know what wait i actually really like this power-up with this power-up you can go like this and it is incredibly useful in boss fights you can pick up enemies and throw them but probably my favorite thing about it is how you can dash quickly like this i don't even know if it's faster than normal moving to do this but it seems like it okay do we want to keep climbing up hey there's that evil mask over there go across oh oh i accidentally picked up that guy actually that's so funny i could have said that i did that on purpose and i'm like oh look how well i'm playing i grabbed that mask and i threw him immediately no but if i do something by accident i think it's it's better to say that it's by accident and let's come over here okay i'm so tempted to open up all these because it's like you never know what's going to be in the chest yeah sometimes there's something like this that you actually need okay so let's come down ah am i dead oh we're not dead wait is this the end of the level i think that's the end of the level oh that's so cool there we go wait is it the end let's see it is the end okay okay goal game let's go jump hey how's my jump oh we made it up to two we didn't reach one okay pretty good very often i have been reaching too wait do we fill it up now it is full and colors appear that curvy is so adorable the first rival you finished your first celebration picture see all pictures in the picture gallery that's very nice curvy sounds are so cute okay luna moon wait a minute are we facing off against the tree again on let's go let's go let's go i'm ready to go and you can also use the right joystick to move around like this and see everything that's in space over here all right let's go faluna moon wait i think there's just a tip that said that we can dodge you can dodge in this game oh my goodness i say you can dodge and i just like pick up an enemy and throw him yeah like throw this bomb guy over here oh too bad that they didn't explode that was a big explosion over there oh i don't know if i got that jigsaw piece or if my friend did wait oh we can't go down there hold on why can't we not go down there that's strange oh oh i guess it's the boss fight now probably the boss yeah because this looks like a boss fight stage the yo-yo guy is so cool whoa whoa those guys are cool they look like the same jester power-up that i have wait i'm accidentally throwing my friend friend throw attack up wait i wasn't ready to throw him i actually just wanted to go through here wait a minute maybe throwing my friends at the boss fight will be a good idea okay we're facing off against the tree again it looks like i love how it looks like its little nose is sniffing like that it has this little snippy nose here what is he called wispy woods wispy woods that's his name guardian of the force okay let's go what if i throw my friends i want to throw my friends oh we can throw the apples grab the apple oh i wanted to grab the apple actually hey let's go charge it to him did charging at him like this do damage or if i just do this for the whole fight wait where am i where am i oh i'm up in the i'm up in the i'm up in the leaves i was wondering what was going on whoa whoa is he gonna blow us now don't blow me don't blow me bro i think this is the best way to go this is actually hilarious right now i'm just up top i'm repeatedly diving into him we're not taking any damage this is the cheapest way in the world to face bosses i did this in a previous boss this is the most broken power-up in the game it's actually unbelievable okay and let's see i don't know if we took damage i ate some food our friends took damage i don't know if we took damage we might have i guess we want to continue this way now hello there guys yeah just blow fire there we won't just walk under you to skip you don't worry about that wait do we have to face another wispy woods hold on what are you are you the grandfather wispy woods because that boss was way too easy is this like a harder version iggy woods old growth elder oh my goodness there actually is a part two oh this one looks crazy okay let's see if the same strategy will work i'm just up high diving into him repeatedly my teammates are taking some damage it's so weird wait and he's not trying to suck me in because i'm up high oh we're doing barely any damage though this attack does very little damage it looks like my allies are the ones that are doing most of the damage i'm dealing a little bit of damage at a time over here but we're not taking any damage yeah look you can see the kirby's up high over here okay now then i'll just come up here this is such a broken way to do this yeah you can see that our health isn't going down our health is just staying up high i'm just uh diving into him repeatedly up here let's just take a look at what's going on down there how are my allies going wait oh i thought that the uh whoa whoa yeah because look after you attack you like flash a bit like that so it's like you're invulnerable and i guess you can attack again before uh you become vulnerable so it's like you can just never get damaged while doing this strategy maybe like that's just way too easy my teammates barely got hurt too okay are we i gotta sneeze i have a sneeze coming oh and also a yawn kind of funny how often do you need to yawn and sneeze at the same time that's such a weird combination all right how cute are our teammates over here very nice hi that's so nice so kirby says that okay and looks like our next level is across this way let's see what is it faluna moon oh wait did we get the big jigsaw piece we didn't get the big jigsaw piece that's fine there okay planet mistine not to be confused with planet misty which is where ash's friend from pokemon came from i'm just kidding she didn't come from her own planet okay nice swordsman there but you know what i really like my crew over here i think we've got a good crew oh is this a water level here we're going so quickly in the water here oh oh no oh no wait wait wait what if i just dive through it can i dive through it oh you go yeah we're going very fast in the water what's going on oh my goodness i swam right into the enemy what's going on here hey let's oh my goodness i keep swimming into the enemies because i'm trying to look around at what's going on and like what's ahead like he i'm almost dead i didn't realize that my health was so low man i'm just walking into everything wait yeah there's some food let's go oh some more food amazing it's like the game knew that i would get damaged that much wait a minute oh is this a boss here oh no wait that's just an enemy oh we're all just feeding food to each other now okay oh oh there's some enemies down here though need to grab these little magikarps here all right let's go bros let's go let's go let's attack everybody here kirby has such a nice move set in uh super smash bros especially in the first ever super smash bros like kirby's such an incredible uh character in uh the original super smash bros his up a is so good it can just like trap people and deal so much damage onto them in the original super smash bros games i don't know how often kirby is used or like how competitively kirby is used in the later super smash bros games but in the first one he's fantastic okay and did we defeat this guy it looks like he's defeated there we go oh wait a minute no that's the hammer power up i don't want that one i want to keep this one this is a cool power-up yeah i remember that guy that we just faced he's uh it was a boss in uh what is it called okay let's hit this he was the boss in kirby in the forgotten line oh wait okay let's go through here three stars very nice though okay i guess we want to go down there but it almost looks like we can go down the other way whoa that's a big fish hello there fella oh there it looks like that one uh what is it called that one pokemon that is a oh thank goodness my friends hit that oh my goodness okay now we can get out here okay so there's like a current oh my goodness stop it like a current and we have to like uh hit these switches and then we have to go where it suggests that we go otherwise we are gonna have to go for another lap again okay so let's see where's the button gonna be a button that we have to press around here wait can we go back or do we have to go around let me go oh wait i guess we have to go this way maybe there's another button over here wait oh a jigsaw piece very nice wait now is it going oh nice and a one up now get me through there hooray we made it through okay this is a pretty cool section oh now it's getting a bit more difficult because there's some of those spiky guys i'm almost dead am i almost dead how in the world okay there might have been a jigsaw piece or something up that way but that's fine we just want to go through the level here [Music] and hello there friend i'm just going to come through this wait it's like my only attack is just like spitting out bubbles like this i can't grab people while i'm underwater like this eat my bubbles it's my bubbles i'm going to spit out my air at you doesn't that mean that i can't breathe underwater for as long if my attack is spitting out bubbles at them that actually sounds incredibly dangerous going underwater and spitting out your air like that is the level going to end now please please i want to get out of here i want to get out of here we have done so much this actually reminds me of uh sonic a little bit the way that we're running across like that there's a level in sonic colors that reminds me a little bit of this sonic oh oh that was cool i had a i had a little floatation device over there yeah sonic colors was a fun game i enjoyed sonic colors a lot i'd really like to revisit it it was fun because i played through the original sonic colors shortly before sonic colors ultimate came out and i think that was my like first sonic game that i've ever played through okay so we got some food oh oh there's the door okay it's in the water over there that's slightly sneaky on a scale of one to ten sneakiness that's like a maybe maybe a two or three in terms of how sneaky that is okay do we go down here now wait gonna keep exploding come on i would have thought that these rocks would explode or something wait oh that's so cool that's why the rocks don't explode because it explodes over here and you get a cannon that launches you up okay i like that you just keep going through all the enemies like that like how it slows down a little bit as you go into an enemy then you just keep going at the same speed that you're going at before and another level complete so yes yes here we go we got this wait am i missing a friend there are only three of us did one of my friends die on which friend did we lose we have a bomb guy we have water guy we had a fire guy with us too didn't we did we lose our fire friend oh no our dear fire starter type pokemon fire type starter pokemon i should say hey we're filling up the next few puzzles over here okay and what is up next now marine moon i like that a lot of the level names are alliterations like that should be like mega marine moon miniature so just like all the letters start with m's or all the words start with m's yeah i need one more friend okay i don't think you're gonna become a friend that cradly over there i don't think that's gonna become a friend fish do you want to become a friend fish doesn't want to become a friend i gave you a chance oh no the one person that i could have made a friend the umbrella guy he uh who's defeated but i'll get you yeah the swordsman guys are fred now all right let's go that's a cool swordsman to have as a friend okay going under you are you guys gonna move you're not gonna move right you're just gonna stay where you are it looks like you could go up there i don't know if there is anything up there okay but we'll come across here wait did i lose my power up okay good i still have my power up underwater we had goggles and i'm like wait a minute what happened we didn't lose our power up did we okay so we have three friends wait is three the max friends you could have yeah it is right i don't think we can have one more person join us can we okay no we can't have one person join us okay you know what did i get rid of the swordsman [Music] now let's keep the swordsman i think the swordsman will do all right okay let's grab this well what in the world is this hold on oh that's another swordsman you know what this swordsman biospark yo let's try getting rid of blade knight and let's try keeping biospark with us because he looks really cool he's got a super cool outfit he looks like a ninja swordsman kirby all right another boss fight another purple heart here let's see if we can keep using our broken strategy oh my goodness it is tom nook again but it is the shiny pokemon version of palm nuke over here hold on and seal box wait a minute wait a minute i don't know if this is a good idea because these guys they like run back and forth like this oh that became dangerous i think let's see their friends are doing pretty good our friends are doing amazing i can always count on our friends here let's go let's go okay take care of that little guy you don't get a lot of hits on them as they run by like this it's like you can only attack them once or twice at least my friends are dealing a lot of damage this is great and we're not taking a lot of damage at all wait oh they're half defeated wait a minute oh they're getting angry no there are four levels now or five levels now oh my goodness hey let's see go and they're going faster too let's go let's see yo oh it's weird when they go through the center part over there it looks like we still haven't taken damage i think i haven't been watching my hp bar the whole time and i let's see where are you going oh oh he shot something through there and he went down a different floor no i walked into the fire so he took damage i can't believe it wait did i lose my power up i lost my power up no i'm just a regular kirby now can i defeat these guys as regular kirby can i even attack them what do i do what do i do do i have to rely on my friends now oh i could swallow those guys but oh boy and they walked into me and damaged me oh no what kind of attacks can i do i can try and swallow them i can swallow these guys i can probably spit them out if the boss comes by here i'm going to spit out the boss look how wide our kirby is a wide kirby over here let's see come over here my friends yes come here come here tom nook i have a present for you bam okay those stars hit him that's very nice hit him get him guys get him guys let's go oh no poppy bros jr has almost defeated the bomb friend wait that sounded like a zelda puzzle music hey tom looks going up there we revived our friend i just need to swallow someone when they come by send more of your little friends here oh no oh no i had a chance oh i had a chance there okay they're almost defeated their hp is so low it's just tom nook now come on tom nook can't swallow tom nook that's too bad wait can i swallow the bombs that they spit out give me that yeah oh no i accidentally pressed down so i swallowed them yeah if you swallow the friends uh nothing happens and let's come up here oh they're defeated yes okay i was getting ready to swallow some more but there we go they're defeated now ah they bonked their heads together like that that's so funny oh it's too bad that we don't have a power up here but we still do have our great team over here those electric type bombs are very nice i love having the electric bomb type guy on our team okay so next up is over here planet caverna which i guess they're gonna be like a lot of caverns here or something all right let's get started wait oh oh if you tilt down and press a then you can do an attack like that so i guess i can attack as uh this kirby oh wait wait you know what i'll swallow you okay there we go now i have a power-up friends boost me please there we go now we have the water boomerang all right or a splash cutter yet because it's called a cutter not a boomerang okay let's see how is it okay it looks just like a regular old boomerang with a bunch of water around it that doesn't seem too bad right this should be okay i think right where do we want to go do we want to go up down wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on that just can't be the end of the level right there can it hold on there's something that you have to do to get to it wait there are a bunch of blocks over here there are blocks hovering either side i guess wait what in the world is here oh wait a minute do we have to go to the red uh the red star doors now because normally these are just bonus areas but maybe now we have to go here let's see oh hello there friend oh it's one of you whoa whoa if i go a bunch like that then it's like kirby's upped the attack from smash bros oh that's so cool wait why am i not doing the up b attack uh oh oh oh i'm flattened i'm flying oh wait this guy's almost defeated anyways let's see come on now and let's go there we go he is defeated okay i don't want his power up though i want to keep my power up because i like my power up and can we go oh nice a bunch of food well actually there's one piece of food wait a minute are there going to be a bunch of boss fights that we have to do or i guess these are kind of like mini bosses hey now we wanna wait are we stuck oh no we're not we're not okay i thought that we'd be stuck okay that was weird oh it looks like every time we take on one of these bosses maybe one of these things are going to be gone wait do i want to go back to the same area or do i have to go into a different one what if we go back into the same area is the boss already complete i'm guessing the boss here oh it's responding okay i guess we want to take on the same boss again okay and now i know that we can dodge also so that's great news wait where am i oh i'm over here i ended up on this side of them somehow wait what is that oh oh that was one of my friends that were planned i was wondering what that was i'm like what is that other ground over there is that like a thorn power up but it was somebody who was flattened and let's see wait we're still at the same one now so we just bought the boss a second time for no reason oh that's so silly that's so sad so sad that we did that so sad okay let's go over here though hello there goku my friend let's go into this red door because this is a new one now are we gonna face the same minibus or a different one let's see who is it oh oh it's this uh hammer guy okay whoa let's get away let's get away get away get away dodge dodge dodge okay oh no he's still attacking wait where's my power up is my power up gone no i liked that power up very much i'm so sad that that power up is gone now oh and one of my friends is defeated hey wait let's go like this let's spin up these atom let's revive okay good revive oh boy oh he's almost defeated though oh he's throwing big nuts over here and come on just defeat him guys defeat him guys you can do it you can do it guys there we are okay you know what i'll swallow him just so we have a power up now there we go now we have the hammer power that's great let's get some food our hp is surprisingly low like very very very very very low okay there we go there's the second door cleared this might actually be quite tough unless we could get the uh fighting power up if we could get the fighting power up then uh that'll be great then we'll probably be able to breeze through this okay there's probably something over here let's see let's go into this one are we gonna face that big cricket thing big beetle looking thing let's see oh who in the world are you what are you what are you kind of look like a smeargle from pokemon looks like that uh one yeah and it's even spitting out paint at us it's just like a smeargle just like that one pokemon from gen 2 let's see oh are you going to do some art over here oh is that thing going to come to life now bombs are going to fall down uh oh let's fly up then okay the explosions were real and let's see it's almost defeated it got me it got me a copy i'm almost dead i'm almost dead i've got to be careful my friends you have to take that person out take out vivid drop a fist whoa whoa go go okay i hope i dodged that properly come on guys why are you not attacking you gotta attack guys come on guys let's go let's go uh-oh a friend has been defeated uh oh let's go it's ah are you defeated yet wait heal up the friend and wait wait what if i take your power up what if i swallow you let's see i am painter kirby okay nice a chicken here for us that heals us up a bit but surprisingly not a lot okay how are my friends doing here hey they're hp's up a bit poppy bros junior's doing pretty good in terms of health but man i'm a little scared at how this is going to go let's see because it looks like there's still two more doors right he has still two more that we have to do wait we've done that one oh and i guess we can go get whatever power-ups we want okay we haven't defeated this cubone guy yet oh this paint one looks pretty cool can we charge up with it wait can you uh boost me oh no i don't want to do this yet i don't want to do this yet you can probably oh oh a bunch of food came out that's amazing yes i wonder how many times you're allowed to use that but that's amazing i'm so glad that we healed up like that that was the perfect moment to use that all right what's the boss now oh it's this guy oh boy i don't know which power-up i rather have the one that i have or uh the one that this guy gives is being able to grab people like that is super useful hey let's see come on eat my paint my paint i will paint you i am van gogh my name is vincent van gogh oh no oh no follow it okay good good we have our paint back doing some pretty good dodging over here i accidentally threw a heart that's so random just trying to throw a heart at the midi boss here now do i want to capture it or do i keep this you know what i will keep our power up for now because we can probably switch to that if we want to no i accidentally took it because i thought it was food oh no oh well that's fine uh this is a pretty good power-up maybe health won't be as important now that we have this power up maybe we could just like keep charging into the boss and we'll be safe that way okay there's one more mini boss to defeat from the looks of things okay we defeated that one right oh we could just recollect that power up if we want to hold have we been down here yet hey we haven't done this yet let's go into this one oh what could be back there okay my waterfront took care of that wait what if you could just skip through this section that'd be so funny if you could just skip through this section okay but this here wait wait can i go like this go oh no i thought that was our downwards dive that we'd be able to just knock that in but i guess you need like the hammer power up to do that okay but let's do this first oh over there that's probably where you unlock the uh special level wait why is there a ladder in the middle of the boss fight that's so random let's see you can probably just keep diving into this guy yeah that looks like a good strategy let's go oh he wants to cook us all up doesn't he but we can just keep diving like this that's our strategy there we are now go go go just keep diving keep diving oh we did take a bit of damage i don't know when we took damage but our hp isn't full let's see go keep diving and hooray it's defeated okay wait do i want that you know i'll take this chef pirate because the chef power up it does seem like it's pretty good oh i guess instead of going down we go up to exit this bus like that's probably the way that it works because for the other ones we have to go uh we have to go down after beating the balls but for this one we have to go up because it's a lower boss fight to start with okay so let's go up like this oh and there's some jigsaw pieces for us there so that's nice let's grab these wait wait i don't want to finish yet i just want to grab that one also and let's get out of here now we didn't get the thing those off to the right but i think this is just the level complete right we get the bonus area now where we jump yes we do okay kirby looks so cool with this chef hat okay let's go and how's that ah just three wow that's new we've never gotten three before i think we've only gotten seven two and one okay but everyone's fully healed up that's very nice 38 lives still that's a lot oh a new puzzle we only have one piece here okay grot moon is next let's see this looks like a boss fight cause we saw someone's face there oh you can handle there's a joy con and then they can join okay so that's pretty cool so it looks like the game is multiplayer i don't know if i've said that before because i remember earlier i was wondering if the game could be multiplayer i guess that confirms it that it can in fact be multiplayer okay so let's head on over to the boss now i remember with the cooking kirby there's like this one special ability that you could use wait do i want to go down there do we go across what's here no no i didn't mean to use it yet no i wasted it oh my goodness no i wasted that ability that is so sad that's so sad oh no i thought that we had some kind of regular attack yeah i remember like you could cook up all your friends and do lots of damage let's go like this then i want to swallow that guy okay good now please boost me up okay there we go we got the water the splash cutter that's what it was called okay okay we go down here hey we can't go down there anyway so that's all right wait can we cut this okay maybe later we'll be able to cut that right now it looks like we can't so wait wait oh i think you can see this is gonna be the star one right because it looks like there's a banner with a star on it in the background i wonder if that's always there showing you what you're going to do okay but it looks like we're this oh and now you can break that okay and we can get in here there we go okay so that's how we make it through here oh nice a lollipop wait the lollipop makes us invincible right yeah right now it sounds like we're invincible like this just sounds like invincibility music that would play in a game okay lots of guys over there oh nice uh big stop piece over here we'll continue on this way do we want to get all these oh nice uh big selfies over there lots of those stars and over here we'll just keep going this way oh let's just make our way through while we are still invincible break through these and made it to the next room we still have the invincibility music playing wait i can't tell if we're still invincible oh wait we want to switch to where's the fire guy we have a fire guy we don't have a fire guy we need a fire guy oh that's just a boomerang guy can we not continue if we don't have oh right here right here there's a fire guy right up here for us okay that's perfect all right great i'm like yeah they're not just gonna make it so you can't go through wow we destroyed that guy there wait what in the world oh big bomb over here okay let's uh oh we probably need a boomerang cut that and oh do we also have to light it on fire looks like we also have to light it on fire okay and look at it go boom big explosion right there now you can head down or another one okay cut it and then go like this you light it and boom big explosion right there okay anything down here okay just the jigsaw piece i wonder if uh this one lets us continue or if this is just like a like a nice bonus oh yeah it looks like there's just a jigsaw piece down there okay so let's go down there i don't know if you get damaged if you're too close to the explosion or not oh great we went into that wait can we cut through this very nice wait is there anything up here i'm curious okay nothing up there so we'll just go down and oh there my friends grabbing some food here don't mind me oh i actually wanted to maybe get that power up i didn't see what it was i wonder if we'll fight the boss while we're on this star that's what it looks like it might be yeah because there goes that heart oh that is such a cool boss oh my goodness he's got these big bombs over here i wonder if a grand ma'am big bad man that's so funny okay so yeah this doesn't hurt it just bounces right off fuzzy what are you gonna do and oh i probably need to uh cut its arm like that when it goes like this go okay cut it there and go to fire and light it on fire light it go go go go go okay there we go and does it explode now does that damage it yeah there we go can we damage it now let's go wait let's switch to this one oh look at that we're dealing lots of damage here okay let's go charge me bro charge me bro just try just try it bro try me are you gonna get your armor back oh what is that oh it got its armor back uh oh okay do we have to do that one more time or two more times let's see okay you're going across here that's five this is probably the coolest boss fight in the game yet i like this oh this is super cool okay now come on come on attack with your bomb attack go i'll cut it no i missed it that's so sad go again yeah there we go we cut it okay let's see we need fire fire go and let's get our regular kirby at the front and now let's go let's go let's go let's go go go go go go go go go go go go attack it while you can wait why am i attacking its foot what's going on and come on there we are we defeated female humpty dumpty we defeated the female mr potato head there we are i guess it's mrs potato head very nice we've got a great crew over here okay i'm like wait what are they gonna do their celebration the celebration of the ninja guy is super cool i like that one all right let's head over to the next level we've got this path over here to follow along and looks like there's a something in the distance over there i wonder if that'll be the final level okay now we've got planet frost stack i guess it's gonna be like an icy one okay let's see this is super cool this is a beautiful level the music's so nice too i don't know how useful my water ability is going to be in a uh oh oh and you don't want to fall into those spikes i guess i don't know how useful my water ability is going to be in the ice level because isn't water not very effective on ice but anyways this isn't pokemon so i don't think that things work that way i think it's like if you have a good ability it's probably quite effective on everything i don't know if there is like super effective or anything like that in this game like there is in pokemon okay let's come on up here oh there friend oh hell there my boomerang friend okay i wonder if there's anything down there okay we're coming across here oh my goodness it's someone riding a piggy okay my fire guy fell down okay but that's fine we can just come here come across here okay we're almost there okay here's the first door beautiful we made it through very very nice now what's up next okay one of these water spinning guys whoa that almost got me actually okay let's jump over this jump over this hello friend oh boy oh boy hey how much hp do you have oh we smacked him down there wow they have a lot of hp it looks like okay but we'll come across here oh there's a red door down there we don't need the red door there we could just come across here whoa i thought you were defeated already okay but that's fine and now so many of you are here oh oh get out of the spikes get out of the spikes get me out of here okay oh boy so many enemies what is this bird guy doing let's run across this way oh the next room already my friends are super low hp actually they don't have a lot of hp they're at very low health right now jump over the swordsman oh no you killed my friend okay let me revive my friend very good okay that's nice that he got some health back now let's go good job my friends spiders bad spiders okay nice the spider just didn't do anything we all just went past it uh hold on do we need to get that up there maybe do i need my water front to get that wait oh i don't need a water friend because i have a water boomerang so i can just break it myself okay it looks like it's just stars that's fine go over here i love that we can uh dash like that quite nice go here maybe we actually will have to go to these because the other ones we didn't have to go to maybe these we will have to go to oh no another friend fainted my friends keep fainting like pokemon but i am nurse joy and i can heal my my own pokemon oh no oh no oh no be careful get up kirby let's go let's go to here the music that's playing is so nice and calming okay it looks like over here we want to go down uh hello there friend oh great wait a fire chain oh great we could just break the fire chain like that wait why is it pointing an arrow they say oh oh i guess that's just uh just a jigsaw piece to get over there it's not something that you have to do okay i keep walking into enemies like that okay now we gotta be careful with these spikey guys what are these spiky guys called i feel like they're a pretty common enemy in kirby games and these over here great i walked into the spikes on the floor oh my goodness my goodness this isn't mario because the mario stuff like that kills you anything up here do we want to go up or do we want to go that way let's see maybe there will be something nice over here let's see so many of these chains oh oh i'm like wait a minute why is the arrow oh oh there's a very big jigsaw and a one up down there but uh i guess can we reach that here now oh oh i think we made that fall so now is that going to be just over here yeah one up and a very big jigsaw piece nice i guess that's like a little bit of a secret oh and another one up oh my goodness you have 42 lives now we have so many lives let's go it looks like water is very effective on that guy and let's just break this another jigsaw piece we've got so many okay is this where we continue now wait okay come on okay we're all just sharing food here together that's very nice but uh where do we go to actually continue now oh maybe we go up into the right because we haven't been here yet right oh there it is okay yeah i got a bunch of uh side rooms over there and we did a bunch of extra stuff but i'm like wait where's the room to actually continue where's the door to actually continue where do we want to go to beat the game and let's go kirby oh and who's this who's this wait a minute i thought that it would be a boss or something oh oh oh but look at the floor look at the floor those blocks fall hey now there's some more of these coming hey that's fine what about you guys though okay you're all defeated oh i guess now we get to continue yeah those enemies are kind of tricky like at first they're just like normal balls like that as you uh get close to them as they get close to you or something then they start to get mad [Music] okay so right now biospark has the lowest health everyone else is looking pretty okay wait oh that's the end over there i guess we just have to defeat some enemies here and then we'll be allowed to continue let's go i want to stay here for too long let's go bad piggies bad piggies yeah because uh that floor starts to disappear okay some birds here don't give me back my power up no my power up is good no that is so sad on these guys are kind of hard to defeat let's see how are we all doing okay we get to finish the level that's so sad that i lost the power up right at the end like that oh my goodness that is so sad but i guess we get a bonus thing too bad in the goal game wait maybe if you reach the very top you could get a power up yeah i don't know if you could get a power-up from here i don't think i've ever gotten a power-up from the goal game and we got three again that's so funny that i keep getting three now okay what's up next okay this one to this side blizz no moon wait a minute oh oh the level's like moon because this level is planet frost stack and this is like the moon of the level i can't believe that i didn't notice that earlier that it's like we do a planet level and then we do the moon of that level and it seems like every planet has one moon so far maybe some planets will have multiple moons okay very nice music here and you know what i'm taking this now we've got a nice umbrella power up over here wait a minute hold on isn't there a game where oh oh oh it saw super smash bros actually in smash bros melee there's an umbrella item like this i'm like wait i've seen this umbrella before where have i seen it i think i've seen in super smash bros melee before if we go here now okay very nice oh oh and i like how you uh come down slowly like that oh my goodness look at that bear over there it's so cute why do we have to burn it look it just looks like it wants to be a friend hey go through here now this is secret or do we want to go up okay this is just a secret one okay so i'm not too worried about this one let's keep going up bring me up oh i guess we have to climb up ourselves okay let's make our way up hello piggies stay back everybody oh piggies stay back everybody hello piggies okay and the one will d on the piggy that's fine poppy bros jr oh i didn't realize that the uh platform was coming up the whole time i thought that we had to climb up by uh floating up okay but there should be a boss coming up soon wait wait can they power up my umbrella wait oh it's just this umbrella okay yeah we've seen this before wait will this protect us from bombs i wonder if it will that'd be so funny wait maybe i should capture this guy what are you i am a magician i'm like ness oh my goodness this is so cool wait can i can you guys boost me wait oh did i power up your bombs dizzle bump oh oh i think maybe uh the fire guy powered up your bums not me hey but wait is this a boss fight now are we in a boss fight stage i can't even remember where we are oh yes it is a boss fight let's go this is so cool it looks like he swallowed ness in smash bros and now we have these magic hands oh calling me surprise who's speaking it's you again with the blue hair i certainly didn't expect to run into your puffy self again and here i thought you were buried along with the jam bastion well then i'll have to ensure that my victory is complete this time i shall now turn this pink ball of nice into a frozen block of ice it's so funny that it rhymes i always wanted an ice sculpture for my trophy collection you know what's so funny when you see a rhyme like that i sometimes wonder if in other languages of the game if it also rhymes let's see we're almost dead we are almost dead i'm gonna stay away from the boss and i'll let my friends take out the boss how about that oh this is great this is great this is very nice oh boy are you coming here i'm running away then i'm running away then oh boy i'm running away i'm just going to keep dodging like this that's what i'm going to do yeah charmander use fire attack and by fire attack i mean flame thrower trying to be like you have to be more specific than that do you want ember or do you want wait she just used a water gun on us because she knew that i was using a charmander let's go oh no let's go ah that boss is like half dead i've got like wait where in the world am i i've got like a quarter health left this is not good i don't like this power up okay when are you gonna stop attacking relax okay okay what is this whoa i'm frozen i'm frozen let me out oh boy oh boy oh boy i should just keep trying to dodge that's what i should do just keep dodging keep dodging oh my friends are feeding me food guys where are you getting this food from i'm glad that you have it but where is it coming from what in the world oh no they froze me they froze me they froze they're frozen get me out get me out get me out get me out give me up hit me up where does that food keep coming from feed me my friends feed me whoa hey let's see i'm so tempted to try and attack the boss but i really should let my friends deal with it my friends you must do it come on you're fire types you've got to be super effective against this let's see i'm just staying back here you guys are doing great keep going guys you guys are doing great here hey there's that attack again oh no oh no follow that back up good i'm almost dead my friends where's my food oh no i'm almost dead i'm almost dead i'm so close to dying i'm like a hit or two away from dying we're dead hey that was a cool looking power-up but not a crazy good power-up for that boss fight maybe i should take something else you know what should i take bombs let's take bombs wait oh and you then you tilt down okay i'm like wait what's going on and hold on can you power up my bombs make me have fire bombs there we go okay fire bombs should be pretty strong i think because it seems like when you combine power-ups they do more damage they're stronger so maybe just having esp wasn't very good like this we should be able to deal more damage maybe maybe that's how it'll work oh yeah we're dealing a lot of damage already okay i don't know if it's us or our uh teammates okay but there we go oh those are some nice fire bombs there oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy go go yes go very nice i want to do like one or two hits and then uh hide let's see oh boy oh boy oh you're gonna do that water attack okay he was fine oh no oh boy now go go stop doing this go go great dodging until the end when i got hit come down here [Music] oh i'm frozen i'm frozen get me up guys give me up guys i'm almost dead now stay away nice hit nice job my bros no don't do these attacks on us no no no no keep those away from me i'll just fly up high you won't get me up here i just stay up here am i safe yeah it looks like you're just attacking down there wait what if i just keep throwing bombs i'll go up high and i'll throw bombs there we are let's see oh there's food right there yeah let's go there we go okay so i guess this boss like drops down some food sometimes oh i didn't expect you to come up there even though that's what you do every single time oh boy okay then you go across like that now what go where are you bro take this bomb one of my friends is almost dead biospark is almost dead this is bad news oh water gun attack that's fine let's see let's go here okay and aye come back here i was gonna throw a bomb at you oh boy go go nice dodging kirby good job okay where are you going now bro oh don't charge here come here explode bomb no not now whoa boy hit me up there oh my hp is actually really good for how this boss fight is going this is much harder than the last time we faced this boss wait is it defeated i think we defeated the boss oh it's like team rockets blasting off again all right that's great oh that might have been one of the toughest bosses so far and i guess it's also partially because of the power-ups that we have [Music] like the fighting power-up where you could just constantly dive into the enemy that one definitely makes bosses a lot easier okay next level is planet tawara and it looks like we're getting very close to the end over there it looks like that's the end probably so maybe there's one more planet and then it's the end well and plus the moons of course maybe there are also some bonus levels to the side all right let's see how this level goes we've got our nice fire bombs over here that should be a nice way to uh deal with the enemies that we run into oh and look there's something to step on right here oh and that lets us come down here ah there friend if you don't mind my fire bombs here so nice that we could also set the grass on fire like that oh oh now we're coming by here oh it's an ice version of that guy that's interesting i don't think i've seen one of those before seen a lot of fire versions of those guys but i don't know if i've seen an ice version of those guys okay and eat my bombs who's who's uh sending out all these flowers i guess it's the uh is it the sword guy you have like a ninjutsu it has like a flower art ninja attack oh we all go into the cannon over here yeah that flower thing it reminds me very much of naruto oh oh i have to press a i'm like wait when is the cannon going to launch this up oh some kind of mini boss over here oh it's this guy we've faced a lot of uh this guy before okay this is so powerful this is such a strong attack look and is he defeated already oh my goodness we defeated him that quickly this is an incredibly strong power-up it's like kirby in the forgotten land it's like when you first uh when you first face off against some mini bosses like they're actually difficult to take on but like later in the game when you have stronger power-ups you could just defeat them so quickly like the regular enemies wait what in the world is this okay i guess you want to not get squished right it seems easy enough is it gonna get harder soon i can imagine that this is going to get hard let's see okay and now oh i want the puzzle piece puzzle piece come here my friends okay good none of us got squished that's fantastic yeah i saw the one opening so i thought yeah we have to go there but there's a second opening that's good okay now it's like oh i was gonna say almost nowhere gets you squished oh oh and we go through the door there that's nice that the door suddenly appeared for us this is actually a cool level this might be one of my favorite levels yet very cool level i'm surprised that there wasn't a uh something that you had to do with the umbrella there maybe there is something that you have to do with the umbrella here okay let's go down wait is there something right there it looks like there's something there behind the waterfall but i can't tell okay and one of these guys one of these guys again one of these fellas oh they're my stick wielding friend anything back here maybe maybe something here i'm so surprised wait what in the world did something hit me something must have hit me there wait i thought that i could walk into the bomb and i would push it into that guy oh is that a yo-yo guy there that might have been a yo-yo guy there let's go hey come on down kirby yeah there's so many areas in this level where i think that like stuff would be hidden and then i go there and there oh oh boy i didn't see that guy all i saw was the chest i was gonna walk into the chest oh okay there is a jigsaw i'm like is it really just uh just the stars because the stars are basically like coins when you get 100 you get another life oh oh man this is gonna be trickier now okay now we want to go here and because now there's that piece that comes up okay that's a tiny spot that we were able to fit i wonder if you die immediately now okay let's see where now uh here i guess right because there are these things here i don't think they would do that as a trick okay pretty good so far oh oh i thought it was going up again already right away okay i want that right right oh and then do you have to run here to not get squished oh that's super cool it's like it looks like one area is gonna be safe but then you have to switch i really like how creative these levels are getting a lot of the earlier ones were super easy but it seems like now they're getting uh a bit more challenging and uh special and showing off some of the uniqueness in these levels oh boy i'm like is that bomb going to reach hey that's good that we got that food there now is it like we have to find a way up i'm getting squished oh no we got squished okay but we continue from this room uh you know what sure i'll take the fire guy i'll be the fire guy fire guy's pretty good we can breathe fire can you also do the fire dive oh oh yes you can you can okay i was wondering if you could because i know in uh kirby in the forgotten line you can go uh you can dive and that lets you go very quickly that was probably my favorite way to move in kirby in the forgotten line where you jump oh boy oh boy oh my god come here my friends let's go for this quickly wait uh why am i waiting for the platform to start coming up when i can just uh keep flying up like this get out of here bro okay yeah i can just keep flying up like this that's a big one there go go get it yeah and we are not squished and we got the big jigsaw that's pretty cool okay let's just grab that not worried about that one we have enough and wait is this the end here we lost one friend unfortunately and it was the cool swordsman guy too we still have a fire guy and a bomb guy though so that's okay and we are fire kirby so next up after this is probably a boss fight right hold on okay we made it up to two nice because we've been getting a lot of three all right and next up is the boss well the moon i'm guessing it is another boss level then after that that looks like a fire planet that is ahead of us it looks like the entire planet is all fire wait can we just go to it right away hold on it looks like we can't go to that one okay let's do the boss though i do want to do the balls though i wonder if you have to do all the bosses before you can get to that final level let's just do this boss though yeah bull moon here we go okay just like a little break but now it is time for this and i can't believe that we are almost on the game hopefully i didn't uh forget to record some section wait can we capture the bird come here we got the bird oh my goodness the bird can be our friend wait and you want to boost me up or can i boost up anyone i go like this wait go up wait do i go like this there we go that's how you boost it okay so you hold up then they raise up their power up and then you press b and then that's how you boost them like that okay okay so now we have a firebomb guy which is good where are you going are you going i would like to go up please i wonder if there's any stuff to the left because we've just been going up uh just been going upright the whole time oh nice a nice whip guy over there an umbrella guy over here a spider guy over there where we want to go of course it's over here wait is there anything back here though it looks like you can keep going back there but i guess there's nothing there because i don't think you can walk any farther it looks like there's an invisible wall and time for the next boss fight are we gonna face one of those generals again maybe the red hair general no the cloud and who is it oh my goodness it's an eye craco cycloptic something i did not expect that we'd be fighting an eye like this suddenly wait where am i oh give me back my power up okay i almost lost my power that was crazy oh we dealt a lot of damage onto this guy already and the spikes are so close to me oh my goodness okay let's see where are you bro there we are okay oh it's a thunderstorm now go dodge through it okay we didn't have to dodge through oh boy oh boy oh boy doesn't it look so spiky and dangerous i'm very scared of it oh boy this would be a crazy game to play through without allies could you imagine oh boy playing through this without allies oh boy oh boy that deals a lot of damage onto you okay but fun is this gonna be like phase one no because that's too easy there's got to be more to it than that that can't be everything right what's happening no double clouds double clouds twin crackers dual thunder heads oh no oh no oh no guys guys you gotta work hard okay wait it's raining the rain gonna do something to us okay i guess not let's see oh oh if you get caught in the rain oh my goodness that deals an intense amount of damage to you wait i'd like to damage you but i also want to stay here where it's safe oh don't hurt me don't hurt me am i safe when i'm like this when i'm guarding that mean i can't get hurt oh that's a lot of lightning lol that stands for lots of lightning let's see and we're not dealing a lot of damage onto them either oh man that is powerful that's some powerful stuff there let's see go go fire no fire oh boy okay oh boy guys we'll be all right we can make it through this guys you just need to deal a lot of damage okay i just need you guys to deal a lot of damage okay just need you to deal a lot of damage my friends let's come here oh boy am i caught in that i'm caught in that i'm caught in that i can't get out i can't get out i'm caught in the rain and my power-up is gone go wait what power-up do these guys have maybe that's actually a better one oh oh that's the electricity power-up oh don't hurt me two of my friends are dead wait all of my friends are dead i'm dead soon aren't i where am i revive revive okay i'll just be careful whoa whoa okay one of my friends is gone for good but we still have uh we still have two of them wait wait let me get you i wanted to throw a heart at him take my heart yeah this guy's journey is okay oh boy this would be unbelievable if we could win this i'm just gonna keep hiding here and oh never mind oh you could freeze the rain if your whole team works together that's pretty unbelievable hey baleti what's a good power up maybe i'll take you can any of you power me up yes give me a frosty whip over here what's it gonna be [Music] blizzard whip okay nice oh that's so funny i froze that guy his umbrella just flew away okay so hopefully this will be nice and powerful over here oh boy and we probably have to start this from uh phase one right yeah it looks like we're starting this boss fight from phase one again all right come on guys come on guys you can do it wait what if i charge up come here bam okay that looked all right don't hurt me don't hurt me stay back go go yo it's like if we stand here at the edge and i jump up then we can do some damage like that ah come back here come back here you coward come here and fight me you coward come here did i get it i don't know we got hurt a bit though there we go i got it with the icy whip over here okay we have about one third or one quarter of our health gone this is gonna be pretty scary over here look how surprised we all are looking up at these guys we're like what phase two i didn't expect there to be a phase two oh boy am i caught in it i don't know if we were caught in it let's go oh boy my guy's starting to freeze it maybe that would be a good way to damage them if we could like freeze them all or something wait i wanted that guy to join us actually let's see go it's so hard to even get a single attack on to these guys like this like how do you even damage these guys there aren't really a lot of opportunities that you have that you can damage them like what if i get close like this there we go there i gotta hit onto them there it's like you don't really have a lot of chances to damage these guys join me wait oh pick who to replace who has the lowest health you know burning leo has the lowest health right now and he's probably the least useful so we're having this guy join us okay hopefully you can help out bro oh guard guard let's go come here take this oh oh i'm running i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry oh no i couldn't run any time give me back that power up give me back that power up i need it i need it i need it i need it yes okay all right hp isn't even crazy low it's kind of low but it's not like insanely unbelievably low what are you guys doing that's a new attack where's my friend let me go revive my friend oh i didn't think that i was surviving properly but i was and come here let's go okay come on come on come on come on give me that back okay good we're almost dead but so are they oh boy oh boy don't come here don't come here yeah there we are i came down and did a whiff attack and they look like they are defeated right wait were those eyes i saw at this center oh man that was close okay that one is definitely the hardest boss fight yet oh my goodness wow this starts to get pretty difficult okay what is up next this lava planet this is probably the final planet just the planet and the moon probably and then we're probably going to that over there which i'm guessing is the final level of the game star lava dumb of a dome pound stakes down okay yeah you need stone or hammer we haven't seen the stone ability in a while ah right look at this we're like a like a kirby cowboy over here oh you probably don't want to go in excuse me you probably don't want to go into the lava there oh well if you turn that guy into ice then he just uh slides across the hell there guy royce from animal crossing wait a minute did i pick up my friend's bomb that's crazy i didn't know you could do that just pick up your friend's bomb that's unbelievable your friend drops a bomb and then you just pick it up from them okay and make it through yeah we made it through okay before those uh meteorites or comets hit us that's very nice oh oh i don't think we could run by them this time okay so that one destroyed part of the level oh wow speaking of uh stone power-ups and not having seen them in a while there were some right there okay but i really like this ice whip power-up it's quite nice because it's also a combined power-up whoa very nice let's go let's go how are my friends all doing okay just sharing some food with me that's very nice of them i want to get down here i guess we need that to uh glide right yeah there we go okay that came in contact with that oh wait but that's just a bonus area okay what we really want is this area over here i don't know if i finish this thought i was saying that if you have the combined power-ups then they do more damage i'm pretty sure that's something that's pretty nice about uh about them that's some that's kind of nice about the uh ice whip power up over here it's like it's better than just the normal whip power-up and it's a pretty cool whip power up wait how is poppy bros junior almost dead puppy bros jr bro what's going on okay but if we can survive with him to the end of the level oh never mind they just healed up now i was gonna say if we could survive with him to the end of the level then he probably gets healed up okay and probably getting close to the end of the level right not expecting it to be a very long level but uh we have gone through quite a few rooms oh oh i guess wait is this a mini boss oh it's just a bunch of enemies that sometimes happens where it's like you just page you just face a bunch of uh enemies like this whoa whoa whoa whoa guys guys guys come over here guys guys guys guys guys stay away from that guys hey poppy bros junior is dead where's puppy bro oh boy now we gotta go here cubone stop that leave our friend alone oh and now there's the cooking boss okay let's see whoa whoa cooking boss what are you doing why are you spinning around like this let's go you're doing lots of nice damage here oh don't cook me up leave me alone no he's frying me up like a krabby patty over here hey but wait did i lose my power up oh no i lost my power up that is so sad so sad today so sad for us i'll just dive into him like this oh wait let me swallow him wait do i have him yeah there we go okay now just don't use the b button if i use the b button then we use our special cooking attack and we don't want to do that i think we want to save that for the boss fight i think it can deal a lot of damage if you do it properly let's see if we can keep it i don't know if we can hello there my my stick holding friend wait whoa that's fire that's fire coming there that's fire one of our friends is dead i don't even know where he is oh boy oh two of our friends are dead oh no oh no join me bro join us okay poppy rose jr please join us whoa there's a big one over there let's get that very nice i'm almost dead wait do i need to help someone here yes revive them very nice waddle d is saved oh is this a ladder here yes it is hooray and where's the end where's the end where do we go where do we go that's the end right there hooray we made it we brought chef kirby to the end hopefully we don't accidentally waste this power up i'd like to try using it at the boss fight if possible i think that might be a good idea maybe possibly it'll be a good idea i don't think i've ever gotten four or five or six i've only gotten one two three and seven wait it doesn't fully heal you oh man i thought when you clear a level it fully heals you i guess it's just that my hp was never that low that we just always ended up getting fully healed after a level or at least as far as i was aware we were getting fully healed a sisley moon let's see what boss fight we're gonna have here are we gonna face uh wait did we face the yeah we didn't face that red-haired girl again we didn't face the red hair general a second time and we didn't face the electric general a second time wait do you want to join me bro join us all right you got a psychic guy okay who's up next let's see we got a switch to hit here we climb up here then okay it looks like this path opens up let's make our way up come on chef kirby we got some bad guys to cook up that's what we got to do okay and we can start running up here is there another one like that because we've already done this twice the third one here i know how this works this is in my first rodeo now let's just make our way up oh it looks like jumping up is a pretty fast way to go okay thank you for that my friends okay and hey we've got one of these which i guess wait oh i'm like wait yeah where are our friends my hp is so low though i don't like how low my hp is and we're going to a boss fight does that mean that we're going to die my friends can you break this for me please i wonder what's in here wait what if i do this okay good we can do that great does that heal me yes and all of our friends are healed that's perfect okay and we didn't waste the chef power up so hopefully we could use that in battle over here i don't know if i'm supposed to hold b to charge up or hold up i know that there's some kind of cool attack that we can do but i really wonder if this boss fight's gonna be two phases oh it's this lady here she is who would have thought my search for the jamba hearth pieces would lead me back to you and your puffery this must be the fiery flames of fate at work oh yeah my flames and i are fully stoked now beware you puny pink pest in the name of lord highness all right let's go i'll turn you into a burning ball of meddlesomeness all right time to face flamberg again bringer of flame let's go ready to hook you guys up oh oh no give me back my power up you're not taking my power up hey let's see where you going where are you going stop this stop attacking me stop this okay stop i'm gonna get you now let's cook you all up i'm gonna cook you guys up get in the pot everybody let's go now attack attack yeah we're in here do we get to do the attack now is that because we charged up enough let's go wait what's going on but the boss isn't here whoa that dealt a lot of damage suddenly okay that was weird it did like no damage at all and then it took away like half of her health that's well oh oh oh oh we probably want to avoid that attack stay up guys stay up guys okay guys i said to stay up come on come on bro how could you fall for that oh my goodness oh no i could have shot those stars back at her but i missed okay but ness you're doing a great job very proud of you nest you're doing some good attacks over here my bro okay and everyone's hp's looking pretty good my hp is full actually which is amazing wait can i swallow the swords that'd be nice if i could swallow the swords i don't think we can wait is there anyone that i can swallow i'd like to swallow someone so i could get a power up that'd be nice oh don't come here go eat the star i'm gonna ah i'm on this sword get me off of this sword get me off i'm on the sword whoa my friends and i took a lot of damage from that okay but spitting out stars at her does a bit of damage let's see nesp is almost dead but i can revive him yes i don't have to revive him unless there's a phase two let's see come on start okay yeah team rockets blasting off again looks like we win right yeah there we are we're all healed up that's fantastic are we really going to the final level now i wonder if this is going to be the final level coming up great celebration here great crew thank you for your contributions everybody okay it's showing some kind of cutscene now wait does this mean that we have everything unlocked now and now we can go to the final level is this the final level oh there's some kind of vortex that we use to go through here it's like a wormhole oh wait actually it's just the barrier being shattered okay oh jambandra base let's go oh my goodness i'm very excited for this my bros let's go okay we've got a great team of four over here the only thing that's missing is that i don't have a power up wait you can piggyback on your friends i guess it's like when you grab one of your friends and you can piggyback on them that was a cool hint hey let's see it looks like we're going down and entering this base how's everybody feeling how's my crew feeling okay great first door over here all we have to do is write it down very easy entry for the first door okay nice start and now we're coming this way don't squish me okay don't squish me just let me through okay give me the stars eat the stars wow i'm surprised that we didn't get that star oh nice one of those okay super easy level so far might be one of the easiest levels in the game so far we haven't even had any obstacles yet or anything that could hurt us wait what about this i'm swallowing one of you wait wait wait uh no no i don't want you guys to oh no let me spit you back out i want one of you okay cool we are bomb kirby that's fine oh oh or did i want with kirby um okay i guess we're continuing on either way wait power me up somebody power me up oh electric bombs let's go that looks powerful wait wait when this strikes someone oh my goodness lightning bolts come down when uh the bombs explode we can not only damage uh like where the bomb explodes but everything that's like vertically above it that is super cool i can just throw a bunch of bombs like this i'm exploding a bunch of people here okay now that guy's just gonna make a big explosion over there are we good to go now yes we're good to go this is great let me hold the bomb now all right i'm ready for you guys i'm ready for you guys keep trying try me bros try me bros you guys want some explosions because we are a big team we're a big family and we all work together over here oh now there's some platforms like this oh i guess we want to attack that way now let's go let's attack this way there we are oh the masks the masks are scary you guys are great look at how you guys are protecting us all this is amazing i'm surprised that how little damage we are taking here i thought that we'd be taking a lot more damage okay it just took a lot of damage there actually because i tried to rush through wait this is a circle mode right because from the banner it looks like we're gonna go in a circle yes circle mode the power of friendship let's go oh but in this mode some of the jumps that you have to make are actually uh kind of tricky oh but i guess if you hold the a button then you jump okay i think that's part of the trick it's like if you hold the a button then you have a longer jump but if you just tap it then uh you just have a small small little little jump if you hold it then you can have a nice nice big bounce like that oh and maybe there's something special back here oh look at all this that's quite nice okay i don't care for that uh red thing there right now or you know what it's the final level of the game maybe so let's check it out but maybe it'll make me switch my power up let's see uh it looks like we gotta become the fire guy so you know what that's fine i'll become the fire guy i'll become the fire guy that's all right then we'll come up here wait a minute you want to go here first everyone into the cannons get into the cannons my friends let's go wait is the fire coming here or no maybe the fire isn't coming here maybe there's something else that we have to do oh we probably have to destroy that down there first those uh blocks are blocking it i guess wait let's come along this way wait let me not go down here how in the world are we supposed to destroy that then oh oh oh there's a big bomb up here but you want to cut this first and then that explodes and then you can get through okay okay i see how it works okay onto these guys respond okay they respond so here give me that okay let's go like this cut that now i just need fire do you also need the rock power up i wonder if you also need the rock power because they give you a rock guy no don't defeat the fire guy i needed him i needed him bros i needed him didn't defeat him i needed him come here bit you out now you come here good now we've got the fire guy wait wait wait wait wait okay okay let's do this then okay i'll have you join me [Music] uh let's get i don't really want to get rid of any of these guys these guys are all great i guess we'll get rid of the bomb guy okay now hold on now let's do this i want to boost your power up okay so you've got a fire boomerang bro can you come up here and hit this can you hit this please bro do it dude bro wait why did it just explode right away oh maybe because it's a fire boomerang so it cuts it and it explodes wait no this time it fell it worked properly that time okay now we can go like this wait a minute but we need some uh rope to fill in this space oh oh we also need to get the uh we also need to get this guy now man this is a puzzle where you really need a lot of power-ups okay so now we need this stone guy oh oh and that's right you can't go under there whoa that's cool i became like meta knight over there okay so what we have to do is hit that how do i how do i do this wait wait do i have to combine this with with uh ice i think if you combine rock and ice and you can become the curling stone and that's how you can hit that okay so i need that guy to respond and then we can have him join us where are you my broken come over here hey guys don't hurt him don't hurt him he's gonna become a friend okay [Music] let's let's get rid of sir kibble for a moment okay now power me up ice bro no i need ice bro to power me up oh actually that worked okay never mind okay so that was perfect let's get out of here and now we just need a fire guy wait the fire guy's normally up here right oh no the fire guy's down here fire guy don't hurt him guys i need him okay good good good okay so now after all of that you can come here light this up and we can go into these cannons over here my bros get into place everybody get into place now we can finally light this up that was a super cool puzzle actually i'm glad that i did this and fire me through here it'd be funny if it just didn't work hey fire us please all right i like how he keeps switching like that that's pretty funny it almost seems like something that you'd see in a custom super mario mod that i would make and we've got a switch right here wait a minute what in the world are you oh it's a singing guy you know what i'll take you then i'll use that okay because the singing power up i think you can't use it too often i think it's like the cooking power-up where it's like you can only use it once and then the power up is used up i'm not sure if that's how it works i'm not 100 sure about that okay let's see just defeat them bros defeat them guys defeat them guys good job hey who's next defeat them yeah you guys are so good wait wait wait that guy's still alive get him bros get him bros we gotta get him oh i'm sorry i walked you into the bombs go good job come on finish them off let's go everybody let's go go i can do this diving attack but that's about it now let's get this guy don't throw your hammers at me bro let's go i'd like to dive at him go guys yes very nice is that all good now he can continue very nice hopefully that's the last of it do we get to heal before oh there's still more let's see hey i dove into that guy that was nice hey we probably don't want to go too high right because then we'll get hit by those cannonballs oh someone got some food nice thanks for sharing the food my bros oh one of these guys let's see how's everybody doing over here defeating some enemies got these spinning guys coming down oh no these guys are so hard to take out hopefully my friends can do okay oh my friends took them out so quickly good job my friends wow my friends really are powerful oh boy not a chance i can deal with those guys oh my goodness wait oh the ice guys on my team i'm like how are we taking out this fire guy so quickly oh now how do we take out these guys we don't have fire i wonder if there is super effective in this game is there such a thing as super effective attacks because it seems like we can take out the fire guys very quickly with ice hey come on guys let's just take out this guy now last guy i think it's the last guy beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful amazing i wonder if there's still a boss fight now or if the boss fights gonna be in the next level okay because right now we're in like the jambastion fortress near the end over here oh circle mode let's go into circle mode and let's get ready to destroy some stuff again we probably have to do some jump soon oh not in this room i guess in the next room we have to do some jumps yeah there are a lot of loading screens just like that one there that we saw like the blue part like that very nice jump okay destroying these guys very nice now get that it's nice that we got both of those and i'll get this now be careful with the jumps holding a for a longer jump is something that really is quite useful oh no oh no we didn't get that that's so sad and there's a treasure chest so very sad this is so sad so sad okay and we didn't get to break that over there and get that treasure chest there all because of that last jump that was a pretty tricky jump okay but wait the level's done i guess the next level is the boss fight then right because the game can't end like this there's got to be a boss fight all right goal game this might be the final goal game of all and we land on two very nice okay better than three and we should all be full health or near full health anyways right let's see okay well we are all full health now i'm not sure if we were before and another puzzle's filling up very nice all right kirby oh there we are is this like the champions road of this game wait something terminus okay oh nice and we actually fully completed that jambandra base we got the heart and the other thing the puzzle piece okay time for the divine terminus i just took a little break but now i'm guessing that maybe this is the last level of the game like maybe there are some bonus worlds or some uh post game content oh and i actually oh don't squish me okay and i actually uh forgot that we have uh this power up over here i gotta be really careful to not accidentally waste it defeat them my friends go my friends you can do it yeah there we are get zapped bro what about you you wanna poke me well i'll dive at you like that okay and he's defeated okay get that get it good job my friends okay now let me out of here let's go my friends okay let's get another one of these these are so easy to collect over here oh you're coming down here how you like that bro huh you want to spit water whoa don't hurt my friends don't hurt my friends what about you huh you want to throw a bomb you want to throw a bomb i'll dive at you like that very nice okay another nice jigsaw puzzle piece to collect like that what about this one another super easy one hey why are you coming to me don't come here they're going here go i gotta be so careful to not accidentally just like uh oh boy go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go get him get him good job my friends yeah i gotta be careful to not accidentally press b when i'm standing because yeah you press b to uh okay how am i gonna get this bird whoa don't throw feathers like that oh and over here you wanna be careful to not get squished i guess it's funny that this is like the hardest part of the level somewhere going going oh my goodness that was scary yeah you probably don't want to get squished by those blocks otherwise you die immediately all right now where's the boss fight gonna be eight [Music] oh come back oh boy they almost squished me oh boy oh wait it's like you expect them to rotate but they don't rotate go go go hey that's enough slashing okay that's enough slashing over there you guys are getting destroyed now oh do i need someone to replace nesp man uh we've taken quite a bit of damage here okay so that's just going up and down okay it looks like that's just going up and down so that's fine if you come here can one of you destroy the mask please good job guys okay now we'll just come down here and what's here you what happened oh no nesb died go get him out of the way heal this guy good food and let's share the food i don't know if we can share any more let's go okay this is all right nesp's health is a little low my health is a little low but otherwise we're doing all right not too much of a problem otherwise uh should we go there no because i don't want to accidentally lose this power up i just want to go to the boss now let's just go to the boss now let's see hey yeah there we go we're destroying you guys we're destroying you guys go okay pretty good so many of you guys over here there's so many of you oh oh i guess we got healed a little bit wait that's an enemy that's not one of my friends oh i'm i was a little scared of him go in here ah no oh wait okay good i didn't waste it i still have my power up okay i accidentally pressed b so i got a little scared there i thought that i wasted it maybe but it looks like we can still go and when are we going to reach this boss where in the world is this boss okay blocks are moving in a nice way and okay they're arranging themselves into steps like this for us oh a maxim tomato yes let me collect that please thank you very much okay let's all share that food okay everyone's at full health let's go then okay this must be the boss oh wait maybe there's gonna be another one of those rooms still oh uh or maybe not oh yeah there is okay here's the room yeah this is the room that i was expecting something like that oh and i can choose what power-ups i want okay who do we want to join us um yeah it looks like you could really choose all the power-ups here there's basically everything do i like who we have i think we've got a pretty good crew here maybe we'll take this crew with us and uh let's try it hopefully we do all right okay i'm ready let's go hopefully this power-up is going to be very useful against the boss the friends have followed the dark hearts and at long last arrive at the mysterious altar oh man we're finally here wait a minute oh a bunch of dark hearts are going into this and it's this person from the beginning of the game the white mage from final fantasy oh there my friend i like how kirby's wearing headphones that's so funny kirby's running is so adorable stop right there criminal scum i mean pink one oh it's you i have to battle you first i did not expect you to survive your visit to shambastion what's more you somehow bested my darling franny and burj however your luck has run out it is the dearest wish of lord highness that no one interferes all right let's go zen partisan bringer of shock i'm ready to take you on let's go where are you going where are you going hey hey give me back my power up if i lose that power up move bro move bro good hey i'm using my power upon you let's go i yelled wait did my power up not do anything i tried to yell go give me this back i thought that i'd be able to do a yelling power-up let's go i'm charging up i'm charging up i'm charging up let me go let me go i got hurt wait maybe you actually can use this power-up more than once or wait oh we're all staying together fatal chorus attack up let's go wait does that just boost all of our attack does that just make us do more damage or did we just deal a lot of damage onto the boss because his hp looks a little low right now okay guys don't go into that beam it'll hurt you okay guys be careful don't go into the beam and let me spit those out at you okay it's at like one quarter health but this is definitely not the final boss this is like either phase one or we have to face the white mage after this guys guys stay away stay away from that guys get away from that get away from that don't get hurt don't get hurt guys i want you guys to stay safe okay stay safe everybody let's see whoa go okay and come on guys come on guys you can do it you can do it nesp is almost defeated you can do it guys you can do it guys just deal some damage come on guys attack attack guys right now oh no one of our friends is defeated i have to go revive you let's go let me revive you i gotta get out of here oh wait i'm over there i thought that i was i thought that was by my friend but i'm not even by my friend oh no do i have a time limit to revive my friend let's go yes oh no oh no we took a hit oh boy our friend is revived though that's good and are you defeated very nice okay but still there's gotta be more that can't be it wait and they're just in the background it's not like they flew away or something yeah i'm not going to be deceived by this i know this isn't really the end what's happening now you're getting back up help highness highness is like i'm too busy what is this interference i'm scared of this if i played this as a kid i would be terrified of this right now it's like it's all mysterious you don't know who it is you seem to be in my way oh man isn't that supposed to be one of the helpers they just knock them out of the way well then it seems we do not have enough energy to revive our dark lord must we allow ourselves to fall into oblivion no let's just stop no no no no no no no no no no no no no it's like me when i'm playing a mario game and i'm in trouble no i say we are the masters of the powersheet how could you you couldn't never ever all the loneliness is enough it's going by too fast i'm not even pressing a the future is a farce you have none we have already obtained the vessel that contains wow did it say happy birthday grace as glorious dark lord this person's going wild over here yeah it takes a lot of energy to yell really quickly like that you see it now don't you anyone who interrupts our revival ceremony we must kindly ask that they please disappear forever oh i don't think they want us here officiant of doom highness all right it looks like my friends are the ones that have to uh take out this boss over here cause i'm too scared i'm too scared and i have no power up so i can't even attack you guys are doing amazing look at all this great damage that you're doing guys i'm so proud of you oh let me just say that herbie star allies you guys are the real stars of this you guys are the greatest allies i could ask for stay away from the fire you guys are doing amazing oh my goodness that's great wait can i go like that okay good green stars oh oh they're green stars oh oh no my star didn't even hit it okay there's a blue star how about that go i didn't hit it again it keeps dodging my attacks i want to get away from that ball i want to get away from it hey guys we're doing all right it's at like one third hp maybe a bit over that stay away from the ball good job guys i'm so proud of you all you guys are such good allies this is unbelievable oh stay away from the snow good job get one of these and eat my snow oh oh it shut up little swords at us is that like one quarter hp we are still at over half hp i think keep going guys keep going guys you're doing great doing great super proud of you all just keep going the way that you're going you're doing great but wait is this going to be like phase one because this is way too easy that's way too easy this can't be them jump oh that's its face oh oh it heals up power from all three of them do i have to take on all three of you together now no way are you gonna throw your friends at me great i'm frozen oh no oh no and now there's fire and now there's electricity very scary you guys are doing an insane amount of damage good job keep going keep going keep going why'd you stop attacking keep attacking keep attacking go go go go go yes bros yes bros that's how we do it wait can i swallow uh what if i can maybe swallow the uh the guys that are being thrown at us okay let's see oh you know the power of friendship also oh my goodness they also know the power of friendship they can also do circle mode oh no oh no i'd like to revive my friend please revive and dodge yeah what a cool dodge we did there all right oh boy oh boy i'm so scared i'm so scared where am i i'm flattened i'm flattened get away from me get away from me that attack is kind of like a kirby's uh or sorry not kirby's like nessa's bf attacking smash bros okay all the guys are spit out now let's see go can i swallow these guys oh no go go defeat the police my hp is so low guys please i'm counting on you i'm counting on you all please oh no another friend defeated uh revive them please let's go wait why is your hp so low is it because i revived you twice is that why your hp is so low oh no let me revive you okay oh boy oh boy don't kill me don't kill me you don't get me oh your hp is up higher now get away get away get away get away get away get away get away get away get away yes no attack go eat those stars there we are come on guys go attack attack attack guys attack guys attack oh boy this is so close this is so close but every time that this happens we end up dying and losing so i don't know if we could win this one guys come on come on come on i'm counting on you all i'm counting on you guys so much did we do it did we do it did we do it did we do it there's not a phase three tell me there's not a phase three tell me there's no phase three please no phase three you how could you defeat me the lord highness where are you going he's so sad now he looks so sad an offering to our dark lord perhaps if there is an offering wait are you going to be the offering what should i do only one option remains those who harbor the greatest of magic i call upon you no no i i don't want to do phase three oh my goodness they're all going into the dark heart make it so accept my aid i pledge myself to you dark lord of destruction i do this so that our dark lord may be reborn rise destroyer of worlds rise void germina oh no the evil heart is complete looks like there is a phase three i am not ready for this do we at least get healed before the fight please please please tell me we're healed oh oh nice it's this mode okay uh we're going on to the start but wait if we die do we have to start the boss like from the very beginning i really hope not i really hope not this is gonna be crazy wait do we have these swords now oh we've got like a megastar now star allies sparkler wow we even have a heart goggles over here that's pretty cool okay and where are we going wait wait that can't be the end can it onward there's more hey we got a bunch of puzzle pieces wait i would have thought that that was the last level is there more there another level onward to the final battle the friends have joined to create the legendary star allies sparkler oh now it's the final battle okay kirby styles okay i'm ready for the final battle let's go okay this looks very intense ah look at how we're all riding around like this this is so cool it really feels like it is the final battle ah that's so nice that they let you know that it's the final battle let's see how tough is this going to be all right we are ready my bros kirby's very serious over here oh my goodness the void the destroyer the dark lord wait are those arms coming out what is this it looks like a big explosion oh you're a spooky looking guy over here boy termina destroyer of worlds you look like something out of the legend of zelda majora's mask and you are terrifying wait what in the world are those okay am i damaging you at all i need to attack the mask wait oh the eye is open attack the eye attack the eye i've played enough zelda games that i know that that's how you damage the boss you attack that eye that's what you want to do go up okay come on where's your eye show me your eye there we are we're gonna destroy that eye over there and we're gonna keep oh that's the edge of the map that's the edge of the map we can't go back any farther oh no let's see yeah one eye is destroyed let's go bro one the next one is it on its arm looks like we have to destroy every part of it oh boy oh and you can't fly up repeatedly like you can in some of the uh like like earlier in this kirby game earlier in this kirby game you could just keep flying up repeatedly but now it's like we can't do that okay i'd like to get behind this guy if possible let's see oh stay back hey keep shooting just keep shooting that one's almost destroyed almost destroyed arm number one let's just keep going this is a super easy so far like yeah we did take a bit of damage it's very nice that we got healed uh for this fight oh now this one it looks like a big health bar what is this jump over it and jump over that one and jump over this one you know where do we want to shoot next your other armor what do we want to shoot where's the other eye okay the next eye is on your other arm over here let's see there we go i'm locked on target let's go here we are okay keep jumping that's fine i'll just come up like this can i do one more jump oh you could only jump twice uh well you can jump more than twice i mean like you could only do a double jump you can't keep floating up infinitely though okay but i wonder i really wonder if this is going to be its only health bar like after i clear out this health bar is there going to be another health bar i really wonder i wouldn't be surprised if there was a another health bar after this oh nice i guess i stopped that second attack from coming at us oh now it's behind it whoa you've got sword arms hello there oh there my sword arm friend what are you gonna do now oh i see sword arms i'd like to get behind you please please let me get behind you stop spinning so quickly whoa boy you've got some ice coming towards us do that again attack with your other sword arm do it i dare you i double dare you hey let's go can i get behind you now yeah there we are oh oh i almost got behind him okay it's like i think we have to get close to him so that we can go fast enough to get behind him like this oh boy oh boy oh boy yes right there perfect opportunity yes we are behind you yes it's like fighting bowser in super mario 64 he got behind you now we just have to grab you by the tail oh it's like he didn't even know where we were hey this is incredibly easy so far is the front one the belt buckle now you gotta hit him where it hurts and i'm on the belt buckle down there oh wait oh it's his face oh don't get hit by the x oh it's coming down oh boy okay did you take a bit of damage this is all right just keep hitting his face over there just keep hitting his face keep going let's go up like this hey hello there that x is coming towards us we're all right dealing damage onto him no but this can't be the end there's got to be a phase two or well i guess like by now it's like phase five because there have already been so many phases to this boss but this here this is gonna be too easy if it just ends like this like the fight before this one was a lot harder it's super cool though that you get to have a boss fight while flying around on these kirby's all like this let's just get away from that it should be almost defeated now we've been hitting your face for a while i thought that we'd be hitting the belt buckle but i guess we're hitting your face i wonder if you could do this boss fight without jumping that'd be pretty cool to see oh well i guess every time it does that uh floor attack you get damaged a little bit because you wouldn't be able to jump over it alexia how are we doing here and what is happening to the majoris mask over here it falls over you're not defeated are you oh my goodness are we gonna get sucked into that i don't think we want to go in there do we do we i'm scared we go in there guys there anything else to do i guess we have to go in there ah because what else do we have to do let's see okay it's some kind of cut scene we're all getting sucked in if it's just like game over you died that would be so silly wait do we have to fight inside this thing now oh my goodness there are like eight phases to this boss fight oh no oh no it's one of these fights again oh no oh no oh no oh those things hurt you i was wondering what that was okay let's see though let's go like this okay i'm just dodging that's all i'm doing okay and i guess i'll throw some of the these stars back at you oh nice a hot dog i'm your friends good job friends okay now let's just see where are we going well gotta be careful just gotta be careful you're all doing a great job my friends i'm so proud of all of you let's see oh i thought that that was a cowboy hat that we picked up but it was a little uh whoa it was a little cake that we picked up actually hey how are my friends doing here you're doing lots of damage my friends well that was weird the game even lagged a little bit because it's because there's a lot going on over here that i'll spit this out at you okay we're doing fine here are these things oh hold on i thought that they would make stars appear because yeah sometimes you see the stars falling out when the stars fall you can uh swallow the stars and spit them back out but we've got our weird guy right over here but i have a weird elephant sacrifice guy over here guys oh oh i didn't even notice that we have to grab onto these there we are and what happens now that'd be so funny if that's how that boss ends wait what's gonna happen ah we can spit back out oh and all them get spit back out oh and here comes our star to the rescue oh and all of a sudden we have our goggles back as soon as we get in place on the star wait do we fight you again how many phases are there to the final boss this is like the longest final boss ever oh now you're gonna are you gonna fly away oh my goodness now you're flying this is madness okay oh man oh man oh do you have some kind of beam that you're gonna attack us with okay this is ah i'm scared i'm scared is that going to suck me in or what was that going to do let's go oh boy oh boy oh boy let's go hey we didn't get hit by the wings so that's good hey one of the health bars defeated hey what's next where's your next health bar bro oh up there up there sure i'll lock onto that let's go give me your arm well i guess it's more of a wing than an arm what are you shooting out at me keep your arrows away from me fire nice arrows i don't want fire nice arrows what i want is you to get defeated oh i guess that's the edge of the map over there let's just keep going like this pretty good give me that back okay there we are that's what we want to do okay you want to shoot out some more arrows this looks like something out of yu-gi-oh the way that it's shooting out arrows like that okay where's your next one probably on the other arm right yeah other i'm right there okay good aim oh i hit it a few times and then this cutscene started you've got a lot of things that you want to shoot at us oh oh and now we get to see from uh vertically how this is happening but it looks like as long as you keep moving you won't get hit seems kind of simple yeah it seems simple enough okay okay very good it i like that it looks difficult but so far it's not very difficult at all at least this part the thing that i'm most scared of is when we go into the 2d section and have uh fights like that okay how about these arrows let's just jump over them and there we go just avoid them all like that okay now that's probably gonna get destroyed soon we're probably about to break this health bar there we go and there we are just two health bars left and please tell me that this is going to be the final one oh you've got a giant axe now isn't that lovely you're probably gonna run towards me with that axe aren't you oh boy oh boy oh oh oh oh oh oh oh okay i understand i understand okay oh oh and it's actually going to be kind of hard to hit you then let's see let's go up there go go go go go go go go oh when it's dark like that that's like you get close to it and you have an opportunity to do a lot of attacks i think that's the way that that works yeah like if we jump over here go yeah that was a nice hit okay wait is his back destroyed now yeah we're on the final health bar okay or well uh as far as we know the final section of this health bar i should say okay and what are you gonna send out a copy of yourself to fight me no that's not fair you can't do that you can't do that what in the world oh oh we've seen something like that in a kirby in the forgotten line wait where are these all going now oh just avoid those very good now you're not going to come back down are you good good good good good okay and just stay back oh man so many beams of light over here okay we're taking some damage but not a lot so that's good are you gonna come across oh i'm surprised that it didn't come across like that come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on let's go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go it looks like it's almost destroyed it's almost destroyed this is so close we can get you we can get you we can get you we'll get you before you finish this axe attack we'll get you there we go okay is it fully defeated though or is there another health bar it looks like maybe it's finally defeated and the boss is finally done this might be the end of the game no we go inside again how long is this final boss fight the final boss fight is gonna be like half an hour or an hour long this is unbelievable and you get sucked in again now we have to face off against this person oh it's got a face now it kind of looks like every wait is that me no that's not me okay let's see what in the world what kind of boss are we facing off against go guys oh oh you want to get hit by those waves that are coming out i guess wait and does the floor damage you also i don't know if the floor is hot and the floor damages you wait my friends are dead i revive you guys come on guys keep going keep going you can do it guys you can do it guys i know you can do it i know you can do it you guys are doing fantastic over here okay it's like one third defeated almost half defeated you guys are doing great keep going guys oh it's spiky oh the spikes grow outward i see keep going guys it's almost half defeated you can do it my bros you can do it you can do it i'm very very proud of you all oh don't bounce around like crazy where are you going oh no don't come here look at these and where are you going i just want to spit out these stars at you let's go there we are okay oh it's so close to half defeated come on guys come on guys you can do it you can do it oh what now what now ah it's eyes gonna shoot out a beam get up guys get up guys get up fly fly fly high fly fly again fly again oh no go down now go down now the beam is up high good i like how i'm talking to my friends as if they're listening oh oh oh they're gonna go the other way now oh come this way go up go up bro good job bro oh boy oh boy let's go you guys are doing amazing damage here oh is it gonna go around now let's see i'm ready to dodge amazing dodge there you guys are doing great too guys i'm so proud of all of you you guys are doing amazing work here god i didn't dodge i took damage how long is it going to do that attack for oh my goodness okay come on let's go there i did a bit of damage guys guys you attack now attack attack attack come on come on guys go go go go go go go go okay now just avoid these okay he's going back to these attacks we have seen these attacks at the beginning dodge okay let's go let's go guys let's go guys wait who died who died let me save you okay there we go you are you are restored go guys go guys come on come on come on finish them up finish them up come on guys wait oh wait is that an enemy oh that was an enemy i thought that that was a i thought that was one of my teammates i kept walking into him i'm like what in the world is going on okay is this the end now did we defeat the core we defeated like the inner kirby or whatever that was all right there we go oh my goodness it is uh i i'm assuming that it's defeated because we're leaving now right right there might be a secret final boss for like 100 completing the game but oh no oh no oh no you're back oh no oh no wait do we fight you now we've fought this i think so many times oh wait wait wait maybe this is just like the final cut scene where it's like the power pressure oh mashing mashing magic okay let's go and come on yeah we're defeating you okay what's next oh oh now rotate the joystick okay i'm rotating quite quickly over here i did this a lot in mario party recently what's next you're gonna have to mash something else maybe oh mash again okay let's go oh oh mash a different button now now this button now this button now this button oh man that was tricky that was tricky because i was focused on the controller and then it shows you to start mashing a different one okay rotate the joystick now am i gonna have to switch to mashing let's go and come on let's go kirby come on kirby you can do it oh oh match all the buttons like this oh boy oh boy i wonder if you have to mash them in order or if you just have to mash them but this is wild and there we are i think that might be the finale let's see oh oh and all these friends are all coming together let's go my star allies oh and king ddd is there too king so many d's my friends are like shooting stars over here oh no it's like a sad planet and we are all charging into it over here and is this the end is it finally going to explode it's like a voltorb or an electro this using explosion and i'm guessing that that's it right let's see saving oh thank goodness thank you for saving i was so worried that if we died during that boss fight that we'd have to start it over from some ridiculous point because some of those stages in that boss fight were really tough is this the end let's see okay the plan is exploding we're flying away is there an escape mission now i wonder if there's an escape mission right now this is a cutscene he's cur here's kirby flying away i like the little heart thing like that that's pretty cool oh man this is super cool though i really like how much the allies help you in this game the allies are so incredibly useful and look at this kirby's just floating along into space now eyes closed don't know it's kirby's still okay look at that shiny rock over there it's like split straight in half how does a rock get cut in half that that cleanly must have been a very powerful explosion or something oh but now here come all of my allies my allies are all here to help us but now the sudden we're like wait how do we breathe when we're in space wait and is that our planet yeah that's our planet right we came from that star planet planet pop star right everybody's like hi oh and here's the star force that's perfect do we all get to ride it together now how are we jumping up and down we're in space okay kirby gets almost dark kirby's so adorable ah look at how curvy way oh kirby's like hop on and let's go all right looks like kirby i think that kirby might have saved the day here let's find out what happens oh we're over here and we wave at the camera everyone wave at the camera please oh this is so nice and do we get a credit scene maybe now i'm guessing this is a credit scene right kirby star allies that was a really fun game it wasn't super long like kirby in the forgotten land is a lot longer i'm pretty sure but yeah there are a bunch of bonus levels and stuff that i didn't do in this i'll have to go back and do all the bonus levels in this game sometime i think that could be pretty fun to do it is super cool though one of my favorite things about this is well i guess like a few of my favorite things about this game are the allies and stuff related to the allies like it's wait wait oh and i can even uh i can move around during the credits scene oh that's so cool and you get points for uh defeating these guys during the credits scene yes i'm like wait why are those guys just standing there that's so funny okay oh and it shows like how many points each character has it's like the more characters you defeat and the more points you get i guess oh that's super cool yeah so it's like your cpus they really help out quite a bit this seems like it could be a fun game for a multiplayer too it's like you try and compete with your friends to see who would get the most points super cool game though yeah very enjoyable game i really like all the power-ups and the way that you could combine power-ups is fantastic it is so cool how you could combine power-ups you know what i'm gonna swallow someone else hold on i want a different power-up uh actually hold on give me a give me someone to swallow i'll take you is this the yo-yo yeah there's the yoyo okay oh man wait wait wait did someone just get minus 500 oh oh maybe if you die you get minus 500 maybe that's the way that it works let's see let's go let's go because we're the red so whenever you see like red plus 100 those points are for me all right well yeah i've really counted on the allies a lot in uh in uh oh excuse me my throat's a little dry from all the yelling i was playing this for a while but yeah my allies are really uh uh i i counted on them so much wow i didn't even know that kirby could do a cool yo-yo attack like that where you spin around like that that's super cool that's funny seeing these fish out of water over here that's not where they're supposed to be wait can you guys help me out boost me i've got a special yo-yo oh i guess it's an electric oh are we facing up against king ddd now oh boy oh you get points every time you uh damage him oh but i guess you lose points every time you're damaged it's not when you die i think it's when you get damaged you lose points let's see yeah our score is pretty good over here but wait let's go let's go let's go let's go oh he walked into us so he took some damage but let's go go go go go i wonder if he'll actually get defeated or not hey but this is nice oh those guys are dealing a lot of damage oh no oh no he's sucking me up and i lost my power up oh no can i get my power up back get up kirby follow this and let's see can i dodge him good dodge and here we are this is so cool that it also gives you something to do on the uh credit screen like this wait it looks like he's defeated oh and i defeated him five thousand points for that all right oh i wonder if he specifically gets defeated at the end like that because it looks like this is the end of the credits now oh and we get lots of oh and you get points for these oh i'm getting these then sorry guys you guys were great allies but i think i'm gonna get the reward at the end for who has the most points over here great job team what a great team we have [Music] what a super fun game yeah copyright 2018 so this came out early in the life of the nintendo switch and then a few years later we got kirby and the forgotten land which was also a great playthrough that was a super fun game i did the game and the post game and uh also boss rush was super cool oh a new best score very nice did it keep striking your best score here that's pretty cool what a great crew we have that was super fun i really like that nesp guy he's super cool wait there's more oh i guess it's like post game and stuff yes star allies oh so there's new stuff unlocked okay i guess there's also a post game and some other stuff oh the ultimate choice how much can you take oh and there are also other game modes wait are there mini games in this game i can't remember if they are oh my goodness another one heroes in another dimension wow there's just so much to this game so everyone thank you so much for watching this far into the video please let me know in a comment how long it took you to finish this video i love reading through those messages and seeing how long it took people to finish the video whether you watch the video all at once or in a day or over a few days and i really recommend you watch my video where luigi has 100 mystery bites with only one lesson escape thank you so much raj i hope you have an absolutely fantastic day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music] you
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 1,109,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kirby, kirby star allies, kirby nintendo switch, full game, kirby full game, kirby full movie, full movie, all bosses, kirby final boss, kirby all bosses, kirby nintendo, zxmany, zxmany kirby
Id: fP0hoPKal1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 45sec (13545 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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