Kingdom Keys To Thriving In Times of Crisis Part 2 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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[Music] thank you for joining us for another power packed message from dr miles monroe provided by monroe global incorporated and we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message write this down on top of your page the kingdom responds to change and crisis part two the kingdom responds to what change and crisis part two our focus in this series is understanding kingdom keys to thriving in times of crisis thriving most people lose it in times of crisis they they become immobile they become fearful they become depressed and that's what's happening in the world today we dealt with that last session we gave you a list of things that happened to people in crisis fear and depression and sense of loss and people are anxious and that's when sickness increases because worry becomes the main mental state of most people and worry produces stress on the system which causes high blood pressure which basically begins to cause cells in your body to do strange things under pressure and that can begin with growths and tumors and cancer and all the other things that come from stress so you're going to find that people are going to increase in sickness during this time and that is probably why your government is focusing so much on health because when there's a depression health problems are tripled but here comes another system under another king the kingdom of heaven and the king says do not worry which you will eat or drink or what you will wear for the father knows you need these things so seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and it's righteousness and if you live under that kingdom then all of these things shall be added unto you so in the kingdom of god according to the king there is no crisis now let me just quickly say here that the kingdom of god does not deny the presence of adverse conditions as a matter of fact the kingdom of god creates most of them we read last night in our last session where we read the bible actually states that god himself changes the seasons did we read that last night in the bible did you write it down it's very important it is he who changes the times and the seasons so when a season of stress difficulty crisis adversity is developed it's not always fair to blame the devil because nothing happens without god's permission so god doesn't want you to ever be afraid of crisis he wants you to interpret crisis and use it to your benefit because everything that is motivated by heaven is good everything that heaven allows is good do you know what the problem is the problem is we have our own definition of good that's right that's our problem as a teenager i was reading the bible one day and i was shocked when i read this verse it says a young man came up to jesus and said good master i know that you are a man sent from god and before he could make another statement jesus interrupted him and he said another shocking word he said excuse me sir why do you call me good. and then he attacked the statement he says no man knows what good is except my father who's in heaven see some of you never read that before that's what jesus said is it good to go into a fiery furnace well it depends on who's talking is it good to enter a den of wild lions it depends on who's talking you would have never known shadrach today or meshach today if they didn't enter the fire you don't remember the good things people do you remember the hard times they overcame and that's why i said in my last session history is a record of crisis we remember what people overcame and now it's your time we're going to remember what you overcame so when you talk about facing crisis you must understand that crisis is only a crisis if you call it a crisis in the kingdom of god the king of god calls everything opportunity this is why you never worry about what you will eat or drink so let me give you some important things to write down how to face change and by the way crisis is change you didn't expect none of us expected to lose our jobs no one expects to lose their house you worked in this house for years you built it you're paying mortgage and now they're going to foreclose on it you didn't expect that no one expected to have their business shut down because the bikes wouldn't give money now so crisis is unexpected change you didn't expect to get a divorce you didn't expect to have sickness and disease in your body so that's a crisis so here's a couple of things i want you to remember about change unexpected change number one the greatest protection against change is to expect it number two the greatest source of disappointment and anxiety and fear in your life is the expectation that things would remain the same that's the source of your depression your disappointment disappointment is only possible where expectation was president who was present are you following this you cannot be disappointed if you didn't expect too much so in the kingdom of god your expectations of change is high the only thing that you expect never to change in the kingdom of god is god everything else you don't trust that includes your spouse they will lose their hair they will gain 20 pounds after the baby is born yeah lower your expectation in life and you'll protect yourself against depression i have already for example and please i'm going to say this very carefully i have already attended my wife's funeral i've already attended my kids funeral why i have to and that's your problem you think your spouse will never die you don't know if they might die next week so it's good to rehearse what could happen so that you can expect it so that when it happens you're not offended i'll show you that in the bible in a few minutes jesus teaches that in the kingdom of god you rehearse what could happen so that if it happens you are still in control so disappointment is a result of you expecting things to remain the same all the time and they won't remain the same say it they won't remain the same number three the greatest protection against disappointment is the expectation of change and this is how you handle life if you expect things to change you lower the possibility of shock shock is trauma trauma is the first defense or response to crisis and this is why it's important to understand how the kingdom handles changes so let's talk about the power of expectation very important write this down and teach this to your children and your grandchildren number one john 16 verse 1 i'm reading the words of jesus please read them with me he says these things i have told you so that you should not be what offended what things let's read the things verse 2 they shall put you out of the synagogue yes the time is coming that whoever kills you will think he is doing god's service and these things they will do unto you because they have not known the father nor me but these things have like what told you so that when the time comes that they happen you will remember that i told you then and these things i said unto you at the beginning because i was with you he's destroying the idea that things won't happen did you read that verse carefully this is one of the most important secrets of kingdom life if i stood in a charismatic church today and said that they would call me a negative preacher they would say that i have no faith christ says i promise they're going to persecute you i promise they're going to put you out i prophesy that you have problems he's negative negative he said but i told you this so that when it happens you will not be what offended the word offense there means [Applause] shock ah i can't teach this stuff so you've been taught by religious people all your life that you know god is a good god yeah but fiery fences are good sure you lost your house so what come to church and dance why that's part of kingdom life we don't stop dancing because we don't have a house to live in [Applause] oh boy here we go what kind of fake this is you got you only got faith for good things we read last night god promised us summer and winter he forms us hot and cold some of you right now are out in the cold financially and god is saying that's part of it i promise you that i promise you'll be broke why i want to see how your faith works when you're broke i'm checking to see your faith let me see if you can still shout and sing while you broke let me check your faith it's your faith in your money on me [Applause] the fate that we've been handed down the devil loves it he loves the fact that he can make you depressed just by giving you a phone bill you can't pay he loves it you're so weak so he uses your faith to manipulate you jesus said i told you these things so that when they happen you will what remember that i had told you them well remember that he said everything has a season he said remember that so when you lose the business just don't get depressed and go kill yourself just say well it's a season for losing businesses now after that what then it's a season for gaining a bigger one amen and that is what impresses the people you're trying to witness to see they don't believe in your god because you can't handle tough times you stop attending church when things go bad that's the worst thing to do the power of expectation let's read this everything changes right write this down number one nothing is more permanent than change say it nothing is more permanent than change say it again nothing is more permanent than change think about that sentence for a minute the only thing that is permanent in life permanent is change number two change is not only permanent it's constant everything is constantly changing this building is changing right now the chair you're sitting in is changing the molecules in the wood in that chair or the molecules in the steel in that chair they are changing as the temperature changes in this building the cells in your body are deteriorating every second that's why paul says we die daily you don't die all of a sudden your hair is falling out one at a time every day they are turning gray every day yes sir your face is dropping every day i know you're weeping over that one yeah your teeth are on their way out [Applause] every day [Music] [Applause] sometimes your young children say to you you old just smile and say um i'm telling them i used to say that too change is what constant this is why i would tell people for years don't get caught where god used to be that's why the churches in your city are so dead they are still enjoying old fire that went out number three everything changes say it everything changes always remember that your marriage your kids your house your job your business nothing is constant don't trust nothing trust nothing because it's changing where you are you will not be there next week you're going to be a different person and the place will be different every time you meet someone they are not the same person why they saw something they didn't see before they read a book maybe last time you saw them you you never meet the same person that's why i tell people when you get married don't trust the person walking down the aisle in that white dress i'm gonna get deep now stay with me listen carefully marriage is not ever between two people marriage is a collision of two histories that's why your disappointment level is so high after you get married you thought you married a person you married a history and the history changed when you married them so you meet somebody coming down the aisle in a white dress she's 30 years old and you waiting for her in your tuxedo you're 30 years old that ain't no woman that's 30 years in a dress [Applause] unknown yes and that guy looking so sharp in his beautiful suit that ain't no guy that's 30 years of mystery that you know nothing about and when you leave the church 30 years don't leave the church 60 years he sleeps in a bed that night just like that the power of change and that's why there's tension in marriage it's not a bad thing the tension comes from the discovery of history you keep hearing words like i didn't know you did that hey baby this is history talking right now [Laughter] i didn't know you thought that way it's history yes this is why the bible actually teaches see the kingdom of god is a fantastic country it says get married young the bible teaches that mattify says marry the wife of your youth do you know why if you 19 i'm 19 we ain't got too many years to discover we create history together [Applause] less stress so you're 50 years old and you might have a woman who's 50 years old that's 100 years in one bed all of a sudden bomb 100 years man that's a lot of a whole century it's sleeping together i mean let me tell you something not gonna be a rough ride for you guys to tell him to don't brush his teeth over the base 50 yeah stop it stop it [Applause] [Music] so the older you are the more challenging marriages sometimes you think your age is an advantage no it's a disadvantage it's frozen history anyhow i'm not teaching our marriage today [Applause] yeah praise the lord write down number four change is inevitable say it change is inevitable this is why change is so powerful it is and will and never will stop happening to you so the secret to life is understanding this accepting it some of you came here years ago when dr geraldine was the pastor and you remember way back when he quit and gave it to his son and some of you couldn't handle that because he wanted him to die being the pastor some of you say well who's this little young whippersnapper he can't teach me anything i'm older than him he's i've been here since his daddy was here blah blah blah and you're just getting all upset and god is saying hey [Music] change and he won't always be the pastor either see the minute you think that nothing is supposed to change you created your own problem in the kingdom of god you constantly manage change you manage it you can't stop it you can't pray it away it's inevitable so what you do is position yourself to the point where you can manage it it doesn't manage you do you know what jesus i'm gonna be working on a new book i've been trying to do this book for three years the book is on the keys of the kingdom and it is so in-depth it's amazing how jesus thought one of his favorite statements to his citizens disciples with his words o ye of little faith now he kept repeating that every time there was a they were in a crisis fate is the word pistus p-i-s-t-i-s the greek word that he used he spoke in hebrew of course and it simply means belief in crisis what you believe is more important than what's happening so every time they became overwhelmed by a situation he would say where's your faith where's your epistles where's your belief do you still believe in the middle of darkness i saw that storm crashing in on them and he went to sleep yes what a way to handle a crisis go to sleep why well you can't change the wind can't stop the hurricanes or go to bed i mean you and god shouldn't both be up worrying he never slumbers so somebody should slumber go to bed why because you can't stop the hurricane in the rain so at least use it to rest let the sound put you to sleep use the rain to your advantage in the morning reign gone you arrested and god's still up amen you lose your house you say okay mama coming back home right now mom say your room's still here go home to your mom go to sleep now you have two responses to lose in the house one high blood pressure depression frustration anxiety growths in your breasts cis and fry boys or you can go to your mom and go to bed number five change is the principle of life it's a part of creation no tree is the same any five minutes all right did you know that no animal is the same every five minutes your body is not the same it was from last night it's a part of life some you think that mountains are forever they are not mountains are changing every day that's why they can actually say that the sea is rising you can't see it the river is wearing away that mountain every day as it runs down it wears away the mountain you wonder why this cannon used to be two feet now it's 20 feet now it's 50 feet why it's been wearing away every day you just never saw it it's a part of life change everybody's a change say it again change i want you when you leave this conference to have the greatest future ever and the way you do that is you expect change it keeps you peaceful so what is unchanging write this down the greatest security against change is the unchanging god you know i am born in the bahamas i grew up in the bahamas i still live in the bahamas and the bahamas is 700 islands and keys that makes a bar country 700 islands and keys 29 of those islands are inhabited i live on one called new providence lived there all my life we grew up with the ocean around us all the time as little boys we go swimming almost every afternoon after school straight to the ocean as a man we grew up and we had our own boat and we go out every weekend scuba diving and spare fishing and spend all my time in boats every weekend we spend hours out of the ocean i love the ocean it's the ocean that taught me about change that's why christ loved the ocean he loved the water the ocean is never constant you can never follow a wave you can never take a photograph of a wave twice it's moving so there are times when we were in boats and we'd be out and suddenly a gale would develop you know the gale is a sudden storm on the ocean just comes from nowhere the currents and the wind connect in a certain way and suddenly this kind of a whirlwind gale just develops and you get harsh wind you got water you get rain you get i mean the ocean going crazy and sometimes you see it coming towards you and you can't run from it it's moving too fast so what do we do well what do we do in a case like that is we have one of the one of us would dive over in the water and we would take the anchor with us and what you do is you find a rock because anchors don't hold in sand you find a rock why find a rock because the rock is attached to something bigger that can't move because you know that when that hurricane that storm that girl hits you it's gonna move you so you attach yourself to something that it cannot move now you are movable and the boat is movable the anchor is also movable that's the trick having an anchor is not enough an anchor is useless without a rock because the rock gives the anchor purpose what you are attached to is more important than you because the crisis can wipe you out that's why the bible calls god the rock of all the ages jesus christ is called the chief corner stone not plastic come on somebody [Applause] he said build your house on the rock you need rock you need some that doesn't change now it's amazing god doesn't change write this down two things that never change i'm giving you kingdom stuff here now number one god number two is interesting his promises but that's a trick question that's a trick question okay the second one is a trick two things that never change what are they god and his promises anybody get that down very important those two things are sure they are sure but here's the problem trick question his promises guarantee change ah that's the trick his promises never change but his promises guarantee change so one thing you can depend on is don't depend on nothing see that's why religious people are so overcome by life they've been taught that nothing changes and the kingdom says no everything changes and that's a promise number two god promises that nothing is permanent now that's a promise that you can keep that's a promise ecclesiastes 3 verse 1 again says what to everything to everything there is what a season everything only has a season and to every purpose there's only a time for it let me give you a little warning don't expect to be a pastor for life this is why you should never tell people you are called to be a pastor that ain't true that could be temporary nothing is permanent and this is why a lot of people are frustrating god's plan because it's time for them to leave and they won't [Applause] lord help me today why because the lord called me yeah he called you didn't tell you how long so don't walk around saying i'm an evangelist that's that's a temporary function [Music] even jesus christ his redemptive assignment was seasonal do you know what he never said he never said i am finished because you never finish but it the assignment the time the season for it is over he's now what he has another job he's sitting at the right hand interceding he ain't gonna be there forever either he's gonna come back as king each season has a time [Applause] that's why people are losing it right now because you see you built your whole life on your position and your title and crisis is about to take both away and now you lose your whole reason for living you should never tie yourself to a position never get your value from your title you listen to me someday they will not call you pastor some of you in this room can't believe you lost your job they actually retired you don't they know how important you are you have built this organization you built this company you've been yeah but go go go go they're tired of you now your season is over and you become depressed because you tied your value to your position you are not supposed to get your value from a position you are supposed to bring value to the position are you with me yeah i'm working on the book right now on succession and here's what i'm talking about the first thing that a leader does is to identify his replacement and start working on them let me repeat it again a true leader his first act is to identify his replacement and start training them right away that's a wise leader when christ began his ministry his first act was to find his replacement and he found him the first week peter he started working on him most of the leaders today do the opposite they say this is my pulpit nobody takes this god called me here i'm god's chosen don't you touch it don't no one preaches in my pulpit you are stupid you hear the words of a wise man where's my wise man goes like this it is better for you that i go away because if i don't leave you won't do greater works than you that you get you can do right now are you better than me he says you can do greater works than me the minute somebody does better works than us they become an enemy his idea was that's the whole idea it was a change say it loud change when your season is up move don't become depressed just move let me tell you something about god god is interesting when your time is up and you won't move god will create a crisis [Applause] he'll burn your house down did he say yes i said that to get you to your next residence because you fall in love with the [Music] streets i was about 18 years old when i figured out obedience as a teenager i'm studying the word of god 18 years when i'm reading the bible and i saw this strange phenomenon that obedience can become disobedience that's right i didn't realize that in other words if god tells you to stand over here and then two years later he comes back okay move over here but you stay there that used to be obedience now you're disobedient but didn't god yes he told you that last year [Music] hey boys say seasons that's how you keep yourself free from stress the greatest example of change is john [Music] chapter 7. when the family of jesus said to him his family said to him everybody is looking for you watch them now they said the whole nation the city likes you why don't you leave right now and go to jerusalem they want to see the miracles they heard about they are ready to to support you the whole town is with you and his answer shocks me he says no i will not go to jerusalem now he said let me quote for you any time is is good but for me my time is not yet in other words you guys are controlled by the the emotions of people i understand my season and it's not now i'm not going he had the pressure of his whole family and refused it got to be careful son you got people in your own circle who say to you are you a good preacher man you should become a pastor you are great you are awesome don't listen to them the bible says in the same chapter he says the next morning when they awoke christ came at the disciples and said let's go they said where to jerusalem and they said but master you said last night that you should not go yesterday you said it was not the right time for you his answer is amazing he said yes i know is there not 24 hours in a day so you have to read the bible carefully buddy in other words today could be the wrong day and tomorrow could be the right day the bank will say no today god said go back to the same bank same officer why because tomorrow he has to say yes change is that powerful it can change just like that you try to get a piece of property and you try and try and try nothing work god said just leave it alone then when someone dies okay go back now someone's dead go back and the same probably couldn't get for 10 years you get in 10 minutes just like that what season you try your business and you try your business and it just won't improve you try everything trying to get money trying to get excited all that help and just just saying god said look just leave it alone let it die the season for that part of your life is over don't fall in love with nothing except god listen to me son that protects you from depression never trust success don't fall in love with it because even success is changing the unchanging james 1 verse 16 the unchanging god everybody write it down it says what please please read it with me don't be deceived my dear brothers every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the father of lights who does not change like shifting shadows no shadow in this room is the same any second god never changes here's another one psalm 145 says these words read your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and your dominion endures through all generations okay that's good i'll read the next statement the lord is faithful to all of his promises he never feels a promise and he's loving toward all he has made now why would he put those two things together he never fails his promises but he's always loving the things he made yes why because his promise may may be crisis but he said look don't misunderstand what's going on i still love you did anybody just shout like a misha can i bend they go praying man our god is a mighty god he will deliver us from the fiery furnace yes amen let's agree brother shadrach okay let's agree together he'll deliver us from this fire yes lord yes the lord's gonna deliver us because he is a mighty god he can blow the fire out of this oh he's powerful and god said i ain't touching no fire i don't care what you pray you will go into this fire this time that's a charismatic prayer you will lose your house don't pray to me no more you're going to lose this house and then you don't know what to tell the people at work when you lose the house see that's your problem you go to work and they see they say but i thought you told me that god is a good god and you were telling you a woman of faith and you confess faith and you speak faith and but you lost your house what kind of faith this is what kind of god how can i become a christian if that's the kind of god you serve you sold them the wrong god i'm going to tell you right now that this crisis came to also shake the church so that stuff ain't no good that ain't no good going to just fall off [Applause] and that might mean some people and some pastors you need fiery furnace faith my god my god why have thou forsaken me because i ain't coming to save you son what it's part of the program have you ever felt forsaken yes yes i'm sure shadrach meshach and abednego felt forsaken when they tied the ropes around their hands and led them toward that furnace when they felt the heat they began to think god let us down god says no i'm in the fire waiting for you [Music] that's the kind of faith we have in the kingdom of god he's faithful to what all his promises and he loves you no matter how you feel at the moment here's one genesis 8 22 read as long as the earth endures seed time and harvest cold and heat summer and winter day and night will never cease that's a promise there will be day and there will be night there will be summer and there will be winter he said there will be times when it's cold in life it did amazing some of you came down to florida from up north okay now watch this when the snow hit in canada or in minnesota wherever you came from you didn't burn your house down well honey you know this is it's cold okay let's just get rid of the house we just burn the house let's go down south where it's nice and warm you don't do that well it's you know it's it's it's uh it's summer now let's just burn our winter clothes you don't do that what do you do you keep your winter clothing in summer why because you know that summer can't last in other words the bible says don't cast away your confidence in the midst of persecution why persecution is temporary this is why it is stupid to commit suicide suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem [Applause] tell your neighbor wait out the store it's moving give god a hand for a moving start let's move on your house is still up north in the snow waiting for you to come back when the season changes so yes the economy is falling apart it cannot fall apart permanently kingdom response ezekiel 34 verse 26 a verse you never saw before let's read it i will bless them the lord says and the places surrounding my hill i will send down showers in seasons watch him now there will be showers of blessings when in seasons oh jesus have mercy every time i ask you how you doing you can't tell me you're blessed all the time according to that verse i'm blessed no you ain't right now you lost your house you lost your job man don't lie to me i send down showers in seasons [Music] these are verses they don't preach from god is a god who is constant no matter what the weather he's constant he says put your trust in me don't trust nothing else everything is moving everything is changing there's a voice of scripture in psalms that changed my life when i was a teenager again this is why i don't trust anybody the verse says david david david had just been disappointed by his best friends you remember the story about david being disappointed by his friends and in that chapter david says these words he says all of my expectations are of the lord and he has a sentence that's a powerful statement i expect nothing from you because expectation is a prerequisite for disappointment david had expected so much from his friends that when they disappointed him he was depressed for almost a year he couldn't believe he said it wasn't my enemies that stabbed me my own friends he said stop me in the back [Music] write this down earn trust you don't trust people because you meet them and some of you folks in business know what i'm talking about you trusted some folks and you lost a lot of money the bible says know them that labor among you you better know them let them earn trust i find it interesting i travel around the world different places my wife and i go we meet people and we go to speak you know many different countries and even through the america we meet the guy go to the church speak to this church and the family introduced his wife to me and his children the next year we go back to a different wife and i'm like so where's the one last year and then two years later you go back it's a different wife it's the pastor this is the path of the church so i tell you something i can't come back here anymore can't trust people same way 30 years man it's my baby right there if i can be faithful to her how can i be faithful to what i tell you [Applause] some of you've been through some tough times some of you've been through divorce that's why god sent you here this morning to tell you it'll never happen again you're going to get knowledge you're going to do this right you don't trust people they must earn it yes lord can i use your bible a minute is that the n.i.v it has both niv that's okay this doesn't matter turn your bibles to the book of john chapter 2. i want to show you before we break i want to show this to you tell your neighbor this is good this morning tell your neighbor you're going to change on me [Laughter] oh yes they will expected john chapter 2 i want to show you something you must never forget last two verses i taught i was taught this when i was a teenager that's why i don't trust people jesus didn't trust people i know you already shocked me you said yes i'm saying this i want to show it i'm gonna show you why you get this disappointed you got to read the bible carefully christ kept his peace because he didn't trust people verse 23 now when he was in jerusalem at the passover the feast day many many many large crowds of people believed in him in his name now you think okay he's excited he got a big support system here everybody loves him they believe in him finally he's excited is he read it when they saw the miracles that he was doing they believed in him folks will support you and things are going good read the next verse but jesus did not commit himself to them because he knew what was inside all of men he did not need any man to affirm him see if you need people to like you to feel good about yourself you are in trouble read that verse son it says he did not need them to testify about him because he knew what was inhuman they love you today and curse you tomorrow he didn't trust them give god a hand for revelation for your name praise god that verse saved my life for years people smile with you and it's a temporary smile they tell you they love you i love you i love you in jesus name that's right showers in seasons seasons are so powerful write this down this is what kingdoms do in crisis number one seasons guarantee change say it season's guaranteed change the fact that he promised there will be seasons is also the promise of change so don't trust anything to be permanent number two seasons give hope that's why the bible says hope in the lord let me tell you what is good about seasons if it's cold you can keep hope why because you know it can't last summer has to come isn't that great so in the coldest moment of your life you're shivering from all the price of pain because it doesn't shift a little bit longer outlast the see sir who's going to make it through the crisis right now those who cannot last it right that's who's going to make it and when you come out of this season it's going to be better than the last one number three nothing remains the same say it number four seasons are always temporary say it seasons are always temporary number five the key to life is outlasting the season that's how the kingdom does it that's why the bible talks a lot about long suffering long suffering means a long allowance you allow things to go on long enough because change is going to take effect that's why the word faithfulness is so important to god faithfulness means constancy under pressure because the pressure can't last number six seasons give the incentive to plan for the future isn't that amazing if you know seasons are only temporary you can plan amen so before you left your house up north what did you do well you close the windows you tighten everything up you make sure to get your asses off you in other words you were planning to come back why because you know that where you going you ain't going to stay yes sir when a hurricane is coming what do you do you plan you don't plan to leave the house you plan to keep the house and when hurricane goes back you go back and you change everything back to normal because you see seasons give you hope and also give you the power to plan in crisis kingdom citizens don't panic they plan so use this time while everybody is complaining everybody is giving bad news focus on planning let me plan for a great future plan for expansion in the church plan to do more building plan in the midst of nothing plan something because nothing cannot last can i hear an amen number seven seasons are always moving boy this one is so important seasons are never constant so what you've got to do is make sure that you ain't moving it's moving so make sure you're anchored that's how you make it sometimes you got to cut back on things you got to not spend too much on that maybe you can slow a project down maybe you got to stop this project maybe you got to stop the plans for vacation in other words you just anchor down why this season is moving number eight never respond permanently to a temporary problem don't panic don't do things rash right now that you'll regret later this is why i get a divorce you've got to be very very careful that's why god hates divorce because divorce is normally a temporary reaction to a permanent relationship marriage will have stress that's crisis but it can't last right some of the most beautiful people you ever been in love with was the ones you used to be married to but at the moment they were like demons that's why you got to wait out to see so sometimes you got to separate for a while just until insanity goes away i counsel a lot of time and say look i know this is a horrible situation now but don't think the word divorce right now that's not kingdom thinking separate and get yourselves together my wife and i got married 30 years ago she had no idea that i was the best-selling author with millions of books i was broke when we got married we were both in college she didn't know she was sleeping with me this person i am now she could have probably have asked me to first five years what a depressing thought for her you know she has everything she needs all expenses paid debt free thank god she loved me right to the end baby and same thing with her if i had married someone else because of a divorce might have been the wrong woman to mess my whole ministry up so the bible says stay with the wife of your youth people go through changes man most people who you know they go temporarily insane and it usually starts with your spouse you are crazy so i tell you what since you're crazy right now have a good spell i ain't going nowhere when you come back to your senses i'll still be here baby come on clap your hands that's what you do with marriage so some of you been through some hell i know but listen god sent me to tell you today in the future when you get married again stay with it because people changed sometimes they become a demon first and they turn into a devil and then at the end they become a saint all right but you got to stay with it some of the folks who have been married 50 years they'll tell you they went through a lot of problems they're difficult moments but boy they feel glad they hung together it was worth it huh everybody goes through crisis crisis is a part of life you don't permanently give permanent solutions to a temporary situation and it's very rare to find someone who's been divorced i've never found this yet people who who say they they hated that person afterwards they look at them and they see them progressing good boy that was a dumb decision we made 20 years ago and in the heart they still fear for that person because it was a season of foolishness that's why the bible says even stay together for the sake of the children because the kids need to see something that is stable it's rough understand kingdom response never respond permanently to a temporary problem and all problems are temporary say say it again one more time all problems are temporary remember that if you cannot pay your mortgage that's a temporary problem you may even lose the house that's a temporary experience all right just couple more seconds ecclesiastes three i thought i would read this with you read with me please now this goes from equality chapter one right it says to everything there is a season to every purpose there's a time look at the next verse it says a time to weep and a time to laugh that's not charismatic teaching there's a time to want mourn and a time to dance in other words you don't change your faith in the midst of those seasons the next one is deep verse six it says a time to get boy the business is profiting now everything's going well in my business god said that's fine just remember there's a time to lose are you loose in time it's part of it you keep your faith there's a time to keep and there's a time to cast away some of your friends need to leave you now you know some folks who are with you for 20 years time's over and the problem is remember i told you earlier don't fall in love with nothing too much there are folks who you grew up with you have now outgrown them and they still want to be with you and you don't speak the same language anymore it's time to cast away and don't feel guilty about it some of you businessmen your old friends you remember them in the boardroom doing your deals making decisions on the golf course cursing telling dirty stories doing your stuff making money now you met jesus and they still want to play golf and tell dirty stories and your response is you know something i've outgrown you guys i can't come to the club anymore i gotta turn in my membership this environment is not mine anymore and don't feel guilty about it it's okay to lose your friends it's a time to keep god says and a time to cast things away you're trying to keep this business trying to keep this business god says look the time for that business is up that's why it's causing you stress you're boring everywhere trying to keep something that's on life support up and god is saying i wanted to die why you ain't losing it you're about to go to the next thing that's all amen crisis is a sign that things need to change so don't lose heart be be bold and faithful to god and say god whatever you're doing it's always good because every good and perfect gift comes from above [Applause] it's a time to cast away some of you pastors listen to me carefully so keep you peaceful there are people who started with you in ministry been with you for years and all day all of a sudden one day they say you know the lord told me to move on don't try to keep them [Applause] nothing is worse than keeping someone whose time is up cause they become a problem to you learn to let go i tell our church i was in miami speaking to 5 000 men on saturday hispanic man i'm telling them i says look live loosely don't hold nothing tight in the kingdom of god you live with your hands open so god can put in and take her this is my ministry that is your ministry he loaned that to you for a while he could take it away in the morning so live loosely what makes me so healthy and so peaceful is i'm ready for anything you know we we have a very significant church in the bahamas some people say it's the largest we don't claim that but you know i'll give it up tonight not tomorrow tonight and my plan is to give it up actually working on it we built a multi-million dollar situation i don't need that my gift is more important than what it [Applause] produces be a good cheer your future is praying would you been through the scars well god's going to heal them the future is going to be awesome so don't worry about anything live loosely trust him let me close with this the earth is filled with fear and anxiety and confusion and the governments have gone bankrupt i think we'll all agree that they have no more ideas president obama is experimenting so is the prime minister of great britain and france everybody's experimenting they don't know what they're doing the economies are disintegrating aren't they everything's falling apart and the impact of terrorism is not helping us at all they're still bombing people this past week and killing people by the by the hundreds the earth is in need of another world and that's what we're going to talk about tonight the change the crisis is perfect for the kingdom when there are no more governments working then the only one that makes sense is the government of heaven upon his shoulders the one that he bought to us 2000 years ago it's going to be an awesome night tonight you're going to be a master of change say it i'm a master of change that's right god will make you an expert in managing conditions you'll always be at peace because you'll never be surprised by anything that happens because you will be prepared for the unexpected thank you lord that's the power of kingdom response say says with me nothing can happen to me that my king didn't allow say it again nothing can happen to me that my king didn't allow one more time nothing can happen to me that my king didn't allow give him a hand praise god you're gonna be all right thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes monroe global possible please visit us online at for more product partnership or to join us at one of our live events around the world
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 45,244
Rating: 4.8909445 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer, success
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 34sec (4594 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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