Kingdom Keys To Thriving In Times of Crisis Part 4 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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[Music] thank you for joining us for another power packed message from dr miles monroe provided by monroe global incorporated and we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message the kingdom responds to change and crisis part four am i correct this is session four understanding kingdom keys to thriving in times of crisis i want to pick up where we left off in our last session as we talked about the key to overcoming crisis i want to begin this session with a reality check again and the reality check is this kingdom citizens are not immune to crisis don't live under the false notion that because you are in the kingdom of god you won't experience difficulties you will experience some experience in them matter of fact jesus guarantees it he promises it that you will have many troubles crisis tragedies the difference is your response to them will be not like the world's response i want to read for example from the words of jesus christ himself where he guarantees that crisis will affect everybody even the kingdom citizen because the storm will hit everybody survival in a crisis therefore will depend on your foundation knowledge everybody will feel the wind everybody will feel the waves everybody will feel the rain and everybody will be impacted by the economic conditions you will feel the impact of unemployment and pranks collapsing you have to live in this system the cosmos the world but your survival through the process will be dependent upon your foundation knowledge everybody say foundation knowledge say foundation loud in other words the key to your succeeding in crisis is knowledge that can help you manage the crisis one of the most important keys in the kingdom of god is management this is not taught in the christian church too much if ever in our ministry this is one of our major principles that we teach management management is probably the most important component in kingdom living because it is the reason why god created you i'm going to say something that will cause a problem for you as i normally do here it is management is more important than worship and there we go all the religious people will attack me now religious people are amazing people management is more important than worship because in the kingdom of god management is worship management is the key to prosperity in the midst of poverty management everybody say management god is more concerned about your management than he is about your prayer that's why you're struggling with your life right now you are a poor manager management is not a religious activity it's a kingdom activity write this down management is the key to promotion in the midst of crisis you as a kingdom citizen are supposed to actually be promoted when everybody else is being fired and the key to that is management god will always reward management he will always trust effective management management protects you from losing god's favor the average person in this auditorium don't know what i'm talking about right now because the word management to you is not a religious word and you're right it's a biblical word not a religious word it is the motivation for creation of mankind management is the key to power in crisis what is management i know you're still shocked what is he talking about well the reason why god created you was not because he needed a worshiper god created you because he needed a manager and we have missed it we give god things he never asked for and ignore things god demand let me give you a little homework turn to genesis chapter 2. let's find out why god created you this is very important genesis chapter 2. everybody has it ok verse 1 says genesis chapter 2 thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all of their vast array okay fine verse four this is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created now watch this in other words chapter two is reviewing and explaining chapter one when the lord god made the earth and the heavens no shrub of the field had yet appeared on the earth and no plant of the field that yet sprung up in other words when god made the earth he allowed nothing to grow can i prove it read the next verse the next statement for the lord had not yet sent what rain on the earth so there was no life on the earth when god first created the earth why according to this verse nothing had a pair appeared no plans no life it didn't say they didn't exist read it it said they didn't want a pair why they were trapped underground how do we know that read the next statement for the lord had not sent rain in other words god refused to let anything grow he allowed nothing to progress nothing to expand he allowed no life to progress he actually stopped it from growing he refused to send the rain everybody see that there are you sure now the question is why let's read the next statement you never saw this before so read it he didn't allow any streams why for there was no man now you never saw that before he allowed nothing to grow because he was lacking something there was no man to what work the ground write the word work down please this is your homework the word work here is the hebrew word which means to manage to manage to order to develop to cultivate this verse explains why god had to create you he didn't allow anything to grow because there was no one man to manage the earth so he didn't allow the streams to spring up no water over the whole surface why look at verse seven then the lord does what he formed the man so what made god form the man there was no man to manage this is in your bible so why did god create you what was the motivation for creation it was in worship he didn't have a manager that's your job you look like you're in shock it's amazing how we don't read the bible we read our hymn books now let me give you some lessons to learn from this one because i ain't got time to go to detail write this down number one god will never allow growth where there is no manager number two god will not allow progress where there is no manager look at what it says he refused even to let plants grow number three god will withhold rain [Music] where there is no manager you know we keep singing rain on me rain on me lord god is saying are you crazy you can't even manage your weight [Applause] oh boy i'm getting in trouble now [Applause] you can't manage your time you can't manage 10 of your money number four god will only give you what you can manage write it down what did i say don't forget that he refuses rain but there's no management number five god will not give you what you pray for he will only give you what you can manage write it down that's why your prayer is being ignored number six never pray beyond your ability to manage what did i say some of you asking god for a million dollars and you can't tithe on a hundred you asking god for a house and you're not keeping the people's apartment clean oh i want to talk to you can i come out here and talk to you a little bit you asking god for a car on your motorbike is dirty [Applause] number seven whatever you mismanage you lose what did i say whatever you mismanage you will lose that's a principle of the kingdom of god you mismanage your marriage you'll lose your marriage you mismanage your body it'll kill you you mismanage your time it'll fly away you mismanage your money you'll always be broke it's no secret to why you are what you are you are a bad manager you spend five hours watching tv and two minutes reading the bible no wonder why you are full of the world stuff and don't know kingdom stuff it's just bad management there was no man to manage so god created the man from the dust of the ground and he blew into him the breath of life that's the next verse verse 7 and man became a living soul god now has a manager that's why he says dominate manage this place for me you know why people are so useless to god because they want to leave the place god gave them to manage they want to go to heaven you're useless you are so heavenly minded you are corrupting god's plan i asked god a question by the way i have a book coming out i'm talking about this in detail but i asked god a question years ago i said god how come these charismatic people are always quoting the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous i said god why why do we quote that he said go and read it i went and read it and the verse doesn't end there it says the wealth of the wicked is later for the righteous and a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children you ain't leaving nothing to your grandchildren right now and you're born again you're just barely living up your retirement you are useless you you failed god your grandkids have nothing from you that will last they don't want your clothing that's not inheritance i hear you are singing worshipping and you disobey god you're not leaving an inheritance to your children's children and i said god what's wrong he said read it again and i read it again it says the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous and a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children and i never saw it before until that day god said see first of all he says who did i tell you have the wealth i said the wicked he says good he says how do you know that i know they have it i said i don't know i was ashamed he says i gave it to them he said have you ever wondered why i gave it to them because i only give resources to those who can manage management is so serious to god that he'd rather give it to the wicked to protect it from you holy mismanagers yes and do you know what we do we lazy people we try to claim it out of their hands that's why we're broke i claim claim what you've been claiming for the last five years you still broke and we could still get it why because you don't get it by claiming you get it by attracting it through management you know what god says jesus did a seminar in management it's found in luke chapter 16. write that down luke 16 read that when you go home it's a seminar on management jesus said look there was a man who had a manager he starts a story and his boss had given him management over his whole resources his company and the miss the manager mismanaged the goods he telling a story about creation he says look i remember man came back and he says given account of your management he realized that the man had mismanaged and the scripture says and he said to him you will be manager no longer in other words god fires people luke chapter 16. read it then he says this manager realized he was about to lose his job and so he went out and he began to organize management again to get the creditors to pay the company of his boss he began to get money back that the company had out and when he did that the man came back and says you are a wise manager the word is shrewd skillful you've gotten back into management therefore i commend you next verse jesus said therefore the children of this world are wiser than the children of light words of jesus can i read the next verse therefore go and make friends with the world now you've been taught the opposite by your church you've been taught stay away from them christ says go and make friends with them why they know how to manage go and learn how they manage they are more successful in using my principle than you are that's why you are hired by them you work for wicked people you claim your god is good and you hired by the wicked you are confused and there we are and then he made these statements go and make friends with them so that in this world you will gain wealth and also in the next world war next verse for he who is faithful over little i will make him ruler over much he said don't pray for much just manage the little well first god will never give you a million dollars never he'll give you ten dollars and then he'll say give me one and you can't give him one he goes on to say this in the same chapter he says he who is unfaithful in little will be unfaithful in much if you can't manage a hundred bucks don't you dare pray for a hundred thousands all this confession stuff we talking about don't make no sense to god i claim this when you claim what you can't even manage your own bedroom it's a mess you're asking god for your own company and you can't even go to people's job on time it's bad management can i quote another verse from looking luke 16. he says if you are not able to manage other people's wealth who will give you wealth of your own words of jesus that's why god will never give you a business first he'll always give you a job first because he wants to watch how you manage other people's property before he trusts you with property of your own never trust people who cannot keep jobs always changing jobs every other month they are untrustworthy be careful with those people don't give them that's resources most of these people hang around churches [Music] [Applause] every disciple that jesus chose was working again write that down please peter james and john own their own fishing company he didn't choose lazy people he chose managers and this is why this crisis we're going through now in the world companies are rejoicing because now they can get rid of dead weight they are glad to release people who have been parasites on the company it's a cleanse remember hurricanes come to cleanse in some cases you didn't lose a job god protected the company you're always late take two hours for lunch lie about being sick and leave early in the afternoon you are a parasite are speaking in tongues parasite too ad management so you lost your job whatever you mismanage you lose have mercy here you are as a pastor praying for god to you know you want to win the city god says are you crazy you prayed that prayer for the lord to give you the city if 300 000 people showed up sunday morning lined up in your church parking lot can you manage that so god ignores your prayer if you cannot be faithful over little who will make you ruler over much words of jesus okay let's talk about this crisis hitting everybody matthew chapter 7 jesus told a story about managing your life building it on the right foundation to handle crisis let's read it verse 24 matthew 7. therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock or just a rock the rock it's god now notice the guy who believes in god obeys his word and builds his life on the rock the next verse says the rain still came being born again to protect you from rain the rain came and what the streams rose and the winds blew and beat against that house i'm talking about a kingdom house why you're supposed to be built for rain built for storm built for wind we're not lazy people we're not jelly back people we don't just pray for god to bless us we pray for god to make us powerful to handle crisis stop blaming everything on the devil look at the next statement it says yet it did not fall tell your neighbor be standing when the crisis is over amen then i'll believe that you are a kingdom citizen yeah you know we love to dance and praise the lord until trouble comes then we backslide the house stood and did not fall because it had its foundation on the rock remember i told you at the beginning of this session that the survival of your life is the knowledge of your foundation crisis cannot destroy the foundation if it's a rock so your decisions today have to be where am i grounded he goes on to talk about another house but everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand the winds blew the rain came streams rose and beat against that house also and that one fell with a great crash there are going to be a lot of crashes around you the next few months it's already begun and many of them are going to be in your church because who you think are grounded or not they're gonna give up they're gonna they're gonna collapse under the weight of the crisis they're gonna actually turn back some of them forget god they're gonna sacrifice their pride and sacrifice their standards and sacrifice their convictions to make a living and that's why god sent you here so you can get this message that you are built for crisis now let's talk a little bit about how you're supposed to respond to it what is this foundation that is so strong i call it crisis and creativity write this down crisis is the cradle of creativity in other words when crisis comes god's people become creative not intimidated another point crisis and pressure are the incubators of innovation and that's what i want to leave with you today in this session innovative thinking innovation is the most positive product of crisis that's why god sends them of why god allows crisis he does it to create innovative thinking because you have a lazy mind you don't grow in good times the saddest thing for a believer is a comfortable life this is why what you call a crisis to god is a tool for progress and in the world right now everything's fallen apart to make everybody grow don't curse the crisis thank him for stretching you for upsetting you because you have become lethargic put it another way innovation this is good stuff here you got to write this down innovation number one there is nothing new on planet earth very important say with me there's nothing new on planet earth so what is innovation we call innovation new stuff there's no no such thing as a new thing on earth well number two is very important new is our definition of innovation when someone innovates a product we call it new but the bible says that nothing new on earth so number three is key everything new is simply a combination of old things that's why the solution to the present crisis is on earth it's very simple case in point every time you say i bought a new pair shoe that's not true that's an old cow am i right you say you bought a new dress not true that's an old sheep you tell me you bought a new suit sir no it's an old sheep the wool you call it new they combined it in a different way and made a suit it's an old sheep you say to me you built a new house that's old dirt cement you say you bought a new car that's old iron ore and thin aluminum it's old there's nothing new around us and therefore number four is powerful innovation is the ability to con continue to combine old in new ways you know god didn't create anything after genesis chapter 1 verse 1. he simply used what was there to combine it in new ways your body came from old dirt genesis 2 verse 7. trees came out of the ground they are old dirt that's why when they die they go back to the dirt he didn't create trees he simply made them the two words used in the genesis narrative is very important the word create is used in verse one after that the word make is used two different words hebrew word means to create to form from nothing the word make is the word asa it means to form from some that's already present when it came to humans god used both words god created man and then he made man a part of you came from nothing that's the spirit part he didn't use anything in earth to produce the spirit man he took it off himself but the body he made from the dirt yes so your body was made but you were created and god took to create and put it inside what was made so when you die your body dies it goes back to red cave from its old dirt but you go back to the spirit of god innovation is simply the recombining of all things in new ways the solution to all of your problems are in your reach right now the problem is the all combinations ain't working no more that's why president obama don't know what to do and you have to try things we never tried before because the old combinations of the capitalist economy has collapsed so the books in harvard university don't work no more because everything they had created is no longer working so now they got to experiment with new combinations and they never had the us government buy a bank before but they say if we don't try something everything going to fall apart we got to try something they say let's combine some new things and we hate new if it cost us write this down creativity is innovative thinking what is innovation combining old things in new ways do you know how much money you have in your house right now you think you're poor you are rich your problem is you can't see anymore there's wealth in your car that you're driving every day your closet is filled with money and you call yourself broke you can't see anymore your yard is actually a farm but you made it a garden you can't eat roses you can't eat tulips and you're sitting there saying i'm hungry you ain't hungry you can't see is anybody here take up your roses and plant yourself some carrots that's what crisis does it shakes loose old thoughts my wife and i my wife will tell you man we have in our yard now we got so much cabbage so much lettuce why because we are productive people we we are giving cabbage away free the next two weeks to members of the church why because we use our yard for productivity you look at your flowers we eat ours what's your problem you can't see the soil is there you ain't gonna buy it it's been there but you can't see you're not poor you're just blind eyes that look are common but eyes that see are rare you can't see so let's talk about the paradox of innovation write this down everything god created is still here say it with me everything god created is still here you still understand what you just said listen they are telling us there's no money in the system there's no money in the system they are lying no money left the planet hello somebody all the money on the earth is still here didn't go to the moon didn't go to jupiter didn't go to planet pluto it is here it is somewhere all the money is on earth somewhere it's still here [Applause] never left the planet your problem is the money is hiding from you because you've been a bad manager what the bible says the bible says the secret wealth of riches god knows where it is money hides from bad managers that's why when those ceos messed up the mortgage company situation the money ran away left still here write this down money is attracted to management when you start mismanaging people's mortgage arrangements money runs from you mr madoff mismanaged billions he lost everything enron mismanaged resources they lost everything and you mismanage your tithe i said you mismanaged your tithe and you lost everything still money runs that's right from bad management don't forget to tie it son i don't care what crisis does you still die because that's god's view of your management you were never created to live of your salary that's why your salary can never pay your bills god never planned that god gave you a salary to develop management now give me 10 percent he says every time and you keep stealing it so he says you've robbed me and because of that the devourer is coming to eat all of your crops i'ma take everything from you number two there is nothing new under the sun that's good news that means in your environment right now is the solution to your crisis what you got to ask god for is new sight you're not poor you're blind you're not unemployed you just can't see god never gave adam a job he never gave adam a tree i mean a desk he never gave out him a chair he hid them in the trees come on think for a minute never gave adam anything you said look here there's the garden he said there's some water some gold some trees go for yourself and adam had to think to take the chair out of the tree that's innovation a new chair is an old tree remember you go to the furniture store to buy a new new sofa and god is saying that's an old tree the innovator will always prosper not the consumer and god has sent me into your life to transform you from being a consumer to an innovator kingdom people innovate we don't panic in crisis we progress in crisis can i hear an amen tell your neighbor think tell them again think shout out them loud think look at them tell one more time think that's your problem you're not thinking you gotta think in new ways number three everything man made is a combination of all things everything that's the paradox of innovation bill gates took old ideas and recombined them steven jobs took old plastic and made laptop what is their new ecclesiastes one says there's nothing new under the sun which means that whatever you need is already here so number four is very important everything necessary to invent the next new thing is already present let me ask you a question you never thought of do you think that moses could have flown an airplane think for a minute absolutely yes why everything necessary to fly was there there was gravity there was wood there was rubber trees and there was lift the only problem is moses couldn't combine them in the right way to produce what the right brothers produce everything was present so everything you need to get out of your situation right now is present your problem is you can't see the combinations so when you pray to god don't ask god to solve your problems ask god to give you the ideas present to solve the problem pray for divine ideas pray for insight not just sight insight november is building our church building i made it very clear this is not a religious building so we built a a beautiful building it's the largest one in the bahamas at the moment and we built it it's called the diplomat center for leaders so now all these organizations rent our buildings why because i'm smart we gotta when the building is not being used by us it should also be making money idea so all the schools rent our building for graduations the government run our buildings for national events and we collect the money why because if you stuck with a building with steeples and bells and crosses you can't rent it out old combinations of new things so you got to build a shutdown four days a week and ain't bringing you no revenue you are abusing god's resources calling it a church building there you go innovation tell your neighbor think say it loud think tell them again think i want you to go back home and study your house walk through it walk through your apartment study it see what's there that you never saw before combine some things and make some money in crisis your oven been sitting there you use it once a week that's stupid why don't you bake some cakes and sell them every day you are paying for oven that's not producing you are a bad manager and you tell me you are unemployed you're not employed you're stupid that's all you need to go back home and look at your oven this is a production center let me get some flowers and some cinnamon i'm gonna bake some cookies get myself a business out of this oven new combination of old things those parts in your house are a disgrace they're sitting there empty listen mama you could make soup very well go back make that soup your mama taught you and sell that thing in plastic bowls to those construction workers and make yourself some money i'm old oh shut up you ain't old you just think you're old go to work come on clap your hands anyhow praise god kingdom thinking [Applause] come on say to your neighbor think say it loud think girl think [Applause] one time i asked god why did you give us a brain with 500 billion cells his answer was simple he says because i want to rest sometimes write this down innovation is the ability to see beyond sight you know the bible says about kingdom citizen you walk by faith and not by sight fate means belief what do you believe about your car is it just for mobile to work in the church or is it a business on wheels [Music] if you're gonna buy a car you might as well buy yourself a limousine to use for business and drive it to church when you're ready still got to pay the note anyway oh boy ask god for vision vision is the ability to see beyond your eyes the greatest enemy of sight the greatest enemy of vision is sight because sight always shows you what is vision shows you what could be don't trust your sight it'll keep you poor for the just shall live by faith for they walk by faith and not by sight well i got 30 slides this is number four and i'm going to leave you write this down everything you need to accomplish your dream is present now it's amazing how we keep looking to other people for things the bank didn't give me any money so i can't start my vision my friends wouldn't help me so i can't start my vision what are you talking about think study what you have you know i notice about god he always asks this question every time someone complains he would ask this question what is in your hand famous question of jesus what do you have you know we always look for something else what do you have he says bring it to me moses what do you have moses had something that he had all [Music] along what do you have in your house a woman about to die run out of oil and the prophet says what is in your house i didn't come here to give you nothing new i'm giving you opportunity to see things in new ways go back home your crisis is not a crisis you got a crisis of sight i'm gonna prosper in the middle of this whole thing they're talking about why because i don't see like they see this crisis will make more millionaires than was before the crisis you want they're going to be them sharp young fellas who see opportunities everywhere and they're going to jump on it while you're complaining they're going to be catching [Applause] and you're a child of light ain't got no problems man you just can't see it's already here jesus says here's some keys matthew 16 19 read he says what i will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven look at mark 4 11 read and he told them the secret of the kingdom of god has been given to you in other words i'm giving you some secrets that the other kingdom don't know about don't see like they see bind some things together that no one else is bound together lose some old ideas so heaven can lose some new ideas into your mind that's the keys look at the last part the secret of the kingdom of giving to you but not to those outside that means you are supposed to know some things they don't know even though you're living right next to each other you're supposed to prosper while they're starving and they wonder what's your secret you tell them i got a secret i found something for my country heaven is my country and we don't think the way you all think in your country that's why you're here i am here to change your citizenship amen paul says my citizenship is in heaven i'm on earth but i'm not from earth he says that's why you're here genesis 2 9. i'm going to give you this because we got to get ready to wind down 15 minutes so we're going to talk fast sit up straight and let the devil steal this stuff okay here we go i call it the secret to wealth now this is some of the keys that jesus was trying to tell us about that we missed in the beginning god told us to adam he's talking adam he says the lord made all kinds of trees growing off the ground trees that were pleasing to the eyes good for food now the lord is talking to adam he says look there is a river watering the garden flown from eden from there it is separated into four head waters the first thing god told adam about was water you missed it folks look at me look at me you missed it he says the first power of wealth on earth adam is water not computers water when god give you a list you better write the list down secondly verse 12 he says the gold is good you tell him there's gold in the gun fourth he says aromatic resin that's oil then fifth he says there's onix and precious stone that's diamonds and pearls and rubies now notice the list the list is interesting first of all he says there is fruit then there is water then there is gold then there is resin then there is onyx now look at the list god's priorities are different from ours let me say something to you very important what's the first thing you need in your life right now you need food and water your body is 87 water so god says i got four times water in the garden if you want to go into a business right now go into the water business some of you looking at me funny sell your house buy an osmosis machine reverse of moses and open a water company you can't lose why gosh that's number one number two agriculture have you noticed that when the gas prices hit five dollars everybody's scattered for food we had a choice between gas and food what did we choose food why because food is more important than number four resin some of you have walked away from farming and god has sent me to tell you go back into farming people need food more than they need oil i'm in discussions right now with a couple of people investing money into farming in the bahamas because that's what that's the future the farmers are going to become the wealthiest people in the next 10 years you watch because you cannot eat a computer if you were hungry you would sell your iphone oh come on talk to me go back to god's list i give you fruit for food he says and water for drink you want to go into business that's it right there no matter who starves the water company won't you go in that cafeteria you buy a bottle of water sometimes they put sugar in it and call it soda but it's water you need water your body is 87 water it cannot live without water but it could live without oil follow god's plan look at the third one gold gold comes after you got water and food when you get water and your stomach is full now you can buy some jewelry now when you can't find water on oil what do you mean water and food you do you sell your jewelry come on somebody this is no time to buy no necklace it's a crisis time it's time to sell you gold god's smart look at the next one oil when the prices of gas went up to five dollars people started carpooling catching the bus riding the train why they realized i can't waste no money or no gasoline i'm gonna take my pride and catch myself a bus i gotta go to work to get some money to buy some one and two food water look at the next one precious stone ladies and gentlemen listen to me carefully if you lost your job this is no time to go buy yourself a diamond it's time to what sell your diamonds we'll be all mixed up your house is not poor check your jewelry it's a lot of money and you can't eat a ring you can't chew a chain so be smart get rid of it now get some money and become liquid put it in the bank and hold it why you need liquid you don't need gold the wisdom of god some of you all got 50 000 diamond rings and you ain't never want it that's bad management are you glad you came here today there's wealth in your house god's question what's in your house what's in your house you're not poor you just can't see and so god is forming us hey and here's the verse again i want to repeat it why did god create us genesis 2 4 it said because there was no man to work the ground he wanted a manager of his resources he wanted you to cultivate what he has and the first thing god gave adam was not a computer he gave him a garden agriculture and you left the farm man people need food people need to eat they need cattle meat god made abraham a stock holder he had stocks not in wall street he had stocks cattle what do you have think young woman don't let them force you into a career don't make no sense think god's list work all right let's just finish this up the principal assignment of man therefore is dominion and that dominion comes through management and management is the extension of god's culture on earth god manages heaven and so the strategy of god is to dominate work through work earth through management god wants to dominate bird through what management he calls it work as a matter of fact the first thing god gave adam was work so the principle reason for your creation is management and management is the measure of your success on earth what you don't manage god takes from you i'm going to give you all one of the deepest revelations you ever had in your life are you ready here it is if you don't manage your country foreigners will take over your country that's a divine strategy that's right who's really working in america in the farms foreigners they're taking over your country that's why you need two languages in your schools now you wonder what's going on god is actually taking the country from you god tells israel israel he says look you're going into this land he says don't forget me when you go into the land watch god now he says when you begin to prosper don't forget me he says if you forget me i will bring in the foreigner and they shall drive you from your own land and if you study the bible every time they worship idols they lost the land whatever you mismanage you lose even your country your laws begin to put god out of school out of business out of government and god do something you're going to also put yourself out of land if you don't manage your house you'll lose it ever wonder why god gives wealthy people more wealth let me explain what i mean by that do you remember the three men who got the talents the one who mismanaged it who was that given to the one who had the most that doesn't make any sense right you think give the second one no because the one who manages better or the best gets more i want you to think about this message today go back and check your life there's a book out there called the burden of freedom please get that book the book is about this what i'm talking about in that book i wrote a lot of information on kingdom management because if you don't learn to manage right now this crisis will destroy you wealth doesn't leave the planet so when it's under pressure it goes to the managers and they should be kingdom people stop walking around claiming the wealth of the wicked you don't get it by claiming it we got this funny philosophy we have you know money cometh and you know call it in what you mean call it in god never gave with anyone who called it in he gave it to those who were managers hard-working people who preserve his resources god gave them more you don't pray well into your hands you manage it into your hands whatever you lost you check it you mismanaged it that's all god took it whatever you lost what is management oh boy it's a long definition so please write it down and those in business write it twice and if you've never taken a business course write it three times please buy this cd and get the book on the burden of freedom management is what is the effective efficient correct and timely use of another person's property and resources for the purpose for which they delegated it to you with a view to producing the expected added value that's management it's a long definition but every word is important management initially means you don't own the product it's someone else's property management means you're not the owner right away therefore accountability becomes important you and i are managers of earth god gave us rulership but never gave us ownership of planet earth the earth is still the lord and the fullness thereof but he watches how you manage it and he shifts resources around based on your management business management i've seen marriages fall apart not because people didn't love one another they just didn't manage the marriage you spend more time in church more than you spend with your spouse you just miss management you spend more time speaking in tongues rather than kissing your wife you need a good slap in your face oh don't look at me like that that's bad management i don't want no prophecy i want time with you don't prophesy to me that's bad management yes it is we wonder why things fall apart we got to repent change our lives today and say lord please help me to manage your children don't want a pastor they want a father my wife and i we grew up our kids are so wonderful but you know every week we made a plan every thursday belongs to our kids up to my wife rather every saturday belongs to our kids so we didn't plan nothing on mondays that belongs to me that's my private day thursday on my wife's property anything she wants to do anywhere she wants to go that's all day saturday our kids they take us anywhere they want to do whatever they want to talk anything they want in other words we manage the time if somebody wants to see us and our kids wants to see us no one sees us our kid sees us it's management if you die and my wife needs to see me you're gonna have a funeral what i manage my life that's right i'm not married to you i'm married to my wife you're not more important than my wife if you sick you wanna see me you're gonna die that's right that's right sounds tough right let me read the bible for you christ says husbands love your wife like i love my wife he never said to love his wife he said love your wife oh boy [Applause] don't you ever love the church more than your wife you don't read the bible that's all bad management so what do you do you repent ask god to forgive you and then god will put you back in the path and you start off fresh today management everybody say management other people's property it's management is this good today y'all are quiet on me all of a sudden management is the primary goal of humanity whatever you fail to manage you will lose say it loud whatever you fail to manage you will lose god's primary measure of trusting you is management god will give to effective management why because management attracts resources say it loud management attracts resources when you manage god's products he gives you more you know what i am right now i'm a product of god he sent me here from my country and i am now in front of you you are using me his product to get his information now how are you going to manage me is the question you mismanage me i don't come back so you lose the teaching that's right it cost me to be here i am worth twenty five thousand dollars a day some of you put two dollars in the in the offering pan that's mismanagement i don't need to be here man i'm not begging you no i'm good i'm debt-free what i'm saying is if you mismanage the product then the boss looks at that and say you know something i'm gonna send that product somewhere else because they mismanaged their product right paul told the people in philippi he says it is better for you that you give to me not that i needed a gift but it goes to your account it's management write this down god will not give you what you ask for only which you can manage so before you pray check can i manage this lord i need a husband you better check first can i manage a man the rest of my life lord i need a wife you better ask god carefully and slowly that's a human you're asking for can you manage this management relationship that's why we get we get books out there on men and women buy the books it took me 30 years to write one of those books you don't walk past the table that's material for effective management of relationships there's a book out there called the purpose for men every man should read it five times because most men even know what a man is there's a book we have called the purpose for women read that book women are complicated you got to study them if you're going to manage them matter of fact the bible says husband live with them according to knowledge not according to the anointing to knowledge you need to know to manage your marriage go and then invest in it our success is a marriage for 30 years it's not magic it's management we have to manage our marriage we have a great marriage i love my wife she's my baby but let me tell you something it took good management to have a good relationship you ain't supposed to endure marriage you're supposed to enjoy the relationship but it comes from management you gotta manage this relationship you gotta give to it you gotta cultivate you gotta listen you gotta serve it's management young ladies a young man comes you say you want to marry you first question you should ask him can you manage this this is heavy stuff i have a lot of needs can you manage my needs it's not simple as it looks can i get personal it says if anyone wants to be a leader in god's church he must first manage his own home well manage that means you got other people's resources in that house my wife don't belong to me that's god's property he told me to manage her that's marriage taking someone else's property and making it better remember added value so definition you add value to the product it's supposed to be better because it came under your management sometimes you marry somebody after you're married you are worse off than you were they took away value it's bad management right look at that word what is manager it's the age of man it's the age where god wants you to handle his products the age of man all right let me close with these comments god gave man dominion management over earth man was given rulership but not ownership therefore all humans are managers he gave it to them let them have dominion everybody in this room is a manager and that means that in the kingdom of god no man owns anything this is why god becomes a little bit excited when you start claiming things are yours are you all with me i'm getting ready to go you remember christ told a story one time he said there was a rich man who had much wealth and he said to himself now be careful when you're rich and start talking to yourself he said to himself my bones are full my silos are brimming over i have made myself rich and christ says little did he know that that night his soul would be required of him he was dead when you start boasting on god's property he takes it back the best protection against losing god's resources it's giving it away all the time just so god could not see i ain't keeping it he watches that that's why it's more blessed to give because it's a sign that you don't own no man is an owner the earth is still the lord's so you got a nice boat be careful use that boat to serve people you got a nice house you don't want no one come in your house and put their feet on your rug you better be careful you're gonna lose house rug and dog god doesn't take lightly when you start claiming ownership that's right that's right that's right there are people in florida right now who were doing fine until last month and the big house has a sign in front now humility a beautiful spirit god raises up the humble but he sets down the proud [Music] this is my careful you're not an owner and if you don't own then i can tell you anytime i feel like what to do with my resources give it to her now give it to him see i can tell you that you can't say no it's mine it's my money god says wait a minute that's right you work for me you don't own that that's right god will test your ownership by requiring you to give that's all those folks that came up there last night one of the gentlemen came to me he said i love him so much he said pastor miles i had already my wife already put five hundred dollars down he said but when you called i just felt god says go again give a thousand bucks i said to him i says you going to live long it's very hard for god to find people who are willing to give up his stuff so he makes them live long stingy people are clogged up pipes god get rid of them write this down accountability is a natural result of management and that's the issue if you're going to make it through the crisis god's going to check your accountability what have you done with what i gave you the last two years can you give an account of what i gave you accountability and so effective management determines the amount of your resources it's not complicated effective management determines what the amount of your resources i have much more to say to you but my time is gone i promise to finish at 12 30. it is now 12 30. i will see you sometime in the future on the other side of the test you will come through won't you yes and you're going to be standing on a rock will you and you're going to embarrass the crisis right you're going to laugh at tribulation am i right about that why because you're tougher than the wind because he began a good work in you he will finish it that's right and you will fly into the storm like an eagle and say let me rest a while up here because this is where i belong give god a big hand today and a big hand for this week thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes monroe global possible please visit us online at for more product partnership or to join us at one of our live events around the world
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 31,563
Rating: 4.84689 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer, success
Id: sH25KuEdN_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 34sec (5134 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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