Kingdom Keys To Thriving In Times of Crisis Part 1 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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[Music] thank you for joining us for another power packed message from dr miles monroe provided by monroe global incorporated and we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message so i want to focus tonight on the kingdom response to change and crisis write that down the kingdom responds to what change and crisis have you ever gone out in the morning and the weather was beautiful and you were out about your life and suddenly everything became dark at three o'clock and there was a thunderstorm and then the rain came at 3 30 and it was raining cats and dogs what did you do you continued what you were doing didn't you but you had to adjust some things didn't you you had to turn the wipers on in the car you had to cover your head to run from the car to the store or wherever you were going or to your job you had to drive slower because of the rain you had to be more careful about the other drivers and people standing on the streets being careful not to hurt them or wet them in the water and you even were delayed in your arrival to places because of the weather some of your appointments had to be cancelled maybe because you couldn't get there in time anymore because the rain may have been so heavy that it caused traffic jams and you missed an appointment uh and what you didn't do at the end of the day is you didn't commit suicide because of that what you do when things change you adjust this is a very important session the kingdom how does it respond to change and crisis i want to focus in this segment on kingdom keys to thriving in times of crisis thriving in times of crisis the kingdom of god is not a religion jesus christ was never a religious man his message was not a religious message as a matter of fact his number one opposition were not sinners the record shows that his number one opposition were religious people it was they who attacked him it was they who schemed to kill him it was they who tried to trap him in his own words many times it was they who accused him of being full of a devil the sinners loved him the bible called him the he was called a friend of sinners this is a paradox the reason why he was so antagonistically approached by religious people is because they expected the messiah to be a religious person but his message was about a kingdom i know where the kingdom is i was born in one in 1954 i lived in the kingdom up to 1973 and i lived under the jurisdiction influence of a king and a queen my islands that i was born in and still live in today were under a kingdom for over 200 years and so we have the culture of kingdom in our blood so when i read the bible the bible makes sense to me if you were born in a democracy all your life as you have in this country for over 200 years now you actually are a product of rebellion against a kingdom in 1776 so there was no opportunity for this great country to have any concept of kingdoms in its culture so when i read the bible i understand the words of jesus perhaps a little bit more succinctly and clearly than those who were born in a democratic culture christ came preaching a kingdom a kingdom is not a religion a kingdom is write this down a country jesus came to earth to reintroduce a country this is the problem with religion today religion is still propagating and promoting a religion concept and not a country concept a religion cannot survive crisis you know jesus christ his first public statement is made in matthew chapter 4 verse 17. make a note he says these words it says and from that time forward jesus began to preach quote repent why because the kingdom of heaven has arrived he says is at hand simply means in the old british new king james version has arrived he was announcing not the coming but the arrival of the kingdom of heaven he couldn't just say the kingdom because the kingdom is a country so he had to say the kingdom of heaven heaven is the place heaven please forgive my feeble human term is a country it's an invisible country it is more real than earth as a matter of fact the bible teaches that the unseen is more real than the scene heaven is an invisible country that produced planet earth the entire physical universe is a product of heaven created by the king of heaven for the purpose of extending the influence of heaven the first kingdom that ever existed then is the kingdom of heaven it's the original kingdom that is where man got the idea of kingdom from from the dna of adam it was built into his chromosomes that somewhere in the blood system of adam's cells was the concept of kingdom when god called moses the burning bush some of you may not even recall the details but god told moses go and get the people out of egypt for me why because i want to make them a royal priesthood not a religious priesthood but a royal priest royalty is kingship a royal priesthood and a holy nation not a religion amen amen that's all he wants when god spoke to abraham some of you missed the details god was not creating judaism let's quote again what god told abraham sometimes we are so busy being religious we missed the entire mandate because abraham i will bless you and i will make you a blessing and i will bless those who bless you and i will curse those who curse you those who come against verbally what i'm telling you he says and i will bless you now watch him he says ultimately my goal is unthrough you in other words i'm only using you we've made abraham more important than jesus and through you all the nations of the world will be blessed what's he after nation again he wants to bless nations not individuals only the purpose for blessing an individual is for national impact i will bless you so i can bless the nations one of our problems is we pray for our own prosperity and not the prosperity of the whole community in our own ministry this year our focus is on kingdom community and the lord was very clear to me he said i want you to go and preach around the world all year one message building a kingdom community i am not a god of individual success individualism is an invention of capitalism you are not supposed to even approach god for yourself oh it gets deep now they asked jesus how should we pray he said when you pray follow this patty you begin like this not my father are y'all quiet for a reason over here or something he said don't even come to me with your own needs come with everybody's needs our father who is in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom influence come die culture be done where on earth as is give us not me forgive us lead us not what's your problem see we've made the american dream god's dream and it's not god's dream that's why the system is falling apart because the whole system is built on individual success so a few ceos could destroy the system capitalism to me and i did my studies in college my conclusion is it's a system that capitalizes on the weak and this is why a few ceos could fly away with a bonus and your cousin is left with a house in the bank community everybody's a community tell your neighbor your success is my concern the bible says if one of us laugh and rejoice all should rejoice and if one of us weep oh should we it's a different concept god's changing everything so jesus brought this beautiful concept of a country to earth the kingdom of heaven and he began to teach that in every page matthew mark luke and john the message of jesus the kingdom has arrived that kingdom is here right now but we are still victims of the other kingdom because we have mixed religion into the concept and have become victims of our own religion religion is man's search for god the kingdom is what man searching for and when he finds the kingdom he stops searching so if you're not satisfied yet as a believer a christian that means you've not yet found the kingdom one time christ said it this way he said the kingdom of heaven is like a man who was digging in the field just working and he hit something and when he dug it up he found it was treasure he covered it back up he looked this way and that way and he went away and sold everything he had car house land cat dog and cd player came back and bought that one parcel of ground why he had found everything he was trying to accumulate in one hole he says such as the kingdom of heaven when you find it you stop searching this is why perhaps christianity is still not satisfying to many people because it has been reduced to a religion and man did not lose a religion he lost a country a kingdom this is why our number one pursuit in life write this down is government i know you don't want to admit that but i'm telling you that's your priority think about it for a minute everybody in this room either support or criticize government and we usually blame everything that's happening to us on government we also believe that if we want to improve it we got to change government and if something goes wrong we always make the responsible party the government and this is why we spend billions of dollars around the world every year changing governments do you know why that is what you lost that's what jesus bought isaiah 9 verse verse 7 says for unto you a child will be born and unto you a son will be given and he's coming with the government upon his shoulders next verse says and of the increase of his government there will be no end and he will reign on a throne not a podium not a pulpit a throne what do you do with these verses this is why jesus never spoke in the trial before the religious leaders it was the wrong courtroom [Music] you don't try a politician in a religious court he was a king and the bible said they examined him and chris he answered not a word why wrong courtroom i'm a king i'm not a religious leader and then the bible says they took him before pilate he said all right now i can talk. and pilate says do you know i have the power from my kingdom to take your life or give it to you and christ got excited christ is pilate you could have no authority over me except it was first given to you by my government in heaven for even now i could call 10 leaders of my own soldiers angels and they would deliver me out of your hands but because i came here to use you to get me killed shut your mouth and get me crucified so that's what i came here to do pilate says yes sir what is truth [Applause] he didn't bring a religion he bought a kingdom what is a kingdom it's a country write the word country now just write it down country if you didn't bring any note paper find malachi and between malachi and matthew and your bible there's a blank page so take notes right there i'm sure it is there brother look for it what is a country a country is a nation right the word nation next to it and that's what jesus christ is interested in nation what is a nation i'll give you a list of what a nation is write them down number one territory territory nation must have territory that's why it's called the kingdom of heaven heaven is the territory earth is also heaven's colony it's an extended territory two language nations must have one language this is why you speak in tongues tongues is not a religious experience it is a national experience a nation is known by its language number three constitution or nature of a confusion the book in your lap is not a religious book it is called a law book isn't it it's the law of god it's a constitutional book we make it religious a constitution provides rights and privileges to citizens not devotions we used to battle for devotions instead of learning our rights and our privileges number four law all nations have laws law protects the people and the constitution that's why you must have law as a matter of fact law is probably the most important component in the nation because law is the manifestation of the the constitutional commitment of the people to live by standards that protect their constitution this is why the first thing god gave the child of israel was not power he was going to build a nation the first thing he gave them was what law because law produces culture that's the next one all nations of culture that's what jesus brought to earth number six all nations have code of ethics you cannot live in a country without a code of ethic we call it morality ethical behavior norms all nations must have a code of ethics number seven all nations have values values we call them ideals the kingdom of god is no different it has values values are simply the things that a nation value for example in america you value freedom most countries around you don't you think they do for example in japanese there's no word for freedom so the kamikaze pilots was trying to figure out what are you all fighting for so they bum their planes into your ships why you talking when you fight for freedom they say what is freedom and then they bomb the ship with their own lives now the eastern nations get the same problem there's no word in their language in arabic for freedom so when your president says we want you to be free there's not even a word in the language for it so your ideal may not be their ideal go do your research on it check it out and this is why even in leadership you got to be knowledgeable before you start doing diplomacy because your language may be a foreign language to people for example nations in in the asian countries and arabic countries they value honor not freedom honor is more important than freedom this is why they would have laws which says you know if you disgrace the family we will kill you they why you have disgraced the owner of the family so they they have a different value system and you and i can't understand that why would you kill your own daughter and you say this is crazy but it's their values that control them when you study the kingdom of god the values are different for example in the game of god god values love more than revenge so he says love your enemy that doesn't make any sense to you if somebody just robbed you and raped your wife god says love them what no you killed them he said no in my country you forgive them see look at your face it's tough for example how about value valuing money in the kingdom of god god doesn't value money in in your culture it's a big value you work for it 24 hours a day in the kingdom of god you walk on it the streets are made out of gold you work for it god walks on see two different values that's why the bible says why do you worry about what you will eat and drink you guys your value system is screwed up he says seek first that's that's what you put value on the kingdom first you put value on food first two different countries that's why the first word jesus used is repent why the word repent down repent means to change your thinking you cannot live in the kingdom of god with a religious mind it's a country values number nine all countries have customs customs the kingdom of god has customs just like america and canada and england everyone get customs all countries have customs in other words things that are customary to the culture it's your custom to play baseball in the kingdom of god it's the custom to have communion it's a country people have no idea why you take communion who are not a part of the kingdom of god they don't say why you all do that it's our custom we remember our king's death for us it's a country now uh can i give you one more by the way there are 26 of these i won't give them to you got to buy the book out there called rediscovering the kingdom in the background i give you 26 specific components of a country and a kingdom go and buy the book because nothing is yours until you learn it a good teacher never gives the answers they stimulate an interest in them so the student could pursue them himself all countries have a judicial system judicial system in other words judgment mechanics there is in every country a place to deal with those who violate law the kingdom of god is a country it deals with judgment so when you violate the laws of a country you come before the judicial system and then they hand out penalties the kingdom of god is no different and i think what we have failed to do i'm saying this very important listen to me carefully this is what our problem is for the last 1900 years we lost it over almost 900 years ago and that is a respect for law we have actually replaced law with grace kingdoms do not function on grace they function on law countries cannot function on grace grace write this down grace is extended opportunity to keep the law again i'm gonna say it again grace is extended privilege or opportunity to start keeping the law again grace is not given for you to violate law but to continue keeping it right that's why the charismatic movement is such an embarrassing mess because there is no law in this 21st century church we sin because we know we could get forgiveness that's not a country that's chaos we plan our forgiveness before we say because we've made grace more important than law grace is never more important than law grace brings you back in position to keep the law that's why when the woman was caught in adultery according to what the people said christ said something very important to her he said first of all i do not condemn you in other words i'm the king i can judge you now i forgive you fine he said but now the next thing is important go and sin no more in other words i'm letting you go so you could keep the law think country everybody think think country if if you think nation and country you'll read the bible correctly so countries must judge this is why when the bible says that when you delay justice you increase corruption because if you don't judge in a country you are a part of the corruption so in the body of christ if a man who's in position in church in leadership messes up his life the constitution is very clear on what to do with that man and none of the pastors today seem to want to obey the law the law says first of all approach that man directly tell him about his fault and his sin and then it says you must judge him and sit down and if you if he refused to hear you he said then take him to the whole council and if you refuse to hear them take him to the whole church and if you refuse to hear them it says put him out when was the last time you put a evangelist out of the church people get divorced on monday and they keep preaching on tuesday what kind of foolish church is this there's no government no judgment that's why there's no fear in the church tell me how you feel brother tell me how you feel when you watch mr ted highgate on larry king embarrassing the whole church because no one will confront him and say brother shut your mouth for five years become a member of the church and sit on the front row and start over again no we don't want to do that see you know it's amazing in america in your own nation when someone breaks the law what do you do you remove them from the society and put them in a place called prison same thing god says remove them he says if they don't want to line up with the law you remove them out of society because one act affects the community am i right yes tell your neighbour live right for my sake boy what a statement to make the rest of your life that's how you live the kingdom of god is a country and if you violate the law you are compromising everybody so you must you must all be responsible for helping others to keep the law hey brother no i saw you at that club last night you can't do that man you're in the choir man you can't be in a club and be in the choir brother you're a mess of all in other words you deal with yourself right there you don't gossip about it you talk to him so brother i can't let you do this to us either you in the choir or you in the club now which one are you in brother because we got to make a decision i'm going to tell the whole church where i saw you if you don't clean your actor that's law [Applause] go ahead and clap your hands praise god we like grace because it allows us to sin got to get back to it i remember a rich young man came to jesus and asked christ the ultimate question what is the greatest commandment in the law he said love the lord thy god with all your heart your mind your strength your neighbor as yourself the next day another young man came to jesus and asked him a question what must i do to inherit the kingdom that was the question christ says keep the law now i never heard a preacher preach on that yet he didn't say believe in me thou shalt be saved he says keep the law and you enter the kingdom yeah i know yes you never heard that before see they they tell you just pray no he says keep the law then the man says okay what are the law and christ began to repeat the ten commandments again in the new testament his first public statement repent okay for the government of heaven has arrived second statement i didn't come to destroy the law oh oh but to enforce it thou shalt not commit adultery you don't need grace for that that's law [Applause] and you only with your husband that's that's kingdom [Applause] getting living now see all of a sudden it's quiet see because you love christianity it allows you to sin and still sing in the choir [Music] policemen are driving all over the city tonight watching for what lawbreakers we need we need to have some saints just moving around the kingdom all the time looking for who lawbreakers aren't you married yeah what are you doing here with this guy [Laughter] the kingdom of god is a country say it the kingdom of god is a country yeah now the kingdoms of the world are countries i want to talk about this write this down the countries of the world are in crisis they are in crisis oh by the way let me give you a number is that number nine we give them 11. taxes all kingdoms have taxes and number 12 all kingdoms have economies economies all kingdoms that's why tithing is a command from god it is a tax that's why giving is a command from god it's the economic system of heaven the economic system of heaven is built on giving not receiving as the priority but giving it's a different culture in the kingdom of god giving is the culture of the economy in the world taking is the culture you take what you can so five ceos decide that they are going to maximize the mortgage system so they can get more money and so they take they take the bible calls it greed yes yes greed is the abuse of resources for personal gains in the kingdom we give greed is the abuse of resources for personal gain in the kingdom of god you give for the benefit of everybody else that's why the bible says listen carefully it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom culture why because he got his wealth probably by taking and now when he enters this new country you live by giving it away and this is why it is not impossible he said it's hard do you remember there was a guy who was a professional white collar thief his name was zacchaeus zacchaeus was in the system he was a merchant and a tax collector the guy was serious and you remember what jesus did to him he went to his house now in those days uh everybody say thresh say threshold what is that that's the wood across the door it's an important wood piece of wood in the eastern countries that piece of wood is called a barrier that's why it's called a thresh a barrier you don't let anybody cross that barrier lightly because once they cross that thresh they become one with your house so jesus when he said to zacchaeus today is a very powerful statement not everyone the town is patrick people they know jesus they know this guy is a powerful miracle worker he's a holy man there's no guile in him he is a pure man and this guy is telling a thief today i want to cross your thresh i want to become one with your house i want to eat with you in your house this is why when he went in the pharisees and scribes lost it remember they said your master how can he eat how can he enter the house of a republican and a sinner they couldn't believe he became one the kingdom of god is never intimidated by the culture of the world can i say it again the kingdom of god is never intimidated by the culture of the world you're never afraid of their culture you can walk right into their territory why because you are the dominant culture you don't believe me watch what happens next he comes in the house he sits at the table and eats zacchaeus food now when anyone eats your food in that culture they've eaten your sweat anybody from the eastern country will tell you that in other words a man's bread is his life when he shares his bread with you he shared his entire life with you so when the bibles of christ ate at the house he was eating zacchaeus life when the meal was over this rich man who was a capitalist suddenly went through a transformation repentance his thinking changed and what happens a taker suddenly became a giver without anyone prodding him that is happening to you right now what i'm teaching you to stop being a religious person and start becoming a kingdom person and you prove your kingdom power by your capacity to let things go i dare you zacchaeus began to give everything back and he got so excited he told jesus he said look master look see i am giving every man back what i took from him and even more [Music] what a transformation when a stingy man becomes a giver that's a miracle give god a hand for a miracle kingdom miracles 2009 is the clash of kingdoms that's why the system is falling apart number two change is the human equalizer everybody in this room is being affected by change right now whether you like it or not some of your older folks you thought you retired now your retirement is gone 401k is gone some of you thought you had a permanent job now your job is in jeopardy or you probably lost it some of you thought that your business was going to be intact for years and now your business can't even get a loan from the bank to continue everything is changing it equalizes everybody write this down number three crisis is simply unexpected change that's why they're calling it a crisis what is a crisis can't hear you what is the crisis everybody say together louder unexpected change what's the crisis unexpected change very important so any change that you didn't expect becomes a crisis the country didn't expect this to happen three years ago we were booming last year oil prices knocked everything out of work this year now the whole system is collapsing unexpected change what is unexpected change crisis crisis let's talk a little bit about change in crisis let's see if you have a few in your own life write this down number one here's what i call different changes that bring crisis all challenge and change in our life is a crisis all change is a crisis case in point you used to weigh 110 remember don't don't laugh at that she she remembering good old days yes your stomach used to be in your chest remember brother come on guys say amen right there his stomach dropped right and now he's out here yeah it's a change that's a crisis you can't put that pants on anymore some of you ladies go to the closet and you have depression am i right your best dress all you can do look at it now lord i should love that dress come on guys don't think you got away remember that suit that one you really like you know men are real cool the men say this belt is tight your wife said no buy a bigger size it's a crisis number two crisis is a result of change i want you to take the failure of crisis tonight number three some crises are self-imposed for example you've been smoking cigarettes for 40 years and now you get a lung cancer the cancer is a crisis but you impose it on yourself you've been drinking alcohol for the last 20 years now your liver is completely consumed by the alcohol and the doctor says you have to have an operation it's a crisis you imposed it you did not manage your marriage properly for the last 20 years you were so busy doing your work you neglected your wife and now your marriage is in trouble and you got a divorce on your hand that's a crisis but it was self-imposed because you'd mismanage your life some crisis self-imposed number three write this down an external crisis is a result of changes over which you have no control and that's what's happening to us right now as a matter of fact number five is even more graphic the greatest result of crisis is change and i want to focus on this the next two days change in crisis i'm going to show you how the kingdom overcomes change in crisis when i'm finished with this next two days you will have no fear of next year you're going to be able to walk into every day with confidence as a matter of fact when we finish this this seminar on the last next four days we're going to give you equipment tools to be in control of every day remember now crisis is when you are out of control that's what makes it a crisis the kingdom of god puts you in control and we're going to see how that happens so number six mastering the change of crisis is determined by your ability to manage and benefit from change lord have mercy what's the key to life managing and benefiting from change your life right now is a result of how you handle changes in your life let me say it again what you are right now is a result of how you handle the changes that took place in your life some of you are not doing good why because you didn't manage the changes properly some of you are doing fine why you manage the changes properly change is inevitable so get used to it and success on earth is your capacity to manage it and benefit from it that's the key a crisis is only possible when you are overwhelmed by the change five hundred thousand jobs were lost in the last three months they anticipate five million would be lost by the end of the year 15 banks already collapsed as of last monday they anticipate more banks collapsing to the point where the government is thinking about buying the banks what does that change mean to you as a kingdom citizen now remember you are in the world but not of the world so we got to learn how do i handle that change and benefit from it don't miss a session please go to work and tell your boss you got a doctor's appointment miles monroe dr miles be here in the morning tomorrow afternoon make sure you're here why because i'm going to show you that the very job you are going to stay away from the session could not be there next month knowledge is more important than expediency we're going to benefit from change i'm going to master crisis here what is a crisis you've been hearing all this year crisis crisis what's the crisis write this down let me define it for you a crisis is write this down an event a circumstance or a situation affecting you or your environment over which you have no direct cause control or responsibility that's a crisis what is a crisis it is an event or a circumstance or a situation like the economic conditions right now over which you have no direct cause you didn't cause it you can't control it and you can't take responsibility for it but you are in it that's a crisis you can spend your life getting angry and cursing everybody and getting depressed put a gun to your head and cancel your life or you can look at this and say look let me get control of this don't miss tomorrow let me give you a little preview jesus said these words in this world you will have many troubles watch him now you will have many it's a promise he promised trouble see the problem with the charismatic movement is they only won the ones for the blessing promises in this world you will have many troubles he says but have no fear why i have overcome the world and you will overcome give god a praise he didn't say you overcome it by leaving it what i'm going to teach you in this brief series is how he overcame it i'm going to show you his secrets and i'm using them i have total peace and i'm debt free in jesus name hang on and that wasn't because i prayed that's because i applied kingdom principles every day and that's why i was sent here okay write this down crisis is unplanned an uncontrolled change say that with me crisis is unplanned and uncontrolled change what is the crisis unplanned and uncontrolled in other words you didn't plan on this thing happening but it happened you can't control this thing but it has happened this change has hit your life and you didn't cause it you didn't plan on it and it's a part of your experience you can't control it that's a crisis some of you still not clear on what it is so let me break it down for you okay let's talk about the changes that bring crisis if you find yourself in this just shout amen number one the loss of a job come on say louder don't be ashamed because you get your job back when i'm finished with you create your own job number two another crisis death of a child you didn't plan for this baby to die another crisis death of a spouse you plan to live under your old age and die together but things happen it's a crisis how about this one collapse of your business you were doing well five years ago and now you can't even get a loan from the bank to keep payroll that's a crisis your 401k you had it all worked out now they're wondering if they could even find the money to pay you what they lost and the company that was matching it is gone what do you do business collapse how about this crisis a terminal disease you thought you was healthy until you went for a checkup it's a crisis how about this one a divorce you remember at that altar when you said until death do his part and then it was until the last argument you didn't plan on that that's a crisis and you couldn't control it you couldn't stop the person from making the it's decision crisis how about this one loss of a home you worked so hard for this home you paid your mortgage you worked all these years you built this thing and now it's repossessed that's a crisis you didn't plan on that can't control it how about this one an unmarried pregnant daughter and you happen to be the pastor man or the choir leader or the youth director and your daughter is pregnant and you've been teaching stuff and now your own family has fallen apart that's a crisis you didn't plan on that how do you manage that another crisis a drug addict child you taught your kids to love god you took me to sunday school you were such a nice parent and now your son is on drugs your daughter is on drugs you're like how can this happen to me that's a crisis you didn't plan on that how about this crisis a homosexual child i taught my kids you i taught you how to live i taught you god's laws what do you mean this is your lifestyle it's a crisis in the house the death of a parent it's a tough one because you love your parents sometimes you think they're never supposed to die they are always supposed to be right there and then they're gone it's a crisis we've all been touched by some of these you can't control them they weren't planned just like the economic situation today all right the effects of crisis real quickly fear trauma depression despair frustration anxiety loneliness abandonment worry hopelessness sense of loss sense of death a sense of survival i gotta make it somehow crisis brings abuse that's when you abuse the folks you love the best the most under pressure you begin to blame your wife or blame your husband for what's going on when in fact it's not their fault but you've turned on them because you feel the stress you abuse one another and then of course you got crime always elevates under pressure and crisis people begin to feel desperate and they break into homes they rob banks they they hold people up at stores and this is the crime rate goes up under crisis and then of course we have domestic violence where a husband or wife would blame each other and the stress and the tension would cause nerves to be on edge and people hurt one another in the house that list is what's going on right now in american society and in my country and all the countries of europe that same list that's why you have to take charge of your life that will be your future in the next two months if you don't take charge of crisis i came here not to give you a good word i came to give you some answers to your present condition [Applause] there's no time to be shouting hallelujah we need some instructions from god how do we handle when i lose my house lose my job abandon my family what do i do when my business ain't working and my church offering ain't coming in what do i do you know what to do how do you overcome the world well here's some positive aspects of crisis take a deep breath say thank you jesus yeah because number one unity crisis drives people together number two community crisis destroys individuality and cultivates dependency again that's why i got to go back to people who you abandoned some of you got to go back even to your parents house to live now didn't speak to them for years now you lost yours it creates community you were such a high hog in church and you thought you was doing fine all your business collapse and now you gotta depend on the handouts of the church hospitality group brings back community number three empathy crisis suddenly makes you sympathize with other people because now you ain't got nothing to see some of you forget what it feels like to have nothing that's why paul says whether i'm a base or whether i am full i am the same because god will supply no matter what if i have or don't have he says my life is the same i learned how to be a based sometimes we forget what it feels like to have nothing and god would allow a crisis to reduce you to empathy crisis is also the source of solidarity you ever heard this if we don't live together we'll sink apart it brings us back together fourth crisis produces human humanity it makes us humans again use a dry past never speak to your neighbor now you're losing your house and so is your neighbor and the sign is outside on the on the lawn and part of your houses you can talk to each other all of a sudden you too yeah man me too well boy i didn't realize you yeah i didn't know he's doing that bad too man you gotta pray you get it bad you got it bad too all of a sudden you begin to realize we're all humans crisis will bring you back together crisis also produces simplicity it makes life simple again all you want is a meal now you don't need five cars in the garage no more sell them and become liquid you need cash now we're not you're not going to have no pride anymore i got 10 cars you want something to eat give god a hand for simplicity come on clap your hands praise god crisis will bring you back to a simple life that's a good part of crisis number seven spirituality they say that church's attendance have escalated in europe i was in england not too long ago and the front page story in the telegraph was church attendance is up in the anglican church lord have mercy why because when people are stressed and anxious and afraid they turned back to god amen some of you came here to this conference because you're nervous four one k three just gone four one k four one k that's the call it's gone your house is on on on on the block and you get i i need god friendships crisis restores friendships people you never spoke to for years all of a sudden you call them up how you doing you really want some money stop making friends again why we lost contact with each other and crisis brings us back together i just remember you know jerry owns that place down there you even get a loan from him he he works in the bank all of a sudden become friends with jerry again crisis will bring you back to friendships number nine crisis brings you back to the common good you begin to do what's good for the whole community number 10 crisis reprioritizes your life all of a sudden the things you thought were important are not important anymore so you start unloading things you got two boats you don't need two boats no more you need to find some food matter of fact you don't need no boat at all you need a house you got to keep your house so you sell your boat now to keep the house you free you pre you re-prioritize crisis does wonderful things as a matter of fact the last one i have here these last two crisis returns you to the simple life a pillow a plate and a bed brings you back down to earth number 12 you return to fundamental values god family love i need family when you ain't got nothing you need family and that's what god's bringing all of us back to that's why you shouldn't curse this crisis it could be a divine strategy to bring all the high-minded people in the world back to their knees [Applause] matter of fact tomorrow i'm going to show you where god specifically says he creates crisis i'll show you that in the bible don't miss tomorrow all right let me give a couple more thoughts before we go when there's a crisis the only first mark of defense you have is thought write this down it's the secret of jesus you are always in control of your thoughts your mentality you can't control the hurricane you can't control the thunderstorm you can't control the economic conditions but you could control how you think about them imagine your first line of defense you can control how you think about them which means suddenly they're no longer in control you can control your thoughts you can control your mind and the last one you can control your perception write that down your interpretation of what's happening the secret to living in the kingdom of god is seeing life differently from the world season your perception how you interpret things for example only god can look at a fiery furnace and see it as a blessing [Music] do you know that the the so-called charismatic faith could not survive the test of scripture guaranteed because the modern charismatic faith is only built for blessings not for trials that's why the folks follow they fall off so quickly one problem you don't see them anymore in church they're gone why because you've been preaching one side of the message kingdom faith is not a faith just for good times i'm getting ready to preach for a go now kingdom faith is faith that is solid in the hard times come on somebody kingdom faith doesn't just say the lord will deliver me o nebuchadnezzar that's one side of it the other side is but even if he doesn't that's the kind of faith we're missing [Music] where's your faith when you lose your house who tell you god won't let you god will allow you to lose your house that ain't the devil that's god don't just blame the devil could you imagine shadrach say to me shaq god ain't putting the fire out abandoned go say yes sir i guess we ain't praying maybe there's sin in our lives maybe in prayer maybe maybe maybe even got no faith you got faith and you're praying good but this time you're going in the fire god says can you handle faith in the fire do you still believe god if they repossess your house that's the question you lose your job do you still believe god is with you in the fire do you have lions there in faith hey boys say christ is faith the kingdom has christ's faith you're not afraid of hard times you should have many troubles but i've overcome so be not afraid because greater is he come on all this stuff you're confessing now we can see if you can test it [Applause] can you give god praise with nothing we have in very strange ways misinterpreted job and almost made job guilty of being a man of god job got more faith than ninety percent of us in this room amen even though he slay me even though i lost my job even though my business failed last month even though my whole car was possessed repossessed and my house is gone even though yet i'll trust him what kind of faith do you have your faith is only as strong as the test it survives can i repeat it again write it down i have a new book coming out on this very subject the power of kingdom faith we've lost it faith your faith is only as strong as the tests it survives crisis don't come to destroy faith they come to expose the lack of it yeah it's what you came through dawn that makes you great not but you avoid it i respect it because you're still standing how do you see write this down whatever you call or label a thing that is what it becomes to you this is good stuff did you hear what i said whatever you what call or label a thing that is what it is to you that's why in the kingdom of god the bible says revolt by faith not by sight because sight will let you label it what you see number two whatever a thing is to you controls your response to it oh oh my god oh the whole thing's falling apart oh economic oh oh chaos oh my god oh lord america america's dying oh the world is gonna happen oh but whatever you see it as controls your response number three controlled perception is not denial of reality that's important but it is the control of your response to reality we don't say that the storm isn't coming we don't walk around like the christian scientists say you know i'm not sick i'm not sick i'm not sick no you are sick that's the reality but you got to interpret that properly paul would say that sickness is not unto death christ would say that sickness is not in the dead what does that mean yeah you sick but we see something else god's using this can god use a fiery furnace yeah to expose the fourth man you would have never known there was a fourth man if there was not a fiery furnace i wonder what he's going to use this crisis for to show what kind of person he is as god in your life [Applause] you don't walk around saying my baby didn't die your baby did die i didn't get a divorce you did get a divorce that's a reality my husband did die my wife did die that's the reality now you got to control your response to it that comes from getting the mind and the perception of god about crisis crisis doesn't come to destroy it comes to bring faith matter of fact write this down crisis is simply a change in the environment that demands a new unscheduled response that's a good step in other words you didn't plan on this happening so now you got to respond in a way you never plan to respond that's what crisis does it tests your capacity to land on your feet some through the water some to the flood some through great sorrows all through the blood are you coming through it's a test of kingdom faith crisis you are strong people god ain't got no sissies come on sit up straight tell your neighbor that's right amen yeah god ain't got no milky back religious people he got kingdom citizens full of royal blood we ain't afraid of nothing say amen anyhow say amen prophet hallelujah we can handle stress and come out better we don't ask god to remove fiery furnace we say things like even if he doesn't hallelujah hallelujah say it even if he doesn't come on tell somebody even if he doesn't tell him one more time even if he doesn't i'll still be standing give him a big shout out in a handclap brother come on give him praise we are strong people glory hallelujah let me close with this crisis is the source of creativity that's why god allows it because you got a lazy brain [Laughter] god knows that you are more than you are write this down you never grow in good times history is not a record of good times if you read history it's 99 crisis we remember not the things you achieved but the things you endured that's what we remember about you is history you remember david for what goliath we remember moses for what the red sea see it's the crisis we remember why don't you just write some history this time use this crisis to show god's power in your life let's remember how you came through losing your house how you came through losing your job how you came through losing your car you were still standing [Applause] we got tough faith oh amen got some good news before go do you know that the that crisis is promised by god ecclesiastes 3 says getting ready to go now this is important everybody read verse one to everything there is a season unto on a time to every purpose in heaven read again to everything there is a season stop right there to what everything there's what a season how many things got a season everything everything only has what a season how many things got a season i can't hear you i still can't hear you all how many things got a season everything everything only has what a season who promised that god this is important that statement should be enough to take you through the crisis you missed what he said you missed it everything has what a season that means if you are broke now according to god that cannot last come on give him a praise hallelujah why can't it last because everything only has a season and if you've got a lot of money right now enjoy it now brother why that's only a season that's a promise that's the part they don't preach on in the charismatic churches your marriage is going good right now that's the season so love heart love good while you get it now love it love you www love you love you love you love it up strong why because when the test season comes come on somebody you need something to hold you through the test together because there will be a test season [Applause] it's only four you lost your job well sit up straight tonight go tell your neighbor this is only four give god our praise hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] yes your business ain't doing good right now and maybe even maybe you'll even close it down but gods are making a promise that is only for a season that means don't have a funeral there will be a resurrection come on give god a praise i say give him a praise brother only for a season that's the good news you know what i love about hurricanes i love hurricanes see i discovered how good crises are a hurricane is a crisis but a hurricane is a blessing see there you are you're charismatic people can't handle that [Applause] when a hurricane is coming they tell you it's coming you'll be here in three days what do you do you prepare how do you prepare you tie everything down you don't run from florida you tie everything to the rock why because you know that the hurricane can't stay oh come on somebody that's the good news everybody say crisis is always moving give god a praise for that it's only for a cease you know why i love christ hurricanes number one when they come they destroy everything that was built against the code if your life ain't built right the crisis will remove it we'll see who's built on the rock now number two when a hurricane comes it destroys trees that looked good on the outside tell your neighbor that ain't you when a crisis comes it exposes the rottenness on the inside of people's lives you never knew was there this can happen in the next two years [Applause] thirdly when a hurricane comes it removes all pollution have you noticed all of a sudden you get fresh air the holy spirit is watching this crisis clean the church out clean the air out clean capitalism out it's going to wipe everything out that was poison you know why i like a hurricane here's a good one because then it's gone you get new trees and the real ones are still i want to see you on the other side of the crisis it's only for a season write this down everything is seasonal [Applause] say it again one more time keep that in your mind for the rest of your life and you'll never lose your peace i know it looks dark right now but darkness is seasonal i know it seems cold right now oh you're leaving a grammy thank you for coming tonight i love you grammy i hope my season with you was good you coming through mama you built good i could see that you can come through the crisis praise god give her a hand i love the strong women glory hallelujah now uh if anybody else leave i'm just going to go home just give me five more minutes can you do that you promise because i want to close on something here okay write this down this is the promise everybody ready for another promise the problems that we don't like genesis chapter 8 verse 22 as long as the earth remains see time and harvest cold and heat summer and winter day and night will never cease god says as long as what the earth remains that means as long as you're on this planet there will be one sea time harvest cold and heat summer and winter day and night will never cease some of you are in night right now but look at his promise the light can't last what an encouragement you feel like quitting when your life fell apart back then your husband died you're like oh god how am i going to make god the same just make it through the night baby you lost your job right now your house is in foreclosure and god is saying it's okay houses come and go you remain steady let me tell you something if you lose your house in this crisis god sent me to tell you this listen carefully you lost that house because that was not your permanent address god could stop anything he wants to stop so if he didn't stop it that was not your permanent address give god a praise if you lost your car guess what that was temporary transportation you see the one he got coming your next house gonna blow them away don't panic the day is coming you know you lost your marriage and some of you think that's permanent god says no day is coming again prepare yourself for day night ain't supposed to last that long we may endure only for a night but there's got to be joy up ahead what a promise here's the one you never saw before daniel 2 verse 20. it says together praise be to the name of the lord god forever and ever wisdom and power are his what are his wisdom and power very important words what is wisdom application of knowledge what is power might to make things happen he has both wisdom and power are his what's the next statement he changes times he does what he changes now you see you keep blaming the ceos wall street do i say no no it changed times president no he changes times and what and seasons he sets up governments and sets down governments that's in your constitution hold it for me so stop blaming people and get on with maximizing the crisis i'm so excited about what's getting ready to happen in my life i'm going to maximize this crisis to the glory of god i'm going to grow more i'm going to experience bigger things i ain't got time for criticism i'm too creative for criticism because god changes times god took the entire economy the world and just shook it that's it everything that ain't built on him it's falling to the ground maybe in the middle of it and god called this this ain't no normal conference i'm telling you now this one was set up by god to make sure that everybody here tonight is still standing when the hurricane is over the greatest protection against change this is a kingdom thought is to expect it do you know why you're depressed and disappointed because number two the greatest source of disappointment in life is the expectation that things will remain the same that's why you're depressed you can never be disappointed in what you expect that's why he says to everything there's a season your problem is you thought everything was forever including all the money all the blessing even your health you will go through physical changes who do you think you are you will not be able to pay some of your bills sometime you got to taste it who do you think you are you will lose some time a winner is simply a loose who kept on trying [Music] expect it and he'll never get you off guard number three the greatest protection against disappointment is the expectation of change i told you all the time listen you married now to a beautiful young lady a handsome young guy let me let me give you some advice okay this is free this is free advice free advice ready here it is if you if you look at her mother you will be sleeping with that someday i know the guy looks good right now you know he's pumped physique nice here fine guy look at his father that's your future bald head pop belly teeth gone that's it that's you got to sleep with that for the rest of your life so don't sit around thinking you'll always be like they all listen all the weave and the paint can't help that's the future everybody say change expect it he said it's only for a season so the best way to choose a spouse y'all are so slow i'm gonna say it again if you want to get married the best way to choose a spouse study the parents and just say he's a good i'll take him if if that's you in the future i'll take you how'd you call managing change expecting change well i got two things to do before we go but i'm gonna stop right here hold that for me can i have the glass of water please i give you the prophet's reward in jesus name whatever is upon my life is just come on your family if you give a prophet a glass of water what's on the prophet comes on you okay let me just be prepared to go we can pick people here tomorrow don't miss tomorrow okay listen to this the only people that seem to always prosper and thrive in crisis on earth as a culture are the asians have you noticed you drop a anywhere just drop it boom follow me now i want to show you i want to show you the secret to their success because they have a kingdom principle they work with when a drops anywhere when he lands he lands on his feet he never looks for a job are slow a never looks for a job he looks for a business so to a unto an asian a japanese man employment is always temporary because he thinks in terms of being in charge of his life some of the poorest neighborhood in my country all black people there's a in the middle it's crazy isn't it and we're like what are you doing here making money making money making money they have no prejudice hello no prejudice no racism spirit because they never look for a job that's why i came here to tell you you can't get fired if you're not hired okay second reason why they succeed here's a big one everybody's the perception in the chinese language and the japanese language there is no word for crisis in the japanese and chinese language the word that we call crisis is five strokes and it means opportunity and we're gonna learn this tomorrow how to interpret crisis so when a china man house burns down he says i have an opportunity opportunity opportunity opportunity where do you go oh my god oh i lost every day the giant man says opportunity opportunity two different mindsets loses his job jesus thank you thank you thank you opportunity thank you you get your pink slip oh jesus oh the lord god oh jesus what have i gonna do now the says opportunity opportunity do you know you will not believe this do you know that the largest economy in the world is not america it's japan not even china japan japan is an island there's the mystery do you know who were bombed with an atom bomb japan do you know who was obliterated by that powerful weapon nuclear weapon that wiped out cities japan do you know who was reduced to rubble and dust japan do you know who is the greatest competition for export to america who bombed them japan because when the bomb landed and it was massive crisis you are the whole generation shouting then they sold you cars they sold you tvs they sold you stereos they bought sony and they own hollywood today because in their mind there's no such thing as a crisis close your bibles in the kingdom of god there's no such thing as a crisis the fiery furnace does exist the lion's dens do exist even when satan took those nine inch nails blew them through the risk of jesus and blood spread it out all over the roman soldier's face eleven inch nails went through his ankles and pierced that wooden tree and blood spilled all over the soldier's hands everybody was thinking crisis depends on what you call it you can call it crisis or you can simply call it christ opportunity what man called crucifixion god used it as a benefit he called it redemption that was the most beautiful crisis in history let's continue to make it beautiful make it through thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes monroe global possible please visit us online at for more product partnership or to join us at one of our live events around the world
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 117,228
Rating: 4.8482523 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer, success
Id: Z9yageR96HA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 31sec (6151 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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