Kingdom Keys To Thriving In Times of Crisis Part 3 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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[Music] thank you for joining us for another power packed message from dr miles monroe provided by monroe global incorporated and we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message please write this down as our focus tonight the kingdom responds to change and crisis part three the kingdom responds to what change and crisis that's what we're going to focus on this is session number three if you missed the first two sessions please request copies of those dvds or cds we're going to be focusing on kingdom keys to thriving in times of crisis how to benefit from crisis let me begin with a few reality checks number one right now the earth is filled with fear anxiety and confusion the announcement came out today in your own country that over six hundred thousand jobs were lost last month 600 000 that brings the total so far of jobs loss to 5 million jobs lost since the beginning of the year they said that that figure may not be correct it's more like 8 million because there's another 3 million that has been lost but people got part-time jobs which are not permanent jobs america you are in trouble five million jobs lost must be converted to 12 million people affected immediately average family of four one person losing their jobs five million times the amount of four that's over 20 million people immediately affected that's not counting the homes being lost and bills not being paid because people have no more earning it's a bleak future they anticipate that the losing of jobs will continue all the way through 2010 and the recovery of this massive crisis will not begin until 18 months from now which is almost the end of 2011 and they're still not sure whether it will be over by then everything is negative but i'm smiling the governments of this world are confused am i right and bankrupt of ideas they don't know what to do about the crisis every policy they're introducing in france in germany in england where we were the other day and now united states is an experiment no one knows if it's going to work what they call a bailout began in france france was the first one to buy the banks then great britain followed france and bailed out the insurance companies in the banks and the british owned the banks from since december and now you are complaining whether the government should buy the banks everybody is experimenting leads to number three the economies of the world are disintegrating please don't be too spiritual on this this will affect you if you're a pastor you're to feel it in your offering baskets if you're a business person you're going to feel it in your clientele if you sell insurance you're going to find most of your clients are going to be dropping from the list you're going to lose your commission right what do you do when the whole system is collapsing around you added to that is terrorism is still an issue 24 hours ago another suicide bomber blew himself up in tehran killing 13 people 24 hours ago when you add that to the economic collapse it becomes confusing and now you get iran developing nuclear weapons or that which is a prerequisite for nuclear weapons and you get all the tension in the middle east for iran being threatened by israel and israel being threatened by iran and you go on drinking your lemonade this world is unstable it's a reality check do you know what i've concluded this world is in need of another world and that's what i want to talk about tonight the earth needs another world save with me the earth needs another world write it down just like that the earth and the world are different that's right the earth needs another world on it because the world on the earth right now is in chaos what do you do when there's so much uncertainty around you when the crisis of life is folding in on you like a dark cloud coming over your life and it's like a tidal wave moving toward your home and your family and your business and your survival what do you do when that happens first of all you gotta understand what crisis are write this down what is a crisis you heard that word all month on the news a crisis is an event over which we have or had no control that's a crisis so a crisis is really a circumstance or a situation or an event that you didn't but it affects your conditions and you cannot control it who do you become angry at if you were laid off last week it's difficult to tell who do you become angry at if your house was foreclosed on last month it's difficult to tell who to be angry at why you don't know who's causing it in other words you it's out of cont your control that's why it's called a crisis but there's something you must remember you are always in control of your thoughts and therefore you control your perspective of your environment and this is where the kingdom changes everything i didn't come to change the reality of crisis i came to change the way you look at it because that's what you can control you can control the way you perceive reality this is why the next statement is so important crises have always been a source of development and growth the person who is not in the kingdom of god will see crisis as a terror a destroyer but in the kingdom of god god smiles at crisis because crisis is the greatest source of progress and development in the life of the kingdom citizen as a matter of fact crisis create opportunity for creativity but it's going to be good today i discovered that your life is not pushed to the limit until you are under pressure the human spirit does not grow in good times most of what we call crises are classrooms created by god for advancement of his people because crisis creates opportunities for creativity that's why the japanese and the chinese are always successful in the midst of crisis because in their language the word for crisis or danger is the word opportunity so when an asian loses his job his response is opportunity opportunity when a christian loses the job they say the devil the devil the devil it ain't the devil it's opportunity this is why the number one words of jesus in the midst of crisis on every occasion were these words be of good chair wait a minute the boat is sinking rev be of good chair second question where is your faith he never allowed the crisis to determine his words very important this is why when they dropped the bomb on hiroshima they forgot that the japanese don't even have a word for crisis in their language so they emerged from the ashes with the most powerful economy in the world and they began to export so much to the country that bombed them that the president had to beg them to stop sending cars and tvs to destroy the balance of trade because in their minds it was simply opportunity what are you going to do now if you lost your job yeah you lost your house i've come to tell you with reality you can't pay your tuition because you lost your job you got to drop out of school and you can panic become depressed and blame god and the devil or you can say opportunity opportunity show me opportunity god write this down please every problem is a business say it loud every problem is a business do you know what your problem is you can't interpret problems the more problems that exist the more opportunities exist a business is created when a problem is solved is kingdom thinking i'm giving you now yes sir so this is the greatest time to go into business why because there are more problems now than ever before your job as a kingdom citizen is to study the problems in your environment and then choose the one that your gift solves i'm getting ahead of myself and that becomes your power of authority and your generator of revenue sure oh i need two more days to talk about what i'm thinking let me try and explain this to you pastor phil do you know what your problem is in this place you have a career and that is your problem there are no careers in the bible none the bible never says your career will make room for you in the world that's why they fired you your career is dispensable and your problem is you wasn't trained for anything else so you were trapped with narrow knowledge all you knew was to be a carpenter and no one wants carpentry so you are now depressed because you've been stuck in a career a gift is not a career oh man i need more time that's why you're depressed because they let you go they let you go because you were dispensable they retired you they forced retirement on you why you are dispensable they don't need you no more and they could pay a young guy less you are dispensable in the kingdom of god the perspective is different you're supposed to study problems write this down everyone was born to solve a problem the goal in life is to find your problem the one you were born to solve so in the kingdom of god there is no crisis there are simply new opportunities to use your gift the problem is the average person don't know what their gift is so they got a education in a career they got a degree in something that they weren't born to do they could do without your education but they cannot do without your gift are you listening to me young lady that's the secret to your power in crisis the earth will always need your gift but it doesn't always need your career so they fire you let's get a little deeper the foundation of recession they say we're in recession let's read what they say caused the recession what caused the system to collapse the kingdoms of the world have collapsed right now what caused it the world is so nervous that the fear has driven the whole world into crisis and christ is the source of creativity and this is why the kingdom of heaven is important it is never in crisis now a kingdom is not a religion it's a country so you gotta decide which country you are in right now if you are in america you are in trouble you better shift kingdoms tonight and come over into the kingdom of heaven you better come under different government a throne that never moves and i'm not speaking theologically nor religiously i'm talking practically you better shift now because the other system ain't working your money in the bank is not safe i heard on the news tonight in your own country where they say that the government has to back up the deposits of the banks do you know what that means sir that means that everyone who has money in the bank that bank deposit was secured by a financial security company or institution that backed up the deposit those companies have collapsed so none of your deposits are safe right now that's why the government has to buy up the deposits the federal deposits insurance association cooperation fdic is the salvation of your country right now the government has to use your money to back up your money you got to understand how terrible the system is right now and they are afraid that you might go out and demand your money right now because there ain't no money to give you some of you all are sleeping that's the problem you're so spiritual you don't know what's going on the system is gone and some of you are against obama obama don't be against the guy the guy knows he said look i gotta buy the bank to save your deposit this ain't gonna do no democrat or republican the system is gone stop playing politics and start praying [Applause] [Music] you've got to have wisdom to shift kingdoms write this down kingdom citizenship grows in times of crisis kingdom citizens what grow in times of crisis hallelujah in other words when the pressure is on kingdom citizens actually grow we don't withdraw under pressure we expand under pressure i feel like shouting one more time do you know what jesus called his kingdom citizens he says you are like yeast now now you ladies know what yeast is like he said the king of heaven is like yeast yeast doesn't expand until it's under heat and pressure what makes yeast grow is heat he said my kingdom is like yeast you put it under crisis and it expands i believe this crisis has come to separate the religious people from kingdom people [Applause] mark my words your religion will not protect you now write this down the secret kingdom keys to success in crisis has to be understood what are those keys i'm going to give two of them to you tonight and tomorrow morning and then i'm going to fly out of here so don't miss tomorrow two major keys in the kingdom to overcome in crisis shakespeare said something i thought was interesting see in the kingdom of god we're not afraid of problems because we're built for them the average charismatic christian is not built for problems they are built for blessings i promise you you will see a massive collapse of churches in the next few months because people's faith are not ready for crisis [Music] that's why god sent me here to talk to you because you ain't among them [Applause] you are going gonna come through this in shining color you're gonna come with a testimony saying how good god was in the fire the fourth man will show up in your furnace because you are going to be under a different government jurisdiction shakespeare said this word write them down he says sweet are the uses of adversity i love the way he thought what did he say sweet are the uses of adversity what does he mean he said wonderful benefits come to you if you know how to use crisis you use it for your benefit the king said to daniel if you don't bow to this idol i will throw you in the lion's den that's a crisis god says yes opportunity opportunity opportunity to show my power over nebuchadnezzar you call it the devil god says opportunity you say demonic god says no opportunity sweet are the uses of adversity god says daniel i am not going to deliver you from the lines there i will not kill the lions either you're going to go into that situation i'm going to allow it why sweet are the uses of adversity we don't remember daniel for the good things he did we remember him for the adversity he overcame and that's why they won't forget you because you coming through your adversity in jesus name lift your hands and give god praise huh [Applause] that's right god saw that crisis as opportunity john huntsman most of you probably know him or you should know him he is one of the wealthiest men in america he wrote a book you need to buy this book it's called cheetahs never win it's a powerful book please read that book down he he he is a believer he's a multi-billionaire and he loves jesus here's what he says about hard times he says if there is a silver lining to bad times it is this when facing severe challenges your mind is normally at its sharpest this guy is a multi-billionaire his company makes all the plastic forks plastic plates and plastic cups in america his company he's a multi-billionaire he said adversity makes your mind sharp he also said these words that was interesting he said humans seldom have created anything of lasting value unless they were tried or hurting study history all great inventions came out of crisis in other words when god allows crisis it's because he's tired of you being in the place you are he allows situations to shake you loose of normality lazy thinking as a matter of fact the greatest enemy of progress is your last success by the cd in other words what's stopping you from growing right now is the things you are proud of your achievements could be your greatest enemy because you begin to build altars around them so god will destroy your achievements so you can move on to create new ones crisis pushes you to new ways of thinking and that is why all the economists in america right now are baffled when i took my courses at university in the united states at the university of tulsa studying economics in my master's degree every book that they made me read is completely useless right now that means the degree i got has been cancelled because all the books are based on the system which has collapsed and now they got to invent new ideas so now we are arguing about socialism and socializing and nationalizing what because the system says look what you created ain't working no more you got to come to some new ideas crisis produces creativity you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish under pressure some of you still can't believe you survived what you came through you didn't know you had it my goal today is to help you welcome crisis into your life that's my goal in this session i want you to see it the way james sees it you ever read the book of james no you haven't because you wouldn't believe what i'm saying james says look when you are faced with fiery trials welcome them as friends what that is not charismatic movement oh that's in your bible you know that right when you face what fiery trials crisis he says welcome them as friends for they have come to what refine your faith as pure gold apparently belief is not improved in good times the only way to test what you believe is under pressure this is why we love testimonies but we don't like tests yeah man the lord is a good god oh yeah let's see how good he is lose your house can you still testify fiery trials welcome us france write this down true leadership is tested in crisis no matter how many titles you have crisis will validate them you say you the head of the house we'll see you say you the president of the company we'll see you say you're the pastor of the church the time has arrived now offering's down 40 percent and you still got to pay the church bill under pressure number two crisis is the incubator for leadership development you don't develop in good times is wonderful it puts leadership under pressure and makes it develop number four number three crisis is the source of growth and development it's where growth comes from you only grow when you have to isn't that sad we only move and we have to that's why life will shake us sometime to the point where we think god forgot us you know in the room this afternoon i'm working on a book for a publishing company and i was writing a sentence and this sentence came out of my fingers let me quote it you'll see it in this book coming up on faith the lord says faith is believing in the silence of god [Music] what happens when he says nothing can you handle the silence of god and still believe you ever felt forsaken by god sure and there'll be a few more times up ahead too jesus felt it father why hast thou ever felt that god's just left you he didn't leave you he just watched it to see if you will still believe if he's quiet they took the house god because i'm watching to see if you get faith in house or me i can always replace your house that's your faith the favorite question of jesus where is your faith crisis write this down number four crisis places demands on hidden potential that's why god allows it the president of the united states and the prime minister of great britain and the president of france and the prime minister of the bahamas and the president of belgium all of them now have to come up with some new answers that they never tried before crisis makes you tap in to unused potential they say the human only uses 10 of his brain power that means to be a genius you only got to use eleven percent what a sad reality you got 500 million cells in your head your brain 500 million cells you only use 10 percent and look what we've done we went to the moon with 10 percent and that's why god put pressure on you right now because you are mentally lazy that's why you lost your job because you were too comfortable working for someone else that's why your business will fail why god's sick and tired his dumb business he's got two more inside of you you've never developed crisis produces hidden potential write this down crisis reveals our true beliefs and convictions don't believe what anyone tells you until they've been through a test you've been in the ministry a long time you know what i'm talking about this is hell out there man if you tell them your story mama they won't believe you made it through it is the test that proves your belief i remember let me just say a little warning to everybody be careful what you announced some of you have been taught you know make a profession of faith confess your faith you better be careful the word faith means belief let me tell you why in the country of heaven whatever you say is required to be tested i'll tell you all as kingdom principle now let me say it again in the kingdom of god whatever you say whatever you proclaim whatever you pronounce it is required to be tested this is why you should be quick to here slow to speak you listen to me now that's why you got problems you talk too much do you remember peter the apostle peter he's in training under jesus about kingdom thinking and one day peter said to jesus when jesus was talking about his death and you know he'll be crucified peter interrupted jesus and says excuse me sir they will not kill you he's talking now they will not kill you i personally will make sure they don't kill you he says i will die before they kill you i will lay my life down they will not kill you and before you could finish that profession jesus said peter oh peter you shouldn't have said that watch him now he says now everybody say no in other words satan was waiting for him to say something he says now satan has demanded to test what you just said and i cannot stop him [Music] and he will sift you he will grind you down to test every letter you said i can't stop it that's the way the system is he says he said but tell you what watch him now he said i can't even pray for you because the test the crisis is part of the the confession he said but take what i pray for come on you remember the scripture he's i only can pray for your faith i pray that your faith fail not anybody going to make it through the crisis come on let me see your hands tell your neighbor i'm going to believe all the way through it say it loud i'm going to believe all the way through it tell your neighbor i'm going to embarrass this crisis i'm going to come out believing shout amen loud glory to god give god a big hand clap come on praise him i pray that your faith survives the crisis he says your faith is only as strong as the test it survives say it my faith is only as strong as the test it survives crisis reveals your true belief and then jesus said to peter peter when thou art converted now wait a minute i thought peter was already converted no you don't trust somebody until they've been through a test you cannot be a kingdom citizen because your mother and father was you got to qualify by yourself when thou art converted he says then you can stand up and strengthen your brother some of you been talking too loud too soon [Music] i'm an evangelist oh you better shut up brother the devil will slap you 10 times next month take away your home your children and see if you still say i'm an evangelist when thou art converted you know you see me standing here you don't know my story if i tell you my story you wouldn't want to be me at all when you see somebody in a position of authority and power and conviction that's because they have scars [Music] you don't know my story never trust a man without a history write that down please never trust a woman who don't have scars in this kingdom you earn the right to be heard we don't hey because you got a phd in theology we want to know how many scars you get education don't qualify to be a leader sir it's the tests i have a book out there i want you to get because i think it's an important point i don't want to deal with it tonight because too much time but i want you to get a copy of the book the spirit of leadership the word spirit that means attitude please get a copy of this book this book i talk about jesus asking a question matter of fact a woman asks him a question first she said master when you come into your government fully can my two sons become deputy kings how much she asked can you make them leaders in your country can they sit on your level on your right left on your level can they sit in leadership on your level his answer have been missed and i talk about in this book his answer didn't make any sense to us today his answer was this woman you don't know what you're asking why wrong question second he says can you drink the cup that i drink the word cup write it down is an idiom in in the hebrew language it's an idiom an idiom is a symbol that means something else the word cup is the idiom for cost cost price woman you ask the wrong question you don't ask how to become a leader like another person you ask what did it cost them to be there when you understand that question you'll never be jealous of anyone again you see dr geraldine walk up here and speak to you about all these stories of history that he'd been through he have a right to talk you walk on these grounds these beautiful buildings and all this property develop you don't know the scars don't ever be jealous of that man because you don't know the cup crisis delivers to you the cups that qualify you to be heard stop giving yourself titles you don't deserve half of the ones you got already surprise it ain't that easy to be what you want to be ask god how much do i have to pay for that that's the question write this down crisis tests our faith what does crisis do test our faith you say you got faith okay then let's make sure you are sifted first to see if your faith is valid faith simply means belief belief cannot believed until it is tested you don't trust people because they say something you trust them because they survive something so if you are looking for marital advice don't get advice from someone who got a divorce doc how long you been married madam how many 60 years that's who you talk to scars history crisis tests your faith write this down there are two tragedies of crisis and they're happening right now in your country and in your world two crisis of two of them one the withdrawing of generosity and number two the compromise of civility decency and values these are very dangerous and they are about to happen right now in your life when people are under crisis the first thing they do is they withdraw generosity they stop giving and that's opposite in the kingdom of heaven and the second thing is they compromise their values why when people are under pressure they sacrifice standards to survive this is when people start cheating more that's what i mean they start cheating they start padding in voices they start sleeping with the boss to get some money they sell their children on the streets to buy food this is when people become crazy pastors and deacons begin to do dumb things under pressure because crisis makes you lose a sense of standard this is when corruption increases believe me friends you think you saw corruption with madoff and the others you ain't saying nothing yet because crisis produces corruption people lose their jobs they do all kinds of things to survive when the business is failing they start cheating on the books in the kingdom of god these two things are reversed in the midst of farming you give in the kingdom of god as a matter of fact giving is proof that you are not in the kingdom of darkness when you're down to your last 20 dollars and there's crisis outside and jobs are hard to find in the kingdom god says give me the 20. now the pressure is on the woman with the last two meals elijah looking at her saying lady you got a choice there's a farmer in the land and prosperity just came to your house but first you got to give to the system and the bible says she gave a last meal and the house began to change compromise they say no time to be cheating now it's time to prove that you are part of a different kingdom i put this write this down gray is not a substitute for black and white that's when people start living in the grave yeah well you know things are tough brother you know i i got to try and make it make it make it i got to make it this year this month so you know god will understand if i change just a little bit you start living in the grave that's when you start going back to your old boyfriend because he's still working and you need to survive you live in the grace the lord understands that's what crisis does it makes you compromise it shall not be so among you so here's something to remember when crisis comes it's not what happens to you that matters it's what you do about what happens to you that matters we are not victims of crisis and you can't just sit there and hope it goes away doing nothing is not an option in crisis they that wait upon the lord shall what renew their strength you know the word wait there you go go study that word wait it's an active word it means you are doing something in the meantime faith without works is useless faith is not an inactive word belief is active if you believe i'm going to pick you up at five you start getting ready don't you yes in other words belief produces action you go to work every day and they pay you on fridays so you go monday tuesday wednesday and thursday hoping they pay you on friday you are active because you believe they're going to pay you that's waiting kingdom people are not lazy people tell your neighbor he's talking about you john 16 33 got a few more minutes here oh this is good stuff here watch this overcoming crisis jesus gave us the most beautiful key to overcoming crisis john 16 33 jesus says i have told you these things so that in me you may have what peace in this world you will have trouble okay stop reading look at me this don't make no sense first of all you cannot preach that in a charismatic church they call that negative preaching they call it lack of faith he calls it a promise i promise you trouble come on now sit up straight wake up he said look i'm going to tell you this now so that when it happens you'll have what peace there's going to be a lot of trouble coming he says now i told you that so that you can have peace remember i told you all this morning if you expect change it'll never disappoint you he's minimizing chaos he says look i told you this so that you have peace in this world you will have one trouble he says but take heart come on somebody hit your neighbor say take heart i said hit them come on hit him take her hit him on the shoulder real hard say take heart tell your neighbor crisis is upon us jobs are being lost banks are being tight businesses are closing down hit them and say take heart [Applause] give god a hand for taking him out just give him a hand come on use your face let's just clap he said take heart [Applause] take heart means relax ease your mind the word heart that means mind ease your mind relax be at peace chill yeah i like that chill chill he says why read the next verse he says i have overcome the world in other words i have shown you how to overcome crisis okay let's take a look at what this means first john 5 verse 5 he says out loud read this is the victory that overcomes the world how even your faith what is faith belief i believe this is seasonal it cannot stay so because i believe that i will overcome that experience it won't overcome me who is it that overcomes the world only he who believes that jesus is the son of god if you believe he's not god that means he doesn't move he is the solid rock the cornerstone then the hurricane will come and go but my faith my belief is in a rock you know rocks don't move when hurricanes come hurricanes move crisis cannot move christ amen to put your faith in christ believe in christ more than the crisis all right i want to show you something everybody say world now notice what jesus said very important he said in this world you will have many troubles then he says take heart i have overcome what the world everybody say world he didn't say earth that's important the word world that he used is the word cosmos in greek k-o-s-m-o-s it down this word is used all through the bible the word cosmos means are you ready for this first it means governing system wow it's not the earth at all secondly it means powers of control the banking system the insurance companies the tax system he calls that cosmos politics that's cosmos the word also means system of influence when you read that verse again make sure put the meanings in it in this system you shall have many troubles in this power of controls there will be many troubles in the systems that influence your behavior taxes social conditions there'll be many troubles the word also means this it means structures and institutions some of you theological students need to go and study this word it's a powerful word it's the word world that's why the bible says you can be in the world you walk in the bank for some of the money they have now you got a choice to make the bike is saying that they're not loaning anything but the holy spirit tells you to go to the bank they got a contradiction now so you walk into the bank you say i want to see the manager you sit down and tell the manager look i have a project and i need two million dollars and the biker says do you know what the times are like now yes do you know that we are not loaning monies yes so what do you expect i expect you to give me two million dollars at the interest rate that i choose the biker looks at you and says i like your spirit i tell you what let's talk about this deal now don't tell nobody else but i'm going to give this loan to you why because in the kingdom of heaven the bible says the heart of the king is in the hands of the lord he moves it this way or that way the word heart means mind king means controlling power some of y'all still don't get what i'm talking about don't believe nothing they are announcing if you are in the kingdom of heaven their world will announce their systems conditions but if you are in the kingdom of god you are in the system but you don't function by the rules i feel like sheldon all by myself let me tell you something you don't obey the rules [Applause] that's why god sent me here because they've made you an american and i'm trying to make you a kingdom citizen you are free from the rules say amen say hallelujah shout it amen say thank you king jesus you will violate the rules [Music] because you are under a higher law come on give them a big praise today have you noticed that god got everything done throughout history in the system i'm gonna go home right now i'm finished with you let me say one more time god got everything done in the system he just messed up the system that's all [Applause] god made daniel secretary of state and then mess up the whole country he made shadrach and meshach he made them deputy secretaries in the government of a pagan country and made them influences of the whole system god made joseph a prisoner prime minister in the system he's about to use you in the system and bless the world through your ministry give god a shout oh i know what i'm talking about [Applause] i'm trying to be nice tonight proceed with your plans [Applause] i'm gonna say one more time god says proceed with your plans [Applause] i hear that proceed hey yeah yeah [Applause] oh [Applause] proceed hallelujah proceed make big plans right now [Applause] i say make big plans right now [Applause] tell your neighbor we don't play by the rules give god a big hand clap and shout really loud for a couple of seconds hallelujah we don't play by the rules the heart of the king is in the hands of the lord [Music] terence [Music] lift your hands up quick quick i got a prophecy coming receive it right now the lord says you will experience promotion in this season in jesus name [Applause] that's it [Music] [Applause] promotion [Applause] say it again prophesy one more time say one more time pastor give me praise give god i pray he says i want to be god let me be god [Applause] let god oh this is serious business here tonight i just felt your fear left the room i see a lion rising in your chair i see courage and boldness coming forth lift your hands and give him praise man of god give him thanks tonight [Applause] thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes monroe global possible please visit us online at for more product partnership or to join us at one of our live events around the world
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 33,809
Rating: 4.907455 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer, success
Id: q0bl75fsRtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 40sec (4000 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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