Understanding The Glory, The Word and Power of The King | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message from dr. Myles Munroe provided by Monroe global incorporated and Monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message all right please write this topic down now I was thinking the other day if people come into this session and they think about what we're doing they might be lost and then I was thinking I might be lost too because sometimes you forget about why you're doing what you're doing and you don't want to forget about why you're doing what you do it what I mean by that is this you don't want to forget why we are studying about the king we don't want to forget why we're doing that so I want to just remind you of a couple of statements concerning why we must study kingship the message of the Bible is about a king and a kingdom that's why we must study Kings secondly the goal of God is the extension of his kingdom on earth so we must study what a kingdom is and thirdly the incarnation of God was the coming of a king the wise man says we come to seek a king so obviously God sent a king to earth not a prime minister not a mayor not a governor he sent a king unfortunately the purpose for the coming of Jesus was to restore Kings to their kingdom and this is why the Bible must be seen in light of what a kingdom is and what a king is the ultimate goal of God is the react stablishment of his kingdom on earth I want to read a couple of scriptures that you might want to put your finger in real quick Matthew chapter 18 verse 23 says therefore the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants very important verse Matthew 18 verse 23 the kingdom of God is like what like what a king very important that we understand the words that are used by Jesus another scripture may want to read or write down is the Matthew 22 verse 2 it says the kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son the kingdom of God is like a king Matthew 22 verse 2 the kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepares a banquet for his sons Matthew 25 verse 34 a familiar one but I want to repeat it then the king will say to those on his right then the king jesus said will say to those on his right you are blessed by my father take your inheritance the kingdom prepared for you before the world began I read these scriptures because I want you to see that all of the references Jesus made to the kingdom was about a king and a kingdom there's no way to understand Jesus nor is there any way to understand the Bible unless you understand what a king is and what a kingdom is that's why we must study this is that clear is that clear it's very important because if you approach the Bible I think this is why there's so much confusion in this thing called Christianity because everybody is bringing to the Bible their concept of what God meant when in fact God didn't leave anything up to your own private interpretation God tells us plainly what the Bible is about he says I am a king and it's about my kingdom is that clear the problem is if you were not born in the times of Kings then you have to go back and study what Kings are because that is what God chose to identify himself with am i making sense this is very important because I I know how much it means to me personally I I am being blessed just understanding what it means but I want you to understand why you must understand what it means theologians are not automatically right and that's a mouthful I went to college and I studied theology and what they taught me in college was from the writings of some other writers not necessarily from the Bible most of what we studied was people's commentary on the Bible one of the most important people we had to study us B requirement was sin Augustine as a matter of fact a lot of of our theology is taken from sin Augustine so nagas teen was a Catholic and in all the president Protestant seminaries and all the universities that teach theology you have the study st. Augustine now keep in mind I said sin Augustine was who he was a Catholic Catholic priests sin Augustine therefore comes to the Bible from his perspective on his background and 90% of the pastors that are trained in seminaries had to read and study this man I had to as well so he brings to the Bible his Catholic concepts which we as Protestants so call have taken on as our theology now when I read most of what they had us to read about San Augustine's theology I didn't see any Kingdom anywhere in it I graduated from University with a degree in theology and there was no class on the kingdom not one as a matter of fact I don't think we ever discussed the word in one of our classes just the word kingdom was never discussed and I got a degree in God that's what the ology means Co means Theo is God an ology means study so theology means the study of God I studied God and never studied Kingdom and yet the Bible is all about a king and his kingdom and God calls himself what king there's no question now there are a few things that God identified himself with and I think the reason why he did is because he knew the nature of those things for example God identified himself with a lion why God made the lion and he knew what the Lions nature was like so there's certain qualities of the lion that God identified himself with the lion is what brave and courageous so the Bible calls Jesus the Lion of Judah God says that he said upon the throne I was the lion decide upon the throne and joy and sorrow so he it was really an animal it was talk about the qualities he saw he saw courage he saw boldness he saw confidence as a lions are then God identified himself also with another animal an eagle he said I will carry you like an eagle carries a young ones I will stir you up like an eagle stirs and so God comes up like an eagle an eagle is a unique bird the qualities of an ego are very clear and eagle is very confident it's the most powerful bird in the bird Kingdom it has a vision better than the bird and it only eats living things in other words fresh-killed me and an eagle can can fly the highest of any other bird and is more powerful in other words God identified himself with the qualities that that bird that he made as now I'm saying this for a reason here we find God identifying himself also with a ruler quality called King which means to understand God you got to study the qualities of a king otherwise you'll miss what God is like is that clear now God could have said for unto us a mayor is born or maybe a president is born or Prime Minister he could have said that and then we had to study prime ministers but God didn't say that God says that he is a king so you gotta study with a king is like to understand God and then he says that he came to bring a kingdom he identified his government rulership with Kingdom he didn't identify it with a republic or a democracy nor he identified with communism or socialism he could have done that but he didn't he identified it with a kingdom and that's why it's impossible to understand this Bible until you first understand where the king is and what a kingdom is is that clear that is why we must study this if you don't do that that way you will read the Bible have your own conclusions and walk away with your own interpretation and you'll miss what God meant this is what theologians have done they have they become so in engrossed in studying what words mean they forget what they meant they're so committed to studying deep things they missed the natural thing I don't want to be deep I just want to be right I've heard some deep things that are not right and I'm still hearing them lately I listen to two great preachers preach and then make you shout but it's not right it's it doesn't communicate what God meant and I think the religious community that includes all of us we are so used to getting something to make a shout that we are more excited about the shout than we are about what God meant so we really follow God and we get involved with religious activity for a feeling rather than a transformation I don't know about you but I don't want to be excited I want to be right by the way I discovered that the older you get the less time you got to waste so you don't want to be wrong can I hear the hate minute you want to make sure you live the rest of your years doing the right thing and that's why you must study what God says he is he says he's a king now very quickly I am teaching you the qualities of a king or the characteristics of a king and we dealt with a couple of them so far let me list them again for you and then we can look at hopefully three of them today if not we pick up here next week first of all Kingston Herod kingship by birthright we talked about that that's number one Kings are born Kings number two kings must be trained for their role and responsibilities they must be trained we talked about that and us what we ended last time well the third thing is that key that the glory of a king is all that expresses his nature all Kings have what they call glory and now they don't talk about glory when you talk about presidents and prime ministers you know I mean our Prime Minister that doesn't have glory know the glory of our prime minister we don't talk about that we don't talk about the glory of the President of the United States he has no glory as such but when you read the Bible it keeps saying the glory of the king the glory Kings have what they call glory what is glory we got to talk about that and I want to deal with that and then all through the Bible you find these terms the word of a king kings when a king speaks it is completely different from when President Bush speaks or when Prime Minister Christie in the Bahamas beats or any other Mr Blair speaks it doesn't mean the same thing than when a King speaks again it's important because if you are living under the kingdom of God you cannot expect what Jesus say to be the same as what the prime minister says it is different that's why we got to talk about it so let me see if I could if I could operate this thing I want you to write this down let's talk about the glory of the King first the glory of the King now let's proceed with the word glory and talk about what it means the word glory I think we've all studied a little bit our kings glory is all that expresses his nature write that down please a Kings glory is all that expresses his nature in other words the glory of a king is that which expresses the nature of a king what does that mean the word glory me is the word carboard in the Old Testament Hebrew and in the New Testament is the word doxa all Kings have glory the word keyboard means full weight it means true nature of a thing the word doxa means the same thing it means the true essence of something which something is really like which something is truly like all Kings have this so when we talk about the glory of a king and we think of our King our King has a certain type of nature and it shows up in what he does let's take a look at the scripture and a couple of scriptures here I can show you a thousand of them but just for this purpose we want to to take a look at a couple of them Exodus chapter 14 verse 17 and 18 I read upon a portion of it it says the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord when I gain glory through Pharaoh his chariots and his horsemen this scripture am I doing this right can you change it for me big this is not working thank you very much this is a very important verse of scripture now I'm sure you've read this a thousand times in the Bible God says I would do this to show my glory the glory has to do with the nature of a king what Kings do to show their nature is they act they need to create something or they do something and that shows what they are like Kings love to show what they are like by their works that's the way King show what they're like so Jesus said he's a king that means he has a type of nature and he shows it by what he does God says to the people he says leave Pharaoh alone since Pharaoh want to be stubborn I'm gonna show Pharaoh what I'm like I'm gonna do it by my action you ever heard the statement stand still and see the salvation of the Lord and sometimes it says the glory of the Lord let me show you my nature a king loves to show his nature and he does it through his acts and his works God says I'm gonna do some de Pharaoh and then fellow and I think we're gonna know what I'm like Psalm chapter 4 verse 2 how long o men will you turn my glory into shame how long will you love delusions and seek false gods very important statement God says you bring a shame to my glory when you worship idols the you and I were created in God's image that means God's nature and when you do anything you actually reflect on his glory anything that you do that doesn't look like God it doesn't represent God is ashamed to his glory so God is saying look I am King I made you kings you must act in a way that it looks just like me if it doesn't look like me then you are bringing a shame to my glory and he says this year he says if you bow down to idols I don't worship anything I don't worship things that I created so why should you take my glory and bow it down to idols and bring a shame to me by worshipping these idols so the nature of God is not to worship the things that he created and therefore if we do that we are bringing a shame to God's nature now in the book of Psalm chapter 8 verse 5 he says you made him a little lower than the heavenly beef referring to mankind and you crowned him with glory and honor this is a very important statement please turn to this chapter for me please I want to show this very important because this is what changed my life as a teenager when I was beginning to understand God Psalm 8 is about you it's not about God some eight begins this way o Lord my lord how majestic is your name in all the earth you have set your glory above the heavens then in that Psalm it cries out and it says what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man verse four that you care for him you made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and you crowned him at what glory and honour now I just want to comment on something here look at verse one you've set your glory above the heavens David is referring to all the creation that he sees the millions of stars and galaxies he calls that the glory of God I am a painter and sometimes when I find the time in my life I paint I have a few paintings hanging in people's houses that I did I went to Tulsa some time ago and went to a guy's house and for God I even gave him a painting years ago and the painting was in the room I might saw my name on it I said oh I forgot I did that the guys that people come in here and everybody wants to find out how I got a painting from Myles Munroe but I gave it to him years ago as a gift and I think of my own work when I paint they call a painters and artists work they call it his glory in other words I've put my glory on canvas my glory is my nature what I am like that's what I painted I released a part of me and left it on a campus on a canvas david says that's what God did when God created the Stars and the moon and the galaxies he he exposed a part of what he's like and he left it on the canvas of the universe so you can tell what an artist is like by his work that's what they was referring to here the glory of the thing then is its nature so whatever a king does he wants to leave a trail for you to pick up what he's like before you even see is anybody with me yet so the glory of a king is very important glories the glory of a king is when he shows by his works and his action that revealed who he is like that's the glory of a king all Kings have that david says you made us to be your glory you crowned us with your nature that's what that verse means you gave us your full weight you put in our human bodies a treasure that is a part of what you are like so that when people see us we remind them of God that blows my mind tell your neighbor I am the glory of God I notice it doesn't say you are God does it wherever that painting of mine goes a piece of me is is ah in other words wherever you take my work I go with it my glory is in it and if you were to take that painting and you put black painting all over it that painting is still under the black painting that's what sin is sin is ran man's disobedience put black paint all over the beautiful glory of God but it's still hidden under there and with the blood of Jesus count it's like turpentine it takes off all the black and then the glory comes back that is why when you don't obey God you cover the glory all Kings have glory now another verse I want you to read is Psalm 19 verse 1 it says the heavens declare what the glory of God and the skies proclaim his word handy works the works of his hands see he's an artist God showed his glory by would he create but he also shows his glory by what he does his acts what God created is what God did his works is what he's doing both of them show his glory I remember some that disturbed me and this is still a theological problem for some people except you know I know any problem it anymore but there's a problem if they are in theology especially in charismatic theology with regards to who makes people sick Hey and I don't think you know when the devil makes you a sickness a no maybe you know maybe but they did make him sick or something now of course there are some diseases that are result of your own negligence you don't eat and take care of yourself you know your body reacts to that and you get sick let it means you bring sickness on yourself but there's also certain diseases that come into your life maybe you inherit them from your line of parental you know DNA or something and and that's something you can't help you need healing from that you need to you need a miracle from that but there was a man who was born blind if you remember this incident and when jesus healed him the people says you know why he was blind because someone did something evil and they'd be you know people try to find out reasons why you got why you're sick they come with all kind of stuff you know you didn't pay your tithes or something all kind of stuff you know you know and they adored this funny thing to try and justify why you're sick but I remember Jesus blew my mind that day when you read it it says and they began to tell cheese they didn't know why he was sick he was sick because his parents did some evil and bla bla bla bla bla and Jesus stopped the me says no he said this man was born blind to show the glory of God isn't that amazing in other words God allowed this man's eye not to connect at birth so he could connect it later God didn't want to either connect secretly in the womb because no one could see that he didn't want just the room to see his glory in that case I believe that God is allowing you to go into some horrible situations just allowing it to happen and he watching the whole thing he has allowing it to go this way why because later on he gonna show his glory I've been there I know they say oh god my house is on the market they're gonna sell my house it's in the papers Gaza let it go let it go let it go all the way right to the end he let it go let me say now let me show them Who I am sometimes you feel Oh God this marriage is about to end I tried everything and God said that's right it's just mutant get involved just relax sometimes God's instruction is to do nothing and that's the toughest thing to obey anyone I'm talking about the hardest thing to obey from God is to do nothing guys I do not think that's tough because we always feel like we gotta be doing something to fix it God told Moses many times he said stand still for that's the hardest thing to do before God it cuz you always want to do something stand still some of y'all in there that right now some of you go through stuff right now and God ain't saying nothing to you why he wants you just to stand still and see the glory of the Lord glory the Lord so the glory of the Lord is what he's like his nature now every every King not only does works to show his glory but his work the things that he created shows his glory that is why Kings build castles that's why Kings decorate their castles that's why kings have all this lavish stuff around because a king wants you to meet him before you meet him come on y'all go man oh they're warm but stay with this see that's why a king would would be lavish he would throw gold leaf on the wall and you know put diamonds in the doorknob and you know things you fight over the King walks on you know why he wants when you walk into his palace he wants you to be overwhelmed by the very glory of the place oh that's why it's important understand Kingdom you see God wants to bless you in such a way that when people see you from a distance they already pick up and know who was hockey I know who is his King let me tell you something you are headed to some things okay this is the problem with the kingdom if there's a problem is that it doesn't work until you believe the problem is believing is you can't believe until you know is anybody with me this is very important okay so the problem is you can't experience it until you believe it but you can't believe it until someone tells you because faith comes by what hearing so there's a lot of things that you have not been able to experience up to this time in your life because you wasn't getting this teaching yet do you understand it's very very difficult that's why Jesus went to his small hometown and the Bible says he had the power to heal everybody he said but he could not because they were unbelief in other words even though the ability to make you wealthy and prosperous to represent God is present it cannot happen until you connect with it and believe that you supposed to be that way so we cannot blame God for our poverty we got to blame our ignorance at the moment but tell your neighbor I'm coming out of it now say it loud I'm coming out of it now see when your mind changes your life will change so what I'm telling you is this if he is a king and you are his glory then let me explain who you are you are his declaration your other snowman that's a good place to scream in other words when don't want to show the world is Mikey just sprinkle you right right in the community not now he don't sprinkle poverty because he ain't poor you are supposed to be the ornament on God's trees in the earth so your prosperity is necessary for God to show what he is like because he is a God of unlimited wealth and power and that's supposed to be what you supposed to be sure tell your neighbor I have to prosper for his reputation clap your hands praise God I got a part for his reputation the Bible says the heavens declare it whenever you think God is poor go walk in the bush and look at how God got them clients that you pay for growing wild you go and you buy your birds of paradise for twenty dollars and God got him in the bush in Dominica come on say Amen somebody and then forget I see wild roses all over the street the other day in Nebraska and we pay in ten dollars for one his glory just put it up everywhere walk on the beach five o'clock in the morning watch the sunrise just go by yourself let the Lord show off a couple minutes and tell you pain that if you're bad matter of fact he tell you photograph death dementia photographic the photograph ain't no good because it changed his beauty his glory what he's like is everywhere Paul says if a man never meant God he still has not an excuse because God speaks to him through nature God tells you his light through his work can I hit amen I got to put this one in this is a sweet one the glory of God is shown in your rectum it's an exit not an entrance that's the glory of it I thought I put that in there do not define the glory of God by misuse in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth boy I'm so tempted to say one more thing but y'all carry me can I please let me say listen the greatest glory in your life is when you go to the bathroom and you can release yourself come on talk to me the glory of the ability just to relieve yourself in the name of Jesus so use things for the glory for which they were made everybody say Amen plane to Psalm 24 please quickly sound 24 hey boy said the Kings glory it says lift up your heads were stranded verse 7 lift up your heads o ye gates and be ye lifted up you ever ancient doors so that the king of what glory may come in who is the king of glory it is the Lord that means the owner praise God strong mighty the Lord mighty in battle he is the key of glory who I want to just stay there for a couple of weeks and preach now do you know who's writing this a king David is the richest king in the world because his son ain't King in his son became richer than he is or was but yes David the King talking about another King David says now I know when I come in I'm bad out there you know the gates of Jerusalem open for me and I got you know the massive beauty of my great nation and I got all this decorations and all the power all the wealth I am the most powerful King in the world I got my glory he says but there's another king I'm trying to figure out he said who is this King he said I know I got some heavyweights I got the biggest army in the whole region I've subdued all the nations I've worn every battle I am the one who establish the city of peace Jerusalem I am the Great King he said but who is this King David saw another king whose glory he could not calculate who is this king of full weight who made these heavens like this and just left them there for us to watch who sprinkled the flowers in the fields and left them there just to what and they died in the morning who made birth oh just cried without effort who can make fish with so many colors and then just left them to first enjoy and doesn't brag about him this person whoever did this they got heavy weight this is a weighty King y'all ought to say Amen David that's my papa let me tell you something whenever you feel a little depressed go outside and take a walk y'all stay in these houses too much with things with manmade manmade that stereo to look at a stereo go outside and walk along and look at some flowers and began to bless yourself and say that's my papa's work can I hear he says open the gates the king of full week come who is the king of glory no who is it who is it the Lord what is the Lord boy I tell you David said let me tell you something everything you got you use it it ain't yours let the Lord come in he is the real king of glory the Lord of Hosts now ladies and gentlemen I know I ain't got time to deal with this in detail but the statement here says he's the Lord of Hosts the Lord strong and mighty the Lord mighty in battle he is the Lord of hosts this word house means all the armies he owns all the authority he owns all the angels they said he owns them maybe you command angels but he owns them I don't know if you understand what that means I just have my own little privately rejoicing going I'm a spirit because I hand out what it means it means that nothing could touch me if he's the Lord of all hosts then even the evil angels the demons are under his command that means the demons cannot fight you unless he allow them permission talk to Joe he's the Lord of the hosts of all the armies of the earth and of the skies and of the unseen world so you never should worry again after the day about anything happening that he can't take care of he's a king read his other verses this verse got me shouting here today Psalm 96 quickly quick quick verse 3 it says declare his glory Psalm 96 verse 3 declare his glory among the nations his marvelous deeds among the peoples for great is the Lord and most worthy of praise he is to be feared above all other gods this statement is a is a kingdom statement what a blessing declare his glory among the nations that means sure what he is like in your nation let them see what he's like on your job let him see what he's like in your sports let him see what he's like in your school campus matter of fact when people look at you they supposed to be confused with you and God it will say did God come to school today because did God come to work today they should see his nature that's why you can't give people the peace of your mind anymore give him peace of his mind when they get you upset you began to represent his nature wherever you go but I like this part it says here not only do you bring him before the Nations it says but you must show his deeds among the people what he is like that's what Kings want they want representation John chapter 8 verse 54 please go to new testament quickly john 854 jesus replied if I glorify myself my glory means nothing my father whom you claim as your God is the one who glorifies me hallelujah again John chapter 8 verse 54 Jesus said if I glory find myself my glory means nothing that means if I give you a piece of my mind that means nothing but if my father is glorified through what I do he said then that's what the father wants if we represent the King of Kings as Kings then everything we do and everything we say and how we live is supposed to represent what King Jesus is like otherwise we bring a shame to his glory look at John 17 across the cup of pages there John chapter 17 verse 4 I have bought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do how do you bring glory to God by completing the work he gave you to do how do you bring glory to God by actually doing something with your life producing something with your life that is in you that's why you bring glory to God you show what our king is like by producing what he put in you so bringing glory to God is not really singing and clapping and dancing and all that stuff in a church service it's what you do when you leave that celebration experience and you go out and you produce with your life as a secretary as a as a mechanic as a plumber as a a maintenance person whatever when you go out and you work you are showing what he is like in your work you drive a taxi he's supposed to be the most glory filled taxi driver in the Bahamas when they walk into your car they supposed to feel that they walked into a holy royal couch your attitude supposed to be so heavenly they suppose believe they left Earth y'all work you know the government has been trying for years to try and improve our hospitality attitude like he's smiling cuz you can you can pass legislation to make people smile and then you see people could fake smile for five seconds but after that they might again see the only way the only way to bring hospitality transformation is to have a revelation in the spirit of who people are if they know they are royalty they begin to act that way it influences everybody you want to clap your hands as behaving when you understand that you ain't working for your company no more that you working for the king yeah attitude changes instantly you don't need no people-to-people training you need God to people training well you might as well clap because they had it for a long time is still a working you can't make me like people I need a revelation about who you are on the wire and I knew the glory of God and I'm the glory of God I'm gonna love you like a like I love God so when I serve your drink is going to be serving God not just serving a person that's what we need so what I need to do is I need to hire a few of us to do training in tourism trap loud man you're gonna get a revelation you see because if a person spirit ain't change and the mining changed their life ain't change Carl they just make good attitude huh yeah it comes from the inside glory John 17 verse 21 I have given them the glory that you gave me that they may be one as we are one I have given them what the glory that you gave me now that is a deep statement he has given you the same nature that the father gave him that means you have the same weight of God's glory that Jesus the king is home praise God alright the last thing I want David today and next week I pick up on the third one but I want to do this last one today and that is the word of a king let's close all this every boy said a word of a king again we're thinking about Kings now what Kings are like young people listen carefully because you won't make the mistakes that other people make the word of a king is different from anyone else let's talk about the word of a king number one the word of a king is law and the word of a king constitutes his will in other words when a king speaks he's given you two things he's giving you his will and he's giving you a law how to explain this you see in order for the Bahamas government to make a law it has to go through a long complicated process like what we trying to do right now with the referendum in the the constitutional reform it takes some time it takes years to pass a law did you know that I mean years yes it goes through all kinds of changes and checks and goes through the Senate and go through the house debate it and then come back and re repaid the debate and then debate the debate of the debate the debate and they do it fears until they finally feel okay with any one kind of grease on it we make it law it can take I mean years for one law to be passed but when the King speaks no Senate got to discuss it no House of Assembly got to debate it no Parliament got to agree on it he don't need no group no committee nobody when a King speaks its law why is this important we are dealing with a king his name is Jesus Christ and the Bible is about a king you don't discuss what the King says you all know understand how important this is sixty bishops sat in a room three weeks ago and came up with a new word from God notice a serious they changed the Kings word because of majority vote they turned the Bible into a democracy and debated a statement that the King made and after three days of conference on the King statement they told the King you made a mistake there is such a thing as homosexual a bishop got it King you were wrong that's how serious this statement of the element right now is see when a King speaks you don't have a conference on that let me tell you what they've done they have made Jesus a prime minister they reduced him to a president that's why you could ignore those people you can ignore them they're not a part of the kingdom of God don't don't don't worry about them all of them I'm on TV all of you guys are not part of the kingdom of God none of you none of you you can't be they have created a new organization that they call Christianity but not the kingdom of God because you don't discuss the words of a king and every King says something is an abomination no vote can change that you can repel against the Kings word but call it that color rebellion don't don't try to make it his word and if you want to live in rebellion be honest and say I live in rebellion I like it leave me alone no problem because your judgment is automatically in your most rebellious don't worry about it but don't try to scientific by trying to give dignity to your diversion [Applause] way back on this a little bit hey boy I said the word of the king is naw we studying with Kings are like when a king speaks the word becomes law and it's his will notice I used the word constitutes his will when I was studying this it was incredible they said I ran a king speaks his word becomes constitution hallelujah you know in America the Constitution begins like this we the people now that they lost right there because we appealed means depending how do people feel at the moment this could change so we feel now that we can open up enough pressure and you know Will and Grace and all them other things why they call him Will and Grace anyhow because they are willing I know grace it ain't a will of God and it ain't God's grace so they create their own Will and Grace ridiculous the constitution of our kingdom is the words that the king left us they are in that book and I don't care who you think you are you only got 78 years to live and you've gone so why should we believe you you meant that word here you're gonna leave it here so if you want change that word change your own word and die leave us go way quick quick quick quick quick one come into our life and try to try to adjust an eternal word are you crazy he's gonna be dead in 78 years my friends young people listen to me young be listen to me young people you know I see that I saw an arc on the papers and they had all this writing up on these sissies for weeks I getting ready to write to God in a letter cuz I got ax but not just equal time I want full time don't let nobody trace your mind young people it's an abomination to be homosexual it is ungodly unnatural and they make no sense and if you gotta find a girlfriend you come see me I can fix you up you need a girlfriend brother a new girlfriend y'all need boyfriends lesbian spirit I rebuke you in Jesus name you need a man you need to get married how do I get off on this stuff oh thank you Jesus anyhow praise God oh boy oh dear psalm 119 quick quick verse 89 you O Lord watch this psalm 119 verse 89 your word out loud together please come on I say it together your word come on say loud your word Oh Lord is eternal it stands firm in the heavens period eternal see God don't eventually develop into allowing things to change he don't change his mind because things are Mordan his word is eternal oh it gets better look at this one find this one ecclesiastical verse - come on young people turn it I want you to read it aloud together obey the king's command whose command the king's command why I say because you took an oath before God do not be in a hurry to leave the King's presence underline that do not stand up for a bad cause or disturb the admitted in a bad cause stand up for a bad cause that means we get our little groups standing up for a bad cause look don't come before me trying to get me to bless your mess don't join in their group but those perverted people he says to come to your cause to try and get me to justify it where the King is established friends I don't care who working with you in your office or your workplace or your job your construction job whatever if they are perverted people I want you to go back don't you feel the same tell them you know something you're wrong I walk off you need to argue nothing and tell him you know you ain't right your body proves you ain't right he says don't bring in a bad cause before me hey boys a lobbyist there's your lobbyist right there you got your Lobby going in there trying to bring change in legislation before God to get God to justify your perversion cuz it don't come before me with a group with a bad cause yeah but you see enough of us listen it's a bad course yeah but plenty of is a bad cause plenty you're wrong listen let me say this and you ought to take a deep breath cause you're past the gate off the edge now watch this lord help me if 90% of the people vote for your rectum to be changed it will not change [Applause] your body to adjust to majority vote come on praise the Lord anyhow come on shout out Alou you do you can't change that so don't come before me said with a bad cause and I'm glad you prefix oh here you go back to school you telling them away with young men and women to come and never listen to me that is a bad cause take this tape back to school and give it to everybody matter of fact and give all y'all a free tape ok they prefer get a free tape in Jesus name [Applause] so area make sure you talk to Pastor J but that and organize that for us all right we didn't read the last part of this verse it says do not stand up for a bad cause for he will do whatever he pleases that's God talking that's God talking since a Kings word is what come on say together since a Kings word is supreme who can say to him what are you doing I rest my case completely see this stuff in the Bible he knows in the Bible is when the King speaks you don't discuss it now if Jesus is a prime minister you could debate it if you said he was the president you could have a referendum on it but he's a king the Kings word is what that means it supersedes all of the word that means if our government passes the law that they can be same-sex marriages not a one of them would take place in this building why our law of our kingdom is supreme over our governments law they gotta put me in jail I tell you I go to jail [Applause] the way to God is so simple read the last part again since the Kings word is supreme read on who who can say to him why did you say that why you say that is bad because the King says [Applause] rather say fornication is sin so you sleeping around you guys stop now the King say stealing is wrong so you start stealing you got to stop now if you're in the kingdom the Kings word is supreme so important the Kings word is it's law there's some things God said that I really don't like but boy after a while you like it because you realize it's right it's right the Kings were not just good it's right eventually you realize it's good for you you know Gaza don't eat pork I still working on that loader wicked I really I'm working hard lord I almost there okay almost there we're gonna no.1 brace good Adam BBQ ribs just kinda just hanging on bridge god anybody got a problem with like my problem do ya I'm hanging on I'm ribs oh god please I let him go in a little while last one Matthew 5:17 day never the Kings word is law Matthew 5:17 Jesus says I tell you the truth verse 18 until heaven and earth disappear not one small letter not the least stroke of comma of the pen that God wrote his word with but by any means disappear from the law until everything he promised is accomplished he said my word won't changed he said my word won't change write this list down quickly the word of a king number one a king's word can be sent number two a king's word represents the king himself number three a king's word embodies his ability and his power to perform it when a king speaks the power is actually in the word that he said he never sends a word without the power to perform it number four a king's word is one with the king when a king speaks he literally puts himself his integrity in his word number five a king is obligated to fulfill his word he's obligated for Sango 3:21 the Lord continued to appear at Shiloh and there he revealed himself to Samuel through his word how did God a parasomnia the word came there's a statement you find all through the Bible it kept saying the word of the Lord came unto me the word of the Lord came to me in other ways when God comes he comes by his word many when his word comes he arrives John chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God verse 14 and the Word was made flesh God always is one with his word all kings are that way a king's word can be sent a king's word can be sent a king's word can be sent a king's word can be sent a king doesn't even have to go he can just send his word home with you today what a power a king's where it can be sent said all you want a king to do is to talk to you that's why everyone should try to get into the King's presence to get him to talk see Esther was smart everybody was trying to solve the problem I said look the problem is simple if you get before that guy and he talks to you it's finished Esther just just come before the king she says if I get in his presence it's all finished she got in his presence the King spoke an edict we can talk about that next week when the edict is given that's it it's all over let me ask you a question what did the Lord say to you have you ever gotten a word from the Lord huh guess what the last one says he is obligated to fulfill it it may take four hundred four thousand years like he did from Genesis to Mathew but he will fulfill it and I'm telling you whatever God promised you he will fulfill now here's something out deeper King is even if you don't fulfill it in your lifetime he still gotta fulfill it in your family some of y'all got saved because your great-grandmother uncovered yo your mama's won't long time ago he was trying to repair long time ago but you had to come back because your Grammy already got away from the Lord and your grandma did long time are you listening to me that's why it's important to pray over your children and confess that their seed shall be righteous seed your laka men why because God promised that your C would be righteous so you put the word of the King on them and where the King follows them to all their foolishness some of you think you lost your kids I've come with good news today the King gave you a word when they were born and you spoke that word over them when they got dedicated I don't care how they wander into whether they come in back they cannot stay away from the word of the king the King is obligated to keep his word to you that he promised you daughter libera ham your seed and your seed after you shall be blessed today they still being blessed six thousand years later the Jewish people are amazing no matter where they go they prosper anybody want to kind of bless it and the Bible says that he who gave you Christ will also give you everything else that you need you got to receive that word personally I have no right to be poor I have no right to be sick I have no right to be destitute I have no right to be begging I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread save yourself out loud I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread God gave you his word and he will do it now let me close with this final example of the man who came to Jesus and this man had a servant who was sick remember that guy the guy was not even a Jew he was a Centurion that means he was a Roman general a Roman a leader of a legion and this man obviously studied Jesus and he heard Jesus say I am a king so the man understood kingship a because if you go in the computer and you type in King and press search you'll find the Roman government comes up as well because that's what ceases were they were Kings so this man worked for a king now this man was living in well Palestine that's where Samaria and Galilee or lose out where Caesar living in Rome far away in Italy this man is working under King Caesar Caesar gave this man a word how'd he give him a word he gave him a word through another man whose name was Pilate Pilate was the governor the Centurion works under Pilate I want you watch the power of a king's word now so Caesar when he appointed governor's he did two things one he wrote his will on a scroll then once it rolled up and then he would seal it and give it to the guy who he made governor now when he gave that to that guy instantly that guy became Authority because he received the word of the king hey buddy with me then he gave him a ring every Roman governor had a ring the ring that was given to him was the authority symbol of the king so whoever this governor would press that ring on as a sanction they received the authority of the king through that governor the governor was the one who appointed these Centurions they're the ones that sanction them the soldiers so you had the Centurion under the governor who's under the king what gives the Centurion authority the governor gave the Centurion a copy of the word he got from the King Caesar when the Centurion spoke to the soldiers they heard the authority of Caesar they didn't hear the Centurion they didn't hear the governor they heard the words of who the king now it came through all those people but it was the word from the king so Caesar never had to come to Palestine to get things done he just sent his word and any time those people spoke that word that was written it had the same power because the entire government of the Roman Empire was backing up that word that's why the pilot was so bold when he told Jesus I could take your life or give it to you and he was right because the Roman law gave by Caesar gave that man the power kill people or let him know um Pilate knew he had the power from that piece of paper that he got Jesus knew it all so that's why Jesus had to answer him Christ was quiet during the whole thing you know but when that guy said that he had to answer him because he was talking Kingdom talk so when he told Jesus he said look don't you know that I have the power to take your life or to give it to you Jesus had to break the silence and Jesus said unto Him sir Pilate first of all you would have no power over me except it was given to you from above from My Father in heaven now I want you to check this Jesus just superseded Caesar I told you the word of our King is supreme there might come a time when you need to disobey our government you got to be ready for that when they start bowing squirrely I start dabbling into things that are ungodly and unrighteous you might have to say you know something I can't accept this secondly he was telling Pilate that my government is allowing your government to give you the word you get you didn't hear what I said si purposes look I could kill you if I want I said no no no you couldn't do that if it was not given to you from above which means Caesar is being tolerated by my government in the name of Jesus and then Jesus threatened him he says even now I could call 10 legions of angels so you got your legions I got mine he said but then that would spoil the whole program wouldn't it because I came to die so shut him out do your job and kill me somebody got to do this right the Centurion came to Jesus he understood it he said master my servant is homesick anybody get something homes it how about your business it homesick how would your bank accounts any of them sick you better know your head how about you cry and tell this is that it kind of sick there yeah you know you know you know real estate insurance you know there's some homesick some y'all got some relationships at our home and it's sick you don't need to bring them to this building to get them fixed a closer now hang on the promise say I know that you can he says will you come and Jesus says I'll come he said no wait a minute wait a minute he said no you don't have to come here King [Applause] hallelujah I gotta finish this survey with some help stand up on your feet help me to finish it tell your neighbor he's about to send it now I don't know what you got home that is sick but it'll send something anybody could receive a word from God lift your hand up you don't have to come because you are a king he said just send your word and my servant will be healed fill out to me Lord just send your word on my situation will be healed now this time think about what you're talking to talk to the situation fit up to me Lord you don't have to come send your word on my situation shall be healed I heard a testimony this morning to bless me the testimony says but this time hey boys at this time some of us just like me I've been praying for things over and over again but there comes a time when it's this time you're gonna get fixed why because your faith has been changed by what you heard say neighbor this time it will change send your word on my server will be healed I want Jesus to say to me every day I have never seen so great faith no we're not even in Israel he understood the authority of a king I don't know about you but the more I understand his kingship the more relaxed they become no high blood pressure no tension no stress because is his responsibility to look after the citizen can I hear an amen thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at www.noventri.com you
Channel: Munroe Global
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, tv show
Id: S0-VZF8Pj4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 35sec (4595 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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