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i remember going to a catholic school and uh every week we'd have to go to church and i remember one time in the bible they were talking about um sow and reap the whole principle about sowing and reaping and i remember for many years of my life thinking why is it that there's so many people who do so much good out there and while some religions also talk about good karma and all the rest of it i see them like struggling in so many areas of their life and i was so confused by all of this for many many years until i realized there was something crucial that i missed out in the bible and i'm gonna break this down for you in terms of how you can use it towards manifestation because when i started to use it within one year i manifested 15 million dollars in one deal and i'd like to share with you so that you know how to use it in different areas of your life but before we get into it show reel hit it [Music] [Music] [Music] namaste everyone this is shuya kashner here and in this video i want to break down for you one very powerful principle from the bible that relates to all manifestation and law of attraction and everything like that and it's just extremely powerful in fact when i used it when i was i believe 24 or 25 i struck a deal with 15 million dollars in rubber and steel recycling which was very shocking at the time because i was only a young kid and it actually worked so i'm gonna break it down for you and this principle is based on sowing and reaping you've probably um heard of all different principles before when they talk about karma or whether they talk about giving and receiving yeah at the same time i don't know if you've ever questioned before why is it that some people they seem to give and give and give and still have nothing to take for themselves and i realize that there's three core values that need to be worked alongside this principle of giving and receiving um to actually make it work for you so i'm gonna break it down for you in this video the first principle is first of all establishing that it's not really just sow and reap if you just think it's so unreap then there's actually a lot missing because you can't say hey i'm going to plant a melon seed and where's my apples you get what i'm saying and the biggest problem is a lot of people they say i'm so good and so nice to everyone why is it that i get all this horrible stuff happening in my life and the horrible stuff could be related to other things like financial struggles or financial difficulties or i don't know eviction from the house or whatever is happening right but it's because the principle should really be changed and and adapted and understood in a way where it's uh what you sow you shall reap okay so if you take notes write this down because all three principles will all come together and allow you to be able to manifest anything you want in life right so the first thing is want you so you shall reap what does this mean if you want to attract love yes be the most loving person ever give so much love out there you become the vibrational frequency of of course you will attract those things right um but if you want to attract money it's something different you've got to also be able to um sow uh money and what does that mean be able to put money out actually it was one of my early mentors who actually said to me this uh in my in my early years of business and he said have you realized you're making a lot of money in terms of revenue but you're never accumulating any wealth and actually if you were to total up what you're actually doing you can continue this for many many years and you're not actually going to be able to take that quantum leap or take that next step you've hit this stagnant place in your business on the six figure mark and i realized that that was what was happening all right i started business when i was 19 and i was 24 at the time five years in business i was at six figures but i didn't know how to get to the next level and what he said to me he said you really need to understand right you need to risk to reward and you need to risk the thing you want reward in right so at the time he wasn't actually referring to sewing and reaping but it automatically in my head was like ah for so long it just clicked for so long i was thinking so and reap but it's actually what you sow you shall reef but if i want to make money in business i got to be willing to invest money in business now some will argue the point and say but what if we don't have the money to invest right then you need to leverage money to take money to reinvest it out if you look at the wealthiest people in the world right we always say success leaves clues if you look at the wealthiest people in the world if you read any of their biographies they will all tell you the story of oh once i didn't have money then i borrowed this so i found this or i or i pitched for the investment and i and i swiped on my credit card or or i took a business loan or personal loan or sold my house or whatever they did to get the money leverage the money went all in put their money out and guess what then the reward came because what you sow you shall reap but that doesn't mean you can only use this principle with money you can use it with everything you can use it with love you can use it with everything right so understand if you want to attract love in your life if you're in that lack mindset you're always like where's my where's love for me where's my love where's my love where's my love instead of thinking that how about you start thinking how can i put so much love out to the world right now how can i be a loving person to everybody around me how can i give so much love out there how can i become love because once you start you you can't give something that you're not so if you uh continue to try to put love out there one time you'll feel a little bit like says something lacking inside then you work on self-love to then put love outside right in the same way to invest money you need to know how to accumulate or leverage money right so in the same way build that money out put that money out be willing to risk the biggest problem is a lot of people think if i put out what if i risk what if i'm vulnerable right let me tell you something vulnerability is your biggest power why because when you're vulnerable it means you trust you are trusting the universe i'm going all in i trust that there's plenty more to come back because i am abundance okay so um the first the first part of it is about um what you sow you shall reap then how do we actually use this principle and make it even more powerful for ourselves so the second part of it is about doing it for you first right when it comes to money how about you pay yourself first how about you look after yourself first when it comes to love how about you have that self love first right and this isn't about being selfish this is about filling your cup so you have plenty of capacity to put out to the world right so if right now you are lacking in wealth or you're lacking in self-love then how can we pitch for investment how can we accumulate something to be able to take that thing and put that thing out right so the first thing always understand if your cup doesn't have the capacity right then you've got no capacity to put out there so work on self first we always say you got to learn before you earn so learn how to do that for yourself and the third part to this to be able to enhance the sewing and reaping is when you are sewing don't have any expectations to the outcome always understand when you're thinking why is it not happening yet why is it not happening yet ask yourself the question is that lack mindset or abundance mindset is it fear or is it trust most likely it's fear so when you are relentlessly putting out there right often go into meditation connect with universe go into prayer and connect with the energies and understand and say who am i not to trust i am one with divine i am abundance these affirmations say these mantras to remind yourself constantly consistently and also have an attitude of gratitude because when you have an attitude of gratitude guess what you will always be grateful for everything you have instead of chasing non-stop for the next thing so don't be the chase become the vibrational frequency and allow things to come to you while you continuously sow and put out the things without any lack mindset don't fear that you'll never get it back because you manifest what you are so when you fear it you manifest more of that fear right so become the thing put out the thing relentlessly put out the thing surround yourself with positive energies that will support you along this journey and you'll be able to manifest miracles into your life other than that if you enjoyed this video or you got anything from it whatsoever please do hit the thumbs up hit the like button also comment below let us know your experiences with this principle what have you manifested before right whether big or small share your success stories in the comments below to be able to help other people manifest their desires also let us know in the comments below where you guys have tuned in from that's always nice to know and finally if you're new to this channel and you haven't already remember remember to hit that subscribe button and the notifications button next to it that's a little bell sign by the way because this year i'm dedicated to making daily videos so you accountable to make it your best year yet but for now guys i'm signing up namaste ciao [Music] you
Channel: Master Sri Akarshana
Views: 12,788
Rating: 4.9832034 out of 5
Keywords: home-based business, how to become an insurance agent, vetrepreneur, matt sapaula, moneysmartguy, moneysmartmovement, matthew sapaula money coach, matt sapaula financial coaching, matt sapaula php agency, financial coaching, veteran entrepreneur, manifest money, law of attraction, how to manifest money, attract money, wealth and abundance, the secret, manifest, manifestation, master sri akarshana, rich, millionaire, bible, biblical principle, how one biblical principle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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