How To Face The Future With Fearless Confidence Part 2 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and monroe global calm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message about the future remember we're talking about going into a new year into a new opportunity and we have to learn about the future how to understand the future and one of the first things we talked about is the fact that the future of all creation is hidden in that created thing very important principle to remember because that is the heart of confidence we talked about how to face this year with confidence and to face every year with confidence not to be afraid if you read the stock market reports if you read the global unrest problems and if you read the nuclear arms discussions and you read about the uncertainty of economic stability and if you read about the industrial strikes and ourselves and so forth you began to think am I going to be able to have a safe life if my country downs a nice company rather downsizes will I be one that they lay off if something happens to our economy will I be able to pay my mortgage I mean there's there's so much uncertainty and yet the Holy Spirit is saying to us in this message that there's no need for my people to worry about anything in the world I mean nothing in the world ladies and gentlemen I am speaking to you by the power of the Holy Spirit there's no need for you to worry about 2004 no need to worry about it and the reason is because of this first statement the future of everything is created in the thing and therefore it's important to understand how the future works number two the futures was existed before the present we live in the present but our future is actually pre-existing whatever you are going to is behind god now that gives you peace and it gives you total confidence no matter how it looks it may look difficult right now but don't worry no wonder why the words of Jesus Christ will always do not be afraid do not worry be of good cheer why he said because I have already overcome this world the future number three is unmanifested purpose remember that purpose is which you were born to become what you were created to do and your future is simply that unmanifested number four the future of a product is the manufacture was passed I said this in the last session but I don't think that you even capture the spirit of this thing it is so deep to me the future of a product is the manufacturers past sit up with me the future of a product is the manufacturers past I want you to think about that it sounds a little confusing but it's probably the most important revelation concerning confidence when a manufacturer makes a product he always finish it first then he makes it yeah matter of fact you cannot really build a house in the Bahamas until it's finished the government will not allow you to start a house that is not finished and they make it a requirement that you finish it first they want to see the land they want to see the complete design they want to see the architectural renderings they want to see the plumbing they want to see the electrical works they want to see how its manicured they want to see the steel structure they want to see a finished house they won't even see the visual then they stamp and say approved now you can begin in other words the future of that house is the Builders past that is why God says he chose you in him before the world was created God is not experimenting with your life in this year God's excited about what he already knows you are about to experience that he's already completed so the Bible says simple words like all things work together all things for your good for my good some of the things you're going through don't feel good don't look good it ain't acting good it is not good experience God said don't worry about it it's already finished this is a setup we fail when we believe that the president sorry that the present is our future you say it again we fail when we believe that the present is our future whatever you going through is not your future the manufacturer has already finished the product therefore number five is important the future is unreleased destiny which you were born to become is already finished it's your destination and so your future is your destiny unreleased yet number six the future is your pre destination number seven the future is God's past this has helped me through the years I I've gone through a lot of interesting experiences in my life and one that things have kept me as a young man and even to this day I live by this is this understanding that my future is God's past nothing that I go through surprises God nothing number seven number eight rather the future is the end that is trapped in the beginning all of these are important to understand your piece I don't know who's going to die in 2004 I have no idea and some of you it may be your time this year I don't know that do you know how I live I live in a strange way I don't know if I should even say this but because I I think differently for most people but I think I prepare myself mentally and emotionally and spiritually for the worst and once I am seven that I can handle the worst life is easy for example I've already settled in my mind that if my son or daughter dies how will I live without my children that's the worst that can happen to my kids for them to die and a lot of young people have been killed how would I live without my son if he died an accident in school this year not that he will but supportive well how would I live why would I rely react what I lose my ministry where I go hide as a hermit in the mountains and forget about this and curse God I've already lived without my wife in my mind said what would happen if my wife died so you never think that way would I fall apart and lose everything when I lose my mind what would life be without my wife Ruth that's the worst thing that can ever happen to me in other words if you can settle the worst the devil is beat he says lived that way he told his disciples and his first meeting he says I'm gonna be killed he gave them the worst scenario first he's I'm coming and I'm gonna die now let's get on with life if you lose your house this year that's possible I'm not saying it's gonna happen but Howard what would you do if they repossess your house would you lose your faith in God but you throw aside your confidence not believe or would you understand from the teaching that you know something God knew that was going to happen why because my future is his past in other words losing a house is just a passing moment in my beautiful future and God would allow me to lose one to get a better one and sometimes we hang on to the one real tight God say no that's not the final one and because you won't let it go I'll take it from you to get you to the big one all things work together for your good it's his past write this down please the future in the present first principle I want to emphasize is that your future is not ahead of you but it's trapped within you number two you possess your future not later but now every day a portion of your future is supposed to be released every week there's supposed to be a week worth of future released every month is supposed to be a month worth of your future exposed every year there was supposed to be a year's worth of your future manifested and that's why God gave us days and weeks and years so that we can release our future in doses number three very important God is committed to the future he has placed in your present setup with me please God is committed to my future that he placed in my present in other words God has put something in you that he wants to be manifested in this earth and God is committed to that investment that deposit ladies and gentlemen is the keys is confidence again God is committed to what he put in you God is committed to what he placed in you God is committed to what he placed in you God is committed to what he placed in you God God Himself is committed to what he put in you [Applause] goddess I'm not a smart man I just know God a little bit and people think you're smart when you know God and what I know but God is he is committed to what he placed in you God doesn't just give you a future he has committed himself to make sure it becomes your past you missed it missed it I'm gonna say one more time god it's committed to your future that he puttin you on he'll be so committed until it becomes your past it's already his past but he's committed to your future in other words God has rallied all resources all assistants all demons and all angels every even the devil he has everybody working to make sure your future comes to pass Oh God is committed that means when you ain't got nothin don't worry he's still committed to it I'm he gonna bring what you need when you need how you need it where you need it anytime you want it he can have it there because God is more committed to your success than you are that's your confidence how am I going to see the establishment of a 21 million dollar facility down here on come like a road that will teach 600 leaders every two years and sell them to the world I don't know but God is committed to that future and that means that all the facilities all the resources all the instructors all the furniture all the equipment or technology that's his problem he gonna make sure it gets to the Bahamas built on Carmichael Road and there will be students in those classrooms because God is committed to his future he put in my present God is committed to the future he wouldn't you why am I stuck here listen you believe and you see ah God doesn't want you to go into this year thinking that you're gonna finance his dream and you're minglee salary God gave you your salary to give offerings and tithe that's all but you can't do nothing else with it he is committed to the rest of the stuff by himself you know what you got a enough let your hand say Lord do your thing see if you try to do it your way you ain't gonna make it but he's committed to will he put in you if God showed you a vision you told God I want a new house in 2004 because I want a house some people who don't have houses or I'd like to keep some of the guests who are coming to the conference's oh I'm like keep some of these young people who were kicked out having problems I listen to me God if he gave you that vision for that house you know you're sorry can't build that house matter of fact it can't keep the one you got now but if God gave you that believe me friends God is committed to it and he will bring the resources and all you need from places you never imagined and in one year you'll be cutting a ribbon God has committed I say God has committed write it down please your future is more important than your best very simple statement but difficult to accept it doesn't matter how horrible your past is don't you ever live there very important number five your future is more valuable the past number is it more important it's more valuable you thought you did some things that were wonderful stop boasting of a past that cannot compare to your future okay so you got a high school diploma so what that's your past go on and get your BA okay so you got your BA aha go on and get your masters oh you got three of them fine now I forget your masters and go on get your PhD oh you got the PhD now go on and build a school to create more students you own the school next time see God always has a future better and more valuable than your past that's why your failures can never destroy your success you and I have failed in many things but that's history write this down please very important your future is more powerful than your past do you know why because you can control your future you cannot do a thing with your past so your future is more powerful matter of fact the only power that your past has is what you give it and that is why Jesus came to forgive your past but he also came to salvage your future Jesus knows that he know you can do anything about your past but he also knows that he and you can do something about your future so what he does is he forgives your past cleanses it wipes out the consciousness of it takes away the guilt of your past and then he gives you a clean sheet of life I said now let's create a new history that'll be a pleasure to remember you are not free until your pass has no effect on your future you are not free until you can talk about your past and smile you are not free until you are not afraid if people find out about your best as long as you are hiding it afraid of it guilt-ridden and because of it you are not free yet matter of fact the reason why you ain't going to your future is because the baggage is too heavy Jesus forgives your past that you had a bright now see Lord I receive your forgiveness of every dumb decision that I made in my life and there are many I haven't made yet they're the ones that will make a difference he's a forgiving God it's very important Scripture sound 57 it says I cried out to God who is Most High God who fulfills his purpose for me I'm stuck on this verse for the rest of my life read the verse carefully it says I cry unto God this is David speaking David went through a lot of stress problems he's I cried unto God who was most high he will fulfill his purpose for me I told you God is committed to the future he put in you now it says he will fulfill it and he calls it his idea can I suggest something that you stop saying stop saying this statement my life because as long as it's your life you have to fulfill it Reid aversive loud I cry out to God come on everybody most high to God who fulfills his purpose for me say like the Apostle Paul who finally figured it out Paul says it is not I that lives see he transferred the responsibility for the fulfillment of his life from himself to the manufacturer he said look it is not I that live but it is Christ that live it with in me and the life I now live I live by the grace grace means were enablement giftings of God the Father in other words this year should not be your year this should be God's year can I hear hey man that's why ain't nothing gonna happen to you if it's his purpose evil villain in your life that he himself does not allow I believe that a lot of things we lead ourselves into because God didn't want us to go into those areas but we were living our own life I cry under the Lord I wonder what David cried he didn't say what he cried he said why he cried he said cried to the Lord because he will fulfill his purpose for me now I wonder what he cried I believe David cried why what I'm doing ain't working I try and everything in a working help gossip thank you very much for my life back a few you're getting it I'm telling you matter fact do it right now see Lord on the Sunday the first day of the week take your life back the chance and let him take it right now in Jesus name come on give him his life back give him his year back say Lord this one is yours oh he's taking over right now he's taking over management of your life again and believe me he's a good manager Kanna mushi robotica secret a kiss you just gave him responsibility for everything that happens in this year this book says verse 3 he sends forth from heaven and saves me rebuking those who heartily pursue me same passage David says that's his life that's his purpose and he gonna fix everybody who fool with that you all don't get it that verse is probable he said look if it's his then relax yourself matter of fact God wants you to live like you are in Disney World this year let me explain what I mean when I took my kids to Disneyworld some years ago in Orlando Florida I'll now forget they want to go on this roller coaster ride Space Mountain and their little kids they don't know any better and they excited and I'm scared my wife and I trapped ourselves in the guy put us a nice end I put the seatbelt on and they lock this thing down what I said I feel helpless he said that's the way you supposed to feel now y'all missed it he's about to take me on a dangerous ride and he said I want you to feel helpless you get the revelation as long as you dare helping helping helping help it cuz I can't take you on this ride [Applause] come on somebody he's the guys in the you supposed to feel helpless right we control everything you gotta praise God God wants you Kona Musa in the first week of the year to strap yourself in put the word all around your waist from your loins Girt it and let him shove the Holy Ghost control down and say God ah helpless and let the Lord take you on a roller coaster ride for 2004 and believe me four hands over a derrick sometimes you in the ride we came to the top one mountain top bring the farm is made up down in a dot some of y'all this year I'm gonna go through a dark dungeon what do you do is yes what stay helpless just enjoy the ride hallelujah why it's only for a moment that he will allow you to go through a dark tunnel it says that he sends from heaven lord have mercy even he sent it from your boss or your paycheck or your business he can bring this stuff from a place that you can't even get to know I see he's gonna send from heaven everything you need and then those who have plans for you this year to hinder you and to stop you and to try and confuse you and try to deter you he already told you he got plans for them you gotta pray sit back up hey so when you see somebody when you go to work for this first week and they begin to act a little bit unreasonable just smile and say you don't want to do that to me [Applause] it says he will save me from them say with me I mean I'm gonna enjoy the ride now say like you believe it from your spirit tell your neighbor enjoy the ride I just feel like crazy there for a second I let them lock you in see listen I don't know what this year holds anymore than you do but one thing I know is who holds this year screamed with me just a little bit man we don't have such a good time this year why because all we doing is being strapped in I want to remember this message when March comes along and April comes along and September comes along and you're going through a little dark moment just pull this message and say Lord it's just a part of the ride wanting like a rollercoaster after being the dungeon for a while the light comes so quickly oh they're moments this year but you're gonna come down laughing never come you got a laugh on your way down all these different emotions just stay locked in and sometimes when life gets rough we want to jump out of the car if you jump out you get killed trust in the Lord with all your heart and don't lean to how you understand the Machine but in all your way just acknowledge he's in charge and he will direct the roller coaster he knows exactly where he wants to take you this year hey buddy they take me Lord I'll tell you what man something good is gonna happen to you this year I don't care how many bad things they put in your way something good it's gonna happen to you this year one thing I liked with rollercoasters though you always end right where your stuff you come right back with him standing there saying how did you enjoy the ride yeah I could see it now January 2005 God smiled and saying how did you enjoy that ride 2004 are you saying well I was pretty good you know I got the house you promised me I got the car you promised me I got the kids I got my marriage you promised me again you know only things he promised you in one year five years worth he told me he gonna do this year come on receive that right now five years worth of blessing is coming in this one year in your life can you receive it brother seven there's no lies out of God's mouth he will save you he will save you this verse here from the Book of Jeremiah 15 it says the Lord said surely I will deliver you for a good purpose I can bring you out because I got a purpose I got a fix in your life I will deliver you because of the purpose surely I will make your enemies plead with you in times of disaster and times of distress they will plead with you when things are going the worse on your job they come into you so you can be the only one with so much confidence what is your secret will be their plea how can you be so calm when the whole situation is not looking good your your your answer should be because my future is his past do you know that God wrecked the economy of Egypt because of one young boy that blows my mind I said I blows my mind I want I want to get this point across because some of you think you know I mean if it is possible for the Bahamas to go through an economic disaster to make sure you succeed listen to me Joseph was in jail jail was a part of the plan oh I see because the man that he's supposed to meet who's supposed to introduce him to the king was in jail Shekhar Namur attack and your first response is God how did I end up in jail cause it because your appointment is in jail and some of your situations are jail that job you feel lot too trapped in Gaza stay there there's someone who's supposed to meet you here Oh hallelujah gas is now Joe I want you to meet this Baker and this cupbearer why they are your connection but they are in jail and Joseph met them and he it was a private miracle sometime God wants you to help people placing the lead once and that's all and the Bible says when they were when the guy was released he went back to his old job serving the King and it was this man who told the King there is a young man in the jail who told me my dreams and King you need you need a dream teller I met this man in jail sometimes where you are is not comfortable but you ain't there forever you're there for an appointment and he simply said this man told my dream now watch God before that was done God set up the whole thing God made sure that there was an economic crisis in Egypt he shut down the whole economy he bought a farming the crops didn't grow nothing was going on and Pharaoh had this crazy dream about the thing was gonna happen would God rearranged a whole country just for you absolutely yes would God shake a whole company just for your promotion absolutely yes what God cost there to be a downturn in the business sector just for your promotion absolutely yes he will fulfill his purpose for you write this down the past is a portion of your future lived that's all it is that's why you shouldn't live in your past have a good trip back to school young people enjoy the semester come back with a 4.0 amen they go back to school the past is dead everyone please write this down the past is dead except for the life you give it 2003 is filled with regrets memories you don't want to think about failures that you can talk about but you must remember to leave them there we give life to history because we keep talking about it we give like history because we keep living it we can like the history because we keep bringing it up over and over again we give life to it that's why God is the god he works in such an interesting way God says look bring me your sins then he says I will forgive them then he says I will forget them I will throw them in the sea of forgetfulness I won't even remember them anymore in other words the way God deals with your history is he doesn't remember and you gotta learn to be like your father yes you did some dumb things all through the past years or maybe even last year even to the end of the year you might have done something dumb but the moment you stepped over into this year you supposed to understand that the only life that thing has would you keep giving it you're forgiven number three you cannot go to your future if you live in the past I challenge you today to bury your history only use it for reference to make wiser decisions but don't live in it number four you cannot change the past if you could create it if you create a new one let me tell you something this is a very important point I thought about this you cannot do anything about your past but you could actually create a new past empty you creating a new past so why don't you decide to create a pass for the rest of your life that you'll enjoy remembering the sooner you began to create a good pass on the right past which is the purpose for God for your life the more you will enjoy looking back o the Apostle Paul would a man Paul says for getting those things that are behind I press because the future gives you hope it makes the pass have hope there's a future by the tape then you gotta shut down a minute some chapters chapter 3 that is important verse I quoted before I want to read us again watch this it says not that I have already obtained all of this or have already been made perfect but I press on to take hold of that for which Jesus took hold of me this is found in Philippians chapter 3 now young people and all the people please remember this verse this was the verse the list of three verses that changed my life as a teenager this was one of them Ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 changed my life it says now unto Him who is able to do etc this verse was the next one the chamber I was a teenager when I read this as a teenager I said this is what I want to be this way I discovered the principle of purpose here somewhere it says I forget what's behind and I press on to take hold of that for which Christ took hold of me I thought Christ to hold of me to go to heaven this verse disagrees it says I press to take hold of that heaven is not at that heaven is are there Christ took hold of me because of that would that that is the future that he hid inside of me Oh help me Lord Jesus wants to save you not because of heaven he wants to salvage his investment when I saw my son miming this morning I said wouldn't it be terrible if that wasn't a bass house he's good paid to say Amen you missed it if that young boy was on cocaine on the floor of a drug house lost in the muck of destruction we wouldn't have been blessed by that mind dance this morning Christ wasn't trying to get into heaven when he saved you he was trying to get that gift back he to hold of you so you could take hold of that come on Rita violent he said I'm gonna save you so you could do that there's something I need you to do so I save you so you could do that the other verses in profit important it says brethren I do not therefore consider myself yet to have taken all of it where's your future is trapped inside of you I have not arrived Paul says I'm born again full of the Holy Spirit I speak in tongues but I still haven't done yet that which means that salvation is not about heaven it's about earth and about you doing what you came here to do this year is another year for you to bring out more of that hey neighbor I want to see some of your that sale out sell them again I want to see some of your that whatever that is I want to see more of that you are full of that tell your neighbor you are full of that hallelujah the Chauncey Lord reveal my that he took hold of me so I could take hold of that and I'm not really stood yet Paul says look at the next verse oh he said but this one thing I have decided to do speed with me forgetting what is behind I strained toward what is ahead I press toward the goal to win the prize for the for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus I press to take hold of that God sent Christ from heaven not to take me to heaven but to reveal what heaven placed in Earth in me everybody say forget come on say forget what it's hard to forget sometime people hurt you people do things to you people say things you'd hurt you you could carry an offense from 2003-2004 you carry all kind of burdens of two thousand three thousand four you carry things over listen this is the last week you got to drop it drop it now get back in the race and say Lord I want to take hold of that I don't have time in 2004 for 2003 offenses no time buying a time for failures that I did last year to drag them over into this year that's a dumb move forgetting put this behind hey boys a strain you know why you gotta strain goes to pass pulling you gotta fight to get rid of your past you gotta fight the devil wants to use your history to suffocate your future I'll have none of it I don't know but you but I'll have none of it devil none of it listen this is let's please isolated these because I wanted you to see what causes people to lose their confidence what is the fear of facing the future here's where fear comes from number one lack of knowledge we are afraid of what we don't know number two fear comes from uncertainty we are afraid of what we're not sure of number three fear comes from the unknown we are afraid of fact that we're not aware of what might happen this year so we live in fear number four past failures cause fear we keep remembering what we failed in and so we afraid to try it again in this year past failure I wonder if there's such a thing as failure to God I don't think failure is in God's vocabulary I believe there's disobedience or this lack of timing wrong timing because Moses tried to set the people free by himself with a piece of wood did he yes and he killed a guy in other words his plan was to kill them one at a time are you listening to me in other words some of us know God's purpose but the timing ain't right and so we think we failed so he tried to set people free one at a time each started killing one of the time you killed one hmm put him in the sand next I mean imagine trying to kill you know 3 4 million Egyptians or whatever that's a long life at work so God said tell you what Moses the timing is off so Moses fled and some of you may in be in that position I've been that many times I backed off from things that God told me to do because I felt the same working this can't be God and I said no the timing wasn't right the purpose is the same it's still good but the timing is off and so 40 years later God meets Moses and God tells Moses the exact same thing to do the same thing he wanted to do and he told him to use the same thing that he had a piece of wood now watch this Cosimo I want you to go and set the Israelites free mostly I tried that before now I'm a fugitive and they looking for me God said I want you to use that piece of wood nice I tried the wood thing to the wood thing is what got me in trouble I want God in otherwise the business that you started last yet it didn't work you figure that was the devil I miss God no you didn't miss God you missed the year oh come on shout praise the Lord when the time is right glory hallelujah what she was working so hard to do the last five years God will do it in one year Moses Moses went back after God convinced him mo I'm with you now because the time is right Moses stood there with one piece of stick and a whole army of Egyptians and with one way they were dead now you can work hard and kill one at a time and bury all in the sand or you can just stand there with one way hey buddy drowned what's different between killing and bury one at a time and just years go ahead clap go basically yes i prophesy for some of you 2004 has been waiting on you this is your year this is the year all the toil you've been through for the last five years God's going to culminate him in one 12-month period hallelujah it's gonna happen so easy you're gonna know it was the year the chance and thank God I received that right now I don't know but should we get to receive that praise God receive that hallelujah I receive it God says your past failures should not give you fear because they passed you didn't fail you just off time or sometimes you off people it's incredible you mixing the wrong people they mess you up for a whole year number five negative experiences causes fear number six dependency on self can cause you to fear when you look at what you got to do in your life and you try to figure out how you gonna do it that's enough to frighten anybody you ain't smart enough you ain't rich enough and you ain't cool enough you you you you can't do this thing don't depend on yourself number seven dependency on your own resources that brings fear you look at what you want to do and look at how much you have you back off number eight peer pressure can cause you to bring fear to your life you stick with the wrong people and they talk you out of everything that you believe in God to do and peer pressure works another way to some people who you want approval from instead of you move into what you want to do you stay with them in other words the power of acceptance can prevent your future you want to be accepted number nine very important social conformity and this is what I'm talking about we are afraid sometimes to proceed to the vision and the future of our lives because we tried to be socially conformed and that people who say to you well you know you can't do that you know no one has ever done that from our family [Applause] why would you be like your other brothers and sisters be nothing how would they tell you and then here another one who do you think you are that's social conformity your family got you figured out all you're supposed to be the same that what they told you why are you trying to be different the answer should be what because I am different but that's a powerful pressure to break some of you came to this ministry at an expense of friendships and family and they still worried about you social conformity they don't want you to go to your dream you become like those who you keep company with this is a issue I keep saying that's why I keep in company with big minded people with big dreams I'm doing it you know they sent an invitation out everything let you know so you could pray for me but on Tuesday I am leaving to go to Orlando matter of fact tonight I'll be in Orlando speaking for Morris Cerullo and there's gonna be broadcast all over the world so please pray for me I'm the main speaker tonight in Orlando but on Tuesday I've been invited along with just a few leaders Jack Hayford and Joyce Meyers and Kenny Copeland home too they invited few few of us and they want us to spend just a few days locked up in a room and they said we want you because you are one of the leaders who we believe God wants to speak to us through I said why me I don't know I'm not even American they said we want you God told us that me was have you in the meeting so we can be locked up in the meeting for the next two days Tuesday and Wednesday and they want to get the mind of God about the future of the church unless it I don't mind keeping coming to these people you know because I can learn from them and I'm going to to to to to pick up the anointings that they got and I want to listen to how big they're thinking see some of you are bad company for me because you following me now I'm gonna say this respectfully now see if I sit with you you can't see beyond what I could see and so if I listened to you I'd go back sometime my job is to help you let's go forward so I gotta I gotta keep coming with people who are ready forward and they're going forward so that I can also bring you and wherever I go ain't taking you you go with me we go into the big time we gonna change the world for God but you gotta watch your company social conformity some people I cannot be with there are some pastors in the city I cannot be friends with I love them but I cannot hang out why because their thoughts are so small Jesus told the disciples be careful of the leaven of the religious leaders you know lavenders yeast it infects you one of the well-known Paz in this country came to see me two weeks ago made an appointment came in my office sat down two weeks ago very well-known guy and he said to me he said pastor miles it took me a long time to come to you but I realize I need you I'm tired of the company I'm keeping I want to keep company with somebody who can take me for worthy sets your association does determine your destination you know pastor nearly last night I am so blessed by him last night pastor Theo Neely was honored last night I was invited to speak there as well and he and I and honorable human he would Ingram the former prime minister were talking and he was chatting about a couple of things and I heard him say nice night something that really touched me he said you know pastor Myles I was an address all those years but when I heard about Bahamas fate ministries 1984 everybody said he was a cult he said but my wife and I prayed the Lord told us if you want to go somewhere hook up with that young man he said it cost him his denomination because he invited us the sounders to do with conference in his church and they told him you out you can't do this it's a cult he said he's so glad he did if you wouldn't be an eagle you don't keep company with pigeons now pigeons flock I'm gonna say it again pigeons frock they always in big groups but he goes you find them one at a time you gotta look for people who are flying high you got to look they don't just show up you got to go after them go after them this year make a decision that you are going to dig in put your roots down and you're going to take this ride with God to the top of your dream and bring out more of your future this is the will of God right this last tooth this last one down the need for acceptance causes fervor of progress wanting people to like you can keep you back and that's why we gotta be careful who we patent ourselves after because there are people who ain't going nowhere and they want you to go with them remember that don't forget it and there's some folks who ain't doing nothing and they want you to do it with them I think the first thing you should do is me surprised a holla what's your name and the next question would you do it another way let me decide allowing a stay with you next question where are you going I know say to the store because I'm going after that and I don't know where he's going your future is too precious to be by people who ain't got none I told my wife this year I said this year I'm gonna live so hard they don't think there's three of me I don't know but you I made my resolution I said this year I'm gonna do so much in one year they're gonna think I lived five years how about you that's how about you I've made a decision I'm wasting time with nobody who we're gonna hinder me they telling you now I'm too old to keep bad company oh sure they met somebody am i right about that as soon as you pass 30 you better statue no you hang a note of it cuz ya got no time to go to school no more you you gotta live now I'm meeting all kinds of people like sizing them up fast sizing them up let me see if I want to be with you why I grow an old man I got no time to sit around discussing fussing arguing I mean and these distractions in your life [Applause] the need to be accepted close your Bibles pray thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at [Music] you
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 216,276
Rating: 4.8184333 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, myles
Id: pOxnIW1QOrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 17sec (3857 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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