The Principle & Power Of Praying In The Name Of Jesus | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power packed message from dr miles monroe provided by monroe global incorporated and we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message and i want to focus on the principle of praying in a name the bible talks about praying in the name of jesus and i think this is very much misunderstood most of us actually treat this command like which witchcraft we think that uh the concept of praying in the name is like a magic wand that you wave over your prayer and it'll make it come to pass in other words we we somehow want to use the name of jesus as magic when i say the name i think we even misunderstood it we we think we're talking about the the five letter word you know j-e-s-u-s we got folks who even get excited about you know whether we should use the english word or whether the spanish word or whether to go back and use the hebrew word we've got people arguing about whether we should use you know yeshua and all this stuff people get they even got religions being made out of this stuff you know if you're not praying in the name of yeshua if you're not using the word yeshua then god ain't hearing you and people get all mixed up because they are so confused about what the principles are so our topic tonight is the principle then the power of praying in the name of jesus most of our prayers are not answered because we actually use the name of jesus at the end of it how's that for a shock i think we've been taught that whenever you pray you must put at the end of it this word and then once you put that word at the end of your prayer then you are guaranteed that god heard you and you know you will get your answers i think your experience have proven the opposite people use the name of jesus to curse they use the name of jesus to to actually communicate negative feelings some people will shout at you and used to name that phrase the name jesus so uh it's not a magic uh kind of a an approach where you you tack this name on so i want to deal with understanding what it means to pray in the name of jesus and this is very difficult to teach because i'm fighting about 40 years of your ignorance because we've just been miseducated and our habits have become our own bondage i can even say this you could pray and not even use the name of jesus and get answers i'm talking about the five letter word if you understand how this works so i want to explain this to you tonight and also how this approach approaches prayer uh this has more to do with pleading a case before a judge this principle of praying in someone's name has more to do with disposition than it has to do with semantics it has more to do with relationship than it has to do with repeating words one of the important things about prayer that we are learning is that prayer is a legal activity prayer is not a religious activity write the word prayer down again just so we can get this clear in our minds the word prayer in the bible in the hebrew the hebrew original word is the word that we translate as petition petition write it down a petition is not a religious activity petitioning is a legal activity petition means to make a demand on an authority based on legal rights petitioning petitioning is only possible where there is a a governing authority where there is a constitutional document that gives you rights and whether is a useless term right relationship with that authority petition requires all of them so the petition there's automatically a reference to an authority somewhere there also means there must be some document some covenant some some contract uh in our environment we'd use the term constitution they're all the same a constitution is a contract it's a contract between the people and their government that's the legal part of prayer but then this the person who's making the petition has to have a relationship with that authority and it must be i got to find this what i'm looking for it must be oh here it is a relationship in good standing in other words you cannot make a demand if you don't have a relationship or if your relationship is strained so this is why uh you know a lot of people don't get their prayers answered let me quote something from the bible that we forget the bible says if i regard iniquity in my heart the lord will not hear my prayer so prayer is also contingent upon a good relationship with the one you're talking to so if you have a problem in your heart you have violated the standards that are required by that government then you have no right to make a petition again the word petition is what prayer so a lot of people are not qualified to pray and they're praying we think that because we close our eyes and kneel down or lay down on the floor and we make some moans and some sounds and we really get deep into this you know communicating to this so-called god that he gotta hear us and then we tack the name of jesus on the end just to make sure we close the deal no the question is are you qualified to come in here and talk to me what's the condition of our relationship you know it's like a son who just cusses his father out and asks for twenty dollars the relationship is a problem you can't demand even though i'm your father you can't demand 20 bucks after you cuss me out you know this we have a relationship problem here even though you are a son so you can literally shut down your own prayer life by your relationship being strained between you and that authority please don't think that prayer is a mystery it's very simple it's pleading a case now let me get into the uh the framework for this write this down the authority of prayer uh let's talk about the big picture first god has a plan and this redemptive plan is consistent with his character and purpose in other words god is holy he wants to redeem us to make us holy again to repair the relationship we are the ones who destroyed the relationship he proactively reached out to us with his redemptive plan to restore us the whole issue of jesus christ coming to earth and dying on the cross is really not about you going to heaven it's about repairing a relationship that's why it's called redeeming you are salvaging a relationship that was broken so god's big picture is to restore the relationship so when jesus came he came to restore our rights to dominion and prayer he is restoring our relationship so we could go back to the government of heaven and make demands that's what jesus did in ephesians chapter 1 verse 9 you can read that in your spare time tonight when you go home and also ephesians 3 verse 10. these verses refer to the fact that his redemptive work was really focus on getting you to be able to do good works that were always prepared for you before the world began he is putting you back in position on earth to continue your work of representing his country his government here that's what jesus did third point here is important jesus was qualified to pray on earth because he was a man i want you to read the chapter of john chapter 5 tonight read the whole chapter you have to understand this statement in order for you to pray effectively on earth you must have a human body because the authority and the legal right to do business on earth was given to humans a human is a spirit a dirt body so that's why when jesus came to earth and i'm using the term jesus kind of casually but let me just clear it up a little bit jesus is called jesus the christ christ is the name given to god that's the spirit jesus is the body the dirt body you cannot live on earth legally without a earth suit so before jesus could come before christ to come to earth they need to be prepared a body the bible mentions this at least three times it says a body thou has prepared for me that i may go and redeem them why because it's illegal for me to go down there without a body because the authority to do business on earth was given to a spirit the species in a physical body so any spirit but outer body is illegal on earth is that clear that's why you have the authority to cast out demons demons are illegal they have no earth suit so that's why demons are all over the place trying to get into people's bodies because they are trying to legitimize their presence on earth so they can do business and that is why jesus always cast them up because your body is not really designed for demons the bible says as food is for the stomach so was the body designed for god and god for the body wow some you don't read the bible so you don't know what i'm talking about but the bible is telling us that even god was thinking about himself when he designed your body he was thinking about a place for him to come into the earth legally because he will never break his own word is that clear so if you read the bible again isaiah chapter 9 it says for unto us a child will be born but the son is never born the son was what given big difference so the child is the body mary provided the body god gave the resident jesus made christ legal on earth that's why he's called jesus the christ so jesus is the key to the authority of christ on earth legally so in john chapter 5 if you read the whole chapter the whole chapter began with an argument actually it began with a question that was an argument jesus was in chapter 4 and chapter 5 he was doing a lot of miracles he was healing the sick and opening blinded eyes and cleansing lepers and all this good stuff and the leaders of the religious order became very concerned and they asked him a question they said by what authority are you doing these things now notice the word they use they weren't questioning the things that he was doing they were the question was about authorization authority is a legal word they said how are you authorized to do these things who's authorizing you and jesus's answer is something you have to understand he said make sure you read the chapter now because it's full of good stuff but he said first of all i do these miracles not because i am the son of god now that's shocking the question was what by what authority he says if i did these miracles as the son of god i would be illegal gotta read that chapter carefully you asked me what legalizes me to do it what authority i have he he then says the miracles i do are because i am the son of man he gave two answers he said first of all let me clear this up it's not the fact that i am the christ that i did these miracles because christ is illegal without a body he said it's because i am a man i have the authority and then he crosses the chapter like this he said for the father have given all authority to the son of man to do these things on earth that's the way to close it so jesus was qualified to pray on earth please notice what i wrote here because he was a man now that should make you very happy because you are a human this is why miles monroe is afraid of no demons i've traveled the world i've been into places you're afraid to go i've sat with aman i've sat with rich doctors and it means nothing to me i am the threat when i show up because the demons are illegal you can try to fix me you can never fix me you couldn't cast a spell on me why i know my authority you can only be controlled by demonic power if you don't know your authority anybody say amen sometime i hear christians come to me saying somebody fixed me right away i know they don't go to bfm if you know who you are you have the authority so if you just think you're being harassed by spiritual activity i want you to go home tonight and clean your house out yourself i ain't coming to spring oil nowhere you have that authority can i hear an amen why not because you are the son of god but because you are the son of man same answer it's your body that makes you dangerous write down number four please jesus is our model of dominion authority john chapter 14 verse 10 again another reference you want to read everything he did was by authority but he told us why he was authorized because i am the son of man because i am wearing a human body i am legal it is me who have the authority to drive out demons and heal the sick and raise the dead and cast out all those disease that harass you now this last statement prayer is ruling through the spirit of christ when you receive forgiveness of sin that means you confess your sins and to confess to sin means the word confess means to agree it doesn't mean to actually you know repeat your sins the word confess means to agree in other words if god convicts you that something is wrong you don't argue with him to confess means to agree write that down some you think confess means to talk no to confess to confess simply means you right you know that's what it means god say that's adultery you're right that's teephin you're right that's lying lord you are right see that's confession you don't got to repeat what you did you got to agree with what he judges it as okay that's why one of the best ways to really handle a judge in a courtroom is if you're wrong say it agree when you agree with the judge he treats you better but you stand there you know the judge do you guilty are you standing there for days harassing this court you know bringing all these people all these lies the the judge is antagonistic you're going to jail confession encourages the authority to treat you with mercy and grace when you go before god you say god you are right i have sinned against you that's why david was forgiven you know for adultery and murder david killed the man and raped you know i mean raped the guy's wife or at least had sex with her and i mean here was this man who loved god and the reason why god forgave him and restored him is because david didn't try to cover that up he said lord i have sinned against you and only i have sinned he didn't even blame the woman he didn't blame them there's no one he says i did this and i agree he says i agree that you have broken my bones mend the bones you have broken he says do not judge me according to your to my sin because if you use my sin to judge me i'm going straight to jail he said judge me according to your what loving kindness that's why god like david david never argued when god said something was wrong you all remember saul saul got fired because he argued against the judgment of the prophet you know god told samuel don't keep anything when you go to to attack that city and samuel i mean saul rather and saul kept some of the sheep and then the prophet come say uh did you do what god says and he lied he said yes i did what god said then the prophet said then what's that bleeding i hear behind the tent and guess what he did instead of agreeing that he was wrong he tried to explain listen confession means you caught me and you are right some of you need to learn this fast because some of you try to be so defensive after you are wrong never defend your sin and never try to explain it just accept the fact that you did it and you asked god for his mercy jesus wants us to come to him i want to rule through his redemptive power now i want to give you god's strategy for you on earth the goal of the king is to impact the territory with his will he does that through laws and principles and precepts all kings do that these laws are what we call keys we talked about that a little earlier in our first session that keys are what we use to function in a kingdom in a kingdom the keys are actually called laws or precepts these are the standards that you must obey that are set by the king the king establishes the law not the people in the kingdom in a democracy the people establish the laws we vote people in and they make laws and whatever but in a kingdom the people don't vote for nothing the king makes the laws you keep his standards so if you want a relationship with the king you got to come up to his standards if you want a relationship with the king you have to do what the king says in a kingdom you don't bring your opinions to a king you simply obey everybody say obey obey does not exist in democracy it is never used in democracy you don't obey anyone in democracy you don't obey a prime minister you cooperate that's why people can attack their prime minister and talk bad about they can talk bad about the governor they can talk about but any member parliament why because this is not a kingdom obedience is the foundation of the relationship between the king and the citizen obedience so if you disobey god and then try to get something from god we got a problem here if you're living in quote unquote sin write the word sin down again these words got to be careful the word sin the original word for sin is the word r-e-b-e-l-l-i-o-n it's the word rebellion in other words sin in the hebrew is not an act like a physical act it takes place first in the mind you rebel against the law of god that's called sin so when you rebel against the government you shut down the relationship therefore the key to living in the kingdom of god is learning the standards the keys so you can live by them you know i have been listening with great concern about you know this teaching going around about grace and a lot of people getting excited about it listen i believe in grace i am saved by grace thank god for grace but grace does not cancel your responsibility for keeping the laws of god amen people are wanting to use grace to break the laws so they can get forgiven again tomorrow jesus said i did not come to destroy the law i actually came to enforce it and then he says and he who keeps it is considered great in the kingdom of god and he who doesn't keep it and teach others to do the same shall be called the least in the kingdom of god so when you start talking about petitioning going before the government of god you have to think about your relationship with god matthew chapter 6 verse 5. i want you to read this out loud if you can actually see it this is important jesus is speaking directly about prayer and in matthew chapter 6 verse 5 he says and when you pray read together and when you pray do not be like the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men i tell you the truth they have already received their reward in full but when you pray go into your room close the door and pray to your father who is unseen then your father who sees what is done in secret will reward you and when you pray do not keep on babbling like pagans these long prayers for they think they will be heard because of their many words so do not be like them he says read it for your father knows what you need before you even ask don't come here with these deep demonstrations you know lord jesus oh lord he said look just stop that now i could teach you on this one section here for about three months because to understand this you gotta understand the context of history and the environment of culture the pagans the paganism was a religion and the pagans had the most complicated processes to get their gods plural to hear them some of them even took knives and cut their flesh while they were praying they would they beat their backs with with with their nails on a string they would even cut their their arms they would crawl on their knees three mouths and their knees become bloody they did all kind of stuff to appease their gods then they had these long drawn out prayers to impress their gods god jesus said look forget all that he says go in your closet and hide have the attitude that this is the relationship between me and my father notice the word the father he uses he says and the word father is an endearment you are my source listen if you my source i better make sure we always on good good terms am i right okay for example what is the source of life of a plant the soil it'll be stupid for a plant to curse the soil the word father means sauce it's not a name it's a function so if you say i'm gonna go pray to my father my sauce then you want to keep the relationship always right because if you break the relationship who dies you are the sauce yeah soil don't die when you move the plant plant dies so it is in the plant's best interest to stay in relationship with the soil in order for it to live you need to maintain a right relationship with the father so that you can get your prayers answered so you could live and have your being now this is a wonderful verse here i can get all kinds of the word hypocrite for example he said don't be like the hypocrite the word hypo hypocrite the word hypo actually means mask mask like you wear a mask the word hypo means mask christ means actor so actors that wear mass to understand that and it's important for prayer he's saying look the greeks were the first ones to create what we call plays like drama they're the first ones to actually create it matter of fact the greeks were the first ones to introduce theater that's why there's so many theaters in in the old you know hellenistic period and these theaters were interesting you would go to watch like a movie but the movie was a real play they have movies you know that people went for entertainment and it was very interesting the way it works is that you can have one actor for the whole movie one actor and the way it works they had a curtain that they would close and the actor would come out when the curtain opens with one mask and he would say words then the curtain would close and he'd come back get a different mass come back and then he'd answer the first guy who spoke then he'd go back and get a third mass and the third person come and answer both of them the mass is what kept on changing not the person that was called a hypocrite an actor with masks jesus took that word from the greeks to describe religious leaders he said you know something you guys are great actors because i don't know what mass you earn at any time in a day you change on me you you i don't know who you are look at that he said when you pray don't come to me with masks pretending you know your life is right you come here asking for food what kind of mass you wearing are you acting so spiritual oh lord god said look that's this is a mass here this is this is a mask why he says your father knows so don't come with no mask not because you pray does it mean god will answer your prayer am i coming through a little bit your personal relationship with god is the foundation for your prayer not your loud babbling not your long words he says i grew up here in the bahamas i grew up in a church i mean in the house where my father is a pastor i know mother prayer and all of y'all lord have mercy i mean prayer i got tired praying we were sleeping on the floor with roaches which means somehow these prayers hitting the roof because you know we pray for food and bread i was sleeping on the mat i thank god for the traditions my father taught me and loved my mother and father for giving me a spiritual foundation but their lives were blocked at a certain level because they didn't get this kind of teaching you cannot teach what you don't know they couldn't teach us what they didn't know you don't know how blessed you are sitting here and i stood before god for 45 years to get what i teach you tonight this ain't simple and sometimes you take for granted what you're hearing and the bible actually says do not cast your pearls i hope you ain't no swine you just why you get out of here now because i don't get time to waste my time he says do not be a hypocrite do not have an a mask changing your mass we don't know who you are stop having secret lives multiple personalities i'm trying to get god to answer you you are holy on sundays then you change your mass you have a monday mass you got a tuesday mass you got a day mass and a night mask all these different masks people have hallelujah you know what holiness means write the word holy down holy means one one not a deep word people use all kind of words holy means you know sanctified it means you know you know pure listen holy means one the word it comes from the word one and i said the lord our god is one that means he ain't schizophrenic he ain't two different people depending on what day it is he's the same yesterday today and forever he is integrated everybody's integrated write the word integrity down integration means he is one you need to be holy like your father is holy be the same person all the time and god will do business with you run to god when they get in trouble and they get a bit help then they run away from god go do their business again then they come back and they look for more problems because they know you are hypocrite i only see you when you're in trouble you wonder why god doesn't help us because you don't know which one to help you keep changing on god so what qualifies you to pray let's talk about this for a minute john 15 verse 7 says these words if you remain in me now watch him now he can deal with the name peace if you remain in me and my words remain in you everybody say relationship then you can ask whatever you wish this is amazing there is a prerequisite for axi don't just ax read the first part of it there has to be a relationship before you make a request let me ask you a question don't answer this question are you remaining in him or do you visit him do you dabble and sin then dabble in holiness double and sin doubt and holiness in and out in and out in and out you wonder why god can't help you look at the word remain again we go back to the example of a plant the plant will die if it keeps leaving the soil every two hours what keeps the plant fruitful and alive is it remains attached to the soil the same way the sauce of the fish is water if a fish keeps walking on water every day and then try to get back every day you have a dead fish what keeps the fish alive is what it remains in its source if you remain in me and my words notice my words not your words my words remain in you i supply the material he says then you can ask what whatever you wish why because you ain't gonna wish nothing that ain't my word that's right that's it god don't want to hear what you want he want to hear what he said prayer is not inventing your sentences prayer is repeating what he told you but you got to have what a relationship first you know the bible says something about married people it says if you're married it makes you think it's so deep he said if you're married and you got irritated by your wife he said now your wife just shut your bread down he said in the book of peter now paul pick peter musical peter was married i know but matthew them fellas but i know peter was married and that's why i have a problem with popes because somehow the pope has twisted this thing and say you know he married to the church no no peter had a wife you're going to follow peter get married how do i know peter was married it said jesus healed his mother-in-law come on you're smiling man this is deep stuff so you know pete had a wife and peter knew how difficult marriage could be and peter also knew what jesus said jesus said look if you have ought against anyone don't answer don't offer your prayer the order go back and make it right so peter said look if you live with your wife he says live with her as the weaker vessel the word weaker means delicate it doesn't mean she weak it means delicate he says and make sure you live with her according to knowledge according to knowledge all right yeah now what he means by that he says make sure you understand even though it may be tough why you must maintain a good relationship with each other why next verse so that your prayers will be answered he says oh boy relationship is more important than petition because petition is contingent upon the relationships so i make sure my wife and i are always in good relationship so that i don't shut my prayer down she can mess up my prayer life now ladies don't go home and try to wake things out you know tell him i can shut your brother be nice okay but the same thing goes for you as a woman you're a spirit you deal harshly with your husband god shut your prayer life down if i regard iniquity in my heart the lord will not hear me so he said whatever you wish he will give it to you now look at the last part and it is and it will be given to you guaranteed so prayer is not a matter of praying and not getting an answer he says first you got to follow the prerequisite and you know you get it now he asked this he said this is this is to my father's glory that you bear much fruit in other words when you request something in petition from god the father from the government of god if you don't get it it embarrasses god so he's telling you god wants you to have your prayers answered more than you want to have it answered because god needs to give you the answer because it protects his reputation oh boy so he begged you remain in me and let my words remain in you prayer is not witchcraft it's not magic prayer is a relationship that gives you the right to legally make demands promised by your government on earth and god wants his will done on earth so he begs you please do it right so that you can bring glory to me god will answer your prayer to protect his reputation but you got to live right you got to live clean you got to have the right relationship with god before you start asking god for stuff he said if you do this you show yourself to be my disciples yeah disciples of jesus the word disciple means students if you are a student of jesus you show it by remaining in him i see people come in church out of church in church go for a couple months come back go for six months you see them again this is crazy and then they come back and they say pray for me and i'm like if i was god i wouldn't even answer your prayer you keep you won't listen grow where you are planted stay connected to the soil so god can see consistency people wonder why sometimes they don't get help you know i find it difficult to help people who i don't see especially who don't give you may never give anyone receive when's the last time you pay tithes and then you come asking for something it says give and then it shall be what given to you any lesson that is begging you got to give something you can give your time you can give your talent you can give your energy to the ministry you can give your presence then you can expect to receive the relationship is important you know if you're a smart daughter and son and i'm a millionaire you should be nice to me all the time that makes sense you don't get me mad at you i got money you want me to be antagonistic so what would you do you would obey me as your father to keep the relationship right so that you can have access to the resources and you have a right to demand it are you following this so he says ask anything you wish you shall receive but he adds another key here's the key john 16 23 in that day he says you will no longer ask me anything he's talking about the day when he leaves earth physically in this chapter there was a discussion between jesus and the disciples about his departure and he he began the whole chapter by saying i'm going away and they became very depressed let me tell you why these guys never had to pray for anything they needed fish he caught them they need food he multiplied bread in other words these guys had the sauce with them so he tells them i'm getting ready to leave you the bible says they became sad the word in hebrew is depressed they were depressed because their source is about to leave them so they asked him where are you going he said where i go you cannot come right now i'm going back to my father and then he says let not your heart be troubled that's the whole chapter he talks about that you know happy trouble if you believe in god believe also in me because i'm god too and then he says in my father's house there are many positions not houses you know houses in heaven sorry about that you know this thing but mansion air gets all mixed up the word mansion means positions of authority not houses when john went to heaven he ain't seen no house so stop saying you know i got a mansion just over the hilltop in that bright land where we'll never grow and i'm gonna have a garden in the front with some flowers stop that ain't no houses in heaven the word jesus used is positions of authority in other words there's a position you're supposed to be that gives you authority to make demands on heaven and my father got many positions for everybody then he says why are you sad he says do not be sad and then he said this he says in that day when i leave you will no longer ask me directly for anything everybody say proxy i'm getting the name now watch this he says i tell you the truth you can go straight to the father my father will give you whatever you ask but you have to use my name wow they never heard this before in their lives they were like what is this my absence does not cancel your power or your authority because my name is the power and the authority to do business with the father what's the word father sauce so the key to getting your prayers answered is relationship a name you have to do your part remain in him but you also have to understand his part his part is he gives you his name what does it mean look at verse 24 until now you have not asked for anything in my name why because i'm with you i paid your light bills your water bills your phone bills i paid your mortgage i took care of them kids i prayed to tuition i took care of he said look you were with me you didn't need to even pray he said but i'm leaving you now name is only necessary where the authority is absent now what does this mean let's read it he says acts and you will receive prerequisite in my name and when you receive what can happen of course your joy will be complete that's a good way to remember this year complete complete means you got what you petitioned god for what does it mean to pray in the name write this word down this is where we get to do some legal terminology the word name is in reference to a word in law it's called advocate advocate now all the lawyers here know what that means an advocate is someone in whose name you do business it's a legal term so john 14 verse 12 says i tell you the truth anyone who has faith in me will do what i am doing he doesn't say i have to be present the word faith here means belief that brings action anyone who believes in me he didn't say believe that i exist who believes in me you believe what i said and you act on it he said anyone who does that they will do what i am doing what is he doing miracles mother blind bread and fish talking to wind calming seas driving out leprosy healing blood conditions walking on water speaking to trees he said you will do this he says and you will do even greater things than what i have done because i am going to the source oh boy you all just missed something he said i'm going to the sauce so you got two things going for you where the sauce is you got the sauce on me how are you gonna lose if you got meat under sauce i am with the sauce and i can tell the sauce and make sure you get the sauce yes sir verse 13 and i will do whatever you ask in my name now look at the word i he said i'm going to the father i'm going to be with your father who's the father come on say loud okay he says the source of everything you need that's where i'm going and i am going to be where he is and when your repetitions come up to us boom i will personally make sure colaba ct that you get with your petition you got an advocate with the father i'm explaining name he says whatever you ask in my name you will get it so that the son will bring glory to the father now remember the verse before that he said when you get what you ask for the father gets glory he said but i'm going to go to make sure i'll be with him to make sure that i also bring glory to him that means i am going to make sure you get what you pray for to make sure the father gets the glory he deserves you got an advocate tonight when you pray you are not praying by yourself you have an entire team in heaven representing you before the courts if i tell you the team you got working with you you would be as happy as my husband wrote when i think about if you like slapping the devil can i know the devils now i mean you think about it first of all we talking about what legal activity petitioning the holy spirit is your counsel the word counsel is lawyer the lawyer lives in your house touch your body okay so you got your personal law firm you only get this and this lawyer is an amazing lawyer he knows the entire constitution yes sir why he wrote it you're there yet so the lawyer living in your house with you every day knows the entire constitution he knows the promises the privileges the commitments all the god the father promised you the holy spirit knows then you have jesus he is in the courtroom sitting next to the judge telling the judge that's one of my kids ah he said now he just came in there that's one of my kids and the lawyer both of us know the lawyer and sometimes the kids don't know how to put it in words so the lawyer will talk for them he says when you pray in tongues the holy spirit takes what you are groaning with and he speaks it to god it's okay i'm gonna show it all by myself this is a real setup for you you cannot lose a case if you understand prayer now the holy spirit knows the constitution so he doesn't pray your suggestions he doesn't pray your prayer listen the holy spirit prays according to the will of god yes sir so the whole thing is set up for your success so that god could get glory he says give god a praise to get glory now look at the last part he says then you will ask anything where in my name for anything is a blank check but be careful now that anything is tied to the word if you abide in me and my words but in other words you can ask anything in this constitution yes sir not just anything if it isn't in here don't ask for it you know there are some things that the country said you shouldn't ask for like food and clothing oh boy i'm in trouble look at your face that's why i came i came for food god said no you were supposed to pray for food he said take no thought of these things he said seek first what the kingdom relationship with the government and these things would be what added so you pray thy kingdom come in my life and you live according to its laws and when you do that he says these things are just a part of the culture are you following me he says you pray my name and i will do it you know this verse is a deep verse he kept saying i will do it he thinks sometimes you're thinking that the father will do it he said no what he means is the father is the source but i'm gonna make sure whatever you have a right to that you get it that means he's an advocate the advocate is the one who stands between you and the judge that's why you come in his name now what does it mean to be in the name write the word name down this is where we get to close this everybody say name when you use the term name the word name in hebrew means being being in the hebrew language the name of a thing is the thing so when he said pray in my name what the disciples heard was in hebrew pray in me that means you don't bring yourself when the father looks at you he's supposed to see me that's what name means that means you never come in your authority you ain't got that you come in my authority be secondly the word also the name means character when you pray you pray in my character character means you put on the character of jesus before you make a petition what is character lifestyle ethics morality behavior mentality this this shut down most people pray right here the word name means character when you pray says pray in my character that means when you share and stand before god the father the source he's supposed to confuse you with jesus your secret life is just like jesus secret life oh boy your public life is just like jesus life your thoughts are just like his thoughts your ways become like his ways character what it means to pray in the name petition in the name you put on his character the word also means power of attorney to pray in his name means you are aware that he is your attorney so you are demanding from the judge through the attorney your rights praying in the name you are telling the judge i have a right to demand this to petition this because of the one who represents me the word name therefore is one of the most important things i think my body just died praise the lord amen i didn't bring my blood you all got the most part that's the most important part in here the the key to praying the name actually means to stand in the stead of a person for example uh when my son was appointed in my personal relationship with him as managing director of our family business i said to my son i said jarrow you got to go with me to the banks that's my son i said he must go to me to the insurance companies he would go with me to the the telephone people and the cable people you go with me to the electricity people and i said i have to transfer you to my name so we sat down with the banker with the lawyers and so forth and i said look from this point on my son is doing all the business in my name when you see him you see me when he gives an instruction that's my instruction so you don't need to see me anymore so now when my son does business i don't need to be present he's doing business in my name i gave him the power of it of attorney so i had to sign in every case a document i had to sign a a a a document of of attorney released to my father to my son and when i signed it the bank took it and put it on the file that sean's company put in the file so my son now is who they call they don't even call me that's doing business in a name i gave him my name so he can transact business he can transfer monies he can he can sign documents he can he can sign contracts in my absence because he has taken on my name that's what jesus meant when you pray pray in my name you put on the character of jesus you put on the very being that's why it's impossible for you to live evil and sinful and then try to get things from god that's why fasting is so important fasting cleans out your life that's why you get greater effectiveness when you fast because you become more like him you become more spiritually sensitive more holy you become more in touch and you become discerning of spiritual life that's why your prayers are effective are you with me so tonight when we talk about praying the name of jesus you know when my son goes to do business now he doesn't even even need to call my name are you with me he just walks in there and they know oh boy this is dr monroe's son so they do business with him i don't even calling my name see using the five-letter word jesus doesn't mean anything to god matter of fact you don't believe me go to mexico and half of the kids named jesus so god don't know which one you're talking about when you say the name of jesus you mean the one in in in you know mexico city so you see it's not the name do you know that that joshua is yeshua so you can get excited but you know joshua listen joshua was called yeshua savior so when you talk about you know pray in the name of jesus you can be praying about anybody from someone down you know in you know in venezuela no it's different it means character it means the very nature of the person you've taken on the very qualities of that person you are in their being you act like that you petition like that that's why when you go before the court they give you a lawyer the lawyer becomes your advocate the lawyer speaks for you why because the lawyer knows the constitution you don't know the constitution you don't know your rights because you don't read the whole constitution so the lawyer knows it so he says you keep your mouth shut i'll talk to the judge that's advocate jesus when you petition with your feeble petition because you know we don't understand how to pray the bible says sometime how we ought to pray so jesus takes you know our feeble uh a plea and uh you know the holy spirit takes it rather and he gives it to jesus jesus gives it a father and he knows how to talk to the father why he's the advocate he says here's what miles really is saying and by the way he is qualified i checked his lifestyle i check him and his wife i check the kids make sure they obey him okay i check to make sure that he's tied and the guy is okay whatever he asks father according to the word give it to him that's not the key he says my father he says you will ask the father in my name and i will make sure that you get what you ask thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes monroe global possible please visit us online at for more product partnership or to join us at one of our live events around the world
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 346,508
Rating: 4.8023586 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: 83fLrgMc69o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 27sec (3987 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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