The 4 Kingdom Laws For Overcoming Crisis | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message this is so important some of you will not make it if you don't get this information you won't make it when I say won't make it life is predictable for the first time last week Tuesday the British government used the word recession lastly Thursday the American government used the word officially for the first time the recession France was a little bit more honest the French president used the word two weeks ago when they were meeting as the g7 group talking about the world situation the French president said look let's be honest we are in recession the average bohemian knows nothing but that word to recess means to stop and to draw back when you use the word in in terms of the economy it means that the economy did exactly that it stopped growing and then it starts withdrawing contracting when an economy goes into recession the next word you don't want to hear is the word depression the last time the world had a depression was after World War two they are now playing with the word this past week in the halls of power the Bahamas has always been please forgive this word lucky I say luck because I still don't know how god blessed us to survive the 1930s depression during that time when Castro decided that he would go the way of socialism and it was only because of his decision that the Bahamas became an alternative destination for tourism because Cuba was the number one tourist destination before Castro became socialist so our economy was built on another man's mistake 90% of our jobs are built on tourism including the money in the banks so even our banking system depends on tourism because when you deposit your paycheck from taxis or from hotels or whatever work you do in the straw market that goes into the bank the bank has your money which is really not money it's just a piece of paper we are very fragile recession means that the very foundations of the world system is collapsing this is no time to be cute and this is no time for cliches cliches means bless the Lord hallelujah I'm fine no no you better know some stuff now saying I'm blessed and don't cut it you have the experience blessing the kingdom of God is real it is a country it's real and it has all the components of a country including an economy the world's economies are imploding do you know what they say is the number one reason why the recession is exploding among the world's people because of another word fear fear is defined as please listen carefully it is defined as lack of confidence in other words when the consumers lose confidence in the system they stop participating in it they stop buying things consumer confidence is important for capitalist economies to work because everything in the world's economy is built on people buying and selling and if the people stop buying then you stop selling when you stop selling then you have inventory inventory is always costing and so there's fear at least of my third point very important the world is calling it a crisis they voice a crisis now I like the Japanese Japanese gonna be okay even though they sometimes take rash reactions to crisis but the Chinese word for crisis is the same whereas opportunity so when you tell the Chinese things are in crisis they actually say this way we have a big opportunity now that's why we ever the Chinese go even in the ghetto they end up with a business and you work for them what you call a problem they call opportunity so we don't panic Kingdom people have to think differently when the world says fear we say faith when the world say crisis we say opportunity but you got to think differently that lead to point number four crisis is the source of creativity when this innovation is usually result of crisis humans have always advanced under pressure your parents told you years ago that necessity is the mother of invention which your mother meant by that is when you have to do something you find a way to do it if you lose your job somehow I know you're gonna eat some how you gonna find some way to feed them kids crisis is the incubator for innovation crisis is the womb for creativity now it's the time to use the brain God gave you sitting around and hoping things change and gonna help you know walk our governments are bankrupt of ideas of what to do do you know that the most powerful nations in the world the big five don't know what to do I just was in London a few hours ago and for two days I watched the pound drop from $2 to 158 in a matter of days it's collapsing right in front of us they don't know what to do and mr. Brown the Prime Minister said we don't know what to do we are experimenting he says when the smartest don't know what to do you'd better hook up to someone who's smarter write this down please the kingdom of heaven is never in crisis say Amen say it loud say it loud I was talking to a pastor in England he said the church members are coming 30% have lost their jobs in the last two weeks and so our offerings are in trouble he says that we can't pay the weekly rent for the building be having the service then he said what do I do they said you got up meetings with your members and start talking about creativity one pastor told me a few months ago when this thing hit he said I have to mortgage my house to save the church and my wife has disagreed with it I don't blame her but he trying to save the church building this is real stories in the kingdom of God there is no crisis God has never failed his people but you got to make sure he you are his people [Applause] please keep your eyes open please this is a very serious morning because I'm telling you in the next seven or eight days this thing is going to come to a head I I think we need to remember that Kingdom citizens grow in times of crisis everywhere if you read history whenever there was a problem the Kingdom citizens expanded persecution expands God's people just like heat expands East and so this is the greatest time for us to capitalize on the opportunities but we got to learn some things first I want to give you this very very seriously the secret Kingdom Keys must come into play now please write this down this is very important I came with a message for you Jesus said the keys that will help you make it a secret keys secret keys that means what you learned and gonna help you there's some other information that he wants you to get so you're gonna overcome the world the system's think about it everything they taught you in banking ain't working insurance company the insurance companies are collapsing the financial institutions that guarantee the insurance company are collapsing the companies that guarantee the banks mortgage that's collapsing and the best graduates of Yale and Harvard don't know what to do you better get some other information you know I keep asking our local bankers so what gonna happen to our money and they say you can be alright if you depend on a monster and the monster SiC be honest with us we need some other information and my job as senior pastor is they don't give you some false some strange eyelid you can float through this I want you to be strong but with secret knowledge let me tell you something jesus said some about crisis do you know that when they axed the Congress please listen to me look at me look at me please don't get distracted when they ask the Congress for weeks ago they called in the Federal Reserve leader sat him down they said what caused this what caused all the economy the crash what caused all the banks to collapse what caused this and the guy used the word from the Bible and everybody missed it in the church he said the reason why the whole thing is collapsing is because of one word greed he used the word he says because of greed am i right your banker vice president they said in the system the people in charge became greedy let me read something to you break this down what is greed please reduce down greed is the mismanagement of resources for personal benefit all words are important first it is mismanagement of resources for personal benefit that means you don't care who gets hurt in the process you wonder why people are losing their homes by the thousand three thousand rooms a week of being lost in America a week they estimate that by the end of 2009 they would have lost over two million homes people living in cars because a few people at the top became greedy let's read what the Bible says about greed mark chapter seven words of Jesus he says greed malice deceit lewdness envy slander arrogance and folly all these evils come from the inside and make a man unclean greed is at the top of the list greed is when you want more than you need at the expense of everybody else greed means I know I only need one pillar but I want ten I need one plate but I want 20 that's great mismanagement of resources ladies and gentlemen I like what the Apostle Paul said about greed as well he said it's a curse but let her Luke chapter 12 Jesus said then he said to them watch out be on your guard interesting against all kinds of greed he's talking to us notice he used the word watch out what you're means that it could happen to you don't even know you're greedy hey you are you got a car on the car weekend but you see someone else with a nicer car and you don't need it now but now you say the Lord God blessed know you don't need the car you mean the Lord bless you you're going into death you called a blessing God caused a death the car you own already paid for but you see when nother car that another same guy and you ain't know what they had to go through to get it and you want it and not agreed slipping into you you call it blessing God says the curse look at the words he used he says watch out be on your God you know that's a hard thing to do some of you women please don't think that in personnel today and I'm talking to you from from the spirit of correctness some of the things you're going after you don't need wear them shoes a little bit longer this is no time if you're talking about you staying with no style I'm there's a serious knowledge II see when you come under crisis you need to be careful guard yourself it says watch out for greed creator destroy a whole country look at the next words a man's life does not consist Jesus says in the abundance of his possession he came right home to the point he says look greed is when you want everything you see and you don't need it I will never forget the day I went to visit the late John Templeton and Lyford Cay in the Bahamas a beautiful place where the wealthy live I walked into his office he greeted me and he kissed me and there was this old man one of the wealthiest man in the world he walked over to sharpen sweat holes in it he had on boat shoes type tennis shoes with holes all through them he had on a bush jacket that was all you know dirty and he he had me smile I'm hugging mr. Templeton of the Templeton Foundation billions of dollars and he comes and he takes me through his little office office was so small I can hardly find a place to sit and he talked to me he gave a million dollars over here away every year to theologians and I said to myself if this was a Bahamian snake leather shoes alligator puns tiger shape [Applause] it's amazing the folks who ain't got nothing just like they got everything and they ain't got they don't understand your life is not measured by the possessions let's talk about the kingdom in crisis let me just say this listen to me I come to you from the Lord's word Jesus said write this down Kingdom citizens are not immune from crisis you know we get this idea well you know I'm the kingdom of God you touch me oh yeah I think that difference between being in a storm and being preserved in the storm here's the words of Jesus he said if any man hears these words of mine and puts them into practice that's the key this is time now for you to put into practice the things of the kingdom he says if any man hears my voice and put them into practice but the next statement he says what he's like a wise man who built his house on a rock now watch this the rain comes down the streams rose up the winds blew and beat against that house and yet it did not fall feet against that house beat against that house beat against that house because your house is built on the kingdom principles doesn't mean anger get beat up that strong did not discriminate between houses the only safety was what was the foundation the same storm hit all the houses watch this and it says it didn't fall because there's a reason why it had its foundation on the rock referring to the word of the kingdom of God but everyone who hears these words of mine and does not practice them that's what the session is about trying to apply does not practice them he says the storm comes the rain comes down the streams rose and the winds blew and they beat against that house and it fell at a big crash bays and gentlemen I am here to Knox to you that we are in a storm it's not coming and our only survival mechanism is the principles of the kingdom of God the Word of God now I want to give you something what I call it's the keys Jesus said these words Matthew 16 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven that means access if I give you a key today to my house what have I given you access I've also given you what power I've given you authority I've given you control over my house he said I'm gonna give you keys now notice the weight is not key singular what keys plural which means that there are many different rooms you gotta attack the Kingdom of Heaven is a country and there are many principles by which it works and he says I'm gonna give you the keys of the kingdom so whenever you open on earth have enough to open for you whatever you lock up on earth heavenly lock up on you in other words I'm gonna give you the authority to decide what happens on earth we know what the Economist is saying we know what the government's are saying we know what the reports are tourism is down 5% hotels are shutting down to day work Greek you know losing your job shutting down banks downsizing some collapsing causes ok you better use some other keys if the system on earth is not working he says you better have some keys to unlock the other country but that this one mark for he was 11 he told them the secret of kingdom of heaven has been given to you but not to those outside so I speak to them in mysteries parables he said look this is very important he says you're gonna live in the world but I'm gonna give you some secrets okay look at me and said can you come here mark okay mark will and I are standing on the same step we're standing on the same level we're in the same place he said look I'm gonna tell you secrets that I won't tell him he's outside of the kingdom even though we in the same place so you got information that he doesn't have so when the crisis get us down we have different responses because I know something but he does it so he goes from the depression and I said answer he goes into fear and I start going into faith yes sir he said I'm gonna lose him sometime be alright now in the same place same level same position but two responses differently why because information read a verse again that's exactly what he's saying to us he says look you are not like them not because you are not with them you with them but you are not like them and the only difference between you and them is some information secret of the kingdom of heaven and what I want to leave you with today and now it's contagious tomorrow in a minute and tomorrow next week I have to because we're gonna have to get this right if you're gonna make it thank you very much he said I'm gonna give you the secrets of the kingdom but not those outside you remember david says David the King David experiences know David says if you follow the righteousness of God a thousand and fall at your right hand ten thousand and fall at your left hand but it will not come near you now it doesn't mean that notice that it falls at you right left but are closed it falls you're going to be in it he said but the way it's going to affect you will be different because of your position in the kingdom say hallelujah some are you gonna get called in this week and you gonna have to have a different mentality or you go into depression and that's why God sent you here today to position you so that a thousand good for all that you're right and a thousand could fall at your left but you're positioning and your disposition II in the kingdom will let it not affect you crisis here's a key I want to leave you with today and I will continue this next week I have to I'm under instructions this key is the most important key I call it a principle king of the kingdom the principle Kingdom key given to mankind by the king of heaven write it down is this key it's the key that's gonna save you for the next 12 months they I read I bought a copy of The Telegraph with me from London which is the major newspaper that deals with economies and economics they said that this crisis will last for five years and we might begin to come out of it in five years the home say we're gonna be better listen to you know to minister to us but no no they said we gonna get hit ladies and gentlemen if the dollar fell listen to me back up a minute cuz some of you need to hear different Obamas when the American tourism figures fell last month the Ministry of Tourism said let's go to Europe I just came you know five hours ago the pound has fallen already to 150 which means they already say that in England we ain't traveling so much on a plan you get what kind of plan you plan on Peru Garko I'm talking to y'all hope is empty if it doesn't have paper faith is the substance where we hope things change that ain't enough you need faith somewhere in there you need someone to believe something different faith and hope gotta be mixed we hope things turn around you are there the number one Kingdom key but I want to give you today is management it's God's number one key say management say it again say it loud do you know that is why we are in trouble mismanagement through greed you are gonna make it if you understand the message management the first principle God gave Adam was management let me give you a couple things to remember number one the main assignment given to mankind is dominion over birds resources not over people remember birds fish cattle plants animals then God told Adam the gold is good the resin is good the oyx is good he said every fruit is there for you to eat he gave him resources he said dominate the resources the word dominion is the responsibility to manage earth's resources that's what God created you to do to manage earth's resources and the divine goal of god for all of us is to extend his culture to earth which is a culture of plenty but he says he may do it through management management of virtual resources is god's first command have dominion over the earth's resources that's management he gave us responsibility to manage the products of this plan I put it to you friends I don't know how we gonna make it if we go to heaven right now because can you imagine it says that the streets are paved with goo can you see them behaving teeth in God's pieces of rock of the streets will be all over the ground you got your peace I got my peace breaking up God's role why cause somebody relate wealth to this stuff got put on the ground in heaven there will be stealing gates pearls pearls brother grab that put on your back see the Bohemians walking them pearls gates cause where you going I come right back the stuff we go after God uses for building material you know I don't believe that there are streets with gold in heaven and I don't believe that their gates because the Bible isn't talking any buildings I think what John was trying to communicate is the place is so filled with wealth the whole atmosphere so wealthy that the stuff we crave God throws on the ground and he said pray that that comes to earth not the stuff the atmosphere the environment there's plenty for everybody the only way you're gonna survive if you understand this divine strategy of God management through work I want to define work for you the word work is the word aragorn it means to become God wants you to use resources in the earth to add value to yourself not to hurt other people the more valuable you become the more resources are attracted to you I want to share this with you this morning because I believe that the heart of surviving this crisis will be how you manage how you manage Genesis 24 everybody read go verse 4 when the Lord God made the earth and the heavens and no shrub of the field had yet appeared on the earth and no plant of the field have yet sprung up why because the Lord had not sent rain on the earth why because there was no man to manage the ground ok listen to me this is very important the earth was filled with life but it was apparent the verse says God held back the rain he refused to let anything grow he refused to let anything progress he allowed no growth no development no expansion why he was looking for a God could cross for you right now but he's holding back prayer is not what God is looking for singing is not what he's looking for shouting ain't what he's looking for praying no he's looking whether you can manage what he wants to give you can you imagine that blessing depends on your capacity to manage here's some thoughts you want to write down this word work actually means management in the Hebrew in Bruma mind it says God didn't allow anything to grow because there was no manager to manage the earth let me just announce some to you that you probably never thought of them the reason why God created man can I say it again the motivation the reason why God created man on earth the reason the motivation the need God had that made him create a human on earth was not to worship he didn't need a worshiper heaven full of that he needed a manager so here's some results please write this down number one management is the primary goal of mankind number two whatever you fail to manage you will lose I'm gonna say this again my heart whatever you fail to manage you will lose if you fail to manage your body you will lose your health if you have to manage your marriage you will lose your spouse if you fail to manage your money you will lose all of your money if you fail to manage the house you live in you rent again God doesn't allow any growth until he sees management number three is so dangerous God's primary measure of trusting you is management he will only trust you with which you can manage number four is probably the most depressing and that is God will give only to effective management if he sees a manager who's managing effectively he will give you more stuff number five is the one that every person in here who wants to succeed must note management attracts resources say it say it loud management attracts resources say it again management attracts let me say something to you I'm gonna make it an auction and now to the whole world everyone watching television here's the announcement they say that there's no money I have an announcement to make not one cent left the planet all the money that was here is still on earth now the Bible says God knows where the secret richness of darkness lie the money on earth it is attracted to management the money severe money runs from mismanagement that's why the whole thing collapse the greedy CEOs game loan people couldn't afford because they want high commission and gossiped of a kid holding on the money ran no no we're gone now they printing money and the money ain't got no value if you're gonna make it through the crisis you better start managing your bedroom clean the floor let God see your closet neat did you make your bed before your left young man that's management whatever you feel to manage got to take from you the rain won't come anymore you have a barren desert there's no time to waste no money and waste no no materials you better start managing that paycheck you got a choice between food and shoes forget the shoes wear them all she wants another three months ride you got to manage that money oui oui oh no I meet a would-be one we won't go out to wait magic rather than management here's the worst one I'll give you for the morning God will never give you what you asked for but only what you can manage that's why your prayer answer you can't manage 10% over $100 and you want a million let me just let you write it this way I call it management and prayer God will give you what you not what you pray for no but you can manage you pray for God to give you a job guys ok the last job yours on you going to work late every day you took two-hour lunches every day stole the man time you got off five minutes to five instead of 5:30 and you lied say you were sick and it wasn't sick how can I give you another job you praying for God you don't keep the one you living in clean and you reckon that one he forgot oh god I need a car God says you don't clean the bicycle in other words you ain't managing what you have now how can they give you a bigger thing to mismanage so now I want to spouse he said you don't even pray by yourself I won't talk to pray min a spouse don't get quiet on me now you see he will give to management we'd love to pray that is now I with all rain until I say management let me give you a word you never probably thought about everyone write his way down especially the mothers and fathers this word economy that's a big word hit all the time people understand what the word means I thought I'd simplify it for you and when I was in college we studied economics I was shocked to find the economic simply means to maximize the minimum that's what it means me many when you reduce it to its lowest definition to economize means you take the little and make the most of it so if you want to be an economist you take one Apple and you make it a tree and then it produce apples which you sell and then you make more apples from the seeds in the apples that came from the tree so you got a paycheck of 500 bucks guys ok turn us into 5,000 oh you gotta be kidding god okay give me some grease you go straight to check us by some fool moon go buy some shoes you don't need you go buy some clothes from desi to tell you kaze wait a minute it didn't multiply you consume consumer you consumed it on your own lusts so God takes away the job ah remember God gave three people some talents talents means money the first one took the five make it ten second monetary say the four make it eight the next one take the one and just buried it consume it hide it he came and took it from the one give me the one right the most why because he wants more he don't want less that's economy it's a good time to go through your closet and find them clothing that you ain't worn for a long time I started investing them give them away it's a good time to find some shoes you ain't wore for a long time they go out and buy no more shoes for the next 12 months I'm already shoes I'm gonna put these back in action why I'm gonna I'm gonna get the most out of these no matter what they say with my shoes I don't walk in my shoes I'm gonna get God to help me I am going to attract resources give God a praise I say shout see my wife taking notes take notes twice on that one no she is a she's a good woman she doesn't waste money she lived with me we don't waste money I know where all my money is carefully invested to economize means to get the most out of the least is that what you do to economize means that you add value to your gift you have for me to give you add value to it make it more valuable to economize means God will only answer prayer if you regulate it with management answer prayer is regulated by your capacity to manage that's okay you praying for your business to expand let's see how you're doing with what you have already you're gonna make it through the crisis now remember the resources are still on earth and God knows where it is but he won't let it come to you if you can't manage and remember whatever you miss manage you will lose and so this is why a lot of people are gonna be under stress because in good times they didn't manage Salah right it's now stateman down God does not encourage waste do you remember when there were 5,000 people who were hungry and Jesus decided I'm gonna feed them and he did a wonderful miracle he had him all sit down in order of course gotta be organized and then he break the fish in the bread and everybody ate okay we like that part of the story we forget the most important part of the story at the end he says now you go and pick up every crumb and bring them to me in other words I don't waste some of your gonna go to a buffet after this service and you can either remember this sermon you need to decide what you're going to do with your resources in the next few months your money will become less because the value is falling that means whatever you spend it on got to be something you need not something you want I'm gonna say to you people here who are married especially those of you who you know got dreams to do things listen don't put pressure on one another if you can't afford something now don't do it as a matter of fact if you could afford it don't do it not now you need to manage your title see God hates waste he has a verse I think you never saw before psalm 115 may the Lord be blessed the make of heaven and earth be blessed verse 16 of psalm 115 the highest heavens belong to the lord but the earth he gave who to turn of man a boy a delegation write it down delegation earth is your legal territory and man was given dominion over Earth as a legal resource now remember God didn't give you ownership he gave you rulership I'm never going to feel his rulership with ownership and if someone gives you rulership over something but not ownership over something then your title is manager and so I put it to you this way what is a manager this is the most important definition you never write down I studied this in college you know but I didn't prove on it on the definition because I got it from the Bible management is please write it down everyone every banker write it down every investor write this down everyone wants a business write this down this is it this what you always wanted to know management is the effective efficient correct and timely use of another person's property our resources for the purpose for which they were delegated with a view to producing the expected added value as management I repeat this for those listening to the CD please play the seven times management is the effective efficient correct and timely use of another person's property and the resources they give you for the purpose for which they delegated it to you with a view to producing expected added value that's management in other words management is never over your own property you don't own the earth you don't own the job you go into you don't own the business you claim you have it can be gone in one day we are all mad every human being as a manager god made us managers and when we mismanage we lose God takes it from you keep coming to work late you lose your job you keep eating fat fat fat you set up a heart problems whatever you miss manage you start losing you don't cultivate your friendships and keep feeding those friendships they die if you don't keep on putting affection in your marriage and respect your marriage dies whatever you don't manage properly you lose and for management protects if we're gonna make it for the crisis we get to become effective managers let me close see if we can pick up on this the word effective management is what effective use that means a user for the original purpose the second word is efficient management means that you must apply the resources in the most beneficial way you got ten dollars Garza's one of them is mine you said the baton with God cousin look I tell you to give me one of the ten best management you want to steal my one and buy toothpaste he says that's what the most beneficial use of the one that one guarantees you get the ninety tomorrow and the next day and the next day it's like a farmer who got a who got a handful of scenes as all he has and he decides to boil them eat them is it that's not a good management you don't eat a diet that's your scene number three correct use how are you using God's resources correct use means that you use it for the proper purpose and use management means that you don't take demands copier and make personal copies oh he won't miss this paperclip yes God sees it he writes it down in your book you stole the paperclip mine but it wasn't given to you use for your private use that's the man's property and I know some of you think that's in a big deal listen the Bible says God knows the year on your head so he knows the paperclip in your pocket it's not a paperclip that's important it's the fact that you do it without even feeling conscience you can graduate from paperclip - typewriter - computer - laptop to desktop carry it on that's why the principle is more important than the paperclip bad management correct use the other word in management is timely management means you use you know you timely use the material listen right now it ain't a good time to do certain things you want to you want to renovate the house this is a good time to spend money on renovation right now live where you live right now hold it tight isn't a good time for you to go on vacation trip to Hawaii right now I know you had plans cancel it the time ain't good no more see management us through timing as well I want to buy a car this year I know but right now the economy say the timing right and guys I need some wise people the timing is off so we draw pull back reorganize trying to build after I said yeah but right now I just hold back timing is off to everything there is a season every purpose there's a time you manage right through time you got to know when to do things sometimes God will tell you right now that environment any rate I'm come to tell you now you got a time your resources management the final word here discipline management means that you have to discipline yourself with all the above you got to be able to be effective efficient correct and timely with your resources and gotta trust you with more whatever you miss manage you will lose and this is the season approach going to be losing stuff and mismanagement is the number one reason why people are poor another word for management is the word diligence heyboys a diligence that's a way for management diligent diligent means that you are effective efficient correct and timely its management one of my favorite staples in my house and my wife and my kids is this you can never be early if you leave home late some of you can't even manage coming to church at 9:30 by management you know if you leave home 9:30 you're getting you cannot be here 9:30 it's management problems I submit to you this much the word management begins with the word man it's the age of man being in charge management management is your responsibility God says man and man was given rulership but not ownership you're a manager and all humans are managers and that means that in the kingdom of God no one owns anything and that also then requires accountability you could have forgiven account to God of what you do with his money his time his gifts his talents his resources the house he got you the proper new reading the car you using none that is yours don't ever say you own it remember the rich man in the Bible Jesus says the rich man says oh I'm rich my hands have made me rich my hard work has made me rich and the guy was bragging and Jesus said and he said either now built big barns and I will I will build bigger houses and and the Bible says that night God killed him don't ever claim ownership of his stuff and if you don't if you don't own it you're the manager and you the manager accountability is natural that means you got to give a count here's the bottom line effective management determines the amount of your resources I think the Bahamas you know if I was in government which hopefully maybe one day I'm a going to get involve I don't know but if I was in government you know Dibble but ten or eight years ago we were right and I we had revenues coming in you know we should have done we should have we should have purchased some beautiful combines and some beautiful agricultural effective machinery and take a half of Andrus and begin to invest the tourist dollars into agriculture so we don't be strapped by one basket we call the diversity we not diverse so we mismanaged and now the resources is limited you know I'm amazed they say okay we can help you pay your light bill how can they do that when they ain't got the money come from you they mortgage in your children's retirement benefits in an IB and IB money being used to finance our mismanagement notion America's competing right now do you know in England the last story I read on aircraft was this it says that that the the British government is about to use the retirement benefits of the weakest to bail out the banks what does that mean that make you grow already nothing our economy is about a billion dollars and by the time you take I and I be in finance everything else what we gonna do whatever you mismanaged you lose a couple voices to remember the word miss the word management means what diligence a published 1322 says a good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children that's a part you like but here's the next statement but the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous I can really go now this is so heavy okay look at the first statement now what good man leaves what an inheritance to who his great-grandchildren all right listen to this carefully this is a good man saves up are you saving do over savings account I mean we about it a crisis you lose your job do you have money in the bank to sustain you for three or four months that's what it's not so he's talking about a good man a good woman always thinks about saving you can't save about managing the temptation to spend must be disciplined by diligence I will not spend this money I will not go to Miami I don't care about the sister ins go in I ain't going down I'm gonna say but you were now you got the suit and no money see he says a good man shades in the long term he's not a verse that you probably don't remember no good thing will he withhold from those who walk uprightly that means if you don't walk uprightly he with holes but that ain't the point I want to close on this last part the route of the wicked it's later for the righteous 20 years ago the Lord slapped me back I say turn the other cheek I say yes Lord BAM it's not me twice and I never recovered I'm sensible now he says look don't you ever call again son the rhetoric is live for the righteous as if that's a good thing to quote you should be ashamed of yourself he says the wicked has your wealth God knows they have it God is the one who told you they have it how did they get your money he gave it to them why did God give it to them because he gives resources to those go ahead clap get it out see that money that belongs to you that's in the hands of the wicked will not come to you but you stand aside money comment incoming I bind you come behind up I loose you can loose in the neighborhood that's why he been praying for the last 10 years and can't get that money but it doesn't come to prayer it comes to management [Applause] listen that's when I became serious about management in my personal life I tell us there turn the lights off you come on the bottom turn the lights off don't waste no paper use paper that's been used to read but it made everything listen we're gonna lose this ministry if you know manager God doesn't give the Saints he gives to managers even if they wicked and that's why you work for them that's why you are the borrower I'm not manage your business don't do what you can't afford right now cut back on what you need - no matter how you tend to just and make sure you tithe and give offerings Gaza look if you don't manage the wicked will take yeoman I never quoted that scripture again with joy it's not something to be joyful over stop claiming that wealth I claim it you can't claim that you have to attract that back to you publish 10 for read or love no more love everybody go lazy hands make a man poor but diligent hands that management brings wealth well just comes to it when you are manager folding up your clothes in a draw God watches it having a draw for everything in your house is management he's that orderly God is everything in order everything is just management if I come mad if I can let me go in with you right now can I go with you right now see your house let me come right now let's go after the service I'm coming to your house letting me go to house I want to see your house I got I'm praying back there Jesus Lord I rebuke past in the name of Jesus be that far from you Oh pastor one else at a time right yeah God watches the details he watches the details because if you are mismanagement of your bedroom you go mismanage God's house diligent hands here's another one probably 1221 everybody read go out loud the lazy man Temari loud the lazy man does not roast his game but the diligent manager prizes possession that means he values what he has how do you handle what you have the bedroom the money the time the relationships do you price them manager's prize the little things pick up every crumb assess bring the baskets to me I want to count why I'm accountable to my father in heaven I just used his fish and bread published 13 for everybody redo the sluggard come on loud the sluggard craves and gets nothing but the desires of the diligent manager are fully satisfied probably 21 verse 5 read the plans of the diligent manager leads to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty if you meet someone who wants something for nothing you are in bad company if you need money you should never ask someone for money you should ask them what can I do for you to earn some money that's the question you should ask stop looking for a handout stop looking for a hand up let him help you that's diligence it's abuse to take a man's money that he rents with his own sweat and blood and it costs you nothing what can I do to earn twenty dollars from you that's the question you acts not giving can you can you can you throw myself that's abuse that's lazy the sluggard you can always be born when you respect the person by asking them what can you do to earn it you are managing the relationship the plans of the diligent leads to profit boy now's the time you get a profit to be good managers and I want to close but I gotta read this verse readers look 16 and Jesus told his disciples this there was a rich man whose manager was accused of wasting his possession I'm reading the Bible here so he called him in and axed what is this I hear about you giving a car of your management because you cannot be manager any longer end quote Jesus listen God fires people I read it now God is too good he fires people he's a loving God he fires people he says you mismanaged you are out of here I love you go find another job some of you think God is a I'm gonna happy-go-lucky you know just wasteful causes look I gave you my stuff you mismanaged it you're fired isn't a bad one what is this I hear about you he says some of y'all are probably there that's why God sent this message you about to enter a crisis God is saying you know you're gonna feel what you wasted now and I want you to be wise today is a day of repentance change your thinking read the next verse a buddy read the master come on out loud the master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly for the people of this world are more shrewd or wiser in dealing with their own resources than are the people of light words of Jesus that's why they got the resources read on I tell you come on read it I tell you use worldly brother means make friends with the wealthy people to gain friends for yourself so that when it is gone you will be welcomed into eternal dwelling he said look get to know the people who got the money and find out what's their secret and the secret is management you know I've read this the other day the Lord said to me says he says make friends with real wealthy people says do you know why if you broke and I broke with bad company clap and for people like be with poor people and that's why they poor if you can be friendly find someone who could help you up come on give God the glory fried rice he said make friends with the wealthy says sort of when you are with them you will learn from them you want your friends be people to call and get up from I'll never forget this word in that song written by yeah I think it's quit here Jesse Dixon he says that's $29.99 PAC time but Richard I know you remember this line and all song Jason Takes is just saying you say my scent my friend came to me and asked me for help I said that my friend are looking for help myself got one line stuck with me if your friend need help he says you need help yourself that's a bad friend tell your neighbor hope you got something never I hope you got something to sit somewhere else don't tell them I hope you got something although sits some make friends so you can learn how they got it don't be jealous of rich people making new friends you want to know what they do and the answer is simple they're managing notice he said it's a management story he said they you mismanage also the world get it he says you are my children of light and you are broke because the turn of the world knows how to manage resources thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at [Music] you
Channel: Munroe Global
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, tv show
Id: JkypuyT5VGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 46sec (4426 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 10 2019
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