King of the Pecos | English Full Movie | Western

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[Music] [Music] hey how far have we come well with the turn of the wheel it Tes just 200 miles since we hit the fakas hey we're clear out of the United States by wagon tell we've come 200 miles yeah boys I claim this land by right of Discovery we're locate here what the cattle on the bedding ground [Music] Styles your right of Discovery may not hold in the future being your lawyer I suggest that you let me drop proper legal papers you can buy up the land with a bail of dirt cheap lands script we won't have to do that Brer all we have to do is control the water holes you file on them and Asin these men will hold the land for me with their guns here's a map of this pess River [Applause] Country here we are right here mhm what do you suppose Our Little Empire survey oh about million Acres not bad for a start how about the water main water control centers in the pacus river right here with the Creeks running into it m he sure what were you telling me about Sweetwater well after the pacus turns off there you've got 60 Mi of alkali desert before you come to Sweetwater what you mean is that no herd could travel over the North Trail without watering to Sweetwater H that's Plum true put sweet water down Brewster when they start driving Texas Cattle to the Kansas markets that's going to be the key to our Empire might be trouble about Sweetwater Man by name of Clay's already settled there well that's all right I'll buy him out fair and square what if he refuses to sell rooster you learned your law from Blackstone Ash learned his from Judge Colts if Blackstone loses I'm counting on Colts to win h this cotton wouldn't give you plenty of shade when it grows up and you can build me a veranda and the cabin will look like our old clayin home back in Tennessee big outfit moving up the Picos PA heavy arm there's two of them headed this way they look peaceful like but you never can tell John howy stranger my name's Styles howy I'm clay I'll give you $500 for your land and your Shandy just as they stand you can take your cattle and move on to a new Range this place ain't for sale Styles that'll be more than fair a thousand I'm not selling we're buying up this country with land script You' better take the Thousand I've held my Homestead against commes reckon I can hold it against land thieves get out I'm sorry Gan $1,000 the Heap of money when all you've got to do is call your dog and move on for they must be done for come on let's rush them this Homestead is yours John go to your grandpa in Austin he'll help you [Applause] for [Applause] the CNS are both done for well Henry I see the boy still at it what's he planning to be a lawyer or a gunman looks like both ever since he came to me 10 years ago he's had one idea in mind and I've never been able to change I guess you'll be an honesty good slow you're pretty quick now a John yeah when I pass my bar examination well when you hang your single out you can sure get my business you ought to be right smart at collecting thanks Bill there's one case I've got to take care of First John clayber versus Alexander styles yes sir Alexander Styles owns the whole town of Cottonwood and a million Acres back of it in 10 years he's become the richest cattle King in the pag I suppose he's got so much money he had to bring that salamander safe all the way from St Louis to keep it in huh oh Mr Clay you haven't told me a reason for leaving Austin to come out here I'm going to hang out my single to practice law in C A wise move young man the railroad will soon be finished to abene and open up a big market for Texas beef and mark my words this posos River Country will boom in well there she is boys the only safe west of the pagers hat your be you see that they call her a salamander because she can go through the hottest fire and never melt ain't got nothing on you Styles I ain't never seen anything made you well either I says from now on your name will be salamander Styles salamander Styles Mr Styles yes I'm Eli Jackson Jackson We corresponded about the purchase of some land oh yes Mr Jackson well I'm glad to know you all and this is my daughter B well welcome to Cottonwood M Jackson thank you and here's a young man you ought to know he's going to practice law in your town John clay oh lawyer eh that's right well I'm afraid you've come to the wrong town Mr Clay we already have one lawyer here that's plenty I'll take a chance on that come into my office Mr Jackson I'll fix you up fine you fix him up all right like he fixed us what are you going to fix I'll tell you later tell me what never mind don't forget you promised a call when we're settled I will goodbye goodbye you one of them law Fells yes well me and Joshy have got a case for you Case Case of what a poison oak barg good for that come up the shack I want to talk to you let me get this straight Styles buys your cattle pays you back with these notes which he refuses to honor you're dang to the only way we can get anything out of them discounting them half and taking that out and trade at a store why do you sell him your cattle we got it he would't give us no more water he owns every drop in the country how many ranchers like you are there well about 20 21 counting that new fell Jackson and he'll get the same deal sounds like a polite form of cattle wrestling to me I'll take your case Hank take it w the C oh here's that bar grease I can't fool with no subpoena young fell I got business over C grander in a hurry come on Hank we'll serve it ourselves Dang if you ain't grabbing a wild cat right by the tail but I'm with you come on how do you like your new home Miss Jackson very well thank you and we want you to know we appreciate those 50 headed cattle you sent over it was nothing at all always glad to help new Rancher get started did you give that full of Jackson 50 head of stock he signed our usual sales contract he has the utmost confidence in Mr Styles yeah he's working for me now and doesn't know it hello John well hello Bill I've been wanting to see you oh why didn't you come over well I've been pretty busy tell your father that I'm trying a case in cart tomorrow I'd like to have him there he'll be there because I'll bring him good what's this young fell selling something serving you notice Styles appear in court I'm afraid you're the victim of a practical joke young man Circuit Judge doesn't get around this way very often no cases for him a cases start with this one all they do a then I'll give you a case right now I hope it shoots straight it's a right 40 gun I may be back for it later no need of that now Ash thanks Hank I'm getting Plum forgetful I forgot to load the DAR thing this morning e what are we waiting for for the judge huh the judge ain't here beer what do you want beer for here take a drink of this hello Sheri Court's open Court's a Jour wait a minute where's the judge you wasn't able to get [Laughter] him what happened what's everybody leaving for I'll tell you later John I'm sorry I turned out this way thank you what did she say she said she was sorry sorry for what I didn't see her do nothing I'm sorry to hear that I thought he was a nice young fellow oh he'll learn don't be discouraged clay this court may open most any time in the next 20 years this court will be open Monday morning Styles you'll be here keep walking they wanted us they wouldn't have wasted a bullet on that lamp than get your boys together and tell them they've got a case against Styles it'll mean water and grass for their herds watch them they'll come like a bunch of steals stampeding for [Music] water [Music] here he comes now hello Hank they all here yep we're all here man for years you've been paying tribute to styles for the use of his water holes you let him sell your cattle for worthless notes how long you going to stand for how are you going to stop it I'll tell you how Styles claims all the water rights around here as a lawyer I'm here to tell you that those claims wouldn't be recognized by any Court in the union you mean to say that the water rights don't belong to Styles we can prove that they're in public domain open for you men to file on now here's how we'll go about it is that judge Dunlap yes Monday morning Styles just what's your game clay won't take you long to find out if you'll step over to the courthouse yeah this part's on us be right over salamander I am thankful to you citizens for offering the court the protection it has lacked in the past you have made it possible for me to render Justice impartially take off your hat plaintive will remove cigar plaintive will remove cigar plaintiff will remove cigar or Deputy will remove move PL he means you you must be getting de Order in the Court now we will proceed with the business of the Court Hank Matthews and Josh Billings versus Alexander Styles your honor I represent the independent cattle owners of this section they've come here to petition the court for the right to water their herds for years they've been paying toll to the defendant Alexander Styles the use of water which is in public domain I wish to submit evidence proving the defendant has no ownership of these water rights what is the nature of the evidence if your honor will look over these documents they'll explain themselves I offer them as exhibit a your honor it is regrettable that my serious young colleague here has gotten off on the wrong foot on his first case but inexperience and errors go hand in hand and I'm sure he will learn in time if he can secure enough cases in rebuttal I offer these documents for the defendant Alexander Styles showing that the afores said Alexander Styles has filed on and is legal owner of said water rights in question before this court may it please your honor to accept these documents as exhibit B cour will recess for two hours while evidence is being considered there's no chance of losing this case is there not a chance salamander not a chance you'd better be sure I haven't lost yet and I don't intend to start now well you're on the wrong track I've run this territory for the last 10 years fair and square and there isn't a living soul that can say a word against me that's right dead men tell no tale I don't approve of Clay's high-handed methods trying a case at the point of a it's just a crooked play of his to Swindle me and you and all the rest of the ranchers out of our land that's what I think of you you w slingin law Pirates you haven't got the backbone to come out here and make a living like a man you're nothing but a yellow livered land shark that don't even carry a gun I don't need one no you don't what's the matter is your Potter damp some other time and the evidence before the court proves conclusively that while the defendant Alexander Styles has filed on all these water rights he is entitled to only one claim in accordance with the Homestead laws of the country therefore it becomes the duty of this Court to declare the aforementioned water rights are in public domain open for filing come on come on we won the case what Case Case about the water they putting that in cases too I thought there wasn't a chance for a slip up I don't understand it I beat you in a civil case Tes but I specialize in criminal law particularly murder Ash this calls for your kind of law now take the shortcut to Red Rock Canyon they've got to pass through there to file on that water don't let anybody through but my men I'll have them file on those claims with Proxes how I know who to pick off my men will be wearing white armbands go on get going now you see what your friend Clay's done if we don't get back to the ranch first we lose it now you all know what to fire on you your wait a minute follow [Music] me shoot every Rider that ain't [Music] for where' you get him never mind I got him put him on never thought I'd see the day I'd ever be wearing a pair of these [Music] thing [Music] oh Dad are you hurt it's my leg well I'll take one of the horses and ride on ahead come on let me help you [Applause] keep going I'll overtake you where's B she's riding on ahead and you reckon with me if she's my lested by any of your land grabbing [Music] outfit the H sh bangs got white arm band [Music] son yeah and you can't tell who they are from [Music] here there comes a couple more of them what are they doing now let me go leave me alone I'm only trying to help you if you'll cool down and listen help me help me lose my Ranch you mean if you go out there without a White Band on your arm you may be killed by one of your own men I suppose it's nice of you to warn me you better turn around and go back to your dad I'll write on in file on your Ranch for you you will not I wouldn't trust you all right then go ahead there comes one H with a white armband on there comes the other one that's a lawyer fell I got him get the horse you'll go [Applause] on don't let him get [Applause] away pull into this cave wait a minute don't take any chances we got them now we'll smoke them out we're safe in here they'll smoke us out well don't worry about that let's go go where out the other end this cave is like a badger hole was forgetting that I'm Yours fix I'd sure sneak out there and give them po cats a dose of lead Pete you and Steve get behind that rock and while they come out pill and full of life you let that kid clay make a monkey out of you in court your blunderings cost me practically all my water rights from now on you and I are through on get your stuff get out of here that suits me fine now about my cut that enough it's very fair good day gentlemen style set to give you this oh wait a minute all right boys oh why can't we go back to town not with your arm like that you ain't in no condition to get into a shooting match did uh Miss Jackson get through all right well now what AR you winking at me first dog going at Josh can't you keep quiet why you can't tanker old K what are you up to wait and see well Bill what are you doing here are you badly hurt JN oh only a scratch come on where are you going we're going for a walk but I don't want to talk I want to stay right here with him come on you old horn toad I want to tell you how sorry I am John for what I said today I realize now how wrong I was oh that's all right we all make mistakes that's why we have lawyers you certainly wasted a lot of good advice on me did you file on your land all right I did thanks to you it would have been terrible to lose it yes you made things so pleasant there I've always enjoyed coming to see you then you won't let what happen change your feelings towards us I should say not what's the matter buildings Rooster's been killed killed as shot him it's just as I predict now boys our cattle are worth a fortune it's been hard going but I'm sure glad I stuck it up I'm for us all getting together and making a drive to Abal there's the best bit of news I've seen in many a day think of it cattle $20 ahead instead of three what Good's it going to do us the law made you give back most your stock to the rers I just heard they was all going to drive their cattle through to Kansas good they beat me in court all right but I've got them now when they start driving their herds up to abene they've got to hit Sweet Water it's the only water after that 60 Mi of desert yes and we'll make them pay plenty too round up every header stock on the ranches I can still control they don't want to give them to you take them load the salamander safe on a wagon I'm heading for [Music] Sweetwater why are you going in my [Music] C [Music] [Music] what are you doing with my cattle these ain't yours they're Styles I've paid for these I've got a contract keep moving moving boys you and styles will answer to the law for this yes and here's our [Applause] answer Dad what's happened styles men took off Cataline when he protested as shot him the murderer what are you going to do I'm going to shoot a skunk no no I mean style and you have to go a long way what do you mean he and his bunch left for Sweet Water this morning how do you know huh I say how do you know I got ears ain't I why didn't you tell me a four I tried to but you said I talk too much Hank you and J round up the ranchers and bring them here they're getting ready for the big drive to aine tell them it's important come on where are you going wrting you can't write you can't even read oh come on Styles and these men are waiting for you at Sweetwater you know that your cattle after Crossing 60 Mi of desert can't turn back they've got to have water are you men ready to go through with this thing go sure I'll go along will you lead us I'll be with you I'm heading that way on A Private Matter take care round up the herds and we'll get started let's go [Music] [Music] he there's Sweet Water Canyon right ahead of us you sure know this country yeah I'm right at home [Music] here there's about 6,000 head coming up the canyon yeah how many men driving them oh I'd say around 20 you better go back and keep an eye on them Charlie go and close the gate I'll go with Charlie here's where we do a little collector drop that gun put your hands up what do you want play tell styles to meet me at the gate I want to talk to him tell him to come unarmed and alone and I'll be the same now get going it's Clay and his man he wants to have a talk with you at the gate he says come alone unarmed and he'll do the same you're not going to do it are you certainly he might be framing you I know we'll beat him to it we'll frame him first you take a couple of men go up in the Rocks where he can watch him while I'm talking to him when I take my handkerchief out of my pocket let him have it remember no shooting until I take out my handkerchief all right [Music] man what's on your mind clay couple of things want you to open this gate so our cattle can have water well I'll be glad to open it for 50% of the herd Styles you have no right to block this Trail no well this is one piece of property I've got a legal deed for and I know how you got it what do you mean I'm John clayber Tes I want you and Ice to surrender you're going back to Cottonwood and stand trial for murder are you trying to be funny get ready don't get that signal Styles or we'll both be dead watch all right Hank see what you shoot for we're Partners ain't we you shoot I shoot don't think I'd be fool enough to come out here without cover do you when I know the kind of a man I'm dealing with I'll give you just 3 minutes to surrender or we're coming in after [Music] you all right boys we're going to take Sweet Water get into the rocks and under cover it's young clayber I tell you clayber the kid yes if we don't get him he'll hang us here they come half the hurt to you men if you'll wipe them out Pete you take some men and cover the pass that one for me one for me too that's threee for me I'm one up on you no two and a half I shot him too what you want away shell I guess we're both Miss running out of f CS starts on on that Gate Post I'll see what I can do to drive him out of it what are you say we got to start shooting at the gate F how high up outs high as a rabbit what kind of a rabbit Jack Rabbit don't let him get near that gate man fire the [Applause] cabin get my safe on the W man we've got to make a ro for it they're getting away you got to get our H what you sh Wait For Me he [Music] he [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] that goes as I'll get him you fellas take care of the herd you ain't aiming to go after me alone on you you get you in them rocks and lay for you I'll take that [Music] chance [Music] sh for [Music] [Music] is [Music] he put it up Ash going to give you that chance you've been waiting [Music] for take your own [Music] [Applause] time and you John take this woman to be your lawful wited wife I do what she I said do you take this woman to be your lawful wetted wife not me I ain't a mank kind there's your [Laughter] man
Channel: DDF: Reel Films
Views: 599,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, film, watch movie, Reel Films, ddf, full version of the movie, FullFreeMovies, WesternMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, Western, King of the Pecos, Joseph Kane, John Wayne, Muriel Evans, Cy Kendall
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 16sec (3196 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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