If You Want to Live... Shoot! | Western | HD | Full Movie in English

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[Music] why Les me 100 char No I'm s two give me two how about you boy uh-uh I'll raise it 150 and I'll raise it [Music] 500 all right 1 2 3 4 500 more if you can beat four of a kind and all ladies D those Queens a don't take it too badly it's it's all in the luck of the game want to try a luck kid why [Music] sure mind if I sit in for a while [Music] gentlemen and the cowboy wins again with two ladies sure does I've never seen anything like it's the luck of the game like you said if you ask me nobody's asking sure does seem to be my night by you want to watch the kid friend it's your turn to open Mac all right everything I've got my last thousand what's the matter scared your luck will change I'll see you I'm out too cards give me two and me well cowboy I have two but mine says hi one minute you dirty cheat five Aces I got nothing to do with it so don't start calling me names what kind of a game have you been trying to play Mister you mind telling me that now we found out why you've been winning every hand so don't act innocent You' got it coming to [Music] you I wasn't cheating I wasn't you pulled his gun first you saw him I wasn't cheating I wouldn't do a thing like that I didn't mean to kill him it was self-defense why you you're Witnesses you saw what happened you saw him didn't you I didn't mean to kill him I swear I didn't want to do it I swear I didn't want to do it I didn't I [Music] didn't well [Music] Sheriff let me see very cheap 500 Mar first degree second [Music] 30 plain case M and and in public 1,000 $1,500 alive or [Music] dead minus you visual [Music] 20% look after the [Music] body [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] n [Music] sh [Music] hello and good morning to you that's all for the moment Lou okay sir this is the last one I'm telling you so don't ask for more that's all mind your man vulgarian you're speaking to a gentleman who's worth more than this town and you and your lousy D puty together ah Pard so France drink your service how did you do go on give my friend a drink have any rooms free not today they're all taken oh wait a minute you're in love look I am one's just been vacated this very [Laughter] minute well look who's just come in a famous manh hunter in person come on Fred give us another measure well what are you going to have honey same as last night hey you at the thank you I'm talking to you I swe yeah you heard got anything worth playing for that where interested in well or are you just another penniless bum from the backwoods going take theck like I said I'll be coming back here you my friend here will that honey but you must not one drink are you sure take it away now listen little drink what steak stranger Johnny dson name my name's St room for another I was just about to invite you ah thanks my name's Al Allan Ross the [Music] might hey who's this [Music] dude see that what's the matter ready Will Catch Co [Music] clean it go on [Music] smart how you doing have Ace day I've never known anyone win like that it's incredible look friend if poker's too tough for you you better stick to titly winks th hey L how up to you Ross $10 make it at least 100 you going to offer me a drink with great pleasure small be afraid and for me a dry shering where do you come from I'll raise it 150 does it matter I'm here now three Aces I'll be dogged I tell you it's incredible who are they the one who's winning is new to me the others that fair guy is a traveling salesman the dark one's a bounty killer your turn to open Mr Ross I'll open at 10 raise your 30 see that 30's keeping it too low we'll raise at 300 300 then I'm willing I'm out cards I'm fine and you two cards my last try $1,000 where's yours this gold make you happy more than three lbs of it satisfied pound perfectly parner poker Four Aces take a look at these strange don't you think not very you're a bad loser and I can't say I'm [Music] surprised why you dirty thie [Music] well Sheriff this one's different stack $1,000 dead 5,000 alive he's got to tell us where he found that gold you bet come on over here [Music] stack you your trust [Music] on S Francis out of the way where do he get you stack the shoulder it's nothing serious though you had a narrow escape this one isn't going to be so easy you realize he's seen through it don't you yeah that could mean trouble for all of us don't worry Sheriff he won't get very far that's for certain I'll get that cowboy if it's the last thing I do we'll go after [Music] together [Music] [Music] what [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a tell him [Music] then hey Sheriff what does that mean it's finished our little Association is come to an end friends Aron back the cowboy and his gold are all yours you can keep them to B still if that's how it is it [Music] is [Music] you ready BR yes sir just a minute I'll settle my accounts now if you don't [Music] mind [Music] what we've been on this Trail for more than two weeks Dak and we ain't found them yet do you want to walk out too ah r good to see you amig is over two hours we've been waiting [Applause] [Music] so there he is yeah now not now too far come on [Music] that's him you seen us okay let's cut him off all right come on out Johnny do this time you're not going to get away that's what you think now drop those guns what about you stack now listen to me the next time you get in my way or even cross my path I swear I'll kill you so just stay out of my sight from now on you understand [Music] hey what a horse Jeepers what a great horse if he dies I'm going to keep it as my very own Tomy you should thank the good Lord for having made you as tough as steel you lost an awful lot of blood you know the children were pretty scared they both thought you were a bandit I hope you're not how long have I been here we found you last week so we got my father and he brought you to the house and we looked after you we thought you were going to die but you didn't worse luck Tomy that's wicked deepers I only meant that if he died his horse would belong to me now outside immediately and say the Lord's Prayer 10 times and ask God to Pardon you for having such Wicked thoughts yes P you try and sleep now then s will get you some soup I must get to work these are difficult times and we we have a big Ranch so it's wiser to be prepared poor father they're bad men about these days so it makes him grumpy and worried nothing to do with me oh my goodness no a man called Logan's causing all the trouble Logan his people are trying to swallow up all the land in this territory and no matter whose it is he wants to buy it he sent the men over here a few weeks ago they wanted to make us hand over everything and pack up and go but P my brothers they just kicked him where oh I'm sorry come on hurry up hurry up you Logan come here you can tell him to stop now all right boys that's it let me alone there right where you are all right anything you say okay oh Donal what have they done to you why did you resist them I I didn't want to lose the pal there would have been no need for any of this unpleasantness if you'd been smart enough to go when we first asked you I see oh good morning Sally beautiful day isn't it you're better today aren't you yeah I guess so can can't wait to stretch my legs again but my knees why I feel shaky as a day old calf hey what's the matter cat got your tongue Johnny say I just rubbed down your horse for you and I fed him and this morning I gave him a good run round in the yard still hope I'll die so you can keep him not anymore you're too nice and we all like you too much especially Sally your sister's not for little Scamp like you sure when father had gone out one evening and you were still pretty ill she went and got her dress making scissors and cut off a lock of your hair then she sewed it up in a little bag and guess where she hid it she hid it down here that's where Jeepers and when I say she's mad no one wants to listen evening mgov Tommy it's one of the men who worked for dick Logan Logan's going to offer you another figure he'll pay you $5,000 and you can have the money immediately I'm not disposed to sell and that goes for any price mgov you're going to be sorry for this and while we're on the subject I'd like to give you a little advice you'd better not try using force with me because I've already informed the County judge of what's going on so tell that to your Mr lgan and remember that if anything should happen to me or to any of my children you can be pretty sure where you'll end up now I've finished so get off my land [Music] I think you heard what mcguin said so get [Music] out what's the joke you big idiot I never realize that you mastered the art of reading dick most folks think all you can do is shoot you talk too much here this is your contract sign it and get out of my way what happened it was just what I thought what do you mean he made it clear he'd fight to keep his land H but there's another thing well what are you waiting for you old fool change your mind or something don't mention such a thing if you knew my Ranch for the last 12 years I've been trying to get rid of that D Gravel Pit it's all there no need to count it oh no oh no I wouldn't count it we're all trustworthy aren't we it would be an unforgivable insult we're gentlemen I said we're gentlemen trust gentlemen one two three four I was just telling Logan Mr Marlo hgov still refuses to sell and not only that he's um he's informed the County judge of your threats well now there ain't no use in getting all riled and who says that we'll be the ones to put the guy [Music] out [Music] [Music] I hey you I'm uh looking for someone name a dark I I never saw such a man in this place you are looking for him to kill you want to murder yeah no he's a friend of mine did me a great favor once so I think you are going to return this favor and if by chance you do him this favor you will think of me my name is Hans Mueller I'll Bight Dead Man's horse from you in hell man can't ride anymore more I won't [Music] forget hey Johnny why don't we go and fetch out h now we can build a Corral later oh come on now don't get impatient Tommy let's just do one thing at a time eh hey Johnny tell me will you is your mom alive is she uhhm you're lucky I never saw am i p says she's in heaven say I got an idea Johnny I'm going to go out looking for gold like you and then when I'm big I can buy millions of horses Johnny Johnny your horse is sick it's feeling real bad well what's the joke if you give me a dollar I'll tell you God but there's nothing wrong with the horse so what came into your mind why did you do it reasons what's the matter well you upset me it's not my fault you don't look at me you don't even see me Sally at first when you were sick in bed I felt I was useful at least but now you're better I might just as well not be here anyway you'll be leaving soon so everything will finish who says that I'm going to leave I've been planning to ask your father to take me on here as a matter of fact so I'll be well like a brother to you brother oh there easy easy easy s down s down steady there steady there easy easy now easy easy [Music] there that's a good boy good [Music] boy je he's burning yeah he was tough Jeep as he's going to be a real demon looks like we're going to need some more seed Park Tommy and Sally could go to Nogales couldn't they no I'm afraid I don't like the idea that're going alone if you want I can go for you and get the horses shoot at the same time you'll have to try and get old Norton to give you credit I can manage it here you are Johnny mind you don't lose him Norton I'll never give him credit oh well we can but try they'll have to shoot him first huh not a hope he's gone without his pistol that's the one that's staying out of the mgov place like I told you him and me are going to settle an old score remember Marlo avoid complications yeah well I guess I misunderstood you sure there's nothing else you want nothing else thanks not even a pretty little trinket for your girlfriend look I got just the thing it's cheap and it makes a good show why most girls go wild for a string of beads I'll buy it for 50 Cent but it's worth $5 Hi friend she needs shoeing so come before shoes I want $2 okay by me if shoes cost $2 then how much do you want for a horse horses are very like the frines in the saloon you must pay lot for the good ones a traveler in a fine jacket should know that from experience well you have a horse you think would tone in with the color of this Jack it well I'll come back later then no one moment am I wrong or did we to meet not so long ago in another County you're mistaken I've never seen you before today you want to look to see some horses would you mind coming along with me I'd like your advice if you're willing be glad to my really stupendous collection I must compliment you National characteristic perfect organization great attention to all detail what a lovely example of wood carving as for a hand bite with these I make them all myself traveler you like chess I was Champion three or four stage so I find myself a worthy rival but now what about the horses as a connoisseur you'll see my taste is the imperfection all horses of dead criminals that I buy from sheriff and Bandy killers bad men have good horses and a man must earn a living this place is just like a museum I'm no student so long stranger ah by the way I heard that yesterday in Tombstone they killed Billy the Kid I booked his horse already I will save it for you well yes but only if it's um orange colored yeah orange po [Music] there the leard may change his spots but not his nature Mr Marlo I see you seem to like our town Donovan can't wait to get rid of me as what I think you mean on the contrary I can't thank you enough for having brought us a whiff of sophist ation to this dung Hill this stinking muuk Heap most places smell of their inhabitants true Marlo sure but I expect to return to San Antonio soon so I guess that we'll see each other again down there should the God so will it Marlo if you're looking for a place to sleep stranger there's uh maybe a spare room we could give you well you going to be around for long nope now that's a real pity I'd have been happy to show you around Lily go to your room I'll look after him oh you I've had enough of your idiotic jealousy all right stranger what do you want what I'm talking to you what do you want you got anything to eat Irish to iish do got anything else sausages sausages and the big here what's it cost Irish STW sausages and beer that's $1.50 hey Slim think he wants to pick on us be a Pity Rod get the guy a drink [Music] [Music] hey ah [Music] show well is that enough for you or you do want some [Music] more well may I offer you a drink or something thanks what a response perfect timing my boy but more than that animal strength in a few months you could develop into a first class prize fighter leave me I have a friend who trains types like you you'd make a fortune the money'd roll in and I'd want my share of it any idea what you'd get I'd say several thousand doll my name's Donovan Johnny dark my God what went on here a difference of opinion I was looking for you my friend to tell you that your horse is ready when you are h i moment your name of course today I speak with a man who was looking for you all over the country you are Johnny dark you sure you'd better explain he said to be your great friend but I think it is not true I already arranged to buy your horse but I do not trust him I do not like his attitude you'll find it will be Stack's horse for sale stack who is is that the one you saw today I assure you I'm not in the least interested in the methods you use to acquire the land that you eventually sell to us and I can assure you my contracts and deeds of purchase are perfectly legal then uh I can only offer you my compliments Mr Marlo you've succeeded where I and the rest of my associates if I may put it this way have been wasting time and energy for many years so what's wrong then I've got your land haven't we discussed things enough I feel that I ought to remind you that your contract with this company is due to expire within a week and if by the end of that period we do not own all the territory necessary to complete the building of the railroad you are going to be in trouble listen I'll be sending you the final contract of sale within 7 days I hope you will Mr Marlo I hope you will still perhaps I should refresh your memory should you fail you must know that your personal contract will be voided and that's my agreement to purchase any of your land but then I'd be absolutely ruined look I've paid out almost a quarter of a million dollars I tell you Mason that's no joke I'm leaving tomorrow try not to forget you haven't got too much time only a week want me to put him out of action you big idiot that's no answer and you know it what is then why ask me Logan it's simple there's only one thing to do surely you know what I mean don't you yeah I do I sure do Mr Marlo and we thank thee most merciful father for this our daily bread and the knowledge of thy Bounty amen amen you may all begin Jeep is it's good well what's the matter Johnny why aren't you eating that's enough Tommy you've been looking pretty sick all day excuse me I said he look jeap as he's wearing his gbell well didn't you see [Music] it the quietness of our life on the land getting too dull for you no Mr mcguin my folks were like you you they work their fields and trusted in Providence while I wanted to make a fortune on my own working my guts out for a year in the mountains this is all I got out of it I want to see my folks that's all can we do anything for you no yeah you might keep this for me it'll be a lot safer with [Music] you and it'll be one more reason for coming back but when my son soon I hope Sally he's gone he's left [Music] us I told him I wouldn't sell at that price so he said okay ready your on the way you been sweetheart joining of with me could solve your problem within a matter of a few months we'd both be rich you better it all right right place here's your drink Paul it's time we went out to feed the animals now right Tommy come on all [Music] right [Music] [Music] go on you men move in now and wait for the [Music] signal oh well bedtime I guess tomorrow we've got to repair the well I know P I promised that I'd do it fine well I'll call the children in and lock the stable good night good night no stop it Tomy father s you must ride into town and get help and take Tommy with you go on come on I want to stay here go to the level God get in an attack there we CH [Music] on go on they can't hold on much longer I'm afraid I don't like it the story of your friend doesn't ring true all right I won't fool you Johnny I was in Brownsville when you were there recently don't grab your pistol Johnny h i don't you want me to help you out who Do You Think You Are My fa godmother is that it I have my own good reasons for wanting you to avoid stack stack you're surely aware there's a price on your head and he wants it so you better make up your mind cat out there again what's that G him it's mg's daughter and she's all alone what Sally Johnny what you doing what's wrong they suddenly started attacking her B my brothers are going to be killed you got to hurry you got to go and help my PO please Johnny better take her to your house Sarah and put her straight to [Music] [Applause] [Music] bed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] d [Music] is [Music] [Music] e [Music] Tommy you too [Music] [Music] Alvarez what made you kill them all huh as Mu CL nobody can talk about us you should have set fire to the farm and made the old man sell now Marlo says Ah Marlo Marlo says Marlo wants Marlo commands always Marlo Yankee Marlo can help himself the land is all there but we need him a govern to sign a formal act sa you half breed idiot what did you call me Yan you go back to your friend Marlo but why slim was there I saw him threaten McGovern what's this that somero a simple trick to remove any suspicion and a pretty filthy trick [Music] too now there's someone who can tell us where to find Slim thank you you're so good to me Sarah you must try and get some rest now no I've got to go to the ranch oh now settle down P my brothers will be needing me now don't you worry your nice young friend's gone out there with Mr Donovan remember oh Johnny you'll help us I'm threatening your [Music] queen and I save [Music] her ah and I lose my little [Music] night ah now it's my turn to eat up your little night so where is he all ours where M Grand Checkmate [Music] sh [Music] [Music] hey hello [Laughter] amig H Al Alvarez will be grateful for this little gift is he up there or is he he was an enemy I've traveled a long way to bring him here so you'd better let me through Alvar will be very glad yes seems deserted I'd be very much surprised okay come on it's still hot if you have something worth cooking we can light it again immediately as you see we'd like to give you a warm welcome drop your guns you H for an old trick many eyes watch over Mesa Grande you'll pay for your stupid mistake beautiful suit you are wearing it' be a Pity to spoil it seor so we will have to kill you in the nude take off his [Music] clothes thank you thank [Music] you we will shoot him at once you'll be sorry for this I doubt if Marlo will be very pleased if he finds out you've killed us you are in contact with his seor Marlo we both are my friend and I are known as his two best enemies enemies yes enemies General seor Mara will certainly pay well for the pair of us provided we're not dead how much money would Senor Marlo pay for you not much I suppose but at least $5 or $6,000 $5,000 I've done more difficult things for much less just a minute don't listen to him it's a pack of Lies you won't get a scent for these two seor slim if I'm right you know each other oh we do just like him to plan to take us to nagalas himself and then claim the money ah so there's your idea take them away Philipe you go into nalas and see what Marlo has to say hey you what is your name oh Donovan and my friends Johnny dark wao give that to me why don't you use your head once in a while you great num skull num skull what is this num skull very Yankee oh what's the matter with Fe on Eagle maybe your idea of the somero is right yes it's a pretty slim can no longer confirm it but who's Marlo a leading citizen of Nogales at one time he used to have de with the Mexicans that's why I threw his name around yeah I thought alvarus might respond he responded all right I doubt if this poor fell did alvarus wasn't so impressed by his way of dressing however Marlo do you know him well an adventurer custom tell it h how shall I put it a double cross are far too common along this Frontier territory yes is he Rich of course apparently but I have my doubts bloodthirsty idiot fool hasn't got a brain in his head all he had to do is destroy the farm I didn't say he had to butcher the family and where slim got to H that's Splendid what did you want to say uh there's one of alvar's men out there these bugs are cracking like crazy oh look they go with my socks how thoughtful of our host that's all you get that [Music] that's wine see is that that is all pakita for the for the moment for the moment after keep coming to him see wouldn't [Music] be safe to put them on [Music] now Donovan oh donov and my darling what are you doing here it's your pakita sure it is can't you see don't you remember me pakita oh but I've never forgotten you my dear it's just that you disappeared completely I Disappeared you big liar you left me said you were going out for 10 minutes to see a man about a horse and that was 2 years ago little Bakita now that at last we found each other you won't Escape anymore what do you want I been there no leave her alone don't touch her I won't let you get dressed [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] keep calm my friend time and pakita are both working for [Music] us don't open are to sleep now marous take me to alus now do you want us all to be killed there's a guard over here see Sorita go on [Music] [Music] yeah Jee who do you suppose runs to coach like that looks like maros maros wait a minute you get a room at the hotel you won't run away I'll join you in 2 minutes my dear [Music] Donovan Donovan I was just coming to see you what's wrong donov but I haven't had coffee [Music] yet [Music] shall I compare thee to a summer's day Thou Art more lovely and more temperate don't you find that just too too Exquisite ah yes you listen to this H yes oh no don't speak anymore don't say anything love speaks louder than words uh you mean action I think yes I do be music Donovan just a beating of our two hearts together Donovan Donovan Donovan [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] oh no go and get the chief that's enough all right take him away what do you mean he's mine he is mine I tell you you do not pay me nothing you'll get paid when this Deal's been tied up and if the girl does not want to sign she will you watch him anyway got him ready yeah I reckon [Music] so want to have fun do you have it your own [Music] way [Music] better I reckon he's ready for Marlo you murderer let go of me let me go I say you'll soon go but first there's a document to sign selling your father his Ranch you'll never make me do it I know you killed him and my two brothers somehow I think you'll sign we'll see someone wants to see you so come [Music] [Music] on Johnny Johnny perhaps now you'll feel more like signing this come on I'm ready no don't they'll kill us just as safe go on R hey you not de seor what's going on they got a bandito seor Johnny dark Johnny dark did you say see seor he Dishonored My Maria my daughter he ruined her life forever I pray much for Revenge much gold me PES us thousand and gold in go you found the right man see I think so very nice no no no don't stop but first you've got to put your signature on that contract all right all right I'll sign you murderer all right Amigo what do you suggest we do just wait [Music] it's pretty clear something's biting a virus want to get rid of them then we must avoid complications Logan at all costs and you keep your eyes open Muchachos H listen you go around behind the houses I will take this side why waste time like this now you will see [Music] no alarz now they will destroy each other like wild beasts Andor they betrayed us murderers what do we do somehow we've got to get out of this trap [Music] now is your turnor Mar we stop where we are we're all going to be killed there should be some way to get out of here hey get all right I go look I wouldn't want you to be killed now amigo alvare man said look [Music] [Applause] out leaving them here don't worry Logan thanks for my contract ah [Music] Shadow this will really good we must get away now I don't know how to thank you don't worry about that you'll find a way soon [Music] enough this is anck a brigade of cavalry beautiful animals come on Sally yes I've got quite a bargain for you Donovan you are sailing pakita look after Sally will you I'm sorry but be patient my dear I'll explain later you come along to my room yes All In First Class condition with harness and Saddles thrown in what do you say mow yeah yeah later on we'll discuss [Music] money [Music] you see that's the way to win your man pile up your hair so your face looks longer and with a grown-up kind of dress on you'll be really surprised how pretty you are you'll see 2,600 2007 2008 2009 $3,000 right yes oh well it's all over now and no Johnny don't look so shocked unfortunately you take things at the face value Johnny and that's a mistake tie his hands have I surprised you strangely enough I'm sure I have but you weren't surprised that I followed you you never once ask yourself why why I should save your life but you're worth a great deal alive Johnny in money I mean there's a price on your head $5,000 it's equivalent to a fine h of milking stock or a comfortable Ranch you're as dirty as the rest you're right but facts are facts and business is business one trade is as good as another don't you agree why'd you wait then why Johnny because following you has been like digging in a gold mine and then there were McGovern no one should let a crime of that nature ever pass by you had a right to avenge them Johnny doc you see Johnny another one as I told you my friend you're worth a lot of money Muller I wouldn't try anything if I were you I'm going to see who it is [Music] [Music] for hello there stack you turn up like a bad Penny don't you well what do you want now you know better than me too bad you came too late I'm taking them to the sheriff you'd be smarter if you didn't this whole reward is just a big fake brilliant fake in keeping with that rigged poker game of yours is that it yeah that's it all right now what it's personal yeah in that case you'd better fight it out on your own but this time on equal terms nothing I can do to make you change your mind no in that case it's in your hands Johnny and if you want to live then shoot he for that's sh [Laughter] they settle on a price price for Johnny's horse H I've told you already the horse you will buy will be stacks and not Johnny's and you want $200 [Music] [Music] okay Johnny this time you won't make a fool of me Johnny no ST [Music] Johnny [Music] here then as we agreed we'll give half to Johnny well partner now it really is all over I've left your share of the money with mle one last thing don't rely too much on appearances thank you and you'd better not forget the tools of your bet trade Amigo Donovan the ladies well wish me luck get [Music] [Applause] wa
Channel: Movie360
Views: 311,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9FRfUcoSbZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 36sec (5796 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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