John Wayne in Stagecoach Run in Color!

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i think they're plumb crazy to do away with the pony express well so do i but they claim this newfangled telegraph will be a lot fast won't work you mark my words you ever heard of sending messages over a piece of wire what are you gonna do now jim punch cows again i reckon seem pretty tame after pony express ride yeah i guess i'll hunt buffalo they say there's pretty good money in hides what's johnny blair gonna do i don't know but he won't starve he's been saving his nichols he's still here in 10 seconds he'll be here in hurry come now here you are ed right on time blair as usual wouldn't want to be late on the last run mr dodge sorry to see it in so am i men when that mail reaches sacramento means the end of the pony express you've established a record in carrying the males that will go down in history in appreciation of your loyalty the company is giving each of you a gift two pony express horses toughest and fastest in the country hey thanks boss just go down to the grounds and pick out the ones you want the best of luck to you boys thanks mr dodge two thoroughbreds each well that's a real gift yeah let's go and pick them out what are you gonna do with your horses salem oh no you're not i got a better idea we're gonna start a stage line a stage line sure there's plenty of money in it but we haven't got any stagecoach oh we'll get one suits me partner and we'll pick out four good stage coach horses we'll head for buchanan city may be able to get a stage there [Music] well there she is buchanan city i hope that fellow drake's got a stage coach he'll sell us well with the stage line the size of his he ought to have plenty old ones he'd be glad to get rid of we'll soon find out well here we are we're looking for cal drake that's me come in what can i do for you we want to buy a stagecoach mr drake we figured you might have an old one you'd sell us cheap stagecoach what are you going to do with it start a stage line where are you going to run it we haven't figured that out yet you mean you haven't got a franchise franchise you have to have one of those to start a stage line well you boys are settling you at the game makes a lot of money and you've got to go through a lot of red tape to sort of stage line how much money are you figuring on putting into it oh about a thousand dollars maybe i can help you boys out see all those lines those are all my stage routes i kind of bit off a little more than i could chew and i've been neglecting the crescent city line lately i'll sell it to you chief two ambitious fellows ought to make a good thing out of it how much do you want for three thousand dollars a thousand dollars right now on the balance of two payments 60 90 days you can pay it easy out of the profits and you'll find a stagecoach in crescent city that goes with it uh how far is this crescent city 35 miles north of here well we'll think it over and let you know later fine yes necklace will give you a little idea about the town here it is crescent city population 3500 climate healthful water supply excellent school and church what do you say don't you think we better go up and look it over first what for all those towns are alike all right we'll take it mr drake fine fine you boys got a great thing in this and i'm gonna get a lot of pleasure out of watching you make it pay crescent city home of the adams and blair stage lines male passengers and freight carried from coast to coast let's start advertising right now get a crowd together make a mistake [Music] um [Music] [Applause] quiet little place isn't it yeah 3 500 people don't make much noise well maybe they're out on a picnic or just out wait i hear someone foreign [Music] forget it he fooled me too [Music] hey strangers was that you i heard shooting sure whatever and sheriff i could arrest you for that what as mayor i welcome you to crescent city as president of the council i gave myself the afternoon off but i am rocky blind does anyone else live here beside you and the pigs huh well yeah yes a doc doc forsyth lives over there near the hotel what makes two customers for our stage line yeah are you going to run the crescent city stage stranger well we bought it hey doc here's some good news for you these phones have taken over the crescent city stage line where the suckers you bought it all right well i'm sorry to hear that i'm william forsyth my name is blair this is larry adams someone sold it to you under false pre-texas i suppose human nature's like that mr blair well you boys must be homeless i'll prepare a bite for you [Music] frank told us we'd find a stagecoach here you know where it is yeah yeah come along huh i'll show you you know even after the gold peter's out this has been a good town if doc and cal drake hadn't had fallen out what do you mean well they was partners but doc didn't like the crooked deals drake was pulling so drake just squeezed the dock out and moved all his stuff to buchanan city looks like he did a good job sure did drake's crooked as a snake well there it is [Music] well it isn't much to look at well he'll still carry passengers we can get them you could get them all right if if you could land that mail contract mail contract yeah being postmaster of this year city i'm in on the mode look at that [Music] [Music] this deal doesn't sound so bad after all i smell something funny so do i look out it's a skunk [Music] that was a close one it sure was where can i get a rag in some water did he get you no we got to clean that coach up our franchise calls for a round trip to buchanan twice a week we gotta get started i'll pick you right up there's a record for you we doubled our population in one day there ain't many cities can do that hello [Music] [Music] yeah how's that crooked huh oh you mean the picture what did you think i'm in blair's coming into town with a stagecoach empty well how did you think it would be be ready in case he tries to start anything we'll take care of them i'll have the boys get my welcome [Applause] don't forget boys let's give him a great send-off [Applause] all aboard for crescent city right for craftsmanship carried free to the ghost town city's a swell place to die [Laughter] well i didn't know school let out so early where blair how's it going it's fine it'll be a lot better after i land that mail contract i want to enter my stage coach in that mail race good i was beginning to think that there wouldn't be anybody in it but drake seems to me there'd be plenty of coaches in there for 25 000 that's what i figured but something is scaring them out come on inside sign up [Applause] this [Music] is there a stage leaving here for crescent city yes ma'am right this way [Music] [Music] is it all right if i sit up in front sure you won't be so crowded hey blair i got a passenger for you i charge half pair for jackasses come on bring your friends [Music] huh [Music] i got enough [Music] oh are you the driver yes why then isn't there any other way i can get to crescent city lady you can run walk or ride a horse this is the only stage coach you really want to go of course [Applause] crescent city is a funny place miss well i know all about it my father owns the town dr forsyth oh it's not like any town you've ever seen written me lots about it it's between hotels it's patient the mayor and the sheriff and all the big men he wrote you all that and all about the lovely stores oh there's plenty of stores i can hardly wait to go shopping say does your dad know you're coming oh no i want to surprise him gonna be disappointed if you expect i'm not expecting to see new york or [Music] paris well what do you got there captured me at laundry they was run out of mud springs for using perfume soap and the miners shirts [Music] here comes the stage john's got a passenger [Music] [Music] barbara dan [Music] oh dad this awful place how could you what's she going on about she had a pretty hard joke oh that stage coach would join anybody let's leave it once dead you don't belong here i can't do that probably everything i have is here [Music] anyone here know how to create a sick horse i'm a horse doctor i am president of the board of health too they'll be old settlers time i cure that horse mr your horse got the box some episodic and the touch of glanders you ain't got to drive another mile but i've got to move on my daughter's got the favor you're in luck stranger we got the best doctor in the west uh hey dr forsythe [Music] i'd like to speak to you about your father yes he put everything he had into this town when he lost it he lost confidence in himself of course they did in this awful place he'll be all right when he's back east among friends no he'd feel worse to go back a failure if you had the right spirits you'd stay here and help it i don't think i need your advice the child needs the rest you've been traveling a long way yes we're looking for a place to settle bring her to my office i'll see what i can do for you thanks doctor you can't beat this town we've got fresh eggs there's a fine laundry stage line and a brand new pretty school teacher [Music] remember larry only allow seven passengers in the coach at one time our motto is comfort without crowding oh yes sir i'll write on a piece with you bye boys [Applause] good morning miss barbara well doc you're looking younger every day i've been feeling much happier ever since barbara arrived let's be getting back dad i promise to give the children a reading lesson uh we saw a work crew on the road early this morning they're putting up that new telegraph line telegraph line i want to talk to those fellas i'll see you later bye john john's a fine lad isn't he he's too bossy to suit me it takes bossy man to succeed out here hey don't drink that water [Applause] [Music] what's the matter with you were you crazy i had to keep him drinking that water it's poison somebody must have knocked this sign over [Music] poison yes deadly then that's what ails my men [Music] and i thought it was the heat i'll get a doctor [Music] they're going to be all right we've got to thank you for saving our lives dr forsythe deserves the credit for that if i can ever do anything for you just call on me if you really mean that how about running your wires through crescent city would it help you if i did sure would can you if it doesn't cost too much time or money why let's look at my map going through crescent city i'd have to cut off your cannon why not let's see the distance would be the same but i wouldn't be able to get many supplies in crescent city how many men do you need at least 50 well if i get you the men and the suppliers does crescent city get the telegraph yes it's a deal i'll see you later doc oh yes man the telegraph company needs workers the first 50 of you to reach crescent city will get a job at 10 a day and keep what's all they're exciting about they're running the telegraph for crescent city blair and adams are hiring men to work there what that beach planning two bucks worth of blue today now i'm heading for crescent city yeah it's only gone well that's our first step the telegraph will bring some people and when we get that mail contract we'll put crescent city on the map again right not for me come on ten dollars of david thank you and they're all gonna what all right here you are boys quickest way to crescent city present city stage fair only ten dollars huh you gonna let him get away with it no go to crescent city mr drake helpful climate population 3500. no thanks i'd like to see in my office mr blair i got to hand it to you blair you're smart i sold you a lemon and you made an orange out of it i didn't call junior to pat you on the back but i got a job that requires nerve brains and i think you're the benefit to bill what is it i got a shipment of gold going for sacramento i want you to drive it through for me on my stage why me what's the matter with your driver the amount i'm sending might be too tempting to my men i'd rather trust you than them there'll be a thousand dollar payment due on your stage line which i will cancel when you bring me receipt for the gold i'll take it through good and i'll give you an armed escort is that necessary you'll be carrying a fortune you got your men ready larry you know cherokee there's never been a hold up on my stage lines it's got to be your first time for everything it's dangerous for the driver ain't it drivers always do seem to get hurt i wouldn't do it john he's got some trick up his sleeve i know it larry we need that thousand dollars to pay on our franchise so we can enter that mail race and i'd better go with you now you've got to drive this stage back to crescent city i'll be all right keep your eyes open while the boys are escorting blair to sacramento you take care of his partner he'll be starting back for preston city [Applause] [Applause] well blair how long [Applause] [Music] we're near the pass yeah that's gonna be the end of this trip [Music] [Music] boys we're getting near the pass well what about it why didn't you fellas better ride ahead and find out if it's clear yeah sure [Applause] [Music] did he make it easy for us [Music] [Applause] we're in places is he don't ask me why that double-crossing crook [Music] well it certainly looks like old times in crescent city and it's all due to john's efforts how long will it last dad oh probably a month or more after that john blair will have to work another miracle why not if he can win the race for the mail contract we'll get a post office and then crescent city will be a beehive once again if he wins he'll win you can bank on that every room the hotel's full say isn't this quite a come down from mayor and chariot maybe but the boys are kind of ashamed to tip them here i'm doing all right now oh here comes the here comes the stage where's larry he ought to be driver [Applause] [Music] take it easy boys bring him over to my house right away all right did you see who did it i'm telling you we couldn't see who fired the shot but whoever it was it was waiting there to do that job but you didn't follow my route scoring or coming no i didn't and i'm still alive why do you expect me to pay you a thousand dollars for the trip when i lose money on the passengers and freight you didn't pick up did you want that gold delivered or didn't you of course then write me out a receipt for the second payment on that crescent city franchise don't reach for anything but your pen remember you don't own that stage line yet he'll talk about that after the government mail race [Music] john please sit down did larry say was shot him he didn't see them they fired from the bushes how is he doc is he gonna live the bullet lodged near his spine only a very delicate operation could save his life well you're a doctor why i wouldn't dare i haven't operated in years i've lost confidence i'd be afraid listen doc larry means more to me than anyone else in the world do something for him with you please dad we have confidence in you haven't we john all the confidence in the world [Music] [Music] so [Music] larry will live oh thanks doc [Music] you gonna write on the box tomorrow drake sure thing this race means too much to me if you'll win nothing's going to keep me from it hi john hello rocky as treasurer of crescent city i'm betting the city funds on you john the whole ten dollars and sixty cents where's your coach it's not deliveries table i'm going down there now come on [Music] it's rare [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] well ain't much i'm done the horses are okay well the coach is hardly scorched do you suppose drake or his man pulled this cheap trick i'm sure of it well whoever it was you got one of them anyhow you're under arrest what for for shooting a man what was in self-defense he tried to burn blair's coach that can be explained to the judge this warrant calls for your arrest who swore out the one cal drake can't you see this is a trick to try and keep me out of that mail race i'm sorry but i've got to do my duties take care of those horses green and stand guard over this coach i'll get you out of this john five minutes to go when blair is safe in jail this isn't a race it's excursion well what you do doc get those horses over the starting line they've got to be there by nine o'clock good and done bob it's time to start this race [Applause] [Music] [Applause] very key cut across the relay station and tell them to have those fresh horses ready just in case i don't know what he's right blair but i there's another john's release on bail signed by the justice of the peace 500 bailey business must be good in crescent city [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] i didn't think he was gonna make it [Music] hell god won't stay in the race wrong [Music] it's clear [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] oh it's drake's stage [Applause] [Music] get those funny express work good boy john [Music] all right take him away hurry up and blair got loose somehow and it's up to you to stop him good luck john thanks barbara all right i'll be riding inside if you need any help you wake me up ready boys [Applause] i do hope john wins oh you really don't want him to win well i do why he's obstinate and bossy and bullheaded and domineering he is not [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here he comes this ought to stop him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's the matter [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're coming a mile away and drake is leading [Music] come on come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Music] come on out rocky we've won and we must never forget my friends how much we owe to john blair [Applause] i don't know how i can ever repay you john i do hey look [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Legend Films
Views: 141,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 50sec (3230 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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