God's Gun | HD | Western | Full Movie in english

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More Love [Music] [Applause] [Music] get [Music] r r what's wrong what's the [Music] matter come on honey hold it for de come on sweetheart come on [Music] here you are [Music] boys hey let's get the hell out of [Music] here thany [Music] lagy shut up you heard my buddy shut up [Music] [Music] let's go here take these J [Music] oh let [Music] me that's not the way to win Johnny [Music] to hit the mark just takes a little practice Johnny just like everything else Johnny did you finish polishing the glasses for me first we thank the Lord for the morning then we clean the church then he can polish your glasses [Music] oh [Music] sick grapes make sour wine [Music] [Music] you think you could teach me how to shoot a gun sometime Johnny I don't think I remember very well then why do you keep that gun on the draw it's not mine I'm holding it for somebody [Laughter] [Music] it's slow this gun isn't it that's right I sure wish you could tell me about him I heard he was one of the best shots around maybe and maybe there was one better if I ever meet Louis I'll have him teach me how to shoot a gun I don't think you're going to Mee him down in Mexico [Music] somewhere there chance he's dead I hardly think so [Music] oh [Music] you want a drink stranger well that'll do me for a start hi hi the call me Jess no kidding you know Jess I think I'm going to like this [Laughter] place ah look at here H Jess ah thank you uh Jesse oh yes Jessie [Music] how about letting someone else play for a while [Music] they real polite around here yeah here's a lot of [Music] AD Johnny Johnny come here hey [Music] boy now what are you doing here why the hell a you in school it's my Saloon you see ask a stupid question and and you get an answer where's your father he's dead killed in a gunfight that's too bad wasn't fast enough with his gun huh he was too fast huh so they shot him in the back who shot him I don't know happened before I was born Johnny I told you to come here [Music] she's not bad well I think we're going to have ourselves a good time here now anyway chesty that's up to you stranger oh oh damn [Music] this is a respectable Place Mister you ask for whiskey and that's what you get just whiskey oh this is wild mayar's milk Mam and mighty fine [Music] too I don't think you heard me I said this is a respectable place yes ma'am I hear you I hear you now this is a respectable place oh boy not you [Music] too [Music] four see [Music] you Royal fles [Laughter] [Music] one of you get the sheriff oh no we don't need a sheriff man we need a preacher case of self-defense everybody saw it was a case of self-defense right was yeah right sure it was somebody go get the sheriff Johnny [Music] no now please ma'am I thought you said this was a respectable joint [Music] father father Johnny what [Music] happened judge judge those are the same men who held up the bank in crane City they also molested a young girl there go home and not only in gra City but also in Maverick Normandy and spotwood not to mention [Music] Ryden what can we do judge go call the [Music] sheriff you cowards cowards a man has been killed and all you do is stand around is there anybody in this town with gust enough to do something about it a man's been killed murdered right here in the saloon I thought we were supposed to have a sheriff in this town judge Barrett get out of the way Sheriff why don't you go after them are you going to let them get away with this you can't let them get away Jenny those men are gone judge Barrett something has to be done this man was killed he was murdered by the Clayton the Clayton they have to be stopped they have to be arrested do you know the Clayton listen Sheriff I Jenny take it easy I'm glad those people are gone I don't want any more trouble in this town and going after them would just mean risking the lives of all these people but they must be punished mine is the Vengeance sayth the Lord take your boy outside Sheriff I want to borrow your horse for what I got some business to take care of father now why don't you stay the hell out of this the Clayton are a very rough bunch and I don't want any more of them in this town well I suppose You' better take this now you people listen to me anything happens to this town the responsibility is his [Music] sorry for this w [Music] sorry to destroy your Slumber gentlemen well boys look what we got here local soul saviorself and what can we do for you father spin it out father what the hell do you want now damn it CH st's playing Bad Manners please please adou father we're always available for a good confession ozi pour some coffee for our guest here I came to return your nephew's property Clayton I'm asking you to come back to Juno City with me the judge is waiting for you I have the other one too I wouldn't try it if I were you yeah jez he's right that man is right don't try it now that voice that Voice rings a bell is it possible that we have uh met before I don't believe we've had the pleasure let's go young man I don't want to miss my morning Mass well father I'm afraid you're just going to have to miss [Music] it that the holy man don't travel alone yes I I think you better go along with him oh yeah it's all yours father thanks for the horse SH damn it I Smell Trouble now him I don't understand he founded this community this Christian Community is a peaceful Law Abiding Place Sheriff why not call the mar don't take on the responsibility by yourself yeah let's try the [Music] telegraph you're late for morning mask father better late than not at all [Music] well [Music] Johnny and where were you last night you didn't put out the candles go ring the bell young man I thought you didn't know how to use a gun how did he know it was me did you put it back [Music] hi Don hi judge this food slop it's not fit for the horses in a few hours it won't matter you'll be hanging from a rope I'll piss on Your Grave before I hang from a rope you tell that to your Sheriff huh don't I want to watch The Jerk hang try that again and I'll cut you in two get it I'll keep the key safe till the morning you check later with the sheriff [Laughter] oh [Music] onun [Laughter] [Music] [Music] come on get the guns inside the bench bench [Laughter] listen I told the judge I was going to piss on his grave and I'm a man of my word no wait a minute wait a minute let's get the priest first why I get them both huh come on hold it hold it Sam says wait till sunrise we wait come [Music] on go back to sleep huh [Music] good morning Father beautiful morning mom said you did a great job the other night with God's help and yours too Johnny [Music] h [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] father father father father father father father Johnny [Music] sh [Music] oh [Music] if I ever meet Louis I'll have him teach me how to shoot a gun I don't think you're going to Mee him down in Mexico somewhere [Music] no please let me go [Music] please hi honey hey take a look what's happening now huh things is taking a change for the better the judges on our side from now on I'm the law Juno City judge Barrett J Clayton killed him that in my Saloon and not Father John's dead too oh now listen sweetheart now we came for Jess cuz he is innocent now everybody knows it was a case of self-defense now ain't that right judge ain't that right judge well what about the priest huh who killed him have you forgotten about him already what the hell was that you don't mean to tell me there are horse thieves in this town horse thieves you're a horse thieves Sam that little blonde kid he just took two of our horses Johnny let me go Johnny Johnny you know that's how I got started too yeah stealing horses yeah stealing horses come on go get him little bastard Sheriff sherff let me go let me go somebody has to call the Marshall with kto do you hear me oh now listen honey that Telegraph is broken that right Sheriff you bastard me come on [Music] go [Music] on that a little faster thinks he out smart at us take care of the horse there I'll go after him la [Music] stop a [Laughter] we found one horse Rip's still out there looking for the kid where is he I want to go shut up yeah get her out of here unless we can get that kitty causes a lot of trouble Mike's right let's divy up and pull up well that's fine with me I don't care what the hell you do see give a share the rest of it stays in the family D now look we got those plans to stay here and wait for that stage Coast to ston and and we are going to stick to our plans $50,000 a chess full of gold this here will do me just fine yeah and the stage coach is all yours too now you heard what the man said that boy could cause a lot of trouble I better take a look huh oh uh what's happening with our Sheriff always been well taken care of got to a good caretaker huh [Music] I cannot read [Music] [Music] you don't understand do you here is M Chico he don't like you made by [Music] jokes you were South much you don't find anything till you come toia Desta in one mile then nothing for two more miles till where theic is hey muchacha you are loal to run in this SE [Music] h they're beautiful who are they the sheriff's daughter no they're not his Mine He's their Uncle how could such an ugly s so be have two pretty daughters like that huh I love them please don't do any harm to them harm you must be kidding Old Timer you know something I love him as well and I'm going to tell you just how much them too [Music] [Music] a [Music] hello what are you looking for hey what's wrong my name is Wanita who are you what is it why don't you talk you have a dry throat come sit down now is that better you can B now no you mean you don't want to you don't want to talk or you can't my father is coming maybe he can get you to say something [Applause] [Music] what's the matter with you you look like you've seen a ghost you could use a meal a bath and a bed bath first come [Laughter] on well I think I'll be heading on back we'll cross Frontier in the morning so we'll Camp here for the night yeah well enjoy your money and don't spend it all in one place all right Sam thanks going last a long time I think I'll take a look up there see you around so long Sam so long thanks for everything [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] yeah m [Laughter] R I may be crippled all my life but I'll be rich hell happened I got duped by that goddamn kid but now it's your turn well if you're crippled you'll never make it alone you're right here I can help you oh no here here's your money I don't trust you anymore you don't trust me look I only got two shells in my gun here now it's empty now you can trust me are you going to shoot me well if you want to shoot me go ahead shoot me in the ls go ahead right here shoot me then we'll be even no no no wait wa I I don't want to see [Music] it I don't understand you still don't talk is something bothering you or maybe it's a secret something you don't want to say in front of my daughter well don't worry I don't have any secrets from oneita you know kid I can go along with a man who doesn't run off with the mouth too much but uh at least you could tell me your name mute [Music] [Music] [Music] father my brother sent you must have had a lot of faith in you to trust you with [Music] this what's wrong [Music] Johnny do feel good [Music] can I father [Music] where where [Music] no father [Music] look in front of the church a four bullets or four men who did it Johnny isn't there a sheriff in Jun no City when did it happen two two days father listen listen you're not thinking of going there are you but he dead and well there's nothing anybody can do you're going there won't help you might end up dead too and what I know you wouldn't have wanted that I have to go try and understand why he I've got to live with myself I've got to go [Music] you were born with that oh happened when my brother uh [Music] when we were kids our father taught us how to shoot the position of the sun the direction of the wind dance aund or more times a day we'd practice in and out of the holster John practiced so much he wore out dozens of holers nobody could be John to the draw then one day God put a Bible in his hands instead of a gun my story it's a bit different it happened in a gambling house in abene that was my other life a long time ago [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] a [Music] it was self-defense Sheriff self-defense leis caught him cheating he had these aces up his seve wherever you are it seems there is always trouble Jed has some mean friends in this town I think it's high time you left [Music] why [Music] leis everyone in abene has laid a bed on you all their savings if we dust you off there won't be one person in this town to put flowers on your grave so we thought we'd bring you some just in case [Applause] how do you do sir I'm my name is Mortimer and I want to thank you sir I'm really indebted to you you see well what I mean is I bet all my savings on you and thanks to you sir I'm a very rich man now an amazingly rich man and all because of you I want to thank you sir go get your hat [Music] mister and don't forget your gun there are a lot of bad people around [Applause] here yes [Laughter] [Music] yeah J [Music] five men Lewis five men dead they asked for it I've never shot an innocent man God judges men how can you decide whether a man is innocent or not in a fifth of a second what are you trying to say it's time you stopped stopped and do what hang up my gun I'm dead in an hour leave leave what do you mean leave and go where where you can start a new life the only life I know is this [Music] So I listened to my brother and my life has been different but now I must do what I feel is [Laughter] right there's a bunch of men on horses coming this way py where about 2 up I'm getting out of here Sam said stay put I ain't going to swing from no rope hey you ain't going to swing I've got a head on your shoulders they canot smart the clayon hey Jess see remember that place Dron Gren gon you mean the judges daughters huh [Laughter] [Music] so the sheriff didn't Telegraph the Marshall ehh you know you're a liar judge a double crossing liar sure here now go out there and get rid of them if you want me to treat your daughter like a gentleman go Marshall it's me judge Barrett hand over Jess Clayton judge when the sheriff saw you weren't coming he decided not to keep him here he took him to force stopped him damn it you hear that after 3 days ride we find they've handed him over to the Army let's go after him anyway I want to hang him myself [Laughter] you're a very smart man plon always keeps his word [Laughter] out I think I'm going to get her sister yeah hard time we all had some fun come on let's go to the saloon yeah let's go come on come on good [Laughter] idea no no no animals animals [Music] animals we did it God damn I told you we did it we had ourselves a kind of rough day didn't we now let's have some fun I promise [Applause] [Music] you wow hey come on boys there's enough women for everyone [Applause] [Applause] listen don't grab the [Applause] don't squee tight lower and slower [Laughter] PL look at me look at me don't you recognize me I'm the mother of your [Music] son I'm the mother of your son o that's a goddamn crazy woman we got here I ain't got no no son everybody knows I ain't got no son go on Jeff have your fun it's the truth I'm yeah yeah sure it's the truth hey you really are a crazy woman your son what the hell are you talking about what is this mother of my son story what the hell are you talking about get out of here God damn it who are you don't you remember a long time ago in dren [Music] what the hell right yes [Music] me me [Music] when Johnny Come Marching Home Again [Music] I'll never forget that day Lord you were yes you mean Johnny I mean uh why not I why not Johnny boy I got a son I got a son hey curly curly Zeke zek I got a son I got a I got a I got a I got a son I got a son of a gun like me you know I beginning to like him already he's got guts pull a fast one on his old man out there I got to find him I got to find Johnny I got to find my son [Music] h [Music] Johnny it's time to spread God's word and I won't need that [Music] now I want you to help me the way you helped my [Music] brother come on get out of here all of you come on out get out out hey Frank go get the money what about the stage coach I said go get the money Johnny I know you're out at some place I come on it's me it's your pop no don't say that don't let Johnny know you're his father it's the only thing I have I've I tried to raise him to be a good boy if he finds out to destroy him shut up John's my son he's my son and takes after me I alone out there in the desert he fooled three of my best men almost killed one of them oh he's a clean all right he's got my blood in his veins he's the only good thing I got in my rotten life Sam please I beg of you don't take him away from me a shut up [Music] [Music] oh my God just come back just come back who's come back who's come back the priest the priest come on let's go [Music] fell because he was drunk he get the money [Music] the [Music] church they're back go on R behind the wagon [Music] a [Music] what no [Music] oh the money's not there right you go see what's happening you too [Music] Jess stay there [Music] [Applause] can't [Music] by [Music] w [Music] B [Music] no what do you think you're doing I told you I didn't need that honey come on out of there you hear me boy run out or I'll kill your mother I mean to Johnny [Music] oh ch [Music] B [Music] johy get up on a horse [Music] Z let's go come [Music] on come on S let's go I want that money don't be a fool let's go [Music] [Applause] a [Music] [Music] well girls I think it's all [Music] over h Sam [Applause] [Music] Sam [Music] it hold it on fire I'll kill you hold it [Applause] [Music] take a drink go ahead now you I'm going to hang you at the end of a rope move your ass move it [Music] hey old buddy not too far from the border now hey brother George why the heck are we going to Mexico why well will cuz back there there's nothing but death and destruction and in Mexico there's Gold Silver and those lovely brown skinned girls sure glad I is oh come on wait that's where we're going Johnny Johnny look up there Johnny know what those crosses are this is an allab Mission that's a cemetery I I get a surprise for you come on you know Johnny some people are born poor as CH mice and others are others are rolling in money now look here look what we got we got $50,000 Johnny all ours kid yeah $50,000 all in one pile bet you never seen so much money have [Music] you we going to enjoy the rest of our lives together Johnny look it's all ours you know Johnny out there is is Mexico I always want to go there someday to Mexico Maybe maybe somewhere down near the sea yeah but I always kept putting it off and you know why yeah I'll tell you why Johnny I'll tell you why it was because because of my nephews Z then Jess and then red none of them they wouldn't agree and listen I'll tell you something I ain't getting no younger time just goes by and then then one day one day you just get older and suddenly you'll find yourself all alone you deserve to be alone you shut up you sh she don't know nothing Johnny she don't understand clayon Happ [Music] [Applause] [Music] Father John was my brother are [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] go [Applause] [Music] [Music] mine is the Vengeance sayeth the Lord oh yeah yeah look it's yours yeah yeah it's all yours all [Applause] [Music] $50,000 it's yours it's all yours you understand $50,000 I got some more in this bag here a [Music] [Music] right [Music] you shy sh [Music] [Music] you take care of that Johnny [Music] Louis I'll put the gun back in the church a [Music] [Music] a [Music] w w
Channel: Django360
Views: 1,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full movie, full western movies, western, western film, DJANGO360, djgango, django western, free movies, colt
Id: TMbUkOY8qyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 47sec (5687 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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