Iconic 1950's Western Movie in Technicolor I Stranger on Horseback (1955) I Absolute Westerns

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign remember [Music] foreign [Music] Justice and courtrooms were often strangers The Men Who had conquered the frontier considered themselves complete rulers of their hard-won Empires the law held otherwise a United States Circuit Judge needed three things to bring Justice to this country a law book a horse and a gun the further west he got the less he needed the book I was headed west early goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in my house the Lord forever may the Lord keep the endlessly may the Lord make of his face to shine upon me forever [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Colonel he's here [Music] I didn't know could be a preacher on that get up no that's Thorn all right wait a minute Colonel I was the first one that seen him come into town I think that's deserving of a drink that don't you think I should have a drink colonel yeah I have a horse outside needs caring for you have to wake me what a dream number 10 two dollars a day hey the fella before you stayed over to Bannerman Ranch well that's fine for him I'm not the friendly kind all well in that case it'll be two dollars a day in advance and the horse another dollar in advance excuse me sir take their back is countable give us all the best room in the house number three there please keep your money out of sight John your venomous distinguished guests the town or Mr Bannerman well so it's difficult to tell where one begins and the other leaves off as for myself sir I am Colonel Buck Streeter at your services and I do hope that service can begin with the Bannerman bar across the street do you work for Mr Bannerman Colonel well sir well Eagle council is necessary in the mean I'm attorney for the United States government sir that's what I understood I don't see how you keep the two jobs apart room 10 is good enough I don't want to live too soft that might be bad for a judge well I'm afraid that he's going to meet Mr beneman very unhappy sir well I didn't come here to make Mr Bannerman happy as a Circuit Judge it's my duty to review the town records to attend to any cases that may be awaiting court trial and wherever I can to strengthen or repair the foundations of Law and Order of course now in line with that I might step across the street to the Bannerman bar to see if they're selling any liquor to the Indians well good for you sir judge for the moment day you had me up and tree prepare I didn't tell you to keep the change oh oh sure I'll need it to pay for my own drinks and they're a place in town that doesn't belong to a Bannerman this isn't Bannerman it's Taylor or Kettering cousins your honor the family takes care of its own in its own Affairs got an immigration case illegal entry well the Bannerman's take care of immigration well that's government business your honor where's this walking Morales I haven't locked up bring them in I'll make up a deportation I know it's a funny thing colonel every time there's a transfer of property or a dispute over property hereabouts the amount involved never exceeds 499 dollars that is a strange Factor on them especially since the value of 500 or more would bring these cases under Federal jurisdiction fortunately sir you are relieved of a heavy book it's a bad arrests entirely on Mr Bannerman okay Morales SI senor it was 300 acres 499 dollars twelve hundred acres 499 750 Acres 499 Mr Benham established is the price sale keeping it away from federal examination that is I suspect Mr Bannerman is being very clever sir that's what I intend to point out my report illegal entry and so forth and so forth first question why'd you do it Senor Delaware forecast [Applause] he said this is a rich country [Applause] well now you're honored I wouldn't be one bit surprised that Mr Bannerman could get this good man a job [Applause] [Music] seems a Pity had to ride 60 miles I wrote the government but didn't need a Circuit Judge here to real well by ourselves last item population 507. Mr Bannerman the opportunity to extend the handle hospitality well this is dated last week the population doesn't change much here about Judge it's changed in the last couple of days there was a funeral yesterday morning not a resident said he was a stranger what was the cause of death I make your pardon sir what did he die of this stranger what was his name your name sir his name was Morrison died of a gunshot woman he was a clear case itself defense Marshall that's what they told me a case who tried I didn't need a case in that since the honor it was a matter Mr Bowman handled it very well indeed did he where's the record of the arrest I didn't make it why not the judge it was so defense who did the shooting we're now over I suppose that would be a young Tom who Bannerman your man's son he's only boy I don't understand this Marshall there's been a killing in your town and the Killer's free your heart folks here used to running their own business and turn into their own fears it's a frontier sir the government is social conscience fits Loosely I'm here to tighten it up bring in this Tom Bannerman your other I don't reckon I could do that without a posse form one made up of his family are the men who work for them you see how it is Sir I see how it is [Applause] I'll tie it up for you Mr hammer the judge still in there yeah middle yeah and the Marshalls and they're talking about Tom Bannerman we'll see you it's been awful hot today Mr hammer and you know the dust gets in a man's guttle something fierce so I thought you you've got to decide whether you're serving Bannerman or the federal government Mr Hamilton this is indeed a pleasure your honor may I present Mr Arnold Hammer the president of the bank abandonment bank that's the only Bank there is are you a Bannerman hammers here Hammer related to them no sir you had to think it over though what do you know about this killing you've had in your town killing we don't have killings here or maybe you call them something else but Thomas Bannerman did shoot and grievously wound one Sydney Morrison after which act said Cindy Morrison did languish suffer and die that's a killing you're not you misjudged Tom I take my ulti he's not a bad boy I haven't misjudged him I haven't judged him at all that'll take place at the trial trial gentleman I happen to know there's never been one in this town but a man's been done to death and law Demands a search into the circumstances I don't know what Mr Bannerman's going to do about this we'll hear from him yeah mankind you're not did you ever hear the recipe for making tiger stew first you catch a tiger he keeps moving it well maybe it takes a man to hit a Target it won't stay still yeah pretend this is your bridegroom pucker enough to kiss you hahaha Amy Lee that's no way to treat a nice quiet Bank president like Arnold Hammer then don't tell me to marry him Mr Bannerman Amy Lee I sent you to that fancy school to learn you some manners lose what few you had hello Arnold you give your fiance a kiss isn't that kind of dangerous yeah a couple of bear cubs playing around are bound to get a few scratches where's that judge I told you to bring him here for supper didn't seem like a good idea to invite in these looking for Tom what'd you want me for Sid Morrison he's been out in the sun too long that Morrison business is finished he says no he wants you Foundry is definitely I couldn't reason with him I don't know why I tried simple thing to me seems to be to go into town explain how it came to be self-defense let the whole thing blow over aimingly I never said you were wrong about this fella but who else is it a Mary around here you're local if you marry her she'll finish you off inside of two weeks he's going to come here to my Holdens my town and carry himself higher is it true Kaiser gun a judge I didn't see it I'm going into town have some fun with him you're going to stay here I'm going to town are you afraid of this judge no but you heard a few stories about him and you want cousin Tom to stay Undercover the arms are full you make things worse than they are what's worse than abandonment Heidi you still say it was self-defense would I lie oh you had plenty of practice if I may say a word shut up all right boy take some men into town bring that judge back here for supper bring him back here I aim to chase him down the road you're gonna bring him back here we're going to give him the hospitality of the ranch show him why it pays to stand well with the banner you Bannerman stand above everybody he's sort of like Royal Line I don't know why anybody should want to marry include her it's a great responsibility [Laughter] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] what are you doing here Tom you better get back to the ranch where's this judge that talk so much about uh there's reason to talk you get out of town well I've come here to ask him to put his feet under our table that's a fool idea colonel never call a Bannerman a fool somebody will cut your wages [Music] come on in good evening colonel in a very pleasant good evening to you sir that is to say I hope it'll be pleasant well why shouldn't it be come on betterment's here that's what I wanted isn't it judge I wish I could make your understand that boy he's just too Reckless playful boy and you shouldn't be allowed to carry a gun no just a playful boy I should point out Jana that he's accompanied by several men from the ranch 12 is more than several Colonel that's what windows are for that's better judge your man of wisdom and perspicacity you'll use Tanner with the betterments let him tend to their own problems someday they'll realize they are their wings colonel a Circuit Judge receives very little pay I understand a federal attorney draws even less that's truly great Joanna it makes it easy for a man to choose sides doesn't it he's in town are you backing me I'll tell you how it is Judge I've been around here too long to have much faith in anything you go after him when I say it I'll back you all right here [Music] [Music] come on one of the beach which one of these men is Tom Bannerman you want Tom Holland out he wants to talk to you you're making something good evening judge Bannerman yep give him a drink no thanks oh come on now you gotta how else anybody gonna tell the men from the boys we'll manage I'm glad you came to town of your own accord Bannerman it'll count in your favor at the trial what kind of trial you're under a charge of murder it was self-defense are you this man's lawyer I'm Sam Kettering OH one of the family you must be crazy in the head trying to come in here and haul away a Venom into jail he's charged with murder we'll decide to charge in any event John I'm sure there's no cause to take the boy the lock up now he's there whatever bail you said will be forthcoming I'll decide the charge and the bail and there'll be no bail you're a hard nose all right they tell stories about you I'm taking you to jail Bannerman they say you pack a gun I don't see no gun I don't want to turn this into a shooting you'll have a fair trial with all due process no I like shooting all right judge we know you're a tough hombre now let him go the courts established a fact Colonel The Prisoner who plead self-defense doesn't hesitate to draw on an unarmed man jails across the street what do you want us to do Tom shut up what's the matter with you boys nobody takes a bantam in the jail how strong is your jail his old man will tear it apart if we let him his first time since I put this star on I've been able to work at it how's it feel lonesome Colonel thank you family son foreign Town well reasonably low Biden where's the nearest Telegraph office well no that would be Cottonwood sir that's 47 miles away I've got to ask Washington to appoint a prosecutor you do not join up I anticipated an evening I already intended to the matter you did what I sent it right at a cottonwood yesterday sir you dispatched the telegram to our national capital I already had the reply I fully realized my new responsibility honor and I'll rise to it and manner there will be a tribute to Blackstone and our great and glorious constitutions you work fast Colonel where did I knew you couldn't ride the Cottonwood yarner your prisoner might Escape during your absence I might have sent the Marshall oh oh my difficult rage Runner who knows what exit the night before him on the way difficult country honor engines Outlaws bannermans exactly you see we might talk to those Witnesses now Ariana what Witnesses what once you saw a mouse and pull a pistol on top no Mr prosecutor I think we can dispense with those Witnesses they could establish the boy's innocence genre isn't the prosecutor supposed to establish his guilt I'm only interested in justice so my colonel so am I come on in judge everything quiet just give them time how are you this morning you love breakfast in a minute or two they're sending it over from the hotel is there a lawyer in town you want to hire I'm going to ask you to sign a statement when you're going to take me out and hang me it's a little early to talk of hanging the tree ain't been planted yet we'll knock something together I'm gonna drag you behind a horse somewhere in the need to hide left on you we won't fool with any Banner Minister we get through with you you've been taking your height off every Rock and Mesquite person that's how they the one can do it too he wants to kill a Mexican like that got mad over what that you can spill a pot of coffee on it when was that well that was before my time because he was about 16. self-defense again yeah that's a funny thing about the abandonments folks are always picking on them Morrison's widow's still in town yeah next street over last house in the line well something new has come to town his honor I suppose what a waste Amy Lee Bannerman judge cousin more like his Guardian he's such a fool judge good thing you're teaching him a lesson oh I'm not teaching him I'm bringing him to trial do you know where Josiah is now I locked him in his room so I could reach you first If he rides in and time is still in jail he will burn this town to the ground well it's a serious crime I'd have to arrest him for it Josiah first of all you couldn't second this town is ours no that's a state of mind Miss Bannerman the town belongs to the people and laws have been written to protect them and you're the great big champion who is going to see to it whether they want protection or not no matter what they say they usually want it Miss Bannerman Amy Lee if the prisoner's family wants to see him they can have five-minute visits where he's human one at a time at a distance of five feet nothing passing from hand to hand spannerman I pity his wife he's the kind who would have one well broken too probably nine children all afraid of him he didn't say foreign was good to me he never raised a lot of dust but I know about that when I married him an American because he was Sid it was about the only thing he could do well raid rawhide he was always braiding even when he walked he knew how I'd like to buy some of this I could use a new Bridle you don't have to feel sorry for me judge I've got money enough to get home one why is that Pennsylvania anyway that's what my folks are Sid and I we never had what you'd rightly call a home just drifted Sid always laughing and saying someday he'd find a gold mine which started cattle ranch or something like that he laughed a lot that said Morrison it wasn't much of a troublemaker was he Sid even out here he wouldn't carry a gun they say that he did they say that he used this but I never saw it before I don't see how he could have had a gun in me not know how'd you come by it they brought it to me after a lawyer his name was Colonel spita he brought it to me with somebody from Tom Bannerman's Father Like I said enough to get home on old Bannerman pay on your way home they said they didn't want me on the town what was the fight about Mrs Morrison the trouble between Tom Bannerman and your husband what was it about how could I know we'd only got into town a couple days before everything seemed to be all right your husband know Tom Bannerman before no did you no I'll have to take this with me I don't care there's going to be a trial I don't care what you do did Tom Bannerman bother you did he thank you I don't want any trouble if you tell this to anybody I'll say it's a lie even under oath it's a lie [Music] thanks it's a hot day caring Colonel where'd the shooting take place see it myself you honor somewhere near the edge of town I can ask the Marshal I want you to tell me it's a small town which Edge Pastor Coretta sir show me I understand young Tom Bannerman is not exactly bashful of the ladies Chris is a former expert Matt is concerned the ladies I've seen those right will sir I don't like what you said I said it was a hot day but I don't like the way you said it go ahead thank you General a mighty unusual judgment a very unusual prosecutor this is a nice telling you Adam folks gets like you here Letterman folks and they are just about like other hoops like doing things their way that's all man like you can settle in this town get elected year after year I need to be sent to our national capital service with Bannerman's backing me yes you are I'll ask about that when the trial's over who lives there who nobody of any consequence Colonel a man has been killed telling him whip has that house sir best gunsmith Bannerman ever had you on it lives alone well he has a daughter sir manufacturing Philly I'll see you later Colonel why go with yourself of course yeah I know what are you gonna say to say anything I think you do there's a right thing in the wrong thing Don't Preach to me Dad I'm only saying what you already know there's right and there's wrong and when you see the difference you've just got to speak of it's out of books people don't live that way Tom would ever marry a deer he just won't how do you know about that oh honey good morning judge Mr Webb yes you recognize this gun well the fellow like me handles so many guns for so many folks that kind of hard to say a fella like you sitting here all day cooking and shooting coming into please stay my daughter judge I saw it dead but I saw it I couldn't hear though I I don't know what they said was Morrison armed that I can't say did you see it Miss Webb well no no not the first shot I heard it and came to the window just as Tom fired again did you see Morrison holding a gun well he was he was down in the weeds he was already finished but Tom fired again anyway I'll tell you something else judge I was gonna lie to you I was even going to call my father a liar because because Tom had promised to marry me it isn't easy for a girl to find a husband out here it's not like back east a few men that are here well they all bow down to the bannermans like the bannermans were Kings will you repeat what you told me at the trial everything quiet everything except tom Bannerman and he's losing his voice my little business to tend to out of town won't take very long be back before night why I certainly accused I haven't seen abandonment a Kettering or a tailor all day I think they're all in a powwow awful hot weather for arguing find home go home foreign oh um my horse left me he threw me and ran away I'll take you back to town why aren't you back at the jail guarding my cousin that Bell does all right horse in town you're running like this with abandonment snuggling up to you oh Yolanda the prosecutor will make you disqualify yourself you're staying for supper I hope I don't think so well I do come in please come here assistant what's this the Gathering of the clan and they won't bite you she brought him here Amy Lee if I had a son like her I'd turn up my toes content I don't think you have met everybody here Charles this is my uncle Josiah don't tell him who I am he has a sense to know who I am sit down have a drink let's be friends I'd like to know the names of all my new friends what's he a cousin oh brother-in-law Chester Taylor is the ketterings the Bannerman's the whole clan and I hear marrying into it I certainly hope so judge I see any hope so yeah don't you know talk off doesn't seem that Miss Amy Lee's made up her mind didn't see Miss Amy leave me that'd be mine she wouldn't repeat whatever I say go get me some cigars every time he opens his mouth a fool looks out what have you got against my Tom speaking as a private citizen or as a judge you can forget that judge part you ain't judging any banners well then speaking as a private citizen I don't like him well that's straight out what have you got against him as a judge well I'm sure the prosecutor must have told you that this is an odd place to find him but since he's here merely in simply investigating circumstances yourself I've always been a staunch believe in third and careful preparations he's a win bag and buy and sell men like him every day anxious to get on in the world please everybody warm your chair before you set it no no Mr beneman Sir now you I couldn't buy you good you have made me an offer yet I couldn't make you some but bust your britches you know what I own around here a man can't ride across it in two days and all the people I got that counts as Amy Lee and that one boy no one else counts they do what I say but why shouldn't they where would they be if it wasn't for me I took this land I made it mine and you know what I started with but nothing I was a boy when I started I was laying out here right there while you're sitting a 13 year old boy with my Ma's body across me in an engineer out of her back nobody alive but me and I said right then this is my this whole piece of country is mine my Mars bloods in it like it's in me she give it to me the land and I got away when I was growed I come back and I took it what's good here is good because of me if anything's bad that's cause of me and I'll fix it my way you can't come in here Mr and tell me how to run my land not one law or not with soldiers I got men can handle guns too you got a son who's too sudden with them I'll whip him until he can't stand but I won't let any other man with it you do better to get him a good lawyer he won't need one he will at the trial he won't need one you heard Mr Kettering Jamie Lee excuse me you've been away so long I thought they had bushwhacked maybe they will they don't intend they'll ever be a trial come Sundown I think we'll have trouble not if we can run from it I'm taking the prisoner to Cottonwood yeah judge you won't get very tall as far as an honest jury is far enough thank you how strong are you for telling your story in court well we've been talking some about that figuring things out it's sure we won't be able to live here afterwards I don't want to live here anyway I've had enough of it are you willing to go to Cottonwood to testify when tonight Undercover we wouldn't come back here what about our things I've got some got some Boston I don't know why you had to come here in the first place everything was fine that you came along you do what you have to do we'll wait for you on a Cottonwood Road about two miles out of town I'll try to talk the federal government into replacing your curtains [Music] quite a crowd tonight [Music] I hope they're in town tomorrow so we can draw on them for a jury Weiser by Jamal what about [Music] as a poet said John huh there are determined men will act by night [Music] thanks Lauren [Music] I see you're carrying a gun under that code you've got sense enough to know you can't do that unless you're ready to use it I know you don't mind seeing blood I do judge I've been seeing it all my life I can smell it right now just from talking about it I'd like to spend the rest of my days never seeing it again why don't you sit down here judge have a drink let you and me talk this thing over like sensible man that would leave the Marshall alone at the jail foreign [Music] [Music] I didn't knock either what did your horse do this time he's a mean animal I didn't want to come but he brought me anyway why close the door did the clerk see you come up he may have he's the talkative kind what do I care about alert I cared more I might never see you again [Music] by the YouTube [Music] how could you walk away from me why did you leave the branch I was angry why I knew it was all a trick your horse hadn't thrown you how could you tell you didn't have any dirt on you you looked me over carefully thanks for what you were thinking how did you know what I was thinking I could tell [Music] here engaged Arnold hammer not anymore since when you kissed me it isn't gonna work what won't work what about all the others what others just I abandonment Tom Bannerman Kettering table oh all the Bannerman's that time out of jail and the whole thing is over better than over so I thinks you're the best that's ever come to town he said when you let that [Music] the matter you're a Bannerman all right what does that mean you'd stop at nothing to save your cousin foreign why did they pick you because they can depend on me because you wouldn't suspect me you wouldn't want him to put somebody out here that was just thank you would you well that would be hypocritical well now look why don't you come into Marshall's office and watch me in a nice comfortable chair or I don't need a chance I don't care maybe there's another jug in there I don't care hey maybe there is n't that fool judge enough time to change his mind go get time I know Gunplay what you would like to go on a scalp on wouldn't you would you kill that judge and there'll be another fellow just liking snooping around to see what happens and after him another and another until they cramped down all the grass we don't want him killed just Plum discouraged go on [Music] Tom wake up come it's us hey he's sick or drunk somebody got a key ah they wouldn't leave it around but we needed some blacksmith like yourself in the matter with you [Music] they took time away I've been thinking to tame all right boys get your rifle around here someplace oh web Vince Webb and his daughter what have they got to do with this Witnesses they saw the shooting well well we're getting to be a nice sized party maybe now we can pick up a fiddler and have us some wedding music leave her alone Who's Gonna Leave You Alone how far do you think you'll get Cottonwood yeah 47 miles we'll make it I don't know about that I cannot saddle judge I'm tired of riding a man ought to walk once in a while and get back in that Saddler you were coming to Cottonwood across it let's talk about it judge he looks to me like a prisoner trying to escape he has all the earmarks shooting why don't you button your lip [Music] listen [Music] they're coming right behind us so it's going to be shooting I want protection I am a prisoner foreign [Music] witness look there's a cut through them Hills ain't much good for night riding but it will save us 30 miles where it'll bring us out down on the plane with Cottonwood a mile away we'll take it I know that trail will end up or the side of a cliff [Music] [Applause] doesn't appear to be a soul down there it used to be plenty of room in them trees to hide engines someone doesn't stand the cover he moves you like it how could he know that what do you think Sam if he took the other road to Seven Pines Taylor's likely bringing him in right now they're headed for Cottonwood where we don't stand so high but haven't passed by here reckon Bell knows about that food trail through them Canyons if he does Don would take it then we've got it Sam I want every man in from the rain we've gone into town and bring Taylor and his boys we're gonna free this judge we'll close up both ends of that Canyon Trail if he gets biased in there we'll be waiting for him on the plane yo take some boys ride this road you come with me I'll go back with Anna I said come with me and I heard you oh women [Music] this is real nice of you Amy Lee I didn't expect well you know don't expect anything Arnold do as you were told I don't understand seems to me that every time we're alone do as you were told all right I know we forget about getting married Amy Lee I don't know what you want but it isn't me [Music] thank you well I don't go through there with my hands tied I'll manage this horse he's right man can't ride that trail with his hands tied and supposing I want to put a loving arm around this sweet cuddly girl here we gotta keep the witnesses warm charge let him ride the inside I think he's looking for us he is he's sure gonna catch up [Music] Amy Lee you best dang ombre in the world how'd you figure it what are they doing here Witnesses he says I thought Tom had his brand on you until we saw him kill Sid Morrison you turn real fast never make a Bannerman you might as well let him go you can't make it to Cottonwood we can try I'll buy this tray to size at the other end I hope he'll be reasonable keep an eye on Miss Bannerman you've come this far why turn back [Applause] thank you breathing [Music] do you believe the old man's waiting for us he'll be there randleman's take care of each other that's their strength Rush has a canteen I'll get it for you miss Bannerman Witnesses have they get into this Morrison saw me hankering after his wife and he wasn't man enough to call me on he ran the snitch to her I had to gun him down I had to sure I'll give it to him could I have some sure go ahead witness I'll have to kiss on it for you and I'll do that [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] get down you take care of her [Music] Betty boy foreign he was going to do it again to him [Music] keep your eye on it [Music] what makes you so bummed to do this what's in it for you man believes in a thing and he goes ahead make your reason for trying to make me quit you heard or killed I was married that will cost you a lot of time to keep your life it looks like we've come to Cottonwood not yet [Music] I told you it's a far away trial you got your heart set on jet yeah we're back up in the canyon and make a stand coming from that week too stay on your horse well you're done I'll talk to you in the courtroom foreign [Music] I'm not letting him go thought you were riding back with Arnold Hammer I made another choice what's she doing with my son oh witness claim she saw the shooting it's a lie that's for a jury to decide judge I'm trying to be a Peaceable man and get out of my way I don't have to you're licked wrecked what are you trying to do bluff me with a pair of deuces any man moves to help him I'll shoot what is that ad up to he dies this way instead of by a hangman's rope I care how he dies judge nobody comes to where I am and takes out abandonment to stretch his neck even if he's guilty that's still my family in my business tallest hand I'm calling you judge shoot him or let him go [Music] you get back to your job while you got a job Carolyn I'll get you home is this the end of it then why did my father die [Music] I was about somebody cutting me loose [Music] you got to hang yourself he's no good he's a killer he killed Ben's web on the trail she's a liar I saw him do it he never had a chance is somebody going to cut me loose he's my son he hangs I'll pull the Rope no one else [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] all right that's enough [Music] I'm trusting you to go easy on that boy you'll have a fair trial no favors you better take Amy Lee with you when you go I set no table for them that turns against me thank you foreign [Music] people versus Thomas Bannerman [Music]
Channel: Absolute Westerns
Views: 705,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Absolute Westerns, Channel 4 Films, Charles Bronson Movies, Miroslava Actress, Old Times Entertainment, Old West Justice System, Robert Goldstein Productions, TV Shows Online, TV shows, Timeless Western Stories, Trailblazing Westerns, Western Genre Analysis, Wild West Adventures, american history dramas, cattle baron, cowboy culture, dramatic narratives, dusty trails, frontier justice, online streaming, shootouts
Id: Zu2LjuwXdAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 17sec (3977 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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