KICC Bible Study | Get Out Of My Mind - 3 | 04-08-2021

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[Music] [Music] knowing [Music] [Music] always [Music] me [Music] [Music] i know that it's hard to see right now but there's purpose in the pain that you go through and he will turn around for good even if you feel like giving up [Music] i know you'll see me through [Music] i know that you'll make a way for me [Music] [Music] my is [Music] he'll make a way he'll make a way because he's the wonderful counsel prince of peace eternal royal courageous king of glory mighty god king of kings lord of lords [Music] let's take a look around and see what's going on things don't seem right it feels like we're alone and it's easy to lose hope and hopped out in our heads [Music] i [Music] you are broken and in [Music] he stepped need and took your pen away remember you can testify [Music] [Music] me [Music] i know that it's hard to see right now but there's purpose in the pain that you go through and he will turn around for good even if you feel like giving up i'm lost i'm so confused i know you'll see me through [Music] i know that you make a way for me [Music] is my [Music] he'll make a way he'll make a way because he's the wonderful counselor prince of peace eternal royal courageous king of glory mighty god king of kings lord of lords [Music] let's take a look around and see what's going on things don't seem right it feels like we're alone [Music] i know me [Music] remember knowing that he'll always be dead [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] i know that it's hard to see right now but there's purpose in the pain that you go through and he will turn around for good [Music] i know my [Music] is [Music] my he'll make a way he'll make a way because he's the wonderful counsel prince of peace eternal courages king of glory mighty god king of kings lord of lords [Music] let's take a look around and see what's going on things don't seem right it feels like we're alone and it's easy to lose hope and hop out in our heads [Music] [Music] you are broken and in need of change remember he stepped in and took your pen away [Music] remembering [Music] [Music] i know [Music] me [Music] i know [Music] i know that it's hard to see right now but there's purpose in the pain that you go through [Music] and he will turn around for good even if you feel like giving up [Music] i know you'll see me [Music] i know [Music] [Music] away is [Music] he'll make a way he'll make a way because he's the wonderful counsel prince of peace eternal royal courageous king of glory mighty god king of kings lord of lords [Music] let's take a look around and see what's going on things don't seem right it feels like we're alone and it's easy to lose hope and hopped out in our heads [Music] [Music] [Music] remember he stepped in and took your pen away [Music] [Music] remembering [Music] [Music] me [Music] from me [Music] i know that it's hard to see right now but there's purpose in the pain that you go through and he will turn around for good even if you feel like giving up oh lord i trust in you [Music] i know you see me through [Music] i know that you'll make a way for me [Music] is my he'll make a way he'll make a way because he's the wonderful counsel prince of peace eternal royal courages king of glory mighty god king of kings lord of lords [Music] let's take a look around and see what's going on things don't seem right it feels like we're alone and it's easy to lose hope and hacked out in our heads [Music] i me you are broken and in need of change [Music] knowing [Music] [Music] i know [Music] [Music] me [Music] i know that it's hard to see right now but there's purpose in the pain that you go through and he will turn around for good oh lord i trust in you when i'm lost and so [Music] i know i know [Music] is [Music] my he'll make a way he'll make a way because he's the wonderful counselor prince of peace eternal rock of ages king of glory mighty god king of kings lord of lords [Music] let's take a look around and see what's going on things don't seem right it feels like we're alone and it's easy to lose hope and hacked out [Music] me [Music] me [Music] you can testify and give praise [Music] me [Music] me [Music] i know that it's hard to see right now but there's is in the pain that you go through and he will turn around for good even if you feel like giving up [Music] i know [Music] make away from me is [Music] my he'll make a way he'll make a way because he's the wonderful counselor prince of peace eternal rock courageous king of glory mighty god king of kings lord of lords [Music] let's take a look around and see what's going on things don't seem right it feels like we're alone and it's easy to lose hope and hide out in our heads [Music] i know [Music] you are broken and in need of [Music] you can testify and give praise [Music] i know for me [Music] me [Music] yes somebody raise your voice [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign nobody like you my father you are [Music] hallelujah hallelujah you know we need to constantly remind ourselves irrespective of what we see or what we hear god is still god god is still god god is still god his god is still god god is still god god is still god god is still god god is still god i know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] god is [Music] [Music] he's still [Music] god is still god god is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise the lord good evening this is the day the lord has made we'll rejoice and be glad in it welcome to tonight's bible study welcome to a time of the word being opened up to us to bless our spirit to change our lives to impact us in the name of jesus trust in the lord from wherever you have joined the word of the lord would really enrich your life to the heavenly father will receive your word today we ask your blessing upon the word let it be anointed let it destroy yokes remove burdens bless your people change lives transform lives renew our spirit renew our zeal help us to grasp your world let the rhema for somebody flow forth tonight the world that will bring total deliverance on victory in jesus name amen amen amen amen amen praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord wherever you have joined from tonight want to celebrate you and celebrate our god our awesome god our wonderful god our great god our powerful god our blessed god i believe that tonight the word of the lord will enrich your life we'd like to celebrate you would like to appreciate you from wherever you have joined before we open up the world to teach tonight and that subject we started a couple i mean two weeks now this is the third teaching get out of my mind renewing your mind the power of a renewed mind is what we're looking at tonight the power of a renewed mind the power of a renewed mind like to celebrate you wherever you're joining from let us know god we welcome all of you anyway even before you put where you are joining from praise the lord so please let us know where you joined from we have five minutes to do that and to appreciate you and thank god for you and pray that you be blessed you be favored and the word of the lord enrich your spirits today in the name of jesus glory to god glory to god um still waiting for somebody to put where they joined from i guess everyone's used to they just want me to look at their name and know where they joined from praise the lord where are you joining from let us know tonight let's know all right braintree bring true in essex god bless you richly in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus um who else all right betsy and sx god bless you wolverhampton blessings on you in the name of jesus all right bethlehem bethlehem pennsylvania in the united states the lord bless you richly bundok namabia god bless you richly chatham-kent blessings nairobi kenya south africa you bless zimbabwe from kicc family zimbabwe blessings walton stowe in east london blessings edinburgh and scotland god bless you uh i see another i see another namibian flag god bless you cape town south africa god bless canada uh about two candidates all the same time blessings milton keynes blessing chad republic these are places i want to visit one day in africa a really chad and south sudan i have a burden i've been praying when i start my crusade and my outro to rural areas i want to reach south sudan and chad republic lagos nigeria be blessed highly favored in the name of jesus christ for the south east london god bless you tonight dagnam in essex we blessed northern ireland blessings wolverhampton blessings stratfor these london blessed north london blessings croyd and god bless you lusaka zambia the lord bless you durban in south africa um god bless you atlantic georgia god bless you uh manchester god bless you praise the lord okay somebody's joining from south sudan just like i said it i really just desire one day to hold a crusade in and something but it's going in my head now beerwood god bless you um uh thorny peterborough god bless you i think it's juba or something okay somebody's joining from hyderabad in india god bless you yeah juba south suburban sudan i really want to hold a major outreach to their durban south africa somebody's joining up from jebel ali in dubai god bless you richly ghana blessings camden town north northwest london blessings many day lagos blessings praise the lord uh abbey wood in london god bless you another south africa blessings port to spain in in florida god bless you i do state nigeria blessings uh ocean state nigeria god bless you uh manchester blessings portal got nigeria blessings right in the uk blessings stains and stains stains okay it's on the way to heathrow airport god bless you uh [Music] okay stand where stains here atlanta georgia god bless you uh someone from coronado lagos nigeria blessings um praise the lord bordeaux in france be blessed and highly favored today ilford in essex god bless united arab emirates dubai in particular be blessed uh praise the lord for blessings praise the lord togo blessings god bless you richly another arab emirates god bless you zimbabwe god bless you praise god uh galway in ireland god the lord bless you enfield lock in north london god bless you sweet cottage blessings in jesus name bangalore in india blessings god bless you just nigeria god bless you harare zimbabwe blessings north london uh god bless you i see is a namibian flag god bless you all condemn blessings praise the lord down them down them down where's down and my guess is in the midlands of the united kingdom down i think so i think it's not these midlines of the united kingdom god bless you lusaka zambia blessings in the name of jesus christ in essex god bless you praise the lord uh hartfordshire blessings we celebrate everyone tonight boston massachusetts the lord bless you richly and really encourage you from the words today in the name of jesus uh just look at three or four more i will start gonna be blessed and highly favored in the name of the lord praise god maryland and stratford island wow used to live there lived there for 10 years in maryland scratch for this london on maryland road actually in maryland east london i could even give you the address because we stole the building anyway boston massachusetts again god bless you swansea in wales blessings dundalk in ireland dundalk in ireland wow cape town god bless you richly warming like they say in zulu and they want to say thank you very much for me praise the lord i want to celebrate everyone who's on the platform tonight and i pray that you'll be blessed you'll be favored the word of the lord will enrich your life today and your life will never be the same in the mighty name of jesus for those of you who are just joining us we've been teaching on and developing the mind of christ today we'll be looking at the renewed mind the renewed mind the renewed mind the most interesting passage on the mind is the one that describes the mind of christ himself in the book of philippians chapter 2 from verse 5 it says let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus who been in the form of god did not all right uh somebody's joined us from holland almer in holland i don't know where almer is i've lived into a few cities in holland okay those are the cities i've been in holland man i've done a few travels in my life man jesus man scripture says who being in the form of god did not consider it robert to be equal with god but made himself of no reputation to took the form of a born servant i'm coming in the likeness of men and being found in appearance as a man he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death even the death of the cross therefore god has also highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name that at the name of jesus every knee should bow of those in heaven and of those on earth and of those under the earth and at every tongue shall confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father i really i want you to go back to verse 5 he says let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus what kind of mind did christ have it goes on to describe a humble mind to us a mind of a person who knew who he was because that's the first thing satan tries to rubbish your mind so if you don't know who you are satan will say who are you you've got to know who you are tonight as we teach on the renewed mind ezekiel 36 26 27 ezekiel 36 20 6 27 says i will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you i will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh i put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and you will keep my judgments and do them so from this passage we see the mind of christ and a renewed mind romans 12 102 says i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present your body is a living sacrifice wholly acceptable to god which is your reasonable service and do not be conformed to this world confirmation is like what happened to the water in this bottle it takes the shape of the bottle but be transformed be bigger than the shape by the renewing of your mind that you may prove yourself prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god the victory or defeat around you corresponds with the picture you see inside you i repeat victory defeat always corresponds with the picture you see inside you what happens to you in life corresponds to a lot of degree to what is happening inside you there is no poor nation there are no poor people there are just poor minds once your mind rejects or has no ability to receive blessing even if you are surrounded with abundance so you will not see it that's why jesus said you cannot cast pearls before pigs jesus also said the kingdom of god is like children i'm playing in the market please i have beautiful four grandchildren if i take them to the market to the bank and i'm moving the million pounds they'll be only interested in the papers in the bank because of their current age they would not be able to appreciate they will not be able to embrace what i am doing at the bank at that time so your mind is a picture of your current status your current level your current ability so for you to rise in life your mind must rise if your mind does not rise your income does not rise the experience around you is a reflection of the internal thoughts thought patterns you have you think failure your life moves in the direction of failure proverbs 23 verse 7 as a man thinks and you use your mind to think so is he as a man thinks so is he not as a man he's educated so is he not as a man is black or white so is i was watching a documentary uh yesterday when i was on the treadmill swatching it i think and i was showing some serious ghettos in south africa of white people so get those in south africa it's not just blacks it's also whites so whatever is inside you manifest outside inevitably you create in your life the mental equivalent of your innermost conviction if i am convinced that the word of god says i am healed i will begin to speak healing and guess what manifests healing look at that word that song by sinatra i know whom god says i am what he says i am i know who i am don't just sing it if you begin to death that rewrite what was written on your mind before you got born again you'll be amazed one day you'll be looking for the negatives you won't find them because you just now know who you are glory to god pray to god when your mind has had prejudice written on it you you play out prejudice when your mind has the word of god written on it you play out the word those who overcome tend to walk by faith and believe there is no obstacle they cannot overcome or hide they cannot reach because they just they have this faith in the word that the word of god is the final not the opinions of men so if your mind is not renewed you're a problem faith and that strong conviction gives the power that is not possible in ordinary circumstances so when you have faith and when your mind has convictions then you find that you are able to do it you just however you just find you are able to do it matthew 17 20 so jesus said to them because of your unbelief for assuredly i said to you if you have faith as a mustard seed you will say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you it is this kind of faith that helps you to accomplish remarkable things against overwhelming odds in spite of what has was predicted about you by people you know a teacher can look at you and say you'll be a failure you are nothing you're rubbish but you can also decide that you want a renewed mind it's a little a little uh two three minute video today of a young guy who made up his mind that he wanted to achieve to become the best he could ever be he didn't want to fail he was going to took to university and he decided that while being in the university was walk in the janitorial department and make some money and he will clean floors while he's a student and when he was wearing a hood and his motor was just the worst of martin luther king if you had a janitor be the best janitor in the world if you are the best cleaner be the if you had a cleaner be the best cleaner in the world clean like beethoven will write music clean like van gogh would paint and one day while he was cleaning the floor a student with an attitude comes nearby and says there's a dot on the floor and while he's trying to look at that dot this guy spits on the floor and say clean that spit that's what you're hired for he didn't know the guy was his fellow student cleaned the door on the floor cleaned that spot and the guy made it his opinion now from that day you clean the spot but one day he'll come back and he'll go beyond the spot where he was told to clean you show the guy who's part on the spot that is bigger than him bigger than the spot so when people try to put you down you are easily put down if your mind is not renewed if you don't know who you are somebody calls you a name that is not yours you will easily fall apart but when your mind is renewed if i look at you and call you stupid he doesn't have empire because you know i'm not stupid or somebody tries to be literally you know well that's an opinion uh he doesn't know who i am and even if he knows who i am i'm bigger than what he thinks praise god somebody can look at you and think you're no one but you are somebody you are somebody many years ago a young man whom i prayed for left london to go to south africa to start his own company and be building houses and he built 125 houses many times he will go to a site where any slippers and simple clothes some guys are going to deliver and they do not know people of his color to build high-end houses 125. so when they come and they see him in slippers and so they say i'm looking for the boss man and you say well what you want the boss man for saying i don't want to talk to you i want the boss man and say okay i am the boss they look at his clothes they look at his shoes i measure him by it i said you're not the boss man you know the boss ought to show he is the boss it is people whose mind is not renewed who don't know who they are that need somebody else's names and clothes to show that they are someone you see if you have to find your validation in the in the clothes you wear so that we say gucci shared good chitai gucci deez gucci gucci gucci that unless you really do not have the mind that is renewed that has confidence in christ your life is a gift from god and therefore you need to learn to have this confidence it is this kind of confidence in god and believe in the grace of god that puts you at the top of challenges it is important for you to mentor to to not react to external emotional and physicalness to rise above them it's important that life be approached with planning approach tomorrow thursday with a plan approach this august with a plan let august deliver something to you before september comes have a mind september is going to be a great man i'm going to be blessed glory to god i'm sure there are many of you who participated in the 60-day bible challenge who thought 60 days i've been able to do it all my life and past marty is asking me to do it in 60 days and some of you you achieved it i'm still waiting for some of you to send in your text to let us know the day you achieved it or when you achieved it we've had a couple of people who have already responded i'm sure they are shocks that they achieved going through the whole bible in 60 days it is sounding it's possible because god has given you an amazing gift that some things people say is not possible and somebody comes and makes it possible before usain bolt came it was believed no body could ever run the hundred meters at below 9.7 it's not possible and usain bolt comes and runs it in 9.58 walsh he messes up the record he messes up the record he messes up the record i saw somebody doing a another documentary showing that no one will ever run it in nine seconds and it's showing the machine that shows that for you to run it in nine seconds you have to run at 50 uh 45 or 50 miles per hour one day some kid from the corner of kingston jamaica or the mountains the kikuyu mountains of kenya or machaco's mountains of kenya i've been to machaco's mountains in kenya one day some guy is going to run it because their mind is set to make it happen it was said nobody can run a mile in five minutes and a medical student a medical student from the united kingdom broke the record and from the day he broke it people who are not even athletes began to break it i see you achieving breaking new levels new grounds enter a new season don't let the enemy beat you up every day with an unrenewed mind you have the mind of christ and until you see the mind god has given you you continue to be limited by your previous mystics because satan likes you to live in revision god likes you to live in vision satan likes to you to live in revision god wants you to live in vision until you use the mind god has given you you continue to be limited because your life is merely reactionary you're just reacting to things happening to you they serve you to have a plan a fluid direction there is a hidden dimension of achievement only available to those who transform and renew their mind let me tell you for a long time i believed it until one day it dawned on me for a long time i believed it was psychology see uh the first five years of a man set up his life once whatever habits you form in the first five years of your life that's how you you just build on it that's true but when you come to christ there is a new power in you that's bigger than external forces so if i had formed the habit of maybe being very down and out because i have no money because that's the way i was raised now that i'm in christ i need to now know that because i have no money my pocket don't mean i'm not blessed i'm rich it is currency that's not in my pocket blessed i'm already in the source i live there it's my residence ephesians chapter one blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ who has blessed us not will bless us who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places ephesians 1 6 ephesians 2 3 2 6 already done so you see before i became born again when i didn't have money i believe i'm broke i don't have i'm not blessed but now in christ jesus washing my mind with the word of god i know who i am oh glory oh that's why you need to have a renewed mind renewed after god not after not after your culture not after your nation not after your color and it's very sad even christianity gradually is losing its kingdom essence we're seeing people divided a long color of our place is the worst is the united states of america with all due respect to all my american brethren who are online today america europe if people are unable to stay within the ethos of the world they stay within the ethos of the flag of their nation no i'm not going to gather around the flag i'm going to gather around a name that is above all names the name of jesus how so many flags are tainted flags quote matthew hashimalu has having said that many of the flags of which people are proud of are tainted tainted with the blood of the people they met on the land are slaughtered and then claimed that they discovered the place you know i went to school and they told us that uh we in africa park discovered river niger when i just was flower flowing for since creation mango park comes in 18 30 something and sees a iribanian says he discovered it no you didn't you saw it you didn't discover a renewed mind makes you rise above culture nationality you now know who you are in god the majority of people use only 10 of the mind god has given them the remaining 90s untapped in fact it is the best of men that use 10 percent if you don't use your mind the world will not mind you i repeat if you don't use your nude mind the world would not mind you god gave you your mind so that once it is renewed it can become an instrument of creativity and wise actions glory to god the use of your mind determines if you die a prince or a proper fulfilled or unfulfilled poverty righteous is determined in a lot of way say much hashimoto said it's determined in a lot of way not by prayer and fasting or by your mind renewed or not renewed renewed or not renewed have many people surrounded by wealth but they can't see it they cannot see it they're surrounded by abundance but they cannot see it they cannot see it it's interesting to find that people who live in a place tend to not see the opportunity it is someone who travels in who sees it go to any nation where they have immigrants immigrants are more likely to be the first to become a millionaire immigrants are more likely to see the opportunities others didn't see you can engage your mind to break down major minor matters of life or only use it to solve rudimentary non-challenging issues you know some people they just major and minors are minor and majors they major in minor the minor in major men you know you see some people when they are discussing sports the soccer another team play did the way they carry it on their head or other matters like oh family what clothes shall we wear at the wedding and they spent hours arguing about the color of the cloth cheese cheese instead of using the mind to make impact to achieve anything they make they use their mind to just to just discuss things that make no impact and achieve nothing in life today for you that this teaching will really bless your life and your life will never be the same in the name of jesus i declare and decree that your life will never be the same cabarro bali that god will make your life a testimony make your life a testimony glory will rest on you testimony will follow you and you'll never be the same in the mighty name of jesus the mind is a powerful tool god has given you it is the use of your mental powers not just fasting hey we charismatic believers we need to wake up it is the use of your mental powers the submission of your mind to god to give you insight that brings breakthrough there are some people who give them a million dollars they wouldn't know what to do with it because their mind is just if you give them the next thing they are going to do is just blow it oh i pray for somebody who's hearing this teaching today that god is bringing you into new level of thinking sharp thinking powerful thinking renewed mind conquest through your mind becoming the best you can be in every remnant of life spiritual mental physical emotional do you know that when your mind is sharp it's not easy for people to make you cry for them because you know who you are so if they look at you and call you a smelly animal it just sounds funny to you because you know i'm not a smelly animal have you seen kids who come crying to you ma he called me uh uh you know he called me big this big that and to you you look at why are you crying same way we adults many times because we don't really have a renewed mind we really cave into our into the suspect of our negative self-image negative self-esteem we're unable to see ourselves like jesus sauce do you know when christ looks down tonight tonight share where i'm teaching from afternoon in bedlam pennsylvania or morning somewhere do you know when he looks that is looking at a brother his sister is proud of a son of the kingdom he's excited about meanwhile you are beating yourself and you're thinking i'm just rubbish i'm just i'm just i'm just nothing your mind is an awesome gift god gives you so you can achieve successful people are people who have stretched their mind they stretch their mind they see the possibilities they step out of the ordinary into the extraordinary out of the regular into the irregular if you leave it to some people our world will still be pre-adamic or adamic somebody decided that there is a radio wave by which our phones can walk so phones began to walk somebody else decided that in fact beyond the telephones that were connected with cables you can use the various radio waves put satellites in space man you don't even realize that if i call my wife downstairs before the frequency went downstairs it first went to to the in space to direct it to her downstairs in microseconds at the speed of sound that's why you notice that before you finish dialing the other even when you quickly cut a person in another nation says did you call me or like they say in my country did you flash me but did you know that that call you made i made to my wife downstairs didn't go downstairs he first went to space hit a satellite in microseconds before it got to her somebody used their mind to achieve that for us someone is watching in bangalore in india today someone's watching in bedlam pennsylvania in the united states right now all across the united kingdom people are watching all across africa somebody began to walk on on the internet let's use our mind as believers to make a contribution and change our world let's break out of comfort zones let's be aware of how quickly the comfort zone can become a rotten zone because they have too many people who bury their head and comfort zone one time we hired a guy without it didn't even take a month before i just knew that this guy can't work for us i just wanted something innovative he was struggling with his family but he loved god and loved to witness so we were to hire him for him to just be a person who went out this shared drugs and witnessed to people and report regularly we weren't seeing anything so we asked them what did you do today oh i stayed home i was just praying no i didn't hire you for praying i hired you to use your mind and your spirit to witness to people go out their own renewed mind the complacency of the mind is the greatest enemy of creativity it is the greatest enemy of future breakthroughs there are some people if you give them raw food they will have eaten it to raw why it not that their forefathers cooked they've never stepped out of the regular box never stepped out of the regular box you just leave it as it is forgive me to say when a mind is not developed forgive me to say forgive me to say it's almost like operating at the level of the animals because animals as ferocious as the lion isn't powerful lion is head feet long it's close are terrible its canine teeth can crack a human's call and yet lions have never had a chef they don't know how to cook the meat they don't have to barbecue they don't know how to do the various things you do with me they just grab the animal they want to eat there's nothing like i feel like only eating filet mignon no no no no no no no wherever the teeth goes that's all they eat could even be the stomach full of bile and dirt animals have never developed themselves the elephant has massive acidity still it's grass the cow its horn is on its massive size and music we say a c e g all cows eat grass a-c-e-g all cows eat grass but you were given your mind to be to be the apogee of god's creation the finality of god's creation where he signed off as the best of his creation when he created man he said this is very good let's see that very good the complacency of the mind is the greatest enemy of creativity and the greatest enemy of future breakthroughs and guess what when you are not creative or you don't use your renewed mind when you are not making impact when you see people who are doing you're either jealous envious petty and critical because the only contribution of the mediocre person to the successful is criticism the only contribution of the mediocre person to the successful is criticism you will never find a man criticize a person doing less than him because they are not an issue until you break through in the realm of your mind you might not break through in the realm of the work of your aunt so you've got to break through in your mind you got to change your mind until you train your mind to meditate on the virtuous the victorious achievable things you remain the same so paul in chapter 2 of philippians he said let this mind be in you which was in christ then in chapter four tells us finally brethren whatsoever things are true several things are noble whatsoever things are just or whatever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are or good reporters whatever things are virtuous whatsoever things are praiseworthy these are the things that you fill your mind not conspiracy theories not not not rubbish somebody's putting a light bob on his shoulder saying it is uh is the vaccine that made the light bulb to come on and you find people who read physics electrical engineering who believe that stupidity jesus because people have just found that we could be naive at all levels our universities sometimes don't help we've seen presidents president of the united states of america referred to 54 nations of africa as the country of africa there are 54 nations he calls it the country because he didn't know there and and he's become president of the most powerful nation on earth so the renewal of the mind is dependent on how hungry you are you may feel awkward but it is important to begin to stretch your mind how feed it with the word of god so you are renewed after god so that is you look at everything with the eyes of god discovery 19 going on you look at it with the eyes of god you see it as mark of the entire that's right that's true it's one of the marks you see this coming together of nations up mark of the end times but that does not erase the fact that there's a virus but it just shows you how easily the antichrist will operate that by one fiat he will make the world to obey to read you don't just read news when you have allowed the word of god to walk on your mind it teaches you relationships of course this is the eighth time i'm going through the whole bible i'm already in uh nehemiah even though today is the fourth of uh august the eighth time i'm already in nehemiah and some things just look like you've never heard them today i heard something i like i never read it in the bible before i did not know that that man who opposed the people of god sambalat his son married the daughter of a jewish levite the levite himself compromised wanting political connection allowed his daughter to go and marry the son of sambalat who hated the people of god and guess what we have them around today we could have them in church but you know he was like did i hear that right and the bible went on and makes it very clear that he had performed an abomination it was like i never heard it before the son of sambalat the horror knight married the daughter of a levite and the bible says he performed an album of course political again political game you learn as you allow the world the seventh time of the sixth time i was going through the bible i focused very well when he was reading about mephibosheth because i prayed too much about that guy man i could almost demonstrate the way he he walks with his crippled leg to sit on the throne to sit on the at the dinner table with david with other princes enjoying the benefit that david gave him all his father's lands given to him all his father's house is given to him and the room separated for him in the palace our servants given to him everything given to him but two three chapters later the same guy was rotting away in a village somebody goes to him and say got a fool you're an idiot david is enjoying your father's strong proclaim that you are king we will follow you and this broken crippled guy truly proclaims that he is king biting not just the finger that fed him swallowing the man's lamb and his cool failed then he now goes back to david forgive me they deceived me everything you go through in life is in scriptures helps you to renew your mind helps you to validate value and verify relationships validate value verify relationships validate value verify relationships and there i add number four vindicate some there are some people somebody will put down before you vindicate them but there are some you need to validate check this one just continue in 2021 relating to this then there are some you need to value they don't have a big name but they wash your hand and they watch your back they're there for you your pain is their pain your joy is their joy you need to renew your mind some of us have more allegiance to to old boys association he's my cousin then i am connected to him by covenant covenant you know i had to go preach in the city yesterday i only went because one of my covenant songs from in fact i i i'm almost over i love him he said dad you have to go preach for this guy he's my son too so he's the son of my son he said this guy anything we do he repeats it everything we do and truly when i got there everything is a carbon copy of his father's house it's too much even his head his mustache i mean the church the banners in their church in this in their green room is only the photos of my son and his wife and his children amazing the program itself is exactly the same in fact sometimes they will they will run the church service of my son as their first service now i now saw why my spirit agreed on the basis of covenant to go even though i dragged myself out of some kind of reluctance because i felt i had over ministered over preached i know you get to some places and your spirit comes alive matthew 5 1 when jesus saw the multitude he came alive and climbed the rostrum and i've got that felt alive again man and the people so blessed me man they so blessed me man i'm not gonna tell you how they bless me but it was a blessing but you see a renewed mind helps you with the wise teachings and revelations you must renew your mind with the wise teaching and revelations around you you hear a teaching like this tonight such the scripture you renew your mind question your actions question your habits question the the question people's motive for being around you some are users and some were sent to bless you until you develop a new dimension and a higher level of doing things a high level of confidence that's why you should stop if not continue keep renewing your mind but you can't stop because every day the deep call on to the deep are the sound of the water spouts listen all of us have issues challenges to overcome initial clumsiness and sense of inadequacy is a sign that you are beginning to change don't condemn yourself if you feel clumsy you feel inadequate change is happening already break free from your old habits of not developing your mind and you will move away from everything that tries to limit you break free from it only have four minutes and i wanted to share with this is just division one out of five db for the uh four divisions are prepared today that's just division one division two i'll do that for five seven minutes and we'll close is the manifestations of a mind that is not renewed there are six kinds of unrenewed mind number one is the wandering and wondering mind wondering and wondering wondering moving around and wondering in wonder a wondering mind does not stay stable a double-minded man is so stable unstable in all his ways in first peter chapter 1 verse 13. it says therefore god of the lords of your mind i love that statement gird up the laws of your mind what do you know what i mean it is saying put a belt around your mind tighten the belt of your mind not your waist be sober and rest your hopefully upon the grace that is built that is to be brought to you at the revelation of jesus christ great the laws of your mind too many people today because of social media have been messed up in their christian faith oh somebody said hey we should not be tithing then they would hold their tithe instead of them to search the world or somebody said uh the bible talks of sabbath sabbath why don't you just worship on sabbath day if you want to worship on sabbath day why don't you just as well not tear your toilet roll on sabbah day because if you want to practice sabbath you must practice it to the point of not tearing toilet rule if you have a if you have a running on that day you gotta know that it's a joy it's work i don't know if you know the acidic juice that the the the conservative jews my beautiful friends with the black heart around upperclapton in london with the hair braided to the side they don't tear tissue paper on saturday god help you that you have no you know that you have emotion in your house and you're not supposed to tear toilet roll jesus man i don't want to be in your house jesus man so they say oh why can't we practice sabbath because they're eating carcass all over the place you know the country of nigeria don't tell them i told you this one in the country of nigeria a dj just a dj who doesn't know the bible but just wanted a large following on his social media platforms we can be collecting google money he began to question the tithe income fell in the churches by between 40 and 50 percent because the pastors themselves cannot exit the biblical basis for tithing in confirm in the whole country all the churches by 50 percent before kovit then kovid came what uh the dj did not finish kobe completed wandering mind the guy just had a massive fall and he was he was gloating in his ignorance calling its knowledge and incidentally i had written i had done the research and tithing but kept it aside for 15 years so i just used it to answer once or twice posted the bubble of this nonsense the wondering mind you needy renewed my soul when you have a renewed mind nobody can move you you know i was a student in bible school we had a joke we'll see where i was the fish that swallowed jonah i was jonah that swallowed the fish all we know is that one of them swallowed the other and got to nineveh to preach a song says i need no other argument i need no other plea it is all enough that jesus died and that he died for me when your mind is not renewed you'll be wondering your rich place will be justified other religions you say look at those muslims they're very committed they're ready to die maybe we're we're serving the same god we're calling jehovah and defend them shut up john chapter 14 verse 6 jesus himself said i am the way the truth the life no man can come to the father but by me renew your mind and not get into syncretic political religion syncretic religion is when you syncretize everything and say they are all one father is what has given back to some other religions like baha'ism baha'is one cup one teaspoon of islam two teaspoons of christianity four teaspoons of hinduism uh one teaspoon of sikhism created by ism i need no other argument i need no other plea it is enough that jesus died and that he died for me wondering mind social media is fantastic but it has destroyed many people i am even scared for some churches when lockdown is over if there'll be anybody there because some people just got themselves and they just began to eat everything around and you find that even in good things there are poisons not all fish is edible if you think it's oil is edible go to haiti they have a fish there it's called a puff fish you eat it it has a chemical inside it that will freeze the whole of your body they would think you are dead that's how you produce the living dead and hate you just be there you won't be able to move anything and it buries people alive that way you see what they are doing to you but you can't talk because it paralyzes the whole electrical system of your body number two is a confused mind james chapter one verse five to eight i do hope you have been blessed tonight because we need to really teach this strong a confused mind is number two all right i can see somebody put omg yeah when you're teaching striking people with omg you must be hitting home james chapter 1 verse 5 to 80 if any of you lacks wisdom let him ask of god who gives to all liberally and without reproach and it will be given to him but let him ask in faith with no doubting for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind for let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the lord he is a double-minded man unstable in all his ways for those of you who have been incredible chaos is a long you know that i have given you the greek word for double minded it is dicey die die cu p s u c h e c o key the mind the heart suki what would you get psychology is logic the study of the ct of the mind die is too so when you are double-minded you have two minds and you find so many people like that questioning the veracity of scriptures and the and the word of god they do not even realize that the bible is god's attempt to use anthropomorphic words to describe a divine god who's whose the bible says as high as the heavens are to the earth that's how great is his wisdom the universe is still messing up astronomers i don't think you know the the the the the the the enormity of the universe in which we are and the god out of all that chooses to love you you see those stars you see in the sky the nearest one to us if you are traveling to the nearest star it will take you 5 million years so forget it the nearest star will take you 5 million years so forget it amazing and yet people have double mind when did they hear another one you see people because who you get close to can mess up your mind some just have performance without a love for the world that's why one church i shall not mention known for music and a lot of young people drawn for the music and one of the key worship leaders says i am now having a doubt in my faith in god and the second one joins him because you see there's nothing like having the word renew your mind and it's not your talent double minded is the second dance and he marveled because of their unbelief then he went about the villages in a circuit teaching he wondered about their unbelief a doubtful mind listen christianity is walking by faith for will for we walk by faith and not by sight christianity we are told hebrews 11 6 but without faith it's impossible to please god for he that will come to god must believe that he sees the rewarder of them that diligently seek him don't seek him for the miracles when they come receive it i believe in miracles i minister miracles i believe in word of knowledge jeez man yesterday at the church i ministered even me i got scared of the level of the world of knowledge i got i mean after i've seen so many words of knowledge and then you get scared i mean i was given a name and i have learned not to argue the holy spirit and i said since i was born i've only had one person bear this name and i got that i was given five minutes i mentioned that name and the little four-year-old comes out and she's the daughter of the pastor and she's the only one so as i laid hand on her i just began to see great destiny i could not understand that god wanted her to be like a bridge since i've only met her dad for 10 minutes before i went to preach yesterday because my son brought him as a dad you have to go minister for this guy blah blah blah blah blah blah the second time was going there yesterday and then seeing him and here i am as i i as the holy spirit gives me it gives me the name of his daughter his last bone jesus then as i sat in that church and looked to the left a pastor i seated to my left i just saw struggles rotting all over him and i've learned how to debate he looked so nice the guy the guy was together in his dressing man was some nice beautiful very nice nike loafer uh beautiful i mean the pastor was together and i'm saying his everything his haircut i mean he looked like one of those you know bonjour pastors but i also struggle so as i stood on the platform and i'm ministering to all these names are called i just called him as i don't know what this means to you but the holy spirit showed me the word struggle as i looked at you but you are in a situation where you are saying what did i do wrong i've done all i know to do and i tried my best i've given everything i know how did i get i did not know this pastor as a side hustle went into cryptocurrency and actually received money from people and invested on their behalf i did not know i didn't if i says he has met me before i could not remember and he reminds me of meeting me twice i have a photographic memory but in his own case nothing right even if i remembered him i would i wouldn't have associated where he said he saw me was dubai i went to pray for my and i prayed for my son in his church in dubai i did not remember amazing when the pastor was telling me late after service that's that word of knowledge for them and that's why the whole church was screaming and i'm describing and describing where he is and then the victory god is about to bring i saw him truly was running something online that's a grace to be a teacher to ah yeah yeah yeah this is more than 100 the guy himself was scared his mother opened you see because we've got to reach a place where i would believe god we must hold on to god's word never doubt him never doubt him renew your mind with the world every day when you come to the morning glow tell god that the scriptures that we hear today let it renew my mind let the prayer renew my mind as i open myself to the word of god and even though with that 60-day bible challenge do it regularly nothing nothing lost if 60 was tough make it 90. so you enjoyed the rest of the year again going through the bible again i just told you i'm already in the eighth time and you may say yeah you know a pastor you have time for that no are you maybe i should pray for transfer of responsibility to some of you you know how beautiful my life has been praise the lord number four is an anxious worried mind an anxious worried mind psalm 37 verse 8 sees from anger forsake wrath do not fret it only causes harm i pray for you today to be free from anxiety i'm from worry i lose you from worry from anxiety worry about the future worry about your family there are men on this platform i can see you in my mind finance have not flowed like you should want it and you look at your children you are thinking of the future god will not put you to shame i see a single mother who also is concerned about her responsibility you will not be put to shame the god who provides will make you laugh and he'll make you celebrate the fifth is a judgmental suspicious mind matthew 7 1 judge not that you be not judged this i wish i could make your whole teaching you need to come out of boxes if you are the kind that we are ahead gear and you feel that's what the scripture says next time you see somebody who doesn't wear head gear don't judge them like they are not spiritual enough you might be wrong you do not even know who you are dealing with headgear is no proof of depth in god free yourself from a judgmental spirit you will not believe the place i'm coming from i'm coming from a place where for some funny reason we all just believed that wearing jeans was wrong yeah i confess my sin today we all just believed i think our fathers passed it to us without us very fine i see what's the difference between jeans and other clothes jeans is cotton material this this one is cotton material many of the things we are wearing are cutting materials just because we associate it with rough boys rough girls so we branded genes as sinful and even as i speak now some of the people you respect if i wear jeans to one glitch them they look at me and say hey past matthew welcome their eyes should be on my jeans and personal act does not reduce the anointing the sick will still be healed even if it is torn jeans pray for me maybe i'll reach that level of torn jeans i was gonna say if you buy me one where don't buy don't buy cause i know next sunday i'll just see about five or ten ten ten ton jeans after service don't bite praise god you know we made we made that issue and we turned it to a reason to judge people oh the kind of sermons we preached when we were young god is still forgiving us if your shoe was too high it was our salmon we forgot that the pulpit was a sacred desk that must only be approached with a message of life you know the first five years of ministry was sometimes stupid i confess stupid s-t-u-p-i double d when people wore dresses that way in our opinion too short jesus man you fire them and you didn't open your hair you were in trouble you know lust of such mind is a passive mind passive that just not it's not diligent it's not intense hebrews 4. hosea 4 6 my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because you have rejected knowledge i also will reject you from being priest for me did you hear that he said he will reject a man from being a priest he be rejected knowledge now the priests ought to know because you have forgotten the love of your god i also will forget your child a passive mind let me close by saying go and study jesus you see that jesus was intense in everything he did his teaching was intense his talking was intense his programs were intense his movement was intense he had no room for free quality no room no room for free quality his focus was intense his attitude was intense all he spoke will not cover more than irregular newspaper but what he said are powerful what he said are awesome don't have a passive mind stop waking up every day and just even like like a floater like a butterfly you are a believer you are a woman of god you are a man of god chosen by god chosen to be a blessing chosen to change your generation you will not go down you will not fail you will not lack you will be above you'll be a testimony you will shake your world the hand of the lord will be on your life i pray for you today for a renewed mind a mind that is after god a mind that is after christ and the mind that is after his purpose a mind that is after his will a mind that is after his counsel and as you pursue the mind of christ may your mind begin to open up in your night season exodus 35 verse 30 to 35 may god begin to reveal things to your creativity divine ideas insight answers answers answers answers to the glory of god to who you are blessed today may you'll be blessed all the time jesus name amen i'm gonna take the time to do announcements today just gonna encourage you to sow your seed worship the lord with that you just saw your sin serve the lord with your gifting with your seed bless the name of the lord with all that he has provided for you praise god we'll see you tomorrow at the morning glory it's going to be an awesome time it's going to be a great time just one announcement of course sunday is going to be great i'll be live in flesh on ground in london man praise the lord we are moving into five services it's from sunday first service 8 a.m wall street second service 8 a.m prayer city that class is no longer 9 00 am so the two run the same time but there are two services third service 9 30 oh street fourth service 11 a.m precipice fifth service six pm press it the lord bless you keep you make his face shine on you give you peace bless your going out bless your coming in the hand of the lord to always be upon your life you will not fail for you to feel jesus will have to fail since jesus cannot fail beyond that the hand of the lord will bless you you will have testimony filling your mouth like beyond your own imagination in the name of jesus the lord bless you deutero venice your step indeed god bless you thank you very much um yourself for the inspiration encouragement and insight required to grow create and innovate the international gathering of champions 2021 his extraordinary works join transformational leaders from around the globe host matthieu chivolo and guests including tudor bismarck mike murdock cindy trim mensah odabil jamal bryan worship led by grammy award-winning matt redman the kicc choir anthony brown helen yawson chevelle franklin the expressions dance troupe the kicc malawi choir plus live french interpretation and events for kids and teens igoc 2021 the actual and virtual conference for every believer everywhere wednesday august 25th to sunday august 29th live on social media and at kicc prayer city register your free place today prepare yourself for the inspiration encouragement and insight required to grow create and innovate the international gathering of champions 2021 his extraordinary works join transformational leaders from around the globe host matthieu chivolo and guests including tudor bismarck mike murdock cindy trim mensah odabil jamal bryan worship led by grammy award-winning matt redmond the kicc choir anthony brown helen yawson chevelle franklin the expressions dance troupe the kicc malawi choir plus live french interpretation and events for kids and teens igoc 2021 the actual and virtual conference for every believer everywhere wednesday august 25th to sunday august 29th live on social media and at kicc prayer city register your free place today prepare yourself for the inspiration encouragement and insight required to grow create and innovate the international gathering of champions 2021 his extraordinary works join transformational leaders from around the globe host matthew ishovaloa and guests including tudor bismarck mike murdock cindy trim mensah odabil jamal bryan worship led by grammy award-winning matt redman the kicc choir anthony brown helen yawson chevelle franklin the expressions dance troupe the kicc malawi choir plus live french interpretation and events for kids and teens igoc 2021 the actual and virtual conference for every believer everywhere wednesday august 25th to sunday august 29th live on social media and at kicc prayer city register your free place today prepare yourself for the inspiration encouragement and insight required to grow create and innovate the international gathering of champions 2021 his extraordinary works join transformational leaders from around the globe host matthew isha maloa and guests including tudor bismarck mike murdock cindy trim mensah odabill jamal bryant worship led by grammy award-winning matt redman the kicc choir anthony brown helen yawsen chevelle franklin the expressions dance troupe the kicc malawi choir plus live french interpretation and events for kids and teens igoc 2021 the actual and virtual conference for every believer everywhere wednesday august 25th to sunday august 29th live on social media and at kicc prayer city register your free place today prepare yourself for the inspiration encouragement and insight required to grow create and innovate the international gathering of champions 2021 his extraordinary works join transformational leaders from around the globe host matthieu chivolo and guests including tudor bismarck mike murdock cindy trim mensah onabil jamal bryan worship led by grammy award-winning matt redmond the kicc choir anthony brown helen johnson chevelle franklin the expressions dance troupe the kicc malawi choir plus live french interpretation and events for kids and teens [Music] [Music] is [Music] my he'll make a way he'll make a way because he's the wonderful counselor prince of peace eternal courages king of glory mighty god king of kings lord of lords [Music] let's take a look around and see what's going on things don't seem right it feels like we're alone and it's easy to lose hope and hide out in our [Music] from heads [Music] [Music] [Music] you can remember and give praise [Music] [Music] is [Music] i know that it's hard to see right now but there's purpose in the pain that you go through and he will turn around for good even if you feel oh lord i trust in you when i'm lost i'm so confused i know you see me through i know that you make way [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] my he'll make a way he'll make a way because he's the wonderful counselor prince of peace eternal rock courageous king of glory mighty god king of kings lord of lords [Music] let's take a look around and see what's going on things don't seem right it feels like we're alone and it's easy to lose hope and hopped out in our heads [Music] me [Music] you [Music] [Music] knowing that it'll always be [Music] me [Music] i know [Music] i know that it's hard to see right now but there's purpose in the pain that you go through and he will turn around for good even if you feel like giving up
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 3,857
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Keywords: kicc service, Matthew Ashimolowo, Kent Church, Prayer City, KICC live stream, Live feed, live news, live prayers, live stream, stream, watchfree, livestreaming, coronavirus, lockdown, prayer, Covid19, UK, KICCOnline, kicc stream, kicconline,, T.D. Jakes, Elevation Church, Transformation Church, Lakewood Church, Domi Stream, RCCG, The Covenant Nation, Daystar Christian Centre, ICC TV, Creflo Dollar Ministries, Bill Winston Ministries, Jerry Eze, COZA, NSPDD
Id: MLlSfwOI288
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 45sec (7185 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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