KICC Royals | The Wait | 12-09-2021

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[Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] man [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] huh [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] so [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do we glorify you amen amen welcome to everyone that are tuning in online and those who are here welcome guys welcome welcome welcome today is talking about the way the book of isaiah 40 verse 31 says they that way upon the lord will renew their strength so today as you wait as you hear the word today be renewed in your spirit be renewed in the word that will come today and you will truly be blessed in jesus name now we're gonna have a time of praise and worship loose yourself and be free in god's presence amen worship your name we give you praise we thank you father lord for this we thank you for this occasion to worship to worship you oh father we worship you come and let's just still worship him hallelujah lord we worship you we give you praise for the lord we will wait on you we will wait on you oh father lord no matter what it looks like we will wait on you hallelujah come on just worship him right now worship whether you're here whether you're watching virtually i want you to just tune in into the spirit right now i want you just to flow with us right now we worship you we give you praise we thank you for your presence we thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah [Music] of heaven rose your name sing louder let this place ear up with praise can you hear it the sounds of heaven [Music] just lift up your hands right now and just sing to him hallelujah let this can you hear it the sounds of heaven touch enough we're gonna sing it from the top again one more time this sound oh how far how far all of heaven will sing louder let this place can you keep rare the sound the sound of heaven touching the sounds of heaven touching us spirit breakouts break our walls down [Music] spirit break break out break our walls down heaven holy spirit break out spirit break out spirit break out oh break our walls break you're the name with your glory don't let your glory descend in this place shake it up here we wanna see a revival lord we wanna see your keeper [Music] your glories shaking up three of my form jesus king jesus yours we'll lift up your name this afternoon lord we thank you for your glory [Music] we wanna see your kingdom we wanna see your kingdom we wanna see your king we wanna see your king hallelujah we wanna see your glory here if you know that the lord has done something for you i want you to just get in that mode of worship right now i just want you to just understand just what look at what the lord has done the fact that you are alive we give glory to god we thank him we thank the spirit of the most high for keeping us whole we thank the lord almighty hallelujah come on let's just keep worshiping the spirit we give you praise spirit break out we need you oh god spirit break our walls down we need you oh father break our walls down heavenly father bravo spirit break out spirit continue to do your willingness in our lives continue to walk in us and lead us continue to direct us as we wait on you hallelujah we're gonna sing it one more time but before that i just want us to just let's stay in that vein of worship let's call on the spirit of the living god right now to fill us afresh to make us whole hallelujah let's be holy in the spirit right now hallelujah hallelujah let's just keep worshiping hallelujah we want to see your kingdom here king jesus we [Music] shaking up the earth and skies we want to see a reliable people we wanna see your kids up we wanna we wanna see your kingdom here hallelujah let's give him a club offering hallelujah we thank you lord we wait on you father lord we will not grow weary father lord but we will wait on you father lord we will wait on you father lord let us stop grow weary and as we take strength from the lord hallelujah hallelujah we wait on you father lord [Music] we wait on you we wait on you [Music] we wait on you [Music] [Music] your name let me hear your voice right now we wait we wait on you we will wait we wait on you to walk in the room so walking we're gonna sing it one more time from the top we will we wait we waiting on you [Music] we wait on you [Music] [Music] we here we are here we are standing here we are here we are we are in your mission kind of glory we need your glory to come down here we are standing in your presence here we are standing shall kind of glory shall kind of glory come down release release release the fullness of your glory lord release the fullness of your spirit [Music] to walk in the room [Music] [Music] we will wait on you father lord we will wait on you father we waiting on you to come into this room to come into our midst [Music] glory [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] kind of glory release the fullness of your spirit we need your spirit for the lord shall kind of glow just lift up your hands and worship make it a prayer release hold on hear our hearts hear our pride today lord kind of glory [Music] [Music] glorica [Music] hallelujah we worship you hallelujah amen let's give him praise hallelujah we worship you father we thank you for your glory we thank you for your spirit we thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah how many believe that the lord is your light and salvation so we're gonna we're gonna worship him we're gonna stay in that praise we're gonna stay in that vein of worship right now hallelujah we thank you father lord for the lord is our light and salvation hallelujah whom shall we fear who shall we be afraid hallelujah the lord's my light and salvation whom shall i fear whom shall i be afraid the lord's my line and salvation whom you shall i fear hope you shall not be afraid i will wait on you i will wait on you i will trust in you i will just come up from the top shall i fear shall we be afraid and salvation who shall we feel foreign on you we will wait on you from the lord we put our weight on you we put our trust on you i will trust you lord i will trust it doesn't matter who's here let's worship the lord we're gonna wait on him right now i want us to take it again from the top and we will all we wait on you father lord whom shall we fear whom shall we be afraid of the lord we shall see no man i will wait on you i will remain i will remain confident in this i will see the goodness of the lord will you be confident i will remain confident in this i will see again i will remain a signal again i will remove it i will remain confident in this i will see the goodness the lord is the lord is my i will remain [Music] i will i will remain i will remain confident in this i will see the goodness of the lord just let the music flow come up your hand let me hear your hands come one more time i will see [Music] how many are confident you're gonna receive that i will let me just hear the voices [Music] i will see the good come on let me hear you how many will remain come on listen i will remain confident in this i will see the goodness of the lord we will remain i will remain that in this i will see the goodness of the lord hallelujah we will remain confident father we worship you father lord we thank you yahweh we glorify your name you are the most high father lord we worship you we thank you for your spirit for your presence we glorify your holy name hallelujah amen most holy hallelujah hallelujah we worship you yahweh we worship you we adore your name we magnify your name we worship you we lift your name on high hallelujah we worship you hallelujah hallelujah [Music] yahweh yahweh yahweh we need you yahweh come and lift up your hands yahweh yahweh we worship you yahweh we need your presence lord yahweh hallelujah come on let me wash you let me hear you worship yahweh yahweh we worship you lord there is none like you the alpha the omega we worship you for the lord we worship your father my praise [Music] [Music] yahweh [Music] you [Music] so we'll leave you [Music] you you come on worship [Music] me please yahweh we worship you we give you praise lord you alone deserve our worship you alone deserve our praise you alone we deserve our praise and our adoration hey there is no one one more time your name we cry out to you lord we cry out to you this afternoon [Applause] away [Music] begin to bless his holy name for he is worthy he's worthy to be praised and adored bless your heavenly father bless his name bless his name casting crowns [Music] [Applause] it's always i heavenly father we bless your name we thank you for another time in your presence we ask that you take absolute control of today's gathering for lord we are not gathered here by accident oh god you saw this day and you have something in store for every single one of us here today so we bless your name we magnify your name we thank you lord god for how far you've brought us so far we thank you lord god that you have kept us thus far lord god many have fallen thousands have fallen by our side but lord god you have been gracious and you have allowed us to see this day and for that lord god we thank you we bless your name o god and lord as i speak today i ask lord god that you will think through my mind you will speak through my mouth lord god i ask lord god that every single one every person tuned in today lord god will receive transformation lord god in the mighty name of jesus we pray amen and amen make some noise for jesus you can do better than that you can do better than that before you sit down i want you to greet your neighbor give them an elbow ask how they're doing tell them where you're coming from if you've never met them before and if you're tuning in i want you to send the link to your friends let your friends tune in into youtube and watch this today's sermon they are going to be blessed today praise god praise god so as we all know the title of today is the waiting the waiting in just over two weeks we'll be entering the month of october making it about free making it three months until the year is over and the fourth of the year being over in three months doesn't bring bring joy but brings anxiety for some of you anxiety because when you look back at this year you feel like it's yet another year where you haven't accomplished your goals prayer points have been unanswered deadlines have come and gone and you're nowhere near where you fought that you would be in fact some of you have gone through some things that you never thought that you would go through so today we're going to talk about something that our generation doesn't really like to do and that is waiting waiting patiently for things to come to pass like our dreams and our hopes patiently waiting for the results of our hard work patiently waiting for our time to come we live in a day and age where the desire for instant gratification and success is what everyone is after we've been spoiled because today everything is instant is automated you can order products from the comfort of your home and receive it the same day we've got instant food we've got we've got microwavable rice we've got instant oats we've got instant uh chicken we have the on demand movies and books that we can download in seconds [Music] in fact no longer do we have to scroll through our smart tv to find a netflix app now netflix there's a netflix button on your remote control that's how lazy things have become people are becoming overnight celebrities because one video went viral but this instant lifestyle and convenience has made people lazy and it's conditioned them to be impatient which has made the concept of waiting slowly become foreign in fact the longest thing that we probably wait for is our paycheck because everything is instant and this way of thinking cannot be transferred to the things of god that's not to say that god does not do instant miracles god does perform instant miracles but most of the time he's going to make us wait because there's benefits and there's lessons in the waiting there's development in the waiting but don't get me wrong i'm not saying that we should celebrate delays i'm not saying we should celebrate the waiting no one has a barbecue and says ah coming to my barbecue because i'm celebrating the fact that i haven't got a job yet no one throws a party because ah i haven't gotten married yet no i'm not saying we should celeb celebrate the delay but i'm saying that as a christian we shouldn't see delay as something foreign or something strange scattered all over the bible there's instances of men and women that experienced delay and had to wait for their breakthrough they had to wait for an answer hannah the mother of samwo was childless and she was mocked year after year by her husband's other wife but she didn't give up she kept on praying she kept on believing god and god eventually granted her request [Music] when daniel prayed and fasted for three weeks the bible tells us that god answered instantly and sent the message but it was delayed joseph had two dreams that one day he will be in the position of leadership but he had to face delay he had to face pain before the plan of god will come to pass in his life so delay is not something strange to uh to us waiting on god is always and will always be part of our walk with god and the beautiful thing is that god has guaranteed that he will act on the behalf of those that wait on him isaiah 64 verse 4 the new living translation says for since the world began no air has heard and no heir has seen a god like you who works for those who wait for him so god works on the behalf of those that trust and have faith and wait for him so i want you to be encouraged that god has not forgotten you amen god has not forgotten you he works for those that wait for him god also strengthens those that wait for him so that they can wait well isaiah 40 31 says but those who trust in the lord will find new strength they will soar high on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not faint do you realize that god wants you to fulfill your destiny and purpose more than you actually want to god wants you to succeed more than you can possibly dream of today i'm going to be sharing five truths that we must hold on to which will also require us playing our part but if we hold on to these truths and we do our part then this will help us get through the waiting and the first thing we need to know the first truth we need to hold on to is that god loves us psalms 86 15 says but you o lord are a god of compassion and mercy slow to get angry and filled with un fate failing love and faithfulness so our father is a father of compassion and mercy he sees the struggles that you go through he hears your prayers he even sees the mistakes that you make while you're waiting but it says that our father is slow to anger and he's merciful and compassionate god loves you more than you love yourself he loves you unconditionally therefore there is nothing that can separate you from his love there's nothing that can stop the beautiful consequences of his love for you his love for you is greater than any father that you can imagine a good father wants his children to succeed and do better than he did a good father will lay his life down for his children a good father will do everything in his power to make sure that his children succeed a good father will take care of his children and provide for them if this is what an earthly father would do then how much more your heavenly father no earthly father can out do god none matthew 7 90 11 matthew 7 9 to 11 says you parents if your children ask for a loaf of bread do you give them a stone instead or if they ask for a fish do you give them a snake of course not so if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children how much more your heavenly father who gives good gifts to those who ask him so no good earthly father can outdo your god this is your heavenly father you may have had bad experiences with an earthly father you may have had bad experiences with a father figure but i want you to know that you can trust god you can trust god in your struggle you can trust god in the waiting you can trust god to be faithful and to be kind to you so right now i know there's some of you even some of you watching i pray for you that you will no longer see god through the lens that you see that father that hurt you i pray that you will see god through the lens of the gospel of jesus christ i pray that you will see a father that loves you so much that he sent his only son to die for you that's how much god loves you he loved you while you were his enemy so while you're in the waiting waiting for things to come to pass i want you to know that you have a father that loves you so much you have to believe that god is for you and that he is not against you it's only by catching the revelation of god's love for you by reading scriptures about the love of god and allowing it to transform you that truly you can wait well knowing that the father loves you god loves you he doesn't enjoy the this your suffering he doesn't enjoy your crying he doesn't enjoy your frustration he wants the best for you and will eventually come through for you at the appointed time not only because he loves you but because he has a plan for you and that's the second truth that we should hold on to while we're in the waiting that god has a plan for every single one of us here today none of us are just someone that makes up the numbers in a population no god has a specific tailor-made plan for you jeremiah 29 11 says for i know the plans i have for you declares the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future god has a tailor plan a tailor-made plan for your life god is not free styling when it comes to your purpose and your destiny the plan that god has for you will be done according to his schedule therefore patience is required your timing can never be better than god's timing never it can never be better because god is not bound by time and space god is here in the present he's in the past he's in the future so he knows when it's best for that particular breakthrough that you're waiting for another thing you need to know is that yes god's pl has a plan for your life but it doesn't mean that the plan for your life is going to be a walk in the park it doesn't mean the plan that god has for you is going to be rainbows and daffodils and unicorns it doesn't mean that you will not face obstacles this passage that i read jeremiah 29 11 this was god speaking through the prophet jeremiah to the people of judah that were in exile god was saying to them for i know the plans i have for you and part of that plan was for them to be in exile how do we know because if we go a couple scriptures before god told them to get comfortable in that exile to get married to have children to grow crops and to eat from the land and to even pray for the prosperity of the people that kept them captive so this shows us that in god's plan there can be some bumps but eventually the law says he has plans to prosper you and not to harm you god had a great plan for esther but part of that plan involved risking her life in order for a royal decree that would have killed her and her people joseph had a great plan but part of that plan was for joseph to become a slave and a prisoner before becoming prime minister god had a great plan for david but before david was king david faced abandonment from his father and his mother he was sidelined by his family he was on the run from king soul who wanted to kill him and all this happened before he became king so there is a plan for you and in that plan that god has for you god may want you to go through a time of stretching because he knows that you will grow from that experience not everything is going to be hunky-dory i want you to get out of your mind that because you're a christian because you're born again that everything is going to be sweet that you're going to be rich you're going to be healthy all the time no there's going to be times where you're going to be broke and you're going to rely on god there's going to be times where you're going to trust god to get rid of afflictions in your body but it doesn't mean that god has abandoned you sometimes those experiences stretch you mold you so that you can be a blessing to others but thank god that we know that god causes everything to work together for he's good of those who love god and are called according to his purpose yes things may not be easy but everything you have been through everything that you are going through and everything you are yet to go through ties into the plan that god has for you even the second from the job ties into the plan even that broken relationship ties into the plan that god has for you everything is working together that means the good things the bad things the ugly things are working together for your good it's like a cake when you get all the individual ingredients of the cake if you were to eat them you will spit it out but when you put them together and you mix it up and you bake it put it through the fire it comes out as a tasty cake the same goes with your life god puts the good and the ugly and the bad and he mixes it up and he puts you through fire and you come out as a person of victory praise god so every experience that you are going through is not wasted it is not wasted whenever myself and my wife get discouraged we always tell ourselves that right now we're right in our story we're writing our story a story that will encourage and bless people in the future and that everything will make sense eventually and that when we look back we will laugh and we'll give god the praise so right now i decree and declare that you two are writing your story that will bless people that will bless a generation so when things get tough in the waiting remind yourself that there is a purpose to the waiting the waiting is to develop you and when it's developed you god will now unleash you to the world at the very right time because you need to understand that there's places where god wants to take you that you must have the capacity to operate in that space there's some places where you have to be built you can't come and embarrass god in that space so right now god is taking you through through challenges to toughen you up so that when you get to that space you represent him well joseph had to go through um slavery he had to uh manage potiphar's house he had to be in the prison as a managing the prisoners because it developed his leadership skills and when he went through all that trial and tribulation he was now ready to step into what god had destined for him praise god so god is not ignoring you for one second he's heard your cries he's heard your your weeping he's heard everything he's not ignoring you and that takes us to the next truth that god has heard you when you're in the waiting when you're asking yourself when is this going to happen when is that going to happen god do you even hear me he has heard you second chronicles 7 to 14 says then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways i will hear from heaven and i will forgive their sins and restore their land so god hears every prayer he hears every cry for help he hears every fault he hears every murmuring of the heart but please note in this passage of scripture there is a condition in second chronicles 7 14 there is a condition god hears from those who won humble themselves meaning they're not trying to figure out things on their own they ain't trying to rely on their own strength and intellect they've humbled their self they're saying god i can't do this i've tried everything i need your help god hears from those who seek his face to seek his face means to go in search of and not occasionally if someone needs a job they don't seek for a job once in a while they're applying all day 50 jobs a day they're applying for the same applies with seeking god you seek him like you're mad god should be your greatest desire god hears from those who say no to sin and wickedness and when we humble ourselves and we pray and we seek his face turning away from sin god said he has heard you so never have any doubt whether god has heard you or not as long as you're doing those things he has heard you do not give up take heart in the knowledge that god has heard you if you haven't heard a yes or a no to your request and that means keep praying keep seeking the father matthew 7 7 to 8 says keep on asking and you will receive what you asked for keep on seeking and you will find keep on knocking and the door will be open to you for everyone who asks receives everyone who seeks finds and everyone who knocks the door will be open so keep praying until you get an answer seek god actively seek god every day even if it's 20 minutes a day seek him prayer is your connection to your heavenly father prayer is how you download instructions for your life prayer is how you get out of that tight corner proverbs 3 5 to 6 says trust in the lord with all your heart do not depend on your own understanding seek his will in all you do and he will show you which path to take so when you pray you need to trust in your heavenly father with all your heart don't trust him 50 percent don't pray and then half an hour later you're thinking oh my god did god really hear me no trust him with all your heart trust him with all your heart means you are diving into the deep end because you got nothing left do not depend on your own understanding do not try to work things out do not try to figure out a timeline of when things should happen do not try to use human intellect with the things of the spirit that doesn't make sense the things of the spirit do not make sense that's what it means but i do not depend on your own understanding because god's ways are not our ways it's far above our ways it can never be his ways all we are is dust that he breathed into seek his will in all you do that means your prayers should be aligned to his will god will not answer any prayers that is not according to his will you are wasting your time seek his will pray his will how do you seek his will read the scriptures pray according to the scriptures there's no point of god send me to america god wants you in sokoto in nigeria that's not his will there's nothing wrong with socrates yeah so don't try and figure things out and wonder what's happening that's not your job you are the believer god is the performer god is listening to your prayer he isn't sitting around doing nothing god is in the background working which leads to the next truth that we should hold on to and that is god is at work when you're in the waiting you need to know that god is at work in the background while you're in the waiting god is working on your behalf he's making crooked paths straight he's lining up your destiny helpers he's destroying the works of the enemy when joseph was taken into slavery god was in the background working to make sure that joseph wouldn't just go to any slave owner but he would go to potiphar knowing that potiphar will see joseph's leadership skills and give joseph's tasks that will help improve his leadership skills god also made sure that by the time that joseph got to the prison that joseph would be divinely connected with pharaoh's cop bearer who would eventually remember joseph giving joseph an in an audience with pharaoh leading to joseph's breakthrough so god is in the background when things look mad god is in the background as we can see in the case of joseph joseph had no idea what god was doing in the background all joseph could see was the pain the struggle god is in the background working on your behalf joseph's story reminds us to trust in god no matter what no matter what happens trust in god because in the same way that god was working for joseph he's working for your good in jesus name there isn't a day where god is not working on your behalf god and his angels are at work so just like joseph despite the situation despite the pain trust in your heavenly father trust him read the word more get to know who he is the more you spend time with someone the more you begin to know them the more you begin to trust them it was only because of joseph only because joseph was faithful and got to work that god was able to elevate joseph joseph had two choices he could have complained in the waiting he could have complained in the struggle and done nothing he could have just been bitter and he would have died a slave but he chose to get to work he chose to keep his head down get to work and trust god and that's what we need to do while we are in the waiting trusting god for that breakthrough in the waiting we need to be at work just like god is working waiting on god doesn't mean that we're sitting around doing nothing you're getting to work because working builds your capacity it builds your experience it's when you get to work and you do what needs to be done that's when you begin to meet destiny helpers if you're sitting around doing nothing you're not going to meet that person that god has aligned for you to me as you're walking past that starbucks there's divine connections that happens when someone just sits by your side or when you make that phone call but if you're not doing nothing then you cannot grasp the things that god has for you out there you can't wallow in your depression you have to get to work it's when we get to work that god will bless the works of our hands if your business is struggling it doesn't mean stop it means keep on working god will eventually bless the works of your hands what is it to get to work in the waiting what does it mean to get to work if you're in a job you don't like you've been applying for jobs no one's hollering at you it doesn't mean you should just quit and work half-heartedly no it means keep working keep working hard one day someone will notice you and scoop you out of that department that you hate does it mean to work in the waiting if you haven't got a job it means applying every single day putting in the work a job is not going to drop on your lap that's not how christianity works what is working in the waiting if you're trusting god for a partner and that partner doesn't seem to be coming putting in the work is working on yourself reading as much as you can about relationships about singleness developing yourself to become that person that that other person needs that person that god has for you it doesn't mean you should be crying and having a pity party with your girls oh no one wants me no it means getting to work working on yourself working on the purpose and destiny that god has for you you can be so engrossed in your destiny and purpose that it causes you to go to another country and you meet your mister right there but if you are at home depressed moaning you will stay there yeah some people didn't like that but that's the truth spouses don't drop in your lap you have to work for it praise god when you get to work god can build you up capacity is created which is the last truth that when we are in the waiting god is building you up he's building your character he's building who you are before david was king it was david's time as a shepherd looking after his father's sheep that prepared him to become king and shepherds god's people it was fighting the bear and the lion to protect his sheep in his care that prepared him for the battle against goliath god builds you up in the doing you have to be doing so that god can bless the work of your hands if you're not doing jack nothing's going to happen the first step to do is to dust your shoulders off and surrender to god and get to work it's your experience of battles losses and wins that mold you into the person you need to be even if you fail in the waiting remember it work is working for good it's teaching you something it's developing you it's your experience of battles and losses and wins that gives you the capacity to step into what god has for you so never forget that while you are waiting waiting for your change to come when god feels distant when god feels like he's ignoring you i want you to remember that every single day god is actively working on your behalf every single day even right now god is working on your behalf god is working on something on your behalf that's in the future he's not bound by time he's in the future right now sorting things out so if god is at work we also need to get to work so right now as we close i want to make a alter call of those that of recent this year with the pandemic has stripped them of all confidence and stripped them of all excitement i want to call out those that feel discouraged that feel like nothing is working out for them i want you to come out i want to pray for you your heavenly father wants you to know that he is near i don't want you to feel away because people are watching what's more important your destiny or someone watching if i'm honest there's been times where i felt discouraged this year there have been times where i haven't felt strong to do what god has called me to do so i definitely know that at least one or two of you here today there has been times where you felt discouraged this is a time to swallow your pride and receive empowerment to do that which god has called you to do so right now i just want everyone to stand i want everyone to stand and begin to just speak to your heavenly father speak to your heavenly father [Music] if you have ever felt how am i going to achieve this how am i going to do this how am i ever going to win i also want you to come out if you feel like you've done project after project and it does nothing is happening i want you to come out the king of glory is here [Music] the the destiny changer is here [Music] [Music] and even if you're not coming out but there is something i want you to just begin to cry out to the lord [Music] cry out to your heavenly father he wants to hear you i want you to download everything that is bothering you everything that is troubling you because after today i don't want you to allow those things to bury you in depression i want you to let everything out today today we are not going back home with those struggles with those things that are keeping us down i want you to download your heavenly father is here he is listening to you and he answers prayers he's a faithful god he wants you to succeed more than you ever have ever wanted to succeed [Music] heavenly father i asked that you would let your people know that you are with them in the waiting lord i ask that you draw near to them heavenly father some of us haven't felt you for so long god just one touch lord god [Music] help us know that you are near oh god help us know that you are near god [Music] lord i pray lord god that the revelation the transformation revelation of your love for us lord god will be understood right now in the name of jesus i pray lord god that your people get to understand how much you love them lord god that you are for them you are not against them and that everything is working for their good the struggle the pain the losses are working for their good in the name of jesus and lord your people that have come up to the front lord god i pray oh god that you will touch them in a way that they have never experienced you oh god i pray that all those projects all those dreams heavenly father that you will revive life back into those things oh god i come against every lie every whisper of the enemy that they are wasting their time i come against and i silence the mouth of the enemy in the name of jesus lord i pray life back into their hearts lord god lord let them know that you are working on their behalf every single one of them lord god let them know that they are more than conquerors they are more than conquerors oh god [Music] [Music] lord i ask that you will connect them with the divine destiny helpers divine destiny helpers lord god i decree and declare before this year is outlaw god major testimonies in the name of jesus [Music] lord that first love that they had that first excitement that they had that first enthusiasm that they had lord i ask that you will drop it on them again i come against the spirit of depression i come against the spirit of heaviness [Music] out of the pit of despair you have a great plan for them let them understand that oh god that you have a great and glorious plan and that what they're going through is this part of the story it is not their end in the name of jesus [Music] lord have your way in their lives oh god have your way have your way have your way have your way o god i come against discouragement in the name of jesus i come against discouragement in the name of jesus be empowered be empowered by the spirit of god be empowered be empowered the same spirit that raised christ from the dead is in you and will give life to your mortal bodies so i decree and i declare that as you go back to your seats this will be the beginning of a great turnaround in the mighty name of jesus we pray praise god let's begin to just think our father bless his name bless his name thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord we bless your name right now i just want us to give our seed honor god with our seed [Music] with our offering our types on the screen of various ways that we can give can give free paypal context kicc dona all the various ways on the screen let's you maybe see it let's welcome the choir as they minister [Music] so [Music] [Applause] strength strength will rise straight for rise as we wait upon the strength lord rise as we wait up on the road we will wait up you are the everlasting you strength from the top again how do you live you thank you for the opportunity to give today lord god we ask lord god that as we give that you will bless our basket lord god i ask lord god that you will meet every person here their point of need heavenly father i ask that you will bless them you will bless the works of their hands heavenly father i ask that they will return with a testimony in the name of jesus we pray amen and amen let's welcome up onto the stage amen amen amen amen we bless god were you blessed by that word tell your neighbor say just wait just wait just wait just wait just wait please be seated just be seated very very briefly and quickly now just know for those who came on the coach on the bus upstairs yeah just don't forget before you get left behind at the others just there waving at the back and um also just a few announcements very quickly campus fire anyone from campus fire in the house okay okay okay so campus fire for those who are here and those that probably online and we not know campus fires are university outreach and it is targeted specifically for university students across the globe a crystal globe is a time of bible study fellowship engaging stuff is actually amazing so last one we had was i believe the last week last week saturday and we're having another one on the 24th of september on zoom from 1 to 2 30 p.m please please please let your friends know about campusfire the email address is literally on the screen amen now rooted now rooted bible study as by the way does anyone even attend rooted like just to show our hands okay if you don't have to show your hands here it's all love brothers and sisters in christ amen so basically rooted is our bible study that we have online that we have online so guys if you are at home wherever you are every second friday of the month we have rooted the next rooted will be friday the 8th of october from 7pm and that will be on zoom that will be on zoo now the next gathering that we will have today the next gathering that we'll have will be on sunday the 26th of september and that will be here at kicc prayer city from 3 30 p.m please please please please please please please it's so important that we actually all gather together and rejoice gather together and fellowship i believe there's absolutely nothing we're now joining twice a month so it's important so can we all just raise just you have to raise your hand but just be committed just say i will be committed to bring someone i want to hear you loud awesome awesome so next the next royals gathering and for those at home i know you are home quarantining what's wrong with you yeah there's space in the presence there is fullness of what fullness of what so please come yeah god bless you so that's about it now let's welcome mr toby [Music] let's please stand for the closing prayer i want to thank everyone for coming out tonight i really appreciate you for coming out and those that are watching i want to stress that if there is transport for you to get down here and to get back home so stop hiding at home um it's fun and we might bring the food back that might convince some people to come heavenly father we thank you once again for being in your presence we ask oh lord that the word that we've heard heavenly father will be impressed onto our hearts lord god we i pray lord god that we will not just be hearers of this word but that we will actually be doers of this word heavenly father i decree and i declare heavenly father that as your people go out this week heavenly father they will be the head and not the tale heavenly father those dreams those projects heavenly father that they put to the side lord heavenly father i speak life to those things heavenly father i decree and declare that there will be testimonies there will be testimonies in the name of jesus and i ask lord god that we will fill your presence like never before we will fill you by our side heavenly father i give you the praise the honor the adoration and i speak the blood of jesus over everyone as they go home as they go to their various places heavenly father we thank you lord for in jesus name we pray amen and amen thank you so much guys god bless you [Music] strength will rise strength will rise strife
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 653
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: kicc service, Matthew Ashimolowo, Kent Church, Prayer City, KICC live stream, Live feed, live news, live prayers, live stream, stream, watchfree, livestreaming, coronavirus, lockdown, prayer, Covid19, UK, KICCOnline, kicc stream, kicconline,, T.D. Jakes, Elevation Church, Transformation Church, Lakewood Church, Domi Stream, RCCG, Daystar Christian Centre, ICC TV, Millenials, london, youngadults
Id: xR_ktESV4t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 15sec (5715 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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