KICC Bible Study | The Power of A Transformed Mind | 11-08-2021

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come out with computers tonight and that will not stop us from enjoying the power of a transformed mind and i'm glad that you're staying on with us tonight i trust the lord that you'll be blessed and the world will enrich your life in the name of jesus wherever you are and you're joining from we'll continue our teaching we'll continue what we've been sharing the power of the transformed mind is a necessity my personal conviction is that believers need to transform their mind before they get too involved in a lot of church things you see because once you get into a particular area you learn the culture and once you learn the culture the chances are that you get absorbed and you think you're okay and your mind may not be transformed we need our mind to be transformed our mind to be washed by the blood and washed with the word you know some people say they have brainwashed you i think all christians need a brainwashing we need our brains to be washed washed from the dirt of this world washed with the word of god washed to be the best that we can be washed to really serve jesus praise god so one thing you must keep properly is your mind your mind your mind proverbs 4 23 says keep your heart with all diligence for out of each are the issues of life because you see the word mind and heart are you suppressive rally in the scripture they are used interchangeably your mind is either a barrier to your future or a doorway to your destiny your mind is either a barrier to your future or your doorway to your destiny so if you want to go far in life you need to allow your mind to receive what christ has for you and for you to connect with it you are either a divine think tank your mind or your mind is a thought barrier some people are unable to achieve much because their mind is a barrier look for example there are some people anything that happens they look for some demon to blame they don't want to think they don't want to pray they don't want to analyze they don't want to use their mind in the kingdom of god for you to enjoy the benefits of this kingdom you need to develop kingdom mindset kingdom language kingdom mindset kingdom thinking kingdom way of looking at things so when you look at things the kingdom way you are able to process information process things that happen with the mind of the kingdom if for example uh you had an attack on your body with sickness a kingdom mindset does not straight away just see only the need for medicine it also with a transformer i will say hey why should sickness come on me i am a child of god he himself took my infirmities why is this being placed on me that is a transformed mind that is now looking at things with the eye of the kingdom of god so listen you need this teaching today and so no matter what happens with computer you gotta stay and receive it you are either a divine think tank or you are a thought barrier to yourself so you have what it takes to find your way out of every trouble but this will come by reason of you allowing the holy spirit to transform your mind if you read through romans for example it tells us already that we are the sons of god but you see you must let your mind be led by the holy spirit the quality of your life will be determined by the state of your mind i repeat the quality of your life will be determined by the state of your mind so if your mind is okay if your mind is right if your mind is in the word then you can prosper by the word if a man is fasting and praying if his mind is wrong his perception and result will be wrong a man whose mind is not renewed and refreshed by the word and the truth around him will very soon find himself aging in every area of his life he will not be able to receive from a kingdom perspective that's why the bible says in romans 12 particularly verse one said be not conformed to this world because this world has a way of wanting to get you into its mold get you into its mold it says be not conformed to this war but be transformed by the renewing of your mind by the renewing of your mind so that statement is far-reaching the vision you elevate the ideal you talk about becomes what your life is built on you are what you think your thought fits your behavior and your character a man who will know joy and overcome suffering must know how to meditate in the world you must know the word you must know how to meditate the word you must not understand the word you must have to grow by the word you must know how to live by the word praise god so living right living godly is a product of using the bible to change your mind let me show you another example your mind is where every perspective you've had on marriage have entered for example uh the culture of your upbringing determines what you think about marriage but when you now have the mind of christ you are able to look at the world with the mind you're able to look at marriage with the mind of christ you're able to think with the mind of christ uh before you get born again there's a perspective people have on things like courtship dating some people date for fun they think well it's great fun to date somebody but when you get born again then you realize that look i can't just go into dating because it's the way everyone does what is my purpose for doing what i'm doing and then you find that because you have a renewed mind you knew that i can't do what i like your future is paralyzed or energized by your thought so your thought needs to be correct your thought needs to be right your mind is as important as your spirit if your mind is wrong your spirit will be wrong your results will be wrong your conclusions will be wrong and you will not really be able to make the kind of impact you ought to make with your life so you must not develop you must not develop your spirit with your mind undeveloped you need your mind and your spirit to be able to connect so that spiritual and body you are truly growing in every area you if your mind is transformed then you are able to look at everything around you with the mind of christ you see you are able to look at everything with the mind of christ the mind is made up of the intellect emotion and the will and when your mind is wrong if your mind is wrong you will not be able to make them impact you ought to make your mind is the agent with which you express your belief in romans chapter 10 the bible says from verse 8 to 10 but what saith it the word is nigh the even in thy mouth and in thy heart that is the word of faith which we preach that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus christ and believe with thine heart that god hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved and then he goes on to say in verse 10 for with the heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation so the mind and the heart must walk together the mind and the spirit must walk together so that as your spirit is receiving from god your mind is in connection with it and they are working together and making the mind of god fulfilled the holy spirit brings the council of god your mind is in submission to the spirit because if your mind is in rebellion you will be the man who is like a dual person one part doing the will of god another part rebelling against the will of god one part doing the will of god another rebelling against the will of god so look at it this way god has made you as a divine think thank don't waste away achieve the purpose of god for your life be the person god said you should be achieve what god wants you to achieve what makes what makes the world mind you is if there is a worth to what flows from you but if there's no worth to what flows from you the world will not mind you people will say don't mind him because your mind is not working right when you stop thinking and learning you start dying so you've got to learn to transform your mind the largest room in the world is the room for improvement so improve your mind let the word of god transform the way you think the way you do things the degree of your of the of your thinking of your mind determines the quality of your lifestyle for as a man thinketh in himself so is he as a man thinketh in himself so is he so if your mind is wrong your life will be wrong but if your mind is right your life will be right and you'll be able to make the kind of impact you ought to make when your mind is touched by god it is empowering when your mind is taught by god you you find yourself beginning to see differently the bible says that when god touched nebuchadnezzar he just totally began to see another perspective so your life is too precious to live it on guesses on the culture of your parents on the society in which you live your mind is too precious for you to live on people's opinion on suppositions your mind is too precious to live on suggestions you can't live your life on they said they said they said your mind needs to be transformed so that when you look at issues i had a couple you look at it with kingdom eyes when you look at the subject of marriage you look at it with kingdom eyes you look at the subject of sex you look at it with kingdom eyes when you look at the subject of alcohol you look at the kingdom as you don't see but society said but people said but so when you look at issues you look at you with the eye of god because you are a child of god your access to understanding and revelation is not by sitting and doing nothing it is by allowing your mind to receive what god has ephesians 1 verse 17 that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of him the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him glory to god glory to god if you're on a platform where you can't see please make sure you ship to another one make sure you ship to another platform with all the struggles with computer tonight why do you need a transformed mind why do christians need a transformed mind because number one you are your thoughts you are the way you think you are your thoughts you are the way you think this statement is very far-reaching my thoughts influence my everything about my life how i behave how i was how i see life how i if anything i do if my mind is not transformed i can be a total mess for example if you are flying if your mind is a mind of fear you'll not be able to enjoy your flight you just all the time panic when the plane shakes but if you have the mind of christ you know that well god is with me in this plane and he is going to take care of me the statement is far reaching proverbs 23 verse 7 therefore says for as a man thinks is in his heart so is he eat and drinks yet he to thee but his heart is not with this so why should you have a transformed man number one you are your thoughts so if your thought is wrong you will be wrong if for example you're a single woman and a man approaches you by a relationship how you run that relationship will be dependent on whether you have a transformed mind or not if you are a guy listening to me today and you want to date a lady you'll be dependent on what kind of mind you have if you have a transformed mind you will come to the relationship with the mind of christ with a with a bible mind the mind of this is how the scripture will want me to do things this is the way god will want me to do things if you don't have the mind of christ you'll be picking things from around you and let me just say this very strong statement if you were a lady and somebody says oh let's go out on a date you will need to ask yourself why now out there in the world if you are single nobody asks why because sometimes and sometimes the guy just wants to go on a date with you for the fun of it not because he has a plan not because he wants to see the possibility of contemptibility and you didn't even realize this so you and i will go out on a date yeah no no sin no sex no nothing happened however why still because if it is only just to hang out and you played with my heart but if you have a transformed mind you know that this guy was a transformed man and i have a transformed mind our thought is always kingdom so when people even ask why should a christian only marry a christian they do not realize that a person who is not a christian does not have a transformed mind and is unable to really is unable to to connect with you number two why a transformed mind you can only rise conquer and achieve by your thinking you can only rise you can only conquer you can only achieve by your thinking if your thinking is wrong you will not be able to do much you can only rise you can only conquer you can only achieve by your thoughts so if your thought is great it will help you to rise for example if your thought says i can do all things through christ who strengthens me then you find that somehow you begin to rise above issues of life if your mind tells you i am more than a conqueror through him who loves me because the word of god says so you begin to see yourself as a conqueror if your mind tells you all things are possible to them that believe you begin to see that possibility if your mind tells you with this with men this is impossible but with god all things are possible you begin to see it also if your mind tells you first corinthians i think five five four we leave by faith and not by sight and you begin to believe it you find yourself beginning to operate by faith operating by faith operating by faith why because you have allowed the world to transform your mind the issues we have today in the body of christ the majority of it is coming from people without a transformed mind number three you have what you think your thought feeds your behavior and your character your thoughts feed your behavior and your character i repeat your thoughts feed your behavior and your character if a person thinks lustfully it affects the way they behave it influences their character if a person thinks pure that's why the bible says uh philippians 4 8 if if anything be pure think on these things so if your thoughts are pure then you find that it influences also your character eventually i mean what you see people do was there from their mind a rapist did not have a spirit of rape jump on him he he already thought about it he already thought about it he had the mind and he had naughty man that was transformed after honoring people and that's why i listened if you are a believer you are hearing me you gotta understand that the transformed mind is so major it helps you to live a life that really harness god so you are what you think sickly those produce sickly people suicide thoughts produce suicide tendency people and you know education can is education is informing your mind it is not transforming your life education is informing your mind it is not transforming your mind i cannot forget some years back when i first got to england i think probably five ten years after i got into england and the man who was a lecturer in was in mathematics goes to saint paul's cathedral in the heart of the city of london and committed suicide geez man phd mathematics senior lecturer from one of the universities in the uk so whatever it is that led him to that suicide and i listen all kinds of dramas are going on in the body of christ today and you find people you do not expect to commit suicide take a such step and try to say oh please let us not discuss it let us not judge them nobody is judging the person who commits suicide or how can you be in christ are you committed suicide in fact how do you respect the red early this year of a pastor who committed suicide god forbid god forbid god forbid i do not know what could happen that should make a man of his suicide even if it was like they said he committed a crime and they wanted to send him to jail let him go serve that jail it is better to be punished by man and eventually make eternal life and for you to kill to submit yourself to that which will kill your spirit and kill yours your body and send you to hell i see these things come from a mind that is not transformed looks like we're getting the full uh if we'll come back so wherever you are don't stay awake just hold on i think tonight's teaching is so major now all hell broke loose uh just get blessed just get blessed just get blessed praise the lord remember the next reason why you need a transformed mind is that a godly thought does wonders like medicine godly thought does wonders like medicine i have seen people whose face is lighted up because god gave me a prophetic word they felt their life was over and as i held their hand to pray i just saw the future and i saw something so beautiful so awesome and i just dropped i said hey this is what i see relax they say really and you would not believe it just it's like they move from black and white to color television i cannot forget the pasta very lovely man i can't forget that man i just i just spoke to him recently sending a seat it was that it was a church and i was preaching in africa in nigeria krcc about three sundays ago you see like seven years ago i held a conference in south africa no no muslim mother seven years maybe ten years ago held a conference in south africa he flew all the way from nigeria to that conference and as soon as he saw me came with a photograph of his beautiful daughter who had just finished medical school as she starts practicing medicine had just gotten married she just had depression she just had a mental breakdown i mean what a an attack from the pit of hell and the pastor gave me a photo i put it to my chest as i was i mean i didn't even have time for a long prayer as i put her photo to my chest to pray i just saw her future i saw i practicing i started doing well in medicine i saw it clearly like like you would see daylight i just stopped and i was smiling as he saw the door is going to come out of this thing her marriage is going to work and she's going to do well in medicine she's going to make a lot of progress two three weeks ago her dad was just telling me now she's been promoted she's doing very well i think she's like a a consultant and the uni and the hospital where she works has been made part of a university hospital and she's going to be lecturing oh wow oh wow but his face just transformed once he had the bible says proverbs 25 25 as water is to his thirsty man so is good news from far country don't wait for pastor to give you that good news use the word of god to wash your mind so this 60-day bible challenge we even did it's a good way for you to wash your mind with the word why should you have a transformed mind number five living right ungodly is the product of a bible-based meditation living right ungodly is a product of bible-based meditation in other words if you are cynical suspicious you won't be able to receive the word cynical suspicious and envious thoughts make you a prisoner when you have cynical thoughts about people and you're cynical not think good day too blesses you if you have suspicious thoughts about maybe the bible or a principle or a teaching maybe they thought on giving if you have suspicious thoughts cynical thoughts you miss the favor if you have envious thoughts against a person they can't bless you but if your mind is transformed so that even people who naturally you should have hated you choose to appreciate embrace respect celebrate them you find that they are unable to make you a prisoner because you have just been liberated in your spirit why you have a transformed mind have you met people who are not born again and who have an unforgiving spirit they are bitter they hold grudges for 20 years 30 years 40 years they die in their garage they will do anything to avoid the other person sometimes they are dying buried bed and they are passing their their anger to their children that's because their mind is not transformed because if your mind is transformed you may just find that the person whom you are angry about has moved on and you are the one in prison and they are not they are not they have moved on with their lives praise god a transformed mind is so powerful so so so so powerful well you have to be transformed one of the things i've found is that when people hurt you i did malicious things against you and you have the mind of christ if you truly allow the word of god and the holy spirit to wash your mind you'll be amazed that one day when you meet them they are trying to even remember the the the content of the story or whatever they did and you can't remember because the holy spirit have washed it away and he has moved you and then you are able to embrace them celebrate them rejoice with them bless them where possible because you've moved on ah a transformed mind is so powerful the sixth reason why you need to have a transformed mind is because the entrance to the house of wisdom begins through thinking so if your mind is not transformed there is a limit to how you can receive wisdom there's a limit there is a limit and that's why you find i've seen people who will not pay any price to get wisdom the bible says a prize is far above rubies sometimes i'll be in in a major city where my relations are and i'll be teaching principles for wealth creation they will not come they will not come they just want maybe some seed you put in their hand and you could do that but see the seed is not like you teaching me to to catch fish instead of you giving me fish giving me fish wouldn't help me i need to know how to catch the fish it transformed my things differently i remember dr mike murdock talking that way too he said one time flew his jet to where his brother was sat down with his brother sharing principles that can he make him prosper and when he finished that one just said i knew all those things i was trying to advise the man who flew his own private jet to come and meet him at this meeting and he broke couldn't receive what this man was teaching him would have charged thousands of dollars to teach others i tell you i've sat down sometimes in private discussions with dr mark murdoch i cannot forget one or two principles he has shared with me for example book writing changed my capacity to write books complete hundred percent but then you need to also understand if you don't have a transformed mind you'll not be able to receive because when people like that give you an idea it's always boom against what you knew so your mind can become a wall and say no no no i can't go past i can't go past it's not possible i can't think that way but when your mind is transformed and raised residing open to the holy spirit it is ready to access new every morning new ideas new thoughts good or bad thoughts you reap the hardest as a man thinks so is he number seven reason why you need to transform your mind you will attract what you believe you will attract what you believe gold is found in the depths of the earth or you only prosper as you dig deep to find it sometimes when you are flying into johannesburg you see some very deep pets that have been dug over hundreds of years when they were prospecting for gold deep because they had to go that deep to find the precious metal and of course sometimes i remember driving through a part of johannesburg and heaps of sand that were dug out of those pits and left at night would be sparkling because there are still tiny tiny particles of gold in the sand that was left just tiny tiny particles you could see it sparkling at night because it is shining against light but they had to go deep to find the gold they have to go deep to find the diamond all the precious stones i have all these precious stones in my home in africa from south africa namibia have it in a big bowl all kinds of color turquoise yellow green blue and people say this is stone precious stone yeah i have them big bowl all those precious stones are not found on the street you dig deep so the word in you will reveal your character also during crisis do you know that if your mind is not transformed your attitude to crisis is different from the man with the transformed mind the man with the transformed mind knows and god finds it easy to speak to a person with a transformed mind and untransformed mind is like a roll with a serious traffic jam and an ambulance wants to pass and there is no way the cars come make way you know it is only when there is a way that ambulances can you can make way and the ambulance can go through even the red light one time i was going to fly out of london i don't know what happened i think okay a heavy goods vehicle fell down and caused the worst traffic i've ever seen the journey of 45 minutes three and a half hours still missed the flight in fact that day i thought i was going to be too early to the airport so i had prepared my mind to just sit at the lounge not knowing that even three and a half hours we'll be there five minutes late because with first class together i could still enter 45 minutes to the flight or go there 40 minutes to the flight and the lady wasn't moving she was moving so that so when your mind is not transformed you are like that kind of road there was no way to move anywhere in fact for the first time i saw the typical very british person who will not shift drive on hard shoulder which we should not drive on my heart shoulder became another lean people forgot about heart shoulder i became soft shoulder on that day that's how a mind that is not transformed is it has no flow no direction it does not receive from god easily but when your mind is transformed and the word of god has constantly continuously washes your mind and you are open to the things of god you find that it is easy for you to flow with whatever god is saying the eighth reason why you ought to have a transformed mind is because you can only get the products of the seed that comes in cabbage in garbage out good in good out giggle good in good out garbage in garbage out giggle whatever goes in is what goes out out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks that's what jesus said so if you and i want to enjoy our christian life our relationship with people even enjoy just living in this world i tell you relating with the person with a transformed mind is much easier than a person who doesn't have a transformed mind if a person doesn't have a transformed mind they see things that's not there still be exposed to wanting to steal because they don't have a transformed mind when you have a transformer my son just tells you i'm bigger than this thing one day this thing i'm looking at will come into my hand number nine you're surrounded by what started as someone's thought that's why you should have a transformed achievement god glorifying mind let us see your product what blesses you is the product of your mind the capacity for creativity number 10 you become what you conceive as you depend on god you become what you conceive as you depend on god people will always ask you what's on your mind have you noticed people say okay what's on your mind when they see you lost and thought sometimes or when they see you approaching their mother they say what's on your mind because you should have something on your mind now if your mind is coagulated and it's like no flow you can't have direction if you think if you can think an obstacle can become a stepping stone what you can conceive you have the ability to achieve so you need to have a transformed mind you cannot get to the destination you want to reach alive you cannot prosper to the level that god wants to bless you you cannot rise to the level god wants to take you you cannot become to the level that god wants you to be unless you have a transformed mind nothing can be compared to a transformer when your mind is transformed the world opens to you favor opens to you testimony is open to you glory opens to you when your mind is transformed you become blessed on all counts doors open to you and uh when your mind is transformed you reach places they thought you would never reach you enter places they thought you would never reach you make impact in a way the thoughts you will never make when your mind is transformed you get to the level they said you never get to when your mind is transformed number 11 men have direct products of their own thoughts you are a direct product of your thought i matthew hashimoto cannot move away from the level of transformation of my mind the theology of my training in bible college is not enough to make me i could be the victim of the house of salah ashimolo my father or it can be my launch pad there are many people who have not left home if not they have not left home they have not there are many who have not left home they are still a mirror of where they are coming from now we are not saying uh there wouldn't be some semblances but you should not repeat your father's weakness and that was what was happening to jacob nonstop until he wrestled with god and that one changed his name because jacob was a product of a of a dna his mother and his uncle's dna was a dna of not being strict and jacob copied them his mom was not straight she set up her own son to take the blessing for another son is uh his uncle was not strict he gave him a dodgy wife forgive that that expression gave him the wrong wife and the bible said leah had the lazy eye and i was not a lady he waited for for seven years and i'm saying so jacob inherited the same kind of spirit of his mom and his uncle because they come from the same line and those days rural marriage was allowed so he married his cousin that is called so rural marriage it was stopped in exodus when god gave 30 kind of people you can marry but before that there was a behavior pattern in abraham repeated by isaac the bible did not paint them so that we can see what happens when your mind have not been transformed isaac lied about syria one king was chasing abraham's wife a king was chasing isaac's wife they brought light until god had to step in and nearly killed the chasers i don't understand those guys man a woman is 80 years old and you're whistling at her what did you smoke so the scriptures are very clear these things happen to them for examples they are written for admonition do you know that many of all the battles we face is really coming out of the same speed of an untransformed mind the suspect of an untransformed mind let me tell you a secret sometimes painfully when people sit before me and they anticipate getting married and they deserve to counsel i don't counsel anymore or before people get married even nowadays sometimes i'll just turn to my wife and tell us this marriage might you may say we say prophetically it's not it's just that you could just speak in your spirit these are two people who are not transformed or one person is coming with agenda so when there are two minds that are not transformed you just know the consequence you know the result you know the result when people are behaving and doing things no matter what christian needs they speak and that's why you also listen to me tonight once you notice that a person is not pursuing a particular desire to have a mind that is transformed you need to know how much of the door of your life you open to them and if you find a person whose heart is truly after god even if they offended you find a way to still embrace them david said as the deer pants towards the water brooks so pass my heart after you that was why god called david his friend a man after his heart david made mistakes more than saul but saul did not repent soul did not have a transformed mind david will be broken david will cry i mean but you could see the two david issues issues man more than salt but when you come to look at the transformed man you could see that david had a transformer they be sudden and anointed of god but he wouldn't stop him the anointed of god was looking for david to kill both of them are anointed so was looking to kill david but david wouldn't touch him if he regretted that he had cut the edge of the cloth of saul to show him and i had taken his water bottle to show him he got angry at the man who who said he was the one who stabbed saul to end his life he said that you killed a guy why would you touch an anointed that is the kind of hard david heart he had a transformed mind he forgave his brothers they now came under him forgive his parents because he said in sin did my mother conceive when he forgive them embrace them forgive everyone from the house of saul there were those who offended him he couldn't even touch his he handed them to john solomon he said deal wisely with him so answer the son of she may behave badly towards me be wisely with him uh joab did this this deal wisely with him he handed those people to him it's just david the warrior who can shoot an arrow at one single hair yet the transformation of his mind will not let him when nathan will come in as a prophet and say you are the man who committed the sin david will be broken so you'll go and look for a witch to come and tell him the future saul is symbolic of those people whom we are hearing of today who for the sake of power will go up nil before witchcraft the devil is a liar we need to have a mind that is transformed after god because as a man thinks so is he tonight let's just conclude this teaching and we can continue next week i know that we are dramas dramas dramas tonight but at least we can continue next week on our teaching i'm sure you were blessed um i'm sure you have been impacted by the little you were able to receive it was our attempt to put new headphones in the system i guess maybe the computer got angry and had its mind it has to be transformed i believe you were blessed tonight and the word of the lord had enriched your heart how do you get transformed we would do this teaching but let me tell you transformation starts when you are yourself hungry matthew 5 6. that was our message last sunday night blessed hunger may bless that they will do hunger and thirst how do you get how would you get transformed the bible say by the knowing of your mind and be transformed by the renewing of your mind romans chapter 12 us to read new means to make it new that's a huge problem in church today we have people who we didn't allow them to renew their mind before we either we're exposing them to leadership to to if today somebody tells us he gave his life to christ today tomorrow we're putting them on our platform if they're if they're celebrities if they are celebrities for example if uh i'm just thinking some of the hardest hard rock guys black sabbaths say they are born again today tomorrow churches will call them to come and sing elton john and his husband gets born again today will put them on the platform to sing they have not had a metamorpho transformed to be bigger than the form ah you must stay with us next because i'm going to show you what it needs to be bigger than the form you see when i was born i was born into a nigerian form an african form a form of my culture in nigeria which called it to help i was one in northern nigeria so i had another farmhouse by southern nigerian parents yoruba so i was a mixture of mixtures south north nigerian african jeez man then i got born again what changes you is when you come face to face with your spiritual mirror i see that ah my african form is weak my nigerian form is terribly weak my northern fork jeez man it is weak my sudden form it is weak he cannot take me to the kingdom of god he cannot help me for example my my southern form has a perspective on relationship of marriage on witchcraft on god a nigerian form has a perspective on god so if you are european and you are watching even depends on which european country you are watching from the viking countries you have a form a shape a perspective of god shaped by viking culture if you are in the united kingdom your perspective is shaped by the culture of the united kingdom but when you come to christ then god begins to transform your mind forgive me to be even more far-reaching and say even a lot of you were born again the level of their transformation is still culturally biased that's why the most divided hour in the church in the west is 11 a.m in the morning blacks go to black led church what's going to white led church it's a problem but let's forget about that global issue let's deal with personal ones transform your mind so you can transform your life transform what comes into your hand transform how your life goes spirit of the living god we thank you for tonight thank you for the entrance of your word brings light and understanding continue to bless your people powerfully beyond measure help your people to serve you to live for you to glorify you with their life and with everything that concerns them let their life bring glory to you transform our minds transform our thinking so you can transform our talk i think i talk i think i talk i think i'll talk we thank you we give you praise jesus name amen i do after this teaching really blessed you see i wrote two books power positive confession i went to premier radio and recorded it and sometimes we used to play it on the radio there and had pastors in the united kingdom call him a new age they said his new age who speak positively jesus what should christians do speak negatively then some of them began to adjust over the past 25 years i've just watched some of them now teaching that the body of christ ought to prosper yeah because if we don't prosper we're in trouble did you know that half of the guys were on youtube before it went public by muslim guys they can say we don't want christianity on on youtube so we we carry our broke busted attitude i'll find ourselves restricted because of our own way of untransformed mind based on theology that was faulted passed on to us by people who have a narrow mind bible has more than two thousand scriptures on why you should prosper you rejected it you are looking for the one that says you should suffer so the power of a transformed mind it's amazing in fact one of these days on the world master class is going to be one of our most major teaching some parts i've never taught in church you cannot prosper if your mind rejects prosperity if they put the money in your hand you waste it 80 percent of people who became millionaires through sports are broke today why they had physical strengths to achieve but no transformed mind to manage the wealth physical strength to achieve they broke through in a realm where others have never broken through but they didn't have a mind transformed to handle wealth leon springs heavyweight world champion now a bartender oh no no no no no today trying to remember one basketball player who used to travel to north korea he's one of the bad boys of basketball uh i can see him in my head he has piercings on his face and some funny hair made 50 million dollars today he has less than half a million dollars why had no mind transformed to manage wealth to handle wealth just didn't have it probably saw platforms which could have taught him no he wouldn't because something somewhere just rejects the kind of information now dennis rodman thank you somebody just put it on the screen for me you guys on this chaos is a platform you are too much man two people already dennis rodman yes you're right it was about 50 million u.s in his time of playing basketball today is worth less than half a million dollars blown everything blown everything many of the boxers you know who made a lot of money have lost it guys who play american football they are even the worst in their lifetime of playing it they make crazy money ten years down the road they're struggling to eat they have to wait for their pension and they are too young to be given their passion because by before you are 40 you have to retire oh jesus so the mind that is transformed truly blesses your life in every dimension every dimension blesses you as a believer blesses you i i mean i've said to myself several times as a pastor a good chunk of issues i see in the body of christ comes out of the battle of an untransformed mind untransformed you find the church of jesus christ arguing about things that are ephemeral non-consequential we have allowed politics to have more consequence than the advancement of the kingdom of god and the advancement then the advancement will say no no no no this is 21st century a transformer will look at things with the eye of god glory to god i know you were blessed today we've taken extra time because of the drama with um uh systems we do apologize for all the issues and i believe that uh next week we'll be more than ready if that was a an attack from hell this empire shall fight back spirit of the living god we thank you for the entrance of the world i pray for everyone who had heard the word today we continue to bless them continue to transform our minds give us the mind of christ the mind of christ the mind of christ the mind of christ change yourself to your purpose after your counsel after your will who bless you we thank you jesus name amen amen amen kept you for so long so the announcement will be very brief remember igoc it's just a couple of days down the road make sure you take the benefit of registering on time all those guys you are looking at i'm telling you i go to major conferences and just one or two of them are enough one or two one or two whenever i go to speak with my friend dr messer automill it's just four of us myself himself judo and dr marco konko and the crowd will be like 35 000 people sitting in an open field we have dr mike burdock uh jamal bryant cindy tripp boy it is going to be lit prescott have to encourage you also remember remember remember remember remember remember we have changed the time of service live class is now going to be 9 00 a.m so 9 a.m whole street 9 a.m president for those of you who didn't hear the announcement or we were not in church last sunday get out of your lockdown there's no more love die anymore don't be like the guy and his son in vietnam when vietnam war ended they were still hiding in the bush for 33 years after the vietnam war was over please come out of hiding god has given you victory corona will not see you second service will now be 11 a.m both in whole street and prayer city and evening service a powerful healing service we had powerful great time last sunday it was all awesome blessed hunger and god gives some amazing word of knowledge praise god praise god praise god don't miss it by any chance the wealth master class is going to be absolutely awesome this saturday as i teach one of the greatest seminars i would have ever ever ever done it is a seminar on how to market your business how to take your business from local to global too many people who run and sell goods and services are not doing well in our community because they have an idea but they didn't know that there are steps to marketing it they did not know that you need to take advantage of certain steps before you can properly sell anything so it is going to be a great one it's going to be it's going to really really transform lives if you have not registered i encourage you to do so it is going to be great it's going to be marketing that's all we are doing i tell you that's the bottom line once you are marketing the business you're doing well then you are able to go far with what you have you need to come join us and learn about all that you should know all that you should know that will make your business prosper know about the market the model the message and the media live webinar the lord bless you keep you make his face shine on you see you tomorrow morning at the morning glory i tell you this season on that word on divine encouragement is just so powerful even for me every scripture just becomes a liar comes alive so life i mean morning glory is awesome make sure you serve the lord serve the lord worship the lord with the seed of your life give the lord magnify the lord with the provisions he has made in your life never hold back always learning to celebrate the goodness of god and the blessings of the lord with that which you have god is good and he will never put you to shame the lord bless you richly dior tibu god bless you thank you very much god bless prepare yourself for the inspiration encouragement and insight required to grow create and innovate the international gathering of champions 2021 his extraordinary works join transformational leaders from around the globe host matthew ishovaloa and guests including tudor bismarck mike murdock cindy trim mensah odabil jamal bryan worship led by grammy award-winning matt redmond the kicc choir anthony brown helen johnson chevelle franklin the expressions dance troupe the kicc malawi choir plus live french interpretation and events for kids and teens igoc 2021 the actual and virtual conference for every believer everywhere wednesday august 25th to sunday august 29th live on social media and at kicc prayer city register your free place today prepare yourself for the inspiration encouragement and insight required to grow create and innovate the international gathering of champions 2021 his extraordinary works join transformational leaders from around the globe host matthew chimolo and guests including tudor bismarck mike murdock cindy trim mensah odabil jamal bryan worship led by grammy award-winning matt redman the kicc choir anthony brown helen yawson chevelle franklin the expressions dance troupe the kicc malawi choir plus live french interpretation and events for kids and teens igoc 2021 the actual and virtual conference for every believer everywhere wednesday august 25th to sunday august 29th live on social media and at kicc prayer city register your free place today prepare yourself for the inspiration encouragement and insight required to grow create and innovate the international gathering of champions 2021 his extraordinary works join transformational leaders from around the globe host matthew isha maloa and guests including tudor bismarck mike murdock cindy trim mensah odabill jamal bryant worship led by grammy award-winning matt redman the kicc choir anthony brown helen yawson chevelle franklin the expressions dance troupe the kicc malawi choir plus live french interpretation and events for kids and teens igoc 2021 the actual and virtual conference for every believer everywhere wednesday august 25th to sunday august 29th live on social media and at kicc prayer city register your free place today prepare yourself for the inspiration encouragement and insight required to grow create and innovate the international gathering of champions 2021 his extraordinary works join transformational leaders from around the globe host matthieu shamolo and guests including tudor bismarck mike murdock cindy trim mensah odabill jamal bryan worship led by grammy award-winning matt redman the kicc choir anthony brown helen yawson chevelle franklin the expressions dance troupe the kicc malawi choir plus live french interpretation and events for kids and teens igoc 2021 the actual and virtual conference for every believer everywhere wednesday august 25th to sunday august 29th live on social media and at kicc prayer city register your free place today prepare yourself for the inspiration encouragement and insight required to grow create and innovate the international gathering of champions 2021 his extraordinary works join transformational leaders from around the globe host matthieu shamolo and guests including tudor bismarck mike murdock cindy trim mensah odabill jamal bryan worship led by grammy award-winning matt redmond the kicc choir anthony brown helen yawson chevelle franklin the expressions dance troupe the kicc malawi choir plus live french interpretation and events for kids and teens igoc 2021 the actual and virtual conference for every believer everywhere wednesday august 25th to sunday august 29th live on social media and at kicc prayer city register your free place today prepare yourself for the inspiration encouragement and insight required to grow create and innovate the international gathering of champions 2021 his extraordinary works join transformational leaders from around the globe host matthew ishovaloa and guests including tudor bismarck mike murdock cindy trim mensah odabill jamal bryant worship led by grammy award-winning matt redman the kicc choir anthony brown helen yawsen chevelle franklin the expressions dance troupe the kicc malawi choir plus live french interpretation and events for kids and teens igoc 2021 the actual and virtual conference for every believer everywhere wednesday august 25th to sunday august 29th live on social media and at kicc prayer city register your free place today prepare yourself for the inspiration encouragement and insight required to grow create and innovate the international gathering of champions 2021 his extraordinary works join transformational leaders from around the globe host matthieu chivolo and guests including tudor bismarck mike murdock cindy trim mensah odabill jamal bryant worship led by grammy award-winning matt redman the kicc choir anthony brown helen yawson chevelle franklin the expressions dance troupe the kicc malawi choir plus live french interpretation and events for kids and teens igoc 2021 the actual and virtual conference for every believer everywhere wednesday august 25th to sunday august 29th live on social media and at kicc prayer city register your free place today prepare yourself for the inspiration encouragement and insight required to grow create and innovate the international gathering of champions 2021 his extraordinary works join transformational leaders from around the globe host matarusha maloa and guests including tudor bismarck mike murdock cindy trim mensah odabil jamal bryan worship led by grammy award-winning matt redmond the kicc choir anthony brown helen yawson chevelle franklin the expressions dance troupe the kicc malawi choir plus live french interpretation and events for kids you
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 3,562
Rating: 4.9663863 out of 5
Id: -q1fkpHtYvQ
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Length: 71min 3sec (4263 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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