KICC Morning Glow Live | Greater Things Ahead | 15-09-2021

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praise the lord this is the day the lord has made will rejoice and be glad in it welcome to morning glory welcome to another time in the presence of the lord trust in the lord that you work strong alive and in his presence let us give glory to the one who walk us to this new day and to magnify his name father in heaven we praise you we thank you what a joy we have to be alive today to be in your presence we welcome the presence power and grace of the holy spirit we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you minister to your people this morning at the entrance of your world bring light and let our time in your presence truly bring forth breakthroughs testimonies awesome healings ministry in the name of jesus let your name be glorified let your name jesus be glorified let your name jesus be glorified at all times we'll remove burdens from our shoulders today and we cast them down because they are not ours for you a word says casting your cares upon the lord for he cares for you let everyone who comes to the altar to their current one person or the other go with testimonies that they have been relieved and they experience your liberty your freedom in the name of jesus amen praise the lord amen amen amen amen trust in the lord it is going to be a great day this morning you're welcome tomorrow glo wherever you have joined from praise god praise the lord praise the lord like to welcome everyone who's on the platform wherever you've joined form may the lord bless you may you be richly uh encouraged and blessed cingola zambia somebody's joining from there the lord bless you this morning lu saga zambia also those are the two are so first arrived from zambia you're welcome in the name of the lord may you be blessed praise god praise the lord praise the lord uh about kuta nigeria the lord bless you richly praise the lord uh according nigeria god bless north middlesex hospital god bless you richly in jesus name sure god bless you south africa johannesburg god bless you rich lee wow ico goes in nigeria that's a long way man ah blessings in jesus name praise the lord this morning uh malaysia the lord bless you west sussex god bless you pizza in sex be blessed and highly favored this morning praise god good old nigeria god bless you um i missed that i think in south africa pretoria south africa malawi god bless croydon and sorry god bless you sacramento california the lord bless you richly in jesus name praise god ben fleet be blessed and highly favored this morning praise the lord praise the lord ah fair ham and ham shared the lord bless you richly praise the lord may you be blessed may you be blessed enlightened blessed nell spirit is south africa blessings doha in qatar durban in south africa where in nigeria the lord bless you richly praise the lord medway in kent god bless you richly maryland lagos nigeria blesses the emirate of the united arab emirates god bless you in kenya god bless buckinghamshire god bless you richly would grain in north london the lord bless you uh doha again in qatar god bless you the czech republic god bless you this morning gillingham and kent lusaka zambia sierra leone god bless you richly in the name of jesus praise god brazil god bless you this morning praise the lord somebody's going to be blessed with your measure this morning the hand of the lord reach out to you and touch you in jesus name reach out home church and sex god bless you lagos barrigan legals blessings praise god this morning praise the lord this morning and the way you're joining foreign we celebrate you leaven shown in manchester god bless you richly uh zali in lebanon wow the lord bless you richly in jesus name nairobi kenya god bless you in the name of jesus welcome everyone this morning we celebrate you we appreciate you we thank god for you through the lord i give you the chelmsford in kent uh ontario canada the lord bless you this morning steinwell and [Music] stains be blessed and highly favored kettering in east midlands god bless plumstead and village wager in ghana the lord bless you richly in the name of jesus praise the lord oh praise the lord new cross in london the lord bless you bethlehem pennsylvania the lord bless you richly a heartfelt job blessings lebanon god bless saint paul's in bristol be blessed and highly favored saint elizabeth in jamaica blessings edinburgh scotland pittsburgh kent uh appraisal cannon town east london numbers zen basin midrand that is somewhere in the middle of south africa and love bless you maryland usa blessings this day saint paul's in bristol levin shaw manchester cape town south africa praise the lord okay this one says watch him run the usa and let us know where in the usa be nice to know praise the lord virginia waters in uh ontario god bless you in the name of jesus bulawayo in zimbabwe dagenham and kent istanbul in turkey oakland in california the lord bless you richly this one hero in the in middle sex palmer's green fish punch in bristol be blessed and unfavored uh name again in the netherlands lord bless you praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord harare cassel in germany god bless you this morning ennis in ireland god bless you another bulawayo in zimbabwe uh lungo uh is osaka zambia okay uh cordoba in spain god bless you lake in nigeria dublin in ireland be blessed and highly vivid uh rothenberg in germany god bless you richly this morning praise the lord peter marrisburg in south africa may you be enriched may your life really be transformed the power of god taught you port harcourt nigeria motherwell scotland saudi arabia the lord bless you in riyadh hey glory to god they're gonna east london blessings niger delta whoa blessings on you this day nairobi in kenya akoka lagos nigeria bliss backcountry and sx phoenix phoenix as a phoenix in essay phoenix in seattle i was going to say phoenix arizona phoenix okay phoenix and casey and that's called zulu natal i think well i didn't know that there's a town in south africa called phoenix south africa ah every day you learn praise god praise god praise god praise god uh istanbul and turkey god bless you the lord bless you uh france the lord bless you richly someone from shenyang in china the lord bless you richly praise the lord this morning we appreciate we thank god for each one of you and we trust that you come on this platform god will minister you in a very very very very very special way in abuja nigeria kscc maryland lagos god bless you lagos nigeria all right uh work shall be blessed and early favorite in the name of jesus alright another pretoria south africa gothenburg wow the city where the printing machine was first made god bless you richly uh all right wow this morning is going to be awesome sarcoma no estate in a crowd south africa pretoria blessings blessings blessings blessings blesses us and now zambia the lord bless you richly this morning may the lord touch you may the lord minister to you you experience the grace of god you experience the power of god uh [Music] all right praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord may the veil in london the lord bless you richly in the name of jesus and when you experience the grace of god may the power of god touch you and you have reasons to magnify his name reasons to exalt the lord reasons to experience the grace and the power of our god in the name of jesus praise god we like to celebrate everyone this morning we thank god for you trust the lord that this morning you'll be blessed of the lord the hand of god will touch you and you'll have reasons to praise him in the name of jesus if you have just joined us remember remember that we are prophesying into our lives the fact that uh greater things are ahead greater days greater things are ahead and i believe greater things are ahead of you the scriptures cannot be broken even when there is challenge about you just always remember greater things are ahead in the book of acts chapter 28 verse 1 to 28 there is the story of paul in a boat along with people who they were taking him to rome to stand judgment because he had appealed to caesar but just before they left israel he told them not to leave because he says that there is going to be danger in the journey they did not listen to him you know sometimes the man of god speaks charlotte north carolina and somebody did not listen because they didn't realize it was tapping into the realm of the spirit second corinthians 4 18 while we look not at the things that are seen or the things that are not seen for the things that are seen are temporal the things that are not seen are eternal and the captain who was trained in just knowing how to uh stare at sheep a ship uh denied paul and said it can't be and then the danger came but then the midst of it god spoke because his servant paul was in that place god will not allow his holy one to see corruption in the mighty name of jesus god will not allow you to seek corruption in the holy name of jesus i declare again god will not allow you to see corruption but rather he will deliver you he will save you he'll keep you by his mighty power then we see in psalm 126 the fact that in the middle of any battle god is able to make a way out it's going to so give you a testimony greater things will be ahead about sin psalm 126 when god turned the captivity of zion we were like them that dreamt then was he said among the heathen the lord has done great things for them god has done great things for us therefore we rejoice praise the lord praise the lord i prophesied to you this morning that greater things are ahead because when glory and great things are about to manifest some things will oppose you that want to bring shame they want to destroy your glory but god is going to use the same thing as a stepping stone to testimony one disease sometimes you find that your body is attacked by ill health but i prophesied to somebody at this altar today that god will taught you god will heal you please remember to write your testimonies uh please remember to write your testimonies we have already been saying it this is the season when we are going to compile testimonies and we are going to turn it into books so that you are able to read it able to even give it to your friends so when they read of healings miracles open doors that happened during lockdown and then the ones that happened during this 90 days they consider truly our god is good praise god also the enemy will try to bring shame and opposition by bringing failure and defeat but i want you to know that you will not be put down by failure you will not be put down by defeat god does not delight in your failure there is glory ahead do not be upset broken or discouraged there is glory ahead god will turn the failure into victories and god will turn the battle into blessing god will turn the challenge into making you a conqueror and making you a victorious person so keep your eyes on god and never never think that you will totally feel rather testimony will come out of it you will not be a failure victory will follow you then the enemy tries to use stagnation god doesn't want his people to be stagnated you know the bible makes clear he says lord let your glory descend upon me so listen when there is stagnation one can't move forward the bible says in proverbs chapter 3 verse 35 the intention of the enemy he says the wise shall inherit glory but shame shall be the promotion of fools so the enemy is trying to bring stagnation strength to bring shame he's trying to bring defeat failure start to bring disease but i prophesy on you this morning instead of all those things god will intervene in your life and turn things around in the name of jesus satan also wants to bring bondage because he knows that in the middle of bondage a person doesn't know how to come out he doesn't he can't even praise the lord well but the bondage will turn to testimony in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus the last thing the enemy wants to bring is excessive sorrow so that you just are sorrowful you have broken you are crying you are saying god look at my life but the devil is a liar i want to prophesy into your life therefore the redeemed of the lord shall come with singing unto zion an everlasting son shall be upon their head they shall obtain gladness and joy and sorrow shall be no more glory is the absence of all these things i mentioned sorrow excessive sorrow bondage stagnation failure defeat disease but when the glory of the lord gone bomb glory is cae yield glory is carbohydrate glory is shekinah kayel and cabot when you carry heavy weight blessing heavyweight presence of god heavy weight glowing in god heavyweights anointing of god so and the anointing destroys the yoke how can distance continue to be when the presence of the lord is strong we declare and decry for somebody this morning that there's going to be a change in your life glory is coming nothing can stop it in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus so the scriptures which we read earlier says proverbs 3 35 the wise inherit honor but fools get only shame so god doesn't want you to be foolish he wants you to focus on him and know that he would turn things around and turn them to a testimony in psalm 14 verse 1 he said the fool says in his heart there is no god so when believers say there is no use praying or fasting or waiting on god rushing to even pray those who don't pray they get some blessings they get some breakthrough where we are people of god we are children of god where people of the kingdom our life is hidden in christ and god and god exodus 11 verse 7 exodus 11 verse 7 will put a difference between those who know him and those who don't god upon a difference hebrews 11 6 elsa's but without faith it is impossible to please god for he that will come to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him glory to god so a wise man is the one who learns to pray seek god's face and know that testimony is coming reward is coming turning is turning around is coming greater things are ahead his eyes are on god he knows that though he tarries our wait for it it will not be overdue by a single day the greatest project in life is where men and women cannot manifest the glory of god that has been kept for them there there's glory ahead there is favor ahead there's testimony ahead there is blessing ahead you are the one who will carry that glory no one else you will carry glory you will manifest it you manifest testimony you manifest the favor of god your manifest the hand of god when the enemy comes like a flood the spirit of the lord will raise a standard against him so this morning i declare and decree to your life as the day begins to dawn and the day begins to break that you go into this whiteness day carrying the glory of god knowing that there is testimony ahead there is goodness ahead there are great things ahead in the name of jesus it will not work out like the enemy wanted it will only work out like god wanted in your life testimonies will follow you power of god will follow you grace of god will follow you the manifestation of god's hand the manifestation of god's power will follow you today in the mighty name of jesus you will be on evidence wherever you went you you'll be an evidence wherever you went you'll be an evidence of the power of god you'll be an evidence of the grace of god you'll be an evidence of the ability of god when people are looking for does god exist they'll see him in your life can god do it they'll see it in your life has god ever done it you will have a testimony in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus nama caprochar he will do it again acts of apostles chapter 1 verse 11 acts of apostles chapter 1 verse 11 o ye man of galilee why do you stand here gazing at the heaven this same jesus this same jesus whom ye see cut up into heaven will come in the same way as you saw him come in into heaven this same jesus whom you see cut off into heaven shall come back in the same way this same jesus the same jesus who healed you will deliver again the same jesus who saved you will deliver again this same jesus not another one not a false one this same jesus whom you see caught up into heavens glory to god eta kappa kakapa this same jesus when you look at your life you see the handwork of god you see the milestones of the work of jesus in your life so i prophesied the same jesus the same jesus the same jesus is making a way the same jesus is turning things around the same jesus you shut the mouth of devils the same jesus he is sealing your body the same jesus he's proven himself mighty the same jesus is proving himself strong the same jesus the same jesus the same jesus the same jesus will stretch his hand in your life the same jesus will prove himself as a mighty god the same jesus was silenced darkness the same jesus if he's done it before he would do it again the same jesus when you think of the goodness of the lord and what he has done then it makes you know that the one who did it before can do it again he is not he never sleeps no slumber he's not on holiday he will start in a jesus christ the same yesterday and today and forever he malachi chapter 3 verse 6 behold i am god i do not change it this same jesus same in healing same in deliverance his power does not diminish cannot be relegated cannot be reduced this same jesus stretches his hand this morning and proves himself in your life in the mighty name of jesus caution destroying the works of the enemy irabakaya for this reason the son of god was manifested that he may destroy the works of the devil this same jesus destroys every packaged lies against you in the name of jesus in jesus name john 15 verse 5 greater things ahead greater things ahead i am divine you are the branches whoever abides in me and i in him here it is that bears much fruits apart from me you can do nothing it is the best much fruit go into today and bear good fruit be a supernatural fruit fruit of financial favor fruit of spiritual growth fruit of the presence of god fruit of the grace of god fruit of the power of god go forth into today and bear much fruit let people look at your life and they will see god's presence they'll see god's power they'll see god's glory they'll see god's anointing ayat whoever bites in me and i in him glory to god he is the obvious march fruit for apart from me you can do nothing this day as you are abiding in him not hanging there while you are already broken away many years ago when i was a teenager i had to live for a year in the farm a year and four months or five months i went into the farm belonging to my aunt to to have some cooler nuts and i saw one very high up so i needed to climb some branches and i put my weight on this particular branch unknown to me that i was dead he was just hanging there like he's still there it has stopped receiving the moment i put all my weight you know the next thing that happened i found myself coming down like a humpty dumpty uh jack and jill and fell to the ground because i put my weight on the brain that is bro that is dead you are alive in god so from this day you will be a much fruit a prophet saw in your life as you go to work bearing much fruit as you lay your hand on your business very much fruit the dreams the assignments you feel god are placed in your spirit in this season becoming reality becoming reality becoming reality becoming reality nor does your knocking on opening up for you in the name of jesus the doors you're knocking on opening up for you great things are ahead if you are listening to me with the air of the spirit you'll know that i'm prophesying into the rest of this year and i'm declaring into your life as you focus on this year great things are ahead irrespective of anything you heard anywhere any feeling of your body we prophesied today and the word of the lord is super imposed by your situation great things great things great things great things great things are ahead in the name that is above all names great things are ahead by the power of the living christ great things are ahead in the name of jesus of nazareth great things are ahead because of jesus great things are ahead because of his power great things are ahead because of his work great things are ahead no weapon formed against you prosperous every mother rises against you and jordan shall be condemned great thanks ahead great favors ahead great testimonies great things ahead in the name of jesus great things ahead i speak into your love today i declare the great things ahead in the name of jesus i said today in the name of is above all names great things ii thessalonians chapter 3 verse 1. finally brothers pray for us that the word of the lord may speed ahead and behold not has happened among you maybe the word of the lord will speed ahead and be honest this is their prophesied your life this passage but this passage paul was talking about those opening for them to minister the world and the word of god to move fast i believe in the same thing that the word of god will move fast on your situations finally brothers pray for us that the word of the lord may speed ahead and be honoured has happened among you i'll lay hands on you this morning the word of god will go ahead of you speedily speedily speedily speedily speedily opening door speedily changing situation speedily silence and the enemy speedily rocking boats of the enemy and bringing you out of situations speedily the word of god will be fulfilled speedily that the word of the lord may speed ahead and be honored uh prophesy on your life today the word of god speeds ahead enters the nukes and the crownings where you cannot reach hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 for the word of god is powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword reaching into the places into the bone and the marrow and the dividing point of the soul and the spirit i prophesy the word to enter places you can enter to go ahead of you he sent his words on 107 verse 20 and his word healed them i send the word of god into places you can't go to places you can't enter and god's word to begin to create create create creative miracles creative miracles creative miracles creative miracles creative miracles creative miracles the word of god to begin to open doors for the words that i speak they are spirit and they are alive that's what jesus said the words that i speak they are spirit and they are alive so the word of the lord that is a spirit goes ahead of you and spirits are not limited by walls they are not limited by walls they are not limited by walls the spirit cannot be limited by walls because spirits have the power of agility they are not limited by natural physical elements so i send the word of god into places you can't enter into whether it's the highest building they are making decisions about you or the lowest building any place we live we still we send the word of god this morning we're turning situations around turning situations around tennis situations around we send the word of god into corners and nukes nukes and corners of your body whether cancer or cell wants to hide we curse the cancer we declare you will not die but live to declare the glory of god you will not die but live to declare the glory of god you will not die but live to declare the glory of god you will not die but live to declare the glory of god your body receives power there will be we're a big sickness and disease this morning totally set you free from every attack of your mind every attack of your body i see somebody who's gradually beginning to go deaf one of your ears is beginning to go there will put that finger into your ear to deal with command effort open be open in the name of jesus in the name of jesus be open that year be open that year be open that yeah be open lay hand on you again one more time speak to your ears this day even whispers the tiniest sound microcosms or sounds receive in the name of jesus to die health and healing from today god sets you free in jesus name i read that word again finally brothers pray for us that the word of the lord may speed ahead and be honest speed ahead and be honest has happened among you this is the ever word that god has given you every prophetic word has that god has given you shall speed ahead into situations and he shall be honored he shall speed ahead into situations every promise of victory that god gave you in the privacy of your home or during the time the word was delivered or a prophecy was given you shall receive fulfillment you shall receive fulfillment you shall receive fulfillment you shall receive fulfillment you shall receive fulfillment you shall receive fulfillment [Laughter] this day i prophesy on your life that the lord himself will give his word speed give his word speed give his word speed give his word speed give his word speed in the name of jesus colossians chapter 4 verse 3 at the same time colossians 4 3 at the same time pray also for us that god may open to us a door for the world to declare the mysteries of christ on account of which i am in prison here paul was talking about doors opening in nations so that as they prayed the word that nations will open but for you also i'm prophesying this day that god may open to you a door for the world a door for the world a door for the world a dog for the world the word of the lord has gone for the word of healing the word of provision the word of deliverance we speak to those doors be open we command the doors of this morning to open we command the door of this week to remain open we command the door of september to be open we command the door of october to be open we will command the door of november december to be open nakaya time pray also for us that god may open to us a dog for the world to declare the mystery of christ on account of which i am in prison we speak to doors today not only will the doors be open you will inherit you will possess the doors of the enemy and they said to rebecca genesis 24 that rebecca our sister may your children inherit the doors the gates of the enemy go for today and take territories go for today and take gates of commerce gates of progress gates of abundance shall open up to you the bibles and the kings of the earth shall bring their glory into it and the kings of the earth shall bring their glory into it i command the gates of commerce the gates of nations the gates of prosperity to open unto you in the name of jesus the gates of jerusalem were locked every 6 p.m so those who arrive with goods commerce which which were beautiful things from the cyrophonisian lands from lebanon from syria from far countries from baghdad they had to stay outside early in the morning six in the morning lift up your head all ye gets be lifted of you everlasting doors let the king of glory come in let kings bring in all that they have this morning a prophet signed to your life the doors are opening the gates are opening the beauties of nations are coming into your life the favors that were locked out are coming in they are coming and they are coming and they're coming and they're coming in they're coming in they're coming in the breakthroughs they were locked out previously they are coming in the ones that sin and unrighteousness logged out with those sin under the blood of jesus we ask for the washing of the blood and we declare that the glories are coming and the favors are coming and the glories are coming and the favors are coming and the glories are coming and the favors are coming in thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus malay toshi on the first day of the week mary magdalene came to the tomb early while it was still dark and so that the stone had been taken away from this from the tomb the angels rolled away the stone the stone have been taken away from the tomb uh for those of us who are only really used to the kind of grave where they dig grounds and they bury tombs in bible places my revive you go to jerusalem there are two claims to where jesus was buried but i kind of agreed with the one which is in the garden by by golgotha and it say it's a tomb carved into a rock they carved a hole and they used a rock to cover it so when the angel came the angel had removed the rock that covered the tomb this morning i prophesy into your life that every stone that have used to cover your glory every stone that have been used to cover wherever your blessing has been buried we reach forty this morning we take what belongs to you caco calibre italico empire andros every graveside every tomb where you have your favor buried and they put rocks to cover we pray we remove the rocks we blast out the rocks in the name of jesus we take your possession we take your glory we take your favor we take your blessing take your glory we take your favor we take your blessing in the name of jesus john 11 jesus said roll away the stone take away the stone this morning we prophesy everything that stands between you and your coming testimony the rocks that you cannot move god is shaping it on your behalf by the anointing this they will declare and decree things that stand between your testimony and you are shifting they are shifting i just saw the image of a person who in the natural just does not look possible for them to have that child maybe god is using them as a type and the shadow of really in the natural conventional past i declare and decree what they said is not possible you will be the testimony you will be the testimony you will be the testimony they have already said this cannot be that is when god steps in he specializes in things taught impossible uh there's a song we used to see many years ago got any rivers you thinks are you think i'm crossable god got any mountains you can't tunnel through god specializes in things thought impossible he can do what no man can do this morning this morning this morning the rocks have been rolled away the rocks have been rolled away the rocks have been rolled away the impossibilities are being rolled away and i love it it says it was it was it was even when it was still dark and people still thinking that nothing can happen ah some people will wake up to find god has moved you forward some people will wake up end of 2021 to find out you have changed location le cabarro seba era now on the first day of the week that is sunday mary magdalene came to the tomb early while it was still dark when darkness thought it had you i saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb necaparcosa the stone have been taken away i prophesied the manifestation of somebody's testimony even before the end of today needed to talk about capriana declare and decree the rolling away of the stone and shifting of the stone and shifting of the stone and shifting of the stone in the name of jesus god breaking into your circumstance lay hand on that leg i see a person again who i am not a doctor but i think i seem to hear that the white blood cells are produced inside the bone marrow and i see this process as if their own there's this darkness inside the bone marrow today we take authority over that darkness break the power of the enemy and lay hands on your command your body to begin to function you will live you will live you would live you would live you would live you would live you would live you would live in the name of jesus you would live in the name of jesus you would live in the name of jesus you would live in the name of jesus you would live in the name of jesus you would live in the name of jesus you would live in the name of jesus you would live in the name of jesus you would live in jesus name john chapter 5 verse 20. john chapter 5 verse 20 greater things are coming keep telling yourself because your eyes will see it your ears will hear it your hands will handle it your eyes will see it your ears will hear it your hand will handle it your mouth will testify in the name of jesus you will use all your five senses you will taste and see that the lord is good your eyes will see the goodness of the lord you will hear the testimony and you will handle it with your hands john chapter 5 verse 24 the father loves the son and shows him all that he he himself is doing and greater works than this will he show him so that you may marvel yeah and greater works than these shall he show him so that you may marvel when god does greater works in your life the world marvels the world marvels what will make your enemies marvel god will do in this season what will make people marvel god will do in this season in your life what will make people who have given up on you mother god will do in this season you are for signs and wonders isaiah 8 18. you are for signs and wonders you are god will make you as an instrument of marvel god will make you the evidence of a marvel tale ko piqueto taliba and greater works than these will he show him so that you may marvel the world will marvel on account of your breakthrough the world will marvel on account of your testimony the world will marvel on account of the outstretching of the hand of god in your life the world will marvel the kind of things that make the world tomorrow the kind of miracles that make the world tomorrow receive receive receive receive receive receive receive receive receive receive receive receive in the name of jesus and greater works than these will he show him so that you may marvel greater works greater move of god than you have known receive receive receive receive go forth into your testimony zone go forth into your breakthrough day go forth into your breakthrough day into your testimony day into your favor day in the name of jesus john chapter 1 verse 18. no one has ever seen god the only god who is at the father's side he has made him known no one has ever seen god the only god who is at the father's side he has made him known john chapter 1 verse 18 when people want to see god they may jesus made him known by the miracles that he did no more shall people wonder if your god exists you shall be the evidence no more shall people wonder if god does miracles you shall be the heaviness no more no more no more no more no more no more no more miracles follow your favor follow your testimonies follow you open doors rika kappa god will bring your family into limelight i hear this on somebody one or two of your children will just shoot forth and become an awesome awesome awesome awesome testimony the days of glory are coming the days of glory are coming the days of glory are coming the days of glory are coming the days of glory are coming the days of glory are coming when your eyes will seep and your ears will hear it when your eyes will sit and your ears will hear it no one has ever seen god the only god who is at the father's side he has made him known you will make god known by the testimony in your life by the outstretching of god's hand in your life you will make god known a prophecy on your life today that people will see god through you like ricochet you would be the manifestation of his power the manifestation of his glory the manifestation of his testimony the manifestation nayakaba in jesus name luke 11 9 luke 11 9 luke 11 and i tell you ask it to be given to you seek you will find knock to be open to you these three words are ingredients you ask and you haven't just seen it then you lift it up to seeking if you ask and seek and yell over and then you begin to knock this morning everything you've asked is coming the ones you've sought for will manifest and the doors you knock will open open open open open open open open we enforce the power of this kingdom on situations and command the doors to open we enforce the power of this kingdom we enforce the power of this kingdom our situations stop born situations to begin to turn around for you stubborn challenges to begin to turn around for you stop born situations to begin to turn around for you stop born challenges to begin to turn around for you stop born situations to begin to turn around for you stop burn challenges to begin to turn around for you caleb marietta situations to begin to turn around for you from this morning a change is coming a change is coming a change is coming a change is coming from this morning a change is coming from this morning a change is coming from this morning a turnaround is coming i declare and decree this is this i just saw somebody you just swapping your tears because laptop is around the corner and celebration is here the day of your celebration is here nothing can stop it nothing can stop it nothing can stop it the day of your celebration is here nakapalutanika libra no tanika in the name of jesus i see a woman by a man's expertise he told you ah madam sorry uh your fallopian tube is this and that i don't know who this woman is but specifically was fallopian tube you were told get ready let me be liars he remains faithful i seal your your womb i seal where they said is torn because that's what i heard and you will embrace a child as the lord lives you will embrace a child as the lord lives you will embrace a child as the lord lives there's also somebody on the altar this morning i don't know what corner of the world you're in but some people will come from another nation looking for people to partner with in business and you will be the one they connect with get ready get ready uh glory to god i see somebody who your name has m-u-i-m-u-i the day of favor is going to open for you and it's going to be amazing god is going to show you i can make you hundred times more than your father's m-u-i it looks like a muslim name that you used to have but get ready get ready it's going to be just amazing all right i think i hear it the doctor said well they they've just seen something your body and you also are in panic nakaba koshinikya i lay hands on you this morning doctors cure god heals so the healing power of god belongs to god what they say will happen to you as the lord lives will not god himself will intervene in your life and turn the evil prophecy to your glorious testimony he will turn the evil prophecy to your glorious testimony turn the evil prophecy to your glorious testimony turn the evil prophecy to your glorious testimony turn the evil prophecy to your glorious testimony you will not die but live to declare the glory of god jesus name amen two scriptures and now begin to prophesy certain areas of needs in your life this morning proverbs 15 29 proverbs 15 29 proverbs 15 29 and years ago when i was a student in bob's school i had gone to my mother's hometown and the preacher was preaching the native language but they know how to say proverbs in that language so he had to say proverb so probably 15 29 this morning the lord is far from the wicked but he hears the prayer of the righteous he hears the prayer of the righteous he hears the prayer of the righteous psalm 6 verse 9 psalm 6 verse 9 let's combine these two scriptures the lord has heard my plea the lord accepts my prayer i love this it's like sign off the lord has heard my plea the lord accepts my prayer proverbs 15 29 of proverbs 15 29 psalm 6 9 the lord is far from the wicked but he hears the prayer of the righteous the lord has heard my plea the lord accepts my prayer this morning god has heard your plea and i declare nakotoki and iberia just as he shows me things may your eyes be opened to see answers to see solutions to see where your treasures are may your eyes be opened to see the secret things that belong to god the bible says the secret things belong to god he showed his acts to the children of israel but his ways he showed to moses where you are now under the covenant of grace and we are all priests unto our father we are a royal priesthood because you are a priest unto the father he will not keep secrets from you may your eyes of the spirit be open even in your night season or daytime may you hear a voice telling you this is the way walking it in the name of jesus may you be clearly directed today and not only today but for the rest of your life may the holy spirit come and be your guide on direction the bible says concerning jesus the two men on the way to a mouse after the resurrection of jesus and jesus drew near and went with them may he draw near with you and show you his secret things this morning i'll lay hands on you and i release you into today and the rest of this week and i prophesied that help and help us will rise for you help and helpers will rise for you help and helpers will rise for you help and helpers will rise for you in the name of jesus necapa no turkianica some of you have had challenges you've been logged in that tomb with that rock you know when i got to the place in jerusalem they showed me the rock beside the tomb i prophesied today that the rock has been removed and you are free you no longer live in the tomb you are not like the two man the man of gatherera be free and take what belongs to you you go far in life you will not be held down jesus told the man go home go home and the man of gadra did not only leave and go home the bible says then he went to decapolis 10 decca in greek decapolis means 10 10 cities this man went to preach to 10 cities the devil was hiding him in the grave but the man belonged he carried another hey he carried an uncommon anointing no man people got that kind of grace to be ministering intensities decapolis today you will go far you go far you go far you go far far into your calling fire into your destiny fire into your purpose far into the grace you carry fire rick oppose every evil that is gathering against you shall fail for yourself wherever they are gathering information doing forensic accounting of your life to attack your finance to attack your spiritual life to attack your mental life to attack you emotionally to attack your family with scatter in the name of jesus they have their collective voice shall become a voice of confusion their collective voice shall be a voice of people in disarray they shall not understand each other just like the children of ammon and the children of moab and monsieur gathered and fought each other and destroyed each other confusion shall break forth in the camp of your enemies confusion shall break forth in the camp of your enemies confusion shall break forth in the camp of your enemies confusion shall break forth in the camp of your enemies they will not understand each other until they destroy each other the enemy will destroy each other the enemy will destroy each other the enemy will destroy each other touch not my anointed do my prophet know her it shall be a season of divine lifting in your life go into today and be lifted by the favors that will come your way be lifted by the testimony you will write down today as a testament of this day be lifted be lifted be lifted believe it be lifted there will be a rising in your life the bible says even in old age he shall yet bear fruit don't give up on yourself i stop announcing how old you are you'll be blessed you'll be favored you'll be lifted mercy follows you favor follows you glory follows you mercy follows you favor follows you glory follows you healing follows you testimonies follow you greater things follow you amazing power of god manifest for you today therefore the redeemed of the lord shall come with singing unto zion today songs will be coming up in your spirit david said my spirit is indicting a good thing you know it's not meditating murder it's not meditating suicide it's not meditating rubbish my spirit is indicting a good thing get ready for your spirit to indict a good thing today that is your portion as a child of god that is your testimony your eyes will see it your mouth will testify that the lord is good people who join you in celebrating shall also have the same anointing come upon them for us saul joined them to begin to prophesy the bible said people said it's also among the prophets anyone who connects with you today will connect with grace they will connect with power they will connect with blessing they'll connect with the anointing they'll connect with the grace of god they'll connect with the favor of the lord they'll connect with the massive hand of god no evil befalls you no danger comes near your dwelling place this is your portion as a child of god in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus there are 12 reasons for speaking in tongues 12 powerful reasons i wrote a book many years ago called tongues of fire tonight at the bible study we'll begin to open the door to just study the holy spirit and we're starting with speaking in tongues oh you're going to enjoy our new adventure of life in the spirit that's the title life and the spirit so be with us at the bible study tonight reasons for worshiping and praying in the language of the holy ghost oh wow while i'm leading somebody's sending a prophetic seed into my account blessings on you and favor on congress on your life this is a nice way to finish morning glow may you be lifted beyond measure this person wow all the way from where in nigeria the lord prospered you and lift you unless you have water the servant of god may you be watered beyond your own imagination necapet you started the day well for me made the lost at the day well for you too praise the lord jesus name so please join us this evening it's going to be an amazing time of the holy spirit as we study uh the power and presence of the holy spirit we're starting today with tongs of fire why you should speak in tongues you know oh he's so speaking with tongues i wrote a book it was so powerful tongues of fire uh the country of nigeria the booksellers association gave me an award on it because it was a book that was researched that went as far back as the dark ages as well back at 780 1080 to show that speaking in tongues never ceased contrary to claim that he seized and started again in 1904 no it never sees it may not be having prevalent but for you we're looking at how and why you should constantly pray in the language of the holy ghost confuse the devil and confirm your blessing so join us 7 p.m tonight is going to be absolutely awesome continue tomorrow also with morning glo you'll be blessed please remember we're in the 90 days of the covenant of testimonies so may every day may every day be a day of testimony of my testimony foreign was uninteresting when the day was ending i had seen the goodness of god all day and it was getting close to like 9 00 p.m and i'm thinking i need something to have a mega testament that my own natural song calls and said dad are you home and he brings something what is it and it comes to sway seed in my life oh wow to end the day my own son praise god is tapping into chris stop into 19. i want to see some unusual move of god in his life he comes 10 p.m two hours to the closure of the day this god is too good to also too too marvelous praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord um remember again if you were part of the i mean remember last sunday we had a mission sunday i'd like you to still remember have a burden in your heart to touch souls for christ proverbs 11 30 uh dania chapter 12 verse 3 and day that be why shall shone as the brightness of the father and day that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever the bible says he that win at souls is wise let's be wise let's win souls let's touch lives let's impact people november i'll be there in bulgartanga in northern north northwest ghana as thousands of people will come to know the lord and lives to be transformed for jesus it is going to be a glorious and powerful one praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord well we're going to close this morning i'm going to close this morning but please remember god is good to you and because it's been good to you always learn to appreciate and to celebrate you want to make this confession uh just as i'm getting ready this confession let me also encourage you to join us for a webinar at the world master class on the 25th which is next week saturday and it's going to be how to do global marketing through social media last saturday was just amazing it was intense it was intense how to brand how to brand your business what global acceptance this time is many people don't realize social media is the thing it's the next biggest thing globally but you need to know how to do it you need to know how to get people to come to your site you need to know how to attract customers that's what we'll be teaching next saturday make sure you join us make sure you join us invest in yourself invest in yourself i was reading the story of a billionaire yesterday and he's he was writing that he still spends a good chunk of his own income on retraining himself and i'm thinking wow this guy is one of the wealthiest guys who teaches people to create wealth and yet he's having to go for training he goes for 25 000 dollar seminars geez 25 000 seminars he goes for it your seminar which we do is just under 200 pounds so motivate yourself and wake up and be part of it stay with me i'm blessed i'm prosperous i'm valuable i'm free i'm equipped by god empowered by god confident in god motivated determined anointed i'm creative i'm talented i'm accepted by god redeemed by jesus my eyes are focused i'm not average at all i am forgiven i'm free i'm disciplined i'm secure in the lord i'm a child of the most high god and because you are these things are more may the lord bless you may the lord lift you may he constantly and continuously give you victory in every area of your life may you walk in the super supernaturals of god in the super supernaturals of our god may grace upon grace blessing upon blessing rest upon you in this season of your life you will not be put to shame but rather you will have reasons to magnify the lord at all times i'm going to give you one scripture to go into today with and that is isaiah 45 17 but israel shall be saved by the lord with an everlasting salvation you shall not be ashamed or disgraced forever and ever i read it again but israel shall be saved by the lord with an everlasting salvation you shall not be ashamed or disgrace forever and ever let this be the word of the lord in your life go into today without shame going to today without disgrace going to today not been put down going to today being lifted up and i prophesying to your life today that from today onwards you'll be a vessel of honor not a vessel of disgrace and if the lord will be upon your blessing upon your business and upon your work every device of the enemy is stopped for your sake in jesus name god bless you richly dioteph bernice do you stephen d god used to be [Music] god bless you rich lee rich literally thank you very much good morning join kicc's morning glow every morning for 90 days covenant of testimonies take part in the breakthrough prayer every weekday morning at 6 am and experience god's covenant with you speak your health testimonies every day for the rest of 2021 90 days covenant of testimonies with matthew rashemalo and guests we are uniting in worship prayer and thanksgiving for 90 days of healing favor breakthrough and more god will exceed our expectations join the live stream on kitc's social media from 6 a.m monday to friday till december 31st 90 days covenant of testimonies this is god's promise to you join the morning globe and receive it [Music]
Channel: KICCOnline
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Keywords: kicc service, Matthew Ashimolowo, Kent Church, Prayer City, KICC live stream, Live feed, live news, live prayers, live stream, stream, watchfree, livestreaming, coronavirus, lockdown, prayer, Covid19, UK, KICCOnline, kicc stream, kicconline,, T.D. Jakes, Elevation Church, Transformation Church, Lakewood Church, Domi Stream, RCCG, The Covenant Nation, Daystar Christian Centre, ICC TV, Creflo Dollar Ministries, Bill Winston Ministries, Jerry Eze, COZA
Id: yMTBU-rz_VQ
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Length: 73min 57sec (4437 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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