KICC Life Class | Turning Pressure To Power | 30-05-2021

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[Music] [Music] i will take your love so [Music] deep [Music] i will take your love so deep as the deep [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] water [Music] that i may drink [Music] to the deepest league [Music] come to your healing streams [Music] bring me to your living water [Music] [Music] is from here [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] come to make me whole that god arrives and his enemies miscarried arise like a mighty warrior [Music] giving victory [Music] giving the blessing blessings [Music] [Music] like a mighty warrior [Music] is [Music] arise like a mighty warrior [Music] [Music] me [Music] animals [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] like a mighty warrior i rise like a mighty warrior i'm running like a mighty warrior i rise like a mighty warrior [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus jesus is [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] me [Music] is [Music] we come by [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] you are on my way [Music] oh [Music] [Music] give honor to him to pretend that you love him tell him how much you appreciate him tell him how much he means to you if it's more than anything else in this world you are god and god [Music] oh you are the love of my life yes you are the hope that i cling to [Music] i want to trade [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i could never [Music] i don't have the strength oh [Music] [Applause] everybody to me oh everything lord you are everything to me everything every day [Music] you say everything everything guess lord everything who can compare to your is everything come on everybody [Music] lord everything everything all you are [Applause] everything somebody [Music] who can compare to you is so i will give you all my worship i will give you all my praise you alone [Music] my worship i will give you all my grace you alone i long to worship [Applause] my strengths i will see i [Music] you are [Music] i [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you are [Music] well hello champions and welcome to this week's news in brief may has been declared the month of his faithfulness so get ready to experience the faithfulness of god in your life kingsway international christian center presents young money powered by money masterclass want to understand how to make money early and retire young don't miss young money the free one day finance seminar for everyone age 20 to 35. join speakers matthew ashimolowo financial strategist and ceo of more than 10 profitable companies natalia banwe one of the youngest ceos of a fintech corporation in africa and a recognized leader in the field of digital transformation and financial inclusion and finance professional tomi ashimolowo an advocate for wealth creation through property and stocked investment discover how to leave the slow lane for the fast lane develop financial strategies to achieve your money goals realize the nine steps for creating financial independence the 20 power actions to move from employee to owner young money strictly by registration only bank holiday monday may 31st from 10 a.m to 2 p.m spaces are limited so register your place today kicc rolls present dethroning king's stomach activating the power of fasting join kicc royals today at 3 30 pm for an actual and virtual service venue pro city streaming live on youtube to book your seat please visit dot uk forward slash book your seat join tnt actual and virtual services for teenagers age 13 to 18 years old every sunday at 12 noon to 1 pm venue kicc prayer city or virtual via zoom or visit tnt on instagram for previous services or for more information the weekly kings kids online sessions is held every saturday at 11 a.m for children aged 3 to 12 years old please email consent to kings underscore kids at join pastor matthew for morning glow every weekday morning at 6 00 a.m uk time spread the word as the krcc family come together for an hour of power prayer and prophecy during fasting and prayer new season new level kicc 30 days fasting and prayer begins on tuesday the 1st of june join pastor matthew and use the two powerful weapons of fasting and prayer to enforce god's promises on your life with five morning glow services monday to friday 6 a.m to 7 00 a.m and four evening glow services monday wednesday friday 7 p.m to 8 p.m and sunday evening service is actual at city 6 pm and virtual please note during 30 days fasting and prayer there will be no karen heart fellowship king's way bible institute virtual classes or global bible study the kicc book club will be meeting virtually on sunday the 6th and 20th of june 2021 to discuss the book the god chasers by tommy tenny for zoom link to join meeting email kicc underscore book club at dot uk the book can also be purchased from please note the book club meets every first and third sundays of the month join our sunday services starting with live class at 9 00 a.m followed by our new service at 12 pm both services are held at kicc the land of wonders and kicc prayer city our evening service is 6 pm at prayer city only bookings for actual services opens on friday are you new to kicc actual or virtual we would love to give you a special kicc welcome please go to dot uk forward slash contact and complete the relevant form for more information about kicc or any of these announcements please call or email the church office follow us on social media download the kicc app or visit our website well that's it for this week's news in brief get ready to experience the faithfulness of god new season new level have a blessed week [Music] it deserves to be magnified from the bottom of your heart just beginning to magnify god in your own word come on we bless your name oh god king of kings lord of lords adonai awesome god god of faithfulness without injustice take all the glory take all the praise take all the honor the adoration bless us this morning let your name be glorified we give you praise [Music] in jesus name heavenly father we give glory honor praise and adoration to your name awesome god mighty god king of kings lord of lords bless us into this service minister to our hearts instruct our mind inform our minds transform our minds let our lives glorify your name we thank you we give you praise holy spirit we'll welcome your presence heal the sick set captives free let your name be glorified in jesus name amen amen amen put your hands together give god the biggest praise this morning look at three or four people wait with them and thank god for them praise the lord and you may have a seat welcome we also like to welcome all those who are joining us from all over the world all those who are joining us from various corners of the earth welcome to live class trust in the lord to bless you this morning start live class so i need to make you smile a little bit this happened in a university somewhere in africa the lecturer i decided to give his students what we call gns tests and in a lot of african universities they have something called gns is general studies so that if you read medicine you actually know something about you know something about everything so this lecture i decided to ask gns questions set the questions give the students the papers and the instruction says counseling answers are not allowed and the question number one which carried 25 marks was what is your favorite food and this female student put their hamburgers ice cream shawarma and all sorts of chinese cuisine question number two how do you prepare the food immediately she began to cancel all the answers and put in place of that one ghana jolof roasted plantain yam porridge etc etc well this morning like to trust the lord to bless you in the name of jesus we are in this covenant season of a turning a divine turn around somebody's gonna get a turnaround i thought you shouted better amen god will give you a turnaround a divine turn around a supernatural turn around something will happen in your life that will bring glory to god in jesus name we're taking our message this morning from the book of 2nd corinthians the title is turning pressure to power turning pressure to power turning pressure to power we are hard pressed on every side yet not crushed we are perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not forsaken struck down but not destroyed always carrying about in the body the dying of the lord jesus that the life of jesus also may be manifest in our body for we who live are always delivered to death for jesus is sick that the life of jesus also may be manifest in our mouth of life so then death is working in us but life in you and since we have the same spirit of faith according to what is written i believe therefore i spoke we also believe therefore we speak knowing that he who raised up the lord jesus will also raise us up with jesus and will be present and will present us with you for all things are for your sakes that grace have been spread through the many may cause thanksgiving to abound to the glory of god therefore we do not lose heart even though our outward mind is perishing yet the inward man is being renewed day by day for our light affliction which is but for a moment is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory while we do not look at the things that are seen but the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporary but the things which are not seen are eternal praise god as said praise the lord turning the challenges of life turning pressure to power so if god is going to give you a turning point if god is going to give you a turnaround you must know how to wait on god until the pressure you are going through turns to power if you don't go through anything you never become anything pressure is not a sign that god is not with you it is actually a sign that god believes in you look at your neighbor tell them god believes in you it's a sign that god trusts you the bible says no temptation has ever taken you other than you can bear so listen when you go through pressure when you go through challenge when you go through issues it is a chance for it to turn to power and i pray for you today that whatever it is that you're going through i experience it will turn to power we'll turn to testimony we'll turn to the glory of the lord we'll turn to the manifestation of his anointing in the name of jesus shout amen so we're going to look at about i don't know we'll try to cover everything today in this message i'm going to share with you from this passage what to do to turn pressure to power number one when troubled we refuse to be crushed somebody say i refuse to be crushed say it with some boldness i refuse to be crushed say it again i refuse to be crushed so when you are troubled refused to be crushed refuse to be crossed your bible says we are hard pressed on every side yet not crushed had pressed on every side yet not crushed so when you are troubled when things go when things happen do not tell yourself well it's over now my life is over i'm dead i'm finished the devil is a liar i said the devil is a liar because you go through something don't mean your life is over it doesn't mean that it is finished for you god is about to give you an uncommon testimony shout amen many of the things you and i use we go to the supermarkets we buy them but if they were not crushed we wouldn't get that thing when you buy olive oil you have the one that have been pressed they had to press the oil for the oil to flow out they had to press it when you buy orange juice it has to be pressed for the for what is what you drink to be to come out if you don't go through any pressing any crushing there can never be any testimony number two when perplexed we refuse to be in despair when a person is in despair they throw their hands up they say i'm dead i'm finished life is over for me but the scripture is saying and listen when paul was writing ii corinthians he was writing to a people who were going through persecution and he also was going through some degree of persecution and he was telling them look even when we are perplexed we refuse to be in despair we refuse to look like oh my god my life is finished i'm dying no but rather we are seeing testimonies because if there's going to be a turnaround there has to be something that turned in your life and i pray for you again that i will turn for good i said it will turn for good i declare again it is turning for good it is turning for testimony it is turning for favor anyone who looks at you and they expect you to be in despair they are wasting their time because out of that challenge will comfort your testimony if you if you believe say i receive it perplexed surprise or perplexity is when something surprises you why am i going through this why is this happening but god said in the middle of it don't be in despair because good will come out of it beauty will come out of your ashes joy will come out of your pain testimony will come out of the trouble number three when persecuted we know that we are not alone somebody scream i'm not alone say like you mean it i'm not alone when persecuted when somebody puts pressure when life puts pressure when people take advantage of you being a child of god a believer and they begin to persecute you because paul said in the book of timothy that in the latter days people will go through pressure he said it would be difficult to be a believer you need to know that one it's going to be difficult it's going to be tough some people will just be so post-christian anti-christian church unfriendly jesus unfriendly but when that happens when persecuted know that you are not alone paul and the apostles when you read what they wrote and you know the things they face you are wondering how did they handle it peter for example will say please when you go through these things the people who are in authority they are ordained of god james will say the same thing do you know the kind of guys who ruled in the days of peter james and paul they were they were they were the headquarters of satan the kind of emperors in their days caligula domitian nero these guys were evil any time nero wanted to hold a party you say they should go arrest some christians they should tie them to stakes and burn them alive tie their mouth so nobody will hear they are crying so they were the torchlight for the party or anytime they want to entertain people to park the collision in rome full of people and open the gate for lions that have been hungry for days and throw christians into the arena these are the people these men now say when persecuted know that you are not alone and for some of us our persecution is the fact that somebody looked at you somehow like you didn't like that's your persecution so the bible is making you know that this there's a turnaround coming there's a testimony coming there's a favor coming there's a glory coming and when you are put under pressure and persecuted you shall know that you are not forsaken somebody say i'm not forsaken second corinthians 4 9 says you are not forsaken god will not forsake you he will not leave you then when knocked down know that it is not a knockout oh glory hallelujah a knockdown is not a knockout a knockdown is not a knockout life allows for you to wait until they count to i think they count to ten but before they count to ten you are standing up and you are fighting back and you are winning you are succeeding you are coming out of the battle with testimony in the name of jesus a knockdown is not a knockout when life knocks you down when issues knock you down when trials knock you down when battles knock you down when somebody seems to be rejoicing and you know they are rejoicing in evil it's just a knock down it's not a knockout and god will have the final say and his final says a beautiful one the bible says we're struck down but we're not destroyed so remember satan will attack at the birth of a miracle satan will always attack you when you are about to birth a miracle when you are about to birth a testimony when when you are about to birth a break through a glorious thing i pray again for somebody this morning that pressure will turn to power the financial pressure you are under recovery will cause you to see new visions new horizons will make you to find new answers shout i receive it listen when you go through financial pressure one of the things god is helping you to do is not to look for quick ways out it's not the time to go knock on the doors of uncle's cousins and use a few black mailing statements to get the answer you do that that problem will come back uncle you god bless you so you can bless us if that one rescues you it's only for that season financial pressure is a sign that you should do something change is coming and it will be a glorious one for you if you believe shout i receive favor is coming testimony is coming breakthrough is coming so when you are knocked down emotionally it's not a knockout it's not a knockout it's not a knockout terrible in this recent times globally there has been a rise in the number of suicides because somebody thought that a knockdown was a knockout pick yourself up and tell yourself that these things shall pass praise god are you getting something this morning this challenge will pass this battle will pass this issue will become my testimony you've got to not allow the knockdown to become permanent and then it's a knockout no you get a rise some of the men who have won fights have been because they remember something i can't remember the fighter now but his mother i think he's heavyweight boxing i might remember in the course of my sharing but he's he's he wanted to i think his name is deontay something something what okay john tiwana he he was going to fight heavyweight and tomorrow is the fight then his mother dies and he wanted to win because of his mother then the mother died when he got to the place they were knocking him out they were knocking him down when suddenly he remembered even if she was not here i can win this fight for her i tell you the anointing of boxing came upon him a new anointing a fresh anointing a fresh devil take this anointing came upon deontay he won that fight so please don't stay on the floor get up dust yourself up pick yourself up tell yourself there's still life there is still hope i can still win i can still overcome it's not over until jesus says it's over and since he hasn't said so i'm winning somebody shout out to a good amen so if you want to turn pressure to power number five you've got to be ready to die to things for jesus you're gonna be ready to die to some things for jesus walk away from things that will hinder you that will hold you because listen there are some things that are not the right thirst you gotta walk away from there you got to sacrifice walk away from people who will hold you down walk away from what looks like an opportunity and it's a destruction or a momentary satisfaction compared to a glorious blessing the bible says in second corinthians 4 10 always carrying about in the body the dying of the lord jesus that the life of jesus also may be manifest in our body glory to god be ready to die to some things you know that look if i really want to win i got to turn this pleasure to power for example there are times when we are under pressure maybe emotional or financial and you need if i go to that person it's a compromise but i'll get what i want once you do that you miss the chance to raise your level to get to another dimension where you're not looking unto them i will lift up my eyes to the heels from whence comes my help my help comes from the lord who made the heavens and the earth he will not suffer my faith to be moved so what you need to know that you can win and you will win as you die to things you come alive to god i say you come alive to god then number six know that god wants you to manifest the life of jesus paul said always bearing in our body the mark of the lord jesus know that god wants you to manifest the life of christ the life of christ if you want to see it turn around in your life manifest the life of christ let jesus be the center the center the center the center the center of your life the center of your focus the center of your life the center of your focus glory to god i said glory to god then number seven you need to be ready to die for christ be ready to die for christ die dying for christ means dying to some things dying to issues dying to opportunities that make what looks like a turnaround to have not come from god you need a turnaround that you can look yourself in the mirror and say god did this man did not do this god did this for me and i pray that'll be your portion now be your story it'll be your testimony the kind which only god did is coming your way the favor god day the breakthrough god did the opportunity god did so when men say we won't help you then god raises help when men surround you and say we will destroy you then god comes through for you hallelujah i was listening to the scriptures this morning i think it's first kings maybe chapter 19 or something like that when uh the king of assyria sent his rap shaki his commander of the army and they surrounded jerusalem and said surrender to assyria or will destroy you and hezekiah said we're not surrendering the man began to talk anyhow and one jewish guy came out and said sir we understand syrian language please just talk in syria we don't want the the people inside the nation to be to be discouraged ah you see some people don't know how to talk he didn't know that i should not see that that was when the guy took a loud speaker and began to speak in hebrew your king is deceiving you we are going to kill you we're going to destroy but suddenly there was a word from the lord the lord said stay inside jerusalem plant what you will eat this year after you've harvested that one i will make seed to sprout by itself another harvest will follow you will not need to live where you are but you see this man where surrounded you they will not see the gate of the city they will not be able to enter and the bible says and the way he came is the way he will go all that problem the way it came is the way to go the way it came there's a way to go the way it came that's the way to go shout a man with fire fact australia the story goes on that the same king of assyria who became stubborn and came stood there stayed around jerusalem for three years waiting for them when they didn't come out when he went home his own sons killed him what was meant to destroy will destroy itself shout amen number eight number eight when faced with trouble expect the living power of christ expect the living power of christ you need to turn around you want to see a turnaround expect it all the time every day of your life expect god to move in your life jesus is real his word is real the god we serve is real he answers prayer learn how to neca parochia dialeradosia learn how to sometimes you don't even know what to say in english during this fasting i'm praying we're about to enter from tuesday let there be seasons when one hour all you were doing was praying in tongues don't say but i don't know what i'm saying then shut up you don't need to say i'm current first first corinthians chapter 14 says he who speaks in tongues don't speak out not unto man he's speaking to god you're speaking to god you're speaking to god one hour just be there praying in the language of the holy ghost praying in the language of the holy ghost the way you will know what you have prayed for is when the answers begin to manifest strange miracles strange answers unusual outstretching of the hand of god in your life why because when you face the problem you expected the power of the living christ the living power the raw power of god will manifest in your life shout i receive it glory to god paul said for we who live are always delivered to death for jesus is sick that the life of jesus also may be manifest in our mortal bodies that the life of jesus himself may be manifest in our mortal bodies jesus is real his word is real his power is real god manifests himself to the degree of your pursuit and hunger of him to the degree and pursuit and hunger of him so when faced with trouble expect the live the wrong living power of god to be manifest in your life praise god when faced with trouble number nine no it is preparation to be used of god when faced with trouble no it's a preparation to be used of god to be a blessing to your generation paul says so then death is working in us but alive in you death in us live in you second corinthians 4 12 death in us my life in you attacks indicate that satan knows that you can win nobody wins their equipment and the person who they know cannot win you don't carry huge equipments to go and fight a person who has no equipment this the weapon of the enemy is a sign of how much he believes in you it's a proof of how much if he believes in you if he knows you have nothing he wouldn't even come with any equipment you send something that you have no that has no you sent unmanned equipment to go fight you but when the enemy rolls out his best weapon is a sign that he's saying i believe in you so when faced with trouble no it is preparation time to be used of god there's going to be a turnaround i said there's going to be a turnaround this june fasting there's going to be a release of the atomic power of god the nuclear power of god she unusual power of god awesome grace of god shout i receive say it again i receive so when you're under pressure know how to turn the pressure to power know how to turn the pressure to power it is people who do that who eventually become successful in every limit in the financial remit people will hear of somebody always now number one is number two is the third richest they don't know what he went through they don't know they don't know the day he slept on the floor they didn't leave the factory they don't know the day he didn't remember food because he was close to bankruptcy when you are under pressure then you are about to enter a new dimension you know nobody strolls into life and has a breakthrough and too many people too many who stroll around in love and they just think something will just be delivered to them if anything comes that way you should suspect it you know one musician said nothing good comes easy so you gotta know when you face pressure number 10 number 10 when faced with pleasure know that god can bring forth glory out of it when you face pressure know that god can bring forth glory out of it god can bring forth glory god can bring forth glory water as simple as it is when it keeps its pressure on a rock the rock breaks smooth stones are found in rivers not the rivers with the highest current but because the river continues its current and continues to put pressure on that stone it washes away the rough jagged edges and turns it too smooth we have too many people who give up so easily they move into a comfort zone somebody say i'm coming out of comfort zone comfort zone is the zone where you live and nothing worries you nothing troubles you you're okay you gotta get out of it because you need a turnaround you need a ton how many need to turn around here let me see your hand it is coming to your house it is coming to your life it is coming powerfully in the name of jesus so the bible says for all things all things are for your sakes that grace having spread through the many may cause thanksgiving to abund to the glory of god move away from things unconnected to your victory you can't want to turn around and just stay in the comfort zone you need to move away from some people because they do not belong in the next phase of your journey you need to move away from them some people have exhausted their time around you and if you let them stay they will very soon make you to be like them you've got to move out move out make up your mind i gotta put myself where god can bless me where god can work in my life number eleven whatever you face don't give up don't lose heart don't give up don't lose heart don't give up don't lose heart many years ago i was in the house watching kids doing hide and seek and the kid was to go seek for them i was in a point where i could see the two sides to a building the kid who goes sick for them just when he's close to seeing them you turn back was giving up too early giving up too early giving up too early many of us have given up too early we've surrendered totally we will go too early we've missed opportunities too early with me their favors too early but today i speak a turnaround in your life i said i speak a turnaround in your life when people discourage you i want you to give up keep your vision keep your dream make up your mind i came this far i didn't come so i can go back i came to finish i came to win i did not come to lose heart in the 15th century hermann cortez was sent by the queen of spain to go conquer the country of mexico it took 11 ships full of soldiers when they landed in mexico and as the soldiers alighted and they took all their goods out of the ships hermann cortez set fire to the ships the guys protested are you crazy we left our wives our children back home in spain our farms our properties how would we get back home you burnt our ships and this is a new country where they don't have ships and her man contest to them you want to see your wives you want to see your children you want your goods conquer the people when you finish conquering them then you can build new ships that will take you back home but if those ships are there if the battle gets tough you will run to the ships and run back home so he said i'm burning your bridge to comfort zone too many of us we don't burn the break to comfort zone we hear it it's a message it's it's a word we receive but how to do that transition to the place where you know and say to yourself man i need to turn around and it is coming this pressure is going to work for my good no we just say okay if this doesn't work i'm just going to stay in my regular zone the devil is alive number 12 when your outward man is wearing out learn to receive inner healing when your outward man is wearing out learn to receive inner healing in other words when you're under pressure it can get at you get at your body get at your flesh really put you under pressure but let your inner man be healed be filled with the joy of god be filled with the peace of god be filled with the grace of god learn how to hold on to god's unchanging grace on changing grace on changing grace so when people think you should fall apart they should still see you smiling praise god i said praise the lord you find some people very little thing they've fallen apart they've started writing their own obituary they're already describing how their life will be and then you see some people they've been through so many things and you could almost not see the sign why they found that your inner your inner your inner clock determines your outer timing your inner your inner engine determines your outer motion if you are strong on the inside it is difficult to destroy you on the outside and that's why you must find inner healing last sunday our message was about overflowing joy in the evening service overflowing joy tonight it is hope in a hopeless world as a preacher i shouldn't say the world is hopeless but but when you look at it is it hopeful the guys are confused man and you will not believe it that we in the united kingdom are the ones who have handled coronavirus probably the best right now other places all the expats all the king's horses and all the king's men cannot put humpty dumpty together they are confused this tiny teenager called kobe this 19 year old is confusing them they don't know what to do they can't see him they don't know where he lives the thing is everywhere so they shut down the economy kovid is laughing where he is the devil is a liar so the world is full of hopelessness hopelessness but tonight hope in the hopeless world praise god how to find hope in a hopeless world how to find hope in a hopeless world so you must learn how to find inner healing somebody said something you're falling apart somebody did something you know you read in the paper here and his girlfriend left him so he went to go and wait for her with a knife and kill her and kill himself jeez man one elizabeth disappointed you they're still lazy they're short liz there's big lizzy they're small lizzy there's jesus man move on you'll find another lizzy you're gonna kill yourself because of praise god and if it is jack who disappointed you there are still james there is jones there's julius there's jacob there's joseph the jails are not finished in this world there's jay-z j-lo jj don't kill yourself or nobody man anyway statistics shows that the person who would not think of killing themselves statistic globally is a black woman black women don't kill themselves or nobody go kill yourself but not them [Applause] i have 15 or 16 points but i've shared 12 i'm sure you were blessed this morning were you blessed so stay strong still stay blessed keep your inner healing second corinthians 4 16 says even though our outward man is perishing yet the inward man is being renewed day by day so the wis the weapon of wisdom assures promotion out of crisis there's going to be a turnaround there's going to be a turnaround there's going to be favor there will be testimony god will turn things around for you what looks like your destruction now will actually become your stepping stone the day is going to come you're going to thank god that you went through what you went through because it will work for you it will work for your promotion it will work for your healing it will work for your blessing it will work for your deliverance every stone they've thrown at you you will become your stepping stone every name they've called you will end up blessing you the people who pushed you will push you to favor they'll push you to glory i declare and decree they'll push you to testimony they'll push you to your turnaround circumstances will work for you this unending cycle of challenge you've been through will finally cause a supernatural turnaround a supernatural turnaround i speak into somebody's life this morning an uncommon breakthrough i declare to you today that good will come out of it good will come out of it good will come out of your challenge will come out of the situation we'll come out of the battle we'll come out of the trouble we'll come out of the challenge we'll come out of the battle well come out of the situation god will fill your mouth with laughter fill your life with celebration fill your life with his grace power power power power of god will manifest in your life you will have reasons reasons reasons reasons to praise them shall their men like fire father we give you praise we thank you for the word we bless your name this morning lord continue to strengthen your people give them a turnaround in this season of their life give them a turnaround in this season of their life give them a turn around give them a turnaround give them a turnaround give them a turnaround financial turnaround spiritual turnaround physical turnaround emotional turnaround turn around their family turn around their business turn around their situation doors they've been knocking there's no opening i command the doors to begin to open testimonies to begin to follow them glory to manifest for them let your name be glorified we thank you we praise you we say it is done it is done lord it is done lord it is done lord in jesus name give god praise if you are blessed [Applause] thank you jesus praise the lord so you've got to learn when you are under pressure power will come out of it [Music] you become stronger under pressure in fact sometimes you don't know the strength of a thing until it's put under pressure the ions they use to build houses they put them under pressure to see if they will bulk it is it's the pressure point that the noun okay this thing can carry this kind of weight this thing can carry this kind of weight some of us don't even know the kind of power we carry you are blessed you are highly favored god created you to succeed created you to win god created you to overcome and you will not bow to adversity jesus name praise the lord you may be seated we want to worship god this morning with his provisions in our life want to serve jesus with that which has given to us and bless the lord with our ties with our pledges with our seed with our offerings want to magnify god with that which he has done in our life this morning you're going to learn the power of obeying and honoring god you know during the past one or two weeks it's like a party portion of scripture kind of came alive in my mind genesis chapter 8 verse 20 when noah came out of the ark i'm sure he looked and saw that wow i made it my family made it then he noticed that the earth was full of dead bodies and a lot of stench a lot of stench the earth was full of stench then noah built an ark and took no no jesus ate yeah and then he went into the ark and took every clean animal every clean bird and offered a burnt offering to the lord so that because verse 21 says with the stench in the world noah having offered an offering to the lord god smells something better and the law smelled a soothing aroma then the lord said in his heart i will never because of this man's action i will never curse the ground for man's sake anymore god reacts when i saw seed god reacts when i saw seed god reacts when i bring my tithe when i bring my offering verse 22 says he now pronounced i said as long as earth remains see time and harvest we like quoting verse 22 but it is all connected it is connected to the fact that noah worshiped god with a sacrifice he didn't have many inside that ark but whatever he had there he took some an offer to the lord this morning we're going to worship god with our tithe our offering our pledges a prophet suffering we're going to magnify god with it clearly designate whatever you are giving and let's bless the lord this day and uh for those who are watching online please make sure you stay we are going to unveil igoc this morning praise the lord and so i want you to stay with us during the announcements we're going to give to the lord the details were given out on the screen let's give to the lord let's give [Music] praise his holy grace [Music] come on [Music] is come on [Music] holidays [Music] everybody is [Music] come on everyone everybody [Music] is for better jobs raises and bonuses finding money money finding us receiving increase incomes royalties dividends inheritances checks in the mail gifts and surprises in the name of jesus i will never be broke again in my life i'm blessed in the name of the lord in jesus name father bless your people seed let your name be glorified do unto them according to their confession and much more prove yourself as a mighty god stretch your hand prove yourself as an awesome god meet the need of your people wipe tears fill the amount with laughter and celebration in jesus name amen amen give god praise one more time may be seated in the presence of the lord you may be seated in the presence of the lord international gathering of champions 20 21 more or less i think the 31st or 32nd i'm losing count now if we count one by one from 1990 it will be 32 although if you do the other counting will be 31st but it is really the 32nd international gathering of champions started first as wake up the mighty man then he became warriors of righteousness then he became gathering of champions then it became international gathering of champions praise the lord well again this year we're going to do it slightly differently um just like last year we only have evenings because we do not want to in anticipation of what will be announced june 21st we don't want to begin to announce daytime sessions on june 21st uh there isn't much change or there is much change we don't know then number two many of the nations from where our guests and our attendees come some of them are in amber others are in uh red and we don't want people to come first come and sit down in a hotel for ten days five or ten days there's a five day release there's a ten day we don't want them to come and sit that will practically make people not to come say make the daytime session to be smaller than it used to be so we're on the evening meetings again this year but we believe it's going to be awesome it's going to be great it's going to be powerful this year's igoc theme is his extraordinary works come on give god phrase his extra ordinary works how many are ready for god's extraordinary works the scripture says so in the book of isaiah 28 21 the new american standard bible says something about god's extraordinary works extraordinary healing extraordinary breakthrough extraordinary testimony extraordinary turnaround in the name of jesus are you looking forward our first speaker all the way from zimbabwe bishop to the bismarck all right so get ready he'll be a blessing our second speaker of course you know uh the usual suspects uh second speaker all the way from accra ghana dr messer ottawa come and put your hands together and it's gonna be so awesome this year third speaker he's been in time of really just just staying home and getting ready and preparing and healing and he's coming with awesome teaching powerful teaching also one of those who have blessed themselves and dr mike murdoch will be teaching this year [Applause] a fourth speaker one of the youngest voices to come out of america but when you listen to him you just wonder how where and how so deep we're going to be having this year the new pastor of new birth missionary baptist church dr jamal bryant so this year is going to be absolutely awesome we would add some more speakers but we just felt we need to launch today we'll also add some more musicians but our first artist i believe he's i believe he's british we're going to be having his ministry is going to be powerful it's going to be awesome please ladies and gentlemen let us celebrate martha redman it's going to be a blessing this year and also we having anthony brown for those of you who are of the older generation who only know uh the older generation musicians this year we want to go a little more contemporary so and by the time we have uh the buzz we'll have more musicians to announce but for the moment we keep it at this number the date is the 25th to the 30th of august and you'll still be uh krcc prayer city evening meetings it's going to be powerful it's going to be awesome it's going to be great and in order for you to be able to enjoy igoc this year we are saying yeah actual attendance everyone who is in the united kingdom the evening meetings will have the actual attendance still maintaining the uh the covid protocol social distancing i think i'm not sure if the mask will have disappeared by that time but uh even when it disappears i know some people they'll still wear their own because they spent a lot of money to buy that decorative one the glass one the you know the touch one so but this year evening meetings alone just like last year registration information include this fact last year we had high definition quality messages that's what we're doing this year so it's no use you trying to get it from youtube you know the moment if the service finishes were shutting down you cannot go back there and get it you have to buy but then even if you got it on youtube or any which way you try to do it's not going to be of quality but if you order from church high quality recording exclusive access will be given to you to view the messages on a regular basis continuously as long as you want after the live streaming there'll be 40 discount on conference product if you order now and we're going to cancel this at some point so you need to order on time there are 12 messages if you own all 12 messages and more as a package you'll get even 60 you'll pay only 60 of the full price and then on top of this i am still thinking with thinking mommy thinking i'm still thinking of what gift to give those who order the whole park on time so if you order the park on time there'll be another gift which i will be adding to it how many would like to have some special group of messages as many as six messages let me see your hand all right we're thinking about it we might make that available online registration is required we want you to register you might say but this is uh only evening meetings those who will be watching abroad want you to register those of us who are here want you to register those who are being actual meetings who want you to register registration is free and the messages will bless you make sure you also encourage people to register the registration is on forward slash events forward slash igoc 2021 praise god so 6 30 to 9 30 because we're having two speakers every night two speakers every night and on sunday morning two speakers it will be a blessing it will really be a blessing the birds meeting on sunday night will be a powerful time of celebration and worship just like we had last year so remember again register on time order the products listen if you cannot invest in your mind you cannot change you know tomorrow we'll be holding something for young people called young money some will come because they heard it is free but you see we can only teach them a limited number of things in those four hours but for them to break out of the cocoon of how they've always been raised or how they've seen uncles aunties dad and mom who it took them 65 years to make anything for them to now do it in 30 years 35 we can't teach them all that in four hours and yet some people don't know that you need to invest in your mind you need to bless your spirit so get to order the messages of igoc do so on time and uh that life will never be the same and you will have a testimony praise the lord how many are looking forward to our jewish people just again and give god praise for it [Music] so the pax the message is mp3 the pack if you download is 15 pounds even though the full price will have been 25 pounds the mp4 that is video on on on a usb because when was the mp4 we need to break it down to some people video on the usb is 15 pounds again uh even though it's 25 pounds we're really making a keep usually video on the usb should be more cd pack 28 because that's old school for those of you still they rely on cd i know that's what you have in your car that's what i have in my car too although my car also has a usb but cd is 28 pounds it should have been 48 dvd most of us only still run uh dvd players dvd is 36 pounds even though it should have been 60. and if you order you want us to deliver to you you can see uh there will be an amount that will you'll be charged for the delivery all right praise the lord let's give god praise for this year igoc father in the name of jesus we launch at uc this morning we pray for grace we pray for favor pray for blessing let your hand be stretched let lives be transformed let it make impact let testimonies follow in the name of jesus shout out to a big man [Music] one not to announce while bringing service to your clothes please have a seat just wanted to announce someone will bring the service to a close somebody had listed that that should launch our juice in five minutes i don't know how i could have done five minutes launching over glc uh i guess i must have done it in something like 10 or 12. so tonight it's going to be awesome the 12 noon service will be great the message is from trouble to turning point from trouble to turning point we're in the covenant season of a turnaround god is about to give somebody a turnaround when you go through something and then god brings it turning lavo shakayama tikka parosa the message the lady whom i prayed about here in live class last sunday looking at it differently again in the second service to the different dimension again totally different same woman by looking at the turning point from another dimension in the twelve known service and tonight's evening service hope in a hopeless world hope in a hopeless world stretch yourself make sure you have the evening service tonight you will be blessed i tell you last sunday night was really awesome was really really anointed really powerful hope in a hopeless world praise god how many have been blessed by the morning glow praise god so we start morning glow on monday but on tuesday we will be having our fasting and praying we start fasting and praying i want you whatever it takes whatever it takes i started teaching on fasting on wednesday whatever it takes whatever it takes you gotta learn there are some issues that come and you don't want to see food don't let the issues come you go to the issues and take care of them so this first time period will be a time of new level new season new levels god is opening a new chapter god's bringing you into a new season a season of glory season of power a season of blessing shalt amen shalt amen again glory to god so remember again we're starting on tuesday and fasting and praying we'll only be meeting in the evenings but not this monday not tomorrow we'll start on wednesday to be meeting in the evenings am i clear in other words fasting starts june 1 which is tuesday but the evening glow starts june june 2 which is wednesday night so have morning we have night on mondays on wednesdays on fridays on sunday on mondays on wednesdays on fridays and on sunday we have evening glow evening glow evening glow praise the lord so take the time wait on god the bible says that god said this is as a result of waiting on him isaiah 58 he said your your light will break out of darkness and when it is noon day it will be your it will be like your darkest evening at 12 noon will be like your darkest evening i don't know if you've seen house how bright the sun can shine at 12 noon god said that is going to be your your darkest evening your darkest so join the fasting i'm praying be part of it every day and be blessed of the lord glory to god i said glory to god so remember the announcement tomorrow we have a powerful time young money is going to be a blessing to the young people i tell you that teachings are going to transform the life of young men and women they wouldn't have to struggle and go through the things that and mom went through if they apply the principles we start 10 a.m we finish 2 we will be serving refreshing to those who are there an actual meeting uh we will allow virtual for particularly because some students all over the world are asking us please please please can we from our university platforms watch but those of you who are in the house and those who are watching right now who live in greater london don't stay home come to the actual meeting we have some refreshments for you we may have some practical uh steps to give it to you for example want to give you what is known as a money blueprint so that you answer some questions that will help you we would we may not make the money blueprint available to those online it will only be to those who are there then mr tomi hashimoto will be teaching you'll be speaking on how to get a mortgage and the next mortgage and the next mortgage and then not natalie jovangoy will be speaking natalie used to be in krcc london came before she was attended her first degree then did a second degree a master setting an mba and specialized in how to do money transfers using your phone went to zimbabwe at a challenge in time when there is no flow of currency and created platforms where people are able to transform i mean you can go and buy corn and buy things using credit on your phone and uh today china is making noise about them producing that they've been running it in zimbabwe you know they've been running it and then from there she went on to south africa now where she works for a company where she is responsible for a large portfolio of 600 million dollars should be challenging young people to think of how to have their own startups technical startups so you don't repeat what your fathers and mothers went through i'll be teaching in two sessions when they get there they will know what i want to teach but i'll be teaching things like three four seven all sorts all sorts of uh analogies will be used in my own sessions are you blessed today the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you bless your going out bless your coming in everything you taught to be blessed may the lord lift you up and show you favor and decision you will not be put to shame victory follows you testimony follows you to the glory of god in jesus name god bless you we see you tonight make sure you come make sure you're in the evening service make sure you connect to the 12 news service god bless [Music] we're glad you watched today's service for prayer call 02085250 or text to share your testimony prayer works at prayer city see you next time you
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 4,594
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Keywords: kicc service, Matthew Ashimolowo, Prayer City, KICC live stream, Live feed, live news, live prayers, live stream, stream, watchfree, livestreaming, coronavirus, lockdown, prayer, Covid19, UK, KICCOnline, kicc stream, kicconline,, T.D. Jakes, Elevation Church, Transformation Church, Lakewood Church, Domi Stream, RCCG, The Covenant Nation, Daystar Christian Centre, ICC TV, Creflo Dollar Ministries, Bill Winston Ministries, Jerry Eze, COZA, NSPDD, sam adeyemi
Id: StNfSvg5pQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 40sec (6100 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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