KICC Bible Study | Get Out Of My Mind - 2 | 28-07-2021

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[Music] [Music] you keep me safe [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you're my hiding place [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm my hiding place sheltering their story when i am weary when i'm lost you'll beat me curl my hiding place everlasting work when i'm discouraged when i'm down you are my joy my hiding places [Music] my hiding place [Music] you're all i need [Music] behind me [Music] [Music] [Music] from [Music] you keep me safe [Music] [Music] you're my hiding place [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm hiding place shelter in the storm when i am weary when i'm lost you'll beat me curl my hiding place everlasting rock when i'm discouraged when i'm down you are my joy my hiding places [Music] my hiding place [Music] my from [Music] me [Music] my [Music] you [Music] [Music] you keep me safe [Music] [Music] is [Music] you're my hiding places [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] my hiding place shelter in the storm when i am weary when i'm lost you'll beat me curl my hiding place everlasting rock when i'm discouraged when i'm down you are my joy my hiding place [Music] my [Music] my [Music] you're my refuge [Music] [Music] you're my portrait [Music] from [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] keep me safe [Music] [Music] is [Music] you're my hiding place [Music] [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] my hiding place shelter in the storm when i am weary when i'm lost you'll beat me curl my hiding place everlasting rock when i'm discouraged when i'm down you are my joy my hiding place [Music] everlasting [Music] [Music] my [Music] you [Music] behind me [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] i'm no longer [Music] [Music] from [Music] without you i am lost you're my hiding place [Music] [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] my hiding place shelter in the storm when i am weary when i'm lost you'll beat me curl my hiding place everlasting rock when i'm discouraged when i'm down you are my joy my hiding place [Music] everlasting [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you can never [Music] you love me [Music] [Music] i'm no longer [Music] keep me safe [Music] [Music] oh lord my god without you i am lost you're my hiding place [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my hiding place shelter in the storm when i am weary when i'm lost you'll beat me curl my hiding place everlasting rock when i'm discouraged when i'm down you are my joy my hiding place [Music] everlasting my hiding place [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] from [Music] without you i am lost hey you are oh excellent you are excellent you two changes of god that no [Music] oh take your time and tell him you are excellent [Music] jesus you are wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful okay you raise the dead back to life you are wonderful you are wonderful you are glorious [Music] where you are glorious so glorious wonderful you are wonderful oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we are [Music] receive a worship of god receive the worship of god [Music] praise the lord welcome to tonight's bible study trust in the lord to bless you shall we pray heavenly father will give glory honor and praise to your name thank you for the privilege of being in your presence open our hearts our minds let the entrance of your word bring a change of mind the transformation of life let your world truly wash our spirit our mind let our mind be like the mind of christ for your word says let this mind be in which in you which was also in christ jesus give us the mind of christ a mind that is transformed that is glorifying a mind that is open to the things of the spirit break fallow grounds in our lives thank you lord jesus name amen amen i mean trust in the lord that you will be blessed today welcome to today's bible study i tell you the word of god is going to so strengthen you and reassure you for those of you who are joining us for the first time without much to do we're not going to be able to greet people from all over the world this evening but i am trusting the lord that you will truly be blessed and the world will enrich your life uh last week we started this title very interesting get out of my mind overcoming negative thoughts get out of my mind overcoming negative thoughts because your mind is the place of victory or defeat when the devil tempted jesus it wasn't physical it was in the mind the mind is the arena of most of the battles of life if you win in your mind you win in your life your mind is either a wall to stop your journey or a bridge to take you to destiny so tonight you want to look at it from a very positive point instead of get out of my mind and overcoming negative thoughts you want to look at the power and abortion of a transformed mind the power of a transformed mind what happens when your mind is transformed i like to take the scriptures from the book of proverbs chapter 24 verse 3 and 4. proverbs 24 verse 3 and 4 says through wisdom is an house build it and by understanding it is established and by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches in other words by wisdom your house gets built i like to read this scripture in about four or five translations there's this pearling translation by the way for some of you who love when you hear all these many translations there's a bible called the 26 translations bible sprawling translation says my wisdom is a house build it by understanding is it established and by knowledge shall the chambers be replenished with every treasure that is precious and pleasant the moffat's translation says what builds a house is skill it is erected by intelligence knowledge furnishes the rooms with all that is rare unpleasant the new english bible puts it this way wisdom builds the house good judgment makes it secure knowledge furnishes the rooms with all precious and pleasant and pleasing things that wealth can buy and our last take today is the nab the new american bible by wisdom is a house built by understanding is it made firm and by knowledge it's rooms filled with ever precious and pleasing possession may god bless his word i want you to know that god has a plan for your mind you say god wants your mind to be transformed because without a transformed mind you will stay in your form when we receive christ we don't receive a religion we receive what can change our form transform our life people should be able to testify that something changed about us so the bible says in the book of romans chapter 12 verse 1 unto romans chapter 12 verse 1 and 2 talks about and being transformed by the renewing of your mind it should not be confirmed but be transformed conformation means to take on that shape which you find yourself in transformation means to be bigger than the shape so conversely it means that if i was raised in the form of an african parent because my parents are african if i was raised in the form of appeal from a particular tribe the tendencies are that it shapes my worldview my perspectives on life my understanding of several things so in order for me to come into the fullness of all that god has for me i need to be bigger than my nation's form i need to be bigger than my parents tribes form so i'm to be transformed is to be bigger to grow mightier than the formless sin satan shame put you in because all have sinned and come short of the glory of god and part of the consequence of our sins as humans is that it shapes us in weakness but when we come to christ we need to allow the holy spirit to make us bigger than the form what is to be bigger than the form here is a bottle of water one of the characteristics of water is that it takes on the form of the bottle as you can see from the shape of this bottle the water has already formed according to the shape if i take the same water and pour it in a flat plate it will take the shape of that plate so it is a conformer water is a conformer it takes on the shape of where you pour it however god is now saying if we were water and the container was straight if the water were flat and beyond the bottle then there is a trans form bigger than the form so god wants you and i to be transformed bigger than the human form in which we find ourselves when we're born in adam bigger than an adamic form bigger than a bigger than the form he and his wife had so when we take on the form of god we live we operate we show the shape of what god has for man so god wants you to be transformed to be big god in the form it is this attempt to fit in the form that got adam and eve in trouble so i pray for you today that your mind will be transformed to be bigger than the regular form i tell you when you look around the world so many people we know have taken on a cultural form and they may not realize that their life is shaped by the form of where they are raised the form of where they went to school it is interesting when you meet people their theology their world view is shaped by the form of where they come from i mean if i give you some of those forms they sound bizarre but people believe and hold on to eat i was when i was a young pastor several years ago well maybe not many years maybe just 43 44 years ago we had a member an elderly woman in africa then i was a pastor and this woman she had so many grown up children and her body was slightly bent and she told me that at the time she got born again she was illiterate and what they told them was that all the children they will ever give birth to was already inside their body and if they don't give birth to those children it will give them trouble and i made her to keep popping babies and weary her body that is not true we now know that the sperm is deposited in the womb of the woman which goes to fertilize the egg of the woman and ends up becoming a baby she didn't know this at least whatever kind of shape or form the teaching they give her it messed her up today we're talking about a transformed mind a mind that is bigger than the shape many worry more about obstacles than to put their mind on it and use it to overcome things god wants you to have a transformed mind a mind that works well bigger than systems bigger than society you know bigger than even the negative thoughts people have of you many feel powerless to rise so they accept where they are they sing around where they are they talk around where they are the bible uses the word mind and heart interchangeably so when we drop copy transformed mind we're talking of a transformed heart it uses them interchangeably so you just need to be able to read the context to know that this is talking about the mind of a man so let's start what is a transformed mind what exactly is a transformed mind let me say this the human mind is the most amazing phenomena the most amazing phenomena with ability and intricacies that beats anything else the capacity to think for example is the reason one humans are called the crown of god's creation animals are instinctive they are not thinkers you can control an elephant you can control a dolphin a shark you can control any animal you just need to find a way to do it pablo's law of salivation says if you ring a belt every time you do so tomorrow you do say every day probably for just a week and after the ringing of that belt three times you're fed uh let us say a shark in fact pablo said a dog if you hit the belt return and feed the dog at the end of a few days by the time you ring the bell three times the dog will start salivating because it knows that after that belt follows the food that's probably slow you can't do that with humans you can ask your two-year-old if they want to certain food and they can say no while on one hand they've been crying for food you can now say okay we're buying this and they can just say no animals are not that way the mind is a powerful tool god gave the human sometimes he has misused it sometimes he's used it for his own benefit the power of the human mind is one of the most underestimated what we can conceive through god we can achieve i repeat whatever you can just conceive in your mind you can achieve take for example man decided that okay if uh mass the planet is is 500 million kilometers he wants to send a probe in fact i will land on mars and though it was 500 it is 500 million kilometers man have landed vehicles on mars somebody had described that achievement as trying to shoot one hair string in new york from the city of london it's amazingly impossible and yet by accurate calculations man achieved it that's how powerful the mind god has given man is if your thoughts are bad the fruit that will follow your mind will be bad your mind is the most intricate computer made by god i do not recall what i read totally but i read recently that what would take the computers absolute incredible massive gigantic computers with the highest gigabytes what would take them probably 10 12 hours the human mind will process in a few seconds that's how powerful our mind is your mind is the most intricate computer god made you are the apogee of god's creation the finality because of your ability to convert your thought to action the human mind is the most amazing phenomena it is the bridge between us and eternity with which we relate to god so when your mind is sensitive to the things of the spirit you are able to hear god the human mind is the most amazing phenomenon the blessing of the ability to think is one of the reasons why god calls us the crown of all creation don't mind all the streams they're now creating for children where the dog will be talking dancing you know or you see three of three cheap monks doing a body pop and singing all those are just to keep children uh agile awake in the world of make belief when the real world of belief humans are amazingly gifted animals are limited the blessing of the ability to think is one of the reasons why god calls us the crown of his creation it is one of the reasons why god himself thinks about us yeah did you know god is thinking about you and not just any thought you know many of us are theology so whacked we think god is always thinking of how to walk ahead a man is what he thinks god is also what he thinks and he thinks about us in philippians 4 8 the bible said finally brethren whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever thanks our free good report if there be any virtue if there be any praise think on these things so god god gave you your mind for it to transform you for you to think on things that are positive progressive powerful positive progressive powerful that is beneficial to the whole of your life and your destiny every productive invention around you are products of the mind that are put to work this microphone slash speaker with which i'm hearing you and communicating with you it's a product of man's capacity to think his ability to meditate your thoughts create your realities your thoughts create your realities why because as a man thinks so is he as a man thinks so is he if your thoughts are tending towards prospering it is amazing it is amazing while many of it looks predictable yet it is amazing how your mind tends to go in the area in that direction your encounters in life are a product of your mind in fact it is believed that without them saying your mind attracts a certain kind of people by the kind of fresh thoughts that you think even when the person have not spoken you flew in the direction of who they are the mind is a well of abundance and uh today i pray for you that your mind will be completely unclogged you will operate in a new dimension new level new grace new power laker baba a man will always be perpetually blessed or hindered by his thinking a man will always be perpetually blessed or hindered by his thinking when you look through scriptures you don't need to go to a university and get a degree in psychology to another person who has self-esteem issues you need to you need not to sit down to study to know who have been called to leadership by his own self-affacement have eaten him up so the bible teaches us you want to be a leader with confidence you want to bless your generation bless the lord with all of your strength be the one that is perpetually blessed with a transformed mind a man will always be perpetually blessed or hindered by his thinking how many people have been made sounds of hell because of the way they think your mind always plays a major role in the success of your life that's why the bible says if anything be a virtue think and meditate on these things glory to god so your mind is a storehouse of informations esther house ideas from heaven they go through your mind a storehouse of information the mind is a powerhouse for the gathering of ideas a place of vision dreams and your revelations so don't miss out what i'm sharing today i pray for you that you truly will be blessed every human achievement kaya yaya surrounding us today were once a thought in somebody's mind look at this phone the iphone was once a thought in somebody's mind can it be can it not be then they created it amazing and even this illustration i used of mine sending a probe to mass [Music] and you find that maybe five ten years before then there was nothing like that but once man spoke it the way began to show the mind battles are won or lost in the arena of thought before the arena of the physical for if you lose the battle in your mind you will not gain corruption and you will not gain attention your worth in life will be directly or indirectly connected to the thoughts you have carried proverbs 23 verse 7 4 as he thinketh in his heart so if he eat and drink said he to thee but his heart is not with thee so listen battles are one in the arena of the mind your what in life starts from your mind if you have a poor might a man that has been battered by life by what people call you people did to you people said of you no matter what they give you you still feel cheap little and you will flag a lit like we said last week you'll be cutting yourself cutting yourself in your mind i'm not good enough that's why these things happen to me must be the mistakes i've made with my life must be the error i've made with my life must be this must be that nobody deserves to be mistreated to be hurt to be called names and when you have a mind that is not transformed sometimes you will take those things you can swing your pendulum to bless you they say yeah abuse me i deserve abuse i'm just rubbish i'm nobody or you can swing to another end where you say just attempt to call me a name just attempt don't even call yet and you'll see what i will do those are negative reactions based on the fact that your mind has not been transformed for when your mind is transformed the first thing you see is who you are in god and not what i called you your mind is either a barrier to your future or a doorway to your destiny remember i told you it is a bridge on which people ride cross over to the other side or it is a wall that stops people from reaching where they are going you can make your mind one of the two the bible makes clear we read that scripture earlier on philippians chapter 4 verse 8 finally brethren if anything be true if anything be honest if anything be just whatsoever are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things out of good report whatever things have a virtue if any if there be anything that is worthy of praise think and meditate on these things glory to god so you have what it takes to find your way out of every trouble but you must first start with the mind transformed by god directed by the holy spirit first corinthians chapter 2 verse 10 and 11 verse 9 says nobody knows you that all that is about you is hidden it says something to the effect of only the holy spirit can know you it says i had not seen ear had not heard hasn't come to the understanding of man what god still has in store so people don't know you fully so why would you let them put you down that's why you need a transformed mind kaya palusabi rica paro the quality of your life will be determined by the state of your mind if your mind is good the quality of your love is good your mind is transformed quality of your life is transformed if your life mind is full of joy happiness a sense of value your life will manifest that and you know what you will transfer it to other people you will transfer that feeling to other people if a man is fasting and praying if his mind is wrong his perception and result will be wrong you'll be amazed how the mind affects the consequence of our prayer how we see life if you have in mind that everything in life is against you everything in life is working against you everything in life is doing this is doing that you will definitely begin to flow in that direction a man whose mind is not renewed and refreshed by the word of god and truth around him will very soon find himself aging in every area of life every area in every area of life every area you find yourself aging that's what about and be not conformed but to this world don't be conformed to this bottle this container but be transformed be bigger than the container be transformed by the renewal of your mind romans chapter 12 verse 2 everything around you is a model of being out of touch or in touch spiritually so you need to be bigger than the things around you so when people have no transformed mind they wonder at your values and they attack your own value when you have a transformed mind the kingdom of god is first to you serving jesus loving him is first to you commitment to his kingdom and his cause is first to you when people do not have a transformed mind they even shocked that you think that way so everything around you is a model of either being in touch or out of touch you cannot operate beyond the truth you know and beyond the truth you have see a man can just say his mind is transformed you know some people what they call transformation is i used to smoke i don't smoke anymore i used to dress like this i don't dress anymore so they do the physical but their mind is not changed terrible terrible news i read today terrible one a girl in india because she was wearing jeans and her uncle and the neighbors on grounds of religion beat her to death what has jeans got to do with the mind and guess what you'll be amazed that we all particularly my generation have held this view like when they see you wear jeans until recently in the past five seven ten years when jeans became popular before then if they see you in james he was like is this one born against uranus hey spare me what has jeans and transformed mine got to do with each other so which one is approved a suit a suit the material between the magic suit could be what they may have used for the jeans is it because of the coloration or you know many would just look at the jesus okay it's a clothes of people who used to walk in the mines who used to be gold diggers who used to be miners i don't even know why but we had this prejudice we just saw anyone who wore jeans as a rascal they are not born again they are people who live there a hip kind of life the devil is a liar the devil is a lie the greatest transformation is the transformation of your spirit man and that has nothing to do with what you wear absolutely nothing to do with what you wear you cannot operate beyond this truth which you know so you find there are christians they see you your hair is a certain way you are not born again your dress is a certain way you are not transformed for you to be transformed your dress has to be a certain level which cheese can wear the best i mean the things that look conforming and the people who are not born again in another religion that will cover from head to toe the woman in particular you wouldn't even see anything does that make them transformed there are people in all that dressing that covers everything that are in witchcraft christianity is not a physical thing do not forget it is not a physical thing do not forget it is not a physical thing do not forget it is the transformation from inside of the mind and be not conformed to this world this this world can mean this cosmos this world come in the lifestyle inside this world but be transformed by the renewing not of your clothes but your mind i've seen people react somebody comes to churches a man is wearing a hat and you got to improve your heart now off your heart either jesus will give you a knock on your head if you didn't remove the heart oh a lady goes to church she's not wearing a headgear there are these spiritual police church police in fact i remember many years ago some of them have spare headgears they pull it out madam cover your hair and the guy they are giving the covering i've never been to church does not understand anything even the people who are pulling out their head gear they cannot exit the concept of covering from a theological point of view they just know that ah you must cover your hair so the ah so there's no transformation of mind there is a practice of religion everything around you is a model of whether it is in touch or out of touch but as a man thinks so is he you are your thought so if i look at you despite your head gear and i see a child of god loved by god full of god it is affecting the way i think that statement as a man think it is far-reaching and consequential as a man thinking as a man thinking if i think i have no education it limits me if i think oh my life is uh not full of grace of god that is it the vision you elevate the ideal you talk about becomes what your life is built on the vision you elevate the ideal you talk about becomes what your life is built on do not forget that truth cababasha ticaberusi so you are what you think that's why you need your mind to be transformed with the word of god you need to wash your mind with the word with the spirit with the word with the spirit your thought feeds your behavior and character you can't run away from a transformed or non-transformed mind people who are suicidal is started in their mind people who are full of unrighteousness started in their mind behind you here of rapists go and check the root of a rapist if it's not into pornography it's into some kinds of orcas of bizarre sexual life and so at a point he can no longer hold it and he has to express himself if you hear of people who are pedophiles it is initially they open the crevices of their spirit a demonic entity comes in and possesses them and becomes the one that guards their life you are what you think your thought feeds your behavior and your character your thought fits your behavior and your character a man who will know joy and overcome suffering must know how to meditate on the world you need to have a transformed mind living right and godly is a product of bible based meditation it's not based on removing clothes you can remove the jeans cover your hair and be the worst gossip you can wash away lipstick not use any makeup and be the most bitter bitter venomous woman you can choose to not choose any jewel and have a critical spirit a critical spirit your future is paralyzed or energized by the way you think so the entrance to the house of wisdom begins with thinking the entrance to the house of victory begins with thinking the entrance to the house of total transformation begins with thinking the entrance to the house of possessing your possessions becomes begins with thinking in fact let me tell you i could not teach you i mean i run the wealth master class platform we haven't yet done it but one of these days we're going to do it is a very major teaching you cannot bring a man into wealth whose mind have not yet been transformed to receive it some people do not know how they can't stand to be blessed i remember bishop jake's beginning the title of his message i have a suspicion he had to deal with upbringing with his past with his own with things he had had to go through and the things he had had to go through also as a black person in the united states do i deserve this or when the blessings come those who would judge him as a preacher and say should you have that should you have this and so many cannot stand to be blessed because of the first thing their mind does is say what will people say instead of wwjd what will jesus do what will jesus do no it's rather what will people say so listen my dear friend you will attract what you believe i repeat again you will attract what you believe in proverbs 4 verse 23 it says to keep your mind with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life the amplified proceed this way keep safeguard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you got for out of your heart flows the spring of life one translation says out of your heart flows the forces of life the force of victory the force of righteousness the force of blessing the force of testimony the force of glory flew from your life if you meet a person who has a transformed mind who have allowed the holy spirit to transform their thinking do you know what happens they have no difficulty loving the unloved people because it's the holy spirit loving people through them the bible says this the love of god is shared abroad where in our hearts by the holy spirit remember mind and heart are interused it's not very easy to love some people they make it hard when you have reached a place where your mind is so transformed no matter what they did you find that the love of god flows from you to them your mind is saying it's as important as your spirit many of us put so much emphasis on our spirit man emphasis on anointing anointing spirit spirit but we don't transform our minds we want to even see miracles healings breakthroughs but we don't transform our minds you must not develop your spirit with your mind undeveloped you will be imbalanced because if your spirit is developed and your mind don't develop you may move in the miraculous heal the sick but you are yourself spiritually sick but when your mind is transformed and your spirit is transformed ah the two will be a winning combination your mind is the agent by which you express your belief the agent by which you express your belief you know but what's here in romans 10 verse 8 to 10 say but what's she even in thy mouth and in thy heart that is the word of faith which we preach that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus i shall believe with thine heart that god hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved so listen you need to walk on your heart romans 10 8 10 verse 10 says for with the heart okay the passage is actually romans chapter 10 verse 8 to 10 verse 10 says for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation your mind must first receive it must first be changed so if there is no transformation of mind you can have quotation of scriptures i remember reading one time that in one particular sunday school the person who was the best at memorizing scriptures was actually the thief they found out who was stealing something getting lost in sunday school the mind is the place where knowledge is acquired where understanding and wisdom find their residence transform your mind transform your mind the mind is the place where you take the word of god chew it and turn it into practical the bible says i have loved your word more than my necessary food you need to chew the word eat eat eat eat eat it eat it eat the word look at it this way god has made you as a divine think tank as a divine think tank don't waste it away a man without his mind has no worth that's why you need to have yours not just have it not a brute mind not a carlos mind not an unsaved mind but a transformed mind to god and you know when your mind is not good people say don't mind him not else don't regard him because his mind is not what minding don't mind him what makes the world mind you is if there is a worth to what flows from you the world will listen the world will appreciate you the worst retirement is the retirement of the mind it's okay if you retire physically but when your mind is retired you become a danger yeah there are people who are physically retired but they keep renewing their mind they are sharp pad and a lot of people are physically strong an 89 year old man won the nobel prize for science because while this the university had retired him his mind was not retired that's in the realm of science and the natural how much more spiritual minds so listen when you stop thinking and learning you start dying when you stop transforming your mind you start dying being current in your mind is the currency of life yeah being current is the currency of life keep your mind alive be sensitive to the holy spirit be sensitive to god to his word the largest room in the world is a room for self-improvement the improvement of your mind the degree of your thinking the degree of the thinking of your mind determines the quality of your lifestyle so i said proverbs 23 verse 7 for as he thinks in his heart so is he as he thinks in his heart so is he not where is the clothes it's amazing you see some people they think the big deal of life is when they were all those designer things and some of that you know what they will not do is go by the cheap fake ones they just want to wear another man's name so when you see that you see gucci before you see them you see you will be torn before you see them no thanks and if you don't have it you don't feel less you do not feel less if you don't have the money for it you did not feel less why because your mind added to ireland here is bigger than those things when your mind is touched by god that is even more powerful it is empowering ah a mind touched by god it's not only transformed its own fire for god it is glorifying to god it is a blessing to everybody it meets it is it is it is awesome it is full of god first corinthians chapter 4 verse 20 for the kingdom of god is not in word but in power so when your mind is touched by god it is empowering when the kingdom of god comes into your mind you have a mind full of kingdom your life is too precious to live it on guesses people's opinions suppositions suggestions and they said they said people are saying say no i have a transformed mind and the paul will say we have the mind of christ in other words we are led by the mind of christ not people's opinion your access to understand to understanding and revelation is not by sitting and doing nothing it is by allowing your mind to be full of light from heaven ephesians chapter 1 verse 17 and 18 verse 17 says then that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of him that you may know what is glory to god the eyes of your understanding being unenlightened so understanding goes deeper beyond the ones the eye sees eyes look the mind sees understanding means you saw eyes look understanding sees they are not the same thing they both fixed their gaze but once saw the other one just looked may god give you a transformed mind let me just add a little more in the second part of our teaching and bring it to a close why do you need a transformed mind why if we don't finish it we'll continue next week you need a transformer because you are your thought if my thoughts are success somehow my life begins to oscillate in that direction you are your thought if my thoughts are i want to love jesus more somehow my life begins to move in that direction if your thoughts are i need to be physically healthy somehow your life begins to move that you'll be amazed how that a lot of sickness and diseases that attack your body gets you down the mall if your mind is going to kill me it will kill you it will kill you but if your mind begins with you yeah i will not die but leave to declare the glory of god i will not lie down upon the bed of and he himself took my infirmities and diseases by whose tribes i am healed somehow your body begins to hear those words you are your thought the statement is too far-reaching as a man thinks so easy you are your thought you can only rise conquer and achieve by your thoughts you can only rise conquer achieve by your thoughts next you are what you think your thought feeds your behavior and character if you think failure failure flows you think success success begins to come in your direction a man who will know joy and overcome suffering must know to meditate on the word of god if anything be true if anything be pure if anything be honest if anything be just if anything be lovely if anything be of good report think on these things meditate so your mind was given to you by god to be the house of greatness a godly thought does wonders like medicine it's amazing when you begin to see how you're coming out of challenges battles lack and you hold on to jehovah he makes it to come to pass not just anybody who's thinking good thoughts now it is not just power of positive thinking this is power of a transformed mind transformed not by information from socrates or focus uh aristotle not information from shakespeare not the worst of uh general now this is transformation by the word of god who are prisoners of their own thinking you'll be amazed some people can never trust you because they don't trust themselves their mind is full of poison ivy so they poison themselves they poison you living right ungodly is the product of a bible-based kind of meditation glory to god it's a product the entrance to the house of wisdom begins through your thinking it begins through your thinking you want to end that house of wisdom transform your mind where you are today is a product of how you've been thinking some people all they are looking for is what can i get from them they think of getting getting getting they are not create create create create create create they never created you they just get us interested in god i love the bible i love god i love jesus i love his word the bible will say hey you are a seed sower you provide seed to the soil oh you're a predator does get her he provides food it provides bread to the eater but both have their consequences you know know the consequence of bread eaters ecclesiastes chapter 11 cast your bread upon the waters you will find it after many days because you're a bread eater bread has few days but seed has generation and it comes from who we are inside us as a man continues to think so he continues to be you will attract your belief you will attract your commitment because gold is found only in the depth of the earth you only prosper as you dig deep as you dig deep you prosper you dig shallow you remain shallow the word in you will reveal your character that's the reason why you need a transformed mind so when the word is full if there is something that was meant to bring you down but your mind is transformed the enemy will just see that you are still standing and not torn down do you know what it means for those three hebrew men when hundreds of thousands of governors are trapped leaders like themselves have all fallen down to bow to the god of nebuchadnezzar and they are standing they are not standing because uh they are psyching each other they have a mind that is so transformed there they must have told ourselves who to bow to what to who we know who we believe paul said for i know whom i have believed and i'm persuaded that he's able to keep that which i've committed unto him against that day they knew who they were it was it was not a makeup it was something that is in the depth of the spirit you become what you conceive as you depend on god you cannot you cannot you cannot snap out of your thoughts in fact if you are moving in direction of what is exactly your thought you are just following the crowd after a while the smoke of your real person will manifest the real person you will just have a freudian sleep you just say what you really are know you just see you find that you you just say it people who are into swearing when they try to not swear if they're not a person who said they should know their head and say before you know bomb it just comes out because it is there so listen to me that they as we begin to bring our teaching too close the power of a transformed mind cannot be over emphasized you can only get the product of the seed that that you have sown you form the habit of sowing good seed into your mind the word the word the word meditating on the world god told joshua this book of the law shalt not depart out of thine mouth but thou shalt meditate there in day and night for then thou shalt they have i mean have make your way prosperous and thou shalt have good success he told him let this world not depart you know let it wash all the rubbish slavery mentality of where you are congratulating mentality kept what we are teaching to the manifest and the children of israel you see god brought them out of egypt but their mind was not transformed they relocated but their mind was where they were from coming or coming from that mind was still there so when they opened their mouth they talked as slaves they were free but their mind was not free they were free physically but not mentally free you are still slaves every little thing who want to go back to egypt who wants to go back to a place where you lose your identity and you are not a human being you are property for that's what slavery is in slavery you are not a human being you are a property you are the property of mr xyz one of the terrible things done to slaves in the in the in the new world that is how america the caribbean and the latin world was described in the days of slavery one of the most terrible things they did to people was to not only treat them as property but to rub it in if a slave had their wife his boss will say to him hey joe do not lock your door tonight i will need your wife i will need may not even color your wife i'll need janet keep the door open for when i come to take her holy smoke that is because the guy's property so the children of israel were slaves in their minds even though they came out slavery did not come out so you can come to church and what you are coming from did not leave you when you round up here today you are surrounded by what started as a thought in you you are your thoughts you are your thoughts you become what you conceive if you want a good result change your thinking as a man thinks so is he very important people will ask what is on your mind you can think an obstacle can become a stepping stone if you have a transformed mind you see god where others don't because your mind has been transformed you put on the goggles of god hallelujah your mind has been transformed enough to see god's ability to see god's power to see god's grace to see god moving you forward today i pray for you that the word you have received will truly bless your life that the transformation begins from this day god brings you into the place of the fullness of transformation fullness of change fullness of his favor i speak into your life today that god breaks you out of failure your mind cleansed by his word i speak into your life from today that you walk in the favor of god you walk in victory you begin to enter the rams nobody in your family ever entered in the name of jesus i pray for you today because of your renewed mind you will have a maximized life i pray into your life today that because of your renewed mind you will be a peace setter among your your your peers because of your renewed mind god will give you mental progress spiritual progress you will do mighty works because of your renewed minds you will be a product of mighty wisdom wisdom that nobody can deny i pray for you today that because of the transformation of your mind god will take you from levels to levels the questions and the riddles of life that have messed up your peers god will give you answers cheaply answers cheaply the questions and the reduce of life that have messed up your peers god will give you answers cheaply sociality jesus name do not forget international gathering of champions is around the corner like to encourage you register register register register even if you are not buying products just register your presence let us know that you are there but then why wouldn't you invest in your mind with just talking about mind his extraordinary works if you register you're able to get 40 percent discount from the materials from the messages because once the preacher finishes the message will not be available on on on the free on youtube you will need to be able to buy it and to buy it within register you pay the full fee you're registered you've got 40 discount the speakers will be awesome and you'll be a blessing buzz music festival will be great you will be blessed we only have one or two more days before we finish the bible challenge make sure you still take the challenge and complete we will upload the questions for you to be able to attend by sunday on monday but i believe you were blessed today i believe you were blessed today i believe you were blessed today let me encourage you today many people just do not realize how the mind is part of wealth creation and that's why if you are wise you will buy the truth and sell it not invest in your own mind before you start investing in anything this past week i have sat down with people who have lost serious money because they made assumptions a couple sat down with me recently they lost in africa they lost about three hundred thousand dollars of their own money not to talk of the monies of other people maybe another six hundred thousand dollars of other people or several hundred thousand dollars because total was like 1.2 million dollars they have lost i don't want to sound like i'm knocking one method of investment but they knew you one lady was into forex trading and the woman was doing well they were giving her money she was bringing returns and suddenly after they brought so much and handed over to her suddenly they can't find their mind and the lady they are just being told she's becoming a regular she's sitting somewhere because uh she must have lost much more than even their own i said was there any contract no was there any agreement clearly written no you just love the fact that this forex trading was returning money was there any training for it no they were not even the ones trading they were just handing over the money to the woman or join us at the live webinar when we teach you which areas of investment why you should invest how you should invest how to compound the money god have put in your hands and be blessed beyond merger you must not miss it by any chance we see you tomorrow morning also at the morning glow the lord bless you richly and lift your beyond measure jesus name do your full bear needs jesus name god bless prepare yourself for the inspiration encouragement and insight required to grow create and innovate the international gathering of champions 2021 his extraordinary works join transformational leaders from around the globe host matthew ishivalo and guests including tudor bismarck mike murdock cindy trim mensah odabill jamal bryant worship led by grammy award-winning matt redmond the kicc choir anthony brown helen johnson chevelle franklin the expressions dance troupe the key icc malawi choir plus live french interpretation and events for kids and teens igoc 2021 the actual and virtual conference for every believer everywhere wednesday august 25th to sunday august 29th live on social media and at kicc prayer city register your free place today prepare yourself for the inspiration encouragement and insight required to grow create and innovate the international gathering of champions 2021 his extraordinary works join transformational leaders from around the globe host matthieu chivolo and guests including tudor bismarck mike murdock cindy trim mensah onabil jamal bryan worship led by grammy award-winning matt redman the kicc choir anthony brown helen yawson chevelle franklin the expressions dance troupe the kicc malawi choir plus live french interpretation and events for kids and teens igoc 2021 the actual and virtual conference for every believer everywhere wednesday august 25th to sunday august 29th live on social media and at kicc prayer city register your free place today the world is constantly changing how can the christian remain relevant and grounded in the truth the king's college of excellence offers you a virtual bible school with a difference harnessing the experience and knowledge of its global faculty of teachers including kce founder pastor matthew chimolo students from every walk of life those called to ministry running businesses and employed in the marketplace are empowered with timeless teaching tools and strategies that equip them to make a lasting godly impact on their generation our cutting-edge curriculum includes teachings on the principles of faith new creation realities christian ethics in life and ministry personal development and spiritual life coaching family life and ministry and much more enrich your christian life and join a global body of students at the kings college of excellence virtual bible school for details and to register for the virtual opening evening visit kce.k uk [Music] everlasting world when i'm discouraged when i'm down you are my joy my hiding place [Music] is my hiding place [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] you love me [Music] [Music] from [Music] oh [Music] is oh lord my god without you i am lost you're my hiding place [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] my hiding place [Music] shelter in the store when i am weary when i'm lost you'll beat me curl my hiding place everlasting world when i'm discouraged when i'm down you are my joy
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 3,881
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Keywords: kicc service, Matthew Ashimolowo, Kent Church, Prayer City, KICC live stream, Live feed, live news, live prayers, live stream, stream, watchfree, livestreaming, coronavirus, lockdown, prayer, Covid19, UK, KICCOnline, kicc stream, kicconline,, T.D. Jakes, Elevation Church, Transformation Church, Lakewood Church, Domi Stream, RCCG, The Covenant Nation, Daystar Christian Centre, ICC TV, Creflo Dollar Ministries, Bill Winston Ministries, Jerry Eze, COZA, NSPDD
Id: puoVidu8yL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 6sec (6186 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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