Surviving 100 Days in Project Zomboid: CDDA Challenge, All Negative Traits (Full Stream)

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howdy ho and welcome to another full playthrough of project zomboid we're going to be surviving a 100 days uh of the cdda challenge starting with every negative trait in the game our protagonist is a washing beard democratus perhaps a distant relative of another former grayhair Survivor who can really say though this challenge is uh it's honestly taken more attempts than I would care to admit but uh what does survive hopes to be the awe inspiring tale of a severely overweight alcoholic beating the odds well this is a pretty terrible spawn uh cutting board do we have anything in the fridge rotten processed cheese oh we do have some burned tiles though here so those are burned out and we can step on them safely let's see if this just burns out too or if we can grab some curtains hey look there's some curtains right over here uh if we remove them then we can get the glass shards out of our crotch and let's just see if there's anything else in the other bedrooms if we do manage to get some shoes no not in there definitely not in there either okay so I'm sensing a no from both rooms let's go ahead and remove those so that we can move slightly faster and then we'll make our way over to the second house not really any loot in here sadly um we will rip up this sheet here we go very very nice very nice ripped cheat now we just bandage that so that we stabilize in our health you know I think I can take an opportunity for a brief drink of water and then just leave can I potentially not attract out a bunch from this house you know I'm going to be a bit greedy here and just remove more curtains and I'm going to open the window like such an amazing feed of strength to open the window I will sneak only because of the fog which gives me a slightly better chance of not being seen although they will probably be attracted to the sound of my coughing and wheezing uh because I am the weakest possible person ooh okay if there are no other zombies in this house then we just scored with like the best possible spawn here uh inmate spawn gives us a free duffel bag as well as some shoes ooh we didn't actually get that let's just grab the sneakers sneakers are fantastic I'm going to be a little bit greedy if I can ooh ah that might have actually killed me I know where the duffel bag is if I have to come back I will just leave it at that let's see if we can get a little bit of distance on these ones while I'm still fast even at the risk of potentially scratching my feet here in the woods only because I can slightly out move past them if we can just get them onto this fence so that they go over it yes we did it and now uh I can put on the sneakers oh no there are more coming to me from the north uh I will probably scratch my feet and die but let's just keep hobbling around to try to create enough time to put on the sneakers so that I can then walk North toward the farm where it's safer uh but probably I'll just die again don't get your hope up but that was honestly not that bad of Spawn and we did almost manage to get a duffel bag off of that prisoner we know where it is though and it's close by in the town if we want to come back this fog is fantastic too means F will spot us but they will indeed be attracted to the sound of me coughing and panicking and sneezing uh once again I have all of the negative traits let's see if we can just get a brief opportunity at yes wearing the sneakers imagine actually putting them on your yes your feet uh I believe I am just a little bit south of the farm although if I cut into these Woods I'm going to be going off course yeah we're just slightly south of where we need to be now there is a clearing with a field up here and then a lake nearby I'm going to just slow down slightly because I'm at high exertion not excessive exertion and so if I walk because there's none nearby me so I should be okay you know for a minute and then if they do catch up with me then I'll book it again so we are going to have to cut through these Woods going to have to risk potentially scratching myself on a tree I'm going to use the walk to command though right here only because it'll keep us at a nice walking pace but I will avoid scratching myself on the trees see the way that he Bobs and weaves so liely through the trees wow I didn't even mean for that to be poetic but it was dear God I'm getting like worm man and Gerald Williams flashbacks simultaneously yes but today we are washing beard democratus uh who will hopefully survive 100 days in the all negative traits cdda challenge which is like a combination of the two worst possible challenges all negative traits as well as uh cdda cdda isn't so bad if you have decent traits but uh the world settings are pretty rough like all of the food is rotten uh and you kind of have to you know Hopscotch your way into better and better loot areas okay this is actually decent I'll just keep using the walk to command so that I don't accidentally trip over anything there's no zombies nearby but we want to be careful right here only because I think we're slightly off course yeah if we just head slightly East here like Northeast East by the way the top right corner is North bottom right corner uh is east and south and west and respectively and so on uh if I ever refer to the directions like that in the game now there is a farmhous here which may contain like one so we've done the main primary First Steps we've taken out the glass we've gotten the sheets on our uh groin stopping the bleeding and preventing us from just bleeding out to death con now I think it's safe I can start to look in advance now and see if there are any zombies and we did manage to survive okay we got shoes on our feet and we managed to run to The Farmhouse now what is really the next question cuz it's just hard enough getting here in the first place we're also several months after the apocalypse so there's not going to be much of anything left in the Taps I think we can safely just walk up to Yes To The Farmhouse wow o there's dead ones in there well I guess due to that like free gear for right now um yeah okay more sneakers in here and that is a pistol not really very useful for us right now I'm just going to grab the jacket strapped shoes won't actually get us as fast but they will give us better defenses I could I suppose wear a skirt yeah I'll wear the shorts for now but we need something warmer because we are in the fall and coming into the winter here so I found shorts and a leather jacket styl and um oh tweezers I actually don't need tweezers but the sewing kit should be useful for getting that wound sewed up wow this is insanely lucky uh I'm going to grab the bottle of disinfectant too this will be everything we need to get our wound taken care of this was an insanely lucky start uh but oh let's keep it going let's just make sure there's no other zombies in the house um I also want to kind of muffle any of my sneezes and make sure I have an escape path so let's just go ahead and make sure my arc of vision here is good okay I can see anything coming from any direction and will this let me sew up my groin uh does the sewing kit have a needle um let me just equip this to my secondary I think I should be able to oh no it's actually just a single unit I thought that that had contents in it uh never mind unequip um wait a minute yeah capacity 3 oh no there's just nothing in it it's just an empty sewing kit so that was not very lucky never mind uh we didn't get a needle I was hoping for a needle from that now we could get thread off of clothing adhesive tape is not bad H okay we can't close our wound never mind so that's really the next task is we want to close close up the wound so we'll check upstairs because there's another another bathroom in this kind of prefab house oh we'll take a tumbler fill that with water because I'm pretty sure I didn't get a chance to drink when I was in the spawn house or did I did I drink I don't remember chat we are streaming this by the way um comic book newspaper I unfortunately am illiterate so I can't read so that's not going to help me in anyway so I'm just going to be bored into pressed for most of the challenge until I find orange soda we're going to grab a belt a belt we'll uh put that on we'll wear one of those so that means that I can attach things to the Belt left and belt right which is nice is there any real immediate danger of death otherwise we should be able to sleep here for the night and for the immediate future I mean we've got decent stuff in the tops too the bottle of disinfectant is welcome but a needle would have been better so sadly right now that's about as well as we did yeah I guess I could put on the socks too for just a little bit more insulation I'll run back down there in a minute sheets uh nothing else in the bathroom sadly there is another bedroom here and okay some pants wow kind of Lucky kind of Lucky put on those good light colored jeans all right nice can take off these shorts now we could start to kind of chop these up and create better protection for ourselves that we're actually looking like a person who didn't uh just fall drunkenly out of the shower anymore now we're looking like a guy who may make it in the apocalypse um okay washing beard democratus I just got to oh I got a text sorry about that um okay no sewing needle I'm a little bit sad so now we can take some time to think put on your thinking caps people uh where do we go from here we've made it all the way to The Farmhouse we've finally found some Cal after our hectic start we need to make a new plan uh I will grab the socks first I think and also a wristwatch this won't give me the date but this will give me the time and I do have seven rounds of ammunition we might be able to put something together with this and also what kind of condition are these pieces of clothing in I think I'm just going to keep in the sneakers yep let's make a plan here's the plan so if we manag to find anything in this shed that would be a help because currently we get panicked indoors because it's not big enough so I might be able to sleep in the barn because of my horrible claustrophobia we need a large interior room so that I don't get panicked yes I know that it has openings but it's better than sleeping out outside just because then we won't be freezing to death and currently our only other option is sleeping outside uh as it turns out being claustrophobic was kind of a horrible trait to have taken here but I mean basically every option is bad so I think that this is one that will clear up faster uh or at least when we get to McCoy Lumber mill we have a large interior room to sit in and that basically keeps me calm for the entirety of the night um is wrench better than actually I'm not sure which one is better really just which one is heavier really the wrench is not as heavy um so I may just go off of that I'm going to put the pistol though in here because uh I mean we obviously aren't going to be using this thing as a weapon yeah I just don't even want to chance it just because that would attract too many from too far around might use it to attract them away from an area before I elud it if there's anything useful in there but for right now I might be able to kill one no more than one at a time though okay there is the one okay there's two already so bad but they did come in at different speeds and this should be pretty easy to door it okay so what I'm going to do here I'm going to let that one destroy the door um not too many ways around this unfortunately we'll just have to rebuild the door I'm just going to go upstairs so that that one loses track of me because I wasn't trying to fight two right here oh wait a second that one lost track of me ah okay cool okay I'm scratched but like honestly that's not that bad compared to everything else that will actually heal up rather fast okay now we need to retreat into if I've gotten on the ground then I'm fine oh I wish i' had fallen in the other orientation though then I could have been looking behind me right now I'm just kind of screwed up here all right uh out of The Frying Pan into the fire now everything right now is very bad as you can see but the scratch itself is really not that bad cuz that's an extremely minimal chance of infection so we should be fine um would be a little bit more worried if that were like a laceration or obviously a bite but now we should be fine uh we are also a slow he and this will this will heal faster than our main wound so I'm okay but the blood really isn't doing me any favors right here because I do Panic around that and well that's not great either but I'm not planning on spending a lot of time in this hallway man jeez I really am weak yeah you're right at this rate I mean which one do I value more though the yeah I guess the shoes man that really took him a long time he practically destroyed the wrench just from trying to take this one out man that's wearing out my shoes so fast all right I will grab these shoes then for when I'm fighting these are my fighting shoes as well as my running shoes [Music] um damn uh I guess I want to keep the wrench in case if we find a car later cuz every item count and somehow this one has not managed to get in the door yet gu it stopped freaking out after all that fortunately though if we fight them inside we won't be attracting any more from nearby so indoor fighting is really the best option man am I going to have to I can't even knock it down to close the door I'm just that weak dang man uh I also have to bandage on my scratch so let's just stand on top of this one for now uh okay I will bandage my scratch that should heal up pretty fast though in comparison all right now I'm using the fighting shoes to stomp on it that way we don't wear everything out yeah I'm going to have to swap to the Crowbar but I might not even be able to use a weapon at this rate is he at least getting more fit not really he is getting stronger though from all of this work 258 this 264 oh my God she's like working out just by doing this you might even be able to min max this hang on a second can I do this okay this is kind of a crazy thing I think I just found a new exploit okay I'm going to test this out I think that if you don't stomp on a zombie's head you can't kill it so I'm just going to try oh I was wrong stopping on the legs might be a great way to train strength though for this guy cuz he can't really do exercise very consistently yeah try this one trick oh my god um wow that was amazing we managed to get like 20% of the level and strength just from stomping on those one or two that's how weak we are though we're extremely uh frail and it is not good all right let's continue the process because we can't really possibly get much weaker so if this is our floor right here that we're looking at at um there is a chance that we can actually level up to the first level in strength which does make us considerably stronger we really want Fitness not strength but nonetheless uh it it would be a help otherwise yeah clearing out even like three zombies around here what are we at now three zombies wow amazing they said it couldn't be done I mean we could just like run around the property while we're this out of breath the fact of the matter is that it can't get much worse so we might as well just take the free levels in like sprinting you know um okay so we have the horse trops over here do we panic in here oh my gosh wow we can sleep in the horse barn wow okay so let's bring a chair from within as far as weight is concerned we can basically afford to just starve to death for a while right here and we'll be fine beyond that my fitness is where it's at 84 yeah let's just carry around something heavy and try to Sprint for a little while see if we can raise our fitness a bit um yeah we may actually be able to get in some sleep I think we need to strengthen ourselves a bit before we do any type of looting because this character won't make it very far so let's go back inside grab a chair bring that that back out to the barn and then have us a good night's rest yeah uh we are not over encumbered right now though so I might want to grab that very heavy bottle of disinfectant uh which is like twoo I can't believe the things that I am finding heavy um yes this pair of shoes should be extremely heavy oh I can barely walk under the weight of these shoes as far as far as this is concerned I'm thinking we just keep this character over encumbered cuz he's not going to die from it he'll just get stronger now I'm carrying a very heavy load I'm not going to die underneath the weight of shoes right so does this cause my strength to rise excitingly my fitness has risen ever since uh I walked inside the house all right maybe maybe not so much yet let's go ahead and grab the chair though the very heavy chair ooh ooh I I can't carry it for you but I can carry you um let's go ahead and uh actually we're not really getting that many more gains I guess we do need to find some more so yeah we could fight the one or two that are around here see if we can get the first level and Shrink I never thought I would be saying this this fast but yeah our character is just that bad um might even call out here or just one or two might migrate over naturally uh they do kind of tend to get redistributed to your location although this isn't a very like populated Zone let's bring this chair farther back behind this uh or stable right here and we go in here and we place the chair the very heavy chair on the hay yes the hay amazing um whoops wrong spot but whatever it we'll have an opportunity to get out if uh stuff gets bad so are we still leveling in this 93 352 not really that fast I do think we need to find another fight to get any stronger so let's see can we sleep in here and wow we've actually managed to fall asleep and be completely unconscious will we even be tired oh wow we managed to completely get rid of the tired moodlet although we woke back up tired um that can't really be amazing but we could just sit in here a little bit longer and where is the chair we slept too recently to sleep again and experiencing too much pain to sleep as it happens so the dirty bandages should go down to a certain point yeah there we go and then we kind of level off can we sleep again yeah even with that level of pain okay and then our health Rises back up 8:30 a.m. good good we don't get any type of delayed onet muscle sness like with uh the exercise but okay I'm willing to just continue fighting a few around here because I don't want to go exploring bring them back and then have more Ambush me around the farm so we'll just leave that chair in there what an amazing place to sleep fortunately that also doesn't transport or transmit noise through the walls as easily we have good tree coverage around here as well um I think we make a quick look around the property try to grab one or two more bring them back to the farm fight them get a maybe one level in strength and fitness and then go from there and also are we leveling up in Fitness no we need to be out of breath so I will just I will just walk until I find one and then I will get myself horribly out of breath when I do have to fight them ultimately let's go ahead and see if we can find a few zombies and then bring them back here yeah if we just let them survive longer and we stomp on their legs we can train our strength faster I've never used this technique before this is almost as good as the original pushing a tree you used to be able to just push on a tree for days and your strength would go so high it was very fun and I'm sad that they took that exploit out of the game but I've discovered a new one this is equally satisfying since I can basically just AFK this wow look what's happening to our character's strength he's already he's nearly at 600 wow I wonder how far I can get with this the weaker you are the faster you'd level too wow this is great I can totally use this this makes us way stronger nice um I do miss that you can reload the old versions of the game but yeah let's do that yeah if you stay away from the headbox uh if we had debug mode on I could show you the way that they're like body regions you can also see the cone of fire if you turn on debug mode it's pretty cool uh ghoul king showed it to me a while back uh but yeah um like there are specific regions on the zombies that you can Target so that brought up our strength a lot I would say that we need to kill maybe like nine or 10 zombies and we just day this week so let's really slowly bring them out of the woods over to here but we also want to grab these corpses cuz we don't want to get sick from them we'll dump them out front uh we will Panic around the blood I think it'll take us a few days to get through this area but seeing as there were none like on the farm itself we're not really in any major rush to eat food um I think that this is fine and then once we get some sleep we can start to make our way back to the original area but for right now I'm content to just continue losing weight and getting stronger this is basically just an advanced Weight Watchers journey I might be able to infinite level strength right here uh did not know that this even existed in the game but I've now discovered it is snowing oh dang it ah no not where I meant to push you okay I can't even like reorient myself to look at that I've just got to keep the mouse down here but yeah my strength has gone from like 600 to 900 just pushing this one against the wall this is kind of like the old tree pushing maneuver except that my character is just this weak uh so being at this level of weakness I am able to power level I am able to make gains simply by pushing this one against the wall uh that little bar up there next to strength in the upper left corner is going to update sooner or later I guess when we get one level of strength I will stop pushing this one but yeah yeah um I've been looking for exploits like this because I thought they patched them all out of the game there used to be a lot more but uh yeah this is pretty insane let's just keep doing this and hope for the best okay I have somehow managed to power level my way into level one of strength just by pushing a Zombie against a wall didn't know that this exploit existed like I said um we're getting considerably further through the next tree I know it's impossible to see what's going on but currently I'm just stomping on its but uh this is amazing they might even have to patch this out of the game because it's so good and I'm doing really well at it just because of how tired and thirsty I am I might even just keep this one here at the top of the stairs hostage because currently I seem to be physically incapable of doing any damage to one I've already got another like 150 experience okay nope that was it so I did kill it um wow that was the longest it's ever taken me to kill a zombie in this game I'm pretty sure um okay we can at least get some water though because dying of thirst is my one fear when I'm doing stuff like that uh let's go ahead and just fill up the tumbler with water but I think we can do that with a few more and get maybe to level two or three with strength we've already made it now to what are we on day three uh yeah I mean I think we're coming on to day three right here so let's um let's not even sleep because it's not going to make us that much better off let's just keep filling up the water when we are starting to lose Health though from lack of food aren't we yeah our health is starting to tick down due to starvation um I'm not sure if we can die of that at the weight we're at but I think it's going to very slowly tick down until we're extremely weak yeah let's figure that out okay there were two in the barn so I had to attract them back into the house and now I I can hardly see anything because it's night I don't have very good vision and I'm just sort of stuck I can't fall asleep um I'm forced into just kind of pushing them away it is extremely good for power leveling extremely good for it but I need to use a little bit of wrench quality if I want to knock them down at all so I think I'm going to see if I can get the second level in strength just cuz that'll help me tomorrow so that I can fight them like normal person rather than a like what I've been having to do over the last couple of nights hopefully they won't redistribute and I can get a good night's worth of sleep and then after that our character will be strong enough that he can actually go to the house in the North and then loot those buildings because right now this has been a pretty sad fight but it is kind of exciting to watch him progress now you know like level two and rising in strength I feel pretty good about that um though it is pretty boring right now so o man there's so many little subtle things that get between the cracks I guess there really always will be okay we've managed to get level two in strength because I spent the entire night pushing the Zombie Against the Wall which is pretty insane when you get down to it but I am now starving to death and I need to eat a ham so I'm going to take this one out uh which can be done like that but yeah there we go strength levels two and honestly already a pretty honest level of the way to level three oh man that gets extremely repetitive we've been sitting here for about 15 minutes doing this but it is worth it in the end cuz we get the Jesus this why we need extra pairs of shoes just all around my maintenance has gone up how does that even work you can do that with shoes I didn't know I was power leveling maintenance as well but at least that'll help my weapon condition in the future I I don't even mean to be doing this anymore please make it stop okay there we go it's dead it's dead uh we're trying to space the eating out of the rotten ham because of my weak stomach and I will starve to death just due to like lack of having enough of anything apparently you can eat rotten food like you need to be extremely slow with bit but we will attempt to drink the last of the water here we will do that uh let's fill back up the tumbler with a little bit more water and then uh oh yeah and we need one more because we're running out um now yeah we'll eat one more quarter of the ham so that we don't die and we don't have the nausea emote so that means that we don't have food poisoning and we weren't infected so I mean yeah like I said scratches fine now we should probably try to get back into into the horse barn though because now we can see when it's light out we'll be nocturnal we'll just sleep during the day um when I can see around me and then a couple more zombies should redistribute here and then we'll attempt to get a good night's sleep man at this rate I might even get to the next level of Fitness here the good news about power leveling well is that it happens at this at this stage because this is a pretty horrible place to be this is the weakest possible human being and he's slightly improving so is that the side I thought that that was them eating flesh but I think that was just the wind passing through the trees oh no there is another one here this one I will attempt to just kill normal style cuz I'm a little tired of the strength training this is going to take me a while so I'm just going to do this and then go to oh there we go look at how fast your boy is he's getting way stronger that's better than he would have been uh the the beginning time to sleep in the barn though my head is starting to heal and my groin as well wow uh actually has the no the groin the groin has not healed in fact sadly we'll just patch that up again this may take a month or more to heal I've been told ooh I am walking slightly faster now wow that's very exciting I think we just continue bringing back one or two for strength training but let's let's stock up on shoes cuz it would be a real shame if we ran out of shoes here uh my shoes being destroyed while I was stopping on one of those was a real come to Jesus kind of moment uh just before there and honestly I think that if we just stop on them normally like that we may just be able to get the strength to level three without having to do quite so much tooth pulling and we might be able to loot like a pack of gum or something like that that imagine being able to swallow a whole piece of gum in order to stay alive what kind of caloric content do you think is in gum after all I guess we'll find out now there is I want to say it was hydrocraft what was the mod that originally had gum you would find gum in people's pockets when you you know when you took them down uh o more sneakers okay let's keep putting the sneakers on the floor so that they don't root with the rest of the bodies the cold is still sticking around we won't really recover from the cold until we are well fed though we may just have to stick with dirty bandages also and keep in mind we're also going to be limited by the amount of ham that we have remaining so that's not really a lot um I'm thinking we're still going to have to make a run for it to this Northern Area so yeah we could slowly but surely just like attract them out one by one and see how that does let's try throwing some of these shoes on the ground maybe the shoes will lighten us up or maybe we could lighten ourselves up from the shoes and if we throw down these sneakers yeah we'll put more sneakers and shoes in the entryway so that we have them as backups we may want to keep an extra pair on us though as well good good maybe one pair of shoes on me and one bandage dirty or clean whatever I have to take this sink really has a lot of water in it that's been great that's been great uh we will yeah might as well clean one of the bandages okay really the main thing that's going to get us here though is the fact that we're starving I think we have a sausage and the ham so we'll be able to feed ourselves I would say another six times before we manage to loot anything from up there so I think it's enough time for another level in strength it's 5:50 p.m. today I think if we aren't going to be able to see we spend the entire night strength grinding again so that we get to level three that way we can take out zombies faster and then we go to the farm but let's just see if we can attract one a little bit closer here we walk through the woods walk through the woods walk walk walk and anyone in this field I mean if we have managed to clear them all out then it should be safe for the Looting although we've got two buildings over there which means we've probably got a couple more spawns and some of them have been redistributing over the last couple of hours we are running out of food quite frankly uh I have about a quarter of a sausage left rotten sausage which isn't really much I think I can eat a quarter of the sausage without dying due to food poisoning but once you eat the first two quarters then you have to eat the last half the DAP fire go go thank you for real for real dead ass dead straight bus in fire thank you very much for the $3 appreciate it no cap No Cap uh although I I I am in full of fear right now no cap dead ass but I I am afraid all right I'll start speaking in English again now once again once again um calmly walking through the firmly grasp it through the woods Mr Crab style now we are running out of Health due to starvation I've replaced my bandages so I'm not losing Health due to that that does stabilize I have checked I have checked I just don't want any of them to tail me back to the cabin in the woods I think I need to go slightly south of here if I want to make it to the destination that I am seeking uh this may have something I mean please God let this cabin have something I need a can opener really a can opener is the um is the primary item required for survival in this challenge okay this is the lessening of the density of the trees we have made it to the cabin let's get into Crouch mode Crouch mode which is basically the same speed as our other greetings from Costa Rica uh Stratos Fury greetings to you in Costa Rica thank you very much for the prime appreciate you me thinks the cabin me thinks the cabin is a safe place [Music] um do I go faster I guess I go I guess I go fast boy from this point forward just because I don't want my sound radius to attract them all in O I am hypothermic too it could be the hypothermia that's causing me to Ben's cabin was trying to think is that a Dev Ben Ben Ben oh fishing rod oh my gosh wow that is actually insane um fishing rod and fishing net trap so fishing is extremely op in this game uh increas chance attach to Rod before using fishing line okay fishing line is also very important uh I don't believe fishing tackle is 100% necessary here but you know it it is what it is let's just go ahead and our tumbler uh forging volume one there's two copies of it but I can't read so just avoid those caned corn beef I may be crushed by the weight of these items uh but I can bring these back and there is a lake nearby our house so I mean do we actually have enough to survive indefinitely now I was thinking of foraging I was considering that more fishing line and more fishing rods pretty sure that the fishing rod should be fine though right um even in winter this will also feed us I believe the fire extinguisher I mean we've already basically left all of the fire behind us in this challenge so don't even worry about that uh unfortunately though no can opener in here no can open here uh how am I able to is this just openable on its own okay I guess I'm going to open the can of corned beef because I am starving but we will preserve this the precious meat precious meat precious meat now this is your boy when he's starving okay now he's just very hungry so he should recover health now uh we were basically fine we just don't want to lose or we don't want that moodlet to go down anymore I am now over encumbered though okay I think that we fill the Tumblr there isn't any other sort of recep that we can fill in here so we just thank the cabin for what it gave to us thank you cabin Valor The Desert Fox thank you very much for the 200 bits yes this is perhaps like a cousin of Gerald Williams this is washingbeard democratus honestly this name might be the best name that AA has ever thought of um H although I think one of you guys came up with this name right washing beard I basically just plagiarized from you people you you people always seem to suggest the name washing beard you know technically Abraham Lincoln was a neck beard maybe the greatest among neck beards I posted this to Twitter the other day um just for for Vanity's sake um I en I get high when people um like my tweets oh yeah yeah and when they retweet them yeah yeah so I like to say mean things about people who did good stuff um because it it causes me to get attention anyway uh I don't really know where I'm going with this I just think it's funny to to think that there is like a a fanfic of of Abe Lincoln as a neck beard uh challenge where only one sim has a job and has to support the maximum number of other jobless teams and also has to woo them all honestly not a bad idea not a bad idea thank you very much for the $3 1950s polygamist Sim that is honestly an interesting uh Prospect you have the mind uh oh well what I would call a mind like water thank you thank you thi or thick tea as j z knows it as I guess I have to get through these Woods for the rest of this um do I just cut my losses and go back to the fishing life I I wouldn't it would be be nice if I could get some type of I don't know opening item like so that I could open up these cans of food because there nothing for me there's nothing for me out here man oh let me go into the homes of the hillbillies all right here we are the mobile home lot very very quiet very very quiet in here oh honestly surprisingly quiet I was expecting more resistance when we came okay kitchen knife uh maybe it doesn't seem useful at the outset because we won't be able to do much with it but uh think of its uses okay box of cereal we could um potentially make a spear so that we could do a little bit better in combat cereal and chips I don't really like these high calorie foods uh but it is something so I I'm willing to take that I really don't want to make any noise so hopefully there's just none in here Foundation makeup okay yeah one of them heard me uh oh dang dang dang which window was that okay good that was the the correct window for it to be now I'm going to need to be very very quiet though because I'm going to get okay I have already SL started to slow down uh I will eat a quarter of the chips while I'm walking around we will eat items only in quarters from now on because we need to be extra conservative with our food our remaining precious food stuffs okay let's try one more kitchen over here unless if is it it is occupied is okup um attempt okay nothing nothing nothing O A my clothing somehow managed to avoid void getting me killed okay I am destroying the window smashing the window removing the broken glass I have no idea how I survived then that sounded like a bite that really sounded like a bite I should I just go I'm just going to go now I've already dodged death like one time too many thank you leather jacket I'm pretty sure that's enough to survive for I would say another week though and enough oh they seem to get like some kind of hit on me when I oh it might be because I'm over encumbered H that is odd actually it could be the coat it could be that this is just a great coat man I think if I go through trees though I can start to lose them when they give me their lunge okay it's going to be a race it's going to be a race but this thick tea don't eat itself here on that Noe let's let's just make our way back through the woods it's going to be a nailbiter all right finally denim shorts over with uh I guess we could rest here potentially for a few minutes okay maybe we'll do that I'm not sure if I'm going to feel any better all right I'm refilling my tumbler this is very very bad I need to sleep outside but I I think it may actually be remote enough out here that I could just sleep on the ground and be okay I'm going to do it cuz I have I have to sleep somehow I don't know how else I'm going to survive this uh I think we eat another quarter of the chips the precious chips Precious Precious chips smooth boy we back we back at home yeah we made it oo yeah we made it back home all right that was a lot of walking that was a lot of walking but we did manage to come back with some SPO boils some cereal some canned fruit cocktail that I can't even open up yet because I don't have a can or what is it can opener I do have the can but I lack the opener uh the the canned corn beef I should actually eat this first because this is going to spoil quite quickly uh and we have nothing left to cool or insulate it I think I can start to just put everything though into the cupboard but me thinks also too that perhaps we should um consider going back into the woods maybe fashioning a few Spears just because it' be nice to be able to quickly kill a few of these things uh and we can summon the strength to fight a few more we have a dirty bandage on the grind but we are no longer I believe that this status has actually slightly improved let's just go ahead and we have bottle of disinfectant but not really any disinfectant to speak of in it remaining let's just go ah and remove the dirty bandage this may slightly raise the speed of the healing process we will we use the last of the disinfectant here to massage the demons out of the deep wound but if we rebandage that with the ripped sheets here we go and we just throw those dirty rags on the ground we won't really be cleaning any more of these because just we're running out of water but we do have a source of water just to the southeast um oh yeah chipped Stones too there is that we could do a little bit of foraging here as well a good a good point nonetheless um honestly that is free weapons yeah you're right why don't I think of that yeah let's go do that let's just get free weapons um it is raining right now though uh kind of chany on risking the cold but um we could attracted back a few more zombies I mean well I already am sick so it's not like I can't get another cold uh it is pretty horrible to get sick in this game mode because it's just you don't have enough food until you start growing cabbages and stuff like that so that is an item of consideration my friends um another thought is potentially going back to the area where we first started the challenge but I think for right now um starving we want to avoid starvation but we can't we still haven't even gotten the double Chevron down in our weight though too I mean we are still obese but we're starving to death ironically let's just continue eating quarters of the corned beef every single time we get that starving mood l um okay all right that's okay that's okay let's go ahead and do some foraging because we haven't and it's basically free XP right here there's nobody around nobody's going to do anything to us we'll search for firewood and if we find any stones in the meantime I don't believe I've actually done any foraging uh since the update like any in any challenge foraging is quite good now though it's kind of cool it's a much more immersive definitely it's definitely harder than it was before but before it was really just too easy to find really good stuff you would be this master forager from the second that you started um yeah chipped Stones would also be good but mainly branches you're right branches tree branches um basically what this is going to give us is just a free kill we may still yet not even use them just save them up only because our maintenance is still pretty low but okay here we go something here to be had so 35 from finding this thing do we actually get more more experience from picking it up 35 up to 1.4 okay so we do actually slightly gain it uh pine cones though I don't believe really give us anything right pine cones are I mean they can be used for fires but like firewood is basically all around us so never mind just don't worry about it are these pz vids going to be on you indeed yeah selections there are parts of this series that are just going to be kind of grindy though like when I was pushing a guy into a wall for two hours I spent a lot of time doing that today I just decided I'm don't think I'm going to include that just because it gets kind of boring I'm just holding down the space bar for hours that's how I got two strength oh my God how did I get that far yeah it was PR it was pretty freaking boring once we get this I think we might be able to fight a few more cuz there are some zombies up here as well um but yeah basically just avoid the zombies at all costs the better we become at living in the wilderness the more we can just avoid civilization because generally speaking that's what's going to get us killed uh like just before there's a few basic items we needed to start up okay here we go tree branch woo everyone can we get a clap for the tree branch this is what we were looking for thank you uh let's go ahead and make uh two Spears wow these are going to be in just such terrible condition that we'll hardly be able to use them thank you for the clap appreciated beautiful all right um here we go uh crafted Spears we could attach that to the back I think that is probably a better idea just because the Crowbar is not a very the Crowbar is a decent weapon has it lasts for a while but I don't want it to break down it does have other uses I already regret losing the wrench but everyone knows you could fix a wrench with some adhesive tape uh um yeah oh okay another item I think I'm just it's going to be a little bit o chipped Stone here we go so now we can make even more Spears all right lovely now we can um like load up on these things maybe we get really good at foraging too we can find food oh God wouldn't that be amazing although we are I believe coming into the autumn and winter so foraging becomes extremely difficult at this time of year the one thing I will say is that right now we're probably at a low point of how or it it is very pz is extremely difficult back in the before animations this game was way way easier and then when they added animations the game got cooler but it also got way harder uh and right now they still haven't added hunting in animals so I feel as though when they add that stuff in it's going to make it more possible to survive in the wilderness although maybe everything will just die off um yeah pre-build for yeah like weight back back in the day oh God this is kind of crazy a pipe wrench wait was that did we have that we didn't have that before did we that's kind of crazy did one of them just like drop that that was pretty lucky let's go ahead and just finish off foraging I got to find some used napkins pennies and chips and then uh maybe after that I don't know maybe give fishing a try just because it's something right uh ideally though get a shovel before then so that we can get worms for free bait let's give it a shot all right my heart is not ready for The Rush of Undead we are about to face I'm going to have to continue kiing these back but I will use the discipline in order to improve my strength uh this is an insanely repetitive process so I'm mostly just going to do it off camera uh but we're keeping a spear for backup here we need to be very very careful because if we slightly stub our toe we could die we could die but there good using the walk two command that's safe that's safe we bring them back and we get to strength level three we slightly catch our breath and then we will be able to loot these buildings then we can go for the other ones then we can get some can openers you know the progression uh but that's what we got to do here we just got to make sure we're limiting it to just one at the door and then uh I'm actually going to slowly beat beat them okay so here we go this is going to be the long slow strength gide but it is a manly activity all right we've gotten too strong perhaps now we're able to actually push them down this is problematic and bad I need to get weaker and more tired yeah no yeah this is bad I'm actually not training as quickly as I was before no brother hey brother I want to help you reach your emotional true self brother okay I've cut ahead here to a couple days in the future I couldn't sleep in The Farmhouse and I did finish my strength training I am now at strength level three and in all of the strength training I managed uh Fitness level one which is kind of insane because that's not even really how it works but I just was so excessively tired that I realized there is no point to being this tired anymore and it is also extremely dark I can't see anything around me so I'm going to go inside here I've actually moved house to the isolated Shack in the woods uh to the east only because I had to do a little bit of testing here you can't sleep in The Farmhouse you can sleep in the barn but that has too many openings and opportunities but here I can actually isn't this amazing I could sleep I could not sleep for so much of the challenge but that is what got me stronger I just needed to be out of breath so that I could actually use the strength for an intended purpose so let's see if we can get here I'm just trying to gauge with the like the very small amount of food that we have left I really don't want to do this in the middle of the day we could be setting out at dawn but 9:10 p.m. is not a great time to do this uh but yeah basically I've been on a strength building Adventure uh it would be nice to fer back over the supplies from The Farmhouse but I just don't think it's going to happen at least not anytime soon I might be capable of fighting one or to um and I still have to search the mobile home over here and actually we do have beds in here I don't even have to sleep on this couch don't don't even need that couch life this is a an average bed quality to imagine anything being average about this man okay I also get average bed quality over there well we're at 1:30 a.m. I'm starving to death again I mean we're really on our last leg with food here we have at least half the can of corned beef remaining um ooh that's really not that much of the can of corned beef remaining now so I think like we need food desperately uh because it does cause damage if we get hit do we have something no I don't really want to waste any water here either because there's not much water in this um I can't waste it on dirty rags I need to use it all for drinking right now so okay A little bit of water left there let's 150 a.m. okay I think this may actually be a decent time to get moving around my house so I I would prefer honestly The Farmhouse but until my claustrophobia subsides a little bit I'm kind of stuck living here uh so it is what it is but we do have a mobile home here that we may encounter some zombies so we kind of want to be on the lookout here finally though something right like you have to go to all of the most isolated possible places which is kind of a big ask because a lot of the most isolated places contain nothing for human sustenance uh hang on a second I just have to turn back on notifications anyway this has been a very tricky series because I've had to spend so much time in the woods like away from everything though we did get a little bit of foraging experience the last time right yeah we're now at almost half of the first level which is kind of amazing um I guess I should probably stay by well lit areas because cuz I can't even see in the night and that is just how hard it is to do literally anything um okay actually a a rather extensive kitchen right here with like luminescent white walls apparently okay box of shotgun shells not really doing many okay I don't think that this will be useful at all but we have like a gun owner's uh mobile home right here H empty cooking pot okay empty cooking pot may actually be useful for like storing some type of water in there and pickles which don't go bad this will prevent me from starving but also Aid me in my weight loss Adventures okay melted ice cream used to be more useful this used to be impossible to have it rot uh but it now does this occurred to me recently I had a character who was D like completely normal guy who was dying of ice cream poisoning sad way to die um but yeah honestly possible in real life so that I buy it a coveralls not really giving us much better defense than what we have we have like a microscope here it's kind of bizarre all right but I guess only pickles and ice cream not really my two foods of choice uh but it did keep us up till 2:50 a.m. and that is a shotgun now the question is do we bring the shotgun with us happy Zing ah can't wait for basements uh yeah basements will be a very nice update also Aaron burer thank you very much for the prime and Cosmic otter appreciate the Prime thank you um let me go ahead and save the pickles and the remaining canned corn beef for later but I will relocate some of these items uh I mean we might be crushed underneath the weight of the double barrel shotgun I say that we try to do it quietly and then if it doesn't work we come back as a last ditch effort because shotgun is actually a great weapon for someone who's bad at dealing with well I mean bad with guns in general I don't think we're going to be doing ourselves any favors but we might be able to get in and out fast but I would much prefer to do it quietly okay I'm just going to go back into my sad Shack where I can't see anything and sleep for the night the screen will stop being black in a second here we go at least the snow lets me see around me and it is only getting colder here I mean as long as we have the indoor buff to our temperature we won't die of uh of cold of hypothermia so there is that at least at least I have that going for me I'm not sure if that's much to say but let's go ahead and put these other items oh we also have a beer can that's kind of nice um pickles back with the matches well we could at least start a fire a fire this hand Fork I'm not sure if you could use that to dig furrows it seems as though you should without like messing up your hands you know but I don't think it's an option we also have the water from the tap in that sink um all right let's just go ahead and see if I could use the power of not being tired all the time in order to do a successful looting run on this uh on this mobile home lot so right now I wake up and I'm actually well rested it won't last for long but hey it's something right so we are we are freezing to death also oh yeah and I totally forgot about the out housee there might be some poop water that we could drink in there no unfortunately no there is no poop water but I mean it is technically an indoor area so maybe we could somehow use that in time as so it's just straight it's a straight shot north of here um as well as are we running out of any wait a minute there's a car too okay this is a help dirty bandage on the groin okay no actually this car is d destroyed we may be able to get this is very lucky please have please have I don't think that it has anything in it but please have something in you no it has nothing in it in fact all right it is a traveling item receptacle though so that is maybe slightly more useful and then there is a wrench in there uh wrench arguably not really more useful than what I've already got I think I will eat the remaining uh not chili the corn beef though um what do we have we also have a pickle at home that is the last remaining food though and the the ice cream will take us a little while but the reason why I'm dropping in health is because uh why am I still dropping in health because of the dirty bandage on the grind for just a little bit longer than it should stabilize at a certain level um but yeah that may be an infected w wound and we're still just losing some health from it but it it should level off it should I think um otherwise we're just going to have to grab some like cleaner Rags we have to keep replacing these things at this rate we might not even be able to suture our deep wound um okay what is this um nope this is not I thought this was the town no this is just a rail yard track at least there are a lot of good indicators for where you are over here a lot of train tracks and things like that you can make out uh in this neck of the woods I don't think that the Winter Winds give us any more cover I also need to do everything with the walk 2 command lest I risk like oh there's a lot more of how have they redistributed over here it could be just like the natural dayby day raised population count I kind of want to stay in Crouch mode for as long as I can just walking and then when I I finally round up a group or see what is going to be around here then we make a break for it and see if we can assess one of the uh one of the mobile homes I think we already hit the bottom two over there but let's maybe make our way into town a little bit more okay yeah see like this is way more than we could possibly deal with we could potentially run away from salutations from the Blustery and inclement shores of England I hope you are well thank you last Tardis what a like indous way to enter this is looking pretty freaking hopeless uh I don't think we're going to get much here I really don't want to go into one of them I know that I could probably lead them through and maybe get my way around but if they should surround the place just I guess we're doing like a oh god really this is pretty bad um I'm thinking maybe we bring back the shotgun because this is like the best opportunity we're going to get at loot for a while I'm definitely not going to be able to get anything in this round this I thought would be I mean maybe we could get an outer one if we were very creative actually that could work maybe we could get it nope they're over there too all right um pretty sad feeling bad I guess we go back and get the shotgun because I do need some type of food or just a can opener from one of these places but everything yeah these are the two I believe it was these two that I already looted man okay but yeah on the periphery indeed it does look slightly better maybe we could get just one quick chance in in and out really fast do we have an exit on the other side let's see if we can get anything toilet paper toilet paper uh nope nope just more toilet paper yep what a great idea just put toilet paper all over the okay this is going to look very iffy but it is very iffy and I am basically dead let's jump out the window and run away uh that was not safe all right I'm going back I I did not think this would work like this but upon further examination yeah we can use a hand Fork the one that I found in order to dig uh furrows and search for worms for the winter as food um I am starving right now so let's go ahead and eat those pickles but basically what this does is just keeps you like you know it it Tides you over here we go the pickles are probably the cleanest source of food that we've had in a while uh the dirty bandage wouldn't worry too much about but if we can get tons of worms then that lets us go to the lake to get w we might be able to do that we might be able to do that we need some way of like boiling the water but we do have that cooking pot we do have a cooking pot keep in mind we aren't really Skilling up in any meaningful way here uh do we have a nice open area as well not really okay I could probably do it in the in the Mobile Trailer a lot at least that'll give me time in case if any do arrive nearby um and this will get us out of breath so gradually very gradually our fitness will rise but not by much keep in mind so let's just go ahead and basically dig up the entire area see if we can find a single worm in here yeah I mean making a worm salad potentially the option has been posited should we look for berries I mean my foraging skill has a lot leaves a lot to be desired it is kind of an option foraging used to does foraging still make you as thirsty I don't believe it does it's also been said that one poison Berry will kill me um with my type of stomach we kind of need to you know keep an eye out for okay so we do have seven worms now uh worms can't really you can't really gain weight from worms I've even tried it with a character where I ate thousands of worms and unfortunately you cannot gain weight from them just because the amount of time that passes for you to Devour the worm isn't like kick you know you know what I'm trying to say like it it it it doesn't cause you to gain weight it's like it's like celery people you burn more calories chewing it than you do that you get from processing it and digesting it and so on and so forth um but yeah 11 worms okay this is great so we basically have a free food source it's not a very good food source but we're already going to be depressed forever keep in mind now we need a we have an infinite source of food technically then until at least my weight dips to a certain point um as far as water goes though can we we can also remove the fow so we don't actually have to go deeper and deeper into the woods that is nice to know um because it doesn't there's not really any good news for this man most of the time 17 worms though let's see if we can get him off of The Starving moodlet with that okay so it takes one two okay so within two worms he is able to get rid of that starving moodlet whatever it takes that was a lot of worm eating though so I would say yeah this is going to be the dominant food strategy for a while here once again as we saw with worm man isn't that isn't that true of I thought that was true of celery is that not true either way it is very low of celery maybe it's a myth it's a well-known myth the myths of celery up there with asops fables but really the thing that's scaring me a bit more is the fact that uh we have we have very dire thirst need a very dire thirst need so in order to get some sort of source of water do we have that cooking pot I mean we could make fires indefinitely okay yeah empty cooking pot so then this is an option we do have a lake somewhat far away now for some source of boiling the water now this is getting to feel like the actual zombie apocalypse Good Morning [Music] Starshine I mean this will keep me until I'm basically what 60 kg and then I start taking damage from being no I'm pretty sure you can go even lower than 60 kg one of the advantages of starting off morbidly obese now I'm just regular overweight I am getting stronger stronger and more fit fear me um what do we need for a campfire then you're going to need a lot of Rags right let's go ahead man this is like actual crafting survival I haven't done this since since I was a boy um campfire kit tent kit not tent uh campfire kit I guess I could have done a camp or a tent before when when I now that I think of it uh we can get logs out in nature and we do have a dirty rag now we just need something to start the fire with uh as far as that goes I'm pretty sure we can now forage in the woods in almost indefinitely assuming we get enough rain we just need more water receptacles uh or like you know a body of water even if it's tainted water so yeah let's do some foraging we have tons of woods around here and at least that will be somewhat useful uh turn on foraging mode and who knows we might even find like the last time we found a a pipe wrench too which wasn't even intended and yeah I genuinely have no idea how we found that the last time in the woods is so we do a little bit of foraging here yeah drilling it yeah doing a uh what is it a drill plank drilling a hole into a plank getting a stick and then using that to create the friction in order to create a fire I'm going to use walk to throughout the woods though okay so we do have something over there only because I am afraid of harming myself okay Twigs are somewhat useful as we get better at foraging now um I haven't really extensively used the new system honestly since it was replaced from the old system the old system was way easier but I like this version of it better because it was it was really too easy um your radius around your character starts to rise I also do believe you get some passive experience just from like walking around even if you don't find anything which is good cuz it's pretty terrible when you're this bad at it wow we have really not found anything I mean I guess we are in winter eventually it'll be spring but um okay this is going to be kind of a task so I'm just going to Speed Ahead here okay so we we did pretty well with the chipped Stones over here now we should be able to make an axe or two we might need two uh because this thing is probably going to just get destroyed immediately uh we do have another tree branch and can we no we can make only a spear with that all right I mean no there should be more in nature uh if we equip that or we attach that to uh okay yeah fine whatever let's just go ahead and see if we can take down a tree preferably a rather large tree we may be able to Fashion our own yard here wouldn't that be exciting this is like the largest tree around here I guess H that's not even that big right these ones look like they would yield the log probably this thing is just going to get destroyed well we actually did manage to get a log out that that is surprising okay two logs though that should be enough now I think along with our dirty rag don't we have a dirty rag from before as well uh that should make us a campfire and now we we lucked out with that cooking Po in here uh where is it why am I getting hurt no I'm okay never mind okay if we take this and we need either dirty r magazine newspaper rip sheets okay so anything we'll do oh we could also use use Twigs we have tons of Twigs so let's use those instead uh now we can make where is it campfire kit cool uh whoops it's at the uh top there we go okay so craft one of these oo I also believe that we have matches here but we could do drilled plank campfire materials we place the oh whoops no we don't do that uh we will build a fire right here here okay so now we have a campfire uh we have to go find that cooking pot again I believe that was in one of the shelves on the inside of this cooking pot with water uh I believe that is no that is not tainted water but we might as well just leave that out there we've got the matches in there I'm going to just put this on the ground over here in the hopes that it will R uh pour that into my tumbler that I've been carrying with me can I just put this on it no uh okay yeah I can't have that in that container we place this on the ground nearby to collect rainwater it does look kind of cool on top of it but I just want to remind myself that it's not for that uh and basically when this thing fills with water then we could make a fire boil it and then you know unfortunately it's probably going to be mostly snow for now um but I guess in the meantime our most immediate needs aside from like gaining weight again eventually is just going to be well hunger and thirst and since I don't want to have to make my way all the way over to the lake I say that we just keep on foraging to get a little bit better at it maybe make our way over in the direction of the lake but we have a consistent food source now because we have a tool that we can use to get to the worms and not have to you know destroy my hands every single time that I do it but yeah I'm thinking now actually I'm going to slow down and we'll enable the the aim mode to raise my chances so now at 33% chance the weather effect is not that bad cuz it's not snowing anymore if we just do this this should let us find a little bit more I want to be kind of precious with time right here uh just because every moment kind of counts as we're like you know like every day we are losing weight and drifting closer toward well emaciation so I was going to go slow but I'm I'm just going to see if I can find any useful materials some time has passed my deep wound is healed uh on its own I didn't even need the needle I have never waited that long for one of these things to heal but miraculously I am okay uh it is 11:30 a.m. I'm not even quite sure what day it is I guess I'll have that posted by the time I figure it out uh but I've been stuck with this normal watch so really we did a little bit more foraging uh but not much as alive here I'm at level two and change with foraging and my lack of like uh well my nearsightedness is is preventing me from seeing very far around around me so that's not doing me any favors would be nice to find some glasses but I really am not in the position to take on any in a civilized area yet we need another source of either water like a body of water or water storage if we could like you know uh hoard more of it with the rains but right now it's getting colder and there's more snow and less rain and we can't do much with that uh living off of rain water what remains of it in worms right now so I'm thinking that possibly the best bet here is going to be uh to make our way up through the woods to the north and we want to be mindful just because it's noon I wish I had set out just a little bit early I wanted to not be too um I didn't want to belabor my explanation too long just because I will I will freeze to death if I stay out too long now uh don't worry about the over encumberment I mean I'm going to slow down either way but I'm going to be sipping the rest of the water and if I do manage to get any from the lake that'll be great um but what else are we dealing with there's quite a lot that we're dealing with right now um I don't really want to list out all the things or I'll just start to get kind of depressed but we should be able to walk along these train tracks and then wait till the point where it turns and then make our way further east and then that may wind us up at the campgrounds in Lake and if that's not overtaken completely by zombies I'm thinking that might be a potential source of water while we wait for rains so we're going to have to do quite a lot of walking and fing back and forth but we're really just not in the position where we can go into any civilized areas what I think has occurred is that uh since spawn a few zombies have like migrated into the cities and they've also grouped up in greater numbers which you tend to see them start to like congregate thus thus Lee when you go there uh we are slightly dying right now that is mainly due to Star ation but also partially due to hypothermia which we will be able to overcome once we get to the lake but I don't think we'll be able to sleep until we get back the one the one good bit of news is that the snow despite the fact that it is covering things will make it easier to see in the night when we come back because we're going to be coming back here at dusk probably I didn't set out early enough and it's already 300 p.m. in fact I might just stay there overnight if it does I mean if it is uninhabited but really what I just need is like you know I may do some spear fishing at the lake if that's POS I don't even think I'll be able to do anything with it um really just the water just anything just anything please either that or just my own death like Swift um Swift and painless um yeah that would be nice uh but yeah I you know what we're in it we're in it for the long run I guess uh but I didn't really mean to kill morale with that all let's get to foring let's be productive get our minds off of this right we have arrived at the lake we are just west of the lake there's actually some storage in here two two three rounds uh not bad I mean I don't really have much of a use for them right now nor do I really want to carry them back it's I guess it's good to know that they're here and then a poophole and then there's going to be probably another poophole over here I will warm up slightly in here just for a second so we'll take every last bit of Health that we can get because we're down to I would say like 60% health so we might want to take some time to warm up and eat the remaining worms while we're in here also have we had all of the water to drink yeah let's pour what remains of that into the tumbler yeah we are getting kind of low on that water um it would be nice to have a second container here but I mean the big really the big piece of information is that there's no zombies here that was my greatest fear was that this place would just be totally overrun because it was a former campgrounds but c l seeing nothing which is honestly amazing uh crafted Spear and worms this is probably going to do nothing for me but at least I now know that I could bring my fishing rod over here I'm pretty sure that it's still in oh did I bring that with me to the new home if not we might have to go back and raid the farm house to get back my fishing rod and also I do panic in here I was going to say could I potentially sleep at this place uh there is potentially one more building over here which is just to the uh to the east that we might be not claustrophobic enough to sleep in so let's go ahead and just check that out otherwise this is another source of water which is mainly what we needed yeah this is the building most of these buildings are okay no no uh there are some here that is unfortunate are you literally the only two though usually it's not just two usually it's like 10 or 15 or 20 uh this looks like it might be one of those rare situations where it is just two or at least they're just in this building o as long as they don't redistribute into here we're good man did you notice that I started panicking when I went in there also are there any glasses on the floor that I didn't see let me just go into search mode for a second no it doesn't seem like I missed any glasses from before all right are there any more in there okay no throw the two Spears on the ground get rid of the encumberment cool I'm not encumbered anymore equip that in both of my hands make sure there's none around me good am I panicking in this building most probably yes right Panic just regular panic it's not really going down or okay yeah it is rising okay so we cannot sleep in here about as I predicted uh but it it does seem pretty remote that is good um I want to I want to be able to move base here but I'm not sure that's going to be an option I feel like just taking back fish as a hall from this place would be plenty worthwhile for what we've put into it uh a slightly more am on my guard now that I've seen two but yeah this is going to be an option man um and fish can actually keep us you know of a decent weight as this challenge progresses so that is good to know it's not really a big consideration right now but uh yeah we are going to have to walk back there at the slowest possible speed fortunately there is nothing developed between us and our last base so now it's just a matter of getting all the fishing equipment um I'm almost 100% sure that this won't like fully pan out as I'm expecting but yeah let's let's see if we can get some of the fishing gear back back here and then maybe get a hul uh and I will take some tainted water back with me as long as I have yeah I have enough for the journey okay it's time for a little bit of an after Action Report here I suppose the lake turned out to be a fruitful Endeavor uh coincidentally and happily I will just go ahead and grab some of this water we got tainted water from the lake and now we've boiled it we're going to pour this into our tumbler ough we won't be bringing this with us because as it turns out I forgot my fishing gear back at the at the farm so now I'm a bit of a I'm in a bit of a spot uh you might say I'm just going to leave that on the fire for a little while uh I do have another cooking pot back at the farm and I also left all my fishing gear back there and that's not really doing me any favors you can't do much spear fishing at level zero uh so I think what we need to do is very very carefully go back we won't be doing it today because it's already noon we would probably want to do this either actually we'll want to prepare for this like today and tonight I'm very over encumbered currently because I'm not carrying my shotgun um I'm just going to handle that so now I'm still slightly over encumbered actually we're trying to get back out the fishing gear and the uh and the other pot it contains some rotten pasta which is inedible just completely inedible but I think we need to use the rest of the day we are severely depressed we bring maybe a beer with us so that when we get there we are slightly happy for a moment so that that helps pick things up faster uh this is the one thing I've been kind of saving we're just going to have to kind of like shotgun a beer right before we get to the next place um but yeah like it uh nothing is going very well right now we have to eat the remainder of the worms before we get there I think I have enough to get me through about midday tomorrow we may have to stock up just a little bit more actually I think I'll do that and I'll go to sleep around like 2 or 3:00 in the afternoon today so that I can set out there in the middle of the night night and then arrive at dawn uh make a noise and then be very quiet around it's going to be tricky but if we do it right we're basically like we will essentially be safe forever here so this is kind of everything is on the line right now this is the next I mean this is going to seal our security for a while and then we could build something up after that because like we have pretty much everything we need well except fire there's always going to be something but uh yeah like this extends our time Horizon by quite a lot so it is important anyway um let's get some more worms and then we'll set out tonight I kind of like the part where he shotguns a beer right before he does it [Music] all oh man he does he deserves a beer he might die if he has a beer like it would just destroy his liver he would go directly into curosis we've finally made it to the farm I'm like half halfway dead of hypothermia which is giving me pause because I'm going to have to duck in somewhere so that I don't freeze to death it's not going to be thirst that kills me it's not going to be hunger uh but we just have to get out of this I'm getting ready to shotgun the beer because it's going to have a slightly delayed effect yeah like see right now he's slightly Tipsy but he will get less depressed and that will cause him to pick things up faster I'm just going to put that can on the ground uh and now I'm going to begin shooting the shotgun from out in the field but I just want to assess how many are at the farm first cuz if it did if it did clear out then I just get this stuff for free but I'm guessing that's not what happened yeah there's already some over there that are being attracted to me uh let's move first toward the farm then we'll shoot the shotgun and then we'll see how many are on to me or if I can just get in but I'm guessing they've overtaken it again just be quiet be quiet okay there's a couple over there but can we get in fast nope they're already in there's tons of them in there uh what do we do first off we have to shoot directly in because we want to get a vector going so that any that are in there are just going to come out see there's like 20 in there uh not great but now that means that the other ones from out in the fields are also going to get drawn here so we want to just basically conserve whatever energy we've got left attract them somewhere near the farm but not to it and then Circle back around uh with whatever energy we've got left and then hopefully not die of cold in the process okay this fence looks like a good opportunity fence go from the fence quietly into the woods why am I actually going faster this is just what happens when you get this jacked up you just go faster when you're sneaking okay try that maybe even lose them potentially in the barn I don't think we're going to have enough room there just assess how many are over there maybe go back behind the bar oh I have an idea go back into the woods and then through and as long as they don't get attracted to my cold let me just try walk to over here so we just stay in the tree line stay in the tree line and then we come back out and around and just make minimal noise as soon as we get to that Barn okay now right in okay pot okay wait a minute before I get the pot fishing rod and whatever fishing line I can get and a fishing net trap and the fishing tackle okay now I'm going to be a little bit greedy right here see if I can grab this pasta okay is there anything else in here I'm hearing something what is that what is that what is that and then we go back into the tree line and then we're safe okay don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me I'm alive man am I out of Health ooh I'm at critical damage uh where can I hide here for a second I'm going to need to duck in somewhere for the night uh I think we take it back to the abandoned Shack all right but I I got to deak my way through this otherwise I'm dead I think I'm going to outrun him just do the lunge I got everything I wanted well we've made it back home uh it it was pretty actually we got pretty spoiled on that Journey I'm just going to pour all of this rotten uncooked pasta on the ground I'm pretty sure this isn't even really an option to have this I guess could we cook it actually we might be able to cook that let me just double check this cuz cuz if we were to light a fire we get rotten uncooked pasta but we could eat it slowly and then get slightly better pasta I mean it's about the same as worms it's slightly greater in calories yeah better when it's hot um all right good enough uh from this point forward basically the only thing that we need is some way of starting a fire um we need to improve at fishing and seasonality will affect us too so I'm thinking that we actually have all of this gear we can make trips to and from the lake ferrying back water and fish to eat uh in the winter and it's getting like pretty late in the year or early in the year I mean it is snowing though it does snow pretty early on in this game it snows as early as like September or October um why are we so injured as well but yeah I guess that is just to say like we made it back safe I think the temperature is rising slightly but I think we give it a good buffer of two or 3 days dig up some more worms and then we make our way back to the lake bring the fishing rod the fishing tackle and maybe the worms with us oh yeah we could use that for bait too then we also have this fishing net trap so that's a lot of options we got lucky with some weird types of loot that weren't immediately helpful like uh I don't know well we did find a like a hand or whatever it is a hand Fork maybe not a hand Tri I know that's matches but yeah I mean now we kind of commence survival mode and from there it's sort of thinking about how do I keep weight on my bones while I slowly strengthen my way up uh and then we come back here and we start on kind of another exercise grind like we were on at the beginning that one was helpful in the beginning but h i mean the other thing we can do now is foraging fishing um we could max out reloading just by reloading bullets here if we wanted to but I think that's kind of a useless skill um and most of the crafts aren't really useful to us yet sadly yeah and then just some weapon uh skills so let's go wait another day and then we'll go back to the lake we are beginning to freeze to death in order to prevent our untimely freezing to death it would be nice if we had some type of fire that has been suggested in chat which I actually do think is a pretty good idea so we're looking around for a log right here if we can find a log on our way to the lake or for that matter anything else that would be nice then we could put the fire next to us whilst we fish did I I didn't remember the matches okay well it's a nice idea we could at least start one up um and get it ready for the next time that we go but I think that we give a little bit give this a little bit of a try right here you know we try to get a fire going next to us uh see how that goes and then just turn back we're going to have to do a lot of trips back and forth here but the good news is that our fitness is increasing markedly so now here we can go if we go oh wait we went slightly further south than I thought we would have I probably scaven in some of those buildings too see if there's anything left over from civilization that we missed before but yeah um placing a net trap right here it is winter so fishing will be pretty horrible but I mean it's better than nothing not by much uh but we will go ahead and just fill up these two empty cooking pots that's going to give us all the water not really all the water that we need but enough for now take all of that and just poop it out on the ground so that it doesn't get us tired now I mean we could use a chip Stone oh yeah we could use a chip Stone in fact to create a drill plank though we would need a plank to create that hang on a second to create a drill plank campfire we just need logs but drill yeah we wait a minute General plank drill plank oh we could do that with a log as as well so we don't actually need AA I do like it that you don't need any items from civilization okay so now we're basically choosing between starving to death and freezing to death uh like for a little while not hopefully not to death but we have to get going before this reaches like here and it oh it is starting to drop very fast that is not good um okay we'll try a little bit but I wouldn't count on much mainly this is just a supply dropping run before we get to what we're really going for I'm just going to put down as many of these things as I can here I could go in with the stone axe maybe I'll do that see if I can get a little bit out of it and then we'll also make another axe if we can yeah I'm not going to be able to fish here I'm I'm already going down in health let's just craft another Stone axe if we go into stone uh whoops it should be under survivalist axxe Stone axe I need rip cheats on me um uh okay I'm willing to rip up my my t-shirt there's other ones around I just want to get this task done but now I'm going to freeze to death faster uh let's just leave it all behind drop it off here so that we don't have to carry it back the next time craft One I Swear just like fing items back and forth is this huge Endeavor for this guy uh and I didn't even make it okay let's try it again whoops why aren't you making an okay you did make an axe never mind I take it back uh cool this was really just a supply drop then okay we will try it again when hopefully the weather gets a little bit warmer we're still stuck without a digital watch but if we can get a digital watch we could find out the temperature and come back here when it's above freezing might also improve our chances at fishing but for now it was just a supply drop we just have to live with how bad we are we do have the water with us though and that is quite a lot of water so we will survive for a while anyway back home home we have survived another thrilling night of digging up worms and scaming for the last of the water this is going very bad uh but we seem to have stabilized for now uh I am regaining Health again oh that is very nice because I was very very low right there when I made it back I had the compounding effects of hunger and um and cold oh my god this weather is so good you guys like it looks so beautiful if only it weren't so dead I need to go back inside it just looks so sweet man um I'm trying to think what else we got to do I've kind of sullied the appearance of my house look at my hair it's really getting out of hand now I've grown a Donnie I believe that is the this style of hair uh I had a center parting before now the struggle becomes foraging and also just some glasses man but this weather effect is going to be so bad I see that we wait for this it also be nice to know the temperature uh so I'm thinking like we stock up on worms we just spend one whole day digging for worms maybe we need to do another water trip I'm really getting kind of a desert island Vibe here but we've got a good amount of water this will tide us over for a while so we can stock up on worms good that has passed I don't really want to make this any worse than it is right now so let's just create a huge area with furrows over here um because it's like impossible to look at okay so we spend the day digging for worms then we get into foraging and then maybe we go back and slowly drag out one or two Zeds to find a paric glasses cuz I'm thinking that's the way we start to accelerate a little bit more by the time we get to late winter and spring we'll be able to catch better fish the fish is really going to be the way that we put weight back on our bones either that or going back by those Farm Supply areas uh over north of moldraw and then get get some seeds but um yeah it would be nice to know what day it is or when we are so that we can start to plan for some of that stuff I would say that along with um H we do have logs we're going to need another log as well so we can make a drill Plank and start a fire uh more regularly because we're going to run out of matches next all right somehow a zombie has followed me back to my base occasionally one or two have just been popping out out of nowhere on me so I'm I guess I'm going to have to do a little bit of a better job like actually securing my exits right here because oh wait I don't want him to destroy the window um hang on a second let me just grab this out of the cabinet if he does it doesn't make a difference to the insulation and there it goes oh he didn't even come in either what a waste sad now there's going to be blood all over the floor all right whatever I can at least use him for strength I'm just feeling bad did I lose my no these my straps shot shoes are still on good I thought I had lost my shoes somehow they're getting in which is not good because I'm always exhausted whenever I'm at my house so I might have to do some sort of a perimeter wall and it's also been said that uh once I get carpentry level three I'm going to be able to create better Spears which is nice uh here we are 85 kg as well they brought nothing of use in here either that's too bad oh wait a minute what the hell bro okay this one is actually not that bad where are these coming from hang on a second I now need to see what am I dealing with dude I'm so tired too okay hang on a second I just have to lead this one around nope that's not going to happen okay we've got to do another pushing Adventure because we are that out of breath fortunately I do gain some ground on these things as I go it better just be to but then we get a hard hat out of this if this works which is pretty sweet and also a satchel which we don't have a bag at all that was unexpected yeah like just a a satchel has come into my life take me bro this is guy looks like hang on a second I I want to check my stats but you're getting in the way hang on a second I can do this pause the game skills strength here we go 3989 so yeah we need 9,000 experience for strength leveling but this kind of gives a little bit of reference of how much we get we get three experience for each push and when my character is this exhausted I did spend about 2 days just standing here doing this all on on my own okay there we go we did get him bruh where how I got to make him into a crawler how what the hell okay this is weird this is weird seriously how okay another one is knocking on the window I did manage to get this one down but now we've got three which means there's a bunch I mean this is basically a free hard hat and Satchel but he's going to get through that window in a second I just got to make sure that this one is a crawler assuming that those are the last ones I should be good but yeah like they are somehow getting to my base which makes this situation from already it wasn't doing too well but it had kind of stabilized it now I have an attack on my hands which is actually kind of cool uh but like uh I can't trust my own base anymore more which is not good going have to reboard that window as well and it does legit take this long there's two why are there two okay uh this is bad they're just going to get right back through that window I think I just got to assess the situation if it's just two I can handle it but where are they coming from I don't really want to shoot off the shotgun in the woods but I want to make sure it's clear too and that might not be bad just for drawing them out from other areas you think I should do it could lose them in the trees could lose them in the trees I think we just go back in here and see what they're all about okay uh all this broken stuff on me too oh man I didn't even my shoes ran out as well dude I'm grabbing it just his backup they're at the door they're not at the window just in case because I don't want to die right here either like I'm completely out of breath and tired I will eat the worm not dying if there's dude I had to get like water in me too I was just about to light a fire and everything it was going to be cozy we were going to have it's a good thing that I didn't yeah it was gonna be cozy man real cozy ending uh I really don't want that door to break down so I think I'm going to shoot the shotgun off but inside so that the sound radius doesn't go too far okay here we go all right give me those shoes I need those immediately there may be more coming um sneakers bloody whatever I'll take them because they make me just slightly faster and cool I may pay for that shotgun is like the largest sound radius but I think the fact that we did it inside might mean that it was okay but yeah I don't want to do that outside uh that would be bad those are regular shoes slightly better for defense but H man our character is just so tired too let's just do a quick roll around the property make sure there's nothing like uh it's going to kill me in the immediate moments I I will go back inside if I have to shoot another one no looks good the winter is coming inward though I think they're coming in from the gate outside so what I would guess is that it's some of them following me from the road cuz those ones came in from like that side before either that or above we could just seal off maybe one wall here and another one along here that would make me happy and then maybe we get crops here in the spring or something like that but yeah not good at least we did get some free gear out of it though we got a hard hat and a satchel so now we've got more to carry around see where this leads us all right uh I guess that's that I'm feeling like kind of a failure honestly I feel like I kind of want to go back and just check on some of this stuff on my own because there's a few things I need to do that are like babysitting uh but yeah like kind of a hopeless a hopeless struggle into nothingness let's go ahead and just grab I want to be a little bit more positive than that all right I'm starting to get zombies spawns coming from the South toward my base they have been making their way up here because it's like unmistakable at this point they are coming this is either migration or respawn or just bad luck or something I mean we are on six months later so there is some sort of like this is the default cdda setting so we are getting this this is normal about to be expected but um yeah they are coming to my house now this is not good I wasn't prepared for this yet we're going to need to get a lot stronger a lot faster or we're going to die uh and right now we don't even have a way of making the only thing that we're really missing is a way of making fire we need a saw or something like that so we're going to need to go back into civilization to do a raid otherwise we did I thought that we had done it I thought we were fine I mean like the weight loss gradually with the on with the onset of spring it's going to be better but for right now like I just keep getting pressured day after day fortunately this is going to give me an opportunity to gain a little bit more combat experience at my own base rather than having to go out but now I'm having to like gather corpses let's just go grab these and put them on the fire fortunately there is a pretty easy disposal method for these um I think I can just do this here but it might not appear on top of the fire can I do oh wait no I don't want to put it in the campfire I can put it on the ground but unfortunately that is not going to be right on top of it uh regardless sleeping inside will keep us free of sickness but I'm now being very precious with matches because this is going to be a new quest to get firewood we're rounding about day 31 here I would say I've tried to keep my day count a little bit better 30 or 31 we're on but um like things are getting kind of iffy man I don't know just long-term survival needs although we've got a good weight about us now are we in actual like decent weight range territory now yeah 85 so still just slightly overweight but that's going down fast so we are going to get a stronger character in order to do all this type of raiding stuff we've got slightly better I guess with the spears we're going to need it though if we're going to go into civilization so yeah we've got to go back to um oh we've got the train yards we've got a couple of options welcome back to the adventures of washing beard democratus the very sad weak man uh we went South to check out the train yard just between here and today and I've actually got a new backpack on my back let's put that on the lower right I found a couple of things I was really searching for a saw so that we could get nature uh or fires going from only natural equipment aside from the one natural I guess natural scavenge aside from maybe the saw that we would need to make a sturdy stick the sturdy stick is really the one thing that we're missing in terms of making a fire so we still need that although I did find some lighters I've put those away into my mobile home trailer over there that is aside from my base CU I got a couple zombies roaming around in these woods but I do want to go south there to explore today just because I think there is I think that it is worthwhile Loot and it's not as overrun is as it is in the north I've moved away a couple of the corpses just that I wouldn't get sick from them being around and I've also gathered up enough worms I think to keep me going for maybe a day or two right here I I think we may need some foraging before we arrive there though but you know if we can here we go we'll just enable search mode we'll make our way South we'll just kind of look around the area and see if there's anything we can get without zombies I might not get anything but that's still okay um we'll still get the forage on the way there and you know if we manage to find anything of use or at least like identify where it's overrun where we could potentially scavenge that would be good um that's that's really my aim right here is not to not to get too ambitious with it but to just go kind of slow uh so we'll meet back up at the train yard I'm just going to go straight South all right well we've arrived at the train yard this is a rather large and extensive industrial Zone it's going to take a lot of exploration I'm going to just let them kind of funnel their way out toward me at at the gate uh I did not realize it but I'm actually pretty strong now and good at killing them with my bare hands and feet as long as I have a I would say a change of shoes here that's pretty key your maintenance goes up when you start stomping on them though do I even have I do have on shoes I will grab an extra pair though in case of disaster just to account for that there any more at the gate no right well I'll just kind of spoil this a little bit I have gone through some of the box cars in here but I'm thinking if we go in and then to the left right here there is one kind of Warehouse area that we could potentially find a lot in I'm not sure is going to be over okay yeah it is very very overrun we will not go to that never mind uh there's another one there's another one to the east that's also probably going to be kind of overrun but hey I mean if we're doing okay H were we starving it we are starving again right now which is why we have the worms with us we'll just have to continuously eat worms and starve a little bit while we fight people with our bare hands honestly sounds like a thrilling action novel about like some sort of cannibal living in the woods essentially that would be a better life than this one um wow only like four stops you boy making gains look only one push people I mean I am tired and that is being aggravated but if I can take out four or five every time I come here o a hoodie very cool very cool let replace my next uh hang on a second another one wow you are you are like enhanced washing beard democratus look at how much stronger he's gotten everyone look gaze at him in amazement I guess I'll grab an extra pair of glasses now that we have them uh not baseball cap I've I'm already pretty good there just grab glasses keep looking around us make sure there's none now the socks situation the socks are still doing pretty good uh let's go ahead down here does this mean there's going to be a new zombo yeah there's going to be new I'm G to like compile the streams into a longer kind of Adventure an adventure if you will now if we head south here we are going to go back through a tree line here but then this will probably lead us to cuz yeah we're outside of the main fence so just get get ready here though because it might be I think it might be a lot I'm probably not going to find anything of you like this place is probably overrun but I think it's worth a look yeah yeah yeah already we're we're only in the woods and I'm already seeing them careful careful careful it should be okay yeah here it is so this should be the road leading okay so we slightly went too far the whoa that's too many but that one is a police officer but then there's also some following me from the woods uh could get a bulletproof vest here maybe I think that one's got on a bulletproof vest but I don't think it's going to be worth it so I think I'm just going to walk back I mean what is a bulletproof vest even going to do for me right here I'll see if I can string it along with me into the woods but otherwise I think this one was just also not going to work we we could try the other box cars further on into the uh facility again a little bit hopeless here but I mean that one package of cabbage packet of cabbage seeds that I found might be enough to keep me going for a good long while our search has been pretty fruitless on the periphery but um okay I mean we could at least try the box cars on the inside at least here where it's not crowded we do get a chance at looting there may be a couple around though I mean I saw some the last time I came through yeah here we go these box cars so a couple over there like I said I have made one quick trip in found some seeds I want to avoid getting that hoard over there though so let's stay out of the sight lines maybe get into this box car let's go ahead and see can I can I even get in from the other side no there is no other side here I don't really want to risk riling those ones up so I might just stick to the periphery right here there is another Warehouse over here that I didn't check out yeah this one I'm thinking we could probably find a shovel or something like that in here uh don't quote me on that okay there are a couple more I don't see any nearby I think that this is a safe fight I mean seeing as he's been pretty good at avoiding getting winded and he's fairly strong too maybe we'll find even a bottle of water or something no I want to get inside inside because I don't want the sound radius to affect can I just push you in else I want to get snuck up on okay H oh man okay maybe one more one nope there's two never mind we're going around seeing if we can find anything I'll kind of come back if I manage to find anything inside I'll just check containers all right I've gathered up a horde out of the train box station areas uh most of them have stayed with me but I think I can slight lose them on these tree lines and out accelerate them perhaps more importantly here if there are any back in that building though I'm going to be in trouble and some of them start to congregate back toward the building I really hate this about the zombie pathfinding because I don't find it to be very realistic they just kind of go back to like almost guarding what they were on but if I can lose enough of them yeah I have one I have literally one here if there's a w there is no window in the back and the other ones are catching up let's just see if I can find enough time to get to one of these boxes or I will pause time and figure out which box it's in okay and pause now you can use this to check containers it it is like kind of a weird trick but it's very useful okay um I thought it was one of those ones was it one of these no was it this one okay yeah this is the one with the garden C let's just really quickly give him a second to see if he can do that in time and and nope I'm not going to make it but it's really close though I think if I just lead them back out the entrance might be able to grab that if I just give myself maybe three more seconds so if I just go over here and pause time okay now I can grab it out just enough time to grab the saw and then make my Escape I might get a little bit greedy here too see what else we can get uh nope uh not really worth it I think the other things were just meh not really finding any of the food I was hoping for and now I believe I'm at total zero speed okay good all right we have everything that we need I mean assuming that we find some way of getting food into us and gaining back weight but then that's all that we need to live out in nature now we can go back home get our foraging really really good and prepare for the spring when we'll gradually regain all the weight we're like basically emaciated by that point going from a morbidly obese man to begin with um okay this is pretty huge man celebration and gladness but for how long I mean something else some new problem is going to rear its ugly head I know but yeah Garden saw okay be happy for now for now um all right meet back up at home all right I've been doing some planning and eating of worms and I think we've reached kind of an impass here uh I don't really have the means to survive here and the rain has been letting up so I'm starting to think that I might just take what I've got with me all the stuff that I need I could leave these Stones here actually and then just change my encampment to the lake the one thing that I've been preventing me from doing that earlier was the fact that I couldn't get a room around me but I was thinking about and now I could get log walls around me when I go there to have some type of alert system if I tried to go to sleep I could sleep on the ground or I could I don't know bring some furniture or a chair there from here and that would probably be better than trying to make so many trips there and back which I think is just taking more time on this character and he simply doesn't have the weight on his bones all right I've arrived at the lake uh it took me the whole night and I spent the rest of the time just digging up furrows for worms it's pretty remote here though and uh 18.3 Dees we will still be able to plant here but we want to get things ready before we get going with the planting the one nice part about this that i' forgotten about uh was that there is actually an antique stove in one of these cabins out here that was abandoned we may even find some forage in this no just a normal pile of trash I've been I didn't realize this though but apparently piles of trash are great for finding loot um but yeah we can use this so we don't have to have fires outside anymore so we can be kept warm and inside at once which is actually kind of nice if we go ahead and put in um I'm not sure if the wooden plank and sturdy stick will work like this but once we get a little bit more fuel we can potentially light a fire and then get a lot of water going but I think before we do anything else we might as well just get some crops going because now we pretty much have an unlimited water supply so that's going to faster than anything else get us food um we want to be spreading these out you know every other every other space so we'll just put these into our main inventory the seeds and if we just sew more cabbage seeds yeah yeah yeah we didn't have any difficulty growing these things over in the other section so this gives us enough for 1 2 3 4 and we could keep these next to our cabin it's it should be okay to walk over these I believe but we just want to you know avoid running on top of them obviously because then that's going to mess up the crops all right so we've got four of these and now rather than having to take a giant trip in order to uh water them we can just grab this empty cooking pot right here and we take some tainted water doesn't shouldn't matter whether the water is Tainted or not but we just pour that onto the crops that gives us you know like potentially some future weight gain and I don't know sustenance and that also could potenti Well it can't get really it could get rid of our cold it might not get rid of our depression but you know Finding enough uh I mean there's a reason why human civilization developed around bodies of water so yeah I mean this is going to be like a just a fountain from which good things emerge I suppose anyway we'll give this the full 100 I believe that should be fine let's just make sure we didn't overwater uh info well watered so that's fine see this would have taken us two trips to and from the lake the last time if we wanted to do this so that's a lot uh and I don't really care for that there should be maybe a couple around here but the fact that I'm not even panicking in that room uh took me long enough to see it but I would uh honestly I I I feel pretty dumb for not seeing that before but uh Hey better now than never anyway that means that we can sleep we don't have to worry about all the carpentry stuff and we can just kind of do it like for fun right now while we wait and watch our cabbages grow otherwise I would say this first day is going to be spent we can even clear the area like it's a colonial home or something like that you know um the possibilities are endless but yeah uh shouldn't be a problem actually the temperature is rising right now uh now we can kind of make it little list of longer term priorities really okay we've met our immediate need for hunger uh We've dug up worms from the ground it would probably be good to get a greater surplus of that we're going to need that for a while beyond that I've got the crops watered so we've got our potential long-term source of food secured uh I would like to find some forage in the woods for logs for potentially a campfire because uh Notch Plank and sturdy stick might not work on that indoor fireplace might need like matches or you know something that is um what like consumable that might not work out forever so that is going to be kind of iffy we want to get General supplies for an outdoor fire for too long we also have this fishing chap that trap that we could check on but I think we need to do a little bit of foraging in the woods and then after that we can start to spend time you know focusing on our character more developing skills and so on we've also got all these oh I forgot about these yeah we can totally use these wood axes okay amazing yeah we'll just use that instead of all the things I was going to say but let's go ahead and check the Trap so if we just speed up time a little bit here uh I guess nothing maybe when it gets a little bit warmer out or when we have more worms we'll give uh fishing a try I think did I lose my oh gosh I've lost my glasses off my face too that's rather oh I guess they must have knocked them off when oh no I stand corrected we did find fish all right well the lack of glasses isn't going to affect me too much right now but I think uh my foraging already wasn't very good to begin with yeah so that isn't going to change anything but yeah we can eat fish now instead of we could even use the the fish bait now we'll just eat it bird in the hand you know right or maybe I will give it a TR yeah let me give it a try and then Forge see if we can get anything better than what we've been working with right another day is passed I've uh got a fire going managed to get some clean water around now we've got these uh fresh little fish bait I guess I will cook these things so that they stay fresh in a way yeah we'll let those cook on the fire I figure I mean we could use that still as bait and then if we don't catch anything we can eat them yeah I guess I'll eat the bait this is basically the the low point of my existence but h i mean I am kind of starving and I don't want to keep taking damage we are very badly hurt just from everything we've been through it's the hypothermia it's the starvation we just got to get something in us so that we go to sleep tonight we recover some of that uh here we can bring these back into the inventory now and those should cook just a little bit outside of the inventory we eat one fresh cooked okay now we aren't starving anymore we'll eat two or maybe three so that we have like two to try as bait for tomorrow but I think we can just go inside now and we put out the fire we don't need that because we're going to go inside to sleep now and assuming that none of them have heard me which they hadn't throughout the day I can go and sleep on yes sleep on the ground isn't it amazing to sleep here um I know it's crazy we could still light a fire here but I think I'm just going to save some gas in the tank let's also put down the um we'll be using that tomorrow we'll take down the the this and this there are now more items that I would like to carry on my person as we go but I am getting stronger you're starting to see the inventory weight rise uh cuz our strength has has risen a lot from the very beginning of the challenge if we go ahead and just put down the fishing rod and the fishing line that puts us un encumbered for the night we aren't going to be starving to death we have a dirty bandage um oh actually now we can just clean off that but we're not even wounded any longer I think now it is safe to sleep we may wake right back up but yeah there we go Health increasing all right and if we go oh we'll wait until the morning I guess we're still not doing too particularly well can't get back to sleep try again later all right meet in the morning okay it's time to check on the fishing trap again now we with more frequent checks on this okay so we did actually get more little fish bait I'm thinking we could use this to potentially get better catches let's try it if we do the fishing yeah okay we can use bait instead of uh well first off we're not spear fishing but also this is just huge for us we are over encumbered right here might be better to set up another fire right next to the fishing spot so that we don't take damage while we fish but I'm thinking this gives us a little bit better chance cuz we basically have zero chance when we have this little skill but uh we'll be here for a little while probably most probably a long while does it make a difference if you use okay yeah the cooked bait is now causing more unhappiness but it's still better than worms uh rather be eating small fish rather than large worms for that matter and probably be here all day if we really can't catch anything then I'll just give up but if we do get lucky then eh at least we'll know that we're not wasting our oh gosh my hair is also grown out too I guess I'm going to tie that up into a ponytail oh God but still though like another opportunity at something other than worms right well it's around the beginning of the afternoon the good hours for fishing are coming up we've got 2.8 fishing XP out of 75 so coming along a little bit here but the the uh the pole fishing really isn't yielding anything all the bait fish I've got have been from my trap and that breaks down over time maybe with more frequent checks like it'll do better probably not just probably not everything just feels a little bit like pointless optimism uh but we could potentially repair it I mean repair that should be an option for right now this is better eating than worms cuz worms are plus two hunger these are plus three so potentially with enough of these we could get something maybe going uh we don't I'm just going to bring out the fire starting materials here but I'm living the life of a fisherman rather than like a mole now which well that's an improvement to say the least uh not by much but it's something it's something and every every Advance is to be celebrated I guess uh foraging really has not been good but once we get to Spring it'll get better so otherwise still just living out here trying it with fishes okay I've finally caught a pair of shoes this is better than nothing I don't know how the shoes went for the fish but this is literally the first thing that we've caught which is amazing I never thought it would happen that gave us a lot of experience so it just goes to show that it's not completely impossible which I was beginning to think that it was uh but yes shoes of all things we can even use these probably to replace our yes these are better than our own shoes some shoes that we fished up from a lake um wow fisherman life awaits because technically we should be able to use the fishing rod for a good long time right yeah I mean basically a good source of food and then if we keep checking the Trap yeah we're getting like a few things here and there no these are fresh uncooked so I got one but that does up our fishing experience I bet you'll be able to get one level pretty fast um anyway this is even at night I'm just wondering if it's even going to be worth it to sleep yeah let's just keep fishing uh like indefinitely okay I have finally caught a small Pike 63 cm this is honestly kind of astounding I I never thought we would catch anything this is insanely lucky uh we had it with the little Bait fish so wonder is it even going to be worth it to cuz we aren't going to be getting these things things forever the net trap is really more useful than anything else here um this is potentially more weight on my bones honestly we can go ahead and cook this up and see if it gets it us to a better State might be able to if we get enough of these things get rid of this cold which would be insane let just go ahead and light the fire and this is oh we just failed at cooking the uh cooking the fire at lighting the fire let's just try it out adding fuel uh well you could use the we don't even need anything else to light it with the tricky part about this is we have to try multiple times if we have oh no we've run out of no we haven't oh we've run out of fuel all right I'm going to need to do a little bit more and then get back to this well we've now managed to cook a delicious small Pike 63 cm which I honestly don't think is that bad this could put some weight on our bones but let's just see what it looks like okay so we're go from starving to just regular hungry just regular hungry we're still losing weight so it's not going to do everything for us but if we get enough of these things uh we may be in better spirits here I'm just going to put out this fire really fast because now we pretty much have an unlimited way unlimited maybe not unlimited but maybe when we get to the spring yeah maybe if we get to the spring or if we get enough worms from the earth I just need to confirm that I can get these things with worms because I think I caught one with a a small Bait fish before uh or if okay more Bait fish let's see how many of these things we can catch and then we'll go from there but honestly it's a decent weight gain strategy okay I've done another fishing session I caught a pair of socks and two more small Pikes so not bad uh currently at very hungry but we'll see if we can get our character to well fed and we'll just keep checking these traps I guess if we check this thing frequently enough maybe there's a chance we could avoid it maybe it gets like too many any cod in it and that it breaks or something like that uh a little thirsty but that's okay we can fix that up uh we just want to try to avoid having too many other moodlets here maybe we'll take a little rest and then get back to fishing all right we've got two more fresh Pike and uh now the Moment of Truth can we gain weight from two Pike in our inventory we've had also a little bit of rain too so uh uh actually it is getting to be kind of a pain to put out the fire but uh I guess we'll just have to get better at it all right we've gone to full to bursting after the consumption of two Pike and we've actually sustained our weights showing that winter fishing even with a complete lack of skill just a complete Abomination that I am I can actually get something going here oh my god um I can't believe this has happened I really didn't think that this would work at all but let's just head back keep checking on this trap preferably every day I guess now we've got nine Bait fish these things keep coming uh if we just continue fishing here slightly thirsty very exhausted I'm not sure if the exhaustion affects us I just learned that exhaust you can't light a campfire with a sturdy stick and a notch plank if you're completely exhausted I guess I could spend a little bit more time just appreciating the diet I've got right now jeez we've got like a blizzard out here this game has such beautiful weather probably shouldn't have interrupted that uh choose catch bag we got some socks more socks the thing that's not so bad about catching socks that they do add to your skills so right now we're at 11.9 out of 75 and Rising uh 6:20 p.m. I guess I'll wait till 7 socks shoes socks socks okay but this is pretty consistent catching despite the fact that we're using up all of the bait on everything uh okay four pairs of socks I will take just socks and shoes all over the ground [Music] not exactly what we were looking for and we also haven't gotten rid of this cold I mean we've stayed out in the cold so it doesn't make a big difference but we need we need food more than anything else right now and even if we get rid of the cold we're probably going to get it right back so save the food for spring and go from there okay another uh obstacle in the way of our survival fishing rod without line our fishing rod is lost its line just in the midst of fishing uh we do have fishing line and we do have the nail that would be required to repair it but since we're a literate we can't read the magazine that would teach us to do this so again we are now down to spear fishing in the winter with zero skill we can keep checking the trap in order to get a little bit more but it's only a matter of time before the Trap breaks down too so I guess we keep checking this thing hoping that it doesn't break uh and then in the meantime see if there's any potential hope at spear fishing cuz that was our one source of food that might cause us to gain weight but it looks like we just lost it so that isn't too particularly good from here on out it may be Grim I mean we will still be able to farm the cabbages and the cabbages will multiply yes even in a snowstorm like this look they've actually like sprouted and they'll be fine which is crazy uh but they are well watered from the insane weather we're getting right here I think from here it's just a matter of timing a lot of this stuff so I'm going to just grind some of it out all right I've spent two full days fishing with a spear with uh no bait and I'm pretty much coming to the conclusion that this is a like a hopeless Endeavor in the winter I mean we are getting now to the end of January so the good news is that spring is right around the corner but for right now I think all we can really do is just keep checking on the Trap and that does seem to give us some experience we just got unlucky uh you know our fishing rod giving out so soon we could go back and get another one but right now I'm pretty much content to continue waiting on the cabbages because that's a much more sustainable food source uh that is good yeah see they're even growing more now these things are amazing um well watered I haven't even had to do anything for them that's just been the weather for me so I haven't had to do anything with these cabbages the one back at my home base may be ready even sooner but you got to wait for them to seed so you can get more seeds out of what comes and then we can start to multiply the patches uh and then basically unlimited water source here so once we have that then we're not so worried about the weight on our bones just uh going away I mean we're down to 77 so we're getting slightly underweight but it's really not causing us too many debuffs right now and I can still keep eating these little fish which tend to feed me a bit more like I said than the worms from before we are now are we exhausted uh we can't light the fire I've noticed starvation um we're so used to being starving at this point uh it doesn't even make a difference anymore um do we have okay we just don't have any fuel okay I'm going to grab another log and then we'll handle that but I think we'll start to get ready more for planting because that seems like it's going to be more of the go-to long-term food source here rather than the fish like I thought but then once spring comes obviously the whole situation changes okay my skill has improved in cooking wow unintentionally one of the consequences of doing so much cooking is that my cooking skill has improved uh naturally we can cook rotten Foods if this gets high enough but it'll probably never happen but just considering how much we're doing uh living out in nature here maybe I don't know maybe there's a chance somewhere down the line doubt it but yeah I mean this has been a good solid stream of it so keep eating see if we can get to the wellfed moodlet okay I've let some time pass here we're at uh January 28th but it's been pretty boring I'm slightly starving right now but that's only because I haven't had fish in a little while uh let's go ahead and just cook some of those up but we do have the Cabbage the Cabbage Patch as it were ready I'm actually going to harvest this one right now I don't even need to because yeah this one is diseased so this one it's not even worth waiting for the seeds we might recover I would say about the same number as we said but yet nine fresh cabbages which is insane and that's actually going to put some weight on our bones we might even be able to get rid of this cold uh we want to be careful not to catch it again because it's it's not like real life but colds in this game are caused by being out in the cold literally in the cold for too long um which it is not really a virus but that's the way it is uh I'm just going to get myself to I not sure whether it's wellfed or stuffed I think I'm just going to fill myself as completely as possible for now but really we want to be waiting for these plants to um uh what was I going to say we want to be waiting for the plants to uh ripen just a little bit more to seed but the other ones didn't get disease on them that was the only cabbage plant that had had disease so that's why I'm doing that just to kind of belabor a bit of an explanation there as far as food goes now we're pretty much good if we manag to get nine cabbages from each one of these things that's going to make us very full um where we at right now we're still at stuffed we aren't really sleeping very well on the floor here but 74 and dropping we just need a few more in us I'll bet and then that's going to change to an up Chevron or at least to a neutral point uh and this also means that we should probably go check back at our original base in a bit just because there's probably going to be a crop of ripe cabbages there I just want to make sure quick okay yeah we'll water just a little bit before we go we want to lighten our backpack and then we're going to make one more trip back to our home base because we have energy we're still a bit tired it might behoove me to bring a chair with me as well because a chair would allow for more restful sleeping the one thing I'm getting an issue with now is I actually I wake up and I'm still tired when I sleep on the floor like it's not a very good night's sleep uh I would not recommend it I think for right now we'll just stay with the wellfed we won't really get colder I'm not sure if those two happen independently of each other but I guess we're about to find out and in the mean in the interim we are still getting a fish or two every here and there from the fishing tap and so far it hasn't broken which leads me to suspect that if you don't let it fill up then it doesn't break open with fish I'm guessing that's the issue that's going on there when they do uh when it does break but yeah we've got a good fisherman Farmer cabin going here and uh I wouldn't change it too much not too much I might go back and grab some more cabbage seeds just because everything I can get is going to be important here these are well watered enough that i' have to wait I don't know 24 hours or so but chances are that they've spoiled anyway let's go back just have a look at those at our main base upon return to the base uh the cabbage Harvest appears to be fruitful uh let's see what we got we've got uh Harvest well we've got info first but it should be yeah seed bearing seed bearing cabbages there you have it uh and this is the final stage of cabbagey and we will take those and now uh actually this is not need it anymore uh 30 cabbage seeds and 10 cabbages so we get an extra cabbage which is amazing I also found another pair of glasses and a zombie on the way I will just grab these off the table though because I'm probably not going to be living here for a while uh we didn't recover from the cold but I mean we'll just keep ourselves well fed until then and I mean we've already got enough calories in us I do believe it's by the number of calories per day or it might have something to do with macronutrients uh after I don't know for sure but yeah just eating a lot and I have gained weight from cabbages uh is is a matter to be celebrated and upheld that is to say uh we've got more Spears in here most of this stuff though we can just remake at our new base so I don't really want to belabor this too much but um there were a couple things in here I want to say that would have been useful maybe oh yes a chair would have been good I'm a little bit nervous going there at this time of day though and you know we not thirsty we're not hungry but we are kind of over encumbered so I say that we stay the night here at our old base and then we bring back a chair we're not bringing back a bed or a couch or something that'd be too much to ask but for the most part it's just sticks and stones around lying around that we didn't bring with us we have a tent kit but that's kind of irrelevant at this point just random stuff lying out front we do have the shotgun but I figure if there's anything worth taking back in Civilization I'll probably stop here first anyway so we won't we won't spend too much time on that um lighter could be convenient but I think I'd rather save that for some type of last ditch effort as well otherwise Hammer pretty sure we already have a hammer there yeah we're good we just go back and then we Harvest all these cabbages and we get warm and we get rid of this cold this is the next step in our personal development which is insane um okay still not stabilizing it's going to take more than 10 cabbages but if we stay the night we still May recover let's find out um go to sleep go to sleep and finally get a decent night's worth of rest here this is still not really recovering from the nasty cold symptoms and there's no more food but when we get back we're going to have about 30 cabbages worth uh to go through although we have been out in the cold for a while we might need to get him is warm get like an indoor fire going which we could maybe there is a good good reason then to bring the lighter with us so that we could get that indoor fire going yeah we'll try that rest a little bit longer and then sleep you're well fed I guess we're just not get but still down to like four moodlets and if it weren't cold he would just have depressed cold and the anxiety one so this is honestly quite a lot of progress from what were we at 10 or 15 before like just some insane number uh but yeah it looks like that is about all we will get out of this trip I'm thinking yeah I'm leaving the shotgun here I'm not bringing that with me uh all right back to the lake well we've arrived home now with the 30 seeds uh we can combine those with our other five seeds I believe it takes nine though in order to get one crop in the ground so we lost one uh and we got seeds from another so assuming that we will get I mean we're going to get some disease every here and there so you can't like you got you got to be ready for that but now we've got three I don't believe we'll have enough for four seeds in the ground we eight out eight out of the nine that we require but now the uh excuse me the cabbages are about to multiply which is the reason why as long as you can get one Harvest done successfully then that takes away a lot of the risk uh so we're still losing weight but once we get more of these things out of the ground then we can start getting more consecutive days welled and get rid of the cold and we can start gaining weight again so now that's two more things out of the way do we have the underweight mood or uh yeah we do have the underweight um trait now so I would say we can get rid of that one shortsighted we've basically taken care of feeble feeble will feeble is actually going away we aren't as weak as we were before we're actually getting to almost an average level of strength we're almost average oh God just even to think of it um we can probably fill let's fill up our empty cooking pot let's get some water in these things and yeah other than that now we start to think about what is the next kind of set of longterm yeah let's go fill out the lake set of long-term expectations if we have our if we have our weight stabilized there's really not that much left that we're worried about we could just keep living here but it just becomes a matter of enhancing the lifestyle as we go what was that I just saw that thing Rumble I guess that was wind I don't like shouting but yeah uh okay now I mean well food we add uh well group food into two things the immediate need food we've always had we've always had the immediate need for food filled by whether by worms or by H small fish that kept us a little bit more fed but now we're filling ourselves up enough to gain weight or almost or we will with cabbages so now that kind of threat red is over with that done what is there left to be afraid of I guess really just zombies attacking us and also just have been living out here kind of in the wild we could get stronger and fast and more fit we could get faster as well we're about to get faster we get sneakier by going into civilization using an exploit or something like that for the most part I think we're pretty much good out here but we could start to go back into civilization take weapons and then get a better base somewhere I just feel as though this place is pretty nice probably do some kind of perimeter walls to make sure that it's totally safe and down some more trees as well but now we can start think of some projects to all that I'd also add I I'm actually now capable of running around this hasn't happened because I've been totally limited by well I just I just I've been walking for months so it's it's really weird to watch my character run now but yeah 74 out of 75 I guess let's see if we can get that last point of experience in sprinting and maybe level up but otherwise just come in at a random yeah looks like we're just going to get it at a random point oh well and at last January 30th the day has come for the cabbage Harvest so these all bore seed and they didn't uh they didn't suffer from any type of disease so what do we have eight seeds to begin with before so now we got 35 65 so you about 30 seeds from each one I'm sure there's a little bit of variability there but uh let's see 19 brings us up to to 29 okay so 29 cages arguably should not have harvested all of these at once because may end up being a waste but how much more room does that actually give us so if we first off let's just eat them all um here and we'll bring in some tree branches inside so that we could light a fire we want to warm ourselves up and get ourselves very well fed because what happens next uh may get rid of our cold for good or at least until we get very cold again for a prolonged period of time if we just dig a few more furrows well let's focus on replanting first 1 2 3 and then 95 seeds gives us room for 10 more of these so that's one two so we start off with five we're going to get uh I would say what is that 30 seeds so we'll get Triple what we started with well we did have to have we did have to kill one of them or like you know uh we couldn't trust the har yeah you can't really take it all the way to seed if it gets disease often times they just die before that so I just get the Cabbage as while I can like whatever all right at least we got a meal out of it uh let's see one more cabbage there one there one there and then that should be the last what we can do I believe we didn't get every single space here but still that's not bad um we've also got the cooking pot with water so now we can do watering full 90 on all of these now we just do a little bit of there and back uh on this fill that back up make trips here and then once we've got all these things water we can go uh or watered then we can go back inside and warm up right the plants are watered outside so now we have an opportunity to get ourselves well fed and warmed up uh I've got this stove ready right here I'm just going to grab a little bit more water we're going to light two fires but it's a good reason to keep a lighter around because that doesn't work with a notched plank anymore you could do that out here whoops ah I accidentally just did it with the lighter uh oh well whatever we have plenty of lighter charges left so shouldn't be too big a deal but if we just let's put that one out so now we've got Safe Drinking Water we just want to get our character into his good and like Happy State as possible right here and get rid of as many mood lists as possible at once so here we go now we add all right I'll add maybe one dirty rag uh and then I will light the fire here okay now we get a nice like red tint on everything now we can just go ahead and sit down right here and now our character is pretty exhausted but we're just going to start eating eating all 28 of these cabbages I know this seems like a lot but it's what it's going to take in order to get us healthy again this may not be enough to do it though there may be a requirement of greater numbers of cabbages we're just going to lay these out on the floor though just an impressive array of cabbages beneath us to sit in that we eat while we gaze into the fire and hopefully yeah like we have no more cold moodlet so there's no chance of getting a new cold I guess as we do that but I mean we could sleep here I guess yeah we'll try sleeping actually forgot the chair so I'm gonna have to go back and get that but warm well fed we wake up we eat more cabbages and then we set another fire and we just keep repeating this until we're healthy again uh yes good good eat the cabbages let's go ahead I might even just put my own clothing into the uh we can always make more of these things why not all right I'll just put in more sturdy sticks just whatever I can use to keep this thing going until my cold is gone and then I'll go fix it all later um yeah okay more cabbages yeah we want to be full to bursting the whole time here we go it might take a day or two but don't worry our other cabbages will be safe outside and we'll always have a chance to get rid of it again because we can always get more cabbages so now this is like a renewable way of getting rid of our cold so that's huge we can because we're bound to get it back again at some point but this means that we don't have to give away our location every single time that we go into a town because that's been a huge uh huge detriment to us not only do we have the conspicuous but also you know just every possible bad thing um so we sleep on the ground again whoops uh sleep on the ground there we go and I don't know if we have to get rid of the tired but uh might end up figuring that out here anyway I'll update as we uh as we get better well so far we haven't gotten rid of the cold we've stayed well fed and we have stabilized our weight around 73 but we're going to be getting like exponentially more cabbages as we go so I'm not too worried about the future with that uh and not really making as much progress as I thought we would uh but honestly every little bit is is something worth celebrating we've got sprinting level one now and I did manage to find there was actually a stool in a nearby Shack uh so we can use that for sleeping instead to get just slight better sleep quality I suppose than sleeping on the floor I don't really think that makes much sense but whatever I mean it's better than nothing I suppose is the logic here so if we sleep one more time we might get one more opportunity at this nasty cold still yeah it sounds like the fire went out again we're still warm we're pretty warm but getting cold ah so we couldn't kick the cold this time but we did manage to at least stabilize our weight I mean we're pretty much going to be staying out in nature again for a while yeah too full to eat so we filled ourselves for like two days worth of time it's honestly kind of surprising that we didn't get rid of it but H whatever let's see if we can get an up shevron on our weight this is 29 cabbages I believe the number was like 46 the last time I had to do this oh no 73 and double Chevron up so that means we're back up to 74 shortly after this day cycle is finished uh okay gaining weight so I mean we're eating the right amounts of food it could still be that the fact that we are a little bit chilly inside but um honestly some progress what are we at now day 53 probably by my estimates uh not checking back but yeah 53 days we've shaken the cold we've managed to stabilize our weight now we've got cabbages in the ground and once spring comes then we can fish and gain a lot more weight um but I think that this cold is really the next demon we want to wrestle we're wrestling demons and after that maybe getting the better night sleep and the one thing that may stay with us a while is the depression maybe that'll be something worth tackling next but I think we can start to make our way back into civilization once that kicks in I'm thinking now that we've finished off one successful Harvest probably the next thing to do is well obviously get ready for the next Harvest after that but beyond that what uh our character is probably going to be around 73 khg he might rise up a little bit maybe in one or two harvests from now we're still going to be trying to get rid of this cold for some time but I'm thinking in the interim I mean a lot of these are kind of longer processes so probably the best bet here would be to just start thinking about our characters well Fitness and strength again we have more time to exercise now because there's no real pressures from day to day we're not running out of food or we're not losing weight uh I'm kind of liking this long-haired look maybe I'm going to just stick with this for a while um other than that carpent Tre foraging and just maybe building some sort of perimeter wall for safety as well as perhaps a dock over there it just occurs to me that in the spring eventually when we fish we'll want to have some sort of back covering uh on us I've kind of chanced it here but like you know having something behind you so that you get warned if there's anything coming uh would be nice and also as well as all that uh we'd be getting carpentry level three which would get us to better quality Spears because right now we're still stuck at carpentry level zero uh and we need three if we want to get that reliable five qual or five out of five quality on all of our Spears so I'm thinking we're going to do some for or we'll maybe we'll start off the day this is going to get to be like kind of a stoic life now we're going to begin with some exercise every morning we'll be doing some push-ups or maybe burpees we'll start with burpees 60 Minutes worth of burpees which is already an extremely grueling exercise regimen to begin with N impossible to do them without stopping did we actually we didn't make it that far but uh yeah I mean at least it's something you know strength and fitness should improve from this but also just the constant chopping down of trees and being out of breath which we're about to embark on other than that you know I'm content with mildly starving and checking the fish traps every now and then uh but yeah like get stronger and get uh get to be a better Carpenter I think that's uh I think that's going to be the most meaningful leg up we'll get on whatever compet I we're going to deal with next so off to it okay this is bad my fishing net trap is broken uh not that bad I mean it'll be bad for bait it would be worse if my rod had been around still but my just there's no hope in fishing anymore not until spring not until spear fishing gets a little bit better for us but I we've we've kind of gotten past the point where we really even need it anyway now that the cabbages are up the cabbages are up and uh that's the main thing that matters otherwise I'm just kind of on a fitness grind here uh we're about 1500 XP away and uh 2,000 XP a little under both of those but for fitness and strength next levels otherwise uh cooking actually doing better didn't expect that farming too like this gets useful this is kind of useless forever but fishing mainly carpentry and a little bit more foraging although the foraging just takes time it takes time to get it done uh but you know that and this and when I'm tired actually I'm only tired right now I'm mainly focusing on Fitness just because I feel like uh having a character who doesn't get winded easily is always going to be better under any circumstance so uh Fitness and carpent whoops I can't do that Fitness I mean uh Fitness carpentry and foraging grind right now it that's pretty much just what's happening but well the foraging probably isn't going to be any anytime soon either so yeah lots more to go I have been working out for weeks or a week it feels like I'm honestly not sure how much time has gone by I've just been kind of grinding I've been on my grind Set uh and I am about to ascend into the next plane of human Enlightenment there we go yes strength level four and fitness level three in like 3 seconds yes wow we knocked them both out at the same we didn't even get the uh the song again or the jingle because I guess it was to recent the cabbages are just about grown uh we are now underweight though we are at yeah we are regular underweight we're at 68 kg and dropping this isn't the very underweight yet but we we're playing with fire here uh I would say that this is going to get us almost to weight sustaining so it may not be very safe to go back back into civilization yet but I mean of all the things that I had wanted to do what did I say I said I was going to harvest cabbages I said I was going to exercise so check and check carpentry and foraging haven't really happened but that's just because the exercise has kind of been uh you know prolonging me uh for lack of a better yeah but um perimeter wall also we haven't really gotten done with also the dock but those things are kind of in inconsequential because we you know we just want to get the other stuff done uh just that we aren't wheezing for air all of the time so now we're kind of we're handling like strength training or not strength training anymore we're going to wait a while for that though I guess the next thing is maybe a little bit of foraging and carpentry eh maybe a little bit before we head back out and do another trip to civilization see if we're any stronger now see if we're better at running away see if we don't run out of breath we're going to need a good night's sleep for it I've just been carrying a pot of water around me I need some real stuff now it' be nice to get you know a bottle of water maybe an actual weapons something like a pitchfork uh any of that kind of stuff if we can locate is just going to send our character to another you know like another plane of existence that is to say uh but yeah washingbeard democratus honestly has kind of earned these glasses in this construction hat uh he is and for that matter the school backpack uh which is just kind of random but I don't know it feels uniquely him um I guess we wait another day or so before we get a good harvest here but fortunately I don't have to worry about this cuz it's going to be done for me uh we won't really see the results of all of his working out uh until a little while from now but now we're at inventory carry capacity weight even with disorganized even with that uh trait excuse me disorganized right there uh we've still got nine I I believe it's kilograms but I think this has been made more abstract yet nine space worth of inventory capacity which is actually quite generous considering what we were at earlier and now we'll also be able to keep him well fed most of the time or at least normally fed and not starving if I let him go down into that weight range again he goes from very hungry at 9 I do believe that'll drop a little bit more I'm kind of curious to see what it does I I think I'm just going to avoid exercise for a little while I mean it's fine there's nothing wow we've even got further but it's just 18,000 it's it's not really a goal that I can there's not a bar I'll be able to surmount anytime soon so I think we'll wait for one more Harvest I'm just going to wait one more day inside cooking pot with water um we've got and maybe we'll do a little bit of a water boil and then we'll set out all right we've reached level one in farming which I don't really think it does as much good but you know it's something to brag about anyway uh 68 cabbage seeds though nothing to scoff at now we have a a a veritable cabbage Farm going here we can leave this when we go on our adventure we've got a few more of these things to harvest I really would much rather do this uh now because I I do plan on spending a good bit of time at home and we're going to have a rather large crop here we also might want to just take out a few seeds in Insurance in case if anything stupid happens and they all get diseased or something like that I really doubt that this is going to actually I'll leave a little bit of a buffer space next to the house I I do like it to look I mean other than that which that is for well worms uh that I've had to use when I've had no other food source so we'll just leave that as is over here there but over here it still looks okay couple more um I think we could just move these closer to the lake the idea here is to just make it easy to water so you know you could just use a lake water but yeah one more Harvest maybe a bit of weight maybe even a bit of weight gain indeed uh and the temperature does appear to be well I mean I feel like I'm getting more rain than snow now so I think the seasons are starting to change a bit uh it's February 11th we got maybe one more month of winter left all things depending okay I'm completing the grand cabbage Harvest I've harvested 60 of these things with 162 seeds there's still one left but I'm going to keep it in the ground and we really just want to start getting these things in me as fast as I can wait there's even more Jesus um 78 cabbages is this one ALS yes this is also ready for Harvest I could have staggered it but I really don't want them to over grow and the seeds from this point forward might even be more valuable than the plants themselves but we need to just get into like a Joey Chestnut level of cabbage devourment because these things will spoil 85 in one day 85 cabbages that gives us a lot more experience but we still aren't even gaining weight then they aren't the most Den probably well not at all the most dense food but the the more of these things we can get into us we're sort of in this like situation where we are going to be full to bursting one day and then here we go uh okay we did get one up Chev on there for a second it'll go back and forth for a minute uh we don't want to sleep we need to be awake as much as possible so that we could eat more cabbages 3:20 p.m. alth I don't really want to burn so many c c cabbage calories I don't really know what to do here we don't want to let too much more of the day pass Us by okay yeah time for another cabbage then I guess um all right what the hell I'll sleep a little bit um maybe I'll wake up in time for cabbage round two but at least we've sustained the weight okay one up Chevron on the weight it's going to be hard to get two but we will attempt that because we've gotten through only about 15 cabbages and oh my gosh wow I mean if we do not recover from the cold I would be surprised I'm pretty sure that it's only weight dependent but if not then that confirms that you need to be both warm and fed uh which we might not be both just yet necessarily I think we'll stick around here for a little bit longer because it is important to like nurse this encagement and then when that is over fatter we will make our way to town uh not by much and then instantly we'll be losing weight and hungry again because that's just the nature of this guy but honestly not a bad hul not a bad hul and considering that the next Harvest is going to be even larger it might not be worth it to plant more cabbages than that so we'll have a surplus of seeds then I suppose well just a stupid number of days of passed by and I would say that I've managed to consume or I will have managed to consume about 75 cabbages which is crazy uh I'm running out of them now I'm back up to 75 Kg and Rising we'll probably get that back up to like 76 or 77 which is insane really we're back up to regular underweight which is great uh so from here on in really what we should be doing is we want to maintain that full stomach we haven't lost our cold because honestly I just haven't had enough wood to put into this fire to keep it burning and I've also been just taking off my clothes to burn them for various you know purposes as we've begun so I'm thinking from here on in we just bring the seven stale C it sounds like a like an ancient book of wisdom you know the seven stale cabbages well we're going to bring those with us uh and we're going to go investigating uh back to the West I think that'll work cuz right now we just really aren't getting a very good sleep here what we're going to eventually need is is a car we'll need a car if we want to get a bed out here cuz this is a good place to live just think about how much stronger I've gotten since I got out here I am en cabbaged and I am I am fatter now and I am larger I am greater but that is to say you know we got to kind of keep challenging ourselves here we could stay here and just eat cabbages but I just feel as though that wouldn't really I wouldn't really Advance the story in any meaningful way and I I feel as though we're we're getting ready now to take back on Civilization now with all this copious water that we've got over the last few weeks you know living right here by the lake now we're we're all quenched and we're ready for a new A new challenge even if that means less water for a little while we can carry an entire pot of cooking water or like what is it a a cooking pot of I forgot what they call that it's I've been eating so many cabbages I'm starting to lose my mind uh but yeah I'm thinking gosh we can't really see anything anyway we're heading west I hate to say it but new problem we've got buildup on the railroad tracks this wasn't this was completely remote before so it's probably been caused by me making so many trips to and from and making all the noise associated with it um we'll see what happens when we get back it seems like all of the areas that I've just left behind have just started to get over run though it's it's as if the world is shrinking all my options you know um none of these really seem to have anything valuable on them so I kind of just want to chase them in or get them all to come into the woods with me but I think this might be uh the spot when we get back too like right by my base so um so far yeah probably going to have to grind out a lot more strength if we want to go much further so we've made it back to the town of uh of mobile homes and well there's a lot guarding it it's not really uh a better situation but I'm trying to test see if he can kill five or more so yeah this is getting rather iffy already and there's more spread in here so it's going to be a lot of clear out but uh once this is done maybe there'll be a clear shot to the town itself all right well I've taken some time to examine the problem and I really don't think uh we're getting anywhere with Spears it would take a lot of foraging and just for the amount of time that I have available before I have to be getting back to the Lakehouse I think that leaves me with one logical solution which is uh really hear the shotgun um the shotgun will draw them out but you know I mean at least my fitness and my strength are good enough that I could carry things back if need be let me just put a few things down I guess before I go on this run uh and then after or even just seeing if anything is available in the compound uh but yeah from there you know hopefully we can at least move and Dodge around enough time to create or or at least to find something useful in there so so anyway going on a looting run now you know I've got to say the one thing that's still throwing me off is the fact that even when I mean aside from the ridiculously tired bit I'm still hypothermic so even when I do everything right I'm I still can't just I still just can't move that fast I'm panicking right now it's not a great situation and I've really just drawn more of them into the woods I'm starting to think that not only for foraging but just for General looting and not being freezing in general moving around faster spring is going to be a far better time for this character so it's almost like it would just pay for us to remain in hibernation a while you know come back out in the spring when everything is warm uh everything is thaw out there'll be more on the ground and then literally we can move faster and get more done from there so I mean even if I I'll try for this just because I feel like why not go for a thing that might be readily available but yeah like once we get to the spring this is going to be a million times easier maybe even hit up a better area one that we haven't like uh defiled so much already with our tainted Human Stain as it were anyway uh yeah otherwise I guess getting a little bit of shooting experience is not bad yeah more or less just like I said it all we seem to be doing is drawing them in groups I could try to bring them into the forest but this is going to make this area pretty much impossible to revisit you know just because getting back in through the Woods is going to be like n impossible so from here it's here we go I just got to jump through this okay this is not a nice group uh yeah like even getting out of here I'm just going to have to go by a different Vector uh as it were right now I'm going to get maybe a couple seconds to loot but I still think that we're just not strong enough we need uh we need better Fitness and strength if we want to get back even just to these neighborhoods like right now I've even drawn ones from further out and just I'm already getting tired I'm sensing I I practically have to go back already now haven't even gotten to the building in the first place well with kind of a heavy heart I think we need to leave this old shelter behind again it was good effort it was good try uh and we did manage to grab a couple of items uh that were I don't know somewhat useful from here but I really think that this area has just become overrun ever since I got to it uh I mean I I love the idea of coming back to take back a place that we that we weren't good with before but I really just think that this character is terrible I mean but it's it's not only that it's also the time of year winter time is I mean oh it's like War winter time is not a great time to make advances I would rather be on the defense at that time you know hibernating and you know making my nut as it were so I'm thinking you know the stat grinds weren't so bad we were getting by we were gaining weight we're getting back into healthy territory back at home well I've returned home for the remainder of winter and it's good to be back I mean it is safer here um it's not exactly like as thrilling but you know hey money on the ground wow I mean no real use anymore but I think if we spend the rest of this winter just foraging and working on our carpentry and then maybe doing a little bit more on Fitness then in the spring compounding with the lack of hypothermia and being able to find actual berries in the woods hey maybe we'll even have a better Vision radius once we get to level four um I think that's going to lead to well I mean all effort in one expended in One Direction well I've managed another successful Harvest now and made farming level two I mean at least we're making progress in something for God's sake um my next plan here is to just take down a bunch of trees I mean we're coming to the beginning of Spring so I'm not sure if this is even going to make it like an appreciable difference but I've got so many of these logs around and I've found chip stones in the woods that I figure why not go ahead and try to get rid of this cold once and for all after all we might have a very Cold Spring who knows what else is nice is now that we've been getting slightly warmer weather here at the end of February uh the rains have arrived and now it is even easier to plant because we don't have to go get water from the lake and pour it over generally speaking we won't even need to water these crops anymore we could just get them out of the ground you know even if we don't manage to eat all of the Cabbage um I know you you're just sick of hearing about me eating cabbages but it is like a soul food you maybe it maybe it is a soul I forgot about Soul Foods oh God yeah yeah maybe maybe that's what it is um but yeah all that being said you know easier to get these things in the ground we'll have like thousands and thousands of cabage seeds by the time this is over okay now here in my house with the fire lit I can complete hours of burpees where I just do this oh I got to go feed myself make sure I'm well fed the entire time I need to be constantly full to bursting in order to overcome this condition uh then we do just tons of burpees and then after the exercise we just engorge ourselves with more cabbage uh let's see and then keeping the fire burning after that before we are in pain then we go to sleep we wake up with horrible delayed onset muscle soreness and then we go back to eating cabbage working out again this is the grind set just days and days of doing burpees over stale cabbages never to see the light of day until spring we're getting a little bit out of the last of this winter a few more harvests of cabbages which is good because they're all running out and going rotten uh but you know once we come to Spring we basically have full power over our lives again again right here I would say around halfway to Fitness level four uh yeah Fitness level four and strength level five a little bit less than halfway but I mean consider that he's actually average by the time that we reach this Milestone amazing all right we've arrived at I believe this is Day 94 my Harvest is coming in and now we're coming in to the end the very end of winter and the first days of spring I have 96 cabbages in my inventory Jesus um 400 I don't even need this I don't even need I'd be crushed by these the entire house is just cabbages fresh stale and rotten all over the floor just it looks like something out of a horror movie or like some sort of Oblivion cheat code gone wrong but yeah like this is my life I'm finally almost at uh Fitness level four only about th000 experience left to go and it's going to be a little while on strength level five that doesn't make as big a difference the main thing is uh carrying capacity which carrying capacity has actually been pretty good lately uh man even the Cabbage seeds now coming in at several kilograms that's bizarre uh I guess I'm just going to continue putting these on the ground although I may lose track of them just take a look at the ground here for a moment I mean this is the day it's just wake up eat cabbage in order to hydrate really for all of the nutrition I have almost got myself back into obesity through the uh consumption of cabbages although I don't think I'm going to get much heavier than 99 kg and that's actually not a bad place to be because it's only a little bit of a negative moodlet to be overweight and you know I just don't really have to think about it uh later on eventually of course we'll want to get back into normal weight territory but at least we're not worried about you know the potential uh alternative which would be starving to death which would be way way worse uh other than that pretty much every day here from here on in is like just sleep in the stool like this wake up with the although the delayed onset muscle soreness I've found improves over time wake up uh what is it 910 p.m. really no matter what time it is it's just 60 Minutes of burpees I would say that gets you about uh 7879 up to what do we arrive at 7879 so 8,4 so about 220 225 yeah R about 225 experience uh per session and that usually is enough to exhaust me then I consume more cabbage uh until I feel hydrated and full and then I go back to sleep in my stool when I wake up I repeat it all over again I would say I've been doing this for about 3 weeks now uh all for just one Fitness level or so so probably maybe I would say like another 4 days worth of this wow this is incredible I think one more workout and we're going to reach Fitness level four which is crazy cuz he's been spending like probably almost four weeks I'm not even quite maybe I think I'm exaggerating here but yeah Fitness level four incredible uh and still only about 5,000 XP away from strength level five which would make him an average human amazing to think of that amazing even to consider and I've started to see the cold go like maybe going away now we don't get it cold inside anymore because look it's 57.2 degrees Fahrenheit inside that is much warmer and outside it's now consistently I would say above freezing we haven't seen snow in a while the crops actually I missed one cabbage Harvest but now here we are at the end of our of our 100 day Journey or at least coming to the close of it and not really like fully developed as a human yet but not even maybe human maybe still subhuman we could say but yeah like this is a foundation and if we don't try to raise him to a higher standard you know oh he must rate it town or something like that he is almost physically capable of crossing the street now almost capable of getting into a car and drive I mean if we do find a car maybe we could go on some sort of travel although I really do kind of just enjoy making him into a a more like well-oiled machine he really has gener like not I guess the surgical gloves the jacket with all the rips in it the jeans and oddly enough like the construction worker hat with the glasses and the long kind of that's going to be the Quest for the spring though we're about four days away three or four days what is it I guess depending on the time uh from the beginning of Spring though so yeah I mean getting ready to forage we'll see we get a little bit more experience here but I feel like just emerging at this point now that we are at this like notable day marker but yeah
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 107,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ambiguousamphibian, ambiguousamphibian vods, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguous amphibian vods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 37sec (11017 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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