Battle Brothers, Oath Takers (Flesh and Faith Campaign) Days 1-27

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today we are returning to battle brothers for another horrible live stream VOD uh I've been getting the itch to play this again we're going to be starting a new campaign as the oath takers this is like a a squad of two defecting religious order Crusaders uh the oath takers nightly Warriors but they're fighting for money now because they've abandoned their old order this is the free DLC so uh you can play along if you want to hopefully we'll get someone who's not just total trashed here we're going to be by popular demand we're going to be the battle toads um for our company name random Nobles at War greens we'll just keep it random I am going to be playing on the easiest difficulty because this game is brutally difficult uh even on easy it is insanely hard Okay so we've loaded up our roster with these two guys uh I did try to make sure we got a decent start in our campaign like no crazy bad traits or anything like that we have a pretty neutral Geral who is our Frontline fighter and this guy is going to be a tank oh he's handsome too look at him um we're going to rename him though not geralt he's going to be jimree II after his slain father uh who died horribly in battle uh and walm who is going to be I I I like the names from before I think we're going to go dimid diodorus II it was a good name to begin with don't change it if it's already good uh and he is L A Survivor which doesn't really make a big difference like he will be horribly disfigured if he goes down in combat but we'll at least have someone the campaign must go on all kills are fatalities doesn't make a huge difference either because like you know we aren't really going to be getting our enemies to join us uh probably anyway uh that is to say we've got a couple of stats to look at here now we do want these guys to be decent at killing enemies because we don't want to just get overwhelmed horribly at the beginning now his resolve is going to affect the rest of the company as the banner carrier so we will up his resolve um also that range defense is quite awful so putting that up at the beginning would be nice also probably some melee defense cuz they'll get rushed but plus one is not that good so let's just put it into yeah probably melee skill for this level that's at least what the bonuses seem to be giving us as a sign I will also invest heavily into his being a student just so that he gains experience faster and gets better faster now he does get a couple of levels so we'll give him a little bit more range defense so he's not quite so trashed here anymore uh a little bit more melee attack and I think here yeah just that three stars on the resolve is pretty insane we'll go in we'll go in for that actually wait a second no I think I want a little bit more melee defense I just want him to be able to dodge everything to begin with we don't want any kind of horrible disfiguration to begin with that would really suck and then we'll get another set of levels for him and then we'll give him more range defense more melee defense and more melee skill cuz I doubt that he's going to get routed this early on we still have some money we can invest in in a company let's go to town take up our first oath soon okay we have one one skull contract a good a good way to begin we will hire here see if we can get anybody decent like a day labor or something like that pedler uh not used to hard physical labor excess no uh that's horrible day tailer might be useful but he is 200 that's kind of expensive we have a 30 cost beggar that's really cheap and we just need bodies to put in the way even if only to kind of get killed although if we can find like a farmand peddler fisherman might be useful um you are militia but you're kind of expensive uh pedler I mean just thinking about how much I could pay the other guys day tyer could be good used to all kinds of physical labor Refugee just so many of these guys are like dirt cheap I'm just going to build wide here to start we'll take the guy who we can hire for like $30 or 30 I'm just going to call them dollars cuz they're totally dollars um yeah Jerome Powell and the Federal Reserved Reserve have been around for this long um Gravedigger use to physical labor and handling the dead could be useful let's just get the world's cheapest company and hope that one of them is good I'm a big fan of building wide in this game um let's see another day tailer he's also cheap we'll take him I might even just throw them into combat without weapons just have them hide back and and then after the first couple of fights then we'll give them weapons what are you you're a pedler get one good guy we'll die horribly for 30 bucks basically the deal we're giving them right now like give me the last money I can get uh we could give them pole arms and see which of them survive in combat the gear is going to be more useful for useful than them um or we could just buy one set of armor throw one man straight into the middle of combat ooh Kettle hat could be useful for keeping one of them alive for a little bit longer let's get some food because they're going to need to eat we'll get them like what is the cheapest thing that we can possibly find uh whatever is the cheapest 13490 for fish is pretty cheap okay we'll take fish cuz that's cheap we have four more days of food even at a company of this size having to defeat all of these men we're go their morale is going to be low oh it'll be awful by the time they make it through and then let's buy one set of good armor and maybe a kettle hat cuz that's an investment for later that'll last that'll last listen to me and then we'll buy a bunch of Dirt Cheep we have five more days of pay for these men let's give them a bunch of just trash tier weapons to see how long they survive that's also cheap that's not going to last very long probably everything will fall apart but that's fine okay we don't have enough for everyone but who gets a weapon let's see um we're pretty much just going to take this first Quest regardless of what it is okay so we probably are going to have to fight some thieves or something like that we already have seven men in our company um we might want to keep some of them in reserve let's see if anyone's any good at all you are Spartan and an optimist this is actually a fantastic character this beggar oh he's learned to live life without okay you are faint-hearted so I'm I'm going to use you as a meat Shield um let's see what else actually let me just turn back on stream notifications hey fog thank you very much for the 33 months it is pretty good it is a pretty good game have you played battle brothers you have no traits okay I'm just going to put the people who are bad back here just to keep a mental note of this you want to kind of look at their traits to begin with make sure nothing too crazy this guy is huge so he's going to get hit a lot but he's going to do damage you're really more of a back liner um these guys are decent I like you cuz you're an optimist might want to keep you alive might want to keep you alive oh the Spartan trade on these Beggars is actually well they're not all Beggars but you know okay so I have a knife actually you know what I'm just going to use you as a glass Cannon you're going to be equipped with the knife who is good at surviving um let's see who has you have two stars in um melee defense o you could survive a long time too though you could be a good Ranger I think I prefer you as a front liner though and you're actually decent at melee defense although you're lowered resolve is not very good all right I think that this guy is going to be my most promising frontliner and this guy these two are decent so I'm going to give them the weapons or the armor to try to keep them alive everyone else will probably die horribly um you also look somewhat promising so I'm going to give you a club and then you I don't know about you actually you could be a decent frontliner what about you you're okay I'll just put you in the front line cuz you're probably going to die anyway um or maybe we'll engage them with those two guys and then we'll just try to kind of Rush the enemy with all of these other ones and flank around okay that's good enough I have an entire company full of Beggars now um let's see four more days worth of pay do we have enough for maybe one more weapon just to give everybody some sort of stick in combat or like a shield okay I'll give them one more Shield just so everyone has something to swing at them just everyone have something there's just going to be one guy with nothing okay you just could punch them okay you have a shield you stand in front of everybody else and I'll put you there too anyway you just get hit actually I'll put you there put you there and I'm pretty sure that yeah that's all she wrote okay we don't have enough money to pay our people and let's go ahead and take our first uh combat battles where we're outnumbered that's not really going to happen yet not really going to be sling that many foes we are also going to suffer injuries um we may be outnumbered okay let's go ahead and keep some of these men in reserve then that way we could put the gear onto some of them it might not be quite as crazy as I said you we're a little bit better than you okay so I'm going to keep you in reserve we'll put you there you just happen to have nothing on you oh you're really going to get killed fast you're a much better Ranger so I'm going to keep you in reserve too then a it's not going to be quite as much of a a peasant Slaughter as I thought it would we still have five guys here though we might want to get them outnumbered a bit more you're also a decent Ranger a man oddly enough here I want to be outnumbered in combat just to fulfill my contract otherwise I would totally put all of those peasants into battle and that just would have been great okay we got Seven Thieves so what can we do to not be it we throw you into battle see what you can do you'll probably die though you would have been a decent Ranger but I think I might need the bodies yeah your fod you do kind of need some fodder here um all right let's see what the terrain is we might run a couple of our guys back to try to keep them alive okay yeah these guys are going to get their heads chopped off so I'm going to go ahead here wait on your turn Egle at least you have good initiative I could have you backstab somebody backstab somebody in combat um we want to stay out of this murky water if we can stay on the muddy Earth and maybe force them into the muddy water if we claim this Square then they have to surround us in the Muddy Waters um which is quite horrible right here so although I don't want this guy to die I'm going to March him to the front because he has decent armor and hopefully he will do something uh you can go over here uh you might die here you're probably going to die anyway though probably everyone will die I will put you here so that we can then claim this square with jyree actually I'll put yeah that's good I'm just going to pass your turn everyone else will walk up fortunately forced them into the water for this combat you need to pay attention to the terrain just because keeping The High Ground is super important here see how they're trying to avoid the water for the most part I might have kept you somewhere safer this is all murky water here we'll just let them kind of slog their way through that murky water okay unfortunately I have to put my best comat combatant in the back line here and I'm going to put you oh you have to stick there this really isn't that great a combat I guess I could have waited for them to come to me and I'm just going to try to run away with this guy just don't even fight them if you can if you can avoid it you're better off okay and then I will take a hit see him fighting the guy in the murky water is just amazing he's he's super awesome at that um okay what do I do with you I think I will just run you back to try to prevent them from hitting you because you're okay you're okay I like you and we'll just keep walking this guy backwards in the water that guy's too afraid to advance up they are going to attack this guy but fortunately has decent armor and then I'll start to engage with Jim Frey thei okay okay JY Frey I was hoping that more of them would engage with you but unfortunately that hasn't happened at all although they are all stuck in the murky water this guy dead if I just leave him there okay I'm putting Jim Frey into the murky water just because I want to try to keep the other guy alive if I can we'll walk up and just stab that man great good shoot for jimree because he's strong he could take a hit okay now I'm going to have this guy come up and then just try to stab this man in the back because that might on the off chance that that might work oh god he has decent armor too all right mine off you're probably dead but let's see if we can get one of the guys oh no he didn't kill him that is too bad this guy is just kind of a random dude okay you're actually doing okay somehow you have managed to dodge most of these attacks okay we got to finish off this one dude and this dude too uh actually let's go for this dude so that our guys can kill the other ones oh we did something to him there pierced hand and he's stuck in the mud he's stuck in the Swamp man this guy is somehow not dying how are you not dead yet okay good you've dodged the pike I definitely won't keep all of my men alive many of them will die good take out the axe man he can be extremely disastrous if he does what I'm afraid he will do uh when are you in the initiative okay so we'll definitely have killed him by then let's see if we could take out this guy too great oh that was really lucky this guy what is his name thorand whatever his name is he's good he's a keeper I was right about him uh and then as for you let's try to keep grimald alive as well yeah I'm going to try to keep grimald alive I'm trying to get my cake and eat it too if we can Engage The Pikeman although that might not really help us okay let's try to stab this man minus 15% chance to hit ignore his armor though he is Gravely wounded and it's only his chest that's still left 9 to 15 armor damage uh let's just go for a stab here ah he missed the stab okay go for a regular hit totally missed everything I was right this guy is just a trash tier fighter not very good deserved to die there he goes oh God grimald grimald I kind of want to keep alive let's see if we can kill his foe no he didn't do it okay then you'll probably die too all right but we did get one guy out of it though it would seem let's try to keep him alive okay you can take out yeah you take out the spear boy uh can you take out the yep great okay minol is a keeper honestly minol welcome to the company everyone else died unfortunately or fortunately depending upon how you look at it weeded them out weeded them out uh and unfortunately you can't get that okay hey all right maybe grimald has a second chance to prove himself tomorrow um great routing everybody else sooner or later sooner or later I don't want you to die so I'm just going to kind of let you chill uh or you know what you could go into the swamp water oh nope that used up more AP than I realized it did you're running away oh God he's going right after minol good as he tried to run away we just stabbed him great okay now we've fully routed him sometimes just by surrounding enemies you can pretty much kill them egil he was going to die anyway mol leveled up a fantastic fight as far as I'm concerned and we got plenty of gear which was the true goal of it okay now we can put all of this gear onto our people 510 crowns somehow just out in the wilderness so that's battle brothers that's the basic gameplay Loop here we lost a man you're going to be a decent Ranger so I'm going to keep you in the back um you deserve something slightly better for somehow surviving that combat also you deserve a shield now um I'm going to try and take good care of you uh myol if myol dies I will be sad keep that in mind okay minol deserves a shield now uh although his armor was great in that fight and then I'm just going to put in some wacky combatants here maybe you get oh no you can have a shield good uh Health Rick so I want you to keep everyone else alive we want to keep the people who will really take a hit on the outside I want to keep an investment in minol and also grimald I'm not getting my hopes up about hellick though hellick might die he's really just hasn't proven himself at all yet uh I'm thinking we'll probably stick with spear 20 to 35 actually blud although the spear gives less fatigue 40% ignores um uh all depending which one's better against armor bludgeon is better against armor but we're probably going up against more non-armored enemies right now I'm going to keep diodorus the second on the backline Behind these guys cuz they're going to need the support here now we're going to need some medical supplies minol I want to invest heavily in his HP so let's go ahead and give him Colossus first just because you know keep him alive for as long as POS possible and then we will give him more what are you good at unfortunately you are good at ranged like should I even be using you for this maybe I'll just put you on the backline honestly this guy would make a better backliner but I'm just not really interested in backliners yet we'll give him some range defense and some melee defense cuz it's pretty good for just about everybody and then I think that resolve is looking pretty crap [Music] um no fatigue fatigue is always useful I'll put it into fatigue okay heading back to Hol Island also feel free if you if someone proves themselves in combat and we give them a better name or like we just have a sillier name for them that is somehow appropriate go ahead and type it in and maybe maybe we'll get minol minol what what kind of name does he need there now he's not minol II servant not used to no we don't really want that um no contracts here unfortunately okay let's start investing in some tools and stuff like that buckler maybe we'll keep this equipment just cuz you get basically no money back when you buy these things how many days of food and money do we have four more days oh I need medical supplies Ah that's going to cost me all of my money though why am I suddenly sounding like Mr Krabs I'm not a huge fan of the wood cutters axe it's just super high risk so I'm going to sell it uh medical supplies I would like them because everyone is kind of hurt right after that one day of light wounds does it just help them like heal faster we could start a campsite too let's just go ahead and look around at the world around us we need more money we need need a lot more money now you can do like whole trading strategies you have to look at what each town is buying and selling um I haven't really had much luck with it myself but honestly it's something that we might look into if we are having a hard time making money okay um temples we'd have to pay a lot more for a grazed kidney on grimald now grimald is probably just going to die anyway so whatever we'll just leave him highrisk high reward Marketplace and let's go see what the contracts are okay we have to uh get something back that's been stolen 270 crowns we don't really have many choices here so we just sort of have to accept tracks it's probably brigands like it always is oath of Valor though we've got one out of three combats where we're outnumbered so we have to check on their numbers and see if we could do better than them in combat you weren't particularly good at anything that we excuse me that we need right now so I might just put you in combat as a body depending on what happens what kind of what was his profession so we get some ideas for minol he was a beggar yeah I think slum Lord he needs like slum well that could be his title slum Lord slum Lord I would say like ah that is a pretty good name pimp pimp um pimp uh pimpl marticus pimpl modus honestly a great name for a slum Lord pimpl pimpl modus pimpl modus the slum Lord that is a fantastic name grimald hasn't really proven himself yet and I don't want to give him just some like just garbage name because you know if he does prove himself then we'll name him pimpl modus though is a fantastic name for someone who is slowly proving himself okay we have Seven Thieves hang on a second so we can put another guy into combat and still uphold our contract here so let's go ahead and give him a Buckler and then this this Espen is definitely going to die um good I've put you next to jyree jyree is hopefully going to absorb the blows in grimald grimald will probably die jyree will definitely live hopefully pimpl modus will live I don't know like how my expectations affect their actual lives here and we have many brigand thugs all right let's just get a look at the enemy make sure that they're not so well armored cuz if they are okay yeah some of them are wearing sack cloths we're fine basically if they were in heavy armor I would have just run away you do not want to uh do that pimpl marticus it was a good name it was a good name all right all right so they've basically just yeed into us I don't really know how this goes vanta also amazing amazing all right yeah he's got to earn it okay so we want to keep pimpl modus in the middle we want to keep him on safe ground we're going to just handle the rest of the combat with that in mind I think these guys are all just going to die though they'll get engaged this guy will kill them and then we'll just do a good job on the right side said and these guys are going to get slaughtered up here so let's just do that I might be able to keep grimald alive with this formation I'm not totally against grimal living so let's go ahead and give him a shield wall walk him up one you're coming up now but it's going to take you a while to get around I'm going to put pimpl modus in put up your Shield wall scare them pass the turn okay now in goes Jim Frey The Warrior jimree is just basically the goat here and you will uh actually do I want you to Shield wall I'm just going to get you right into combat and you missed Jim Frey although I have invested heavily into your defensive measures so I can live with this now we want to keep everyone dead nearby pimpl modus so I think we'll go in with some sort of stab 89% is pretty great okay now we don't want grimal to get surrounded these two will probably die you go in there okay and you don't even have a shield so you're just going to hit people that's fine uh pass turn we got the shield wall up everything's okay everything's okay they're wavering our Shield wall is lasting grimald isn't dead yet death as expected you'll probably die everyone else is here though is more important than you so we're just going to you know leave them to whatever uh grimal got 18 Max HP wait a minute does he have 18 Max you're right he does how does he have 18 Max oh because the grazed kidney I probably should have take him just out of this battle although I'm more invested in pimpl modus at this point yeah I probably should have done that all right see if we can wound this guy wow honestly doing a great job with the stick but you're probably dead anyway okay good we've caused them to waver a bit we go in with our weapons now come on gy free ooh insta k killed by Jim Frey Advance scare him great pimpl maticus is getting good experience here okay going in after this guy cuz this guy's going to run away anyway so screw it ah this is how you make it into a massive positive feedback loop just get them yes that's what you want in combat okay see if we can keep Espin alive now this combat went way better than expected all right grimald good job see if we can take this guy out all right now I'm going to go for grimald try to keep grimald alive he's dead as expected one man must die for our sake for the rest of the company um we will leave room for pimpl modus here to insert himself into the combat and obtain more experience the brigand thug oh we have a 92% chance on this guy I'll take it okay um oh there's so many options to move we're going to have to get you some better weapons sir proving yourself so valiantly in this combat you're already running away let's go after this guy wow amazing combat just their resolve was so low okay we will run them down see if we can just entirely kill them all right great an awesome combat oh and Espen was only horribly disfigured he has a weakened heart which is pretty much like a death sentence um unless if we use him as a backliner which even still I like beefier backliners too I think think he's basically just on reserve forever but we got gear out of it and that was that was worth it yeah we got to we got to put grimald into um into the reserve now now that you've actually leveled up grimald you've preserve uh you've proven yourself oh I didn't realize that was minus 60% hit points that was such a horrible thing okay um let's try to keep him alive actually then grimald you have proven yourself you deserve a name I kind of like him as a frontliner though just because of his good defenses he's definitely going to take a lot of hits much as he has already uh resolve that needs to go higher it must be better I can't have one of my main frontliners with low resolve what is he also he won't flee in oh wait a minute he won't flee in battle why didn't I notice that okay I don't have to worry about his resolve that much never mind I messed up we'll give him Colossus or actually that minus 15 we'll offset that with this one and we'll just keep him in the reserve for a little while okay go back to the reserve you I'm probably just going to get rid of you either that or just let you die I'm going to see if it's useful to have you around I'm so sorry it just didn't work out you can have a slightly better Shield just to stay alive a little bit longer um grim Mal I like as for HRI [Music] oo I like squigs squigs Grim kidneys [Music] squigs wait what was his job he was a beggar H Grim kidneys it does sound like a convincing clan name squigs Grim kidneys HRI still has yet to prove himself but didn't get horribly disfigured so you know we'll give him a little bit more armor might live this guy might live guys uh let's go ahead Aspen uh basically just uh uh future uh fire fire me I'm sorry when they get badly hurt you need to get rid of them because they're just they're never going to be the same again the goal is to get guys to just never get hurt in combat it's not really a very morally sound way of conducting oneself but it works better in this game I'm going to give you the experience gain skill and do we have anyone else to level up you're upset because you horribly disfigured I'm so sorry it's just you know have to be utilitarian here uh do it for the good of company sword we could go with a pike now H weapons working pretty well honestly okay do we have to head back for our reward no but we've done two out of the three combats where we're good job good job we've done two out of three combats all we need is one more contract so let's see if we can get one more uh combat where we are outnumbered I'm going to continue with the theme of hiring people who are just absolute crap for our company rodri looks like a great fit we're going to hire him uh and we're going to keep going like this talking money oh wait a second what was this one overturned burial ground actually this is not a great contract for us right now oh why did I do that should we go to the temple to try to heal that kidney how much more time you need Boy 2 to six days we we don't have that kind of time okay that kidney is going into the temple 220 it's expensive but yeah I got to heal your kidney cuz I got to use you I got to use you I haven't done that in the temple yet but that is sometimes useful five more days it's going to be good pay good pay we're going to get from this uh from this set of contracts okay let's go ahead and look at our battle brothers now we got to be outnumbered in the next fight you are now healthy again why are you upset treated oh now it heals in 1 to three days okay all right that's acceptable I suppose rodri and fire me should we just fire you now all right we'll pay you 10 gold in compensation you deserve it yeah why why would be such a Splurge with all this money how are you with the everything else good range defense we'll not flee in battle we're going to have good resolve good resolve though we'll have good frontliners they won't run away they won't back down um now we're going to be fighting against the Dead who do have a lot of armor so I think that these uh these bludgeons should be a help against them again will keep uh pimpl modus in the middle the slum Lord HRI and singham's Grim kidneys uh will also remain in the middle because the middle guys tend not to get surrounded and that's good for them what does the compensation do honestly what does it do I I don't know I just couldn't live with myself not compensating him for getting a weakening his heart 10 gold maybe it's a lot of money though it is pretty brutal isn't it leave pay you what you don't believe in retirement packages what's wrong with you oh my God it's horrible and we'll give you a slightly better sackcloth squigs Grim kidneys okay as for other bits of pay let's go ahead and sell some of these bucklers cuz I tend not to use them the flail also the pickaxe maybe butcher Cleaver I'm just getting rid of all the trash I don't even I'm not even going to keep these sack cloths I just don't want to look at them um better to run nude bucklers I'm not really using it's just a little bit of money though uh short sword I almost think we should just go ahead and get some medical supplies to speed our recovery here we've got 15 all right three all right whatever we'll be good how about our armor what how is our armor doing we got 24 of those 9 hours okay we'll be good let's leave town let's go to this uh let's go to the burial ground and see what happens there where is the overturned burial ground I'm guessing we're following the footsteps right where is it anyway hang on a second oh it's over there my bad Sor right usually it's extremely obvious there's like a big gold coin over it hey there's a gold coin at the burial ground uh but how long do you need to recover one to three days I don't really want you to die you can die though okay you know what let's set a campsite so that we recover a little bit faster T we're going to set a camp site camp out see if we get everybody to recover okay sque's Grim kidneys has recovered and you will recover in 2 to 5 days I don't really think you're worth it hellick I'm just going to March you in it's only a minus 30 on initiative well does not have you move around that much sorry man I got to do it for the team we time's ticking time is ticking oh god oh this game has twitch chat integration okay we're fighting uh nox erors uh these things are pretty terrifying I wonder how many of them will be fighting though if we do get [Music] outnumbered honestly be good oh no we aren't outnumbered H well we still have time to complete our contract and maybe we'll stay stay alive because we're not outnumbered so I can use these Graves as defense rodri you have yet to completely prove yourself um prove that you're strong although we don't want them to like evolve into their crazy selves so I'm just going to start swinging at them immediately because when they do turn they get way powerful um okay I got to make room for pimpl modus to get in here just move in as far as you possi Poss L can move men we have to take these things down before they change don't let them change okay this KNX Zera is brutally wounded let's see if we can prevent uh who are you against squigs Grim kidneys I am slightly invested in you now let's try to keep you alive try to keep you alive man oh yeah you're bad at moving all right just do your best to hobble up to combat and we'll see how if we can get you there I'm sorry about this but at least the bright side side is you just won't die okay good so we have a nice pocket for them to walk into here you're running away you're scared I thought they had better morale than that okay squigs prove [Music] yourself right now I'm feeling kind of bad okay Shield wall I don't want you if you do die I'll be slightly pissed okay rodri honestly doing better Shield wall don't die um see can surround this noxer get him a shield wall okay good good job hlus support your men support your boy uh we can't we actually had great terrain you're never going to get to fight in this combat at all so just keep hobbling your way up uh you go over man you're never even going to get a hit in either we just Advanced on these guys taking them down nice oh okay now rodri honestly rodri exposed didn't expect them to go for rodri I guess they're going on the weak guy no rodri oh okay he just ate his friend you are never going to get to this battle are you oh God which one should we take down I think we got to take down oh you two will kill this one I'll take this guy good job good job you've done dimadis honestly not enough plays I've seen from you proud of you though you're going to take one for the team let's see if we can take out this one completely and the other one man I love getting in invested in the lives of fictional hexagonal people good yeah support rodri oh wait a minute no this was squigs we want to keep squigs alive now helrick just keep moving good job all right let's see if we can take down this one yes not a bad combat everyone lived even the those who walked in with brutal disfigure fig all right we will continue on our Majestic Quest unfortunately we were not outnumbered there but we have a few more days to do this right nine more days yeah we'll certainly be outnumbered before then let's also just level up fast because sometimes you get ambushed you don't want to let it happen uh what else do we add uh cut leg muscles and cut arm not like a complete well not completely cut right n just regular arm Cuts you can get some pretty horrible injuries in this okay so you won't ever Retreat I'm not as worried about your resolve then uh let's just try to keep your fatigue and your defense is high yeah uh defenses and actually attack yeah that's good okay perks I'll give you Colossus now hellick you've survived a little while I'm not really heavily invested in you but you know you can be a meat shield for now um Jim Frey we want to be very heavily invested in we want him to get good at dodging so I'm thinking we go with that just because we never want your boy to take a hit um get to zero in MA in uh range defense and then melee defense is useful initiative the initiative is basically dodged now so we'll do that and then maybe make him a little bit better with Mele attack just because we want him to get some hits in good job good job you've done Jim for excellent work unfortunately we yes we did everyone's upset because I had to fire the horribly disfigured guy it's just not the right line of work you know like combat I mean unless he would have died in the next fight he would have died horribly although there is one item in the game that can get you to um these Jagged fangs maybe I'll save those for an alchemist cuz this just isn't that much money here you know 31 that's not that good I feel like there was some guy I needed to give a slightly better set of like wearing armor too uh thick tunic I've seen a lot of Rangers use these and it's pretty good let's take another contract all right we've got uh contract deliver okay so this is delivery deliveries are usually very easy day to the Northeast not really any fights but whatever I'll take it uh I'm thinking now let's go ahead and just start investing in some food cured venison is going to last for a while so that seems pretty good just get long-term food little bit of tools a little bit of tools here and there stuff like that uh this is a very expensive price for tools though no actually what did I pay for that last thing did I pay a lot for the venison we need Eed it um worth 140 buy for 165 you want to start to buy item items that you could Arbitrage tried fruits is will last for 10 days I think we're about good right now though yeah I'm not buying tools here I wanted some tools but unfortunately I can't do that anybody injured horribly just about all of us but nobody's HP is down so much that it's not going to be worth it I we'll still take it this is a nothing contract anyway all right good crowns welld deserved go back into me Wick or wherever it is Caravan escort okay this is what we horribly died in the last time I accept the offer just because I oh wait a minute we're literally going right back to where we just were whatever F anyone cheap enough for me to hire here or to want to hire we have a vagabond we have a thief we have a flagellant might be able to take a hit I don't think we're really we're not really ready to expand our company yet and you know we want to we want to keep outnumbered here and this was easy money though basically just go there and back there and back again and we get de give me more contract let's head to the South again see if they have any more contracts there otherwise we'll head back up and go for other lands this is nice density in these first few cities a very good learning area but we're going to have to get out of it if we want to get more density of contracts yeah okay we could take a boat um yeah let's just make our way up we've got the same faction here wow they really control a lot let's go over there somewhere else nearby follow our company see if any contracts appeared nope sadly know you want to find like a nice little dense triangle of cities so that you can earn your money grind your skills get a little bit better in there oh God that's burning what happened there uh okay uh we're probably going to be fighting beasts in this next one who is probably going to be direwolves decent pay could be better I'm probably going to lose a man here I'm going to buy some more armor uh let's see Shields what Shields do we have what Shields do we have men uh cut leg Muses 1 to 4 days so what does that give you you're probably not very good at walking around right minus 40% melee defense I don't really like that uh okay we've made enough money now though that I think the medical supplies are worth of these are slightly overpriced but whatever I'll take them they're not as expensive as they were in the other place oh also the grain is a pretty decent deal still slightly slightly overpriced but but you know better than nothing better than nothing all right is all of our gear repaired we want our gear to be repaired because otherwise you could lose armor which is sometimes worse than losing your men like I hate to say it but yeah okay you've got cut leg muscles for how much longer I hate how it says one to four days I don't really want to fight them in the swamp if I don't have to wait a second no no no stop why in the sea my man like froze okay somehow we're just on the grassland when we're in the sea that's this is fine these things have insane initiative and they will just rip apart a couple of our men uh it's basically to be expected but jfrey and dimadis yes men can be replaced armor can't indeed uh unfortunately they've taken a really good position here um this was very smart of them I could take The High Ground or I could just engage them you are definitely dead if I walk you over here I think so I'm going to see if I can get you ah what am I going to do I could move my men in Shield wall formation around diodorus but then I'd have to come back and like swallow the enemy I almost just feel like going straight Shield wall here hang on a second what am I going to do I could pass and put them in lined up Shield wall formation and then put the strong Fighters at the front like pimpl modus who I'm a little bit worried about and squigs this is a an opportunity for squigs to die I don't like that I'm thinking that if I put you here Tundra let's just Teck the terrain we can try to like surround them that way yeah let's see if we can engulf them around here it's going to take a little bit more movement but I'm going to give it a shot um we're going to do a lot of walking Shield wall walk here then Shield wall then you take the high no you can't take The High Ground okay don't give them an opportunity to get The High Ground from you though I'm not heavily invested in you so I'm just going to focus on keeping squigs alive actually walk over here Shield wall you get back here then stab that one good okay now you go over here and shield wall all right I've at least created The Shield wall against the beasts they'll kill him I think they'll kill him unless if we manage to kill him first ooh I did not expect that that was a very fast maneuver I will swing and then I will shield wall with him okay you you are on your own here you've got to lead your men to Victory so let's get in some strikes here okay then just Shield wall wait for the wait for the good strong men to finish this fight okay all right okay decent decent hit diodorus good job generally speaking these guys can be extremely evasive which is very scary okay good we've caused them to waver as well keep hitting him what is that like fur armor ooh that was the right type of Shield wall that was the right idea good we've gotten him to completely Retreat okay this was a very aggressive combat but that could have easily gone worse good you are slightly wavering as well you will waver more no you didn't waver more unfortunately going for a kill this is high risk rodri ah you know rodri you might die but you had a good run of it you had a good run of it and it would have been worth it for our company okay they're running away uh I'll run them down I would like their pelts they are very expensive pelts unless if he somehow manages to rally and then kills rodri right there I'm just surprised that no one died diomus level up how come we got only one pel though kind of odd maybe he can use all this gold to own the dimsdale Dimmadome okay um after the battle you find rodri on his knees his his body swaying back and forth as he nurses okay so he freaks out this has worked for me before telling him everybody is scared we are all scared okay uh unfortunately the last time that happened the last guy that I said we're all scared he became suddenly optimistic I don't know why but this didn't work for rodri that's kind of a bad Omen for rodri I I think he's going to die no more disappearing villagers they love me in this village now um you can also see rebuilding effort some of the economical things about these cities well supplied um you can find things at decent prices here for the most part and then you look at what they specialize in um you get a decent amount of money for the wolf pelts uh let's see diodorus dimadis I want to keep you alive in case if the enemy somehow manages to engage you although I'm now seeing that you are responsible for so many men what shall I do with you diodorus you know uh the one skill I kind of like among all of these is Dodge so I'm just going to give him Dodge I do like it I think it's a good skill but let's keep investing heavily heavily into his melee combat and then also is resolve because that is now going to rub off on everyone and that's big for this uh this bigger company that could affect the whole team all right Myer Wick let's go ahead out to uh waser cou I'm definitely butchering that but I'm going to call it that anyway because it sounds funny waser coug all right wait a second how how maimed is everyone in our company as well rodri getting a little bit more invested in some of these men pimpl modus has kind of slowed down in his character development his character development Arc that's the other thing about having a big company is you kind of dilute the experience a bit so you want to try to keep the same group of men alive from the beginning to end though uh this is a horrible offer a second where is this I I just I want to get into a fight I'm going to pass that one up okay we have to fight thieves here this is good this is a good contract for us tracks near waser cou vaser cou I I don't know what it is waser cou all right let's get some uh I think we need to get some medical supplies now we'll sell the wolf pelts I've had better prices on these things but whatever we'll sell the strange meat too I just maybe I shouldn't do that maybe it's just good food all right this is about the best price we've seen so far on tools as well as medical supplies here are decent this is a horrible price for that uh I think we're good though on that let's get medical supplies and tools here fortunately we don't have to worry about ammunition okay so we have to get the property back I may want to camp for a minute though yeah let's Camp while everyone heals here we go whoops uh wrong button Camp so camping is going to make them heal a little bit faster you know get back on their toes we need one to two days 1 to three days 2 to 5 days light wounds let them heal these aren't permanent injuries I know it's like grazed eye socket it's like ah he'll be fine and lo and behold they recover totally fine rodri still getting the pierced leg muscles but I'm not a perfectionist so we're going anyway now these Bandits may have bows it might be helpful to attack at night thieves uh many brigand thugs okay so we are at six so technically we are outnumbered right here a prime opportunity a prime opportunity still not getting heavily invested in the men on the outside let's just go ahead and check their gear really quick [Music] um they may have armor here we've got a nice variation though of like um bludgeon versus spear sword two-handed pole arm okay I'm happy with this maybe we'll just fight them in the middle of the Plains again yep okay it totally happened and this is great positioning um we will take The High Ground because we have the first initiative you definitely cannot get on that though though you're going to go next you'll definitely take that square so I'm going to take it first and then Shield wall up here although I'm not really very confident in Hell Rick do we have an Archer no unfortunately we don't uh I've done well with one crossbowman like the default crossbowman otherwise though I I struggle naturally ooh this bush is a prime opportunity yes how who would dare to disrespect the bush in the middle of armed conflict do not step on the bush respect the bush again trying to keep pimpl modus alive very important to our team all right uh a little bit of waiver it's kind of weak though if you oh no he is surrounded by three never mind just because you're going to be so Central to this Shield wall I'm going to Shield wall you although it's not really necessary it does use up a lot of like fatigue but it's mainly our backliners doing the work here let's try to take apart the center of their line uh you know I could just leave you here and shield wall you let's see what they do yep sure sure enough they do come and attack us okay I'm glad I didn't put him in the middle cuz rodri is still probably going to die cuz he's wearing a sackcloth oh God I didn't anticipate you would go that far yeah what did I say though it's a good thing he didn't Advance up any further or he would have been dead faster squigs pimpus and now maybe hellick good job you've done hell good job you've done this Thug is definitely going to die this turn though okay great now we've caused them to waver but it's going to be tricky to surround them so what do we do with squigs grim kidneys do we just utterly win this fight or do we try to retreat him bet no you know we're still going to have to do a disarming if we go for the other guy um okay go for this guy 80 something per is always fantastic and then we'll see if we can kill one more because if we can get a bunch of them dead in a line it causes the rest to waver you know what I mean okay you might live probably not so I'll just give a random shot at something 47% I'll take uh okay yep like I said dead Skirmish Skirmish sisters the followup to battle brothers it's exactly the same game just they're all women are there any women in this game or are we taking battle brothers literally oh my god wow you actually have very low resolve I want to take this guy out cuz he could kill pimpl maticus pimpus still just doesn't have very good armor it's mainly the armor that's keeping my good characters alive there's not anything special about them it's just who is wearing the armor that person is like the noble and they get to live everyone else just dies for them okay good we got him to run away you want to get the domino effect on the enemy team that's the best you can do and when you have to fight whole armies on your own it is pretty brutal okay I think we just basically AFK okay the rest of this although who is in danger I'm really more worried about uh Jim Free's Shield than anything else you confident o I don't like that I want to take out the confident guy oddly enough here I just don't want him to be confident I don't like that confident that scares me with okay great you're running may we could route them all that's basically just a free dub cool Advance yeah we'll run you down just take the last of your gear uh I mean you can let them run away at the end of battle rodri died somebody was going to die I mean I'm surprised that this many have even managed to live for this long at all conflict relatives yes okay so now we've done the extra around for winning battles where we're outnumbered we're gaining less experience but our Renown increases and our men are are not fleeing in battle so we've done all the requirements to get the extra Renown which is great that's we want to be gaining Renown as a company so that you know we get just better deals on everything and whatnot um I think it gives us more crowns for contracts stuff like that Squam Grim kidneys is fantastic at defense let's make him into one of our frontliners uh we will invest heavily into his he has that trait where we he doesn't back down right yeah we'll never flee in battle maybe a little bit on resolve just for whatever else that could negative events characters gain confidence from positive okay so that does affect some things Panic fear or mind control so he won't flee but there's still other things that could affect him for his kind of low res he does have low resolve don't be fooled um don't be fooled um I think just more attack and defense for now is going to be great let's win the fights let's get him better at taking out enemies faster and we'll invest into his Dodge as well okay pimpl maticus time for your level up oh yeah I forgot that I was going to make you a backliner eventually we'll still do the range defense CU that's just fantastic he could take an arrow to the knee as well as an arrow to the face at this rate um okay we'll give you more initiative CU I just think having everyone able to dodge is super important to our company if you can Dodge attacks in heavy armor you're basically Immortal in this game which is important we don't want our company dying okay we've got a h money fellow that wants to pay it I think it needs another man's SL uh cell sword what is this Quest what does he want us to do uh monsters okay so we're probably fighting more of those uh KNX erors what is it worth 390 I think we're getting stronger I'm willing to just see if we're getting stronger now what is this disappearing villagers H where have they gone disagreement dudes also a valid name I think it's almost time to get more people and rename someone else Sig freed the homeless I'm almost ready to hire some more weak people I still think we're in the phase of hiring weak weak men although they are start going to start to seem very underpowered let's go ahead and see what kind of gear we got what gear do we have left are we ready to hire another man okay we have a uh blotched gambin honestly much better than what we were using let's give that to squigs Grim kidneys and then hellick hellick you are not so bad I can't think of any distinctive events that you've done besides just generally stand around and like survive although maybe it's time for us to upgrade you slightly what could he be well we'll see what kind of distinctive things he does he is very slow I think keep selling all of the kind of trash tier weapons and Shields and stuff like that dagger uh knife some of these are useful for alternate weapons for like Rangers sell that sackcloth basically useful or useless this is overpriced or we could keep it on exploring into new lands Greener fields and pastures new maybe we'll do that instead but let's hire maybe one more man because now we don't have to think about being outnumbered anymore okay Sig freed the homeless you have a home now I mean until you get hurt try not to get hurt or we'll or we'll abandon you okay Sig freed the homeless what happened to the other guy one two three four oh wait no that is six oh yeah he died I forgot about him sorry about that I'm not for well we'll never forget you what was his name again didn't we do that last night oh god oh wait a minute no we have a quest hunt down what terrorizes oh yeah okay though it could be direwolves again oh no it is nox erors okay five of them not so bad anybody permanently disfigured or injured nope let's just be victorious again here ah all right so what do we name hellick what distinctive things does he do he is a fast guy staying on the Cobblestone Road here is going to be huge just try to keep them in the water can you walk over that no but do I put you ooh he is like hell freck of the danger zone but we definitely don't want to be in the murky water ourselves um let's just see if he has enough AP to Shield wall when I put him there no uh what do you do here what do you do I think we try to crowd them although he will die if I Advance him up one more step he may already I mean we needed to do it for the mission hang a second one two three yeah uh okay I got to put you there just cuz we got to hold the line somewhere sorry man I'm sorry I am sorry we got to hold this spot to keep them in the muddy water That's essential in this fight squigs is going to come around the outside I think here good job good job you've done squigs let's put him over we'll put him in the backline he's not really going to get a lot done Squig him's the slow Squig squigs Grim kidneys kidney's looking a lot better now though okay now if we advance you I want you to support Sig free Sig free the homeless honestly that already sounds like like a legit name of somebody in this scuffed company some of them will take the road but do any of them go into the muddy Earth n they are going to go around the outside ooh who was that again honestly armor we shouldn't have had uh these weapons out o okay they're going to need help over on this side n didn't take him out wow very bad okay though we have routed him we've scared him it's hard to believe that these things they're basically zombies how would they be scared um what was that guy's name again oh that was Sig freed the homeless yeah sorry Sig freed the I kind of liked him I'm upset I wanted him hellick hellick needs a name now he's just kind of standing there in the middle oh God no they have oh God when they eat their flesh they get back all their health they can turn into this horrible spiral you got to get them before they turn just if you're kind of lukewarm in how you fight him is not going to go well oh God and he's dodgeable take this one out no this one's going to turn though too cuz he's going to eat Sig free the homeless or is that something like particular to You Hell freck oh he could take an arrow to the [Music] knee oh it's not looking too good for hellick right now hellick okay you got all one more chance otherwise you're dead man ooh okay all right somehow he's dodged it hell freck the near-death experience we'll go for just a regular hit here what about you okay see if you can keep your boy hellick alive I'm confident in you um potato opis or whatever your name is oh hellick did die I was right it was too soon to name him he's just dead hellick now hell freck the dead unless if he's brutally injured in which case I don't want him you know I don't want him I mean I want to want him but I can't want him you know yep he's definitely dead I'm glad that I didn't name him okay let's get all of the other teeth the other valuable teeth from this conflict Great noxer Is Dead great art in this game I hope no one got attached okay pimpl modus great uh great great fighter jyf Frey also leveling up okay Jim Frey can start to take more of the hits now so Jim Frey I think we'll give another uh Auto set of stats here we will continue improving his initiative because that improves his Dodge which is fantastic uh and then we will give him let's do more he's already pretty good in combat I don't want him to die CU now that there's not that many people left he's going to be taking more hits at last and now he kind of hits his stride um still yet more Dodge cuz that's basically like another 3% yeah 15% so five yeah 3% Dodge I think did I do the math wrong there whatever um and then just keep on investing in the defenses cuz that kind of happens regardless of whatever happens with the fatigue you know although the fatigue is definitely not bad to get a little bit more of or less of in this case who else is poor and in need of work no one okay well now that we've done all those quests I say that we just stay in these cities because it is nice to have a good relationship with a few cities get a lot of quests from them I mean eventually we'll go out but you know get good deals in there get good things going with them maybe get more crowns for each one have our Renown grow 1324 I'm starting to think it's almost time to buy a helmet or something like that which is most probably going to be more valuable than the lives of our men it's night so we aren't getting much done here has anyone heard of no no one's hurt they just killed that one guy I know it's morbid but that's just the way this game goes I know it is I know I'm not actually a bad person I just am a sist uh uh um here we go talk pay uh what is this one okay disappearing villagers yep uh okay so then this is probably more werewolves or whatever it is direwolves uh our men are in decent Spirits decent Spirits are men are in I'm not paying a lot of money for people though because you would think in this game oh you pay more money for a guy he'll definitely be better not necessarily true so nobody flees in battle oh wait a minute this is due to my oath that I've taken this has nothing to do with all the other stuff I did all right so what do you have good melee defense you're a good front liner already I've I've found a lot of good front liners it's nice to get good front liners early but I would prefer backliners just I worry about what would happen with them but this dude is such a tank that I'm not worried about anybody okay we've got too many um a 110% effective against armor 150% effective against armor actually I take it back I didn't realize these are some of these are so bad against armor okay let's give somebody a pickaxe that's kind of crazy yeah just take down the enemy's armor and kind of alternate them maybe I should start considering more of those effects I feel like I would do better in combat if I were more aware of what weapons do what yeah either that or just get a bunch of stuff that's kind of like middle level 100% effective against armor yeah but if we're going up against um direwolves right now we're going to need swords yep okay so get rid of that although don't they have like fur armor it's just men in fur suits that were fighting it's armor it's fur suit armor oh wait no it's not fur suits at all it's noxer uh how do I feel about fighting noxer in the woods I think I would rather just deal with them on Flat Lands let's fight them over here give us The High Ground my voice sounds like it's full of wisdom I always thought I sounded confused like maybe I learned something but I forgot it there used to be a teacher at my high school who kids would say that he had the meaning of life in his wallet but then he lost it and honestly I that is the goal of life I think I don't like this positioning at all I think I want a back pedal here or side pedal although you got to fight these guys fast too spear wall would be good yeah probably could have gone in with the spear wall instead yeah maybe giving my men more alternate weapons I hadn't really considered that much you know like no armor going with the guy with the sword I feel like these two are going to be pretty ineffective I think we rush in with our swords and then we send the other guys out to help them Shield wall I think that's the only thing that's going to work here got to take him down fast you you go there I'm taking a risk here I might lose a big guy in this fight okay you can basically just fight entirely on your own and then can you some get over there uh okay I've used up a lot of energy though getting to those positions I don't really like this but at least they are kind of limited here and they're going to have to walk around to help their buddies out I'm not worried about you I think you'll be okay through this entire conflict it just takes so much to kill you so I'm going to go support the other guys good good you had to walk around in order to get what you wanted now what we're trying to to do is we're trying to kill them before they change into their final form which is very scary uh and they get way more powerful so we can kill these guys fast that's what I'm going for here I know it's not great positioning okay good we've started to Route them good surround him um just fight fight them down good good my men I feel like such a visceral Rush of Rage when I play this this game and it feels great I got to tell you like it really makes me feel alive when I take down enemies in this game wow actually these guys are killing it uh that spear wall idea is pretty sweet I mean like my uh my sword is doing well you know these I'm starting to kind of more visc understand or like more palpably understand the difference between the types of weapons in this I guess like no your enemy that you're going up against and then equip your men accordingly therefore based on what you will experience in that combat okay good we can totally run them down and get more teeth out of this combat no literally they'll drop their teeth these things have surprisingly low morale okay nobody leveled up but we did get some teeth a great day for the battle brothers okay um heading back here making lots of money remember it could all go wrong in like 3 seconds yeah we didn't get any range weapons we have a uh oath taker start so we have pretty much just melee oath ters actually favor melee only although we have pole arms everything is so expensive here jeez um does that mean that we could sell things for a high price point too h no I mean we're not really getting a great price for these I will sell my sticks [Music] um 110% effective against armor a hooked blade is pretty sweet range of two tiles chance to head is higher though it does take a lot from fatigue I mean think of all the maneuvering you'd have to do with that feel like we get these from some good enemies I feel like we just don't really have much of a backline here but it does allow for good maneuvering I'll leave it for now yeah getting some backline might not hurt although it's hard for them to get surrounded and I think they're great for morale right here which is what keeps me on this train right now ol rck what are you you're a tailor not really a great profession another day tailer in Wolf I think I have enough money that I can hire more meat Shields now I I like the profession so I'm willing to take it we have another day tailer here you come equipped with a knife but I'm probably just going to unequip it immediately so let's try wolf hire men cheap get a good core of soldiers going you have basically no traits although you're good in melee combat and okay in ranged um let's keep on varying our weapon classes as well okay so on the outside here we're getting a little bit too much like nonpar related let's keep you on the outside squigs or even pimpl modus might be able to hold on his own because he is powerful oh but squigs actually has better defense squigs Grim kidneys I'm keeping you at the front line and I'm shifting everyone over Jim Frey is going to hold the out side because it's very difficult to hold the outside where is the enemy most likely to send their armored men probably at the center so let's go ahead and put these um uh what bludgeons I'm sorry bludgeons is what you call it a bludgeon of course we'll kind of alternate those so that we can hit the enemy's armor and then in the middle we have Spears and Blades so that we can hit non armored enemies um and that's like potentially a little bit more effective you know slice them slice I and dice Spears are yeah Spears are pretty good oh they have a bonus hit chance it's pretty sweet yeah let me examine them a little bit more closely I don't actually where does it actually say that bonus to hit chance or is that in the abilities themselves plus 10% chance to hit but what if we give him a spear plus 20% oh I actually did not know that oh just because of the ability itself it's not listed on the item I did not know that thank you okay so we're really better off with that than a shortsword maybe later on we'll think about a short sword what about an axe I bet that's more unwieldy right yeah no bonus there okay so Spears are pretty good early on hey thank you I did not really understand that mins appreciate you thank you yeah feel free to just like run anything by me if there's something that I'm not seeing it will help me um what's his name the other guy is pretty much a combat veteran or he just doesn't have to worry about anything so we can just keep him with the sword it is nice to have a guy with a sword such a classic weapon I say we just I know it's a little bit boring of me but just keep going back and forth between the same few cities we do have faction relations here so um doing pretty well with these people house uh Ross and Ving wait a minute why are they not happier with us we've done all their quests generally speaking the more we do for them the happier they should be with us also Gunna CX thank you very much for the prime o another cheap guy he needs only $30 you're hired okay we will give you a shield and hope that you live uh what else do you need um okay take a sword or just a pickaxe cuz why not it's silly always inflicts at least 10 damage to hit points regardless of armor that's kind of sweet I don't know that oh God okay um what are you good at are you good at anything you don't eat a lot this is the B the benefit of hiring beggers and he has a 90% chance to survive this man is a meat Shield they like it every every every definition oh my God yeah keep him with the company for a while he will just keep coming back also Bela stala thank you very much for the Prime oh settlement quests and not Noble quests I did not know there was a distinction thank you maybe getting better quests when we get like higher Renown all right people are fu ious um do you know what brigand okay so it is brigands nothing too crazy though brigand can be pretty insane okay so it's thieves probably just regular brigands if I'd have to guess follow the tracks okay we are following the tracks where are the brigands of which you speak something about this game man abandoned wagon oh cool we got lucky there are some things where you can just totally abandon your quest and just like take stuff I would rather fight you in the sea I don't really like fighting on marsh land the sea is just somehow PLS I don't know how this has become a thing but yeah o kind of a cool setting I like the weather in this game right so let's go ahead and check our enemy armor it looks like the guys on the top have less armor so we kind of want to alternate our line here you could also go spear wall on them I'm thinking they have to approach no one really has particularly amazing armor at this point in the game though to to be fair though our armor is really on the top half I'd like to shift these lines I'm thinking if we move you over here oh and we'll put our Spearman on The High Ground yep you go over here pass your turn you get off of The High Ground cuz I don't need you there and move slightly to the north that way you could deal with them spear wall you use the bush as defense good unfortunately we didn't have a chance to spear wall there but yeah they've basically just rushed into me like I wanted them to okay now I can go in against armored enemies I think we'll fill out the rest of this line here and then allow him to get surrounded have I tried any of the mods no unfortunately I haven't tried any of the mods I'm like pretty terrible at the base game so I'm just pretty much getting by but yeah know I mean like maybe in time similar to FTL really what do I want you to do Casmir you have yet to totally prove yourself wolf also I wonder if they'll even rush into this space you could just fight this guy randomly up here if you want you're kind of useless to me um I almost just feel like giving the other guys more experience ah you could just one V one this guy in the north um but you know what stay in Shield wall formation just to stay safe you go here and just get right to work just fight you need experience gy free and then you fill out this part of the line good 59 chance per chance to hit both let's see if we can eat out the top uh top part of this line get rid of them okay you are not armored you are standing in front of me and I have a spear oh no I have failed oh God the guys on the right flank we got us cool gear yeah maybe get some better armor get like a what is that a a g ambon or something like that what do they call that that is actually decent armor I feel bad for slashing it now pimus got such great armor early on that was fantastic okay take them out one by one good good good oh no they're actually Shield Walling that is a rather intelligent move like good enemies in the game tend to Shield wall okay you Tred to stay alive I think I paid $30 for you I paid $30 for you join us oh my God okay good now they are actually starting to waver hit him from The High Ground with the spear I knew that was a good idea okay now we rush in fill out the rest of the ranks okay you're just fleeing now they're almost all in route oh no you failed your One V one am I surprised see he's totally fine he just has so much armor we're never going to have to worry about this man okay you're the only one who's not in route or in route routed the enemy and Route is something totally different and go like this uh almost all of them are are routed except for that one man so just run and now we just do finishing blows to him nice wow all right maybe you can prove yourself in this next part let's see if we can get you some experience or maybe not even Shield wall and then oh I could have done spear wall nah okay he's just going to run away we'll just let him go nope hit hit yes more experience and I'll just pass my turn the rest aren't going to do anything here it's over o see he survived missing a f oh that is annoying minus 5% I mean he's just kind of going to be a meat Shield we knew uh broken arm uh all right yeah you'll get over the broken arm I feel bad but you know there wasn't much El see he was a beggar he what a what oh God we gave him a good honest living and we took his finger oh nano bits thank you very much for the 26 months appreciate you think of all you could buy for $30 oh man I will put him in reserve though because he's not very useful to me right now um he'll just straight up die actually because he lives 90% of the time that's amazing yeah let's just leave him in just cover the upper flank and well you know if nothing else then he's more room for squigs and like uh pimpl maticus to gain experience is Casmir is getting a little bit better okay melee defense health I like these passions and he initiative is good for the Dodge later on we'll take that yeah perks um okay yeah let's get you off on the right start we'll give you some more experience learning learning is always good now squigs Grim kidneys I think we'll go up the same tree again with him we'll go up for more stats more stats get more melee and more range in case you never know we might run into something at any time um I say they aren't really wavering right now because we've done really well in battle but it might turn South the main idea is just to totally overpower the enemy and never even have to worry about morale at all um that doesn't really apply if they outnumber us but just don't get too badly outnumbered I guess is really the come up it's um like be tactical with it okay if you're going to be in combat so long from being so alive I might as well give you more fatigue 640 crowns that was great okay we're being paid a lot of money now at last maybe it's time to look into the armor maybe invest in some better equipment for our men um like a male shirt some of this stuff could go a really long way I know that they're very expensive but also these things stay with us um and they last for a very very long time and it basically gives some man like a life you know he'll stay with us for a good long time I think the reinforced wooden flail would be good against heads would be good against heads but I think we've got a pretty good balanced weapon set I'm going to sell that cuz it's valuable right here I'll sell some of these bludgeons CU I've already got a lot of them um H hatchets I just haven't made much use of I hate to say it 2,000 gold though now I'd like to keep a little bit in case if we get some idiot in our company um now keeping mind these things do raise fatigue maximum fatigue minus 14 - 18 like are we good enough even to get these things yet I don't really know Shields can be destroyed somewhat easily too maximum fatigue minus 14 range defense plus wait a minute why am I so excited about this oh wait that's not as good as the kite really what do I have on my guys to begin with you have a oh you do have a heater Shield what if I got you a kite Shield I mean I don't really need to think about your defense I'm thinking about everyone else's I say we get another set of armor and give it to [Music] somebody helmets might be useful too yeah he doesn't even have a helmet body armor and helmets I just feel like these things are going to be useful but how much do I buy if I buy two of these I can get the whole company armored pretty well and I do want to spread it across multiple men now what won't totally kill their fatigue to my - 5 this so basically the more HP it has the more fatigue it does to them too like this thing is insanely powerful all right let's invest some highend equipment there we go yeah nice spread a nice spread across multip oh my god um let's go ahead and get you into better armor cuz you do look like you could survive you have proven yourself pimpl modus you get better armor now you are officially upgraded to valuable Knight I don't hate you anymore you can live okay let's give our let's take care of our other men except for that one guy except the one guy who you know actually this happens to be the best armor we've got now that's you're doing pretty well man I don't know what to say you're doing a pretty good job to have gotten this far um let's see okay I'm low on money two more days two more days I don't know why I did that I went on a bit of a Splurge there uh I may need to sell the teeth before we get to an alchemist unfortunately even those direwolves potentially could be a good Target oath of Valor um okay cool a two skull contract we'll take it Whatever It Is brigands okay we'll do it 690 um H brigands can be tricky here though I didn't expect us to get a quest this fast get this sack sack cloth out of my inventory immediately Hood could be useful just so that I can pay my men I'm selling the teeth now unfortunately I can't really get a better price for those um food uh I think we've just got to buy some ground grains for now stick to cheap Foods cheap Foods pimpl modus had one of the best names of all the names so yeah that is true he was going to you know inevitably survive at all I think I'm going to get a hood for this guy in the middle simply because he doesn't have anything and then the guy on the outside just screw him because he's probably dead anyway sorry I mean wasn't everybody else in this company look we took pimpl maticus from a beggar wolf what was wolf he was a day tailer squigs Grim kidneys also a beggar yeah all Beggars and day tailers they're doing great give them the work they need the work they deserve the work they desire okay we're following the tracks try some dogs very useful cost three points which you kind of can't oh actually I had even thought of getting our own dogs I mean I'm I'm sure they will meet a Grizzly end most probably wait a second oh God why go after them what they are so fast these guys okay we slightly out running them I'm not sure if it's due to the size of our com company like in Banner Lord oh no they have Necromancer oh well Necromancer schmeck romancer um do I have to run away I'm pretty sure he can bring back his own guys and resurrect them from the dead right like that can be horrible if you leave the necr you basically have to fight the entire thing twice I mean I am confident in US yeah we got to snipe that guy we just don't have the range he's probably going to be on something in some higher territory just kill oh kill them completely all right yeah we don't have we don't have range I'm just trying to think should we run away like would be better off I don't want to give up the contract though I'm going all in boy all in where is he's probably hiding in the back yeah they'll be weak Z IES they won't be very good um whom should we take out I guess if we take out all of them I'm just trying to think I mean naturally you want to focus maybe I could have this guy go after him though he's not very good for the chase because of all the armor I could have you stand up there and see what happens yeah let's just take a high point now they've engaged me at just such different speeds yeah you know what take The High Ground take The High Ground get like entrenched up there see what they do all right nobody has great armor in this company a little bit better on the back line and you up there in the north have good armor so I'm though you have decent armor too all right let's take a hit at you good get through that okay this guy could really take out the armor so okay Arnold you've somehow survived made it up to this Point here's your chance to prove yourself again and you failed sorry about that maybe it'll work better in the next when you're I don't know like reincarnated or something um okay good take out this one guy while we can nice get in some type of hit okay ah zombie okay don't love that but now we got to kill the Zombies but they're pretty weak pretty weak zombies The Necromancer has shown himself now though I got to get rid of this pickaxe before he does anything dastardly with it see look he's doing dastardly things now I think if we focus on a guy and then we kill a zombie that's going to be the best way to focus through this fight because if we kill them all and then we kill the it gets kind of tricky yeah get the zombie first and then get the rest so are you like buffing yeah he's buffing the zombies he's his puppet destroy armor or batter all right let's destroy your armor nope he missed all right you suck sorry man it's been a good it hasn't really been a good life this is your second life right now possessed double grip man it's a zombie with a weapon though okay I'm going after the Necromancer just cuz he's going to make my life so much worse right here here with my good fighter take out that zombie totally good job you can rise a zombie from the zombie yeah I know it's unfortunate having the armored guy Chase The Necromancer why did I do that why did I do that how many people can he necromance at once though that is the question you are just basically meat for the enemy good your armor is doing well good look he can charge the Necromancer now fantastic take him down um okay zombies are getting weaker as we keep killing them it's kind of bizarre shouldn't it be I guess we didn't take out the zombie brain this Necromancer though honestly I thought we would die I thought this would be like famous last words right here all right let's see if we can get UD to Route too honestly pimpl modus MVP I love bringing up some guy from the slums you know he was just a beggar and then we brought him out and gave him a career and a good life good good this dude is like undefeatable Invincible what happens if we stand over the corpse of the [Music] zombie you know let's try to get the domino effect fight off the routing guy fight off the routing guy see where that lands us I guess the zombies don't really have any resolve like not an afraid zombie that seems kind of ridiculous good job good job we've frayed the necromancer's Hat oh you get shoved when it stands up ah thank you I mean I think we're just killing them too fast for them to do anything to us though good okay that's the second death you've died you'll be fine don't worry about it um I got him cuz he's a survivor man okay now I think we can start focusing on just take out all of them you look pretty rough right there pimpl modus could probably use better fatigue now though oh look at him go good job pimpl modus you've done well he's too focused on combat to do any necromancing good take it yes oh I'm the goat actually I'm not a goat I am a knight that was fantastic though wow look at that I wish I could zoom in amazing fight um who else is here Casmir you still haven't done anything really of note stop worrying about the zombies actually take out that one now it's just clean up once you kill the Necromancer the rest of the band is extremely weak it would be very fun to play as an Necromancer though and just lead around an army of zombies completing contracts for people let's see if we can catch that other guy oh and we can wow look at it it looks like he's like regrouped over there too take out another zombie and it looks like this guy is going to be afraid nice okay easy I wish there were a faster way to speed through this part of combat I know that you can for the surrender but I just wish the engine went a little bit faster yeah I will run this guy down he has good armor absolutely I will fatigue kicking in a little bit more walking and he has regrip but you have no chance of destroying my heater Shield right I think it's time we give pimpl maticus a better weapon he's kind of outgrown this bludgeon don't you think yeah this is a GG oh God this guy's still standing why don't we just recruit him instead you don't have to die just join us um yeah we kind of want you man want you for the team he's still going at it with a pickaxe okay there we go good wolf see this is what I'm talking about with good gear oh nice dark rugged cir coat we could put that on the guy who keeps dying uh so what oh no Arnold the weasel actually did unfortunately die for the first real time he had a 90 excuse me 90% chance of surviving ah we got to find another guy who keeps coming back uh from the dead wolf You Can level up um I'm liking my company now getting everybody outfitted in better armor it feels good it feels really good not going to lie what are you good at you're good at combat I could have you as a decent backliner maybe with like a hooked uh spear or something like that yeah that requires a lot of uh fatigue though I think I'm going to up his fatigue and I'll also up his initiative is nice but I think a little bit of ranged defense would be good for him let's also get him another perk okay we'll up his experience I might shift you to the back line here man thinking you would be good really in any position back there but with some type of pole arm maybe behind pimpl modus I'm getting a very very strong right flank now squigs Casmir needs to level up a little bit more before I'm impressed pimpl modus though should have been a backliner but I just didn't have time for it I didn't I didn't have that need so we'll keep doing your defenses survivability is always great um give him fatigue just cuz he's not performing well into this or maybe I should just totally pivot with him there's like 33 levels in this game it does go go a long way I'll get you a ranged weapon and have you start shooting either way range defense is going to be useful for a ranger and if he gets charged melee defense is still not bad for him yeah maybe he'll start upping his range attacks he's kind of a jack of all trades unfortunately maybe there's room for that though maybe there's room for that I want him to be able to defend himself if he does get charged kind of like this guy he keeps getting charged they always gun for him okay we'll keep upping that resolve and a little bit more attack yeah this guy's actually got some meat Shields this time that didn't work for me the last time you are definitely a pole arm Mastery person uh this is a pole arm right yeah second standard yeah pole arm two-handed okay so that's not going to change anytime soon unless if they destroy the banner yeah he a wolf could be could be an Archer but I like the two melee skill and he's already got more of it so I think I'm going to give him a pole arm or uh like a long spear Pitchfork something like that um who else were we looking at you pole arm Mastery skills build up 25% less fatigue that way he can sustain in combat for a long time a rare coin collection what a dumb Quest to almost die for one did die in the name of a coin collection hopefully there was like a steel penny and a and I don't know like a Delaware quarter in there or something oh no [Music] um now I'm regretting not getting that oh wait no I already do have those never mind what are we doing on tools as well I feel like our gear took a beating in that fight only 190 okay great that's a good deal on that uh and just might as well get some more grain Provisions while we're in here anybody else cheap do we have any ranged weapons to nope no ranged weapons might save this thing just because it doesn't give a lot of fatigue and it's decent armor for a ranger when we do start to do that Rangers have you don't want to overload Rangers basically just keep them out of combat and hope for the best sometimes they get sniped and it's pretty depressing when they do right so we haven't found exactly what you need here oh wait no we do have a pitchfork for you have a pitchfork with your name on it [Music] hooray Steve's Tom Foolery thank you very much for the 100 bits it's going to say something funny but you forgot I forgot the meaning of life sorry I don't have it available for you H windlands grinberg grinberg grinberg it's a pun get it I like staying in the same lands though just like Patrol these areas it's kind of safe around here ooh went Above and Beyond in fulfilling the oath everyone is in good spirits and content let's go see our men iang got a second okay see ah everyone's happy pleased in good spirit Pierce chest we did get a pierced chest in that wait a second what does that actually do that can't be good oh no way higher fatigue oh that's bad getting the expensive occasionally those expensive guys for like 10K can be really good but you do get to a point in the game where you have more money than you know what to deal with this is very hard to get to that point killer on the Run uh I don't know if I I want that does anyone have a ranged weapon we do have an anatomist here fisherman Apprentice that just seems like kind of risky to have occasionally I think you do have like personality related events that kick in like that one dude who freaked out after we went into combat okay package delivery 320 crowns that's great okay this is actually a great contract nice um yeah we'll go back to saddle so not bad mainly what we're doing is grinding up uh you know the team get everybody up to higher levels this game has a very high ceiling like guys can get up to I want to say it's level 33 and then I've read that in in war and I've never made it that far I think I've made it to like eight but in war in the North you can get up to level 42 which is insane and I haven't even got up to that DLC and I was like okay I want to do the I like do the free one that everybody just has access to with the game and then I I definitely want to do war in the North I think it's like a like a $9 DLC fantastic deals fantastic deals thorban uh you are another day tailor I would like to replace the man that I just would let die all the time so let's go ahead and see I have the gear for you anyway I like to keep my company around seven too many and you're paying too many men too few and everyone gets hurt and that's no good either I want to focus on Wolf's development maximum fatigue minus 8 maximum fatigue minus 4 and that is 60 versus 80 I'm going to give you the necromancer's cloak so you can feel extra cool in it and then you what do I give you what are you good at are you good at anything you're good at taking hits you're good at getting beaten up that's why I hire these men okay I will give you the pickaxe and you'll be on the outside side again um let's see anti armor anti armor uh actually no you will get let's give you a sword ah that way I have two guys with the armor in the middle cool what is the Pitchfork good against it's good against uh non-armored all right we have like decent variation here I'm thinking we put our standard Bearer back here because these two can pretty much hold their own now this is a very strong part of our line so let's try to keep it balanced you don't want it to be too unbalanced otherwise the enemy is just going to totally like run you over on one side and from there oh wait was there a bow in the shop oh jeez hang on a second thank you okay 10 more 10% more experience is good we've already pretty much handled ourselves in terms of the pay thank you armor did was there a boat where was the boow did I miss the bow we do have javelins did it go away oh other shop below which one oh the shop in the town below oh in the city before this one man I totally missed that oh well um what else should we do for Shields feeling like I want to trade up yeah bow could be useful there all right let's go back see if we can get your boy some armor oh wait a second along the road come all across a man with a bunch of stopped wagons real wagons are cages presing as a prison for wild animal he's get a while look on his face hey you in here former stranger of the battle toads our company the man straightens up oh sell SWS then it okay so what do you need help with uh mild M rears back SN okay one of my helpers I can't get to town with that m a pouch of t one of my helpers got too close and well yeah I can't go into town with that mess in there so I thought maybe you could help me fish it out oh we might have to fight a wild man I don't want to do that sounds like an event that could just kill a guy instantly hate to say it like it would be cool to have an event where you just fight some crazy wild man but I'm just sensing like you know will you send one of your crew aboard to investigate like no absolutely not don't die on me okay cool a bow at least it's something right do we have a quiver we may need a quiver we haven't bought any ammunition so far either okay let's go ahead and see if the Fletcher has cool he has some oh why didn't I check that too I feel like such a dingus okay I'm going to go ahead and sell some useless stuff see if we can get some more money here uh rugged cirat it's okay but I think we're on to better armor classes here I just don't really want to sell these though um [Music] 53 light crossbow is so good for like somewhat inexperienced people though range of six tiles range of seven tiles damage of 30 to 50 damage of 30 to 50 doesn't one I'm pretty sure that crossbow is better for guys who are just okay quiver of bolts quiver of arrows or we could get both we won't have much money to feed our me hang on a second let's just go see if there are any quests the worst thing you can do is have people abandon you so I feel like just leaving this Fletcher here and coming back later we're clearly going to get better stuff from that Fletcher let's just leave our company as it is as it stands right now I just don't have enough money um worst thing you can have is just totally lose party members like they abandon you because you didn't pay them and it's sad uh I will equip the bow when I have a quiver of arrows I think I think you need a quiver for it but thank you in my experience bows can be extremely deadly but they also can suck I want to train him on a crossbow though if I can do that and they get great experience to those guys cuz they're getting so many attacks in combat and then they basically just never take a hit and they get so many opportunities go back over the same few cities and then maybe we'll start to get better quests come up I like the proximity of these ones to each other okay cool another one stock money I accept your offer what is this really cheap one okay super quick contract quick escort Mission nice we need to get uh five more quests in 10 days so anything we can do to get experience like any type of fighting would be great in this time little bit of that cool another contract I don't even know what I'm doing it's very cheap Caravan literally a caravan escort right back to the Northeast okay kind of useless we'll just do that and then I guess we'll get into some combats but that's super easy yeah just keep walking back and forth make sure that nobody attacks us in like the safest area mywi is now well supplied oh great so now we can buy things here um what's this worth to you brigand fighting brigands following tracks to brigands okay and we are now well supplied so let's go ahead and see if they have any decent gear they do have another bow uh ooh good prices on medical supplies I feel like just stocking up on things that are cheap here yeah we'll get some medical supplies here cuz we will use them is all of our armor good everything's fine though we will need tools before the next one though I definitely didn't want to buy them there oh wait Provisions food thank you I needed that I forgot that what is cheap this is pretty good oh this is really cheap let's get fish cool don't get too much at once unless if it can stay good for a while just cuz then it you know obviously it goes bad and you waste your money so it is kind of grindy here you know It's a Grind battle brothers but it's a fun grind you know like you get very very attached to the men in your company I think that's my favorite thing about this game is that it does actually create story we seem to have gotten some kind of red White theme here like unintentionally so I guess we'll just stay with it aside from our main dude I'm going to wait you can always use your turn later but I want to see if they Advance toward us use up their action points you press space to wait so you don't have to end your turn but you can delay your turn to go later so you don't get screwed over if you have high initiative um I think we line up here and then we take the high ground with our Banner carrier yeah uh you have armor Killers so I'm just going to go try straight in and kill you um unfortunately you have to go over this hill if you want to fight him that is bad and then otherwise we just line up and defend the hill prevent them from getting to The High Ground to try to keep it for ourselves High Ground is pretty important in this game I think we just charge in on you two and let these other guys fight it out for themselves who has worse armor umm this looks slightly worse than the other guys you have good armor okay you have a pickaxe but I also don't want this guy to be alone so I will shield wall here to hopefully buff everyone okay this is looking better now um and I don't want you to get rushed so I'm going to hold this point that way nobody can get through this control Zone and then let's just try to take this guy out okay things are actually happening now I'm going to put you up on The High Ground just so you have a really good position to hit everybody from and then you go in with your pitch fork h i could have got on for him since he has less armor I think I'm starting to get more of the combat systems little nuances of armored versus not armored though which took me long enough okay so this guy does better against unarmored foes since he has a spear we'll do that then try to clean up with the bludgeon guys yes RIP Anakin it' be kind of cool if they made this game in like a futuristic setting although I think it works here definitely works for this game so he had low armor so I went in right for him I think that worked better cuz we got a very quick head cut off who has better I think this guy has worse armor so I'm going to try to stab him going for the well armored guy with my bludgeon since it gets through it slightly better than the other weapon um you're not going to do much to us but you are so okay I mean that answered my question okay and then this guy is just a freaking Beast um oh how did you get through there that was weird I don't want you to hit me so I'm going to try to push you away no that didn't work at all never mind oh yeah Menace different genre yeah they are making another game who was the studio behind battle brothers again actually it escapes me right now it was um overhype Studios I wanted to say it was someone else but I totally missed it yeah amazing taste or like great game design it's what I mean to say roses are red violets our blue eyes pretty good who is closer to dying I think you yep wow man that is such a thrilling anim like for a game with basically static Sprites the animations are great which is what makes it kind of come to life I feel like ah there's just something satisfying about Domino your enemies oh wait a second wrong guy I should hit the other guy never mind all right let's just see if we can get it oh nope that could be a death sentence for me for that one dude you have combats where you're totally dominant and then one prized fighter just gets totally like mauled at the end of it okay ah good man that guy's a really good fighter ah hey Lee gumbo how you doing thank you for that yeah I was like I don't know this is a pretty amazing game it's like this game kind of came out of nowhere and hit me too it's it always feel like you got away with something when you find a good game and like you didn't even know about it but it has all this great DLC and like extra content and stuff like that too but even just the base game is so freaking good also jmac thank you very much for the 10 months was it hooded I wanted to say I thought thought that it was hooded horse for some reason cuz I thought I saw it on a page am I totally off with that did they pick it up now or is it h that went okay you're pretty not great at what I thought you would be good at if you just need more melee skill more accuracy and this is also not that great a weapon either so I do apologize for that sir okay cmir you're ready to level up I think I'm going to make you into a frontliner all around so yeah let's just keep buffing your defenses o and double HP is great um I'll take that nice and then we'll also give him more Dodge extra Dodge is just such a blessing also vanta thank you very much for the five months appreciate you these daggers believe there's a skill you can bypass armor and kill the thugs without the dest oh yeah I've seen some wild things with daggers I haven't really fig figured it out myself but I'm like ah there just seemed like so many missed opportunities I'm still pretty green I'm still extremely green actually um if that is not already inherently obvious here we go a little bit more food now we have tons of food 8 days of food cloth rolls are cheap but I still have yet to find a place where I could really sell these things for much more oh here we go the hooked blade this is what I wanted 675 but we'll give up all of our money to get there I think we haven't really been using the pickaxes the hatchets the spears I might the dagger I'm not so crazy about but I will throw that in there anyway the rest we're not doing much with and honestly the bow I think I'm just going to end up doing a crossbow instead unfortunately also vanto with the 25 gift Subs geez Louise thank you very very very much I do appreciate that's very unusually Pleasant and nice of you and generous this game is very punishing to agree so far it is indeed very punishing unless if you like are very very careful from the beginning also vanto what have you enjoyed in the videos so I can make more of it please I never feel like comfortable accepting that I hope that you're not putting yourself at any type of financial need whatsoever for my sake it goes without saying but yeah um like if there is anything that you enjoy watching it does I do I do take it into account or like I don't know that would mean something or just like you know up to you but thank you very very much and if you are getting a gift sub please be sure to say thank you ah add free viewing add free viewing wo um let me see Barber H Temple Tavern doesn't twitch have a I'm pretty sure twitch has ads on everything anyway follow the tracks near H Island return Crystal Skull to H Island right now I think is our opportunity to get that hooked blade because the hooked blade is extremely nasty um I've seen it used to dastardly effect it is quite good so we have to go east of Hall Island I think I'm going to get the hooked blade first just because I want it for the next fight and then we'll get the money from the contract so that we could P mind H we have a triple skull thing we already have a contract though okay I will take that and then I will sell I'm going to have to sell some Spears so that I can pay my men unfortunately 154 and then I'm going to sell your Pitchfork and give you this thing is so good please live up to my expectations this time I do remember it being really good I swear it was pretty sweet or I don't know like no need to answer right now but yeah like if anything occurs to you like give me a heads up like actually going to be doing more battle brothers so I guess I'll do more of this but yeah like if there's anything that you enjoy watching it is it is kind of a help but yeah I don't know undeserved and thank you very very much I appreciate it um hooked blade I think we're in like just about the right spot to have combat right now I think we may actually back up a space right here because if we can force them into this swamp then we have The High Ground I can leave you right there because you're basically like the dude I put you here and then I March these other guys over here is this murky what this is unfortunately murky water um Muddy Waters making his reappearance in battle brothers none of you guys are armored very well you're probably just going to charge into US I mean you'll die instantly oh I'm going to back him up oh I actually didn't do this right well we'll both be in murky water for some of us you know I should have just backed everyone up one space I did that wrong okay I think I have a chance to fix it before fighting let's just March them all into the water though cuz they don't have any range stuff if they do have a range dude on their side though you're pretty much screwed here I'm just going to wait I don't want to use up any fatigue Shield wall can use up some fatigue too which is one awful thing about it um muddy Earth I'll just stay there let's run back hey I like most of the games you play strategy and thinking games something that involves a good amount of thinking rather than just following a story yay verily I find that those are like pretty youtubable to be fair to be fair good taste good taste you have I feel like yeah like you got to be able to make up your own story you know when else would we have had pimpl maticus I think we need I'm getting like very hungry so I think we could name people after Foods or food groups after this although that might make it worse this reminds me of playing Dave the diver and then just ordering Sushi after I needed it let's see how they react to this if we just stay on this side will they charge us let them come in okay he has entered the swamp Okay good they haven't actually made it here then we'll Shield wall ooh they about to die they about to die man one of them is going to get over here though so let's move over one of our hook people over to this side I'll let them get one point of high ground but that's all thank you that is a good that is a good tip though sometimes I forget that we will wait we will just pass our turns although I don't think they're going to engage us yet yeah see here they come it's pretty terrible formation they're coming in other enemies have it seems to me that other enemies have better AI okay I will go spear wall try to prevent them from taking this square and then I will wait I may need to surround them here but at least they'll be surrounded while they're in the water I'm just going to keep waiting on my turn wait wait for them to come to us wait wait men now they are just kind of waiting around there It's Tricky like what are they going to do are they also still waiting on their turns wa a second maybe I'll give it a couple more turn passes then if they don't do if they really don't do anything okay there we go yeah you know what maybe I'll just let him take that piece of ground that's fine this is why we need one Bowman yes good attempt to take the high ground and fail wow what that's horrible oh my gosh this guy is the oh Jesus casavir is basically he's like thermop right here my boy oh my gosh what a Slaughter oh God this is why it pays to take The High Ground like they're all trying to climb up because we have slightly more solid ground here I guess we passed our turns too many times but what's the point of even trying to engage them just let them come to us this is why we need a Bowman though so that he could just sit back and like pick him off yeah cmir is finally proving himself okay yeah do it again dude get some experience one dude had the nerve to advance through the swamp water no keep waiting keep waiting let them come keep waiting keep waiting don't even Shield wall this is why I don't even a shield wall cuz they would be so fatigued by the end of it yes this is so much good experience okay he failed now so now they've gained a foothold um okay I will stab him they keep trying it oh God he went back into Shield wall formation or spear wall dude he's like the Heisman Heisman Trophy winner jeez um okay I I think we're good to rush in now yeah but I'm not going over to that side to fight that guy Sur around this man at least get our other guys some experience now man cmir God I'm going to call him Obi-Wan practically by the end of this hook uh strike this is only oh wait this also has a range of two tiles uh oh that takes more AP I guess dude if we need something to the effect of The High Ground round to give him something like Star Wars episode 3 themed bro oh that was so cool I love it when they get a story like that okay I'm going to start advancing them up because I'm not really worried about losing a brother here I think they'll make it through the rest just fine we've already demoralized them enough okay good engage with me man call him gandal you shall not pass yeah okay um yeah we can't really get much further to this guy all right end turn and okay go in and charge at him now dude what a legend all right now we go in for these kills we go in and do the dirty work we need some kind of poke though if nothing else this fight has show me that because when you start going up against heavily ranged enemies where they're all shooting at you it is brutal okay um okay we could just go in toward this guy get more strikes in on him good dude he got another kill ooh I like this I like it when they have a story about them you know like a good story something to tell later on something to remember them by I think we just pass everybody's turn cuz we're never going to catch that guy all it's over cool man like no injuries did we even yeah no zero injuries that was such a dominant battle all right okay now we need to go get a ranged weapon though 760 crowns um oh wait a minute did I accidentally oh no I think I just pressed the button that made us hostile with the town yeah I took I took extra money um whoops oh God okay we have to run away we have to get away from this town immediately run run run wave the White Flag Retreat we should be able to get away we should be able to retreat to safety oh my God yeah we had just barely enough room there fortunately no one was injured will our armored man be able to get away yeah that did hit our reputation prettyy bad too oh well that's bad eventually it'll drift back toward neutral okay but we do survive oh no one of them got engaged wait but that guy doesn't matter that much see you okay we have to go rename C oh now like a band of Jolly Bandits this is exactly what I wanted yeah I have to go find a new town we're running out of town whoops we accidentally took your money oh jeez okay wolf is now Captain Hook hands down that's a great name Casmir has to be like oh dude Kenobi the Mary yeah like he it is band of Merry Gentlemen the porcupine oh o I like the porcupine porcupine yeah it needs to have like some slightly Romanesque name you know porcupine and Captain Hook ooh porcupine the wall man he somehow leveled up from that okay get me the hell out of here uh bad thing very very bad thing we are running away back to the evil creatures in the woods okay we are renaming our entire company um thorban you haven't proven yourself uh H okay you are Captain Hook no Captain do I have enough characters cap hook you are Captain Hook and you pimpl modus Casmir has to be porcupine Rus the wall no wait porcu pinus no I don't have enough characters okay title the wall porcupine is the wall Captain Hook at least they did get level UPS out of that okay we're just going to keep raising your melee CU we need you to actually do damage in combat initiative would be nice although I think range to defense and maybe a little bit of fatigue training cuz yeah he keeps using up a lot of fatigue to use that weapon Dodge is still just such a good thing I'll take it yeah uh and then as for you you have proven nothing about yourself you are still slime unfortunately although you are kind of a meat Shield uh we'll worry about resolve from our Banner carrier how are you going to survive the rest of this you just don't have the stats man right we'll give you your initiative and maybe you'll somehow get Dodge in time I'm going to give you Colossus too because I don't have very high hopes for you I tell it like it is fortunately we're faster than the militia I believe oh God they all hate me they all want me dead um okay I have to get very far away from this town so la la la la la I fortunately have enough to pay my men for a good long time we have to leave that entire oh God they're after me they're chasing me across the land how far will they go these are all the same Allied faction okay we have to get out of here man that's so bad oh cool Jim Frey gamed another fatigue sweet that's actually hugely useful to us oh my god did I ever play dominions no but I'll check it out someone had recommended me the settlers I think it was when we played mini settlers dominions we'll check it out what is it like dominions is up my alley I will check it out I'm doing I think this is going to be my last run without the DLC I have all the basic stuff in the game but I would like to do the north I just like the theme of the north I would have done it for this one but I don't think that it comes up in normal campaigns right um I need to read these now because what if I have to go back to okay I should be fine for this one but now I'm going to need to read these contracts very carefully because I'm now hostile with a faction um um where am I going for this one go to woen Valen two days to the South okay that is a far okay good we are leaving whatever this faction was behind goodbye good riddens who are they again House of Ross anding yeah they don't really like us very much who is threatening with us whatever okay we're going oh oh those are just brigands those are some some strong brigands though I don't really want to fight them I mean they could have good armor and stuff but the goal here now is just to get a ranged weapon ASAP okay we are going to fight the brigands in the sea no we are not never mind they are afraid of us it's very similar to like Mountain blade this kind of Overworld map here dominions is total oh like um total strategy you mean like total war strategy or like something different than that guess I can ooh a rotten Lodge benon Homestead with a collapsed roof must feel like that would be no let's just stay on the quest I mean at least we're making a lot of money now we made a lot of money but we now have to leave that land behind entirely yeah too bad it' be kind of cool if you could set up a base in this game you know like a base of operations or can you and I just don't know it like you can do that in Mountain blade you can basically just make all of your money off of bars and stuff like that in towns you can camp that's true we have camped a bit okay time to hire completely different men from a totally foreign land okay you are a brawler that's actually fantastic I'm hiring you um we have money again now though we had to leave that land behind o farm hand is also pretty good uh but more than that I think let's just invest in a poke we do have bows we do have bows am I willing to go up one of my most prized frontliners for this on the off chance it might [Music] help I'm thinking oh my gosh if tools were expensive before they're really expensive here and medical supplies too no everything is so so expensive here okay citizens of the town are starving why okay more brigands nearby 640 crowns is not bad west of town there are brigand I mean I think our company is pretty good as is so I'm not too too worried about us what do we have in our stash though do we have any items for you you take this you take this so you're a brawler and you've got disloyal I don't like that I don't like that I don't like disloyal but plus 100% damage when uh when unarmed in general brawler was good but I mean it's not a bad thing but could be better either that or we just send him into battle okay how disloyal are you when we just send you out to die plus 100% damage with wait a minute I'm not really that invested in this guy I just want to know what happens what happens when we put him into combat like this o these are good brigands though nope I took away his gear he's going to just be a sacrificial lamb for us let's see where your disloyalty goes these are very good brigands too I'm pretty scared okay I'm going to rush him in first he is confident go sacrifice yourself use up all of the enemy's fatigue and best weapons oh God I I should not have even gotten that guy in my company in the first place all right so cool now we're fighting in step step Bandit we have to charge toward them there's no other option here we just have to go we're going to have to take a hit right here why would you shoot him he's so far away shoot the other guy I just threw out there as a me a this could we could lose a man in this fight I mean we'll get insanely good gear from it but I'm a bit worried let's throw out our most I mean our least valuable Men first just so that they maybe die I have to charge in only because they have Bowman and we don't have very good range defense I wasn't anticipating this quite so soon although it happened it happened now you can hold down the center here I think you're going to do a good job with this other than that let's make sure that we don't get flanked over here you're going to go in on that side and then you basically just bring in a stone wall in on the other side you stop there and then you are going to charge in over on that side stop this guy is going to die but it's still in that other zone of control so we should be good okay yep that naturally their archers flee backwards and I'm just going to engage their archers with the brawler um can you run all the way behind them maybe you can you are like the world's greatest distraction I just got this man this disloyal man he's doing the most loyal thing possible uh I will just stop them in their tracks right here I never thought of this strategy is get one man who's just total throwaway oh God why would you do that um that was good um hey man I know you're disloyal but oh God these throwing axes are a little bit scary [Music] um this isn't great here I think we get into Shield wall we just don't have the stuff to deal with this guy's armor right here um yeah I think we do Shield wall and just starts swinging at him it's going to take a little while um who else you guys can flank around maybe you can get these archers cuz you have Spears and I'm a little bit afraid of what'll happen there cool I think that was a good decision he's dead now uh will he survive the rest of this combat I don't know I just hope that this guy being such a unit will pay off for us porcupine Rus the wall oh no I may lose you oh I was actually slightly attached to you okay let's engage more of their armored men ah they aren't approaching me you guys are ranged though let's engage you we just have to do so much rushing this fight uh honestly Thor been doing a good job here doing God's work ah I was hoping that hook would go through ohoh you switched this is very smart of them who are we even going to kill here cmir yeah maybe Casmir was his was his true name uh he was better when he was cmir we'll take the 58% chance to hit I'll take that over a 49 that's good no Honestly though he's still dodging he's doing good he's doing good he's charged the backline he's gone into the non-armored people and I respect him for his grind who is armored okay I'm going to see if I can take you down yes yes that was huge that was a huge kill that's really going to bring down their morale okay you just stay alive and then maybe poke one of their archers if you get a chance come on take him out this was not the guy I wanted swapping over to here but yeah all right that's what happens when you put yourself into the SC scarest point in combat um actually going to March you right there that's a good spot for you oh you don't stand a chance against pimpl modus oo porcupine is showing his Dodge showing his do his bobbing and weaving abilities here we have to save porcupines though take this guy down oh no you wouldn't shoot him with an arrow would you oh you're probably running away now because you're afraid a we have to this is the last man I'm afraid of in this combat oo you're dodging you're bobbing and weaving all right you can fight your own solo pimpl oticus diodorus a good hit honestly you haven't been that great you haven't been that much of a standout figure for much of this campaign but other than that doing okay I don't want you two to stop wavering but but I also don't want you to get shot so I will shield wall take this guy down great oh victory for the forces of democracy right take you down kill their yeah good now everybody's confident on our side except for pimpl maticus who has sustained some wounds okay we'll just take down this last guy who for some reason is still like totally fine with this combat not very wise but we can start to waver his defenses it does suck when you start to go against really good enemies cuz they can basically just one shot anyone even people with really good armor or like people with mid-range armor I know that the Armor gets ridiculously expensive in this game that's because slightly better armor is way better in combat it just it's just like totally takes out the enemy I'm running out of words here the one thing I don't like about B B Brothers it starts to just be like kill him like that's it like that's all I can really say okay I don't even remember hiring it oh his name was Otto that looks bad that looks really bad whatever they did to him um Honestly though porcupine is light wounds light wounds has somehow survived I think maybe we put a little bit into his HP sooner or later and we got amazing gear from that fight it's amazing taking down a strong enemy in this game because then your gear just upgrades so fast let's go ahead and arrange our level UPS good jyf Frey Jim Frey is the hard and soul of our entire Squadron uh we could put him hard into swords but I think we do bronny cuz he just gives out from fatigue way too soon yeah that brought him up by a lot yeah light wounds light wounds are fine they don't count because this is 115 this is 110 105 70 so these are better headgear for everybody else you know heavy headgear but I'm okay with it I'd rather that they have good gear and use it and get a little bit fatigued rather than not you got to be careful though here you got to be careful okay you can get some throwing axes now O A flail chance to hit head plus 10% okay awesome um I'm going to give that to squigs oh so cool um pimpl maticus you take the bundle of throwing axes put them in your pocket put those throwing axes into your pocket all right now I think we do one like this I like that formation our left side is looking just slightly weak although I think thorban still needs to prove himself porcupines may actually be strong enough that he could take an entire flank on his own now but I still don't really trust him he just took a hit [Music] there I feel like the lack of pimpl modus now pimpl modus goes back to the front line I just liked having him there it was lucky for some reason we give him this mace this spiked mace Morning Star [Music] um oh what else is there to do now Captain Hook you will get you might as well take a full leather cap slightly more on fatigue but it's a little bit more defense right 30 45 yeah a little bit more head protection give that to Captain Hook trust in porcupine yes I feel like if we gave him a bundle of throwing axes too that might be good although that does also lower his um fatigue how much does that lower yours 46 down to 44 uh I almost kind of want them to just not have that much extra fatigue I'll keep it on me for now though did we have anything else to do oh yeah level um level in points ooh 72 melee skill that's insane uh I think we keep with the initiative just cuz that does melee and range Dodge as well as more attack and less fatigue here now I'm thinking just because he tends to get pretty winded in battle he has really heavy armor so you know you kind of want him to have some type of sustain Marketplace Marketplace uh what do we have here in this town Ambush trade routs so things are oh so then this explains the high prices on Goods here okay so when we get rid of Ambush trade Roots Goods will be less expensive but Ambush trade Roots also means that items sell for more here so hang got a second let's go back and just see if we can do some selling of things we won't do any buying um what can we sell yeah so we could sell beer that's worth only 52 for 62 um worth 26 but we could sell it for 31 so yeah everything is more expensive here we will just sell the useless stuff too um weapons i f I've found that I'm better off just repurposing them for other people the beer though seems good let's just make sure that we can get beer somewhere else before we because this would be a very good town to sell and it's kind of like selling oh God this happened to me when I was I was 18 my 10 flooded and there was no um there was no like like running water so at the deli somebody was selling like a bottle of water or it was like a big thing of water but it was like $100 and it was horrible but also it was arguably very smart uh that the whoever it was that was selling it could make a lot of money off of it it was nonetheless horrible that people did that uh but yeah that's how trade Works um these items are actually pretty cheap here I'm not saying go do this I'm saying this is a video game do it uh me actually items are pretty good price here these are not okay tools are a good price ammo is not a good price uh bandages I'll take a couple more bandages yeah let's just stock up on some Provisions while we're here me maybe it'll bring up everyone's [Music] mood me mood what is your job you were a Shepherd I thought I was flagellant how is your job a flagellant you just whipped yourself in the streets who is paying you to do that peep price gauging is is good in video games bad in real life Ambush trade Roots is a great opportunity to make uh use of and make so much money through just like pure Arbitrage in this game like the me we just bought for 91 now we could sell for 97 so it's it's only in small quantities to begin with but if you do get into trading in this game you can make a lot of dough from that I mean keep in mind we are like armed Warriors and we I mean but it's basically Arbitrage we trade we we trade a little bit of time and we get back free money for it and it might be only like 10 or 20 gold to start but when you start to make a lot of money then that's a great way to make greater quantities of it at once it's like flipping an old school RuneScape if your entire view of the world is based on RuneScape that is but you know it is what it is have I already used up all the tools okay I guess I need to buy more tools well I'll use it with my flipping money let's buy more meat and sell it in the other town uh gear you could repair gear and then sell it so walk on a throng of raged looking men speed past you uh shy still we know was coming apparently some labors had greeted Union Banner project uh I guess report a bunch of people who all right they gave us some money it was kind of immoral what we just did but like Wonder are it could to be the ramifications of these other towns just get killed by a bunch of Outlaw farmers who hate you I mean it is nice to know other ways of making money in the game I'm not really big into the flipping part of it because it's just like it makes small amounts of money at first but there are some pretty insane ways to do it I think if we buy tools we might be able to make some big money flipping here um I wish you could say see what it sells for before you go into the town like all the Mead that we just bought I'm going to sell now but the other thing that's kind of a drawback to this whole thing is remember you're paying your men for their time and you're also like eating food as time goes by so it's not always worth it but sometimes it can be really worth it so I don't really see anything that crazy here maybe the tools we could have made a couple hundred crowns on but I just kind of like quests because they do give us more experience as well so that is nice hiring men our companies at a pretty good size right now though I don't think we need too much oh a deserter wow definitely want you around um let's see how goods are in this town still pretty expensive we could sell here but I wouldn't want to buy from here I I guess just to keep paying my men let's go back to that other Town cuz worm walked wed verm Ved whatever it is uh they have very cheap tools there and what is this forbidden Arts sangam weer gangers oh wait a second this is like basically zombies make a traveling Caravan ooh like a supply Caravan it is kind of fun to play it a different way when you do it like that but see I just spent 100 gold today just for doing random stuff and they're sold out of tools oh I wonder if this Supply Caravan is actually going to hang got a second let's go see what happens if they actually get new stuff when the supply Caravan enters town I've never actually analyzed this kind of curious though they like only ammo there a minute ago now the supply Caravan has come maybe a little bit nothing too crazy though all right to free shot yeah there is you can play this game like stons it's insane you just totally ignore the game and play oh cool a brigand fortress these places are really strong though we have to avoid that if we get a quest there I will most probably refuse it what do we need to do okay we've done enough contracts now for the oath of humility so this is still great for our experience we want to get in more combat in this time time let's see if we can do a two skull Mission my master requires your service he heard of your exploits uh Caravan escorted 3 days from here held in Fest does it say which direction I don't want to go west 720 crowns is pretty good okay we're going north I accept it um this is a big Journey so we got to make sure that we have enough provisions of food we have seven days worth of food great um how else is this town for food everything is very very expensive in this town oh no I accidentally just right clicked this game needs an undo button I swear what did I even just buy bought some weapon didn't I a I hate that oh you are given free Provisions along the way thank you I forgot about that that is a great way to do it when you're starving if you guard a caravan o I didn't realize that that if you guard the Caravan you get to the well supplied buff so that is actually a great way to become a Traer by guarding Caravans then you take advantage of it ooh diodorus thei and Jim Frey the second yes let's not remember their forefathers who died horribly in combat against a bunch of angry towns people like we almost just did oh no isn't this a great game though it's like instant story this just something about it man oh wow we really are going a far away oh wait are we fighting brigands a I kind of wanted to fight them okay now we need to take a new oath between battles internal and out there remains one Eternal war in the following Young's anels oh that's the guy whose skull we have in these trials you must sequester yourself thinking deeply and alone until finally it comes to you the battle Toad's next oath is most surely um oath of wrath basically oh that's way too many enemies to kill [Music] um getting extra Renown if somebody levels up twice your men get plus 10 this is fantastic and I mean I want everybody to level up yeah let's try to get people leveling up I I mean I guess we'll get like 10 days or so to do it are those Bri Come On brigands Come and Get It Come and Get It Now I want to fight I mean I've wanted to fight anyway there's a kid if you know anything about swords this is just a random event you gesture toward one you sheath to your side he claps his hands especially broke felon it's broke okay help the kid out oh cool he repaired our stuff for free I don't know if he would like steal stuff or something go away Kid you steal oh no please attack us please I want someone to attack me so badly oh no not that many people that's actually a lot of brigands I hope that we F fight the first one before the second one okay good it's not that many it's not that many uh now we're going against these are decent brigands though o this is aett pretty good spot to fight them in we have good coverage from the trees so we can't get hit by ranged attacks I'm pretty sure I think we take this area and then we stand here and hold this spot down that donkey is asking for it though over there wait look oh that is a really good weapon too that brigand Raider that can basically one shot somebody I'm admittedly a little bit more afraid now than I was a second ago uh okay you walk over there if you can get around that tree cuz I want you hooking people from around the tree you're going to stand up here and support gim Frey diodorus pimpl maticus pimpus will stand probably there and then squigs and Thorin who hasn't really been given a proper name yet I'm a little bit more worried about squigs oh but there's a small tree over here I could take advantage of this spot let them come then if I stand here okay we just have to defend the Caravan they're attacking us so we have that benefit or we have that Advantage anyway they want to come to us you know and they can come get the Caravan if they want they might even destroy the Caravan but it's still still ours if we could basically thrust into them hold down this spot who are you again this is porcupine Rus ooh porcupine Rus I'm going to have you P porcupine for us over here I'm sorry that was horrible um you hold down this section so that we keep that in your control Zone who are you again this is squigs grim kidneys you have good you have good survivability there I'm going to have you I should have had you two switch but you have very good armor and there's a lot of guys coming here I want to defend this Gap and make sure we basically play thermop here and you I think should stand no you're going to be fine I'm beginning to [Music] see although if we can make quick work of that I don't know what I want to do okay go over there I think I messed this up slightly all right wait I'm just worried about this ah he's in a very good position too we need to hold this Square oh no he might stab us all okay Thorin I'm making you the sacrificial [Music] lamb remember it's not that bad it's not that bad all right let's see what this guy does o I am a little bit nervous here we could lose a man okay they just put the weakest man into the Gap 48% chance to strike um what happens if I put you up on High Ground okay you actually lose your turn that's too bad that's all right fine you have a really good hit next turn then oh you're Shield Walling uh some of these guys have very good armor I think if we focus on the ones without any armor first though okay you're forced to fight him so just go in not worried about you hit this man he deserves to die what is my other attack 25 to uh this guy doesn't really have any armor so I think let's just go in with the basic attack oh no he missed both that is very bad okay good I said thorban would be the sacrificial Lam and look what is happening unfortunately we lost I'm a little bit more worried about thorin's helmet ooh I don't like this you don't have anywhere to [Music] go yeah this actually this guy's FL you're right this guy's flail will work better oh yeah the lack of helmet is oh yeah why didn't I see that thank you [Music] H okay let's actually have pimpl modus defend the north side you just defend yourself and try to survive good a sword is better against him okay he is unfortunate porcupine no do not waver good okay the first kill goes to us um where do I even put you just keep walking North whatever stand there with the donkeys man these Caravan guys have had such a good time in contrast to our last Caravan that we defended a long time ago oh yeah if we lose the donkey the towns folk were so upset about the donkey and not the human lives that were lost in the conflict how dare they okay you will go in against the unarmored man because he's very weak against swords o okay it's all right it's just thorban I actually thorin's sword is very good though okay uh porcupine go ahead and shield wall and then just try for a stab pimp pleoticus go for the man in the north you'll be fine you basically had no action this fight unfortunately all right I will try lashing him let's try for his head didn't work no AP left try to stay alive thorban okay you're like heating up [Music] diodorus I mean it is very expensive and difficult to locate a donkey unfortunately the donkeys don't do any fighting back go pimpl modus come on get some kills man oh wait let's see the end of his turn it's his heavy armor he's very fatigued yeah protect the [Laughter] ass oh uh not that bad it's just thorban I mean you got to be willing to have I mean if you're killing like you know 15 enemies you got to be willing to let one guy go come on I don't have unrealistic expectations that is to say okay you can just there we go take that squigs I'm glad because squigs turns out to be not as strong as I thought he was he's not really that motivated and I don't really like that man pimpl modus though doing a great job dodging basically has just dodged his way through the entire fight try another one really spear is not so good here but whatever um who's more armored you just have so much armor up though let's see if we can get through your basic armor with him okay it's a hit um flail okay I'm coming for you I'm coming for you man you should have done better this fight with your spear that spear is so op and I've seen it in the hands of some dastardly fellows very damaging yeah man you're really not that good of a Pikeman you need more experience you have pretty good maybe he's just had bad luck maybe it's just unwieldy to use a cook for combat like come on hold still so I can hook you what would that even be like sometimes you get a lot of work from the Caravan guards I'm not trying to work them too hard right here because I mean I figure they might have to stay with us for a few more battles but also yeah they're not really doing anything and like we would have won by now if they hadn't whoops okay he has too much fatigue let's just try regular flailing some of the these weapons are a little bit difficult for my men to use though how can I tell who my people are I get attached them over time pimpl modus is very easy to spot because he's in a red helmet uh jyree has always been easy to spot from the beginning Captain Hook is I guess somewhat obvious because he has a hook in his hand um I guess the one I'm struggling with now though is porcupine who's starting to kind of blend in with everything and then who's the other guy oh no no oh God I'm actually somewhat upset no oh no oh God he might have survived with a permanent injury but let's be honest he was still somewhat [Music] bad it's okay his gear will go to someone stronger we can almost afford better people now oh God why couldn't it have been well squigs squigs was better than him I'm going to just be totally honest here squigs was way better than him I think some of these weapon classes they may be struggling to wield though like we may have upgraded a bit too much a bit too soon cuz they're just not hitting people he is easier to recognize now though that's true okay so even though that they're down it might not mean that they're dead sometimes dudes just get totally beheaded in combat and you can tell that they died but but like he just looks pretty bad down there maybe not dead he's probably dead so as far as like permanent injuries go man the one unsung here though is pimpl maticus even though that he's not getting that many hits and kills he's doing a great job just as a frontliner like kind of standing there in good armor just wear those clothes and look good does this have a better chance to hit okay I'm going to to do this one because this is a better chance to hit hit Target directly Jon because the weapon is too okay so let's try hook because that's ooh oh wait I didn't realize that hook hooked him toward me whoops never mind why did I not see that although I think he might struggle with the spear from there okay this guy's got to die now that was a very good enemy we just killed okay cool take him down good one kill for pimpl modus like hands down the best name in this entire Squad I'm kind of curious what happened to our other guys as far as permanent injuries it can be anything from like something simple like you know oh he's missing an ear which basically means like his initiative goes down or up to like basically he has half the hit points that he used to and he's just kind of like a ticking Time Bomb um the depending upon a variety of factors you could still work with them like that or change their position in combat but yeah a lot of the time it's just like Goodbye Oh this one I expected but this one is sad you did you fought bravely let's see how many people have died in our company under my watch we do have an obituary all right well I mean we did it well let's get the hang on a second uh trading Caravan goes on uh there we go fortunately we didn't have to fight both brigands at once which would have been basically a death sentence everyone else is fine too so I'm okay with that mildly uh ooh we got a pike range of two tiles uh damage 60 to 80 way better way better chance to hit head plus 5% same thing maximum fatigue plus 12us 14 that part's not good but we've been working on that okay honestly Pike possibly worth because the pike is a great weapon the pike is pretty great um I think I'm going to continue with this Arrangement although I think pimpl modus is now strong enough to take the outside yep you're getting your own flank slum Lord gy free stay as you are although I'm I'm kind of pessimistic about us uh getting all those levels I was predicting though it's too bad um maximum fatigue minus 7 maximum fatigue minus I think we just don't want him building up fatigue so let's continue on our um Incredible Journey to our most probable deaths we're almost at the destination [Music] too yeah I mean it's it's may not be as funny as being slaughtered by the local militia but it was bound to happen at some point uh really bad would have been if we had lost um diodorus just seems slightly weaker than he did in my last playthrough the similar character pimpl maticus is doing great jimf Frey is fantastic squigs is also hanging in there I'm I'm fairly happy with these guys in their performance so far did we lose our flail oh no there is the flail never mind uh it doesn't say anything about negative chance to hit oo a four spear what does that do 30 to 35 I think the flail looks 25 to 55 flail could be insanely powerful I'm willing to live with the flail especially for enemies without a helmet for a while okay all right we're back in town 1652 gold what does this place have now well supplied a great place to trade ah get in some good get in some good gear here uh really not even that well supplied though I feel like it was better in other parts I'll take more tools though more tools is always useful do some repairing and I'm thinking it may be time to get some bolts and just give them to somebody you know military cleaver could be useful although it's ridiculously expensive I don't think we can even really afford that all right we have a pretty good selection of items now though I feel as though wherever our company heads from [Music] here we're going to have some options let's see if we can hire some more men Mason do we have any more of those Brawlers or stuff like that braw just generally I feel like would have good stats all around to begin with still not really looking into very very expensive man oh Caravan man some of these guys are very expensive but then they just insta die hire another I just don't think we have enough six at a minimum Gerald good range defense that's about it does he have any real drawbacks not really that great he's okay basically he can get some good hits but I think this guy is just another meat shield for the most part I may swap over pimpl modus slum Lord to the back line here but I can't honestly decide because he's such a good frontliner too that I don't want him back there I I want to make sure that we don't compromise our front line but um yeah I want to make sure that we have that all set before I bring him to the back I will give you this helmet oops this one's a little bit better and then I'll give you a spear just need something simple to carry right right for the most part Gerald Gerald Williams I missed that that was beautiful H Maas that was a great reference pimpl maticus Gerald Williams Jim Frey dimadis and Captain okay a bettered team has never been assembled Gerald [Music] Williams yes the Legacy lives on oh that's beautiful okay well we find ourselves here in the lovely north um where to from here uphold oath of Distinction for another nine days we need our men to level up we could just mindlessly pursue combat but let's see if we can get something better going uh let's see okay another delivery mission maybe I could pick fights on the way though let's see if there's anyone good in here okay another beggar we've had good luck with these Beggars though I'll take one and I mean you're not really losing anything if you if you don't get much from them take more grain to feed my men [Music] with you know I am beginning to realize that I have my to I have plenty of tools although they just don't show on my inventory uh I don't know why I didn't see that before they show up here we have plenty we're fine fortunately I didn't totally waste it o Fletcher would have been good too oh wait we're in a caravan I thought that was actually just a delivery Mission oh yeah what were our yeah practically The Avengers rodri CH I like when you read them all impaled impaled killed gutted ripped dism o uh chopped up gutted por I like the names Sig freed theom it's almost as if we made this one up we didn't it was just his name Sig freed the homeless who was the guy I think my personal favorite was the guy who was disloyal Otto who just stayed with us for one day we just threw him into battle and it was really good that we had him because everyone else lived he didn't but everyone else did um oh yeah we also have to arm this man up otherwise he's just going to turn into a meat Shield fortunately they don't eat that much either good fatigue could be a ranger honestly it helps to have something let's give him a shot um maybe this is stupid of me but I just don't want to keep throwing away men and honestly I don't have any armor left so let's just give him a bow and see all right let's see how you do with this see if you survive a while and we'll give him a dagger in his pocket uh oh that actually doesn't like drain from his uh HP or his fatigue I don't want to really harm his fatigue yeah we'll just give him one dagger if somebody stabs if somebody attacks him in combat he at least has a backup weapon it disturbs you that the Caravan horse's legs don't move I like to think that it's just teing and hovering over the land slightly as it goes why are we just gone through this murky Forest oh no okay this is horrible uh we are being attacked at random well it does look like brigands I don't know why they came at us this way we have tons of High Ground here we actually have a decent amount of brush to use for cover I think I can just claim this immediately all right cool yeah fight me bro I mean this is all my these forests are great when the enem is ranged it's not so good though yeah it's bad then um I'm going to pass your turn and wait and see what happens with the Enemy you are going to stand over here cuz I think I can hit him over your shoulder cool so nobody can come past us in this control Zone than that I I think we're just clogging up this point here I'm probably going to put in pimpl modus in that spot if I can help it squigs um hang back try to defend the flank oh I actually can't get you there o I made a mistake you stand here I actually should have moved you into a slightly different position but whatever I just passed everyone's turn a little bit you end your turn Caravan guards basically just do nothing again are you even going to get an opportunity to do anything in this fight oh God okay at least you're kind of walking up slightly thank you uh I don't want you to get engaged by an enemy so just hang tight there let him walk into the Gap and I want you there instead but whatever I can't do anything okay so he did ooh that was a big hit on his heater Shield we can always get him a kite Shield instead but okay so they are on the flanks good to know good to know I'm going to move you out to the flank this is kind of tricky because I don't really know how many of them there what is it eight it doesn't like reveal more throughout combat yeah no it doesn't okay I totally moved you to the wrong spot um Shield wall seems somewhat useless now that he's practically destroyed my shield so it's just a nothing um I'm going to put you over here to disengage this Archer fast I'm going to bring you over here maybe you can get in a hit on this guy I doubt think you're going to get anything cuz it's night I'm just going to move you over into this position probably you won't get anything okay here is our opportunity but I want to pass your turn you fill the Gap here try to mace this guy nice okay and then you are a little bit of a Sitting Duck over there so I'm going to bring in some reinforcements up to that side our Banner carrier is great but unfortunately this is a very spread out fight it may harm resolved aelon TI thank you very much for the prime AI yeah the AI is I like the AI in this game it's not so oh wait a minute you don't have enough AP left I was like wait a minute he doesn't have any bolts um the yeahi can be kind of interesting okay we don't really want to force this guy away so we'll just do a normal poke here uh and then why not let's let uh let's let pimpl on nope he doesn't have any um no AP left never mind these guys have very good initiative though these are good forest rangers if these guys were slightly better archers we'd be in big trouble right here uh you are going to be in some trouble in this fight on your own but this is a very narrow passageway let's just try to engage this Archer he doesn't really stand a chance against us uh oh no Gerald Williams we hardly knew thee no I doo hope that he lives because I'm now slightly attached to him because of that name oh no no you know what Gerald Williams Shield wall thyself all right let's see oh nice 36% chance totally worked right there that was good um what about you squigs squigs I think you're healthy enough that you'll survive this but I'm still going to Shield wall you just cuz I Want You To Survive okay that was an amazing hit behold the flail weapon of choice of the witch king of Angar um I will send you in just to poke from behind and then oh God there's another one oh we're not ready on that North flank hang on a second go over there um why do I feel like more are appearing or did I just do a very poor job counting at the beginning I'll take an 86% chance over anything and this guy's also getting up into yep he got into our control Zone I don't like that you don't want somebody one space away from your banner carrier your banner carrier should have some good [Music] room Gerald Williams pass the turn pass the turn wait and pass the turn yeah there's not much else we can do here we could give this guy a footing abil like a footwork ability that just makes him a little bit better but okay let's just take out the weak guy man two sword strikes he's so freaking good AI can be a little I don't know what it is the AI always sneaks up on me it is simple indeed but it it also is very like kind of humanlike I guess because the game is so well not in all CA and not in all cases at all there are times where the AI is just trash ooh a kill for drick wow that is surprising like very surprising to say the least okay why would you try to shoot me through a tree that utterly failed um 90% 84% I'll take 90% you're also threatening the life of Gerald Williams a i I wanted a flail kill Squam is doing a very good job staying alive though honestly dodging he might need a little bit more morale but it's okay yeah the nighttime well that was I was surprised why he we got a kill with the ranged attacks getting Ambush ambushed by goblins in the day though not fun not very fun okay can we take this guy out he had The High Ground but all right oh no Gerald Williams now I am legitimately a little bit sad now we must be Avenged again not really Fighters I'm investing in though pimpl oticus uh squigs Grim kidneys Captain Hook is going to be around for a while so we'll keep investing in him JY Frey 66% okay I'll take 90 that's great I'm not too worried about this guy though he he can do hand-to-hand combat comat as well nice I've got I would say four or five guys that I'm thinking about you know nice okay Squig is starting to actually become an offensive Force putting those Grim kidneys to use go after him after him chase them down they do wear cool face bandanas hiding their identities uh I might as well chase them a little bit if I can I doubt we'll get this guy though how are you such a unit oh now you you're getting the way he's like I got the kill oh wait a minute no I meant to go the other way wait a second can I get a shot with this no I can't oh that is too bad he might rally and turn back like wait I think I oh Jesus Christ ponticus MVP I'm so attached to this band no I almost want to call this Band of Brothers I've always wanted to do a video on this game or I don't know when I started to thinking about yeah run them down run them down we can totally get more of these guys armor um there we go although it's kind of tricky when you just do the turnbas combat I guess it would be like quick battle reports but yeah I was trying to think of how I would do it if I were going to make a thing on it it might work it might it's good thing I didn't shoot one of my own guys cuz those bolts can go in bizarre directions okay you go for the other dude okay he's rallying he's rallying I don't know why you're doing that come on get some more combat experience here even if you miss I'm pretty sure you get the experience right okay this dude is about to get pooped on um one more space and then slash him we don't want the experience to go out too unevenly but yeah I mean give it a shot give it a shot all right just so much fatigue building up here it's almost like you wish that they had a little bit of experience in whenever they use their lungs more that they get more experience in like fatigue I do like those uh level up systems where the more you use a skill the more you level up in it um it is kind of nice to have stat points though it would be interesting to see battle brothers though if they had that system you know like the project zomboid RPG system where the more sneaking you do the more you level up in it I can't remember what the name distinction is between those two you know what I mean okay just pass your turns guys there we go wow a he died we keep having very clean fights though where 1 2 3 4 and five come out okay and I feel like five Fighters maybe six but five is a pretty good place to start we just didn't really get any very good gear from those guys though which was unfortunate all right continuing on our merry Journey okay noxer is after us o uh we're fine okay 500 crowns nice ah okay so I guess let's just like summarize our company a little bit um okay I saved the game uh so Begins the Journey of the uh battle toads the battle brothers uh most of whom died honestly pretty good start I would say we still have to do the follow up on the rest of that oath but um what have we got I mean it's hard to get a company of four or five really reliable dudes and have them all live I generally find that maybe one or two Will Survive and then that can be kind of iffy but heavy investment in this armor was huge the male HRI I know that it made him very tired much of the time maybe he'll gain experience a little bit more slowly but I think slow and steady for this that was the right idea and then a couple of backliners you know this guy stays alive he takes hits he gets some experience that way and then the other guys keep getting pokes while you have these two guys who are really reliable and now we've got three or so that are training to be way better it'll keep going like that but honestly this could be the beginning of a long and fruitful playthrough which I do I do like in this game it feels nice to have like solid reliable party members and then they all get horribly slaughtered by a pack of wolves um anyway battle brothers great game beautiful game do recommend checking it out I'm going to go ahead and just skip this event um who are we going to raid we're going to go send a raid over something similar
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 38,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ambiguousamphibian, ambiguousamphibian vods, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguous amphibian vods, battle brothers, battle brothers oathtakers, battle brothers oath takers, battle brothers of flesh and faith, battle brothers of flesh and faith gameplay, battle brothers dlc, battle brothers game, lets play battle brothers, battle brothers gameplay part 1, battle brothers ep 1, battle brothers episode 1, battle brothers 2023
Id: VD_4Zhu5fFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 10sec (11950 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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