Kenshi | Exiled Hiver Solo Start | No Mining Allowed

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hello I am back once again we're gonna do the hive Exile solo start I don't usually do much with the hivers as I am very Pro Shack but I know there are some beep lovers out there and I thought well this could be interesting as well I always find it interesting for them kind of kind of neat here you've been exiled from your high for not loving the queen enough so whatever that means obviously you can kind of role play how and why and that may influence your decision going forward as to what you do in the game but that's for you to decide however if we don't die from pheromone withdrawal or the big things big issue the big problem with this is uh well you're gonna see we are not uh couldn't be found very friendly with the hybrus because of that so in any of these Hive areas we go to are not going to help us out now we do have three hybrids to choose from the prints the worker drone or the soldier drone you can see here each has a sort of different description as to who and what they are so if you want to read more into the lore about that definitely feel free to do so however what we are looking for are the racial starts here so you can see that the hive prints pretty nice all right good toughness Stacks all these things here however their hit points overall especially on their limbs and such is fairly low um same here with the worker drone so he's going to be a little bit tougher and stuff some pretty good stats here and again these uh his work you've done so his science and so forth not great however I want to go with the soldier drone toughness and attack and since we're doing solo we need to be as much of that as we can um smithing things like this not so important science not important engineering not important again this is all up to you and where you went to go with it these detriments are only a real major issue at the very beginning as you level them up to insane uh you know insane levels it kind of doesn't matter um so we're going to go through our fella here and of course you know how these things go big shoulders neck position there that's fine big legs all of that big hands you know you know we have to chungus them up there we go big feet even though he's just on you know he's on yeah we're gonna go big big neck oh yeah look at that neck thick length come on big eyes and make it droopy give a big antenna and a big horn oh yeah this guy's looking good sad banana okay so said banana here and uh we can start at any of these hiver Villages so we don't we're never going to know exactly where we're going to be starting it could be here all throughout vein I've had starts up in here uh so you can't really plan where you're going to be Okay so we are in cyber Village here and if you've never bought a hiver in here whether or not you found them whether that you start is one we'll go in here and there's some there's the merchant and we'll see if he has any nice words for us well I guess he doesn't have very nice words for us that's okay because we don't need him but this is also it's also a problem uh we can't sell to these guys we can't get anything from them we can't you know we can't rely on them for any kind of help what we can rely on them for is having people around and all kinds of wandering Critters that's good for us because we are going to spend time training up stealth it's not exciting but it is going to be very important because of where we are situated anywhere we want to go I mean this is like big thing outside the boneyards and all that I mean there's a lot of big things everywhere over here big things gorillas big things gorillas big things gorillos and once you get up in this section if you start up in this way as well you've got the fog men you've got roaming cannibals everywhere we go around here is going to have something that wants to eat us and given our current state we obviously can't do anything about that so until we can actually defend ourselves we need to basically not be seen we need to not get into any fights and the best way to do that is of course being sneaky um so we're going to do this and again it doesn't matter if we're being seen by these guys all that matters is that we are trying to be sneaky as you can see here are we're getting a bonus armor equipment which we have none I believe that's just due to us being you know naked in terms of weight and and the sound that that might make um so that's good for us we're definitely going to make use of that now here's what we're looking for so you can see we're at three and whenever there's a fight the XP gain from sneaking is always higher oh we're gonna and this is something we're gonna have to sort of micro a little bit with sneak popping off but you can see from there we get a nice little boost now we could loot this guy we could um but we don't need to not just yet a nice thing about the the hiver here this comic guy if you look down at his hunger rate and he's at .60 so he can go quite a long time without needing any food before he gets any kind of detrimental effects to his stats so not like a shaku is you know hungry every half hour this guy can go a long time without food and that's going to be very helpful for our start because again we can't buy from these shops I can't just loot him then trade it in for a fish or for some kind of snack um of course he has meat on him so I could just loot that and take the meat which uh you never know let's no we didn't have any so uh never mind but if it was big thing we could take the big thing meat um but again that's not a reliable thing that we have those animals you know they path around maybe they show up maybe they don't maybe they're near maybe they're not so we can't rely on being able to bring Critters in for food what we can rely on though is leveling up or stealth from all these guys it's not super fast but that's okay because again of that very low food multiplier it doesn't need to be fast we can actually be very patient with this and with all these guys around it's not going to take long for that skill to go up and we we again we want that for safety and travel but also because it can help make us a lot of early money there are a there are a couple ways um on the start that I have explored and found to be reliable and one of those is once we get yourself high enough is rating the big thing nests for the eggs uh what is that nighttime the big things will go into sleep mode and so long as we are not uh stomping around up there we should be able to get in in and out with a pretty good haul and by the time we have our self skill high enough for that our Athletics is also going to go up so we will be a little bit speedier which is always nice so you can see right now already base score 20 and because of our uh light weightedness 24. and for the moment this is our start is we're just doing this um because their symptoms we're going to leverage when it comes to playing a hiver and that is much like a skeleton is they don't have a problem with acid I suspect it's their carapace that uh allows for that but uh they're not bothered by a little bit of a you know spicy water as a human or race track might complain about because off the coast right here is an empty workshop with uh all kinds of great goodies inside Andy benefit of going there is that we can also train up our lock picking and otherwise you know we'd have to go spend 10 grand on the Shinobi guys to to do so to train up um so it's kind of a great One-Stop shop however there's no point in going there if we can't survive leaving with all the goodies and the only way we can really do that without being a huge safe scummer is uh stealth so this is the current play we are moving around I may actually loot him because I think he's he's dying anyway so we're gonna get a skin and we will hopefully be able to turn that into a I would like to turn it into a backpack because that would be pretty huge before we go off to that robotics place um but I also want to find a big thing nest and kind of show you what that looks like because there's other than the eggs which sell for quite a bit uh they're like 4K plus and their prices don't change so they're a static price so you'll always get that price and whatever where you go so it's a very nice reliable way of making really good cans but you can also find weapons on the ground as well at their nest so it's other adventurers who have gone there who have tried to get the eggs who have uh you know failed and died we will not we will survive and we will thrive so right now we're at 24 it's not going up by a super huge amount but it still is but I'm Gonna Save you and spare you the uh you know all this already we're at you can see day two our food our hunger is absolutely fine we are having zero problems uh that gorillo has you know he's cruising he's having a good day and uh we will be back all right as you can see we have gotten a little bit of ways from the village we were at I always just kind of running along here exploring and I found a big thing nest the big things uh here you can see if you click on them they're patrolling the town and that's basically their just way of saying they're sticking at the nest they don't ever go too far from it those who are attached to it but at 2200 is when they are going to go to sleep and that's basically when we went to go in and NAB up the eggs however even though you can see my stealth right now is pretty high right because we're getting that 20 unencumbered bonus right 64. as soon as we pick up those eggs can be a different story that skill is going to drop so we want our stealth Fair up is really as high as possible because again we don't have any strength yet so even picking up one egg is going to be a severe detriment to our stealth score so the higher we can get this now uh the better I usually want to shoot for something like 60 seems to be a pretty good number because that's usually going to get cut in half so you know if you're able to Stealth at about 30 that's pretty good uh you see they've woken up there's combat uh it's a good thing we did not run in there to get that egg but we're going to use their presence that they are awake Ascension will they go back to bed or are they going to be now has their sleep cycle been changed to an awaken cycle here still Patrol on the town so it looks like they might be awake for a while not the worst thing because it does mean we can continue to train our stealth which again once we pick anything up our stealth score is going to plummet and we will be glad for every single potential point uh that we have so we will do that and uh if they choose to go back to sleep we will then attempt to steal the egg but for the moment we will just be moving back and forth but again are doesn't really matter because our our health or rather our food modifier is so low that uh we could we could do this for quite a while so I will once again spare you The Waiting which seems like the uh might be this might be a day four thing get a little unlucky with that gorilla but uh All Things Considered we're going to have more Athletic score more sneak score in the end does that really matter no wait next two days probably even better for us to be on that exercise safe so we will resume shortly okay so we've got some who are asleep some who are eating those guys so we're going to see if we can pop in and uh grab us some eggs before we are uh duly spotted you can see we've got a very high stealth score going on at the moment I do not know if that will last but I uh that's okay now it is time for us to scoot and do we scoot successfully I think we did I think we got away awesome as you can see though a soft score is pretty crappy I'm gonna try to drop that and it jumped up by quite a bit so we are definitely uh yeah we're gonna do that so now we have some money or potential money we get admag over here we've got squint over here screen I believe will be closer oh you want to go back that way uh we're gonna manually control this I think because I want to go around them all I do not uh do not feel like chancing it and I said to this we're going to get a little little XP for our strength I think we have managed to get away so we have a nice chunk of change right there waiting for us we're going to turn that into even more money so already we're uh starting day three and we've got I don't know we're keeping those eggs but uh somewhere somewhere being kept that we're about to make a lot of money alrighty so I've done a little bit of shopping we have ourselves a small thieves backpack which for this kind of start uh for this guy I kind of prefer just because you can see there are no judgments to our combat speed or or our Athletics or our stealth um we don't get any kind of negatives for that so it's pretty great and we do want a little bit of storage space there's obviously the more we carry uh the more money we make per trip uh we're still sitting pretty at 12K I've got a sub bedroll because we need to be able to you know potentially sleep we may not be able to make it to a friendly City we've got some Medical in case we get a beat up along the way and we're gonna go back out and I'm thinking we uh we head on back see if we can get more beefing eggs now buy some happenstance as I was heading back up to that big thing Nest I found one much closer to squin with a lot more eggs to it so if I really wanted to this would be this by here it would be incredible there's also a pretty good uh uh saber that's what that is so you know if if I were using that kind of weapon I could uh I can make use of that but I don't uh I don't think we're going to snap here because I want to so the other place I like to go off the coast I think you kind of get the idea already of stealing the big thing egg you kind of understand the stealth score you need so to keep pilfering from that uh would be fairly redundant at this point I think uh since this has not been wiped out um this should be here so if we want to come back to it we we can unless something along the way kills it or it miraculously despawns but this should be here waiting for us so we're just going to keep on going and uh I'm going to show you that he uh the workshop already we have arrived at the beach as you can see off in the distance across the water we have the abandoned Workshop and usually again this is all all acid and humans and Shack would be crying and complaining about how their Skin's melting off and woe is me but not your hiver all this acid not a big deal uh he doesn't have good swimming feet though so that is a trade-off no uh no skin to melt off but uh no swimming either but uh hey we're getting some good swimming XP not that I think it really helps hivers too much because I think they just kind of suck at swimming so is what it is but that's a it's I think a fair trade-off all the same is you don't take any damage from this acid water but uh you know you don't get to move very fast so it doesn't seem to matter how high up our swimming here goes we are moving at a whopping two miles an hour again there are no swimming feet they just have sticks four feet so I think that's kind of interesting uh that the game kind of does that I think it's really cool but we're almost there it's not it's not even at two miles an hour it's not a bad swim just takes a hot little minute but we're almost there oh three miles an hour guys we are we're cruising now we are cruising as you can see our stealth is kind of insane it's pretty wild but here we are it's time for some hopefully nice loot so even though this area is static I do not know if all the loot within is also static it may or may not be but we're going to find out so we uh here we go so we're going to train up our lock picking and this is probably going to take quite a long time but that's okay so we have this chest over here and then we have two over here so this one is at five percent and this one nine percent so we're going to get ourselves a decent little bit of uh lock picking that we got that's right we have this one here currently at zero just because again we don't have the uh the skill for it but again it's uh it's gonna be fine but no cool hey look at that Masterwork leg I have had that here before so that may be a static spawn in the area again I don't know I guess is this just here too which would be you know all that for uh okay uh the tools why not the fuel why not we will uh replace it if we find and get better so let's go over here and hopefully we can level up lock picking a bit more oh I guess we can't get that now nice that's okay I still want this leveled up as much as we can I can usually get it if RNG is in my favor to about 15. so again that's you know the the same scores we get if we went to the Shinobi thieves to uh level up block picking and that would cost us 10K whereas we can swim over here and get that leveled up for free along with getting really really really good loot so this is this is what I would choose that this is my alternative to that is this swimming over here and uh leveling up this way oh my God hey that is a mighty fine crossbow don't mind if we do that's awesome give me those goodies hey and we will take that is there more wow another Lake okay that is pretty good I don't think there's anything else over here to click on put nothing in there okay so over to the other side it can't be doing I did click that okay and more lock picking so already we've got ourselves a a pretty pretty nice Hall from this place so already it was worth coming over here but with our uh stealth being as high as it is Athletics being pretty decent it's not like the trip took us long to begin with but again this is all part of getting themselves into a very good starting position with cats and with getting our some of these skills ranked up look at all that and that and that and that oh I do want that that is that is good okay dropping fuel dropping the fuel I'm gonna put you there we're gonna put you here and we're gonna do a few nope okay it's time to play some Tetris nope not yet so it's ah there we go all in real time look at that I really am that good okay I think we've got everything that isn't nailed down so it's pretty good we are looking at uh quite a bit of cats but since I you know on this guy if I want to do uh blunt this is you know it's not a bad stick obviously it weighs a lot and we need a lot of strength to be able to utilize that um but that's a that's a problem for for later right now we need to get the heck out of here and as you can see all that weight our uh a stealth score really sucks so we're gonna you know we can't go to these high villages to sell so we are uh we're gonna be very we're going to be very careful but it's close tonight and that's going to help with uh sneaking around all the big things um probably the best place to go is try to get the ad mag um we're gonna see so I will once again spare everyone the run time and I will show you the fruits of our labor okay we have finally made it to add mag it literally took all of the in-game night to swim across that's how over and covered we were and it was super slow going through here now we did get beat up by a gorilla along the way so uh that hurt but that's okay that's why we bought the medical so you can see we've got a few more points in defense from that our toughness is set four we've got some levels in strength that's not bad we had to buy some food because we're getting a little hungry but uh we're at 82k so I feel like on the food front not a big deal to buy a little extra um so now we're we're in a in a phase of what do we want to do we could get even more money by going to the ruin over here depending on the weapons we might want to use you know there are Sabers over there there's lots of good gear we can pick up we can make even more money if we want to and it's not far um or we can start gearing up now and just get on to the action you know those are all viable choices for us to make um but uh I I want to get into the actual combat as soon as we can so something I can do now that we have the money and definitely not hurting for it we could buy a larger thieves backpack it's only 5K only minus two to our combat skills so that's All Things Considered it's not a it's not an issue at all and it does not influence our uh you know Athletics or stealth or anything like that in a negative way so I think we're going to upgrade backpacks you can see a heck of a lot more carry space and uh minus two doesn't matter in all you know at all things so uh as you can see it scales off the body scale so it is a massive massive backpack uh so we're going to keep that that is okay with me so let's see about gearing and now there is going to be a bit of a problem with our gearing if you've played a however you know they cannot just wear any shirt they have to wear a hiver shirt but the hivers are not friendly with us so we can't just go to a hiver uh you know shop and buy clothes so we are in a little bit of a pickle in that regard so obviously there's some pretty good armor here um Samurai cloth pants I do usually enjoy the cloth pants they're quite good um you know we obviously the lake plates give us zero to stealth So eventually that might be something we want because it also protects the uh gives us some pretty good systemic protection and it gives us obviously the full Lake protection we can't wear any boots so we're not going to get any of that um potential boot protection obviously we can't wear helmets so we can't cover our head at least not as a the combat hiver you know if we were like the prince or the the Drone we'd have some had options but this guy is heads way too big uh no hat will fit on that we do get the 200 Health from that but again we can't cover so when it comes to armor we're going to be probably trying to cover all our bases here so we might be going with one of those dust coats or something that will actually give us some kind of head protection but uh yeah we're gonna be in a gearing pickle here so what I'm going to want to do uh is I think we're going to have to go to the armor King I believe he may have um hyper shirts that are part of his potential gear um rotation so we're going to buy a little bit of extra food just because we can we're gonna be smart about that but the armor king is not cheap so again we have that option it's a it's a travel we want to get a little extra money before we go or just run up that way I think 79k should be sufficient um worst case obviously we can just run back and get and make more money um but let's run up to the armor King and see if we can get ourselves a hyper shirt because that's going to be the probably the hardest gear to get for this guy and so that's something I want to prioritize is getting that ASAP and getting it really good because again I can't just pop off to a standard shop and hope for a hiver attire so we're gonna go see the armor King okay getting to the armor King not difficult a little bit slow uh we can't just pop up the river we have to go up and around because all these holy nation guys of course do not like us we're not a human Athletics though it's pretty good so we're able to outrun them which again is sort of a nice benefit early on of training stealth is also the Athletics go up so by the time we really need it we're actually not in the bed in a bad way but we are going to stop here at the safe house and uh loot it for all the goodies that we can muster and manage because the Army King will be expensive and I want to make sure that we you know we have enough I don't want to show up and then have to turn around and and not walk away with everything that we have that we need so we're going to take every little bit of extra we can get a Hands-On and not great pants but uh you know they are some pants so obviously there's a ton of food here and some nice medical so if we were really hurting for cats then obviously this would be a great place on our trip to stop but uh we're not hurting for cats and I'm just taking it because I'm uh so we're used to just looting everything uh yeah more cats I mean we're just see we can't wear that shirt that's okay because we will soon hopefully have one and that's free armor we will take free armor we never say no to free armor uh okay we gotta we gotta stop looting but that's some again we're kind of tidied over now for a little while all right and this is the Amber King uh if you've never been here before he's right here in this little Bend in the river either way you're gonna have to swim to get to them but uh he's earned the name so we're gonna see what he has for us armor King armor King saving lives with our marine yes I would like to buy the best armor in the world what do you have for me friend so we have a long coat I'm probably gonna go with a long coat because that's uh can you give me the most bang for my back I may go with the dust coat though uh sleeveless that is a shame it wasn't sleeveless I would go for that but uh because obviously need the arm coverage but uh that's pretty good uh I like the melee defense bonus which is nice Dodge is nice uh stealth never hurts we don't really need the acid protection but the burning protection that's uh that can be handy if we had head up to Venge as you can see Obviously good stuff we want to see if he has a hiver shirt for us though he's got really good other shirts but uh nothing for us at the moment can change black and chain oh well we do have specialist grade uh leg plates that is pretty awesome I am tempted to get it just because it's not that expensive great coverage and uh I kind of want it again I can't wear boots so I need the absolute best protection I can get so I think I know what we have to do Masterwork dust coat Samurai leg plates now that's obviously going to put uh a fair negative to us on the stealth aspect but at this point are we are we really worried about Stealth or getting into combat and surviving and I want to get into combat and I want to survive um man I I am a sucker for the desert Sabers but I am not a sucker for dropping 37k what we can do is we can wait a full full 24-hour cycle we can always come back and see if he's got um are we stock and goodies but uh I don't know we're looking pretty dang fly as we are and uh we may just go out and get ourselves into combat human's freaking stabbing they are armor King they truly are uh oh the room kind of despawn a little bit on us that's there it is that looks more like it uh yeah we're gonna we're gonna go get ourselves some action now and I think probably the best way is to go on back out and head on down to the hub but as you can see uh we're still good on cats we've got real nice armor we've got great overlapping coverage um we even have some Noggin protection uh the desk coat also gives us Lake protection or at least a good percentage chance to offer leak protection so that kind of helps make up for our boots and eventually he might even have a shirt for us um so I may go ahead and just progress time for a full in-game kenshi day and check back with them and see if it has a restock on the Harvard shirt for us all right you can see I am back at the Hub I got tired of waiting um the hiver armor at Armor King is a somewhat rare spawn eventually he will have it to buy but uh I did not feel extending around there waiting uh for however many in-game kimchi days it might take so that's something that uh every now and again run up that way check it out if he does great if he doesn't then get back out there and do whatever it is that you want to do um as you can see take a little bit of a beating getting back here um toughness is already up to 10 which is pretty great obviously these two scores are not super great yet but they will get pretty great in fact too much trouble um for this fella I do think I am going to go with blunt that's not usually a uh a weapon that I use all too often so he's uh he's got this iron stick and as you can see it weighs 16 kilograms um but the blunt damage is 0.82 so to get the real value that we need in terms of the amount of strength to use this effectively we would take 0.82 multiply that times 40 and then the end result is going to be the minimum strength we need to get the full 100 animation speed out of that oh so the the rough and Temple is you take the weight multiply by two um but for the true accurate number you take the blunt and multiply by by the 40 in this regard so we're definitely going to need more than you know mid 30 strength to use that well and obviously if you get hit in combat that drives your strength and if that drops below then of course your intubation speed is not at 100 again so he's got a ways to train the upside is the starving Bandits that are around this place carry low grade six so those do not weigh a lot so and eventually one of those show up we will Bonk them on the head with the help of the guards here we're going to take his fancy stick and we will use that instead to ensure that we get more more tax on uh on Target because of the lower weight requirement because we stepped along the way and got all that insane food we can we can just lie here for days on end if we need to um so we've and we've also got more than plenty of cats we also have the stealth skill if we really really really need to go out there and be stealthy and pick stuff up we've got that you can see our Athletics from just running around a little bit it's pretty good and that's where we play the uh a little bit of the waiting game again we could join the uh Shinobi thieves over here get ourselves Allied up and we could follow one of their guys around we could go to the swamp and bodyguard one of the Chevy thieves as they bounce around that is totally an option um but we can just kind of chill and we can stay here in the hub there are always Bandits that are going to be passing through here or the lone Shack so we just keep an eye out and we just lie in bed all day you know it's a art imitates life as they say and we just hang out and eventually you guys are going to come our way we're going to slap them around and hopefully we get hit a few times so that way our toughness goes up and as you can see that also influences your damage resistance so when you first put on this gear decent as it is it's not going to seem like it's doing all too much for you but as your toughness goes up you're going to see there we go you're going to see that the damage you take will also go down so the the armor and your toughness are going to work in tandem quite well so what we're going to do is bring yourself out here enter these the bandits they are so we're going to let them come inside and we're going to do this number you attack and provoked so and then we're going to run over here and we're going to make sure that the guards get involved there we go oh and now we fight I guess it's soaked down a little bit more exciting boom as you can see just how kind of slow our attack is because we do not have the strength required to uh swing this very well so it's just this it's like we're fighting underwater it is not a good time but that's what we wanted want his stick you can see it only weighs two kilograms we have more than enough strength so we will use that for a while we've got a little bit more skill took a small beating wait 9049 and if we have patience a few more times and we are going to be looking pretty good so we're just gonna go back to sleep back to the bed I'm gonna heal up now these first few levels in toughness for your in terms of your damage resistance won't be super great and then it's just going to start to Skyrocket once you get through those initial those initial levels and okay this is uh Escape servants we could beat them up if we wanted um but you know they're trying to skip the holy nation so I I feel like we should be a little charitable and uh leave them be they've had a they've had a tough life as it is so the nomads of course we don't want to mess with they're good they're good people dust Bandits and hungry Bandits that's what we're waiting on and between every fight I would definitely suggest resting up you always want to be at 100 percent and this is the waiting game but again we've got plenty of cats we're geared up if we weren't using blunt you know we plenty of opportunities to get a weapon or to find a weapon we know where we know where to get those and we have the cats to buy them uh so this is the Fate we want to avoid by uh playing it careful playing it safe
Channel: Zombie Gandhi
Views: 2,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: l9MvEnvMWuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 14sec (2714 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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