Ranking All Factions in Kenshi

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i have ranked weapons recruits cities zones i have ranked minor and major bosses i've ranked many things in kenji and today i am ranking all of the factions there's so many of factions out here and we're gonna have to go through all of them really fast because there's like more than 50 so we're gonna go rapid fire we're gonna go the six barrel harpoon fast something like that anyway we're gonna be ranking them on how cool they are how much of an importance they have in the world how easy or hard they are to fight how obnoxious they are sometimes and well mostly their general impact on the world so uh oh yes before we start for their representation down here i have the general icons of where they usually spawn in the world or where the capital is or something like that because uh it's kind of hard to you know get get them all in otherwise and i think this is going to be a good representation of them yes now let's start first we have the anti-slavers they have an extremely badass leader in tin fest lots of those guys are op martial artists they live in a really cool location they are your natural allies if you're trying to go against slavers or united cities the minus there is though that they leave the united but 80 st for the anti-slavers next we have banner bones one of these shack outcasts these guys are pretty weak links but they are decent for your early training i would say otherwise their leader tore the fearless not very strong they are nothing too special to see here next unless we have another shack outcast we have the berserkers these guys will f you up early on with their heavy weapons they are slightly stronger band of bones versions but they're still nothing too special so they go seat here but they can go above the band of bones next we have the black dragon ninjas aka the cloud ninjas these guys are so smart they live in a place that has a lot of gas floating around and they're not using masks to protect themselves from gas yeah pretty stupid they're not too strong and they're kind of obnoxious deet here next we have a bunch of weeaboos that will dab away with your food and leave you hungry yes we have the black dragon ninjas these guys are the cooler version of the previous dudes and they have two cool leaders as well one of them having a may 2 blade i think these guys are pretty pretty decent they'll go into beat here you know their raids are well known and annoying but they are decent companions then we have black dog i wouldn't be surprised if many of you haven't ever really encountered them they're not there's not that many of them around their hq is kind of out of the way they don't let you in and if you go in they'll fight you a couple of people are there otherwise they might try to bully you out there if you if you find them in the world they're being like hey give us your money because we'll offer you protection and then you don't want their protection and they want to fight you but anyway black dog i think it's after then we go to black shifters one of the gangs from the swamps but these guys they're smart they love to grow hashish and they actually have a secret drug farm quite out of the way from the swamps protected by some nasty skeleton spiders these guys are kind of cool they deserve to be at least in beat here next we have blood raiders these guys will bleed you because they love their bleedy bleedy weapons but otherwise they're kind of a punching bag style of people you'll easily defeat them many times over at best they can be deed here then we have bounty hunters these guys are kind of chill boys you know you you see them wander around they're like beefy strong boys that will go for the bounties usually they will ignore you even if you have bounty they will attack you at the worst possible time always also they're kind of afraid of going after the bug monster even though they're you know he's the like the greatest bounty in the world so yeah kinda but seat here then we have the cannibal hunters i gotta admit the cannibal hunters kind of big thumbs up for these guys they will save your ass out there in the cannibal planes they will chop up many many cannonballs they do have pretty sturdy uh home base and their leader is also pretty strong not an easy place to fight if you want to actually attack them they're pretty cool i'll put them into beat here next we have crab raiders i know a lot of you guys really really love these dudes they're very unique and you know unfortunately out of the way they have their special assaults with the crab tournaments that are unfortunately extremely buggy so there is that they have their unique armor that is very strong and very resistant and you know if you want to lose limbs you can go find their crabs or if you want to get stronger you can go fight them because they're pretty decently tough i think the crab raiders are definitely eightier that cat next on the list these guys are defeated they're hiding they have been taken over by the cannonballs and they're very afraid of them very unfortunate for them they are kind of a weakling people they still fight the cannonballs but they you know we all know cannibals are pretty weak they should have pushed back the tier next we have drifters they are not really a proper faction per se but they do exist as a faction and most recruits are part of the drifters now with some mods you can get drifters to even move into your town and such but this is you know vanilla ranking so drifters like this they don't really mean much you know the only bonus is that beep is a drifter as well so but for now just eat here next we have does bandits these guys get a big bonus because they are the traditional enemy of the new players you know all of us who first started playing the dust bandits were something we always fought and all that such and uh the dust king is this really cool dude who terrorizes like this early starting area i think for that they get a decent bonus even though you know if you play the game for a bit longer you realize they're really not strong but they do have significance so beat here then we have the empire peasants these guys are mostly ignorable people just really nothing much to do to them if you fight in the united stand that you ever have much interaction with so for now deter next we have flawed some ninjas these guys are extremely freaking badass they are the holy nation outlaws a group of women fighting against the sexism of the holy nation i think they're amazing they have a cool hiding spot they allow you to use their safe house if you escape from rebirth and they help people who escape from rebirth i think for that they get lots and lots of bonus points and their leader is extremely badass flotsam ninjas astier then we have free traders these guys control the shops in the united cities so you'll probably not even realize they're out there you know you trade with them their guards might be free traders but you know if you get in trouble in the united states chances are they will also fight you so their only real like cool person is the hermothe who trades around usually you can find them in hang and she hates skeletons so there's something special about that but i don't think they can go higher than sitier then we have the fog man the dead boys these guys are really unique and special and i like that you know i like that in any game they're great if you want to train toughness as a scally boy you know you can go just fight the hordes out there they're great limb removal service if you want to get some limbs eaten off if you're human so i think they have a lot of unique cool stuff going for them and they will spread over the world if the other queens are dead so i think the fog men deserve a tier next we have the grass pirates these guys are nothing too special besides that they call themselves pirates which is kind of cool but they're not really on the ocean they will fight you there can be decent training partners they will also fight the united cities which is kind of cool so see it here next we have another band from the swamps we have the grave players these guys smuggle hashish out of the swamps and they have the smugglers bar which is conveniently placed in a very nice area out there where you can you know stop and rest all such i think they deserve beat here next we have the holy nation outlaws they control the hub which is kind of a bonus for them but otherwise nothing really they hate the holy nation but they're weak links they're not really badass like the floods and ninjas are so we'll put them into seat here because they're really just nothing more than bandits with a kind of a bit of a home next we have the hounds another gang from the swamps these guys are pretty cool these guys are usually the top gang of the swamps and you can actually do a quest for them yes in kenshi there is a quest that these guys will actually offer to you it's crazy and there's question can she uh i'll put them into beat here i think they deserve to be there they're pretty cool and then we have the last of the shank outcasts we have the crawls chosen they're similar to berserker and the band of bones but they're a bit stronger than both of those guys and they're decent if you want to lose some limbs early on because they have heavy weapons so they're you know they're above these two guys over here but nothing above sea tier then we have man hunters we all know these guys love to cause you issues when you're in the great desert because even if you're you know strongly equipped and you're like hey you know these guys looks like an escape slaves let's go for them yeah man hunters that's fine but there can be decent training partners out there in the desert and uh they can be useful for that they can cause issues for you in a city though so that could be problematic but i don't think they're anything more than a sea tier then we have the daddy figures the mercenaries these guys can be really useful for uh players that just start playing game or you know if you have a very low level characters these guys can soak the damage for you they can heal you up they can keep you safe as i said daddy figures beat here next we have the nomads these guys are all over the place they can be baited to fight some fights for you but more often not they will actually go and they will heal your enemies because these guys are friends with a lot of people unfortunately you can buy animals from them so that's a bonus you can make your own gold army i don't think these guys are anything more than a c then we have the painted tribe the cannonballs these guys have strength in numbers these guys uh are usually weaklings but you know there can be quite a lot of them they have that annoying perk where they will pick you up if you're down and just run away with you you know that could be pretty problematic but otherwise you know they're pretty weak so if you want to go uh train a bit you can cut them down pretty easily they have a really cool leader and they are something unique in the world of kenshi so i think they deserve at least a beat here then we have the preacher cult these guys as i've said before many times i think they're a bit of a a failed opportunity they could be so cool their preacher has one of the coolest may 2 blades out there but they are so weak they have one village and they're really easy to just destroy and kill them so unfortunately they're after here then we have the rebel farmers these guys have the just cause of fighting nobility that treats the poor very badly they do that they fight them and for that they kind of have to resort to banditry unfortunately so they tend to fight you as well but their boss you know you can talk to them you can go there maybe missing an arm or something like that or if you're at war with the united cities you can join him and they will gladly fight for you against the oppressors beat here i think next we have the reavers these guys are the best slayer faction if you want to be enslaved make sure to be enslaved by these guys why because they will allow you to use a weapon and i think that is great it's great for training early on especially if you're more inexperienced so the rivers very cool they hate the united cities as well they are good training companions they are pretty unique and they have a cool base i think a tier for the rivers then we have the red sabers these guys all over the swamp they fight the swamp ninjas and they will fight you as well of course they will they're decent training partners but you know you have to go down to the swamps which are pretty dangerous so i don't think they're anything above seat here but they are at least cool then we have sand ninjas which in my opinion are the coolest ninjas out there unless we you know if you forget the shinobi these guys are really great training partners out there in the desert if you want to fight them you can also cash them in to for some bounties sometimes they are cool because they have their cool basket hats and they usually have some decent gear if you start in the desert you get some decent gear for yourself and you can also sell some of that i think these guys are eight here then we have the scavengers these guys are me at best and uh they have an interesting leader who is unfortunately very weak they do use crossbows so they will shoot at you but they're just bandits that prefer to loot the dead rather than fight the dead i think they're nothing special after next we have the shack kingdom these guys are badasses if you want to play as a badass you play as a shack with a giant sword and you know just smack everything these guys are for the warriors they're a faction that is dying off though they have a lot of problems but if you fight them they are definitely tougher to fight than the holy nation i'll put them into eighth here then we have shinobi thieves what is there not to love about shinobi thieves they're your greatest friends you can there's a lot of safe spots where you can go to them and stay inside of a city heal up hide from the authorities they will defend you if needed you know they have the best backpacks they have cheap stuff and you can sell them basically all the contraband you can also smuggle the hashish into the united cities and sell to them i mean what is there not to love about the shinobi thieves i think they're astier then we have the shrieking bandits these guys are crazy there's nothing else to say these guys are crazy you can have an endless fight against them if you go into the shrieking forest there's going to be an endless stream of them you can just fight and fight and fight and it's a good test for endurance you can also try to communicate with them by yelling and you know that might work for you that might not i think they're beat here because of their uniqueness then we have skeletons the og boys the last sane remnants of the skeletons they will live in the black desert city they you might find them up north traveling around these guys are pretty freaking cool they have the best armor they have the best weapons and they have some ancient tech what is there not to love about them skeletons i think are great and their capital is also amazing 8th here then we have the scouting legion these guys are those who are still loyal to catalon once the great emperor once again freaking cool they have their unique armor that looks amazing and they are the late game enemies that you want to go down to the ashlands to fight and spar against i think these guys are really cool they deserve a tier as well then we have the skelton bandits these guys think they're skeletons but they're not you can join them if you want to you know you can talk them and talk to them and join them and fight the skin abandons and the crab raiders for them but out of those factions i think they're the weakest link out there and at best they can be seat here then we have skin bandits they're opposite boys you know these guys are skeletons but they think they have skin yes very special people down in the southeast of kenshi these guys are the peeler boys they have the really cool and unique leader and they are pretty badass they're tough to beat their weapons are strong i think they are definitely better than the skin banners and i think or the skeleton bandits i think deserve beat here for that next we have the slave hunters these guys seems like the boys that once were slaves but are no longer slaves and now they hunt slaves the worst kinds of people really their weaklings their gear and such is terrible but they will turn up when you least need them and try to enslave you deed here at best then we have the slave traders now these guys have importance all over the kanshi they are very important faction they have uh ties in with the traders guild and you know they kind of run all the slave camps out there even though they don't really belong to them that belong to the nobles but these guys have extreme importance in the world i think they are a tier faction then we have the southern hive these are the badass hive these guys are pretty cool they have a strong queen and they have even stronger king they're pretty tough to fight and if you take down their queen they will go and send a really pretty cool and unique raid against you not only it's unique it's also tough to beat so i think southern hive definitely deserve a decent ranking they will also innovate the western hivelands if the western hive queen is dead which is kind of cool i'll put them into b tier next we have the starring bandits these guys are usually your first training or sparring partners when you fight them early on but unfortunately they're weak links and they're really not good for more than one or two fights they will steal your food though you know if you if they down you but otherwise not that strong or important deed here then we have stone rats another of the factions out there in the swamps they are obnoxious they will come to bully you if you have your base set in the swamps and uh you know i really like fighting them because they have pissed me off many many times unfortunately they're not really that special you know just being bullies is that all there is about them seat here then we have the swampers the guys who are all over the swamp and these guys are the actual probably only nice people in the swamps but they often get into trouble with the other gangs and they tend to lose so that kind of goes against them i think they are seat here though next we have the swamp ninjas i think these guys are a bit too of a pushover for you know where they live they live in the swamps one of the more dangerous areas for a lower to mid level range and with their equipment they get ranked by everything sure they have some of those decent katanas but if you have a bit of a stronger armor they can't really do anything to you and they get beat up by red sabers as well even though they usually have better stats i don't think they're really good d tier for the swamp ninjas next we have the only true adventurers of the whole kenshi we have the tech hunters these guys work for the mechanists and uh they they adventure all over the world they know stuff they have way stations around there you know where you can go and feel safe they're really cool and i gotta admit i really like tag hunters i think they are definitely a tier as if venge doesn't have enough of problems with the beams from the sky you also have thrall masters there with the thralls running around and trying to beat you bloody with their weapons that make you bleed out pretty fast they have two cool leaders who have basically beheaded a bunch of skeletons that now work for them they also guard agnew so very very cool unique recruit and they have their base where you can find some really good loot i think the thrall monsters deserve at least a beat here next we have the martial artist bastards we have the gorilla bandits these guys love to fight you with their big strong arms and we all know the martial arts are overpowered so they can be very tough and uh very strong but luckily for all of us they wear light armors you can you know beat them up pretty easily they have a cool base out at the old prison but i mean their leader is kind of cool but nothing too special i think they are seat here next we have holy nation racist xenophobic zealous sexist should i go on yes there are many many horrible things but they are very important to this world because they're kind of a buffer between the united cities and the shack and they fight both of them and they're somehow still alive yes they hate women yes they hate all the other races there's many terrible wrong things with them but i think for the whole of kenshi they're very important and their phoenix guy is pretty cool even though he's a terrible human being i think the holy nation is eightier then we have traitors guild these are the guys that actually control all the slave camps these are the nobles that you know control the slave camps and ah they're they're horrible people they're pushovers the nobles but their guards are very strong it feels very good to dismantle the slave camps and fight these guys they do have decent importance in the world but you know they're also horrible people beat here for the slavers next we have the crazy organ dealers yes you heard me right you know this is room world leaking into kenshi alas you can't really buy uh organs from them these are the twin blades they're also hiding in the swamps there's not many of them and there is some talk about them selling organs but you know nothing really happens there so i think at least i think at least they are deed here if not f but let's put them in d then we have the america of kenshi the usa of kanshi were rich stay rich and poor get poorer where being poor is a crime these guys are freaking cool though because they're still accepting of everybody of course as long as you have money i think united states are pretty cool out here the world of kenshi would not be the same without them and uh their nobles are also pretty cool i think their samurais are freaking badass and united cities as dear in my opinion on the other side of things we have united heroes league running around the united cities these guys are the worst they're racist but they're also terrible weaklings you can just destroy them and their main base with ease and i think they're nothing more than after and then we have vagrants these guys are the starring bandits of the united cities they are slightly stronger the starving bandits but they have way less importance than the starring bandits have in the original border zone and i think these guys are at best after next we have a western hive these guys have unfortunately a weak queen you know compared especially to the southern hive sound hive much more badass than the western have these guys will try to extort you for money when they're selling you their lamps likely you don't really need them but they're still cool you know they're your high friends they have the cool soldier hives they did kind of kick out beep unfortunately so that's kind of a bad thing for them but i still think western hive are very cool and unique because they kind of trade with everybody but the holy nation out there in kenshi and i think they deserve to be at least in beat here last but not the least probably a faction not many of you have ever heard of or fought yabuta ya buddha outlaws yes if you release a buddha from tango's vault he's gonna form his own faction and he's a freaking psycho so his faction will fight you and everybody else as well causing issues all over the united cities all over the great desert because they're kind of a dicks you know you saved the man now he's gonna fight you and try to kill you these guys are deep here and you know what that concludes my ranking over here let me know what would you change who would you put into sd or who would you put into after is there any faction that you really like that you would rank higher is there any faction that you really dislike that you would rank lower let me know down in the comments and for now thank you for watching go check out some streams that stream can she three times a week thank you [Music]
Channel: Kokoplays MB
Views: 48,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, Kenshi tier list, Kenshi guide, Kenshi factions tier list, Kenshi factions guide, Kenshi factions explained, Kenshi factions ranked, Kenshi factions, Kokoplays Kenshi, Kokoplays MB
Id: lGaTM4u-dnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2022
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