Kendra Hatcher | Love Triangle Murder

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Too turds of the body on dirty tree

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/notahero_99 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for the quarantine entertainment! Much appreciated:)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DivineMacabre πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's amazing how they don't get that this never works out.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/susanje1119 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
honestly just keepin it real they should it's some time before she arrived we believe a vehicle of interest entered that same so far Dallas police have arrested two people in connection with the murder of Kendra Hatcher but the person who may have planned it all is still on the loose I will suggest to her specifically is that she turned herself in as quickly as possible she is a fugitive wanted at this point for capital murder hey you and welcome my name in case you're wondering it's it's still Mike and in this depending on when you're watching it new / old video we're gonna look at a plot of the bangbang variety I'm always surprised they're a real thing like I feel like people watch too much of The Sopranos alright let's get back on track Kendra Hatcher a bright beautiful dentist was the target why well didn't a man fall in love with Kendra a man by the name of dr. Ricardo Ricky Paniagua Ricky's ex-girlfriend Brenda Delgado she was not too happy that Ricky fell in love with someone else and so what happened happened now let me tell you what happened [Music] so Brenda and Kendra the two women at the heart of this case and in the heart of dr. Ricky Paniagua let's start with Brenda shall we Brenda moved to the United States when she was quite young in 1982 after her father took the family from central Mexico to Dallas Texas looking for as most migrants are a simple opportunity while Brenda's father got a job in construction her mother worked in the US Postal Service on cleaned houses Brenda herself was determined to excel Brenda was loved by her teachers and after she graduated high school she had dreams to go to medical school but her family kind of quickly who pood that idea they simply they simply couldn't afford it so Brenda ended up working a number of jobs in a florists shop as a waitress before eventually ending up as a dental assistant in North Dallas and in time she would meet Ricardo Paniagua an introverted serious academic who wrote a number of papers with such riveting titles as selective tyrosine kinase inhibition by imatinib mesylate for the treatment of autoimmune arthritis fascinating reading I have no debt with sorry guys I never disappointed don't have time to go through today he was in residency in a Dallas hospital having moved from California and at the time he was actually he was actually finalizing a divorce so things between Ricky and Brenda they they hit it off in November 2012 they moved in together and things were looking good you probably know by now that if I say that things are gonna go south pretty quickly in early 2013 Brenda got pregnant and after discussing it with Ricky as she decided to have an abortion they just it just wasn't the right time a few months later Brenda enrolled in the dental hygiene program in Sanford Brown College and a few months after that they broke up why not really - sure maybe he just Ricky wasn't as serious about the relationship as brenda was you'll see she's very serious she was very serious about their relationship and you know they they broke up but they said they would remain friends and this is when things get weird a few months after her breakup Ricky decided to enroll in a salsa class I don't know what salsa I'm a terrible dancer just so you know and who would he meet their first lesson he goes to but Brenda whoa what are the odds you'd get me here didn't know you liked salsa they you know end up dancing together and hey they kind of they decide to get back together they would break up again a couple months later so in February 2015 they were officially dunzo but it's kind of strange quite the quickening because everywhere Ricky would go he'd go jogging he bump into Brenda go to the store hey Brenda what are you doing here honey where he would go she was there small town Dallas's I guess I know it's actually quite hard to put this on a coincidence when you factor in the fact that Brenda had access to all of Ricky's email passwords all of his email accounts she had a secret key to his apartment she knew all his information on his iCloud she could log in at any time and she had GPS location on his phone so anything Ricky did Brenda knew about it even though they were broken up brenda was keeping tabs on him and on an early June day in 2015 Brenda got some devastating news Ricky had fallen in love with someone else he didn't tell her to stick the knife in he was just like hey listen I met somebody else I really liked her ID Randy found out from me than from someone else and this person he had fall in love with was Kendra Hatcher as you can imagine Brenda was not happy about this Kendra was from a small town in Illinois she was an all-american girl captain of her high school cheerleading squad and the girls volleyball team went on church building trips did Bible studies for low-income children eventually graduating from the University of Kentucky College of Dentistry where she would spend her Spring Breaks working with Habitat for Humanity traveling to Ecuador to fix kids teeth for free she was decent I guess you could say is an understatement she like Ricky had been married before and had moved to Dallas for for a fresh start and wouldn't she meet Ricky on tinder in May 2015 three months after he broke up with Brenda so as you can imagine this drove Brenda nuts it was all she would talk about to anyone who would listen Brenda would go on dates she would only talk about Ricky I'm Kendra a new roommate moved in with Brenda she would only talk about Ricky and Kendra so much the roommates got the hell out of there she began to slyly ask about asking if someone knew someone who knew someone who would hurt someone one time she was going for a drink with her cousin at a bar and she brought along a goddamn baseball bat and said will you take this baseball bat and go and intimidate Kendra for me her cousin said no which I think was the right decision and Brenda would meet crystal Cortes a friend of the roommate the the one that made a hasty get away because brenda would shut the [ __ ] up about Ricky and kendra krystal again who worked in a dentist's office by the way that's three people who work in dentist's office Crystal Kendra and Brenda is there something that dentists come August so Brenda began to kind of lure in crystal she would take her head for dinner take her out for drinks just she just wanted somebody to listen to her spouting [ __ ] about Kendra and Ricky and this would culminate with Brenda offering crystal $500 for an extraction per days Brenda and crystal followed Kendra around Dallas armed with night-vision goggles covert like and one day they met Christopher love a neighbor of Crystal's mother Christopher was a small-time drug dealer with a criminal record and he needed money to start up a prostitution ring what a piece of [ __ ] so Brenda offered him three grand to carry out the mission tree Grande that was made up of drugs and cash and meanwhile around this time Ricky and Kendra were planning on getting married and we're gonna move away to California when Brenda found out about this you know she was still hacking Ricky's online [ __ ] she knew something needed to be done and needed to be done soon on the 2nd of September 2015 Ricky and Kendra were actually due to go to Cancun on holiday the next day Brenda she thought to herself she definitely needed an alibi for that very day she met up with a friend of hers Jose they went to the library together and then they went for drinks together in food and chilies now that day Brenda asked Jose if she could borrow his car her one it was bollixed he owned the Jeep and he said yeah sure if you need to borrow my car from it that's fine Brenda got hold of Jose's Jeep she gave to krystal krystal picked up Christopher love and they went to where they knew Kendra Hatcher lived they waited in Kendra's apartment parking lot and as soon as Kendra arrived home after a long day at work as she was getting out of her car Christopher ran up and shot her in the head he also stole her purse [Music] at the time of the murder Brenda was in Chile's with Jose having a few drinks they tax you back to Jose's crystal rocked up hey here's your car back Jose thanks for lending me your Jeep and then Brenda and crystal get out of there so the police were on the case they spoke to a very distraught Rickie believe you know his love had been murdered in such a brutal way and Ricci couldn't think of anybody who would want to hurt her or hurt him he should have thought a little bit harder however as Kendra's purse was missing the police initially thought it was a robbery gone wrong or something like that it's our understanding that last night about 7:45 our victim Miss Kendra Hatcher a white female 35 arrived home in at the gables Park 17 apartments in the 1700 block of Cedar Springs Road it's some time before she arrived we believe a vehicle of interest entered that same parking garage by piggybacking or following another vehicle in through the gate and that vehicle parked and waited in a parking space the vehicle which is shown on the screen from surveillance video is described as an older model Jeep Cherokee it's got a faded got faded paint on the hood and a paper buyer tag when Miss Hatcher parks her car an individual gets out of the vehicle of interest walks in her direction witnesses then described hearing a gunshot very quickly thereafter that individual gets back into the vehicle of interest and that vehicle then leaves the parking garage the police would then later release this image of the vehicle believed to have been involved in Kendra's murder detectives want to find the driver of a Jeep Cherokee they believe that person may know who murdered a dentist at an uptown luxury high-rise 35 year old Kendra Hatcher was found shot to death in the parking garage of the gables Park 17 her loved ones tonight do not understand why anyone would target her well Heather you know as shocked as residents are Kendra Hatcher's family say for them that feeling is only amplify the local dentist recently found love and saw herself moving to San Francisco to be with her boyfriend Hatcher's family say she never mentioned she was in any type of trouble now Jose the friend Brenda was wit at the time of the murder he recognized the vehicle because it was his his Jeep was used as a getaway vehicle in Kendra's murder so he was obviously quite startled and he told the police like straightaway as he was [ __ ] himself a friend of mine named Brenda and Brenda's friend crystal borrowed my car that day maybe you should look at them I'm getting scared the police they brought Brenda and Krystal in to figure out the minutes one of the things that I do as you know you've never been here before police not they Canada everything I don't see your pride a little nervous you don't have to worry about I'm not going to be yelling in my house oh that's not my stuff the way that I work I wouldn't believe what people are telling me I know sometimes when you're nervous things may slip your monitor you may need a little hurry and say thanks a little different it's cool okay I can understand those things because this is an intense situation for a lot of people she recognized that I was wearing hi I'm second bracelet she said that she reached out to me and let me know that she liked that and that she has one it caught me off guard normally when we begin an interview people that are coming to a homicide interrogation room I'm being questioned about a homicide normally they're a little more clothes she was actually open to the conversation and it seemed like she was trying to build rapport with me as well that's what I took that as like she was trying to relate with me as soon as she came in that's that's normally my job as she beat me to the punch a young lady was killed Kendra Hatcher was killed on Wednesday September say okay she was dating I think the guy that you used to take them the way that your name came up and investigation was linked to the vehicle okay the the Jeep plenty and I wanted to talk to you about this specifically about this thing what you were going Wednesday and you know the incident about that you okay what did you what did you learn about about Kendra I have no idea like all like I kind of seek feed but I really don't know what's going on like I have no idea but I'm saying like let me know how I can help or how a sorcerer what'd you say I'm sorry no you see his feet like they're sharing like someone was like a feed on Facebook once I started asking questions that she was having a difficulty answering I noticed she kept leaning forward almost as pushing her breast up and I don't know if it was some form of distraction but she was posturing I felt it to kind of give me off-guard or distract the interrogation did you know who she was this is what I'm saying okay crystal borrows the G she borrows the G from your friend the key the key thing in all this issue okay let me tell you why digi the way for us to visit achieved is through 30 okay a young lady stands up dead her boyfriend the relation if you use an ammeter crystal ends up in this parking garage your friend your friend is your ex-boyfriends girlfriend all three of those things coming back to you that is your comment they made all these things so what I'm asking you this how did this happen and that would make me very uncomfortable with my friend was in this area my friend is borrowing my other French Jeep and my ex-boyfriends girlfriend gets killed one of the things that I looked at on the internet underneath this I like to read the comments on the stories to see what people are saying I live in continents you know what people are saying why this love Trank well then it's interesting I'm gonna find out what and to this young lady oh it's her family I will get to her mom just like I would do the same thing it's something happen to you you know one of the hardest things about doing is having to deal with grieving families you know there's nothing really you can kind of compare dancing come on the ability makes something inside you it gives you determination that you have oh stop but till you find out the truth and so my advice to you is to be honest okay because your honesty is only gonna benefit you because I'm gonna find out and shoot one way or another okay now I know that you have communicated with crystal I know exactly what this is about and I understand what it's like to feel like maybe not good enough sometimes I understand what it's like to want something if you can't have it also know that like so want something so bad they should sometimes you have life sometimes he would read for attention sometimes people do grab love understand those things understand how you feel all right - I think understanding what somebody will kill soreness I've never killed anybody but I have had my heart broken and I know a good thing it's not person this world as I've gone through that kind of pain and I can't say to be quote so much of your head I have a good idea but I can't be a translator for your pain all of this is revolving around you this whole thing and it's all over something that you could have Brenda gave them nothing she was booked in for an unpaid parking ticket but paid the fine and left crystal however well she gave them everything and looking into her phone records the police found out about Christopher love and when the police searched Christopher Love's apartment they found the murder weapon so the police know they had all their ducks in a row and they went to speak to Brenda but Brenda was gone for the course of the last month Dallas police homicide detectives have been working tirelessly together with our partners at the Dallas County District Attorney's Office and our federal partners at the FBI and US Attorney's Office piecing together information related to the murder of dr. Kendra Hatcher was killed on September 2nd 2015 tonight we announced the arrest of Christopher love blackmail 3:23 of 1984 the person we have identified as having shot dr. Hatcher and is currently in the Dallas County Jail on two point five million dollars bond additionally we have secured the warrant for the arrest of Brenda Delgado Latin female 618 of 1982 also for the charge of capital murder for her involvement in the offense it was a murder-for-hire no not at this point I will discuss or speculate as to where she might be or all I will suggest to her specifically is that she turned herself in as quickly as possible breaking news the woman previously implicated as the mastermind behind last month's murder of a dentist in Uptown Dallas has been named as the mastermind good evening I'm Clarice Tinsley I'm Brandon Todd but she is still on the run dr. Kendra Hatcher was murdered in her uptown apartment parking garage a month ago police last month already arrested crystal Cortes who they say acted as a getaway driver tonight police announced they had arrested the gunman and are searching for that last suspect the FBI put Brenda Delgado on its ten most wanted fugitives list and offered a 100 and dollar reward for information leading to her arrest Brenda's family however believed she could never be capable of something like this [Music] Brenda was living in torreΓ³n I'm sure I butchered that Mexico for six months before they finally found her and brought her back to America now Brenda was both a US citizen and Mexican citizen and according to Mexican law she could not be extradited to another country that would seek the death penalty the American authorities agreed not to kill her I guess and she was brought back but all true this brenda had a pretty good alibi she was at Chili's with Jose having a great time so the prosecutor arranged a deal with crystal Cortes 35 years parole in 15 if she spilled the beans now when you're talking about the offense with several plans we're coming up with several plans one of the plans were to inject her with the needle another plan was to shoot her directly and another problem was to kidnap her Christopher went on trial first in October 2018 guilty and Christopher love was sentenced to death for murdering Kendra Hatcher Brenda's trial began in June 2019 funny enough she organized the entire plot to try and get back with Ricky so she could have him for herself [Music] tell the jurors yourself you know there was commotion going on outside there was there were police vehicles there were just a lot of there's a lot of a lot of activity a it didn't even dawn on me I didn't even consider the possibility of it being related to to Kendra but then when he when he held up his hand and said hold on and it just did bypassed that simple process though now my mind is starting to jump into worst-case scenarios when I went to the taco stand a little bit earlier like around 8:15 I had already seen that there was commotion in fact I had sent a message to Kendra saying you know hey you know by the way you're the entrance to your parking garage seems to be blocked you it doesn't look like you're gonna be able to to get in you'll probably have to find another place to park today so then that's that's where I start panicking and now I'm just now just the possibility of something happening the Kendra starts to enter my mind and I'm really I'm very I'm scared I'm panicking I just I don't know this would be the entirety of her interaction with him during the trial and well I guess forever after you see Brenda Delgado courtroom today yes sir can you in our sensitive point to heard I have a horrible she's at the end of the desk she's wearing a dark jacket [Music] I'm especially study [Music] Brenda would be found guilty of capital murder and sentenced to life in prison no parole crazy case yeah although I think all murder-for-hire cases are by their general nature and Kendra Hatcher you know she was brutally murdered seems like such a good person just wanted to help people generous soul you know and then you know all the other lives that were ruined because Brenda just couldn't move the [ __ ] on so instead of getting back with the love of her life she just got life no parole [Music] thank you so so much for watching I really really appreciate it I'll see you as always real soon in the next video take care of yourselves my go [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,235,672
Rating: 4.8728061 out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, brenda delgado, kendra hatcher, kendra hatcher dallas, brenda delgado and crystal cortes, ricky paniagua, brenda delgado dallas
Id: EEl8k8erbNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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