The Mysterious Case of Zebb Quinn

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hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this old video we're gonna take a gander at the disappearance of a man by the name of zebb Quinn he vanished On January 2nd 2000 while on his way to buy a new car and that was it he just vanished and the case went cold for quite a long time 15 years to be exact and then the story took an even darker turn alright let's giddyup and get into the case of zebb Quinn [Music] zebb Quinn was born on May 12th 1981 near Asheville North Carolina his mother Denise described him as sweet shy on a little awkward zeb joined the Reserve Officers Training Corps in high school and had a part-time job at the local Walmart's electronics department he was known to be a very hard worker eighteen-year-old Zeb was saving a part to replace his old Mazda and when a co-worker of his Jason Robert Owens told him about an eclipse in a nearby town he offered to go check it out with Zeb could be the purchase could be affordable get a new car the two were seen just after about 9:00 p.m. in the Walmart parking lot On January 2 second they were getting into their own cars and we're planning on driving separately over to a nearby town to check out this other car surveillance footage showed the two making a stop at a gas station a 9:15 p.m. on purchasing sodas before returning to their cars and continuing down the road Zeb was following Jason a few minutes after leaving the gas station Jason reported seeing Zeb flashes headlights signaling him to pull over Zeb had received a message on his pager I needed to find a phone to return the call Jason suggests that Zeb go back to the gas station and see if they had a payphone Zeb told Jason to wait in his car for him on the side of the road and who'd be back in a few minutes Zeb then drove back to the gas station in search of a phone and returned 15 minutes later zebb got out of the car telling Jason they would settle up later when he had to go right then something came up Jason said he was very frantic extremely agitated Zeb then drove off so frantic and frazzled that he slammed his car into the back of Jason's he then sped off into the night no one knows what exactly the message was that Zeb received that just set him off and distressed him so much and that was the last anyone ever saw of zebb Quinn Zeb's mother worried when he wasn't responding to her pages like he always did then began to call around asked me if anyone knew where he was she continued to page him on and off throughout tonight with no response knowing how out of character this was for his EV she went to the police station to follow me afternoon and filed a missing-persons report now the police didn't really have anything to go on no no clues no body no car no crime scene no nothing for about a day that's how long it took for things to become suspicious well as if you know receiving a message too incredibly distressed to crushing your car and then speeding off into the night never to be seen again you know that's already suspicious enough I guess clearly something was going on two days after his EV disappeared a call was placed to the Walmart electronics department by someone claiming to be Zeb saying that aha I'm sick I'm fucked can't come and work for a few days tummy ache the employee who took the call knew immediately it wasn't Zeb she worked with him she knew what his voice sounded like she then like something out of a comedy film star-69 it and heard hello Volvo the call was made from the local Volvo Factory Jason Owens also worked there the police questioned him on Jason said Zeb asked him to make the call for him why Zeb himself wouldn't call he told the police about going to look at the car and ZEB getting the page and then being punished and speeding off when police went to check Jason's story they discovered that not only did he call out of work the day after zebb's disappearance but he was also claiming he was involved in a second car accident that night another accident after he had been rear-ended by Zeb right apparently Jason went to the hospital the night of the second with a few broken ribs and a head injury he claimed it was from a car accident his truck had minimal damage and no accident report was made or insurance claim filed though Jason was considered a person of interest he continued to deny any involvement in whatever happened to Zeb now police also learned of another person close to Zedd a woman by the name of misty Taylor they met about a month prior and according to Zeb's family and friends he was not a better misty however and not so much she told police they were not in a relationship and she had a boyfriend Wesley Smith and a baby according to Zeb's family and friends when Wesley found out about zebb and Misty he was pissed but zebb and Misty kept talking in secret then two days before New Year's which would be about four days before his that went missing misty cut off all communication worried about this zeb called to check on her but forgot to block his number he realized this got scared and hung up Zeb told his family about this and he also told them he was pretty worried he was scared that Wesley might either beat the living shit out of him or worse so that pager zebb received I wonder who it could be from well the police record showed that it came from his mother's sister his aunt Nina who stitch now Zeb was not close with her like at all he rarely kept in contact with her and when the police went to give her a little visit she said she never did that she never messaged Zeb she never paged him or whatever she had no idea what they are on about bizarrely interesting so police records showed that the page that Zeb got it came from inna his aunt's house but she said she wasn't even home that night she was with get this misty Misty's mother who she was doing business with and Wesley hmm right inna then later filed a police report saying her house was broken into that night but nothing was stolen just a few picture frames and other items were moved around I don't know if everybody is just lying or what and then a few days after zebb's disappearance his car was finally found and things get weirder Zeb's car was discovered at the little pigs barbecue restaurant which happened to be just across the street from the hospital Zeb's mother worked at the windows were cracked and the headlights were on there were lips drawn on the back windshield with exclamation points in what looked like lipstick a jacket that was not Zeb's an unidentified hotel key and a Tremont old alive black labrador puppy of all things a dog the driver's seat was also pushed up as if someone shorter than Zeb was driving the car Zeb's mother said she believes the car was intentionally placed there by someone who knew where she worked as if they intended for her to find us and then a week after the car was found a couple said they saw someone driving that car around in downtown Asheville a couple of days before it was found a sketch artist worked with them on a composite of the driver the sketch looked a lot like misty Taylor then months went by with no leads or clues in zebb's disappearance they found his car a jacket a hotel key a dog but no clues or leads on any of them the puppy however was adopted by one of the detectives so happy ending for him but Zeb's case went cold and that's true here in the mountains with a zebb Quinn case 12 years ago the teenager was last seen in Asheville after he left work no no new leads have developed for years in this case but the teenager's mother is holding out hope that someday she'll have some answers there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about them wondering where he is what he would be doing now if he was still with us Zeb's mother Denise Vlahakis has only pictures and memories of a son with a bright future working at Walmart on Hendersonville Road his mother has some hope he could have been kidnapped and is still alive since we've never found his body there's in the back of my mind there's always the possibility in Zeb's case I think that there's so so many other pieces of information that we have that lead more to the probability of foul play but until you know I just until you find we find his body in the back of my mind there's always a little bit of hope in March 2015 15 years after Zeb disappeared Christie Show and Cod and her husband Joseph Cod disappeared Christie had become somewhat of a public figure after appearing on season 8 of Food Network Star hi folks I'm Christy Schon and I like to fish I like to hunt and man I love to cook I also like drinking beer with the best of them don't get me wrong I'm just a red-blooded American girl who doesn't mind getting my hands dirty now and then at the time of her disappearance she was pregnant undreamed-of opening a cafe in leicester north carolina where her and her husband lived there was no reason for her or her husband to abruptly leave town with it their cars of all things and they stopped answering family members calls something was very worrying on March 16th 2015 following a neighbor's tip a man was arrested and the couple's family he got heartbreaking news Christie Joseph and their unborn child Skylar were dead the man they arrested was no other than Jason Owens the last man that we know of to see zebb Quinn a neighbor had seen Jason carrying unusually large bags out of the trash prompting the call to police during an investigation of his home the couple's remains were found in his stove and Jason was arrested at the time Jason was a home contractor who worked for the couple and called Christie a good friend he'd been having car trouble and while the cogs were helping him with it Jason accidentally hit the gas running over them both ahead of fear he'd go to jail he dismembered their bodies and burned them in his wood-burning stove he then moved the couple's cars and pawned some of their belongings so it would look like a robbery we were able to recover what we think are human remains part of those were recovered from a wood stove at that residence they identified that someone had come out and in a very suspicious way had left things in a dumpster there at Donner Drive we responded and at that point in time we were able to locate items which we knew belong to Christie's showing car they did find Kristi Owens ID in that dumpster and several other items that came from the house two years later in 2017 Jason pled guilty to avoid the death penalty and was sentenced on April 27th 2017 to spend a minimum of 59 years to a maximum of 74 years in prison which would be the rest of his life now after the police found the Cod's remains they conducted a second search on his property where they found bits of fabric leather and some unknown hard fragments under a concrete fish pond no confirmation on the fragments has been made regarding them being human Darcelle police aren't saying anything about what they found like whether it was human bones or if they believe they have discovered Quinn's remains so these documents still leave us with a lot of questions it was nearly three months ago on March 31st that Asheville police executed a search on Jason Owens property days after he was charged with the murders of Christi and JT Todd in their unborn child all along Owens has been a person of interest in the disappearance of 18 year-old zebb Quinn it's very complex as you've reported on mr. Owens was a person of interest in the Quinn disappearance from 2000 and it those kind of things do make the case you know it does make the case much more complicated those search warrants released Monday tell us what investigators involved in Quinn's case found fabric leather materials unknown heart fragments unknown white powder substance metal and concrete are the listed items seized from Owens property on that day that search happened after one of Owens unnamed relatives led police back to his property and said Owens poured concrete eight feet long and eight feet wide and claimed he was constructing a fish pond sometime after Quinn disappeared in January 2000 that individual also told police it was quote at a distance from the residence that would not be convenient to enjoy it from and was not completed and said Owens later covered it with fill dirt 20-17 Jason Owens was also indicted for the first-degree murder of zebb Quinn will believe they have their man and he was already in custody he is charged with a murder that happened 17 years ago 7 News first told you last night about the indictment against Jason Owens briana smith has new details from investigators who cracked this cold case Romberg Jason Owens was the last known person to see zebb Quinn alive and just three months after Owens was sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison for a double murder he's now gonna face another trial today a lead investigator with the police department spoke about those recent developments investigators wouldn't say what the missing piece was that allowed them to present a case against Owens to the grand jury yesterday but they did say that they were relieved to have arrests in the case so he's been charged with the murder of zebb Quinn but we really have no idea what the evidence is they must defend something because owner not he was the last person to see him alive he was very suspicious he accidentally murdered a couple apparently but he then cut up their bodies and burnt them so he's a pretty suspicious to say the least this face is not a new one to the Asheville Police Department Robert Jason Owens has a criminal history dating back to 1999 that was his first DWI 36 year old Robert Jason Owens is in the news now but you might already know him for past crimes in 2002 he was involved in a high-speed chase with APD where he shot at officers during the chase in that case Asheville police say Owens was also driving drunk leaving him with charges like reckless driving and assault on a police officer he has narcotics charges and most recently been charged with two counts of first degree murder and murder of an unborn child that brings us to today but if you go back in time even before 2002 you'll find a missing persons case in 2000 involving the disappearance of a Buncombe County teen named zebb Quinn now there are still a hell of a lot of unanswered questions in this case who sends em a message on his pager that distressed him so much it couldn't have been Jason because he was with him that night allegedly of course we do have to take Jason's word on a lot of what happened and we're not sure how it was already he is so we do have security footage of Zev in the gas station so we know at least part of the story is true but it doesn't seem like Jason has admitted anything regarding zebb's disappearance even though he's been charged with it it's also quite a coincidence that the messages that received was traced back to his aunt's house the aunt he rarely rarely contacted while she was out with people that didn't exactly have the best relationship with zebb and we know for sure that Wesley was egged probably be is us at least and maybe maybe worse what happened to zebb scar was misty involved what was the meaning of the lipstick drawings and the dog of all things someone obviously wanted it to be found by leaving a puppy inside headlights on cracked windows I mean if you're trying to be inconspicuous doing all those things to occur and then leaving it in a public car crack right across from where the victim's mother worked you're doing a terrible job so to me it seems like misty Wesley and Jason could possibly have been in cahoots together now Jason may be unwillingly there's no known connection between Jason and misty and Leslie it's not believed that they actually knew each other but it definitely seems like Jason knows a lot more about what happened to zebb I mean he called in pretending to be him so maybe Zeb received a message on his pager the the message come from his aunt's house he raced back to the gas station made a call maybe the message had a number on it so either called his aunt's house or somewhere else he raced off somewhere maybe met up with misty and Wesley was killed and maybe Jason had gone along with Zeb and was also beaten up threatenin to silence I mean Jason had injuries he had gone to the hospital the night Zeb disappeared claiming it was a car accident yet his car had little to no damage on it maybe they bet the shy debt of Jason to keep his mouth shut they drew the lipstick on the car I was like a taunt because they knew Zeb who was into misty but see another thing is that Jason has been charged with Zeb's murder first-degree murder so if he was keeping quiet at a fear of misty and Wesley he can talk now he's in prison already I mean I know we're grasping at straws here but that's really all we have to go on unless unless Jason decides to open his gob while in prison but he hasn't he's kept it zipped so and that's the story so far I mean who knows if moral Khan maybe Jason will decide to change his mind and start talking but at the moment that's where we are it's a bizarre one and finally thank you so so much for watching I really really appreciate it please let me know your thoughts on this disturbing case in the usual place and I will see you as always real soon in the next video thanks again Mike
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 399,728
Rating: 4.9096484 out of 5
Keywords: unsolved mystery, zebb quinn, jason owens, cristie shoen codd, disappearance of zebb quinn, zeb quinn, what happend to zebb quinn, zebb quinn asheville, zebb quinn car, cristie codd
Id: HK-f7CThO88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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