Shot and Buried Alive but he Survived

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you have to be a special piece of shit to shoot a 12 year old

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/MissJacksonWiFi 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

This guy and his accomplice suck so much.

Kudos to the dad who got out of a grave with his throat twice slit and refused to leave before they found his son

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/LighterTheif 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey you and before we get into solving a mystery of our very own i would like to let you know that this video is sponsored by the murder mystery box hunter killer hunty killer is a subscription service that puts you in the detective's seat every month they send you a box of evidence in the case of a fictional crime your goal detective is to analyze the evidence eliminate suspects and hone in on the real killer in the boxes they send you every month you get reports audio recordings videos photos which you carefully go through looking for clues hidden or otherwise they sent me a season and honestly i stayed in for hours at a time enjoying the hell out of it and staying in these days is probably a good idea so if you think you'd be interested please check out that chapter and use code chapter for 20 off your first box also part of the proceeds of every box go to the cold case foundation an organization that is dedicated to helping with real life cold cases which is something i think we can all get on board with so once again if you think you'd be interested that's slash chapter and use code chapter at checkout for 20 off your first box thanks again to hunterkiller for once again sponsoring one of these old videos now how about you and i do some hunter killer ring of our own yeah hey you and welcome my name is mike and and you know what let's just change things up a bit how are you doing you know what's your name how are you feeling today i mean that's the real question here i should be asking but um i mean at the time of this recording i can't hear you so let's move on in this whole video we're going to alabama east alabama to be precise russell and lee counties combined population over 200 000 people in 2002 whoa what a year two men a michael carruth and a jimmy brooks dome and dumber had a plan a list a to-do list a shopping list of sorts it was not a good one but is it ever let's have a go [Music] is this the first time we're going to alabama because it sure feels like it and in this particular story we're going to opelika alabama that's a fun thing to say this is east alabama lee county on the 30th of january 2002 at about 8am a woman named katrina ratliff called her mother katrin who lived in opelika katrina would call her mother catherine every morning about that time just as katrina was getting into work and her mommy katrin was having a nice old cup of joe this particular morning though katrina couldn't get true to her mother as she usually did hey it's me i'm just worried about y'all i haven't heard from you at all please call me when you get in talk to you later katrina would actually try to call her mother quite a few times as the hours went by each time not being able to get through getting no answer and nobody calling her back after she couldn't get through and arrows were passing katrina started to worry and so left work early popped out for a little bit and went to her parents house as she got closer she started feeling off this wasn't like them especially when she arrived and found the cars still there [Music] she went around the back and found the door kicked inside she found her dad thurman lying face down in a pool of blood [Music] going further into the house she found her mother in the bedroom same situation she then tried to call the police but when she picked up the phone there was no dial tone the line had been cut thurman katrina's dad had been shot three times with the fatal shot being to the back of the head catherine the exact same three shots one of which was to the head it seemed apparent that both thurman and katrin had been tortured before being shot the house had been turned upside down it seemed that whoever did this was looking for something of value the attic the vents the cabinets all had been like ripped apart as someone was trying to find something it wasn't searched that well though even though like they had ripped the place to shite because the police found 87 grand hidden in the bathroom so home invasion by the lucky sea [Music] the investigation revealed little however it seemed that there were two weapons involved two handguns that had done the shooting so they possibly had two suspects to hunt they also found footprints in the mud leading to the house and so following them back they found tire tracks that at the time was all they had though it seemed likely that they may have known the victims from the way the house was torn apart one suspect was an ex-boyfriend of katrina's who 10 years earlier after they broke up kidnapped katrina and sexually assaulted and tortured her and then made threats to her parents he did time for that obviously but on the 30th of january 2002 he was in a jail 100 miles away from opelika alabama [Music] after that led nowhere the authorities were stumped so yeah all right so now let's fast forward a fortnight two weeks 14 days shitload of hours [Music] on sunday the 17th of february in fenix city right smackdown between lee and russell counties a man named forrest butch boyer 54 years old was getting his son brett ready for another one of those you know weeks at school packing the sandwiches ham again getting the clothes ready and so on and so forth butch was a single father he owned a used car lot and was doing the best for his son that evening as bedtime was you know approaching at around 10 00 p.m butch heard a uh knock on his front door strange that somebody would be knocking you know so late on a school night and butch was you know immediately suspicious so when he went over opened the door he saw it was the cops the rozzers at this time of day they flashed badges and shoved a warrant in his face saying he was under arrest for drugs possession he vigorously denied but they cuffed him taking him out of his house to a white crown victoria parked outside once there butch asked what to do about his son who was alone in the house then the two cops went back to the house and cuffed the 12 year old boy and put him in the back of the car beside his old man now at this point you're probably thinking wow what odd cops they don't even sound like cops at all and you'd be right butch boyer realized this as well as they drove past the fenix city police department and out to where route 431 was being constructed they then parked the car turned around and asked him about a safe they thought he had in his house containing about 100 grand [Music] now butch didn't have a safe but he did have cash so they then drove all the way back to his house butch gave them 40 grand he had in cash hidden in his closet and then again the four of them drove back to the construction site that would eventually be us-431 now this time the four of them got out of the car butch you know and brett his son still handcuffed and they started walking but you know now pleading with them to let him and his son go he'd given them the money just let him go when they walked and saw a you know they'd already dug a grave one of the men then slit butch's neck wide open ear to ear and after young brett pled for his father's life the other man shot brett three times in the head brett was then thrown into the grave butch's throat could open again and he too was tossed in rolling onto his son's body and the two men started throwing dirt in the hole they then left only butch wasn't dead he managed with his throat cut to dig himself and his son out unfortunately young brett was already gone butch covered in blood and dirt holding his throat together with his hands somehow managed to stumble in the dark through the torns and bushes to a nearby road and attempted to flag down a passing motorist one finally stopped and 9-1-1 were called number one i got a guy standing on the side of the road and uh he's bleeding really bad and they pretty sad and somebody he refused to leave until they found his son you got any idea what your name is here sir hold on right there [Applause] real quick what's your name what's your name butch what's what are you doing spell it out what's your name sir i mean what's your what's your birthday 3 2 47. okay he said his son's been shot three times down there i've been buried we got to go we're going to take him down there okay all right okay what should we do where are where is this what's down here he's cutting back out the grave who shot you who did this yeah dennis wrote some rights hey ron no [ __ ] i got a man his throat's been cut to hell he said his son's been shot three times is buried in a grave down here at uchi and he wants to go get him he was buried and dug himself out this is a bad one okay i don't mean so excited but this is bad when the emergency services cops and paramedics and all arrived butch was so worked up uh his troll was still cut open that the only way he would let them treat him was when they said to him listen if you die and you will if you you know don't let us treat you then the people who did this will get away that very night butch was able to give the police a description of the white crown victoria that had abducted him and his son and he told them these two guys had his house keys is anybody at your home no they got kids in my house okay kenick's police were immediately alerted and went straight to the boyer home after less than 30 minutes surveilling the home a white crown vic drove past with a man named michael carruth inside they followed him and he was arrested and inside the white crown vic they found handcuffs police uniforms a shitload of money and blood 43 year old michael carruth denied having anything to do with well anything he was a bail bondsman with no criminal past or history he was taken to the russell county sheriff's department and the car impounded he didn't confess as i said he denied any involvement he was just you know having a go for a late night drive you know yourself sure he didn't cooperate at all with the police said he had nothing to do with whatever they were on about what are you yapping about come on but you know and i know that i have not harmed anybody you know that and i know that i'm not even asking you to agree or disagree i i know in my heart what i did or did not do okay and this was because well he thought there were no witnesses he thought butch was dead which i think would be a uh logical assumption after what they did to him but it would be michael who would be dead dead wrong butch being alive came as a surprise you might say to michael at which point though he still you know denied anything he told the police about who some vague people he may or may not know but he wouldn't tell any names who sell drugs locally and he could help the police catch them you know because he just wants to do his civic duty yeah you know it's that guy who lives down the road mr incognito run mexico a big fish and what i'm getting at is you know as well as anybody else that you can do pretty much what you want to do as long as the va agrees with it and the va can definitely do anything he wants to do all right you know he does what he wants but the fact of the matter is if y'all were so inclined i know of a bunch of stuff around town and i'm not talking about a 20 dollar backpack right i'm talking about uh and and i'm within and i'll even tell you this i'm willing to take a polygraph with some of the things i'm going to take okay what i'm going to do is i'm going to tell you some things about which i will not i repeat i will not give you a name i will give you instances people places and things but i'll tell you who it is unless we can reach an agreement on some things i know a situation where the man has 40 kilos of coke but i'm telling you i can give you 40 people locally and you know what in exchange for michael helping the police catch the invisible man he had the balls the components to say he would let them charge him he would let them charge him you know with assaults with a deadly weapon and maybe a bit of an ill fine you know a little uh love tap on the wrist which is case if you want to convict me of that convict me as an assault with a daily weapon convict me or whatever i'm right that's fine you know charge me twenty 20 thousand dollar five i don't care what a weasel butch was also able to tell the authorities that he recognized one of those two lads who shot you who did this uh man sir who did this jim who i think i've known brooks brooks it's not jim it's not a daddy's son it was jimmy brooks jr the son of a repo man butch employed from time to time at his used car lot jimmy brooks was quickly caught too caught while burning the clothing he had worn the night before he confessed pretty quickly what we're going to do is we're simply going to kind of walk back through the events i want to start america again day one i'm jimmy told the police that michael carroth was a bondsman and had posted bond 35 000 for jimmy brooks six months earlier when he got me out i know my family had no money yeah some reason he got me out all right i mean when you say he might my cruise my cruise is a bail bond jimmy was a small time criminal had six counts of breaking and entering cars and vehicles so jimmy felt like he owed him for bailing him out and would help him out you know in whatever little scheme he needed to do you know he had paid 35 grand so hey he owed him that much at least also though michael carroth kind of told him you already have a choice you're helping me out jimmy wasn't a victim here though he wasn't you know strong-armed into doing these things he was more than willing so he comes to you tells you you gotta pay him or he's gonna lock you up right and you say okay i'm doing the best i can exactly and then he says well he's gonna think of something for you to make money and he'll come get you tell you what it is if you like it y'all can do it right okay it was michael carrick who slit butch's throat and jimmy brooks who shot brett he also told them that himself and michael were responsible for the ratliff home invasion jimmy brooks had worked for the ratliff family's son and so knew that maybe they might have some money so you pop her aware you shot her in the head back of the head from the head that's okay and getting it off your chest they in fact had a list they did their homework you know they had a list of people in the area who they had heard who they thought word on the street was they might have a bit of money stored away see the plan the robberies it wasn't just let's get a shitload of money and have a grand old time they were robbing doing these home invasions and kidnapping and whatnot to get enough money to uh set up a hydroponic marijuana system an underground one they were doing this all to just grow the devil's lettuce the brain of plants below those small hydrogen plants about like this and they're charging like five thousand dollars a pound for this [ __ ] really what they're telling me which would look a little something like this i'm not sure if these two buttes would be capable of something like this there was a turd man too 28 year old james gary who was involved in the ratliff home invasion he drove them there and was in the house also james two had been bailed out by michael carroth and so essentially was hounded and forced by michael to be involved he was a lot less willing than jimmy brooks michael carrath never confessed to anything plead not guilty however i mean butch's blood was 100 on his clothing jimmy fully confessed and told the entire story and so michael carrick was found guilty of capital murder attempted murder kidnapping and robbery and that was just for the boyer case he was sentenced to death in 2003 four months later jimmy brooks ii was found guilty and sentenced to death james gary for the ratliff home invasion was sentenced to life without parole jimmy and michael would have been sentenced for that too but they already had the death penalty michael karuth and jimmy brooks remain on death row what a uh horrific story that was just about getting enough money to grow some weed extremely violent you know especially i mean one of the victims was a 12 year old boy and you know if butch boyer hadn't survived and there was a very slim chance of him actually surviving which he did if he had ended up in that hole in the ground well then michael carroth and jimmy brooks and maybe you know james gary well probably not him they would have continued going through their list of who's who who might have a bit of you know spondylics around russell and lee counties all to build a underground hydroponic system for weed what as i said they're both uh still on death row the final farewell date uh to be announced good thing you know that's a pair of mounts and lamps if ever i saw them sweet dreams thank you so much for watching i really appreciate it i will see you as always real soon in the next one take care of yourselves [Music] you
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,632,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, butch bowyer, michael carruth, jimmy brooks jr, opelika alabama
Id: rSEtfm9cEUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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