The Case of Craig Rideout

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hey you and before we get into hunting a killer in this old story I want to let you know that this video is sponsored by Hunter Killer Hunter Killer is a subscription service that puts you in the detectives seat every month they send you a box of evidence in the case of a fictional crime your goal detective is to analyze the evidence eliminate and hone in on suspects and finally catch the real killer in the boxes they send you every month you get reports audio recordings videos photos which you carefully go true to look for clues hidden or otherwise they sent me a seasoned and honestly I enjoyed the hell out of it staying and playing it for hours at a time and if you think you would be interested please check out Hunter Killer comm slash that chapter and use code chapter for 20% off your first box also part of the proceeds go to the Cold Case Foundation an organization that works to bring justice and restoration to cold cases pretty relevant to the things we talk about here on this channel so once again that's hunter-killer comm slash that chapter unused code chapter at checkout for 20% off your first box thanks to Hunter Killer and now let's do exactly that [Music] hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this old video whoof we got the story of Craig right out it's a messed up one what happened to him you think he went to Disneyland what occurred in Rochester upstate New York in 2016 was pretty grim especially when bleach is involved but the suspects in what happened to Craig right out are pretty surprising all right that's enough trying to be vague let's get into it Craig Ridout was born in 1968 raised in upstate New York near Rochester with one sister Robyn after studying economics at college he met Laura asam in a Rochester pub Craig and Laura married in 1993 when he was 27 and she 22 that year they had their first son Colin Craig worked as a clackity clackity programmer for a financial services firm they would eventually have a total of seven children and with the pitter-patter of tiny feet and more mouths to feed jeiza that's well it kind of pretty light there now you know they were eventually forced to move into a smaller home and the finances dwindled even further and trouble Sarat Abreu and my friends Craig's idea to fix this was to get into some sweet gaming in the outside world I'm a simple programmer but in here I am Falcon defender of the Alliance Colin the oldest of Craig and Laura would later write that his father was abusive emotionally abusive while you know Craig's sister Robyn who lived nearby would say he was an extremely devoted father would never intentionally hurt or frightened his own kids he loved them to bits yeah this is when the lies untruths kind of begin we can only surmise exactly what happened but it seems that Laura for one reason or another although we got a pretty good reason which we'll get to why did it start to turn her children against their dad during the summer of 2014 Laura it seems had enough she filed for divorce from Craig and moved in with Paul touchy touchy touchy who was a longtime family friend of the right aides on Craig's best friend nice yeah Paul's wife had recently passed away so he was moving on a him and Laura actually kind of started getting close together because she was a shoulder for him to cry on and she wanted out of her own marriage though you might imagine this might piss Craig off somewhat his friends and colleagues would say you know he was a he was a good man he he kept his chill he he was very patient guy you know always looked on the bright side of life though inside jay-z's lives he was devastated he was awarded custody of his two youngest children aged 6 and 12 the other children were old enough they could do what they want the fact that he was awarded custody also could debunk what I just mentioned about his oldest son calling him abusive well he's not around to tell his side of the story Collin would side with his mother and move in with Paul and his mother from 2014 onwards though when the divorce started filing Laura and Craig's relationship continued to deteriorate quite a bit you know she would just drop the kids off and just kind of run away she would just show up whenever she wanted miss appointments that kind of thing and things would get even worse as we move closer to 2016 now at the beginning of 2016 in January text messages between Collin and Laura mom and Ola son show that they started to try and hatch a plan to get their two oldest daughters to frame Craig somehow Colin and Laura wanted the two daughters to stage an incident that would show Craig was an abusive parent so that Laura could get custody they hoped to provoke Craig into a display of anger so that they could call the police and you know he's violent Colin sent text messages to his sisters with detailed instructions tell them you're afraid your dad is going to kill your younger siblings when he gets home he wrote and later he texted don't hesitate to call 911 if he's ever screaming because that would play well in court the plan went to [ __ ] when this little ploy didn't work to get to Craig angry because it seems like he didn't really ever get angry because he was a nice guy [Music] so further into 2016 Laura and Paul touchy-touchy TG we're planning on moving to North Carolina and they wanted to take Laura wanted to take the two youngest children with her the ones Craig had custody of Craig was not having any of that one night during the summer of 2016 Craig was woken up in his townhouse by an intruder who plucked a hair from his arm and stole his house keys and Blackberry then fled Craig reported this to 911 but had his suspicions that it was his own son Colin that had broken in my name is Craig write out what happened I wake up at midnight with a sharp pain in my arm I jump up yes this will sound crazy black figure not a black man was running out of the room the reason I had to file a police report is my blackberry which was taken that night by July of that summer Laura and Paul were all packing up getting ready to jet on down to North Carolina they had already signed a lease on an apartment and on the night of July 17th Robyn spoke to her brother Craig for the last time during that conversation they spoke about what Alex the turd oldest son had posted on Facebook see Alex had posted publicly on Facebook and email Colin had sent to Craig about a week before and it went a little something like this let my mother and especially the two youngest children leave notice that every child who was old enough to choose has fled you are a chronic liar and I am sick of you dragging my mother through this contorted divorce while he abused the court system to try and retain control over her life Robyn and Craig both found this to be well untrue and Craig he didn't respond publicly on Facebook but he was like you know I'm gonna bring that up I the next custody hearing because Laura is maybe turning my own children against me what was law telling her own kids what their dad was like what did you know they believed he what can a person do they believed he was after that call Robin and Craig agreed to speak together the next day and when Robin emailed him the next morning she got no answer nothing under ringer eater Robin had replaced his cell and blackberry with a prepaid phone he wasn't picking that up when she called his workplace the financial services firm they read her an email he sent his work the night before my daughter remains ill I may not be able to answer the phone as I will probably be taking her to the doctor's office Robin upon hearing this was like huh that's weird maybe at lunch time I'll pop by his tennis see if he's around see what's up and when she did open the door and she saw a figure in the kitchen and she was like oh that's Craig oh wait no it was Laura cleaning the countertop now Laura wasn't allowed in Craig's house because of your custody rules and all that kind of [ __ ] she also wasn't like a neat person her tidying up was kind of weird what you doing here Laura where's Craig the husband you hate Laura at this point apparently said to Robin I knew it wouldn't be long before someone came looking for him I don't know where he is Laura said she was there because the kids Craig had custody of woke up alone in the house Laura then left and there was no sign of Craig's car Robin then snooped around the house and when she found three pairs of shoes on he only owned three pairs of shoes she called 911 Craig ride out was reported missing my father has not been answering texts or cell phone calls or emails that very same day 50 miles south of Rochester a farmer was biking to work early in the morning down a quiet country road as he was pedaling away he spotted two cars parked by the side of the road with two figures nearby tree arrows later as he was biking back the figures and the cars were gone but a shovel remained heading over toward it and following a trail of trampled grass into the woods he found a brown term and a barefoot visible underneath sheriff's deputies soon arrived there's a foot there when they heard a ring ring coming from underneath the truck pull up I'll get the phone what was the caller ID saying Robin that very same time police arrived at Craig's townhouse where Robin wanted them to force open Craig's locked bedroom door however they refused as they needed a warrant to even enter the house Laura and Paul soon arrived there Laura said she was tidying up put things in the basement but had no idea where Craig was and when the police eventually did search the house and got a warrant they opened the locked bedroom found nothing inside but when they searched the basement they found blood splatter on the walls and shelving unit and inside a bag they found what appeared to be a garrote the police are pretty quick to figure out whose body it was under the tar after all they had a phone calling a phone Craig never mentioned to his soon-to-be ex-wife that he had replaced Laura did not know anything about this phone which she was interesting when Robin told the police hey you know just a few weeks ago someone stole Craig's phone but only a few people know he had it replaced so the police had a crime scene on a buddy but and he linked those two together the autopsy of Craig was grim drain cleaner had been poured all over his face and fingers to prevent identification though he was successfully identified used dental records it appeared he had been beaten and garroted cell phone records pinged Craig's phone on early July 18 from his home to where he was found leaving his home a tree 15 a.m. CCTV from businesses along that route showed his vehicle and also Paul touchy touchy Tucci's car on their way to where he was dumped the day after Craig Wright his body was found the police got a call someone said two young men were throwing big black bags into a local pond called The Devil's bathtub which is a friggin awesome name by the way when they arrived the police met Colin and Alex what's gonna brother walk basically it's I mean you were just like out then suddenly people show up and it's like what that's I've never really encountered police before so he's like it's not a Rancho before right no I don't really do drugs or drink through the party of only oh I'm 19 I'm doing college that's two and and in the bags were empty bottles of drain cleaner gloves and bloody clothing so the police asked Alex what should dump and all this [ __ ] in the pond for he said to them my mommy told me to Alex I'm Colin didn't know Craig's body had been found so the police asked them what they thought could have happened to their dad to which they responded he must have left him you know gotten sick of everything he's sick of all his kids and just [ __ ] off he'd always you know he'd always granny you know I could just hear think if he was in the next flight to Mexico have you heard boy I emailed him last night I didn't I heard from in Monday and he picked up my brother and sister I think Tuesday like I've been kind of worried about him for like stuffs just have been freaking me out Alex and Colin were then arrested the police then rocked up to Laura and Paul says and she too was arrested inside Lauren Paul's home they found Craig's car key which you know not good for them in connection with this homicide investigation we're announcing the arrest of Alexander right out and Colin right out and Laura right out the two brothers Alexander and Colin were arraigned in mendon town court and charged with tampering with evidence of felony six weeks later Paul touchy-touchy Tucci was also arrested four people arrested and all four made bail they were only charged with evidence tampering the police were still trying to build a case against Laura Colin Alex and Paul and figure out what exactly happened to Craig the police would later find CCTV on Laura Colin and one of their daughters shopping in a local Walmart buying what a lot of drain cleaner what else come on that's why you usually buy when you go shopping right they need those pipes flow and baby the next day just a few hours before the murder Laura and Paul were spotted buying a large turf bungee cord and more drain cleaner Colin was also spotted on a different Walmart buying a shovel what the investigators think happened is this Laura and Paul brought the two youngest kids back to Craig's they were staying with Lauren Paul and that night one of them possibly both of them went to speak to Craig about the move to North Carolina then possibly Laura lured Craig down to his basement where he was beaten possibly with a pipe a Hummer something like that before being Dara garroted the grouting dough wasn't very good it's you know and he's supposed to like choke you this cut his neck and sprayed blood just everywhere so this led to a lengthy cleanup Laura wasn't supposed to be there when Robin arrived here when she arrived looking for Craig and she found Laura cleaning up Laura was supposed to have been long gone by that stage they didn't think it would be as bloody as it was the police then thinking member Paul's wife she died and pretty soon after he got with Laura they began to suspect if it was possible he poisoned her hey Bret the late wife of Paul - she died in 2014 her name was Jennifer Tucci a source close to the write out murder investigation told me that a medical expert is taking another look at how she died when Paul Tucci walked out of the sheriff's office Monday he knew he was a suspect in the murder of Craig rydym what he did not know is that an investigator is looking into how his wife died two and a half years ago this is a picture of Jennifer Tucci she is buried in st. Mary's Cemetery in parenting it's a modest gravesite protected by a wreath and a little Christmas tree the source says an autopsy in 2014 determined Jennifer Tucci died from complications from alcohol but after Paul Tucci was arrested in September for tampering with evidence in the Craig Wright out murder our source says a medical expert was directed to start the process of Ria's amening tissue leftover from Jennifer Tucci's autopsy she died of liver disease and is it possible he made it look like liver disease they wanted to exhume her body but the medical examiner was satisfied it was natural causes the trial of Laura Colin Alex and Paul then began in the summer of 2017 all four were tried together all pled not guilty the prosecution had the CCTV footage clothing found in the bags at the devil's bathtub which matched all four of them via DNA and all four were charged with second-degree murder the motive the prosecution said was simply custody so Laura and family could start anew in North Carolina the defense however argued they didn't really have much of a motive and that you know all that stuff on the CCTV that they bought in Walmart's you need a lot self removing come on who doesn't need you know when you're when you're moving house a Turk a shovel bungee cord like a shitload of bottles of Drano draining drain cleaner you need a lot of stuff come on what do you think you need them all that stuff for something more sinister what's wrong with you you're crazy each member of the accused had their own lawyer which all attempted to shift blame unto another person Colin blamed Laura Laura blamed Colin I'm innocent twas me ma twas me son all things also numbers and heard from the cages and the bending about which side of the auto they're sitting over there Craig right out was either one of the greatest human beings got ever put on this earth awful when later stirring salesmen that mean one was as possible some of the letters I read on his behalf from people who have known him for a very long time speak very highly it was evil it was diabolical I was right I was in the basement and he was like no hot spots down right up was in basement there's a little box and was there a defining program based upon the blood spatter expert in same group but more right in the basement and the time where I thought was this is one of these letters on July 25th 2017 Laura and Colin ride it were convicted of second-degree murder and Alex right out of tampering with evidence Paul Tucci the touch he he was acquitted for one reason or another Alex was sentenced to two to eight years and Laura and Colin received the maximum sentence of 25 years to life despite Paul being acquitted the detectives definitely believed he had something to do with what happened to Craig I think that the jury had to consider you know what what we put on his evidence and I think that the they did that but I do think it was incorrect and particularly with regards of Paul to Qi because I believe Paul Tucci had a major part in this crime I think that Paul touchy you know without any of the four of them I think that this crime has far less chance of being successful so a lot of people think that somebody had Paul Tucci's side would be capable of doing the murder whether it's to hit them over the head or to strangle him and also to carry the body out of that house and drop it off in Yates County what do you think I'm very particularly Laura Laura right I was about 160 pounds Callen not a very big guy either and and it's going to take more than one person regardless of you know the size of Callen and Alex to take that body out also the force needed to crack someone's skull it's pretty you know that's a good amount of force so yeah I would think that you could reasonably you know draw the conclusion that Paul to Qi had some involvement there well as we went through the evidence and you look at what was presented some of the things that were presented were the video of Laura ride out and Paul Tucci at the Hudson at Walmart just hours prior to the occurrence and what they're buying there is tarps and acid and bungee cords the bodies ultimately found wrapped in a tarp that same tarp with bungee cords those same bungee cords and and the and the victim was disfigured with acid that same acid so do you think Paul to cheat killed Craig right oh I do did you kill Craig I don't know were you involved no I've never ever stepped foot inside of 135 new Wickham you know and any of it we were dropping kids off picking up kids I've never even been inside the guys I was at home no I don't I don't think anyone does get Laura no Laura was with me at home she she was with all of us mean at the campfire she was upstairs what about Colin Colin was seen the same thing he was in the campfire he was in and out there is an investigator his name is David Bolton he's convinced that you were in the basement on that day and that you were involved with the murder and that you used an iron to strike Craig Wright out did you do that no I've never been inside 135 the Wickham say that you are why would you say that you did mm-hmm maybe David Bolton believes in Santa Claus I don't know this is evidence that obviously the jury did not get to hear and he also said he believes that you and again to the jury did not get to hear this that you helped to carry Craig Reynolds body out of that basement because Laura and Colin could not have done that did you know I think that's interesting because I've seen all the evidence and that's a big question that's in there what evidence they don't even know he was killed in his basement a hundred percent but if he was how did how did they get him out of there I know Mythbusters ran a nice episode so no one person could do it so so he has his theories and but there's a theories speculations with no basis in fact because if they had the fact we would have heard about it why were you buying a tarp a bungee cords and drinketh II think that's pretty much been established we were moving look at we had a whole list of things that needed to be purchased over the last couple days what do you do need a house ready for sale you have to clean it you have to I mean I have some drawers and need repaired you have to paint it you have things that need to be a fixed to the wall so you know it's interesting people talking about how to move a piano I wasn't using the tarp to move the piano I'm using the tarp to protect the living room floor to paint the ceiling and it's gonna go on the wood pile down in North Carolina the bungee cords are for the foosball table they're for the arcade game and all of that and I put those in there I have teenage girls with long blonde hair and long brown hair that clog up everybody every bath of in bathroom sink strange case filled with serendipitous moments I mean what if the farmer hadn't seen the shovel there by the side of the road you know because it was like 50 feet past that into the forest that's Craig's body was what if I'm you know the the wherever whatever witnesses reported seeing Colin an ox throw [ __ ] into the devil's bath so what if they didn't you know report out to the police what you know Colin and Alex we're idiots and did that at night when no one would see them do it Alexson Colin told the police during the investigation nut they believed their dad how to run away which seems unbelievable but you know like I said serendipitous moments maybe the police might have believed them if they hadn't you know done everything wrong poor Craig you know who his entire finally turned against him unmerged them for you know custody was there something more that we just don't know well there you have it that's the right out thank you so much for watching I really really appreciate it I will see you as always real soon in the next one take care of yourselves Mike [Music] you [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 2,504,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, craig rideout, laura rideout, paul tucci, colin rideout, alex rideout, devils bathtub
Id: 123RT1DBw6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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