The Obsession of Pedro Bravo

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hey you and welcome my name is mike and in this whole video we got a we just got another one of those love triangles gone wrong which it just keeps on happening i'm fine i swear this is the case of erica freeman christian aguilar and pedro bravo and what pedro did bravo pedro bravo see in high school erica started dating pedro and when she ditched him gave him the boot because um you'll see she started dating christian aguilera but see the rub is christian happen to be good friends with pedro so let's see where that goes all right enough popping about that's [Music] good erica freeman dated he smart funny charismatic not sure if you'd get that by looking at him pedro bravo while they were both sophomores at high school in miami towards the end of their senior year erica tried to break up with pedro see you know they'd be leaving school soon starting college and going their separate ways at least that's uh what erica thought however when eric approached the subject of them splitting up pedro just wasn't having any of it he began to make vague threats about what would happen if they split and that things would never be the same yeah pedro i think that's the idea see this uh hmm worried about erica a little bit he's starting to seem like a like a looney tune and then over the summer though of 2012 when she was getting ready to go to you know college santa fe in gainesville she uh she finally just cut the cord reportedly pedro he was unsurprisingly devastated and depressed by just how much it's coming up now let's meet christian aguilera a friend of both erica and pedro well close friend of pedros he went to high school with both of them and wouldn't erica and christian start dating in gainesville uh oh pedro won't like that when christian started attending the university of florida in gainesville studying biomedical engineering big gators found he was isn't that always the way you know you travel hundreds thousands of miles you'll always meet somebody from home it's bollocks so both erica and christian started dating but they decided you know maybe uh let's uh let's play you know covert like maybe keep it hush-hush for now maybe yeah don't bring it up and let pedro know might not be a good idea after all he was devastated when erica broke up with him so they rightfully thought he might not be you know best pleased to learn one of his friends was dating his ex but pedro he was down in miami and they were getting them gains in gainesville 340 miles away but not for long [Music] that'd be grunt not a butter you know they're in gainesville as long as they're not posting it on facebook updating their relationship status there's no way he'd know right no not right not right at all just a few weeks after they moved to gainesville attending you know to separate college's pedro ding you know he had a great idea that he would move to gainesville also ah yeah santa fe community college looks like the right place for me too you know oh my ex-girlfriend who i'm still in love with who i was devastated when she left me she goes here too small world right you travel miles away and you just happen to meet somebody from your hometown interesting choice pretty clear what uh scheme he was up to so even when pedro moved up there erica and christian thought it best to still keep the relationship you know secret don't want to don't want to set him off unfortunately for them pedro already knew full well about what they are doing behind his back who cares what they're doing behind his back it's not like she was cheating on they'd been broken up but the pedro made his list of enemies erica would reach out to pedro you know from time to time they're broken up but he was still quite depressed and she she was worried about me and i wanted to make sure he wouldn't do anything drastic she didn't want to you know push him over the edge but from time to time pedro ask ask her okay yeah hey you can tell me you know it's fine uh you wouldn't happen to be dating uh anybody would you you know maybe somebody whose name rhymes with schmidt every time erica would deny deny deny it wasn't the right time to tell him he wasn't ready he wasn't ready he might not have been ready in her mind but he was definitely ready to do something else to someone else see while erica and christian were trying to keep their relationship to themselves mutual friends of the couple on pedro's didn't do the same you know maybe didn't realize that information was just for them pedro was a very busy boy after learning things on the 20th of september 2012 at the start of the semester pedro contacted old good buddy christian aguilera hey best bro my favorite friend my number one you wouldn't happen to want to go to the local safe best buy to maybe fire one of those cds according to erica christian really didn't want to he felt as most people would weirded out yeah i get that that's weird do i want to hang out no but eventually he said he would meet pedro at best buy it's his old friend doom solid owes it too you know i wasn't bad at least right again wrong after doing their bits and bobs in best buy christian never turned back to his dormitory room that night the next day he was a no-show at class erica first realized christian was missing after he went to meet pedro but he wouldn't answer his phone she started to panic and kept trying to call both of them until the wee morning errors kristen's phone kept going to voicemail until finally she got true to pedro who told her that he had dropped christian off at his dormitory after they got into an argument christian had told him that he was dating erica but this is uh [ __ ] uh christian's father then contacted the police when erica couldn't find christian erica made pedro go with her to report him missing to the police she began to become more suspicious of pedro unsurprisingly pedro was brought in early after all he was the last person to see christian and they were spotted together on surveillance tape in best buy pedro said yeah i was with him with him that night went did her bits and bobs bought some stuff but i dropped him off at his college dorm room nothing else happened and uh and a scale so it was just kind of like hey yeah at that point we're just we're just striving for we're just talking about like how we're like why why i want to commit suicide and like reasons not to and why i'm just tired of everything tired of everything trying to walk [Music] dealing with uh paying for classes being able to pay for food and then my car broke which was nice and my time my bicycle broke which was also nice so that my friend goes missing which is great just fantastic he just asks that's the top step yeah it does but i mean you were feeling like that before then yeah we were arguing a little bit but not like not like arguing like getting really angry and really violent nature like screaming healing just kind of like going back and forth in rapid succession and then he he told me to stop stop the car he wants to get up i was angry at him too so i stopped the car and i said fine get out that's just some very questions it's okay you know what happened to kristen where he is since he left you why was i dropped and i drove away have you heard from him seen him since then i would we wouldn't be here right now i'd be out trying to find him and then hurting him for doing this well yeah [Music] however he later changed his story and said that yeah they were in the car and he found out about erica and christian's relationship and he got angry and he decked christian in the face kicked him out of the car in the middle of nowhere sped off when you leave things out kind of like it kind of comes back it makes you look like you did something bad yeah you know is there anything we need to change about where you went at what times and things like that it's one thing i have to tell you because uh it's you're right i can't keep everything from you and i have to tell you one thing like in the scuffle chris it wasn't just really an argument i made the comment about his is the girl that he has a crush on and he got angry at that but then he came back with maybe you should just like maybe you should just kill yourself and that's when i turn around and punch them straight in the face see pedro only found out about the relationship when he went for a drive with his dear friend plot schemes creepy journals we're going to get to in a bit come here to me you must be joking then of course as he was being interviewed a verbal argument over the girl he was obsessed with moved over 300 miles for turned into a punch and christian was dumped out in the floridian woods the police weren't born yesterday and they quickly got a warrant and went to pedro's apartment where they found christian's backpack hidden in a suitcase in pedro's closet and also christian's blood and vomit in pedro's car a plastic bottle with sleeping pill residue inside and also particles of lime rock in the car leading them to believe he had been buried someone's telling bibs they also found on pedro's phone that on september 20th the day christian disappeared pedro asked siri on his phone i need to hide my roommate to which siri answered what kind of place are you looking for swamps reservoirs metal foundries dumps that's really helpful i didn't know it did that this came out however it was later determined that pedro's phone didn't have siri siri won't say that and why would he ask roommate he didn't have a roommate the image it was like a cached photo on pedro's phone still though i mean maybe siri could come in handy if you're up to no good box of android it was also found he'd used the flashlight on his phone nine times that day for over 48 minutes looking for something in the dark huh interesting especially when his phone was on airplane mode the entire time so they brought all this to pedro now now now yeah stop bullshitting us tell us what happened this time he said he didn't just punch christian they got into a big ol scrap we're baiting the shite out of each other and he left christian once again on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere this time however when he kicked christian out of his car christian was unconscious i hit him in the face and i made him get out and but there's there's more to that and i think that you need to be honest about it you need to tell me what else happened because something else happened besides just that okay something else happened and you need to be honest with me because if that's all that happened he would have went somewhere called the police to get his phone and to get his stuff we know that he's not coming back okay i know he's not coming back i've been doing this for too long i've been doing this for 30 years i know when somebody's coming back when they ain't coming back he ain't coming back you know you know he's not coming back you need to tell the truth we can help you a little bit as far as if you can explain things but just to find him in a couple of weeks and not be able to explain it you you got to tell the truth well i still will go home with my parents tonight if i i'm not gonna lie to you and tell you that you can go home tonight okay you you you have you know it's something that we gotta work on okay um police went with pedro to where he said he had dropped christian off and to a few other places but there was no sign at all of missing christian aguilar he then stopped talking with the police on september 24 2012 pedro was arrested and charged with depriving a victim of medical care and would still encourage citizens to volunteer to help us in that search we would also encourage property owners residential or business who may have lime rock roads on their property they were accessible to the general public to search those properties for any suspicious areas of ground that appear to have been disturbed we are also requesting information from anyone who may have seen a suspicious vehicle likened to a blue chevy blazer in any remote areas on the night of thursday september 20th please check the gainesville police department facebook page for information on how to help the deepest consolances deepest condolences of the gainesville police department are with the aguilar family today and so being pretty sure there's more to this no [ __ ] the investigators continued their investigation and fan pedro's journal let's have a look they learned of his obsession with erica it ran much deeper than anyone had thought and him wanting christian out of the picture the friend he had known since middle school he knew about erica and christian's relationship the entire time and was determined to end it on his terms meaning there was only one way to end it let me read you out a little bit send the hello text august 9th if she poked you or messaged you previously if not stay quiet and send a message september 7th try to talk to her first gradually then try to talk more give her a reason to talk back don't come off as too strong or too much ask questions more nothing try to be interesting call october 9th be cool not too cool but interested cool but not too interested cool you know what i mean no we don't know what you mean and this weird like buffalo bill silence of lambs style diary it is what it is nothing good writing on august 22nd i'm in gainesville and i should try to start talking to erica slowly but surely i can do this i will succeed no you won't they also found receipts for duct tape on a shovel they were purchased the day before christian disappeared they also found in his search history information about unsolved murders floor form sleeping pills and alibis pedro was then charged with the murder of christian aguilera though no body was found at that time well what we've um found out we've gotten the latest information now from the authorities in gainesville and we now know pedro bravo who had been picked up as a person of interest in the case of missing freshman christian aguilar well bravo has now been charged with murder there is no body though that has been found so far police were frustrated when they were discussing this at the news conference they're asking the people in the gainesville area to point out anything that might be suspicious to them trout pedro maintain the ill innocence you know yourself no no he continued this even after they found christian's body in the woods on the 12th of october 60 miles southwest of gainesville and it was determined that he had been drugged and strangled to death 20 year old pedro's trial began in august 2014 [Music] while in jail pedro bravo was put in a cell with michael space angelo a convicted gang member he said that pedro confided in him that he had murdered christian he allegedly told michelangelo that as he strangled christian to death he was looking at the clock on the car radio and that it took 13 minutes for christian to die pedro asked him for a pen to write a suicide note to his parents and for michael's shoelace so he could end his own life michael said he gave him the pen but not the shoelace did he ever discuss with you whether or not he made a plan about killing chris yes sir i am a monster for having hurt chris the way i did and monsters shouldn't exist in this world does that sound like the letter he read to you yes sir i think originally he said that he was gonna try to poison him with a mixture of sleeping pills and pesticide and mixed with soda or something like that i guess soda and his backup plan was to have a knife you know to cut his throat in case it didn't work you know after he had got back in the driver's seat and he was you know i guess riding around to dispose of the body that it was making us sound like and that's the reason that he held on to the driving strap while he was riding around because it freaked him out and that wasn't the only letter pedro wrote in prison the authorities found this one was even more disturbing and addressed to someone outside the jail and was pedro's master plan the letter goes they found him bones and all only cause of death is strangulation which they will try and prove but they have nothing that can back it up that brings out the brilliance of this plan oh ye three to four people unfortunately must die but preference would be two uf students or santa fe students and one random person could be homeless or whomever and one person who may be associated with gang activity or a random person as well the way people get caught is they kill people they know so hence kill people that may never be tied back to you anyways the individuals must be strangled and hazed tased to incapacitate and strangled to kill he described where to dump the bodies and that then the turd or fork body be the murderer which will be hard to identify since he will be lit up on fire and decapitated beside would be a small leaflet of paper that would state christian aguilar for each person i will find a way to pay one thousand dollars per person and other expenses dishing out the big books i'm not really sure how he thought this plan would work or what the deal with the fake serial killer decapitating themselves you know what that was about but uh well there you go i mean i'm not making this up prosecutors alleged that pedro was so distraught or finding out his ex-girlfriend was dating his friend he concocted a plan to kill him so he and erica could be together again those plans we they've like i said they've coped quite a quite a number of times in these old videos i mean i always end with fairy tale endings so i don't see why you didn't think that would happen meanwhile trout he and his defense maintain that all the things that were found the sleeping pills and so forth that was for pedro not christian the only person he wanted to kill was himself he was lovesick over losing erica the reason he moved to gainesville in the first place to try and get her back and where did you want to go i wanted to go to gainesville i wanted to go because i wanted to get out get out of stop going in the same place stop having all these memories all these feelings trying to see if maybe a fresh chart would help me to erase everything that's in my slate and i also want to see at the time i was i want to see if i can get back with erica freeman christian was in miami earlier and he i talked to him i told him that i think i'm gonna go to gainesville around september and i think i'm gonna go try and find erica again and he told me he told me well at least you should try it i guess it's if she was your love and you think you can do this go ahead and do it and then um when i got to gainesville i told him i'm in gainesville and i was like didn't weren't you going to be here in september my god i just moved it up i just couldn't take waiting so long so um i told chris that i want to try and get back with erica and i told him i just it just makes me feel terrible she hasn't told me yes or no i just wanted a definite answer of like yes there might be a chance we can get together or no there's no possible way that we can get back together they had thought yes and he left christian at the side of the road we didn't kill him about a week earlier or two weeks earlier there was this whole drama about him going out erica and now then erica said no and then i was like okay at least that's not true i asked him if he was going out with erica at one point which he said no at first and then later on he said that yes he was going out with erica did you believe him i believe them yes he's one of my friends for four years if he told me tomorrow there will be no rain i wouldn't prepare an umbrella tell the jury uh what your concern was and what you found out and what you decided to do he's one of my best friends and now this is happening and i i find out the worst possible way for two of my friends i told him that i wanted to talk the discussion is getting very heated now i'm arguing with him and he's arguing with me we're not necessarily yelling but we're going back in rapid bursts he's saying something quickly i'm cutting him off saying something else he's saying something and i'm going back cutting him off and he's cutting me off i turn around and i hit him in the nose with my left fist while i'm driving yes christian is like in the back of the seat back of the car and he he's he's not happy obviously he's mad at me and now i just hit him in the face and the nose and everything it's adding on to whatever happened to him did he sustain any injury when you hit him in the nose he is no sort of bleeding yes the only thing i remember seeing was christian on the ground and then me leaving what is chris's condition when you leave what i remember i can't i can't give an accurate statement because i'm i'm not a doctor or anything like that so i can't tell you if he was if he was unconscious or he was um knocked out but all i could tell was that he didn't get up right away but now he was still moving still breathing yes and moving yes when you did this did you have any malicious intent to kill christian aguilar no it was all spur of the moment you have any ill will to uh inflict upon him any permanent injury no was it just a fight between guys was just a fight between guys and i wish it was less than that all right and you decided to leave yes have you come to regret that decision i feel like i'm gonna regret the decision for the rest of my life he was breathing when he left him so maybe there's a psychopath out there in the woods of well actually it is florida so during the trial the defense also tried to discredit the note he had written in prison the confession saying that michelangelo had forced him to write it that was found to be uh not uh believable by the jury but what was found to be true was pedro bravo guilty on all counts he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole tragic uh psycho e story it is it's similar to some of the ones we've covered recently uh most recently the joseph sonja case though in this one pedro decided to do the dirty work by himself i mean i i guess we should be glad for that that he didn't get anybody else involved in his stupid plan one positive but net negative [Music] thank you so much for watching i really appreciate it i will see you as always real soon in the next video take care of [Music] yourselves
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 2,154,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, pedro bravo, christian aguilar, erica friman, pedro bravo case, pedro bravo interview, pedro bravo trial, christian aguilar disappearance
Id: MYW_iq9HYTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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