The Kelsey Berreth Case

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we are treating Kelsey's disappearance as a missing persons case at this time is there any blood on the TV do you know this is completely out of character Kelsey loves her God she loves her family coffeemaker going blood gaining national attention the disappearance of 29 year old Kelsey Bharath and the investigation into her fiance past those names to his fellow inmate allegedly writing they all need them desires knowing at the time yeah were you present when he started the fire yes hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this old video we're gonna have a look at the case of Kelsey Bharath Patrick Frazee and crystal Lee are you familiar so to give a bit of an L introduction as I usually do in my videos Kelsey Bharath went missing on November 22nd 2018 the search for her would be on until Patrick Frazee's girlfriend might help the police out just a little bit including she took the police big tour of the crime scene so look forward to that okay I think that's enough of an introduction alrighty then let's start the ship [Music] Kelsea birth born in 1989 was a pilot and flight instructor employed a Doss aviation in Colorado Springs she actually worked at their training facility in Pueblo Colorado where they operate the US Air Force initial flight training program Kelsie lived in Woodland Park Abedin errors drive away she was engaged to Patrick crazy he was also the father of their one-year-old daughter Caylee on December 2nd 2018 Cheryl Beth Kelsey's mother she gave a call to the Woodland Police Department to go and do a welfare check on Kelsey she hadn't heard from her in over a week and that very much wasn't like Kelsey she was worried something had happened the cops rolled on up saw her car was in the driveway and what was missing not including Kelsey well her purse and cellphone of course they were missing but there is also stale uneaten food on the counter all her stuff work gear makeup luggage that was all still at home so with no sign of Kelsey a missing persons report was filed and well search began as the police began to ramp up their investigation they revealed that the last time Kelsey was seen was about 12:30 p.m. on the 22nd of November which was exactly ten days before her mother notified the police Cheryl had spoken to Kelsey that day on the phone it was it was turkey day she was seen on surveillance cameras in the Safeway supermarket in Woodland Park her daughter Caylee was with her [Music] by the way just so you know Kaylie wasn't missing the one year old girl she was fine it was just Kelsey see turdy two year old Patrick crazy Kelsey's fiance he last saw Kelsey that day too when he took their child Kelsey and Patrick they didn't live together and he also said that Kelsey and himself broken up engagement dunzo so when Cheryl and the police started asking him hey where's Kelsey do you know he said you know she's a pilot maybe she blew off somewhere bizarrely he also never notified the police that she was missing hmm interesting I still know somebody knows where she's at somebody has seen her there's more information out there somebody just needs to realize to recognize and to say something has she ever disappeared before no I can't think of anywhere she's ever gone that she hasn't told me it's just not in her character to just take off and be gone he told Cheryl beareth that he received a text from Kelsey cell phone on November 25th though it's never been revealed what the text said when she didn't respond to attacks he sent he figured she had put her phone on do not disturb mode so she could study her employer also received a text from her cell phone on November 25th stating that she was taking the following week off and not only that the police also discovered that same day that Kelsey's phone gave a ping near gooding Idaho which is around 800 miles from her home so things are becoming pretty worrying you might say though the police had no suspects they had no nothing good afternoon I'm chief miles DeYoung chief of police for the city of Woodland Park I want to give you a brief timeline and kind of bring you current with where we're at right now I was the first like to start out by just thanking everybody that took the time out to come forward and spread this message of Kelsey being missing and helping us to find her Kelsey's been missing and been reported missing by her mother Cheryl since Sunday December 2nd at about 12:30 7:00 p.m. Mountain Standard time officers were able to contact her place of employment at Doss aviation down in public Colorado and were advised that they had received a text from Kelsey's phone on the 25th of November stating that she would not be in to work the following week officers from the Woodland Park Police Department did respond to Kelsey's residence on December 2nd and performed the community caretaker search of his residence to see if they could locate her she was not inside her residence Cheryl did reach out to kill his fiance Patrick crazy and he called her back saying they hadn't heard from her since November 25th when Kelsey texted you bachelor told officers that he hadn't seen her since Thanksgiving November 22nd when he exchanged their dotty daughter Kelsey person Kaylee Barrett Kaylee is currently with her father Patrick we have reviewed video from the local Safeway grocery store and it showed Kelsey shopping with her daughter Caylee on November 22nd at about 12:20 7:00 p.m. that's the last time Kelsey was seen reports are correct that Kelsey's phone give a location near Gooding Idaho on November 25th at about 5:13 in the afternoon we are treating Kelsey's disappearance as a missing persons case at this time we have not identified anyone as a suspect and are asking the public for any information that might help us find her a candlelit vigil was held and I'm gonna understate things now by saying people were getting just a little bit worried God tell you it is very chilly up here with the cold weather certainly not deterring anyone in the woodland Park community from coming to this vigil went step by the way so there's about 50 to 60 folks as more people continue to file in and they're just about to get started we did see Kelsey Barrett's mother Cheryl walk in as well and really you know he was we spoke with the organizers of this vigil a couple minutes ago they said they do not know her they don't know the family I just felt it was the right thing to do with this story that has captured the attention of this community of the state and really the nation Patrick he didn't attend the vigil or any press conferences at all regarding what happened to Kelsey a 25-thousand dollar reward was offered for information leading to Kelsey's safe return four days after Kelsey was missing a search warrant was executed on Patrick Frazee's home see at one point Patrick and told Cheryl he had had enough and wasn't going to deal with things anymore I wonder what that means he was suspicious though Patrick's attorney would say he is fully cooperating what are you looking at this guy for he's been nothing but helpful to the police what the police thought that maybe he might just know a little bit more than he was letting on spit it out phrase they've released a statement through his attorneys saying his phone was searched he submitted photographs and DNA the statement further explains that he was only notified of the press conference an hour before it started and reads quote mr. Frazee hopes and prays for miss Barrett's return on Tuesday Frazee dodged reporters and refused to answer questions this is private property this is a private road Patrick once you talk to can you tell us what happened then Cheryl when she was at Kelsey's home she was snooping around and she saw a suspicious stain on the underside of the toilet seat in Kelsey's home she called a police who were like yeah that's blue it when the police searched the rest of the house they found blood in her toilet the outside of her bathtub the bottom of trash can on the walls the floor Attell rack the vanity and on an electrical outlet not good so Patrick hmm suspicious maybe yes definitely they searched his place again they found sweet football hmm I don't know guys maybe I'm maybe I'm losing it maybe it's me I mean I cover so many of these cases right and it's nearly always the partner the husband who it's something to do with you know a person going missing maybe maybe I'm wrong on this one maybe I'm losing it I don't know heck even friends of Patrick said I've always considered him to be a gentle soul soft-spoken I'm just really down-to-earth and practical so it couldn't be him right oh wait no they actually arrested Patrick crazy on December 21st happy Christmas we're holding this morning's news conference to update you on recent developments in this case today we arrested Patrick Frazee on charges of first-degree murder of Kelsie Bharath and he is currently being held in the teller County Jail as a reminder Patrick Frazee is presumed innocent until proven guilty as you can tell from the arrest sadly who do not believe Kelsie is still alive he was charged with first degree murder on solicitation of first-degree murder Ronde district attorney indicated that another arrest in this case was possible bail was denied for all Patrick pat patty crazy now police didn't say what evidence led them to put Neal handcuffs on Patrick but they did say that they didn't believe Kelsey was alive anymore and that's something more than likely happened in her home on December 31st Patrick was formally charged with five counts of murder that was two counts of first-degree murder and three counts of solicitation to commit murder see get this it's believed that he attempted to kill Kelsey at least 3 times 3 times before he finally got it right not a bright spark so what the [ __ ] is going on I hear you're barking big dog well let me tell you remember when I said there was more arrests coming in this case well I wasn't lying a few days later they arrested 32 year-old crystal Lee on what well wasn't Kelsey's phone found 800 miles away in Idaho crystal II was a nurse who worked in I don't evidence in the case has now been collected in Idaho the police and sheriff's departments in Twin Falls Idaho say they got a request last weekend from investigators here in Colorado to search for evidence there in a statement posted online last night they said they were able to gather some evidence and share it with the FBI CBI and Woodland Park Police but the nature of that evidence was not disclosed Twin Falls is about a 40 minute drive from Gooding Idaho where Kelsey's cell phone pinged three days after she was last seen she was also the ones who sent texts from Kelsey's phone - Patrick and Kelsey's place of work she pled guilty to one count of tampering with physical evidence and she agreed to testify against Patrick see Patrick and Kelsey weren't exactly the happy loving couple everybody thought they we're even in the Cheryl would say I thought they were great together no no no see Patrick had been having a relationship with Krystal Lee on-again off-again for about ten years and he wanted Kelsey gone but he wanted fully full custody of their daughter that's that was the main motive in what happened to kelsey birth and actually sorry there's one or thing which comes up so often it's really weird guys don't get life insurance somebody will kill you because didn't Kelsey have a life insurance policy that Patrick was the beneficiary of but I'll wait the company Kelsey had that policy with they were bought not long before she disappeared and she hadn't renewed her policy with the new company so Patrick would get Jack [ __ ] so Patrick really went to Kelsey a d5000 he would tell Krystal like Kelsey was a terrible abusive horrible mother to their daughter and get this guy's don t hurt she also did drugs so one time they came up with this plan that Krystal would steal drugs from the place she was a nurse her place of work and poison Kelsey's coffee so Patrick he gave Krystal Kelsey's picture on her address and she was gonna rock up - Kelsey's home with a Starbucks cup of coffee that was poisoned she rocked up she lied about who she was but she says she couldn't go true with it that's honestly the stupidest murder plot I've ever heard in my life like what would make them think that Kelsey would just accept a coffee from some stranger walked up to your door these two were idiots so after tree unsuccessful murder attempts Patrick was like fine I'll do it myself he'd gone - Kelsey's home concealing a baseball bat on Thanksgiving Day with their one-year-old daughter Caylee playing in the next room he blindfolded Kelsey and pretended he was going to light scented candles and play a guessing game with her to see if she could name the fragrances instead he pulled out the baseball bat and struck her 10 to 15 times her last words were please stop he then asked Krystal to get over there and clean the mess crystal was so scared of Patrick she thought that he might do what he done to Kelsey to her so she drove the 12 hours from Idaho spent four eras cleaning it up she said it was just a horrific scene department with Krystal her attorneys with us and then what else was in here and it was kind of torn up right now but there were two chairs right there TP on top of it right there was much a baby toys around the front okay once you sort in workers I started picking up things that were once water that I would have a hard time getting Wow okay can you specifically show us in the interview you told us that you had left blood spots can you show me where you left those and then like heir to want to take photographs and earrings okay all right so can you go ahead and point to the first one and just look Erdos they order and you ready to take the pump it's you know that would maybe right marriage I don't look down low impact they're my egg named blunt there was a lot of boys sir on the floor all over the floor and there so there may have been one footprints in here but I don't specifically remember so what this broom can you point to the area where you saw a clean blood up on the wall right here [Music] oh boy at one point he even asked her to search for a tooth near a vent in the home so yeah grisly she also filled six garbage bags with items from the home and burned them she refused to help him dispose of the body though so he put in a black bag took her body to the family's farm and dumped it in a water trough he then doused in gasoline covered it with wood and burned it crystal said that when they were there burning Kelsey's body she saw Patrick's mother Sheila step out into the porch and watch them do it Sheila would later plead the fifth and you know what all this the police searched for Kelsey's body but they they could never find it on October 28th 2019 Patrick Frazee's trial began the prosecution focused on text messages video surveillance and witness testimonies to establish a timeline and prove Patrick's guilt witness testimonies were heard from crystal Lee and Kelsey's parents as well as a Verizon store employee that said Patrick came into his store on December 11th the day after Kelsey was reported missing and asked if there is a way to change the pin on a phone if he didn't have the phone in his possession and also a funny buddy could recover information from a phone that had been destroyed what a unusually specific question to ask and get this while Patrick was in jail during this whole trial period and while he was awaiting trial on the last day of Patrick's trial an inmate told the court a little bit of information about what Patrick was getting up to in there see Patrick recently asked him to use his connections to a prison gang to kill a number of witnesses in the case the hit list included detailed instructions on where to find the witnesses and was written on paper towels and napkins witnesses included Krystal Lee prosecutors say Frazee passed those names to his fellow inmate allegedly writing they all need to disappear and I'd really like to see Krystal with a bullet in her head crazy allegedly one of the notes flushed but the inmate hoping for a lighter sentence on his own charges turned them over to investigators wow that's really like something out of a movie but I think this reinforces again that Patrick crazy was a goddamn [ __ ] it took a jury tree errors to reach their verdict Patrick Frazee was found guilty of murder tampering with a deceased human body on three counts of solicitation to commit first-degree murder Patrick got life in prison without the possibility of parole plus an additional 156 years for several other charges he was convicted of crystal Lee appeared in court in January 2020 she got three years for tampering with evidence the charge carried only 18 months in prison but the judge determined that aggravators in the case increased her sentence she also faces a year parole when she is released and to this day Kelsie Barrett's remains have never been found tragic case in which a man would kill the mother of his child and his fiance just to get custody of the kids and now thankfully he gets jack [ __ ] oh wait wait sorry no no he does actually get something he does get something he gets life plus 156 years so yeah sounds good to me thank you so so much for watching I really really appreciate it if you'd like to watch some more of my videos please work away and I will see you as always real soon in the next video take care of yourselves oh my go [Music] you
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,906,648
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Keywords: that chapter, kelsey berreth, patrick frazee, kelsey bereth trial, krystal lee, krystal kenney, kelsey berreth footage, kelsey berreth missing
Id: si9FwCjeJcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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