Robert Pickton and the Piggy Palace

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[Music] hey you and welcome my name is Micah and in this video we're gonna talk a bit a big ol sucker pig poop and that pig whose name is Robert Pickton picky Bobby I call though he wasn't too picky better his victims Robert William Willy picton is a Canadian serial killer yes is because he is still alive ladies and gentleman though that sweat as shocking as me doing another case sin Canada he was arrested in 2002 for the murders of six women this would later be upped by a substantial amount he looks kind of like an inbred hillbilly and well he acted like one too no no no we'll get into that in a moment and by moment I mean right now [Music] pick Willie was born in 1949 in British Columbia into a pig farming family his family had been pig farmers for tree generations so I'm sure they smelled just fantastic Roberts would inherit the literal pigsty in Port Coquitlam met 17 miles east of Vancouver along with his brother David and sister Linda a worker at the farm Phil Hiscox said the firm was a creepy-looking place and called Roberts Bobbie Willie a pretty quiet guy who was sometimes just weird as [ __ ] serious question what gave it away an old neighbor would call Willie picton a good-natured a little bastard only half of that statement is true over the years the two brothers Linda had moved away kind of stopped farming so much I would only raise a few pigs to sell to friends and neighbors in 1994 in 1995 they sold parts of their inherited land earning a total of five point one six million Canadian dollars so dolla dolla bills sorters in 1996 Roberts and David maybe pit board oh no they registered a non-profit charity with the Canadian government it was called the piggy palace good time Society you heard me correctly Port Coquitlam is a small suburb of a little more than 58,000 residents colloquially known as poco the city spans across a series of tree covered slopes and is most famously known as the hometown of Canadian hero Terry Fox no no here are five great things about living in Port Coquitlam number one the pinky palace goodtime Society well let me tell you a lot of people didn't have a good time there but Willie did Nonna's Willie - so they advertise their soirees and the papers very classy affairs and by that I mean just mega piss-ups raves in the slaughterhouse sex workers Hells Angels sometimes up to 2,000 people would go there I know I've said this before but there really must be nothing to do in Canada if you're prepared to go get blasted with this reject eventually the city crackdown arguing that the brooders were unlawfully selling liquor at an unlicensed establishments and so the what was called again oh yeah they're totally trustworthy sounding piggy palace good time Society would eventually be shut down around the year 2000 much to the disappointment of just everybody everywhere was crying derisive so before we get into what we're going to get into Roberts and his brother Dave they didn't just look like [ __ ] they wear actual pieces of [ __ ] - in 1997 Robert was charged with the attempted murder of a sex worker named Wendy s Tedder he tried to stab her so so that's he that's fair yeah but the case was dropped because prosecutors felt that Wendy who was a drug addict was too unstable to give an accurate testimony now she's making it up women whoa even though both Wendy and Willie well Willie had actually suffered a stabbing during the encounter she had taken the knife from Robert and stops him Wendy was in handcuffs at the time so Robert is just a big [ __ ] so they were both treated in the same hospital Wendy and handcuffs on and the key to those handcuffs was in Robert Pickton's pocket it's Billy do you drink no no no hugging dry little room blood stratasys I turn around I didn't take the knife away from her I did not take a neck wave here I aimed at work and an extra choice to do that I didn't that's one thing I didn't have done we've never taken any of the prostitutes back to the trailer not since this nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope so even with all this prosecutors are like that don't worry about this one David the brother also had a criminal record for sexual assault in 1998 they were both no means yes type of guys so I just feel sorry for those pigs now over the course of the next few years the guy who worked there at bil his constant why he worked there I don't know get another job he start to notice that women kept going in where they never left huh weird in 1998 a detective learned of a call made to a police tip phone line saying Willy should be investigated in the case of women's disappearances in the area primarily from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside where a lot of sex workers were however the detectives struggled to attract resources and attention to the Pickton's not only that but between 1998 and 1999 four people alerted the police you should probably look into him I think he's up to no good and the police were like oh well in 1999 for example the police received a tip that Robert kept human flesh in freezers though a warrant was secured no search was carried out that was probably just an inker I think human flesh and pig flesh are really similar not that I'd know and so what was going on at the farm kept on going on eventually in early 2002 the police finally did actually execute a search warrant on the Pickton's pig farm they found weapons maybe just a little bit more they found personal belongings of a missing woman on the farm that of Lillian O'Dare and a second court order was obtained to continue searching the following day Willy was charged with weapons offenses both the victims were later released though Robert was kept under surveillance so the police kept snooping around the farm what did they find I wonder well how about this they would eventually find the remains of some victims such as skulls cut in half and stuffed with human hands and feet DNA from Terry tree women bloody clothing belonging to a victim and a jawbone and teeth belonging to one victim they also found a 22 revolver with a big ol [ __ ] dildo attached to the barrel they found 357 magnum rounds two pairs of faux fur lined handcuffs a pair of night-vision goggles and photos of a garbage can containing the remains of the victim Willy was like oh the dildo that's for my own personal use I mean it's a suppressor for my gun so that it doesn't sound loud and it just goes whenever I fire yeah sure the dildo it had DNA of both him and a victim on it so they also found a syringe with tree millimeters of blue liquid inside and Spanish Fly aphrodisiac actually to Google what Spanish Fly was had never heard of in my life apparently it's a horny horny water it's horny water that is made from crushed up beetles and you drink it and you get horny but actually apparent IDO utter times it's just sugar water so so Robert was quickly arrested he would eventually be held responsible for the deaths of Serena Abbott's way Mona Wilson Jacqueline McDonald Diane Rock Heather Bottomly and red Joe's burry Brenda Wolfe Georgina poppin Patricia Johnson Helen hallmark Jennifer firming ER Heather chittock Tanya Hulk Sheree Irving Inga Hall Kara Ellis Andrea bore Haven Deborah Lynn Jones Marni Frey Tiffany drew Carey Koski Sarah DeVries Cynthia Felix Angela Jardin Wendy Crawford's Dianne Melnick and Jane Doe yeah all the gun missing between 1997 and 2001 Robert Pickton pled not guilty [Music] interesting because he was happy to share his story with an undercover cop while in jail Curtis so we got ya Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there were so many charges that we split up the first well I guess trial would be for six victims and then there would be a second one for the twenty others so Robert Pickton's modus operandi I guess you could say was that he would he would drive you would pick up a sex worker in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside or whatever you would drive them back to his farm he would handcuff them and they would start having sex and then he would accuse them of something he would start to get really violent and aggressive he accused him of doing something they hadn't done like stealing from him or something in order to build up his like inner rage like the Hulk though they probably just said he had a small dick which he does he would then rape them kill them by strangling them bleed and gut them run them through a wood chipper and then feed their remains to his pigs or another claim is that the victims were ground the resulting mince mixed with the pork mince from the firm and the package is given to friends and found this guy [ __ ] sucks his trial began in January 2006 the trial would go on for quite a long time and remember this is just the trial for six victims not the other twenty and in December 2007 the jury would return its verdict now we talked a lot about how messed up Robert Pickton is but this is another pretty messed apart when the jury returned its verdict of not guilty on six counts of first-degree murder but they did say guilty on six counts of second-degree murder so all wrote thanks I guess fresh Willy was sentenced to life with no possibility of parole for 25 years the maximum punishment for second-degree murder and equal to the sentence which would have been imposed for a first-degree murder conviction so all right in 2010 the prosecution for the other twenty women to zero would be discontinued so he would never actually have to go to court or trial or case or charges against the 20 other women that were found in the farm fair enough so that's kind of it [Music] not really though because in 2016 Robert Pickton he done released a book yeah picton in his own words he claimed he's the fall guy in a justice system that wrongfully convicted him for the murders of six women the book which was selling for 1495 on Amazon was published in the United States by a retired California construction worker named Michael Childress whose name appears in the cover Michael was given a copy of the manuscript by a former cellmate of Willy's a child sex offender who hoped to use the profits to pay for his own legal fees apparently the book was just done well pigshit actually a terrible writing awful prose and it was soon taken down because everybody it was just like what the [ __ ] another man is listed as the author but the book is the work and the words of Robert William picton Canada's deadly a serial killer a former pig farmer who's in a maximum-security prison in BC he was convicted of killing six women but confessed to killing 49 the back cover calls him the fall guy and indeed in 144 rambling pages picton does proclaim his innocence so how did picton get a book published CTV is reporting picton had the manuscript smuggled out of prison by a former cellmate who gave it to a friend who apparently used a self-publishing website from there it's an easy jump to online booksellers both in the US and Canada British Columbia then introduced legislation to prevent criminals from profiting from their crimes true sales of books and other memorabilia in 2018 Robert Pickton was transferred from British Columbia to the port's Carty a maximum-security prison in Quebec actually Luka Magnotta he's also there so I wonder if they're pals in 2019 Robert Pickton had to leave prison very briefly for medical reasons so that's good I mean not the fact that he left prison it was only for four hours to go to a hospital and what's good is that he's using so happy days so whatever happened to Dave picton Roberts brother right he lived with Robertson on that pig farm it's unlikely he would be out of the loop right well Dave was never charged in connection with his brother's long-running murder spree he never testified at rubber Pickton's trial and he denies of he denies any knowledge of what his brother was up to just believable but by 2012 he had been seen a bit frequently in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside the same neighborhood where Willy picked up his victims posters were actually put up saying beware of this fella though from what i can find he has now started a charity in Ghana helping poor people there the picton foundation ladies and gentleman named beep Redis oh wait no it's unclear how many victims Robert Pickton actually has you know in not one interview we've seen he claimed up to 49 and he seemed too pissed he didn't reach 50 so I guess we can take it like semi seriously it's a frightening case from this uh sack of pig [ __ ] there are more questions tonight about how police in British Columbia handled the Robert Pickton investigation this time prompted by the release of video of the missing woman's inquiry it's from January of 2000 two years before the pig farmer would be charged with murder in a man saying is on the story for us tonight Ian Peter it's disturbing enough to see Robert William picton questioned by police twelve years ago even more chilling to know afterwards he just walked away the or CMP on the vancouver police came under severe criticism after all this came out for not taking action sooner and not taking the disappearances of so many women seriously but again that's an all-too-familiar story in 2010 an inquiry was launched examining this case on its failures and found quite a few inept criminal investigative work compounded by police and societal bias against sex workers and indigenous women and so ends the story of canada's worst serial killer I feel like I've said that before but we just keep coming back to Canada [Music] thank you so so much for watching I really really appreciate it if you'd like to see even more of that chapter why not check out my patreon for 2 bucks a month you get early access to videos exclusive videos AMAs on the patreon only Dischord so check it out if you want to but don't worry I'm not gonna handcuff you and feed it to pigs if you don't so hey do your uncle thanks again I'll see you as always real soon in the next video take care of yourselves Mike [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,442,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, robert pickton, robert pickton pig farm, william pickton, robert william pickton, pickton farm, willy pickton, pig farmer killer, piggy palace good times society, david pickton, pickton in his own words
Id: dmp3mmWjSNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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