The Strange Lies of Sabrina Limon

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hi and before we begin hunting our killer I would like to let you know that this video is sponsored by Hunter Killer Hunter Killer is a subscription service based on a fictional crime every month they send you a box of evidence with the goal being to eliminate suspects establish a timeline learn the motive and find the real killer we talk a lot of a true crime on this channel obviously and this game puts you in the detectives seat leading the investigation they set me a season that honestly it is so much fun staying inside playing for errors and errors at a time in the monthly boxes you get evidence pictures reports videos audio recordings and then you put all these pieces together salt codes on think outside the box using real-world knowledge if you'd be interested please check out Hunter Killer comm slash that chapter and you can get 20% off your first box by using code chapter also part of the proceeds go to the cold case foundation that works to bring just this support and hope to 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they were both teenagers in good ol Arizona why is everything oh they were by all accounts a lovely at going couple devout Christians that would eventually get married have two kids and up sticks to Helen Dale California where Roberts got a job working the railroads Sabrina stayed at home with the kids alright so I you know we'll just starting this video off telling the story what happened but so far so good am i right they won't stay that way for long so don't worry see at one point in 2008 the LeMans Sabrina and Robert they decided to become swingers so that happened opening the old marriage there's nothing wrong with that but as I said if I'm talking about it you probably know it was a bad idea see Sabrina didn't really want to but Robert sure did in their swing incircle were best friends Jason and Kelly burn a teen and Roberts he sure liked Kelly happily telling his wife Sabrina about all the awesome sex they were having oh yeah I'm sure she was delighted to hear that because as I said Sabrina wasn't too into the swinging hey Robert thanks for telling me you love to hear more about how your reaming my best friend tell me more love it Sabrina would get a job at Costco presumably to get away from the moaning and one day in 2012 when she was handing out samples who should walk in but the future love of her life Jonathan Hearn a firefighter he was in Costco getting supplies he asked for her number she gave it to him and a whole lot more he was 10 years younger than Sabrina he was 22 but they clicked right off the bed but she would show him the wily ways see Jonathan he grew up quite sheltered homeschooled very religious so as Sabrina she wasn't getting as much attention from her husband Robert as she would like he was Hughes every nice guy but you know party party dude he was a party dude so Sabrina and Jonathan soon fell deeply in love but they have to keep this affair a secret because even though the you know they had an open marriage but this was an affair because Robert didn't know that although actually no Robert did find out about at one time and he confronted Jonathan but you know this thing between Sabrina and Jonathan was kind of on again off again but they were always keeping it a secret that is until 2014 when Robert Lemone was shot dead yeah real whodunit on August 17 to 2014 Robert was shot twice while at work the railroad facility in Tehachapi noted a butcher dot California shot in the face and in the chest Sabrina she was heartbroken over Roberts death wink wink I'm from the start you know when the police started investigating because I guess you should have some bees been murdered they were scratching their heads Wow they found jack [ __ ] at the crime scene but what they did have was this mysterious footage a figure was snooping around up to no good no doubt though it was impossible to tell who this was a $100,000 reward was offered to generate leads wouldn't so unsolved murder right wrong Dadra I mean just wrong see a few weeks after Roberts murder the detective investigating got a ring ring from Jason burn a teen remember who was one of the swingers the lemons would swing with and Jason told the detective he gotten a number of texts from jonathan which is weird texts that were basically apologizing for having an affair with Sabrina not that he would need to apologize to Jason anyway he was basically asking for forgiveness weird right why would he do that why would even draw attention on himself remember Sabrina and Jonathan were keeping this affair hush-hush nobody knew about it nobody Oh alive anyway I mean Robert he had confronted when he found out but he thought it was over it wasn't so nobody knew really anything about Jonathan the detective certainly didn't but they did now so the police went to speak to Sabrina Hey heard you're having an affair you and Robert had an open marriage but was there someone he didn't know about hmm no we had a great marriage I just miss him so she denied I think about having you know a relationship with Jonathan which was weird because she kind of cut Roberts family out of her children's lives and seemed to kind of be you know moving on towards something else and of course there was also Robert lemons life insurance payout of $300,000 because of course there was and so the investigators sniffing about smelled [ __ ] and started investigating Sabrina and this Jonathan guy they found out she had a secret phone that she used to communicate with Jonathan Hearn and they wiretapped in listening to what they were up to things are beginning to look a lot clearer to the police now but did he really get anything on the wiretaps no admissions of guilt or anything like that this is kind of weird conversations [Music] [Music] but they did get enough to get a warrant to search Jonathan's house what did they find there I wonder well what they found was and I know you're gonna be shocked by this they closed the person in that mysterious footage was wearing they also learned to Jonathan owned two guns just like the one that was used to gun down Robert so three months after Robert's murder Jonathan was arrested at his firehouse Sabrina was also arrested on her way into her children's school for a PTA meeting now Sabrina was soon released they have jack [ __ ] on her I guess but they had enough to keep Jonathan and they kept him for months so the police were pretty positive that Jonathan was the one who murdered Roberts but did he come up with it by himself did he really though putting pressure on Jonathan you're going away for life unless you come clean and squeeze the Lamone he talked he turned in Sabrina told them everything about the affair their diabolical schemes and what they had done and Sabrina was brought back in so we had conversations to this day okay so we know that okay okay probably attached here say I know a lot of everything I can't get this information out obviously so I know on the stuff about all this I want to tell me okay first of it have told oh this is so freaking serious I can't additional services if you want to me it's going to be very difficult you can see the way this looks really bad because having affair have a motivator for money turkey imagine it honestly you didn't swallow everything that instead of an evidence that clear it's my fault third and most most certainly is is it is your home but honey the last four hours tech marvel that you're holding off something they're selfish no not honest it's time to time share that's nothing that you want all those words for hot tosspot fair my fall would stop stuff I'm not here to try a kick in the teeth Robert stayed in querque make no mistakes about that and it's something that you have been half of the route for the rest of your life that is something that your children are going to have to live with for the rest of their lives I care less about you I care about your kids didn't ask for this year long make decisions and why he would tell he's a coward he is come back why you would tell about it you're you're shut up ed with where your husband works beyond me and handcuffs on time months after a railroad employee was gunned down at the rail yard in Tehachapi two people are behind bars one of them his own wife Robert leamon was returning from a day of work in the field when he was shot and killed it happened back in August at the rail shop on Goodrich Drive in Tehachapi about an hour and a half south of Tehachapi is where Lamont had a home in the Silver Lakes area and just 30 minutes further south is where her his wife's alleged lover lived in Hesperia pictures from Sabrina lamons Facebook page show a softer side of her marriage to husband Robert when every time I say seeing them both together they were just hug and kisses and just happy the couple who had two children together and are remembered of friends is happy and a family who loved to travel when they'd either going to Pismo Beach and coming back and he'd swing by and and that's what I hear is a really surprise because they seem like they're just a loving family but today family and friends were left in shock after deputies arrested wife Sabrina Lamone from Silver Lake and Jonathan Hearn from Hesperia in connection with a 38 year old father's death I just shook my head and I really couldn't believe that Sabrina around 5:00 p.m. on August 17th Robert Lamone in emergency responder at BNSF Railway was coming back to this shop in Tehachapi when he was shot and killed basically we're still all in shock detectives were led to 35 year-old Lamone and 24 year old Hearn who they say had developed a romantic relationship they learned that Jonathan Hearn had developed a relationship with Sabrina Lemone prior to Robert lemons murder both her nan Lamone now face charges of first-degree murder and conspiring to commit a crime with Lamone facing an extra charge of an accessory to murder all righty three years later the trial would begin so as I said Jonathan he struck a plea deal and spill the beans on the entire yoke he told the jury about they had planned to kill Roberts in myriad ways from fires which is kind of ironic if he had done that and Jonathan had saved him as a firefighter they had also planned to kill him by staging a car accident and by poisoning him Jonathan had actually tested out the poison arsenic on a neighborhood dog which didn't end well for the dog that's shitty I think you'll agree Sabrina had actually put the poison in a pudding in Roberts packed lunch but chicken dead when Robert left for work that day Sabrina called him told him not to eat it this eventually led to Jonathan suiting up and shooting Robert Jonathan said he wore a Halloween mask as he entered the facility spoke briefly to Roberts who offered him a drink and then shot him with a 45 caliber Glock he equipped with a silencer made from a flashlight now was a decision made to kill Robert limo in that time frame Edith talked about yes was there also a plan in place what to do once he was gone there was we discussed crime concealment as far as not getting detected in the first place but then we also did discuss a future together or around that time discussing more seriously a marriage in the future she expressed a number of reasons why divorce was not a very appealing option for her and that was part of what solidified some of our conversations about his actual eventual demise so did you settle on a method to kill Robert initially yes I didn't what was the initial method that you decided upon poisoning did you have any other methods in mind briefly considered some others yes but she asked me how how I thought would be best and we discussed I believe car accident and fire and quickly skipped over those and arrived at poisoning and then did a significant amount of discussion and planning so why didn't Sabrina and Robert just get a divorce you may be asking well the guy in the sky they didn't think he would be a fan of that plus they were very image conscious so they're like divorce ooh that's a no-no he said that you discussed divorce with Sabrina I did what was her response to those discussions that divorce was not something very appealing to her as an option for the foundation of art of our relationship together she gave me a number of reasons for a variety of different reasons and these were things we discussed over numerous conversations but to summarize for her own sake first of all she expressed that the loyalty of her family and friends would most likely be with Rob so if she was to initiate a divorce most of her friends and family would side with Rob and she would be seen as the bad guy so to speak so that was that was one of the main reoccurring reasons but other reasons just included I think the lifestyle of a sort of autonomy that she wouldn't really have to address ongoing issues with Rob also she expressed issues with that it would be in the children's best interest as far as if as far as the complications that arise out of having children raised in two different households with dual custody and all of those issues that divorce wasn't so much a pleasing option even for as ironic and sad as this sounds for Rob's sake she expressed that he would honestly rather be dead then divorced and that losing her would essentially kill him which was something she didn't want to cause as far as the emotional expression kill him so those were like I said a summary of some of the things she expressed I had a frank disgust for him that was developing and contributing to me being very dismissive of his life ultimately you Jonathan said the couple had plans to marry so he could become the stepfather of Sabrina's kids they wanted the children to be raised by quote godly parents whatever that means I mean I know what it means but you know what I mean how did this opening up your marriage I don't even know how to explain it I mean it just like I said our sacred her sacred bond that we had was broken as soon as we made that choice together and was there kind of a unwritten rule that you weren't supposed to talk about opening up your marriage with anyone else between you and Rob sure was there some sort of unwritten rule or was there an agreement between you and Rob not to ever discuss that you'd open up your marriage yes yes miss Lemone after your husband died you did not want to tell law enforcement about Jonathan correct correct the killer of your husband did not want you to tell law enforcement about him correct correct so you and the killer of your husband had the exact same desire in respect to law enforcement correct I do not know that Jonathan Herndon was the killer did you have the exact same desire in respect to law enforcement as Jonathan Hearn did no okay you did not want law enforcement to find out about Jonathan her at that time no I did not starts out on top unbelievable how you make me feel did you give this card to Jonathan yes unforgettable every moment with you it's what the card reads you picked this out for Jonathan didn't you yes unlimited the possibilities for our life together that's what it says and you sent this card to the man who killed your husband did you not I gave it to him but before losing mother yes nothing further your honor Sabrina denied everything of course she did well she admitted to the affair but moita oh oh no siree Bob in fact the defense argued that Jonathan was controlling and manipulative and that Sabrina had no idea of his intention to kill prior to killing which seems surprising on October 5th 2017 after trial lasting three weeks Sabrina would eventually be found guilty of first-degree murder conspiracy to commit murder solicitation of murder an accessory to murder and get 25 years to life in prison so there Jonathan as part of the deal he struck he was charged with voluntary manslaughter got 25 years on four months in prison in exchange for that testimony against Sabrina I am guilty of choices that torn awful words in many hearts rippling destructively through so many precious lives I had fallen terribly short with the standards of Jesus who commands to serve each other to be humble and to love one another I have evoked God's name and yet behaved exactly opposite of his dictates kind of Zen I am aware that for my crimes anything short of death is really versatile get up for my sin I truly do desert much worse [Music] after the trial Sabrina hired a new attorney basically saying she wasn't given a fair trial and that her previous attorney had failed to prepare her for taking the stand yes yes the new attorney said that she deserves a new trial due to that arguing us well you know she went to prison because her previous attorney was [ __ ] and he also argued against the overly aggressive interrogation by the police it's time to share that request for a new trial for Sabrina got poo-pooed and that's the story of Sabrina Roberts and Jonathan when life gives you lemons make murder [Music] thank you so so much for watching I really really appreciate it I will see you as always real soon in the next video take care of yourselves like you
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,724,365
Rating: 4.8990226 out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, sabrina limon, jonathan hearn, robert limon, case of sabrina limon, sabrina limon jonathan hearn
Id: N8ZA8TiOgiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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