Keith Moore June 18, 21 Growing in Love Part 3

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bless the lord o my soul all that is within me y'all happy tonight if not you're in a good place to get that way right get it get happy praise god uh thank you for everybody that sowed into the ministry uh our partners and those that have given to us have sent us to you and covered all those expenses before we got got here and so uh what you sow into us will help send us somewhere else to folks at no charge to them so it's and uh i agree with you like pastor was talking about and i speak over you increase in jesus name i'm believing with you for a harvest so if you decide you don't want the harvest you need to let us know because i'm going to be believing for it and it will come on you we're serious about these things if you would open your your bibles your scripture to romans the 12th chapter tonight and again like pastor john said this is the third message in what we're talking about tonight and there are two previous ones that built to this and so particularly if this ministers to you tonight let me encourage you get those other messages those previous two and because that's this is a third of of this and you know always be make a note of something that really ministers to you and feed on it again when there's something that really does something for you then don't let don't just go well praise god that was wonderful you know hope that happens again now get that message and listen to that one again and listen to it again and again because it wasn't just the man or woman that ministered it to you that did something for you the spirit of god did something through that that that specifically ministered to you and the way his things work are are they are seed the incorruptible seed of the word of god and so when he when you receive it with joy that's not the end of it that's the beginning of something you want to water that and it'll keep growing until it produces amazing changes in your life over a period of days months and years so again when something really ministers to you a message really ministers to you listen to that one again and again it won't hurt you to listen to it 20 times that's right right listen and i'm not saying in the same day or week but over a period of time you know because it's food you know the lord said man doesn't live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god well you know you can only get so excited about the uh the casserole you ate 10 years ago you can you got a vague memory man it was good it was really good yeah but you can eat it again right and the same thing that really did something for you then it'll do it for you again right how many have eaten the same thing more than once huh well you know uh it's foolish not to eat the same thing spiritually because it'd be like going to the cafeteria with a tray and going potatoes had those back in 69 no right chicken no i had that in 72. well you're going to starve right and uh spiritual things are just like natural things in that regard you eat the same thing over and over again romans 12 are you are you finding that romans 12 verse 9 [Music] let's release faith again no man or woman can do or say or minister everything that needs to be done in a setting like this for one thing i wouldn't know nobody would know everything going on with everybody in their life there's no way you can know only the holy spirit can do it but he can do it so let's agree together for that father in jesus name all of us agree together as touching this asking for the utterance the anointing the grace only you what only you can do ministering answers and quickening and healing and deliverance and restoration exactly what you know we need right now all of us ask for it together and we know it's your will we believe we receive it we thank you for it in jesus name amen said out loud i'm hearing from him i'm receiving from him answers help for right now in romans 12 and 9 it says let love be without dissimulation abhor that which is evil cleave to that which is good so we're not supposed to be nonchalant about evil and good we're supposed to be passionate against evil and for good right and verse 14 he has blessed them that persecutes you bless and curse not rejoice with them that do rejoice weep with them that weep verse 17 recompense to no man evil for evil provide things honest in the sight of all men if it be possible as much as lies in you live peaceably with all men dearly beloved avenge not yourselves but rather give place to wrath for its written vengeance is mine says the lord i will repay therefore if your enemy hunger feed him if he thirsts give him drink so that's doing good for somebody who has done bad to you for in so doing you'll heap coals of fire on his head that's talking about conviction the last thing somebody that hates you wants is to need help from you and verse 21 be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good amen say it out loud don't be overcome with evil but overcome evil with good the contemporary english version says it like this it says don't let evil defeat you defeat evil with good defeat evil with good you don't do to them what they did to you and you must relinquish the thought and idea and plan of getting back or paying them back now most christians know these things they've heard them even if they're hearing it for the first time your heart goes oh yeah that's that's the right thing to do but that's a far cry from knowing it and doing it because when somebody hurts you and somebody does bad things against you somebody you know decides you're their enemy and sets out to take you down and destroy you you will be tempted to respond in like-kind and if you do it's a giant mistake because uh just like pastor was talking about with the offering this sowing and reaping works with everything not just money and things it works and one of the big reasons why the lord tells us don't repay evil with evil is because he doesn't want us reaping evil he wants us reaping good in luke the sixth chapter we looked at this last night look at it again if you they'll put it on the screen look luke 6 27 luke 6 27 jesus said this he said i say to you which here love your enemies do good to them which hate you really is he serious about this they're going to help me preach this or huh bless them that curse you pray for them which despitefully use you is that doing good to somebody who did evil to you and that is how you overcome the evil amen that's how you overcome it not by doing the same thing they did to you but by doing something good to them and for them and it has nothing to do with how you feel about them you're not doing it because you have warm and fuzzy feelings towards them you're doing it because the lord told you to do it amen and you're doing it because that's how you actually overcome the evil that's right that's good you're an overcomer god's made you to be an overcomer somebody say i'm an overcomer well how do you overcome evil with good with good they curse you you bless them they do bad to you you do good to them they despite they despise you and mistreat you and you pray for them not praying god get them god take them out no that's not the prayer he's talking about [Laughter] praise god in first peter turn there first peter 3 and 8 first peter 3 and 8. and this is not found in just one or two places in the bible there are many places where you'll see these truths coming up first peter 3 8 finally be all of one mind having compassion one of another love as brethren be full of pity and courteous not rendering evil for evil or railing for railing now evil we look that word up it just means bad it means harmful it means hurtful destructive but what's a railing well a railing is a chewing out huh letting somebody have it giving somebody a piece of your mind like you could afford to [Laughter] i know almost everybody needs every piece they got and then some telling people where to get off huh letting folks have it that's not okay why because you're so in bad seed right and if they hurt you and you turn around and hurt them how are you doing any better than they are you're so mad and upset with them for doing what they did to you but you're doing the same thing so you're being a hypocrite to even be upset with them because you're doing the same thing can we do better are we supposed to do better we represent the lord and we don't want to reap evil don't render evil for evil or railing for railing but contrary-wise blessing knowing that you are there unto called called what that you should inherit a blessing do you want blessing then you've got to sow blessing right you want people to bless you then you've got to be a blesser right and they don't have to be nice people for you to bless them amen they don't have to deserve it i said they don't have to deserve it for you to bless them you know uh people who work in the service industry and for and tips are part of their pay even if they give you terrible service you still want to leave them a tip did they lose somebody call it an offering amen you understand what i'm saying for numerous reasons why because it's part of their pay and you it's part of your witness that's right and you won't you're a giver is that right yes and you want that to just be part of the way you live and operate is that you tip when people don't expect a tip and you tip bigger then a lot of times people get a tip right and if that's a burden to you then maybe you're going to a more expensive place than you should be going huh if you don't have anything left for a tip in paying the bill then you're acting like you're at a place where you're not at yet is that okay or not just look straight ahead i'm serious though right and um uh a lot of times people are you know they they're not making anything extra uh doing what they're doing and this is an opportunity for uh people to be uh refreshed and um i know we we're to drive through a while back my wife and i and um when we pulled up we were saying some things about the lord and what have you and the person looked in and they said y'all are the first people that i've seen all day that are smiling act like you're happy and we said well we are how many think that should be believers right they should be believers and so then when they handed us their order we said can you take a temp and they said what and we handed them some money they go yeah and it and they said that made my day it's amazing what not too much money can do for somebody right in those situations and so that's part of the reason why you want to believe like brother john was saying for extra you want to have extra on you at all times so that you can give not just in the church offering but you're just a giver every day of the week right and you just you're ready to pay for things when other people are not you're ready to take care of things you're ready to give somebody say i'm a giver i'm a giver and the bible said the generous soul will be made fat and that has to do with a fat pocket book fat accounts and right the generous soul are you a generous soul or stingy soul somebody say i'm a giver i'm i'm a giver and because of that you give to people that uh they don't deserve it and even people that have not done nice things for you you'll still the spirit of god will prompt you and you'll give to them and not without expecting anything in return keep reading it says that you should inherit a blessing verse 10 for he that will love life and seek good days let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips that they speak no guile again abhor the evil love and cling to the good and he he talks about in verse 13 who is he that will harm you if you're followers of those that are good first thessalonians i'm just giving you some extra scripture tonight on the 1st thessalonians 5 15 says see that none render evil for evil to any man now this is from the bible said in the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established this is what four now from different places but ever follow that which is good both among yourselves and to all men down in the 22nd verse 21st verse in the amplified it says test and prove all things until you can recognize what is good and hold fast abstain from evil in whatever form or whatever kind it may be i think that's really a better translation than the appearance of evil abstain from the appearance of evil that kind of people have gone off on a different idea with that but this is to me very accurate abstain from evil in whatever form or whatever kind it may be that's in line with all these other verses about abhoring it issuing it uh you know we anything that's harmful or hurtful or destructive we depart we despise it but we love what's good now i wanted to get into some specific bible example one in particular about how you do this how you actually become evil with good it's not something most people are doing because most folks are flesh dominated instead of faith dominated and self-selfish self-focused instead of love dominated the scripture said again brother john referred to it just a few minutes ago about paul talking about timothy he said i don't have anybody like-minded like him he said for all seek their own that's the most common thing you'll find is that people are looking out for their own interests and they won't even call themself doing that it just comes natural to the flesh and if you're flesh dominated you've got no problem of other people doing without as long as you get what you want you got no problem with it costing somebody else as long as i can get what i want or think i need that is ungodly the bible talks about the law of christ is bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of christ and the law of christ is willing to do without our sacrifice so that somebody else can have something that's what he did for us and that is what he has called us to do that we may inherit a blessing are you all okay so far laying some groundwork here laying some foundation um james 3 would you go there please james 3 we are to abhor evil we are to love and cleave cling to cleave to the good and james mentions a specific evil we got into it some part of it this morning but i want to get into the other part uh this evening uh james 3 and 14. it says if you have bitter envying and strife in your hearts glory not and don't lie against the truth this wisdom descends not from above but is earthly sensual devilish there is a scheming devilish wisdom it's not of god but it is a scheming uh distorted wisdom of how to get what i want from other people how to get over other people how to get ahead of other people that kind of thing how to win at whatever cost and you don't want to yield to that or or yield to that kind of thinking it's devilish he said did you hear that word it's devilish verse 16 for where envying and strife is there is confusion and every evil work i'm talking about some practical application tonight of identifying evil how are we going to overcome evil come on help me out with good well here are two big things that should be obvious evil to us what are they envying and strife envying we talked about strife some this morning i won't go over it we don't have time but it's something that you want to avoid and make every effort to stay out of but this other one i want to talk about this evening envy envy is absolutely evil it's devilish it's the nature of the devil you want to be aware of it both for yourself not to yield to it and you want to be aware of the threat that it is envious people will do things you don't think they will do they will go further in devious stuff than what you would think you don't want to be envious and you don't want to be naive about what envious people will do we have specific examples of it in the scripture and one of the clearest and most detailed examples in my mind right now is what happened between saul king saul and david and you have example in what the lord enabled david to do that he actually did what we're talking about he overcame evil with good that's right and so as we i want us to go back to some of these scriptures and and let them refresh us and let them come into us because how many understand god's word is not just information the things we're talking about good is in god's word power is in there's no word of god void of power and so uh it's a great mistake to neglect your old testament because it is the word of god and it contains spiritual things i i'm looking back now my grandmother is a great influence in my life a godly woman and i used to go stay with her sometimes as a little boy and she would give me books to read about men and women of god and strong influence in my life and encouraged me to read the bible and i started reading the bible i forget at a young age i set out to read through it and looking back now when it was just me sitting in the chair reading about the things that happened with moses and and aaron and and elisha and david and all these people things got in me that begin to shape my character i can see it now looking back you know decades later but but some things that are in me that have shaped the way i think the way i see things the way i talk the way i respond where did it come from looking back i can see i i got things about honor from david and his mighty men come on can you can you see what i'm talking about i got things about faith from moses and elijah and all these others don't neglect your bible that's right child of god and don't breeze through it it's not about speed reading and saying i read x amount of chapters yeah but what'd you get out of it huh you want to sit down and say lord reveal yourself to me through these anointed words and you want to turn you don't want to be interrupted every few seconds with the text that's right you won't get a fraction of what you should get out of it we need to make some changes that's right a lot of people do where their devices are concerned they're being led by their devices instead of the holy spirit they're being led by vibration and dings and notices really i'm telling you and they're being interrupted and distracted day and night and if that's mostly what you're aware of you're not aware of the leadings of the lord inside you're too preoccupied with all this other it's a trick of the enemy these things can be valuable devices they can be good to use but if you think you have to check it when it dings or buzzes then you're you're enslaved to it and you don't want to be brought under the power of anything paul said that's good nothing and so you want to there should be times when everything is off everything is off just try saying it out loud everything everything do you know what everything means everything is uh well people may freak out if they can get a hold of me well they need to get over it there was a time i remember when we would go all day and not be on the phone texting didn't exist imagine that and somehow we made it how did people know what you were doing they assumed we were okay they assumed no news was good news you see people just freak out if they text and they don't get a response just it's immediate they're like what's wrong what's going on what's going on what's going on what's going on you need to relax dear you need to need to find some peace and there need to be times when you give god your full attention and you're not going to get what you should out of the word unless you give the word your full focus and your full attention and then when you do that to see seed incorruptible seeds of his holy thoughts and his holy things and his character and his will and his ways and all of that will get inside you and it'll it'll put roots down in you and it'll start to grow in you until it it changes how you think it changes who you are do you believe it he warned us about envy and strife he said where these things are there's confusion and every evil well that's the thing we've been talking about that we want to stay away from that we we abhor it we we're staying away from that well here's two big ones envy and strife go back with me if you would to first samuel first samuel and the 18th chapter and you'll really see where this started going wrong in saul's life concerning david now i'll give a little background i know some people are familiar some are not but it's all it's it's been here all along if you care to read it care to feed on it it's it's outstanding david as a young man came to know god out keeping his father's sheep out in the wild you know just as a boy looking after the flocks and they would camp out and you know they'd take them to certain pastures in a certain time of the year and then other times take them to other pastures well you led the flock and you fed the flock and you watered the flock and you protected the flock because there are a lot of predators around especially a whole lot more than even than today i mean there were wolves there were bear there were lions there there were there's stuff out there looking for a meal and he learned as a boy how to play an instrument and how to sing and he learned how to handle a slingshot now slingshot wasn't just for recreation uh it was a weapon that they developed skill in and also with the bow and also with uh spears and these kind of things there were no firearms this was what you protected yourself with and so you've got a lot of time out there with the flock so what do you do all day long well you can become really good shot with the slain huh and you can learn all the chords on your instrument and you can develop vocally and and so that's where he began to sing to the lord and he enjoyed it and when he would do it he would sense the presence of the lord and he came to love the lord and you know the story how that on one occasion when his brothers were all fighting the enemy that his father sent him to check on him and sent some food stuffs with him and so when he arrived to bring this uh care packages to his brothers because he's too young to be in the military yet he's he's just a boy and there was this giant out there walking around boasting and cussing everybody out and blaspheming god and challenging everybody goliath you remember anybody remember him and he was a giant he was a man-killer from his his youth and i mean everybody was scared of him nobody would accept his challenge this went on for days and weeks and on and on and every afternoon he comes out and goes you know he calls their mothers bad names he says is there not even one man among you nobody will fight me and nobody would volunteer and when david heard it he said what is this who is this no covenant nobody out here blaspheming god and and upset his brothers made them bad well mad well i won't go through all of it but you know he volunteered to fight this guy it was preposterous he's a boy and this guy is armed to the f degree and he's this mammoth of a man and he's got all these years experienced killing and this boy is going to take him on with a slingshot have you read the story it's amazing it's one of the greatest faith stories you've ever heard and so when david actually came out to to fight him he was insulted he said you send me a boy with a stick he said i'm going to feed your body to the birds boy and david said you come to me with a sword and a shield but i come to you in the name of the lord of hosts and i'm going to take your hand off today big talk but he did it you see faith in that he believed it he said it and exactly what he said came to pass well this was an astounding day when this happened i mean the he david actually said not just you but all your buddies too we're taking you off and when he killed goliath the whole israeli army rushed and they beat everybody they they won the battle hands down that day well david internet excuse me a national hero overnight i mean that they didn't have the internet but uh they had to tell a friend [Laughter] and it went it went viral before there was viral and everybody knew and saul had david come and move in at their place and he enjoyed hearing david play and sing and david he that wasn't a one-time thing his courage was so inspiring that men wanted to follow him even though he's just a young guy and so saul appointed him as an officer in the military and he led campaigns and one and one and one and one god's hand was on him can you see this and in the uh 18th chapter y'all got time for me to provide a little background i know a lot of you know it but do you get tired of hearing it i never get tired there's a reason why these are hand-picked by the holy spirit because like i was saying earlier listening to it believing it something gets in you that same spirit of faith starts getting in you and that same and one of the things we want to get hold of is that the lord said concerning david he is a man after my own heart that will do all my will now do you want to be that kind of person that god sees you that way and thinks about you that way well what made him that way he he loved god he loved good he hated evil and he one of the things that he began to understand about god was the honor of god and the lord said those that honor me i will honor he got a hold of some of those things so much so that a lot of other people got it from him he influenced a whole generation he's still influencing people tonight right and in first samuel 18 after several successful campaigns david's name is a household name throughout israel i mean parents tell the story of david and goliath although it was only a year old to their children and little israeli children say tell me again daddy tell me again daddy about david and the big guy and so when david comes back in from a campaign the women came out with instruments and praise in verse 7 they began to sing to one another and they said saul has slain his thousands and david his tens of thousands and the king heard it and it made him mad what were you talking about from james how did we get started down in this line envy and strife you'll find every kind of evil thing and so verse 8 david excuse me saul was very roth he's not just a little upset he he's steaming over this he's the king and he said they have ascribed to david tens of thousands and to me they have ascribed but thousands what can he have more but the kingdom and saul eyed david from that day forward this was the day when major changes happened spiritually before that david lived there with saul he's like part of the family and they would say after supper david get out your instrument and play for us he would play and sing the spirit of god would fall everybody'd get blessed david is beloved in the saul household until they got out in the streets and they proclaimed that david had slain his tens of thousands where he saw only thousands and saul began to yield to some wrong stuff he heard it he felt threatened by it this is a result of his own insecurities and he began to eye david from that day forward verse 10 and it came to pass on the mara the very next day that an evil spirit came now it wasn't of god but god allowed it and he prophesied in the midst of the house and david played with his hand and there was a javelin in saul's hand and saul cast the javelin at david in the house he picked up his spear and threw it at him not for fun and he said i will smite david to the wall he threw it so hard he was expecting it to go through him and pin him up against the wall kill him and david dodged it and avoided out of his presence twice this happened and saul was afraid of david because the lord was with him and had departed from saul everything changed on that song saul has slain his thousands but david is tens of thousands saul yielded some wrong stuff and the very next day a bad spirit attached itself to saul and he became murderous envy is a murderer envy is absolutely evil say it out loud i detest envy i detest and abhor jealousy and envy it's evil i refuse to give it any place in my life can you see he he felt threatened by david david's just a young man david does not have an evil agenda against saul he's not plotting against him he thought saul liked him he's enjoying being with them he's enjoying leading campaigns he's enjoying using his faith and winning there's nothing evil in david's heart against saul but it didn't matter saul has decided david's got to go he's a threat i won't go through everything but it's it's worth taking your time and reading what happened because eventually jonathan and david were the best of friends and so he told jonathan can you find out if this is going to change or if he's going to keep trying to pin me to the wall with his spear and and so they had this thing set up and and he went away for a while and and then jonathan met with him and told him yeah he is dead set on killing you they even set guards at david's house and and where his wife was and and tried to catch him but he had to leave he had to run for his life and this went on for years of david being a fugitive from his own land and they couldn't stay in any one place for very long because saul went to super expense and effort he sent envoys to every neighboring nation to the king and made them swear an oath that if they knew where david was they would tell him or capture him he spent all kind of money he sent out patrols of thousands of his best soldiers to find him this went on for years and david can hardly sleep in the same place over a night or two and he's running for his life and knows that we're with him and on one occasion david and those who were with him wound up at a at the priest's place there was a city called knob and where the priests were the priest of god and the priests uh he said man we're hungry have you got anything to eat and he and they gave him the show bread and and he said if you've got any weapons here and he said well just the stuff you got off goliath is is here basically it was in the trophy case and he said well let me have that and and saul found out that they had fed them and he called them to meet him to cross examine them and he wiped out saul killed 85 priests in one day and then sent his cracked troops to their city the city of the priests and killed everybody women infants every child wiped out the city evil somebody say evil and what's all this coming from envy can you see this what you said out loud envy is evil i detest it i abhor it i refuse to give any place in my life to envy well david and his men are running from saul and these people for month after month and even year after year until on one occasion i want you to go from go to the 24th chapter of first samuel and we'll just start here in the first verse you in a big hurry tonight does anybody remember what we started out talking about on our text don't let evil defeat you right but what do you do you overcome evil with what how do you do it with good you overcome evil with good now this this is not something you just say oh yeah that's a that's a great idea and and i'll have to keep that in mind you've got to be on guard against this because evil will try to work its way into you and into your life and it'll be in you somebody hurting you or upsetting you or making you mad or doing you wrong or whatever and you will be sorely tempted to to get into vengeance and it doesn't help that most of us have fed on thousands of hours of vengeance movies just look straight ahead what is the plot of nine and a half out of ten action movies huh somebody did some evil thing against somebody and then what rest of the movie is a quest on getting them back taking them out right most of the westerns in the 50s same plot is that right same storyline all of the martial arts movies pretty much right all the kung fu movies what some evil guy some evil buds came and did some evil things so now what so the good guys get to do evil to them but it's okay because they had evil done to them first so now and especially in modern times oh man the blood and the gore and the body count is off the chart but it's okay because they're the good guy sort of because they had bad done to them first no that means they were overcome with evil when evil was done to them and now they are the evil they're the evil too and how many can understand as things go on it gets harder and harder to tell the difference between the good guy and the bad guy because they're doing the same stuff yes but it just if you have a really good reason to do the bad stuff but that's not what you and i have been hearing these last three services from the bible from the word of god we don't let evil turn us evil when evil is done to us come on come on help me out how do we overcome it how we overc we don't let evil overcome us we overcome evil with good say it out loud i don't let evil overcome me i don't allow evil to change me and make me evil by god's help by the greater one inside me i overcome evil with good they curse i bless they hurt i help they do evil i do good amen amen according to the word that will cause you to always and ultimately win all evil is temporary every bit of it i don't care what it is or how bad it is how long it's been around all have you read the back of the book all evil is temporary but good is forever good is eternal and so ultimately good wins may not look like it but good overcomes evil in first samuel 24 verse 1. i know i'm telling you stories tonight but is it okay huh just relax i know you're not in your pjs but but relax he said brother keith read us the story okay verse 1 it came to pass that saul was returned from following the philistines that it was told him behold david is in the wilderness in in gedi then saul took 3 000 chosen men out of israel these are 3 000 special forces and goes after david again why is he trying to find him to kill him why what has david done nothing love god lead the armies win victories for israel play music and help saul when he was feeling bad that's it it's a mess that's not fair honey are you just now figuring out that the world is not fair well that's not right the world is full and not right the world is full and not fair the world is full of evil and cruel yeah you and i are the salt and the light we're the different right we're supposed to stand out as the different we're supposed to be the fair the good the right so uh he came to the sheep cuts by the way where there was a cave saul went in to cover his feet that's king james for use the bathroom and david and his men are in the cave that saul decides to go into coincidence no huh is everybody with me now why is saul there to kill david with 3 000 special forces and so once a little privacy and so he picks this cave that david and his men just happen to be hiding in same cave and the men of david they told him they said this is god this is god behold the day which the lord told you i'll deliver your enemy into your hand and you can do what seems good to you they said this is it this is it we're going to get to stop running everything's going to be fine and so david got up and very stealthily went to where saul had laid his outer cloak and he took his knife and cut off the end of it why showing him how close he got to him he could have taken him out anytime and after he did that david's heart smote him because he had cut off saul's skirt of his garment he thought i shouldn't have done that that's disrespectful now can you put yourself in david's shoes you've been on the run you hadn't had any mamas cooking for two and a half years huh it gets uh wearisome looking over your shoulder not having enough to eat not having a good place to sleep not not even getting a good night's sleep because everything you hear is that them are they here and you here's the opportunity to make it stop we can get on with our lives we can go home and all the men are going this is god this is god are you kidding not all the caves here he walks in here it says god take him out take him out and david said no i'm just going to let him know how close he came to dying today but then when he did that his heart bothered him he thought i shouldn't have done that and don't you listen to the language in verse 6 he said to his men the lord forbid that i should do this thing to my master who a lot of folks wouldn't be calling him their master would they the lord is anointed who would be calling him the lord's anointed he wiped out the priest city he killed all the priests the 85 of them that were there in the city and killed their wives and their babies he slaughtered an entire city because he he felt like they helped david somehow they really committed no crime you're going to call him the lord's anointed you're going to show him respect see if that seems ridiculous and bizarre to you then you don't understand god's ways and you're too susceptible of being affected by evil because see if if you're if that bothers you and that aggravates you and angers you you're already giving place to evil why because you want revenge you want to stop you want to fix this now you want to kill somebody what does that make you how are you any better than him he's trying to kill you now you're full of vengeance you want to kill him how are you doing any better than he is see then in that case you're not overcoming evil evil has overcome you and made you what you hated church are you all awake are y'all huh and you can claim it was a righteous kill because of what he did to you but you just did to him first what he was trying to do to you so how are you better than him you're a killer you're a murderer why are these stories chapters and chapters and chapters of the bible are given to this why because it's so important why david's a man after god's own heart there's a lot of ways in which he thinks like god and has understood some of god's ways and here they are do you want to think like god do you want to be a man or woman after god's own heart then you got to think like this why is he calling this basically almost demon-possessed man this murderer the slaughterer of babies why is he calling him his master and the lord's anointed why because god chose him and god placed him at the head of the country and god told the prophet to pour the anointing oil on him is he acting like the anointed no but is he the lord's anointed yeah child of god we we must respect god's placement and god's choice even when we can't respect what the people in the place are doing amen we must continue to respect the place and god's choice or otherwise we'll end up disrespecting god himself is this revelation this revelation so he said david stayed his servants with these words and suffered them not to rise against saul he had to talk his men down and they must have had some respect for him or they just overridden him they said get out of the way we're tired of running we're tired of this we're tired of being wanted for no reason he he said no weapons down weapons down no but but i said no they backed off and saul got up got his cloak clueless about where he was at what was going on and left the cave and uh went on his way and so when they got a little distance away david came to the mouth of the cave and he yelled and he said my lord the king when saul looked behind him david stooped with his face to the earth and bowed himself to his king to his master the anointed is he overcoming evil with good come on can you see this is he showing respect huh is he showing submission he's going i'm not the king he's the king right when he could have killed him he didn't repay evil for evil he repaid evil with good come on can you see this and you and i are still talking about it all these centuries later tonight why because it's godly because in the end did david win i said in the end did david win did good overcome evil absolutely totally and that's why it's recorded for every generation to learn and see and make a decision are you going to live like this did he feel like showing this kind of respect no he's hungry he's away from home he's looking over his shoulder all the time he hadn't done anything wrong hadn't broken any laws hadn't hurt the king but he said where for here is thou men's words saying david seeks your hurt behold this day your eyes have seen how the lord has delivered you today in my hand in the cave and some bad me to kill you and all his men are going that's right you got that right why we didn't kill him today but my eye spared you and i said i will not put forth my hand against my lord for he is the lord's anointed the lord chose him and the anointing oil was poured on him and david said i'm going to respect that no matter what see he's not just respecting saul he's respecting god yeah and he said moreover my father see the skirt of your robe in my hand for in that i cut off the skirt of your robe and killed you not know that there's no evil or transgression in my hand i've not sinned against you and yet you hunt my soul to take it he said does this look familiar and saul looked down and oh lord he was right on me the lord judged between me and you and the lord avenged me of you is that what we read in the new testament vengeance is mine says the lord i will repay but my hand will not be on you as says the proverb of the ancients proceeds from the wicked another way of saying that that's the same word for evil evil comes out of evil if david had murdered him instead of letting the lord take care of it it would have indicated that he had evil in him because evil comes out of evil is god evil absolutely not so evil doesn't come out of him regardless of what scriptures you understand or don't understand god is good and evil does not come out of him there's another being the devil he is evil and evil comes out of him but no matter what evil is done to us we might we must not let it taint our soul and twist our minds until we become bitter until we become vengeful until we become we're going to pay you back we're going to get you back then we have become the thing we hate and you won't overcome it that way you'll just become part of the problem tell me church how do you overcome evil come on help me out how there's only one way can you see why this this word is the word of god in the new testament that we're talking about don't let evil defeat you overcome evil with good they curse you bless they hurt you help they disrespect you pray for them right and it's not based on how you feel it's not based on what they've done it's certainly not based on what they deserve it's you doing what the lord told you to do and it's you representing him in the earth and people just like looking at david what he did and how he thought and how he talked we're learning about god and people can see you and hear you how you respond and what you do and they instead of just trying to throw a bunch of scriptures at them they learn about god by watching how you respond to people and what you do and what you refuse to do and people will be led to the lord not just by your preaching but by your living by your living example they'll they'll say god's real look at that they'll say i wouldn't have done that i'd have done this and they realized i need a change something needs to happen in me so i got the love of god in me like they do i can do these kind of things keep reading wickedness proceeds from the wicked but my hand will not be on you hallelujah all of it's good to read well let me just read it who is the king of israel come out after who are you pursuing a dead dog a flea what are you chasing me for the lord judge between me and you plead my cause and deliver me out of your hand and when when david speaking uh saul said is this your voice my son david say there's some distance between them and saul lifted up his voice and wept he knew he's doing wrong yeah he did he's the king he's the big man but he cried right there in front of everybody because he knows how wrong he is he said david you're more righteous than i am you have rewarded me good whereas i rewarded you evil is this a picture of overcoming evil with good they do you evil what do you do you do them good they try to kill you you spare them did david actually protect the king from his own men can you see that he saved his life he didn't kill him and he also kept his men from killing him you've showed the state how you've dealt well with me for as much as when the lord delivered me to your hand you didn't kill me if a man finds his enemy will he let him go well away well see so i wasn't going to let him go away when he found him wherefore the lord rewards you good for what you have done to me this day so see even saul in his evil spirit influence state knew david has sown some good to me today he's going to rape that he's going to reap that good that he sowed to me today and now behold listen to this verse 20 i know that you will surely be king this is astounding and the kingdom of god will be established in your hand swear now to me by the lord that you won't cut off my seat after me or destroy my name out of my father's house and david swore to him and saul went home and david and his men got him in the hold and you would hope this would be the end of all this but it wasn't a little bit later on saul's chasing him again trying to kill him again this actually happened another time this very same thing you got time to talk about it yes go to the the 26th chapter just a little bit further over 26 verse 1 the ziphites came to saul and said david's hiding himself and gave him the location because see the king had threatened every nation around him if they didn't tell him where if they saw him so you talk about spies everywhere everywhere you go their king and their leader is forcing the people to tell them if they see david and saul arose and went to the wilderness of zeph 3 000 chosen men he's got the special forces with him again and david abode in the wilderness and found out that saul had come verse 5 david arose and came to the place where saul had pitched and david beheld the place where saul lay and abner the son of nir the captain of his host and saul lay in the trench and the people pitched around about him so now it's it's night time i guess when they're resting i suppose and time to go to sleep and saul and his men saw where they are and where they camped and they don't know david and his men are there again and so david said to a himelec and to abhishei who will go with me down to saul to the camp these guys are brave they're courageous he said who wants to go with me down to the camp really and abhishek said i'll go let's go so david and abisha came to the people by night and saul lay sleeping in the trench with his spear stuck in the ground at his bolster abner and the people lay around about him seem to protect him because if anybody came up they'll have to come through them to get to him and abbas i said to david of course in a whisper god's delivered your enemy into your hand now let me smite him uh uh here the spirit's right here i won't even have to do it twice one time i'll take him out just one time you don't have to do anything you didn't do it you just go over there and be still for a minute and david said to have a shy don't do it destroy him not who can stretch forth his hand against the lord's anointed and be guiltless david said furthermore as the lord lives the lord will smite him his day will come to die he'll he'll descend into battle or perish something will happen to him but the lord forbid that i should stretch forth my hand against the lord's anointed he said yeah he's he's on a short path to destruction but it won't be because of me is everybody listening why i don't care how much evil evil he does to me i'm not going to repay evil with evil the lord will take care of it is that faith he's on the run but is that faith he said no and again he saved his life again he said no don't you do it he'll die in battle something will happen but it won't be by me nobody will be able to say david killed the king david took him out he's god's choice god put him there god can take him out and he doesn't need my help to do it is this right thinking is this overcoming evil with good and and uh he said the lord forbid verse 11 that i should stretch my hand against the lord's anointed but i pray thee take that spear and the bolster and his water jug and let's go so david got the spear he got his water bottle and they got away and no man saw it or knew it nobody woke up for they were all asleep because a deep sleep from the lord had fallen upon them it's wise how could they have gotten that far in and nobody noticed then david went over to the other side and stood on the top of the hill a far off a great space being between them does it have you heard this before and david cries to the people this is in the middle of the night to abner now abner was the basically the commanding officer in this group and he said abner aren't you going to answer abner says who are you crying and bothering the king tonight david said to abner aren't you a valiant man who's like you in israel and why didn't you keep the your lord the king somebody came in tonight to kill the king this thing's not good not good what you've done as the lord lives you're worthy to die you have not kept your master of the lord's anointing look at here whose spare this is can you see this and this water bottle you know it's got an initial s on it you know whose that is nobody said you couldn't have a little fun while you were doing good instead of evil is that right i mean you're not pretending you don't know what's going on [Laughter] and saul knew david's voice he said is that your voice my son that again it's a distance and it's nighttime and david said it's me oh lord oh my lord o king do you hear respect respect is he respecting everything saul is doing absolutely not but he's respecting the office he's respecting god's choice he's respecting the fact that the anointing of god was on the man to lead the country god's choice even though he's basically a demon-possessed man at this point of his life and he said why does my lord pursue after his servant what have i done what evil is in my hand now therefore i pray you let my lord the king hear the words of his servant if the lord has stirred you up against me let him accept an offering and i'll make it right but if the children of men cursed be they before the lord they've driven me out this day from abiding in the inheritance of the lord and they said go serve other gods they've been completely alienated from family friends home everything they love and care about now therefore let not my blood fall to the earth before the face of the lord the king of israel has come out to seek a flea as somebody hunting a partridge in the mountains in other words what is the king doing out here running around with soldiers looking for somebody like me that hadn't done anything wrong what is going on it's not even reasonable it's not logical what are you doing and saul said i've sinned return my son david i will no more do you harm and all the david's guys said yeah right because my soul was precious in your eyes this day i have played the fool and erred exceedingly a lot of folks have heard that phrase know that scripture but do you know what it's talking about when you let evil overcome you in the form of envy and he he acted not like a king not with honor not with nobility not with justice and righteousness and faith and godliness he's acting like a fool out here chasing somebody that has helped him win battles and and supported him and been family to him man if you listen to the enemy he will absolutely confuse you remember that phrase said where there is envying and strife there's confusion and every evil work david answered and said here's the king's spear let one of your young men come get it they're not even going to keep it for a trophy and saul said to david you know blessed be thou son of david that my son david you'll do great things and prevail and it wasn't the end he still had to run for a little bit longer but then there was this great battle between saul and the philistines and he and his sons were killed in battle on the same day like it was prophesied and then israel sought to david to become king and eventually he was but he didn't have that on his conscience that he had killed saul can you see that and evil didn't change him and get in him and make him what he hated and what had messed up his life can you see a beautiful graphic picture here of somebody understanding something about how god thinks in his ways and absolutely overcoming evil with good huh can you see it will you let that get in you huh it is the spirit of that in these words tonight is it here in this room is it on you and around you will you receive it will you receive just lift up your hands and say i receive the ways of god the honor of god teach me more about these things lord i choose good over evil i choose to overcome evil with good hallelujah oh somebody say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord praise be to god praise be to god go with me i think in closing we'll see to uh hebrews the fifth chapter hebrews the 5th chapter bless the lord o my soul all that is within me bless his holy name hebrews 5 and 11 5 11 the spirit of god through the writer here says that he had a lot of things to say to them further but it was hard verse verse 11 hard to be uttered seeing they were dull of hearing hebrews 5 11. verse 12 he said for when for the time you ought to be teachers you have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of god you've become such as have need of milk and not of strong meat for everyone that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness for he is a babe or a baby but strong meat belongs to them who are of full age even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to do what to discern both good and evil this is a big part of growing up and developing growing up spiritually involves growing up and developing in love because god is love and growing up in god can't be separated from growing up in love but growing up in love involves discernment distinguishing um philippians 1 you don't have to turn there but let me read this to you philippians 1 9. he said i pray that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment is there a development of judging and knowledge connected to developing in love yes am i moving too fast are you with me philippians 1 go ahead and turn there philippians 1 9 hold your place in hebrews if you can philippians 1 9 this is a prayer i pray that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment verse 10 that you may approve the things that are excellent now that's king james this has to do with discernment and being able to differentiate between things and that's directly connected to developing in love developing in love is developing in god growing up in love growing up in god means you're developing in knowledge and judgment able to distinguish between right and wrong and good and evil and that enables you to walk stronger and stronger in love and in faith because your faith works by your love can you see that in the scripture or not that you may approve the things that are excellent that you may be sincere without offense till the day of christ go back to hebrews now he said i'm going to read this to you from a different translation this is the the web translation solid food is for those who are full grown by reason of use that word means habit or practice have their senses exercised now the word senses does not mean physical senses it's the word for perception your perception is exercised so that you're able to discern or separate or distinguish good and evil two of the most important things we never learn in this life is what's god and what's not god what to resist and what to yield to because you've got people all over the planet resisting things that are god that they should be receiving and you got people all over the planet that are receiving things like they're from god that are not from god they ought to be resisting it and so in that they're not distinguishing between what's good god and what's evil the enemy how many understand you should never yield to disease no matter how you feel how long it's been that way you know it's not from god so i don't have to accept it so you fight it you fight it with everything you know you should never yield to poverty and like you should never yield to fear and hopelessness right you should never yield to depression and confusion no matter how you feel no matter how many battles you lost or what kind of experience you had you know it's not from god don't accept it ever resist it and haven't done all to stand stand against it resist it yes but you don't fight tongues you don't fight the gifts of the spirit you don't fight authority in the name of jesus you shouldn't fight healing you shouldn't fight abundance that's god it's good how god anointed jesus of nazareth he went about you know with the holy ghost and power he went about doing good somebody said doing good doing good doing good and healing all who are oppressed of the devil so the sickness was satanic oppression it's bad the healing was uh god's power that's good right it's not confusing a three-year-old three-year-old could get it amen god is good he does good things the devil's bad he does bad things that doesn't mean we don't need to grow and develop because the enemy's always trying to trick you right he's always trying to trick you and confuse you and get you you know upset mad bitter whatever and get you to yield to something wrong and justify it for whatever reason but as you grow up and develop in love you're not like the baby that you used to be you don't think in such vague generalistic terms you're able to distinguish this thing happened this much of its good this much of it's bad babies don't distinguish that babies will put anything in their mouth [Laughter] right and chew it up and swallow it i mean babies right why they have not learned through practice and development of knowledge and judgment to discern between good and bad and the further you go you realize everything is not just easily identified the enemy mixes stuff together right i mean he'll take some poisonous thing and try to insert it into something that's good to get you to swallow the whole thing did the enemy quote scriptures to jesus in the in the wilderness temptation was the scripture right yes it was what the enemy tried to get him to do with it right no but jesus had the discernment to distinguish between the scripture is good and right but what you're saying to do with it is wrong do you want to grow up and become more and more like your master and just let me read this to you from another translation the the net says solid food is for the mature whose perceptions are trained by practice to discern both good and evil my perception and my awareness is developing and i'm able to see the enemy coming afar off and i'm not ignorant of his devices can you say amen the complete jewish bible says anyone who has to drink milk is still a baby without experiencing in applying the word about righteousness or the word about what's right but solid food is for the mature for those whose faculties have been trained by continuous exercise to distinguish good from evil the seeds of this have been planted in you this weekend hallelujah and you and i are growing and developing and we're going to be harder and harder for the enemy to trick that's right and we instead of just acting and reacting to feelings and emotions and things that people would do against us or to hurt us we will be aware our our perceptions having developed aware of the bigger picture aware of how to overcome the problem and it's not by becoming part of the problem it's not by jumping into the fight and yelling and screaming and cussing and doing what unsaved people do we're not going to do that we're going to overcome evil with god hallelujah praise god stand on your feet everybody oh praise the lord stand on your feet and lift up your hands let's let's take a few moments and begin to thank the lord tonight praise the lord tonight and give him glory and give him thanks lord we worship you lord we worship you we worship you come on don't be in too big of a hurry just [Music] nobody can praise god for you lift up your voice everything and everybody that has breath let everything that has breath praise the lord if you're breathing you should be praising come on right out loud lord i praise you i glorify you i adore you i love your ways your ways are right your ways are truth your ways are justice your ways are goodness your ways are mercy i love your ways i pursue good i follow after that which is good hey pacos oh come on lift your voice mayas no more looks yes lord yes lord keep your eyes closed and just listen to me just a moment sometimes the lord shows me things in situations like this when you get really upset when you get really angry and mad you can yield to spirits uh that that'll try to attach themselves to you and then they'll hang on to you now they're not in you you're not possessed but when you got so mad and so hurt and so depressed you gave place to it and it attached itself to you and you need to to mean business and let it know you don't want it you need to reject it and refuse it and you're in purpose that you're not going to let yourself get a furious like that again you're not going to let yourself get depressed and bitter like that again so say it out loud to everybody so nobody's embarrassed say it out loud every file spirit every unclean spirit i don't want you i resist you i command you leave me in jesus name go from me go for me go from man as spirits of anger and depression and rage and vengeance and bitterness and all that go from me in jesus name you have the authority and they cannot stay when you mean business in jesus name go ahead pray some more in the spirit ecole yama eko listen to this also if you would there are some situations where you responded in like kind they yelled and screamed at you and you yelled back and screamed at them well you're not responsible for what they do between them and the lord but you are responsible for you and even though they may never apologize or repent about it they're cases where you need to tell them in contact even if they don't want to hear it even if they don't appreciate it you need to say i shouldn't have done that i shouldn't have raised my voice like that i shouldn't have used those words i shouldn't have responded like that you need to do this the spirit of god will prompt you and show you how and if you do it will it will change things it will close some doors to what the enemy's been doing and it'll open doors to what the spirit of god wants to do open your eyes for just a minute let me tell you this this is kind of a funny thing i i we travel uh some still uh all through the year and we're here you know this weekend and um this is a few years ago mike mike raise your hand mike and i fly together we're pilots and we travel he helps me a lot of these things and uh we went to a place that we had never been before i didn't know the pastors i didn't know the people and when we got out of the car mike heard me say something he'd never heard me say before i said i don't really know why we're here and we had i don't know was a couple of services or something in the church and i know mike was shocked he'd never heard me say that before i don't know i don't really know why we're here but i agreed to come and so we were there and the pastors were nice and the church was nice and services went good and everything was fine but i still had that same kind of thing in me i didn't really know you know we got a number of things going on i i can't accept every invitation you can't be in every place all the time we got churches and we got ministry and other things and so uh at the end of the service before we were leaving the pastor said to me you know brother keith i think there's something i ought to tell you i said okay he said a few years ago i had a falling out with a pastor here in town and things were said and things were done that shouldn't have been and then we hadn't talked to each other for years and one day i was in prayer in my study and the lord said to me i would like for you to go to him and apologize and repent and he was like initially i don't know that i want to do that because you know it was mostly his fault and and and all this and that and he said finally the lord said well would you do it for me and he said yes lord i'll do it for you. if he'll talk to me i don't know if he will so he he he called and and was able to get the guy on the phone eventually and said uh could i have a few minutes of your time i'd like to apologize and the guy said well okay and so he came over to his church and place and came into his study and and he said i need to uh apologize for how i reacted what i said what i did the other guy said no it's me that needs to apologize and i mean in the next few minutes they were hugging each other crying and just got it fixed and we're in back in good fellowship and as he was leaving the pastor's office walking across the parking lot he said the lord said to him said thank you son for doing that for me he said lord you're welcome i'm so glad i did i mean i feel so much better he said the lord said is there anything i can do for you you know just backing up here just a little bit solomon who was the most wise the wisest man who had ever lived uh his the lord said basically that to them what do you want me to do for you i mean open-ended he could have said anything and you know what he said i want lord that you would give me discernment to know the difference between good and evil and to be come on are you hearing this to be able to judge your people because you that's you got to know what to go with and what to know not go with what's god what's not god what what's right and what's not right and and the thing pleased the lord so much he said i'm going to give it to you i'm going to give you more wisdom than any man before you are after you and i'm going to give you what you didn't ask for i'm going to make you rich and i'm if you if you'll walk before me i'll give you length of days yes can you see this but he it pleased the lord so much so that he he he said this well this man said he's walking across the parking lot and he said the lord said thank you for doing that he said lord you yes thank you and he said the lord said is there anything i can do for you he said he stopped right there in the parking lot he said lord i'd like brother keith to come to my church and so he sent an invitation and i said yes okay and i came i laughed i said you went over my head you went over my head and that's why i said to mike i don't really know why we're here because it was an unusual thing it was just like i knew go and i was like yes sir okay but did you hear how this started will you go and apologize will you go and repent can you see what happened it closed the door to strife and it took away what the enemy was able to do and then it opened another door some ministry he wanted that i don't know that it would have ever happened come on out with me but the lord did both of those things when he acted on his request and repent that's hard on your flesh it's hard on your pride but all the miracles that can happen if you're willing to do it i want you to close your eyes again hallelujah i said there are numbers of cases of where the lord will prompt you to contact them you may not have talked to them in years or i might have ended on such a bad bad note but uh whatever the lord deals with you to do do it that's the key to miracles and you'll find out that he'll get involved and he'll say now uh what can i do for you what what would you like say it out loud lord i want to please you you've done everything for me and by faith i say i'm willing to do whatever you want me to do and so anything along this line show me make it clear to me enabled me to do it grace me to do it go before me and prepare their hearts and minds to receive me and hear what you'd have me to say i love you lord i love your ways and i am yours to command hallelujah lift up your hands and praise him a little bit more father we thank you thank you father bless you father i glorify your holy name i praise your wonderful name i rejoice in your righteous and perfect ways i rejoice in your goodness and your graciousness and your kindness i rejoice i rejoice in our glory in your goodness oh hallelujah come on just a little bit more lift your hands lift your voices lord i praise you lord i worship you lord i i praise you and glory in your goodness our glory in your goodness our glory and your goodness i praise you my good lord hallelujah praise god pastor
Channel: M B
Views: 268
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Id: dEg-7-Nqrsg
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Length: 104min 53sec (6293 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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