Keith Moore Manager's Of God's Mysteries Part 2

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life revelation understanding direction clarity and we thank you for these things father if only you are able to give these things flawlessly and we thank you for it we give you all the praise the glory and the honor for father in jesus name amen praise god praise god i am i heard these words would you just close your eyes and focus on the lord i heard these words say not we're only this say not we're but a small say not we're just and no one knows for the truth is you are the salt of the earth you are the light and you are what is preserving this nation you are what is preserving your county and your state and your region and this country because of you and because of many churches and groups like you and the prayers prayed and the faith and the worship that comes up from this place and the many like it i'm able to preserve i'm able to keep i'm able to help and to bless hallelujah oh praise god thank you father thank you thank you father thank you father thank you sir praise god praise god praise god hallelujah hallelujah oh praise you praise you praise your praise praise god amen go ahead brother praise god nay [Music] hallelujah let's just lift our hands up and thank god for telling us helping us thank you father glory glory glory thank you sir thank you marangare paradando say thank you father glory to your precious mighty name father we thank you we worship you we praise you glory to god glory to god hallelujah we thank you father glory to god we are your very own people thank you thank you very much hallelujah glory to god hey somebody this evening as we're here ready to go i'd like first if you would please to just lift your hands up thank god for the gift of god that god has sent to us we appreciate the vessel but how many know we thank god for the gift brother keith we're honored to have you sir we appreciate you coming praise god amen my my privilege and honor hallelujah we'll uh the lord knows everybody's heart and life and current situation and what's about to happen what's coming up in your in my life and so uh he is never behind amen never and it pays to pray and read your word and it pays to come to church and come to meetings because in that if you'll do that and take heed you won't be behind you'll be ready you'll be ahead of what the enemy is doing amen you'll see it again and again the lord will talk to you about something he'll bring up something to you he'll prompt you to do something and many times you won't know why and it'll seem like well why do i need to do that and then you'll have a prompting quit waiting around do it and then you think well why do i need to do it now well you just just obey and then something will come up and you'll go oh okay but you'll be ready and you won't be caught off guard and so let's believe for that amen tonight further in jesus name father all of us agree together as touching this we ask you for the direction and the utterance and the anointing of your holy spirit showing us exactly what we need right now giving us guidance and direction and and answers in grace for the next steps and the next parts of the plan for preparing us and enabling us and equipping us for what is now and what is to come we ask for it we lay hold of it in faith we thank you for it in jesus name amen amen amen say it out loud the spirit of god leads me guides me reminds me teaches me amen i'm not greater is he that's in us you can be seated if you brought your bible with you tonight open please again to uh mark four we looked at this last night and if you weren't here last night boy you missed a good a good word reminded me and my grandma she she's a great cook she's in heaven now but there's a little boy i'd come around the corner and she'd be at the stove and no microwave in those days big pots been on half the day and she'd go she'd go that is good if i did make it myself [Laughter] and she wasn't lying either so the lord does give us good things doesn't he he does he gives us good things and he ministered to us last night i know he did in uh mark the fourth chapter in the 23rd verse let's look at it again mark 4 and 23 he said if any man jesus said if any man have ears to hear let him hear hearing is so important it's not to be taken for granted and it should not be assumed that you're hearing or that people around you are hearing when it comes to communication with each other you haven't communicated with someone just because you told them something you haven't communicated with someone until they understand yes sir you're with me on that yes i don't care how well you said it uh and you know the spirit of god through paul said i've i've made all things to all men that by all means we might save some and pride a proud person keeps trying to make everybody adapt to me do it my way say it my way listen my way but a humble person or person that's growing in humility adapts and listens to how they say it it's kind of like going through the drive-through you know when you go through the drive-through they have combos and they have is that right and [Laughter] and they have this meal and that meal and this combo and that combo and you can sit there and hold up the line trying to get them to do it your way is that right or you can take just a moment and learn what language they're using this month is that right look at it and see what words they're using and then speak their language right i'll have this combo with this and that's it you know 8.95 drive through or you can be a bother and annoying is that right and you're the exception to everything can i get this can i get that and i don't want it with this and i don't want it with that and you're calling it this and they're calling it that and you're trying to make them adapt to you that's pride and the proud don't get grace they get resisted you might think of digress but we started off last night talking about more yeah is that right that's what we're talking about is more and how to get more and james 4 7 says that god so god resists the proud it talks about what am i quoting the wrong verse now submit yourself to god resist the devil he'll flee from you but he gives more grace hallelujah to the and to the humble is who he gives grace to so the humble is teachable adaptable did you hear that word flexible not in a compromising way but there's just a whole lot of things that don't matter that much not talking about compromising your core beliefs and in the scripture but a whole lot of things just ain't that big a deal and you need to let it go and you need to be easy to get along with and easy to talk to and if you'll pay attention and listen to people the lord will show you how to talk their language right the lord quicken this to phyllis and i years ago in the early days of our ministry we had just gone to one place a few states away from where we were and somebody of our acquaintances heard we had gone there and they said why did you go there because it was different group of christians you know and we said well because we felt like the lord led us and then a month or so after that we wound up in the northeast and we were in a denominational group that hadn't had a guest speaker in that church in 50 years and they asked us to come it was really interesting because after after they asked us to come it's like they thought uh oh what did we do because they they called back the office later and they said well now what's he going to speak on when he comes and and they got a hold of somebody i don't know what they said they said well he's got like you know five different places he's going before he gets to you he probably doesn't know and he thought what he doesn't know we said well he'll know and so they wanted me to meet with the deacons before i spoke and discuss what we were going to what i was going to say and then they wanted a meeting after the service also to discuss what we did and um i had to talk to them about it well like you know it'll be okay and it really was something it was a great big stone uh church beautiful church uh old uh no air conditioning and of course up you can get away with that way up north sometimes and and um uh it was interesting because uh they introduced me and i started speaking and it was warm and so one of the elders got up and he said if you would care to remove your jacket now's the appropriate time some of the guys remember their jacket i was there on a saturday night and a sunday morning well that's saturday night now this is well you this is where you either miss it or you you get it right or you miss it big time i'll say it like that the lord dealt with me at the end of the service to have a healing line uh-huh and so we did and they came up and i prayed for them several of them started speaking in tongues just astounding and so it wasn't too much said about that and the next morning after the sunday service i'm standing out on the big stone steps with the pastor as the people came by and it was precious the uh just every two or three people somebody'd come up and they'd shake my hand and then they'd lean in and go i was healed last night i was healed last night god amen amazing but who we got back home we thought wow you know how did we wind up there that was just you talk about not our group and um uh the lord began to minister to me about this made all things to all people this adaptability and i began to see and feel that phyllis and i actually prayed a prayer of agreement about it lord we're seeing this we don't want to limit you in who you can use us to minister today amen thank you because you get too set in your ways and you can only do things certain way and you only talk certain phraseology and that kind of thing well you the lord can't use you in other groups because all you'll do is offend them and listen to one of the biggest ones you cannot make fun of people and minister to them crack jokes about this denomination or that denomination you do that and for sure you're not ministering to them can you see that yes sir you're not and the truth is you know all of us have our goofy ways you like to think well yeah but we're this i'm telling you all of us are imperfect and we might be strong in this area but just ignorant over here you know every group's got its strong and weak points and especially you know traveling a little bit and seeing other groups and other cultures and other countries you see more and more of this but the holy spirit's the same everywhere amen and god loves people everywhere in spite of all the junk and if you want to experience some wonderful things and be enriched then you don't close up about minor differences you don't close up and you don't get scared and you don't feel threatened you you need to be real confident in who you are and what you got not be threatened by anybody or anything not think you got to straighten everybody out you're not the holy ghost police you you are not quit trying to straighten their that's too big a job and you're not qualified i don't care how much you know you are not there's just so much you don't know but the at every juncture and every time you meet people and interact with people there's something the lord would use that he's putting you to benefit them if you'll listen thank god should we start it up how did we get here he that has ears to hear if you listen and you know you brother hagin used to say this he said you already know everything you know so you don't learn so much by talking amen you already know what you know you'll learn by listening and paying attention and not trying to make people adapt to you but even if you don't agree with them even if you really don't agree with them if you care about them are we supposed to care about people even people that are messed up are we supposed to care about yes we are if you care about them even though you may be sure they're wrong about something and you may be right about that you want to know why do they think that way why do they believe that why right you so you're trying to hear and trying to understand instead of going you're wrong you're wrong you're wrong wrong wrong you are just instead of that you will go you don't have to agree with everything but you're endeavoring to hear everybody said out loud thank you lord thank you lord for giving me ears to hear ears that came here i want to hear i want you help me not to be so loud and to listen and to hear what you want me to hear ask for it in jesus name thank you lord thank you lord is that is that just my idea or is that is that scripture is that is that the word hold your place here and and go to james let me just remind you of this hold your place in mark and none of this is in my notes you gonna dock this from our other time but uh brother marty blackwelder was if y'all might know him he used to travel with uh brother hagin and play the piano and sing and he's traveling minister now he spoke for us friday was it last friday night whenever at a branson church and near the end he said uh could i have like five more minutes he said he'll give me five more minutes and people raised their hand he said oh great 5 10 15 20 i thought i got to use that man i got i got to use that so you got a good in there got a good one pastor james 1 19. wherefore my beloved brethren let every man this is every person everybody be what be what swift means quick quick to hear and what slow to speak and slow to wrath or to get mad to get angry most people practice this in reverse you know it's true right most people are they are quick to speak quick to talk quick to talk and a lot of times even if they you know run out of breath for a minute and and you're talking they're not really listening they're loading their guns behind their back what they're going to say soon as you then they here they go they got all their thoughts quick to speak is being carnal it's being a baby christian quick to speak you want to be what we're reading scripture now this is not your idea or mine you want to be what slow help me understand what's slow to speak slow to speak is what you say something and then you think oh i shouldn't have said that no that ain't slow to speak right because if you were slow to speak you'd have thought about saying it then you'd have thought [Music] i don't need to say that yes huh is that right but see when you're just saying everything that crosses your mind comes out of your mouth then it's it's it's already out there and boy we have all made mistakes here right but if we're going to grow up and develop spiritually this is a substantial part of it that you uh you don't just react and you don't just you know when the when the thought comes to your mind or a feeling you don't just try to express it you check it to see if i should even be thinking this way amen or if i should say that and with so many things uh wisdom looks at the effect and what follows and you've got the spirit of wisdom in you but you gotta not get ahead of him you gotta wait on him to help you and so many times oh man this is this is huge if you'll just wait and it doesn't have to be two minutes just a little bit before you just say something the spirit of god is lightening fast he's faster than the speed of light he will show you now you say that and they're going to think about this and there's no need bringing that up because there's no need getting into that huh say this wisdom oh come on can you see this but if you're just spitting out everything that you feel and every thought that comes across then you're going to be ahead of him and then there'll be a lot of cleanup that needs to be done and if your human have any humility you'll be saying oh i'm sorry i shouldn't have said that i said no i didn't mean it that way and what did you mean by that and well here you got a discussion for the next hour trying to explain and if you hadn't said it wouldn't even have to deal with do it you especially see this in intense discussions like between spouses husbands and wives anybody know what i mean by an intense this you could call it a fight but we won't call it that because we're christians right we believe we don't we don't do that but an intense discussion you will find if you get far enough into an intense discussion things start coming to your remembrance that they did and said bad things ugly things just starts it starts coming i mean it's like your memory becomes amazing all at once in this one area about all the things they have said and did wrong and you can quote verbatim the ugly stuff they said five years ago and and if you start trying to express it back to him without thinking about it for a moment man you can just recall it all and express it with such articulation and force it's like you're inspired because you are you are but it ain't the holy spirit and that's why you can come into a place where people have been fighting and saying hard and mean things to each other and maybe you didn't even hear it but you can walk into the room you can feel it can't you am i telling the truth what are you feeling what is it's not physical what is that what is that well let's read it right out of the bible right just on the next page here well excuse me did you already get back to mark or not you still in james thank you uh james the third chapter it said if you have verse 14 3 14 if you have bitter envying and strife in your hearts glory not and lie not against the truth this wisdom descends not from above but is earthly sensual or fleshy and devilish there is a devilish wisdom and that's that's the cunning to hurt somebody to craft words and memories and stuff in a way to cut and hurt and to cut down and demean try to humiliate for where envying and strife is there is confusion and every evil work so where this strife is there is a manifestation of evil what you sense when you walk into that room you're sensing the very presence of evil why because people have been yielding to wrong spirits including christians christians do it too many times uh which is why before you ever got to chapter three back in chapter one he told us how to prevent it you know that we just got through reading it let every man be what huh what that's one of these husband and wife let's say intense discussion before it became an intense discussion somebody's upset something's wrong and if at least one in the in the two was acting spiritual today they would be what quick to hear even if they think you are off the wall and wrong they're not going to talk first they're going to say what's wrong tell me and try to hear and understand even if you're sure you don't agree make the effort instead of getting mad and saying stuff yes that's the next two right yes sir say it out loud quick to here so what's our response to a challenge or an issue should be what come on help me out what what mode do i kick into hearing mode is that how most people function no something rubs the wrong way what's the first thing get upset and start mouthing off so and that's exactly what the enemy wants you to do and he's playing you like a banjo all he's got to do is bring some something to stir you up and some thoughts and you will get upset and you will fly off and you will tell him what you think and give you and give them a piece of your mind just like you could afford to yeah like you had any despair now a lot of us been born again more than a day or two how many been born again 10 years 20 years 30 years 40 years how many think by now we ought to be acting at least a little spiritual right tell me how spiritual people act according to james 1 19. come on help me out they are what something comes up folks are upset people are mad whatever the case is what do we do we we kick in the hearing gear okay tell me what what's going on and while you're listening now you're not just listening to them you're listening to him because a lot of times they don't even have to know why they feel the way they do and he will tell you things that they don't know and understand about what they're saying that's right but you're can you still see you're not in mad mode you're not in talk in yale mode you're in here hearing hearing mode you'll have to bite your your lip at times because you'll want to say and you just need to just hush i'm practicing james 1 19. right i'm being spiritual today uh and you're here and you'll be tempted to say something sooner than you should which is why you need to be slow slow to speak which means you need you've got to always be pulling yourself back from talking is everybody awake yes you me y'all with me friends because the tendency's going to be what talk too quickly and talk too much that's a tendency that's being fleshy just say whatever crosses your mind and say whatever you feel and one of the problems with this is that you get used to uh saying a bunch of empty non-working words there's a phrase i really don't care for and it is i'm just saying you ever heard that phrase i'm just saying i don't like that phrase at all it has many many problems what do what's that imply i'm talking but it doesn't mean anything right what does it mean i'm just saying does god ever just say stuff thank god he doesn't never all of his words are working words when he says something it didn't come off the out of thin air off the top of his head so to speak he has considered every ramification of what he's about to say as only he can from the end to the beginning and every possible effect and after effect and when he says it not one word of his is without power or void of power whatever he says the power is in the words to bring the past what he said you might say well yeah but i'm not god yeah but you're more than you think you are you're a child of god you have god-like abilities in you that most people won't dare to believe go to ephesians you're going to need scripture on this i can tell you but you believe the bible around here now right i mean huh you believe the bible ephesians boy i did not intend to talk about this tonight and if i'd have been too quick to start talking right about the other i had to take a moment and be slow in ephesians the fourth chapter and the well actually the the 26th verse he's warning there again about being angry be be angry and don't sin what does that that means you're slow to act on being angry right just because you get mad doesn't mean you have to do something dumb or bad get a hold of yourself and don't let the sun go down on your wrath you don't stew over that for days it is really being carnal to stay mad about something for days it's ignoring the command to to not do it and the command to forgive walk in love it's too quiet in here he said don't give place to the devil don't don't steal verse 29 let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth now there's no way you're going to accomplish this if you're quick to speak you see that you've got to be slow to speak or you're going to say things that are not good let no how much how about no corrupt communication now what is corrupt that that covers a lot of stuff proceed out of your mouth but that or we could say only that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister grace to the hearers everything that comes out of our mouth is supposed to be good and minister grace most folks don't believe that they're just saying whatever hits them or crosses their mind if we want to truly walk in we're talking about more more power we have to be more restrictive and more selective with our words the more we talk and the less we think about it the more empty and powerless our words will be and we're told that we have to give an account of every idle word why because no other creation down here has the ability we have we are not just highly evolved animals we're something else yes we are and the reason why you know people that don't believe the bible they don't believe genesis and all these can they they believe in evolution is because they only see the material they only acknowledge the existence of flesh and certainly our bodies have a whole lot in common with bodies of animals the same creator made them and and a circulatory system works in in us or in a whale right nervous system works skeletons work i mean but we are not just a body and a brain we are speaking spirits oh that that's something more to make you shout when you when you get a revelation what do you mean none of the animals are this none none even start to come close we have an awareness a spiritual awareness and a completely free will to choose words and put spiritual spiritual content in them and release them that's god-like amen that's what god does that's how he created the heavens and the earth that's how he created us when he speaks he releases something you know again and again when the lord spoke to a prophet or when an angel came on the scene in a visitation a lot of times the first words were don't be afraid right well that is not just a standard heavenly greeting that is because when people saw these beings they were afraid they were really afraid and they needed some comfort they needed something to help them quit shaking and freaking out and and so the words minister peace you know the lord told his disciples when you go into a town and you stay somewhere with somebody you say peace be to this place this is not just a greeting not hi how are you it said if a son of peace is there that means somebody that's uh agreeable to it and receiving of it that your peace will stay there and abide if not it'll come back to you what will come back to you can you see something's going on here right these are not just audio waves you and this is not uh god speaking this is not jesus speaking these are his his staff right his crusade team if you will he's sending them out he's telling them release words release peace in the words and it is so real that it will come out from you and it will rest on that house and peace will be in and on that house if people are of a right mind to believe it and receive it if they won't it will come back to you this is real now this is not just for apostles or prophets or preachers what did he say in in writing ephesians 5 29 who's this to it was to all the saints at the church of ephesus this is every one of us let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth what does that mean corrupt communication is communication in words that corrupts or messes things up or hurts or harms or defiles or destroys and when you're just saying everything that crosses your mind you'll say things that you realize hurt people or took them down the wrong track of thinking on something they didn't need to think on corrupt communication but we have the ability to speak words that edify that build up and actually minister grace to the hearer but you the only way you get that is being slow to speak you're in a situation somebody's hurting something's going on don't say a bunch of stuff take them first gear you you go into is what hearing gear they say right we're hearing and uh i don't mean you you have to be afraid you're going to say the wrong thing fear will mess you up too but you understand that i don't know what the right thing to say of my own origination lord show me what to say what to do what to bring up you can say that pray that it within yourself without saying the word and sometimes it'll just bless them so much that you're actually just listening because it's kind of rare that people actually just listen and don't feel like they have to share their opinion and their experience and all the stuff they've seen and know uh i was personally very blessed in my childhood growing up and the more i see the more i know that to be true now we didn't my dad mom didn't serve the lord until i was like 13 years old they got back in church and and so a lot of things weren't perfect there and we you know we weren't affluent we didn't have a lot of money and that kind of thing but uh my dad would listen to me we had a big oak tree giant oak tree with a big swing and we'd go down there and sit in the swing afternoon when i'm 8 years old 9 10 years old 13 16 just sitting the swing he'd listen to me talk for 30 minutes at a time and not in a rut now i'm sure all the stuff i'm saying is not all that amazing and intelligent but he treated me like what i thought mattered it it made me confident and i didn't struggle with some of the insecurities that a lot of folks do not saying i did it perfectly but i just looking back now i see connections like that something was put in me you want to do this parents for your children and your grandchildren yes and you really want to watch yourself when they make mistakes i didn't say if that's right when when when they do dumb stuff that you told them not to do what's what's the first gear you need to find will your flesh want to do that it will not it will not huh your child does something it really is stupid one of the first things you want to remind yourself is you did too it's amazing how parents forget that huh yeah yeah but they they supposed to do better than me said who said who who have they been influenced by you who they learn everything from you and you're shocked when they act like you [Laughter] and one of the biggest things that makes people parents so mad is problems in them that they try to pretend or not there that show up in their kids [Applause] and they were trying to hide it from them how did he get in them they live with you but is everybody awake is everybody listening if you blow up and you rant in your rave they will stop talking to you is that what you want that's what will happen they will stop talking to you so if you're smart if you're wise even though your face has turned colors starting to come out of here get ahold of yourself and realize i gotta handle this right or they won't talk to me in the future and first of all i need to not be a hypocrite and remember what i did when i was a kid quit being a hypocrite yes and listen even if you think half of it's just crazy foolishness listen it's showing them you care about them and then don't take off on how you feel about it the wrath of man does not work the righteousness of god a lot of times you don't need to try to say it even that day or the next you need to hear from god yes because what we want is a permanent fix right not a band-aid not huh if it was a real problem how many more times do we want this to happen in the future even though maybe it's an issue right now and it could if we get it right it could prevent a bigger issue down the road but we've got to get it right how will we get it right slow well excuse me quick y'all didn't catch up for me oh god help me out quick to hear what slow to speak slow to get mad and you'll have to get a hold of yourself for this to happen and if you've been yielding to the other way a long time you'll be back into it before you think about you got to get a hold of yourself repent and it'll take some development but over a period of time you'll get more and more in control of your words and your responses and you will be in situations and instead of just reacting or responding or saying you'll look for the right things to say and god will give you like the proverb says words that are like apples of gold in pictures of silver it is just the right thing they need to hear right now and it's bigger than you you didn't come up with it it's you shouldn't take credit for it it's god gave it to you and it will minister grace to them and it will build them up instead of tear them down and this my brother and sister is valuable this is this is you really being a help to somebody can you say amen hallelujah praise the lord now back to my text [Laughter] actually go to luke please 16th chapter luke 16. man the lord's helping us oh i'm so thankful i'm so thankful he's so good to us so good to us in uh luke 16 this is the the spirit of god gave through jesus what we call the uh well let me just read it 16 1 luke 16 1 jesus said to his disciples there was a certain rich man which had a steward everybody say steward now that's not a word you may use all the time your normal vocabulary we might say manager today manager the same was accused that he had wasted his goods he called him and said to him how is it that i hear this of you give an account of your stewardship or your management for you may be no longer steward you can't be my manager any longer and so the steward said some things and you know what he did to try to secure him a place after he had to go we won't get into that but just to get this foundation that the steward was not the owner a steward a manager is not an owner and so the owner here is unhappy with the manager yeah because he's mishandled his things that he's supposed to be managing and he's letting him go and if you skip on down to uh verse 10 he said he that is faithful everybody say faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much so last night in talking about more god wants us to have more we got into two things i didn't maybe outline them that definitely so we're doing it right now the first one was how you measure something or how you value it and the second one is this faithfulness we talked to that i i mentioned to you that i kept crying out to the lord for more anointing and the lord said to me that word faithfulness two of the biggest keys i'm aware of to getting more are these two one is how you esteem or value or honor something you can understand that if you give something that's important to you to somebody else and you see they don't care about it they don't treat it like it means anything to them does that make you want to give them more you actually would be foolish to give them more they didn't appreciate what you gave them well you're that way you know who you got that from god your father god that's the way he is how many would agree he's not foolish you know people talk about throwing throwing good money after bad you ever heard that after you've already wasted you waste some more god's not dumb he doesn't do that so faithfulness is a big key to getting more now when we say more that that covers everything every good thing he said he that's faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous man who will commit to your trust the true riches most of the church has it backwards they say money and things don't matter god only cares about spiritual things well the spiritual things are the more important revelation anointing these kind of things would you agree they're much bigger more valuable more important than the money but according to this which do you get to handle first lesser things right not the greater things if you won't obey god with ten dollars is he going to give you a revelation that changes the body of christ you see what i'm talking about see people got it backwards they go god don't care about that he absolutely does right and he gives you a little charge huh if you won't talk to your coworker or your neighbor would you obey him in front of 10 000 people you know i mean you see what we're saying let's read it again verse 10 he that's faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much he that's unjust in the least is unjust in the much if you've not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon who will commit to you trust the true riches if you hadn't been obedient and faithful in the little things the material things the natural stuff then you won't get to handle more important things spiritual things if you've not been faithful in that which is another man's who shall give you that which is your own what's the answer to that question the implied answer is nobody right if if you have what not been faithful in that which is another man's now this is verse 12 but can you see this goes right back to verse one yes yes sir because there was a manager a steward but he wasn't faithful in handling his master's goods so now instead of getting more he's losing what he had it wasn't that our text over in mark 4. and you can be sure we know he wasn't faithful with it and we can be sure that before that happened he stopped being thankful and appreciating what he had what he was doing that he was being trusted that he had this can you see he had to stop valuing that and respecting that to to do what he did but we're not just talking about that instance this is an example for everybody right this the lord's telling us watch out for this be aware of this before you're going to get to handle the big things you've got to be faithful with the little things and before you're going to have substantial of what your own you got to handle faithfully what somebody else's did you hear that last part because this is the unpopular one hold you well you don't have to hold your place uh go to uh first corinthians please the fourth chapter i believe it is praise god praise god thank you lord thank you lord somebody say i'm i'm growing i'm i'm developing and i'll be qualified for more more bigger greater more more in uh first corinthians 4 and verse 1 it says let a man sow account of us as of the ministers of christ and stewards of the mysteries of god same same word that we saw over there in luke a manager of what a manager a minister of christ is a manager of god's mysteries this is a sacred trust he's trusting you with something and uh it says it moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found what what what's the main requirement of being a good manager to be faithful and if you're faithful with little you can be trusted with more come on can you see that and if you're faithful with what is someone else's you can be trusted with some of your own oh hallelujah hallelujah we uh there was a special time in phyllis in my life we had served at brother hagin's ministry for 20 years at the date i'm talking right now and that was years ago and we knew the lord was dealing with about some changes coming up and things in the ministry and and uh brother and ms copeland kenneth copeland and miss billy brim were going somewhere in their plane that they had just got and we were going and asked us did we want to come along we said yes and so we got to ride in the back with mrs what me and phyllis did with miss gloria and miss billy brent in the new plane oh man we were pinching ourselves you know we think how did we get here now we've already been talking about how would you get somewhere like that now let's back up valuing come on can you see that valuing not not making just a big deal out of people valuing them yes but valuing god and his things and what he said in this and then also faithfulness which we're talking about now and uh as we're flying along the lord's been dealing with phyllis and i about these changes in ministry we didn't know exactly what before we're going to go and what's going to happen here we've been there for 20 years we thought we would go to school one year and go back home to mississippi we were sure that's what was going to happen and at the end of the first year we're getting ready to you know uh get get out of our apartment all that stuff and go back home to mississippi and and the lord checked and said well you better ask me you better check in with me and we thought yeah that's a good idea and so we checked in with him and we realized we need to stay another year another year turned into 20. and so now at that point we've been there 20 years doing different things and uh uh we began to talk with miss gloria and miss uh billy and the spirit of god came on miss billy and she said she said talking to me and phyllis said you've been faithful in that which is another man's now i'm going to give you your own wow and what two three years after that we had faith life church then the word supply then faith life church number two now faith school and you see what we're talking about here the lord did that and that's what he told us he said now i'm going to give you your own well we weren't that's not how we were thinking is we want our own that wasn't what we were thinking because if the lord had come right then and we'd been able to help brother hagin reach the world right if it was driving the car or toting a briefcase it'd be the most important thing you ever did is that right in your life but now that generation's you know passing on brother oral roberts and him and brother lester sumron all these guys uh here comes our time your time is that right my time and next thing you know it'll be if the lord terrorists is coming the next generation um we there comes a point if you're going to follow him all the way you've been faithful in that which is another man's and he will add to you your own but only if you have been thank you faithful thank you and the lord quickened to me a few years ago actually we taught on it in a week of increase a few years ago that faithfulness is much misunderstood people are calling things faithfulness that's not faithfulness and it's not by accident the enemy does not want you to know what faithfulness is because he knows what a powerful thing it is in your life if you're faithful to god the devil cannot stop what god would do in your life and so that's one of his main focuses is to prevent you from trying to mess with you so that you're not so that you really shoot yourself in the foot and mess yourself up but what is faithfulness what is faithfulness many people think it's working hard you know being willing to put that extra effort in that is not true many people think it's willing to be willing to sacrifice a lot and that is not true that's not what it is listen to this translation of first corinthians 4 2. it brings out the real core of it the living bible verse 2 it said you know let me read it again ministers of christ are stewards of the mysteries of god it's required in stewards that a man be found faithful the living bible verse 2 says now the most important thing about a servant is that he does just what his master tells him to in a sentence that's faithful he does what he does the best he knows how no no this is what people are missing i'm telling you that folks are missing it big time they work hard no no listen to the best you know how the best you know how is that the same as exactly how he told you and the thing about the pride of man is man the pride of man is always having a better idea yeah but we're here and we can do it this way and it'll save money and that my brother sister is unfaithful there will be no rewards past this life for who saved the most money for the kingdom none there won't be rewards for who put in the most time or who worked the hardest you can work hard and be full of pride oh yeah you got up for daylight and you'll stay past midnight but you are gonna do it your way that is unfaithful and it won't be rewarded and phyllis and i have been in ministry about 40 years now with two churches and staffs and this and that and man the further you go the more you see the number one problem on the planet and that's saying a lot yes folks won't listen won't listen they won't do it the way they're told they won't submit they won't obey these two words are hated words in society right you didn't say submit the i certainly did it's it's a bible word no that's that's old you know we've we've been enlightened we don't we don't do that anymore well god was enlightened when he said it and he has not changed come on just try it out submit obey what do you think your flesh does not like these words so oh submit oh obey obey now we'll come help but you know don't we'll be talking about obey me no we're laughing why are you laughing about that because that is the prevalent mentality which means the prevalent mentality is unfaithfulness which is why so many are not qualifying for more or to have their own yeah and it's why people it's really sad i'm thinking of couples i'm thinking of people i'm thinking of ministers i'm thinking the people that helped us in years past and all kinds of things wouldn't listen got mad wouldn't submit wouldn't do this wouldn't do that go over here and try this that didn't work go over here and try that that didn't work go over here and try that and 30 years later and 40 years later dissatisfied unhappy why don't i have more why am i not further along like why can't we seem to find our thing and do that because you won't listen people think well i'm an american i don't have to listen you should first be a christian is that right yes sir and the truth is the truth is you don't have to listen to anybody ever you don't but it will cost you i said it will cost you it will cost you the most important thing let me read that to you again make sure you get it down that wasn't don't say brother keith said that first corinthians 4 2 the most important thing about a servant is that he does just what his master tells him to just what his master tells him to have you in the art world if somebody said this painting or this it's a faithful rendition of this what does that mean it's not some crazy thing different from that it's like that if it's a faithful copy or a faithful rendition it's it's just like that look with me in uh well let's see without taking too much time um is it time for that as for that five minutes now hebrews hebrews 3 5 hebrews 3 5 and you'll find this in i don't know three or four places the same phrase in the word moses verily was what faithful in all his house moses was faithful so if you want to learn something about faithfulness you got a good example of it in the scripture moses where can we see that where can we see that go go with me to uh exodus 39. in exodus well i will get there exodus 39 42 is that according to all that the lord commanded moses so the children of israel made all the work verse 43 now this is after chapter 39 and all the way down to verse 43 excuse me 39 and then 40 follows it but just in these couple of chapters you'll see some 60 times 6-0 times where it said according to what the lord commanded moses 60 according to what the lord commanded moses and then it said so they did the lord commanded moses and so they did the lord commanded mo 60. you the lord's saying something to us said why would he keep emphasizing the lord told him to do this and he did that he did what he did just what the lord told him to do and the details on this thing are the list is pages and pages long right you the um construction of the tabernacle and i mean nothing was left to random and open to interpretation it was these dimensions it was these materials it was made like this from here god is a very specific god and when he tells you the way to do something you will never have a superior idea impossible because you may think you do for a moment but it's because of something you don't know that's right you don't know the future you don't know other things that are going to come up around you say well why use that material this is more waterproof why use this material this is better this is easier to work with and it looks better and it matches the other decor yeah but silly one there's a hundred thousand things you don't know reasons why which you'll if you ignore him you'll find out the hard way later why he said do it that way but he's not going to tell you all that because he requires faith it takes faith to be faithful yes yes it takes trust to be trustworthy the way i wind up being faithful why would i do it just like god told me even though it looks like that may not be the best to do it best way to do it because i trust what he told me i trust him so i'm going to do it just like he told me which proves he can trust me oh come on can you see this he's not looking for somebody to break records he's not looking for somebody to come up with ideas that nobody's had he's the idea source you're never going to come up with an idea he hasn't had huh yes he's not looking for you to try to show yourself some spiritual superhero he he's looking for somebody that will not add to or take from or change but just do what he said to do amen now you might think that's simple but the enemy works night and day on everybody around to interfere with that and to mess with that if the lord says do it today the devil will tell you is no problem in waiting till tomorrow yes if the lord says give you know this the thoughts will come with yeah but i can maybe i can do it this way maybe this or maybe that no all of that is unfaithfulness that's right yes yes tell me again what faithfulness is you do just what he told you to do no more no less nothing different nothing else yes yeah but there's a good yeah but hush yeah but i get a better deal on it you're missing the point yeah but i've been doing this for 30 years i know what i'm doing yeah you're disqualifying yourself it's what you're doing notice notice what happened they did all this work and i mean this is a ton of work and in verse 42 according to all that moses the student the lord commanded moses so the children of israel made all the work verse 43 and moses comes in to inspect it he did look upon all the work and behold behold they had done it what this is why this is recorded this way they had done it what they broke records uh and did things people had never done no no no is that what it said huh they saved eight million dollars no they what they did in record time they shaved 30 hours off of the regular time it took no now why am i saying all that because that's what human beings focus on right we did it better than they did it yeah but did you do what the lord told you to do we saved a bunch of money yeah but did you do what the lord told you to do man we got up work that worked all day and half the night yeah but did you do what the lord told you to do so when moses is coming through the tabernacle he's looking at the curtains he's looking at the altar he's looking at the articles and the spoons and the candlesticks and tell me what he's looking for tell me where's looking defects in materials how rough or how smooth huh if it was what's come on tell me what he's looking for did we do it exactly like what the lord told us to do is that what he's looking for that and he is called faithful god called him faithful in all his house oh hallelujah behold they had done it as the lord had commanded even so had they done it and moses blessed them he said guys we did it we did it just like the lord told us to do it that is supreme success and that is exceedingly rare in this world because of the rebellion and defiance of flesh everywhere you look a lot of folks will help if they can do it their way when they want to the way they want to and if not if you try to put any kind of restriction or focus or we found out phyllis and i when we first started pastoring that by and large people were unaccustomed to leadership in the local church they were only used to being brag down if they showed up and we'd never pastored before and so the week before i'm in the floor praying about some of this because i thought lord you know i don't have a clue what i'm doing here so please help me and you don't just want to look at what somebody else is doing would that be being faithful doing it the way they're doing it no and is that what a lot of people are doing they're just looking at what other people are doing only way you can be faithful is you've got to hear from the lord what he's telling you to do and then do what do it exactly the way and so i'm i'm that's what i want to do so i'm asking him and i'm seeking him and this is one of the things that he said to me i don't mean i heard a voice but inside real distinctly he said keith if you're always giving in to people who's leading this i set up if i'm always giving in to people who's leading this well it wouldn't be me it wouldn't be phyllis if i'm giving in to them then who's leading it well they are or who whatever is influencing them he said you won't stand before them to give an account you'll stand before me and so boy that was that was fresh in my thinking and we were two weeks old as a church and wonderfully uh three or four singers and and players had showed up and they did the first service for us oh wonderful praise god man we're off to a good start here and so then they they begin to tell me they wanted to do things a certain way and i i said no they said no i said no and then they said well can we do this i said no well surely you'll let us do this i said no. no they said well we're gone i said okay and i led the singing myself the next sunday they were all gone now you might say why didn't you try to work with them or try to explain it to them if they have no more respect or confidence in me that i can hear from the lord this ain't ever going to work come on can you see that yes yes and i had just heard two or three days ago the lord specifically say to me if you're always giving in to people who's leading this and you're going to have to give an account to me so i i just i wasn't going to i don't need a reason not to do something amen amen yes yes amen there's a hundred billion things i don't need to do i need direction to do it i need to hear from the lord to do it and so if i got no direction my standard answer is no right yeah but this is a good this is a good thing yeah but i'm not the source and we're just one part of the body of christ yeah but it's a big need that doesn't mean the lord told you to do it right he's got a lot of people yeah but somebody's really pulling and yeah but are they the holy spirit no i don't need a reason not to do things i need direction to do it and then when i get direction come on help me i need to do what i need to do it exactly the way i got it from him not change it not alter it not try to improve it what arrogance is that and if i will do that tell me what's going to happen if i will do that what's going to happen the lord saw that i that us phyllis and i the church we did what he told us to do and we did it the way he told us to do it tell me what's going to happen immediately what's going on mower come on kids he he can he trust us with more he we did what he told us to do right with the little building with the you know the 20 people with the 100 come on can you see that we we did what he told us to do with the hundred dollars could he trust us with a million yeah well it'll come up it'll keep coming up but if you ever get to the point where you won't do what he said with that you have kept yourself you have limited yourself and faithfulness is not happening anymore how many well go to the scriptures instead of me saying it like this i'm getting ahead of myself a little bit i think now is the time to ask for that five minutes [Laughter] matthew 25 oh praise god praise god praise god some things don't make you shout when you hear it but if you'll do it you'll shout later and you'll shout big later i believe the spirit of god's been talking about more how to get more of the good things of god more of every good thing more of the precious things of god more of the important things of god and it is by a big part of it is by valuing things honor value and by faithfulness in matthew 25 beginning about verse 14 matthew 25 it said jesus said for the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling into a far country who called his own servants and delivered unto them his goods unto one he gave five talents one translation said in a parenthesis said that was a hundred years worth of wages now talent was a block of a precious metal and and different talents were different weights at different times some of them were as small as 25 pounds others were 50 pounds 75 pounds there were 120 pound chunks of metal and some of this metal we're talking about is gold silver so you can begin to see five blocks of gold or silver you can see you're talking about substantial to another one he gave two blocks and two another one one to every man according to his several or individual ability and we saw last night that word ability is the same word dunamis according to his power and this would this would get to his uh his or her grace and anointing well see only he would know that right why didn't he just give them all the same amount because equal is not fair and we talked about that last night somebody says equals not fair no it's not fair if one person will be more obedient and faithful than another why should they get the same reward that wouldn't be fair and so the lord knows hearts and he knows the end from the beginning and you can see just from the results why he only gave the guy one when you see what he did with it you see why god didn't give him five to start with why help me out already what we've already talked about why he wasn't faithful how do we know he wasn't faithful he didn't do what he knew the lord wanted him to do with it he did something else with it that the lord he knew the lord didn't want him to do that so that was unfaithful so the scripture said that uh he after he did that he took his journey and other accounts of it said he took a long journey this is such a vivid picture of the master himself he has taken a journey and he's coming back hallelujah and this is going on right now he distributes to all of us according to the grace and ability and anointing and power he knows he has given us and is going to give us that's why when he tells us don't judge each other it's because we are hopelessly unqualified to judge each other why you don't know what he what god gave them if you're judging what this guy's doing with a talent compared to this one that god gave five you don't know what they started with you don't know their abilities you don't know how much light they're walking in you just don't know so what should you do you should not judge and take care of your own business right and get on your talent and make sure that you're doing what you're supposed to be doing he took his journey and in verse 16 he that received the five talents went and traded with the same and made them other five talents he doubled what the lord gave him likewise he that had received the two he gained other two but he that received one went and digged in the earth and hid his lord's money he didn't value it and he wasn't faithful to do what he knew the lord wanted to do without and so after a long time the lord of those servants comes and reckons with them is this going to happen is the head of the church coming back the king of kings and the lord of lords is there going to be his appearing like lightning in the sky from one side to the other is it going to be the sound of the trumpet is he going to gather us to himself hallelujah and there's going to be a reckoning now with us that are saved not whether we're saved or not our salvation and our righteousness is not based on what we have done or what we will do but our reward is based on what we will do have done and will do your righteousness is not but your reward is based on what you do or don't do after a long time the lord of those servants comes he reckons with them and what he wants to know you know the lord wants a return on his investment he expects something out of us that's not unreasonable though is it and to whom much is given he expects a lot out and he knows what he gave you and you may be able to fool some people but he knows what you're capable of and if you're just goofing off or if you're really endeavoring to do what you know he wants you to do so the guy with the five he came said lord you delivered to me five i've gained beside them five more and the lord said to him what did he say you're a hard worker you a smart cookie aren't you no no god doesn't reward intelligence or intense effort what is he reward come on help me out what is he rewarded what's the words you most want to hear past this life past all the stuff huh when it comes your turn for your life to be analyzed huh what do you want to hear come on there are the sweetest words is that right some of the most amazing words you could ever hear in your existence when it's you not somebody else you standing there and your life has been analyzed and the fire has tried your works and instead of them all just being and consumed away when the fire passed over it there was some stuff standing there some silver some gold some precious stone stuff what is that stuff that's the stuff the lord told you to do and you did it exactly the way the lord told you to do it it took faith it took effort it might have took it would take sacrifice it could take getting up early and stay in the blame but it wasn't just to do that it was to accomplish his will the way he told you to and the lord look at you and call your name call your name in front of everybody and say tom susie bob sally well done well done anybody want to hear that come on come on close your eyes can you imagine yourself standing there past this life and the master himself says the master himself well done well done you good and faithful servant you have been faithful over a few things i am so glad that didn't say everything huh a few things you have been faithful over a few things and i'm going to make you ruler over many things is that more oh that's more beyond what we know what is this matthew's account what is it luke's account where he said to the guy with the five be ruler over ten cities cities these are real cities in the world to come that will last cities just as real as new york and l.a but much nicer without the crime and problems and some of us will be ruling over them that'll be our job in the kingdom with our father you won't be just sitting on a cloud strumming a heart for eons to come now if you want to do that for a while i guess you probably could but who wants to do that for eons there are those who will have been proven down here in this life god gave them things that even looked small to others and them god's not rewarding according to who had the biggest did you see that or who was the most well known huh can you see that that's not what he's rewarded what's he rewarding faithfulness should we emphasize faithfulness should we talk about it and focus on it faith somebody say faithfulness faithfulness he said well done you good and faithful servant you've been faithful over a few things i'm making you ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of your lord and pass this life it's not going to be all the one for one thing about it you'll be able to oversee all this and not get tired never be sick never run out of money and you don't have the devil messing with you he's gone him and his whole bunch is gone that's why it's just joy it's just a joy and everybody you're trying to lead and help are not fighting you and fussing with you they love you you love them they know you're trying to help them they know god puts you in charge of the city so they're not going to buck that they don't want to [Music] joy enter into the joy of the lord oh somebody say thank you lord and he that received the two talents came he said lord you delivered me two talents behold i have gained two other talents beside them and the lord said well that's not as good as your buddy here because you know he had 10. no no that would that wouldn't be fair because the lord didn't give this guy 5. what are these talents it's graces it's anointings it's light it's opportunities it's favor they saw any number of things throughout your life that you have the opportunity and the ability to do that most people would not even listen to god wouldn't give him the time of day but you did you did you are willing to sacrifice you're willing to put him first and not yourself and not your own things and you're willing to do what he told you to you're willing to submit to your elders yes yes be faithful and that which is another man's what does it mean if it's theirs how should it be done the way they want it done not the way you think that's right and of course god should be the way he wants it done not the way you think but no he said exactly the same thing he said to the guy with five word for word well done good and faithful servant you've been faithful over a few things i'll make you ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of thy lord word for word why god doesn't uh reward bigger biggest he rewards faithfulness exact same thing then he which received the one talent came and said lord i knew you're a hard man reaping where you hadn't sown gathering where you have not straw and verse 25 i was afraid well you see a lot of problems with all this don't you and i went and hid your talent in the earth so here here's what you gave me yours you gave me a talent here's your talent back was the lord okay with that did he say bless your heart i know you got scared it'll be okay that's religion that's not god what'd he say he said you wicked and lazy slothful is lazy you wicked and lazy servant you knew see here's what got him the lord knows what you know you knew i reap where i did and so in other words i can gather where i have not started you knew i expected you to do something with it i'll judge you out of your own mouth the other passage said the other account uh you ought therefore to have put my money to the exchanges and then at my coming should i receive mine own you could at least put it on deposit and got a little interest off of it you could have done something yes not nothing not you didn't even try that means you don't respect him you don't value the the stewardship he's allowing you to have afraid of him can you see this is questioning his character he's mean he's hard i got scared no that ain't gonna fly you got lazy and you quit didn't even try wouldn't even listen uh brother hagin used to tell us a story sometime we'd be back in the speaker's room getting ready to go have service and he'd be there we'd drop by to see if he wanted to do us anything different in the service once in a while more than once i don't know over the years maybe four or five times he'd just start telling us this story seemed like it had nothing to do with anything he'd tell us about this back in during depression times there was a man in the community that they knew that had money and people would go to him to borrow money because they couldn't get it from the banks and a farmer had borrowed money on his place and uh also a church the local church there had borrowed money and built the church and times got hard and bad and there was drought for years the farmer didn't make a crop and this happened for like three years and so he's already basically lost his place and the church is behind could make its payments and and uh they they said well you know surely he won't come repossess the church you know and so they didn't even try to talk to him or make pay any interest or do anything and and they just let things go but the farmer every day get up and go to work even though there's no crop to work he would check the fence lines fix his fence cut the ditch banks and didn't have money for paint so he'd go down the creek got some white wash and white white stuff and try to improve it and and after about uh several months of that the uh the wealthy man went and repossessed the church and put him in the street and a few days later he went down to the farmhouse and the farmer came out he handed him the deed to the property and left and then brother hagin and say all right y'all gonna start the service and so we would i did two or three years that go by here come the story again what's that story about does anybody know what's that story about faithfulness one group of people counting on their religion won't even try make no effort give up quit make no effort no try the other guy looks like he's lost this place a year ago but he wouldn't quit every day every morning gets up values his place come on can you see that acts like something's worth making an effort right that why would you do that if you have no hope he still believing something can happen come on can you see that he's still expecting something can change and he did and that's what god's looking for not the smartest right not the person with the biggest numbers not all that he's looking for somebody that will trust him and can be trusted that will trust him and can be trusted and when you honor him he said i will honor you and when he can trust you he will add to you more and more and more and this life is just mostly qualifying for the next the big stuff comes later oh can you see this child stand on your feet everybody let's lift our hands let's lift our voices let's give praise and thanks to god lord we worship you we praise you we exalt you we give you glory oh come on lift your hands up tell the lord thank you for letting you have a part letting you have a a place letting you have opportunity lord we thank you that we're alive in this generation in this time we have an opportunity to know you and to serve you let me lead you in a prayer if you really mean don't say it if you don't mean it but father god father god i trust you i trust you completely whether i see or not whether i unders understand or not i trust you in life and in death i trust you and i want you to be able to trust me to be found faithful before you in your eyes forgive me for not listening not paying attention for not submitting not obeying for changing things not being faithful help me to see it detect it understand it and i purpose to do it your way in jesus name hallelujah oh praise god pro-yes listen listen to these words at the most pressed time of the master i mean when blood is coming out of his pores from resisting the enemy what did he say father all things are possible with you if there's any other way oh come on do you hear this do you see this if there's any other way was he wanting to find another way see another way yeah yeah but and yet what did he say nevertheless not my will but your will what's he saying we'll do it your way is that right we will do it no matter what it costs the the scourging post the cross we will do it your way we'll do it your way oh hallelujah and that's why he has the name which is above every name that is named not only in this world but in that which is to come hallelujah and you see in the book of revelation uh a point where he the the faithful and true is on the white horse leading someone's and they are called faithful they are called faithful faithful ones who follow the faithful and true is that you child of god is that me whoo the ones robed in white and robed in righteousness didn't get everything right and perfect but when it all when it came down to it in our final decisions we did it his way who was it popularized the song i did it my way huh you don't want to sing that song is that right don't even have that in your playlist just don't don't play it in your car are you i'm telling you you don't want that thinking around you you why because your flesh pulls on you every day to do it your way is that right that's something you got to deal with every moment when you wake up we're not going to do it our way somebody say i'm not going to do it my way i'm not we're not going to do it our way lord we're going to do it your way not my will but your will be done come on praise them another time lift up your hands lift up your voices pray in the spirit some give thanks in the spirit as well omar cairo mende shadow batman moscow fiba kennebunk nostalgia [Music] your is [Music] high pay high pay high pace high pay high day bye praise god praise god say it again lord not my way your way not my will but your will be done hallelujah thank you lord thank oh father you are the faithful god the faithful god and i will be your faithful child and your faithful servant and your faithful minister by your grace hallelujah amen praise god thank you brother thank you lord thank you lord yes sir yes you
Channel: M B
Views: 243
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: keith moore, mlm, flc, fli, flcb, flcs, moore life ministries, phyllis moore
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 37sec (7117 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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