Keith Moore June 17, 21 Growing In Love

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thank you [Applause] praise god are we on hello hey praise god are we a blessed people we are i tell our folks we are so blessed the blessed people call us blessed amen well why don't you stand up again and release faith with me we appreciate the prayer that's already gone forth and and um you know uh we don't know uh even what to pray for as we all the scripture said and and uh no man or woman has the ability to minister everything that's going on in a group a room full of people's lives but the holy spirit can he he can minister to absolutely everybody in every area simultaneously and so amazingly effectively do you believe that you can hear from the lord tonight and get some things just like pastor was talking about well father we do all of us agree together touching these things thank you for already hearing our prayers and we yes yes we let's do that first before we do anything else the lord has sustained us through 2020. hasn't he and through just so many things leading up to this present hour and this present time i think it is absolutely appropriate that we lift our hands we lift our voices and we say thank you lord lord we thank you thank you for sustaining us thank you for keeping us thank you for meeting our needs thank you for answering our prayers thank you for keeping us soul mind body [Music] family thank you thank you for keeping our churches and our ministries thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you oh somebody say thank you praise you lord praise you lord [Music] praise your lord oh praise you lord praise you lord thank you great father thank you good father thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you thank you and so lord we we do give you all the credit and all the praise and all the glory that we are standing still and that we are continuing still and so we we look to you for what we need for now and tomorrow and the days to come free we ask you for that which brings us into and up to the next level in you we ask for light and revelation and guidance and answers and truth and the supply of your holy spirit and impartations and additional anointing additional and increase in revelation and equipping we ask for it we know it's your will so we know you hear us and we thank you for granting our request and by faith we believe we receive it in jesus name somebody say i receive it by faith i thank you for it lord hallelujah get glory to yourself in us in every way hallelujah get glory to yourself praise god praise god praise god thank you lord we're blessed hallelujah to be have made it this far and the same god that got us this far he will take us the rest of the way right [Music] i know uh you can just remain standing a minute if you will you'll get to sit plenty long here in just a little bit uh when in the first days early years of uh my ministry our ministry i was involved in healing a whole lot and still am but it was morning noon and evening at that point and so i studied those that had been used a lot in those areas back generations ago and what i saw is that a lot of people even though they obviously knew some amazing things about god and saw amazing things and experienced amazing things many of them were cut short and didn't make it is obvious they didn't run their a full course they didn't make it to a full race how many know the scriptures said with long life i'll satisfy you and show you my salvation well actually that's a summary of that entire psalm that 91st psalm one translation says with long life i'll satisfy you and show you how i can save well uh that's exactly what that whole psalm was talking about how do you make it to old age and in good shape well the arrow didn't get you amen the pestilence didn't get you come on can you see the plague didn't can you see all the things that he was talking about in the first part of the psalm you were either spared from or delivered from or healed from or whatever else wise you wouldn't have made it to long life and being satisfied amen and so when i saw that i thought lord what you know how can i make it all the way when some so many other people and even people that knew things about you that i don't even know yet how can i make it and without going into a lot of detail the lord quickened to me that two big things one is that i must remain teachable i must remain correctable teachable and he even spoke to me about some of the ones that i was bringing up to him that he did send some of the best correction in their generation to them and they wouldn't listen to it they wouldn't receive it and they wouldn't make any changes and so that eventually led to them being cut off and cut short how many know you don't know at all that's not everybody's hand come on i want to go around again how many know you don't know it all if paul says we only know in part and he had the revelation that he had where does that leave most folks they only know part of the part of the part and that means there's all these parts you don't know and that's where you can get in trouble is all the stuff you don't know but the lord will take care of you if you listen if you'll be correctable if you'll be teachable a whole lot can be said about that but then and also the lord quickened to me that i had to rely not just on myself to make it i had to rely on him be strong in the lord and in the power of his might and i i got to i got to see it that if i would keep my heart right and stay correctable and and just keep relying on him every day and night that keith that's my name was going to make it i got to believe i'm going to make it you can't believe that for me you can leave it with me but you can't believe it for me and i can't believe for you that you're going to make it all the way nobody can believe that for you right only with you and i became convinced that keith's going to make it i'm waiting to hear about you what are you i have become fully persuaded that if keith messes up that the lord's going to help keith and keith's going to listen and if keith falls the lord will pick keith back up again and if keith falls 90 times the lord will pick keith up 90 times and by the great why god loves keith and keith loves god and then with that kind of help i'm going to make it all the way i'm going to run my race and finish my entire course and reach out and hit the finish line [Applause] having done what i should do in my life and in my come on sit out loud i'm going to make it i'm i'm going to make it all the way i'm going to run my entire race i am going to finish my complete course hallelujah now nobody can believe that for you the devil will do his best to lie to you and convince you of something else he will do his best to convince you that you're not going to make it you're just not going to make it that you can't make it and it's lies lies lies if god helps somebody else to make it he's no respecter of persons he'll help you to make it right and if they can make it and run up their entire race you it's god's will it's absolutely god's will that you run your entire race finish your complete course with joy finishing your course with joy means you don't go out with a whimper you go out with a shout yes you leave here in victory amen don't believe anything else don't believe anything else except that you can be seated look with me please in the scriptures if you brought a bible if not let's see if your neighbor has one smile at them and slide over where you can see romans 12 romans 12. the thing i believe the lord put on my heart for these services we'll we'll see i've never ministered on like this before so uh we prayed you're believing with me i i suppose right you're good because that that affects you uh what comes in us and through us romans 12 so much in this great chapter but i want you to just notice in the second verse romans 12 it says be not conformed to this world but be transformed you transform by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good acceptable and perfect will of god and he leads with the word good everybody say good verse 9 skip down to there he says let love be without dissimulation or in other words let it be sincere no hypocrisy abhor that which is evil and cleave to that which is good did you hear that abhor that which is evil did you know there are some things you you are supposed to hate not people but evil yeah i think some folks have not understood that they're like oh you you know we we're people of love we we love everything no no we don't love everything no and in fact we're not supposed to be lukewarm are non-committal about some things there are some things god expects us to passionately hate and to be absolutely against amen and and he sums it up in this one word what evil abhor despise and hate evil and what else cleave to the good abhor what's evil and cleave to that which is good and so you you will see these two words hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times in the bible evil and good the word evil let me just give a little bit of definition on it it's uh we don't use that word as commonly i mean we do use it in our vernacular but usually we would use the word bad today instead of evil and of course that what's the opposite of good bad and that's a correct definition but one of the definitions and some of them overlap is worthless evil is worthless and evil is also harmful evil is it causes hurt evil causes pain and loss is god evil i you had a quick answer on that and then and i'm glad you did but the truth is much of the church-going world believes that god is involved in evil and that evil is his mysterious unknowable will to work out things for the greater good and by that i mean they believe that the end justifies the means that even though it may be terrible and awful if in the end it results in something good then that sanctified the whole process to get there and that is absolutely contrary to the bible contrary to god untrue the end does not justify the means are y'all with me church there are things we they're things you can pick up from the world sayings and things that people believe things you can even pick up from uh your parents or school teachers or especially university teachers and even grandma and grandpa things going back things you picked up in church that preachers said that is contrary to the word of god but people pick it up and remember what jesus told the most religious people of his day leaders he said your traditions have made the word of god of no effect now think about that that the word of god that should be producing good in your life is stopped and is not producing good because it's been replaced with traditions that sound good but are actually evil this is one of the biggest tricks of the enemy that he has pulled off generation to generation to generation he he couches things in religious jargon and language to make it appear good when it is actually at its core evil or bad and it's not hard to figure out why because uh if the fruit and result is bad then the cause was bad didn't jesus say that if the the bad tree produces bad fruit didn't jesus say that and a good tree produces good fruit and people say well you know it's it's a good tree it's a it's a good plan but it sure was a bad outcome and all the stuff we believe in all our tenants i mean it's good and solid but we don't know why everything's going off the rails [Laughter] no no if it's good it'll produce good things huh if it's good and it's right it will produce good and right fruit if it's producing bad stuff then the core of it's bad right no matter how religious it may be religious doesn't make it god spiritual doesn't make it god are y'all with me friends are we okay so evil is bad and evil does harm and hurt and damage does it sound like i mean we know the devil's evil right and jesus said he doesn't come unless he comes to do what still is stealing evil yes yes is it justifiable if you're really in need no no no the end doesn't justify the means killing no see that's evil well what about good what is good good is the opposite of of bad and of evil good is beneficial good benefits you good is also beautiful that's that's why i'm giving you definitions good is helpful helping benefiting increasing is blessing good all these things sound like blessing nothing well blessing comes from the blesser is god good i mean we've said it for a long time but there's a lot more revelation to be had on this brother sister i said is god good how good is he when is he good when does he stop being good god is good light god is god is light god is life god is good god is love love is good hate is bad you talk about hating people and hating the creation of god but we should hate evil because evil hurts god's people amen right i know i um i had the privilege of working like i said in brother hagin's ministry in healing school for a number of years and we saw a lot of good things happen and there are also some times we didn't see everything we wanted to see but i have seen the ugly face of disease i've seen it close up we've all seen it this living down here on the earth but some have seen it more than others those that work in health care have seen how ugly it is and it is absolute blasphemy to claim that god is the author and source of disease amen i said it's blasphemy it's bad can you imagine in the beginning god made everything the way he wanted it to be amen look in genesis when god created the heaven and the earth and all the plant life and all the the animal life and all the things that he made and he finished and he stood back and he said it's good in fact it's very good can you look at aids and cancer and go behold it's very good no there was no decay there was no cellular breakdown there was no aging there was no curse there was no minus 30 temp or plus 105. exist there were no earthquakes there were no tornadoes it was nothing was too wet nothing was too dry because god made it the way it was supposed to be and all this stuff that has happened as the result of sin and the fall and the curse is not an improvement right on god's original design and certainly certain if it's defacing and deforming his creation and destroying it how can it please him i mean it'd be like going to somebody that painted a masterpiece a one of a kind a master painter and so you're coming along with your crayons and your watercolors and changing it up and working on it you didn't improve it right and disease and deformity and problems that come and twist up god's the human body and and and kill it and distort it and twist it until it barely even resembles a human form how does that please god how does that bless him that it has distorted and hurt his creation and you fast forward from the book of genesis and you get to the end of the book of revelation when everything has been restored god is creating a new heaven and a new earth wherein is no curse and he said there will be no more crying no more sorrow no more dying no more pain no more curse that's the will of god it was the will of god it hadn't changed it will be the will of god and all this stuff happening now in between is not the will of god and if it's evil you need to call it evil there are people on the planet starved today for lack of something good to eat there's no way that's the will of god are y'all with me child of god you know what that is that's poverty that's lack and so don't tell me if enough lack will kill you and cut off your life then you're not being able to pay a bill that's a little bit of the same evil stuff that's killing people from hunger [Music] poverty is evil lack is evil disease is evil mental anguish and torment is evil anything that hurts that harms that destroys is evil and god is good so somebody say good god is god is good god god is beautiful god is beneficial god is helpful is that right god is healing god is restoring god is peace god is joy god is victory god is freedom god is love god is light god is good good he's good in the morning he's good at lunchtime he's good when the sun goes down he's good every day of the week and on the weekend he's good on holidays he's good he's good when you wake up he's good when you leave the house he's good when you come back he's good when you lay down oh somebody say he's good he's good he's good he's good why am i why am i going on about this because the devil has convinced most of the people on the planet that he's not that's right well they don't readily say it they don't openly say it and yet they attribute all of this evil to him why did god take these these little ones in these accidents why did god take my daughter in this car wreck why did god take you know my mother in this tornado why he did not take them he didn't do it now if they're believers he received them [Music] i said he received them when they came to him but don't accuse him of taking them cutting them off in young life midlife with something evil like a wreck or an accident or a storm or a disease it's blasphemy child of god to the thing that the lord warned the religious leaders of his day about is when they accused the works he did of being by uh beelzebub the dev you remember that they said he does what they accused jesus they said he's doing these healings these miracles are by bl's above the prince of devils and jesus warned them he said if you blaspheme the holy spirit they're accusing uh they're saying what the holy spirit was doing was of the devil he said you won't you won't be forgiven of that so does it matter what we say about these things it does no it's real easy real easy if it was good it was god huh if it was bad it's between you and the devil may be a cooperative effort i don't know but but it wasn't god i said but it wasn't god because every good gift and every perfect gift comes down from above from the father of lights and he never changes i said he never changes he never changes he never has a let's do evil tuesday or what never never it's always good good good good good good good good good good good and then he does good and more good and i know there's a lot of evil stuff happening on the planet but i'm telling you it's not god it's not him it's not him read it out loud again what did he say to do with evil abhor it somebody say i hate evil i do i mean i despise the thing that cuts people's life off short and makes children suffer are y'all listening and tears families apart i i hate it with a passion i'm against it i'm on a mission are y'all with me what can you do with it the truth will make you free i said the truth will make you free i'm on a mission to get the truth out in power i'm on a mission the weapons of our warfare they're not carnal natural but they are mighty through god right and there's something we can do about it and you don't have to be a preacher to do something about it yourself you believe the truth you get free you quit believing lies and anybody listen to you you tell them how god sets you free you're anointed to be a witness everywhere you go this ain't a preacher thing anybody will listen you tell them the truth yes that god's not our problem amen he's our answer abhor the evil cling to cleave to the good well in order for that to happen you're going to have to be able to discern between what's evil and what's good so you're not clinging to some evil calling it good or you're not rejecting something that's good calling it evil keep reading [Music] keep on reading down to verse 14. bless them which persecutes you bless and curse not is this a suggestion you can call it a command it's an instruction it's an order if you will it's an order should you take it like that you'll find some of these modern translation translations have done a great disservice to different passages of scripture some of the modern translations they'll they'll add phrases like do your best to do this try to do this or do your best that is not in the bible the lord never told you to try anything or attempt to do anything or do your best that's not in the bible why well that would imply either that he he wouldn't know if you could do it or not or that you might not be able to do what he told you to do neither of those can be true we're talking about god here now when he tells you to do something the words that came out of him telling you to do it enable you to do it right come on can you see that you think well i can't do that he just told you to do it that means now you can his words are empowerment his words are enablement you've got to remember this is the one that said light be and now light is amen right so when he tells you like pastor was said be strong you go okay i receive it and then you agree with him no matter how you feel didn't the bible say let the weak say i am strong you start calling yourself what agree with him and next thing you know your feelings will change but he said on this he said bless them which persecutes you bless and curse not why would he need to say that because you'll be tempted to try to respond in like-kind i used to be involved in some sport fighting shotokan taekwondo and the classic karate styles and um uh you know if you've never been hit in the face real hard then you may not know what i'm talking about but it it goes all over you it does something to you i i was uh i was sparring with a guy some years ago and he was supposed to be an amateur but he was trying to trick me and love me he wanted he's trying to tell me teach me teach me and he was actually an experienced fighter and so he was waiting until i had my guard down and man he nailed me right in the mouth i mean so hard i couldn't see you get hit hard enough your eyes will water up and you can't see and i thought what did this guy just do but i'm really not even thinking that i'm just you know what i'm thinking can y'all remind me what i'm thinking i'm thinking give me a minute just give him give me a minute let me get to where i can see and then what's my plan can anybody help me out [Laughter] i was i think i was 17 years old and this i'm talking about what's my plan i'm going to show him how this feels and in fact i'm planning on adding some to it [Applause] to what i just experienced and you don't have to try to think about this it just goes all over you and you're just i mean you know the pores of your skin are saying hit him back hit him back hit him back he hit him harder hit him hit him but now put this back up again what did the word say those that persecute you now this is not an isolated verse i mean the lord said that too hold your place here go over to luke 6. hold your place here are you all okay luke 6 and 27 jesus speaking here he said i say to you which here luke 6 27 love your enemies now this is not the law i've heard people say well you know jesus taught the law and so uh you know some people try to leave the impression that g what jesus said and taught and preached was pre-grace and so his words were to the jewish community not really to us that's untrue that's big mistake the scripture says that the law and the prophets were until john john the baptist are y'all with me am i quoting scripture or not and just if you want to get understanding on this go to matthew 5 and read it carefully that whole message jesus he said basically the law said but i say right and he's not teaching the law he's teaching being led by the spirit he's teaching he's introducing the new covenant right that he's about to go pay for and so that's that's wrong mentality and of course who would want you to disrespect jesus words and say they're not for you today as the devil and or confused people no no no but that's what jesus i mean the the the law did not say love your enemies no you loved your neighbor you loved your fellow israelite and you hated your enemies and that was all legit and um how many remember laws eye for an eye right yeah i mean they do something to you you do you do it back to them i mean you got scripture for it [Music] [Laughter] so if i had been you know a couple of thousand years ago i could have hit that guy back really hard and had scripture for it but i'm not a couple of thousand years back i'm here in the age of the new testament and the new covenant is that right and what in the lord introducing that he said but and that's what he's saying he's contrasting this with the law i say to you which here love your enemies and do good to them that hate you say it out loud love your enemies do good to them that hate you say it again love your enemies do good to them that hate you all right say it out loud with me together love your enemies and do good to them that hate you we're going to say it five more times love your enemies and do good to them that hate you what about your enemies love your enemies and do good to them that hate you love your enemies and what about people that hate you and do mean hateful things to you you do good to them say it again love your enemies do good to them that hate one more time love your enemies and do good to them that hate you verse 28 says bless them that curse you they curse you and you bless them huh and for those that despitefully use you what are you going to do go pray for them really is that what your flesh wants to do is that what your flesh feels like do it now i think a lot of folks have they know that's in the bible [Laughter] and they know that's the highest ideal ideals of christianity and what a really good christian should do but you know they don't have to work where you have to work and they don't have to deal with the people you have to deal with and they don't have to pastor the people you have the pastor or they don't have the pastors that you have huh and they don't have the family that you have and the kin folks that you have they don't have the neighbors that you have huh and and of course they didn't have the internet back then and they didn't have all these people posting all these lies about you [Laughter] what about your enemies love your enemies that has is everybody awake is everybody waiting that has nothing to do with how you feel nothing to do with how you feel right love is a choice that's right yes love is a choice not a feeling like faith is a choice not a feeling faith has nothing to do with how you feel is everybody awake man this is so important if you think well i don't know about that man get this figured out because if you think if you think that's wrong you don't know a thing in the world about it right faith is a choice yes so is walking in love yes [Music] you're walking in love the strongest when you feel like letting somebody have it i mean you feel like telling them where to get off you feel like giving them a good backhand you feel like and yet you don't right you get a hold of yourself you bite your tongue and you get yourself in mid-sentence you can go let me tell you something god loves you and i love you and and i'm gonna go pray right now i'm gonna go away and we'll talk about this later you didn't go with your feelings that's being spiritual you can yield to the outer man you can yield to the flesh or there's something else inside you the greater ones inside you and the love of god has been shed abroad in your heart by the holy spirit and you can let that love dominate you you can let that love rule you but it's a choice [Music] and so when the when the lord says love you love your enemies you know tom might have feeling wonderful cozy feelings about him right no no no no now you walk in love enough it'll change your feelings your feelings will actually change but that may not happen the first week or three right does everybody is everybody forgiveness has nothing to do with feelings that's right it's a choice yes you choose to forgive somebody it's not based on how you feel how they feel about you or how you feel about them in fact it is forgiveness as compared to release of debt isn't it in what we call the lord's prayer yes he included that if you read luke's account in matthew's account he talked about you know uh forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors yes and jesus gave more than one uh parable about this so if let's say you know you owed me a thousand dollars and we had paperwork on it and one day i decide i'm just going to forgive you and i tell you i got the paperwork i tear it up i hand it to you i say you don't owe me this anymore another way of saying it is i forgave the debt well if the end of the week i got a bill comes up and i could really use that thousand dollars and i'm thinking you know i had a thought crossed my mind why did i do that well i already did it though is that right regardless of how i feel about it and what feelings may come it was a choice it was an act and you don't know it anymore that's exactly how we forgive each other it's exactly how we do it it's just a choice it's a decision and you need to do it and there are times you may even if you're by yourself you need to say it right out loud if there's something you've been holding on to and a grudge and and something else you you need to sit out that person uh what they did to me in jesus name i forgive it i release it they owe me nothing not an apology not an explanation not to try to make it right i tear up the paperwork i forgive them they owe me nothing now next week the enemy may try to bring to you and remember it's what they did to you and you need to say that doesn't matter i forgave them and even if you let yourself think about it too much and it made you mad again it ran on it didn't make your neighbor you forgave them amen you said you quit that quit thinking about that i've forgiven them amen it's a choice say it out loud love is a choice faith is a choice forgiveness is a choice not a feeling didn't say for god so loved the world yes that he had a feeling no he loved us while we were still his enemies doesn't make you feel wonderful i mean a planet full of people blaspheming his name doing everything in the world except caring about what he wants or his plan for their life he loved us before we ever knew him he loved us while the world was his enemy it was a choice he made to love us he said i've loved you with an everlasting love it's a choice he's made and that's one of the amazing things about love you know first corinthians 13 says love never fails it also means love never ends and people let me say like this there's no defense against the love of god that's right you make a choice to love somebody not based on what they do or didn't do or how you feel about them or any of that and they can say well i don't want you to love me tough you can't you can't do anything about it i made a decision too is that right well i'm gonna make you stop you can't it's a choice it is there's no weapon that can be formed effective against god and those who are his and walking with him there's no weapon formed against us that can prosper even hit the mark or even be effective and love is one of those things the devil has nothing to tear it apart he has nothing to make it stop there is no weapon or effort successful against the love of god hallelujah it's forever it never ends it doesn't fail can you say amen go back to romans please boy at this rate i hope you can come back because we're still on the text romans 12 are you there romans 12 14 12 14 says bless them which persecutes you now that could also be translated they they chase you they pressure you they harass you if people are chasing you harassing you pressuring you bothering you it doesn't make you want to bless them so it have to be a choice right that you're not going to act how you feel and don't curse them in other words those that curse you you don't curse them now like we said before christians know this is in the bible christians know this is the right thing to do but there's more to it than that than it just being the right thing to do one of the biggest reasons the lord says this to us is for our benefit not the person who's harassing us amen the reason he tells us this and didn't suggest it he commands it in multiple places is because this protects you this protects you and this benefits you hold let me see see if i can go there right now or not now keep reading we're not done with the text bless them which persecute you bless and curse not rejoice with them that do rejoice and weep with them that weep be of the same mind one to another bind mind not high things but condescend to men of low estate be not wise in your own conceits recompense to no man evil for evil provide things honest in the sight of all men if it be possible as much as lies in you live peaceably with all men in other words if it was just up to you if you'd get along with everybody amen that's how it should be and he goes on to say dearly beloved avenge not yourselves now he's already said don't recompence evil for evil so he's reaffirming these same thoughts don't avenge yourselves but rather give place to wrath and that's god's wrath too for it's written the lord said vengeance is mine so then it's not yours might say like this payback right say it out loud payback belongs to the lord it doesn't belong to me it's not mine he said vengeance is mine said the lord i will repay says the lord which is one of the reasons why you would pray for somebody is because if you're going to love your enemy you don't want to see them destroyed even if they hate you you still know that a soul is valuable and god loves them that's why he paid the price that he did for him i'm not the judge it's not in my hands but he is the righteous judge and if they don't repent if they never repent they got judgment to look forward to i don't want to see them judged in this life certainly not after this which is why you'd pray lord have mercy on them while they're cursing you is this christ like yes see this is exactly what the master did i mean when they drove the spikes into his hands and raised him up on the cross are they is that evil are they causing him pain are they doing harm to him and mocking him and blasphemy what did he say father forgive them they don't know what they're doing and they didn't know they didn't know who he was and they didn't know what they were doing this is love this is a choice can you see this can you live this way yeah you can or the lord wouldn't have told you to do it right and not only did he tell you to do it he gave us the love to love with when you're born again he put that love in our hearts by the holy spirit it's not a matter that you can't it's a choice will we yield to what he put in us or will we be so carnal and fleshy that we let our feelings and our anger and our rage and our grudge dominate us and you can as a christian you can let you can let grief you can let grudge eat you up and absolutely cloud your mind rob you of your joy rob you of your peace and the thing is the person you're so mad at they may be having a high heel time that's right they might not have thought about you in the last 10 years that's right and here you are miserable full of venom come on can you see this full of hate i'm talking about a born-again child of god that's right that's not what god put in your heart but you can yield to anything it's a choice just destroy you destroy your relationships because it's hard to live with a person like that that's just full of bitterness yeah and of course if the person they're mad at is not around guess who they're going to take out their frustrations on i said if the person they're so mad at is not around guess who's going to take the frustrations out on you whoever they live with whoever they're around it's not right but it happens every day oh yeah yeah it does people get mad i read this thing this guy wrote about one time he said the guy had a uh a bad day at work he came in he went through the door he yelled at his wife and his wife yelled at the child and the child kicked the dog and the dog wouldn't bit the mailman how it flows down [Laughter] it's not right to take out your frustrations on the people that you say you care about that's an evil thing is everybody with me yes do you agree with that yes then stop it i said stop it don't quit making excuses right quit quoting that you've got clinical depression or whatever you've named it are y'all listening to me now people get away with what they can get away with men's meetings i've talked about this you know a man should never hit his wife ever yeah but what if she hits me don't hit her back and i've had people say well you know of course the wife shouldn't hit her husband either and uh i've heard i've heard guys say well i just got so mad i didn't know what i was doing i said yeah i'd like to do an experiment let's get you know a 300 pound linebacker right for a professional football player and let's get you really really mad with him and see if you can keep from slapping him people do what they can get away with people do the same thing they blow up and i i actually had a guy tell me one time and this guy was supposed to be a minister that he said he thought god gave us husbands and wives each other to vent on now what scripture is that where'd you find that huh first imaginations and that should be cast down well you must do with the imagination cast them down bring every thought captive to the ob god did not give you your family to vent on and take your front and people say well you just you have to let it out how about not letting it in [Applause] no letting it out is actually yielding right yielding to the flesh yielding the anger yielding the bitterness yielding the wrong spirits right now letting it out is not the solution don't let it in that's strange didn't the lord say don't let your heart be troubled and don't let it be afraid he didn't say vent it until you get to feeling better no don't let it get that way don't let it in that's good yielding to it makes it worse the more you rant and rave and yell and cuss and break furniture the worse you're going to get and you can't blame people for leaving you right right people have to put up with that they shouldn't put up with that no they don't have to well they have to forgive me they actually don't they're commanded to but they don't have to they have a free will they don't have to stay with you they don't have to forgive you they don't have to give you another chance no they don't they got a free will yes no matter what they should do doesn't mean they're going to are they willing to we should appreciate the people who tolerate us the people who know us and all of our idiosyncrasies and all of our shortcomings and still act like they care about us i want to be around us they want to talk to us we should value that yes we should highly value that because the truth is they don't owe that to you they don't owe you their respect and their consideration and their time and all that it should be something you appreciate that's not owed it's grace it's a gift and you should give it to others like it's not owed you you owe them love but i don't owe talking to you for an afternoon i can love you from afar that's actually way easier right i mean walking in love with people that you never see that's the best are you all okay keep going reading verse 19 dearly beloved avenge not yourselves but rather give place unto wrath for it's written vengeance is mine i will repay says the lord therefore if your enemy hunger do what i say well that's just good enough yeah you sowed it you're going to reap it buddy you know this would be this would be mercy this would be grace because you don't owe it to them right can you see this guys this is grace this has nothing to do with how they've been there for you they've been against you they've hurt you they'd let you starve to death but you're a believer you represent jesus right you represent the church is that right you represent the love of god people are supposed to see something different out of us so you go ahead and feed him if he's thirsty give him a drink in so doing you'll heap coals of fire on his head now this has to do with conviction it's hard on a proud mean person to receive help from somebody they hate that's tough on them but you get hungry enough you'll take something to eat and look at the last verse that we finally got to my text well we made it though right i mean before the service is over what does it say be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good i want to say that one a few times too be not overcome of evil say it out loud overcome evil with good we might say like this don't be overcome with evil but what do i do though with evil you need to do something with it it's around what are you going to do you overcome evil with good that's how we deal with it you don't right fight fire with fire well that's that's what they do in the forest fire you know well there's other ways to get it out too there's there's water there's cutting off the oxygen i mean there's other ways to put it out but when it comes to spiritual things and living life with people you don't fight fire with fire you don't give them back what they're giving to you why because what you sow you're going to reap come on can you see this why would the lord tell us this in so many different ways and times because he doesn't want you to reap the same destruction or judgment that they're going to reap he wants you to have a different outcome but in order to have a different outcome you're going to have to do something different than what they're doing with you yeah yeah i mean if you do the same thing to them that they're doing to you why should they be judged and not you that's right can you see this child to god and go with me to first peter and i think thinking about closing [Music] first peter and the third chapter first peter 3. everybody still okay did we read scriptures tonight is scriptures are right aren't they i mean no matter what you think or i think and sometimes people say well well i gotta write to my beliefs actually you don't not if you're a christian now if you're an unbeliever you can leave anything you want to any lie you want to but christians are supposed to believe what the christ said yes they're supposed to believe what the spirit of god said right yes not just make up your own stuff as you go along if you say i'm a christian i'm a christian you're saying i have submitted myself to the headship and lordship of the christ that means i'm no longer running my life so no you're not entitled to your own beliefs that you make up you're supposed to believe what he said amen you and me both every one of us in first peter and the third chapter he said verse 8 i believe it is we'll start first peter 3 8 he said finally be all of one mind have compassion one of another love as brethren be pitiful or full of pity or compassion be courteous well that's the message right there in there be courteous is it spiritual to be courteous there's this could be a whole seminar on what the bible says about kindness being kind and he goes on to say not rendering evil for evil that's what we just got through seeing in romans or railing for railing what's a railing well that's coming down on somebody huh chewing them out straightening them out whatever you want to call it yelling at them screaming at them berating them have you ever noticed no nobody raise your hands now on this but have you ever noticed if you get into a an intense discussion with somebody especially somebody you're close to a spouse family member whoever and there are times when if they bring up something bad about you that you don't like or some failure of the past immediately you remember things they did and i mean if you start talking well yeah but what about the time i mean it comes back to you in vivid detail i mean you you and you can go on for an hour come right all the way they messed up it's like you're inspired because you are but not by the holy spirit by wrong spirit why because the devil is the accuser of the brethren he is the berater the demeanor the devaluer and if you are trying to come down on somebody why would you do that you want to make them feel bad you want to make them ashamed the holy spirit can't be anywhere around that you just left him are y'all with me friends but the enemy will move right in to give you language and bring everything to your remembrance about all their faults and failures and shortcomings why he wants them beat down he wants them devalued he wants them berated and you don't want to yield your mouth to the enemy for him to speak through certainly not somebody you say you love and care for said out loud i i choose not to yield my mouth or my hands or my words to the enemy to hurt people around me lord set a watch at the door of my lips and alert me lest i let the enemy use my words to hurt others do you believe he heard that prayer do you believe he'll answer that prayer and so that can be one of those cases where you start to say something like i said a moment ago and you catch yourself mid-sentence and you go no no this this will not end up good no matter what they said spiritual people are not dominated by their feelings can you be a spiritual man a spiritual woman supposed to be you're supposed to be that just means you're led by the spirit of god not your feelings not your flesh not what other people say and do they're not controlling your responses you choose to yield to what you know the spirit of god gives you and if you're not clear on that you don't say anything you don't do anything until you get clear on that right you you shut it down you go somewhere and cool off you go somewhere and get quiet you pray you get some direction you get some answers the bible says that uh you know pleasant words heal and good words healed but there is that pierces like the uh like a narrow or or a sword and words are very much like an arrow that's on the string of a bow as long as you're contemplating them and you haven't set them yet you still got your hand on the string but once you say it you can't get it back it's gone and it'll find its mark and can hurt people and you can repent they can forgive you possibly but you can't get it back that's right you know i had some friends of mine gave me a a really nice compound bow a few years ago i mean these things are lethal weapons man i mean got the razor tipped arrows and all that i never used it but it's neat and but but what if i came in here tonight and i've had a bad day i'm in a bad week i'm in a really bad mother and i was so mad and i was so upset and i just wanted to i just wanted to vent i just wanted to get it out and so i had my bow and and so i just said i think i'll feel better if i'll just shoot an arrow so and then i cool off and i look up you're sitting there with an air blood coming out the side to go oh man i i didn't mean to shoot you i wasn't even aiming for you yeah but you're still shot yes that's right yeah but i didn't mean to yet but you're still shot you're still hurt still bleeding yeah can we see what i'm talking about that's exactly what it's like when we explode when we vent when we cuss when we rail as long as you hadn't said it you got your hand on the string and how many times we should have just done this okay forget about that let me go think about this but you can see that's the big push that's why people die in mobs is because the enemy is always trying to push people to the place where they are just mindless they are so mad they are so upset they they are so bent that they don't really have realize what they're doing or where they are what's going on and the next thing you know people are dead that's the devil that's the devil that's why the prophet prophesied that you wouldn't hear jesus voice in the streets you remember that he was never involved in anything like that the spirit of god is peace is that right love joy peace long-suffering goodness gentleness meekness temperance that's the holy spirit am i quoting scripture again is it is this right now yes yes and so you must not let yourself get to the place if you yielded to it all your life people have grown up in households where there is yelling and screaming and throwing and breaking and hitting and they excuse it they say well i'm you know i'm italian what can i say i'm i'm this i'm irish i'm now you're a christian now amen i said you're a christian now forget about all that that's an excuse and but if you've yielded to that for decades and for all your life you yield to it without thinking something has come up and you just next thing you know you have exploded you have said you have done and so you have to get a hold of yourself so that you are are too slow in responding for a while until you can get yourself retrained [Music] are y'all with me now uh because uh the proverb talks about this that uh if you s that the wise study to answer and if you haven't trained yourself that way then if you're in a conversation or something's going especially if something's a bit heated then it'll all be over before you figure out what to say you're like okay i don't say that and okay and then they're like i'm done and they're out and you go yeah but you didn't say anything wrong y'all with me friends and if you practice that you'll get better at it and you'll get quicker at it but you have to retrain yourself if you grew up in a household that just you know cussed each other out and fought and all that other kind of stuff that's not good that's not right that's not godly sure you can be passionate but you don't hurt each other right is this okay or not y'all are kind of kind of quiet in here you know sometimes things come up that are close to home and are already at home and in that kind of service you don't want to get too quiet because it makes you conspicuous right if you're like people go what you want to do is go amen brother keith yeah somebody needs to hear that and yeah and then when you get home you can fall across the bed and go oh god oh god i repent that's me but in here just be cold just look straight ahead smiling amen brother keith somebody needs to hear this first peter 3 let's let's finish this then i think we'll be done for tonight he said uh verse 9 first peter 3 9 not rendering evil for evil or railing for railing but contrary wise blessing same thing spirit of god said through paul same thing the lord said through jesus same thing knowing now here is some insight into why is everybody awake this is some insight not just that it's the high moral ground it is but there's a lot more going on here why not rendering evil for evil or railing for railing or chewing for chewing or whatever but contrary-wise blessing why do that knowing that you are called thereto called to what you're called to blessing not cursing you're a child of the light not of the darkness you're a child of god a child of love not hate a child of blessing not cursing in judgment yes amen but in order to keep in that flow in that life you can't get too mad and upset and start cursing when they curse or start trying to get back at them or start trying to pay them back because now you're going to get what they're going to get you have unhooked from the blessing flow no knowing you that you should inherit a blessing for he that will love life and see good days now we've come full circle to where we started about living a a long life and he's not just talking about just a long time he's talking about a quality life a quality of life good what he calls good days oh somebody said out loud loving life and having good days oh come on loving life that's now that means you're enjoying the life of god and the life that god is giving you and you are seeing experiencing some good days that's right here and now that's right here and now in the land of the living seeing and experiencing the goodness of the lord here and now in the land of the living he that will love life and seek good days let him do what that's what we've been talking about all night refrain his or her tongue from evil there's that word what is evil bad injurious accusative demeaning berating somebody say say it out loud i don't do that i don't yield my tongue to that i i don't yield my words to that i don't yield my mind why because that is working with the accuser of the brethren the devil you don't want to do that child of god you don't want to yield your members as instruments of unrighteousness for him to use against each other he that will love life and see good days let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips that they speak no guile now guile has to do with deception zero lying lying is absolutely one of the worst things you can do in life it's the language of the devil himself god hates it yes i didn't say he hates liars he hates lies he hates lying why because it's evil yeah and you should hate it too yes somebody say i love the truth and i hate lies see lies are taking billions of people to hell do you hate it i hate lies i hate i love the truth [Music] and i hate lies so if you hate lies you're not going to use them right you're not going to try to convince other people of something that's not true because that's what the enemy of their soul is trying to do to them every day of their life can you see we got to make sure we stay on the right side we're not joining our adversary against each other he said that that they speak no god let him eschew evil now that's the same kind of thing abhorrent and shown it and do good there's that word you see you see evil and good good and evil let him seek peace and ensue it or pursue it for the eyes of the lord or over the righteous his ears are open to their prayers the face of the lord is against them that do evil and who will he be that harms you that's evil if you are followers of that which is good [Music] glory to god amen i love god i hate the devil i love the truth i hate lies i love good i hate evil i'm a follower of good stand on your feet everybody praise god praise god lift your hands lift your voices somebody say thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you lord thank you hallelujah part of what we call the lord's prayer is deliver us from evil uh lift up your hands say it out loud lord deliver us from evil we know jesus has in redemption open our eyes give me discernment and understanding between what is good and what is evil thank you for helping me oh praise god just lift up your voice pray in the spirit some speaking of the tongues if if you do that kali bro neha sanga listen just a moment just keep your eyes closed listen just a moment if you have made mistakes in the things that we were talking about tonight the lord does want you to stop that and not do it again but he he does not want you to be in condemnation condemnation over it and and feel bad and guilty and ashamed that's why jesus came was to give forgiveness and cleansing and washing so you do need to repent if you've been abusive if you've been railing and lying and hitting and all these other things i'm just going to lead you in a prayer so nobody stands out but you need to see to it that you receive what we're talking about at the end of this say it out loud lord i i repent for any injurious things any harmful thing any bad thing any evil thing against the people around me i don't want to do that i choose good and i despise i abhor evil and i receive your forgiveness i receive the cleansing and washing of the blood of the lamb i receive the work of the holy spirit regenerating me and washing me and cleansing me i receive the righteousness of god in christ thank you for washing me forgiving me cleansing me making me clean and right in your sight hallelujah now lift up your hands and thank the lord and pray some more in the spirit and give give thanks in other tongues as well okay [Music] oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you said out loud faith is a choice love is a choice forgiveness is a choice like i said i had the opportunity to work in healing school at brother hagin's ministry and that coupled with other things i've seen a lot of people in some bad situations in some painful bad situations and what i saw over the years and actually decades is having problems even terrible pain doesn't justify being mean people use it as an excuse but it it doesn't fly it it doesn't work my grandmother i saw her when i was a teenager she she had some things that caused her a lot of pain and a lot of discomfort but i never saw her get mean never and i saw some situations that i mean were really tough for her and you could tell she was hurting or you could tell this or that but she would she'd put on a smile and ask how you were doing and you don't have to get mean just because you're hurting and i've seen people that barely had anything wrong with them just get as mean as could be and just say and do all kind of stuff and demand all kinds of stuff no no it doesn't justify it right it's not okay i said it's not okay and you don't have to be that way and the thing is if you if you keep doing that you're going to wind up alone and very lonely and you can blame everybody and their brother and it's not going to comfort you when you are completely alone and nobody will involve you in their things or give you you know let you work in what they're doing or let you be a part um didn't work what you want to do is make a giant change huh and let the spirit let the love of god come on sit out loud put your hands on you on your being and say i have the love of god shed abroad in my heart by the holy spirit i will allow this love to control my beings i will be kind no matter how i feel people don't owe me things i'm not a taker i'm not a demander i'm a giver and because i give it comes back to me hallelujah multiplying running over it comes back to me can you say amen praise god pastor
Channel: M B
Views: 337
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: keith moore, moore life ministries, faith, flc, faith life church, flcb, flcs
Id: izPrHw2Ja1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 9sec (5409 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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