Billy Burke 091121 A Relationship With The Holy Spirit

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where's that whistle where's the whistle come on the whistle [Music] well we're gonna practice on that whisk a little bit yeah i mean we gotta learn to celebrate [Music] we can't let the world i mean if they can party we should be able to celebrate [Music] i mean we ought to be able to gather collectively like we are here tonight but i mean this is your place and your time to get lost in the crowd and and just be one of those christians gone wild i mean just come on one two three give me more to pray [Applause] [Music] how many's ready to get healed tonight delivered tonight anointed tonight put your hands up all over the place quickly i need a little bit of volume i don't want an echo but a little bit of volume mr sound man not sandman sound man we don't need the sandman here tonight but we do need the sound man where is the sound man i'm not sure where oh right where right oh right here you're right in front of me great i can grab you right here then right every hand up all over the place i'll tell you what make no mistake about it you you're on a quest you're a treasure hunter you know the bible says the riches of christ are unsearchable we're never gonna in this lifetime or throughout eternity find or figure out all that he has it's an endless journey of spectacular wonders things we've never seen and things we've never heard mysteries we've never understood are about to be revealed to you [Music] [Applause] [Music] prophecies are about to come to pass that have been said over you [Applause] prayers are about to be answered [Applause] footsteps are being ordered you know i mean and and really the enemy has done his best to shut us down i said he's done his best and it hasn't worked [Applause] [Music] the bible says that jesus came out of the wilderness stronger than when he went in i mean he's coming out stronger how many is coming out stronger [Applause] [Music] very very important that in this time of trial that seems to be lingering on that we continue to be people of faith i mean i mean collectively of course but individually is where the rubber really does meet the road really really really i want to talk to you about that tonight a little bit because the thing that hurts the devil more than corporate praise more than corporate shouting is when each one of you when you leave here you get the healing you need there's no there's no such thing as a little miracle there's no such thing as a little bit of money you know there's no such thing as say a little prayer for me little doesn't exist in this kingdom it's mighty it's powerful it's indestructible and we cannot be stopped come on somebody somebody [Applause] [Music] come on put your hands up say holy spirit i yield to you tonight i've had so much prayer and so many prophecies i came tonight just to pick up a miracle i'm approaching the altar tonight it's already done it's already arrived i'm at baggage claim and i'm picking up my bag tonight come on somebody give god a shout come on come on [Applause] give the person next to you a hallelujah hug that means you hug him and say hallelujah [Music] i want to welcome to the keyboard tonight his name is josh woods god bless you his parents played for me i don't know how many years ago it must be 23 23 years ago okay 23 years ago i just met josh tonight and so we've never worked together and he assures me that he can flow so i believe him i believe him to step into this without doing that i mean you'd be crazy to do that right amen let me start tonight by saying that it's so very important that you that you not be ashamed to share your testimony you know we're so aware of all the wrong people doing wrong and we all want to have a part in something major you know we all want to do something that we're not gifted to do we're incapable of doing but the one thing we all have the ability to do to the grocery clerk and to the mechanic and to the person that comes to spray for bugs in your house or whatever we have the ability you know to share a part of our testimony it don't even have to be complete [Music] you know i mean it they can't be more bold than we are [Music] we can't let them be emboldened and we be frightened when goliath came out he was a mocking spirit [Music] he mocked the armies of israel he said i'd defy the army i'd defy you that's what he said for 40 days i don't think you have any power i don't think you have any strength i defy you as a nation as an army and so these soldiers israeli soldiers they're the the jewish platoon hid in their foxholes when david showed up they were hiding they weren't an army waiting on an assignment they were hiding hoping how can we get away from this one man this one demonized giant well when the goliath's head came off the demon that was in him lived on see when the pigs went into the water and they were slaughtered listen to me because they weren't supposed to be eating pork or raising pork because you cannot kill parasites that are in pork you can cook it as much as you want you'll never kill the parasites that are in the pork food come on look at your neighbor and say no more oink oink come on tell your neighbor because people i get that question why does why did he let the swine go why did he kill those innocent pigs well to jesus they weren't innocent they kill people the cholesterol the poison the parasites so many of the hidden diseases that don't show up on x-rays they can't show there's these parasites that burrow into your brain they burrow into the deep recesses of your body and they can't even be detected with all of the modern equipment cat scan the next rays that we have so a lot of these mysterious illnesses listen to me come from some of this stuff we're we're taking in and so here's goliath i mean he's you know he's mocking israel and god's just waiting for somebody to show up to shut him up what he's saying is you can't get healed now you have no power look at you you're too old to prosper you don't have enough years to get out of debt and he just and he's i know he has spoken to many of you he chisels away and when david showed up he said who is this uncircumcised philistine who is this guy that's not covenant doesn't understand covenant promises doesn't understand the god of abraham isaac and jacob who is he that he should defy the armies of a living god i mean you're going to continue the devil can't help being the devil he knows his days are numbered but they're not today and he knows that he's going down but not today he knows he has but a short time so he's going to continue to be the devil he never gets saved so if you've heard that weird conspiracy theory no he never gets saved he's never on our team you know he's forever against us and against you he's against you getting a healing of your little finger tonight because there's more people than you could ever know have little finger problems and as soon as you get your little finger healing and you're not ashamed to tell about it then god lines people up in your pathway come on somebody help me god's waiting to release an anointing on you the word of god is a progressive journey we're learning it you're learning it i'm learning it it's just forever learning the word of god but your testimony is anointed already so until you learn what you need to learn to have more confidence tell just what's happened to you if you believe something has now if you think you're still alive and healthy tonight because of hard work and clean living then you go ahead and believe that but we're going to interview people that have lived with you come on somebody help me here tonight we're going to we're going to ask your neighbors your former employees and we're just because we can hardly believe that you got here all on your own by hard work and clean living oh and some vitamins it's amazing when people say how you're doing really good well boy you're looking good vitamin d vitamin d i mean where's the lord [Music] where's the glory to god you just gave all the glory to a vitamin do you hear what i'm saying to you tonight well boy i tell you you're looking like how'd you lose that weight well instead of saying how you lost it which is through prayer and oh god and you've been slain a thousand times come on you just say well i'll tell you what i got this green powder and i'm telling you what i've been drinking the green powder and it's amazing i'm afraid just attach his name to say well with the lord's help the holy ghost has really led me to this nutritionist always keep him in the equation you don't got to do cartwheels or jumping jacks but just keep him in the equation you know and he understands the anointing will do the rest he's not going to anoint green powder he's not going to anoint vitamin d hear what i'm saying he'll use it but the anointing is a whole nother issue so whenever you put his name in it holy ghost you know i went to church well that's okay i mean that's like barely you know giving recognition jesus somebody say the name jesus come on say there's no other name under heaven and earth whereby which men may be saved come on give god praise for that name jesus so until you get comfortable and more confident in your journey with bible knowledge because i know there's it seems like there's so much to learn and that's true and you don't want to misresent i understand that but i don't understand why his name is never mentioned and what he's done for you this far and you know and when when you tell somebody well god's healed me of so many things just pick out one just pick out people tell me that all the time when they come to the author well before you pray after me brother billy i want to tell you god's healed me of so many things so i start to say now just tell me one just tell me one well i have so many i'm sure you do but just tell me one i want to hear one good one how about one good one well uh and then the stuttering begins come on somebody help me with this i mean let some things be at the tip of your tongue and what should be at the tip of your tongue how has he kept you in this pandemic come on how has he kept you somebody say by the grace of god i mean there's a lot of things you can say by entering in something that's in your spiritual lineage something that's that's been put in you we can't be barren people we can't afford it it's too late it's too dark and we have to pierce this dark time that we're in and let me say this tulsa oklahoma needs a lot of help right now i believe we're between seasons with this city [Music] i think we're trying to live off the history and when you try and live off a history it doesn't work god says i got a new jar of salt come on somebody come on how many want to be part of a new breed come on a new you know i really believe when i when i come to the millennial church each time that i'm here it's just like it goes to another level of but then but then where do we go [Music] it's great to go there in the meeting but it's it's individually your personal mountains your personal i mean if they're defeating you and when you come here and this is where the encouragement is but this doesn't encourage you to stay the same this this is to encourage you to really become more hungry for the things of god that's what this is all about that's what the public meeting is for it's corporate faith corporate anointing corporate visitation so that when you leave here you're so stirred by what you saw so you're stirred by what you heard you can hardly believe that neighbor of yours was got healed got delivered of cigarettes or pornography you're just like i can't believe this is amazing i mean almost every meeting there's people that come flying in and they say i had a friend that came to your meeting and boy when he got healed i thought i gotta go find out who you are i'm thinking well it's not to me it's it's the lord jesus it's the holy ghost and then they go yeah yeah yeah but it's you that i see i said well i'm in the way then you better get in the way you know what i'm talking about people don't understand this we can't take it for granted that everybody understands what we know the bible says the natural man can't perceive the things of the spirit why because he's a natural man i mean if you think about it we believe in some pretty far out things you're so used to it you don't think about it any longer you're like walking on water when's the last time you walked on water i tell people go home and fill your bathtub up tonight and try it when's the last time you climbed into a lion's den and lived to tell about it you know i mean there's so many things we're afraid of little things what about you know big fish that swallow people this is an amazing book that we've ingested it's a supernatural book everything about the word of god is supernatural it's irreplaceable i said it's irreplaceable and there's such an attack on it i mean there's so many in translations and there's so many ways to water this book down so many ways some of them even take the word blood out blood's been removed from some of the translations you can't remove the blood the bread's at the center of who we are come on see everything begins and ends with calvary come on say that the cross is empty the tomb is empty he arose he's at the right hand he's released the holy ghost here to do signs wonders and miracles come on [Applause] but it's got to be where you're in a meeting like this where you're just not keep coming up for a prayer see prayer we're past prayer here i said we're coming to pick it up there's got to be a point where your faith kicks in where you push the boundaries of your life god's not always going to lead you to do something he's going to want you to push your own boundaries four lepers were sitting ready to die god never told them to go a certain way god never spoke them they were he was sitting leaving the four lepers you know in the book of kings he was leaving them die and they sat there year after year after year and finally they started to fellowship and the one said to the other leper why are we sitting here till we die they had no leading god did not speak to them thus and so and there's so many stories like this where god waited for one of the lepers to say hey why do we sit here till we die if we stay here we die if we go back we die can't go back can't stay here we got to go forward we got to push the boundary of where we are if you want to get healthier you got to push some boundaries do you hear me i mean if you want to get anointed you've got to push some boundaries they're not going to move by themselves goliath wasn't going away just because david said you know you're one circle name-calling [Music] name-calling doesn't scare the devil away we're so good at telling him how bad he is he stinks he smells he don't got no teeth calvary pulled all of your teeth we tell him so many crazy things and he goes back he can't hardly believe that we're the army that we say we are i mean i meet people in these crusades that are suffering from serious serious illnesses and they never practiced their faith on something smaller [Music] they got so engulfed in fear they got so engulfed in natural treatment that they didn't use the name of jesus they didn't use the blood they didn't get into their spiritual arsenal their war chest they didn't have any go-to person that they knew would pray for them they didn't they didn't repeat you know some of the stories every story you read in this bible has you in it at some point in your life it has you in it you're the one pushing through to touch the hymn you're the one coming down through the roof somebody help me tonight come on [Applause] but see both of those stories require effort effort effort these guys that are chiseled i mean they're so chiseled i mean they're just chiseled the effort that it takes i say to myself i could have that but i don't have the effort to do that and then what most of us say i got i mean if i wanted to do that i could go pull those rings and that's what you tell yourself [Music] those people that have cars with not a spot on them you can comb your hair in their hood you can the effort that it takes to keep a car clean the effort that it takes and just take that thought and that's why god loves zacchaeus because zacchaeus said i'm too small i'm trying to watch this parade through people and i can't see the parade and he said i can't let this stop me i can't let because i was born short stop me i i i don't know about creative miracles i've never heard about a creative miracle that revelation hasn't come to me so what am i going to do i'm going to find something bigger than me and i'm going to get on that bigger thing and i'm going to get a view like i've never had in my life so he actually climbed a sycamore tree so who wakes up on sunday morning or tonight sunday night feeling like you want to climb the tree who feels like i'm going to rip off my neighbor's roof [Music] i'm telling you listen to me everything in this book is predicated upon how bad do you want it what is your level of desire has it waned has it because it hasn't happened yet has discouragement set in i understand all that but you have to ask yourself is there any way that i can get a second win is there any way that i can persevere with this is there any way let me just share one quick bible story then i'll move on but not too many people read this scripture it's in psalm 105 it's the story of joseph found in psalm 105 not in genesis and it says in psalm 105 that until joseph's dream came to pass the word of the lord tried him come on say that until his dream came to pass the word of the lord tried him and that means that what was happening was joseph was in the dungeon for 10 years the first time then an extra two years he spent 12 years in the dungeon that he never thought he should be in because he had a dream he had a god dream he had a coat of many colors didn't have it at the moment see they can steal your coat but they can't steal your calling come on somebody help me [Applause] sometimes you've got to wear that coat on the inside where nobody can see it but here he is 12 years after the fact 12 years 12 christmases 12 anniversaries 12 birthdays all he has is a memory of that prophecy all he has is god told him what he'd be doing that his family would be serving him [Music] and the bible says the word of the lord tried him what's that mean it means this that at that late stage of 10 years 11 years 12 years god was saying to joseph do you still believe me now [Music] do you still believe me you're still in the wheelchair but do you still believe me come on you're still on medicine but do you still believe me you're still wearing those coke bottle glasses but do you still believe me and you've gotta because if you don't keep believing there's going to be a voice from hell to pierce into your faith and tell you it's not your time it's not you or you sinned or you ate the wrong pepper come on somebody help me here you know or you know you kiss the wrong frog somewhere down the road and and pretty soon there's an avalanche and you're gonna begin to think well i'm just gonna here's the way people i'm just gonna put it in the lord's hands well god don't want you to put it in his hands he wants you to put it in your hands come on he wants it in your hands he wants your faith come on say my desire my effort you know my belief my no quit attitude to believe until manifestation takes place come on somebody give god a shout for that you gotta nobody should want you healed more than you want yourself i spent so much time at altars all over the world trying to encourage people that it's not too late it's not over and i'm trying to help them up just so they can have enough room to believe that it's not too late can't quit [Music] years ago i was with mario marilla no mario marillo and dear friend dear friend and we were in a meeting in dallas i think it was and afterwards we were talking he leaned over and put his hand on my knee and he said billy whatever you do whatever you do don't ever quit i said well mario why are you saying that because it wasn't quit it wasn't on my mind well quits never on your mind when you're not going through anything oh i don't know who i'm talking to here you know and then after you you enter church world and you get dinged up a little bit and disappointed a little bit and and the devil talked and put that in the blender and that's a dangerous cocktail right there and pretty soon you're just vegging out in church you're getting massaged every week you're getting your spirit massaged and time has gone by and there's never been a time more when you need to get healed and in this hour right today come on somebody help me come on somebody help me here i believe this revival this this breakout glory over the earth is going to come because people just like you people like me people everyday people are going to find wake up go to bed one way and wake up another way do you hear me i i i mean it i mean they're going to realize that that this works that your faith is operational you know and maybe you've had whatever who knows why the timing hasn't been back there who knows who knows but i'm not going to waste my time trying to figure out who's the next president's going to be who's going to seat in the senate or who's i i don't have time for that there's a world that's falling apart there's a culture crisis going on and we are the salt of the earth come on somebody help me come on we're the light of the world we're the sound of the earth and part of that is doing what you have to do now watch me in faith so when people say to you hey i'm with you what do they mean you with me emotionally are you with me in faith i'm going to say that again because that needs to be heard a lot of people come to me and they say pastor billy just want to let you know i'm with you and and i usually i say thank you and thank you so much thank you praise the lord thank you so i've begun recently to say well what do you mean you're with me well i mean pastor billy i think about you and i pray for you i don't question them on that but if you ask me what i discern i think a lot of people are with each other more emotionally and more in thought than in faith so when you get into the areas of the apostle paul and the wigglesworth team people like that uh i'm thinking of um who just came leonard ravenhill when you think of these people that were people of great great lester somerow there are people from this great city billy joe dougherty and oral and evelyn evelyn was a prayer warrior these people prayed that building just that universe you just didn't come out of the out of the earth those were faith buildings somebody better help me here tonight i i don't know and [Applause] and they're still here that you can drive by to say look what one man did one man with a healing ministry touched the whole earth what can you do with your circle with your shadow with your story you could shake up the whole beauty parlor come on somebody you could you could i mean you could i mean it's amazing today how needed your story is because today the gospel is under attack the message of faith and healing is under attack people think we're silly for pulling all of our time in here why do you stay two hours in one church service what's that all about can't you learn in 30 minutes don't you know the bible stories by now you know and if you if you try to reach them on that level the logic it just you don't go anywhere it can't be logical it's a faith issue it's a heart issue you're needed come on pound your testimony and say i'm needed he's in me he's in me for a time and a season and he's given me a purpose to shake my world to shake the whole earth to what he's going to do in me with me and through me in this late hour before the catching away somebody give god a big big shout come on come on we gotta do it together we gotta get healed we gotta get strong [Applause] you gotta get healed not just for you if you're lazy about your you lie i have so many people i can't believe what they say to me well you know at least i have one good eye but you god gave you two [Music] you know you know i mean it's amazing they just have no they've lost all their drive their spirits been broken and they don't know it [Music] and they become spectators of television and netflix you know and they become you know they become addicted to fox news i've heard anybody hit over fox news reach their hands out and release a prayer of faith upon some good conservative information be nothing radical i don't know about you but i need radical stuff right now do you hear come on i don't need mediocrity i don't need half cooked half baked food come on i need some well done stuff come on and somebody say well done i need some people that show me they have marks on them and they they beat death some people that wrestled the the dragons in the and the lions and they came out of and they made it people that had coveted 19 covet 20 and they're walking around now and they have the antibodies and they don't have the disease anymore come on come on [Applause] and once you have those antibodies you have a better you know fight against anything than the natural vaccine because you what because you wrestled and you beat it you know and when i say you wrestled and you beat it let me say it like this you got healed and don't know it [Applause] you got a healing chalk that up on your belt put another healing on your belt 20 21 i got healed of covet and then tell the devil if you attack me with something else i get healed of that too start getting an attitude [Applause] instead of hiding thinking i hope i don't get that oh i got to stay away from people jesus touched lepers no you don't understand what i'm saying he believed in transmission today the science world is just figuring out that things are transmitted between each other this is contagious six feet apart jesus said then the anointing flows from person to and if you're open to it it'll turn your lights on not off come on it'll jump your battery come on get you going he touched lepers with scathing gross sores not expecting to get anything from them like their disease but with confidence that they were going to get what he had come on there's got to be a shift there's got to be a come on there's got to be a shift something has to happen i hear the word shift so much i don't know where we're shifting to but we've got to shift into a place [Music] where we believe that we get out of the lion's den we shake off the snakes we live out our days [Music] if your days are numbered and you go get the ultimate healing then hallelujah that's called the ultimate healing why would you want to stay here one day longer if if god wants you to be with him today he told enoch you're too good to live here i don't want you living in this hell hole this cursed earth i want you with me and he pulled enoch out he was too good to be here i mean some of these people left they they did die but our goal is not we're not we don't someone said you healing people we all going to die i said yeah but not a day before my time and i don't want to go out fearing and fearful i want to go out saying to my family see you there i'll save you a seat [Music] you wanna you just gotta start acting like you're you're here and you're leaving here someday and you're going there that there is a here and there's a there you know and there's a forever somebody give him a shout here tonight [Applause] but this thing today i'm so amazed at the believers that are just so smitten with fear yeah and i i i can't touch a gas pump i gotta what i get it i mean i understand it but this has been a filthy world long before covet it it didn't just get dirty overnight it just didn't happen where one little disease has sprinkled down among us this has been here for a long long time since the curse of the earth in the very beginning you know you have to make up your mind whose report are you going to believe i'll tell you whose report you're going to believe the one that you absorb the most so if you're on usa today and fox news and cnn and and if you're on your social media and you're listening to some of these weird stories that are out there are weird stuff out there and you've got to be strong enough to hear those stories and stay focused and and and if it just moves you see unbelief is i don't believe at all doubt is i do and i don't i do today don't tomorrow doubt and unbelief are not the same and the devil just wants to move you a little bit he don't care if he moves you into unbelief but he wants to move you from fully persuaded to believing see the best is fully persuaded come on say fully persuaded before that is believing and behind that is dao and then you get into unbelief and then you get into ho-hum you know when you get into serpent food and the devil's just tried to move you just a little bit he's not he knows he's not going to get you to be an unbeliever he's me smarter than that he's a subtle wise serpent so he don't want to move you to unbelief he wants just wants to move you into i don't know about this stuff huh i don't know i mean i'm starting to think of what so and so said makes a lot of sense to me well the bible's not supposed to make sense if you're reading the bible to get it to make sense you got the wrong book the bible is supposed to make faith not sense come on somebody give god a shout come on i mean it is a supernatural book it really really is every word every story every every little thing that you can pick up there and if you're in it and the more you're in it then that's the report you'll believe but if you're not in it like you should be but you're in that other stuff you know and you get into some of these anchors and some of these people and if these anchors if you research some of these anchors on some of these news channels they're living filthy lives filthy lives you know and you're thinking i really like him well he's filthy so you're drinking out of a filthy cup and then you wonder why you're struggling to believe because you're not going to the fountain of the living waters i mean how and if you can i understand if you're busy that's why you have a computer that's why you have mp3s and cds while they're still available i'm staying relevant get a hold of that while they're still available you know and that's why you have worship tapes worship cds to keep that spirit stirred up inside of you to keep you in faith come on say i got to stay in faith come on tell your neighbor you've got to stay in faith and look at me it's going to take effort to do that it takes effort not to gain five pounds each week come on somebody help me it takes effort when you're on vacation not to gain five pounds because on vacation we say well we're on vacation i mean come on this is vacation that means ice cream around the clock come on somebody else and then you come back and you go oh and then you think boy the devil's working on me no you're working on you not the devil he didn't put the spoon in your mouth you put the spoon in your mouth but my point is you got to really the effort you got we got to ratchet this up i have to ratchet up mine i think i'm giving a lot and yet i i don't and this is this season i realized there's so much more to do and people to get to there's so many people that are just hungry and they need a voice they need a hand and they they could be you that they need it could be you that they need and all you have to do you see let me tell you what happened to me let me tell you what happened to me i was at chick-fil-a i was going around to get a morning coffee and i forget what else and i i went to the window and the girl said to me how are you doing today sir i mean it's like wow hi octane it was early in the morning and she was all fired up you know and i said i'm doing all right how are you she's i am doing amazing and i said well she's either a little weird or she's a christian come on somebody help me so i said i said so pray tell why are you so excited she says well i've had my coffee already ah okay and i thought you know she really told me how excited she was but she had a trailer on that a trailer we can add a trailer we don't have to preach to people just a trailer how you doing you know what i'm doing amazing it's because of jesus but i'm doing amazing i'm all right but boy jesus is really holding on to me i'm holding on to him just a trailer it don't take much come on you don't you know what the bible says doesn't say the prayers of a righteous man of the prayer the singular prayer not prayers the prayer the effectual prayer of the righteous man of the prayer somebody say one prayer of a righteous person is effective and availeth much i mean just think about if you're praying without ceasing what that does [Music] but the reason for your warfare is not your sin the reason for your warfare is because you're worth attacking i was yammering one day lord i'm doing all your work i'm you're letting me get hit this dart's coming and i can't keep the dark just so many darts he said you're worth it i said what do you mean i'm worth it he said you're affecting people you're affecting the devil's kingdom you're helping his kingdom come down [Music] i said is that supposed to make me happy or comfort me he said supposed to make you feel honored that you're sharing in the fight for the souls of men come on somebody help me here so tonight when we move into ministry i don't want you to approach this please i got to get more prayer i want you to get an attitude in the next 30 seconds i want you to get an attitude here tonight i gotta get this back fixed in the name of jesus i gotta get my eyes better than what they are you know put some push the boundaries on the inside of you when peter was in the boat jesus never led him to come on the water if you read the story peter pushed that boundary himself he saw jesus walking on the water all peter wanted i want to do that i want to do what he that is so cool i want to do that do you hear me so peter just simply yelled out to jesus out there he said bid me to come he pushed the boundary and all jesus said was come but the word that jesus said wasn't leading him out there it was in relation to what to the quest to the hunger to the drive that was in this man to get out of that boat and go somewhere where he had never walked before come on somebody help me well we got to do this tonight [Applause] you say something's going to change yeah you [Music] you that just your approach [Music] to the meeting your approach to what you're asking god for you say but i can't be anybody but me well i may beg to defer with you because we have photographs of you in different situations we have audio taped you the last three days come on somebody help me and you actually raise your voice pretty loud you throw objects come on you really are amazing you have a breaking point and so what i'm saying is whenever you're approaching your healing inside here it's that whole approach before you get up here or before you go to somebody in the bible study you start percolating on the inside standing in a healing line can can kill your faith if you're just standing there waiting but if you're standing there expecting boy i can't wait till he gets to me i can't wait till i get up to him all i know is when i get up to him and touch him or he touches me i don't know how i'm about to tell you what i'm re i'm just ready i'm ready because when you get healed you'll get healed of a lot of your frustration and a lot of your anger that's transferred to other people because you're not happy with how you're feeling you're ha you're not happy with you know with how you feel at this certain age in your life and so then you begin to think well maybe it's my age maybe it's in my family line what do you want to pick on your aunts and uncles for leave grandma alone come on somebody help me get excited and say i'm leaving my grandmother alone my my ex-wife i'm leaving all that was that uh when i ever since i worked at oh stop it ever since i got that stop it well i mean i worked in a place i mean i think there was witches there everybody thinks there's witches everywhere witches live on their streets warlocks you know make their coffee do you know what benson idahosa told me the archbishop of nigeria he's with heaven now he had one of the largest churches in ben in nigeria 50 000 people he's a great man of god he spoke at oru quite a bit and i was talking to him in an elevator and he said billy burke and that's how you talk i said vincent how you doing he said woman just give me property for the new church i said well benson i said uh archbishop i said well bishop that's pretty amazing she gave me a hundred and some acres for the new church you must come and been in i said oh he said she was scared because she said i give you the land but there's one problem bishop he said what she said the witch doctor lives on the property he said that's a perfect place to put the church right on top of the wish dog come on somebody help me tonight come on come on you have to shrink your issue before you get here the reason some of you aren't receiving it's too big in your head you've studied your problem on the internet how stupid is that i was reading about ulcers boy this is not good well no kidding i was reading about melanoma that is absolutely crazy when did you read over here about your healing what why oh come on somebody help me why is reading about your disease more interesting well i want to find out how to treat it well then do you treat it no [Music] somebody's jerking your steering wheel that's exactly right somebody's hijacked your interest it's time to take that back if you're going to use your internet it can be a positive weapon i'm not going to curse the internet i'm not going to say that it's evil it's like a gun that guns don't kill people people kill people the internet is a weapon in your hand in these days to find out all you need to find out the right way you know what did what's what's the old testament say about this what did moses say what did the apostle paul say about this i mean it makes me envious because when i was growing up i had to get in there and look up vines expository and strong's concordance you know i had to drive to see katherine you know i had to drive to these meetings and now people say oh i was watching amy simple mcpherson all day today shut up hey shut up then i went over here for an hour with wigglesworth be quiet just stop it why is god letting this happen to raise up a generation come on somebody quickly come on immediately to get people fully recovered to let them see the god of the past and the god of the present and gives you an indication of where he's taking us because we're headed for some exciting times now you may be hanging out with the group down here at duncan whatever down here duncan that says well you you don't know what's coming next they say there's more variance well i say there's more glory yeah but you never know how much of this there is well the bible says we have the spirit without measure i don't want a double portion don't put a double portion prophecy on me i don't want two of something if i can have unlimited of something come on somebody help me tonight come on see you what's what proverbs meant when it says when you hide that in your heart it look at me it brings health to all your flesh you cannot ingest prophecy the scriptures at a high level and yet not effect [Music] [Music] i want you to believe tonight [Music] i i want you to walk up here expecting something to happen i want you to get moving on the inside i want to ask you to you but that was the first question catherine cohen asked me do you believe i thought why is she asking me that i wouldn't be here if i didn't believe but she knew the gifts were working in her at a high level she knew that there was a struggle there some days i do and some days i don't would be the correct answer she knew that she picked up on that you know we're not here to disclose all of our weaknesses but in a moment you may have to and when the light of god hits you you may have to let something be known to him i'm not here to pick up or hear anything i don't need to hear believe me i i get enough emails and letters i get enough stuff to ugh [Music] but you tonight you tonight anything mark 10 27 is so radical if thou cast believe all things are possible i mean that's a crazy statement all things [Music] creflo said i tell the story he sent a girl down to work meeting in alabama she was blind and she uh i don't know she was a young girl 14 15 years old and she said i come from creflo dollars church and they told us about your service and and i said okay this she's an afro-american girl and she was probably a little bit scared to be in the meeting because she couldn't see and it was it gets pretty it can get pretty rowdy pretty rambunctious and what she never told her mother what she never told anybody was her dream wasn't just to see but her dream was to have lime green eyes now go figure not emerald not you know kind of you know pretty scary looking lime green almost the way monsters look come on somebody help me here you know but that was her dream i want to see but i want those kind of eyes i didn't know that her mother never knew that who brought her nobody knew that only her so i touched her she goes under the power she falls into the cameraman and i went oh holy ghost and i just when that happens i went on the other side of the church you know that's beyond my skill set right there so i'm on the other side of the church and all of a sudden the cameraman screams at me said billy you got to get over here i said are you talking about i'm talking to him over all the people he said you got to get up he said something's wrong i said what do you mean something's wrong he said you got to come and look at this it's in the camera i said what are you talking about he said please get over here well then the whole place was unnerved and she's laying across the pew down on the floor and so whenever i said what's what's the issue he said look at the look in the camera so i looked into the camera well here when god touched her and she was falling her eyes turned green now this is this is so i'm looking at this thinking that's probably your camera he said no that's not my camera i said well let's get her up let's get her up only we got her up and she opened up her eyes i thought oh jesus something did go wrong here's what she said mom i can see i can see mom mom and she said oh my god the mother's crying and then she said these words mom get me a mirror get me a mirror i gotta have a mirror and the mother said okay calm down baby but you can see me yes mom but i want a mirror and see the mother gets it i'm just staying i'm a spectator now i'm just pushed to the side i do my job you know somebody else gets the hugs and the handshakes i'm just pushed over here and i'm watching this from the sideline and when the mother gave the daughter the mirror the daughter just lost it and she started crying she said mom look i got my green eyes and the mother said you mean you wanted those she said mom only i prayed in my prayers that god would heal my blindness and give me green eyes i wanted to be different than other people and i wanted my eyes to be the testimony somebody give god a shout come on [Applause] you got to get busy with purpose it says on that day that they touched us that many were thronging him they were touching him without purpose that's what thronging is ah because it was a big thing back then to touch famous people but they weren't really after anything all they were after is hey i touched them i touched his robe they weren't after anything but one woman said i got to get healed today i got to get my miracle today today the church is filled with people that play with the anointing they play with it they play with it they've turned a holy thing a sacred thing into a fun thing and people today sometimes come just to have a warm fuzzy feeling and they leave with the same condition they had get back to purpose don't be afraid of it there's nothing too big that you have there's nothing too big that you're going through and let me help you with this you're definitely not too old tell your neighbor he's talking to you come on tell your neighbor [Music] one guy said to me one guy said to me pastor he said i would have come up and he said i think there's so many other people here worse than me i said no you're the worst one here he was shocked he said i'm the worst one i said you're the worst one in the whole place he said i didn't know that i said well there you go you didn't know that he said easter he said well pray for me then if i'm the worst one in the whole place but to stay back with false humility false humility and say there's so many other people we know there's people on different levels but god's talking to you right now how long has it been since you felt the anointing just poured through you how long has it been since you laid on the floor he slayed you with presence [Music] how long has it been since you went home and it was with you the whole way home into the next morning how long has it been since you woke up the night after and go well what was that last night what was that that touched you that you didn't need no more tv after the surface you didn't need a tv and you didn't need all the stuff you normally need to calm you down and tuck you in [Music] i mean people there's a level of anointing about the head i'm just wanting you i want you invited come on i want you in at the table i want you in this move of god that's about to shake the planet come on somebody help me somebody help me tonight people say wow this pandemic shut down the nfl it shut down the nba let me tell you that is child's play compared to what god's about to do oh my god oh my god what he's about to do the newscasters are going to be afraid to report it you're going to have to go or cbn news or you're going to have to go somewhere really christian to get the truth because they're not going to want to report what's breaking out all over the world somebody somebody gotta get excited about this and i'll tell you when it hits just going to deliver you from the fear and from the lack of boldness he's going to give you a song that has to be sung in a story that has to be told and it'll heal you of everything because the hiding is over one girl said how can i stop these men from lusting after me i said pardon me she said all they do is lust after me every day at work i said well that's usually what a lot of men do and then i said so are you doing anything she said no she said i i love the lord i said do they know that i say my prayers every morning do they know that he's healed me do they know that no they don't they don't know anything about your spiritual walk they don't think that way you want a shark repellent tell them about jesus come on somebody come on somebody somebody gotta listen tonight when catherine coleman was the kid when she was when she was um what's the word when she was falsely accused of having an affair with a certain person the pittsburgh press showed up she called a news conference and the pittsburgh press came the pittsburgh post gazette came and they came in with their flash cameras and their tripods and because this was a big day kathryn kuhlman was going to explain about this accusation of an affair here's how what she said to those cameras into the presses she walked out and she said well i know what i've been accused of but she said i want you all to look at kathryn kuhlman and look at this frail old skinny body then i want to ask you who would want to make love to this cameras were folded up and all the people walked out of the room come on say i have an answer he that's in me has an answer i got to be bold today millennial church is raising up a new breed of people [Applause] come on somebody better praise them tonight you say when are we going to get to the healing we're getting there i'm just so frustrated with all of the places that i go that all the people could help themselves more they could [Music] one guy said you think you're holier than thou i said no i'm holier than you you go when you do what i do you have to fight for a living you gotta you gotta get ready you gotta get ready human nature is more vicious than the devil [Music] how many people have been healed here over the weekend let me see anybody been touched friday night sadder stand your feet if god touched you on friday night saturday night come on i want to hear your testimony come on down come come come come come come i want to hear what happened to you come come quickly we're moving oh lydia it wasn't that great come on leave it go hallelujah hello look at these healers come on somebody give god a big challenge wow [Music] come here tell me what do we have a microphone here can i get another mic right here what happened to you i came down for lower back pain that i've had since since november and you told me i had inflammation in my l4 and l5 and cindy actually recorded everything you were saying to me and she sent it to me and i watched like four or five times last night because when i left i didn't feel any different but i kept watching it and i'm like he said that jesus was taking care of it that he was taking the inflammation out and when i woke up this morning was getting ready to come to church i was thinking you know what i had to repent to god because i was trusting what you said more than what god said because even before we came i came yesterday i was thinking jesus came and healed anyone who came to him and then you said that last night so this morning i'm like you know i'm trusting billy burke more than i'm trusting god and that's not right so i repented to god and i said god i trust you more than i trust billy burke and at that moment my back started to get better and it's about 90 percent better now somebody give him a stop [Applause] actually the truth in that is because when i was younger i did trust independent women of god it's part of the growth cycle paul said in galatians i have confidence of the lord in you that's the perfect state i have confidence i don't trust you but i have confidence of the jesus that lives in you okay so don't don't be afraid to give people honor don't strip people of what god has given them okay give people the honor give him the glory come on say there's honor and there's glory come on say there's honor and there's worship there's honor and then there's shrining you shrine no one you worship no one you glorify no one but you honor them come on somebody give god a child powerful that part of oh that power of the holy ghost come on somebody give him a mighty shout yes yes come on man what happened to you i told you i had a back problem my my back in the middle of my back it was hurting yes and you played your hands on me and i went down and i got back up and i didn't have any pain actually the pain had stopped you had asked me are you hurting now and it wasn't so i knew that i'd already received somebody give god a shout and i want to tell you more the time that it's always the worst just when i get up in the morning in the morning i went to bed without any pain when i got up this morning there was no pain [Music] what's the matter with this place come on come on [Applause] now that may not seem like much to you but i mean to be out of pain right now the devil's afraid that she's going to start telling everybody that she's going to get on her facebook friends and she's going to send them an email and she's going to use her computer as a bazooka come on somebody they call it social media i think we need to turn it around and call the supernatural media then just float your story out there i went to a meeting i had back pain i woke up tell the story [Music] tell your story tonight tomorrow i was in a meeting or if it happened at home i was at home or a lot of people tell us why i reached my hands out to the television you know whatever i went to bed with a prayer cloth we had one mother call and she said we came to your meeting my son had the disease where he could not grow and he was they said he will never grow his whole life and she said you gave him a prayer cloth he's held this prayer cloth for three months and she said it's clutched in his hands and she said i want to know if i remove it to wash it would that disturb anything or and can i put a clean one in there oh by the way he's grown three inches come on he got a hold of it he got a hold of it you got to get a hold of these prayers you got to quit just getting up off the floor and say one thing i mean i think no no no a thousand times no you got to ride the whole way home he touched me i receive it thank you holy ghost thank you dear jesus you put a touch on me tonight i believe that anointing is in me and if you believe vitamins have eyes on them if you believe you can swallow a pill and goes to your adrenals if you swallow this other pill it goes to your kidneys thank you you know if you believe you swallow vitamin d and it energizes your hormones and if you believe all that that's amazing then these vitamins have eyes on them think about it even the doctors tell you that take a little bit of this and this will go your adrenals are two walnut size walnut that sit on top of your kidneys that's where your adrenal glands are and adrenal burnout happens the older you get it happens but you take these these will go right so i said to my nutritionist i have a great nutritionist i said i said the doctor i said how how do you know it's going to go right there what makes it go right there he said billy you do what you do and i'll do what i do i said that's so crazy that people believed that he said of course they believed that and i said why i say because i'm a doctor interesting you've got to believe in that anointing especially if he privileges you to feel him and you get to feel him a movement through your body that's not for nothing i can't do that you can't stay at home and make yourself feel that resting then say he's in there and he's going right to the very spot come on say right to the very spot right to the very root of the cancer you know right to the very root of the cranial blockage [Music] you know that time we were at eagle mountain there the overflows were all filled on the property and there was a guy that was completely paralyzed in the one overflow and a word came out on the stage of somebody being healed of a cranial blockage well this guy's in the overflow he's sitting with his wife he hasn't been out of the wheelchair and i forget how many years completely unable to do that completely disabled and when he had that word hit him through the into the overflow not even in the same meeting he stood right up out of the wheelchair and and i and so they were so shocked they brought him into the main sanctuary and the wife is crying and she said we have a surprise for you and they lie they set it up and whenever so what's your surprise and he's in the wheelchair it's what you see on the commercials when you watch their show they show that on the front commercial she said well honey show him he said you mean right now and she said yeah he jumped up out of the chair no no i never touched him but that word penetrated that supernatural word if you don't believe in that yet just please don't quit don't don't kill it don't criticize it please because if you live more years you're going to need more than natural help we all run into people in places that are doctors can't help us the bank won't loan you the money come on your dad won't forgive you we all run into those dead end issues of life and it's so great to know that you have a supernatural god who can remove every obstacle facing your life come on somebody give them a big big shout out [Applause] what so that's amazing so so where do you go to church i go to church right here right here yes [Music] i can see you better now you can see better did you put your glasses on for another night holy ghost taught you i'll touch you wow you're in vinyl you're in line who's in line for testimony testimony what happened ma'am well when the holy spirit was touching me last night i it seemed like a very small thing but i knew as soon as he spoke it i started crying and it seems i'm still trying to unpack it but he said that i'm healing you of disappointment he's healing you of disappointment wow that's huge why because my inter-inner man is connected to my outer man and a lot of people won't get healed physically if they don't get healed on the inside sometimes not all the time but sometimes that inside the guy they get healed uno first and i believe that's what happened to you that's an amazing thing every time i think of it or you know because i'm trying to unpack it all and it's trying to unpack it all you know you don't want to go back you know but i did testify about it to a friend today and every time i mention it or even think about it alone you start to get soft start crying now let me tell you a little secret okay now after i tell you it won't be a secret you don't need that cane no more i know you don't then you know it it's fear you're used to it he's healed you it's nerve damage there's no nerve damage no more there's no dirt damn he went to the doctors right now and on the next raycast can there wouldn't be anything that i believe he's he's well labeled he's just done it he's just somebody give god the shout come on come on give me this just walk you are the god that he loves come on josh you are the lord my healer come on you sent your word you set your words [Music] come on i want you to shout and you are the god you are the lord you are the lord my healer [Music] you set your word and healed my disease [Music] i didn't say you had to walk the whole way up there you are the guy you are the lord my healer you set your word and heal my [Music] what do you think of that what do you think of that i believe it i believe it i've seen miracles and i believe this is another one you just walked the whole way up there without this well i'm supposed to so i don't roll like an old you didn't roll at all it's called it's called your gauge i was watching your gate i was watching for that wobble you didn't wobble yeah young people wobble more than you wobble i'll tell you that come on man what happened to you what happened to you i told you when i would sit down you told me whenever you sat down you couldn't get up without having somebody help me have somebody help you or pull up on the table or pull up on the table uh-huh so what's up so what happened well you you touched me like doesn't mean you touched me god touched me yeah the holy spirit touched me yes we're going to get it right here pretty soon god you god holy crap well you were here i was just here [Music] and you think this is a very easy job i can i know you do i work really hard on not touching the ark i i work really hard at knowing i can't do this and i say it so you don't have to overboard [Music] the longevity of what i do 43 years i've been working doing this for 43 years come on somebody give god a big shout here and i don't think longevity is in the picture if you're touching the ark and taking the glory i i think you're some for some reason or another you're not in business any longer but i appreciate you reminding me of that so god i touched you god test you know the holy ghost touched you yes so what happened well today and last night i went home and i'd sit down i could get right back [Applause] that's called independence we all love it we all love it the feeling of being able just to get up it's a wonderful feeling by the holy ghost somebody better give god a shout come on what happened ma'am okay last night i came up for back pain okay two days before the meeting started yes so that was wednesday yes i was having back pain for several months but then thursday i was that i'm gonna start exercising in spite of back pain because [Music] i do not want to be walking around saying i got back pain and if i exercise it's it's going to help me anyway right so i still had the back pain i'm still going to exercise but anyway so last night you called out for back pain right and i was totally healed back pain somebody give me praise come on where's that whistle where's that shout come on [Applause] i'm looking for the day whenever the church has a confetti ministry i mean it it dropped from the ceiling i mean celebration at a high level [Music] if we would celebrate more the anointing would linger more celebration keeps the anointing lingering amongst you i'm not talking about a praise and worship service i'm talking about celebrating who he is what he's done faithfulness he's already done [Music] mary man pulled her campbell timbrel out and they praised god horse and the rider after they did the red sea right remember the story they never did it again when he gained down mana they didn't thank him when water came out of the rock they didn't praise him with the timbrel you know when he provided supernatural food the supernatural water when he took them through the wilderness there was no hallelujah horse in the rider they thought you'd do it once and it covers for your whole life every time he does something take time every day you're alive you're alive you've made it to the age that you are not because you're so obedient god don't heal you because you're good he heals you because he's good come on somebody help me oh i wish i had him oh come on [Music] this is an amazing story you had this how many years how many years ma'am how many years back pain yeah well this little before i had back pain 10 years i got healed okay this has been a few months now so you're healed good now i'm healed good and i want you to touch my mouth so i get new teeth since i'm up here i didn't have to push and shove to get up here right there's a lyme disease being healed tonight the lyme disease in the room where are you lyme's disease is in the audience come to me wherever you are lyme's disease come quickly there's osteoporosis in the room as well osteoporosis and the room come on get out of your seat don't be afraid don't be ashamed osteoporosis lyme's disease come on quickly quickly quickly quickly there's a form of pira a gum disease your gums are bleeding excessively he's healing that gummy issue too tonight as well we give god praise there's somebody here you you were in a fender bender it wasn't fatal but you didn't have your belt on and your head hit the windshield you've been having headaches ever since that ever since that you've been having intermittent headaches come up god's going to take care of those headaches get out of your seat get here tonight let this be the night that this miracle settles your issue come on somebody help me here tonight ah the holy ghost oh the holy ghost wow what happened man what what were you healed of oh i you asked for us for osteoporosis how long have you had this how long have you had it uh for at least 20 years 20 years yes where's it hurting at uh mostly in my neck is it hurting now yes you're sure yes i'm positive [Music] no it doesn't hurt anymore i don't know what i'm gonna do here i don't know [Music] [Applause] you are great you do miracles [Music] you are great you do miracles so great there is no one else like you there is no one else like you you deserve the glory good josh good job and the honor lord we lift our hands in worship as we lift your holy name you deserve the glory and the honor lord we lift our hands and worship yes as we lift your holy name you are great that there is you there is no one else like you you are great you do miracles so great there is no one else like you there is no one else like you [Music] hallelujah so you were healed of that that's amazing where do you go to church uh sometimes i go to victory victory church here in tulsa this great church we're glad you stopped in here tonight picked up a deal picked up a healing absolutely praise god i went to the millennial and picked up a healing this church will this church will be known as a church of his facilitates the glory [Applause] you know you don't believe me you don't want people you're not supposed to be here this church will always be packed multiple services this room here will be two three services shortly but a lot of people won't feel like residential but there'll be thousands of this facility they'll come from around the world to sit in and just get what they're supposed to get that touch that prophetic word [Music] amazing amazing put your hands up i give you praise holy ghost i give you praise your wounds are going to be used to heal a lot of people we're healed out of the wounds of jesus not as muscles the bible says he was such a disfigured individual on the cross we know isaiah 53 but if you read isaiah 51 52 he you couldn't even recognize him his face had been rearranged the blood the wounds plucked out his beard the bible says he was not comely meaning he was nothing to behold to look at as far as attractive it means that a lot of our lives sometimes we don't think is that great but you house the glory [Music] you've been through rough places you've had rough experiences you had didn't have the privilege of this and the upbringing of that but you house the glory why is god keeping you around the glory [Music] i mean he's not keeping you run because you take vitamins and say your prayers there's a higher purpose than that continue to yield to be a carry of the glory so until you're bold enough to talk say this jesus holy spirit let people feel you around me let them feel you around me take that route but don't do nothing i make him feel a wicked person even though they don't even say anything to you come on how many how many can see oh i'm staying away from that guy come on let me see that come on come on come on come on come on same is true with the glory like wow what's that what is that ask god to use you in that way until you're bold enough to to begin to use your mouth and project and say things but we've got to get way more aggressive i'm so tired of hearing about aggressive cancer aggressive covet afghanistan the taliban the aggressiveness of the taliban i'm so tired of all of the accent and all of the power being given to the dark kingdom come on in star wars the death star blew up come on somebody help me here come on somebody [Applause] i i think this is amazing you say boy you preach a lot i'm allowed that's why pastor paul brought me here was to talk to you i want to talk i want to share [Music] i'm going to try and get you information that'll radically change your life if you listen to it [Music] but don't put me in some category of regular because that's not where who i am or where i am when the pastor invites me to their church i say to him do you know who i am yeah i know who you are have you you know about me yes a little bit you better read more you better read a little more because we're not coming to help a few people we're coming to set the captives free come on somebody come on [Applause] coming to light of fire inside the people [Music] my my my i don't know who i'm i don't know what lord i'm doing the best i can tonight i need extra help or something but before anybody leaves i'm pastor paul said to me that he wanted me to take my own offering tonight so i do want to talk to you about that i have something exciting i'd like to share with you but if you leave you won't hear it right is that right so i want to be able to share that with you i think it's pretty exciting myself i want to share that with you and then you can get excited for me and pray for me and hopefully give a great offering tonight hopefully oh this is so great you're doing okay you're doing all right who was i talking to last this precious lady they're going to reach inside your wounds and the people are going to get healed you can't be ashamed there's nothing to be ashamed of who you used to be you're not that same woman the woman you were died the billy burke that used to be is dead so i let no one take me back oh i knew you in school i knew you when you did this well that man died i said the lord tell me something i can tell these people with because i still meet people that know me in the prior life i mean i've only been saved 100 years come on somebody tell me right i mean and you know and so he said just tell them that man died so i began to tell them that so this guy says remember we broke into central catholic high school and stole all those football jerseys i said i just looked at him and i said that guy's dead said what do you mean he's dead i'm talking to him i said no that guy died what are you talking about that guy died he said you're crazy i said i've lost my mind i have [Music] very important that you learn to maintain your position of who you are don't let people take it the devil take it don't let anybody take it come on you've suffered a lot to get where you are tonight not as much as the master but anyhow don't be ashamed back there if you're able to tell your story you're going to watch a lot of people get healed especially women that have been broken like you by the holy ghost somebody better give god a shout come on what happened here first of all two years ago through your ministry cancer was healed from my lungs you were healed cancer through your ministry ah she was healed of cancer of the lung [Applause] okay you know that was not worth even a common cold cancer of the love [Applause] [Music] i mean if you exercise here tonight you'll sleep better if you praise him more you'll be so tired you'll conk right out [Music] you might even lose a few pounds come on god has this all figured out give him glory celebrate for other people how long ago was this two years ago two years ago two years ago and where was that out of the other building yeah the spirit center uh even my whole church says now you say it now you don't now you see it now you don't we said it that night yes to me i said at the august that's the word i gave to her now you see it and so she started repeating it right yes that's how you do this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wait a minute how many of you i need you to be honest tommy's going to be honest let me see how many is going to be honest if i ask you something how many of you repeated the famous phrase go ahead make my day a movie a man you know nothing about his private life [Music] and you have been repeating that or the lady that's came into wendy's or wherever said where's the beast [Music] how many have repeated that boy you're you're just you just repeat what you're told but see she got the word now you see it and now you don't hey take everything that is anointed it's the anointing it isn't billy burke it's the anointing i like that sing it josh i exalt your holy name and i exalt your holy name [Music] holy name [Music] come on you well we went on a long ministry trip and i got really tired i mean i just couldn't hardly function i was so tired i didn't come on friday night because i just stayed in bed oh this past friday this friday night oh wow and i wasn't going to come last night oh but i checked my blood pressure and it was like 156 over 105 and my my pulse was like 100 120 and i was like and part of it was because i drank too much coffee for two three weeks i mean because we were traveling traveling and i just so i called my wife and i was concerned and she got a bunch of people praying and i said i need to get to this meeting here and i could feel the presence of god and just you ministering in word the spirit of god touched i could feel it i didn't even come forward i said i feel better [Music] [Applause] he's telling you all a secret it's this you ready the safest place on planet earth in these days and in the future is in the presence of the lord [Applause] [Music] and exalt your holy name on eyes sing it again josh i just want to praise you i i just want to praise you i love you you are everything to me and i can die [Music] so i checked my blood pressure this morning and it was 118 over 85 and my pulse was 60. [Applause] you know every time you have that high blood pressure it stretches your arteries they stretch they stretch they stretch boom they break you know and that's why you want to really take care of that well it runs in my family i didn't say that i didn't even ask you that silly question take care of it begin to fight it with your faith now [Music] get ministry over that if you have to take medication until you get your miracle do that but that's one medication you can come off of pretty easily don't feel don't feel guilty for that but what happened to him he had enough sensitivity i've got to get to that meeting it's amazing put a value on the presence put a value on the presence and my wife got a whole bunch of people praying for me yeah after she heard it oh yeah so they were praying for me and so it's the prayers of the saints and the anointing of god you've got the whole convergence the planets lined up for you last night come on give god a big shout for just made that pie to hold he goes come on give god a shout out my god oh what happened friday night god healed me you know you come up with my lungs had the nodules yeah my lungs yes i couldn't stand for my heart but nobody touched my back my lungs had been in pain for about a week i couldn't stand nobody touched me i've been able to breathe without my oxygen come on what's the matter with back here come on [Applause] see you didn't hear the tale you've been able to breathe without what friday night but i had naturals in my lungs i couldn't stand for nobody [Music] oh i don't have nothing now i'm healed [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] do god be the come on josh to god he has he has saved now let's just say let's just say don't sit down yet don't sit down [Music] [Music] let's just say this it's not the truth but let's just say that she's the only one would you call them just for a moment if she was the only one all weekend but she had this kind of a miracle so the avalanche of what's happening here doesn't this change you at [Music] does all want to make you worship even more get involved in the church maybe a little more [Music] give me that mic give me that mic what say that again say that again i couldn't go shopping or nothing that's dangerous right there the woman that could not go shopping this is a bigger miracle than i thought it was [Applause] i guess i saved my husband a lot of money you hurt the economy in all of tulsa i think you can all see the realness of all this you know put your hands up come on we're not going to wait much longer but [Music] just say lord heal me tonight release healing in my body every ache every blood vessel every organ everything that's going to surface in the coming days kill it right now don't let it come to surface let me be healed of something i never knew i had [Music] touch me master i reach for your hymn now come on give him a thunder of praise [Applause] [Music] yes that's also stretching out to her family because i have my own my back [Music] she can get out and walk she she almost jogged to the car after we left service this morning [Applause] he has saved me with his power he has raised done what happened here sir so i was diagnosed with osteoporosis osteoporosis about 20 years ago 20 years ago yes so you're up for that word tonight yes so where are you hearing the most in it is i'm not hurting right now normally when i stand my back osteoporosis is really a bone density issues you know when your bones as you get older get they get breakable fragile whatever put your hands up sir he said he's healing the density of your bones wow oh my god actually putting in a supernatural calcium deposit into your life tonight [Music] this is going to be a combination of supernatural calcium holy ghost but there's a cleansing going all through you there's a cleansing there's been stuff taken out of you that you can't take out of yourself god said you tell that man i'm ripping it out of him tonight i'm ripping all that old wiring out of him and i will rewire him for me somebody give god a shout come on come on somebody for the things he has done and we glorify your name glorify your name [Music] glorify your name in all the earth amazing amazing i saw like god just ripping wires out of here there's going to be things you have battled you don't have to battle no more grace has come to your house tonight what's going on here ma'am what's going on here well last night you called for back pain i had l4l5 issue for you oh wow i felt great after i left last night i felt better this morning and i went riding my bike again just today felt great so i'm coming down because as a witness to last night wonderful where do you go to church victory victory so glad you took time out to be with us so we think that's a great church i i know that's a great journey and we glorify [Music] [Music] glorify your break down come on give him a mighty praise in this place these testimonies of what happened friday saturday two years ago this is just to let you know [Music] that god's working in the same place you are i mean that that's confirmation that [Music] you're panning in the right place some nuggets are about to show up in the pan put your hands up i don't know what you do for a living but uh your finances god's about to blow on your finances the wind of heaven [Music] the amount of increase is going to be gradual it's not going to be boom all of a sudden but there's a gradual 30 16 90 that whole that whole perpetual gradual rate grad acceleration in luke chapter 8. 30 60 90 100 fold is coming your way you're going to begin to see increase immediately it may not be much but just say i thank you for that increase praise that increase and it's going to continue and continue and continue and in a 36 month period i mean you're going to be debt free you're going to be able to do what you want your time will be released to yourself come on somebody give god a shout come on somebody come on come on sweetheart what do you have over there oh what do i have um yeah what are you here for testify right no i'm here for help oh okay osteoporosis is an r.a in high blood pressure i've been in the hospital for three months and what's the condition well they were trying to deal with inflammation in my body the ra and the high blood pressure it was real high as over 200 when i was in the hospital did they have you on oxygen or are they on a respirator that means oxygen day and night but i came home without it because i didn't have oxygen before yeah i'm so glad you're here i feel the power all around you holy ghost power do you know the holy ghost do you know the holy ghost yes i mean the holy spirit do you know who i'm talking about when i touch you maybe he's gonna go all through your body he's gonna clean you out really good tonight i'm proud of holy ghost come on somebody give god a shout [Applause] get something under her head something under her head get something under her head she can't lay like that something under her head you got to keep her head above equal to her body [Music] presence go ahead george we we your people give you reference and be my glory in your embrace [Music] just hold it josh what's going on here ma'am quickly i was diagnosed with breast cancer breast cancer the spread your bones and i'm not sure possibly somewhere else so do you have any lumps no lumps anywhere [Music] i had lumps and i had surgery and they took the lumps and then ma'am i'm going to touch you the cancer i believe is going to go do you hear me i believe it i believe it too i believe it also this lady here is walking she's out on her feet right here [Applause] you could take her to whole foods she wouldn't know where she is i'm telling you right now [Music] well there she goes she's going to be slain right there [Music] she is under the power that's like sleepwalking the ladies precious do you know her karen you know that woman oh that that is a precious lady so so given over to the holy spirit [Music] let me get to these people then i want to talk about our offering tonight you do want to give an offering don't you are you excited about it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on quickly quickly i was here friday night you were here friday night and they had cataract in my left eye cataract and the left eye was healed completely healed completely and then but then the even greater miracles a greater marriage okay you you spoke over me and you said that i had never been celebrated never been i said you had never been celebrated and that from now on i would be honored oh and things are going to happen and you know god kept talking to me 21 years ago i was in a small church i had been out of church for about 20 years and i came back into church and a woman spoke over me a woman what a woman spoke over me that was in our women's group and told me that i was of the tribe of isagar i had no idea what that meant nothing it is they didn't even click i now know what that meant and so god's talking to me friday night about this it's like i see visions i get words from god but nobody really they kind of like okay whatever you know but god's telling me he says your gifting is going to grow i'm going to grow you and i just felt a healing in my soul and in my spirit you've got a big shout come on that's powerful come on sir man oh man you've been here faithful every night what happened to you what happened to you well years ago i had an accident a tree limb hit me a tree limb hit you up across the forehead it knocked me out knocked you out yes and uh so i woke up one morning and i could not see out of my left eye wow the doctors thought i was having a attack oh my but uh an eye doctor said it was carter [Music] josh josh john just a little lower please thanks the doctor said i had carter racks in my eyes cataracts yeah yeah yeah i can't that's okay anyway he uh the doctors removed this one you took care of this one this one is now better than this one yeah you did much better than they did are you tired praising him are you tired of winning tonight that's amazing and where are you from where do you live bradford arkansas oh you're from arkansas yeah so you came you drove in for these meetings yes [Music] wow now you can drive back seeing everything yeah you're absolutely right amazing you're happy oh yeah you've had a good three days here yes sir i'm an old show you're a white an old soldier yes i i've served over well 36 years so i've searched [Applause] he served the world over 36 years in the army [Applause] through vietnam and korea and all the places i've been that's why because i i had somebody looking after me i always say you can't go to vietnam and not not suffer a scratch without somebody looking after you [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah god almighty you're right what's your name sir there you goat larry girl are you one of my partners are you a partner of our ministry yeah you are a partner yeah thank you thank you thank you his truth is marching and glory glory hallelujah come on glory glory hallelujah [Music] glory glory glory hallelujah [Music] well how do you feel feel okay i've been standing there a long time [Laughter] glory to god as my grandmother would say that's what you call a backhander she was saying you want a backhander so you're you're here and god's gonna has touched you tonight yes he has to please where are you from sweetheart where are you from well i'm from new jersey but i've lived in oklahoma for like what church do you go to what's your home church i started with victory oh victory 42 years ago oh my and i feel the anointing here is so much like what billy joe had on his life isn't that something i'm so thankful for karen and paul yes i just have felt it from the first time i was here which was back at the spirit center you know paul and i were talking today we're on the same team that's right you know you know we're on the same team of oral and evelyn and richard and billy joe and sharon and [Music] all the people that have done a slogan on brother hagin sister hagin i mean this ground has been plowed fertilized and now god has sent another couple to take it to an oh somebody better help me come on come on [Applause] but make no mistake the glory here is going to increase the light's going to get brighter the anointing stronger i mean you know this is going to be a menu that's continually changing isn't it great when you go to your favorite restaurant then there's that little starburst that says new on the menu new [Music] you look at then you go wow now they have that new and new that's what's gonna this menu is gonna go like the mcdonald's i remember mcdonald's i'm old enough to remember mcdonald's cheeseburger fries and a coke come on somebody help me look what the lord has done i'm telling him thank you for being here by the holy ghost by the holy ghost wow old lady that was a delayed reaction right there my god come on over here ma'am what's going on well we're done after this guys we're done okay after this over here go ahead i have five fractured discs in my spine and i have osteoporosis five fractures how they happened i do not know nobody knows but anyway yes we're waiting on those to heal and i'm believing that god's gonna do it tonight so how do you know when you walk you feel it oh yeah my my spine just kind of very gently moves back and forth and i did have an mri and it showed five fractured discs and i've been in pain since may and so anyway i'm trusting god he touched me oh [Music] the joy that or floods something happened [Music] [Music] i will never cease to praise him i will never cease [Music] everybody come on the whole church he touched me he touched me come on [Music] [Music] [Music] he's moving your bones he's moving bones he's removing all the inflammation he's removing it what's moving in your body right now is that wonderful holy spirit that's who's moving in you tonight you came and he came to meet you here never again will the word i have five come out of your mouth for you not even have four not even three not even two not even [Music] [Applause] oh my oh my oh my god let's pick her up guys all you got strong guys be gentle they're up by the shoulders okay be careful just walk just walk do not think about it walk let's go [Music] no not back there straight straight hey i touched me [Music] come on something amazing something happened look at her look at her you better get ready to blast off i'll tell you that turn around turn around tell them tell them i don't i don't even hurt i cannot believe that i have walked i have walked with pain for well since may and nothing has helped [Applause] amazing amazing you know i'm gonna break into the service coming because i know it's getting late and it's uh not late but it's nine o'clock late that's for people over 60 that's late come on say amen i i want to be seated i just want to tell you talk a little bit about this offering and if you could help me with this tonight um you know this this great plague that is hitting the earth has affected travel quite a bit it's going to continue to affect travel quite a bit i just i know the united airlines have announced their employees i mean you can fact check this it could change but as of yesterday they told all their employees either vaccinate or take permanent furlough without pay uh so more and more there's vaccine vaccines that have to be administered to get into yada yada we have a full big ministry in toronto uh i can't get in that country that border's been closed for what over a year we still can't get in unless you have the vaccine and even then you go through rigorous so i just know i know a lot of ministries a lot of churches but i i'm here tonight you know and i didn't know what to do because i thought should i get into a jet leasing an aircraft leasing program i mean that's uh we have an aircraft fund but there's just not enough there yet to get the aircraft we can get the air but not the crap come on somebody so so i thought what can i do should i join netjet or something like that i just i so i was really in a searching mode so one night i'm searching and god spoke to me and he said i want the people to come to you you can't go to everybody you'll wear out because so on our internet program i mean we have i can't even tell you that people that are calling in from new zealand and australia and all over the world and um so we've had to really hire people as fast as we can i still need people if you're here tonight you need a good job you know three cents an hour come on somebody help me on the other end the lord will give you amazing money besides that but no we need all kind of data entry and people that work some that computer stuff like that but i i was praying and the lord said i want you to start a virtual cathedral and i want to bring people into that virtual cathedral and he said they'll still go to their churches this is not to replace anything but to have a place to go until everything does return back and people do get back into where there is no fear and so as i began to research that i asked god to send me so he sent me the people but they're also expensive you know to to do the video to to condense it into the right size to get on the right amount of platforms to have the phone center we had a full-blown phone center but now the people are afraid to come and be among other people for fear of covet so we've been affected like the restaurants it's really been a rigorous uh challenge so you you have to get creative god's forcing the whole church to get creative to find ways to get this healing message out so that god can continue to do what he does so long story short so we're refapping rebuilding reconstructing the phone center to be virtual as well but we'll have a company like a hybrid we'll have some people there but not as many as we used to so until that changes we'll have a lot of automated computerized which requires way files it requires areas i'm not even skilled to talk about tonight but i know that we need a massive army of people to help us take this message in a creative way and have them have them respond and have the materials for them because i mean over what was it over six months ago we had over 250 000 people respond [Music] we didn't ask any money for we paid for everything at that time you know i mean everybody is coming to dinner so you're happy that there's so many people there so you pay for the food right but i said lord i i can't do this on a regular basis we need help there's so many fish i need some partners to help pull the net in i'm just being honest with you your pastor here is so gracious that share it with the people so i'm doing that with you tonight meaning what meaning when you give tonight it's not just going into my pocket it's not just going into whatever you think or maybe where you think it's going i don't need help with clothes i don't need help with a car my house is paid for you know so privately i don't need the money i mean i need the money but not what's not what i'm here for i'm here for you to sew back into what you're seeing happen here you know i'm just uh we're going on the victory channel real soon with brother copeland he's offered us to come on there and have programming for free come on give god a big shout for that um so we're seeing some great expansion and and for me that grew up in a frame house on george street in greensburg pa a small little frame house with green awnings you know in an alley behind a fire company so for me to see this thing begin to unfold and to see that what catherine said to me privately begin to happen is really more than it's worth more to me probably than even the money but to get to the people i need the money you know and i'm not saying there's any one person here that's supposed to do this but if you feel that you could help tonight and give a great offering [Music] give the best offering you can all the all the offerings are great when you put them together if you could partner with us on a regular basis that'd be wonderful too and you know i'll correspond with you i'll let you know how the virtual cathedral is going when it's going to start we're projecting it to start this year don't know how soon but we have a lot of people going to come in and help us with this you know with the music and the um just the whole presentation but it'll be a virtual cathedral with healing meetings healing products miracle testimonies you know from around the world i'm excited about it i have to tell you and not that i'm we're going to continue our schedule we're going to continue to do what we do but from billy burke's perspective the interruption in travel is here this interruption in travels is here believe me it's it's here i'm on the airplanes i mean i fly over a million miles a year normally so i can tell whenever it's not the same and just getting here yesterday or third what did i get here friday i was in the airport from eight in the morning until i got here late at night and that's what's going on your truck your plane sits on the tarmac they don't have enough people to do maintenance i mean you got to really pray that he upholds all things by the power of his word so you know you need to pray for all the missionaries all the people you know that travel i'm sure you're going to hear some of those same stories i'm not here to take from you my grandmother who's in heaven now she's the one who introduced me to catherine she said if i ever hear about you taking money [Music] she said you're going to have to deal with me she said now if they give you money receive it quickly in other words don't take it but receive it that's how i want this to come across i don't want i'm not trying to offend you in any way but i wanted you to hear what's happening in this ministry because right now there's still places i can't get to churches that are afraid to have even opened yet i go to a church in miami that runs around 2000 they just told me yesterday we're so happy we're back up to 300. so there's a struggle and that's with a mayor who has really kept everything open so this this is a global issue that's a real sign of the end times that we're living in believe me we are in those times when the great catching away is going to happen in the twinkling of an eye and we'll all be gone i'm so happy about that too come on somebody come on it's called the catching away it's called the rapture of the church we don't know exactly when that is we're not here to predict the time of the day but the apostle paul thought it was going to happen in his day if you read first and second thessalonians he really believed that he was living in an imminent time of the catching away so before that all happens jesus said occupy occupy till i come occupy till that happens that's what millennials doing they're building for the future as if nothing is taking place god's blessing this church he's going to continue to bless this church because they're facilitating the anointing they're loving the people don't you feel loved when you come here come on let me know give god praise i feel love [Applause] so i feel like an extension of this church in some ways i feel like you know this is part of my extended family here in the tulsa oklahoma and and so i don't know if you go to church here if you're visiting here tonight but tonight in this offering you're going to make the checks out to millennial millennium millennial church it's right up on up here just go and make your checks out like you normally do but if you could do your very very best we're just going to try and earmark it to help you know some of the work we're doing out of tampa out of toronto out of pittsburgh i mean pittsburgh we're there every month with a great staff and a great crew so like i said it's it's very interesting getting in the reboot of all of this running into a massive amount of confusion and fear and people are uncertain and it's a new day so anytime you have an extra five minutes ten minutes say a say a prayer for somebody that god lays on your heart don't go a day without praying for somebody beside yourself i just got word about a week ago that the pastor died of covet he died and they said all the plans have been canceled for now and this was a massive undertaking that we had been planning for well about two years to plan something that big and so boom that's just off the books so thank god for the churches out there that are functioning you know even though a lot of them may not be back at full power or they're back at whatever percentage they are but when you drive by some of these other churches reach your hands out and say bless them lord let them be fully restored when you see them on television don't assume anything don't assume they have all the money they need they have all the people they need i don't know any place that hasn't been affected in a great way you hear me tonight put your hands up i'm going to pray for you i'm not going to preach at you holy spirit i have said what you've told me to say touch the people's hearts let them give freely as you feel they should and as they are led to do i thank you for each person and i thank you for each gift and i pray that that seed be multiplied a hundredfold in jesus name everybody said pastor i give it back to you [Music] ladies and gentlemen pastor billy burke put your hands together bless him tonight awesome job you did an awesome hallelujah you did so this is a wonderful opportunity for us to really just sew over our love of our hearts into his life and to his ministry and uh we've heard very clearly and uh i believe it's an assignment from the lord it's been our honor to host this uh over and over again and uh i just believe it's gonna be more and more and more and more how many people would like to see him back here very soon praise the lord i believe that so are you ready to give tonight your checks are payable to lrmc the information was on your screens thank you for your giving you know we moved into this building just about two or three months ago we had uh pastor billy here the first weekend we moved in and we were able to sound a check just just a terrific check and one of the things billy said back to us was this is an amazing check that you sent us when you could have used this for the building yourself you know we've learned over all these years that it's better to give how many people knows your seat goes before you and a harvest comes right out we've seen over this last few months ladies and gentlemen i'll tell you god's goodness in god's hand amen so tonight we do this with all of our hearts this ministry is blessed we just thank god for a good place good soil good grind to sow and that's what you're sowing into tonight in the name of jesus amen and i believe harvest will come back to your lives in an amazing exciting way in jesus precious name amen so go ahead thank you so much to serve the people tonight amen thank you so much for being part of this on behalf of karen and myself our leadership team thank you so much to all of the ministry of helps to all those that work behind the scenes to all of those people that just just tirelessly give off their lives that you will never ever probably see half of them and we salute them tonight in the name of jesus just hours and hours family sacrifice is just the most amazing thing when you drive into your parking lot you see all those happy faces just waving at you amen just smiling at you that's a big thing to me amen just we just thank god for the hearts and the lives of the people that god is bringing to this church another thing that i just want to say to you very very quickly as the buckets go across it is so important to get your testimony out to the people what pastor billy truly wants tonight is is your testimonies so if you go by guest services there's happy folks out there at guest services if you just speak with them just for just a few minutes and let them get your testimony amen that testimony will help other people how many people believe in the power of testimony let me see your hands it is so important that people hear what god did in your life because if god does it for one he will do it for another these are outstanding testimonies of the goodness of god forgive my throat i mean i've been shouting all weekend amen just giving god all the praise all the honor but the best has yet to come praise god amen so if you're looking for a good church to make your home come on welcome home guys you got a good church make sure you bless your pastor amen let them know that you're there and let them know that you're ready for service praise god what a weekend what a god what a future the best glory to god one more time is coming right up amen we love you the lord bless you the lord keep you the lord makes his face to shine upon you and gives you peace in jesus name we'll see you seven p.m tuesday night for midweek prayer and don't forget 12 noon here every day monday tuesday wednesday thursday for prayer god bless you everybody have a wonderful wonderful evening and thank you for being part of these meetings this weekend on behalf of millennial and billy burke ministries god bless you and i tell you we'll see you again very very soon god bless you everybody [Music] to god be the glory to god be the glory to god be the glory there are so many people i want to thank for this open door tonight i am preaching a sermon that i believe is possibly the most important i've ever preached in my life but i can't preach it until we do something i want you to stand up right now well you feel something in this room is anybody there's a miracle-working anointing right now there's a power from heaven the devil cannot have america i must say it again satan you cannot have a miracle the bible says clap your hands all you people and then it says shout and i want you to hold that shout for a second unto god with the voice of triumph when moses came off the mountain listen very carefully he heard the noise down in the in the plains when israel had defiled himself and joshua said it sounds like people that are at war he said they're not at war they're playing that's not the sound of war it's the sound of playing today it is my sworn duty to end the american christian era of playing games [Applause] and for us to find the shout of war clap your hands all ye people shout shout sounds [Applause] [Applause] i want you to look at the person beside you and say this to him you must be a genius say uh because you decided to sit next to me you must be a genius and explain to them because this is where the fire is going to fall right here where i'm standing that's where the fire is going to fall how many of you want a word from god tonight do you um i want you to be seated we're going to get busy who is adequate for a moment like this i'm standing in the pulpit of andrew wilmick and i'm gonna try to preach it's like challenging betty crocker to a bake-off [Applause] how many of you love this man of god would you clap to say it is an honor to be here when i teach a class on preaching one of the things i tell young students is don't use any cliches in your sermon check for cliches and don't say things like it's an honor to be here because everybody says that when you use a cliche the danger is that your audience is going to say this guy is going to say only stuff i've ever heard before so it is quite an honor for me to be here [Applause] because distinctly this is one of the most important christian properties in the world how many of you believe that and why not the devil's worst nightmare come out of this sermon tonight why not you know after i was sitting right over here watching this astonishing production [Music] and i'm going give me a massive break i'm going to go up there after that [Music] i said i'm going to go over like a pregnant pole vaulter [Applause] how many of you know you can't unsee that can you so i searched my wife who i'd like to introduce to you michelle murillo of a powerful woman of god i'm i'm in love with my wife would you stand dear would you greet michelle morillo right thank you i wanted to know the verse that the lord had put on my heart for tonight and i'm going to warn you what the title is in a moment it was psalm 11 3. if the foundations are destroyed what can the righteous do in that question there is no mention of should the righteous do something there's no reference to the choice something has to be done [Music] american christianity is faltered more on one point than any other she has been slow to action and slow to understand her duty in the crisis that she's in how could we have expected millions of christians to vote right when we banned the bible from our pulpits how many of you know i'm just going to say it like it is that's all there is to it because that's what this pulpit is used to what can we do what should we do it is important when you preach a sermon look me in the eye that you know that you heard from god we don't need speculation we certainly don't need someone up here to wordsmith or come up with some ideas that will move you we need truth we need unvarnished truth from heaven for that truth to come through the voice the man has to die to self the woman has to die to self they have to die to their opinion they have to die to their need for their reputation recently i was called a celebrity i've never been so insulted in my life especially as hard as i have worked not to be one but i looked at them and i said this the gift of celebrity is a line of credit to be exhausted in the act of telling the truth if you look at christ he would speak and the crowds would swell then he would drop a truth bomb and the herd would be thinned the curse of our era is that american preachers are fighting to expand and sustain their celebrity when they should be sacrificing everything in order to spare america the insanity of the democratic party [Music] [Applause] the title of tonight's sermon which is vague and apologetic your christian duty to destroy wokeness [Applause] this uh little book called born for battle written by arthur matthew years ago he he wrote why did i write this book born for battle we don't need to get into the book and i'm only going to reference it for a little while 30 years ago he said my burden relates to the flood of evil that the devil is pouring into the world and at the same time the passivity of many of god's saints as they view this state of affairs and their ignorance of the part god expects them to play in this warfare against satan that is part and parcel of what i'm going to present to you tonight and i'm going to beg your patience because we have gotten used to the 12-minute express sermon that gives us nothing that you get in the church in a golf cart go past the coffee station to look at a preacher with big screen skinny jeans and fog machines [Applause] and you don't come out with anything from god you come out with an immunity to god now i'm not going to destroy conviction i'm going to enhance it i want to make you good and mad i want you to become the devil's worst nightmare i want you to look at yourself and say the day of my compromise my apathy and my confusion about what god wants me to do about what's going on in america it dies today today i'm a soldier today i'm a war somebody help me right now today i'm going to become satan's worst nightmare how many of you want to be that what is the part that god expects us to play one day david listed the weapons of israel in the chronicles it was listed and it talked about each tribe and what their expertise in military battle was some that were good with chariots and spears and sword others with other strengths then it got to the sons of issachar and described the weapon men who knew the times and what israel should do i'm going to put all my currency on the table i'm going to sacrifice any kind of favor i may have with you to tell you that it is the sworn duty of every born-again christian now to oppose transgenderism abortion and wokeness in the united states and pastor in the old mafia movies they talked about conciliaris they talked about counselors who counseled the mob and they had what they called a peacetime conciliary and then they had a wartime conciliary i'm going to read a letter from a christian attorney he said pastor we're in war it's here it's in our cities it's in our neighborhoods and our churches you are now a wartime pastor don't care who you are in this room you are now a wartime pastor not a peacetime pastor you're a wartime pastor start acting like one what were the good and faithful pastors doing during world war ii world war one there were lots of people dying during those wars did they give in did they hunker down no we attacked the enemy head-on no matter what the cost the enemy is the spirit of fear you should be organizing your churches get everyone down to the school board meeting the county commission meeting the city council meeting get your folks to start working together lead them start getting ready for what everyone can see is coming the time for churches to provide widespread medical care is nearly here with vaccination mandates ladies and gentlemen i don't know how we haven't made the connection between someone saying you take this mark or you can't buy or sell how did that not get in your brain your members are going to be fired for their jobs they may have trouble finding gainful employment they need help a kind of help you have never dealt with before and there will be a lot of them and i'm going to stop reading this letter and i'm going to look you in the eye i disagree with the tone of that letter while i agree with some of it and the wording i disagree i believe that the hand of god is going to spare america
Channel: M B
Views: 110
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: MXpjX2IKDao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 16sec (10036 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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