Keith Moore Lies And Truth

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in praying about this evening i believe i received direction concerning these uh these truths these words that we're about to read so you're believing with me john 16 13 we won't read the whole passage there's so much good here obviously but just in the 13th verse he said howbeit when he john 16 13 when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he'll not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come praise god this is the great ministry of the holy spirit that every believer has has available to us and he calls him the spirit of truth what you say it out loud the spirit of truth and what what did he say he would do he'll guide you into what all the truth the spirit of truth will guide you into truth hallelujah truth now uh if you back up to the 8th chapter of john jesus got into a bit of a controversy with the religious leaders in this chapter it got really heated and one of the main things that he kept talking about is truth in john 8. and verse let me see let's start in 30 verse 30 as he spoke these words many believed on him then said jesus to those jews which believed on him if you continue in my word then are you my disciples indeed you know there's difference between a believer and a disciple right a disciple is a follower one who's in training becoming just like the master okay you're not just believing but you're in training and verse 32 if you're continuing in his word and you're being his disciples what's the result and you shall know what the truth and the truth shall make you don't you like that make you there's a power at work that's changing things if it makes you free well if it makes you free then you weren't right you weren't free how many can testify that you've gotten a hold of some truth and it's made you free hallelujah i can tell by looking at your face listen that's the truth amen because you light up when you say it are you as free as you can be that would infer that you know and are walking in all the truth that there is to know and walk in so i assure you you're not walking in all the truth that there is to know so that means you're not as free nor am i as we can be would you like to become more free more free well in order for that to happen we've got to get a hold of the truth and receive it and do it walk it and the same thing has happened for us in other areas and to some degree would happen for us even more so now in verse 43 well let's let's back up to verse 40. he said now you seek to kill me a man that did what told you the truth now does everyone want to hear the truth no they don't you you would think that nobody wants to hear anything but the truth but it's not so i said it's not so and if you hear the truth and you don't like it and you don't want it what else is there the only other thing you can believe that you've already heard the truth yeah so the only other thing you can believe now would be a lie and the enemy is ready to give you something else to believe if you don't want the truth the truth is the truth it's not always complementary people say how does this look does this make me look good or fat or slim or shorter or whatever well the truth is the truth i'm not saying you have to say everything that you think but you're not telling a lie but the truth is the truth whether you like it or whether you don't whether you agree with it or whether you don't there is a term that i don't care for and it's popularized in a lot of circles and people talk about my truth well i'm just you know i got to be i got to be true to my truth and this is my truth and you have to go with your truth no no truth is not relative it's either true or it's not if it's true it's true this is deception this is things that's not true filtering into people's thinking jesus is the truth amen hallelujah his word this word is called the word of truth the gospel is the gospel of truth the holy spirit is the spirit of truth hallelujah and anything that contradicts him and this is not true it's a lie now here you see that if you continue with him you'll know the truth and the truth will make you free yes uh two things i wrote down years ago that stood stood out to me about this if the truth will make you free what will lies do to you it'd be the lies opposite of the truth so it's going to have the opposite effect and truth is connected to enlightenment the truth lets you see and the truth makes you free lies do the opposite lies blind and lies bind lies blinds you if you accept it instead of the truth and you're believing this now well you're blind to the truth and what that'll do to you is put you in bondage and to be deceived is to believe that a lie is true if you knew it wasn't true you wouldn't be deceived but you're believing something you think it's right and true but it's not and this is how the enemy is holding most of the planet's inhabitants captive he has the scripture said he has blinded the minds of those that don't believe and there are millions of people on the planet that believe that praying to their statute is the right thing to do or counting their beads or quoting their incantations or all kind of things and they're believing lies because these statues have never answered a prayer and never will and it's sad because people go all their life thinking this is right because that's what they grew up with that's what their parents grew up with they have been blinded to the truth and are in bondage to this present hour aren't you thankful that you ma you don't know everything but you know the truth about jesus being the savior oh hallelujah you know the truth hallelujah that he came that he was born of a virgin that he went to the cross and died for us that he's been raised from the dead hallelujah you don't know anything else that'll get you through here and out of here to heaven glory to god it's the truth made you it has already made you free from wasting your life practicing lies that had never helped you oh somebody say thank god thank god thank god because except for the mercy and grace of god we could be just as bound to somebody else but by his mercy by his grace uh lies blind and lies bind the truth lets you see and the truth makes you free and in verse 30 we just got through reading excuse me i was further along than that um verse 40. he said you seek to kill me a man that's told you the truth which i've heard of god this did not abraham you do you do the deeds of your father now he's talking to the leaders of the synagogue some of the most religious people in the community the leaders religious leaders and verse 42 jesus said if god were your father you'd love me now this is a revelation there's no such thing as loving god and rejecting jesus i could quote you several scriptures along that line this is still true today if you love god and if god's your father you love jesus period for i proceeded forth and came from god neither came out of myself but he sent me why do you not understand my speech even because you cannot hear my word because of the decision they had already made they can't hear what he's saying they've closed their ears they've already made up their mind and he said you are of your father the devil and this is one of the things that made them so mad because they're religious leaders you're of your father the devil and the lust of your father you will do he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth now he was around god we don't know for how long and he knew about the truth and he knew about the glory of god and about the perfection and righteousness of the father but he decided he didn't want that nobody tempted him away from the truth he chose something else and he actually fathered lying lying didn't come from god lying is not a part of god's creation the devil gendered fathered lying can you see this he said he abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him he can't tell you the truth the devil can't tell you the truth so if he tells you something why would you take it so seriously if his lips are moving he's lying he's alive if he brings thoughts to you you're not going to make it you ought to shout is that right because you know he's lying to you you know he's lying to you i know some years ago i was believing for a certain thing and months had come and gone and i was further from it than when we started now as a year and a half had come and gone and so these thoughts were coming to me for the last several days you know it's not working and i don't mean a voice or anything but just these thoughts that come it's obviously not working it's obviously not working it's not working it's not working it's not working come to me several times a day it's not working you know you might as well forget about this it's not working and uh after a while of that the the spirit of god spoke up on the inside and he said where do you think that's coming from it's not working it's not where you you stood on the word you think the holy spirit's going to tell you the word's not working think the holy spirit's going to tell you faith's not working and if it's not working why would he be bothering you about it i thought uh-huh uh-huh that's right if it wasn't working he ought to be just satisfied about it right why why would he be bargaining about he said r is the truth that it's working really good and you're back to the breakthrough and if he can't get you to stop and give up the whole thing's about to come to pass glory to god i thought that's it that's exactly it praise god he's a liar he's a liar be on the watch now he never comes to the front door and he doesn't come as the devil he he tries to pass himself off as an angel remember that angel of light he tries to convince you something's from god when it's him but it's not some things i believe we'll get tonight will will help you in identifying lies what will the truth do for you make you free now come on if you've been walking with the lord any length of time you've got a hold of some truth and it did something for you it did something for you inside is that right in your in your spirit in your soul in your mind is that right in your body i mean it loosed you what's a lie going to do to you a lie is going to bind you up it's g a lie is going to try to cover you with discouragement and darkness come on can you see this without being having to analyze something with your mind just note the effect it has on you notice the impact it has on you when you start listening to that what does it start doing to you if it's taking the strength out of you if it's discouraging you come on can you see this making you feel hopeless making you feel weak you listening to a lie i said you're listening to a lie because if it was the truth oh come on i'm going to talk to these folks if it was the truth what would it do for you if it was the truth it's not going to put you under a cloud of depression or heaviness it's not going to make you feel like you can't do it or can't accomplish it that's a lie it's a lie it's a lie and the truth will make you make you free all you can tell when you get onto the truth man maybe you've been confused maybe you've been bewildered maybe you've been searching maybe you had you couldn't get settled you couldn't get settled you couldn't get settled but when you get the truth your spirit knows it something on the inside of you starts jumping up and down going this is it this is it this is it it's the thing that lets you see it's the thing that connects you to victory it's the thing that makes you free amen glory to god and this book is wall-to-wall truth hallelujah every verse is truth didn't jesus say thy word is truth praise god thy word is true now the enemy of our soul the devil he the he has no truth in him are we reading it john 8 44 there's no truth in him jesus said and when he speaks a lie he speaks of his own he speaks of what he came up with for he is a liar and the father of it any thought we recognize is coming from the enemy that's the first thing we ought to think we know it's a lie even i mean he'll quote scripture to you but then he puts puts a lie in there somewhere right he's subtle he's crafty but he can't function just in truth he doesn't have truth in him so he's going to lie to you every time and why would he keep doing this because lies if you believe them if you receive them if you act on them they'll destroy you they can destroy you they can keep you out of the blessing they can do the opposite of what the truth does thank you lord for the truth thank you for the truth thank you for the truth hallelujah go with me to john the third chapter please i know this is a basic subject but you couldn't you couldn't know too much about it could you john 3 we see more of what we touched on a moment ago john 3 16. anybody know this one is it truth it is one of the greatest truths you'll ever hear for god so loved the world that's the whole world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life for god sent not his son into the world to condemn the world this is truth i'm going to believe verse 17 just as true as verse 16. the lord didn't sin the father didn't send jesus to condemn us he didn't come to condemn us and the holy spirit is not condemning us now this takes mind renewal i've heard people say before you know man yeah you know i uh the spirit of god in that service really condemned me about some things no he didn't that's saying it wrong well you know the lord really condemned me about some things no no he didn't he convicts another word for convict is to convince got nothing to do with condemnation and when you see the truth if you've come short of it first john says your own heart will condemn you that's not him condemning you though can you see that friends in fact i there have been times in my life that i made mistakes and my own heart was condemning me about it and the spirit of god was encouraging me hallelujah while my own heart was condemning me the lord has no interest in you being condemned none none now he's not going to tell you that sin is okay he's not going to tell you that wrong is right but no matter how badly you've messed up you going on day after day week after week month after month feeling bad feeling guilty feeling ashamed for your sins and mistakes is displeasing to him if he'd wanted us condemned all he had to do is nothing right we'd have been condemned but that's why jesus came hallelujah take our sins and pay the price for our transgressions he became sin for us with our sin and we've been made righteous we didn't earn it we didn't deserve it he made us righteous with his righteousness he's the glory and the lifter up of our head does it please him for us to drag around mop around try to try to show him how sorry we are for how bad we messed up all we're showing is we don't believe what he's saying about what he has done for us and i've had people tell me well preacher you don't you don't know what i've done and i've told more than one i said yeah you don't know how powerful the blood is i'm not saying what you did is okay i'm not saying it's a small thing and a nothing thing maybe it is but the blood is greater still amen hallelujah i'm convinced of how powerful the blood is how great the blood of the lamb is oh praise god hallelujah under the old covenant the blood of bulls and goats couldn't take away sin it just covered it up and they did it again next year and remembrance was made oh but the blood of the lamb doesn't just cover it up the blood of the lamb washes it clean hallelujah thank you father we've all messed up we've all made mistakes no need trying to categorize which one's worse the lord looks at the heart it's always about to heart with him but the truth what we're talking about right now will make you free the truth is the lord has no interest in you feeling guilty and ashamed if you're doing wrong he's interested in you making it right repenting that means changing and receiving the cleansing receiving the righteousness hallelujah hallelujah so that you can enjoy full unhindered fellowship with him and go on and do what he made you to do in this life because it's very very short and we need to be about the master's business can you say amen keep reading god didn't send his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved he that believes on him is not condemned is that you that's a little weak how many here believe on jesus then come on say it out loud i believe on him and i am not condemned i'm not condemned another word for condemned is guilty i'm not guilty you're either forgiven or you're not either clean or you're not thank you lord he's not condemned but he that believes not is condemned already because he's not believed in the name of the only begotten son of god there are people who are condemned who are guilty who are in danger of judgment why nobody's in hell because a lion or stealing are you with me committing adultery murder because the lord paid the price for all those sins and everything else people would wind up there because they didn't receive jesus they didn't receive what he's done for them they're condemned already why because they don't believe and this is the confidence that lights come into the world and what was the problem men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil they loved darkness and darkness is over the world satan's called the god of this world because men's eyes are blinded he comes right back to lies somebody say thank you lord thank you lord for the truth go with me to uh ii thessalonians please second chapter this is a big subject i'm seeing which way to go 2 thessalonians 2 and 9. these chapters talk about the finishing up of everything and in second thessalonians 2 and 9 it talks about the enemy it says even him whose coming is after the working of satan with all power and signs and what lying wonders lying wonders and with all deceivableness deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish why because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved they didn't receive what not just they didn't receive the truth they didn't receive the love of the truth love the truth and uh for this cause god will send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie well if you don't want the truth what else isn't it right there's nothing else to believe but a lie that they all might be damned or condemned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness but we are bound to give thanks always to god for you brethren beloved of the lord because god is from the beginning chosen you to salvation through what sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth the thing that must happen in us to get free and become more free is a love of the truth to love the truth and in order to love the truth you can't love other things as much or more if you don't love the truth more than you love looking good and when i say that i just mean attractiveness i mean you don't want to look bad you don't want to be embarrassed then you'll lie if you don't love the truth more than you love money and stuff you'll lie if you want something too much you'll go too far to get it you'll you'll compromise what you know is right you'll act like you didn't know when you did now this is not just affecting a couple of people just look straight ahead and smile i mean all of us have messed up in these areas it'd be hard to find one person in here that's never told a lie i didn't say it's impossible it'd be hard but why what's the motivation two of the big things that causes people to lie is fear and pride people are afraid they're going to get caught they're afraid something's going to come out they're afraid they're going to lose something lose some money lose some stuff not get something fear and if you don't love the truth more then you love the money you'll lie pride is a big reason why people lie well you people back to the other one fear people say well i if i tell them the truth they may never be my friend again i mean they may leave me and that may be the end of it so i i can't tell them the truth people say well you know the truth is the is the best policy no honey it's the only policy if you're going to be a real christian it's the only option anything else and you're yielding to the devil you can't get any lies from god to tell so if you're telling some lies if you're deceiving there's only one place you can be getting that from the enemy of your soul the enemy of god and it will only come back and bite you he's such a sorry cuss he'll tell you you can't tell the truth and he'll give you the lies to tell it then he's the one that'll go tell them that you lie right right and lies since they're not the truth they can't be consistent they can't be can't be no matter how careful you try to be and so what people wind up doing is trying to prop up that lie they have to invent another lie and another lie and three more and then you get you get 25 lives going you can't keep up with all of them fear fear but friends tell me what what what lies do to you what do they do to you they blind you and they bind you and and we've all you know tasted of that oh the the vexation and it's always accompanied by a fear of fear a fear of fear friend is good to be free and you can be free i said you can be free trust god right he'll take care of you pride people are embarrassed you know because they're not at a place that they're trying to make out like they are and so they don't want people to see where they really are what they really have what they really know and so uh you know just over dumb stuff do you know this oh yeah yeah i know about that don't know a thing in the world what they're talking about and uh you ever been oh yeah i've done that two or three times just why why pride seeks to impress and he's so foolish because what do these folks know anyway who we should be mindful of is our god and the truth is easy to keep track of right because it doesn't change right doesn't change and the truth lets you see things in his light the truth is light and in his light you see more light the psalm has said one one part of light leads to further enlightenment and it keeps keeps you free hallelujah is this okay thank you father now uh go with me to first john first john please second chapter first john 2. we are believers that's who we are that's what we are but i want us to be more specific about what kind of what it what it means to be a believer because you can really open yourself up to confusion and problems by being too trusting i saw a sign in a garage one one time it had a big sign on the front it said in god we trust bottom said all others pay cash i thought yeah yeah i trust god completely that doesn't mean i trust everybody else and one thing that people have misunderstood they know you're supposed to love everybody and they've equated love with trust but no no i can love you and care about you and not trust you any further than i can throw you and if you if you're lying to me half the time i'd be a fool to trust you that's not being cynical it's not being negative it's the way it is we trust god we trust his word we don't have to see it we don't have to understand it we trust it completely but when it comes to what other people say that's an entirely different matter and we need to be we need to question what people are telling us is that okay in first john the second chapter first john 2 and 27 says but the anointing which you have received of him abides in you and you need not that any man teach you but as the same anointing teaches you of all things and is what truth and is no lie even as it the anointing has taught you you shall abide in him also in first john the fifth chapter and the fifth verse five and six if you're just right there close by first john 5 5 who is he that overcomes the world but he that believes that jesus is the son of god this is he that came by water and blood even jesus christ not by water only but by water and blood and it is the spirit that bears witness because the spirit is truth the spirit is truth now now go back to verse 27 again 227. many have tried to apply this in in different ways but this is not saying we don't need any ministry gifts we don't need any teachers and preachers other scripture says you know how will they uh believe right without a preacher unless they hear uh and and ephesians says the lord gave gifts unto men apostles prophets evangelists pastors teach why if we don't need them why'd he give them no they're they're needed that's not what he's talking about he he said the anointing everybody say the anointing now when he's talking about the anointing he's talking about a person he's talking about the holy spirit this is a different way of saying what we read in our text the holy spirit the spirit of truth will guide you into all the truth another way of saying it the anointing which you've received of him abides that means stays lives in you and you don't need you're not dependent you're not reliant on somebody else to tell you let me paraphrase a little bit to tell you the truth but as the same anointing teaches you of all things and is truth and no lie even as that anointing has taught you you abide in him now so much of what people believe they believe because somebody told them they believe because somebody they just accept it something i've been doing a little research on and you maybe you disagree with me on it but uh it'll it'll stir up the thought process at least anyway i have come to believe that global warming is a hoax message yeah yeah if you don't if you believe that human activities and carbon dioxide is causing catastrophic damage to the planet why do you believe that because somebody told you that you are not a climate scientist right somebody told you that and you believe it all of the the data's all there how do you know what data well it's it's all there you know all leading uh climate scientists agree no they don't not even close there are hundreds of them the best in the world have signed petitions saying they don't believe it and the data they're supposed to be relying on that over the last i don't know 20 years globally we've increased about a degree which is significant okay based on what you got you got hundreds and thousands of square miles where there ain't no temperature probes and a lot of the temperature actually the noaa has had to decertify a bunch of their temperature taking places because they were put on air conditioner vents and parking lots and crazy places that made no sense and with all that and with most of the planet you know what parts of the ocean have temperature approach i know you can get some satellite readings but the earth's a big place and you want us to believe that we have data accurate within a degree and besides that they tell us a few few million years ago that the arctic was tropical had alligators up there and then a few million years ago the ice sheet was a mile deep over the state of maine and glaciers came all the way down far as missouri so why isn't that the perfect norm if we're if we're upset about a glacier melting somewhere why are we more upset that it's not covering the zoo which is the perfect you see what i'm saying don't write me any letters now you'd be wasting your time all i'm saying is there are people this is their religion and why are they so strong about it they don't have a clue somebody told them and they believe it hook line and sinker no friends we trust god amen completely anybody else right it's another story right i mean well this is true says who said do not just accept things i don't care how many people believe it people say well you know well 2 billion people can't be wrong are you kidding the majority is almost always wrong almost always wrong here's the thing is everybody awake because this is this is very important right now then how do i decide what's true and what's not true you've got if you've been born again you have the spirit of truth inside of you you have the author of the word of truth the word of truth in you and somebody said well well the bible the bible yes but there's a lot of people have taken scriptures and twisted them into things that wasn't true too is that right no friends thank god for what we what we read about in our first text jesus said i'm going to send you another comforter hallelujah who is this confident the spirit of truth what's he going to do he's going to guide you you don't have to have 12 degrees you don't have to be able to read hebrew and greek you don't have to be a climate scientist come on are y'all with me what do you got to do we know somebody who knows we know somebody who knows who knows everything you might have met some people thought they knew everything but they don't we actually know the one who does and everything he shows us is true he will never ever deceive you never lie it is impossible impossible for him to lie so what do you do you hear it you got a brain you can use it you got eyes you can read but i don't care if they're supposed to be the granddaddy expert of all time they're not really the big expert it lives on the inside of you come on are y'all with me and so while you're hearing and seeing these things you're checking in here you're you're what are you looking for i'm looking for the witness i'm looking for the witness i don't know at the times and learning more how to be led by the spirit i don't know at the time that things sounded so perfect and they sounded so right but something in here just didn't just you think something's not quite and as you as you learn to trust that you don't accept it i don't care what people say about it you say well no i'm not ready to sign up you know no well what everybody everybody and usually that's a lie everybody there's billions of people on the planet what do you mean everybody watch out for these phrases yeah everybody's saying yeah everybody agrees everybody's doing it no they're not no they're not but when you got a check when there's a hesitancy and it's not based on what you understand or don't understand why would you have a check you don't know anything one way or the other why would you have a check because the one on the inside of you knows he knows trust that oh somebody say trust him that's what he's saying you're not dependent on a man to tell you if it's right or not thank god thank god thank god thank god for ministry gifts but you or i don't have to go to our ministry gifts and go okay you got to tell me what's true now because i won't know that you tell me yes you can though amen [Applause] you can know and if they're preaching the truth then the spirit of truth in you will bear witness that they're preaching the truth and so you like them you trust them you believe them but they can be wrong they don't know everything and so you're accepting it not just because they said it but because the spirit of god inside you quickened to you that this is the truth the anointing teaches you come on somebody said i love the anointing the anointing teaches me the spirit of truth causes me to know see the truth hallelujah praise god praise god now the more of the word you have in you the easier it is for him to do this [Music] because you'll recognize him quicker and easier if you don't know the word he can be showing you things and you don't realize it's him but the better you know the word the quicker you recognize him amen hallelujah oh somebody say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord oh praise god praise god we don't have to be deceived hallelujah we don't have to be misled thanks be to god go to ephesians please can you take a little more ephesians the fourth chapter i believe ephesians chapter four hallelujah man just the things we've been over already this is this will change your life if you if you're not if you haven't been living like this this is life changing so many people are too trusting of so-called experts people you know i don't care who they are and i'm not i'm not knocking anybody's uh knowledge that they have but the the most knowledgeable among us doesn't know much compared to what there is to be known right and you never let somebody tell you that you can't have and do what god has told you because of their expertise right that's that's that's letting somebody rob you of the truth right well you can't do that you can't do that you can't do that we've had people tell us that i don't know how many times no y'all can't do that the church can't do that a church can't do that the ministry can't do that well i never found that verse you can't do that i did find one that said i can [Applause] i can do all things through the anointed one there's that anointing again through the christ through the anointing i can do it if the lord told me to do it i can do it case in point all experts know it is impossible for a human being to walk on the water geologists people that study the water people that study molecules people who study the atmosphere they all know it can't be done but if the lord says come on over here boy if the lord says come on boy then the experts better go sit down and hush is that right because you can do anything he tells you to do you can have anything he tells you you can have you can be anything he tells you to be and he delights and gets glory in using folks that nobody thought could do it have you read in corinthians he chooses the foolish things what the world calls foolish why he gets a kick out of the world saying it can't be done he gets glory out of showing folks not only can i do it but i'll take somebody nobody would have picked and i'll do it with them oh somebody say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord loving people is not the same as trusting them and i don't care who it is don't override your heart there can be people that are lying to you who think they're telling you the truth right they're not trying to deceive you they think that's right and you may love them and they may be great people but the spirit of god's checking you uh-uh that's not right that's not well it's not a personal thing against them but don't let anybody cause you to override your heart nobody no preacher no loved one come on are y'all with me nobody no expert nobody nobody you you stay with that seek and you'll find when you're looking for an answer you look to the lord you ask him to show you the truth and you already got his word that he sent his spirit of truth to guide you into the truth so you're not trying to talk him into something this is his idea and you keep looking until you find that which is confirmed in your spirit you've got the witness on the inside of you you there's a knowing it's beyond your understanding and no matter what anybody else says you stay with that and you it'll be proven over and over again to be right anybody walk with the lord long enough to see what i'm talking about is it true every time every time and every time you missed it was when you didn't listen when you overwrote it when you ignored it and then when it went wrong you said what i knew i knew i knew i shouldn't well if you knew why you not we've all done it i knew i shouldn't have done i knew i knew something was wrong about that i knew i shouldn't listen to them and yet they might not have meant any harm at all they might not have been trying to deceive you they just were wrong and thought it was right and you see people that get so bitter so mad and so bitter well i went to them and for advice and they told me they followed it and messed my life up that's your fault your fault you got a bible you got the spirit of god on the inside if you're a believer right you could have prayed you could have been led right take responsibility for your decisions no no no did you find ephesians whoo well we're plowing the cotton today this evening yeah how many think this will help you though man this will [Music] this could save you all kind of things save you uh we had some years ago some um a lot of folks were excited about this investment and i don't know 25 of our ministry friends different ones we're investing heavily into this phyllis and i didn't have any money to speak of but if you could put a thousand dollars together you could you could get a piece of this investment well it sounded good and it looked good and so we were going to do it and we finally got our thousand together and we were at a hotel another city out of out of town from home and this person was going to meet with us before we went down that morning i got and i got down off of my chair and knelt down i said lord i um you know this this seems okay to me but uh you hadn't said much to me about it and this is what he i don't even heard an audible voice but inside he he quickened to me about peter when he was on the housetop fell into a trance and he told peter that there were people down at the door and he said go with them nothing doubting for i've sinned anybody remember that and he said i've said nothing to you about these people so you have no reason to trust them did you did you hear that phrase now i've said nothing to you about them so you have no reason to trust them now this is this is different than how some folks operate right a lot of folks think well the lord didn't tell me i couldn't so it must be okay wrong answer wrong answer no no no no no you don't need a reason not to do something you need a leading to do it i'm going to say it again real slow you don't need a reason not to do something here's a perfect reason not to do something the lord didn't lead me to do it that's all the reason you should ever need i've had people get upset with me about things like that you know why won't you be a part of our conference or why wouldn't you come and do this and come and do that well i thought we were friends i thought we were too uh why wouldn't you do it it's nothing personal man i mean i didn't feel like the lord prompted me to do it well what's wrong with this nothing i didn't see anything was wrong but see people think so wrong and the leading of the lord is not preeminent in their life they're making their own decisions based on all kind of things and that's why you're missing it right and left too you don't need a reason not to do something i mean there's a million and one things you got no business doing it there's nothing to you right we'll leave them alone stay out of them doing what he told you to do will take your full efforts and your full times and your full faith right and the enemy would try to distract you if you're doing a bunch of stuff you shouldn't be doing it's taking away strength time resources that should be spent on the right things i know uh had a brother from uh out of the country he and i were friends and rhema and studied together the lord blessed him and his wife with a great church outside the country and after several years he came back to the states was doing some things wanting to come by and see me and so we uh he said he i could tell he was he was weary and uh he said but he said keith i i need something man i think something's just not quite right so we got down in the floor just prayed for a while and um he came up in my spirit something to just to tell him so we sat up we're just sitting in the floor there after we prayed i called his name i said this is what came up to me examine everything you're doing in the church and ministry and make yourself answer the question when did the lord tell me to do that he sat back he said oh keith that's it that's it that's it he said this group wanted to do this so we started and this was a good good thing and a big needed thing in the community so we did that and he said i don't we got all kind of programs going on and they all need money hmm it's just a trick of the enemy we're not to be led by needs if you're being led by needs you're not being led by the holy we're not supposed to be led by opportunities well this is a great opportunity that's not the same as a leader what did romans say children of god sons of god can be led by the spirit of god as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god well is it the same being led by a need or by what somebody wants you to do but you'll have to be strong because people are pulling on you loved ones friends co-workers because if they don't understand this and they don't believe in this they'll pull on you and they won't understand why you don't do it but you don't need a reason not to do something come on are y'all with me help me say that say it out loud if you believe it i don't need a reason not to do something i need a leading to do something i need leading to do it i need direction to do it didn't jesus say i only say what i hear the father say i only do what i see him do so he needed direction or he didn't do it man if you do that it'll keep you safe thank you thank you you won't you won't be tired all the time you won't be running out of money all the time come on can you see this because whatever he told you to do he's going to help you to have plenty of strength to do it plenty of time to do it come on y'all with me plenty of money to do it he's faithful he's a good provider but the reason sometimes people have been spread so thin and coming up short all the time because they're doing a bunch of stuff the lord never told them to do but anyway i was at the hotel anybody remember that don't forget about the hotel is it the hotel about to go down give these people a thousand dollars and uh the lord said that to me he said he brought that that passage in acts about he told peter he said these men are down at the door i've sent them go with them nothing doubting now you got every right to do it right the lord told you something he said i hadn't said anything to you about these people you got no reason to trust them i thought well that's good enough for me right this is over but i still wanted to meet with him and see what was going on because if he said that something's something's up something's funny and a whole lot of people were in this thing good people and so we went down it was a lady and she represented this thing so i i started asking questions and i guess i asked too many and she finally said well you know it may not be available to you after all come to find out it was a national scam national and millions of dollars people lost in several different states well phyllis and i didn't lose any money thank the lord it's not because where we understood all the business stuff they were talking about it's not because come on can you see this nothing to do with more intelligent nothing to do with any of that just one thing i realize i need to i need the lord's leading on this and i didn't have it and i asked him and he said no i didn't give it to you should be enough right should be enough praise god we talk about being led by the spirit which is the privilege of every child of god and if it's something that sounds new to you don't let this get away it's not something you learn all about in a few days or a few weeks but pursue it and it'll get clearer to you and stronger to you and and you'll get to the place where you can be led in the small things of life hallelujah and he will lead you into good places he'll lead you out of trouble into victory he'll lead you out of sickness into healing lead you out of poverty into plenty he will brother kenneth hagin senior who's in heaven now he said in one of the visitations that he had that the lord appeared to him he taught him us he was teaching him about being led by the spirit about this very thing and he said he told him he said if you'll learn how to be led by my spirit i'll make you rich now a lot of folks wouldn't even believe that would they wouldn't they wouldn't believe that the head of the church would say that to you well he either saw him and heard it or he just made it up or something is it in line with the scriptures or not and he said when he said that to him brother hagin hadn't heard that before and it sounded strange to him and he said the lord knew what he was thinking so he said i'm not opposed to my children being rich i'm opposed to there being covetous it's not money that's the root of all evil it's the love right that's what it is well you can love money and not have any right there are people that don't have any that's all they think about night and day is getting some well if you can love it and not have it you can have it and not love it right you could have a bunch and not love it hallelujah if you'll learn how to be led by my spirit he said i'll make you rich praise god do the right thing at the right time it applies in every area he'll show you where to plant when what seed when to sell come on here listen show you which bull to get which cows which pastor to come are y'all with me he knows everything about everything when to buy when to sell yeah that's the key in buy low sell high don't take much of that you're in better shape than you used to be right you don't have to have a bunch of degrees you don't have to have a bunch of connections on wall street you got the connection the connection and it you know the more you you feed on the word and the more you pray in the spirit it makes you more aware of the one who's on the inside of you because when you're praying in the spirit he's the one giving you utterance and the bible said you edify yourself you build yourself up on your most holy faith and so something's going on and you got a big decision to make don't flip coins don't ask a bunch of people what they think you ought to do because if they give you a good answer it's because they got it from him and you can go straight to him straight to him and just lay it before the lord and say lord you know what i got to do here i'm asking you show me which way to go help me pray about this and start praying in the spirit start praying in the spirit and you think about going this way and see what kind of witness you've gotten think about going the other way see what kind of witness that you've got and sometimes if you can't get settled on either one it's because there's an option three that you haven't even thought of yet but as you're praying you'll pray out divine mysteries hallelujah and he'll cause you to know say it out loud he orders my steps he directs my paths he causes me to know the way i should go hallelujah hallelujah we're quoting scriptures we're quoting scriptures ephesians 4 i'm thinking about closing crossed my mind anyway so if ephesians 4 come into the world they are completely dependent on us on their parents and we're making all of their decisions for them right totally until they begin to get a little older get a little understanding if if we're if you're a wise parent you'll wean them off of you onto the holy spirit as soon as you can why because the time's coming soon when you won't be able to tell them what they need to know come on are y'all with me and the times come in when you won't even be here and people uh parents who have kept their children too dependent on them are or what's the word they're they're making it hard on them in life i mean you see uh kids go off to college and they can't even get dressed without calling mama can you don't know don't know how to do anything no that that's something should have happened a long time before that you got to allow children to make some mistakes tell them you know tell them well should i do this should i do that you need to be led by the spirit well just tell me mama no no even if you know they're gonna make a mistake it's better to make a mistake on that five dollar toy then on who to marry yeah and here you got people that are grown and they've never exercised any of this never even tried to be led by the spirit they're making decisions based on all kind of stuff but not that so you want to wean people that's the same thing with pastors pastors are like you know mom and daddy of a family and the babies are the ones that just got born again older children should be or the ones that's been saved for a while same thing i mean you can help people but there comes situations where you don't need to tell them what to do you can try to help them find out what they already got inside but uh need to be led by the spirit wean people off of you unto the holy spirit right sooner than later don't wait longer you just make it harder on ephesians 4 let's keep reading he said for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying or building up of the body of christ till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of god to a perfect man are fully mature fully developed unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of christ we're supposed to function in our life like jesus functioned when he was on the earth we can pray like he prayed we can have faith like he had i know a lot of folks don't folks don't believe that but it's the truth he came to show us how it's done that we henceforth what be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the slight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in weight to do what to deceive don't believe every preaching you hear every message you hear two things anybody remember that that hamburger commercial years ago that older lady that drive through the uh you know it through the drive-through she'd holler where's the bee well you should holler where's the scripture and where's the witness right in your own heart where's the scripture and where's the witness every generation there's some kind of new doctrine that uh people get all excited about and don't realize that the devil quote scriptures too just because somebody supposedly has some scriptures for it doesn't make it right we know the word is right but you can distort the word you can twist the word you can misapply the word how are you going to know people say well i'm not a theologian i i hadn't done this i don't know you don't have to know all that you got the author of the book living on the inside of you and he speaks to you the way you understand he speaks to you in in language and phrases and illustrations that click for you he is the master teacher and so when something is not there's been just in my i guess we're pushing now um over 35 years in the ministry but uh just in that length of time there have been several doctrines that that people got so excited about and and and churches split over and and families split over and it's happening today and uh i you know i've i've had folks talk to me you know you why aren't you preaching this why aren't you preaching this we we've already been over this but let's go over it again real slow [Laughter] i don't need a reason not to do so i need a leader to do it right and it'll keep you clear i don't need as a minister i don't need to go around and try to find out what i can about the church or the community and try to correct error or try to do this or to that that's acting like i'm bigger than i am i don't know everything that has gone on and everything that is going on and everything that is going to go on and i don't know everybody's heart and their life and i couldn't begin to know all that there's only one way i can get it right i got to hear from him is that right and preach that right and then and then let him deal with the rest of it the other is too big for me or for you but it sets you free which is what the truth does amen right instead of chasing this or chasing that or reacting to this or responding to that i don't need a reason not to do things i need to seek human weight on that direction to do that thing and then as i do that thing i won't have to pray for it to be blessed it was his idea come on can you see this it was his plan i won't have to it won't be hard to get financial support for it because it's his plan it's his idea come on can you see that he said the these these winds of doctrine slight of men cunning craftiness it's very it is very deceptive i've been around long enough to see three or four main ones and it is tricky because it's scriptures and it's good scriptures yet it's got a taint on it it's got a twist on it that's contradicting other scriptures and folks that don't know the scripture don't catch it but all you got to know is you're seeing something hearing something and something just don't sit right with you that's all you need to know change your channel don't listen to that but when you hear something and it ministers to you and it sets you free and it builds you up you need to hear that again you need to feed on that again it's truth not just your truth the truth the truth that makes you free verse 15. but doing what speaking the truth in love may grow up into him in all things which is the head even christ the anointed one it goes on but this is what we began talking about at the start how do we get more free more truth we know more truth we walk in more truth can you see this if your heart's honest and you're depending on the holy spirit to show you the truth not depending on men you're depending on him and he shows you some and even if it crosses crosswise with five generations of how your folks have thought you love the truth well somebody say i love the truth now i've said this before people think it's too big of a statement you'll you'll agree in just a moment i love the truth more than i love anything or anybody period so i thought was supposed to love jesus that's what i just said he is the truth come on can you see that he is the truth but you you've got you got to make up your mind because you'll be tempted to love yourself more to love this or that come on say it out loud i love the truth more than i love anything or anybody more than myself more than how i look more than what people think more than what i think i want i love the truth more than anything now if you really do then if the truth spanks you and tears apart five generations of thinking you'll say let me have it i won't i want the truth i want the truth and if it up ends things i've thought all my life so be it because i want the truth if it makes me look bad so be it because the truth is the truth we'll get over it is that right i love the truth if it costs me something financially or materially that's okay i'll wind up with way more before it's all over with so be it i love the truth i love the truth i love the truth and speaking the truth in love what will happen what will happen you won't stay where you are you won't stay where you've been you'll see things you have never seen before hallelujah and what will it do for you it'll make you free you'll find out those things the devil told you you couldn't do you can do you'll find out those things the devil told you you couldn't have you can have three of them you'll find out you'll find out you'll find out those things you couldn't be god couldn't use you for that oh yes he can yes he can the truth will make you free and you'll blossom on the inside and you'll rise up to the full measure of the stature of christ which you and i are called and ordained to be can you say amen stand on your feet everybody praise be to god lift your hands let's lift our hands let's lift our praise let's thank the lord for what he's done for us for all he's given us lord we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you oh we worship you [Music] we lift up your voice we worship you lord lift up your hands lord we worship you we worship you we worship you thank you for your goodness thank you for your mercies thank you for your love thank you for your spirit your words your truth thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you oh thank you thank you thank you thank you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you listen listen just a moment close your eyes don't look at me listen the devil has lied to some people in here about your past that because of your past you can't have certain kinds of future and you need to resist that you need to resist that with everything within you who told you that who said that it is a lie everybody say it's a lie it's a lie it's a lie there are others that uh the devil told you because of your family and because of problems in your family and issues in your family that you couldn't you couldn't do some things say it out loud it's a lie it's a lie it's a lie who told you that see who told you that it's a lie it's a lie well you couldn't have this you couldn't do this because and the reasons go on i won't go into all of them but people have listened to lies and the problem is over a period of decades you can get used to it so that you don't notice it anymore but uh pray it out loud and release faith say father god open my eyes and my heart and my mind to any lies that i have believed any deception that's hindered me or held me back or held me up or hindered you in what you want to do in my life i want to see it i love the truth and i'm going with the truth in jesus name hallelujah praise him some more lord we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you lord thank you oh lord thank you oh lord thank you oh lord thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah there there's some folk just keep your eyes closed there there's some folks that because of mistakes that you've made in the past you've believed even if you didn't vocalize it you believed you couldn't be in the ministry because of that or you couldn't help in the church or that they wouldn't want you it's a lie it's a lie it's not true they they don't think that way they don't see you that way you've believed a lie and we need to sit out loud i reject i reject every lie in jesus name don't you believe that don't you time is passing we don't have much time left you need to do what you can while you can and whatever call the lord has on your life do not ignore that because soon you're going to breathe you last you're going to be out of here we want to not waste any time or if we have not wasted any more thank you lord thank you lord said out loud lies will not hold me out will not hold me back in jesus name praise be to god praise be to god praise be to god praise be to god thank you for it thank you thank you for thank you thank you for thank you hallelujah god's not mad at you that's another lie god's not mad at you god's god didn't say i'm done with them lies lies lies lies no we we are done with believing lies how about that we not going to be easily duped and easily misled that's what that's saying not not carried about with all these wins of doctrine you grow up so established in the truth you see the devil's lies coming two miles away you go i know i see you i see you i ain't gonna believe a bit of that and you just become so strong in the lord you are not easily duped or deceived or misled and it's not because you're so smart it's because the one who's on the inside of you yeah you've just learned how to listen to him amen praise god pastor yeah i didn't say anything about the materials pastor uh we we do have some materials and you're welcome to them they won't cost you anything they're free and just if you would just take like one per person or a couple
Channel: M B
Views: 1,228
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: keith moore, moore life ministries, carthage, flc, flcb, flcs, fli, faith life international
Id: -A_9Dg2qdPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 29sec (5789 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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