Billy Burke 091021 What Have You Tested Positive For

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you ready to go ready to go hallelujah come on somebody you've got to be praised tonight [Music] come on i need a miracle [Music] listen i mean in the midst of all of this there's a there's a part that only you can play in getting a miracle that is throughout the whole course of the evening i mean just be as tuned in as you can be to what you need at the same time paying attention to what's going on here but that's how you keep pressure on the yoke that yolk will break blind and deaf and paralyzed and diabetes and and lupus and what's that co what's that new one i can't remember it it's too new whatever that new one is that'll break too and fall like just sand before the master's feet that you you let me say something else here i mean there were people really really healed here last night you got you got to get excited that you're in a church that still does that [Applause] i mean there were several people that left without cataracts and i will get their testimonies maybe a little later but let me say this to you about the offering and paul didn't know i was going to do this pastor paul but i didn't begin to see any increase or not noticeable increase on our giving my giving you know i mean i gave because the word says so i gave because i was a believer in the project at hand in the church whatever but this if you'll hear me will really really help you when you're in a meeting like last night and like tonight there's going to be more people healed here tonight and and you don't give anything and nobody's saying give the farm you know one man was in a meeting and he got so mad because i was you know talking about the offering and i said sir calm down i don't want your farm i don't want your tractors i don't even want your chickens but just a little seed can you give a little seed bible talks about the seed and he looked at me and said well now that you put it like that maybe i can maybe i can give you some seed he was really thinking everybody was after the farm but here here's what happened to me you know as i said through the years i gave and gave and gave because i was supposed to like the project liked the speaker loved the church whatever but it wasn't until i began to connect the dots between my giving and doors that were opening my giving and a week later i got this invitation that i really was waiting for for years i got i g i was sewing a seed in daystar called i was sowing a seed and an eagle mountain called and i began to think whoa i like this sewing seat stuff but until you realize that what you do here and then see many people don't connect the dots they'll put something in the offering here or they'll give here three weeks later they'll get a promotion many people won't connect it to the seed they'll get the best deal on a car but they won't connect it to the sea they'll get that apartment that they never should have got but they won't connect it to the seed come on say out loud i have seed in the ground weaponize your giving. [Music] weaponize your giving when you need a healing besides everything that you normally do say master i got seed in the ground or for that apartment or whatever you're believing for and you'll begin to notice that what is been keeping you i mean this church broke into this building in the middle of a pandemic oh you better [Applause] [Music] so if your leaders are leading you like that i mean they're leading you to be stretched not to remain in your little comfort zone and no i don't think everybody gave tonight i could i could feel it and i asked the holy spirit should i even say this he said i'm trying to bless everybody that comes to this church at a level they've never ever seen before now come on you gotta come on but you gotta give him something to work with well i gave last night yeah but you're back here for tonight this is not a buffet every time you're in the presence every time he and not he enables you to feel him or see someone get healed or this level of praise that was here tonight yes i mean the roar and the hunger for god and god is saying well i'm glad you love me i'm glad you praised me but give to me give open up that purse open up that wallet give that charge card i mean it's amazing when i'm out noticing people no matter where i go how fast and how much people just give and spend and buy you wouldn't know there was any shutdown going on they're still renting cars and hotel rooms and they're still in the clothing stores you hear the part on the news it says thus and so but a lot of people are still giving you know and they're giving in to those places that don't bring any return i'm not trying to say you're not giving but tonight this church is really in the very beginning it's still embryonic it hasn't you know it isn't grown up yet you still have a chance to be on the ground floor of a worldwide ministry come on somebody better help me come on i mean i wish i'd had an opportunity to give into the golden arches while they were little come on say amen but now those arches are so big and that stalk is so high same with the home depot and the same with all that some of those other gigantic blue chip stocks you're sitting in probably the greatest investment i mean your backside has fallen into butter i mean you don't even realize it that's an english term you don't even realize it you're just coming in here and sitting in that blue seat and just kind of giving what you can when you can get a little bit more premeditated begin to say you know god i'm not happy with my giving i'm not happy with the amount i'm not happy with the the consistency and i know it's blocking the blessing i mean because you this this phrase you got to expect more out of this all this praise will go to waste if you don't expect something to drop after that you got to know something is on the way something come on something your grandchildren come on you're married your daughter come on your son far away that house you want god knows what's the bible say he knows you have need of all of these things he knows even before but when he sees you giving out of your own need there's nothing that touches him more he knows how much you need the twenty dollar bill or the hundred dollar check or whatever it is he knows he knows i find most people have enough money to spend on just what they want i don't have any money all of a sudden well i have enough money to go to that game i don't have enough money but i have enough money to go away to the beach for the weekend and so you're you're putting money in places that can't bless you i know when you put it in that offering and it disappears out there wherever they take it i know it seems like there it goes there it goes and there goes that fifty dollars i really needed that and now you're a grumpy giver come on that's a grumpy giver so you got to get rid of the grumpiness you got to believe that this is a viable principle from god come on it is a bible truth and there's nothing that would grieve the holy spirit more than to see your pastor go out on the limb plan all these meetings you know and bring in the meat and the drink that's what the bible says what's that mean the best of the best to come in and talk to you to take this city back come on somebody better come on [Applause] i mean a lot of great churches have been here and been to the oral roberts ministry of course and kenneth hagin somebody's amaze you know but it's a new season it really really is and i know their their ministries will speak it forever but god needs some ground troops boots on the ground come on say boots on the ground and you are the boots on the ground for tulsa you know first in what first in jerusalem then judea then the uttermost that seems to be the protocol that god uses and that's what i see happening every time i come here i'm just amazed at the level of praise at the level of excitement i don't know your offerings we don't talk about that your pastor and i but i'm saying i'm i just hope you are i hope you put a value on what's here because i've been to so many places where people just thought it would be there forever you know and then when it wasn't there then i said you have to ask yourself how much did you support it how much did you pray for it how much how many meals did you give up how much fasting did you do to take this city and how much sacrificial money did you give oh i don't know about you i've gone to the mall the store many times with something to buy but i end up spending three times as much has anybody ever done that let me say raise your hand uh-huh what did you do you spent unexpected money you thought you weren't going to spend but while you were there you saw something and that i have been wanting to get that and it's on sale for 399 dollars [Music] uh-huh yeah i know i know and you're saying honey and she says but honey but honey look it's mark done 100 bucks we better grab it and she says okay darling and then boy you're going home with you know that's how this works and and god moves on people and here's what i tell people if you want to hear god for you hear god for him we can't be coming and always saying lord what's in this for me tonight lord what word do you have for me what are you gonna give me tonight and he's saying what are you gonna give me tonight the fact that god would even need our seed i mean needed in the aspect of as a reason to pour out on you i don't think we realize the hundredfold return and how it happens and we like it we believe in it but you activate it i'm not preaching at you i'm sharing but i'm about ready to preach i'll tell you that right now put your hands up all over the place come on say lord help me with my giving holy spirit i can do better i know this church has destiny written all over it and i know i'm called to be a part of millennial and i've got to be a part of the seed if i'm going to be part of the harvest if i'm connected to harvest i've got to get connected to seed i've got to help this pastor he needs help he needs more help than he knows he needs there's a great expense with this facility we're just in one room working on another room another part of the building come on say holy ghost turned me loose turned my giving loose at a whole nother level and i know that i know that i know it'll make all the difference in the world come on give god a big big shout all over the place [Applause] come on come on oh my god amen i mean we would billy burke ministries if it wasn't for our partners i traveled zero in the in what was that 2020 what was that i mean the doors closed everywhere our canadian ministry is still closed and over 40 percent of our revenue comes out of canada we have an office there we have a crew there and we go up every month for what i don't know 15 years and we have large crowds we take in a lot of money we give a lot of money away but that's been shut down completely and so you you can imagine billy burke if you don't if you if your teeth start to chatter that means tongues is on the way come on how many do i'm talking about and so i'm just saying that in that time i just made a few appeals over the phone to our partners and i'm telling them endeared to them if you're one of those here tonight just thank you so give our partner just our partners are god's blessing [Music] now say lord turn your healing loose turn your deliverance loose turn your anointing loose in jesus name come on give him grace nothing's impossible come on church can you do one more shout out praise tonight come on lift up your voice hey you know what i'm drafting all of you in the band right now i said you're all musicians all right we're going to start this different pastor pilling that we usually do if you can bring this up for me it'll help you have two hands here's the beat let's just go there you go [Applause] does anybody know this besides me [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're gonna do it one more time and we get to a certain part i'm gonna slow it down but you sure are helping with your hands at the top part add your voices to that and i can use some more of this i can hear myself [Music] is impossible [Music] [Music] here we go [Music] is [Music] [Applause] on [Music] [Applause] [Music] david could we i know we could we do it one more time sure sure and when we get to the part everything that i want us to be quiet up here and i want to hear them in the acapella that their part is those words coming out of their mouth not just our mouth because we know the song are you talking about the everything part yeah everything let me practice some here just for once okay i'll be the choir okay here's your notes ready everything try that next friend for everything [Music] next one that's excellent yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we go here we go [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] beautiful [Applause] [Music] wow come on somebody giving praise somebody even pray somebody give me [Music] holy spirit [Music] come in my strength and power [Music] holy spirit [Music] in your strength [Music] is [Music] spirit [Music] is [Music] every hour [Music] bless me now my blessedness [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] me now [Music] oh bless me now my savior [Music] i come today be [Music] for the lord god almighty [Music] holy are you [Music] worthy [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you lord god [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] worthy is [Music] come on give me praise tonight come on come on [Music] [Music] come on jesse i receive everything you have tonight master i receive it right now in jesus name you may be seated all over the place if you have your bible over in the book of john chapter 16 if you don't have your bible you can just listen to what i want to share with you tonight i'm just sitting back here and last night we had a good time sharing here last night didn't we have a good time sharing there's so many people today you know that are that need healing that have had prayer for healing that have seen some healing but a lot of people are stuck on 30 percent 50 percent better they've been better for 10 years you know their blood pressure is okay you know but we don't have enough joy in the camp for people that have been completely 100 remember jesus went all the way he didn't give some blood he gave it all you know he didn't go halfway to calvary he went all the way and what he has for you is complete come on say complete healing say fully recovered that's his plan for you and you we may be in the transition somewhere between point a and point b and that's great you are a miracle in motion i believe in that but at some point you know you could just kind of forget that there's a prize at the end of this you could be so so wonderful see there's some and there's more and there's all come on say there's some more oh say it again some more oh so if you if you've had nothing some is pretty exciting i mean you could live on some the rest of your life if you've had nothing all of your life but if you get more you could forget about everything somebody say amen you don't know there's an all over here there's an all over here i mean god has meant you to have the full force of calvary benefiting you and that means no matter how old no matter what the doctors say no matter what the federal reserve board says or even your own social security or your credit score we won't talk about that last one we won't but just in case you're somewhere below where you need to be i mean god does miracles that's what miracles are they go against logic come on put your hands up say i need one of those tonight big time come on but i want you to listen to this it's so simple sometimes we miss it and billy burke just has discovered this in the journey in my years with kathryn kuhlman you know there's just so much that you learn of course listening to kenneth copeland exposure to him and all these other ministries you learn a lot but sometimes it don't sink in right away look at your neighbor and say you're not easy to work with tell them right now come the first amen we get all night we didn't get it in the worship we didn't get it in the in the in in the beginning but we get it for that but it's true we're not that cooperating you know and some of this we don't take that serious and and i believe we're living in the most difficult challenging serious time that i've ever seen on this planet in church history come on somebody better give god a shout right now come on give him a shout so if you don't need any money for you you need money to help the kingdom come on if you don't care about how you are health-wise you need healed just to help others [Music] forget you if you don't want anything and you're satisfied then beyond belief then get more whatever more is more favor more money more healing more deliverance so that you can be greatly used to help other people because other people are way nowhere near where you are now other people would just they would look at what some of you are walking in what some of you have which you don't think is much but i mean to them it would be absolutely wow look what you have been blessed with so tonight i want to help you that with this i want to help you i want to talk about the holy spirit i want to talk about the holy spirit briefly tonight and how he has helped me how how i believe he has strengthened me and strengthened this ministry we've been in existence over 43 years now come on give god a big shout and seen a lot of people come and go seen a lot of churches come and go that don't last half that time hasn't been easy all the time but i wouldn't be standing here today if it wasn't for that close friend that helper that helper the holy spirit thankful for jesus it's always because of jesus but when jesus left he handed you over to somebody else see you don't realize that i mean and i'm not here tonight to make one more important than the other they work together believe it or not those three really get along all the time they really cover each other so well but the holy spirit we get healed because of the strike but it's the holy spirit that brings you the healing you get money because you sow but it's the holy spirit that brings you the harvest or sometimes he may send some angels you know whenever you whenever you forgive and you repent it's the holy ghost that takes your trash out i mean he and you may call on the lord but the lord says i'm up here interceding for you i ever live to make intercession but whenever you intercede the holy ghost talks to the father the father gives hey then give him and he sends a signal down here and holy ghost carries it out he's way more involved in your life than you know and and tonight what i want to help you with a little bit is this in in the in the journey for your healing and for your recovery money and health longevity and those things usually there's issues that you're still fighting that you don't have victory over yet you're still fighting things that really are robbing you of confidence and thinking you're worthy to be healed so because you're still dealing with some things that that you're dealing with it could be from this to that i don't want to get into itemizing issues because there's no need to do that but there could be some things that you just can't seem to get the victory over your your thought life your words it would be good place to begin maybe some of the things that with your diet your eating habits your relationships your choice of what you do when you're alone versus when you're with people these are all things that could be blessing blockers and they could be really they could be like like you know the the the uh all of that stuff that sticks in your arteries plaque it just doesn't want to go away no matter no matter what you do you do your chelation you do this you do that you drink that and that plaque build up worse and your carotid arteries begins to take people out it's called blockage and the older you get the more blockage seems to show up and it seems very difficult to get victory over it even though you know you should and even though you've prayed and even though you have used the word of god and even though you're standing on the promises i mean listen to me there's a lot of people that know all the healing verses and they're not healed do you understand what i'm saying to you i'm going to come a little closer so some of you can hear me and look in my eyes and know that i am telling you the truth tonight there's a lot of people that know all the money scriptures and they still ride a bicycle they still have no hope of putting their kids in college they still can't pay off some of the simplest things you know and unless you're serious i mean if this is just about coming to church and singing and getting happy but not dealing with any issues then you're never going to really eat the sweetness of the land that god's called you to because every land he calls you to has giants and you say yes and like an old beetle song they say no come on somebody right you say go and they say stay every garden has a snake and every promised land has multiple giants trying to keep you from wha why because it would just give you such momentum you'd become christians gone wild come on somebody you you wouldn't know quite what to do with yourself you would actually look in the mirror and say i like you no issues with you anymore i like you what you've done the changes you've made we're on the same team let's go get them tiger come on but what happens is we we lin these issues linger on where they seem to be just and the voices in your head the voices that compel you to yield to temptation to still stay in the pornography to still turn the channel on your computer to an area that is a dead zone it's a dead zone and it releases death it releases carnality and because you come here and you do all of this it doesn't make you a feverish for god it just neutralizes everything that's good so you know your hot hits your cold and you know what that creates i can't hear you well i'd rather say 70 degrees it's easier to say 70 degrees come on say i'm not called to 70 degrees you know and and so it but it's so subtle it's like carbon monoxide i mean it just takes you out and you don't even know you're breathing it and you compartmentalize the fact that you're in church you're worshiping you're in bible study you're giving your tithe but if you're honest about yourself you just can't seem to beat that healing you can't get to that and what's robbing you of confidence is that you can't seem to get victory over any of these other issues and and you you just continue to confess the scriptures and you continue to do what you're doing and all i'm going to say is if that works for you man hallelujah and you know that's that's wonderful but it didn't work for me and so one day i'm driving down the road you know this is some years ago i was driving down the road and i was just saying to the holy spirit i love you so much i love you holy spirit i'm so glad that i've learned about you i'm so glad that you're in my life i was just telling him how much i love him and he came back at me right in the car audibly he said billy why do you love me i must wreck the car you know i almost wrecked my i mean seriously i had to really get a hold of the car i pulled into a vacant gas station on east pittsburg street outside of pittsburgh and i shut the car off and i said what do you mean why why do i love you i love you because you're the holy spirit i love you because you're the third person of the trinity i love you because you know you're god i love you i love you and he's wait he said billy he said it again why do you love me and i said i love you and here these words came out of my mouth because i need you i need you i can't do this i can't i'm not i'm not a self-made anything i can't do this i need you he said how much do you need me i said a whole lot i mean if you don't show up then there's nobody that really gets help if you don't show up my words don't really coordinate if you don't show up there's no life released into the people nothing eternal anyways nothing that's lasting and he said because if you realize that whenever you get into a fight or an argument with somebody what's the sometimes the first words out of your mouth i don't need you it's one of the first things we say even to our marriage to our mate when we say that to the place where we work hey you know what i'm done with this i don't need them well they only pay your salary that pays your mortgage that pays your car that keeps your kids in college and keeps the fish swimming in your tank come on somebody help me here but you don't need them so that means you don't care about college and you don't care about the fish and you don't care about the food on the table because you're in iran but those words come out of your mouth i don't need you it's the one of the worst things that can ever come out of your mouth especially when you're talking about because see we think we outgrow so many things in god we can begin to do it on ourself i've got the word i know the promises thank you lord i can take it from here i know i know all the i know what the will of god is for this i know what the will of god is for that well if you do know all of that then why isn't that knowledge working for you you have to ask that i mean i i like things that work excuse me if i buy a lawnmower i wanted to cut the grass you know if i buy a window washer i want the water to come out with high pressure if i buy a cup of coffee down here at st r bucks i want it to be really really really good that's what i call starbucks stain our bucks so your expectation out of what's going on all around you can't can't be anything less than beyond excellence in this hour in which we're living or you've settled you're tolerating well this don't work and that don't work and our garage is full of stuff that don't work and it used to work but don't work and and all of a sudden you you're just you're just happy to be surviving surviving is one floor above dead we're not called to survive we're called to overcome come on give him a shout tonight come on give god a shout come on see i'm an overcomer even with my faith that's what caused you to overcome but in this journey the thing that undermines the the the undertow of a lot of our lives is i can't lose that weight i can't get away from all the food can't get away from the food i know that i'm convicted i shouldn't even be eating i shouldn't be drinking that but i do i shouldn't be watching that but i do i shouldn't be this my words aren't right my thoughts aren't right and you're thinking wow this is a big time job so if i keep going to church so and that's what you should do the church is the it's the greatest institution on planet earth it's the greatest group of people that exists and when you have an anointed leaders like paul and karen and the team that they're building i mean i mean this is a this is the fixed fight you're in right here this is a fixed fight come on give god give him praise this is a fixed fight but even with all of that there's still the only the part that you play when you walk out of here this place can only carry you so far they can encourage you they can build your faith they can love you whenever they don't know all this going on secretly they don't know all the battles that you fight but you do you know what you're dealing with when you walk in here you know what kind of miracles plural that you need and yet you try you try to do it with the help of the lord and how many times you said if it wasn't for the lord i don't know what i would do here's what the lord said i hand you over to another he will be your paraquitos he will be your helper oh come on somebody give him a praise come on yet yet i mean how many times in the last week have you said holy spirit i need your help the bible said we have an unction from on high who knows all things that unctions the holy spirit now not undermining jesus but jesus is where at the right hand of the father he has the probably the harder part he's in prayer 24 7 365. he's ever lived to make intercession but they work together so harmoniously the father clearly is on the throne jesus at the right hand the seven spirits before the throne warring angels on the left and worship angels on the right i mean and you and i are in the center of it for the joy set before him come on somebody give god a big shout [Applause] but to help you need a lot of times it's just that relationship that that exchangeable relationship holy spirit i need you to take this to take all of this out of you trying to make something happen putting all the burden on you you know and then you're going to begin to wonder why doesn't the word work it works but part of the word is you need help come on years ago i had someone give give us a huge gas grill two pieces here and two pieces here and and they had it delivered you know by fedex and fedex dropped off the gas grill and there it was in i don't know three or four boxes and i said well that's great they gave us that gift but i need some help putting this together me and screwdrivers never get along come on i don't know who i'm talking to here so i had to call three or four guys to come over and say help me put this together we have no trouble saying help me to the mechanic help me to the hairdresser help me to the dentist we have no trouble recognizing we can't do this and we can't do that and we ask for help all over the place except that third person who's been assigned to you to me to help us and he waits to hear you engage with him his name is the holy spirit his name is you can call him the holy ghost i mean i think spirits i do both but it was whenever i my life changed whenever i began just to get into a covenant with him i've always the lord the father the lord the father but in the kathryn kuhlman ministry that's being around that ministry that's all that i heard so it was imparted and he's trying to impart that to many people today you know because only he can get into your your busy life and itemize what you need to work on next like you don't have one problem tonight you have come on somebody come on i mean wouldn't that be great if you only had one major need i mean that would be like you know living on rodeo drive in the spirit no you you but you you don't know where to go so you know what you just you're just running all over the place trying to get your body strong trying to get your mind right trying to get your kids safe trying to get money in the bank trying to pay for this trying to wipe that debt away and at the end of the day you need mouth-to-mouth you know and you feel horrible because you think that i do anything worthwhile today and that's without mentioning the thoughts that went through your head that you shouldn't be thinking that's not to mention some of the words that you release that release death it's enough to make you hopeless it's enough to make you quit it's to make this enough to make you want to find a big church and just veg out that's what people do when they when they want to quit they don't want to do it in front of the people that know them they want to go down the road and find a big church and just veg because they don't want to change they don't want to work the tools that god given them to work with they don't want to use the keys they like wearing those gold keys around i got the keys he gave me the keys they like flashing keys around they like flashing their breastplates see that nude missed a 2021 model this press play they like flash and everything they get but they don't like to use it they're collectors not users they're collectors they collect information but don't use it they collect stories but never refer to them if you if you just tapped into ten percent of what you've been taught what you know especially tonight the help you need there's not a human on earth that can help you there's not a church fully equipped i mean do you realize what all the church has to do how many people they have to facilitate they couldn't hire enough people to help you when you walk out those doors with what you deal with and then you have the audacity to go out there and say nobody cares nobody cares and god says well i haven't heard you ask for help i hear you i hear you quoting my word back to me but heaven humbled yourself to ask for help see god helps humble people just because you have information he still wants to know you need him your wife wants to know you need her your husband wants to know that you need him your children want to know i need you guys your pastor wants them hey pastor i really need you see that word need is is the one of the most humbling words that put you in such a receiving position i need you why do you love me billy the holy spirit said i said because after a while after i figured it out and had said it accidentally he said well there you are i knew you'd get it after you ran out of everything else so you need me you're not charismatic enough your knowledge isn't enough you don't know enough people in the ministry i'm glad you're realizing that i'm glad you're really i was in a meeting years ago in connecticut waterbury connecticut i was sitting waiting to be introduced and the holy spirit spoke to me on the stage he said i'm just letting you know billy i don't need any bright boys in this meeting today i'm thinking lord are you talking to me no i didn't say holy spirit because i'm used to saying lord so because they work together the lord will just say holy spirit that one's for you because that's who we have been handed over to and i i i said you're talking to me i don't need any bright boys because i just want you to walk up to the end of the stage there's a church of about a thousand people he wants you to walk up the end of the stage and just tell all the people in here that's having you know sex outside of marriage you want to meet them at the altar i said holy spirit [Music] i said holy spirit i mean oh i mean here's what he said i'll help you well what's that they're gonna they can't see you they see me and how are you going to help what part of this conversation what do you what part are you going to play you know what he said when you say those words that seem to seem a little crass i'm going to feel this altar that's my part my part is taking what you do and settling truth in them and moving them making this a kairos moment for them a god moment and i didn't understand that at that time so i walked out at the end of the stage here's this place you know packed out they're ready for healing they're they're ready i'm thinking oh jesus jesus this is so not part of what i like to do i'm not called to this it's not my anointing you know all those things that we say but he's in charge and he likes being in charge he really believes he has all of the answers he just believes that so i walked out to the end of stage i said so great to be here i believe we're going to see a lot of miracles i'm trying to think in my head how to segue how to segue right into that and i mean i had the hardest time because i'm looking at these people and they're over there just smiling you know and they're just waiting for god to call out their wrist or their hand or their carpal tunnel or their bad feet or whatever they're just waiting to be healed which is good which is good i said you know what ladies and gentlemen i said god really really loves you today amen and they're just looking me like i just went until i ran out of everything i could think of i said but there's an issue that there's a lot of people here having sex outside of marriage i mean to tell you it was it was more than quiet it was it was and i said you know there's fornicators there's adulterers there's pornography i said it's really gonna hurt your life might keep you out of heaven and it's hurting this church i said so if you'll just come down to the altar and i'm thinking you better live up to your end of the deal see right because you have to trust in somebody besides you i'm going to say that again a lot of you trust in you you trust in your knowledge you trust in what you know let me tell you where i've been you trust in your history you trust in your experiences which is foolish and i said if you'll come up here and i'm just i mean i'm really inside churning as much as i trust the holy spirit for the areas that i move in this here was a stretch into another area another lane so to speak and i mean they ran they ran i'm telling you they ran they packed out that altar i mean i don't know if anybody was left maybe a two rows were left and when the pastor saw that he ran up on the stage and he began jumping up and down on the stage and here's what he was screaming i don't know you to the church to his church he said i don't know you because the first guy went over to him i said so what are you here for he said i made a deal with the devil that if he would give me as many women as i wanted that i would give him and this was one of his leaders so he's up on the stage and he and then i went down i didn't go far because it was so it was getting gross it was getting embarrassing women the men the women that were into pornography the lesbian acts that were going on and they began to just say it i'm thinking why why were they being so open about this and the holy ghost said you asked me to help you see if you really believe he will help you let me tell you the difference that'll make all the difference you're so used to carrying the load and having to i could have called our son i got to do this and you're you're you're missing the most important part of this whole journey and that is holy spirit i'm going to trust you know because what we wanted to pray pray pray pray pray pray pray why pray you don't trust why would i pray for you why would i stay up all night wrestling you know the angel for you if you're not going to trust any help it's not a prayer issue it's a trust issue we're not good at trusting we're not good at really believing trusting i'm going to use the word trust that's kind of where this all settles tonight that that invisible part of god that that holy spirit that he's able and he's willing and he's faithful to do what you prayed you know some of this by already because he's done things that you haven't even prayed for and he's done it he's given you a freebie or a sovereign move am i making sense to you tonight i'm trying to talk slow so you so you catherine said when she was young she talked so fast she said as i got older i talked slow and i said why did i i said why did you talk fast and why did you talk slow she said when i was younger i thought i knew everything and the older that i got i started to talk slow so that i only said what he was saying to me come on give god a big shout come on [Applause] i would be safe to say that and i i did it so i know it's there's still times i have to catch myself and you know what i hear from heaven who's in charge here okay got it got it because you move you over in that worry lane or that works lane you know where i can get this done and you know i will i will i will i will i will i can and all of a sudden you get hit with covid you get you get tested you got positive with the virus you know and you're thinking how'd this happen you know and then you got laid off how'd that happen and god's just waiting how long is it going to take for you to say help that's not a disgrace you're not asking anybody some old joe out on the street you're not running to the government and social services you're asking the one who was assigned to help you i mean get a hold of that and get his name down i mean if somebody's talking you doesn't that help if they know your name i can't hear you if they don't know your name they probably say well brother well sister but there's something about all of us we like to hear our name come on when jesus came out in the grave and mary didn't recognize him right it was martha who was that martha mary mary mary didn't recognize him and when he said her name because he says your name like nobody. when he says your name it's like nobody else can say your name and he said mary and she said rabbi or raboni in the greek right away there was a connection we're not doing that we're filling out papers we're trying to figure it out kenneth said something to me years ago he said shake your head to the right i went like that he said now shake your head to the left i went like that he said did the answer fall out simple but very memorable said no billy you got to set your eyes on this and you got to set your ears on that and what what a tutor he's been to billy burke i've needed a lot of help to get to this point and i think i'm going to need even more help as we go down because the human race has become very complicated everybody now thinks they they they have a fast track with them computers and they have built up friends through social media that they don't even know they don't even like the people they can see or go to church with they have all these friends on social media that you don't know how they live what cup you're drinking out of i mean there's got to be a reason why your boat isn't moving so fast there's got to be well jesus said to the disciples hey guy hey guy hey hey the fish are on this side throw the net on this side they were fishermen and they didn't know where the fish were oh i don't know who i'm talking to here did you hear what i just said [Music] think about how those disciples thought what he said fish on the other side they're biting over here fish over there and you'll get all the fish you need well normally you're only talking the width of a fishing boat so they scurried over and threw the nets on the other side when you know the story i mean whoo well he said i hand you over to another who does everything jesus did holy spirit does add him to your conversation begin to let his name be known in your life that's why i try to sing that one song in all of our crusades come holy spirit i need you because to stand in front of an audience and you know you can't heal anybody let alone change somebody that's paralyzed or blind you don't have all the answers i mean i mean all these years i've been doing this i've seen a lot of amazing things but i've also felt like lord that i that i hurt anybody tonight i don't want to leave any meeting with somebody thinking that they're not worthy see it's the devil's job to divide you to make you a divided kingdom for you to be against you that's his whole mission today i like me tomorrow i don't like me today i feel worthy tomorrow i don't feel worthy and jesus said a divided kingdom can't stand something has to happen so you can feel comfortable enough while you're being perfected we know when you need perfected believe me your neighbors know your relatives know your pets know come on somebody they starve when you get into a fight they don't eat for days your cat says something going on with mr my mom something going on there people know you need help and if you're around discerning people in the church they know it they just don't tell you it it's really really important that you who do you and that what's you know what i hear most of here's what people tell me and believers tell me this seasoned believers here's what they tell me billy who am i going to go to excuse me i can't you understand i'm so public everybody knows me who am i going to go to leaders tell me that athletes tell me that who am i going to go to i can't tell the public this you know and and i want to say holy spirit but see they've never been taught that they will go holy spirit yeah yeah yeah yeah i get it but they get it but they don't get it you get it but you don't get it because you're still going to go back and try to work it and or you're going to get angry at me tonight and say well i hear god too and god's doing it this way with me and god about you know all that so so i've just got to the point of my life i say lord all i can do share this knowing how long it took me to get this because you think in some areas you're an authority and you think over here because you're older and you've been down the road you've seen it all you haven't seen it all the bible says i had them seen i got a verse for you let me tell you the verse i'm not done i'm not done nor has ear heard for those things that god has for those who love and seek him and then the next verse says but the holy spirit who the spirit who the spirit is about to reveal it to them somebody give god a shout come on [Applause] come on [Applause] but all the people getting back i'm nobody to go to that's why we love when you come to our church because i can talk to you what what i can't handle all your stuff i'm not here to listen to everything going on in your life well but you're here and you're there and you know we this church if one person knows then everybody knows and i said hey there's a third person to this equation but they act like well how do you talk to him how do you talk to him oh you're scaring me you're in a pentecostal church a full gospel church and you're asking me how you talk to the holy spirit you're scaring me you're starving your spirit you're depriving yourself of answers that could have been given to you years ago he's waiting to give you downloads you never dreamed of see none of those none of what all of what you need to live life is in the bible but let me tell you what's not in the bible none of the details of your life none of the details of your life are in the bible where you're going to live who you're going to marry what kind of house you should buy how much you should spend for a house where should you invest your money none of that's in the bible how long should you live in tulsa you know what what should you do here at the millennial church that can help the church none of that's in the bible should you go to your high school class reunion how much clothes should you not give sell for selling your your blouses for a dollar or 50 cents how much should you quit being that cheap and just give stuff away but that's yours the god the bible teaches if you own that bible it's your power to do with what you want but what have you laid down on the altar you've said holy spirit what should i do help me with this decision i need a harvest you know and i pay my tithes what else everything in your house is a seed your whole house is a seed factory all that stuff that doesn't work anymore that somebody could fix and make it work it's a seed yeah but my grandfather he's in heaven he he don't care about that tractor yeah but it's so special he's in heaven he's probably talked with moses today you think he's up there thinking no that's you're you're stuck and the devil's loving it the holy ghost is saying release let go you know and and if you would get into your clothes you're not going to ever fit into that dress again just but that's my favorite sundress it is but that was what 30 years ago and if you lose that much weight you'll die come on somebody help me [Applause] what are you saving that stuff for you're a collector you're a collector you're a collector not a user you know there's so many things you could be selling right now i expect you to leave here tonight go home look over your all of your inventory and just say honey this guy this is seed this is seed all of your harvest is sitting in your house with things you don't even use anymore and you don't see it well who's trying to help you see it holy spirit through me tonight holy spirit holy spirit you know there's so many things that are shared that that you just don't catch that are secrets and breakthroughs that will change revolutionize your life ruth ended up gleaning in the right field behind the right wagon changed her whole life god don't want you wandering around what field should i be in your whole life whose wagon should i be behind when he told a moabitus a person not covenant this field this wagon and i mean here comes not bozo boaz come on somebody say boaz so if you had if you've had bozo you haven't been asking for help why because you knew what you wanted and then you know what you tell people god knows what i want well god does know but he you and him haven't got together you want who isn't good for you god wants who works all the way around but god knows my heart that's what scares them [Laughter] that's what scares god when you say those words he knows my heart gee god's out there thinking oh go wash up see your security is really in what you think of who you are where you've been what you know and nobody has really challenged you because that's not what we're supposed to do i'm softly challenging everybody tonight that's what faith does faith doesn't accept things it challenges things jesus didn't heal everybody because he you touched them he challenged people rise pick up your bed it seems insensitive but if i can't challenge your faith i can't help you go sell what you have give to the poor he challenged them i'll help you locate your heart just go sell what you have come follow me he challenged their obedience you know let down your net now but we fished all night let it down now god's not in you to comfort you your whole life you know he he in the comfort zone he's trying to disturb the church from just becoming spectators visitors we're to be carriers of the glory come on carriers we're not to be visiting here every week and we don't carry anything back and then we're ashamed to tell anybody about what we do and who we are we're secret agents we're a secret agent ministry out of millennial the secret agents what do you do every sunday why don't you come down there you catch any football games someone said they saw you at church you know and you never thought about what is the holy spirit or the spirit or the holy ghost the third person who has been sent listen to me he never said i will paint your house he never said i will get you a car. he said i will help you oh my god [Applause] come on somebody praise him on that praise them on that big difference big difference see some people have made god their sugar daddy and he's going to do i know god's going to do it i know god's going to do it i know what god's going to do and god's thinking oh you're trying to get me involved in that project look that project i have for you but i'll help you but see if i do it then you never use your faith you don't have to use any verses maybe that you don't know yet think about how much of the bible you don't know yet you swim in the same part of the pool your whole life you go to disney and ride the same three rides come on somebody help me and there's a whole park there you go shopping there's owl ways if you walk down that aisle way in the grocery store they'd say who are you they've never seen you there's so many more things to to holy ghost wants to get into you but you've got to decide to carve out the time and he's worth it i'm gonna tell you tonight he is worth it because what he knows everything about life and godliness concerning you again those details of your life that is not in the bible that's why people have a hard life as a christian because they expect the bible to tell them everything the bible tells you how to be moral how to be saved how to be healed but where to live where to buy where to invest you know how many jobs should you have bible don't tell you that and you know it don't you and you know it though that's your struggle then well then who's going to share this with me i need counseling well then you open yourself up to who's counseling you and they start counseling you the word of god what's not in there i need someone to help tell me you know how do i handle this and what do i do with that you need the holy spirit he's the only one and he's the one there's nobody that loves you more than him he's the only one that can live in who else could live in you and put up with you think about everywhere you take the holy ghost he don't want to go think about that catherine always said billy always try to live your life that you don't grieve the holy spirit and i loved what she said but i just thought sometimes after she was gone and of course i was in the ministry and making my fair share of mistakes i'm thinking i'm glad she's not here because i am making i'm grieving the holy spirit a whole lot and and the holy spirit spoke to me he said listen as long as you know that i'm here as long as you acknowledge me acknowledge me and i will guide you in all your ways but whenever you begin to think i got my own steering wheel and i know what to do and god spoke to me and if god spoke to you wouldn't it be more fruitful a lady had me over for dinner and she made meatloaf you know and so she's getting putting the meatloaf on the table she said just want you know that jesus made this meatloaf for you today what do you say about that so she sliced me off a piece and gave me some carrots and then she said i can't wait for you to taste it and i said no who made this meatloaf she said the lord made this meatloaf especially for you so i took a bite and i swallowed and she says what do you think i said well if the lord made this he could do a better job than what this is because i'm trying to teach her something you know she's thinking the lord made to know you made that if the lord did it be a perfect meatloaf have you all heard that the lord baked this cake the lord did this now when the lord's into something as i said when the holy spirit opens up a door nobody can shut it when he shuts the door nobody can open it when he puts a favor on you no matter who don't like you because a lot of people won't they'll be jealous of your success they'll be jealous of your whatever you have that has they will be jealous of you and you know i mean that's just the way it is that still exists in human nature but if his favor is on you for a certain thing or for a certain occupation you know vocation ministry whatever that's why you gotta you gotta you you just well i don't know what to do now you're confusing me no don't be confused i mean this is all because of calvary nothing happens without calvary nothing happens out with what jesus did but nothing happens either whenever jesus said i hand you over and he will be your paracletos the greek word i will be your helper i will help you paint the house billy but don't come there expecting to sit down and drink you know coffee while i paint the house i'll help you paint it that way i can help instruct you along the way i'll help you fix your marriage i won't fix it i'll help you fix it see then it keeps you into that area of being responsible i'll help you lose weight you will i will but you got to listen so when you raise that spoon of whatever to your mouth i'm liable to say no he's able to cut out the fifth trip to the salad bar come on somebody the fifth trip he's liable to say you know it's not what you're eating it's the amount you're eating eighty percent of your immune system is right here in your stomach food is killing a lot of people it killed adam and eve in the garden if the first sin was over food was over food don't eat this she couldn't help not eating it and sometimes you like to go eat vegetables that are shipped in from other countries that have no pesticide laws at all mexico guatemala honduras and they set those cherries out there even whole foods does it whole foods isn't food from the garden of eden amazon bought them the moment amazon bought them they began to mix that stuff in through that store you've got to be careful shopping there as well and paul newman he has great salad dressing because he's got canola oil it's a killer you might as well just take a hypodermic needle and shoot your arteries full of uh [Music] that's good that's good yeah but i'd like that dressing that's the problem you like a lot of things you shouldn't like so how do you get rid of that holy spirit help help me make and do something i can't do because i'm addicted to taste i'm addicted to people that i shouldn't be with i'm addicted to stuff on the internet i can't get away from you have choices you can come up here and we can get you delivered but you don't want anyone to know that so your second best choice is to really cry out the holy spirit help me and he will if you mean it i mean don't do it just because i'm telling you to do it well let's see if this stuff billy burke says works no it don't work like that that's not the right spirit i i say a lot of times lord help me be willing to be willing that will that will of ours is strong willpower is the strongest force on the earth except for the holy spirit's willpower did you know that that willpower is strong and so so tonight i just thought after last night i shared what tomorrow night we're going to spend the whole night praying for people tomorrow night so please come tomorrow night i just want to give instruction because i'm not satisfied with our numbers catherine said again i'm sorry i'm quoting her so much but it's coming to me i didn't plan on saying any of this but she said when i was younger we would talk about all the people that were healed in the green room after the services and she said we talked a lot about you billy we talked a lot about how you wouldn't come out of the balcony and she said when i got older i began to my heart broke as i noticed more people left seemingly the same than when they came in and she said i would see the wheelchairs being loaded back up in the van and it broke me and i celebrated a little bit with those that manifested but she said i realized not everybody was manifesting and i so wanted them to so even in her older years she was making those adjustments to cooperate with holy spirit to always please him see god wants you to know that you don't want to leave this planet not giving him the ex officio right he'll use a legal term the ex-official right to chime into your affairs i mean one of the most powerful prayers you'll be praying in these end times is over your food gmo they don't have the properties in the food it's green but there's no there's no chlorophyll in the in the beans so they manufactured fake food because they have fake news because they got fake politicians they just got fake flowing everywhere so it's our job to navigate the fakeness of what's going on in this late hour how many want to be around for the rapture anybody want to be around three people want to be iran for the rapture three people want to where you where you were the apostle paul it's all scripture we don't mean we may not know when but we do know what's going to happen the apostle paul was expecting it in his lifetime he said and suddenly when he that now letteth this woman the restraining's taken away it's going to happen and i have a feeling we're getting very very very very close i do so now's the hour to really not sit back and blame the church don't do this the church don't do that and there's no one here for that i went down to that other church and they don't have anybody there for that god is hurting you like sheep to go to the holy spirit and then it when the holy spirit sees you come to him he's your connector he'll connect you with the nutritionist he'll connect you with an employee that you need he'll connect you with a good used car or jeep whatever he'll connect you he'll connect you at the right time and it's just amazing how that works when you begin to see that the confidence that you'll grow with holy spirit not people more people have been left down by people well i wouldn't down to him he's been good to our whole family for years i mean he's been an amazing something happened to him i think he's lost his mind i think the guy's half nuts i don't know when we went down there and he just didn't care didn't seem to remember who we were and i was shocked it really disgusting that we invent you don't go there if you see somebody's not who they used to be you have the holy spirit you understand that yes but if you don't build a path to him then he's going to be a stranger and here's what you'll do the rest of your life you'll depend on people and then you're going to have to really be in the good graces of people you know to spoon knife and fork your way through life whenever you could be missing the favor of god come on say the favor of god that means stuff happening to you you can't figure out that means how do i get this job how do i get this pay raise how this inheritance come to me how do i get this anointing where'd this burden come from why did i get this and you'll be the one with the blessing you'll be the one with the coat of many colors you'll be the one that things just begin to snap crackle and pop in your life that's all true stuff but not until you need them not until you need them i mean you know that's why all those leaders god had to spend more time on preparation than performance moses 40 years 80 years to do 40 years worth of work all these people that were great he spent years i mean catherine said i didn't see one miracle until she was late in her life 40s she said i didn't get tongues till i was late in my 30s you know and she said i didn't see anybody slain in the spirit i mean most of my ministry and i was really concerned about and i said lord shouldn't there be this this this slaying power he said billy billy i'm in charge i said well i said can you give me notice he said that's how he said i'm in charge so we rented this big theater outside of pittsburgh and the pla it was it was pretty packed you know pretty good service and i didn't wasn't even expecting this and i walked out on stage and i said before we get started tonight i'm gonna have everybody in this place come down to the front well the all the whole area was too small to get all the people so they were all over that they were going up the aisle way and i said it's so great to have we're going to have a great meeting tonight and i went like this i said i'm just going to tell you right now when i did this the whole place fell under the power the whole place i mean people in there and i was like whoa that's how you do it that's how you you gotta use you gotta use two hands and you gotta go like that you know i mean i was the only one standing i had no one to talk to and it's it actually jolted me i stood back and i thought whoa and then he said to me i guess you just seen the slaying power i said thank you lord he said from this day forward it will be with you everywhere you go come on give god a big shout come on [Applause] so but i challenge you tonight and see this there's nobody here that doesn't qualify except for those who don't feel you need them because you're so smart or you're so gifted or you're so whatever you're so well in all of that and that's why it's hard for people that have a lot of great attributes physical people pretty people intelligent people that's why the bible says not many noble are called it's hard for people that have a lot of qualities to need god the rich the the beverly hills group you know naido was it 901 200 or what is it something like that that zip code and is that was that right did i say that right you get around that crowd because i was just came from there you get around that crowd and it's kind of like they look at me how can you help me i thought lady i'm going to knock you into yesterday that's what i'm going to help you you know then i have to i have to repent so that i can be used the rest of the service but you get those attitudes i'm telling you tonight you do get those attitudes like well you don't even know me and you're judging me and i've been sent here to help you you know i mean it's really remarkable to me you know so tonight you have access but what are you going to do with that what are you going to do with that access money's not in the bank it's anywhere god wants it to be that's why i put it in the fish's mouth he said money isn't in the bank it's not in the treasury i'll put it in the fish's mouth it's anywhere i want it to be and he has a lot of it and i believe he wants to share a lot of it with you tonight i don't know who wants money anybody here needs some money draw close to him closer than what you are i'm not here judging your anything i chose to do last night and i chose to do tonight and i'm already hearing that tomorrow night we're going to really spend time praying for your needs so i want you to really get ready tomorrow i want you to spend all day tomorrow we'll do a little bit tonight i don't know what time it is was it what time is it 10 after 9. so that says 12 9 12. yeah yeah i don't want to keep you here longer than 11 right 11. that's good so you should be saying well did the holy spirit tell you that that's what you see say i was testing you you should just said that that's what that's what it said so whenever you're hungry 11 30 but you're not hungry but you're kind of hungry but you're not hungry you shouldn't really be eating what you're eating then you say holy spirit what what should i do and if he says back off then you say help me you say help me food's killing you it's causing blockage everywhere and these oils and i could name all those oils but you know and the soy that's taking the testosterone out of men making men feminine anything with soy and they're selling it canola is the cheapest oil to manufacture for the companies so they don't use olive oil they don't use you know sunflower oil they don't care about you when you leave that restaurant they don't care and there's one restaurant that we frequent all the time and i get this favorite salad and i thought you know what i'm almost afraid to ask the waiter what kind of oil's in this you know and my wife said to me well don't you think you're better and i said yeah i probably should so he comes over and i said hey just could you check back there and see what kind of oil is in distressing he said no problem billy no problem we'll do that he goes back he comes back not knowing ignorant he comes back he says hey that's canola oil i said oh because i'm addicted to that salad then i've got to admit that i'm addicted see the bible says all things are lawful but all things are not expedient here's what paul said but i'll not be brought under the power of anything so i'll i'll do this but when he starts getting me i'm done and so i said so she looked at me she said what are you going to do now i said huh i said it's too fresh don't ask me right now i i have to think about it it's like i called them back i said what are those salad dressings do you have here that don't have canola oil in it he said our honey mustard is made right here no canola olive oil i said okay i am now a honey mustard guy for you i'm a honey mustard guy and and when you choose the right thing see choosing don't mean you like it it means i'm choosing i choose when i can't believe i say lord i choose to believe so until i believe say until i believe i choose to believe until i trust i'm going to choose to trust see and you have to take what i'm saying process it because i really feel tonight most of everything that's come out of my mouth has been holy spirit for you to get you to get you into full recovery to give you to live out your best days ahead of you and to get to keep you away from the bozos and get you with the boaz's come on i don't mean that in a bad way but we've probably all had a bow as in our life at one time or another and it's not fun ishmael's take years out of your life and when you're young and even older you you don't care what you just get it you just want it and you you like things like lot he saw the the planes were well watered he on site alone he said i want that section of course it was sodom and gomorrah if you visit there today you'll see the sand around sodom and gomorrah is charred black the sand is still burnt from the hot fires of heaven that hit that city still to this day come on somebody better give god a shout um but i i want you to think about this tonight we're talking about who the holy spirit i'm not replacing jesus so don't start that rumor i have to get the holy spirit on top of you if you do that not at all not at all but if you train yourself to go the right way and sometimes you got to get retrained so i worship the lord i interchange his name i praise him i don't have any trouble with that jesus is my healer you hear me he's my deliverer he's my savior he died and rose again the third i know all of that but as far as down here in this dispensation holy spirit help me and there's something i'll tell you this there's a secret to order that i don't understand the protocol i don't understand it but it's there when you begin to do god's will god's way oh my god i'm telling you what something accelerates in the heavens and it comes the whole way down to the earth in some form of acceleration just because you're attempting and you won't get it right immediately because we're all came from where we came from but whenever you take time to to go after the one that's been assigned to help you who knows all things who has the details so think about tonight all of the unanswered questions you have about your life and someone has those details and if you're born again they're living in you tap the treasure i mean now now you're gonna have a difficult time acting like because you're gonna go now and say holy spirit and he's going to say ah you heard about me didn't you you heard about me nice to meet you ah what can i help you with oh holy spirit i just want you to help i don't want you to just help me because you're learning and you say well that make a difference you'll be amazed you'll be amazed because you're moving in protocol you mean the kingdom of heaven is not dysfunctional disorder like i said what the seven spirits are here warring hear worship here the joy set before him there i mean it's an amazing place i have not been there but i mean scripturally you have the martyrs underneath the throne crying every day 24 7 asking the god the father how much longer do we have to wait we're tired of waiting make the kingdom come now every day there's pressure on the father to just end this thing right now and he has to tell all those martyrs underneath the throne whether it's a flashing green light which is emerald which is the the mercy color and it's flashing green light and i'm getting carried away here i just love talking about this come let's give god a big praise anybody give him a big shout tonight [Applause] so so if you're born again tonight and that's only if i don't assume everybody here is a lot of people think they are a lot of people assume they are assumption is deadly very deadly you know i mean born again demands evidence tell me you're pregnant and i'll say well okay it's flat but a couple months we should be seeing a bump somewhere new life demands evidence sooner or later you know and so if you're if you're not seeing that now is the hour not to be out there in uncertainty now it's not the hour for that this is a crazy uncertain planet all over the globe and we really need to make sure of our very basic foundational things that were born again you know that we're really saved that our belief system is based on the word of god that we're heavily praying for our family our loved ones we're covering them we got seed in the ground you know we're not part-time you can't fight a full-time devil as a part-time christian so you got to get full-time i'm going to walk in the spirit you know and you've got to make up your mind to really if you want to maximize these final years on planet earth because this is winding down it's not winding up it's winding down the kingdoms of this world are about to become the kingdoms of his dear son come on somebody give god a big shout out [Applause] come on a big one a big one a big one oh my god david could we sing it is no secret could we do that tonight it is [Applause] [Music] come on arms wide open [Music] it is no secret it is no secret what god what god can do come on if you don't know what you know it now the thing that it is no secrets [Music] come on arms wide open [Music] he's healing lower back pain he's healing a lady or maybe more than one lady your menstrual cycles really has become really a real real irregular it's really causing some issues and god's going to get your menstrual cycle back on track and you say why would i ever come up there for that well because you shouldn't be embarrassed about anything you shouldn't give a holy hoot what anybody thinks you should begin to think man if god's calling me i'm going i'm going down there getting saved tonight i'm going to get healed tonight come quickly if that's you with the menstrual cycle come quickly if that's you with the back pain i want you to come right over here to my right or my left come quickly are you with the menstrual cycle come on sweetheart it's your night it's your night how long you had this how long about three years three years it's over when i touch you it's good it's over this is just over everything's going to get back on track is your husband here with you where's he at wave at me husband just wave that he's coming up here behind you she needs you up here for this yeah yeah we won't be long i promise did you know about this or yeah so you knew when it was called out that was her oh yeah wow wow put your hands up come on let's let's just believe god for miracles tonight we're not here just to pray for people we're here for miracles that mighty path holy ghost come on somebody give god a shout he's moving all through your body he's moving in your body moving in this body completely [Music] amazing amazing this is going to be so quick i mean it might even be enough to testify tomorrow night i i don't know where you're at with this but this is it's changed do you hear me lady it's changed yes amazing amazing going on what's going on man what is this how long you had this a long time i mean what's caused it did you hurt yourself did you it just came the middle of my back and it's there now it is there are you sure yes can you check it for me yes no i don't feel it [Applause] somebody help me tonight a little bit the mighty touch come on somebody give god a shout [Music] [Applause] her job now is to say these words gone for good yes come in behind anything you get here for that you don't do yourself anything that's through somebody else don't just say thank you jesus and thank you for pastor but no no no no no man once this hits your body once this hits your bank account men say man this is gone for good god told moses what closed the back door see that back door was still open even though they were going through the red sea and pharaoh wasn't bothered by this miracle he rode right in there the army of egypt rode right into the sea he'll chase you as long as he can and god told moses turn around and close that back door how do you close that back door come on say gone for good come on say i i received it i'm not going back gone for good i'm closing the back door come on somebody give god a shout come on [Applause] there's a lot of nuggets in this whole thing tonight for all of you i would really get i don't know if you sell cds or you do that or mp3 how do you do that what fifty dollars each for what a cd was it what's that it's on youtube i'll go on youtube it's free then oh my paul look at this guy that's what i love about him yeah how you feeling sweetheart you felt the touch you felt it so the word and then you felt it you can't you've nowhere to go but to be persuaded so you help her tonight okay you help her say it's over it's a fixed fight the back door's closed i mean yes that's one of the benefits of having someone to live with you that loves you that cares about you that's involved in your life that's what it's meant to do there's people that are married but they're not even together so there's no help there there's single people that's why you need friends in the church but i'm saying this is this is amazing right here this could lead anywhere you've had this three years it's gone baby it is gone [Applause] i think that was a clint eastwood movie gone baby gone i think he's a great guy clint eastwood really more than what you know what's going on here how long have you had that i've had it for a few months now and i quit exercising did you hurt yourself or uh you did probably lifted something i should would you do that for uh i didn't get help from the holy spirit i love it i love it that's a great answer holy spirit should i pick this up no sometimes holy spirit look at me runs parallel with common sense sometimes not all the time but sometimes you'll shock you you know sometimes holy spirit what should i give in the offering tonight everything that can't be you that can't be you i don't receive that right now no you gotta really he's in he's not in you to compensate you his assignment is to get you to grow into who god wants you to be do you know how difficult that is to get you to cooperate so don't look for him to make everything easy or that don't bear witness people said don't bear witness well no it's because you don't like your flesh don't like it of course don't bear witness to your flesh but to your spirit it's a shortcut to your destiny don't waste your years don't waste your years they go so quickly they really really do and then you live in remorse and regret don't do that how you doing what's your job here you take good pictures with arms wide open hello [Music] it is no secret it is no secret what our god what god could do come on this worship it is no sacred come on [Music] oh my god he is amazing [Music] he'll do for you [Music] it is no secret [Music] what god can do amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing what's going why the cane man i was diagnosed almost 20 years ago with bone on bone with my knees bone on bone with the knees but the low back has been in pain since i was rear-ended many years before that yeah and it's just so the cane's because of the knees yeah but it's progressively all just keeps it's like a circle it just keeps going worse does that make sense i'm sorry does that make sense what i'm saying i know what you're saying these affect the back the back affect the knees etcetera yeah that's that sounds like a fibromyalgia to me like a form of fibromyalgia could be osteoporosis i don't know i just know that through the mris there was almost no cartilage in the knees in the knees and i and i had the uh stem cells injection stem cell and very expensive very insurance and it did not work she said very very expensive used car for it could buy a used car for what she paid for her knees get seed in the ground get protection get protection i'm telling you that seed in the ground is more than about what you think it is i believe malachite yeah yes that's old testament no he's with the we we give out of the order of the priest of melchizedek tithing is in the book of hebrews it's not a new covenant it was before the law oh yeah don't use you can't use that one just say you don't want to give just say whatever but don't say that one oh i'm telling you seed in the ground is why because it's the only thing that really tests your heart it lets god know where you really are because where your treasure is your heart is you love him say it all you want but if you don't obey him then he said then you don't love me god don't base love on feeling he don't base love on he bases love on how much you obey him and you obey his word so if you're working at that keep working at it but the point of it is he doesn't love the way we humans love each other i love you if i love you because that's not god it's really amazing he wants to be obeyed he said if you love me keep my commandments come on say if you love me keep my commandments that's why i said to peter three times do you love me do you love me feed my lambs feed my sheep don't be so selfish don't be so narcissistic get out of you live for something bigger than yourself well i feel like i'm saying too much tonight i don't know that's good let's get this all fixed up okay yes where do you go to church we are going here now the lord has led us here a few weeks ago oh where did you come where'd you come from well we've been out of a church for a while you have to tell us we've been out of the church for a while and we've been asking the lord to lead us to lead us i don't have trouble with what you just said she's been asking lord i'm okay with that but when you move more into exact order see god will bless that he'll cover that with grace but it's it's when you get into i ask the holy spirit yeah just just trying to help you just trying to okay oh my so are you still hurting oh yeah we'll check it on my back or my knees stretch your knees check the knees oh yeah they're excited just walk and not talk so much come on [Music] [Music] much better yeah i know but it's much better moving around i'm i could probably i can do that sometimes sometimes you just did it here back and forth that's without even a prayer let's get the prayer done let's get the prayer going with arms wide open there's a mighty power it is [Applause] [Music] you gotta believe it you can't just sing it you gotta believe it what guys [Music] he's healing oh my god [Music] come on [Music] what's going on with you ma'am lower back pain how what caused this i don't know just started happening in november it just started so does it hurt now yeah you sure yeah you wanna check it still hurts so you don't know if you injured yourself by moving or anything you don't know that i woke up and my back was hurting and it would come and go i've been wearing a back brace most days oh really did you wear it tonight no um your hands up the holy spirit we thank you this is an l4 and an l5 he's touching the l4 and the l5 for some reason i'm not sure why but there's inflammation around your pelvis there's some kind of inflammation there he's removing that inflammation get ready to be better than ever and get ready to do what you're called to do [Music] you're not what you're called get ready when you're called to that power holy ghost come on somebody give god a shout [Applause] come on with arms yeah thank you [Applause] [Music] i'm sorry take your time menstrual cycle i'm so glad you came up give her a big god bless you come on good you believe he's going to heal you of that yeah where do you go to church sweetheart [Music] victory you go to victory well you're we're glad you visited here tonight this could be the night that breaks everything for you wouldn't that be wonderful do you work do you have a job you do what with books you write books you're a writer yeah oh my word you've written five books what was the title of the last book do you know the title love over fear love over fear i'm that's pretty special it's pretty special i'm gonna touch you in both cheeks is that okay is that all right are you ready for this i don't know holy spirit touch this girl tonight touch her with all the power of heaven and heal this menstrual cycle balance all of the fluids of her body god i pray that you would touch her in such a way that everything blocked would be unblocked and cranially that she would experience a cranial miracle oxygen blood flow what's blue be blue was red be red in this girl by the holy ghost oh this might wow wow [Music] come on see i received in jesus name remember i said in jesus name because that's what we're to do amen give her a god bless you come on let's do that what's happening here quickly quickly i have no i have fibromyalgia and degenerative disc disease do you have it right now yes to her yes are you sure i'm possible check it for me please i mean yes it still hurts in my upper neck my lower back's not so bad i have trouble swallowing my food so i've lost a lot of weight in the last few months i don't know what's causing that so just many things amazing to heaven as a token of our love [Music] holy holy holy oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and [Music] come on holy holy [Music] holy holy [Music] come on as we lift our heads [Music] come on i want to hear you sing holy holy come on every voice holy holy come on [Music] holy [Music] come on as we lift our hearts [Music] david we gotta do it again we gotta do it we gotta sing that song come on come on sing it we're good almighty [Music] as we lift our hearts [Music] what's the power man that's the holy ghost that's the holy ghost come on holy holy [Music] come on young guy come on what's going on here what's going on [Music] [Applause] [Music] birthing a new thing in you get ready god's about to separate you from regular [Music] you're not going to be a regular young guy another day he's put a touch on your life and you will speak the oracles of god you will speak the oracles get ready for the oracles wow come on somebody give god a show [Music] come on come on come on come on lord god [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] okay when you come up here let me help you okay because it's terrible to come up to an altar where the anointing is and you feel like nothing happened it's not supposed to be that way here's the thing that needs to happen most before you even get here lord i surrender whatever you're coming for here for i mean i surrender my put my marriage on the altar i put my addictions on the altar the staff of moses did nothing until it was laid down isaac sacrificed the ram wasn't even seen till he was laid on the altar no surrender then we don't get to see the ram we don't get to see the supernatural what does god want you to surrender tonight what does god want you to lay down into his care out of your control what is it what is that that could be it could be the breaking of your hoover dam i mean that big that when god turns stuff loose it's just amazing what kind of a season you could have think about that for a moment maybe think about it for tomorrow night really escaping us here it's really you didn't have time to think about that that's put your hands up but i want you to think about it tonight because that's what your situation is it's about surrender i want i want i want i want i need i need i need just surrender in there somewhere the fishes and loaves wasn't multiplied till it was surrendered you can just take that thought the whole way through there's nothing bigger in the scripture than the principle of surrender he didn't die with his hands clenched he was his hands was wide open he laid like this while they nailed him he didn't fight it he said he went like a lamb dumb before his shears open not his mouth incredible this jesus is incredible i know i talked about the holy ghost all night but jesus is pretty cold himself i'll tell you what come on somebody give god a big big praise tonight come on [Music] amazing his name is jesus [Music] but i call you lord your name is [Music] your name your name is [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's the matter with it i don't know i don't know you'll use it after i touch you are you ready what's your name charlie shirley that's a pretty name surely mastered by the holy ghost let everything be loosed on this right side let everything be ruth now if you hold my hands i can't use them don't be afraid how about if i just touch your shoulders i'll touch your shoulders by the holy ghost and she's holding on to me and i'm holding on to her so if she goes i'm going too so and we give you praise by that power of the holy oh [Music] you get down you can't get up that's why we have these strong men but i want to get up you want to get up by yourself well let's see you do that come on somebody give god a shout come on come on give him a mighty praise [Applause] [Music] you know we're gonna have to close just because people are just coming and coming tomorrow night be here seven o'clock for a warship that's gonna six oh it's sunday i'm sorry six o'clock tomorrow so we'll probably be here six seven eight nine we'll probably be here until six to nine for sure bring a brown bag bring a brown bag it could be because i'm expecting god to hit the whole place tomorrow night okay now listen to me i want you to pray praying throughout the day and i want you to think about i don't know what you've given here i i won't know they'll give us one offering but i want you to think for your for your sake you know have you done exactly what the holy spirit would have you do think about that you can't change your life until you feel it like you've done something that's different think about it the church goes on whatever you do it's it's you that's going to be blessed by whatever he's telling you to give amazing thank you ma'am i'm going to pray for you then we're going to kind of close here tonight what's going on with you uh i have stenosis of the spine stenosis of the spine stenosis of the spine yes and uh but it it only hurts like when it's uh when i stand the leg it hurts when when i stand a lot on it because they had told me that i would have to have surgery because one time i i had to do like that you know and i couldn't is it hurting right now oh not this one the head it's not hurting the hip the hip is the one because i've got the spine on i'm sorry oh over here and they have i've seen two doctors or specialists for where do you search did you go to church local transformation transformation yes how did you hear how did you hear about tonight um a sister uh that i go to church with a visit you know with church says my church is not open right now uh-huh your church is not open yet it's because of the uh yeah yeah yeah and they're remodeling it and then they've had some problems with the the noise so they there's just some things they work giver god bless you for coming tonight that's really right [Applause] the holy spirit's on you you're fighting a lot of fear but the holy spirit's on you you're gonna be okay you're gonna be okay this fear is gonna lift off you tonight you're going to have enough money you're going to be taken care of you're going to be that's it you're going to be okay i feel the power on you i feel the power oh my god oh my gosh wow wow wow just go man don't fight it just go take up the whole altar my god it is no secret [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay i'm done but i'm done after these two we're gonna pray and we're gonna go home my husband and i were both diagnosed with cancer recently oh okay and can you tell me what kind of cancer oh for me it's in the abdomen they have the abdominal uh-huh prostate cancer so stage i don't know i know he's here to heal us i like that i like that dave let's let's just finish with the songs tonight i believe i believe in miracles it's a great song to finish with tonight i love all of you so much tomorrow's going to be a great night homie's coming tomorrow night anybody coming tomorrow night bring somebody bring somebody for tomorrow night and don't forget church is here in the morning 10 o'clock if you don't have a home church come visit the millennial church here in tulsa oklahoma [Music] touch these people master touch them both by the holy ghost let the fire of god go through both of them [Music] miraculous miraculous [Music] come on i've seen the lilies [Music] one more time and we're out of here come on [Applause] [Music] i believe we'll see you tomorrow god bless you pastor praise the lord we'll be refreshed everyone have a wonderful night's sleep we're praying over that and we will see you tomorrow morning at 10 a.m let's have a powerful time as we celebrate him god bless you have a wonderful evening
Channel: M B
Views: 131
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: billy burke, miracle, emic, miracles, healing, chiristianity, christian, inspiration
Id: MB5rnvBTn6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 42sec (8262 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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