Jesse Duplantis - RARE Interview About His Trip to Heaven

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this happened to me in 1988 and you know I'm very careful with this and and I've had many people approached me and asked me to write a book I've only talked about this three times many times I've been on TV and I have I mean I just hand into it a little bit because I had a wonderful experience all my life growing up as a child the Lord would was close to me now I didn't know that I had encounters with God I didn't understand that and all I ever wanted it was a God that I could talk to if he was really real sure then let me talk to him but I went into the preaching ministry it make a long story short and in 1988 I was doing a revival for Magnolia Christian Center in Magnolia Arkansas the pastor was Paul trocol and I was preaching a Sunday through Wednesday meeting or four-day meeting and I've had many encounters with the Lord I've seen angels I I never forget about four years before that I had free I was preaching I preached in 21 churches in seven days there's three different churches a day and I was having chest pains and I was just preaching beyond my body my spirit could handle it but my body could and I went took my Bible one night and I have to say this real quick so I can get into the heavenly trip and as I was reading my bow I always like to put a scripture in my mind before I go to sleep let that work instead of somebody jump going in there and when I was reading the Bible and I looked up there was an angel of the Lord he didn't have wings but it was a blond headed man look 7-foot tall it's scared you know I literally you know I I jumped and he said I have been sin of the Lord and the Lord has commanded you to sleep I sleep on an average for five hours a night because I'm I got a lot of energy I lifted the Bible I looked at it and that's the last thing I remember when I woke up 12 hours later the Bible was on my chest I felt like a million dollars I mean I was so resting this ancient it was really a wonderful experience I came home told Cathy about it well years later I always wanted to see Jesus you know not just so I could believe that he existed I just wanted to be his friend I read that Abraham was a friend of God and that God was no respect the person I said well oh can I be your friend you know and he said sure that's why I wouldn't mind I'd like to talk to you well in 1988 in August I was preaching this meeting in the pastor pick me up for lunch it was about 11:35 or something I gave picking up we went to the the restaurant which was across the street from the hotel we sat down with ordered food we talked a little bit when the food came fall and was put on the table I'm not a rude man I mean I I want to I believe in manners my momma taught me to be polite yes make a long story short I had this sudden urge just sitting there - go back to your room go go back to your room so I'm looking like this and I was kind of like this and I just thought that first I said the man I'm eating dinner i lunch and you know you had all the thoughts and I knew it was the Lord get back to your room now so I'll throw the past I said if you don't mind I'd like to just go back to my room he said what but Jess are you sick I said no I'm not sick it's something wrong I said no I I just have this compelling urge just to go back to my room he said I'll see y'all tonight if that's okay left the food literally I mean the steams coming off of it mm-hmm I walk across the street into that Best Western hotel I close the door put the Do Not Disturb sign on now what I'm about ready to say you don't have to believe but it's as true as I as I'm standing or sitting here mmm I closed that door and put that Do Not Disturb sign and I had this urge to pray Jan I knelt down just on the side of the bed now I don't know where that was in my body or out of my body but I heard this and for a minute I didn't quite open my eyes I I was sucked out of my room just shocked I was just going I was going and I went like this I mean don't know where I can interpret that as not fear but more close to it you know I mean just and I realized I was I was going at a phenomenal rate of speed and aren't when I opened my eyes I was in this it looks like a ski lift that was covered you know like a ski car but nothing that angel that had talked to me years before smiled at me he said you have an appointment with the Lord now I thought to myself you all man I mean this is weird you knowing myself so we just when I come out this thing just stopped when I come out I seen the prettiest place of my life I have never I can't tell you the colors of what heaven is give me a little tiny architecture but well when I came out you gotta watch what you say there and I'll explain it I went I went I did this praise God that angel said the Great God Jehovah God that might start praising God man you just say that stop praising God yeah and then I realize what was going on and in my mind and my theological mind I thought the first person I would meet would be Peter you know ain't no I understand right I saw a man thick barrel chest huge with a beautiful ruby look of great age yet he looked young but he look of great age and I looked at him and he said hi Jesse call me by my name and I said hello he said are you thirsty I said yeah and he gave me some water out it looked like a golden goblet and I said who are you and I hang on when y'all see I'll let you check it in the Holy Spirit you can believe you want though he said my name is Abraham I'm your father hey bruh say he see we are the seed of Abraham yes I know in my mind I'm thinking Peter gate you know that kind of stuff he said you have an appointment at the throne of the Lord so I'm looking around this place is beautiful he said I want you to walk with me now he's a thick barrel-chested man now I am freaking out this angels walking with his this big tall blond headed angel and but he didn't have wings some do have wings but some don't you know there's all different types of creatures that beautiful colors the smell of God are how I look for that smell everywhere I go it you can smell the fragrance of God in the air so we went into this grass this place is beautiful there's nothing brown it's beautiful colors and the flowers I went the step and I stopped for a minute and and Abraham said come on I said but I don't he said just come on and when I stepped I didn't step on the flowers they look like they went through my legs yes I mean I didn't mend them you know what I'm saying it didn't break it exactly what doctor Evita and I know I don't have no doctor by myself that's why I'm a happy man I didn't have eyes but just turn and I was walking I saw people walking but the funniest thing I saw this man come out of the same contraption I came I another one and he looked around he said you didn't know him I'm trying to stay around looking at everything you know and but they're moving me on and I noticed there were no shadows like we got shadows here on the floor here in the studio so I asked the I said you're not casting a shadow that ain't just said God is light in whom there's no darkness no shadow of turning there's no darkness nothing there's no dark no shadows that amazed him that's in the word it was amazing and children genic I've never seen him a lot of kids that would sing and I and I'd say wait let me look at this no you have an appointment you have to go here I'm thinking I don't know what for so I'm walking and walking and I seen people with beautiful robes with top stitching and then I seen people with a gown on a beautiful gown but the robe was way prettier or just thicker looking and prettier and I couldn't figure that out and as they was walking I said is everybody going through the throne of God he said everyone has an appointment at the great throne of God Jehovah but then I noticed that some begin the walk they walk they walked out of the line and went into where these trees where they would take leaves and do this they would literally take the branches and smelling but they're the ones with the gowns not in my theological mind I've always thought come boldly to the throne of grace with your petition supplication less God you see you jump right into that throne well that's true in one sense but not in another until I got back and studied and gotten to the Hebrew that God gives you a bound of salvation and a robe of righteousness all right standing list and I asked that angel I said why are those have those gowns and these have these beautiful robes see because I thought I'm seeing something that's not right there coz what I you know in the bottom and I'm checking scripture on this thing something I know where I'm at he said those did not live to the fullest of where they should have live in God they loved the Lord but he said the great God is merciful he said they will attain they will come but they would they would smell those leaves I never forget that long as they ever live and he said but there was someone that had two robes that some of them come out their machine looking things with those ropes they just take off straight that I throw I mean just take off then I realize that some people don't live to the fullest but God still loves them and know Jesus is Lord the bible does teach their different degrees that's right reward that is right yeah yeah and so as I was going I saw a man with a beard it was a red beard and but this wide and I looked and I didn't know who he was and all of us on our heard people were gonna say he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming and then I realized it was coming Jesus was coming out of that city now I saw him he had a gold sash on his here but this wide but his garment was not like everyone else's Abraham's was beautiful I thought I couldn't see anything prettier than that but his look like a billion diamonds with lights hit me coming out of it now when I saw that he was coming toward me I mean you you will not stand up in his presence you want to bite the dust you're going down I mean that's just the way it is then I'm gonna go back I fell and I'm doing this in the shot to the time I fell at his feet and in my mind I always thought he had scars but there's holes in his feet did this big I didn't realize how big the nails were few people could see this I could see the light and he put his hand on this shoulder and I'm getting the goosebumps man think about this and mm-hmm he picked me up just pick me up and he says I brought you here to tell you something and the people said what did it look like glory comes from him brightness of light I I'm looking at that oh just shafts of light coming off of him you know kind of like I don't know how to explain I can say this in tongues but it's just brilliant just coming off of him but he turned his head and when he turned his head his hair was like brown right here I could see that his head was brown brownish you know and yet but when he would turn and look at you it just like I could see right through you but it was just brilliant coming on him so I'm looking at the glory of who he is he said go tell my people I'm coming I was a little disappointed you know I don't mean in the rude since I thought he's gonna give me some kind of big revelation or something you know I said Lord they know that and he got Stern with me hmm he said no they don't you go tell them I'm coming who I'll never forget that dendi's kid and he pointed me to this man with the beard he said that's David over there he will bring you around this city and he did this and I tell you know whether you believe it or not I'm freaking out these kids run over and grab Jesus and they sing songs and I understand the scripture permit the children are coming to me for such as the kingdom of God there's no limitation all these aborted babies God don't lose any of you don't wanna [Applause] it's your fault things that first things happened he'll he hasn't the thing that struck me when I got to the throne of God I'm going over a lot of things Souls the difference between the spirit and the soul so look about this big don't know why I can say that they got the ability to fly they look like they got little night gowns on and there they're coming out of this power this energy source God the throne sounds like this whoa I mean if you just move Niall ate everything and then I really I could hear these leave voices and they would fly into that smoke in that power and they say would you send me to the earth would you make me a spirit would you let me be a spirit and then I realized that that's the souls that God and he went and when he breathed they just just flew out sent to the earth send me spirit souls yet to be born yes being put into spirits you see there's souls or the thoughts of God the soul of man is the mind the will and the emotion I know that from studying the word so God's thinking in these people and they come out of his thoughts and they get in his face and say make me a spirit and when he breathes and every time God breath in the Bible life came I saw that is the most amazing thing about like I fell down I got so weak and this angel gave me a son is like a piece of fruit he said eat this so you can withstand the glory of God I asked this dumbest stupidest question anybody would ask in heaven I've always been interested in the Trinity you know yeah theologically you know because some people say it's not no I saw Jesus I could not look at the father you want to go around mmm out of this mass of energy and light there one yet there too you could see Jesus like this he comes out in human form somebody we can touch but then he'd go back into that power and that smoke which was jehovah Elohim but what I did see I'll never forget this and Jerry Savelle it shook him when I told him this you know you see in the scripture where the angels of God fly around the throne and said the holy holy holy the Great God let me tell you why they say that they've been doing that for billions of years now I don't mean this to sound funny but it seem like you get bored doing that after a while you know for just a century upon century but every time their main just make a trip they see a facet of God they've never seen before [Applause] I heard Jesus he came out of that power and smoke and power and he he and then let's save like millions of people is thrown you can all fit and you know I thought Jesus was mild and would teach and talks often Jesus is the preaching machine he came out of they said I'm going to get your brothers and I saw him shake I'm gonna get your sisters I'm going get my body do you preach the socks off but the dumbest question I'm trying to see but I couldn't that's why I think I was in my body because I could I had to eat something to get strength I would get I think if I was in my spirit the mom said you come boldly to the throne of grace that you can withstand that go I was interested I said that's the father even though that looked like a brilliance of light and out of that light came a form called Jesus what he could talk then they would go back there's such a love there so I feel stupid thank you buddy today I bet they're talking about it now that yes I think I said I understand this where's the Holy Spirit I could see one yet I could see two there - yet they want or three yet they want and that angel looked him he said he's on the earth I went oh yeah I know that because I was trying to this be distinctive you know what I'm saying in my thank you and Jesus said take just above the way of the mountains he likes mountains the thing that shocked me about heaven and in the surrounding areas of it it looks a lot like Earth so I asked David I said this is a lot like Earth he said well earth is the Lord's taste I thought about it didn't they said the earth is the Lord's taste yeah yeah and he created it perfect yeah and I never thought about it like that as we walked I saw a man with a Bible like this a little short fella a Bible it looked like a Bible out of a book books and he was teaching about oh I guess 10 or 12 people and I looked up like that and he said hello Jesse and I said hello I said who are you and not lady's name yeah I'll ask you do is check the Holy Spirit why as I say this in your life that's the only way I can tell you that he said I'm Paul what are they saying about my gospel he still called it his gospel and I told him that I said listen I preached everything you say preach it just and he went back to teaching and smiled and they said you come on there's many more things and I I saw a family and I asked this angel this fan they were going on a picnic they said would you like to go on a picnic I wanted to go I said yeah and and but that angel said no no we have things to do but I asked who is that family I don't know these people he said they were destroyed in an accident he said but the great God Jehovah is merciful the whole family was together they were going on his picnic the 24 elders I wanted to know if it's 12 Old Testament 12 new you know theologian I looked and saw them Thrones in Z one of them I think they where are they when we went with him 24 he said we are servants here they're ministering we are servants here we out ministry a whole over everywhere not just sitting on angels dropping grapes in their mouths and all like I'm talking servants he said we are services so I try to do something for the engine he wouldn't let me said no no you don't understand we are servants here the babies the things see in my mind I thought for lack of a better term you think that when you go to heaven you like between 21 and 30 you know mm-hmm you know and that way of thinking you know mm-hmm the I saw this child and I said there are different ages and what happens is if you've lost the child some you listen to me because this will help you let's say you lost the child a baby died 2 or 3 years old whatever or abortion or miscarriage or something God don't lose that baby mmm what happens is that baby is gonna be taught the Oracles of God now that baby wants to see you because you're its mother or its father but if you live to be a fruitful old full age that child will grow and be taught the Oracles guy if you lose a child and a year or two later you would go home to be with the Lord you would teach that baby your own child yes right oh the thing I saw this was amazing I come home and I'm skipping over all this stuff I came home and I didn't tell if the cafe for a week because I thought they're gonna think I'm crazy finally I said catcher come here good taste I sit down and just listen to me and pray as I talk and ask the Holy Spirit here what's going on and that night my brother-in-law and my sister-in-law came over Deborah Jules and Deborah bouquet and Deborah said you know I had a dream the other night that I was sitting in heaven with my with my four kids she said but you know I thought got the real I said no I don't have fortune I have three children and I said no Deborah you have four she said no don't I have Jules jr. I have Julie and I have right I said no I said remember you had a miscarriage she said yeah I said Deborah set out mm-hmm say god don't lose that baby she got four kids that child is waiting to see Deborah space-cadet me somewhere you know so Jesse apparently then the the main reason was for you to come back here and drive it home hard yes Jesus Christ is he's coming coming that is thus that was the reason for all of it going I saw the gold streets but I'll be honest with you and I love the dumbest since then I was interested in the people did he did he did he oh I know there's no answer to this but I always anybody coming back did he give you even a hand well I'll tell you what I saw I know we don't know the day then and I'd settled for the year there's a decade I was for the century you know no that was not spoken to but but I can tell you this heaven is in a bustle moving something's about ready to happen really I mean it's they're moving man that something is coming down like they say you know it's it's it's a very busy place and I realized and it kept moving me they said you must do this the Lord was very stern about this when I heard what dr. Graham is doing I was just preaching I I said I'm gonna get my offering to dr. Graham so my offering that I preached I just sent it to him I put him in the mail to him one that's it but because if we can get this gospel preached to the world then the next hill oughta be in heaven [Applause] people are busy and they're preparing for something now Jesus didn't say that to him I can't he told me go tell people I'm coming and I do that and the different people I saw Moses but I didn't talk to him from afar off a very big man great on it's amazing that the patriarchs you can tell who they are because of the honor that is bestowed upon certain people yeah like you said they're different degrees there but there's no jealousy that everyone is servants I met Jonah Jonah yeah and I dug this for lack of a better term by accident I was walking down this street and he said hello and you know what's amazing to me everyone knew my name you see my name is Jesse Duplantis actually my name is not Duplantis I'm from the family of the planets my name is Jesse yes see Jesus his name is Jesus he's from the family of Elohim yes Joe but his name is Jesus and it's a first-name basis which makes it nice relationship and I just barely touched this and you know coming over on the plane I came prepared I was gonna preach the job always asked man I love to preach but on the plane I didn't know the doctor was gonna be on tonight I did have a chance in fact I didn't know y'all were hosting until I called Pam and found out your host I said oh praise God and the Lord said you gonna talk about heaven tonight and I said no Lord this is TBN this is worldwide everybody thinks I'm crazy they gonna know I'm a fruitcake you know and Kenneth Copeland told me said share it with people on them in the spirit of God speaks it to you as it's a very sensitive thing it's simply whosoever yes it will you know what you've got ten minutes just to take that word yeah I can do that wind it up and pull in the net there will be many that will believe this awesome testimony tonight there will be some that will not that's right that it is whosoever for whosoever shall call upon them all that is so true Paul you know I don't know why some people lie about things like this it's - I guess it's cuz the devil don't want you to know that this place is real sure I asked you that what you've heard me speak tonight you pray about it and let the Holy Ghost touch you about it you make your decision make your choice if you would call me so I don't believe that I will get mad at you by no means because I realized something you this has to be revealed to you but there's a scripture in John 14 verse 3 it says and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again that's the return of Jesus Christ a man and receive you unto myself that's the reception of Jesus Christ that where I am there ye may be also that's the reunion with Jesus Christ in that one little verse John 14:3 is the return the reception and the reunion ladies and gentlemen Jesus is coming if God could save me I know he could save you if God could do what he's done for me you don't stop drinking a fifth of whiskey a day immediately you don't get off of drugs immediately it takes a God to do that it takes someone that's not a metaphor as the doctor said but a person a reality he said I will come again the return of Jesus Christ is connected with the spirits presence and power in the Christian Church do you know what that means churches Baptists Methodists Episcopalians petunia Church of God Church of Christ Assemblies of God Word of Faith Full Gospel set our doctrinal differences aside let's do what dr. Graham is teaching us let's come together in the unity of the faith and proclaim the name of Jesus Christ and you'll come back hey man hey man hey man come together he said I will come again yes that's his return now we may have difference of belief in certain areas we gonna get that all fixed when we get to heaven anyway yes you won't have to worry about that stuff Jesus loves us all he is coming back and people said maybe the reason why are you so happy are you so full of joy because you've seen that no no let me tell what I'm full of joy for the Lord the blood of Jesus did not cover my sin because if it would have covered it some of it could have popped through the blood of Jesus washed my sin away never to be remembered against me I was finished I was finished God big a finished work in my life he said I will come again that's why I preach so much you know what I love about TBN you have all different types of ministries on this network and you know some people say why you know but I Paul why do y'all do that you doing what the Bible said sure we may have different beliefs in certain areas one man told me that long ago he said I don't believe in that rapture I said we'll stay here yeah but I'm going we spend time splitting hairs over doctrine when they're people dying and going out this doctor proved it tonight I mean this is a doctor and people are screaming listen hell is not a metaphor I love that doctor it's the place yes heaven is not some concocted dream it's a place it's a reality he said I will come again see our salvation depends on something more stable than ours well if he'll come again he said I'll receive you unto myself oh that blesses because I have the Lord to put his head on my shoulder that's the reception of Jesus Christ what does that mean you know most people go most people if you're gonna get married to go to the reception instead of the wedding that's what a food is you bet you know that's the food the reception is a place where you fellowship he said and receive you unto myself you learn to fellowship there's a scripture in the Bible in Psalms 107 verse 2 says let the redeemed of the Lord say so only have redeemed from the hand of the enemy before that was when that was wrote no one was deemed as we were know what happened that was wrote for you the New Testament believe it that where I am there you may be also that means that's the reception the reception of Jesus Christ then not only is the return there not only is the reception there but the reunion the reunion means uninterrupted communication with Jesus you know probably have a bad habit Jana probably testified as I say every woman listening the sound of my voice I don't know why when I go out with my wife or when we go out I always call a couple I'll call a friend I say yeah I want to go somewhere and Cathy asked me she said what's the matter you don't like going out with me what we gonna do don't never say that no no no and I didn't mean that in the wrong sense what she wanted was uninterrupted communication with me I got a bad habit Cathy's talking to me I start walking in the other room while she's talking now I hear but she don't believe it but I hear right but that's rude of me I should not do that what Jesus is saying is on this return on this reception on this reunion I want uninterrupted communication with you I want to love you I want to talk to you and I'm gonna tell you something about Jesus if you're sick something things are going bad he's the high priest touched I love that word touched but the feeling of our infirmities yes the return the reception the reunion that is awaiting us but let me tell you something I'm gonna go back to the doctor if you don't accept this Jesus you're going the other way he said I don't believe it that don't change it it's still a reality it's not a metaphor hell's a place but if you'll accept Jesus I pray I've asked the Lord God bring other people to heaven let them experience this and I never forget what he said he said I'm bringing of all I'm gonna get them all all of them that love me and reach out to the Lord Jesus is coming I invite you to call today TBN is a network that loves you I love a Jan says there sir turns television on the other night and they were at the Trinity City she said oh I don't know if anybody told you lately oh maybe tonight but I love you three very powerful words coming from the lips of God we ask you to call today and accept Jesus Christ as Lord there are people that will pray with you they're here for you this network is your network it's to preach the gospel it's linking up and ladies and gentlemen I really believe Jesus is coming in my lifetime if I never see it in person here I'll see you in heaven that's a promise I'll look for you we'll have a praise the Lord show greatest time you call and allow Jesus and if it's okay if I got just a second to let me pray lead him in prayer father I ask you in the name of Jesus then as people are watching and heard these these things that were said tonight that they'll reach out to you Holies that they don't have to fear hell because they will never go there if they accept evidence so father I ask you to forgive them of all their sin wash it all the way like you did it for me let the purity of this gospel go as far as the pollution of their sin God clothed them with the righteousness of who you are but salvation which means soundness and its greatest definition father I thank you Lord for the backslider he's coming back for sick people lord I ask you to heal them coz salvation means healing of the body as well of the Spirit so father I ask you today to save those and minister life turn heal of those in Jesus name
Channel: Encounter Today
Views: 695,639
Rating: 4.7778349 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, Rev, duplantis, prosperity, end time, last days, heaven, trip, close enconters of the god kind, close encounters, encounter, encounter today, christ, church, christian, vision, interview, classic, classics, message, teaching, preaching, tbn, crouch, praise the lord, ptl, throne, Jesus, paul and jan, heaven is for real, man goes to heaven, jdm, televangelist jesse duplantis, jesse duplantis jet, prosperity gospel, jesse duplantis 2020, jesse duplantis funny, jesse duplantis heaven
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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