Summer of 2016 Revival with Lee Stoneking

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would you do that for the Lord with all of your might for just a moment because there is a great level of faith in this house here tonight and we've come for one reason that is to magnify the Lord together I can worship Him by myself but if I can get you to join me we can magnify him so let's do it again we can magnify the Lord together it's a condition of a rakish attire hallelujah Jesus hallelujah Jesus wonderful wonderful what I feel in this I am delighted to be here and it is a wonderful thing to walk in to an atmosphere where you can literally inhale the presence of the Lord out of the air and you have created that atmosphere here tonight it's a wonderful thing there many things I could do ladies and gentlemen Saints visitors with the end of all of this Jesus is coming he really is coming oh happy day oh happy day when Jesus comes in the clouds of glory in the book of Proverbs Salman wrote this among a number of things in chapter 22 and he is dealing with revelatory things but in verse 29 Solomon wrote and he said see us thou a man diligent in his business he shall stand before kings he shall not stand before mean men then in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 10 Jesus made a statement at verse 18 he said and ye shall be brought before governors and Kings for my sake for a testimony against them and the Gentiles I want to discuss something to me that is revelatory and it's very much a part of what God is doing now and will continue to do and it's not only me it will it's you also I want you to lift your hands and I want you to pray and ask God to help you to do exactly what he wants you to do here tonight that revelation understanding will come to you that great faith will rise inside of you that your voice out for just a mama don't worry about neighbors people around everything doesn't matter Lord Jesus tonight by the authority of the word of God by the power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we've gathered together in this sanctuary help us to feel the touch of the master's hand help us to hear the sound of your voice God walk through the corners of our hearts and help us to feel the reverberation of the sandal footed man from Galilee bind us together here tonight in one Accord we will not fail to give you praise glory and honor anointest now both to hear and to speak blessed be the name Jesus forever we give you praise Oh master of the universe we give you thanks because you are God one more time clap with all of your might up your hands only people and shout unto the Lord with a voice of triumph because there is triumph in this house door for us Harish Oliver raka hallelujah Jesus but bless you you may be seated I'm sure that most of you know or have heard that April 22nd 2015 last year I was asked to address the General Assembly of United Nations in New York City how did that happen how did that come about the United Nations realized that politics are not the answer to the human atrocities and the terrorism in the world in this present hour so the top leaders at the United Nations decided they would call in 14 of the world's great religious leaders to come and address the General Assembly to try to give some kind of insight support or relief from the terrorism and the human atrocities there were 14 men brought in and they came from all over the world they were there from Africa there were two Cambodian priests high up in that religion from Cambodia that was a Catholic bishop and there was an Islamic Imam there were two Jewish rabbis and others that I don't recall that there were 14 of us each leader was given 10 minutes to speak to that General Assembly and I was number 11 because we were arranged in alphabetical order according to our last names and so the first religious leader got up and what's interesting about this to me is that those religious leaders were there because they were appointed by their kings queens or presidents to be allowed to come there how did I get there I have a king I have a king he is the one that got me there the first one spoke I'll be very transparent with you it was totally boring absolutely and nobody was paying attention not even the religious leaders around me they were texting working with their iPads and these speakers not one of them addressed the issue they were invited there to address not one of them stay within the ten minute time frame they all went over and they read these speeches boy it was boring and no one was really listening the usher came down to me just before I was to go up to speak and address the General Assembly he walked up to me and he said Reverend he said would you be able to walk up to the podium by yourself he said I have to help the age of Rabbi down back to his seat he can't do it by himself I said there's no problem so he was in the process of all that it was finished in front of me and then my name was called when I stood everything stopped because I prayed and I know him a lot of people know about him but I know if that's true of yourself clap for that honor just clap for that privilege for the best people we are here tonight to know what we know to have an audience with the King of Kings and the Lord of lords so I basically stepped into the podium and I greeted all of the dignitaries by name and basically bowed to them and then turned to the assembly and said you're looking at a miracle I'm not supposed to be here I said by all medical knowledge understanding I should be dead but I'm not I'm alive because of a man called Jesus and in just a few minutes probably four or five minutes I gave them a synoptic review of my whole story by being raised from the dead people were not moving you could feel the Holy Ghost it swept into that General Assembly ladies and gentlemen it swept into that General Assembly and at the end I said your excellencies ladies and gentlemen the answer to the human atrocities in the world and that terrorism is acts 2:38 repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost mm something has walked into this place Jesus I worship you I praise you lift your right hand for just a moment and let your voice out one more time something apostolic is upon us here tonight Jesus Jesus or talk or rehash attire so at the end of what I just told you I spoke to them and then I turned and basically addressed the top individuals there at the United Nations and I said ladies and gentlemen your Excellencies the answer to the human atrocities at the tears in this world is Jesus he is the Prince of Peace I give you Jesus I finished in seven and a half minutes they begin to applaud I walked off something happened within the first first 48 hours after had given that address 3 million people had listened to it worldwide I was told today that within a month over 12 million people had listened that the answer to the problems in this world terrorism and human atrocities is acts 2:38 we've been preaching that for years but now the world is finding out about it they're finding out about it this is the greatest hour we've ever lived in people this is our day this is our moment in time now is the time to drop the nonsense the games the foolishness the politics and get into God like you've never got into him before because it's all over Jesus is about to come do you believe that if you want to go in the rapture clap and just tell him so for a moment there's no one here for us in Jesus it doesn't matter what anybody thinks but the addition of a rocket retire hallelujah Jesus high worship huge I called the Secretariat United Nations she's secretary Ban ki-moon who is the Secretary General her name is Alexandra I said Alexandra I want to know something Wow I was giving that address was it translated into other languages she said Reverend why you spoke your address was automatically interpreted into the six mother tongue languages of the world Chinese Arabic German Spanish French and of course English she said with 2.8 billion people in the world speak one or more of those languages she said that's how far your address went so what I'm saying is in less than eight minutes we reached the world with acts 2:38 people we did it we did it there's no doubt about it and they're talking about it every where we are the only Apostolic voice that has ever addressed the General Assembly of United Nations in the 70 years of its existence they told me that the address I gave has been archived as a permanent part of the history of the United Nations it will never be removed from United Nations it will always be in the archives so I reiterate we gave acts 2:38 to the world in less than 10 minutes Africa people from Africa have called Raymond Woodward called me from Canada and he sit with us honking I just received a phone call from a large church group in southern Africa somewhere he said they want permission they have watched your address they want permission to use it to show to all of their churches in Africa I said of course you may do so don't worry about it this is interesting to me in Bossier Louisiana at their general conference the Assembly of God Church in this country at their General Conference there they had they played my address to the UN so we gave them acts 2:38 all over again with a most unusual people Billy Cole made such an impact in Thailand as an apostle to that country that he was told if he had come to Thailand ten years before he did Thailand today would not be a Buddhist nation it would be a Christian nation the king of Thailand summoned Billy Cole to the palace in Bangkok and Billy Cole stood before the king of Thailand who is worshipped as God by the Thai people and Billy gave his testimony to that King his daughter Brenda sang for the King's children and entertained them people surely cold while they were in Thailand Billy Tommen is crying one day when I was in his home they had very little the Thai people had Thai people had very little so they'd have some kind of a banquet for the Thai people the leaders and some of the Saints there that were they had won and got converted to the truth and they would serve a big bowl of rice one thing and they have one little chicken leg chopped in tiny pieces and it would that was all the meat they would have in the rice because they can't afford more than that so they were preparing this particular annual luncheon or dinner and they were stringing up electric lights and Shirley was setting the tables of course there was a number of tables there but she had to connect the string of lightbulbs to a plug on the other side of this fence there was a whole offense and the plug where she plugged into the line was beyond that hole so she just got down and reached through that hole to pull that plug through and make the connection and when she did there was a Cobra lying there and the Cobra struck her in the wrist in our military they tell our soldiers if in the jungles of India wherever you are struck by a KO you'll be in convulsions in 30 seconds and dead in 3 minutes but that book says these signs shall follow them that believe in my name what is his name shop it for just a moment she pulled her hand back through Billie ran on the other side of the fence were some of the time N and Billy said brother strong King I was shaking so badly I couldn't even pick up a club to kill the Cobra he said the time men had to cover kill it I walked back around the fence he said Shirley never stop she just kept filling the tables and doing the things she did the fang marks were there the hen never swelled people this is our heritage this is who we are and we've got to wake up to that in this hour and take our rightful position in the world of Christianity because there is nothing out there that can compare with what is inside this place tonight inside your heart that out of course you come through the doors every time you come into this sanctuary shouting the victory praising God and forget this world forget the ballgames and all the nonsense in the shopping centers people where we come in here Jesus is in this house angels are in this house this is where people that delivered this is where people are saved this is where people get help this is where God deals raises the dead this is the sanctuary of God this is the house of the Almighty so if you're visiting here tonight that's right we clap for him that's right we shout that's why we dance and we don't make any apologies to anybody we've got it and it has changed our lives it's worth dancing about it's worth clapping about it's worth shouting about because this is the ultimate experience for any individual in all of humanity if you believe that just shout with your voice for a moment so after that General Assembly closed there was a press conference and I had to go to the press conference of course and there were photographers and press men and all of this and so we it last I don't know maybe a half hour and they were photographed those photographs appeared in the newspapers in New York City didn't make the newspapers across the country but they were all in the New York City newspapers after that was over then we had to go to a luncheon the speakers there was a luncheon served to us a pub in the fourth or fifth floor somewhere there so we left their press conference and we began to move toward the elevators to get on to go up to the fourth floor I think it was when I stepped on the elevator ban ki-moon was in the corner standing here he's a secretary-general he's one the most powerful men in the whole world but there was a space beside him so I just walked into the space and turned my back against the wall when he's on my left he looked at me he said and you're still healed aren't you I said yes yes I am so we walked off the elevator I'm just me I just do what I do and what you see is what you get so we won't get off the elevator I said you excellent see there's more to it I was also healed of concussion and blood seepage in the brain but I didn't have time to say that today and I set my arm through his arm and we walked down that hall to the luncheon arm-in-arm that doesn't happen they don't do things like that but people we are missing it you've got what they need out there this world looking for a touch a human touch the moving of God something they've never had before you have nothing to lose everything to gain so we went to this lunch it was very unusual actually all of us were there plus a couple of others dignitaries from the other nations they were there and we were eating and it was very interesting I said here and the table was long this way and along this way and and I could look right there and there were people dignitaries and ambassadors the other side whatever leaders and there was the entrance where he came in beside me were these two Buddhist monks had shaved orange robes sandals whatever and and I'm eating and this man am i right this monk he watches everybody eat and I said you're not eating today he said I'm fasting well I thought okay so I left that and custard other things basically my food and I ate it but then her luncheon came to an end and people were leaving dignitaries were leaving but seated across from me was one of the top three most powerful men at United Nations his name is Nassir Abdulaziz al-nasser he is a Muslim and I knew something about him I knew something about his wife muna he said what across from me but I would not talk to him openly publicly where others could hear I waited until there was a chance to do what I wanted to do so he was standing at the door exit door there in greeting various people that were going out leaders spiritual leaders and so I walked around and at that time a lot of them had gone through they passed by him I walked up to him and I shook his hand and I said your excellency I know about your wife Luna having cancer I pray for her this morning and I wanted you to know that he looked at me squeeze my hand he reached inside his coat pocket and pulled out his business card with his cell phone number personal numbers on it and gave it to me that doesn't happen they don't do that there are people standing in line to get an audience like that to get a business card from them I stood in no lines except his line if God opens a door I want to tell you something before this is over some of us are gonna be so mightily used by God you can hardly believe what is just looming in your linear future if something is begin to walk toward our people something is happening people something is taking place among us I've had the Holy Ghost 52 years but there's something going on now that I've never felt before there's something pulling at me there's something pulling at you something is happening it's the most exciting hour that man has ever lived in and we are alive we are that generation so I thanked him and I walked on later I called him on his personal number and reached him and I told him I said we have I belong to an organization that has a world network of Prayer and I said there are thousands and thousands of people worldwide that are connected to that network of Prayer worldwide I said I'm an apostolic Christian I said I want your permission your excellency to give your wife's name to this world network of Prayer I will not give the last name I only will give the first name but I don't want to do that without your permission he said you have it I gave the name long story short she's been healed of cancer as that finished then after that we walked out the secretary to ban ki-moon Alexandra came to me she supposed on King do you know who Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is I said yes of course I said he's one of my favorite preachers to listen to he's like an Old Testament prophet he doesn't care what anybody thinks he just spits it out he wrote the book the Harbinger and all of that she said he wants to meet you I said fine he said she said he wants to meet you by way of Skype I said fine I said but I have to know what time because I have other commitments here at the UN today she said I'll find out she came back about 30 minutes later and she said he's changed his mind he doesn't want to meet you by way of Skype he wants to meet you personally and he's only an hour drive from the UN so he's driving now from northern New Jersey into Manhattan and coming directly to the UN I said fine and so we went long story short we went to another floor right behind the wall that that goes around this huge General Assembly auditorium it was a lovely room and I walked in there with Alexandra and brother/sister art Wilson way in there also and we sat there for of I don't know a while and we done other things prior to this and all of a sudden the call came that the rabbi had arrived and security is extremely tight at the United Nations so you can't get in there unless you have someone to help you get in and for a short period of time I had a presidential pass to go in and out of the UN which means I didn't have to stand that ain't lines didn't have to ask anybody any questions I just flashed that card and went straight through it's pretty amazing don't you think I mean if God does it he does it well he does it well but he didn't have a presidential pass I did so Alexander went down and got him through security I'll never forget this all we waited for a couple two or three minutes whatever was and oldest a little open and in walked Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and I'm I just like him I just I'd like to hear him I've watched him online I've cried clapped and cheered him on he didn't know that but I just was involved with what he was doing so I walked over to him he was standing there like this and I walked over and grabbed his crossed arms and I said I said Jonathan I am so delighted to meet you I said you are an incredible individual I said it is just a pleasure to meet you and I wanted to know that I said you are something man well he's just staring at me see but that's who I am okay if I like you I like you if I don't I keep my distance I'm polite but I keep my distance what was that point he sit down he's here about five feet away from me in a chair the Wilsons are here in Alexandra's here and the rabbi sits down and this is what he says we've got to get back to acts 2:38 I didn't believe I didn't believe I heard him right this yeah this man is Jewish he's a rabbi he said again he said we've got to get back to acts 2:38 he said it three times at that point art Wilson had just recorded his iPad my address to the General Assembly our Wilson said he said rabbi it's interesting you're saying that Reverend stonking just addressed the General Assembly here's his message and he opened it and the rabbi said there and watched the whole message about acts 2:38 it was a magazine but just amazing when Arendt shut the iPad off the robber looked at me said this is timely he said I need a miracle I've got something wrong with my thyroid gland I've got to have a miracle I said well we'll lay hands on you and pray and God will heal you I said before we do that I want to ask you a question I said have you been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins he said yes I said next question when they baptized you in Jesus name did they when they put you under the water did they say I now baptize you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins he said yes they did I said next question have you received the baptism of the holy ghost speaking with tongues since you believe he said yes I have I said now it's time to pray please stand he stood and I put this hand on his chest and this hand is back and the Holy Ghost fell that dude burst out speaking with tongues I mean he spoke with tongues all over that place I mean he was just pouring out of him just literally pouring out of him Jesus I've kept in contact with him somewhat and I got word not a few months ago he's been healed the thyroid gland is all right that's Jesus that's the only kind of Jesus I'm going to serve that's the only kind of Jesus I'm going to preach that's the only kind of Jesus I'm going to follow people this thing is either real or it's not real we either have it or we don't have it I'm here tonight to say we have it it's alive inside of us I want to point this out to you is it not interesting to you but before I make that statement let me say this the top most powerful men eight of them at United Nations signed off on me wanting me to be the spokesman for the Christian Protestant element Ban ki-moon particularly pointed at my name is that I want him that's how I really get in there it's it's just amazing it's it's powerful what God is trying to do not with just me but with you I don't know where this thing's gonna end with me it doesn't really matter I just want to do everything I can before the coming of the Lord I want to be in the rapture people have been praying Jesus I don't want to hurt you I don't disappoint you I don't want to embarrass you I want you to help me to do what's right you've got to help me to do what's right people we cannot miss the rapture I mean God forbid we can't miss the rapture it's the most important thing in your life we can't miss it so is it not interesting that when the United Nations when those powerful forces in the whole world wanted a Christian voice among the Buddhists the Muslims etc that they did not choose famous TV televangelist which they could have they chose an apostolic oneness Christian that is a miraculous thing to me I pose this to Jesus is that how is it and the Holy Ghost spoke to me and said the spotlight my spotlight has moved from the Trinity world upon my oneness people the spotlight is now upon us people it's now or never for us if we miss this we've missed it all and it won't come back this is our moment in time they're talking about acts 2:38 all over the world this is our moment in time this is our moment to stand up in the community and say yes I'm one of them yes I'm baptized in Jesus day yes I speak with tongue yes there's only one God yes I believe in wholeness yes I believe in separation from the world this is our moment in time this is our moment in time because the spotlight is upon us tap your hands again just for a moment let your voice out if you've got the Holy Ghost let the Holy Ghost speak through you near Akasha lava Rakesh a tire hunter a variation of the Rakesh a tire hallelujah Jesus hallelujah Jesus hallelujah it's astounding to me that while our government no longer will allow chaplains in the armed services to pray in the name of Jesus they have banded did you know that Christians songwriters according to Karen Harding told me that Christians songwriters are gathering together in groups trying to decide whether or not they should actually use the name of Jesus in their choruses and the new songs they're writing they want to take the name of Jesus out you know why that's where the power is the power is in the name the power is in the name the power is in the night and they want to obliterate it I've made up my mind I'm going to shout Jesus louder than I've ever shouted I'm going to pray in restaurants in Jesus name I am not backing off they are not going to stop us they will not stop us if you feel like that you ought to be on your feet cheering well this Jesus he is the healer he is the deliverer he is the Savior he is the brother he is the peace he is the joy he is the sanctuary he is bread when I'm hungry he is drink when I'm thirsty his name is Jesus shout that name for just a moment do it again one more time and clap when you do it apricot retire Wanaka Jesus we worship you tonight because your God I just got word today before I came here from Pastor art Wilson he said well the strong King is that I haven't been able to talk to you but I want to tell you what's going on he said that UN address you gave is all over Africa and it's all over the Middle East I get word today from the Republic of Georgia that they have translated your message into their languages and it's being circulated through all of their people the whole world is talking about it the whole world is talking about it i I do not fly Delta Airlines that much I really don't I have two million miles with United in one case status but I don't go on Delta unless the United doesn't go there that's basically how I operate but I had this one meeting to go to and I had an unused Delta airline ticket that I'd canceled had to cancel something so I had to use it before the year expired so I decided I would use the ticket to go to a meeting I do in Tennessee so I called them and they arranged it and everything was fine I got to the airport in Albany and check-in at Delta went through security I went to the gate and set there and of course I have never I'm number one to that list of the group number one to board so they called number one and for some reason I was busy doing something on what making a call or something I didn't get up right away but when I did get up several other groups had gone through but when I walked on the plane and I don't fly Delta so these people don't know me I don't know them that much oh except downstairs at the desk in the airport there's a very attractive woman probably about 3035 maybe not that old blondish hair lovely smile and she was greeting everyone that stepped on the plane when I stepped on the plane she smiled and greeted me she said welcome aboard I said thank you and I turned and walked down the aisle and I had the window exit row seat which is at least halfway or two-thirds the way back on that plane and so I just got in my seat and got everything adjusted and and by that time people were all buckled in and ready to go I happen to look up and this flight attendant was walking down the aisle and I knew in the hall ago she was coming to me okay I knew it too the spirit sure enough she stopped right here there was a man seated beside me she stopped right there okay and she said should I know you I said well it's possible I said I just addressed the General Assembly donations she said that's it your lease donking aren't you I said yes yes I am but this time the whole plane is listening she said it's in acts 2:38 it's in acts 2:38 she's preaching I'm just listening I think what I'm saying is the message is out the message is out the message is out when Delta airline stewardess know about acts 2:38 and confirming it there's no telling what this is going to go because when you talk about him he comes when you begin to preach his message you come you get everybody talking about acts 2:38 revival will break out like this world has never known because it's the only truth it's the only truth it is the only truth it is the only truth it is the only truth this is that another that is not coming well then about a three or four weeks later went back and went on United and I just checked in I took my luggage I was turning to go to the gate and some man I've never seen before walked out and said you're least honking aren't you I said yes yes I am he said I heard your dress on the UM he say may I have a picture with you I I said your people were taking pictures it's unbelievable I was just in California went through TSA security there when I got to the agent thing man there he said your lease talking at you I said yes yes I am he said I watched your address people this is our day I want to tell you that at this point at the last few days ago we now have baptized 30 delegates at the UN in Jesus name 30 of them have received the baptism of the holy ghost something wants to fall on you right now there's a pulling of the Holy Ghost for you to make some kind of a commitment between yourself and God that you will get into this like you've never got into before so at this moment in this service I rebuke the spirit of fear upon every individual that is here I rebuke the spirit of intimidation upon every human being that is here that holy boldness come upon every believer in this audience on this platform every preacher that something will fall upon you an anointing like you've never ever had before if you welcome that if you welcome that then lift both hands to the Lord and just let your voice out because something is falling upon you as a people I've been coming to this church for years but something is falling upon you as a people this thing needs to get out you can shake this city you can shake this city but taka-taka-taka-taka chatter here at 11:00 raucous attire Baraka handle of a dashing of a rocket acacia tire I'm here tonight I'm here tonight to invite you to a higher calling a higher dedication a deeper dedication that's why I'm here tonight God is counting upon us we are the generation upon whom the ends of the world have come if you can feel that if God has just touched you and you know he's going to do it for you I want you to run to this altar and just throw your hands in the air and just let your voice out and shout the victory and receive it receive it receive this holy anointing receive this Authority receive this fearlessness in the name of Jesus of Nazareth that's it that's it and I break you're never going to be the same people when you utter those words I receive it you're never going to be the same because you can never be the same again - Keri Shull of Arrakis retire that's it just let your voice out seek him while he may be found or fashion of a raucous attire that's it that's it let your voice out seek him well he may be found call upon his name Hunter never recalled acacia tile ethically varicosity America root or / Rocko took at the of satire in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus hahaha Tokita kiya God in the name of Jesus we are your people we are your people because of what I've just told you about them trying to obliterate the name of Jesus with what is on you right now with what you're feeling right now I think as a tribute to this God this wonderful Jesus that every man every woman every boy every girl in this audience how to throw both hands in the air and just shout the name of Jesus Jesus that's it that's it do it one more time the world needs to hear it this world needs to hear it from dr. cachaça photographer Rico satire and Oaxaca there are there are miraculous things happening there's an anointing falling upon many people here tonight an anointing of authority and anointing of an authority as a believer and anointing as an as a believer an authority Pokhara Chaka so with that authority that's on you right now with that authority that's on you right now I want you to turn to someone as if you're a believer here tonight and get a hold of somebody and begin to command in Jesus name and when you do it in the name of Jesus people will be healed people will be delivered minds will be changed not because I am Who I am but because Jesus is who he is that's it in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus receive receive it Papa cachaca Jesus a local shot a croquet shot a fashion photographer raka in the name of Jesus I rebuke you I command wholeness in your body right there I command wholeness in your body in the name of Jesus of Nazareth in the name of Jesus of Nazareth Noritake shotta who talked about the Russia control of adesh la fábrica Patrick a shot I have Baraka it's happening people it's happening not because of me but because of you that's it that's it Roja take a shot ah ah takabisha tah tah tah tah Punda Jota kateri satire theatre Vova Rakesh retire upon this choir god I pray Authority the anointing of God the reality of Jesus Lucia to take a shot attack a shot and that's yeah just let your voice huh just let your voice out wonderful wonderful wonderful
Channel: Called, Chosen and Faithful
Views: 9,708
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Keywords: United Pentecostal International Church (Religion), Christianity (Religion), Monotheism (Religion), Oneness Pentecostalism (Religion), Pentecostalism (Religion), God (Deity), Jesus Christ (Deity), Holy Ghost (Deity), Religion (TV Genre), The Bible (Religious Text), New Testament (Religious Text), Faith (Qutation Subject), Satan (Deity), salvation (belief), heaven (idea), Holy Spirit (Deity)
Id: 1nYYhsmnADQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 25sec (3205 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2016
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